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*** empty log message ***

keie 39 years ago

+ 33 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+.define	.outch1,.outch2,.inch1,.inch2
+	! a0,d4 used
+	! character in d1
+	.text
+	move.l	#acia1,a0
+	bra	.inch
+	move.l	#acia2,a0
+	move.b	(a0),d1
+	asr	#1,d1
+	bcc	.inch
+	move.b	2(a0),d1
+	and	#0x7f,d1
+	rts
+	move.l	#acia1,a0
+	bra	.outch
+	move.l	#acia2,a0
+	move.b	(a0),d4
+	asr	#2,d4
+	bcc	.outch
+	move.b	d1,2(a0)
+	rts
+.align 2

+ 103 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+.define .sar
+.define .lar
+.define .aar
+	!register usage:
+	! a0 : descriptor address
+	! d0 : index
+	! a1 : base address
+	.text
+	movem.l d0/d1/a0/a1,.savreg
+	move.l	(sp)+,.retara	! return address
+	move.l	(sp)+,a0	! descriptor address
+	move.l	(sp)+,d0	! index
+	move.l	(sp)+,a1	! base address
+	sub.l	(a0),d0		! index - lower bound : relative index
+	move.l	8(a0),-(sp)	! # bytes / element
+	move.l	d0,-(sp)
+	jsr	.mlu
+	add.l	d1,a1		! address of element
+	move.l	a1,-(sp)	! returned on stack
+	move.l	.retara,-(sp)
+	movem.l	d0/d1/a0/a1,.savreg
+	rts
+	! register usage: like .aar
+	! d2 : # bytes / element
+	movem.l d0/d1/d2/a0/a1,.savreg
+	move.l	(sp)+,.retara	! return address
+	move.l	(sp)+,a0
+	move.l	(sp)+,d0
+	move.l	(sp)+,a1
+	sub.l	(a0),d0
+	move.l	8(a0),d2	! # bytes / element
+	move.l	d0,-(sp)
+	move.l	d2,-(sp)
+	jsr	.mlu
+	add.l	d1,a1		! address of element
+	add.l	d2,a1		! a1++ because of predecrement
+	clr.l	d1		!?nodig?
+	asr	#1,d2
+	bne	3f
+	move.b	-(a1),d1	! 1 byte element
+	move.l	d1,-(sp)
+	bra	5f
+	asr	#1,d2
+	bne	4f
+	move.w	-(a1),d1	! 2 byte element
+	move.l	d1,-(sp)
+	bra 	5f
+	sub.l	#1,d2
+	move.l	 -(a1),-(sp)	! 4n byte element (n = 1,2,...)
+	dbf 	d2,1b
+	move.l	.retara,-(sp)
+	movem.l	.savreg,d0/d1/d2/a0/a1
+	rts
+	!register usage: same as lar
+	movem.l	d0/d1/a0/a1,.savreg
+	move.l	(sp)+,.retara
+	move.l	(sp)+,a0
+	move.l	(sp)+,d0
+	move.l	(sp)+,a1
+	sub.l	(a0),d0
+	move.l	8(a0),d2	! # bytes / element
+	move.l	d0,-(sp)
+	move.l	d2,-(sp)
+	jsr	.mlu
+	add.l	d1,a1
+	clr.l	d1		!?nodig?
+	asr	#1,d2
+	bne	3f
+	move.l	(sp)+,d1
+	move.b	d1,(a1)		! 1 byte element 
+	bra	4f
+	asr	#1,d2
+	bne	5f
+	move.l	(sp)+,d1
+	move.w	d1,(a1)		! 2 byte element 
+	bra	4f
+	sub.l	#1,d2
+	move.l	(sp)+,(a1)+	! 4n byte element (n = 1,2,...)
+	dbf	d2,1b
+	move.l	.retara,-(sp)
+	movem.l	.savreg,d0/d1/a0/a1
+	rts
+.retara:	.long 0
+.align 2

