Bläddra i källkod

Initial revision

ceriel 36 år sedan
7 ändrade filer med 1775 tillägg och 0 borttagningar
  1. 6 0
  2. 1146 0
  3. 312 0
  4. 40 0
  5. 228 0
  6. 17 0
  7. 26 0

+ 6 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@

+ 1146 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,1146 @@
+/*									      */
+/*		Group 1 : load instructions				      */
+/*									      */
+C_loc		==> 	"mov ax, $1";
+			"push ax".
+C_ldc		==>	C_loc( $1>>16);
+			C_loc( $1).
+C_lol		==>	"push $1(bp)".
+C_loe..		==>	"push ($1+$2)".
+C_lil		==> 	"mov bx, $1(bp)";
+			"push (bx)".
+C_lof		==>	"pop bx";
+			"push $1(bx)".
+C_lal		==> 	"lea ax, $1(bp)";
+			"push ax".
+C_lae..		==> 	"mov ax, $1+$2";
+			"push ax".
+  $1 == 0	==> 	"push bp".
+  $1 == 1	==> 	"push 4(bp)".
+  default	==> 	"mov cx, $1-1";
+	  	    	"mov bx, 4(bp)";
+		    	"1: mov bx, 4(bx)";
+		    	"loop 1b";
+		    	"push bx".
+  $1 == 0	==> 	"lea ax, 4(bp)";
+		    	"push ax".
+  $1 == 1	==> 	"mov ax, 4(bp)";
+		    	"add ax, 4";
+		    	"push ax".
+  default	==> 	"mov cx, $1-1";
+	  	    	"mov bx, 4(bp)";
+		    	"1: mov bx, 4(bx)";
+		    	"loop 1b";
+		    	"add bx, 4";
+		    	"push bx".
+  $1 == 1	==> 	"pop bx";
+		    	"xor ax, ax";
+		    	"movb al, (bx)";
+		    	"push ax".
+  $1 == 2	==> 	"pop bx";
+		    	"push (bx)".
+  $1 == 4	==> 	"pop bx";
+		    	"push 2(bx)";
+		    	"push (bx)".
+  default	==> 	"pop bx";
+		    	"mov cx, $1";
+		    	"call .loi".
+  $1 == 2	==> 	"pop cx";
+			"pop bx";
+			"call .loi".
+  default	==> 	arg_error( "C_los", $1).
+C_los_narg	==> 	"pop ax";
+			"cmp ax, 2";
+			"jne .unknown";
+			"pop cx";
+			"pop bx";
+			"call .loi".
+C_ldl		==> 	"push $1+2(bp)";
+			"push $1(bp)".
+C_lde..		==> 	"push ($1+$2+2)";
+			"push ($1+$2)".
+C_ldf		==> 	"pop bx";
+			"push $1+2(bx)";
+			"push $1(bx)".
+C_lpi		==> 	"mov ax, $1";
+			"push ax".
+/*									      */
+/*		Group 2 : store instructions				      */
+/*									      */
+C_stl		==> 	"pop $1(bp)".
+C_ste..		==> 	"pop ($1+$2)".
+C_sil		==> 	"mov bx, $1(bp)";
+			"pop (bx)".
+C_stf		==> 	"pop bx";
+			"pop $1(bx)".
+  $1 == 1	==>	"pop bx";
+		   	"pop ax";
+		   	"movb (bx), al".
+  $1 == 2	==>	"pop bx";
+		   	"pop (bx)".
+  $1 == 4	==>	"pop bx";
+		   	"pop (bx)";
+		   	"pop 2(bx)".
+  default	==>	"pop bx";
+		   	"mov cx, $1";
+		   	"call .sti".
+  $1 == 2	==> 	"pop cx";
+			"pop bx";
+			"call .sti".
+  default	==>	arg_error( "C_sts", $1).
+C_sts_narg	==> 	"pop ax";
+			"cmp ax, 2";
+			"jne .unknown";
+			"pop cx";
+			"pop bx";
+			"call .sti".
+C_sdl		==> 	"pop $1(bp)";
+			"pop $1+2(bp)".
+C_sde..		==> 	"pop ($1+$2)";
+			"pop ($1+$2+2)".
+C_sdf		==> 	"pop bx";
+			"pop $1(bx)";
+			"pop $1+2(bx)".
+/*									      */
+/*		Group 3 : integer arithmetic				      */
+/*									      */
+  $1 == 2	==> 	"pop ax";
+		    	"pop bx";
+		    	"add ax, bx";
+		    	"push ax".
+  $1 == 4	==> 	"pop ax";
+		    	"pop bx";
+		    	"pop cx";
+		    	"pop dx";
+		    	"add ax, cx";
+		    	"adc bx, dx";
+		    	"push bx";
+		    	"push ax".
+  default	==> 	"pop ax";
+		    	"mov cx, $1";
+		    	"call .adi";
+		    	"push ax".
+C_adi_narg	==> 	"pop cx";
+			"pop ax";
+			"call .adi";
+			"push ax".
+  $1 == 2	==> 	"pop bx";
+		    	"pop ax";
+		    	"sub ax, bx";
+		    	"push ax".
+  $1 == 4	==> 	"pop ax";
+		    	"pop bx";
+		    	"pop cx";
+		    	"pop dx";
+		    	"sub cx, ax";
+		    	"sbb dx, bx";
+		    	"push dx";
+		    	"push cx".
+  default	==> 	"pop ax";
+		    	"mov cx, $1";
+		    	"call .sbi";
+		    	"push ax".
+C_sbi_narg	==> 	"pop cx";
+			"pop ax";
+			"call .sbi";
+			"push ax".
+  $1 == 2	==> 	"pop ax";
+		    	"pop bx";
+		    	"mul bx";
+		    	"push ax".
