Browse Source

fixup commit for branch 'unlabeled-1.2.1'

cvs2hg 40 years ago
100 changed files with 0 additions and 20873 deletions
  1. 0 44
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  3. 0 3138
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  21. 0 2450
  22. 0 178
  23. 0 7
  24. 0 672
  25. 0 364
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  28. 0 8
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  30. 0 644
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  33. 0 9
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  49. 0 178
  50. 0 178
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  54. 0 9
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  59. 0 19
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  65. 0 2
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  83. 0 16
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  87. 0 94
  88. 0 25
  89. 0 77
  90. 0 15
  91. 0 366
  92. 0 12
  93. 0 15
  94. 0 126
  95. 0 475
  96. 0 652
  97. 0 185
  98. 0 36
  99. 0 379
  100. 0 101

+ 0 - 44

@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-# $Header$
-HEAD=$h/em_spec.h $h/em_pseu.h $h/em_mnem.h $h/em_mes.h $h/pc_size.h
-all:            pem pem.out
-pem.out:        pem.m
-		apc -mint --t -o pem.out pem.m
-pem:            pem.m
-		apc $(LDFLAG) -o pem pem.m
-# pem.m is system dependent and may NOT be distributed
-pem.m:          pem.p $(HEAD)
-		-rm -f pem.m
-		-if apc -I$h -O -c.m pem.p ; then :; else \
-			acc -o move move.c ; move ; rm move move.[oskm] ; \
-		fi
-cmp:		pem
-		cmp pem $(PEM)
-install:	pem
-		cp pem $(PEM)
-		ln pem.p pem22.p ; apc -mpdp -c.m -I$h pem22.p ; rm pem22.p
-		ln pem.p pem24.p ; apc -mvax2 -c.m -I$h pem24.p ; rm pem24.p
-		-rm -f pem pem.out *.[os] *.old
-		@pr pem.p
-		xref pem.p^pr -h "XREF PEM.P"
-		make pr ^ opr

+ 0 - 20

@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-/* A program to move the file pem??.m to pem.m */
-/* Called when "apc pem.p" fails. It is assumed that the binary
-   file is incorrect in that case and has to be created from the compact
-   code file.
-   This program selects the correct compact code file for each combination
-   of word and pointer size.
-   It will return an error code if the move failed
-main(argc) {
-	char copy[100] ;
-	if ( argc!=1 ) {
-		printf("No arguments allowed\n") ;
-		exit(1) ;
-	}
-	sprintf(copy,"cp pem%d%d.m pem.m", EM_WSIZE, EM_PSIZE) ;
-	printf("%s\n",copy) ;
-	return system(copy) ;