+ 36 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+.define .sari
+.define .lari
+.define .aari
+	.text
+	move.l	(sp)+,.retari	! return address
+	cmp.l	#4, (sp)+	! size of descriptor elements
+	bne	9f
+	jsr	.aar
+	move.l	.retari,-(sp)
+	rts
+	move.l	(sp)+,.retari	! return address
+	cmp.l	#4, (sp)+	! size of descriptor elements
+	bne	9f
+	jsr	.lar
+	move.l	.retari,-(sp)
+	rts
+	move.w	#EILLINS,-(sp)
+	jmp	.fat
+	move.l	(sp)+,.retari	! return address
+	cmp.l	#4, (sp)+	! size of descriptor elements
+	bne	9b
+	jsr	.sar
+	move.l	.retari,-(sp)
+	rts
+.retari:	.long 0
+.align 2

+ 24 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+.define	.cii
+	.text
+	movem.l	a0/d0/d1,.savreg
+	move.l	(sp)+,a0	! return address
+	move	(sp)+,d0	! destination size
+	sub	(sp)+,d0	! destination - source size
+	bgt	1f
+	sub	d0,sp		! pop extra bytes
+	bra	3f
+	move	(sp),d1
+	ext.l	d1
+	swap	d1
+	asr	#1,d0
+	move.w	d1,-(sp)
+	dbf	d0,2b
+	move.l	a0,-(sp)
+	movem.l	.savreg,a0/d0/d1
+	rts
+.align 2

+ 22 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+.define	.cmi, .cmi_
+	! NUM == 4
+	! result in d1
+	.text
+	move.l	(sp)+,.savret
+	move.l	d0,.savd0
+	move.l	#1,d1
+	move.l	(sp)+,d0
+	cmp.l	(sp)+,d0
+	bne	1f
+	clr.l	d1
+	1:
+	ble	2f
+	neg.l	d1
+	2:
+	move.l	.savd0,d0
+	move.l	.savret,-(sp)
+	rts
+.align 2

+ 19 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+.define	.cmp
+	.text
+	move.l	(sp)+,.savret	! return address
+	move.l	d0,.savd0
+	move.l	#1,d1
+	move.l	(sp)+,d0
+	cmp.l	(sp)+,d0
+	bne	1f
+	clr.l	d1
+	1:
+	bcs	2f
+	neg.l	d1
+	2:
+	move.l	.savd0,d0
+	move.l	.savret,-(sp)
+	rts
+.align 2

+ 22 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+.define	.cms
+	! d0 contains set size
+	.text
+	move.l	(sp)+,a2	! return address
+	move.l	sp,a0
+	move.l	sp,a1
+	add	d0,a1
+	move.w	d0,d1
+	asr	#1,d0
+	cmp	(a0)+,(a1)+
+	bne	2f
+	dbf	d0,1b
+	asl	#1,d1
+	add	d1,sp
+	move.l	d0,-(sp)
+	jmp	(a2)
+.align 2

+ 29 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+.define .cmu
+	! d0 : # bytes of 1 block
+	.text
+	movem.l	d2/a0/a1/a2,.savreg
+	move.l	(sp)+,a2	! reta
+	move.l	sp,a0		! top block
+	move.l	sp,a1
+	add.l	d0,a1		! lower block
+	move.l	d0,d2
+	asr.l	#2,d0
+	sub.l	#1,d0
+	move.l	#1,d1		! greater
+	cmp.l	(a0)+,(a1)+
+	bne	2f
+	dbf	d0,1b
+	clr.l	d1		! equal
+	bcc	3f
+	neg.l	d1		! less
+	asl.l	#1,d2
+	add.l	d2,sp		! new sp
+	move.l	a2,-(sp)
+	movem.l	.savreg,d2/a0/a1/a2
+	rts
+.align 2

+ 29 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+.define .csa
+	.text
+	movem.l	d0/a0/a1/a2,.savreg
+	move.l	(sp)+,a0	! case descriptor
+	move.l	(sp)+,d0	! index
+	move.l	(a0)+,a1	! default address
+	sub.l	(a0)+,d0	! index - lower bound
+	blt	1f
+	cmp.l	(a0)+,d0	! rel. index <-> upper - lower bound
+	bgt	1f
+	asl.l	#2,d0
+	add.l	d0,a0
+	move.l	(a0),d0		! test jump address
+	beq	1f
+	move.l	d0,-(sp)
+	bra	3f
+	move.l	a1,d0		! test default jump address
+	beq	2f
+	move.l	a1,-(sp)	! jump address
+	movem.l	.savreg,d0/a0/a1/a2
+	rts			! not a real rts
+	move.w	#ECASE,-(sp)
+	jmp	.fat
+.align 2