+  $1 == 4	==> 	"pop ax";
+		    	"pop dx";
+		    	"call .mli4";
+		    	"push dx";
+		    	"push ax".
+  default	==> 	arg_error( "C_mli", $1).
+C_mli_narg	==>	"pop ax";
+			"call .mli".
+  $1 == 2	==> 	"pop bx";
+		    	"pop ax";
+		    	"cwd";
+		    	"idiv bx";
+		    	"push ax".
+  $1 == 4	==> 	"call .dvi4";
+		    	"push dx";
+		    	"push ax".
+  default	==> 	arg_error( "C_dvi", $1).
+C_dvi_narg	==> 	"pop ax";
+			"call .dvi".
+  $1 == 2	==> 	"pop bx";
+		    	"pop ax";
+		    	"cwd";
+		    	"idiv bx";
+		    	"push dx".
+  $1 == 4	==> 	"call .rmi4";
+		    	"push dx";
+		    	"push ax".
+  default	==> 	arg_error( "C_rmi", $1).
+C_rmi_narg	==>	"pop ax";
+			"call .rmi".
+  $1 == 2	==> 	"pop ax";
+		    	"neg ax";
+		    	"push ax".
+  $1 == 4	==> 	"pop bx";
+			"pop ax";
+		    	"neg ax";
+		    	"neg bx";
+		    	"sbb ax, 0";
+		    	"push ax";
+		    	"push bx".
+  default	==> 	"mov ax, $1";
+		    	"call .ngi".
+C_ngi_narg	==> 	"pop ax";
+			"call .ngi".
+  $1 == 2	==> 	"pop cx";
+		    	"pop ax";
+		    	"sal ax, cl";
+		    	"push ax".
+  default	==>	"mov ax, $1";
+		    	"call .sli".
+C_sli_narg	==> 	"pop ax";
+			"call .sli".
+  $1 == 2	==> 	"pop cx";
+		    	"pop ax";
+		    	"sar ax, cl";
+		    	"push ax".
+  default	==> 	"mov ax, $1";
+		    	"call .sri".
+C_sri_narg	==> 	"pop ax";
+			"call .sri".
+/*									      */
+/*		Group 4 : Unsigned arithmetic 				      */
+/*									      */
+C_adu		==> 	C_adi( $1).
+C_adu_narg	==> 	C_adi_narg().
+C_sbu		==> 	C_sbi( $1).
+C_sbu_narg	==>	C_sbi_narg().
+C_mlu		==>	C_mli( $1).
+C_mlu_narg	==>	C_mli_narg().
+  $1 == 2	==> 	"pop bx";
+		    	"pop ax";
+		    	"xor dx, dx";
+		    	"div bx";
+		    	"push ax".
+  $1 == 4	==> 	"call .dvu4";
+		    	"push dx";
+		    	"push ax".
+  default	==> 	"mov ax, $1";
+		    	"call .dvu".
+C_dvu_narg	==> 	"pop ax";
+			"call .dvu".
+  $1 == 2	==> 	"pop bx";
+		    	"pop ax";
+		    	"xor dx, dx";
+		    	"div bx";
+		    	"push dx".
+  $1 == 4	==> 	"call .dvu4";
+		    	"push dx";
+		    	"push ax".
+  default	==> 	"mov ax, $1";
+		    	"call .rmu".
+C_rmu_narg	==> 	"pop ax";
+			"call .rmu".
+C_slu		==>	C_sli( $1).
+C_slu_narg	==>	C_sli_narg().
+  $1 == 2	==> 	"pop cx";
+		    	"pop ax";
+		    	"shr ax, cl";
+		    	"push ax".
+  $1 == 4	==> 	"pop cx";
+		    	"pop bx";
+		    	"pop ax";
+		    	"1 : shr ax, 1";
+		    	"rcr bx, 1";
+		    	"loop 1b";
+		    	"push ax";
+		    	"push bx".
+  default	==> 	arg_error( "C_sru", $1).
+/*									      */
+/*		Group 5 : Floating point arithmetic 			      */
+/*									      */
+/*									      */
+/*		Group 6 : Pointer arithmetic 				      */
+/*									      */
+  $1 == 0	==>	.
+  $1 == 1	==> 	"pop ax";
+		    	"inc ax";
+		    	"push ax".
+  $1 == -1 	==>	"pop ax";
+		    	"dec ax";
+		    	"push ax".
+  default	==> 	"pop ax";
+		    	"add ax, $1";
+		    	"push ax".
+  $1 == 2	==>	"pop ax";
+			"pop bx";
+			"add ax, bx";
+			"push ax".
+  default	==>	arg_error( "C_ads", $1).
+C_ads_narg	==> 	"pop ax";
+			"cmp ax, 2";
+			"jne .unknown";
+			"pop ax";
+			"pop bx";
+			"add ax, bx";
+			"push ax".
+  $1 == 2	==>	"pop bx";
+			"pop ax";
+			"sub ax, bx";
+			"push ax".
+  default	==>	arg_error( "C_sbs", $1).
+C_sbs_narg	==> 	"pop ax";
+			"cmp ax, 2";
+			"jne .unknown";
+			"pop bx";
+			"pop ax";
+			"sub ax, bx";
+			"push ax".
+/*									      */
+/*		Group 7 : Increment/decrement/zero			      */
+/*									      */
+C_inc		==> 	"pop ax";
+			"inc ax";
+			"push ax".
+C_inl		==> 	"inc $1(bp)".
+C_ine..		==> 	"inc ($1+$2)".
+C_dec		==> 	"pop ax";
+			"dec ax";
+			"push ax".
+C_del		==> 	"dec $1(bp)".
+C_dee..		==> 	"dec ($1+$2)".
+C_zrl		==> 	"mov $1(bp), 0".
+C_zre..		==> 	"mov ($1+$2), 0".