+ 0 - 3138

@@ -1,3138 +0,0 @@
-#include        <em_spec.h>
-#include        <em_pseu.h>
-#include        <em_mnem.h>
-#include        <em_mes.h>
-#include	<em_reg.h>
-#include        <pc_size.h>
-  (c) copyright 1983 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
-           This product is part of the Amsterdam Compiler Kit.
-  Permission to use, sell, duplicate or disclose this software must be
-  obtained in writing. Requests for such permissions may be sent to
-       Dr. Andrew S. Tanenbaum
-       Wiskundig Seminarium
-       Vrije Universiteit
-       Postbox 7161
-       1007 MC Amsterdam
-       The Netherlands
-{if next line is included the compiler itself is written in standard pascal}
-{#define        STANDARD        1}
-{Author:        Johan Stevenson                 Version:        32}
-{$l- : no source line numbers}
-{$r- : no subrange checking}
-{$a- : no assertion checking}
-#ifdef STANDARD
-{$s+ : test conformancy to standard}
-program pem(input,em,errors);
-{ This Pascal compiler produces EM code as described in
-   - A.S.Tanenbaum, J.W.Stevenson & H. van Staveren,
-	"Description of a machine architecture for use with
-	 block structured languages" Informatika rapport 81.
-  NOTE: this version is modified to produce the modified EM code of
-	januari 1981. it is not possible, using this compiler, to generate
-	code for machines with 1 or 4 byte wordsize.
-  A description of Pascal is given in
-   - K.Jensen & N.Wirth, "PASCAL user manual and report", Springer-Verlag.
-  Several options may be given in the normal pascal way. Moreover,
-  a positive number may be used instead of + and -. The options are:
-	a:      interpret assertions (+)
-	c:      C-type strings allowed (-)
-	d:      type long may be used (-)
-	i:      controls the number of bits in integer sets (16)
-	l:      insert code to keep track of source lines (+)
-	o:      optimize (+)
-	r:      check subranges (+)
-	s:      accept only standard pascal programs (-)
-	t:      trace procedure entry and exit (-)
-	u:      treat '_' as letter (-)
-#ifdef STANDARD
-label 9999;
-{fundamental constants}
-  MB1 = 7;               MB2 = 15;              {MB4 = 31}
-  NB1 = 8;               NB2 = 16;              {NB4 = 32}
-  MI1 = 127;             MI2 = 32767;           {MI4 = 2147483647}
-  NI1 = 128;            {NI2 = 32768}           {NI4 = 2147483648}
-  MU1 = 255;            {MU2 = 65535}           {MU4 = 4294967295}
-  NU1 = 256;            {NU2 = 65536}           {NU4 = 4294967296}
-{maximal indices}
-  idmax         = 8;
-  fnmax         = 14;
-  smax          = 72;
-{opt values}
-  off           = 0;
-  on            = 1;
-{for push and pop: }
-  global        = false;
-  local         = true;
-{for sizeof and posaddr: }
-  wordmult      = false;
-  wordpart      = true;
-{ASCII characters}
-  ascht         = 9;
-  ascnl         = 10;
-  ascvt         = 11;
-  ascff         = 12;
-  asccr         = 13;
-  maxcharord    = 127;          {maximal ordinal number of chars}
-  maxargc       = 13;           {maximal index in argv}
-  rwlim         = 34;           {number of reserved words}
-  spaces        = '        ';
-{scalar types}
-  symbol=       (comma,semicolon,colon1,colon2,notsy,lbrack,ident,
-		 intcst,charcst,realcst,longcst,stringcst,nilcst,minsy,
-		 plussy,lparent,arrow,arraysy,recordsy,setsy,filesy,
-		 packedsy,progsy,labelsy,constsy,typesy,varsy,procsy,
-		 funcsy,beginsy,gotosy,ifsy,whilesy,repeatsy,forsy,
-		 withsy,casesy,becomes,starsy,divsy,modsy,slashsy,
-		 andsy,orsy,eqsy,nesy,gtsy,gesy,ltsy,
-		 lesy,insy,endsy,elsesy,untilsy,ofsy,dosy,
-		 downtosy,tosy,thensy,rbrack,rparent,period
-		);                      {the order is important}
-  chartype=     (lower,upper,digit,layout,tabch,
-		   quotech,dquotech,colonch,periodch,lessch,
-		   greaterch,lparentch,lbracech,
-						{different entries}
-		 rparentch,lbrackch,rbrackch,commach,semich,arrowch,
-		   plusch,minch,slash,star,equal,
-						{also symbols}
-		 others
-		);
-  standpf=      (pread,preadln,pwrite,pwriteln,pput,pget,
-		 preset,prewrite,pnew,pdispose,ppack,punpack,
-		 pmark,prelease,ppage,phalt,
-						{all procedures}
-		 feof,feoln,fabs,fsqr,ford,fchr,fpred,fsucc,fodd,
-		 ftrunc,fround,fsin,fcos,fexp,fsqt,flog,fatn
-						{all functions}
-		);                      {the order is important}
-  libmnem=      (ELN ,EFL ,CLS ,WDW ,           {input and output}
-						{on inputfiles}
-				{on outputfiles, order important}
-						{floating point}
-						{miscellaneous}
-		);
-  structform=   (scalar,subrange,pointer,power,files,arrays,carray,
-		 records,variant,tag);          {order important}
-  structflag=   (spack,withfile);
-  identflag=    (refer,used,assigned,noreg,loopvar,samesect);
-  idclass=      (types,konst,vars,field,carrbnd,proc,func);
-  kindofpf=     (standard,formal,actual,extern,varargs,forward);
-  where=        (blck,rec,wrec);
-  attrkind=     (cst,fixed,pfixed,loaded,ploaded,indexed);
-  twostruct=    (eq,subeq,ir,ri,il,li,lr,rl,es,se,noteq);  {order important}
-{subrange types}
-  rwrange=      0..rwlim;
-  byte=         0..MU1;
-{pointer types}
-  sp=   ^structure;
-  ip=   ^identifier;
-  lp=   ^labl;
-  bp=   ^blockinfo;
-  np=   ^nameinfo;
-{set types}
-  sos=          set of symbol;
-  setofids=     set of idclass;
-  formset=      set of structform;
-  sflagset=     set of structflag;
-  iflagset=     set of identflag;
-{array types}
-  idarr=packed array[1..idmax] of char;
-  fnarr=packed array[1..fnmax] of char;
-{record types}
-  position=record               {the addr info of certain variable}
-    ad:integer;                 {for locals it is the byte offset}
-    lv:integer;                 {the level of the beast}
-  end;
-{records of type attr are used to remember qualities of
-  expression parts to delay the loading of them.
-  Reasons to delay the loading of one word constants:
-	- bound checking
-	- set building.
-  Reasons to delay the loading of direct accessible objects:
-	- efficient handling of read/write
-	- efficient handling of the with statement.
-  attr=record
-    asp:sp;                             {type of expression}
-    packbit:boolean;                    {true for part of packed structure}
-    ak:attrkind;                        {access method}
-    pos:position;                       {lv and ad}
-    {If ak=cst then the value is stored in ad}
-  end;
-  nameinfo=record               {one for each separate name space}
-    nlink:np;                   {one deeper}
-    fname:ip;                   {first name: root of tree}
-    case occur:where of
-      blck:();
-      rec: ();
-      wrec:(wa:attr)            {name space opened by with statement}
-  end;
-  blockinfo=record      {all info of the current procedure}
-    nextbp:bp;          {pointer to blockinfo of surrounding proc}
-    reglb:integer;      {data location counter (from begin of proc) }
-    minlb:integer;      {keeps track of minimum of reglb}
-    ilbno:integer;      {number of last local label}
-    forwcount:integer;  {number of not yet specified forward procs}
-    lchain:lp;          {first label: header of chain}
-  end;
-  structure=record
-    size:integer;                       {size of structure in bytes}
-    sflag:sflagset;                     {flag bits}
-    case form:structform of
-      scalar  :(scalno:integer;         {number of range descriptor}
-		fconst:ip               {names of constants}
-	       );
-      subrange:(min,max:integer;        {lower and upper bound}
-		rangetype:sp;           {type of bounds}
-		subrno:integer          {number of subr descriptor}
-	       );
-      pointer :(eltype:sp);             {type of pointed object}
-      power   :(elset:sp);              {type of set elements}
-      files   :(filtype:sp);            {type of file elements}
-      arrays,carray:
-	       (aeltype:sp;             {type of array elements}
-		inxtype:sp;             {type of array index}
-		arpos:position          {position of array descriptor}
-	       );
-      records :(fstfld:ip;              {points to first field}
-		tagsp:sp                {points to tag if present}
-	       );
-      variant :(varval:integer;         {tag value for this variant}
-		nxtvar:sp;              {next equilevel variant}
-		subtsp:sp               {points to tag for sub-case}
-	       );
-      tag     :(fstvar:sp;              {first variant of case}
-		tfldsp:sp               {type of tag}
-	       )
-  end;
-  identifier=record
-    idtype:sp;                          {type of identifier}
-    name:idarr;                         {name of identifier}
-    llink,rlink:ip;                     {see enterid,searchid}
-    next:ip;                            {used to make several chains}
-    iflag:iflagset;                     {several flag bits}
-    case klass:idclass of
-      types   :();
-      konst   :(value:integer);         {for integers the value is
-		  computed and stored in this field.
-		  For strings and reals an assembler constant is
-		  defined labeled '.1', '.2', ...  This '.' number is then
-		  stored in value. For reals value may be negated to
-		  indicate that the opposite of the assembler constant
-		  is needed. }
-      vars    :(vpos:position);         {position of var}
-      field   :(foffset:integer);       {offset to begin of record}
-      carrbnd :();                      {idtype points to carray struct}
-      proc,func:
-	(case pfkind:kindofpf of
-	   standard:(key:standpf);      {identification}
-	   formal,actual,forward,extern,varargs:
-	     (pfpos:position;           {lv gives declaration level.
-			ad is relevant for formal pf's and for
-			functions (no conflict!!).
-			for functions: ad is the result address.
-			for formal pf's: ad is the address of the
-			descriptor }
-	      pfno:integer;             {unique pf number}
-	      maxlb:integer;		{bytes of parameters}
-	      parhead:ip                {head of parameter list}
-	     )
-	)
-  end;
-  labl=record
-    nextlp:lp;          {chain of labels}
-    seen:boolean;
-    labval:integer;     {label number given by the programmer}
-    labname:integer;    {label number given by the compiler}
-    labdlb:integer      {zero means only locally used,
-			  otherwise dlbno of label information}
-  end;
-var  {the most frequent used externals are declared first}
-  sy:symbol;            {last symbol}
-  a:attr;               {type,access method,position,value of expr}
-{returned by insym}
-  ch:char;              {last character}
-  chsy:chartype;        {type of ch, used by insym}
-  val:integer;          {if last symbol is an constant }
-  ix:integer;           {string length}
-  eol:boolean;          {true of current ch is a space, replacing a newline}
-  zerostring:boolean;   {true for strings in " "}
-  id:idarr;             {if last symbol is an identifier}
-{some counters}
-  lino:integer;         {line number on code file (1..n) }
-  dlbno:integer;        {number of last global number}
-  holeb:integer;        {size of hol-area}
-  level:integer;        {current static level}
-  argc:integer;         {index in argv}
-  lastpfno:integer;     {unique pf number counter}
-  copt:integer;         {C-type strings allowed if on}
-  dopt:integer;         {longs allowed if on}
-  iopt:integer;         {number of bits in sets with base integer}
-  sopt:integer;         {standard option}
-  srcchno:integer;      {column count for errors}
-  srclino:integer;      {source line number after preprocessing}
-  srcorig:integer;      {source line number before preprocessing}
-  fildlb:integer;       {label number of source string}
-{pointers pointing to standard types}
-  realptr,intptr,textptr,nullset,boolptr:sp;
-  charptr,nilptr,zeroptr,procptr,longptr:sp;
-  giveline:boolean;     {give source line number at next statement}
-  including:boolean;    {no LIN's for included code}
-  eofexpected:boolean;  {quit without error if true (nextch) }
-  main:boolean;         {complete programme or a module}
-  intypedec:boolean;    {true if nested in typedefinition}
-  fltused:boolean;      {true if floating point instructions are used}
-  seconddot:boolean;    {indicates the second dot of '..'}
-  fwptr:ip;             {head of chain of forward reference pointers}
-  progp:ip;             {program identifier}
-  currproc:ip;          {current procedure/function ip (see selector)}
-  top:np;               {pointer to the most recent name space}
-  lastnp:np;            {pointer to nameinfo of last searched ident }
-  b:blockinfo;          {all info to be stacked at pfdeclaration}
-  fa:attr;              {attr for current file name}
-  sizes:array[0 .. sz_last] of integer;
-  strbuf:array[1..smax] of char;
-  rw:array[rwrange] of idarr;
-			{reserved words}
-  frw:array[0..idmax] of integer;
-			{indices in rw}
-  rsy:array[rwrange] of symbol;
-			{symbol for reserved words}
-  cs:array[char] of chartype;
-			{chartype of a character}
-  csy:array[rparentch..equal] of symbol;
-			{symbol for single character symbols}
-  lmn:array[libmnem] of packed array[1..4] of char;
-			{mnemonics of pascal library routines}
-  opt:array['a'..'z'] of integer;
-  forceopt:array['a'..'z'] of boolean;
-			{26 different options}
-  undefip:array[idclass] of ip;
-			{used in searchid}
-  iop:array[boolean] of ip;
-			{false:standard input, true:standard output}
-  argv:array[0..maxargc] of
-	 record name:idarr; ad:integer end;
-			{save here the external heading names}
-  em:file of byte;      {the EM code}
-  errors:text;          {the compilation errors}
-  source:fnarr;
-procedure initpos(var p:position);
-begin;; end;
-procedure inita(fsp:sp; fad:integer);
-begin with a do begin
-  asp:=fsp; packbit:=false; ak:=fixed;;;
-end end;
-function newip(kl:idclass; n:idarr; idt:sp; nxt:ip):ip;
-var p:ip; f:iflagset;
-begin f:=[];
-  case kl of
-    types,carrbnd:  {similar structure}
-      new(p,types);
-    konst:
-      begin new(p,konst); p^.value:=0 end;
-    vars:
-      begin new(p,vars); f:=[used,assigned]; initpos(p^.vpos) end;
-    field:
-      begin new(p,field); p^.foffset:=0 end;
-    proc,func:  {same structure}
-      begin new(p,proc,actual); p^.pfkind:=actual;
-	initpos(p^.pfpos); p^.pfno:=0; p^.maxlb:=0; p^.parhead:=nil;
-      end
-  end;
-  p^.name:=n; p^.klass:=kl; p^.idtype:=idt; p^.next:=nxt;
-  p^.llink:=nil; p^.rlink:=nil; p^.iflag:=f; newip:=p
-function newsp(sf:structform; sz:integer):sp;
-var p:sp; sflag:sflagset;
-begin sflag:=[];
-  case sf of
-    scalar:
-      begin new(p,scalar); p^.scalno:=0; p^.fconst:=nil end;
-    subrange:
-      new(p,subrange);
-    pointer:
-      begin new(p,pointer); p^.eltype:=nil end;
-    power:
-      new(p,power);
-    files:
-      begin new(p,files); sflag:=[withfile] end;
-    arrays,carray:  {same structure}
-      new(p,arrays);
-    records:
-      new(p,records);
-    variant:
-      new(p,variant);
-    tag:
-      new(p,tag);
-  end;
-  p^.form:=sf; p^.size:=sz; p^.sflag:=sflag; newsp:=p;
-function sizeof(fsp:sp; partword:boolean):integer;
-var s:integer;
-begin if fsp=nil then s:=0 else s:=fsp^.size;
-  if s<>0 then
-    if partword and (s<sz_word) then
-      while sz_word mod s <> 0 do s:=s+1
-    else
-      while s mod sz_word <> 0 do s:=s+1;
-  sizeof:=s
-function formof(fsp:sp; forms:formset):boolean;
-begin if fsp=nil then formof:=false else formof:=fsp^.form in forms end;
-procedure put1(b:byte);
-begin write(em,b) end;
-procedure put2(i:integer);
-var i1,i2:byte;
-  if i<0 then
-    begin i:=-(i+1); i1:=MU1 - i mod NU1; i2:=MU1 - i div NU1 end
-  else
-    begin i1:=i mod NU1; i2:=i div NU1 end;
-  put1(i1); put1(i2)
-procedure argend;
-begin put1(sp_cend) end;
-procedure argcst(i:integer);
-  if (i >= -sp_zcst0) and (i < sp_ncst0-sp_zcst0) then
-    put1(i + sp_zcst0 + sp_fcst0)
-  else
-    begin put1(sp_cst2); put2(i) end
-procedure argnil;
-begin put1(sp_icon); argcst(sz_addr); argcst(1); put1(ord('0')) end;
-procedure argilb(i:integer);
-  if i<=MU1 then
-    begin put1(sp_ilb1); put1(i) end
-  else
-    begin put1(sp_ilb2); put2(i) end
-procedure argdlb(i:integer);
-  if i<=MU1 then
-    begin put1(sp_dlb1); put1(i) end
-  else
-    begin put1(sp_dlb2); put2(i) end
-procedure argident(var a:idarr);
-var i,j:integer;
-begin i:=idmax;
-  while (a[i]=' ') and (i>1) do i:=i-1;
-  put1(sp_pnam); argcst(i);
-  for j:=1 to i do put1(ord(a[j]))
-procedure genop(b:byte);
-begin put1(b); lino:=lino+1 end;
-procedure gencst(b:byte; i:integer);
-begin genop(b); argcst(i) end;
-procedure gensp(m:libmnem; s:integer);
-var i:integer;
-begin genop(op_cal); put1(sp_pnam); argcst(4);
-  for i:=1 to 4 do put1(ord(lmn[m][i]));
-  gencst(op_asp,s)
-procedure genpnam(b:byte; fip:ip);
-var n:idarr; i,j:integer;
-  if fip^<=1 then n:=fip^.name else
-    begin n:='_       '; j:=1; i:=fip^.pfno;
-      while i<>0 do
-	begin j:=j+1; n[j]:=chr(i mod 10 + ord('0')); i:=i div 10 end;
-    end;
-  genop(b); argident(n)
-procedure genasp(m:byte);
-begin gencst(m,sizeof(a.asp,wordmult)) end;
-procedure genlin;
-begin giveline:=false;
-  if opt['l']<>off then if main then gencst(op_lin,srcorig)
-procedure genreg(sz,ad,regval:integer);
-begin gencst(ps_mes,ms_reg);
-  argcst(ad); argcst(sz); argcst(regval); argend
-procedure laedlb(d:integer);
-begin genop(op_lae); argdlb(d) end;
-procedure exchange(l1,l2:integer);
-var d1,d2:integer;
-begin d1:=l2-l1; d2:=lino-l2;
-  if (d1<>0) and (d2<>0) then
-    begin gencst(ps_exc,d1); argcst(d2) end
-procedure newilb(i:integer);
-begin lino:=lino+1;
-  if i<sp_nilb0 then put1(i+sp_filb0) else argilb(i)
-function newdlb:integer;
-begin lino:=lino+1; dlbno:=dlbno+1; argdlb(dlbno); newdlb:=dlbno end;
-function romstr(typ:byte; siz:integer):integer;
-var i:integer;
-begin romstr:=newdlb; genop(ps_rom);
-  put1(typ); if typ<>sp_scon then argcst(siz); argcst(ix);
-  for i:=1 to ix do put1(ord(strbuf[i])); argend
-procedure error(err:integer);
-{as you will notice, all error numbers are preceded by '+' and '0' to
-  ease their renumbering in case of new errornumbers.
-begin writeln(errors,err,srclino,srcchno);
-  if err>0 then begin gencst(ps_mes,ms_err); argend end
-procedure errid(err:integer; var id:idarr);
-begin write(errors,'''',id); error(err) end;
-procedure errint(err:integer; i:integer);
-begin write(errors,i:1); error(err) end;
-procedure errasp(err:integer);
-begin if a.asp<>nil then begin error(err); a.asp:=nil end end;
-procedure teststandard;
-begin if sopt<>off then error(-(+01)) end;
-procedure enterid(fip: ip);
-{enter id pointed at by fip into the name-table,
-  which on each declaration level is organised as
-  an unbalanced binary tree}
-var nam:idarr; lip,lip1:ip; lleft,again:boolean;
-begin nam:=fip^.name; again:=false; assert nam[1]<>' ';
-  lip:=top^.fname;
-  if lip=nil then top^.fname:=fip else
-    begin
-      repeat lip1:=lip;
-	if lip^.name>nam then
-	  begin lip:=lip^.llink; lleft:=true end
-	else
-	  begin if lip^.name=nam then again:=true;  {name conflict}
-	    lip:=lip^.rlink; lleft:=false;
-	  end;
-      until lip=nil;
-      if lleft then lip1^.llink:=fip else lip1^.rlink:=fip
-    end;
-  fip^.llink:=nil; fip^.rlink:=nil;
-  if again then errid(+02,nam);
-procedure trace(tname:idarr; fip:ip; var namdlb:integer);
-var i:integer;
-  if opt['t']<>off then
-    begin
-      if namdlb=0 then
-	begin namdlb:=newdlb; genop(ps_rom); put1(sp_scon); argcst(8);
-	  for i:=1 to 8 do put1(ord(fip^.name[i])); argend;
-	end;
-      laedlb(namdlb); genop(op_cal); argident(tname);
-      gencst(op_asp,sz_addr);
-    end;
-procedure expandnullset(fsp:sp);
-var s:integer;
-begin s:=sizeof(fsp,wordmult)-sz_word;
-  if s<>0 then gencst(op_zer,s); a.asp:=fsp
-procedure push(local:boolean; ad:integer; sz:integer);
-begin assert sz mod sz_word = 0;
-  if sz=sz_word then
-    if local then gencst(op_lol,ad) else gencst(op_loe,ad)
-  else if sz=2*sz_word then
-    if local then gencst(op_ldl,ad) else gencst(op_lde,ad)
-  else
-    begin if local then gencst(op_lal,ad) else gencst(op_lae,ad);
-      gencst(op_loi,sz)
-    end
-procedure pop(local:boolean; ad:integer; sz:integer);
-begin assert sz mod sz_word = 0;
-  if sz=sz_word then
-    if local then gencst(op_stl,ad) else gencst(op_ste,ad)
-  else if sz=2*sz_word then
-    if local then gencst(op_sdl,ad) else gencst(op_sde,ad)
-  else
-    begin if local then gencst(op_lal,ad) else gencst(op_lae,ad);
-      gencst(op_sti,sz)
-    end
-procedure lexaddr(lv:integer; ad:integer);
-begin assert level>=lv;
-  if ad>=0 then gencst(op_lxa,level-lv) else gencst(op_lxl,level-lv);
-  gencst(op_adp,ad)
-procedure loadpos(var p:position; sz:integer);
-begin with p do
-  if lv<=0 then push(global,ad,sz) else
-  if lv=level then push(local,ad,sz) else
-    begin lexaddr(lv,ad); gencst(op_loi,sz) end;
-procedure descraddr(var p:position);
-begin if then laedlb( else loadpos(p,sz_addr) end;
-procedure loadaddr;
-begin with a,pos do begin
-  case ak of
-    fixed:
-      if lv<=0 then gencst(op_lae,ad) else
-      if lv=level then gencst(op_lal,ad) else lexaddr(lv,ad);
-    pfixed:
-      loadpos(pos,sz_addr);
-    ploaded:
-      ;
-    indexed:
-      gencst(op_aar,sz_word);
-  end;  {case}
-  ak:=ploaded;
-end end;
-procedure load;
-var sz:integer;
-begin with a do begin sz:=sizeof(asp,packbit);
-  if asp<>nil then
-    case ak of
-      cst:
-	gencst(op_loc,;  {only one-word scalars}
-      fixed:
-	loadpos(pos,sz);
-      pfixed:
-	begin loadpos(pos,sz_addr); gencst(op_loi,sz) end;
-      loaded:
-	;
-      ploaded:
-	gencst(op_loi,sz);
-      indexed:
-	gencst(op_lar,sz_word);
-    end;  {case}
-  ak:=loaded;
-end end;
-procedure store;
-var sz:integer;
-begin with a,pos do begin sz:=sizeof(asp,packbit);
-  if asp<>nil then
-    case ak of
-      fixed:
-	if lv<=0 then pop(global,ad,sz) else
-	if level=lv then pop(local,ad,sz) else
-	  begin lexaddr(lv,ad); gencst(op_sti,sz) end;
-      pfixed:
-	begin loadpos(pos,sz_addr); gencst(op_sti,sz) end;
-      ploaded:
-	gencst(op_sti,sz);
-      indexed:
-	gencst(op_sar,sz_word);
-    end;  {case}
-end end;
-procedure fieldaddr(off:integer);
-begin with a do
-  if (ak=fixed) and not packbit then else
-    begin loadaddr; gencst(op_adp,off) end
-procedure loadcheap;
-begin if formof(a.asp,[arrays..records]) then loadaddr else load end;
-procedure nextch;
-  eol:=eoln(input); read(input,ch); srcchno:=srcchno+1; chsy:=cs[ch];
-procedure nextln;
-  if eof(input) then
-    begin
-      if not eofexpected then error(+03) else
-	if fltused then begin gencst(ps_mes,ms_flt); argend end;
-#ifdef STANDARD
-      goto 9999
-      halt
-    end;
-  srcchno:=0; srclino:=srclino+1;
-  if not including then
-    begin srcorig:=srcorig+1; giveline:=true end;
-procedure options(normal:boolean);
-var ci:char; i:integer;
-procedure getc;
-begin if normal then nextch else read(errors,ch) end;
-  repeat getc;
-    if (ch>='a') and (ch<='z') then
-      begin ci:=ch; getc; i:=0;
-	if ch='+' then begin i:=1; getc end else
-	if ch='-' then getc else
-	if cs[ch]=digit then
-	  repeat i:=i*10 + ord(ch) - ord('0'); getc;
-	  until cs[ch]<>digit
-	else i:=-1;
-	if i>=0 then
-	  if not normal then
-	    begin forceopt[ci]:=true; opt[ci]:=i end
-	  else
-	    if not forceopt[ci] then opt[ci]:=i;
-      end;
-  until ch<>',';
-procedure linedirective;
-var i:integer; fname:fnarr;
-  repeat nextch until (ch='"') or eol;
-  if eol then error(+04) else
-    begin nextch; i:=0;
-      while (ch<>'"') and not eol do
-	begin
-	  if ch='/' then i:=0 else
-	    begin i:=i+1; if i<=fnmax then fname[i]:=ch end;
-	  nextch
-	end;
-      while i<fnmax do begin i:=i+1; fname[i]:=' ' end;
-      including:=fname<>source; while not eol do nextch
-    end;
-procedure putdig;
-begin ix:=ix+1; if ix<=smax then strbuf[ix]:=ch; nextch end;
-procedure inident;
-label 1;
-var i,k:integer;
-begin k:=0; id:=spaces;
-  repeat
-    if chsy=upper then ch:=chr(ord(ch)-ord('A')+ord('a'));
-    if k<idmax then begin k:=k+1; id[k]:=ch end;
-    nextch
-  until chsy>digit;
-	{lower=0,upper=1,digit=2. ugly but fast}
-  for i:=frw[k-1] to frw[k] - 1 do
-    if rw[i]=id then
-      begin sy:=rsy[i]; goto 1 end;
-  sy:=ident;
-procedure innumber;
-label   1;
-const   imax = 10;
-	maxintstring    = '0000032767';
-	maxlongstring   = '2147483647';
-var     i,j:integer;
-	is:packed array[1..imax] of char;
-begin ix:=0; sy:=intcst; val:=0;
-  repeat putdig until chsy<>digit;
-  if (ch='.') or (ch='e') or (ch='E') then
-    begin
-      if ch='.' then
-	begin putdig;
-	  if ch='.' then
-	    begin seconddot:=true; ix:=ix-1; goto 1 end;
-	  if chsy<>digit then error(+05) else
-	    repeat putdig until chsy<>digit;
-	end;
-      if (ch='e') or (ch='E') then
-	begin putdig;
-	  if (ch='+') or (ch='-') then putdig;
-	  if chsy<>digit then error(+06) else
-	    repeat putdig until chsy<>digit;
-	end;
-      if ix>smax then begin error(+07); ix:=smax end;
-      sy:=realcst; fltused:=true; val:=romstr(sp_fcon,sz_real);
-    end;
-1:if (chsy=lower) or (chsy=upper) then teststandard;
-  if sy=intcst then
-    if ix>imax then error(+08) else
-      begin is:='0000000000'; i:=ix; j:=imax;
-	repeat is[j]:=strbuf[i]; j:=j-1; i:=i-1 until i=0;
-	if is<=maxintstring then
-	  repeat j:=j+1; val:=val*10 - ord('0') + ord(is[j]) until j=imax
-	else if (is<=maxlongstring) and (dopt<>off) then
-	  begin sy:=longcst; val:=romstr(sp_icon,sz_long) end
-	else error(+09)
-      end
-procedure instring(qc:char);
-begin ix:=0; zerostring:=qc='"';
-  repeat
-    repeat nextch; ix:=ix+1; if ix<=smax then strbuf[ix]:=ch;
-    until (ch=qc) or eol;
-    if ch=qc then nextch else error(+010);
-  until ch<>qc;
-  if not zerostring then
-    begin ix:=ix-1; if ix=0 then error(+011) end
-  else
-    begin strbuf[ix]:=chr(0); if copt=off then error(+012) end;
-  if (ix=1) and not zerostring then
-    begin sy:=charcst; val:=ord(strbuf[1]) end
-  else
-    begin if ix>smax then begin error(+013); ix:=smax end;
-      sy:=stringcst; val:=romstr(sp_scon,0);
-    end
-procedure incomment;
-var stopc:char;
-begin nextch; stopc:='}';
-  if ch='$' then options(true);
-  while (ch<>'}') and (ch<>stopc) do
-    begin stopc:='}'; if ch='*' then stopc:=')';
-      if eol then nextln; nextch
-    end;
-  if ch<>'}' then teststandard;
-  nextch
-procedure insym;
-  {read next basic symbol of source program and return its
-  description in the global variables sy, op, id, val and ix}
-label 1;
-1:case chsy of
-    tabch:
-      begin srcchno:=srcchno - srcchno mod 8 + 8; nextch; goto 1 end;
-    layout:
-      begin if eol then nextln; nextch; goto 1 end;
-    lower,upper: inident;
-    digit: innumber;
-    quotech,dquotech:
-      instring(ch);
-    colonch:
-      begin nextch;
-	if ch='=' then begin sy:=becomes; nextch end else sy:=colon1
-      end;
-    periodch:
-      begin nextch;
-	if seconddot then begin seconddot:=false; sy:=colon2 end else
-	if ch='.' then begin sy:=colon2; nextch end else sy:=period
-      end;
-    lessch:
-      begin nextch;
-	if ch='=' then begin sy:=lesy; nextch end else
-	if ch='>' then begin sy:=nesy; nextch end else sy:=ltsy
-      end;
-    greaterch:
-      begin nextch;
-	if ch='=' then begin sy:=gesy; nextch end else sy:=gtsy
-      end;
-    lparentch:
-      begin nextch;
-	if ch<>'*' then sy:=lparent else
-	  begin teststandard; incomment; goto 1 end;
-      end;
-    lbracech:
-      begin incomment; goto 1 end;
-    rparentch,lbrackch,rbrackch,commach,semich,arrowch,
-    plusch,minch,slash,star,equal:
-      begin sy:=csy[chsy]; nextch end;
-    others:
-      begin
-	if (ch='#') and (srcchno=1) then linedirective else
-	  begin error(+014); nextch end;
-	goto 1
-      end;
-  end {case}
-procedure nextif(fsy:symbol; err:integer);
-begin if sy=fsy then insym else error(-err) end;
-function find1(sys1,sys2:sos; err:integer):boolean;
-{symbol of sys1 expected. return true if sy in sys1}
-  if not (sy in sys1) then
-    begin error(err); while not (sy in sys1+sys2) do insym end;
-  find1:=sy in sys1
-function find2(sys1,sys2:sos; err:integer):boolean;
-{symbol of sys1+sys2 expected. return true if sy in sys1}
-  if not (sy in sys1+sys2) then
-    begin error(err); repeat insym until sy in sys1+sys2 end;
-  find2:=sy in sys1
-function find3(sy1:symbol; sys2:sos; err:integer):boolean;
-{symbol sy1 or one of sys2 expected. return true if sy1 found and skip it}
-begin find3:=true;
-  if not (sy in [sy1]+sys2) then
-    begin error(err); repeat insym until sy in [sy1]+sys2 end;
-  if sy=sy1 then insym else find3:=false
-function endofloop(sys1,sys2:sos; sy3:symbol; err:integer):boolean;
-begin endofloop:=false;
-  if find2(sys2+[sy3],sys1,err) then nextif(sy3,err+1)
-  else endofloop:=true;
-function lastsemicolon(sys1,sys2:sos; err:integer):boolean;
-begin lastsemicolon:=true;
-  if not endofloop(sys1,sys2,semicolon,err) then
-    if find2(sys2,sys1,err+2) then lastsemicolon:=false
-function searchid(fidcls: setofids):ip;
-{search for current identifier symbol in the name table}
-label 1;
-var lip:ip; ic:idclass;
-begin lastnp:=top;
-  while lastnp<>nil do
-    begin lip:=lastnp^.fname;
-      while lip<>nil do
-	if lip^.name=id then
-	  if lip^.klass in fidcls then
-	    begin
-	      if lip^.klass=vars then if lip^<>level then
-		lip^.iflag:=lip^.iflag+[noreg];
-	      goto 1
-	    end
-	  else lip:=lip^.rlink
-	else
-	  if lip^.name< id then lip:=lip^.rlink else lip:=lip^.llink;
-      lastnp:=lastnp^.nlink;
-    end;
-  errid(+015,id);
-  if types in fidcls then ic:=types else
-  if vars  in fidcls then ic:=vars  else
-  if konst in fidcls then ic:=konst else
-  if proc  in fidcls then ic:=proc  else
-  if func  in fidcls then ic:=func  else ic:=field;
-  lip:=undefip[ic];
-  searchid:=lip
-function searchsection(fip: ip):ip;
-{to find record fields and forward declared procedure id's
-  -->procedure pfdeclaration
-  -->procedure selector}
-label 1;
-  while fip<>nil do
-    if fip^.name=id then goto 1 else
-      if fip^.name< id then fip:=fip^.rlink else fip:=fip^.llink;
-1:  searchsection:=fip
-function searchlab(flp:lp; val:integer):lp;
-label 1;
-  while flp<>nil do
-    if flp^.labval=val then goto 1 else flp:=flp^.nextlp;
-procedure opconvert(ts:twostruct);
-var op:integer;
-begin with a do begin genasp(op_loc);
-  case ts of
-    ir, lr: begin asp:=realptr; op:=op_cif; fltused:=true end;
-    ri:     begin asp:=intptr ; op:=op_cfi; fltused:=true end;
-    rl:     begin asp:=longptr; op:=op_cfi; fltused:=true end;
-    li:     begin asp:=intptr ; op:=op_cii end;
-    il:     begin asp:=longptr; op:=op_cii end;
-  end;
-  genasp(op_loc); genop(op)
-end end;
-procedure negate;
-begin if a.asp=realptr then genasp(op_ngf) else genasp(op_ngi) end;
-function desub(fsp:sp):sp;
-begin if formof(fsp,[subrange]) then fsp:=fsp^.rangetype; desub:=fsp end;
-function nicescalar(fsp:sp):boolean;
-  if fsp=nil then nicescalar:=true else
-    nicescalar:=(fsp^.form=scalar) and (fsp<>realptr) and (fsp<>longptr)
-function bounded(fsp:sp):boolean;
-begin bounded:=false;
-  if fsp<>nil then
-    if fsp^.form=subrange then bounded:=true else
-    if fsp^.form=scalar then bounded:=fsp^.fconst<>nil
-procedure bounds(fsp:sp; var fmin,fmax:integer);
-  if fsp=nil then
-    begin fmin:=0; fmax:=0 end
-  else
-    case fsp^.form of
-    subrange:
-      begin fmin:=fsp^.min; fmax:=fsp^.max end;
-    scalar:
-      begin fmin:=0; fmax:=fsp^.fconst^.value end
-    end
-procedure genrck(fsp:sp);
-var min,max,sno:integer;
-  if opt['r']<>off then if bounded(fsp) then
-    begin
-      if fsp^.form=scalar then sno:=fsp^.scalno else sno:=fsp^.subrno;
-      if sno=0 then
-	begin bounds(fsp,min,max); sno:=newdlb;
-	  gencst(ps_rom,min); argcst(max); argend;
-	  if fsp^.form=scalar then fsp^.scalno:=sno else fsp^.subrno:=sno
-	end;
-      laedlb(sno); gencst(op_rck,sz_word);
-    end
-procedure checkbnds(fsp:sp);
-var min1,max1,min2,max2:integer;
-  if bounded(fsp) then
-    if not bounded(a.asp) then genrck(fsp) else
-      begin bounds(fsp,min1,max1); bounds(a.asp,min2,max2);
-	if (min2<min1) or (max2>max1) then
-	  genrck(fsp);
-      end;
-  a.asp:=fsp;
-function eqstruct(p,q:sp):boolean;
-begin eqstruct:=(p=q) or (p=nil) or (q=nil) end;
-function string(fsp:sp):boolean;
-var lsp:sp;
-begin string:=false;
-  if formof(fsp,[arrays]) then
-    if eqstruct(fsp^.aeltype,charptr) then
-      if spack in fsp^.sflag then
-	begin lsp:=fsp^.inxtype;
-	  if lsp=nil then string:=true else
-	    if lsp^.form=subrange then
-	      if lsp^.rangetype=intptr then
-		if lsp^.min=1 then
-		  string:=true
-	end
-function compat(p,q:sp):twostruct;
-begin compat:=noteq;
-  if eqstruct(p,q) then compat:=eq else
-    begin p:=desub(p); q:=desub(q);
-      if eqstruct(p,q) then compat:=subeq else
-      if p^.form=q^.form then
-	case p^.form of
-	  scalar:
-	    if (p=intptr) and (q=realptr) then compat:=ir else
-	    if (p=realptr) and (q=intptr) then compat:=ri else
-	    if (p=intptr) and (q=longptr) then compat:=il else
-	    if (p=longptr) and (q=intptr) then compat:=li else
-	    if (p=longptr) and (q=realptr) then compat:=lr else
-	    if (p=realptr) and (q=longptr) then compat:=rl else
-		;
-	  pointer:
-	    if (p=nilptr) or (q=nilptr) then compat:=eq;
-	  power:
-	    if p=nullset then compat:=es else
-	    if q=nullset then compat:=se else
-	    if compat(p^.elset,q^.elset) <= subeq then
-	      if p^.sflag=q^.sflag then compat:=eq;
-	  arrays:
-	    if string(p) and string(q) and (p^.size=q^.size) then compat:=eq;
-	  files,carray,records: ;
-	end;
-    end
-procedure checkasp(fsp:sp; err:integer);
-var ts:twostruct;
-  ts:=compat(a.asp,fsp);
-  case ts of
-    eq:
-      if fsp<>nil then if withfile in fsp^.sflag then errasp(err);
-    subeq:
-      checkbnds(fsp);
-    li:
-      begin opconvert(ts); checkasp(fsp,err) end;
-    il,rl,lr,ir:
-      opconvert(ts);
-    es:
-      expandnullset(fsp);
-    noteq,ri,se:
-      errasp(err);
-  end
-procedure force(fsp:sp; err:integer);
-begin load; checkasp(fsp,err) end;
-function newident(kl:idclass; idt:sp; nxt:ip; err:integer):ip;
-begin newident:=nil;
-  if sy<>ident then error(err) else
-    begin newident:=newip(kl,id,idt,nxt); insym end
-function stringstruct:sp;
-var lsp:sp;
-begin {only used when ix and zerostring are still valid}
-  if zerostring then lsp:=zeroptr else
-    begin lsp:=newsp(arrays,ix*sz_char); lsp^.sflag:=[spack];
-      lsp^.aeltype:=charptr; lsp^.inxtype:=nil;
-    end;
-  stringstruct:=lsp;
-function posaddr(var lb:integer; fsp:sp; partword:boolean):integer;
-var sz:integer;
-begin sz:=sizeof(fsp,partword);
-  if lb >= MI2-sz then begin error(+016); lb:=0 end;
-  if not partword or (sz>=sz_word) then
-    while lb mod sz_word <> 0 do lb:=lb+1;
-  posaddr:=lb;
-  lb:=lb+sz
-function negaddr(fsp:sp):integer;
-var sz:integer;
-begin with b do begin
-  sz:=sizeof(fsp,wordmult);
-  if reglb <= -MI2+sz then begin error(+017); reglb:=0 end;
-  reglb:=reglb-sz;
-  while reglb mod sz_word <> 0 do reglb:=reglb-1;
-  if reglb < minlb then minlb:=reglb;
-  negaddr:=reglb
-end end;
-procedure temporary(fsp:sp;r:integer);
-begin inita(fsp,negaddr(fsp));
-  if r>=0 then genreg(sizeof(fsp,wordmult),,r)
-procedure genhol;
-begin gencst(ps_hol,posaddr(holeb,nil,false));
-  argcst(-MI2-1); argcst(0); level:=1
-function arraysize(fsp:sp; pack:boolean):integer;
-var sz,min,max,tot,n:integer;
-begin sz:=sizeof(fsp^.aeltype,pack);
-  bounds(fsp^.inxtype,min,max);
-  fsp^; fsp^;
-  gencst(ps_rom,min); argcst(max-min); argcst(sz); argend;
-  n:=max-min+1; tot:=sz*n;
-  if sz<>0 then if tot div sz <> n then begin error(+018); tot:=0 end;
-  arraysize:=tot
-procedure treewalk(fip:ip);
-var lsp:sp; i,sz:integer;
-  if fip<>nil then
-    begin treewalk(fip^.llink); treewalk(fip^.rlink);
-      if fip^.klass=vars then
-	begin if not (used in fip^.iflag) then errid(-(+019),fip^.name);
-	  if not (assigned in fip^.iflag) then errid(-(+020),fip^.name);
-	  lsp:=fip^.idtype;
-	  if level<>1 then if not (noreg in fip^.iflag) then
-	    if (refer in fip^.iflag) or formof(lsp,[pointer]) then
-	      genreg(sz_addr,fip^,reg_pointer)
-	    else
-	      begin sz:=sizeof(lsp,wordmult);
-		if loopvar in fip^.iflag then
-		  genreg(sz,fip^,reg_loop)
-		else if lsp=realptr then
-		  genreg(sz,fip^,reg_float)
-		else
-		  genreg(sz,fip^,reg_any);
-	      end;
-	  if lsp<>nil then if withfile in lsp^.sflag then
-	    if lsp^.form=files then
-	      if level=1 then
-		begin
-		  for i:=2 to argc do with argv[i] do
-		    if name=fip^.name then ad:=fip^
-		end
-	      else
-		begin
-		  if not (refer in fip^.iflag) then
-		    begin gencst(op_lal,fip^; gensp(CLS,sz_addr)
-		    end
-		end
-	    else
-	      if level<>1 then errid(-(+021),fip^.name)
-	end
-    end
-procedure constant(fsys:sos; var fsp:sp; var fval:integer);
-var signed,min:boolean; lip:ip;
-begin signed:=(sy=plussy) or (sy=minsy);
-  if signed then begin min:=sy=minsy; insym end else min:=false;
-  if find1([ident..stringcst],fsys,+022) then
-    begin fval:=val;
-      case sy of
-	stringcst: fsp:=stringstruct;
-	charcst: fsp:=charptr;
-	intcst: fsp:=intptr;
-	realcst: fsp:=realptr;
-	longcst: fsp:=longptr;
-	ident:
-	  begin lip:=searchid([konst]);
-	    fsp:=lip^.idtype; fval:=lip^.value;
-	  end
-      end;  {case}
-      if signed then
-	if (fsp<>intptr) and (fsp<>realptr) and (fsp<>longptr) then
-	  error(+023)
-	else if min then fval:= -fval;
-		{note: negating the v-number for reals and longs}
-      insym;
-    end
-  else begin fsp:=nil; fval:=0 end;
-function cstinteger(fsys:sos; fsp:sp; err:integer):integer;
-var lsp:sp; lval,min,max:integer;
-begin constant(fsys,lsp,lval);
-  if fsp<>lsp then
-    if not eqstruct(desub(fsp),lsp) then
-      begin error(err); lval:=0 end
-    else if bounded(fsp) then
-      begin bounds(fsp,min,max);
-	if (lval<min) or (lval>max) then error(+024)
-      end;
-  cstinteger:=lval
-function typid(err:integer):sp;
-var lip:ip; lsp:sp;
-begin lsp:=nil;
-  if sy<>ident then error(err) else
-    begin lip:=searchid([types]); lsp:=lip^.idtype; insym end;
-  typid:=lsp
-function simpletyp(fsys:sos):sp;
-var lsp,lsp1:sp; lip,hip:ip; min,max:integer; lnp:np;
-    newsubrange:boolean;
-begin lsp:=nil;
-  if find1([ident..lparent],fsys,+025) then
-    if sy=lparent then
-      begin insym; lnp:=top;   {decl. consts local to innermost block}
-	while top^.occur<>blck do top:=top^.nlink;
-	lsp:=newsp(scalar,sz_word); hip:=nil; max:=0;
-	repeat lip:=newident(konst,lsp,hip,+026);
-	  if lip<>nil then
-	    begin enterid(lip); hip:=lip; lip^.value:=max; max:=max+1 end;
-	until endofloop(fsys+[rparent],[ident],comma,+027);  {+028}
-	if max<=MU1 then lsp^.size:=sz_byte;
-	lsp^.fconst:=hip; top:=lnp; nextif(rparent,+029);
-      end
-    else
-      begin newsubrange:=true;
-	if sy=ident then
-	  begin lip:=searchid([types,konst]); insym;
-	    if lip^.klass=types then
-	      begin lsp:=lip^.idtype; newsubrange:=false end
-	    else
-	      begin lsp1:=lip^.idtype; min:=lip^.value end
-	  end
-	else constant(fsys+[colon2,ident..plussy],lsp1,min);
-	if newsubrange then
-	  begin lsp:=newsp(subrange,sz_word); lsp^.subrno:=0;
-	    if not nicescalar(lsp1) then
-	      begin error(+030); lsp1:=nil; min:=0 end;
-	    lsp^.rangetype:=lsp1;
-	    nextif(colon2,+031); max:=cstinteger(fsys,lsp1,+032);
-	    if min>max then begin error(+033); max:=min end;
-	    if (min>=0) and (max<=MU1) then lsp^.size:=sz_byte;
-	    lsp^.min:=min; lsp^.max:=max
-	  end
-      end;
-  simpletyp:=lsp
-function arraytyp(fsys:sos;
-		  artyp:structform;
-		  sflag:sflagset;
-		  function element(fsys:sos):sp
-		 ):sp;
-var lsp,lsp1,hsp:sp; ok:boolean; sepsy:symbol; lip:ip;
-    oksys:sos;
-begin insym; nextif(lbrack,+034); hsp:=nil;
-  repeat lsp:=newsp(artyp,0); initpos(lsp^.arpos);
-    lsp^.aeltype:=hsp; hsp:=lsp;  {link reversed}
-    if artyp=carray then
-      begin sepsy:=semicolon; oksys:=[ident];
-	lip:=newident(carrbnd,lsp,nil,+035); if lip<>nil then enterid(lip);
-	nextif(colon2,+036);
-	lip:=newident(carrbnd,lsp,lip,+037); if lip<>nil then enterid(lip);
-	nextif(colon1,+038); lsp1:=typid(+039);
-	ok:=nicescalar(desub(lsp1));
-      end
-    else
-      begin sepsy:=comma; oksys:=[ident..lparent];
-	lsp1:=simpletyp(fsys+[comma,rbrack,ofsy,ident..packedsy]);
-	ok:=bounded(lsp1)
-      end;
-    if not ok then begin error(+040); lsp1:=nil end;
-    lsp^.inxtype:=lsp1
-  until endofloop(fsys+[rbrack,ofsy,ident..packedsy],oksys,
-				sepsy,+041);  {+042}
-  nextif(rbrack,+043); nextif(ofsy,+044);
-  lsp:=element(fsys);
-  if lsp<>nil then sflag:=sflag + lsp^.sflag * [withfile];
-  repeat  {reverse links and compute size}
-    lsp1:=hsp^.aeltype; hsp^.aeltype:=lsp; hsp^.sflag:=sflag;
-    if artyp=arrays then hsp^.size:=arraysize(hsp,spack in sflag);
-    lsp:=hsp; hsp:=lsp1
-  until hsp=nil;  {lsp points to array with highest dimension}
-  arraytyp:=lsp
-function typ(fsys:sos):sp;
-var lsp,lsp1:sp; off,sz,min,errno:integer;
-    sflag:sflagset; lnp:np;
-function fldlist(fsys:sos):sp;
-	{level 2: <<  typ}
-var fip,hip,lip:ip; lsp:sp;
-function varpart(fsys:sos):sp;
-	{level 3: <<  fldlist <<  typ}
-var tip,lip:ip; lsp,headsp,hsp,vsp,tsp,tsp1,tfsp:sp;
-    minoff,maxoff,int,nvar:integer; lid:idarr;
-begin insym; tip:=nil; lip:=nil;
-  tsp:=newsp(tag,0);
-  if sy<>ident then error(+045) else
-    begin lid:=id; insym;
-      if sy=colon1 then
-	begin tip:=newip(field,lid,nil,nil); enterid(tip); insym;
-	  if sy<>ident then error(+046) else
-	    begin lid:=id; insym end;
-	end;
-      if sy=ofsy then  {otherwise you may destroy id}
-	begin id:=lid; lip:=searchid([types]) end;
-    end;
-  if lip=nil then tfsp:=nil else tfsp:=lip^.idtype;
-  if bounded(tfsp) then
-    begin bounds(tfsp,int,nvar); nvar:=nvar-int+1 end
-  else
-    begin nvar:=0; if tfsp<>nil then begin error(+047); tfsp:=nil end end;
-  tsp^.tfldsp:=tfsp;
-  if tip<>nil then  {explicit tag}
-    begin tip^.idtype:=tfsp;
-      tip^.foffset:=posaddr(off,tfsp,spack in sflag)
-    end;
-  nextif(ofsy,+048); minoff:=off; maxoff:=minoff; headsp:=nil;
-  repeat hsp:=nil;  {for each caselabel list}
-    repeat nvar:=nvar-1;
-      int:=cstinteger(fsys+[ident..plussy,comma,colon1,lparent,
-		    semicolon,casesy,rparent],tfsp,+049);
-      lsp:=headsp;  {each label may occur only once}
-      while lsp<>nil do
-	begin if lsp^.varval=int then error(+050);
-	  lsp:=lsp^.nxtvar
-	end;
-      vsp:=newsp(variant,0); vsp^.varval:=int;
-      vsp^.nxtvar:=headsp; headsp:=vsp;  {chain of case labels}
-      vsp^.subtsp:=hsp; hsp:=vsp;
-	    {use this field to link labels with same variant}
-    until endofloop(fsys+[colon1,lparent,semicolon,casesy,rparent],
-		    [ident..plussy],comma,+051);  {+052}
-    nextif(colon1,+053); nextif(lparent,+054);
-    tsp1:=fldlist(fsys+[rparent,semicolon,ident..plussy]);
-    if off>maxoff then maxoff:=off;
-    while vsp<>nil do
-      begin vsp^.size:=off; hsp:=vsp^.subtsp;
-	vsp^.subtsp:=tsp1; vsp:=hsp
-      end;
-    nextif(rparent,+055);
-    off:=minoff;
-  until lastsemicolon(fsys,[ident..plussy],+056);  {+057 +058}
-  if nvar>0 then error(-(+059));
-  tsp^.fstvar:=headsp; tsp^.size:=minoff; off:=maxoff; varpart:=tsp;
-begin  {fldlist}
-  if find2([ident],fsys+[casesy],+060) then
-    repeat lip:=nil; hip:=nil;
-      repeat fip:=newident(field,nil,nil,+061);
-	if fip<>nil then
-	  begin enterid(fip);
-	    if lip=nil then hip:=fip else lip^.next:=fip; lip:=fip;
-	  end;
-      until endofloop(fsys+[colon1,ident..packedsy,semicolon,casesy],
-			      [ident],comma,+062);  {+063}
-      nextif(colon1,+064);
-      lsp:=typ(fsys+[casesy,semicolon]);
-      if lsp<>nil then if withfile in lsp^.sflag then
-	sflag:=sflag+[withfile];
-      while hip<>nil do
-	begin hip^.idtype:=lsp;
-	  hip^.foffset:=posaddr(off,lsp,spack in sflag);
-	  hip:=hip^.next
-	end;
-    until lastsemicolon(fsys+[casesy],[ident],+065);  {+066 +067}
-  if sy=casesy then fldlist:=varpart(fsys) else fldlist:=nil;
-begin  {typ}
-  sflag:=[]; lsp:=nil;
-  if sy=packedsy then begin sflag:=[spack]; insym end;
-  if find1([ident..filesy],fsys,+068) then
-    if sy in [ident..arrow] then
-      begin if spack in sflag then error(+069);
-	if sy=arrow then
-	  begin lsp:=newsp(pointer,sz_addr); insym;
-	    if not intypedec then lsp^.eltype:=typid(+070) else
-	      if sy<>ident then error(+071) else
-		begin fwptr:=newip(types,id,lsp,fwptr); insym end
-	  end
-	else lsp:=simpletyp(fsys);
-      end
-    else
-      case sy of
-  lsp:=arraytyp(fsys,arrays,sflag,typ);
-  begin insym;
-    new(lnp,rec); lnp^.occur:=rec; lnp^.nlink:=top; lnp^.fname:=nil; top:=lnp;
-    off:=0; lsp1:=fldlist(fsys+[endsy]);  {fldlist updates off}
-    lsp:=newsp(records,off); lsp^.tagsp:=lsp1;
-    lsp^.fstfld:=top^.fname; lsp^.sflag:=sflag;
-    top:=top^.nlink; nextif(endsy,+072)
-  end;
-  begin insym; nextif(ofsy,+073);
-    lsp:=simpletyp(fsys); lsp1:=desub(lsp); errno:=0;
-    if bounded(lsp1) then
-      begin bounds(lsp1,min,sz);
-	if sz div NB1>=sz_mset then errno:=+074
-      end
-    else if bounded(lsp) then  {subrange of integer}
-      begin bounds(lsp,min,sz);
-	if (min<0) or (sz>=iopt) then errno:=+075;
-	sz:=iopt-1
-      end
-    else if lsp=intptr then
-      begin sz:=iopt-1; errno:=-(+076) end
-    else
-      errno:=+077;
-    if errno<>0 then
-      begin error(errno); if errno>0 then begin lsp1:=nil; sz:=0 end end;
-    lsp:=newsp(power,sz div NB1 +1); lsp^.elset:=lsp1;
-  end;
-  begin insym; nextif(ofsy,+078); lsp1:=typ(fsys);
-    if lsp1<>nil then if withfile in lsp1^.sflag then error(-(+079));
-    sz:=sizeof(lsp1,wordpart); if sz<sz_buff then sz:=sz_buff;
-    lsp:=newsp(files,sz+sz_head); lsp^.filtype:=lsp1;
-  end;
-      end;  {case}
-  typ:=lsp;
-function vpartyp(fsys:sos):sp;
-  if find2([arraysy],fsys+[ident],+080) then
-    vpartyp:=arraytyp(fsys,carray,[],vpartyp)
-  else
-    vpartyp:=typid(+081)
-procedure block(fsys:sos; fip:ip); forward;
-	{pfdeclaration calls block. With a more obscure lexical
-	  structure this forward declaration can be avoided}
-procedure labeldeclaration(fsys:sos);
-var llp:lp;
-begin with b do begin
-  repeat
-    if sy<>intcst then error(+082) else
-      begin
-	if searchlab(lchain,val)<>nil then errint(+083,val) else
-	  begin new(llp); llp^.labval:=val;
-	    if val>9999 then teststandard;
-	    ilbno:=ilbno+1; llp^.labname:=ilbno; llp^.labdlb:=0;
-	    llp^.seen:=false; llp^.nextlp:=lchain; lchain:=llp;
-	  end;
-	insym
-      end
-  until endofloop(fsys+[semicolon],[intcst],comma,+084);  {+085}
-  nextif(semicolon,+086)
-end end;
-procedure constdefinition(fsys:sos);
-var lip:ip;
-  repeat lip:=newident(konst,nil,nil,+087);
-    if lip<>nil then
-      begin nextif(eqsy,+088);
-	constant(fsys+[semicolon,ident],lip^.idtype,lip^.value);
-	nextif(semicolon,+089); enterid(lip);
-      end;
-  until not find2([ident],fsys,+090);
-procedure typedefinition(fsys:sos);
-var lip:ip;
-begin fwptr:=nil; intypedec:=true;
-  repeat lip:=newident(types,nil,nil,+091);
-    if lip<>nil then
-      begin nextif(eqsy,+092);
-	lip^.idtype:=typ(fsys+[semicolon,ident]);
-	nextif(semicolon,+093); enterid(lip);
-      end;
-  until not find2([ident],fsys,+094);
-  while fwptr<>nil do
-    begin assert sy<>ident;
-      id:=fwptr^.name; lip:=searchid([types]);
-      fwptr^.idtype^.eltype:=lip^.idtype; fwptr:=fwptr^.next
-    end;
-  intypedec:=false;
-procedure vardeclaration(fsys:sos);
-var lip,hip,vip:ip; lsp:sp;
-begin with b do begin
-  repeat hip:=nil; lip:=nil;
-    repeat vip:=newident(vars,nil,nil,+095);
-      if vip<>nil then
-	begin enterid(vip); vip^.iflag:=[];
-	  if lip=nil then hip:=vip else lip^.next:=vip; lip:=vip;
-	end;
-    until endofloop(fsys+[colon1,ident..packedsy],[ident],comma,+096);  {+097}
-    nextif(colon1,+098);
-    lsp:=typ(fsys+[semicolon,ident]);
-    while hip<>nil do
-      begin hip^.idtype:=lsp;
-	if level<=1 then
-	  hip^,lsp,false)
-	else
-	  hip^;
-	hip:=hip^.next
-      end;
-    nextif(semicolon,+099);
-  until not find2([ident],fsys,+0100);
-end end;
-procedure pfhead(fsys:sos;var fip:ip;var again:boolean;param:boolean);
-  forward;
-procedure parlist(fsys:sos; slink:boolean; var tip:ip; var maxlb:integer);
-var lastip,hip,lip,pip:ip; lsp,tsp:sp; iflag:iflagset; again:boolean;
-begin tip:=nil; lastip:=nil;
-  maxlb:=0; if slink then maxlb:=sz_addr;
-  repeat  {once for each formal-parameter-section}
-    if find1([ident,varsy,procsy,funcsy],fsys+[semicolon],+0101) then
-      begin
-	if (sy=procsy) or (sy=funcsy) then
-	  begin