+ 28 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+.define .csb
+	.text
+	movem.l	d0/d1/a0/a1,.savreg
+	move.l	(sp)+,a0	! case descriptor
+	move.l	(sp)+,d0	! index
+	move.l	(a0)+,a1	! default jump address
+	move.l	(a0)+,d1	! # entries
+	beq	2f
+	sub.l	#1,d1
+	cmp.l	(a0)+,d0
+	beq	3f
+	tst.l	(a0)+		! skip jump address
+	dbf	d1,1b
+	move.l	a1,d1		! default jump address
+	bne	4f
+	move.l	#ECASE,-(sp)
+	jmp	.fat
+	move.l	(a0)+,a1	! get jump address
+	move.l	a1,-(sp)
+	movem.l	.savreg,d0/d1/a0/a1
+	rts
+.align 2

+ 21 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+.define	.ciu
+.define	.cui
+.define	.cuu
+	.text
+	move.l	(sp)+,a0	! return address
+	move	(sp)+,d0	! destination size
+	sub	(sp)+,d0
+	bgt	1f
+	sub	d0,sp
+	jmp	(a0)
+	asr	#1,d0
+	clr	-(sp)
+	dbf	d0,2b
+	jmp	(a0)
+.align 2

+ 16 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+.define	.cfi,.cif,.cfu,.cuf,.cff
+	.text
+	! this is a dummy float conversion routine
+	move.l	(sp)+,a0	! return address
+	move	(sp)+,d0	! destination size
+	sub	(sp)+,d0	! diff. in sizes
+	sub	d0,sp
+	jmp	(a0)
+.align 2

+ 37 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+.define	.diagnos
+space	= 040
+del	= 0177
+	.text
+	move.l	hol0,-(sp)
+	move.l	hol0+FILN_AD,d2
+	beq	1f
+	move.l	d2,a0
+	move.l	#40,d0
+	move.b	(a0)+,d1
+	beq	2f
+	cmp.b	#del,d1
+	bge	1f
+	cmp.b	#space,d1
+	blt	1f
+	sub	#1,d0
+	bgt	3b
+	clr.b	(a1)
+	move.l	d2,-(sp)
+	pea	fmt
+	jsr	_printf
+	add	#12,sp
+	jmp	_printf
+	move.l	#unknwn,d2
+	bra	2b
+	.data
+fmt:	.asciz "%s, line %d: "
+unknwn:	.asciz "unknown file"
+.align 2

+ 42 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+.define .dvi
+ ! signed long divide
+	.text
+	movem.l	d0/d4,.savdvi
+	move.l	(sp)+,.retdvi
+	move.l	(sp)+,d0
+	move.l	(sp)+,d1
+	clr.l	d4
+	tst.l	d0	! divisor
+	bpl	1f
+	neg.l	d0
+	not	d4
+	tst.l	d1	! dividend
+	bpl	2f
+	neg.l	d1
+	not	d4
+	swap	d4
+	not	d4
+	swap	d4
+	move.l	d1,-(sp)
+	move.l	d0,-(sp)
+	jsr	.dvu
+	tst	d4
+	beq	5f
+	neg.l	d1	! quotient
+	tst.l	d4
+	bpl	6f
+	neg.l	d2	! remainder
+	movem.l .savdvi,d0/d4
+	move.l	.retdvi,-(sp)
+	rts
+.savdvi:	.space 12
+.retdvi:	.long 0
+.align 2

+ 34 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+.define .dvu
+ ! unsigned long divide
+ ! register usage:
+ ! 	 : d0 divisor
+ !         d1 dividend
+ ! exit  : d1 quotient
+ !         d2 remainder
+	.text
+	movem.l	d0/d3,.savreg
+	move.l	(sp)+,.savret
+	move.l	(sp)+,d0
+	move.l	(sp)+,d1
+	tst.l	d0
+	bne	0f
+	move.w	#EIDIVZ,-(sp)
+	jsr	.trp
+	clr.l	d2
+	move.l	#31,d3
+	lsl.l	#1,d1
+	roxl.l	#1,d2
+	cmp.l	d0,d2
+	blt	4f
+	sub.l	d0,d2
+	add	#1,d1
+	dbf	d3,3b
+	movem.l .savreg,d0/d3
+	move.l	.savret,-(sp)
+	rts
+.align 2