+  $1 == 2	==>  	"xor ax, ax";
+			"push ax".
+  $1 == 4	==>  	"xor ax, ax";
+			"push ax";
+			"push ax".
+  $1 == 6	==>  	"xor ax, ax";
+			"push ax";
+			"push ax";
+			"push ax".
+  $1 == 8	==>  	"xor ax, ax";
+			"push ax";
+			"push ax";
+			"push ax";
+			"push ax".
+  $1 % 2 == 0	==> 	"mov cx, $1/2";
+			"xor ax, ax";
+		    	"1: push ax";
+		    	"loop 1b".
+  default	==>	arg_error( "C_zer", $1).
+C_zer_narg	==> 	"pop cx";
+			"sar cx, 1";
+			"xor ax, ax";
+			"1: push ax";
+			"loop 1b".
+/*									      */
+/*		Group 8 : Convert 					      */
+/*									      */
+C_cii		==> 	"pop cx";
+			"pop dx";
+			"pop ax";
+			"call .cii";
+			"push ax".
+C_cui		==>	C_cuu().
+C_ciu		==>	C_cuu().
+C_cuu		==> 	"pop cx";
+			"pop dx";
+			"pop ax";
+			"call .cuu";
+			"push ax".
+/*									      */
+/*		Group 9 : Logical 	 				      */
+/*									      */
+  $1 == 2	==> 	"pop ax";
+	  	    	"pop bx";
+		    	"and ax, bx";
+	  	    	"push ax".
+  $1 == 4	==> 	"pop ax";
+	  	    	"pop bx";
+	  	    	"pop cx";
+	  	    	"pop dx";
+		    	"and ax, cx";
+		    	"and bx, dx";
+	  	    	"push bx";
+	  	    	"push ax".
+  default	==> 	"mov cx, $1";
+		    	"call .and".
+C_and_narg	==> 	"pop cx";
+			"call .and".
+  $1 == 2	==> 	"pop ax";
+	  	    	"pop bx";
+		    	"or ax, bx";
+	  	    	"push ax".
+  $1 == 4	==> 	"pop ax";
+	  	    	"pop bx";
+	  	    	"pop cx";
+	  	    	"pop dx";
+		    	"or ax, cx";
+		    	"or bx, dx";
+	  	    	"push bx";
+	  	    	"push ax".
+  default	==> 	"mov cx, $1";
+		    	"call .ior".
+C_ior_narg	==> 	"pop cx";
+			"call .ior".
+  $1 == 2	==> 	"pop ax";
+	  	    	"pop bx";
+		    	"xor ax, bx";
+	  	    	"push ax".
+  $1 == 4	==> 	"pop ax";
+	  	    	"pop bx";
+	  	    	"pop cx";
+	  	    	"pop dx";
+		    	"xor ax, cx";
+		    	"xor bx, dx";
+	  	    	"push bx";
+	  	    	"push ax".
+  default	==> 	"mov cx, $1";
+		    	"call .xor".
+C_xor_narg	==> 	"pop cx";
+			"call .xor".
+  $1 == 2	==> 	"pop ax";
+	  	    	"not ax";
+		    	"push ax".
+  $1 == 4	==> 	"pop ax";
+		    	"pop bx";
+	  	    	"not ax";
+	  	    	"not bx";
+		    	"push bx";
+		    	"push ax".
+  default	==> 	"mov cx, $1";
+		    	"call .com".
+C_com_narg	==> 	"pop cx";
+			"call .com".
+  $1 == 2	==> 	"pop cx";
+		    	"pop ax";
+		    	"rol ax, cl";
+		    	"push ax".
+  default	==> 	"mov cx, $1";
+		    	"call .rol".
+C_rol_narg	==>	"pop cx";
+			"call .rol".
+  $1 == 2	==> 	"pop cx";
+		    	"pop ax";
+		    	"ror ax, cl";
+		    	"push ax".
+  default	==> 	"mov cx, $1";
+		    	"call .ror".
+C_ror_narg	==> 	"pop cx";
+			"call .ror".
+/*									      */
+/*		Group 10 : Sets 	 				      */
+/*									      */
+  $1 == 2	==> 	"pop cx";
+			"pop ax";
+			"shr ax, cl";
+			"and ax, 1";
+			"push ax".
+  default	==>	"pop ax";
+			"mov cx, $1";
+			"call .inn";
+			"push ax".
+C_inn_narg	==> 	"pop cx";
+			"pop ax";
+			"call .inn";
+			"push ax".
+  $1 == 2	==> 	"pop cx";
+			"mov ax, 1";
+			"shl ax, cl";
+			"push ax".
+  default	==>	"pop ax";
+			"mov cx, $1";
+			"call .set".
+C_set_narg	==> 	"pop cx";
+			"pop ax";
+			"call .set".
+/*									      */
+/*		Group 11 : Array 	 				      */
+/*									      */
+  $1 == 2	==>	"pop bx";
+			"pop ax";
+			"call .lar2".
+  default	==>	arg_error( "C_lar", $1).
+C_lar_narg	==> 	"call .ilar".
+  $1 == 2	==>	"pop bx";
+			"pop ax";
+			"call .sar2".
+  default	==>	arg_error( "C_sar", $1).
+C_sar_narg	==> 	"call .isar".
+  $1 == 2	==>	"pop bx";
+			"pop ax";
+			"pop cx";
+			"sub ax, (bx)";
+			"mul 4(bx)";
+			"add ax, cx";
+			"push ax".
+  default	==>	arg_error( "C_aar", $1).
+C_aar_narg	==> 	"call .iaar";
+			"push bx".
+/*									      */
+/*		Group 12 : Compare 	 				      */
+/*									      */
+  $1 == 2	==>	/* bug : C_sbi( (arith) 2). */
+			"pop bx";
+			"pop cx";
+			"xor ax, ax";
+			"cmp cx, bx";
+			"je 2f";
+			"jl 1f";
+			"inc ax";
+			"jmp 2f";
+			"1: dec ax";
+			"2: push ax".