-	    pfhead(fsys+[semicolon,ident,varsy,procsy,funcsy],hip,again,true);
-	    hip^,procptr,false);
-	    hip^.pfkind:=formal; lip:=hip;
-	    top:=top^.nlink; level:=level-1
-	  end
-	else
-	  begin hip:=nil; lip:=nil; iflag:=[assigned];
-	    if sy=varsy then
-	      begin iflag:=[refer,assigned,used]; insym end;
-	    repeat pip:=newident(vars,nil,nil,+0102);
-	      if pip<>nil then
-		begin enterid(pip); pip^.iflag:=iflag;
-		  if lip=nil then hip:=pip else lip^.next:=pip; lip:=pip;
-		end;
-	      iflag:=iflag+[samesect];
-	    until endofloop(fsys+[semicolon,colon1],[ident],comma,+0103);
-	    {+0104}
-	    nextif(colon1,+0105);
-	    if refer in iflag then
-	      begin lsp:=vpartyp(fsys+[semicolon]); tsp:=lsp;
-		while formof(tsp,[carray]) do
-		  begin tsp^,nilptr,false);
-		    tsp:=tsp^.aeltype
-		  end;
-		tsp:=nilptr;
-	      end
-	    else
-	      begin lsp:=typid(+0106); tsp:=lsp end;
-	    pip:=hip;
-	    while pip<>nil do
-	      begin pip^,tsp,false); pip^.idtype:=lsp;
-		pip:=pip^.next
-	      end;
-	  end;
-	if lastip=nil then tip:=hip else lastip^.next:=hip; lastip:=lip;
-      end;
-  until endofloop(fsys,[ident,varsy,procsy,funcsy],semicolon,+0107);  {+0108}
-procedure pfhead;  {forward declared}
-var lip:ip; lsp:sp; lnp:np; kl:idclass;
-begin lip:=nil; again:=false;
-  if sy=procsy then kl:=proc else
-    begin kl:=func; fsys:=fsys+[colon1,ident] end;
-  insym;
-  if sy<>ident then begin error(+0109); id:=spaces end;
-  if not param then lip:=searchsection(top^.fname);
-  if lip<>nil then
-    if (lip^.klass<>kl) or (lip^.pfkind<>forward) then errid(+0110,id) else
-      begin b.forwcount:=b.forwcount-1; again:=true end;
-  if again then insym else
-    begin lip:=newip(kl,id,nil,nil);
-      if sy=ident then begin enterid(lip); insym end;
-      lastpfno:=lastpfno+1; lip^.pfno:=lastpfno;
-    end;
-  level:=level+1;
-  new(lnp,blck); lnp^.occur:=blck; lnp^.nlink:=top; top:=lnp;
-  if again then lnp^.fname:=lip^.parhead else
-    begin lnp^.fname:=nil;
-      if find3(lparent,fsys,+0111) then
-	begin parlist(fsys+[rparent],lip^>1,lip^.parhead,lip^.maxlb);
-	  nextif(rparent,+0112)
-	end;
-    end;
-  if (kl=func) and not again then
-    begin nextif(colon1,+0113); lsp:=typid(+0114);
-      if formof(lsp,[power..tag]) then
-	begin error(+0115); lsp:=nil end;
-      lip^.idtype:=lsp;
-    end;
-  fip:=lip;
-procedure pfdeclaration(fsys:sos);
-var lip:ip; again,headonly:boolean; markp:^integer; lbp:bp; kind:kindofpf;
-begin with b do begin
-  pfhead(fsys+[ident,semicolon,labelsy..beginsy],lip,again,false);
-  nextif(semicolon,+0116);
-  if find1([ident,labelsy..beginsy],fsys+[semicolon],+0117) then
-    begin headonly:=sy=ident;
-      if headonly then
-	begin kind:=standard;
-	  if id='forward ' then kind:=forward else
-	  if id='extern  ' then kind:=extern  else
-	  if id='varargs ' then kind:=varargs else errid(+0118,id);
-	  if kind<>standard then
-	    begin insym; lip^.pfkind:=kind;
-	      if kind=forward then
-		if again then errid(+0119,lip^.name) else
-		  forwcount:=forwcount+1
-	      else
-		begin lip^; teststandard end
-	    end;
-	end;
-      if not again then
-	if lip^<=1 then genpnam(ps_exp,lip) else genpnam(ps_inp,lip);
-      if not headonly then
-	begin lip^.pfkind:=actual;
-#ifndef STANDARD
-	  mark(markp);
-	  new(lbp); lbp^:=b; nextbp:=lbp;
-	  reglb:=0; minlb:=0; ilbno:=0; forwcount:=0; lchain:=nil;
-	  block(fsys+[semicolon],lip);
-	  b:=nextbp^;
-#ifndef STANDARD
-	  release(markp);
-	end;
-    end;
-  if not main then eofexpected:=forwcount=0;
-  nextif(semicolon,+0120);
-  level:=level-1; top:=top^.nlink;
-end end;
-procedure expression(fsys:sos); forward;
-	{this forward declaration cannot be avoided}
-procedure selectarrayelement(fsys:sos);
-var isp,lsp:sp;
-  repeat loadaddr; isp:=nil;
-    if formof(a.asp,[arrays,carray]) then isp:=a.asp^.inxtype else
-      errasp(+0121);
-    lsp:=a.asp;
-    expression(fsys+[comma]); force(desub(isp),+0122);
-		{no range check}
-    if lsp<>nil then
-      begin a.packbit:=spack in lsp^.sflag;
-	descraddr(lsp^.arpos); lsp:=lsp^.aeltype
-      end;
-    a.asp:=lsp; a.ak:=indexed;
-  until endofloop(fsys,[notsy..lparent],comma,+0123);  {+0124}
-procedure selector(fsys: sos; fip:ip; iflag:iflagset);
-{selector computes the address of any kind of variable.
-  Four possibilities:
-  1.for direct accessable variables (fixed), a contains offset and level,
-  2.for indirect accessable variables (ploaded), the address is on the stack.
-  3.for array elements, the top of stack gives the index (one word).
-    The address of the array is beneath it.
-  4.for variables with address in direct accessible pointer variable (pfixed),
-    the offset and level of the pointer is stored in a.
-  If a.asp=nil then an error occurred else a.asp gives
-  the type of the variable.
-var lip:ip;
-begin inita(fip^.idtype,0);
-  case fip^.klass of
-    vars: with a do
-      begin pos:=fip^.vpos; if refer in fip^.iflag then ak:=pfixed end;
-    field:
-      begin a:=lastnp^.wa; fieldaddr(fip^.foffset); a.asp:=fip^.idtype end;
-    func: with a do
-      if fip^.pfkind=standard then errasp(+0125) else
-      if (fip^>=level-1) and (fip<>currproc) then error(+0126) else
-      if fip^.pfkind<>actual then error(+0127) else
-	begin pos:=fip^.pfpos;;
-	  if sy=arrow then error(+0128);
-	end
-  end;  {case}
-  if (sy=lbrack) or (sy=period) then iflag:=iflag+[noreg];
-  while find2([lbrack,period,arrow],fsys,+0129) do with a do
-    if sy=lbrack then
-      begin insym; selectarrayelement(fsys+[rbrack,lbrack,period,arrow]);
-	nextif(rbrack,+0130);
-      end else
-    if sy=period then
-      begin insym;
-	if sy<>ident then error(+0131) else
-	  begin
-	    if not formof(asp,[records]) then errasp(+0132) else
-	      begin lip:=searchsection(asp^.fstfld);
-		if lip=nil then begin errid(+0133,id); asp:=nil end else
-		  begin packbit:=spack in asp^.sflag;
-		    fieldaddr(lip^.foffset); asp:=lip^.idtype
-		  end
-	      end;
-	    insym
-	  end
-      end
-    else
-      begin insym; iflag:=[used];
-	if asp<>nil then
-	  if asp=zeroptr then errasp(+0134) else
-	  if asp^.form=pointer then
-	    begin
-	      if ak=fixed then ak:=pfixed else
-		begin load; ak:=ploaded end;
-	      asp:=asp^.eltype
-	    end else
-	  if asp^.form=files then
-	    begin loadaddr; gensp(WDW,sz_addr); gencst(op_lfr,sz_addr);
-	      asp:=asp^.filtype; ak:=ploaded; packbit:=true;
-	    end
-	  else errasp(+0135);
-      end;
-  fip^.iflag:=fip^.iflag+iflag;
-procedure variable(fsys:sos);
-var lip: ip;
-  if sy=ident then
-    begin lip:=searchid([vars,field]); insym;
-      selector(fsys,lip,[used,assigned,noreg])
-    end
-  else begin error(+0136); inita(nil,0) end;
-function plistequal(p1,p2:ip):boolean;
-var ok:boolean; q1,q2:sp;
-begin plistequal:=eqstruct(p1^.idtype,p2^.idtype);
-  p1:=p1^.parhead; p2:=p2^.parhead;
-  while (p1<>nil) and (p2<>nil) do
-    begin ok:=false;
-      if p1^.klass=p2^.klass then
-	if p1^.klass<>vars then ok:=plistequal(p1,p2) else
-	  begin q1:=p1^.idtype; q2:=p2^.idtype; ok:=true;
-	    while ok and formof(q1,[carray]) and formof(q2,[carray]) do
-	      begin ok:=eqstruct(q1^.inxtype,q2^.inxtype);
-		q1:=q1^.aeltype; q2:=q2^.aeltype;
-	      end;
-	    if not (eqstruct(q1,q2) and
-		    (p1^.iflag*[refer,samesect] = p2^.iflag*[refer,samesect]))
-	      then ok:=false;
-	  end;
-      if not ok then plistequal:=false;
-      p1:=p1^.next; p2:=p2^.next
-    end;
-  if (p1<>nil) or (p2<>nil) then plistequal:=false
-procedure callnonstandard(fsys:sos; moreargs:boolean; fip:ip);
-var nxt,lip:ip; l0,l1,l2,l3,sz:integer; lsp,savasp:sp;
-begin with a do begin
-  l0:=lino; sz:=0; nxt:=fip^.parhead;
-  while moreargs do
-    begin l1:=lino;
-      if nxt=nil then
-	begin if fip^.pfkind<>varargs then error(+0137);
-	  expression(fsys); load; sz:=sz+sizeof(asp,wordmult)
-	end
-      else
-	begin lsp:=nxt^.idtype;
-	  if nxt^.klass<>vars then  {proc or func}
-	    begin inita(procptr,0); sz:=sz+sz_proc;
-	      if sy<>ident then error(+0138) else
-		begin lip:=searchid([nxt^.klass]); insym;
-		  if lip^.pfkind=standard then error(+0139) else
-		  if not plistequal(nxt,lip) then error(+0140)
-		  else
-		    begin pos:=lip^.pfpos;
-		      if lip^.pfkind=formal then load else
-			begin
-			  if lip^<=1 then gencst(op_zer,sz_addr) else
-			    gencst(op_lxl,level-lip^;
-			  genpnam(op_lpi,lip)
-			end
-		    end
-		end
-	    end
-	  else if not (refer in nxt^.iflag) then  {call by value}
-	    begin expression(fsys); force(lsp,+0141);
-	      sz:=sz+sizeof(asp,wordmult);
-	    end
-	  else  {call by reference}
-	    begin variable(fsys); loadaddr; sz:=sz+sz_addr;
-	      if samesect in nxt^.iflag then lsp:=savasp else
-		begin savasp:=asp; l2:=lino;
-		  while formof(lsp,[carray])
-			and formof(asp,[arrays,carray]) do
-		    if (compat(lsp^.inxtype,asp^.inxtype) > subeq) or
-			  (lsp^.sflag<>asp^.sflag) then errasp(+0142) else
-		      begin l3:=lino; descraddr(asp^.arpos); exchange(l2,l3);
-			sz:=sz+sz_addr; asp:=asp^.aeltype; lsp:=lsp^.aeltype
-		      end
-		end;
-	      if not eqstruct(asp,lsp) then errasp(+0143);
-	      if packbit then errasp(+0144);
-	    end;
-	  nxt:=nxt^.next
-	end;
-      exchange(l0,l1); moreargs:=find3(comma,fsys,+0145)
-    end;
-  if nxt<>nil then error(+0146);
-  inita(procptr,0); pos:=fip^.pfpos;
-  if fip^.pfkind=formal then
-    with b do
-      begin load; ilbno:=ilbno+2;
-	gencst(op_exg,sz_addr);
-	gencst(op_dup,sz_addr);
-	gencst(op_zer,sz_addr);
-	genop(op_cmp);
-	gencst(op_zeq,ilbno-1);
-	gencst(op_exg,sz_addr);
-	genop(op_cai);
-	gencst(op_asp,sz_addr);
-	gencst(op_bra,ilbno);
-	newilb(ilbno-1);
-	gencst(op_asp,sz_addr);
-	genop(op_cai);
-	newilb(ilbno);
-      end
-  else
-    begin
-      if>1 then
-	begin gencst(op_lxl,; sz:=sz+sz_addr end;
-      genpnam(op_cal,fip)
-    end;
-  if sz<>0 then gencst(op_asp,sz);
-  asp:=fip^.idtype;
-  if asp<>nil then genasp(op_lfr)
-end end;
-procedure fileaddr;
-var la:attr;
-begin la:=a; a:=fa; loadaddr; a:=la end;
-procedure callr(l1,l2:integer);
-var la:attr; m:libmnem;
-begin with a do begin
-  la:=a; asp:=desub(asp); fileaddr; m:=RDI;
-  if asp<>intptr then
-  if asp=charptr then m:=RDC else
-  if asp=realptr then m:=RDR else
-  if asp=longptr then m:=RDL else errasp(+0147);
-  gensp(m,sz_addr); genasp(op_lfr);
-  if asp<>la.asp then checkbnds(la.asp);
-  a:=la; exchange(l1,l2); store;
-end end;
-procedure callw(fsys:sos; l1,l2:integer);
-var m:libmnem; s:integer;
-begin with a do begin
-  fileaddr; exchange(l1,l2); loadcheap; asp:=desub(asp);
-  if string(asp) then
-    begin gencst(op_loc,asp^.size); m:=WRS; s:=sz_addr+sz_word end
-  else
-    begin m:=WRI; s:=sizeof(asp,wordmult);
-      if asp<>intptr then
-      if asp=charptr then m:=WRC else
-      if asp=realptr then m:=WRR else
-      if asp=boolptr then m:=WRB else
-      if asp=zeroptr then m:=WRZ else
-      if asp=longptr then m:=WRL else errasp(+0148);
-    end;
-  if find3(colon1,fsys,+0149) then
-    begin expression(fsys+[colon1]); force(intptr,+0150);
-      m:=succ(m); s:=s+sz_int
-    end;
-  if find3(colon1,fsys,+0151) then
-    begin expression(fsys); force(intptr,+0152); s:=s+sz_int;
-      if m<>WSR then error(+0153) else m:=WRF;
-    end;
-  gensp(m,s+sz_addr);
-end end;
-procedure callrw(fsys:sos; lpar,w,ln:boolean);
-var l1,l2,errno:integer; ftype,lsp,fsp:sp; savlb:integer; m:libmnem;
-begin with b do begin savlb:=reglb; ftype:=textptr;
-  inita(textptr,argv[ord(w)].ad);; fa:=a;
-  if lpar then
-    begin l1:=lino; if w then expression(fsys+[colon1]) else variable(fsys);
-      l2:=lino;
-      if formof(a.asp,[files]) then
-	begin ftype:=a.asp;
-	  if (a.ak<>fixed) and (a.ak<>pfixed) then
-	    begin loadaddr; temporary(nilptr,reg_pointer);
-	      store; a.ak:=pfixed
-	    end;
-	  fa:=a;  {store doesn't change a}
-	  if (sy<>comma) and not ln then error(+0154);
-	end
-      else
-	begin if iop[w]=nil then error(+0155);
-	  if w then callw(fsys,l1,l2) else callr(l1,l2)
-	end;
-      while find3(comma,fsys,+0156) do with a do
-	begin l1:=lino;
-	  if w then expression(fsys+[colon1]) else variable(fsys);
-	  l2:=lino;
-	  if ftype=textptr then
-	    if w then callw(fsys,l1,l2) else callr(l1,l2)
-	  else
-	    begin errno:=+0157; fsp:=ftype^.filtype;
-	      if w then force(fsp,errno) else
-		begin store; lsp:=asp; l2:=lino end;
-	      fileaddr; gensp(WDW,sz_addr); gencst(op_lfr,sz_addr);
-	      ak:=ploaded; packbit:=true; asp:=fsp;
-	      if w then store else
-		begin force(lsp,errno); exchange(l1,l2) end;
-	      fileaddr; if w then m:=PUTX else m:=GETX; gensp(m,sz_addr)
-	    end
-	end;
-    end
-  else
-    if not ln then error(+0158) else
-      if iop[w]=nil then error(+0159);
-  if ln then
-    begin if ftype<>textptr then error(+0160);
-      fileaddr; if w then m:=WLN else m:=RLN; gensp(m,sz_addr)
-    end;
-  reglb:=savlb
-end end;
-procedure callnd(fsys:sos);
-label 1;
-var lsp:sp; int:integer;
-begin with a do begin
-  if asp=zeroptr then errasp(+0161) else asp:=asp^.eltype;
-  while find3(comma,fsys,+0162) do
-    begin
-      if asp<>nil then  {asp of form record or variant}
-	if asp^.form=records then asp:=asp^.tagsp else
-	if asp^.form=variant then asp:=asp^.subtsp else errasp(+0163);
-      if asp=nil then constant(fsys,lsp,int) else
-	begin assert asp^.form=tag;
-	  int:=cstinteger(fsys,asp^.tfldsp,+0164); lsp:=asp^.fstvar;
-	  while lsp<>nil do
-	    if lsp^.varval<>int then lsp:=lsp^.nxtvar else
-	      begin asp:=lsp; goto 1 end;
-	end;
-1:  end;
-  genasp(op_loc)
-end end;
-procedure call(fsys: sos; fip: ip);
-var lkey: standpf; lpar:boolean; lsp,sp1,sp2:sp;
-    m:libmnem; s:integer; b:byte;
-begin with a do begin fsys:=fsys+[comma];
-  lpar:=find3(lparent,fsys,+0165); if lpar then fsys:=fsys+[rparent];
-  if fip^.pfkind<>standard then callnonstandard(fsys,lpar,fip) else
-    begin lkey:=fip^.key; m:=CLS; lsp:=nil;
-      if not lpar then
-	if lkey in [pput..prelease,fabs..fatn] then error(+0166);
-      if lkey in [pput..ppage,feof,feoln] then
-	begin s:=sz_addr;
-	  if lpar then
-	    begin variable(fsys); loadaddr end
-	  else
-	    begin asp:=textptr;
-	      if iop[lkey=ppage]=nil then errasp(+0167) else
-		gencst(op_lae,argv[ord(lkey=ppage)].ad)
-	    end;
-	  if lkey in [pput..prewrite,ppage,feof,feoln] then
-	    if not formof(asp,[files]) then
-	      begin error(+0168); asp:=textptr end;
-	  if lkey in [pnew,pdispose,pmark,prelease] then
-	    if not formof(asp,[pointer]) then
-	      begin error(+0169); asp:=nilptr end;
-	end;
-      case lkey of
-	pread, preadln, pwrite, pwriteln:       {0,1,2,3 resp}
-	  callrw(fsys,lpar,lkey>=pwrite,odd(ord(lkey)));
-	pput: m:=PUTX;
-	pget: m:=GETX;
-	ppage: m:=PAG;
-	preset: m:=OPN;
-	prewrite: m:=CRE;
-	pnew: m:=NEWX;
-	pdispose: m:=DIS;
-	ppack:
-	  begin sp2:=asp; nextif(comma,+0170); expression(fsys); load;
-	    lsp:=asp; nextif(comma,+0171); variable(fsys); loadaddr;
-	    sp1:=asp; asp:=lsp; m:=PAC
-	  end;
-	punpack:
-	  begin sp1:=asp; nextif(comma,+0172); variable(fsys); loadaddr;
-	    sp2:=asp; nextif(comma,+0173); expression(fsys); load;
-	    m:=UNP
-	  end;
-	pmark: m:=SAV;
-	prelease: m:=RST;
-	phalt:
-	  begin m:=HLT; teststandard;
-	    if lpar then lsp:=intptr else gencst(op_loc,0);
-	  end;
-	feof: m:=EFL;
-	feoln: m:=ELN;
-	fodd, fchr: lsp:=intptr;
-	fpred: b:=op_dec;
-	fsucc: b:=op_inc;
-	fround: m:=RND;
-	fsin, fcos, fexp, fsqt, flog, fatn: lsp:=realptr;
-	fabs, fsqr, ford, ftrunc: ;
-      end;
-      if lpar then if lkey in [phalt,fabs..fatn] then
-	begin expression(fsys);
-	  force(lsp,+0174); s:=sizeof(asp,wordmult)
-	end;
-      if lkey in [ppack,punpack,fabs..fodd] then
-	asp:=desub(asp);
-      case lkey of
-	ppage, feoln:
-	  begin if asp<>textptr then error(+0175); asp:=boolptr end;
-	preset, prewrite:
-	  begin s:=sz_addr+sz_word;
-	    if asp=textptr then gencst(op_loc,0) else
-	      gencst(op_loc,sizeof(asp^.filtype,wordpart));
-	  end;
-	pnew, pdispose:
-	  begin callnd(fsys); s:=sz_addr+sz_word end;
-	ppack, punpack:
-	  begin s:=2*sz_addr+sz_int;
-	    if formof(sp1,[arrays,carray])
-	       and formof(sp2,[arrays,carray]) then
-	      if (spack in (sp1^.sflag - sp2^.sflag)) and
-		  eqstruct(sp1^.aeltype,sp2^.aeltype) and
-		  eqstruct(desub(sp1^.inxtype),asp) and
-		  eqstruct(desub(sp2^.inxtype),asp) then
-		begin descraddr(sp1^.arpos); descraddr(sp2^.arpos) end
-	      else error(+0176)
-	    else error(+0177)
-	  end;
-	pmark, prelease: teststandard;
-	feof: asp:=boolptr;
-	fabs:
-	  if asp=intptr then m:=ABI else
-	  if asp=longptr then m:=ABL else
-	  if asp=realptr then m:=ABR else errasp(+0178);
-	fsqr:
-	  begin
-	    if (asp=intptr) or (asp=longptr) then b:=op_mli else
-	    if asp=realptr then begin b:=op_mlf; fltused:=true end
-	    else errasp(+0179);
-	    genasp(op_dup); genasp(b)
-	  end;
-	ford:
-	  begin if not nicescalar(asp) then errasp(+0180); asp:=intptr end;
-	fchr: checkbnds(charptr);
-	fpred, fsucc:
-	  begin genop(b);
-	    if nicescalar(asp) then genrck(asp) else errasp(+0181)
-	  end;
-	fodd:
-	  begin gencst(op_loc,1); asp:=boolptr; genasp(op_and) end;
-	ftrunc, fround: if asp<>realptr then errasp(+0182);
-	fsin: m:=SINX;
-	fcos: m:=COSX;
-	fexp: m:=EXPX;
-	fsqt: m:=SQT;
-	flog: m:=LOG;
-	fatn: m:=ATN;
-	phalt:s:=0;
-	pread, preadln, pwrite, pwriteln, pput, pget: ;
-      end;
-      if m<>CLS then
-	begin gensp(m,s);
-	  if lkey>=feof then genasp(op_lfr)
-	end;
-      if (lkey=fround) or (lkey=ftrunc) then
-	opconvert(ri);
-    end;
-  if lpar then nextif(rparent,+0183);
-end end;
-procedure convert(fsp:sp; l1:integer);
-{Convert tries to make the operands of some operator of the same type.
-  The operand types are given by fsp and a.asp. The resulting type
-  is put in a.asp.
-  l1 gives the lino of the first instruction of the right operand.
-var l2:integer; ts:twostruct; lsp:sp;
-begin with a do begin asp:=desub(asp);
-  ts:=compat(asp,fsp);
-  case ts of
-    eq,subeq:
-      ;
-    il,ir,lr:
-      opconvert(ts);
-    es:
-      expandnullset(fsp);
-    li,ri,rl,se:
-      begin l2:=lino; lsp:=asp; asp:=fsp;
-	convert(lsp,l1); exchange(l1,l2); asp:=lsp
-      end;
-    noteq:
-      errasp(+0184);
-  end;
-  if asp=realptr then fltused:=true
-end end;
-procedure buildset(fsys:sos);
-{This is a bad construct in pascal. Two objections:
-  - expr..expr very difficult to implement on most machines
-  - this construct makes it hard to implement sets of different size
-const   ncsw    = 16;   {tunable}
-type    wordset = set of 0..MB2;
-var     i,j,val1,val2,ncst,l1,l2,sz:integer;
-	cst1,cst2,cst12,varpart:boolean;
-	cstpart:array[1..ncsw] of wordset;
-procedure genwordset(s:wordset);
-	{level 2: <<  buildset}
-var b,i,w:integer;
-begin i:=0; w:=0; b:=-1;
-  repeat
-    if i in s then w:=w-b; b:=b+b; i:=i+1
-  until i=MB2;
-  if i in s then w:=w+b;
-  gencst(op_loc,w)
-procedure setexpr(fsys:sos; var c:boolean; var v:integer);
-	{level 2: <<  buildset}
-var min:integer; lsp:sp;
-begin with a do begin c:=false; v:=0; lsp:=asp;
-  expression(fsys); asp:=desub(asp);
-  if not eqstruct(asp,lsp^.elset) then
-    begin error(+0185); lsp:=nullset end;
-  if lsp=nullset then
-    begin
-      if bounded(asp) then bounds(asp,min,sz) else
-	if asp=intptr then sz:=iopt-1 else begin errasp(+0186); sz:=0 end;
-      sz:=sz div NB1 + 1; while sz mod sz_word <> 0 do sz:=sz+1;
-      if sz>sz_mset then errasp(+0187);
-      lsp:=newsp(power,sz); lsp^.elset:=asp
-    end;
-  if asp<>nil then if ak=cst then
-    if (<0) or ( div NB1>=sizeof(lsp,wordmult)) then
-      error(+0188)
-    else if sz<=ncsw*sz_word then
-      begin c:=true; end;
-  if not c then load; asp:=lsp
-end end;
-begin with a do begin  {buildset}
-  varpart:=false; ncst:=0; asp:=nullset;
-  for i:=1 to ncsw do cstpart[i]:=[];
-  if find2([notsy..lparent],fsys,+0189) then
-    repeat l1:=lino;
-      setexpr(fsys+[colon2,comma],cst1,val1); cst12:=cst1;
-      if find3(colon2,fsys+[comma,notsy..lparent],+0190) then
-	begin setexpr(fsys+[comma,notsy..lparent],cst2,val2);
-	  cst12:=cst12 and cst2;
-	  if not cst12 then
-	    begin
-	      if cst2 then gencst(op_loc,val2);
-	      if cst1 then
-		begin l2:=lino; gencst(op_loc,val1); exchange(l1,l2) end;
-	      l2:=lino; genasp(op_zer); exchange(l1,l2);
-	      genasp(op_loc); gensp(BTS,3*sz_word)
-	    end;
-	end
-      else
-	if cst12 then val2:=val1 else genasp(op_set);
-      if cst12 then
-	for i:=val1 to val2 do
-	  begin j:=i div NB2 + 1; ncst:=ncst+1;
-	    cstpart[j]:=cstpart[j] + [i mod NB2]
-	  end
-      else
-	if varpart then genasp(op_ior) else varpart:=true;
-    until endofloop(fsys,[notsy..lparent],comma,+0191);  {+0192}
-  ak:=loaded;
-  if ncst>0 then
-    begin
-      for i:=sizeof(asp,wordmult) div sz_word downto 1 do
-	genwordset(cstpart[i]);
-      if varpart then genasp(op_ior);
-    end
-  else
-    if not varpart then genasp(op_zer);  {empty set}
-end end;
-procedure factor(fsys: sos);
-var lip:ip; lsp:sp;
-begin with a do begin
-  asp:=nil; packbit:=false; ak:=loaded;
-  if find1([notsy..nilcst,lparent],fsys,+0193) then
-    case sy of
-      ident:
-	begin lip:=searchid([konst,vars,field,func,carrbnd]); insym;
-	  case lip^.klass of
-	    func: {call moves result to top stack}
-	      begin call(fsys,lip); ak:=loaded; packbit:=false end;
-	    konst:
-	      begin asp:=lip^.idtype;
-		if nicescalar(asp) then  {including asp=nil}
-		  begin ak:=cst;^.value end
-		else
-		  begin ak:=ploaded; laedlb(abs(lip^.value));
-		    if asp^.form=scalar then
-		      begin load; if lip^.value<0 then negate end
-		    else
-		      if asp=zeroptr then ak:=loaded
-		  end
-	      end;
-	    field,vars:
-	      selector(fsys,lip,[used]);
-	    carrbnd:
-	      begin lsp:=lip^.idtype; assert formof(lsp,[carray]);
-		descraddr(lsp^.arpos); lsp:=lsp^.inxtype; asp:=desub(lsp);
-		if lip^.next=nil then ak:=ploaded {low bound} else
-		  begin gencst(op_loi,2*sz_int); genasp(op_adi) end;
-		load; checkbnds(lsp);
-	      end;
-	  end  {case}
-	end;
-      intcst:
-	begin asp:=intptr; ak:=cst;; insym end;
-      realcst:
-	begin asp:=realptr; ak:=ploaded; laedlb(val); insym end;
-      longcst:
-	begin asp:=longptr; ak:=ploaded; laedlb(val); insym end;
-      charcst:
-	begin asp:=charptr; ak:=cst;; insym end;
-      stringcst:
-	begin asp:=stringstruct; laedlb(val); insym;
-	  if asp<>zeroptr then ak:=ploaded;
-	end;
-      nilcst:
-	begin insym; asp:=nilptr; genasp(op_zer); end;
-      lparent:
-	begin insym; expression(fsys+[rparent]); nextif(rparent,+0194) end;
-      notsy:
-	begin insym; factor(fsys); load; genop(op_teq); asp:=desub(asp);
-	  if asp<>boolptr then errasp(+0195)
-	end;
-      lbrack:
-	begin insym; buildset(fsys+[rbrack]); nextif(rbrack,+0196) end;
-    end
-end end;
-procedure term(fsys:sos);
-var lsy:symbol; lsp:sp; l1:integer; first:boolean;
-begin with a,b do begin first:=true; l1:=lino;
-  factor(fsys+[starsy..andsy]);
-  while find2([starsy..andsy],fsys,+0197) do
-    begin if first then begin load; first:=false end;
-      lsy:=sy; insym; l1:=lino; lsp:=asp;
-      factor(fsys+[starsy..andsy]); load; convert(lsp,l1);
-      if asp<>nil then
-	case lsy of
-	  starsy:
-	    if (asp=intptr) or (asp=longptr) then genasp(op_mli) else
-	    if asp=realptr then genasp(op_mlf) else
-	    if asp^.form=power then genasp(op_and) else errasp(+0198);
-	  slashsy:
-	    begin
-	      if (asp=intptr) or (asp=longptr) then
-		begin lsp:=asp;
-		  convert(realptr,l1);  {make real of right operand}
-		  convert(lsp,l1);  {make real of left operand}
-		end;
-	      if asp=realptr then genasp(op_dvf) else errasp(+0199);
-	    end;
-	  divsy:
-	    if (asp=intptr) or (asp=longptr) then genasp(op_dvi) else
-	      errasp(+0200);
-	  modsy:
-	    begin
-	      if asp=intptr then gensp(MDI,2*sz_int) else
-	      if asp=longptr then gensp(MDL,2*sz_long) else errasp(+0201);
-	      genasp(op_lfr);
-	    end;
-	  andsy:
-	    if asp=boolptr then genasp(op_and) else errasp(+0202);
-	end {case}
-    end {while}
-end end;
-procedure simpleexpression(fsys:sos);
-var lsy:symbol; lsp:sp; l1:integer; signed,min,first:boolean;
-begin with a do begin l1:=lino; first:=true;
-  signed:=(sy=plussy) or (sy=minsy);
-  if signed then begin min:=sy=minsy; insym end else min:=false;
-  term(fsys + [minsy,plussy,orsy]); lsp:=desub(asp);
-  if signed then
-    if (lsp<>intptr) and (lsp<>realptr) and (lsp<>longptr) then
-      errasp(+0203)
-    else if min then
-      begin load; first:=false; asp:=lsp; negate end;
-  while find2([plussy,minsy,orsy],fsys,+0204) do
-    begin if first then begin load; first:=false end;
-      lsy:=sy; insym; l1:=lino; lsp:=asp;
-      term(fsys+[minsy,plussy,orsy]); load; convert(lsp,l1);
-      if asp<>nil then
-	case lsy of
-	  plussy:
-	    if (asp=intptr) or (asp=longptr) then genasp(op_adi) else
-	    if asp=realptr then genasp(op_adf) else
-	    if asp^.form=power then genasp(op_ior) else errasp(+0205);
-	  minsy:
-	    if (asp=intptr) or (asp=longptr) then genasp(op_sbi) else
-	    if asp=realptr then genasp(op_sbf) else
-	    if asp^.form=power then begin genasp(op_com); genasp(op_and) end
-	    else errasp(+0206);
-	  orsy:
-	    if asp=boolptr then genasp(op_ior) else errasp(+0207);
-	end {case}
-    end {while}
-end end;
-procedure expression; { fsys:sos }
-var lsy:symbol; lsp:sp; l1,l2:integer;
-begin with a do begin l1:=lino;
-  simpleexpression(fsys+[eqsy..insy]);
-  if find2([eqsy..insy],fsys,+0208) then
-    begin lsy:=sy; insym; lsp:=asp; loadcheap; l2:=lino;
-      simpleexpression(fsys); loadcheap;
-      if lsy=insy then
-	begin
-	  if not formof(asp,[power]) then errasp(+0209) else
-	    if asp=nullset then genasp(op_and) else
-		  {this effectively replaces the word on top of the
-		   stack by the result of the 'in' operator: false }
-	    if not (compat(lsp,asp^.elset) <= subeq) then errasp(+0210) else
-	      begin exchange(l1,l2); genasp(op_inn) end
-	end
-      else
-	begin convert(lsp,l2);
-	  if asp<>nil then
-	    case asp^.form of
-	      scalar:
-		if asp=realptr then genasp(op_cmf) else genasp(op_cmi);
-	      pointer:
-		if (lsy=eqsy) or (lsy=nesy) then genop(op_cmp) else
-		  errasp(+0211);
-	      power:
-		case lsy of
-		  eqsy,nesy: genasp(op_cms);
-		  ltsy,gtsy: errasp(+0212);
-		  lesy:  {'a<=b' equivalent to 'a-b=[]'}
-		    begin genasp(op_com); genasp(op_and); genasp(op_zer);
-		      genasp(op_cms); lsy:=eqsy
-		    end;
-		  gesy:  {'a>=b' equivalent to 'a=a+b'}
-		    begin gencst(op_dup,2*sizeof(asp,wordmult));
-		      genasp(op_asp); genasp(op_ior);
-		      genasp(op_cms); lsy:=eqsy
-		    end
-		end;  {case}
-	      arrays:
-		if string(asp) then
-		  begin gencst(op_loc,asp^.size);
-		    gensp(BCP,2*sz_addr+sz_word);
-		    gencst(op_lfr,sz_word)
-		  end
-		else errasp(+0213);
-	      records: errasp(+0214);
-	      files: errasp(+0215)
-	    end;  { case }
-	  case lsy of
-	    ltsy: genop(op_tlt);
-	    lesy: genop(op_tle);
-	    gtsy: genop(op_tgt);
-	    gesy: genop(op_tge);
-	    nesy: genop(op_tne);
-	    eqsy: genop(op_teq)
-	  end
-	end;
-      asp:=boolptr; ak:=loaded
-    end;
-end end;
-procedure statement(fsys:sos); forward;
-		{this forward declaration can be avoided}
-procedure assignment(fsys:sos; fip:ip);
-var la:attr; l1,l2:integer;
-  l1:=lino; selector(fsys+[becomes],fip,[assigned]); l2:=lino;
-  la:=a; nextif(becomes,+0216);
-  expression(fsys); loadcheap; checkasp(la.asp,+0217);
-  exchange(l1,l2); a:=la;
-  if not formof(la.asp,[arrays..records]) then store else
-    begin loadaddr;
-      if la.asp^.form<>carray then genasp(op_blm) else
-	begin descraddr(la.asp^.arpos); gensp(ASZ,2*sz_addr);
-	  gencst(op_lfr,sz_word); gencst(op_bls,sz_word)
-	end;
-    end;
-procedure gotostatement;
-{jumps into structured statements can give strange results. }
-label 1;
-var llp:lp; lbp:bp; diff:integer;
-  if sy<>intcst then error(+0218) else
-    begin llp:=searchlab(b.lchain,val);
-      if llp<>nil then gencst(op_bra,llp^.labname) else
-	begin lbp:=b.nextbp; diff:=1;
-	  while lbp<>nil do
-	    begin llp:=searchlab(lbp^.lchain,val);
-	      if llp<>nil then goto 1;
-	      lbp:=lbp^.nextbp; diff:=diff+1;
-	    end;
-1:        if llp=nil then errint(+0219,val) else
-	    begin
-	      if llp^.labdlb=0 then
-		begin dlbno:=dlbno+1; llp^.labdlb:=dlbno;
-		  genop(ps_ina); argdlb(dlbno);  {forward data reference}
-		end;
-	      laedlb(llp^.labdlb);
-	      if diff=level-1 then gencst(op_zer,sz_addr) else
-		gencst(op_lxl,diff);
-	      gensp(GTO,2*sz_addr);
-	    end;
-	end;
-      insym;
-    end
-procedure compoundstatement(fsys:sos; err:integer);
-  repeat statement(fsys+[semicolon])
-  until endofloop(fsys,[beginsy..casesy],semicolon,err)
-procedure ifstatement(fsys:sos);
-var lb1,lb2:integer;
-begin with b do begin
-  expression(fsys+[thensy,elsesy]);
-  force(boolptr,+0220); ilbno:=ilbno+1; lb1:=ilbno; gencst(op_zeq,lb1);
-  nextif(thensy,+0221); statement(fsys+[elsesy]);
-  if find3(elsesy,fsys,+0222) then
-    begin ilbno:=ilbno+1; lb2:=ilbno; gencst(op_bra,lb2);
-      newilb(lb1); statement(fsys); newilb(lb2)
-    end
-  else newilb(lb1);
-end end;
-procedure casestatement(fsys:sos);
-label 1;
-type cip=^caseinfo;
-     caseinfo=record
-	next: cip;
-	csstart: integer;
-	cslab: integer
-     end;
-var lsp:sp; head,p,q,r:cip; l0,l1:integer;
-    ilb1,ilb2,dlb,i,n,m,min,max:integer;
-begin with b do begin
-  expression(fsys+[ofsy,semicolon,ident..plussy]); lsp:=a.asp; load;
-  if not nicescalar(desub(lsp)) then begin error(+0223); lsp:=nil end;
-  l0:=lino; ilbno:=ilbno+1; ilb1:=ilbno;
-  nextif(ofsy,+0224); head:=nil; max:=-MI2; min:=MI2; n:=0;
-  repeat ilbno:=ilbno+1; ilb2:=ilbno;   {label of current case}
-    repeat i:=cstinteger(fsys+[comma,colon1,semicolon],lsp,+0225);
-      if i>max then max:=i; if i<min then min:=i; n:=n+1;
-      q:=head; r:=nil; new(p);
-      while q<>nil do
-	begin  {chain all cases in ascending order}
-	  if q^.cslab>=i then
-	    begin if q^.cslab=i then error(+0226); goto 1 end;
-	  r:=q; q:=q^.next
-	end;
-1:    p^.next:=q; p^.cslab:=i; p^.csstart:=ilb2;
-      if r=nil then head:=p else r^.next:=p;
-    until endofloop(fsys+[colon1,semicolon],[ident..plussy],comma,+0227);
-    {+0228}
-    nextif(colon1,+0229); newilb(ilb2); statement(fsys+[semicolon]);
-    gencst(op_bra,ilb1);
-  until lastsemicolon(fsys,[ident..plussy],+0230);  {+0231 +0232}
-  assert n<>0; newilb(ilb1); l1:=lino;
-  dlb:=newdlb; genop(ps_rom); argnil;
-  if (max div 3) - (min div 3) < n then
-    begin argcst(min); argcst(max-min);
-      m:=op_csa;
-      while head<>nil do
-	begin
-	  while head^.cslab>min do
-	    begin argnil; min:=min+1 end;
-	  argilb(head^.csstart); min:=min+1; head:=head^.next
-	end;
-    end
-  else
-    begin argcst(n); m:=op_csb;
-      while head<>nil do
-	begin argcst(head^.cslab);argilb(head^.csstart);head:=head^.next end;
-    end;
-  argend; laedlb(dlb); gencst(m,sz_word); exchange(l0,l1)
-end end;
-procedure repeatstatement(fsys:sos);
-var lb1: integer;
-begin with b do begin
-  ilbno:=ilbno+1; lb1:=ilbno; newilb(lb1);
-  compoundstatement(fsys+[untilsy],+0233);  {+0234}
-  nextif(untilsy,+0235); genlin;
-  expression(fsys); force(boolptr,+0236); gencst(op_zeq,lb1);
-end end;
-procedure whilestatement(fsys:sos);
-var lb1,lb2: integer;
-begin with b do begin
-  ilbno:=ilbno+1; lb1:=ilbno; newilb(lb1);
-  ilbno:=ilbno+1; lb2:=ilbno;
-  genlin; expression(fsys+[dosy]);
-  force(boolptr,+0237); gencst(op_zeq,lb2);
-  nextif(dosy,+0238); statement(fsys);
-  gencst(op_bra,lb1); newilb(lb2)
-end end;
-procedure forstatement(fsys:sos);
-var lip:ip; tosym:boolean; endlab,looplab,savlb:integer;
-    av,at1,at2:attr; lsp:sp;
-procedure forbound(fsys:sos; var fa:attr; fsp:sp);
-  expression(fsys); fa:=a; force(fsp,+0239);
-  if fa.ak<>cst then
-    begin temporary(fsp,reg_any);
-      genasp(op_dup); fa:=a; store
-    end
-begin with b do begin savlb:=reglb; tosym:=false;
-  ilbno:=ilbno+1; looplab:=ilbno; ilbno:=ilbno+1; endlab:=ilbno;
-  inita(nil,0);
-  if sy<>ident then error(+0240) else
-    begin lip:=searchid([vars]); insym;
-      a.asp:=lip^.idtype; a.pos:=lip^.vpos;
-      lip^.iflag:=lip^.iflag+[used,assigned,loopvar];
-      if level>1 then
-	if (>=0) or (<>level) then
-	  error(+0241);
-    end;
-  lsp:=desub(a.asp);
-  if not nicescalar(lsp) then begin errasp(+0242); lsp:=nil end;
-  av:=a; nextif(becomes,+0243);
-  forbound(fsys+[tosy,downtosy,notsy..lparent,dosy],at1,lsp);
-  if find1([tosy,downtosy],fsys+[notsy..lparent,dosy],+0244) then
-    begin tosym:=sy=tosy; insym end;
-  forbound(fsys+[dosy],at2,lsp);
-  if tosym then gencst(op_bgt,endlab) else gencst(op_blt,endlab);
-  a:=at1; force(av.asp,+0245); a:=av; store; newilb(looplab);
-  nextif(dosy,+0246); statement(fsys);
-  a:=av; load; a:=at2; load; gencst(op_beq,endlab);
-  a:=av; load; if tosym then genop(op_inc) else genop(op_dec);
-  a.asp:=lsp; checkbnds(av.asp); a:=av; store;
-  gencst(op_bra,looplab); newilb(endlab);
-  reglb:=savlb
-end end;
-procedure withstatement(fsys:sos);
-var lnp,savtop:np; savlb:integer; pbit:boolean;
-begin with b do begin
-  savlb:=reglb; savtop:=top;
-  repeat variable(fsys+[comma,dosy]);
-    if not formof(a.asp,[records]) then errasp(+0247) else
-      begin pbit:=spack in a.asp^.sflag;
-	new(lnp,wrec); lnp^.occur:=wrec; lnp^.fname:=a.asp^.fstfld;
-	if a.ak<>fixed then
-	  begin loadaddr; temporary(nilptr,reg_pointer); store;
-	    a.ak:=pfixed;
-	  end;
-	a.packbit:=pbit; lnp^.wa:=a; lnp^.nlink:=top; top:=lnp;
-      end;
-  until endofloop(fsys+[dosy],[ident],comma,+0248);  {+0249}
-  nextif(dosy,+0250); statement(fsys);
-  top:=savtop; reglb:=savlb;
-end end;
-procedure assertion(fsys:sos);
-begin teststandard;
-  if opt['a']=off then
-    while not (sy in fsys) do insym
-  else
-    begin expression(fsys); force(boolptr,+0251);
-      gencst(op_loc,srcorig); gensp(ASS,2*sz_word);
-    end
-procedure statement; {fsys: sos}
-var lip:ip; llp:lp; lsy:symbol;
-  assert [labelsy..casesy,endsy] <= fsys;
-  assert [ident,intcst] * fsys = [];
-  if find2([intcst],fsys+[ident],+0252) then
-    begin llp:=searchlab(b.lchain,val);
-      if llp=nil then errint(+0253,val) else
-	begin if llp^.seen then errint(+0254,val) else llp^.seen:=true;
-	  newilb(llp^.labname)
-	end;
-      insym; nextif(colon1,+0255);
-    end;
-  if find2([ident,beginsy..casesy],fsys,+0256) then
-    begin if giveline then if sy<>whilesy then genlin;
-      if sy=ident then
-	if id='assert  ' then
-	  begin insym; assertion(fsys) end
-	else
-	  begin lip:=searchid([vars,field,func,proc]); insym;
-	    if lip^.klass=proc then call(fsys,lip) else assignment(fsys,lip)
-	  end
-      else
-	begin lsy:=sy; insym;
-	  case lsy of
-	    beginsy:
-	      begin compoundstatement(fsys,+0257);  {+0258}
-		nextif(endsy,+0259)
-	      end;
-	    gotosy:
-	      gotostatement;
-	    ifsy:
-	      ifstatement(fsys);
-	    casesy:
-	      begin casestatement(fsys); nextif(endsy,+0260) end;
-	    whilesy:
-	      whilestatement(fsys);
-	    repeatsy:
-	      repeatstatement(fsys);
-	    forsy:
-	      forstatement(fsys);
-	    withsy:
-	      withstatement(fsys);
-	  end
-	end;
-    end
-procedure body(fsys:sos; fip:ip);
-var i,dlb,l0,l1,ssp:integer; llp:lp; spset:boolean;
-begin with b do begin
-{produce PRO}
-  genpnam(ps_pro,fip); argend;
-  gencst(ps_mes,ms_par);argcst(fip^.maxlb); argend;
-  l0:=lino; dlb:=0; trace('procentr',fip,dlb);
-{global labels}
-  llp:=lchain; spset:=false;
-  while llp<>nil do
-    begin
-      if llp^.labdlb<>0 then
-	begin
-	  if not spset then
-	    begin spset:=true;
-	      gencst(ps_mes,ms_gto); argend;
-	      temporary(nilptr,-1);;
-	      gencst(op_lor,1); store
-	    end;
-	  argdlb(llp^.labdlb); lino:=lino+1; genop(ps_rom);
-	  argilb(llp^.labname); argcst(ssp); argend;
-	end;
-      llp:=llp^.nextlp
-    end;
-{the body itself}
-  currproc:=fip;
-  compoundstatement(fsys,+0261);  {+0262}
-  trace('procexit',fip,dlb);
-{undefined labels}
-  llp:=lchain;
-  while llp<>nil do
-    begin if not llp^.seen then errint(+0263,llp^.labval);
-      llp:=llp^.nextlp
-    end;
-{finish and close files}
-  treewalk(top^.fname);
-  if level=1 then
-    begin l1:=lino;
-      genop(op_fil); argdlb(fildlb);  {temporarily}
-      dlb:=newdlb; gencst(ps_con,argc+1);
-      for i:=0 to argc do with argv[i] do
-	begin argcst(ad);
-	  if (ad=-1) and (i>1) then errid(+0264,name)
-	end;
-      argend; gencst(op_lxl,0); laedlb(dlb); gencst(op_lae,0);
-      gencst(op_lxa,0); gensp(INI,4*sz_addr);
-      exchange(l0,l1); gencst(op_loc,0); gensp(HLT,0)
-    end
-  else
-    begin inita(fip^.idtype,fip^;
-      if fip^.klass=func then
-	begin load;
-	  if not (assigned in fip^.iflag) then
-	    errid(-(+0265),fip^.name);
-	end;
-      genasp(op_ret);
-    end;
-  gencst(ps_end,-minlb);
-end end;
-procedure block;  {forward declared}
-begin with b do begin
-  assert [labelsy..withsy] <= fsys;
-  assert [ident,intcst,casesy,endsy,period] * fsys = [];
-  if find3(labelsy,fsys,+0266) then labeldeclaration(fsys);
-  if find3(constsy,fsys,+0267) then constdefinition(fsys);
-  if find3(typesy,fsys,+0268) then typedefinition(fsys);
-  if find3(varsy,fsys,+0269) then vardeclaration(fsys);
-  if fip=progp then
-    begin
-      if iop[true]<>nil then
-	begin argv[1].ad:=posaddr(holeb,textptr,false);
-	  iop[true]^[1].ad
-	end;
-      if iop[false]<>nil then
-	begin argv[0].ad:=posaddr(holeb,textptr,false);
-	  iop[false]^[0].ad
-	end;
-      genhol; genpnam(ps_exp,fip);
-    end;  {externals are also extern for the main body}
-  fip^^.idtype);  {function result area}
-  while find2([procsy,funcsy],fsys,+0270) do pfdeclaration(fsys);
-  if forwcount<>0 then error(+0271);  {forw proc not specified}
-  nextif(beginsy,+0272);
-  body(fsys+[casesy,endsy],fip);
-  nextif(endsy,+0273);
-end end;
-procedure programme(fsys:sos);
-var stdin,stdout:boolean; p:ip;
-  nextif(progsy,+0274); nextif(ident,+0275);
-  if find3(lparent,fsys+[semicolon],+0276) then
-    begin
-      repeat
-	if sy<>ident then error(+0277) else
-	  begin stdin:=id='input   '; stdout:=id='output  ';
-	    if stdin or stdout then
-	      begin p:=newip(vars,id,textptr,nil);
-		enterid(p); iop[stdout]:=p;
-	      end
-	    else
-	      if argc<maxargc then
-		begin
-		  argc:=argc+1; argv[argc].name:=id; argv[argc].ad:=-1
-		end;
-	    insym
-	  end
-      until endofloop(fsys+[rparent,semicolon],[ident],comma,+0278);  {+0279}
-      if argc>maxargc then
-	begin error(+0280); argc:=maxargc end;
-      nextif(rparent,+0281);
-    end;
-  nextif(semicolon,+0282);
-  block(fsys,progp);
-  if opt['l']<>off then
-    begin gencst(ps_mes,ms_src); argcst(srcorig); argend end;
-  eofexpected:=true; nextif(period,+0283);
-procedure compile;
-var lsys:sos;
-begin lsys:=[progsy,labelsy..withsy];
-  repeat eofexpected:=false;
-    main:=find2([progsy,labelsy,beginsy..withsy],lsys,+0284);
-    if main then programme(lsys) else
-      begin
-	if find3(constsy,lsys,+0285) then constdefinition(lsys);
-	if find3(typesy,lsys,+0286) then typedefinition(lsys);
-	if find3(varsy,lsys,+0287) then vardeclaration(lsys);
-	genhol;
-	while find2([procsy,funcsy],lsys,+0288) do pfdeclaration(lsys);
-      end;
-    error(+0289);
-  until false;  { the only way out is the halt in nextln on eof }
-procedure init1;
-var c:char;
-{reserved words}
-  rw[ 0]:='if      ';   rw[ 1]:='do      ';     rw[ 2]:='of      ';
-  rw[ 3]:='to      ';   rw[ 4]:='in      ';     rw[ 5]:='or      ';
-  rw[ 6]:='end     ';   rw[ 7]:='for     ';     rw[ 8]:='nil     ';
-  rw[ 9]:='var     ';   rw[10]:='div     ';     rw[11]:='mod     ';
-  rw[12]:='set     ';   rw[13]:='and     ';     rw[14]:='not     ';
-  rw[15]:='then    ';   rw[16]:='else    ';     rw[17]:='with    ';
-  rw[18]:='case    ';   rw[19]:='type    ';     rw[20]:='goto    ';
-  rw[21]:='file    ';   rw[22]:='begin   ';     rw[23]:='until   ';
-  rw[24]:='while   ';   rw[25]:='array   ';     rw[26]:='const   ';
-  rw[27]:='label   ';   rw[28]:='repeat  ';     rw[29]:='record  ';
-  rw[30]:='downto  ';   rw[31]:='packed  ';     rw[32]:='program ';
-  rw[33]:='function';   rw[34]:='procedur';
-{corresponding symbols}
-  rsy[ 0]:=ifsy;        rsy[ 1]:=dosy;          rsy[ 2]:=ofsy;
-  rsy[ 3]:=tosy;        rsy[ 4]:=insy;          rsy[ 5]:=orsy;
-  rsy[ 6]:=endsy;       rsy[ 7]:=forsy;         rsy[ 8]:=nilcst;
-  rsy[ 9]:=varsy;       rsy[10]:=divsy;         rsy[11]:=modsy;
-  rsy[12]:=setsy;       rsy[13]:=andsy;         rsy[14]:=notsy;
-  rsy[15]:=thensy;      rsy[16]:=elsesy;        rsy[17]:=withsy;
-  rsy[18]:=casesy;      rsy[19]:=typesy;        rsy[20]:=gotosy;
-  rsy[21]:=filesy;      rsy[22]:=beginsy;       rsy[23]:=untilsy;
-  rsy[24]:=whilesy;     rsy[25]:=arraysy;       rsy[26]:=constsy;
-  rsy[27]:=labelsy;     rsy[28]:=repeatsy;      rsy[29]:=recordsy;
-  rsy[30]:=downtosy;    rsy[31]:=packedsy;      rsy[32]:=progsy;
-  rsy[33]:=funcsy;      rsy[34]:=procsy;
-{indices into rw to find reserved words fast}
-  frw[0]:= 0; frw[1]:= 0; frw[2]:= 6; frw[3]:=15; frw[4]:=22;
-  frw[5]:=28; frw[6]:=32; frw[7]:=33; frw[8]:=35;
-{char types}
-  for c:=chr(0) to chr(maxcharord) do cs[c]:=others;
-  for c:='0' to '9' do cs[c]:=digit;
-  for c:='A' to 'Z' do cs[c]:=upper;
-  for c:='a' to 'z' do cs[c]:=lower;
-  cs[chr(ascnl)]:=layout;
-  cs[chr(ascvt)]:=layout;
-  cs[chr(ascff)]:=layout;
-  cs[chr(asccr)]:=layout;
-{characters with corresponding chartype in ASCII order}
-  cs[chr(ascht)]:=tabch;
-  cs[' ']:=layout;      cs['"']:=dquotech;      cs['''']:=quotech;
-  cs['(']:=lparentch;   cs[')']:=rparentch;     cs['*']:=star;
-  cs['+']:=plusch;      cs[',']:=commach;       cs['-']:=minch;
-  cs['.']:=periodch;    cs['/']:=slash;         cs[':']:=colonch;
-  cs[';']:=semich;      cs['<']:=lessch;        cs['=']:=equal;
-  cs['>']:=greaterch;   cs['[']:=lbrackch;      cs[']']:=rbrackch;
-  cs['^']:=arrowch;     cs['{']:=lbracech;
-{single character symbols in chartype order}
-  csy[rparentch]:=rparent;      csy[lbrackch]:=lbrack;
-  csy[rbrackch]:=rbrack;        csy[commach]:=comma;
-  csy[semich]:=semicolon;       csy[arrowch]:=arrow;
-  csy[plusch]:=plussy;          csy[minch]:=minsy;
-  csy[slash]:=slashsy;          csy[star]:=starsy;
-  csy[equal]:=eqsy;
-{pascal library mnemonics}
-  lmn[ELN ]:='_eln';    lmn[EFL ]:='_efl';      lmn[CLS ]:='_cls';
-  lmn[WDW ]:='_wdw';
-  lmn[OPN ]:='_opn';    lmn[GETX]:='_get';      lmn[RDI ]:='_rdi';
-  lmn[RDC ]:='_rdc';    lmn[RDR ]:='_rdr';      lmn[RDL ]:='_rdl';
-  lmn[RLN ]:='_rln';
-  lmn[CRE ]:='_cre';    lmn[PUTX]:='_put';      lmn[WRI ]:='_wri';
-  lmn[WSI ]:='_wsi';    lmn[WRC ]:='_wrc';      lmn[WSC ]:='_wsc';
-  lmn[WRS ]:='_wrs';    lmn[WSS ]:='_wss';      lmn[WRB ]:='_wrb';
-  lmn[WSB ]:='_wsb';    lmn[WRR ]:='_wrr';      lmn[WSR ]:='_wsr';
-  lmn[WRL ]:='_wrl';    lmn[WSL ]:='_wsl';
-  lmn[WRF ]:='_wrf';    lmn[WRZ ]:='_wrz';      lmn[WSZ ]:='_wsz';
-  lmn[WLN ]:='_wln';    lmn[PAG ]:='_pag';
-  lmn[ABR ]:='_abr';    lmn[RND ]:='_rnd';      lmn[SINX]:='_sin';
-  lmn[COSX]:='_cos';    lmn[EXPX]:='_exp';      lmn[SQT ]:='_sqt';
-  lmn[LOG ]:='_log';    lmn[ATN ]:='_atn';      lmn[ABI ]:='_abi';
-  lmn[ABL ]:='_abl';
-  lmn[BCP ]:='_bcp';    lmn[BTS ]:='_bts';      lmn[NEWX]:='_new';
-  lmn[SAV ]:='_sav';    lmn[RST ]:='_rst';      lmn[INI ]:='_ini';
-  lmn[HLT ]:='_hlt';    lmn[ASS ]:='_ass';      lmn[GTO ]:='_gto';
-  lmn[PAC ]:='_pac';    lmn[UNP ]:='_unp';      lmn[DIS ]:='_dis';
-  lmn[ASZ ]:='_asz';    lmn[MDI ]:='_mdi';      lmn[MDL ]:='_mdl';
-{scalar variables}
-  b.nextbp:=nil;
-  b.reglb:=0;
-  b.minlb:=0;
-  b.ilbno:=0;
-  b.forwcount:=0;
-  b.lchain:=nil;
-  srcchno:=0;
-  srclino:=1;
-  srcorig:=1;
-  lino:=0;
-  dlbno:=0;
-  holeb:=0;
-  argc:=1;
-  lastpfno:=0;
-  giveline:=true;
-  including:=false;
-  eofexpected:=false;
-  intypedec:=false;
-  fltused:=false;
-  seconddot:=false;
-  iop[false]:=nil;
-  iop[true]:=nil;
-  argv[0].ad:=-1;
-  argv[1].ad:=-1;
-procedure init2;
-var p:ip; k:idclass; j:standpf;
-    pfn:array[standpf] of idarr;
-{initialize the first name space}
-  new(top,blck); top^.occur:=blck; top^.nlink:=nil; top^.fname:=nil;
-  level:=0;
-{undefined identifier pointers used by searchid}
-  for k:=types to func do
-    undefip[k]:=newip(k,spaces,nil,nil);
-{names of standard procedures/functions}
-  pfn[pread     ]:='read    ';  pfn[preadln     ]:='readln  ';
-  pfn[pwrite    ]:='write   ';  pfn[pwriteln    ]:='writeln ';
-  pfn[pput      ]:='put     ';  pfn[pget        ]:='get     ';
-  pfn[ppage     ]:='page    ';  pfn[preset      ]:='reset   ';
-  pfn[prewrite  ]:='rewrite ';  pfn[pnew        ]:='new     ';
-  pfn[pdispose  ]:='dispose ';  pfn[ppack       ]:='pack    ';
-  pfn[punpack   ]:='unpack  ';  pfn[pmark       ]:='mark    ';
-  pfn[prelease  ]:='release ';  pfn[phalt       ]:='halt    ';
-  pfn[feof      ]:='eof     ';  pfn[feoln       ]:='eoln    ';
-  pfn[fabs      ]:='abs     ';  pfn[fsqr        ]:='sqr     ';
-  pfn[ford      ]:='ord     ';  pfn[fchr        ]:='chr     ';
-  pfn[fpred     ]:='pred    ';  pfn[fsucc       ]:='succ    ';
-  pfn[fodd      ]:='odd     ';  pfn[ftrunc      ]:='trunc   ';
-  pfn[fround    ]:='round   ';  pfn[fsin        ]:='sin     ';
-  pfn[fcos      ]:='cos     ';  pfn[fexp        ]:='exp     ';
-  pfn[fsqt      ]:='sqrt    ';  pfn[flog        ]:='ln      ';
-  pfn[fatn      ]:='arctan  ';
-{standard procedure/function identifiers}
-  for j:=pread to phalt do
-    begin new(p,proc,standard); p^.klass:=proc;
-      p^.name:=pfn[j]; p^.pfkind:=standard; p^.key:=j; enterid(p);
-    end;
-  for j:=feof to fatn do
-    begin new(p,func,standard); p^.klass:=func; p^.idtype:=nil;
-      p^.name:=pfn[j]; p^.pfkind:=standard; p^.key:=j; enterid(p);
-    end;
-{program identifier}
-  progp:=newip(proc,'m_a_i_n ',nil,nil);
-procedure init3;
-var n:np; p,q:ip; i:integer; c:char;
-  for i:=0 to sz_last do readln(errors,sizes[i]);
-  gencst(ps_mes,ms_emx); argcst(sz_word); argcst(sz_addr); argend;
-  ix:=1;
-  while not eoln(errors) do
-    begin read(errors,c);
-      if ix<smax then begin strbuf[ix]:=c; ix:=ix+1 end
-    end;
-  readln(errors); strbuf[ix]:=chr(0);
-  for i:=1 to fnmax do
-    if i<ix then source[i]:=strbuf[i] else source[i]:=' ';
-  fildlb:=romstr(sp_scon,0);
-{standard type pointers}
-  intptr :=newsp(scalar,sz_int);
-  realptr:=newsp(scalar,sz_real);
-  longptr:=newsp(scalar,sz_long);
-  charptr:=newsp(scalar,sz_char);
-  boolptr:=newsp(scalar,sz_bool);
-  nilptr :=newsp(pointer,sz_addr);
-  zeroptr:=newsp(pointer,sz_addr);
-  procptr:=newsp(records,sz_proc);
-  nullset:=newsp(power,sz_word); nullset^.elset:=nil;
-  textptr:=newsp(files,sz_head+sz_buff); textptr^.filtype:=charptr;
-{standard type names}
-  enterid(newip(types,'integer ',intptr,nil));
-  enterid(newip(types,'real    ',realptr,nil));
-  enterid(newip(types,'char    ',charptr,nil));
-  enterid(newip(types,'boolean ',boolptr,nil));
-  enterid(newip(types,'text    ',textptr,nil));
-{standard constant names}
-  q:=nil; p:=newip(konst,'false   ',boolptr,q); enterid(p);
-  q:=p; p:=newip(konst,'true    ',boolptr,q); p^.value:=1; enterid(p);
-  boolptr^.fconst:=p;
-  p:=newip(konst,'maxint  ',intptr,nil); p^.value:=MI2; enterid(p);
-  p:=newip(konst,spaces,charptr,nil); p^.value:=maxcharord;
-  charptr^.fconst:=p;
-{new name space for user externals}
-  new(n,blck); n^.occur:=blck; n^.nlink:=top; n^.fname:=nil; top:=n;
-  for c:='a' to 'z' do begin opt[c]:=0; forceopt[c]:=false end;
-  opt['a']:=on;
-  opt['i']:=NB1*sz_iset;
-  opt['l']:=on;
-  opt['o']:=on;
-  opt['r']:=on;
-  sopt:=off;
-procedure init4;
-  copt:=opt['c'];
-  dopt:=opt['d'];
-  iopt:=opt['i'];
-  sopt:=opt['s'];
-  if sopt<>off then begin copt:=off; dopt:=off end
-  else if opt['u']<>off then cs['_']:=lower;
-  if copt<>off then enterid(newip(types,'string  ',zeroptr,nil));
-  if dopt<>off then enterid(newip(types,'long    ',longptr,nil));
-  if opt['o']=off then begin gencst(ps_mes,ms_opt); argend end;
-  if dopt<>off then fltused:=true;  {temporary kludge}
-begin  {main body of pcompiler}
-  init1;  {initialize tables and scalars}
-  init2;  {initialize heap objects}
-  rewrite(em); put2(sp_magic); reset(errors);
-  init3;  {size dependent initialization}
-  while not eof(errors) do
-    begin options(false); readln(errors) end;
-  rewrite(errors);
-  if not eof(input) then
-    begin nextch; insym;
-      init4;  {option dependent initialization}
-      compile
-    end;
-#ifdef STANDARD
-9999: ;
-end.  {pcompiler}

