/* * stdlib.h - standard library * * (c) copyright 1987 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. * See the copyright notice in the ACK home directory, in the file "Copyright". */ /* $Id$ */ #if !defined(_STDLIB_H) #define _STDLIB_H #define NULL ((void *)0) #define EXIT_FAILURE 1 #define EXIT_SUCCESS 0 #define RAND_MAX 32767 #define MB_CUR_MAX 1 typedef struct { int quot, rem; } div_t; typedef struct { long quot, rem; } ldiv_t; #if !defined(_SIZE_T) #define _SIZE_T typedef unsigned int size_t; /* type returned by sizeof */ #endif /* _SIZE_T */ #if !defined(_WCHAR_T) #define _WCHAR_T typedef char wchar_t; #endif /* _WCHAR_T */ double atof(const char *_nptr); int atoi(const char *_nptr); long atol(const char *_nptr); double strtod(const char *_nptr, char **_endptr); long strtol(const char *_nptr, char **_endptr, int _base); unsigned long int strtoul(const char *_nptr, char **_endptr, int _base); int rand(void); void srand(unsigned int _seed); void *calloc(size_t _nmemb, size_t _size); void free(void *_ptr); void *malloc(size_t _size); void *realloc(void *_ptr, size_t _size); void abort(void); int atexit(void (*_func)(void)); void exit(int _status); char *getenv(const char *_name); int system(const char *_string); void *bsearch(const void *_key, const void *_base, size_t _nmemb, size_t _size, int (*_compar)(const void *, const void *)); void qsort(void *_base, size_t _nmemb, size_t _size, int (*_compar)(const void *, const void *)); int abs(int _j); div_t div(int _numer, int _denom); long labs(long _j); ldiv_t ldiv(long _numer, long _denom); int mblen(const char *_s, size_t _n); int mbtowc(wchar_t *_pwc, const char *_s, size_t _n); int wctomb(char *_s, wchar_t _wchar); size_t mbstowcs(wchar_t *_pwcs, const char *_s, size_t _n); size_t wcstombs(char *_s, const wchar_t *_pwcs, size_t _n); #endif /* _STDLIB_H */