+  $1 == 4	==>	"call .cmi4";
+			"push ax".
+  default	==> 	arg_error( "C_cmi", $1).
+  $1 == 2	==> 	C_cmp().
+  $1 == 4	==> 	"call .cmu4";
+		    	"push ax".
+  default	==> 	arg_error( "C_cmu", $1).
+  $1 == 2	==>	C_sbi( (arith) 2).
+  $1 == 4	==> 	"pop ax";
+		    	"pop bx";
+		    	"pop cx";
+		    	"pop dx";
+		    	"sub cx, ax";
+		    	"sbb dx, bx";
+		    	"jne 1f";
+		    	"or dx, cx";
+		    	"1: push dx".
+  default	==> 	"mov cx, $1";
+		    	"call .cms";
+		    	"push cx".
+C_cms_narg	==> 	"pop cx";
+			"call .cms";
+			"push cx".
+C_cmp		==> 	"pop bx";
+			"pop cx";
+			"xor ax, ax";
+			"cmp cx, bx";
+			"je 2f";
+			"jb 1f";
+			"inc ax";
+			"jmp 2f";
+			"1: dec ax";
+			"2: push ax".
+C_tlt		==> 	"pop ax";
+			"xor bx, bx";
+			"test ax, ax";
+			"jge 1f";
+			"inc bx";
+			"1: push bx".
+C_tle		==> 	"pop ax";
+			"xor bx, bx";
+			"test ax, ax";
+			"jg 1f";
+			"inc bx";
+			"1: push bx".
+C_teq		==> 	"pop ax";
+			"xor bx, bx";
+			"test ax, ax";
+			"jne 1f";
+			"inc bx";
+			"1: push bx".
+C_tne		==> 	"pop ax";
+			"xor bx, bx";
+			"test ax, ax";
+			"je 1f";
+			"inc bx";
+			"1: push bx".
+C_tge		==> 	"pop ax";
+			"xor bx, bx";
+			"test ax, ax";
+			"jl 1f";
+			"inc bx";
+			"1: push bx".
+C_tgt		==> 	"pop ax";
+			"xor bx, bx";
+			"test ax, ax";
+			"jle 1f";
+			"inc bx";
+			"1: push bx".
+/*									      */
+/*		Group 13 : Branch 	 				      */
+/*									      */
+C_bra		==> 	"jmp $1".
+C_blt		==> 	"pop ax";
+			"pop bx";
+			"cmp bx, ax";
+			"jl $1".
+C_ble		==> 	"pop ax";
+			"pop bx";
+			"cmp bx, ax";
+			"jle $1".
+C_beq		==> 	"pop ax";
+			"pop bx";
+			"cmp bx, ax";
+			"je $1".
+C_bne		==> 	"pop ax";
+			"pop bx";
+			"cmp bx, ax";
+			"jne $1".
+C_bge		==> 	"pop ax";
+			"pop bx";
+			"cmp bx, ax";
+			"jge $1".
+C_bgt		==> 	"pop ax";
+			"pop bx";
+			"cmp bx, ax";
+			"jg $1".
+C_zlt		==> 	"pop ax";
+			"test ax, ax";
+			"jl $1".
+C_zle		==> 	"pop ax";
+			"test ax, ax";
+			"jle $1".
+C_zeq		==> 	"pop ax";
+			"test ax, ax";
+			"je $1".
+C_zne		==> 	"pop ax";
+			"test ax, ax";
+			"jne $1".
+C_zge		==> 	"pop ax";
+			"test ax, ax";
+			"jge $1".
+C_zgt		==> 	"pop ax";
+			"test ax, ax";
+			"jg $1".
+/*									      */
+/*		Group 14 : Procedure call instructions			      */
+/*									      */
+C_cai		==> 	"pop bx";
+			"call bx".
+C_cal		==> 	"call $1".
+  $1 == 2	==> 	"push ax".
+  $1 == 4	==> 	"push dx";
+			"push ax".
+  $1 == 6	==> 	"call .lfr6".
+  $1 == 8	==> 	"call .lfr8".
+  default	==> 	arg_error( "C_lfr", $1).
+  $1 == 0	==>	"mov sp, bp";
+			"pop bp";
+			"ret".
+  $1 == 2	==> 	"pop ax";
+			"mov sp, bp";
+			"pop bp";
+			"ret".
+  $1 == 4	==> 	"pop ax";
+	  	    	"pop dx";
+			"mov sp, bp";
+			"pop bp";
+			"ret".
+  $1 == 6	==> 	"call .ret6";
+			"mov sp, bp";
+			"pop bp";
+			"ret".
+  $1 == 8	==> 	"call .ret8";
+			"mov sp, bp";
+			"pop bp";
+			"ret".
+  default	==> 	arg_error( "C_ret", $1).
+/*									      */
+/*		Group 15 : Miscellaneous instructions			      */
+/*									      */
+  $1 == 2	==> 	"pop bx".
+  $1 == 4	==> 	"pop bx";
+			"pop bx".
+  $1 == -2 	==>	"push ax".
+  default	==> 	"add sp, $1".
+  $1 == 2	==>	"pop ax";
+			"add sp, ax".
+  default	==>	arg_error( "C_ass", $1).
+C_ass_narg	==> 	"pop ax";
+			"cmp ax, 2";
+			"jne .unknown";
+			"pop ax";
+			"add sp, ax".
+  $1 % 2 == 0	==>	"mov cx, $1/2";
+			"call .blm".
+  default	==>	arg_error( "C_blm", $1).
+  $1 == 2	==>	"pop cx";
+			"sar cx,1";
+			"call .blm".