+ 0 - 27

@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-var w=2
-var p=2
-var s=2
-var l=4
-var f=4
-var d=8
-var NAME=m6500
-var M=6500
-var LIB=mach/6500/lib/tail_
-var RT=mach/6500/lib/head_
-var INCLUDES=-I{EM}/include
-name be
-	from .m
-	to .s
-	program {EM}/lib/{M}_be
-	args <
-	prop >
-	need .e
-name asld
-	from .s.a
-	to a.out
-	program {EM}/lib/{M}_as
-	mapflag -l* LNAME={EM}/{LIB}*
-	args (.e:{HEAD}={EM}/{RT}em) -o > (.e:{TAIL}={EM}/{LIB}em)
-	prop C

+ 0 - 31

@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-var w=2
-var i=2
-var p=2
-var s=2
-var l=4
-var f=4
-var d=8
-var NAME=m6809
-var M=6809
-var LIB=mach/6809/lib/tail_
-var RT=mach/6809/lib/head_
-var INCLUDES=-I{EM}/include
-name be
-	from .m
-	to .s
-	program {EM}/lib/{M}_be
-	args <
-	prop >
-	need .e
-name asld
-	from .s.a
-	to a.out
-	program {EM}/lib/{M}_as
-	mapflag -l* LNAME={EM}/{LIB}*
-	args (.e:{HEAD}={EM}/{RT}em) \
-({RTS}:.c={EM}/{RT}cc) ({RTS}:.p={EM}/{RT}pc) -o > < \
-(.p:{TAIL}={EM}/{LIB}pc) (.c:{TAIL}={EM}/{LIB}cc.1s {EM}/{LIB}cc.2g) \
-(.c.p:{TAIL}={EM}/{LIB}mon) (.e:{TAIL}={EM}/{LIB}em)
-	prop C

+ 0 - 25

@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-var w=2
-var p=2
-var s=2
-var l=4
-var f=4
-var d=4
-var M=cpm
-var LIB=mach/z80/int/lib/tail_
-var RT=mach/z80/int/lib/head_
-var SIZE_F=-sm
-var INCLUDES=-I{EM}/include
-name asld
-	from .k.m.a
-	to e.out
-	program {EM}/lib/em_ass
-	mapflag -l* LNAME={EM}/{LIB}*
-	mapflag -+* ASS_F={ASS_F?} -+*
-	mapflag --* ASS_F={ASS_F?} --*
-	mapflag -s* SIZE_F=-s*
-	args {ASS_F?} ({RTS}:.c={EM}/{RT}cc) ({RTS}:.p={EM}/{RT}pc) -o > < \
-(.p:{TAIL}={EM}/{LIB}pc) (.c:{TAIL}={EM}/{LIB}cc.1s {EM}/{LIB}cc.2g) \
-	prop C

+ 0 - 60

@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-# (c) copyright 1983 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
-name cpp
-	# no from, it's governed by the P property
-	to .i
-	program {EM}/lib/cpp
-	mapflag -I* CPP_F={CPP_F?} -I*
-	mapflag -U* CPP_F={CPP_F?} -U*
-	mapflag -D* CPP_F={CPP_F?} -D*
-	args {CPP_F?} {INCLUDES?} -D{NAME} -DEM_WSIZE={w} -DEM_PSIZE={p} \
-	prop >P
-name cem
-	from .c
-	to .k
-	program {EM}/lib/em_cem
-	mapflag -p CEM_F={CEM_F?} -Xp
-	mapflag -L CEM_F={CEM_F?} -l
-	args -Vw{w}i{w}p{p}f{f}s{s}l{l}d{d} {CEM_F?}
-	prop <>p
-	rts .c
-	need .c
-name pc
-	from .p
-	to .k
-	program {EM}/lib/em_pc
-	mapflag -p PC_F={PC_F?} -p
-	mapflag -w PC_F={PC_F?} -w
-	mapflag -E PC_F={PC_F?} -E
-	mapflag -e PC_F={PC_F?} -e
-	mapflag -{*} PC_F={PC_F?} -\{*}
-	mapflag -L PC_F={PC_F?} -\{l-}
-	args -Vw{w}p{p}f{d}l{l} {PC_F?} < > {SOURCE}
-	prop m
-	rts .p
-	need .p
- end
- name encode
-	from .e
-	to .k
-	program {EM}/lib/em_encode
-	args <
-	prop >m
-name opt
-	from .k
-	to .m
-	program {EM}/lib/em_opt
-	mapflag -LIB OPT_F={OPT_F?} -L
-	args {OPT_F?} <
-	prop >O
-name decode
-	from .k.m
-	to .e
-	program {EM}/lib/em_decode
-	args <
-	prop >

+ 0 - 28

@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-var w=1
-var p=2
-var s=1
-var l=2
-var f=4
-var d=8
-var NAME=nascom
-var M=z80a
-var LIB=mach/z80a/lib/tail_
-var RT=mach/z80a/lib/head_
-var INCLUDES=-I{EM}/include
-name be
-	from .m
-	to .s
-	program {EM}/lib/{M}_be
-	args <
-	prop >
-	need .e
-name asld
-	from .s.a
-	to a.out
-	program {EM}/lib/{M}_as
-	mapflag -l* LNAME={EM}/{LIB}*
-	args (.e:{HEAD}={EM}/{RT}em) ({RTS}:.c={EM}/{RT}cc) -o > \
-(.e:{TAIL}={EM}/{LIB}em.1 {EM}/{LIB}em.2)
-	prop C

+ 0 - 27

@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-var w=2
-var p=2
-var s=2
-var l=4
-var f=4
-var d=8
-var M=int
-var NAME=int22
-var LIB=mach/int/lib/tail_
-var RT=mach/int/lib/head_
-var SIZE_FLAG=-sm
-var INCLUDES=-I{EM}/include
-name asld
-	from .k.m.a
-	to e.out
-	program {EM}/lib/em_ass
-	mapflag -l* LNAME={EM}/{LIB}*
-	mapflag -+* ASS_F={ASS_F?} -+*
-	mapflag --* ASS_F={ASS_F?} --*
-	mapflag -s* SIZE_FLAG=-s*
-	args {SIZE_FLAG} \
-		({RTS}:.c={EM}/{RT}cc) ({RTS}:.p={EM}/{RT}pc) -o > < \
-		(.p:{TAIL}={EM}/{LIB}pc) \
-		(.c:{TAIL}={EM}/{LIB}cc.1s {EM}/{LIB}cc.2g) \
-		(.c.p:{TAIL}={EM}/{LIB}mon)
-	prop C

+ 0 - 27

@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-var w=2
-var p=2
-var s=2
-var l=4
-var f=4
-var d=8
-var NAME=i8080
-var M=8080
-var LIB=mach/8080/lib/tail_
-var RT=mach/8080/lib/head_
-var INCLUDES=-I{EM}/include
-name be
-	from .m
-	to .s
-	program {EM}/lib/{M}_be
-	args <
-	prop >
-	need .e
-name asld
-	from .s.a
-	to a.out
-	program {EM}/lib/{M}_as
-	mapflag -l* LNAME={EM}/{LIB}*
-	args ({RTS}:.c={EM}/{RT}cc) -o > <
-	prop C

+ 0 - 32

@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-var w=2
-var p=2
-var s=2
-var l=4
-var f=4
-var d=8
-var NAME=i8086
-var M=i86
-var LIB=mach/i86/lib/tail_
-var RT=mach/i86/lib/head_
-var INCLUDES=-I{EM}/include
-name be
-	from .m
-	to .s
-	program {EM}/lib/{M}_cg
-	args <
-	prop >
-	need .e
-name asld
-	from .s.a
-	to a.out
-	program {EM}/lib/{M}_as
-	mapflag -l* LNAME={EM}/{LIB}*
-	mapflag -i  IFILE={EM}/{RT}i
-	args {IFILE?} (.e:{HEAD}={EM}/{RT}em) \
-({RTS}:.c={EM}/{RT}cc) ({RTS}:.p={EM}/{RT}pc) -o > < \
-(.p:{TAIL}={EM}/{LIB}pc) (.c:{TAIL}={EM}/{LIB}cc.1s {EM}/{LIB}cc.2g) \
-(.c.p.e:{TAIL}={EM}/{LIB}alo) (.c.p:{TAIL}={EM}/{LIB}mon) \
-	prop C

+ 0 - 30

@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-var w=2
-var p=4
-var s=2
-var l=4
-var f=4
-var d=8
-var NAME=m68k2
-var M=m68k2
-var LIB=mach/m68k2/lib/tail_
-var RT=mach/m68k2/lib/head_
-var INCLUDES=-I{EM}/include
-name be
-	from .m
-	to .s
-	program {EM}/lib/{M}_cg
-	args <
-	prop >
-	need .e
-name asld
-	from .s.a
-	to a.out
-	program {EM}/lib/{M}_as
-	mapflag -l* LNAME={EM}/{LIB}*
-	args (.e:{HEAD}={EM}/{RT}em) \
-({RTS}:.c={EM}/{RT}cc) ({RTS}:.p={EM}/{RT}pc) -o > < \
-(.p:{TAIL}={EM}/{LIB}pc) (.c:{TAIL}={EM}/{LIB}cc.1s {EM}/{LIB}cc.2g) \
-(.e:{TAIL}={EM}/{LIB}em.rt {EM}/{LIB}mon {EM}/{LIB}em.vend)
-	prop Cm

+ 0 - 34

@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-var w=4
-var p=4
-var s=2
-var l=4
-var f=4
-var d=8
-var NAME=m68k4
-var M=m68k4
-var LIBDIR=mach/m68k4/lib
-var LIB=mach/m68k4/lib/tail_
-var RT=mach/m68k4/lib/head_
-var INCLUDES=-I{EM}/include
-name be
-	from .m
-	to .s
-	program {EM}/lib/{M}_cg
-	args <
-	prop >
-	need .e
-name asld
-	from .s.a
-	to a.out
-	program {EM}/lib/{M}_as
-	mapflag -l* LNAME={EM}/{LIB}*
-	args (.e:{HEAD}={EM}/{RT}em) \
-({RTS}:.c={EM}/{RT}cc) ({RTS}:.p={EM}/{RT}pc) -o > < \
-(.p.c:{TAIL}={EM}/{LIBDIR}/sys1.s) (.p:{TAIL}={EM}/{LIBDIR}/sys2.s) \
-(.c:{TAIL}={EM}/{LIBDIR}/write.s) \
-(.p:{TAIL}={EM}/{LIB}pc) (.c:{TAIL}={EM}/{LIB}cc.1s {EM}/{LIB}cc.2g) \
-(.c:{TAIL}={EM}/{LIB}mon {EM}/{LIB}fake) \
-(.e:{TAIL}={EM}/{LIB}em.rt {EM}/{LIB}em.vend)
-	prop Cm

+ 0 - 38

@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-var w=2
-var p=2
-var s=2
-var l=4
-var f=4
-var d=8
-var M=pdp
-var NAME=pdp
-var LIB=mach/pdp/lib/tail_
-var RT=mach/pdp/lib/head_
-var INCLUDES=-I{EM}/include
-name be
-	from .m
-	to .s
-	program {EM}/lib/{M}_cg
-	args <
-	prop >
-	need .e
-name as
-	from .s
-	to .o
-	program /bin/as
-	args - -o > <
-	prop m
-name ld
-	from .o.a
-	to a.out
-	program /bin/ld
-	mapflag -l* LNAME={EM}/{LIB}*
-	args (.e:{HEAD}={EM}/{RT}em) \
-		({RTS}:.c={EM}/{RT}cc) ({RTS}:.p={EM}/{RT}pc) -o > < \
-		(.p:{TAIL}={EM}/{LIB}pc) \
-		(.c:{TAIL}={EM}/{LIB}cc.1s {EM}/{LIB}cc.2g) \
-		(.e:{TAIL}={EM}/{LIB}em) (.c.p:{TAIL}=/lib/libc.a)
-	prop C

+ 0 - 37

@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-var w=4
-var p=4
-var s=2
-var l=4
-var f=4
-var d=8
-var M=vax4
-var NAME=vax4
-var LIB=mach/vax4/lib/tail_
-var RT=mach/vax4/lib/head_
-var INCLUDES=-I{EM}/include
-name be
-	from .m
-	to .s
-	program {EM}/lib/{M}_cg
-	args <
-	prop >
-	need .e
-name as
-	from .s
-	to .o
-	program /bin/as
-	args - -o > <
-	prop m
-name ld
-	from .o.a
-	to a.out
-	program /bin/ld
-	mapflag -l* LNAME={EM}/{LIB}*
-	args (.e:{HEAD}={EM}/{RT}em) \
-({RTS}:.c={EM}/{RT}cc) ({RTS}:.p={EM}/{RT}pc) -o > < \
-(.p:{TAIL}={EM}/{LIB}pc) (.c:{TAIL}={EM}/{LIB}cc.1s {EM}/{LIB}cc.2g) \
-(.e:{TAIL}={EM}/{LIB}em) (.c.p:{TAIL}={EM}/{LIB}mon)
-	prop C

+ 0 - 31

@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-var w=2
-var p=2
-var s=2
-var l=4
-var f=4
-var d=8
-var NAME=z80
-var M=z80
-var LIB=mach/z80/lib/tail_
-var RT=mach/z80/lib/head_
-var INCLUDES=-I{EM}/include
-name be
-	from .m
-	to .s
-	program {EM}/lib/{M}_cg
-	args <
-	prop >
-	need .e
-name asld
-	from .s.a
-	to a.out
-	program {EM}/lib/{M}_as
-	mapflag -l* LNAME={EM}/{LIB}*
-	args (.e:{HEAD}={EM}/{RT}em) \
-({RTS}:.c={EM}/{RT}cc) ({RTS}:.p={EM}/{RT}pc) -o > < \
-(.p:{TAIL}={EM}/{LIB}pc) (.c:{TAIL}={EM}/{LIB}cc.1s {EM}/{LIB}cc.2g) \
-(.c.p.e:{TAIL}={EM}/{LIB}alo) (.c.p:{TAIL}={EM}/{LIB}mon) \
-	prop C

+ 0 - 178

@@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
-# $Header$
-PREFLAGS=-I../../../h -I. -DNDEBUG
-CFILES=$(CDIR)/codegen.c $(CDIR)/compute.c $(CDIR)/equiv.c $(CDIR)/fillem.c \
-       $(CDIR)/gencode.c $(CDIR)/glosym.c $(CDIR)/main.c $(CDIR)/move.c \
-       $(CDIR)/nextem.c $(CDIR)/reg.c $(CDIR)/regvar.c $(CDIR)/salloc.c \
-       $(CDIR)/state.c $(CDIR)/subr.c $(CDIR)/var.c
-OFILES=codegen.o compute.o equiv.o fillem.o gencode.o glosym.o main.o\
-       move.o nextem.o reg.o regvar.o salloc.o state.o subr.o var.o
-	make tables.c
-	make cg
-cg: tables.o $(OFILES)
-	cc $(LDFLAGS) $(OFILES) tables.o $(LIBS) -o cg
-tables.o: tables.c
-	cc -c $(PREFLAGS) -I$(CDIR) tables.c
-codegen.o: $(CDIR)/codegen.c
-	cc -c $(CFLAGS) $(CDIR)/codegen.c
-compute.o: $(CDIR)/compute.c
-	cc -c $(CFLAGS) $(CDIR)/compute.c
-equiv.o: $(CDIR)/equiv.c
-	cc -c $(CFLAGS) $(CDIR)/equiv.c
-fillem.o: $(CDIR)/fillem.c
-	cc -c $(CFLAGS) $(CDIR)/fillem.c
-gencode.o: $(CDIR)/gencode.c
-	cc -c $(CFLAGS) $(CDIR)/gencode.c
-glosym.o: $(CDIR)/glosym.c
-	cc -c $(CFLAGS) $(CDIR)/glosym.c
-main.o: $(CDIR)/main.c
-	cc -c $(CFLAGS) $(CDIR)/main.c
-move.o: $(CDIR)/move.c
-	cc -c $(CFLAGS) $(CDIR)/move.c
-nextem.o: $(CDIR)/nextem.c
-	cc -c $(CFLAGS) $(CDIR)/nextem.c
-reg.o: $(CDIR)/reg.c
-	cc -c $(CFLAGS) $(CDIR)/reg.c
-regvar.o: $(CDIR)/regvar.c
-	cc -c $(CFLAGS) $(CDIR)/regvar.c
-salloc.o: $(CDIR)/salloc.c
-	cc -c $(CFLAGS) $(CDIR)/salloc.c
-state.o: $(CDIR)/state.c
-	cc -c $(CFLAGS) $(CDIR)/state.c
-subr.o: $(CDIR)/subr.c
-	cc -c $(CFLAGS) $(CDIR)/subr.c
-var.o: $(CDIR)/var.c
-	cc -c $(CFLAGS) $(CDIR)/var.c
-install: all
-	../install cg
-cmp:	 all
-	-../compare cg
-tables.c: table
-	-mv tables.h
-	../../../lib/cpp -P table | ../../../lib/cgg > debug.out
-	-if cmp -s tables.h; then mv tables.h; else exit 0; fi
-	-if cmp -s /dev/null tables.h; then mv tables.h; else exit 0; fi
-lint: $(CFILES)
-	rm -f *.o tables.c tables.h debug.out cg
-codegen.o:	$(CDIR)/assert.h
-codegen.o:	$(CDIR)/data.h
-codegen.o:	$(CDIR)/equiv.h
-codegen.o:	$(CDIR)/extern.h
-codegen.o:	$(CDIR)/param.h
-codegen.o:	$(CDIR)/result.h
-codegen.o:	$(CDIR)/state.h
-codegen.o:	tables.h
-codegen.o:	$(CDIR)/types.h
-compute.o:	$(CDIR)/assert.h
-compute.o:	$(CDIR)/data.h
-compute.o:	$(CDIR)/extern.h
-compute.o:	$(CDIR)/glosym.h
-compute.o:	$(CDIR)/param.h
-compute.o:	$(CDIR)/result.h
-compute.o:	tables.h
-compute.o:	$(CDIR)/types.h
-equiv.o:	$(CDIR)/assert.h
-equiv.o:	$(CDIR)/data.h
-equiv.o:	$(CDIR)/equiv.h
-equiv.o:	$(CDIR)/extern.h
-equiv.o:	$(CDIR)/param.h
-equiv.o:	$(CDIR)/result.h
-equiv.o:	tables.h
-equiv.o:	$(CDIR)/types.h
-fillem.o:	$(CDIR)/assert.h
-fillem.o:	$(CDIR)/data.h
-fillem.o:	$(CDIR)/extern.h
-fillem.o:	mach.c
-fillem.o:	mach.h
-fillem.o:	$(CDIR)/param.h
-fillem.o:	$(CDIR)/regvar.h
-fillem.o:	$(CDIR)/result.h
-fillem.o:	tables.h
-fillem.o:	$(CDIR)/types.h
-gencode.o:	$(CDIR)/assert.h
-gencode.o:	$(CDIR)/data.h
-gencode.o:	$(CDIR)/extern.h
-gencode.o:	$(CDIR)/param.h
-gencode.o:	$(CDIR)/result.h
-gencode.o:	tables.h
-gencode.o:	$(CDIR)/types.h
-glosym.o:	$(CDIR)/glosym.h
-glosym.o:	$(CDIR)/param.h
-glosym.o:	tables.h
-glosym.o:	$(CDIR)/types.h
-main.o:		$(CDIR)/param.h
-move.o:		$(CDIR)/assert.h
-move.o:		$(CDIR)/data.h
-move.o:		$(CDIR)/extern.h
-move.o:		$(CDIR)/param.h
-move.o:		$(CDIR)/result.h
-move.o:		tables.h
-move.o:		$(CDIR)/types.h
-nextem.o:	$(CDIR)/assert.h
-nextem.o:	$(CDIR)/data.h
-nextem.o:	$(CDIR)/extern.h
-nextem.o:	$(CDIR)/param.h
-nextem.o:	$(CDIR)/result.h
-nextem.o:	tables.h
-nextem.o:	$(CDIR)/types.h
-reg.o:		$(CDIR)/assert.h
-reg.o:		$(CDIR)/data.h
-reg.o:		$(CDIR)/extern.h
-reg.o:		$(CDIR)/param.h
-reg.o:		$(CDIR)/result.h
-reg.o:		tables.h
-reg.o:		$(CDIR)/types.h
-regvar.o:	$(CDIR)/assert.h
-regvar.o:	$(CDIR)/data.h
-regvar.o:	$(CDIR)/extern.h
-regvar.o:	$(CDIR)/param.h
-regvar.o:	$(CDIR)/regvar.h
-regvar.o:	$(CDIR)/result.h
-regvar.o:	tables.h
-regvar.o:	$(CDIR)/types.h
-salloc.o:	$(CDIR)/assert.h
-salloc.o:	$(CDIR)/data.h
-salloc.o:	$(CDIR)/extern.h
-salloc.o:	$(CDIR)/param.h
-salloc.o:	$(CDIR)/result.h
-salloc.o:	tables.h
-salloc.o:	$(CDIR)/types.h
-state.o:	$(CDIR)/assert.h
-state.o:	$(CDIR)/data.h
-state.o:	$(CDIR)/extern.h
-state.o:	$(CDIR)/param.h
-state.o:	$(CDIR)/result.h
-state.o:	$(CDIR)/state.h
-state.o:	tables.h
-state.o:	$(CDIR)/types.h
-subr.o:		$(CDIR)/assert.h
-subr.o:		$(CDIR)/data.h
-subr.o:		$(CDIR)/extern.h
-subr.o:		$(CDIR)/param.h
-subr.o:		$(CDIR)/result.h
-subr.o:		tables.h
-subr.o:		$(CDIR)/types.h
-var.o:		$(CDIR)/data.h
-var.o:		$(CDIR)/param.h
-var.o:		$(CDIR)/result.h
-var.o:		tables.h
-var.o:		$(CDIR)/types.h

+ 0 - 178

@@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
-# $Header$
-PREFLAGS=-I../../../h -I. -DNDEBUG
-CFILES=$(CDIR)/codegen.c $(CDIR)/compute.c $(CDIR)/equiv.c $(CDIR)/fillem.c \
-       $(CDIR)/gencode.c $(CDIR)/glosym.c $(CDIR)/main.c $(CDIR)/move.c \
-       $(CDIR)/nextem.c $(CDIR)/reg.c $(CDIR)/regvar.c $(CDIR)/salloc.c \
-       $(CDIR)/state.c $(CDIR)/subr.c $(CDIR)/var.c
-OFILES=codegen.o compute.o equiv.o fillem.o gencode.o glosym.o main.o\
-       move.o nextem.o reg.o regvar.o salloc.o state.o subr.o var.o
-	make tables.c
-	make cg
-cg: tables.o $(OFILES)
-	cc $(LDFLAGS) $(OFILES) tables.o $(LIBS) -o cg
-tables.o: tables.c
-	cc -c $(PREFLAGS) -I$(CDIR) tables.c
-codegen.o: $(CDIR)/codegen.c
-	cc -c $(CFLAGS) $(CDIR)/codegen.c
-compute.o: $(CDIR)/compute.c
-	cc -c $(CFLAGS) $(CDIR)/compute.c
-equiv.o: $(CDIR)/equiv.c
-	cc -c $(CFLAGS) $(CDIR)/equiv.c
-fillem.o: $(CDIR)/fillem.c
-	cc -c $(CFLAGS) $(CDIR)/fillem.c
-gencode.o: $(CDIR)/gencode.c
-	cc -c $(CFLAGS) $(CDIR)/gencode.c
-glosym.o: $(CDIR)/glosym.c
-	cc -c $(CFLAGS) $(CDIR)/glosym.c
-main.o: $(CDIR)/main.c
-	cc -c $(CFLAGS) $(CDIR)/main.c
-move.o: $(CDIR)/move.c
-	cc -c $(CFLAGS) $(CDIR)/move.c
-nextem.o: $(CDIR)/nextem.c
-	cc -c $(CFLAGS) $(CDIR)/nextem.c
-reg.o: $(CDIR)/reg.c
-	cc -c $(CFLAGS) $(CDIR)/reg.c
-regvar.o: $(CDIR)/regvar.c
-	cc -c $(CFLAGS) $(CDIR)/regvar.c
-salloc.o: $(CDIR)/salloc.c
-	cc -c $(CFLAGS) $(CDIR)/salloc.c
-state.o: $(CDIR)/state.c
-	cc -c $(CFLAGS) $(CDIR)/state.c
-subr.o: $(CDIR)/subr.c
-	cc -c $(CFLAGS) $(CDIR)/subr.c
-var.o: $(CDIR)/var.c
-	cc -c $(CFLAGS) $(CDIR)/var.c
-install: all
-	../install cg
-cmp:	 all
-	-../compare cg
-tables.c: table
-	-mv tables.h
-	../../../lib/cpp -P table | ../../../lib/cgg > debug.out
-	-if cmp -s tables.h; then mv tables.h; else exit 0; fi
-	-if cmp -s /dev/null tables.h; then mv tables.h; else exit 0; fi
-lint: $(CFILES)
-	rm -f *.o tables.c tables.h debug.out cg
-codegen.o:	$(CDIR)/assert.h
-codegen.o:	$(CDIR)/data.h
-codegen.o:	$(CDIR)/equiv.h
-codegen.o:	$(CDIR)/extern.h
-codegen.o:	$(CDIR)/param.h
-codegen.o:	$(CDIR)/result.h
-codegen.o:	$(CDIR)/state.h
-codegen.o:	tables.h
-codegen.o:	$(CDIR)/types.h
-compute.o:	$(CDIR)/assert.h
-compute.o:	$(CDIR)/data.h
-compute.o:	$(CDIR)/extern.h
-compute.o:	$(CDIR)/glosym.h
-compute.o:	$(CDIR)/param.h
-compute.o:	$(CDIR)/result.h
-compute.o:	tables.h
-compute.o:	$(CDIR)/types.h
-equiv.o:	$(CDIR)/assert.h
-equiv.o:	$(CDIR)/data.h
-equiv.o:	$(CDIR)/equiv.h
-equiv.o:	$(CDIR)/extern.h
-equiv.o:	$(CDIR)/param.h
-equiv.o:	$(CDIR)/result.h
-equiv.o:	tables.h
-equiv.o:	$(CDIR)/types.h
-fillem.o:	$(CDIR)/assert.h
-fillem.o:	$(CDIR)/data.h
-fillem.o:	$(CDIR)/extern.h
-fillem.o:	mach.c
-fillem.o:	mach.h
-fillem.o:	$(CDIR)/param.h
-fillem.o:	$(CDIR)/regvar.h
-fillem.o:	$(CDIR)/result.h
-fillem.o:	tables.h
-fillem.o:	$(CDIR)/types.h
-gencode.o:	$(CDIR)/assert.h
-gencode.o:	$(CDIR)/data.h
-gencode.o:	$(CDIR)/extern.h
-gencode.o:	$(CDIR)/param.h
-gencode.o:	$(CDIR)/result.h
-gencode.o:	tables.h
-gencode.o:	$(CDIR)/types.h
-glosym.o:	$(CDIR)/glosym.h
-glosym.o:	$(CDIR)/param.h
-glosym.o:	tables.h
-glosym.o:	$(CDIR)/types.h
-main.o:		$(CDIR)/param.h
-move.o:		$(CDIR)/assert.h
-move.o:		$(CDIR)/data.h
-move.o:		$(CDIR)/extern.h
-move.o:		$(CDIR)/param.h
-move.o:		$(CDIR)/result.h
-move.o:		tables.h
-move.o:		$(CDIR)/types.h
-nextem.o:	$(CDIR)/assert.h
-nextem.o:	$(CDIR)/data.h
-nextem.o:	$(CDIR)/extern.h
-nextem.o:	$(CDIR)/param.h
-nextem.o:	$(CDIR)/result.h
-nextem.o:	tables.h
-nextem.o:	$(CDIR)/types.h
-reg.o:		$(CDIR)/assert.h
-reg.o:		$(CDIR)/data.h
-reg.o:		$(CDIR)/extern.h
-reg.o:		$(CDIR)/param.h
-reg.o:		$(CDIR)/result.h
-reg.o:		tables.h
-reg.o:		$(CDIR)/types.h
-regvar.o:	$(CDIR)/assert.h
-regvar.o:	$(CDIR)/data.h
-regvar.o:	$(CDIR)/extern.h
-regvar.o:	$(CDIR)/param.h
-regvar.o:	$(CDIR)/regvar.h
-regvar.o:	$(CDIR)/result.h
-regvar.o:	tables.h
-regvar.o:	$(CDIR)/types.h
-salloc.o:	$(CDIR)/assert.h
-salloc.o:	$(CDIR)/data.h
-salloc.o:	$(CDIR)/extern.h
-salloc.o:	$(CDIR)/param.h
-salloc.o:	$(CDIR)/result.h
-salloc.o:	tables.h
-salloc.o:	$(CDIR)/types.h
-state.o:	$(CDIR)/assert.h
-state.o:	$(CDIR)/data.h
-state.o:	$(CDIR)/extern.h
-state.o:	$(CDIR)/param.h
-state.o:	$(CDIR)/result.h
-state.o:	$(CDIR)/state.h
-state.o:	tables.h
-state.o:	$(CDIR)/types.h
-subr.o:		$(CDIR)/assert.h
-subr.o:		$(CDIR)/data.h
-subr.o:		$(CDIR)/extern.h
-subr.o:		$(CDIR)/param.h
-subr.o:		$(CDIR)/result.h
-subr.o:		tables.h
-subr.o:		$(CDIR)/types.h
-var.o:		$(CDIR)/data.h
-var.o:		$(CDIR)/param.h
-var.o:		$(CDIR)/result.h
-var.o:		tables.h
-var.o:		$(CDIR)/types.h

+ 0 - 171

@@ -1,171 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef NORCSID
-static char rcsid[] = "$Header$";
- * (c) copyright 1983 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
- *
- *          This product is part of the Amsterdam Compiler Kit.
- *
- * Permission to use, sell, duplicate or disclose this software must be
- * obtained in writing. Requests for such permissions may be sent to
- *
- *      Dr. Andrew S. Tanenbaum
- *      Wiskundig Seminarium
- *      Vrije Universiteit
- *      Postbox 7161
- *      1007 MC Amsterdam
- *      The Netherlands
- *
- * Author: Hans van Staveren
- */
- * machine dependent back end routines for the PDP-11
- */
-#define REGPATCH
-con_part(sz,w) register sz; word w; {
-	while (part_size % sz)
-		part_size++;
-	if (part_size == EM_WSIZE)
-		part_flush();
-	if (sz == 1) {
-		w &= 0xFF;
-		if (part_size)
-			w <<= 8;
-		part_word |= w;
-	} else {
-		assert(sz == 2);
-		part_word = w;
-	}
-	part_size += sz;
-con_mult(sz) word sz; {
-	long l;
-	if (sz != 4)
-		fatal("bad icon/ucon size");
-	l = atol(str);
-	fprintf(codefile,"\t%o;%o\n",(int)(l>>16),(int)l);
-con_float() {
-	double f;
-	register short *p,i;
-	if (argval != 4 && argval != 8)
-		fatal("bad fcon size");
-	f = atof(str);
-	p = (short *) &f;
-	i = *p++;
-	if (argval == 8) {
-		fprintf(codefile,"\t%o;%o;",i,*p++);
-		i = *p++;
-	}
-	fprintf(codefile,"\t%o;%o\n",i,*p++);
-#ifdef REGVARS
-char Rstring[10] = "RT";
-regscore(off,size,typ,score,totyp) long off; {
-	if (size != 2)
-		return(-1);
-	score -= 1;	/* allow for save/restore */
-	if (off>=0)
-		score -= 2;
-	if (typ==reg_pointer)
-		score *= 17;
-	else if (typ==reg_loop)
-		score = 10*score+50;	/* Guestimate */
-	else
-		score *= 10;
-	return(score);	/* estimated # of words of profit */
-i_regsave() {
-	Rstring[2] = 0;
-f_regsave() {}
-regsave(regstr,off,size) char *regstr; long off; {
-	fprintf(codefile,"/ Local %ld into %s\n",off,regstr);
-#ifndef REGPATCH
-	fprintf(codefile,"mov %s,-(sp)\n",regstr);
-	strcat(Rstring,regstr);
-	if (off>=0)
-		fprintf(codefile,"mov 0%lo(r5),%s\n",off,regstr);
-regreturn() {
-#ifdef REGPATCH
-	fprintf(codefile,"jmp eret\n");
-	fprintf(codefile,"jmp %s\n",Rstring);
-prolog(nlocals) full nlocals; {
-#ifdef REGPATCH
-	fprintf(codefile,"mov r2,-(sp)\nmov r4,-(sp)\n");
-	fprintf(codefile,"mov r5,-(sp)\nmov sp,r5\n");
-	if (nlocals == 0)
-		return;
-	if (nlocals == 2)
-		fprintf(codefile,"tst -(sp)\n");
-	else
-		fprintf(codefile,"sub $0%o,sp\n",nlocals);
-dlbdlb(as,ls) string as,ls; {
-	if (strlen(as)+strlen(ls)+2<sizeof(labstr)) {
-		strcat(ls,":");
-		strcat(ls,as);
-	} else
-		fatal("too many consecutive labels");
-mes(type) word type; {
-	int argt ;
-	switch ( (int)type ) {
-	case ms_ext :
-		for (;;) {
-			switch ( argt=getarg(
-			    ptyp(sp_cend)|ptyp(sp_pnam)|sym_ptyp) ) {
-			case sp_cend :
-				return ;
-			default:
-				strarg(argt) ;
-				fprintf(codefile,".globl %s\n",argstr) ;
-				break ;
-			}
-		}
-	default :
-		while ( getarg(any_ptyp) != sp_cend ) ;
-		break ;
-	}
-char    *segname[] = {
-	".text",        /* SEGTXT */
-	".data",        /* SEGCON */
-	".data",        /* SEGROM */
-	".bss"          /* SEGBSS */