+ 26 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+.define .exg
+	! d0 : exchange size in bytes
+	.text
+	move.l	(sp)+,.savret
+	movem.l	d1/a1/a2,.savreg
+	move.l	sp,a1
+	sub.l	d0,sp
+	move.l	sp,a2
+	asr	#1,d0
+	move.l	d0,d1
+	move.l	(a1)+,(a2)+
+	sub	#1,d0
+	bgt	1b
+	move.l	sp,a1
+	asr	#1,d1
+	move.l	(a1)+,(a2)+
+	sub	#1,d1
+	bgt	1b
+	move.l	a1,sp
+	movem.l	.savreg,d1/a1/a2
+	move.l	.savret,-(sp)
+	rts

+ 7 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+.define	.fat
+	.text
+	jsr	.trp	
+	jmp	EXIT
+.align 2

+ 31 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+.define .inn
+! d0 : set size in bytes
+! d1 : bitnumber
+	.text
+	movem.l	d1/d2/a0/a1,.savreg
+	move.l	(sp)+,.savret
+	move.l	(sp)+,d1
+	move.l	sp,a1
+	add.l	d0,a1
+	move.l	sp,a0
+	move.l	d1,d2
+	asr.l	#4,d2
+	!bchg.l	#0,d2
+	cmp.l	d0,d2
+	bcc	1f
+	add.l	d2,a0
+	move.l	(a0),d2
+	btst	d1,d2	!eigenlijk .l
+	beq	1f
+	move.l	#1,d0
+	bra	2f
+	clr.l	d0
+	move.l	a1,sp
+	movem.l	.savreg,d1/d2/a0/a1
+	move.l	.savret,-(sp)
+	rts

+ 25 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+.define .lfr
+	.text
+	move.l (sp)+,a0
+	cmp #2,d7
+	bne 1f
+	move d0,-(sp)
+	bra 3f
+	cmp #4,d7
+	bne 2f
+	move.l d0,-(sp)
+	bra 3f
+	cmp #8,d7
+	bne 4f
+	move.l d1,-(sp)
+	move.l d0,-(sp)
+	jmp(a0)
+	move.w	#EILLINS,-(sp)
+	jmp	.fat
+.align 2

+ 36 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+.define .los
+	! d0 : # bytes
+	! a0 : source address
+	.text
+	movem.l	d0/a0,.savreg
+	move.l	(sp)+,.savret
+	move.l	(sp)+,d0
+	move.l	(sp)+,a0
+	cmp.l	#1,d0
+	bne	1f
+	clr.l	d0		!1 byte
+	move.b	(a0),d0
+	move.l	d0,-(sp)
+	bra	3f
+	cmp.l 	#2,d0
+	bne	2f
+	clr.l 	d0		!2 bytes
+	add.l	#2,a0
+	move.w	(a0),d0
+	move.l	d0,-(sp)
+	bra	3f
+	add.l	d0,a0		!>=4 bytes
+	asr.l 	#2,d0
+4:	move.l	-(a0),-(sp)	
+	sub.l	#1,d0
+	bgt	4b
+	movem.l	.savreg,d0/a0
+	move.l	.savret,-(sp)
+	rts
+.align 2

+ 36 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+.define .mli
+	.text
+	move.l	d5,.savmli
+	move.l	(sp)+,.retmli
+	move.l	(sp)+,d1
+	move.l	(sp)+,d0
+	clr	d5
+	tst.l	d0
+	bpl	1f
+	neg.l	d0
+	not	d5
+	tst.l	d1
+	bpl	2f
+	neg.l	d1
+	not	d5
+	move.l	d0,-(sp)
+	move.l	d1,-(sp)
+	jsr	.mlu
+	tst	d5
+	beq	3f
+	neg.l	d1
+	negx.l	d0
+	move.l	.savmli,d5
+	move.l	.retmli,-(sp)
+	rts
+.savmli:	.long 0
+.retmli:	.long 0
+.align 2