+  default	==> 	arg_error( "C_bls", $1).
+C_bls_narg	==> 	"pop ax";
+			"cmp ax, 2";
+			"jne .unknown";
+			"pop cx";
+			"sar cx, 1";
+			"call .blm".
+  $1 == 2	==>	"pop bx";
+			"pop ax";
+			"jmp .csa2".
+  default	==>	arg_error( "C_csa", $1).
+C_csa_narg	==> 	"pop ax";
+			"cmp ax, 2";
+			"jne .unknown";
+			"pop bx";
+			"pop ax";
+			"jmp .csa2".
+  $1 == 2	==>	"pop bx";
+			"pop ax";
+			"jmp .csb2".
+  default	==>	arg_error( "C_csb", $1).
+C_csb_narg	==> 	"pop ax";
+			"cmp ax, 2";
+			"jne .unknown";
+			"pop bx";
+			"pop ax";
+			"jmp .csb2".
+C_dch		==> 	"mov bp, (bp)".
+  $1 == 2	==> 	"pop ax";
+		    	"push ax";
+		    	"push ax".
+  $1 == 4	==> 	"pop ax";
+		    	"pop bx";
+		    	"push bx";
+		    	"push ax";
+		    	"push bx";
+		    	"push ax".
+  default	==> 	"mov cx, $1";
+	  	    	"call .dup".
+  $1 == 2	==>	"pop cx";
+			"call .dup".
+  default	==>	arg_error( "C_dus", $1).
+C_dus_narg	==> 	"pop ax";
+			"cmp ax, 2";
+			"jne .unknown";
+			"pop cx";
+			"call .dup".
+C_exg		==> 	"mov cx, $1";
+			"call .exg".
+C_exg_narg	==> 	"pop cx";
+			"call .exg".
+C_fil..		==> 	"mov (hol0+4), $1+$2".
+C_gto..		==> 	"mov bx, $1+$2";
+			"call .gto".
+C_lim		==> 	"push (.ignmask)".
+C_lin		==> 	"mov (hol0), $1".
+C_lni		==> 	"inc (hol0)".
+  $1 == 0	==> 	"push bp".
+  $1 == 1	==> 	"mov ax, sp";
+		    	"push ax".
+  $1 == 2	==> 	"push (.reghp)".
+  default	==> 	arg_error( "C_lor", $1).
+C_lpb		==> 	"add bp, 4".
+C_mon		==> 	"pop ax";
+			"call .mon".
+C_nop		==> 	"call .nop".
+  $1 == 2	==>	"pop bx";
+			"pop ax";
+			"call .rck";
+			"push ax".
+  default	==>	arg_error( "C_rck", $1).
+C_rck_narg	==> 	"pop ax";
+			"cmp ax, 2";
+			"jne .unknown";
+			"pop bx";
+			"pop ax";
+			"call .rck";
+			"push ax".
+C_rtt		==>	C_ret( (arith) 0).
+C_sig		==> 	"pop ax";
+			"xchg (.trppc), ax";
+			"push ax".
+C_sim		==> 	"pop (.ignmask)".
+  $1 == 0	==> 	"pop bp".
+  $1 == 1	==> 	"pop sp".
+  $1 == 2	==> 	"pop (.reghp)".
+  default	==> 	arg_error( "C_str", $1).
+C_trp		==> 	"pop ax";
+			"call .trp".
+/*									      */
+/*		Storage-routines					      */
+/*									      */
+  $2 == 1 	==>	gen1( (ONE_BYTE) atoi( $1)).
+  $2 == 2	==>	gen2( (TWO_BYTES) atoi( $1)).
+  $2 == 4	==>	gen4( (FOUR_BYTES) atol( $1)).
+  default	==> 	arg_error( "..icon", $1).
+  $2 == 1 	==>	gen1( (ONE_BYTE) atoi( $1)).
+  $2 == 2	==>	gen2( (TWO_BYTES) atoi( $1)).
+  $2 == 4	==>	gen4( (FOUR_BYTES) atol( $1)).
+  default	==> 	arg_error( "..ucon", $1).
+/*									      */
+/*		Extra-routines						      */
+/*									      */
+#ifdef PUSH_POP_OPT
+C_df_ilb	==>	clean_push_buf();
+			symbol_definition( $1);
+			set_local_visible( $1).
+jump		==>	"jmp $1".
+prolog		==>	"push bp";
+			"mov bp, sp".
+  $1 == 0	==>	.
+  $1 == 2	==>	"push ax".
+  $1 == 4	==>	"push ax";
+			"push ax".
+  default	==>	"sub sp, $1".