+ 0 - 23

@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-/* $Header$ */
-#define ex_ap(y)	fprintf(codefile,"\t.globl %s\n",y)
-#define in_ap(y)	/* nothing */
-#define newilb(x)	fprintf(codefile,"%s:\n",x)
-#define newdlb(x)	fprintf(codefile,"%s:\n",x)
-#define newlbss(l,x)	fprintf(codefile,"%s:.=.+0%o\n",l,x);
-#define cst_fmt		"$0%o"
-#define off_fmt		"0%o"
-#define ilb_fmt		"I%02x%x"
-#define dlb_fmt		"_%d"
-#define	hol_fmt		"hol%d"
-#define hol_off		"0%o+hol%d"
-#define con_cst(x)	fprintf(codefile,"0%o\n",x)
-#define con_ilb(x)	fprintf(codefile,"%s\n",x)
-#define con_dlb(x)	fprintf(codefile,"%s\n",x)
-#define id_first	'_'
-#define BSS_INIT	0

+ 0 - 2450

@@ -1,2450 +0,0 @@
- * Back end tables for pdp 11                           *
- * Authors : Ceriel J.H. Jacobs,Hans van Staveren       *
- *                                                      *
- * wordsize = 2 bytes, pointersize = 2 bytes.           *
- *                                                      *
- * Register r5 is used for the LB, the stack pointer    *
- * is used for SP. Also some global variables are used: *
- * - reghp~     : the heap pointer                      *
- * - trpim~     : trap ignore mask                      *
- * - trppc~     : address of user defined trap handler  *
- * - retar	: function return area for size>4       *
- *                                                      *
- * Timing is based on the timing information available  *
- * for the 11/45. Hardware floating point processor is  *
- * assumed.                                             *
- ********************************************************/
- * (c) copyright 1983 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
- *
- *          This product is part of the Amsterdam Compiler Kit.
- *
- * Permission to use, sell, duplicate or disclose this software must be
- * obtained in writing. Requests for such permissions may be sent to
- *
- *      Dr. Andrew S. Tanenbaum
- *      Wiskundig Seminarium
- *      Vrije Universiteit
- *      Postbox 7161
- *      1007 MC Amsterdam
- *      The Netherlands
- *
- */
-#define REGPATCH		/* save all registers in link block */
-#ifdef REGPATCH
-#define SL 8
-#define SSL "010"
-#define SL 4
-#define SSL "4"
-#endif REGPATCH
-#define NC nocoercions:
-/* options */
-/* #define DORCK	/* rck is expanded instead of thrown away */
-#define REGVARS		/* use register variables */
-r0      = ("r0", 2), REG.
-r1      = ("r1", 2), REG, ODD_REG.
-#ifdef REGVARS
-r2	= ("r2", 2) regvar, REG.
-/* r2      = ("r2", 2), REG. */
-r3      = ("r3", 2), REG, ODD_REG.
-#ifdef REGVARS
-r4	= ("r4", 2) regvar, REG.
-/* r4      = ("r4", 2), REG. */
-lb      = ("r5", 2), localbase.
-r01     = ("r0", 4, r0, r1), REG_PAIR.
-#ifndef REGVARS
-/* r23     = ("r2", 4, r2, r3), REG_PAIR. */
-fr0     = ("fr0", 4), FLT_REG.
-fr1     = ("fr1", 4), FLT_REG.
-fr2     = ("fr2", 4), FLT_REG.
-fr3     = ("fr3", 4), FLT_REG.
-fr01    = ("fr0", 8, fr0, fr1), FLT_REG_PAIR.
-fr23    = ("fr2", 8, fr2, fr3), FLT_REG_PAIR.
-dr0     = ("fr0", 8, fr0), DBL_REG.
-dr1     = ("fr1", 8, fr1), DBL_REG.
-dr2     = ("fr2", 8, fr2), DBL_REG.
-dr3     = ("fr3", 8, fr3), DBL_REG.
-dr01    = ("fr0", 16, dr0, dr1), DBL_REG_PAIR.
-dr23    = ("fr2", 16, dr2, dr3), DBL_REG_PAIR.
- * Types on the EM-machine      *
- ********************************/
-CONST2          = {INT num;}    2 cost=(2,300) "$%[num]"
-LOCAL2          = {INT ind,size;}       2 cost=(2,600) "%[ind](r5)"
-LOCAL4          = {INT ind,size;}       4 cost=(2,1200) "%[ind](r5)"
-ADDR_LOCAL      = {INT ind;}    2
-ADDR_EXTERNAL   = {STRING ind;} 2 cost=(2,300)  "$%[ind]"
- * Now mostly addressing modes of target machine        *
- ********************************************************/
-regdef2 =       {REGISTER reg;} 2 cost=(0,300) "*%[reg]"
-regind2 =       {REGISTER reg; STRING ind;} 2 cost=(2,600) "%[ind](%[reg])"
-reginddef2 =    {REGISTER reg; STRING ind;} 2 cost=(2,1050) "*%[ind](%[reg])"
-regconst2 =     {REGISTER reg; STRING ind;} 2
- * This means : add "reg" and "ind" to get address.     *
- * Not really addressable on the PDP 11                 *
- ********************************************************/
-relative2 =     {STRING ind;} 2 cost=(2,600) "%[ind]"
-reldef2 =       {STRING ind;} 2 cost=(2,1050) "*%[ind]"
-regdef1 =       {REGISTER reg;} 2 cost=(0,300) "*%[reg]"
-regind1 =       {REGISTER reg; STRING ind;} 2 cost=(2,600) "%[ind](%[reg])"
-reginddef1 =    {REGISTER reg; STRING ind;} 2 cost=(2,1050) "*%[ind](%[reg])"
-relative1 =     {STRING ind;} 2 cost=(2,600) "%[ind]"
-reldef1 =       {STRING ind;} 2 cost=(2,1050) "*%[ind]"
- * fto* are floats converted to *, conversion is delayed to be combined *
- * with store.								*
- ************************************************************************/
-ftoint =	{REGISTER reg;} 2
-ftolong =	{REGISTER reg;} 4
- * ...4 and ...8 are only addressable by the floating point processor.    *
- ************************************************************************/
-regind4 =       {REGISTER reg; STRING ind; } 4 cost=(2,3630) "%[ind](%[reg])"
-relative4 =     {STRING ind; } 4 cost=(2,3630) "%[ind]"
-regdef4 =       {REGISTER reg;} 4 cost=(2,3240) "*%[reg]"
-regdef8 =       {REGISTER reg;} 8 cost=(2,5220) "*%[reg]"
-relative8 =     {STRING ind; } 8 cost=(2,5610) "%[ind]"
-regind8 =       {REGISTER reg; STRING ind;} 8 cost=(2,5610) "%[ind](%[reg])"
-all=            ALL 
-source2 =       REG + regdef2 + regind2 + reginddef2 + localbase + 
-		relative2 + reldef2 + ADDR_EXTERNAL + CONST2 + LOCAL2 
-xsource2 =	source2 + ftoint
-source1 =       regdef1 + regind1 + reginddef1 + relative1 +
-		reldef1
-source1or2 =    source1 + source2
-long4 =         relative4 + regdef4 + LOCAL4 + regind4 + REG_PAIR
-longf4 =        long4 + FLT_REG - REG_PAIR
-double8 =       relative8 + regdef8 + regind8 + DBL_REG
-indexed2 =      regind2 + reginddef2
-indexed4 =      regind4
-indexed8 =      regind8
-indexed  =      indexed2 + indexed4 + indexed8
-regdeferred =   regdef2 + regdef4 + regdef8
-indordef =      indexed + regdeferred
-locals =        LOCAL2 + LOCAL4 
-variable2 =     relative2 + reldef2
-variable4 =     relative4
-variable8 =     relative8
-variable  =     variable2 + variable4 + variable8
-dadres2 =       relative2 + REG + regind2
-regs =          REG + REG_PAIR + FLT_REG + FLT_REG_PAIR +
-noconst2 =	source2 - CONST2 - ADDR_EXTERNAL
-allexeptcon =   all - regs - CONST2 - ADDR_LOCAL - ADDR_EXTERNAL
-externals =	relative1 + relative2 + relative4 + relative8
-posextern =	variable + regdeferred + indexed + externals
-diradr2 =       regconst2 + ADDR_EXTERNAL
-#ifdef REGVARS
-#define INDSTORE remove(allexeptcon-locals) remove(locals, inreg(%[ind])==0)
-#define INDSTORE remove(allexeptcon)
- * Group 1 : load instructions.                         *
- *                                                      *
- * For most load instructions no code is generated.     *
- * Action : put something on the fake-stack.            *
- ********************************************************/
-loc             | |             | {CONST2, $1}                          | |
-ldc             | |             | {CONST2, loww(1)}  {CONST2, highw(1)}	| |
-#ifdef REGVARS
-lol inreg($1)==2| |		| regvar($1)			| |
-lol             | |             | {LOCAL2, $1,2}                        | |
-loe             | |             | {relative2, $1}                       | |
-#ifdef REGVARS
-lil inreg($1)==2| |		| {regdef2, regvar($1)}		| |
-lil             | |             | {reginddef2, lb, tostring($1)}    | |
-lof		| REG         | | {regind2,%[1],tostring($1)}       | |
-...		| NC regconst2 |
-		 | {regind2,%[1.reg],tostring($1)+"+"+%[1.ind]}        | |
-...             | NC ADDR_EXTERNAL |
-		 | {relative2,tostring($1)+"+"+%[1.ind]} 		| |
-...             | NC ADDR_LOCAL |  | {LOCAL2, %[1.ind] + $1,2}		| |
-#ifdef REGVARS
-lol lof inreg($1)!=2 | |
-			allocate(REG={LOCAL2, $1,2})
-				| {regind2,%[a],tostring($2)}	| |
-lal             | |             | {ADDR_LOCAL, $1}                      | |
-lae             | |             | {ADDR_EXTERNAL, $1}                   | |
-lpb		| |		|			| adp SL  	  |
-lxl $1==0       | |             | lb                           	| |
-lxl $1==1       | |             | {LOCAL2 ,SL,2}                        | |
-lxl $1==2       | |     allocate(REG={LOCAL2, SL, 2})
-				| {regind2,%[a], SSL}                   | |
-lxl $1==3	| |	allocate(REG={LOCAL2, SL, 2})
-			move({regind2,%[a], SSL},%[a])
-				| {regind2,%[a], SSL}                   | |
-lxl $1>3        | |     allocate(REG={LOCAL2, SL, 2}, REG={CONST2,$1-1})
-			"1:"
-			move({regind2,%[a], SSL},%[a])
-			"sob %[b],1b"
-			setcc(%[a]) erase(%[a]) erase(%[b])
-				| %[a]                                  | |
-lxa $1==0       | |             | {ADDR_LOCAL, SL}                      | |
-lxa $1==1       | |     allocate(REG={LOCAL2, SL, 2 })
-				| {regconst2, %[a], SSL }               | |
-lxa $1==2       | |     allocate(REG={LOCAL2, SL, 2 })
-			move({regind2, %[a], SSL }, %[a])
-				| {regconst2, %[a], SSL }               | |
-lxa $1==3       | |     allocate(REG={LOCAL2, SL, 2 })
-			move({regind2, %[a], SSL }, %[a])
-			move({regind2, %[a], SSL }, %[a])
-				| {regconst2, %[a], SSL }               | |
-lxa $1 > 3      | |     allocate(REG={LOCAL2, SL, 2}, REG={CONST2,$1-1})
-			"1:"
-			move({regind2,%[a], SSL},%[a])
-			"sob %[b],1b"
-			setcc(%[a]) erase(%[a]) erase(%[b])
-				| {regconst2, %[a], SSL }               | |
-dch		| |		|                              | loi 2    |
-loi $1==2       | REG |            | {regdef2, %[1]}                    | |
-...             | NC regconst2 |   | {regind2, %[1.reg], %[1.ind]}      | |
-...             | NC relative2 |   | {reldef2, %[1.ind]}                | |
-...             | NC regind2 |     | {reginddef2, %[1.reg], %[1.ind]}   | |
-...		| NC regdef2 |	   | {reginddef2, %[1.reg], "0"}| |
-...             | NC ADDR_LOCAL |  | {LOCAL2, %[1.ind],2}               | |
-...             | NC ADDR_EXTERNAL | | {relative2, %[1.ind]}            | |
-...             | NC LOCAL2 |
-		               |{reginddef2, lb, tostring(%[1.ind])}| |
-loi $1==1       | REG |         | {regdef1, %[1]}                       | |
-...             | NC regconst2 |   | {regind1, %[1.reg], %[1.ind]}      | |
-...             | NC ADDR_EXTERNAL | | {relative1, %[1.ind]}            | |
-...		| NC ADDR_LOCAL| |{regind1, lb, tostring(%[1.ind])} | |
-...             | NC relative2 |   | {reldef1, %[1.ind]}                | |
-...             | NC regind2 |     | {reginddef1, %[1.reg], %[1.ind]}   | |
-...		| NC regdef2 |	   | {reginddef1, %[1.reg], "0"}| |
-...		| NC LOCAL2 | |{reginddef1, lb, tostring(%[1.ind])} | |
-loi $1==4       | REG |         | {regdef4, %[1]}                       | |
-...             | NC regconst2 |   | {regind4, %[1.reg], %[1.ind]}      | |
-...             | NC ADDR_LOCAL |  | {LOCAL4,%[1.ind],4}                | |
-...             | NC ADDR_EXTERNAL | | {relative4, %[1.ind]}            | |
-loi $1==8       | REG |         | {regdef8, %[1]}                       | |
-...             | NC regconst2 |   | {regind8, %[1.reg], %[1.ind]}      | |
-...             | NC ADDR_LOCAL |
-		 | {regind8, lb , tostring(%[1.ind])}         	| |
-...             | NC ADDR_EXTERNAL | | {relative8, %[1.ind]}            | |
-loi             | NC ADDR_LOCAL |
-			remove(all)
-			allocate(REG={CONST2,$1/2},REG)
-			move(lb,%[b])
-			"add $$%(%[1.ind]+$1%),%[b]"
-			"1:\tmov -(%[b]),-(sp)"
-			"sob %[a],1b"
-			erase(%[a]) erase(%[b])		| 		| |
-...             | NC ADDR_EXTERNAL |
-			remove(all)
-			allocate(REG={CONST2,$1/2},REG)
-			"mov $$%[1.ind]+$1,%[b]"
-			"1:\tmov -(%[b]),-(sp)"
-			"sob %[a],1b"
-			erase(%[a]) erase(%[b])		| 		| |
-...		| SCR_REG |
-			remove(all)
-			allocate(REG={CONST2,$1})
-			"add %[a],%[1]"
-			"asr %[a]"
-			"1:\tmov -(%[1]),-(sp)"
-			"sob %[a],1b"
-			erase(%[1]) erase(%[a])         | 		| |
-los $1==2       | |
-			remove(all)
-			"mov (sp)+,r0"
-			"mov (sp)+,r1"
-			"jsr pc,los2~"                  |       	| |
-los !defined($1)| source2 |
-			remove(all)
-			"cmp %[1],$$2"
-			"beq 1f;jmp unknown~;1:"
-			"mov (sp)+,r0"
-			"mov (sp)+,r1"
-			"jsr pc,los2~"                  |       	| |
-ldl             | |             | {LOCAL4, $1,4}                        | |
-lde             | |             | {relative4, $1}                       | |
-ldf             | regconst2 |
-		 | {regind4,%[1.reg], tostring($1)+"+"+%[1.ind]}       | |
-...             | NC ADDR_EXTERNAL |
-		 | {relative4, tostring($1)+"+"+%[1.ind]}		| |
-...             | NC ADDR_LOCAL |  | {LOCAL4, %[1.ind]+$1,4}            | |
-lpi             | |             | {ADDR_EXTERNAL, $1}                   | |
- * Group 2 : Store instructions.                                *
- *                                                              *
- * These instructions are likely to ruin the fake-stack.        *
- * We don't expect many items on the fake-stack anyway          *
- * because we seem to have evaluated an expression just now.    *
- ****************************************************************/
-#ifdef REGVARS
-stl inreg($1)==2| xsource2 |
-			remove(regvar($1))
-			move(%[1],regvar($1))              |       | |
-stl             | xsource2 |
-			remove(indordef)
-			remove(locals, %[ind] <= $1 && %[ind]+%[size] > $1)
-			move(%[1],{LOCAL2,$1,2})              |       | |
-ste             | xsource2 |
-			remove(posextern)
-			move(%[1], {relative2, $1 })            |       | |
-#ifdef REGVARS
-sil inreg($1)==2| xsource2 |
-			move(%[1], {regdef2,regvar($1)})          |       | |
-sil             | xsource2 |
-			move(%[1], {reginddef2,lb,tostring($1)})          |       | |
-stf             | regconst2 xsource2 |
-			move(%[2],{regind2,%[1.reg],tostring($1)+"+"+%[1.ind]}) |     | |
-...             | ADDR_EXTERNAL xsource2 |
-			move(%[2],{relative2,tostring($1)+"+"+%[1.ind]})|   | |
-#ifdef REGVARS
-lol stf inreg($1)!=2 | xsource2 |
-			allocate(REG={LOCAL2, $1,2})
-			move(%[1],{regind2,%[a],tostring($2)})	|    | |
-sti $1==2       | REG xsource2 |
-			move(%[2],{regdef2,%[1]})               |       | |
-...             | regconst2 xsource2 |
-			move(%[2],{regind2,%[1.reg],%[1.ind]})  |       | |
-...             | ADDR_EXTERNAL xsource2 |
-			move(%[2],{relative2,%[1.ind]})         |       | |
-...		| ADDR_LOCAL xsource2 |
-			move(%[2],{LOCAL2, %[1.ind], 2})	|	| |
-...             | relative2 xsource2 |
-			move(%[2],{reldef2,%[1.ind]})           |       | |
-...             | regind2 xsource2 |
-			move(%[2],{reginddef2,%[1.reg],%[1.ind]}) |     | |
-sti $1==1       | REG source1or2 |
-			move(%[2],{regdef1,%[1]})               |       | |
-...             | NC regconst2 source1or2 |
-			move(%[2],{regind1,%[1.reg],%[1.ind]})  |       | |
-...             | NC ADDR_EXTERNAL source1or2 |
-			move(%[2],{relative1,%[1.ind]})         |       | |
-...		| NC ADDR_LOCAL source1or2 |
-			move(%[2],{regind1, lb, tostring(%[1.ind])}) | | |
-...             | NC relative2 source1or2 |
-			move(%[2],{reldef1,%[1.ind]})           |       | |
-...             | NC regind2 source1or2 |
-			move(%[2],{reginddef1,%[1.reg],%[1.ind]}) |     | |
-sti $1==4       | NC dadres2 FLT_REG |
-			"movfo %[2],*%[1]"
-			samecc                                  |       | |
-...		| NC dadres2 ftolong |
-			"setl\nmovfi %[2.reg],*%[1]\nseti"
-			samecc					|	| |
-...             | NC regconst2 FLT_REG |
-			"movfo %[2],%[1.ind](%[1.reg])"
-			samecc                                  |       | |
-...             | NC regconst2 ftolong |
-			"setl\nmovfi %[2.reg],%[1.ind](%[1.reg])\nseti"
-			samecc                                  |       | |
-...             | NC ADDR_LOCAL FLT_REG |
-			"movfo %[2],%[1.ind](r5)"
-			samecc                                  |       | |
-...             | NC ADDR_LOCAL ftolong |
-			"setl\nmovfi %[2.reg],%[1.ind](r5)\nseti"
-			samecc                                  |       | |
-			"movfo %[2],%[1.ind]"
-			samecc					|	| |
-...		| NC ADDR_EXTERNAL ftolong |
-			"setl\nmovfi %[2.reg],%[1.ind]\nseti"
-			samecc					|	| |
-...             | REG source2 source2 |
-			move(%[2],{regdef2,%[1]})
-			move(%[3],{regind2,%[1],"2"})             |       | |
-...             | SCR_REG STACK |
-			"mov (sp)+,(%[1])+"
-			"mov (sp)+,(%[1])"
-			erase(%[1])                             |       | | (4,2040)
-sti $1==8       | NC dadres2 DBL_REG |
-			"movf %[2],*%[1]"
-			samecc                                  |       | |
-...             | NC regconst2 DBL_REG |
-			"movf %[2],%[1.ind](%[1.reg])"
-			samecc                                  |       | |
-...             | NC ADDR_LOCAL DBL_REG |
-			"movf %[2],%[1.ind](r5)"
-			samecc                                  |       | |
-			"movf %[2],%[1.ind]"
-			samecc					|	| |
-...		| SCR_REG regind8 |
-			"mov %[2.ind](%[2.reg]),(%[1])+"
-			"mov 2+%[2.ind](%[2.reg]),(%[1])+"
-			"mov 4+%[2.ind](%[2.reg]),(%[1])+"
-			"mov 6+%[2.ind](%[2.reg]),(%[1])"
-			erase(%[1])				|	| |
-...		| SCR_REG relative8 |
-			allocate(REG={ADDR_EXTERNAL,%[2.ind]})
-			"mov (%[a])+,(%[1])+"
-			"mov (%[a])+,(%[1])+"
-			"mov (%[a])+,(%[1])+"
-			"mov (%[a]),(%[1])"
-			erase(%[1]) erase(%[a])			|	| |
-...             | SCR_REG |
-			remove(all)
-			"mov (sp)+,(%[1])+"
-			"mov (sp)+,(%[1])+"
-			"mov (sp)+,(%[1])+"
-			"mov (sp)+,(%[1])"
-			erase(%[1])                             |       | | (8,4080)
-sti             | SCR_REG |
-			remove(all)
-			allocate(REG={CONST2,$1/2})
-			"1:\tmov (sp)+,(%[1])+"
-			"sob %[a],1b"
-			erase(%[1]) erase(%[a]) |       | | (8,1500+$1*825)
-lal sti $2>2 && $2<=8	| NC xsource2 | | %[1] | stl $1 lal $1+2 sti $2-2 |
-...		        | 		        | | {ADDR_LOCAL,$1} | sti $2 |
-sts $1==2       | |
-			remove(all)
-			"mov (sp)+,r0"
-			"mov (sp)+,r1"
-			"jsr pc,sto2~"
-			erase(r01)                              |       | |
-sdl             | NC FLT_REG |
-			remove(indordef)
-			remove(locals, %[ind] <= $1+2 && %[ind]+%[size] > $1)
-			move(%[1],{LOCAL4,$1,4})              |       | |
-...             | NC ftolong |
-			remove(indordef)
-			remove(locals, %[ind] <= $1+2 && %[ind]+%[size] > $1)
-			"setl\nmovfi %[1.reg],$1(r5)\nseti"
-			samecc					|       | |
-...             | source2 source2 |
-			remove(indordef)
-			remove(locals, %[ind] <= $1+2 && %[ind]+%[size] > $1)
-			move(%[1],{LOCAL2,$1,2})
-			move(%[2],{LOCAL2,$1+2,2})              |       | |
-sde             | NC FLT_REG |
-			remove(posextern)
-			move(%[1],{relative4,$1})               |       | |
-...             | NC ftolong |
-			remove(posextern)
-			"setl\nmovfi %[1.reg],$1\nseti"
-			samecc					|       | |
-...             | source2 source2 |
-			remove(posextern)
-			move(%[1], {relative2, $1 })
-			move(%[2], {relative2, $1+"+2" })            |       | |
-sdf             | NC regconst2 FLT_REG |
-			move(%[2],{regind4,%[1.reg],tostring($1)+"+"+%[1.ind]}) |     | |
-...             | NC regconst2 ftolong |
-			"setl\nmovfi %[2.reg],$1+%[1.ind](%[1.reg])\nseti"
-			samecc					|     | |
-...             | NC ADDR_EXTERNAL FLT_REG |
-			move(%[2],{relative4,tostring($1)+"+"+%[1.ind]})|   | |
-...             | NC ADDR_EXTERNAL ftolong |
-			"setl\nmovfi %[2.reg],$1+%[1.ind]\nseti"
-			samecc					|   | |
-...             | regconst2 source2 source2 |
-			move(%[2],{regind2,%[1.reg],tostring($1)+"+"+%[1.ind]})
-			move(%[3],{regind2,%[1.reg],tostring($1+2)+"+"+%[1.ind]}) |     | |
-...             | ADDR_EXTERNAL source2 source2 |
-			move(%[2],{relative2,tostring($1)+"+"+%[1.ind]})
-			move(%[3],{relative2,tostring($1+2)+"+"+%[1.ind]}) |     | |
- * Group 3 : Integer arithmetic.                                *
- *                                                              *
- * Implemented (sometimes with the use of subroutines) :        *
- * all 2 and 4 byte arithmetic.                         *
- ****************************************************************/
-adi $1==2       | NC SCR_REG CONST2 | | {regconst2,%[1],tostring(%[2.num])} | |
-...		| NC SCR_REG ADDR_EXTERNAL | | {regconst2,%[1],%[2.ind]} | |
-			"add r5,%[1]" erase(%[1])	|
-					   {regconst2,%[1],tostring(%[2.ind])} | | (2,450)
-			allocate(REG)
-			"mov r5,%[a]"
-			"add %[1],%[a]"
-			erase(%[a])	| {regconst2,%[a],tostring(%[2.ind])} | | (4,900)
-...		| NC SCR_REG regconst2 |
-			"add %[2.reg],%[1]" erase(%[1]) |
-					   {regconst2,%[1],%[2.ind]} | | (2,450)
-			allocate(%[1],REG=%[1])	| %[2] %[a] | adi 2 |
-...		| NC regconst2 CONST2 | |
-					   {regconst2,%[1.reg],
-					      tostring(%[2.num])+"+"+%[1.ind]} | |
-...		| NC regconst2 ADDR_EXTERNAL | |
-					   {regconst2,%[1.reg],
-					      %[2.ind]+"+"+%[1.ind]} | |
-...		| NC regconst2 ADDR_LOCAL | 
-			"add r5,%[1.reg]" erase(%[1.reg]) |
-					   {regconst2,%[1.reg],
-					      tostring(%[2.ind])+"+"+%[1.ind]} | | (2,450)
-...		| NC regconst2 regconst2 |
-			"add %[2.reg],%[1.reg]" erase(%[1.reg]) |
-					   {regconst2,%[1.reg],%[2.ind]+"+"+%[1.ind]} | | (2,450)
-...		| NC regconst2 noconst2 |
-			"add %[2],%[1.reg]" erase(%[1.reg]) | %[1] | | (2,450)+%[2]
-...		| NC SCR_REG noconst2 |
-			"add %[2],%[1]"
-			setcc(%[1])     erase(%[1])     | %[1]  | | (2,450)+%[2]
-...		| NC source2 regconst2 |
-			"add %[1],%[2.reg]"
-			erase(%[2.reg])			| %[2]	| | (2,450)+%[1]
-...		| NC regconst2 source2 |
-			"add %[2],%[1.reg]"
-			erase(%[1.reg])			| %[1]	| | (2,450)+%[2]
-...             | source2 SCR_REG |
-			"add %[1],%[2]"
-			setcc(%[2])     erase(%[2])     | %[2]  | | (2,450)+%[1]
-adi $1==4       | SCR_REG SCR_REG source2 source2 |
-			"add %[4],%[2]"
-			"adc %[1]"
-			"add %[3],%[1]"
-			setcc(%[1]) erase(%[1]) erase(%[2])
-				| %[2] %[1]              | | (6,1200)+%[4]+%[3]
-...		| SCR_REG SCR_REG source2 STACK |
-			"add (sp)+,%[2]"
-			"adc %[1]"
-			"add %[3],%[1]"
-			setcc(%[1]) erase(%[1]) erase(%[2])
-				| %[2] %[1]              | | (6,1900)+%[3]
-			"add (sp)+,%[1]"
-			"add (sp)+,%[2]"
-			"adc %[1]"
-			setcc(%[1]) erase(%[1]) erase(%[2])
-				| %[2] %[1]		| | (6,2800)
-...             | source2 source2 SCR_REG SCR_REG |
-			"add %[2],%[4]"
-			"adc %[3]"
-			"add %[1],%[3]"
-			setcc(%[3]) erase(%[3]) erase(%[4])
-				| %[4] %[3]              | | (6,1200)+%[1]+%[2]
-adi !defined($1)| source2 |
-			remove(all)
-			move(%[1],r0)
-			"jsr pc,adi~"                   |       | |
-sbi $1==2       | source2 SCR_REG |
-			"sub %[1],%[2]"
-			setcc(%[2])     erase(%[2])     | %[2]  | | (2,450)+%[1]
-...             | NC SCR_REG source2-REG |
-			"sub %[2],%[1]"
-			"neg %[1]"
-			setcc(%[1])     erase(%[1])     | %[1]  | | (4,750)+%[2]
-sbi $1==4       | source2-REG source2-REG SCR_REG SCR_REG |
-			"sub %[2],%[4]"
-			"sbc %[3]"
-			"sub %[1],%[3]"
-			setcc(%[3]) erase(%[3]) erase(%[4])
-				| %[4] %[3]             | | (6,1200)+%[1]+%[2]
-...		| source2 source2 STACK |
-			"sub %[2],2(sp)"
-			"sbc (sp)"
-			"sub %[1],(sp)"		      | | | (10,2800)+%[1]+%[2]
-sbi !defined($1)| source2 |
-			remove(all)
-			move(%[1],r0)
-			"jsr pc,sbi~"                   |       | |
-mli $1==2       | SCR_ODD_REG source2 |
-			"mul %[2],%[1]"
-			setcc(%[1])     erase(%[1])     | %[1]  | |(2,3300)+%[2]
-...             | source2 SCR_ODD_REG |
-			"mul %[1],%[2]"
-			setcc(%[2])     erase(%[2])     | %[2]  | |(2,3300)+%[1]
-mli $1==4       | |     remove(all)
-			"jsr pc,mli4~"
-				| r1 r0                                 | |
-mli !defined($1)| source2 |
-			remove(all)
-			move(%[1],r0)
-			"jsr pc,mli~"                   |       | |
-dvi $1==2       | source2 source2 |
-			allocate(%[2],REG_PAIR)
-			"mov %[2],%[a.2]"
-			"sxt %[a.1]"
-			"div %[1],%[a.1]"		| %[a.1] | |
-...		| source2 source2 |
-			"mov %[1],-(sp)"
-			"mov %[2],r1"
-			"sxt r0"
-			"div (sp)+,r0"			| r0	 | |(100,10000)
-dvi $1==4       | |     remove(all)
-			"jsr pc,dvi4~"                  | r1 r0 | |
-dvi !defined($1)| source2 |
-			remove(all)
-			move(%[1],r0)
-			"jsr pc,dvi~"                   |       | |
-rmi $1==2       | source2 source2 |
-			allocate(%[2],REG_PAIR)
-			"mov %[2],%[a.2]"
-			"sxt %[a.1]"
-			"div %[1],%[a.1]"		| %[a.2] | |
-...		| source2 source2 |
-			"mov %[1],-(sp)"
-			"mov %[2],r1"
-			"sxt r0"
-			"div (sp)+,r0"			| r1	 | |(100,10000)
-rmi $1==4       | |     remove(all)
-			"jsr pc,rmi4~"                  | r1 r0 | |
-rmi !defined($1)| source2 |
-			remove(all)
-			move(%[1],r0)
-			"jsr pc,rmi~"                   |       | |
-ngi $1==2       | SCR_REG |
-			"neg %[1]"
-			setcc(%[1])     erase(%[1])     | %[1]  | | (2,750)
-ngi $1==4       | SCR_REG SCR_REG |
-			"neg %[1]"
-			"neg %[2]"
-			"sbc %[1]"
-			setcc(%[1]) erase(%[1]) erase(%[2])
-				| %[2] %[1]                     | | (6,1800)
-ngi !defined($1)| source2 |
-			remove(all)
-			move(%[1],r0)
-			"jsr pc,ngi~"                   |       | |
-loc sli $1==1 && $2==2 | SCR_REG |
-			"asl %[1]"
-			setcc(%[1])	erase(%[1])		| %[1]| |
-sli $1==2       | source2 SCR_REG |
-			"ash %[1],%[2]"
-			setcc(%[2])     erase(%[2])             | %[2]  | |
-sli $1==4       | source2 SCR_REG_PAIR |
-			"ashc %[1],%[2]"
-			setcc(%[2])     erase(%[2])             | %[2]  | |
-sli !defined($1)| source2 |
-			remove(all)
-			move(%[1],r0)
-			"jsr pc,sli~"                   |       | |
-loc sri $1==1 && $2==2	| SCR_REG |
-			"asr %[1]"
-			setcc(%[1])	erase(%[1])		| %[1]| |
-loc sri $2==2	| SCR_REG |
-			"ash $$%(0-$1%),%[1]"
-			setcc(%[1])	erase(%[1])		| %[1]| |
-sri $1==2       | SCR_REG SCR_REG |
-			"neg %[1]"
-			"ash %[1], %[2]"
-			setcc(%[2])     erase(%[1]) erase(%[2]) | %[2]  | |
-loc sri $2==4       | SCR_REG_PAIR |
-			"ashc $$%(0-$1%),%[1]"
-			setcc(%[1])     erase(%[1])             | %[1]  | |
-sri $1==4       | SCR_REG SCR_REG_PAIR |
-			"neg %[1]"
-			"ashc %[1],%[2]"
-			setcc(%[2])     erase(%[1]) erase(%[2]) | %[2]  | |
-sri !defined($1)| source2 |
-			remove(all)
-			move(%[1],r0)
-			"jsr pc,sri~"                   |       | |
- * Group 4 : unsigned arithmetic                *
- *                                              *
- * adu = adi                                    *
- * sbu = sbi                                    *
- * slu = sli                                    *
- *                                              *
- * Supported : 2- and 4 byte arithmetic.        *
- ************************************************/
-adu             | |     |                                       | adi $1 |
-sbu             | |     |                                       | sbi $1 |
-mlu $1==2       | |     |                                       | mli $1 |
-mlu $1==4       | |     remove(all)
-			"jsr pc,mlu4~"                  | r1 r0 | |
-mlu !defined($1)| source2 |
-			remove(all)
-			move(%[1],r0)
-			"jsr pc,mlu~"                   |       | |
-dvu $1==2       | |     remove(all)
-			"jsr pc,dvu2~"                  | r0    | |
-dvu $1==4       | |     remove(all)
-			"jsr pc,dvu4~"                  | r1 r0 | |
-dvu !defined($1)| source2 |
-			remove(all)
-			move(%[1],r0)
-			"jsr pc,dvu~"                   |       | |
-rmu $1==2       | |     remove(all)
-			"jsr pc,rmu2~"                  | r1    | |
-rmu $1==4       | |     remove(all)
-			"jsr pc,rmu4~"                  | r1 r0 | |
-rmu !defined($1)| source2 |
-			remove(all)
-			move(%[1],r0)
-			"jsr pc,rmu~"                   |       | |
-slu 		| |	|				| sli $1 |
-sru $1==2       | SCR_REG xsource2 |
-			allocate(%[2],REG_PAIR)
-			move(%[2],%[a.2])
-			move({CONST2,0},%[a.1])
-			"neg %[1]"
-			"ashc %[1],%[a]"
-			erase(%[a])			| %[a.2]  | |
-loc sru $2==2       | xsource2 |
-			allocate(%[1],REG_PAIR)
-			move(%[1],%[a.2])
-			move({CONST2,0},%[a.1])
-			"ashc $$%(0-$1%),%[a]"
-			erase(%[a])			| %[a.2]  | |
-sru $1==4       | |     remove(all)
-			move({CONST2,$1},r0)
-			"jsr pc,sru~"
-			erase(r0)                               |       | |
-sru !defined($1)| source2 |
-			remove(all)
-			move(%[1],r0)
-			"jsr pc,sru~"                   |       | |
- * Group 5 : Floating point arithmetic          *
- *                                              *
- * Supported : 4- and 8 byte arithmetic.        *
- ************************************************/
-adf $1==4       | FLT_REG SCR_FLT_REG |
-			"addf %[1],%[2]"
-			samecc erase(%[2])              | %[2] | | (2,5000)+%[1]
-...             | SCR_FLT_REG FLT_REG |
-			"addf %[2],%[1]"
-			samecc erase(%[1])              | %[1] | | (2,5000)+%[2]
-adf $1==8       | double8 SCR_DBL_REG |
-			"addf %[1],%[2]"
-			samecc erase(%[2])              | %[2] | | (2,6000)+%[1]
-...             | SCR_DBL_REG double8 |
-			"addf %[2],%[1]"
-			samecc erase(%[1])              | %[1] | | (2,6000)+%[2]
-adf !defined($1)| source2 |
-			remove(ALL)
-			move(%[1],r0)
-			"jsr pc,adf~"                   |       | |
-sbf $1==4       | FLT_REG SCR_FLT_REG |
-			"subf %[1],%[2]"
-			samecc erase(%[2])              | %[2] | | (2,5000)+%[1]
-sbf $1==8       | double8 SCR_DBL_REG |
-			"subf %[1],%[2]"
-			samecc erase(%[2])              | %[2] | | (2,6000)+%[1]
-sbf !defined($1)| source2 |
-			remove(ALL)
-			move(%[1],r0)
-			"jsr pc,sbf~"                   |       | |
-mlf $1==4       | FLT_REG SCR_FLT_REG |
-			"mulf %[1],%[2]"
-			samecc erase(%[2])              | %[2] | | (2,7000)+%[1]
-...             | SCR_FLT_REG FLT_REG |
-			"mulf %[2],%[1]"
-			samecc erase(%[1])              | %[1] | | (2,7000)+%[2]
-mlf $1==8       | double8 SCR_DBL_REG |
-			"mulf %[1],%[2]"
-			samecc erase(%[2])              | %[2] | | (2,10000)+%[1]
-...             | SCR_DBL_REG double8 |
-			"mulf %[2],%[1]"
-			samecc erase(%[1])              | %[1] | | (2,10000)+%[2]
-mlf !defined($1)| source2 |
-			remove(ALL)
-			move(%[1],r0)
-			"jsr pc,mlf~"                   |       | |
-dvf $1==4       | FLT_REG SCR_FLT_REG |
-			"divf %[1],%[2]"
-			samecc erase(%[2])              | %[2] | | (2,8000)+%[1]
-dvf $1==8       | double8 SCR_DBL_REG |
-			"divf %[1],%[2]"
-			samecc erase(%[2])              | %[2] | | (2,12000)+%[1]
-dvf !defined($1)| source2 |
-			remove(ALL)
-			move(%[1],r0)
-			"jsr pc,dvf~"                   |       | |
-ngf $1==4       | SCR_FLT_REG |
-			"negf %[1]"
-			samecc erase(%[1])              | %[1] | |(2,2700)
-ngf $1==8       | SCR_DBL_REG |
-			"negf %[1]"
-			samecc erase(%[1])              | %[1] | |(2,2700)
-ngf !defined($1)| source2 |
-			remove(ALL)
-			move(%[1],r0)
-			"jsr pc,ngf~"                   |       | |
-fif $1==4       | longf4 FLT_REG |
-			allocate(FLT_REG_PAIR)
-			move(%[1],%[a.1])
-			"modf %[2],%[a]"
-			samecc erase(%[a.1])    | %[a.1] %[a.2] | | (2,7500)+%[2]
-fif $1==8       | double8 double8 |
-			allocate(DBL_REG_PAIR)
-			move(%[1],%[a.1])
-			"modf %[2],%[a]"
-			samecc erase(%[a.1])    | %[a.1] %[a.2] | | (2,15000)+%[2]
-fif !defined($1)| source2 |
-			remove(ALL)
-			move(%[1],r0)
-			"jsr pc,fif~"                   |       | |
-fef $1==4       | FLT_REG |
-			allocate(REG)
-			"movei %[1],%[a]"
-			"movie $$0,%[1]"
-			samecc
-			erase(%[1])             |%[1] %[a] | | (4,5000)
-fef $1==8       | DBL_REG |
-			allocate(REG)
-			"movei %[1],%[a]"
-			"movie $$0,%[1]"
-			samecc
-			erase(%[1])             |%[1] %[a] | | (4,5000)
-fef !defined($1)| source2 |
-			remove(ALL)
-			move(%[1],r0)
-			"jsr pc,fef~"                   |       | |
- * Group 6 : pointer arithmetic.        *
- *                                      *
- * Pointers have size 2 bytes.          *
- ****************************************/
-adp		| SCR_REG |  | {regconst2, %[1], tostring($1)} | |
-...             | NC regconst2 |   | {regconst2, %[1.reg], tostring($1)+"+"+%[1.ind]}    | |
-...             | NC ADDR_EXTERNAL | | {ADDR_EXTERNAL, tostring($1)+"+"+%[1.ind]} | |
-...             | NC ADDR_LOCAL |  | {ADDR_LOCAL,%[1.ind]+$1}              | |
-ads $1==2       | |             |                       | adi $1 |
-sbs $1==2       | |             |                       | sbi $1 |
- * Group 7 : increment/decrement/zero   *
- ****************************************/
-inc             | SCR_REG |
-			"inc %[1]"
-			setcc(%[1])     erase(%[1])     | %[1] | |
-#ifdef REGVARS
-inl inreg($1)==2| |     remove(regvar($1))
-			"inc %(regvar($1)%)"
-			erase(regvar($1))          |       | |
-inl             | |     remove(indordef)
-			remove(locals, %[ind] <= $1 && %[ind]+%[size] > $1)
-			"inc $1(r5)"
-			setcc({LOCAL2,$1,2})          |       | |
-ine             | |     remove(posextern)
-			"inc $1"
-			setcc({relative2,$1})           |       | |
-dec             | SCR_REG |
-			"dec %[1]"
-			setcc(%[1])     erase(%[1])     | %[1]  | |
-#ifdef REGVARS
-del inreg($1)==2| |     remove(regvar($1))
-			"dec %(regvar($1)%)"
-			erase(regvar($1))          |       | |
-del             | |     remove(indordef)
-			remove(locals, %[ind] <= $1 && %[ind]+%[size] > $1)
-			"dec $1(r5)"
-			setcc({LOCAL2,$1,2})          |       | |
-dee             | |     remove(posextern)
-			"dec $1"
-			setcc({relative2,$1})           |       | | (4,900)
-#ifdef REGVARS
-lol loc sbi stl $1==$4 && $3==2 && inreg($1)==2 | | 
-			remove(regvar($1))
-			"sub $$$2,%(regvar($1)%)"
-			erase(regvar($1))		|	| |
-lol ngi stl $1==$3 && $2==2 && inreg($1)==2 | |
-			remove(regvar($1))
-			"neg %(regvar($1)%)"
-			erase(regvar($1))		|	| |
-lil ngi sil $1==$3 && $2==2 && inreg($1)==2 | |
-			"neg *%(regvar($1)%)" 		|	| |
-lil inc sil $1==$3 && inreg($1)==2 | | INDSTORE
-			"inc *%(regvar($1)%)"		|	| |
-lol adi stl $2==2 && $1==$3 && inreg($1)==2 | source2 |
-			remove(regvar($1))
-			"add %[1],%(regvar($1)%)"
-			erase(regvar($1))		|	| |
-lol adp stl $1==$3 && $2==1 && inreg($1)==2 | |
-			remove(regvar($1))
-			"inc %(regvar($1)%)"
-			erase(regvar($1))		|	| |
-lol adp stl $1==$3 && inreg($1)==2 | |
-			remove(regvar($1))
-			"add $$$2,%(regvar($1)%)"
-			erase(regvar($1))		|	| |
-lol loc sbi stl $1==$4 && $3==2 | | 
-			remove(indordef)
-			remove(locals, %[ind] <= $1 && %[ind]+%[size] > $1)
-			"sub $$$2,$1(r5)"
-			setcc({LOCAL2,$1,2})		|	| |
-lol ngi stl $1==$3 && $2==2 | |
-			remove(indordef)
-			remove(locals, %[ind] <= $1 && %[ind]+%[size] > $1)
-			"neg $1(r5)"
-			setcc({LOCAL2,$1,2})		|	| |
-lil ngi sil $1==$3 && $2==2 | | INDSTORE
-			"neg *$1(r5)"			|	| |
-lil inc sil $1==$3 | | INDSTORE
-			"inc *$1(r5)"			|	| |
-lol adi stl $2==2 && $1==$3 | source2 |
-			remove(indordef)
-			remove(locals, %[ind] <= $1 && %[ind]+%[size] > $1)
-			"add %[1],$1(r5)"
-			setcc({LOCAL2,$1,2})		|	| |
-lol adp stl $1==$3 && $2==1 | |
-			remove(indordef)
-			remove(locals, %[ind] <= $1 && %[ind]+%[size] > $1)
-			"inc $1(r5)"
-			setcc({LOCAL2,$1,2})		|	| |
-lol adp stl $1==$3 | |
-			remove(indordef)
-			remove(locals, %[ind] <= $1 && %[ind]+%[size] > $1)
-			"add $$$2,$1(r5)"
-			setcc({LOCAL2,$1,2})		|	| |
-loe adi ste $2==2 && $1==$3 | source2 |
-			remove(posextern)
-			"add %[1],$1"
-			setcc({relative2,$1})		|	| |
-loe adp ste $1==$3 | |
-			remove(posextern)
-			"add $$$2,$1"
-			setcc({relative2,$1})		|	| |
-#ifdef REGVARS
-lol ior stl $2==2 && $1==$3 && inreg($1)==2 | source2 |
-			remove(regvar($1))
-			"bis %[1],%(regvar($1)%)"
-			erase(regvar($1))		|	| |
-lol ior stl $2==2 && $1==$3 | source2 |
-			remove(indordef)
-			remove(locals, %[ind] <= $1 && %[ind]+%[size] > $1)
-			"bis %[1],$1(r5)"
-			setcc({LOCAL2,$1,2})		|	| |
-loe ior ste $2==2 && $1==$3 | source2 |
-			remove(posextern)
-			"bis %[1],$1"
-			setcc({relative2,$1})		|	| |
-#ifdef REGVARS
-lol and stl $2==2 && $1==$3 && inreg($1)==2 | SCR_REG |
-			remove(regvar($1))
-			"com %[1]"
-			"bic %[1],%(regvar($1)%)"
-			erase(%[1])
-			erase(regvar($1))		|	| |
-lol and stl $2==2 && $1==$3 | SCR_REG |
-			remove(indordef)
-			remove(locals, %[ind] <= $1 && %[ind]+%[size] > $1)
-			"com %[1]"
-			"bic %[1],$1(r5)"
-			erase(%[1])
-			setcc({LOCAL2,$1,2})		|	| |
-loe and ste $2==2 && $1==$3 | SCR_REG |
-			remove(posextern)
-			"com %[1]"
-			"bic %[1],$1"
-			erase(%[1])
-			setcc({relative2,$1})		|	| |
-#ifdef REGVARS
-loc lol and stl $3==2 && $2==$4 && inreg($2)==2 | |
-			remove(regvar($2))
-			"bic $$%(~$1%),%(regvar($2)%)"
-			erase(regvar($2))		|	| |
-loc lol and stl $3==2 && $2==$4 | |
-			remove(indordef)
-			remove(locals, %[ind] <= $2 && %[ind]+%[size] > $2)
-			"bic $$%(~$1%),$2(r5)"
-			setcc({LOCAL2,$2,2})		|	| |
-loc loe and ste $3==2 && $2==$4 | |
-			remove(posextern)
-			"bic $$%(~$1%),$2"
-			setcc({relative2,$2})		|	| |
-#ifdef REGVARS
-zrl inreg($1)==2| |     remove(regvar($1))
-			"clr %(regvar($1)%)"
-			erase(regvar($1))          |       | | (4,900)
-zrl             | |     remove(indordef)
-			remove(locals, %[ind] <= $1 && %[ind]+%[size] > $1)
-			"clr $1(r5)"
-			setcc({LOCAL2,$1,2})          |       | | (4,900)
-zre             | |     remove(posextern)
-			"clr $1"
-			setcc({relative2,$1})           |       | | (4,900)
-zrf $1==4       | |     allocate(FLT_REG)
-			"clrf %[a]"             | %[a]  | | (2,2200)
-zrf $1==8       | |     allocate(DBL_REG)
-			"clrf %[a]"             | %[a]  | | (2,2400)
-zrf !defined($1)| |             |                       | zer |
-zrf defined($1) | |             |                       | zer $1 |
-zer $1==2       | |             | {CONST2, 0}                   | |
-zer $1==4       | |             | {CONST2,0}     {CONST2,0}     | |
-zer $1==6       | |             | {CONST2,0} {CONST2,0}
-				  {CONST2,0}                    | |
-zer $1==8       | |             | {CONST2,0} {CONST2,0}
-				  {CONST2, 0} {CONST2,0}        | |
-zer defined($1) | |     remove(all)
-			move({CONST2,$1/2},r0)
-			"1:\tclr -(sp)"
-			"sob r0,1b"
-			erase(r0)                       |       | |(8,1500+$1*375)
-zer !defined($1)| SCR_REG |
-			remove(all)
-			"asr %[1]"
-			"1:\tclr -(sp)"
-			"sob %[1],1b"
-			erase(%[1])                             |       | |
- * Group 8 : Convert instructions       *
- ****************************************/
-cii             | |     remove(all)
-			" jsr pc,cii~"                  |       | |
-cfi             | |             |                       | cfu   |
-cfu             | |     remove(ALL)
-			"jsr pc,cfi~"                   |       | |
-cif             | |     remove(ALL)
-			"jsr pc,cif~"                   |       | |
-cuf             | |     remove(ALL)
-			"jsr pc,cuf~"                   |       | |
-cff             | |     remove(ALL)
-			"jsr pc,cff~"                   |       | |
-ciu             | |             |                       | cuu   |
-cui             | |             |                       | cuu   |
-cuu             | |     remove(all)
-			"jsr pc,cuu~"                   |       | |
-loc loc cii $1==1 && $2==2      | source1or2 |
-			 allocate(%[1],REG)
-			 "movb %[1],%[a]"
-			 /* movb does sign extend if dest is register */
-			                                        | %[a]  | |
-loc loc cii $1==1 && $2==4      | source1or2 |
-			allocate(%[1],REG,REG)
-			"movb %[1],%[a]"
-			"sxt %[b]"
-			                                        | %[a] %[b] | |
-loc loc cii $1==2 && $2==4      | source2 |
-			allocate(%[1],REG,REG)
-			move(%[1],%[a])
-			test(%[a])
-			"sxt %[b]"
-			                                        | %[a] %[b] | |
-loc loc loc cii $1>=0 && $2==2 && $3==4	| | | | loc $1 loc 0 |
-loc loc loc cii $1< 0 && $2==2 && $3==4	| | | | loc $1 loc 0-1 |
-loc loc cii $1==4 && $2==2      | source2 source2 |             | %[2]  | |
