options 748 B

  1. options:
  2. g: symbol table for debugger
  3. l: local extensions enabled
  4. n: no register messages
  5. s: symmetric range for integers: MIN(INTEGER) = -MAX(INTEGER)
  6. w: disable warnings
  7. x: make every name global (for ADB)
  8. A: extra array bound checks
  9. I: look in directory for definition modules
  10. L: no FIL/LIN instructions
  11. M: maximum identifier length
  12. R: runtime checks
  13. U: allow underscores in identifiers
  14. V: object sizes and alignments
  15. W: enable warnings
  16. 3: strict 3rd edition Modula-2
  17. -: to pass debugging options
  18. Debugging options:
  19. i: display number of structures allocated and number of lines read
  20. t: run lexical analyzer only
  21. C: dump of constant expressions
  22. F: display size of every file read.
  23. S: define/lookup symbol table access dump
  24. X: parse-tree dump