+ 312 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,312 @@
+#include "arg_type.h"
+#include "as.h"
+static struct t_operand dummy = { IS_REG, AX, 0, 0, 0};
+struct t_operand saved_op, *AX_oper = &dummy; 
+save_op( op)
+struct t_operand *op;
+	saved_op.type = op->type;
+	saved_op.reg = op->reg;
+	saved_op.expr = op->expr;
+	saved_op.lab = op->lab;
+ = op->off;
+#define last( s)	( s + strlen( s) - 1)
+#define LEFT	'('
+#define RIGHT	')'
+#define DOLLAR	'$'
+block_assemble( instr, nr, first, Last)
+char **instr;
+int nr, first, Last;
+	int i;
+	if ( first) {
+		if( strncmp( instr[0], "pop", 3) == 0) {
+			*instr[0] = 'P';
+			*( instr[0]+1) = 'O';
+			*( instr[0]+2) = 'P';
+		}
+		else
+			@clean_push_buf();
+	}
+	if ( Last && strncmp( instr[nr-1], "push", 4) == 0) {
+			*instr[nr-1] = 'P';
+			*( instr[nr-1]+1) = 'U';
+			*( instr[nr-1]+2) = 'S';
+			*( instr[nr-1]+3) = 'H';
+	}
+	for( i=0; i<nr; i++)
+		assemble( instr[i]);
+process_label( l)
+char *l;
+process_mnemonic( m)
+char *m;
+process_operand( str, op)
+char *str;
+struct t_operand *op;
+/*	expr		->	IS_DATA en IS_LABEL
+ *	reg		->	IS_REG en IS_ACCU
+ *	(expr)		->	IS_ADDR
+ *	expr(reg)	->	IS_MEM
+ */
+	char *ptr, *index();
+	op->type = UNKNOWN;
+	if ( *last( str) == RIGHT) {
+		ptr = index( str, LEFT);
+		*last( str) = '\0';
+		*ptr = '\0';
+		if ( is_reg( ptr+1, op)) {
+			op->type = IS_MEM;
+			op->expr = ( *str == '\0' ? "0" : str);
+		}
+		else {
+			set_label( ptr+1, op);
+			op->type = IS_ADDR;
+		}
+	}
+	else
+		if ( is_reg( str, op))
+			op->type = IS_REG;
+		else {
+			if ( contains_label( str))
+				set_label( str, op);
+			else {
+				op->type = IS_DATA;
+				op->expr = str;
+			}
+		}
+int is_reg( str, op)
+char *str;
+struct t_operand *op;
+	if ( strlen( str) != 2)
+		return( 0);
+	switch ( *(str+1)) {
+	  case 'x' :
+	  case 'l' : switch( *str) {
+		       case 'a' : op->reg = 0;
+				  return( TRUE);
+		       case 'c' : op->reg = 1;
+				  return( TRUE);
+		       case 'd' : op->reg = 2;
+				  return( TRUE);
+		       case 'b' : op->reg = 3;
+				  return( TRUE);
+		       default  : return( FALSE);
+		     }
+	  case 'h' : switch( *str) {
+		       case 'a' : op->reg = 4;
+				  return( TRUE);
+		       case 'c' : op->reg = 5;
+				  return( TRUE);
+		       case 'd' : op->reg = 6;
+				  return( TRUE);
+		       case 'b' : op->reg = 7;
+				  return( TRUE);
+		       default  : return( FALSE);
+		     }
+	  case 'p' : switch ( *str) {
+		       case 's' : op->reg = 4;
+				  return( TRUE);
+		       case 'b' : op->reg = 5;
+				  return( TRUE);
+		       default  : return( FALSE);
+		     }
+	  case 'i' : switch ( *str) {
+		       case 's' : op->reg = 6;
+				  return( TRUE);
+		       case 'd' : op->reg = 7;
+				  return( TRUE);
+		       default  : return( FALSE);
+		     }
+	  default  : return( FALSE);
+	}
+#include <ctype.h>
+#define	 isletter( c)	( isalpha( c) || c == '_')
+int contains_label( str)
+char *str;
+	while( !isletter( *str) && *str != '\0')
+		if ( *str == '$')
+			if ( arg_type( str) == STRING)
+				return( TRUE);
+			else
+				str += 2;
+		else
+			str++;
+	return( isletter( *str));
+set_label( str, op)
+char *str;
+struct t_operand *op;
+	char *ptr, *index(), *sprint();
+	static char buf[256];
+	ptr = index( str, '+');
+	if ( ptr == 0)
+		op->off = "0";
+	else {
+		*ptr = '\0';
+		op->off = ptr + 1;
+	}
+	if ( isdigit( *str) && ( *(str+1) == 'b' || *(str+1) == 'f') &&
+	     *(str+2) == '\0') {
+		*(str+1) = '\0';	/* b of f verwijderen! */
+		op->lab = str;
+		op->type = IS_ILB;
+	}
+	else {
+		op->type = IS_LABEL;
+		if ( index( str, DOLLAR) != 0)
+			op->lab = str;
+		else 
+			/* nood oplossing */
+			op->lab = sprint( buf, "\"%s\"", str);
+	}
+mod_RM( reg, op)
+int reg;
+struct t_operand *op;
+	if ( REG( op))
+		R233( 0x3, reg, op->reg);
+	else if ( ADDR( op)) {
+		R233( 0x0, reg, 0x6);
+		@reloc2( %$(op->lab), %$(op->off), ABSOLUTE);
+	}
+	else if ( strcmp( op->expr, "0") == 0)
+		switch( op->reg) {
+		  case SI : R233( 0x0, reg, 0x4);
+			    break;
+		  case DI : R233( 0x0, reg, 0x5);
+			    break;
+		  case BP : R233( 0x1, reg, 0x6);	/* Uitzondering! */
+			    @text1( 0);
+			    break;
+		  case BX : R233( 0x0, reg, 0x7);
+			    break;
+		  default : fprint( STDERR, "Wrong index register %d\n",
+				    op->reg);
+		}
+	else {
+		@if ( fit_byte( %$(op->expr)))
+			switch( op->reg) {
+		  	  case SI : R233( 0x1, reg, 0x4);
+				    break;
+			  case DI : R233( 0x1, reg, 0x5);