-loc loc cuu $1==2 && $2==4      | | | {CONST2,0} | |
-loc loc cuu $1==4 && $2==2      | source2 |             |   | |
-loc loc cfi     | |             |               | loc $1 loc $2 cfu     |
-loc loc cfu $1==4 && $2==2      | FLT_REG |     | {ftoint,%[1]} | |
-loc loc cfu $1==4 && $2==4      | FLT_REG |     | {ftolong,%[1]} | |
-loc loc cfu $1==8 && $2==2      | DBL_REG |     | {ftoint,%[1]} | |
-loc loc cfu $1==8 && $2==4      | DBL_REG |     | {ftolong,%[1]} | |
-loc loc cif $1==2 && $2==4      | source2 |
-			allocate(FLT_REG)
-			"movif %[1],%[a]"
-			samecc
-			                                        | %[a]  | |
-loc loc cif $1==2 && $2==8      | source2 |
-			allocate(DBL_REG)
-			"movif %[1],%[a]"
-			samecc
-			                                        | %[a]  | |
-loc loc cif $1==4 && $2==4      | NC long4-REG_PAIR |
-			allocate(FLT_REG)
-			"setl"
-			"movif %[1],%[a]"
-			"seti"
-			samecc
-			                                        | %[a]  | |
-...     | |             remove(all)
-			allocate(FLT_REG)
-			"setl"
-			"movif (sp)+,%[a]"
-			"seti"
-			samecc
-			                                        | %[a]  | |
-loc loc cif $1==4 && $2==8      | NC long4-REG_PAIR |
-			allocate(DBL_REG)
-			"setl"
-			"movif %[1],%[a]"
-			"seti"
-			samecc
-			                                        | %[a]  | |
-...     | |             remove(all)
-			allocate(DBL_REG)
-			"setl"
-			"movif (sp)+,%[a]"
-			"seti"
-			samecc
-			                                        | %[a]  | |
-loc loc cuf $1==2 && $2==4      | |
-			remove(all)
-			allocate(FLT_REG)
-			"clr -(sp)"
-			"setl"
-			"movif (sp)+,%[a]"
-			"seti"
-			                                        | %[a]  | |
-loc loc cuf $1==2 && $2==8      | |
-			remove(all)
-			allocate(DBL_REG)
-			"clr -(sp)"
-			"setl"
-			"movif (sp)+,%[a]"
-			"seti"
-			                                        | %[a]  | |
-loc loc cuf $1==4 && ($2==8 || $2==4) | |       | | loc $1 loc $2 cif |
-loc loc cff $1==4 && $2==8      | longf4 - FLT_REG |
-			allocate(DBL_REG)
-			"movof %[1],%[a]"
-			samecc
-			                                        | %[a]  | |
-...				| FLT_REG |
-			allocate(DBL_REG)
-			move(%[1],%[a.1])
-			samecc					| %[a] | |
-loc loc cff $1==8 && $2==4      | DBL_REG |			| %[1.1] | |
- * Group 9 : Logical instructions       *
- ****************************************/
-and $1==2 	| CONST2 SCR_REG |
-			"bic $$%(~%[1.num]%),%[2]"
-			setcc(%[2])
-			erase(%[2])		| %[2]  | | (4,750)
-...		| SCR_REG CONST2 |
-			"bic $$%(~%[2.num]%),%[1]"
-			setcc(%[1])
-			erase(%[1])		| %[1]	| | (4,750)
-...		| SCR_REG SCR_REG |
-			"com %[1]"
-			"bic %[1],%[2]"
-			setcc(%[2])
-			erase(%[1]) erase(%[2]) | %[2]  | | (4,600)
-and defined($1) | |     remove(all)
-			move({CONST2,$1}, r0)
-			"jsr pc,and~"
-			erase(r0)                               |       | |
-and !defined($1)| source2 |
-			remove(all)
-			move(%[1],r0)
-			"jsr pc,and~"
-			erase(r0)                               |       | |
-ior $1==2       | SCR_REG source2 |
-			"bis %[2],%[1]"
-			setcc(%[1])
-			erase(%[1])                     | %[1]  | | (2,450)+%[2]
-...             | source2 SCR_REG |
-			"bis %[1],%[2]"
-			setcc(%[2])
-			erase(%[2])                     | %[2]  | | (2,450)+%[1]
-ior $1==8	| NC source2 source2 source2 source2 |
-			remove(all)
-			"bis %[1],(sp)"
-			"bis %[2],2(sp)"
-			"bis %[3],4(sp)"
-			"bis %[4],6(sp)"		|	| |
-...		| |	remove(all)
-			allocate(REG={CONST2,$1})
-			"add sp,%[a]"
-			"bis (sp)+,(%[a])+"
-			"bis (sp)+,(%[a])+"
-			"bis (sp)+,(%[a])+"
-			"bis (sp)+,(%[a])+"
-			erase(%[a])			|	| |
-ior defined($1) | |     remove(all)
-			allocate(REG={CONST2,$1},REG={CONST2,$1/2})
-			"add sp,%[a]"
-			"1:\tbis (sp)+,(%[a])+"
-			"sob %[b],1b"
-			erase(%[a]) erase(%[b])		|       | | (12,2100+$1*975)
-ior !defined($1)| SCR_REG |
-			remove(all)
-			allocate(REG=%[1])
-			"asr %[1]"
-			"add sp,%[a]"
-			"1:\tbis (sp)+,(%[a])+"
-			"sob %[1],1b"
-			erase(%[1]) erase(%[a])         |       | |
-xor $1==2       | REG SCR_REG |
-			"xor %[1],%[2]"
-			setcc(%[2])
-			erase(%[2])                     | %[2]  | | (2,300)
-...             | SCR_REG REG |
-			"xor %[2],%[1]"
-			setcc(%[1])
-			erase(%[1])                     | %[1]  | | (2,300)
-xor defined($1) | |     remove(all)
-			move({CONST2,$1},r0)
-			"jsr pc,xor~"
-			erase(r0)                               |       | |
-xor !defined($1)| source2 |
-			remove(all)
-			move(%[1],r0)
-			"jsr pc,xor~"
-			erase(r0)                               |       | |
-com $1==2       | SCR_REG |
-			"com %[1]"
-			setcc(%[1])
-			erase(%[1])                     | %[1]  | | (2,300)
-com defined($1) | |     remove(all)
-			allocate(REG={CONST2,$1/2},REG)
-			"mov sp,%[b]"
-			"1:\tcom (%[b])+"
-			"sob %[a],1b"
-			erase(%[a])                     |       | | (10,1800+$1*825)
-com !defined($1)| SCR_REG |
-			remove(all)
-			allocate(REG)
-			"asr %[1]"
-			"mov sp,%[a]"
-			"1:\tcom (%[a])+"
-			"sob %[1],1b"
-			erase(%[1])                             |       | |
-rol $1==2       | CONST2 SCR_ODD_REG |
-			"ashc $$%(%[1.num]-16%),%[2]"
-			setcc(%[2])
-			erase(%[2])			| %[2] | |
-			"sub $$16,%[1]"
-			"ashc %[1],%[2]"
-			setcc(%[2])
-			erase(%[1]) erase(%[2])         | %[2]  | |
-rol defined($1) | |     remove(all)
-			move({CONST2,$1},r0)
-			"jsr pc,rol~"
-			erase(r0)                               |       | |
-rol !defined($1)| source2 |
-			remove(all)
-			move(%[1],r0)
-			"jsr pc,rol~"
-			erase(r0)                               |       | |
-ror $1==2       | CONST2 SCR_ODD_REG |
-			"ashc $$%(0-%[1.num]%),%[2]"
-			setcc(%[2])
-			erase(%[2])			| %[2]	| |
-			"neg %[1]"
-			"ashc %[1],%[2]"
-			setcc(%[2]) erase(%[1]) erase(%[2])     | %[2]  | |
-ror defined($1) | |     remove(all)
-			move({CONST2,$1},r0)
-			"jsr pc,ror~"
-			erase(r0)                               |       | |
-ror !defined($1)| source2 |
-			remove(all)
-			move(%[1],r0)
-			"jsr pc,ror~"
-			erase(r0)                               |       | |
-com and $1==2 && $2==2  | source2 SCR_REG |
-			  "bic %[1],%[2]"
-			  setcc(%[2])
-			  erase(%[2])                   | %[2]  | | (2,450)+%[1]
-com and $1==$2  | |     remove(all)
-			allocate(REG={CONST2,$1},REG)
-			"mov sp,%[b]"
-			"add %[a],%[b]"
-			"asr %[a]"
-			"1:\tbic (sp)+,(%[b])+"
-			"sob %[a],1b"
-			erase(%[a])                     |       | | (12,2100+$1*975)
- * Group 10 : Set instructions  *
- ********************************/
-inn $1==2       | SCR_REG SCR_REG |
-			"neg %[1]"
-			"ash %[1],%[2]"
-			"bic $$177776,%[2]"
-			erase(%[1]) erase(%[2])                 | %[2]  | |
-loc inn $2==2 && $1==0 | SCR_REG |
-			"bic $$177776,%[1]"
-			erase(%[1])				| %[1]	| |
-loc inn $2==2 && $1==1 | SCR_REG |
-			"asr %[1]"
-			"bic $$177776,%[1]"
-			erase(%[1])				| %[1]	| |
-loc inn $2==2	| SCR_REG |
-			"ash $$%(0-$1%),%[1]"
-			"bic $$177776,%[1]"
-			erase(%[1])				| %[1]	| |
-loc inn zeq $2==2 | |	| {CONST2, 1<<$1} | and 2 zeq $3 |
-inn zeq $1==2	| source2 |
-			allocate(REG={CONST2,1})
-			"ash %[1],%[a]"			| %[a] | and 2 zeq $2 |
-loc inn zne $2==2 | |	| {CONST2, 1<<$1} | and 2 zne $3 |
-inn zne $1==2	| source2 |
-			allocate(REG={CONST2,1})
-			"ash %[1],%[a]"			| %[a] | and 2 zne $2 |
-inn defined($1) | source2 |
-			remove(all)
-			move(%[1],r1)
-			move({CONST2,$1},r0)
-			"jsr pc,inn~"
-			erase(r01)                              | r0    | |
-inn !defined($1)| source2 |
-			remove(all)
-			move(%[1],r0)
-			"mov (sp)+,r1"
-			"jsr pc,inn~"
-			erase(r01)                              | r0    | |
-set $1==2       | REG |
-			allocate(REG={CONST2,1})
-			"ash %[1],%[a]"
-			erase(%[a])                             | %[a]  | |
-set defined($1) | source2 |
-			remove(all)
-			move(%[1],r1)
-			move({CONST2,$1},r0)
-			"jsr pc,set~"
-			erase(r01)                              |       | |
-set !defined($1)| source2 |
-			remove(all)
-			move(%[1],r0)
-			"mov (sp)+,r1"
-			"jsr pc,set~"
-			erase(r01)                              |       | |
- * Group 11 : Array instructions        *
- ****************************************/
-lae aar $2==2 && rom(1,3)==1 && rom(1,1)==0 | | | | adi 2 |
-lae aar $2==2 && rom(1,3)==1 && rom(1,1)!=0 | | | | adi 2 adp 0-rom(1,1) |
-lae aar $2==2 && rom(1,3)==2 && rom(1,1)==0 | SCR_REG |
-			"asl %[1]"
-			erase(%[1])        | %[1] | adi 2 |
-lae aar $2==2 && rom(1,3)==2 && rom(1,1)!=0 | SCR_REG |
-			"asl %[1]"
-			erase(%[1])                             |
-					{regconst2,%[1],tostring((0-2)*rom(1,1))}  | 
-					adi 2 |
-lae aar $2==2 && rom(1,3)==4 && rom(1,1)==0 | SCR_REG |
-			"ash $$2,%[1]"
-			erase(%[1])                             | 
-					%[1]  |
-					adi 2 |
-lae aar $2==2 && rom(1,3)==4 && rom(1,1)!=0 | SCR_REG |
-			"ash $$2,%[1]"
-			erase(%[1])                             | 
-					{regconst2,%[1],tostring((0-4)*rom(1,1))}  |
-					adi 2 |
-lae aar $2==2 && rom(1,3)==8 && rom(1,1)==0 | SCR_REG |
-			"ash $$3,%[1]"
-			erase(%[1])                             | 
-					%[1]  |
-					adi 2 |
-lae aar $2==2 && rom(1,3)==8 && rom(1,1)!=0 | SCR_REG |
-			"ash $$3,%[1]"
-			erase(%[1])                             | 
-					{regconst2,%[1],tostring((0-8)*rom(1,1))}  |
-					adi 2 |
-lae aar $2==2 && rom(1,1)==0 | SCR_ODD_REG |
-			"mul $$%(rom(1,3)%),%[1]"
-			erase(%[1])                             | 
-					%[1]  |
-					adi 2 |
-lae aar $2==2 && defined(rom(1,1)) | SCR_ODD_REG |
-			"mul $$%(rom(1,3)%),%[1]"
-			erase(%[1])                             | 
-					{regconst2,%[1],tostring((0-rom(1,3))*rom(1,1))}  |
-					adi 2 |
-aar $1==2       | |
-			remove(all)
-			"mov (sp)+,r0"
-			"mov (sp)+,r1"
-			"jsr pc,aar~"
-			erase(r01)                              |       | |
-aar !defined($1) | |    remove(all)
-			"jsr pc,iaar~"                  |       | |
-lae sar defined(rom(1,3)) | |   |       | lae $1 aar $2 sti rom(1,3) |
-lae lar defined(rom(1,3)) | |   |       | lae $1 aar $2 loi rom(1,3) |
-sar $1==2       | |
-			remove(all)
-			"mov (sp)+,r0"
-			"mov (sp)+,r1"
-			"jsr pc,sar~"
-			erase(r01)                              |       | |
-sar !defined($1) | |    remove(all)
-			"jsr pc,isar~"                  |       | |
-lar $1==2       | |
-			remove(all)
-			"mov (sp)+,r0"
-			"mov (sp)+,r1"
-			"jsr pc,lar~"
-			erase(r01)                              |       | |
-lar !defined($1) | |    remove(all)
-			"jsr pc,ilar~"                  |       | |
- * group 12 : Compare instructions      *
- ****************************************/
-cmi $1==2       | source2 SCR_REG |
-			"sub %[1],%[2]"
-			setcc(%[2])
-			erase(%[2])                             | %[2]  | |
-...             | SCR_REG source2 |
-			"sub %[2],%[1]"
-			"neg %[1]"
-			setcc(%[1])
-			erase(%[1])                             | %[1]  | |
-cmi $1==4       | |     remove(all)
-			"jsr pc,cmi4~"                  | r0    | |
-cmi !defined($1) | source2 |
-			remove(all)
-			move(%[1],r0)
-			"jsr pc,cmi~"
-			erase(r0)                               | r0    | |
-cmf defined($1) | |     remove(ALL)
-			move({CONST2,$1},r0)
-			"jsr pc,cmf~"
-			erase(r0)                               | r0    | |
-cmf !defined($1)| source2 |
-			remove(ALL)
-			move(%[1],r0)
-			"jsr pc,cmf~"
-			erase(r0)                               | r0    | |
-cmu $1==2       | |             |                       | cmp |
-cmu $1==4       | |     remove(all)
-			"jsr pc,cmu4~"                  | r0    | |
-cmu defined($1) | |     remove(all)
-			move({CONST2,$1},r0)
-			"jsr pc,cmu~"                   | r0    | |
-cmu !defined($1)| source2 |
-			remove(all)
-			move(%[1],r0)
-			"jsr pc,cmu~"
-			erase(r0)                               | r0    | |
-cms $1==2       | |             |                       | cmi $1 |
-cms defined($1) | |     remove(all)
-			move({CONST2,$1},r0)
-			"jsr pc,cms~"
-			erase(r0)                               | r0    | |
-cms !defined($1)| source2 |
-			remove(all)
-			move(%[1],r0)
-			"jsr pc,cms~"
-			erase(r0)                              | r0    | |
-cmp             | source2 source2 |
-			allocate(REG = {CONST2,0})
-			"cmp %[1],%[2]"
-			"beq 2f"
-			"bhi 1f"
-			"inc %[a]"
-			"br 2f"
-			"1:\tdec %[a]\n2:"
-			setcc(%[a])
-			erase(%[a])                             | %[a]  | |
-tlt and $2==2	| source2 SCR_REG |
-			test(%[1])
-			"blt 1f"
-			"clr %[2]\n1:"
-			erase(%[2])				| %[2] | |
-tlt ior $2==2	| source2 SCR_REG |
-			test(%[1])
-			"bge 1f"
-			"bis $$1,%[2]\n1:"
-			erase(%[2])				| %[2] | |
-tlt             | source2 |
-			allocate(REG={CONST2,0})
-			test(%[1])
-			"bge 1f"
-			"inc %[a]\n1:"
-			erase(%[a])                             | %[a]  | |
-tle and $2==2	| source2 SCR_REG |
-			test(%[1])
-			"ble 1f"
-			"clr %[2]\n1:"
-			erase(%[2])				| %[2] | |
-tle ior $2==2	| source2 SCR_REG |
-			test(%[1])
-			"bgt 1f"
-			"bis $$1,%[2]\n1:"
-			erase(%[2])				| %[2] | |
-tle             | source2 |
-			allocate(REG={CONST2,0})
-			test(%[1])
-			"bgt 1f"
-			"inc %[a]\n1:"
-			erase(%[a])                             | %[a]  | |
-teq and $2==2	| source1or2 SCR_REG |
-			test(%[1])
-			"beq 1f"
-			"clr %[2]\n1:"
-			erase(%[2])				| %[2] | |
-teq ior $2==2	| source1or2 SCR_REG |
-			test(%[1])
-			"bne 1f"
-			"bis $$1,%[2]\n1:"
-			erase(%[2])				| %[2] | |
-teq             | source1or2 |
-			allocate(REG={CONST2,0})
-			test(%[1])
-			"bne 1f"
-			"inc %[a]\n1:"
-			erase(%[a])                             | %[a]  | |
-tne and $2==2	| source1or2 SCR_REG |
-			test(%[1])
-			"bne 1f"
-			"clr %[2]\n1:"
-			erase(%[2])				| %[2] | |
-tne ior $2==2	| source1or2 SCR_REG |
-			test(%[1])
-			"beq 1f"
-			"bis $$1,%[2]\n1:"
-			erase(%[2])				| %[2] | |
-tne             | source1or2 |
-			allocate(REG={CONST2,0})
-			test(%[1])
-			"beq 1f"
-			"inc %[a]\n1:"
-			erase(%[a])                             | %[a]  | |
-tgt and $2==2	| source2 SCR_REG |
-			test(%[1])
-			"bgt 1f"
-			"clr %[2]\n1:"
-			erase(%[2])				| %[2] | |
-tgt ior $2==2	| source2 SCR_REG |
-			test(%[1])
-			"ble 1f"
-			"bis $$1,%[2]\n1:"
-			erase(%[2])				| %[2] | |
-tgt             | source2 |
-			allocate(REG={CONST2,0})
-			test(%[1])
-			"ble 1f"
-			"inc %[a]\n1:"
-			erase(%[a])                             | %[a]  | |
-tge and $2==2	| source2 SCR_REG |
-			test(%[1])
-			"bge 1f"
-			"clr %[2]\n1:"
-			erase(%[2])				| %[2] | |
-tge ior $2==2	| source2 SCR_REG |
-			test(%[1])
-			"blt 1f"
-			"bis $$1,%[2]\n1:"
-			erase(%[2])				| %[2] | |
-tge             | source2 |
-			allocate(REG={CONST2,0})
-			test(%[1])
-			"blt 1f"
-			"inc %[a]\n1:"
-			erase(%[a])                             | %[a]  | |
-and tne $1==2       | source2 source2 |
-			allocate(REG={CONST2,0})
-			"bit %[1],%[2]"
-			"beq 1f"
-			"inc %[a]\n1:"
-			erase(%[a])                             | %[a]  | |
-and teq $1==2       | source2 source2 |
-			allocate(REG={CONST2,0})
-			"bit %[1],%[2]"
-			"bne 1f"
-			"inc %[a]\n1:"
-			erase(%[a])                             | %[a]  | |
-cmi tlt and $1==2 && $3==2 | source2 source2 SCR_REG |
-			"cmp %[2],%[1]"
-			"blt 1f"
-			"clr %[3]\n1:"
-			erase(%[3])				| %[3] | |
-cmi tlt ior $1==2 && $3==2 | source2 source2 SCR_REG |
-			"cmp %[2],%[1]"
-			"bge 1f"
-			"bis $$1,%[3]\n1:"
-			erase(%[3])				| %[3] | |
-cmi tlt $1==2   | source2 source2 |
-			allocate(REG={CONST2,0})
-			"cmp %[2],%[1]"
-			"bge 1f"
-			"inc %[a]\n1:"
-			erase(%[a])                             | %[a]  | |
-cmi tle and $1==2 && $3==2 | source2 source2 SCR_REG |
-			"cmp %[2],%[1]"
-			"ble 1f"
-			"clr %[3]\n1:"
-			erase(%[3])				| %[3] | |
-cmi tle ior $1==2 && $3==2 | source2 source2 SCR_REG |
-			"cmp %[2],%[1]"
-			"bgt 1f"
-			"bis $$1,%[3]\n1:"
-			erase(%[3])				| %[3] | |
-cmi tle $1==2   | source2 source2 |
-			allocate(REG={CONST2,0})
-			"cmp %[2],%[1]"
-			"bgt 1f"
-			"inc %[a]\n1:"
-			erase(%[a])                             | %[a]  | |
-cmi teq and $1==2 && $3==2 | source2 source2 SCR_REG |
-			"cmp %[2],%[1]"
-			"beq 1f"
-			"clr %[3]\n1:"
-			erase(%[3])				| %[3] | |
-cmi teq ior $1==2 && $3==2 | source2 source2 SCR_REG |
-			"cmp %[2],%[1]"
-			"bne 1f"
-			"bis $$1,%[3]\n1:"
-			erase(%[3])				| %[3] | |
-cmi teq $1==2   | source2 source2 |
-			allocate(REG={CONST2,0})
-			"cmp %[2],%[1]"
-			"bne 1f"
-			"inc %[a]\n1:"
-			erase(%[a])                             | %[a]  | |
-loc cmi teq and $1>=0 && $1<=127 && $2==2 && $4==2 | NC source1 SCR_REG |
-			"cmpb %[1],$$$1"
-			"beq 1f"
-			"clr %[2]\n1:"
-			erase(%[2])				| %[2] | |
-...	| |		| {CONST2, $1}	| cmi 2 teq and 2 |
-loc cmi teq ior $1>=0 && $1<=127 && $2==2 && $4==2 | NC source1 SCR_REG |
-			"cmpb %[1],$$$1"
-			"bne 1f"
-			"bis $$1,%[2]\n1:"
-			erase(%[2])				| %[2] | |
-...	| |		| {CONST2, $1}	| cmi 2 teq ior 2 |
-loc cmi teq $1>=0 && $1<=127 && $2==2   | NC source1 |
-			allocate(REG={CONST2,0})
-			"cmpb %[1],$$$1"
-			"bne 1f"
-			"inc %[a]\n1:"
-			erase(%[a])                             | %[a]  | |
-...	| |		| {CONST2, $1}	| cmi 2 teq  |
-cmi tne and $1==2 && $3==2 | source2 source2 SCR_REG |
-			"cmp %[2],%[1]"
-			"bne 1f"
-			"clr %[3]\n1:"
-			erase(%[3])				| %[3] | |
-cmi tne ior $1==2 && $3==2 | source2 source2 SCR_REG |
-			"cmp %[2],%[1]"
-			"beq 1f"
-			"bis $$1,%[3]\n1:"
-			erase(%[3])				| %[3] | |
-cmi tne $1==2   | source2 source2 |
-			allocate(REG={CONST2,0})
-			"cmp %[2],%[1]"
-			"beq 1f"
-			"inc %[a]\n1:"
-			erase(%[a])                             | %[a]  | |
-loc cmi tne and $1>=0 && $1<=127 && $2==2 && $4==2 | NC source1 SCR_REG |
-			"cmpb %[1],$$$1"
-			"bne 1f"
-			"clr %[2]\n1:"
-			erase(%[2])				| %[2] | |
-...	| |		| {CONST2, $1}	| cmi 2 tne and 2 |
-loc cmi tne ior $1>=0 && $1<=127 && $2==2 && $4==2 | NC source1 SCR_REG |
-			"cmpb %[1],$$$1"
-			"beq 1f"
-			"bis $$1,%[2]\n1:"
-			erase(%[2])				| %[2] | |
-...	| |		| {CONST2, $1}	| cmi 2 tne ior 2 |
-loc cmi tne $1>=0 && $1<=127 && $2==2   | NC source1 |
-			allocate(REG={CONST2,0})
-			"cmpb %[1],$$$1"
-			"beq 1f"
-			"inc %[a]\n1:"
-			erase(%[a])                             | %[a]  | |
-...	| |		| {CONST2, $1}	| cmi 2 tne  |
-cmi tge and $1==2 && $3==2 | source2 source2 SCR_REG |
-			"cmp %[2],%[1]"
-			"bge 1f"
-			"clr %[3]\n1:"
-			erase(%[3])				| %[3] | |
-cmi tge ior $1==2 && $3==2 | source2 source2 SCR_REG |
-			"cmp %[2],%[1]"
-			"blt 1f"
-			"bis $$1,%[3]\n1:"
-			erase(%[3])				| %[3] | |
-cmi tge $1==2   | source2 source2 |
-			allocate(REG={CONST2,0})
-			"cmp %[2],%[1]"
-			"blt 1f"
-			"inc %[a]\n1:"
-			erase(%[a])                             | %[a]  | |
-cmi tgt and $1==2 && $3==2 | source2 source2 SCR_REG |
-			"cmp %[2],%[1]"
-			"bgt 1f"
-			"clr %[3]\n1:"
-			erase(%[3])				| %[3] | |
-cmi tgt ior $1==2 && $3==2 | source2 source2 SCR_REG |
-			"cmp %[2],%[1]"
-			"ble 1f"
-			"bis $$1,%[3]\n1:"
-			erase(%[3])				| %[3] | |
-cmi tgt $1==2   | source2 source2 |
-			allocate(REG={CONST2,0})
-			"cmp %[2],%[1]"
-			"ble 1f"
-			"inc %[a]\n1:"
-			erase(%[a])                             | %[a]  | |
-cmp tlt | source2 source2 |
-			allocate(REG={CONST2,0})
-			"cmp %[2],%[1]"
-			"bhis 1f"
-			"inc %[a]\n1:"
-			erase(%[a])                             | %[a]  | |
-cmp tle | source2 source2 |
-			allocate(REG={CONST2,0})
-			"cmp %[2],%[1]"
-			"bhi 1f"
-			"inc %[a]\n1:"
-			erase(%[a])                             | %[a]  | |
-cmp teq | source2 source2 |
-			allocate(REG={CONST2,0})
-			"cmp %[2],%[1]"
-			"bne 1f"
-			"inc %[a]\n1:"
-			erase(%[a])                             | %[a]  | |
-cmp tne | source2 source2 |
-			allocate(REG={CONST2,0})
-			"cmp %[2],%[1]"
-			"beq 1f"
-			"inc %[a]\n1:"
-			erase(%[a])                             | %[a]  | |
-cmp tge | source2 source2 |
-			allocate(REG={CONST2,0})
-			"cmp %[2],%[1]"
-			"blo 1f"
-			"inc %[a]\n1:"
-			erase(%[a])                             | %[a]  | |
-cmp tgt | source2 source2 |
-			allocate(REG={CONST2,0})
-			"cmp %[2],%[1]"
-			"blos 1f"
-			"inc %[a]\n1:"
-			erase(%[a])                             | %[a]  | |
-cmf tlt $1==4	| FLT_REG FLT_REG |
-			allocate(REG={CONST2,0})
-			"cmpf %[2],%[1]\ncfcc"
-			"bge 1f"
-			"inc %[a]\n1:"
-			erase(%[a])				| %[a] | |
-cmf tle $1==4	| FLT_REG FLT_REG |
-			allocate(REG={CONST2,0})
-			"cmpf %[2],%[1]\ncfcc"
-			"bgt 1f"
-			"inc %[a]\n1:"
-			erase(%[a])				| %[a] | |
-cmf teq $1==4	| FLT_REG FLT_REG |
-			allocate(REG={CONST2,0})
-			"cmpf %[2],%[1]\ncfcc"
-			"bne 1f"
-			"inc %[a]\n1:"
-			erase(%[a])				| %[a] | |
-cmf tne $1==4	| FLT_REG FLT_REG |
-			allocate(REG={CONST2,0})
-			"cmpf %[2],%[1]\ncfcc"
-			"beq 1f"
-			"inc %[a]\n1:"
-			erase(%[a])				| %[a] | |
-cmf tgt $1==4	| FLT_REG FLT_REG |
-			allocate(REG={CONST2,0})
-			"cmpf %[2],%[1]\ncfcc"
-			"ble 1f"
-			"inc %[a]\n1:"
-			erase(%[a])				| %[a] | |
-cmf tge $1==4	| FLT_REG FLT_REG |
-			allocate(REG={CONST2,0})
-			"cmpf %[2],%[1]\ncfcc"
-			"blt 1f"
-			"inc %[a]\n1:"
-			erase(%[a])				| %[a] | |
-cmf tlt $1==8	| DBL_REG double8 |
-			allocate(REG={CONST2,0})
-			"cmpf %[2],%[1]\ncfcc"
-			"bge 1f"
-			"inc %[a]\n1:"
-			erase(%[a])				| %[a] | |
-...		| double8 DBL_REG |
-			allocate(REG={CONST2,0})
-			"cmpf %[1],%[2]\ncfcc"
-			"ble 1f"
-			"inc %[a]\n1:"
-			erase(%[a])				| %[a] | |
-cmf tle $1==8	| DBL_REG double8 |
-			allocate(REG={CONST2,0})
-			"cmpf %[2],%[1]\ncfcc"
-			"bgt 1f"
-			"inc %[a]\n1:"
-			erase(%[a])				| %[a] | |
-...		| double8 DBL_REG |
-			allocate(REG={CONST2,0})
-			"cmpf %[1],%[2]\ncfcc"
-			"blt 1f"
-			"inc %[a]\n1:"
-			erase(%[a])				| %[a] | |
-cmf teq $1==8	| DBL_REG double8 |
-			allocate(REG={CONST2,0})
-			"cmpf %[2],%[1]\ncfcc"
-			"bne 1f"
-			"inc %[a]\n1:"
-			erase(%[a])				| %[a] | |
-...		| double8 DBL_REG |
-			allocate(REG={CONST2,0})
-			"cmpf %[1],%[2]\ncfcc"
-			"bne 1f"
-			"inc %[a]\n1:"
-			erase(%[a])				| %[a] | |
-cmf tne $1==8	| DBL_REG double8 |
-			allocate(REG={CONST2,0})
-			"cmpf %[2],%[1]\ncfcc"
-			"beq 1f"
-			"inc %[a]\n1:"
-			erase(%[a])				| %[a] | |
-...		| double8 DBL_REG |
-			allocate(REG={CONST2,0})
-			"cmpf %[1],%[2]\ncfcc"
-			"beq 1f"
-			"inc %[a]\n1:"
-			erase(%[a])				| %[a] | |
-cmf tgt $1==8	| DBL_REG double8 |
-			allocate(REG={CONST2,0})
-			"cmpf %[2],%[1]\ncfcc"
-			"ble 1f"
-			"inc %[a]\n1:"
-			erase(%[a])				| %[a] | |
-...		| double8 DBL_REG |
-			allocate(REG={CONST2,0})
-			"cmpf %[1],%[2]\ncfcc"
-			"bge 1f"
-			"inc %[a]\n1:"
-			erase(%[a])				| %[a] | |
-cmf tge $1==8	| DBL_REG double8 |
-			allocate(REG={CONST2,0})
-			"cmpf %[2],%[1]\ncfcc"
-			"blt 1f"
-			"inc %[a]\n1:"
-			erase(%[a])				| %[a] | |
-...		| double8 DBL_REG |
-			allocate(REG={CONST2,0})
-			"cmpf %[1],%[2]\ncfcc"
-			"bgt 1f"
-			"inc %[a]\n1:"
-			erase(%[a])				| %[a] | |
- * Group 13 : Branch instructions       *
- ****************************************/
-bra             | |     remove(all)
-			"jbr $1"
-			samecc                                  |       | |
-blt             | source2 source2 |
-			remove(all)
-			"cmp %[2],%[1]"
-			"jlt $1"                                |       | |
-ble             | source2 source2 |
-			remove(all)
-			"cmp %[2],%[1]"
-			"jle $1"                                |       | |
-beq             | source2 source2 |
-			remove(all)
-			"cmp %[2],%[1]"
-			"jeq $1"                                |       | |
-bne             | source2 source2 |
-			remove(all)
-			"cmp %[2],%[1]"
-			"jne $1"                                |       | |
-bge             | source2 source2 |
-			remove(all)
-			"cmp %[2],%[1]"
-			"jge $1"                                |       | |
-bgt             | source2 source2 |
-			remove(all)
-			"cmp %[2],%[1]"
-			"jgt $1"                                |       | |
-loc beq $1>=0 && $1<=127 | NC source1 |
-			remove(all)
-			"cmpb %[1],$$$1"
-			"jeq $2"				|	| |
-...		| |			| {CONST2, $1}		| beq $2 |
-loc bne $1>=0 && $1<=127 | NC source1 |
-			remove(all)
-			"cmpb %[1],$$$1"
-			"jne $2"				|	| |
-...		| |			| {CONST2, $1}		| bne $2 |
-zlt             | source2 |
-			remove(all)
-			test(%[1])
-			"jlt $1"
-			samecc                                  |       | |
-zle             | source2 |
-			remove(all)
-			test(%[1])
-			"jle $1"
-			samecc                                  |       | |
-zeq             | source1or2 |
-			remove(all)
-			test(%[1])
-			"jeq $1"
-			samecc                                  |       | |
-zne             | source1or2 |
-			remove(all)
-			test(%[1])
-			"jne $1"
-			samecc                                  |       | |
-zge             | source2 |
-			remove(all)
-			test(%[1])
-			"jge $1"
-			samecc                                  |       | |
-zgt             | source2 |
-			remove(all)
-			test(%[1])
-			"jgt $1"
-			samecc                                  |       | |
-cmp zlt		| source2 source2 |
-			remove(all)
-			"cmp %[2],%[1]"
-			"jlo $2"				| | |
-cmp zle		| source2 source2 |
-			remove(all)
-			"cmp %[2],%[1]"
-			"jlos $2"				| | |
-cmp zeq		| source2 source2 |
-			remove(all)
-			"cmp %[2],%[1]"
-			"jeq $2"				| | |
-cmp zne		| source2 source2 |
-			remove(all)
-			"cmp %[2],%[1]"
-			"jne $2"				| | |
-cmp zgt		| source2 source2 |
-			remove(all)
-			"cmp %[2],%[1]"
-			"jhi $2"				| | |
-cmp zge		| source2 source2 |
-			remove(all)
-			"cmp %[2],%[1]"
-			"jhis $2"				| | |
-cmf zlt $1==4	| FLT_REG FLT_REG |
-			remove(all)
-			"cmpf %[2],%[1]\ncfcc"
-			"jlt $2"				| | |
-cmf zle $1==4	| FLT_REG FLT_REG |
-			remove(all)
-			"cmpf %[2],%[1]\ncfcc"
-			"jle $2"				| | |
-cmf zeq $1==4	| FLT_REG FLT_REG |
-			remove(all)
-			"cmpf %[2],%[1]\ncfcc"
-			"jeq $2"				| | |
-cmf zne $1==4	| FLT_REG FLT_REG |
-			remove(all)
-			"cmpf %[2],%[1]\ncfcc"
-			"jne $2"				| | |
-cmf zgt $1==4	| FLT_REG FLT_REG |
-			remove(all)
-			"cmpf %[2],%[1]\ncfcc"
-			"jgt $2"				| | |
-cmf zge $1==4	| FLT_REG FLT_REG |
-			remove(all)
-			"cmpf %[2],%[1]\ncfcc"
-			"jge $2"				| | |
-cmf zlt $1==8	| DBL_REG double8 |
-			remove(all)
-			"cmpf %[2],%[1]\ncfcc"
-			"jlt $2"				| | |
-...		| double8 DBL_REG |
-			remove(all)
-			"cmpf %[1],%[2]\ncfcc"
-			"jgt $2"				| | |
-cmf zle $1==8	| DBL_REG double8 |
-			remove(all)
-			"cmpf %[2],%[1]\ncfcc"
-			"jle $2"				| | |
-...		| double8 DBL_REG |
-			remove(all)
-			"cmpf %[1],%[2]\ncfcc"
-			"jge $2"				| | |
-cmf zeq $1==8	| DBL_REG double8 |
-			remove(all)
-			"cmpf %[2],%[1]\ncfcc"
-			"jeq $2"				| | |
-...		| double8 DBL_REG |
-			remove(all)
-			"cmpf %[1],%[2]\ncfcc"
-			"jeq $2"				| | |
-cmf zne $1==8	| DBL_REG double8 |
-			remove(all)
-			"cmpf %[2],%[1]\ncfcc"
-			"jne $2"				| | |
-...		| double8 DBL_REG |
-			remove(all)
-			"cmpf %[1],%[2]\ncfcc"
-			"jne $2"				| | |
-cmf zgt $1==8	| DBL_REG double8 |
-			remove(all)
-			"cmpf %[2],%[1]\ncfcc"
-			"jgt $2"				| | |
-...		| double8 DBL_REG |
-			remove(all)
-			"cmpf %[1],%[2]\ncfcc"
-			"jlt $2"				| | |
-cmf zge $1==8	| DBL_REG double8 |
-			remove(all)
-			"cmpf %[2],%[1]\ncfcc"
-			"jge $2"				| | |
-...		| double8 DBL_REG |
-			remove(all)
-			"cmpf %[1],%[2]\ncfcc"
-			"jle $2"				| | |
-and zeq $1==2	| source2 source2 |
-			remove(all)
-			"bit %[1],%[2]"
-			"jeq $2"				| | |
-and zne $1==2	| source2 source2 |
-			remove(all)
-			"bit %[1],%[2]"
-			"jne $2"				| | |
- * group 14 : Procedure call instructions       *
- ************************************************/
-cal             | |     remove(ALL)
-			"jsr pc,$1"                     |       | |
-cai             | REG | remove(ALL)
-			"jsr pc,(%[1])"                 |       | |
-lfr $1==2       | |                                             | r0    | |
-lfr $1==4       | |                                             | r1 r0 | |
-lfr $1==8	| |				| {relative8,"retar"} | |
-lfr             | |     remove(all)
-			move({CONST2,$1},r0)
-			"jsr pc,lfr~"
-			erase(r0)                              |       | |
-lfr ret $1==$2	| |					       | | ret 0 |
-#ifndef REGVARS
-asp lfr ret $2==$3 | |					       | | ret 0 |
-asp ret $2==0	| |					       | | ret 0 |
-ret $1==0       | |     remove(all)
-#ifdef REGVARS
-			return				       | | |
-			"mov r5,sp\nmov (sp)+,r5\nrts pc"      |       | |
-ret $1==2       | source2 |
-			remove(all)
-			move(%[1],r0)
-#ifdef REGVARS
-			return				       | | |
-			"mov r5,sp\nmov (sp)+,r5\nrts pc"      |       | |
-ret $1==4       |  |
-			remove(all)
-			"mov (sp)+,r0"
-			"mov (sp)+,r1"
-#ifdef REGVARS
-			return				       | | |
-			"mov r5,sp\nmov (sp)+,r5\nrts pc"      |       | |
-ret $1==8	|	|	| {ADDR_EXTERNAL, "retar"} | sti 8 ret 0  |
-ret             | |     remove(all)
-			move({CONST2,$1},r0)
-			"jmp ret~" 				|       | |
- * Group 15 : Miscellaneous instructions        *
- ************************************************/
-asp $1==2       | |     remove(all)
-			"tst (sp)+"                             |       | |
-asp $1==4	| |	remove(all)
-			"cmp (sp)+,(sp)+"			|	| |
-asp $1==0-2     | |     remove(all)
-			"tst -(sp)"                             |       | |
-asp             | |     remove(all)
-			"add $$$1,sp"          		|       | |
-ass $1==2       | |     remove(all)
-			"add (sp)+,sp"                  	|       | |
-ass !defined($1)| source2 |
-			remove(all)
-			"cmp %[1],$$2"
-			"beq 1f;jmp unknown~;1:"
-			"add (sp)+,sp"                          |       | |
-blm $1==4	| SCR_REG SCR_REG |
-			"mov (%[2])+,(%[1])+"
-			"mov (%[2]),(%[1])"
-			erase(%[1]) erase(%[2])			|	| |
-blm $1==6	| SCR_REG SCR_REG |
-			"mov (%[2])+,(%[1])+"
-			"mov (%[2])+,(%[1])+"
-			"mov (%[2]),(%[1])"
-			erase(%[1]) erase(%[2])			|	| |
-blm $1==8	| SCR_REG SCR_REG |
-			"mov (%[2])+,(%[1])+"
-			"mov (%[2])+,(%[1])+"
-			"mov (%[2])+,(%[1])+"
-			"mov (%[2]),(%[1])"
-			erase(%[1]) erase(%[2])			|	| |
-blm             | SCR_REG SCR_REG |
-			allocate(REG={CONST2,$1/2})
-			"1:mov (%[2])+,(%[1])+\nsob %[a],1b"
-			erase(%[1]) erase (%[2]) erase(%[a])    |       | |
-bls $1==2       | source2 |
-			remove(all)
-			move(%[1],r0)
-			"jsr pc,blm~"
-			erase(r01)                              |       | |
-bls !defined($1)| source2 source2 |
-			remove(all)
-			"cmp %[1],$$2"
-			"beq 1f;jmp unknown~;1:"
-			move(%[2],r0)
-			"jsr pc,blm~"
-			erase(r01)                              |       | |
-lae csa $2==2 | source2 |
-			remove(all)
-			move(%[1],r1)
-			move({ADDR_EXTERNAL,$1},r0)
-			"jmp csa~" 				|	| |
-csa $1==2	| |
-			remove(all)
-			"mov (sp)+,r0"
-			"mov (sp)+,r1"
-			"jmp csa~" 				|       | |
-csa !defined($1)| source2 |
-			remove(all)
-			"cmp %[1],$$2"
-			"beq 1f;jmp unknown~;1:"
-			"mov (sp)+,r0"
-			"mov (sp)+,r1"
-			"jmp csa~" 				|       | |
-lae csb $2==2	| source2 |
-			remove(all)
-			move(%[1],r1)
-			move({ADDR_EXTERNAL,$1},r0)
-			"jmp csb~"				|	| |
-csb $1==2       | |
-			remove(all)
-			"mov (sp)+,r0"
-			"mov (sp)+,r1"
-			"jmp csb~" 				|	| |
-csb !defined($1)| source2 |
-			remove(all)
-			"cmp %[1],$$2"
-			"beq 1f;jmp unknown~;1:"
-			"mov (sp)+,r0"
-			"mov (sp)+,r1"
-			"jmp csb~" 				|	| |
-dup $1==2       | REG     |             | %[1] %[1]                     | |
-dup $1==4       | NC longf4 | | %[1] %[1]				| |
-...		| source2 source2 |     | %[2] %[1] %[2] %[1]           | |
-dup $1==8	| NC double8| | %[1] %[1]				| |
-...		| |	remove(all)
-			move({CONST2, $1}, r0)
-			"jsr pc,dup~"
-			erase(r01)				|	| |
-dup             | |     remove(all)
-			move({CONST2, $1}, r0)
-			"jsr pc,dup~"
-			erase(r01)                              |       | |
-dus $1==2       | source2 |
-			remove(all)
-			move(%[1],r0)
-			"jsr pc,dup~"
-			erase(r01)                              |       | |
-dus !defined($1)| source2 |
-			remove(all)
-			"cmp %[1],$$2"
-			"beq 1f;jmp unknown~;1:"
-			"mov (sp)+,r0"
-			"jsr pc,dup~"
-			erase(r01)                              |       | |
-gto		| |	remove(all)
-			"mov $$$1,-(sp)"
-			"jmp gto~"				|       | |
-fil             | |     "mov $$$1,hol0+4"                       |       | |
-lim             | |             | { relative2, "trpim~"}                | |
-lin             | |     "mov $$$1,hol0"                        |       | |
-lni             | |     "inc hol0"                              |       | |
-lor $1==0       | |                                             | lb    | |
-lor $1==1       | |     remove(all)
-			allocate(REG)
-			"mov sp,%[a]"                   	| %[a]  | |
-lor $1==2       | |     			| {relative2,"reghp~"}  | |
-mon             | |     remove(all)
-			"jsr pc,mon~"                   |       | |
-nop             | |     remove(all)
-			"jsr pc,nop~"                   |       | |
-#ifdef DORCK
-rck $1==2       | source2 |
-			remove(all)
-			move(%[1],r0)
-			"jsr pc,rck~"                   |       | |
-rck !defined($1)| source2 source2 |
-			remove(all)
-			"cmp %[1],$$2"
-			"beq 1f;jmp unknown~;1:"
-			move(%[2],r0)
-			"jsr pc,rck~"                       |       | |
-rck $1==2	| source2 |				|	| |
-rck !defined($1)| source2 source2 |			|	| |
-rtt             | |             |                       | ret 0 |
-sig             | source2 |
-			allocate(REG)
-			move({relative2,"trppc~"},%[a])
-			"mov %[1],trppc~"                       | %[a]  | |
-sim             | |     remove(all)
-			"jsr pc,sim~"                   |       | |
-str $1==0       | source2 |
-			"mov %[1],r5"                   |       | |
-str $1==1       | source2 |
-			remove(all)
-			"mov %[1],sp"                   |       | |
-str $1==2       | |     remove(all)
-			"jsr pc,strhp~"                 |       | |
-trp             | |     remove(all)
-			"jsr pc,trp~"                   |       | |
-exg $1==2       | source2 source2 |                     | %[1] %[2] | |
-exg defined($1) | |     remove(all)
-			move({CONST2,$1},r0)
-			"jsr pc,exg~"                   | | |
-exg             | source2 | remove(all)
-			move(%[1],r0)
-			"jsr pc,exg"                    | | |
-lol lal sti $1==$2 && $3==1| | | | | /* throw away funny C-proc-prolog */
- * Coercions                    *
- *                              *
- * From EM-tokens to PDP-tokens *
- ********************************/
-| LOCAL2 |      | {regind2,lb,tostring(%[1.ind])} | |
-| LOCAL4 |      | {regind4,lb,tostring(%[1.ind])} | |
- * From source to register      *
- ********************************/
-| regconst2 |   allocate(%[1],REG=%[1.reg])
-		"add $$%[1.ind],%[a]"
-		setcc(%[a])                     | %[a]  | |(6,1050)
-| ADDR_LOCAL |  allocate(REG)
-		"mov r5,%[a]"
-		"add $$%[1.ind],%[a]"
-		setcc(%[a])                     | %[a]  | |(6,1050)
-| REG |                         | {regconst2, %[1], "0"}  | | (2,600)
-| xsource2 |     allocate(%[1], REG=%[1])        | %[a]  | |
-| xsource2 |     allocate(%[1], REG=%[1])        | {regconst2, %[a], "0"}  | |
-| longf4 |      allocate(FLT_REG)
-		move( %[1],%[a])                | %[a]  | | (20,20000) + %[1]
-| double8 |     allocate(DBL_REG)
-		move(%[1],%[a])         | %[a]  | | (20,30000) + %[1]
- * From source1 to source2      *
- ********************************/
-| source1 |     allocate(REG={CONST2,0})
-		"bisb %[1],%[a]"
-		erase(%[a]) setcc(%[a])          | %[a]  | | (6,1050)+%[1]
- * From long4 to source2        *
- ********************************/
-| REG_PAIR |    | %[1.2] %[1.1] | |
-| regind4 |     | {regind2,%[1.reg],"2+"+%[1.ind]} {regind2,%[1.reg],%[1.ind]} | |
-| relative4 |   | {relative2,"2+"+%[1.ind]} {relative2,%[1.ind]}        | |
-| regdef4 |     | {regind2,%[1.reg],"2"} {regdef2,%[1.reg]}               | |
-| LOCAL4 |      | {LOCAL2, %[1.ind]+2, 2} {LOCAL2, %[1.ind], 2}         | |
- * from double8 to long4        *
- ********************************/
-| regind8 |     | {regind4,%[1.reg],"4+"+%[1.ind]} {regind4,%[1.reg],%[1.ind]} | |
-| relative8 |   | {relative4,"4+"+%[1.ind]} {relative4,%[1.ind]}        | |
-| regdef8 |     | {regdef4,%[1.reg]} {regind4,%[1.reg],"4"}               | |
- * From STACK coercions *
- ************************/
-| STACK |       allocate(REG)
-		"mov (sp)+,%[a]"
-		setcc(%[a])                     | %[a]  | | (2,750)
-| STACK |       allocate(REG)
-		"mov (sp)+,%[a]"
-		setcc(%[a])                     | {regconst2, %[a], "0"}  | | (2,750)
-| STACK |       allocate(FLT_REG)
-		"movof (sp)+,%[a]"
-		samecc                          | %[a]  | | (20,47400) /* /10  */
-| STACK |       allocate(DBL_REG)
-		"movf (sp)+,%[a]"
-		samecc                          | %[a]  | | (20,69200) /* /10 */
-| STACK |       allocate(REG_PAIR)
-		"mov (sp)+,%[a.1]"
-		"mov (sp)+,%[a.2]"
-		setcc(%[a.2])                   | %[a]  | | (4,1500)
-(CONST2 %[num] == 0, source2, "clr %[2]" setcc(%[2]),(2,300))
-(source2, source2, "mov %[1],%[2]" setcc(%[2]),(2,300)+%[1]+%[2])
-(FLT_REG, longf4-FLT_REG,"movfo %[1],%[2]" samecc, (2,880) + %[2])
-(longf4-FLT_REG,FLT_REG, "movof %[1],%[2]" samecc, (2,1500) + %[2])
-(FLT_REG, FLT_REG, "movf %[1],%[2]" samecc,(2,880))
-(DBL_REG,double8, "movf %[1],%[2]" samecc,(2,880) + %[2])
-(double8,DBL_REG, "movf %[1],%[2]" samecc,(2,1700) + %[1])
-(CONST2 %[num] == 0,source1, "clrb %[2]" setcc(%[2]),(2,450)+%[2])
-(source1or2,source1, "movb %[1],%[2]" setcc(%[2]),(2,300)+%[1]+%[2])
-(ftoint,source2, "movfi %[1.reg],%[2]" samecc)
-(source2, "tst %[1]" ,(2,300) + %[1])
-(source1, "tstb %[1]",(2,400) + %[1])
-(FLT_REG+DBL_REG, "tstf %[1]\ncfcc" ,(4,2600))
-/* (DBL_REG, "tstf %[1]\ncfcc" ,(4,2600)) */
-( CONST2 %[num]==0 ,, "clr -(sp)"                                             )
-( source2 ,,     "mov %[1],-(sp)" setcc(%[1]),                    (2,900)+%[1])
-( regconst2 ,,   "mov %[1.reg],-(sp)\nadd $$%[1.ind],(sp)" ,          (6,2250))
-( ADDR_LOCAL,,   "mov r5,-(sp)" "add $$%[1.ind],(sp)",               (6,2250))
-( DBL_REG ,,     "movf %[1],-(sp)" samecc             ,               (2,6100))
-( FLT_REG ,,     "movfo %[1],-(sp)" samecc                          , (2,4120))
-( REG_PAIR ,,    "mov %[1.2],-(sp)" "mov %[1.1],-(sp)"              , (4,1800))
-( regind4 ,,     "mov 2+%[1.ind](%[1.reg]),-(sp)"
-		"mov %[1.ind](%[1.reg]),-(sp)"  ,                     (8,3000))
-( relative4 ,,   "mov 2+%[1.ind],-(sp)"
-		"mov %[1.ind],-(sp)"            ,                     (8,3000))
-( regdef4 ,,     "mov 2(%[1.reg]),-(sp)"
-		"mov (%[1.reg]),-(sp)"          ,                     (6,2700))
-( regind8 ,REG,	move(%[1.reg],%[a])
-		"add $$%(8%)+%[1.ind],%[a]"
-		"mov -(%[a]),-(sp)"
-		"mov -(%[a]),-(sp)"
-		"mov -(%[a]),-(sp)"
-		"mov -(%[a]),-(sp)"
-		erase(%[a])			,                    (14,6000))
-( regind8 ,,     "mov 6+%[1.ind](%[1.reg]),-(sp)"
-		"mov 4+%[1.ind](%[1.reg]),-(sp)"
-		"mov 2+%[1.ind](%[1.reg]),-(sp)"
-		"mov %[1.ind](%[1.reg]),-(sp)"  ,                    (16,6000))
-( relative8 ,REG,"mov $$%(8%)+%[1.ind],%[a]"
-		"mov -(%[a]),-(sp)"
-		"mov -(%[a]),-(sp)"
-		"mov -(%[a]),-(sp)"
-		"mov -(%[a]),-(sp)"		,                    (12,5000))
-( relative8 ,,   "mov 6+%[1.ind],-(sp)"
-		"mov 4+%[1.ind],-(sp)"
-		"mov 2+%[1.ind],-(sp)"
-		"mov %[1.ind],-(sp)"            ,                    (16,6000))
-( regdef8 ,,     "mov 6(%[1.reg]),-(sp)"
-		"mov 4(%[1.reg]),-(sp)"
-		"mov 2(%[1.reg]),-(sp)"
-		"mov (%[1.reg]),-(sp)"          ,                    (14,5700))
-( LOCAL4 ,,      "mov 2+%[1.ind](r5),-(sp)"
-		"mov %[1.ind](r5),-(sp)"       ,                     (8,3000))
-( source1 ,,     "clr -(sp)"
-		"movb %[1],(sp)"                ,                (4,1800)+%[1])
-( ftoint ,,	"movfi %[1.reg],-(sp)"		                              )
-( ftolong ,,	"setl\nmovfi %[1.reg],-(sp)\nseti"                            )

