-- $Id$ -- -- This is the build file used to compile LLgen. It should be run through -- Prime Mover (copy supplied). See the READ_ME file for more information. include "c.pm" -- Where is LLgen going to be installed eventually? (Needs trailing slash.) PREFIX = PREFIX or "/usr/local/" -- Where's LLgen's staging area? (Don't change. Needs trailing slash.) INSTALLPATH = "bin/" LLgen = cprogram { CEXTRAFLAGS = '-DLIBDIR=\\"'..PREFIX..'share/LLgen\\" -DNON_CORRECTING', cfile "src/main.c", cfile "src/gencode.c", cfile "src/compute.c", cfile "src/check.c", cfile "src/reach.c", cfile "src/global.c", cfile "src/name.c", cfile "src/sets.c", cfile "src/alloc.c", cfile "src/machdep.c", cfile "src/cclass.c", cfile "src/savegram.c", -- These use pre-LLgen'd version of the files. If LLgen.g gets updated, -- they need rebuilding. Use the bootstrap script to do this. cfile "src/LLgen.c", cfile "src/Lpars.c", cfile "src/tokens.c", outputs = {"%U%/LLgen"}, install = pm.install( INSTALLPATH.."bin/LLgen") } library = group { install = { pm.install("lib/rec", INSTALLPATH.."share/LLgen/rec"), pm.install("lib/incl", INSTALLPATH.."share/LLgen/incl"), pm.install("lib/nc_incl", INSTALLPATH.."share/LLgen/nc_incl"), pm.install("lib/nc_rec", INSTALLPATH.."share/LLgen/nc_rec"), } } manpage = group { install = { pm.install("doc/LLgen.1", INSTALLPATH.."man/man1/LLgen.1"), } } documentation = group { simple { outputs = {"%U%-%I%.ps.gz"}, command = "refer -sA+T -p %in[1]% %in[2]% | groff -Tps -e -t -ms ".. "| gzip -c9 > %out[1]%", file "doc/LLgen.refs", file "doc/LLgen.n", install = { pm.install(INSTALLPATH.."share/doc/LLgen/LLgen.ps.gz") } }, simple { outputs = {"%U%-%I%.ps.gz"}, command = "groff -Tps -e -t -p -ms %in% | gzip -c9 > %out[1]%", file "doc/LLgen_NCER.n", install = { pm.install(INSTALLPATH.."share/doc/LLgen/NCER.ps.gz") } }, } -- Default rule: builds everything into the staging area, but does nothing -- else. default = group { LLgen, -- build LLgen itself library, -- copy over the library manpage, -- copy over the man page documentation, -- build the two white papers } -- This rule will build everything, and then install it to its final location. install = group { default, install = { "mkdir -p %PREFIX%", "(cd bin && tar cf - .) | (cd %PREFIX% && tar xvf -)" } }