+ 47 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+.define .mlu
+ ! entry : d0 multiplicand
+ !         d1 multiplier
+ ! exit  : d0 high order result
+ !         d1 low order result
+	.text
+	move.l	(sp)+,.savret
+	move.l	(sp)+,d1
+	move.l	(sp)+,d0
+	cmp.l	#32768,d0
+	bgt	1f
+	cmp.l	#32768,d1
+	bls	2f
+1:	movem.l	d2/d3/d4/d6,.savreg
+	move.l	d1,d3
+	move.l	d1,d2
+	swap	d2
+	move.l	d2,d4
+	mulu	d0,d1
+	mulu	d0,d2
+	swap	d0
+	mulu	d0,d3
+	mulu	d4,d0
+	clr.l	d6
+	swap	d1
+	add	d2,d1
+	addx.l	d6,d0
+	add	d3,d1
+	addx.l	d6,d0
+	swap	d1
+	clr	d2
+	clr	d3
+	swap	d2
+	swap	d3
+	add.l	d2,d0
+	add.l	d3,d0
+	movem.l	.savreg,d2/d3/d4/d6
+	move.l	.savret,-(sp)
+	rts
+2:	mulu	d0,d1
+	clr	d0
+	move.l	.savret,-(sp)
+	rts
+.align 2

+ 12 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+.define .mon
+	.text
+	move.l	(sp)+,a0
+	pea	fmt
+	jsr	.diagnos
+	add	#6,sp
+	jmp	EXIT
+	.data
+fmt:	.asciz "system call %d not implemented"
+.align 2

+ 13 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+.define .nop
+	.text
+	move.l	hol0,-(sp)
+	pea	fmt
+	jsr	.diagnos
+	add.l	#8,sp
+	rts
+	.data
+fmt:	.asciz "test %d\n"
+.align 2

+ 77 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+.define _printf
+.define _putchar
+.define _getal
+.define _char
+	.space	12
+	.space	1
+	.long	0
+	movem.l	d0/d1/d3/a0/a1/a2/a3/a4/a5/a6,.savreg
+	move.l	(sp)+,sav	!return address
+	move.l	sp,a6		!a6 <- address of arguments
+	move.l	(a6)+,a5	!a5 <- address of format
+	clr.l	d0		!d0 <- char to be printed
+next:	move.b	(a5)+,d0
+	beq	out
+	cmp.b	#'%',d0
+	beq	procnt
+put:	move.l	d0,-(sp)
+	jsr	_putchar	!argument is long en op de stack
+	tst.l	(sp)+
+	jmp	next
+procnt:	move.b	(a5)+,d0
+	cmp.b	#'d',d0		!NOTE: %d means unsigned.
+	beq	digit
+	cmp.b	#'s',d0
+	beq	string
+	cmp.b	#'%',d0		!second % has to be printed.
+	beq	put
+	tst.b	-(a5)		!normal char should be printed
+	jmp	next
+string:	move.l	(a6)+,a2	!a2 <- address of string
+sloop:	move.b	(a2)+,d0
+	beq	next
+	move.l	d0,-(sp)
+	jsr	_putchar	!argument is long en op de stack
+	tst.l	(sp)+
+	jmp	sloop
+digit:	move.l	(a6)+,d1	!d1 <- integer
+	move.l	#_getal+12,a3	!a3 <- ptr to last part of buf
+	move.b	#0,-(a3)	!stringterminator
+dloop:	move.l	d1,-(sp)
+	move.l	#10,-(sp)
+	jsr	.dvu		!d1 <- quotient d3 <- remainder
+	add.l	#'0',d3
+	move.b	d3,-(a3)
+	tst.l	d1		!if quotient = 0 then ready
+	bne	dloop
+	move.l	a3,a2
+	jmp	sloop		!print digitstring.
+	move.l	sav,-(sp)
+	movem.l	.savreg,d0/d1/d3/a0/a1/a2/a3/a4/a5/a6
+	rts
+	movem.l	d0,.savreg
+	move.l	4(sp),d0
+	move.b	d0,_char
+	move.l	#1,-(sp)
+	move.l	#_char,-(sp)
+	move.l	#1,-(sp)
+	jsr	_write
+	add.l	#12,sp
+	movem.l	.savreg,d0
+	rts
+.align 2

+ 20 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+.define .rck
+	.text
+	movem.l	d0/a0,.savreg
+	move.l	(sp)+,.savret
+	move.l	(sp)+,a0	! descriptor address
+	move.l	(sp),d0
+	cmp.l	(a0),d0
+	blt	1f
+	cmp.l	2(a0),d0
+	ble	2f
+	move.l	#ERANGE,-(sp)
+	jsr	.trp
+	movem.l	.savreg,d0/a0
+	move.l	.savret,-(sp)
+	rts
+.align 2