+ 0 - 178

@@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
-# $Header$
-PREFLAGS=-I../../../h -I. -DNDEBUG
-CFILES=$(CDIR)/codegen.c $(CDIR)/compute.c $(CDIR)/equiv.c $(CDIR)/fillem.c \
-       $(CDIR)/gencode.c $(CDIR)/glosym.c $(CDIR)/main.c $(CDIR)/move.c \
-       $(CDIR)/nextem.c $(CDIR)/reg.c $(CDIR)/regvar.c $(CDIR)/salloc.c \
-       $(CDIR)/state.c $(CDIR)/subr.c $(CDIR)/var.c
-OFILES=codegen.o compute.o equiv.o fillem.o gencode.o glosym.o main.o\
-       move.o nextem.o reg.o regvar.o salloc.o state.o subr.o var.o
-	make tables.c
-	make cg
-cg: tables.o $(OFILES)
-	cc $(LDFLAGS) $(OFILES) tables.o $(LIBS) -o cg
-tables.o: tables.c
-	cc -c $(PREFLAGS) -I$(CDIR) tables.c
-codegen.o: $(CDIR)/codegen.c
-	cc -c $(CFLAGS) $(CDIR)/codegen.c
-compute.o: $(CDIR)/compute.c
-	cc -c $(CFLAGS) $(CDIR)/compute.c
-equiv.o: $(CDIR)/equiv.c
-	cc -c $(CFLAGS) $(CDIR)/equiv.c
-fillem.o: $(CDIR)/fillem.c
-	cc -c $(CFLAGS) $(CDIR)/fillem.c
-gencode.o: $(CDIR)/gencode.c
-	cc -c $(CFLAGS) $(CDIR)/gencode.c
-glosym.o: $(CDIR)/glosym.c
-	cc -c $(CFLAGS) $(CDIR)/glosym.c
-main.o: $(CDIR)/main.c
-	cc -c $(CFLAGS) $(CDIR)/main.c
-move.o: $(CDIR)/move.c
-	cc -c $(CFLAGS) $(CDIR)/move.c
-nextem.o: $(CDIR)/nextem.c
-	cc -c $(CFLAGS) $(CDIR)/nextem.c
-reg.o: $(CDIR)/reg.c
-	cc -c $(CFLAGS) $(CDIR)/reg.c
-regvar.o: $(CDIR)/regvar.c
-	cc -c $(CFLAGS) $(CDIR)/regvar.c
-salloc.o: $(CDIR)/salloc.c
-	cc -c $(CFLAGS) $(CDIR)/salloc.c
-state.o: $(CDIR)/state.c
-	cc -c $(CFLAGS) $(CDIR)/state.c
-subr.o: $(CDIR)/subr.c
-	cc -c $(CFLAGS) $(CDIR)/subr.c
-var.o: $(CDIR)/var.c
-	cc -c $(CFLAGS) $(CDIR)/var.c
-install: all
-	../install cg
-cmp:	 all
-	-../compare cg
-tables.c: table
-	-mv tables.h
-	../../../lib/cpp -P table | ../../../lib/cgg > debug.out
-	-if cmp -s tables.h; then mv tables.h; else exit 0; fi
-	-if cmp -s /dev/null tables.h; then mv tables.h; else exit 0; fi
-lint: $(CFILES)
-	rm -f *.o tables.c tables.h debug.out cg
-codegen.o:	$(CDIR)/assert.h
-codegen.o:	$(CDIR)/data.h
-codegen.o:	$(CDIR)/equiv.h
-codegen.o:	$(CDIR)/extern.h
-codegen.o:	$(CDIR)/param.h
-codegen.o:	$(CDIR)/result.h
-codegen.o:	$(CDIR)/state.h
-codegen.o:	tables.h
-codegen.o:	$(CDIR)/types.h
-compute.o:	$(CDIR)/assert.h
-compute.o:	$(CDIR)/data.h
-compute.o:	$(CDIR)/extern.h
-compute.o:	$(CDIR)/glosym.h
-compute.o:	$(CDIR)/param.h
-compute.o:	$(CDIR)/result.h
-compute.o:	tables.h
-compute.o:	$(CDIR)/types.h
-equiv.o:	$(CDIR)/assert.h
-equiv.o:	$(CDIR)/data.h
-equiv.o:	$(CDIR)/equiv.h
-equiv.o:	$(CDIR)/extern.h
-equiv.o:	$(CDIR)/param.h
-equiv.o:	$(CDIR)/result.h
-equiv.o:	tables.h
-equiv.o:	$(CDIR)/types.h
-fillem.o:	$(CDIR)/assert.h
-fillem.o:	$(CDIR)/data.h
-fillem.o:	$(CDIR)/extern.h
-fillem.o:	mach.c
-fillem.o:	mach.h
-fillem.o:	$(CDIR)/param.h
-fillem.o:	$(CDIR)/regvar.h
-fillem.o:	$(CDIR)/result.h
-fillem.o:	tables.h
-fillem.o:	$(CDIR)/types.h
-gencode.o:	$(CDIR)/assert.h
-gencode.o:	$(CDIR)/data.h
-gencode.o:	$(CDIR)/extern.h
-gencode.o:	$(CDIR)/param.h
-gencode.o:	$(CDIR)/result.h
-gencode.o:	tables.h
-gencode.o:	$(CDIR)/types.h
-glosym.o:	$(CDIR)/glosym.h
-glosym.o:	$(CDIR)/param.h
-glosym.o:	tables.h
-glosym.o:	$(CDIR)/types.h
-main.o:		$(CDIR)/param.h
-move.o:		$(CDIR)/assert.h
-move.o:		$(CDIR)/data.h
-move.o:		$(CDIR)/extern.h
-move.o:		$(CDIR)/param.h
-move.o:		$(CDIR)/result.h
-move.o:		tables.h
-move.o:		$(CDIR)/types.h
-nextem.o:	$(CDIR)/assert.h
-nextem.o:	$(CDIR)/data.h
-nextem.o:	$(CDIR)/extern.h
-nextem.o:	$(CDIR)/param.h
-nextem.o:	$(CDIR)/result.h
-nextem.o:	tables.h
-nextem.o:	$(CDIR)/types.h
-reg.o:		$(CDIR)/assert.h
-reg.o:		$(CDIR)/data.h
-reg.o:		$(CDIR)/extern.h
-reg.o:		$(CDIR)/param.h
-reg.o:		$(CDIR)/result.h
-reg.o:		tables.h
-reg.o:		$(CDIR)/types.h
-regvar.o:	$(CDIR)/assert.h
-regvar.o:	$(CDIR)/data.h
-regvar.o:	$(CDIR)/extern.h
-regvar.o:	$(CDIR)/param.h
-regvar.o:	$(CDIR)/regvar.h
-regvar.o:	$(CDIR)/result.h
-regvar.o:	tables.h
-regvar.o:	$(CDIR)/types.h
-salloc.o:	$(CDIR)/assert.h
-salloc.o:	$(CDIR)/data.h
-salloc.o:	$(CDIR)/extern.h
-salloc.o:	$(CDIR)/param.h
-salloc.o:	$(CDIR)/result.h
-salloc.o:	tables.h
-salloc.o:	$(CDIR)/types.h
-state.o:	$(CDIR)/assert.h
-state.o:	$(CDIR)/data.h
-state.o:	$(CDIR)/extern.h
-state.o:	$(CDIR)/param.h
-state.o:	$(CDIR)/result.h
-state.o:	$(CDIR)/state.h
-state.o:	tables.h
-state.o:	$(CDIR)/types.h
-subr.o:		$(CDIR)/assert.h
-subr.o:		$(CDIR)/data.h
-subr.o:		$(CDIR)/extern.h
-subr.o:		$(CDIR)/param.h
-subr.o:		$(CDIR)/result.h
-subr.o:		tables.h
-subr.o:		$(CDIR)/types.h
-var.o:		$(CDIR)/data.h
-var.o:		$(CDIR)/param.h
-var.o:		$(CDIR)/result.h
-var.o:		tables.h
-var.o:		$(CDIR)/types.h

+ 0 - 7

@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-/* $Header$ */
-#ifndef NDEBUG
-#define assert(x) if(!(x)) badassertion("x",__FILE__,__LINE__)
-#define assert(x)	/* nothing */