+				    break;
+			  case BP : R233( 0x1, reg, 0x6);
+				    break;
+			  case BX : R233( 0x1, reg, 0x7);
+				    break;
+			  default : fprint( STDERR, "Wrong index register %d\n",
+					    op->reg);
+			}
+			@text1( %$(op->expr));
+		@else
+			switch( op->reg) {
+			  case SI : R233( 0x2, reg, 0x4);
+				    break;
+			  case DI : R233( 0x2, reg, 0x5);
+				    break;
+			  case BP : R233( 0x2, reg, 0x6);
+				    break;
+			  case BX : R233( 0x2, reg, 0x7);
+				    break;
+			  default : fprint( STDERR, "Wrong index register %d\n",
+					    op->reg);
+			}
+			@text2( %$(op->expr));
+		@fi
+	}
+mov_REG_EADDR( dst, src)
+struct t_operand *dst, *src;
+	if ( REG(src) && dst->reg == src->reg)
+		; /* Nothing!! result of push/pop optimization */
+	else {
+		@text1( 0x8b);
+		mod_RM( dst->reg, src);
+	}
+R233( a, b, c)
+int a,b,c;
+	@text1( %d( (a << 6) | ( b << 3) | c));
+R53( a, b)
+int a,b;
+	@text1( %d( (a << 3) | b));

+ 40 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+#define	UNKNOWN		0
+#define	IS_REG		0x1
+#define	IS_ACCU		0x2
+#define	IS_DATA		0x4
+#define	IS_LABEL	0x8
+#define	IS_MEM		0x10
+#define	IS_ADDR		0x20
+#define	IS_ILB		0x40
+#define AX		0
+#define BX		3
+#define CL		1
+#define SP		4
+#define BP		5
+#define SI		6
+#define DI		7
+#define REG( op)	( op->type & IS_REG)
+#define ACCU( op)	( op->type & IS_REG  &&  op->reg == AX)
+#define REG_CL( op)	( op->type & IS_REG  &&  op->reg == CL)
+#define DATA( op)	( op->type & IS_DATA)
+#define lABEL( op)	( op->type & IS_LABEL)
+#define ILB( op)	( op->type & IS_ILB)
+#define MEM( op)	( op->type & IS_MEM)
+#define ADDR( op)	( op->type & IS_ADDR)
+#define EADDR( op)	( op->type & ( IS_ADDR | IS_MEM | IS_REG))
+#define CONST1( op)	( op->type & IS_DATA  && strcmp( "1", op->expr) == 0)
+#define MOVS( op)	( op->type & IS_LABEL&&strcmp("\"movs\"", op->lab) == 0)
+#define IMMEDIATE( op)	( op->type & ( IS_DATA | IS_LABEL))
+#define TRUE		1
+#define FALSE		0
+struct t_operand {
+	unsigned type;
+	int reg;
+	char *expr, *lab, *off;
+       };
+extern struct t_operand saved_op, *AX_oper;

+ 228 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
+adc dst:REG, src:EADDR	==>	@text1( 0x13);
+				mod_RM( dst->reg, src).
+add dst:REG, src:EADDR	==>	@text1( 0x3);
+				mod_RM( dst->reg, src).
+... dst:ACCU, src:DATA	==>	@text1( 0x5);
+				@text2( %$(src->expr)).
+... dst:EADDR, src:DATA	==>	@text1( 0x81);
+				mod_RM( 0, dst);
+				@text2( %$(src->expr)).
+... dst:ACCU, src:lABEL	==>	@text1( 0x5);
+				@reloc2( %$(src->lab), %$(src->off), !PC_REL).
+... dst:EADDR, src:lABEL ==>	@text1( 0x81);
+				mod_RM( 0, dst);
+				@reloc2( %$(src->lab), %$(src->off), !PC_REL).
+and dst:REG, src:EADDR	==>	@text1( 0x23);
+				mod_RM( dst->reg, src).
+... dst:ACCU, src:DATA	==>	@text1( 0x25);
+				@text2( %$(src->expr)).
+call dst:lABEL		==>	@text1( 0xe8);
+				@reloc2( %$(dst->lab), %$(dst->off), PC_REL).
+... dst:EADDR		==>	@text1( 0xff);
+				mod_RM( 2, dst).
+cmp dst:REG, src:EADDR	==>	@text1( 0x3b);
+				mod_RM( dst->reg, src).
+... dst:ACCU, src:DATA	==>	@text1( 0x3d);
+				@text2( %$(src->expr)).
+cwd			==>	@text1( 0x99).
+dec dst:REG		==>	R53( 9, dst->reg).
+... dst:EADDR		==>	@text1( 0xff);
+				mod_RM( 1, dst).
+div divisor:EADDR	==>	@text1( 0xf7);
+				mod_RM( 6, divisor).
+idiv divisor:EADDR	==>	@text1( 0xf7);
+				mod_RM( 7, divisor).
+inc dst:REG		==>	R53( 8, dst->reg).
+... dst:EADDR		==>	@text1( 0xff);
+				mod_RM( 0, dst).
+jb dst:ILB		==>	@text1( 0x72);
+				@text1( %dist( dst->lab)).
+je dst:ILB		==>	@text1( 0x74);
+				@text1( %dist( dst->lab)).
+... dst:lABEL		==>	save_op( dst);
+				assemble( "jne 9f");
+				jmp_instr( &saved_op);
+				assemble( "9:").
+jg dst:ILB		==>	@text1( 0x7f);
+				@text1( %dist( dst->lab)).
+... dst:lABEL		==>	save_op( dst);
+				assemble( "jle 9f");
+				jmp_instr( &saved_op);
+				assemble( "9:").
+jge dst:ILB		==>	@text1( 0x7d);
+				@text1( %dist( dst->lab)).
+... dst:lABEL		==>	save_op( dst);
+				assemble( "jl 9f");
+				jmp_instr( &saved_op);
+				assemble( "9:").
+jl dst:ILB		==>	@text1( 0x7c);
+				@text1( %dist( dst->lab)).
+... dst:lABEL		==>	save_op( dst);
+				assemble( "jge 9f");
+				jmp_instr( &saved_op);
+				assemble( "9:").
+jle dst:ILB		==>	@text1( 0x7e);
+				@text1( %dist( dst->lab)).
+... dst:lABEL		==>	save_op( dst);
+				assemble( "jg 9f");
+				jmp_instr( &saved_op);
+				assemble( "9:").
+jmp dst:ILB		==>	@text1( 0xeb);
+				@text1( %dist( dst->lab)).