+ 26 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+.define .ret
+	.text
+	beq 3f
+	cmp #2,d0
+	bne 1f
+	move (sp)+,d0
+	bra 3f
+	cmp #4,d0
+	bne 2f
+	move.l (sp)+,d0
+	bra 3f
+	cmp #8,d0
+	bne 4f
+	move.l (sp)+,d0
+	move.l (sp)+,d1
+	unlk a6
+	rts
+	move.w	#EILLINS,-(sp)
+	jmp	.fat
+.align 2

+ 13 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+.define .savd0
+.define .savret
+.define .savreg
+	.long 0
+	.long 0
+	.space 128
+.align 2

+ 32 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+.define .set
+	! d0 : setsize in bytes
+	! d1 : bitnumber
+	.text
+	movem.l	d1/d2/a1,.savreg
+	move.l	(sp)+,.savret
+	move.l	(sp)+,d1
+	move.l	d0,d2
+	asr.l	#2,d2
+	clr.l	-(sp)		!create empty set
+	sub.l	#1,d2
+	bgt	1b
+	move.l	sp,a1		! set base
+	move.l	d1,d2
+	asr.l	#4,d2
+	!bchg	#0,d2
+	cmp.l	d0,d2
+	bcs	1f
+	move.w	#ESET,-(sp)
+	move.l	.savret,-(sp)
+	jmp	.trp
+	add.l	d2,a1
+	move.l	(a1),d2
+	bset	d1,d2
+	move.l	d2,(a1)
+	movem.l	.savreg,d1/d2/a1
+	move.l	.savret,-(sp)
+	rts

+ 23 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+.define	.strhp
+	.text
+	move.l	d0,.savreg
+	move.l	(sp)+,.savret
+	move.l	(sp)+,d0	! heap pointer
+	move.l	d0,.reghp
+	cmp.l	.limhp,d0
+	blt	1f
+	add.l	#0x400,d0
+	and.l	#~0x3ff,d0
+	move.l	d0,.limhp
+	cmp.l	d0,sp
+	ble	2f
+	move.l	.savreg,d0
+	move.l	.savret,-(sp)
+	rts
+	move.w	#EHEAP,-(sp)
+	jmp	.fat
+.align 2

+ 13 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+.define	.sig
+	.text
+	movem.l	a1/a2,.savreg
+	move.l	(sp)+,.savret
+	move.l	(sp)+,a1	! trap pc
+	move.l	.trppc,-(sp)
+	move.l	a1,.trppc
+	movem.l	.savreg,a1/a2
+	move.l	.savret,-(sp)
+	rts
+.align 2

+ 33 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+.define .sts
+	! d0 : # bytes
+	! a0 : destination address
+	.text
+	movem.l	d0/a0,.savreg
+	move.l	(sp)+,.savret
+	move.l	(sp)+,d0
+	move.l	(sp)+,a0
+	cmp	#1,d0
+	bne	1f
+	move.l	(sp)+,d0
+	move.b	d0,(a0)
+	bra	4f
+1:	cmp	#2,d0
+	bne	2f
+	move.l	(sp)+,d0
+	add.l	#2,a0
+	move.w	d0,(a0)
+	bra	4f
+	asr	#2,d0
+	sub.l	#1,d0
+	move.l	(sp)+,(a0)+
+	dbf	d0,3b
+	movem.l	.savreg,d0/a0
+	move.l	.savret,-(sp)
+	rts
+.align 2

+ 29 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+.define	.trp
+	.text
+	move.l	(sp)+,a2	! return address
+	move.w	(sp)+,d0	! error number
+	move.l	a2,-(sp)
+	move.w	d0,-(sp)
+	cmp	#16,d0
+	bcc	1f
+	btst	d0,.trpim
+	bne	3f
+	move.l	.trppc,a0
+	move.l	a0,d0
+	beq	9f
+	clr.l	.trppc
+	jsr	(a0)
+	add	#2,sp
+	rts
+	pea	fmt
+	jsr	.diagnos
+	jmp	EXIT
+	.data
+fmt:	.asciz "trap %d called\n"
+.align 2