+... dst:lABEL		==>	@text1( 0xe9);
+				@reloc2( %$(dst->lab), %$(dst->off), PC_REL).
+jne dst:ILB		==>	@text1( 0x75);
+				@text1( %dist( dst->lab)).
+... dst:lABEL		==>	save_op( dst);
+				assemble( "je 9f");
+				jmp_instr( &saved_op);
+				assemble( "9:").
+lea dst:REG, src:EADDR	==>	@text1( 0x8d);
+				mod_RM( dst->reg, src).
+loop dst:ILB		==>	@text1( 0xe2);
+				@text1( %dist( dst->lab)).
+mov dst:REG, src:EADDR	==>	mov_REG_EADDR( dst, src).
+... dst:REG, src:DATA	==>	R53( 0x17, dst->reg);
+				@text2( %$(src->expr)).
+... dst:REG, src:lABEL	==>	R53( 0x17, dst->reg);
+				@reloc2( %$(src->lab), %$(src->off), !PC_REL).
+... dst:EADDR, src:REG	==>	@text1( 0x89);
+				mod_RM( src->reg, dst).
+... dst:EADDR, src:DATA	==>	@text1( 0xc7);
+				mod_RM( 0, dst);
+				@text2( %$(src->expr)).
+... dst:EADDR, src:lABEL ==>	@text1( 0xc7);
+				mod_RM( 0, dst);
+				@reloc2( %$(src->lab), %$(src->off), !PC_REL).
+movb dst:REG, src:EADDR	==>	@text1( 0x8a);
+				mod_RM( dst->reg, src).
+... dst:EADDR, src:REG	==>	@text1( 0x88);
+				mod_RM( src->reg, dst).
+mul mplier:EADDR	==>	@text1( 0xf7);
+				mod_RM( 4, mplier).
+neg dst:EADDR		==>	@text1( 0xf7);
+				mod_RM( 3, dst).
+not dst:EADDR		==>	@text1( 0xf7);
+				mod_RM( 2, dst).
+or dst:REG, src:EADDR	==>	@text1( 0x0b);
+				mod_RM( dst->reg, src).
+pop dst:REG		==>	R53( 0xb, dst->reg).
+... dst:EADDR		==>	@text1( 0x8f);
+				mod_RM( 0, dst).
+POP dst			==>	@if ( push_waiting)
+					mov_instr( dst, AX_oper);
+					@assign( push_waiting, FALSE).
+				@else
+					pop_instr( dst).
+				@fi.
+push src:REG		==>	R53( 0xa, src->reg).
+... src:EADDR		==>	@text1( 0xff);
+				mod_RM( 6, src).
+PUSH src		==>	mov_instr( AX_oper, src);
+				@assign( push_waiting, TRUE).
+rcr dst:EADDR, src:CONST1 ==>	@text1( 0xd1);
+				mod_RM( 3, dst).
+rep ins:MOVS		==>	@text1( 0xf3);
+				@text1( 0xa5).	/* Wie zet direction flag? */
+ret			==>	@text1( 0xc3).	/* Altijd NEAR! */
+rol dst:EADDR, src:REG_CL ==>	@text1( 0xd3);
+				mod_RM( 0, dst).
+ror dst:EADDR, src:REG_CL ==>	@text1( 0xd3);
+				mod_RM( 1, dst).
+sal dst:EADDR, src:REG_CL ==>	@text1( 0xd3);
+				mod_RM( 4, dst).
+sar dst:EADDR, src:REG_CL ==>	@text1( 0xd3);
+				mod_RM( 7, dst).
+... dst:EADDR, src:CONST1 ==>	@text1( 0xd1);
+				mod_RM( 7, dst).
+sbb dst:REG, src:EADDR	==>	@text1( 0x1b);
+				mod_RM( dst->reg, src).
+... dst:ACCU, src:DATA	==>	@text1( 0x1d);
+				@text2( %$(src->expr)).
+shl dst, src		==>	sal_instr( dst, src).
+shr dst:EADDR, src:REG_CL ==>	@text1( 0xd3);
+				mod_RM( 5, dst).
+... dst:EADDR, src:CONST1 ==>	@text1( 0xd1);
+				mod_RM( 5, dst).
+sub dst:REG, src:EADDR	==>	@text1( 0x2b);
+				mod_RM( dst->reg, src).
+... dst:EADDR, src:DATA	==>	@text1( 0x81);
+				mod_RM( 5, dst);
+				@text2( %$(src->expr)).
+test dst:REG, src:EADDR	==>	@text1( 0x85);
+				mod_RM( dst->reg, src).
+xchg dst:EADDR, src:REG	==>	@text1( 0x87);
+				mod_RM( src->reg, dst).
+xor dst:REG, src:EADDR	==>	@text1( 0x33);
+				mod_RM( dst->reg, src).

+ 17 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+#include <system.h>
+#include "mach.h"
+arg_error( s, arg)
+char *s;
+int arg;
+	fprint( STDERR, "arg_error %s %d\n", s, arg);
+int push_waiting = FALSE;
+int fit_byte( val)
+int val;
+	return( val >= -128 && val <= 127);

+ 26 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+#define	BSS_INIT	0
+#define ONE_BYTE	int
+#define TWO_BYTES	int
+#define FOUR_BYTES	long
+#define EM_WSIZE	2
+#define EM_PSIZE	2
+#define EM_BSIZE	4
+#define NAME_FMT	"_%s"
+#define DNAM_FMT	"_%s"
+#define DLB_FMT		"I_%ld"
+#define	ILB_FMT		"I%03d%ld"
+#define HOL_FMT		"hol%d"
+#define	GENLAB		'I'
+#define TRUE		1
+#define FALSE		0
+#define clean_push_buf()       if(push_waiting){text1(0x50);push_waiting=FALSE;}
+#define assign( l, r)          l = r
+extern int push_waiting;