+ 0 - 672

@@ -1,672 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef NORCSID
-static char rcsid[] = "$Header$";
-#include "assert.h"
-#include "param.h"
-#include "tables.h"
-#include "types.h"
-#include <cg_pattern.h>
-#include "data.h"
-#include "result.h"
-#include "state.h"
-#include "equiv.h"
-#include "extern.h"
- * (c) copyright 1983 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
- *
- *          This product is part of the Amsterdam Compiler Kit.
- *
- * Permission to use, sell, duplicate or disclose this software must be
- * obtained in writing. Requests for such permissions may be sent to
- *
- *      Dr. Andrew S. Tanenbaum
- *      Wiskundig Seminarium
- *      Vrije Universiteit
- *      Postbox 7161
- *      1007 MC Amsterdam
- *      The Netherlands
- *
- * Author: Hans van Staveren
- */
-#define SHORTCUT	/* Stop searching at distance 0 */
-#define MAXPATTERN 5
-#define MAXREPLLEN 5    /* Max length of EM-replacement, should come from boot */
-byte startupcode[] = { DO_NEXTEM };
-byte *nextem();
-unsigned costcalc();
-unsigned docoerc();
-unsigned stackupto();
-string tostring();
-#ifdef NDEBUG
-#define DEBUG()
-#include <stdio.h>
-#define DEBUG(string) {if(Debug) fprintf(stderr,"%-*d%s\n",4*level,level,string);}
-#define BROKE() {assert(origcp!=startupcode);DEBUG("BROKE");goto doreturn;}
-#define CHKCOST() {if (totalcost>=costlimit) BROKE();}
-unsigned codegen(codep,ply,toplevel,costlimit,forced) byte *codep; unsigned costlimit; {
-#ifndef NDEBUG
-	byte *origcp=codep;
-	static int level=0;
-	unsigned totalcost = 0;
-	byte *bp;
-	int n;
-	unsigned mindistance,dist;
-	register i;
-	int cindex;
-	int npos,npos2,pos[MAXPOS],pos2[MAXPOS];
-	state_t state;
-#define SAVEST	savestatus(&state)
-#define RESTST	restorestatus(&state)
-#define FREEST	/* nothing */
-	state_p state;
-#define SAVEST	state=savestatus()
-#define RESTST	restorestatus(state)
-#define FREEST	freestatus(state)
-	unsigned mincost,t;
-	int texpno,nodeno;
-	token_p tp;
-	tkdef_p tdp;
-	int tinstno;
-	struct reginfo *rp,**rpp;
-	token_t token,mtoken,token2;
-	int propno;
-	int exactmatch;
-	int j;
-	int decision;
-	int stringno;
-	result_t result;
-	cost_t cost;
-	int size,lsize,repllen;
-	int tokexp[MAXPATTERN];
-	int nregneeded;
-	token_p regtp[MAXCREG];
-	c3_p regcp[MAXCREG];
-	rl_p regls[MAXCREG];
-	c3_p cp,findcoerc();
-	int sret;
-	token_t reptoken[MAXREPLLEN];
-	int emrepllen,eminstr;
-	int inscoerc=0;
-	int stackpad;
-	struct perm *tup,*ntup,*besttup,*tuples();
-#ifndef NDEBUG
-	level++;
-	DEBUG("Entering codegen");
-	for (;;) {
-	switch( (*codep++)&037 ) {
-    default:
-	assert(FALSE);
-    case DO_NEXTEM:
-	tokpatlen = 0;
-	nallreg=0;
-	if (toplevel) {
-		garbage_collect();
-		totalcost=0;
-	} else {
-		if (--ply <= 0)
-			goto doreturn;
-	}
-	if (stackheight>MAXFSTACK-7)	
-		totalcost += stackupto(&fakestack[6],ply,toplevel);
-	bp = nextem(toplevel);
-	if (bp == 0) {
-		/*
-		 * No pattern found, can be pseudo or error
-		 * in table.
-		 */
-		if (toplevel) {
-			codep--;
-			DEBUG("pseudo");
-			dopseudo();
-		} else
-			goto doreturn;
-	} else {
-#ifndef NDEBUG
-		chkregs();
-		n = *bp++;
-		assert(n>0 && n<=MAXRULE);
-		if (n>1) {
-			mindistance = MAXINT; npos=0;
-			for(i=0;i<n;i++) {
-				getint(cindex,bp);
-				dist=distance(cindex);
-#ifndef NDEBUG
-if (Debug)
-	fprintf(stderr,"distance of pos %d is %u\n",i,dist);
-				if (dist<=mindistance) {
-					if (dist<mindistance) {
-#ifdef SHORTCUT
-						if(dist==0)
-							goto gotit;
-						npos=0;
-						mindistance = dist;
-					}
-					pos[npos++] = cindex;
-				}
-			}
-			assert(mindistance<MAXINT);
-			if (npos>1) {
-				/*
-				 * More than 1 tokenpattern is a candidate.
-				 * Decision has to be made by lookahead.
-				 */
-				SAVEST;
-				mincost = costlimit-totalcost+1;
-				for(i=0;i<npos;i++) {
-					t=codegen(&coderules[pos[i]],ply,FALSE,mincost,0);
-#ifndef NDEBUG
-if (Debug)
-	fprintf(stderr,"mincost %u,cost %u,pos %d\n",mincost,t,i);
-					if (t<mincost) {
-						mincost = t;
-						cindex = pos[i];
-					}
-					RESTST;
-				}
-				FREEST;
-				if (totalcost+mincost>costlimit) {
-					totalcost += mincost;
-					BROKE();
-				}
-			} else {
-				cindex = pos[0];
-			}
-		} else {
-			getint(cindex,bp);
-		}
-	gotit:
-		/*
-		 * Now cindex contains the code-index of the best candidate
-		 * so proceed to use it.
-		 */
-		codep = &coderules[cindex];
-	}
-	break;
-    case DO_COERC:
-	tokpatlen=1;
-	inscoerc=1;
-	break;
-    case DO_XXMATCH:
-    case DO_XMATCH:
-	tokpatlen=(codep[-1]>>5)&07;
-	for (i=0;i<tokpatlen;i++)
-		getint(tokexp[i],codep);
-	tokexp[i]=0;
-	break;	/* match already checked by distance() */
-    case DO_MATCH:
-	tokpatlen=(codep[-1]>>5)&07;
-	for(i=0;i<tokpatlen;i++)
-		getint(tokexp[i],codep);
-	tokexp[i] = 0;
-	tp = &fakestack[stackheight-1];
-	i=0;
-	while (i<tokpatlen && tp>=fakestack) {
-		size=tsize(tp);
-		while (i<tokpatlen && (lsize=ssize(tokexp[i]))<=size) {
-			size -= lsize;
-			i++;
-		}
-		if (i<tokpatlen && size!=0) {
-			totalcost += stackupto(tp,ply,toplevel);
-			CHKCOST();
-			break;
-		}
-		tp--;
-	}
-	tp = &fakestack[stackheight-1];
-	i=0;
-	while (i<tokpatlen && tp >= fakestack) {
-		size = tsize(tp);
-		lsize= ssize(tokexp[i]);
-		if (size != lsize) {    /* find coercion */
-#ifdef MAXSPLIT
-			sret = split(tp,&tokexp[i],ply,toplevel);
-			if (sret==0) {
-#endif MAXSPLIT
-				totalcost += stackupto(tp,ply,toplevel);
-				CHKCOST();
-				break;
-#ifdef MAXSPLIT
-			}
-			i += sret;
-#endif MAXSPLIT
-		} else
-			i += 1;
-		tp--;
-	}
-    nextmatch:
-	tp = &fakestack[stackheight-1];
-	i=0; nregneeded = 0;
-	while (i<tokpatlen && tp>=fakestack) {
-		if (!match(tp,&machsets[tokexp[i]],0)) {
-			cp = findcoerc(tp, &machsets[tokexp[i]]);
-			if (cp==0) {
-				for (j=0;j<nregneeded;j++)
-					regtp[j] -= (tp-fakestack+1);
-				totalcost += stackupto(tp,ply,toplevel);
-				CHKCOST();
-				break;
-			} else {
-				if (cp->c3_prop==0) {
-					totalcost+=docoerc(tp,cp,ply,toplevel,0);
-					CHKCOST();
-				} else {
-					assert(nregneeded<MAXCREG);
-					regtp[nregneeded] = tp;
-					regcp[nregneeded] = cp;
-					regls[nregneeded] = curreglist;
-					nregneeded++;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		i++; tp--;
-	}
-	if (tokpatlen>stackheight) {
-		stackpad = tokpatlen-stackheight;
-		for (j=stackheight-1;j>=0;j--)
-			fakestack[j+stackpad] = fakestack[j];
-		for (j=0;j<stackpad;j++)
-			fakestack[j].t_token=0;
-		stackheight += stackpad;
-		for (j=0;j<nregneeded;j++)
-			regtp[j] += stackpad;
-		tp = &fakestack[stackpad-1];
-		while (i<tokpatlen && tp>=fakestack) {
-			cp = findcoerc((token_p) 0, &machsets[tokexp[i]]);
-			if (cp==0) {
-				assert(!toplevel);
-				for (j=0;j<nregneeded;j++)
-					myfree(regls[j]);
-				totalcost=INFINITY;
-				BROKE();
-			}
-			if (cp->c3_prop==0) {
-				totalcost+=docoerc(tp,cp,ply,toplevel,0);
-				CHKCOST();
-			} else {
-				assert(nregneeded<MAXCREG);
-				regtp[nregneeded] = tp;
-				regcp[nregneeded] = cp;
-				regls[nregneeded] = curreglist;
-				nregneeded++;
-			}
-			i++; tp--;
-		}
-	} else
-		stackpad=0;
-	assert(i==tokpatlen);
-	if (nregneeded==0)
-		break;
-	mincost=costlimit-totalcost+1;
-	tup = tuples(regls,nregneeded);
-	besttup=0;
-	for (; tup != 0; tup = ntup) {
-		ntup = tup->p_next;
-		for (i=0,t=0;i<nregneeded && t<mincost; i++)
-			t += docoerc(regtp[i],regcp[i],ply,FALSE,tup->p_rar[i]);
-		if (t<mincost)
-			t += codegen(codep,ply,FALSE,mincost-t,0);
-		if (t<mincost) {
-			mincost = t;
-			besttup = tup;
-		} else
-			myfree(tup);
-	}
-	for (i=0;i<nregneeded;i++)
-		myfree(regls[i]);
-	if (totalcost+mincost>costlimit) {
-		if (besttup)
-			myfree(besttup);
-		if (stackpad!=tokpatlen) {
-			if (stackpad) {
-				if (costlimit<MAXINT) {
-					totalcost = costlimit+1;
-					BROKE();
-				}
-				for (i=0;i<stackheight-stackpad;i++)
-					fakestack[i] = fakestack[i+stackpad];
-				stackheight -= stackpad;
-				totalcost += stackupto(&fakestack[stackheight-1],ply,toplevel);
-			} else
-				totalcost += stackupto(fakestack,ply,toplevel);
-			CHKCOST();
-			goto nextmatch;
-		}
-		totalcost += mincost;
-		BROKE();
-	}
-	for (i=0;i<nregneeded;i++)
-		totalcost += docoerc(regtp[i],regcp[i],ply,toplevel,besttup->p_rar[i]);
-	myfree(besttup);
-	break;
-    case DO_REMOVE:
-	if (codep[-1]&32) {
-		getint(texpno,codep);
-		getint(nodeno,codep);
-	} else {
-		getint(texpno,codep);
-		nodeno=0;
-	}
-	for (tp= &fakestack[stackheight-tokpatlen-1];tp>=&fakestack[0];tp--)
-		if (match(tp,&machsets[texpno],nodeno)) {
-			/* investigate possible coercion to register */
-			totalcost += stackupto(tp,ply,toplevel);
-			CHKCOST();
-			break;
-		}
-	for (rp=machregs+2;rp<machregs+NREGS;rp++)
-		if (match(&rp->r_contents,&machsets[texpno],nodeno))
-			rp->r_contents.t_token=0;
-	break;
-    case DO_RREMOVE:	/* register remove */
-	getint(nodeno,codep);
-	result=compute(&enodes[nodeno]);
-	assert(result.e_typ==EV_REG);
-	for (tp= &fakestack[stackheight-tokpatlen-1];tp>=&fakestack[0];tp--)
-		if (tp->t_token==-1) {
-			if(tp->t_att[0].ar==result.e_v.e_con)
-				goto gotone;
-		} else {
-			tdp = &tokens[tp->t_token];
-			for(i=0;i<TOKENSIZE;i++)
-				if (tdp->t_type[i]==EV_REG &&
-				    tp->t_att[i].ar==result.e_v.e_con)
-					goto gotone;
-		}
-	break;
-    gotone:
-	/* investigate possible coercion to register */
-	totalcost += stackupto(tp,ply,toplevel);
-	break;
-    case DO_DEALLOCATE:
-	getint(tinstno,codep);
-	instance(tinstno,&token);
-	if (token.t_token==-1)
-		chrefcount(token.t_att[0].ar,-1,TRUE);
-	else {
-		tdp= &tokens[token.t_token];
-		for (i=0;i<TOKENSIZE;i++)
-			if (tdp->t_type[i]==EV_REG)
-				chrefcount(token.t_att[i].ar,-1,TRUE);
-	}
-	break;
-    case DO_REALLOCATE:
-	for(rp=machregs;rp<machregs+NREGS;rp++)
-		if(rp->r_tcount) {
-			rp->r_refcount -= rp->r_tcount;
-			rp->r_tcount = 0;
-		}
-	break;
-    case DO_ALLOCATE:
-	if (codep[-1]&32) {
-		getint(propno,codep);
-		getint(tinstno,codep);
-	} else {
-		getint(propno,codep);
-		tinstno=0;
-	}
-	instance(tinstno,&token);
-	if (!forced) {
-		do {
-			npos=exactmatch=0;
-			for(rpp=reglist[propno];rp= *rpp; rpp++)
-				if (getrefcount(rp-machregs)==0) {
-					pos[npos++] = rp-machregs;
-					if (eqtoken(&rp->r_contents,&token))
-						exactmatch++;
-				}
-			/*
-			 * Now pos[] contains all free registers with desired
-			 * property. If none then some stacking has to take place.
-			 */
-			if (npos==0) {
-				if (stackheight<=tokpatlen) {
-					if (!toplevel) {
-						totalcost = INFINITY;
-						BROKE();
-					} else {
-						fatal("No regs available");
-					}
-				}
-				totalcost += stackupto( &fakestack[0],ply,toplevel);
-				CHKCOST();
-			}
-		} while (npos==0);
-		if (!exactmatch) {
-			npos2=npos;
-			for(i=0;i<npos;i++)
-				pos2[i]=pos[i];
-		} else {
-			/*
-			 * Now we are reducing the number of possible registers.
-			 * We take only one equally likely register out of every
-			 * equivalence class as given by set of properties.
-			 */
-			mtoken = token;
-			npos2=0;
-			for(i=0;i<npos;i++)
-				if (eqtoken(&machregs[pos[i]].r_contents,&mtoken)) {
-					pos2[npos2++] = pos[i];
-					for(j=0;j<npos2-1;j++)
-						if (eqregclass(pos2[j],pos[i])) {
-							npos2--;
-							break;
-						}
-				}
-		}
-		/*
-		 * Now pos2[] contains all possibilities to try, if more than
-		 * one, lookahead is necessary.
-		 */
-		token2.t_token= -1;
-		for (i=1;i<TOKENSIZE;i++)
-			token2.t_att[i].aw=0;
-		if (npos2==1)
-			decision=pos2[0];
-		else {
-			mincost=costlimit-totalcost+1;
-			for(j=0;j<npos2;j++) {
-				chrefcount(pos2[j],1,FALSE);
-				token2.t_att[0].ar=pos2[j];
-				allreg[nallreg++] = pos2[j];
-				if (token.t_token != 0)
-					t=move(&token,&token2,ply,FALSE,mincost);
-				else {
-					t = 0;
-					erasereg(pos2[j]);
-				}
-				if (t<mincost)
-					t += codegen(codep,ply,FALSE,mincost-t,0);
-				if (t<mincost) {
-					mincost=t;
-					decision=pos2[j];
-				}
-				RESTST;
-			}
-			if (totalcost+mincost>costlimit) {
-				totalcost = INFINITY;
-				BROKE();
-			}
-		}
-	} else {
-		decision = forced;
-		if (getrefcount(decision)!=0) {
-			totalcost = INFINITY;
-			BROKE();
-		}
-		token2.t_token = -1;
-	}
-	chrefcount(decision,1,FALSE);
-	token2.t_att[0].ar=decision;
-	if (token.t_token != 0) {
-		totalcost+=move(&token,&token2,ply,toplevel,MAXINT);
-	} else
-		erasereg(decision);
-	allreg[nallreg++]=decision;
-	break;
-    case DO_LOUTPUT:
-	getint(stringno,codep);
-	getint(nodeno,codep);
-	if (toplevel) {
-		gencode(codestrings[stringno]);
-		genexpr(nodeno);
-	}
-	break;
-    case DO_ROUTPUT:
-	i=((codep[-1]>>5)&07);
-	do {
-		getint(stringno,codep);
-		if (toplevel) {
-			gencode(codestrings[stringno]);
-			gennl();
-		}
-	} while (i--);
-	break;
-    case DO_MOVE:
-	getint(tinstno,codep);
-	instance(tinstno,&token);
-	getint(tinstno,codep);
-	instance(tinstno,&token2);
-	totalcost += move(&token,&token2,ply,toplevel,costlimit-totalcost+1);
-	break;
-    case DO_ERASE:
-	getint(nodeno,codep);
-	result=compute(&enodes[nodeno]);
-	assert(result.e_typ==EV_REG);
-	erasereg(result.e_v.e_reg);
-	break;
-    case DO_TOKREPLACE:
-	assert(stackheight>=tokpatlen);
-	repllen=(codep[-1]>>5)&07;
-	for(i=0;i<repllen;i++) {
-		getint(tinstno,codep);
-		instance(tinstno,&reptoken[i]);
-		tref(&reptoken[i],1);
-	}
-	for(i=0;i<tokpatlen;i++) {
-		if (!inscoerc)
-			tref(&fakestack[stackheight-1],-1);
-		stackheight--;
-	}
-	for (i=0;i<repllen;i++) {
-		assert(stackheight<MAXFSTACK);
-		fakestack[stackheight++] = reptoken[i];
-	}
-	for(i=0;i<nallreg;i++)
-		chrefcount(allreg[i],-1,FALSE);
-	break;
-    case DO_EMREPLACE:
-	emrepllen=(codep[-1]>>5)&07;
-	j=emp-emlines;
-	if (emrepllen>j) {
-		assert(nemlines+emrepllen-j<MAXEMLINES);
-		for (i=nemlines;i>=0;i--)
-			emlines[i+emrepllen-j] = emlines[i];
-		nemlines += emrepllen-j;
-		emp += emrepllen-j;
-	}
-	emp -= emrepllen;
-	for (i=0;i<emrepllen;i++) {
-		getint(eminstr,codep);
-		getint(nodeno,codep);
-		emp[i].em_instr = eminstr;
-		result = compute(&enodes[nodeno]);
-		switch(result.e_typ) {
-		default:
-			assert(FALSE);
-		case 0:
-			emp[i].em_optyp = OPNO;
-			emp[i].em_soper = 0;
-			break;
-		case EV_INT:
-			emp[i].em_optyp = OPINT;
-			emp[i].em_soper = tostring(result.e_v.e_con);
-			emp[i].em_u.em_ioper = result.e_v.e_con;
-			break;
-		case EV_STR:
-			emp[i].em_optyp = OPSYMBOL;
-			emp[i].em_soper = result.e_v.e_str;
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-	if (!toplevel)
-		ply += emrepllen;
-	break;
-    case DO_COST:
-	getint(cost.c_size,codep);
-	getint(cost.c_time,codep);
-	totalcost += costcalc(cost);
-	break;
-#ifdef REGVARS
-    case DO_PRETURN:
-	if (toplevel) {
-		swtxt();
-		regreturn();	/* in mach.c */
-	}
-	break;
-    case DO_RETURN:
-	assert(origcp!=startupcode);
-    doreturn:
-#ifndef NDEBUG
-	level--;
-	return(totalcost);
-	}
-	}

+ 0 - 364

@@ -1,364 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef NORCSID
-static char rcsid[] = "$Header$";
-#include "assert.h"
-#include "param.h"
-#include "tables.h"
-#include "types.h"
-#include <cg_pattern.h>
-#include "data.h"
-#include "result.h"
-#include "glosym.h"
-#include "extern.h"
- * (c) copyright 1983 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
- *
- *          This product is part of the Amsterdam Compiler Kit.
- *
- * Permission to use, sell, duplicate or disclose this software must be
- * obtained in writing. Requests for such permissions may be sent to
- *
- *      Dr. Andrew S. Tanenbaum
- *      Wiskundig Seminarium
- *      Vrije Universiteit
- *      Postbox 7161
- *      1007 MC Amsterdam
- *      The Netherlands
- *
- * Author: Hans van Staveren
- */
-#define LLEAF 01
-#define LDEF  02
-#define RLEAF 04
-#define RDEF  010
-char opdesc[] = {
-	0,                      /* EX_TOKFIELD */
-	0,                      /* EX_ARG */
-	0,                      /* EX_CON */
-	0,                      /* EX_ALLREG */
-	LLDEF|RLDEF,            /* EX_SAMESIGN */
-	LLDEF|RLDEF,            /* EX_SFIT */
-	LLDEF|RLDEF,            /* EX_UFIT */
-	0,                      /* EX_ROM */
-	LLDEF|RLDEF,            /* EX_NCPEQ */
-	LLDEF|RLDEF,            /* EX_SCPEQ */
-	LLDEF|RLDEF,            /* EX_RCPEQ */
-	LLDEF|RLDEF,            /* EX_NCPNE */
-	LLDEF|RLDEF,            /* EX_SCPNE */
-	LLDEF|RLDEF,            /* EX_RCPNE */
-	LLDEF|RLDEF,            /* EX_NCPGT */
-	LLDEF|RLDEF,            /* EX_NCPGE */
-	LLDEF|RLDEF,            /* EX_NCPLT */
-	LLDEF|RLDEF,            /* EX_NCPLE */
-	LLDEF,                  /* EX_OR2 */
-	LLDEF,                  /* EX_AND2 */
-	LLDEF|RLDEF,            /* EX_PLUS */
-	LLDEF|RLDEF,            /* EX_CAT */
-	LLDEF|RLDEF,            /* EX_MINUS */
-	LLDEF|RLDEF,            /* EX_TIMES */
-	LLDEF|RLDEF,            /* EX_DIVIDE */
-	LLDEF|RLDEF,            /* EX_MOD */
-	LLDEF|RLDEF,            /* EX_LSHIFT */
-	LLDEF|RLDEF,            /* EX_RSHIFT */
-	LLDEF,                  /* EX_NOT */
-	LLDEF,                  /* EX_COMP */
-	0,                      /* EX_COST */
-	0,                      /* EX_STRING */
-	LLEAF,                  /* EX_DEFINED */
-	0,                      /* EX_SUBREG */
-	LLDEF,                  /* EX_TOSTRING */
-	LLDEF,                  /* EX_UMINUS */
-	0,                      /* EX_REG */
-	0,			/* EX_LOWW */
-	0,			/* EX_HIGHW */
-	LLDEF,			/* EX_INREG */
-	LLDEF,			/* EX_REGVAR */
-string salloc(),strcpy(),strcat();
-string mycat(s1,s2) string s1,s2; {
-	register string s;
-	s=salloc(strlen(s1)+strlen(s2));
-	strcpy(s,s1);
-	strcat(s,s2);
-	return(s);
-string mystrcpy(s) string s; {
-	register string r;
-	r=salloc(strlen(s));
-	strcpy(r,s);
-	return(r);
-char digstr[21][15];
-string tostring(n) word n; {
-	char buf[25];
-	if (n>=-20 && n<=20 && (n&1)==0) {
-		if (digstr[(n>>1)+10][0]==0)
-			sprintf(digstr[(n>>1)+10],WRD_FMT,n);
-		return(digstr[(n>>1)+10]);
-	}
-	sprintf(buf,WRD_FMT,n);
-	return(mystrcpy(buf));
-result_t undefres= {EV_UNDEF};
-result_t compute(node) node_p node; {
-	result_t leaf1,leaf2,result;
-	token_p tp;
-	int desc;
-	long mask,tmp;
-	int i,tmpreg;
-	glosym_p gp;
-	desc=opdesc[node->ex_operator];
-	if (desc&LLEAF) {
-		leaf1 = compute(&enodes[node->ex_lnode]);
-		if (desc&LDEF && leaf1.e_typ==EV_UNDEF)
-			return(undefres);
-	}
-	if (desc&RLEAF) {
-		leaf2 = compute(&enodes[node->ex_rnode]);
-		if (desc&RDEF && leaf2.e_typ==EV_UNDEF)
-			return(undefres);
-	}
-	result.e_typ=EV_INT;
-	switch(node->ex_operator) {
-	default:        assert(FALSE);
-		if (node->ex_lnode!=0)
-			tp = &fakestack[stackheight-node->ex_lnode];
-		else
-			tp = curtoken;
-		switch(result.e_typ = tokens[tp->t_token].t_type[node->ex_rnode-1]) {
-		default:
-			assert(FALSE);
-		case EV_INT:
-			result.e_v.e_con = tp->t_att[node->ex_rnode-1].aw;
-			break;
-		case EV_STR:
-			result.e_v.e_str = tp->t_att[node->ex_rnode-1].as;
-			break;
-		case EV_REG:
-			result.e_v.e_reg = tp->t_att[node->ex_rnode-1].ar;
-			break;
-		}
-		return(result);
-	case EX_ARG:
-		return(dollar[node->ex_lnode-1]);
-	case EX_CON:
-		result.e_typ = EV_INT;
-		result.e_v.e_con = ((long) node->ex_rnode << 16) | ((long)node->ex_lnode&0xffff);
-		return(result);
-	case EX_REG:
-		result.e_typ = EV_REG;
-		result.e_v.e_reg = node->ex_lnode;
-		return(result);
-	case EX_ALLREG:
-		result.e_typ = EV_REG;
-		result.e_v.e_reg = allreg[node->ex_lnode-1];
-		if (node->ex_rnode!=0)
-			result.e_v.e_reg = machregs[result.e_v.e_reg].
-				r_members[node->ex_rnode-1];
-		return(result);
-	assert(leaf1.e_typ == EV_INT && leaf2.e_typ == EV_INT);
-		result.e_typ = EV_INT;
-		if (leaf1.e_v.e_con>=0)
-			result.e_v.e_con= leaf2.e_v.e_con>=0;
-		else
-			result.e_v.e_con= leaf2.e_v.e_con<0;
-		return(result);
-	case EX_SFIT:
-	assert(leaf1.e_typ == EV_INT && leaf2.e_typ == EV_INT);
-		mask = 0xFFFFFFFFL;
-		for (i=0;i<leaf2.e_v.e_con-1;i++)
-			mask &= ~(1<<i);
-		tmp = leaf1.e_v.e_con&mask;
-		result.e_v.e_con = tmp==0||tmp==mask;
-		return(result);
-	case EX_UFIT:
-	assert(leaf1.e_typ == EV_INT && leaf2.e_typ == EV_INT);
-		mask = 0xFFFFFFFFL;
-		for (i=0;i<leaf2.e_v.e_con;i++)
-			mask &= ~(1<<i);
-		result.e_v.e_con = (leaf1.e_v.e_con&mask)==0;
-		return(result);
-	case EX_ROM:
-		assert(node->ex_rnode>=0 &&node->ex_rnode<MAXROM);
-		leaf2=dollar[node->ex_lnode];
-		if (leaf2.e_typ != EV_STR)
-			return(undefres);
-		gp = lookglo(leaf2.e_v.e_str);
-		if (gp == (glosym_p) 0)
-			return(undefres);
-		if ((gp->gl_rom[MAXROM]&(1<<node->ex_rnode))==0)
-			return(undefres);
-		result.e_v.e_con = gp->gl_rom[node->ex_rnode];
-		return(result);
-	case EX_LOWW:
-		result.e_v.e_con = saveemp[node->ex_lnode].em_u.em_loper&0xFFFF;
-		return(result);
-	case EX_HIGHW:
-		result.e_v.e_con = saveemp[node->ex_lnode].em_u.em_loper>>16;
-		return(result);
-	case EX_NCPEQ:
-	assert(leaf1.e_typ == EV_INT && leaf2.e_typ == EV_INT);
-		result.e_v.e_con = leaf1.e_v.e_con==leaf2.e_v.e_con;
-		return(result);
-	case EX_SCPEQ:
-	assert(leaf1.e_typ == EV_STR && leaf2.e_typ == EV_STR);
-		result.e_v.e_con = !strcmp(leaf1.e_v.e_str,leaf2.e_v.e_str);
-		return(result);
-	case EX_RCPEQ:
-	assert(leaf1.e_typ == EV_REG && leaf2.e_typ == EV_REG);
-		result.e_v.e_con = leaf1.e_v.e_reg==leaf2.e_v.e_reg;
-		return(result);
-	case EX_NCPNE:
-	assert(leaf1.e_typ == EV_INT && leaf2.e_typ == EV_INT);
-		result.e_v.e_con = leaf1.e_v.e_con!=leaf2.e_v.e_con;
-		return(result);
-	case EX_SCPNE:
-	assert(leaf1.e_typ == EV_STR && leaf2.e_typ == EV_STR);
-		result.e_v.e_con = strcmp(leaf1.e_v.e_str,leaf2.e_v.e_str);
-		return(result);
-	case EX_RCPNE:
-	assert(leaf1.e_typ == EV_REG && leaf2.e_typ == EV_REG);
-		result.e_v.e_con = leaf1.e_v.e_reg!=leaf2.e_v.e_reg;
-		return(result);
-	case EX_NCPGT:
-	assert(leaf1.e_typ == EV_INT && leaf2.e_typ == EV_INT);
-		result.e_v.e_con = leaf1.e_v.e_con>leaf2.e_v.e_con;
-		return(result);
-	case EX_NCPGE:
-	assert(leaf1.e_typ == EV_INT && leaf2.e_typ == EV_INT);
-		result.e_v.e_con = leaf1.e_v.e_con>=leaf2.e_v.e_con;
-		return(result);
-	case EX_NCPLT:
-	assert(leaf1.e_typ == EV_INT && leaf2.e_typ == EV_INT);
-		result.e_v.e_con = leaf1.e_v.e_con<leaf2.e_v.e_con;
-		return(result);
-	case EX_NCPLE:
-	assert(leaf1.e_typ == EV_INT && leaf2.e_typ == EV_INT);
-		result.e_v.e_con = leaf1.e_v.e_con<=leaf2.e_v.e_con;
-		return(result);
-	case EX_OR2:
-	assert(leaf1.e_typ == EV_INT);
-		if (leaf1.e_v.e_con==0)
-			return(compute(&enodes[node->ex_rnode]));
-		return(leaf1);
-	case EX_AND2:
-	assert(leaf1.e_typ == EV_INT);
-		if (leaf1.e_v.e_con!=0)
-			return(compute(&enodes[node->ex_rnode]));
-		return(leaf1);
-	case EX_PLUS:
-	assert(leaf1.e_typ == EV_INT && leaf2.e_typ == EV_INT);
-		result.e_v.e_con=leaf1.e_v.e_con+leaf2.e_v.e_con;
-		return(result);
-	case EX_CAT:
-	assert(leaf1.e_typ == EV_STR && leaf2.e_typ == EV_STR);
-		result.e_typ = EV_STR;
-		result.e_v.e_str = mycat(leaf1.e_v.e_str,leaf2.e_v.e_str);
-		return(result);
-	case EX_MINUS:
-	assert(leaf1.e_typ == EV_INT && leaf2.e_typ == EV_INT);
-		result.e_v.e_con = leaf1.e_v.e_con - leaf2.e_v.e_con;
-		return(result);
-	case EX_TIMES:
-	assert(leaf1.e_typ == EV_INT && leaf2.e_typ == EV_INT);
-		result.e_v.e_con = leaf1.e_v.e_con * leaf2.e_v.e_con;
-		return(result);
-	case EX_DIVIDE:
-	assert(leaf1.e_typ == EV_INT && leaf2.e_typ == EV_INT);
-		result.e_v.e_con = leaf1.e_v.e_con / leaf2.e_v.e_con;
-		return(result);
-	case EX_MOD:
-	assert(leaf1.e_typ == EV_INT && leaf2.e_typ == EV_INT);
-		result.e_v.e_con = leaf1.e_v.e_con % leaf2.e_v.e_con;
-		return(result);
-	case EX_LSHIFT:
-	assert(leaf1.e_typ == EV_INT && leaf2.e_typ == EV_INT);
-		result.e_v.e_con = leaf1.e_v.e_con << leaf2.e_v.e_con;
-		return(result);
-	case EX_RSHIFT:
-	assert(leaf1.e_typ == EV_INT && leaf2.e_typ == EV_INT);
-		result.e_v.e_con = leaf1.e_v.e_con >> leaf2.e_v.e_con;
-		return(result);
-	case EX_NOT:
-	assert(leaf1.e_typ == EV_INT);
-		result.e_v.e_con = !leaf1.e_v.e_con;
-		return(result);
-	case EX_COMP:
-	assert(leaf1.e_typ == EV_INT);
-		result.e_v.e_con = ~leaf1.e_v.e_con;
-		return(result);
-	case EX_COST:
-		if (node->ex_rnode==0)
-			return(compute(&enodes[tokens[node->ex_lnode].t_cost.c_size]));
-		else
-			return(compute(&enodes[tokens[node->ex_lnode].t_cost.c_time]));
-	case EX_STRING:
-		result.e_typ = EV_STR;
-		result.e_v.e_str = codestrings[node->ex_lnode];
-		return(result);
-	case EX_DEFINED:
-		result.e_v.e_con=leaf1.e_typ!=EV_UNDEF;
-		return(result);
-	case EX_SUBREG:
-		result.e_typ = EV_REG;
-		tp= &fakestack[stackheight-node->ex_lnode];
-		assert(tp->t_token == -1);
-		tmpreg= tp->t_att[0].ar;
-		if (node->ex_rnode)
-			tmpreg=machregs[tmpreg].r_members[node->ex_rnode-1];
-		result.e_v.e_reg=tmpreg;
-		return(result);
-	assert(leaf1.e_typ == EV_INT);
-		result.e_typ = EV_STR;
-		result.e_v.e_str = tostring(leaf1.e_v.e_con);
-		return(result);
-#ifdef REGVARS
-	case EX_INREG:
-	assert(leaf1.e_typ == EV_INT);
-		i = isregvar((long) leaf1.e_v.e_con);
-		if (i<0)
-			result.e_v.e_con = 0;
-		else if (i==0)
-			result.e_v.e_con = 1;
-		else
-			result.e_v.e_con = 2;
-		return(result);
-	case EX_REGVAR:
-	assert(leaf1.e_typ == EV_INT);
-		i = isregvar((long) leaf1.e_v.e_con);
-		if (i<=0) 
-			return(undefres);
-		result.e_typ = EV_REG;
-		result.e_v.e_reg=i;
-		return(result);
-	case EX_UMINUS:
-	assert(leaf1.e_typ == EV_INT);
-		result.e_v.e_con = -leaf1.e_v.e_con;
-		return(result);
-	}

+ 0 - 54

@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-/* $Header$ */
-typedef struct {
-	int     t_token;        /* kind of token, -1 for register */
-	union {
-		word aw;	/* integer type */
-		string as;	/* string type */
-		int ar;		/* register type */
-	} t_att[TOKENSIZE];
-} token_t,*token_p;
-struct reginfo {
-	int     r_repr;                 /* index in string table */
-	int     r_size;                 /* size in bytes */
-	int     r_members[MAXMEMBERS];  /* register contained within this reg */
-	short	r_clash[REGSETSIZE];	/* set of clashing registers */
-	int     r_refcount;             /* Times in use */
-	token_t r_contents;             /* Current contents */
-	int     r_tcount;               /* Temporary count difference */
-#define clash(a,b) ((machregs[a].r_clash[(b)>>4]&(1<<((b)&017)))!=0)
-#define clash(a,b) ((a)==(b))
-typedef struct {
-	int     t_size;                 /* size in bytes */
-	cost_t  t_cost;                 /* cost in bytes and time */ 
-	byte    t_type[TOKENSIZE];      /* types of attributes, TT_??? */
-	int     t_format;               /* index of formatstring */
-} tkdef_t,*tkdef_p;
-struct emline {
-	int     em_instr;
-	int     em_optyp;
-	string  em_soper;
-	union {
-		word    em_ioper;
-		long	em_loper;
-	} em_u;
-#define OPNO 0
-#define OPINT 1
-#define OPSYMBOL 2
-typedef struct {
-	int rl_n;       /* number in list */
-	int rl_list[NREGS];
-} rl_t,*rl_p;

+ 0 - 105

@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef NORCSID
-static char rcsid[] = "$Header$";
-#include "assert.h"
-#include "equiv.h"
-#include "param.h"
-#include "tables.h"
-#include "types.h"
-#include <cg_pattern.h>
-#include "data.h"
-#include "result.h"
-#include "extern.h"
- * (c) copyright 1983 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
- *
- *          This product is part of the Amsterdam Compiler Kit.
- *
- * Permission to use, sell, duplicate or disclose this software must be
- * obtained in writing. Requests for such permissions may be sent to
- *
- *      Dr. Andrew S. Tanenbaum
- *      Wiskundig Seminarium
- *      Vrije Universiteit
- *      Postbox 7161
- *      1007 MC Amsterdam
- *      The Netherlands
- *
- * Author: Hans van Staveren
- */
-extern string myalloc();
-int rar[MAXCREG];
-rl_p *lar;
-int maxindex;
-int regclass[NREGS];
-struct perm *perms;
-struct perm *
-tuples(regls,nregneeded) rl_p *regls; {
-	int class=0;
-	register i,j;
-	/*
-	 * First compute equivalence classes of registers.
-	 */
-	for (i=0;i<NREGS;i++) {
-		regclass[i] = class++;
-		if (getrefcount(i) == 0) {
-			for (j=0;j<i;j++) {
-				if (eqregclass(i,j) &&
-				    eqtoken(&machregs[i].r_contents,
-					    &machregs[j].r_contents)) {
-					regclass[i] = regclass[j];
-					break;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Now create tuples through a recursive function
-	 */
-	maxindex = nregneeded;
-	lar = regls;
-	perms = 0;
-	permute(0);
-	return(perms);
-permute(index) {
-	register struct perm *pp;
-	register rl_p rlp;
-	register i,j;
-	if (index == maxindex) {
-		for (pp=perms; pp != 0; pp=pp->p_next) {
-			for (i=0; i<maxindex; i++)
-				if (regclass[rar[i]] != regclass[pp->p_rar[i]])
-					goto diff;
-			for (i=0; i<maxindex; i++)
-				for (j=0; j<i; j++)
-					if (clash(rar[i],rar[j]) !=
-					    clash(pp->p_rar[i],pp->p_rar[j]))
-						goto diff;
-			return;
-		    diff: ;
-		}
-		pp = (struct perm *) myalloc(sizeof ( *pp ));
-		pp->p_next = perms;
-		for (i=0; i<maxindex; i++)
-			pp->p_rar[i] = rar[i];
-		perms = pp;
-	} else {
-		rlp=lar[index];
-		for (i=rlp->rl_n-1; i>=0; i--) {
-			rar[index] = rlp->rl_list[i];
-			permute(index+1);
-		}
-	}

+ 0 - 8

@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-/* $Header$ */
-#define MAXCREG 4
-struct perm {
-	struct perm *p_next;
-	int p_rar[MAXCREG];

+ 0 - 49

@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-/* $Header$ */
-extern int maxply;                      /* amount of lookahead allowed */
-extern int stackheight;                 /* # of tokens on fakestack */
-extern token_t fakestack[];             /* fakestack itself */
-extern int nallreg;                     /* number of allocated registers */
-extern int allreg[];                    /* array of allocated registers */
-extern token_p curtoken;                /* pointer to current token */
-extern result_t dollar[];               /* Values of $1,$2 etc.. */
-extern int nemlines;                    /* # of EM instructions in core */
-extern struct emline emlines[];         /* EM instructions itself */
-extern struct emline *emp;              /* pointer to current instr */
-extern struct emline *saveemp;		/* pointer to start of pattern */
-extern int tokpatlen;                   /* length of current stackpattern */
-extern rl_p curreglist;                 /* side effect of findcoerc() */
-#ifndef NDEBUG
-extern int Debug;                       /* on/off debug printout */
- * Next descriptions are external declarations for tables created
- * by bootgram.
- * All definitions are to be found in tables.c (Not for humans)
- */
-extern byte coderules[];                /* pseudo code for cg itself */
-extern char stregclass[];               /* static register class */
-extern struct reginfo machregs[];       /* register info */
-extern tkdef_t tokens[];                /* token info */
-extern node_t enodes[];                 /* expression nodes */
-extern string codestrings[];            /* table of strings */
-extern set_t machsets[];                /* token expression table */
-extern inst_t tokeninstances[];         /* token instance description table */
-extern move_t moves[];                  /* move descriptors */
-extern byte pattern[];                  /* EM patterns */
-extern int pathash[256];                /* Indices into previous */
-extern c1_t c1coercs[];                 /* coercions type 1 */
-#ifdef MAXSPLIT
-extern c2_t c2coercs[];                 /* coercions type 2 */
-#endif MAXSPLIT
-extern c3_t c3coercs[];                 /* coercions type 3 */
-extern struct reginfo **reglist[];	/* lists of registers per property */
-#define eqregclass(r1,r2) (stregclass[r1]==stregclass[r2])
-#ifdef REGVARS
-extern int nregvar[];			/* # of register variables per type */
-extern int *rvnumbers[];		/* lists of numbers */

+ 0 - 644

@@ -1,644 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef NORCSID
-static char rcsid2[] = "$Header$";
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include "assert.h"
-#include <em_spec.h>
-#include <em_pseu.h>
-#include <em_flag.h>
-#include <em_ptyp.h>
-#include <em_mes.h>
-#include "mach.h"
-#include "param.h"
-#include "tables.h"
-#include "types.h"
-#include <cg_pattern.h>
-#include "data.h"
-#include "result.h"
-#ifdef REGVARS
-#include "regvar.h"
-#include <em_reg.h>
-#include "extern.h"
- * (c) copyright 1983 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
- *
- *          This product is part of the Amsterdam Compiler Kit.
- *
- * Permission to use, sell, duplicate or disclose this software must be
- * obtained in writing. Requests for such permissions may be sent to
- *
- *      Dr. Andrew S. Tanenbaum
- *      Wiskundig Seminarium
- *      Vrije Universiteit
- *      Postbox 7161
- *      1007 MC Amsterdam
- *      The Netherlands
- *
- * Author: Hans van Staveren
- */
-/* segment types for switchseg() */
-#define SEGTXT          0
-#define SEGCON          1
-#define SEGROM          2
-#define SEGBSS          3
-long con();
-#define get8()  getc(emfile)
-#define MAXSTR 256
-FILE *emfile;
-extern FILE *codefile;
-int nextispseu,savetab1;
-int opcode;
-int offtyp;
-long argval;
-int dlbval;
-char str[MAXSTR],argstr[32],labstr[32];
-int strsiz;
-int holno=0;
-int procno=0;
-int curseg= -1;
-int part_size=0;
-word part_word=0;
-int endofprog=0;
-#ifdef REGVARS
-int regallowed=0;
-extern char em_flag[];
-extern short em_ptyp[];
-extern long atol();
-extern double atof();
-#define sp_cstx sp_cst2
-string tostring();
-string holstr();
-string strarg();
-string mystrcpy();
-long get32();
-in_init(filename) char *filename; {
-	if ((emfile=freopen(filename,"r",stdin))==NULL)
-		error("Can't open %s",filename);
-	if (get16()!=sp_magic)
-		error("Bad format %s",filename);
-in_finish() {
-fillemlines() {
-	int t,i;
-	register struct emline *lp;
-	while ((emlines+nemlines)-emp<MAXEMLINES-5) {
-		assert(nemlines<MAXEMLINES);
-		if (nextispseu) {
-			emlines[nemlines].em_instr=0;
-			return;
-		}
-		lp = &emlines[nemlines++];
-		switch(t=table1()) {
-		default:
-			error("unknown instruction byte");
-		case sp_ilb1:
-		case sp_ilb2:
-		case sp_fpseu:
-		case sp_dlb1:
-		case sp_dlb2:
-		case sp_dnam:
-			nextispseu=1; savetab1=t;
-			nemlines--;
-			lp->em_instr = 0;
-			return;
-		case EOF:
-			nextispseu=1; savetab1=t;
-			endofprog=1;
-			nemlines--;
-			lp->em_instr = 0;
-			return;
-		case sp_fmnem:
-			lp->em_instr = opcode;
-			break;
-		}
-		i=em_flag[lp->em_instr-sp_fmnem] & EM_PAR;
-		if ( i == PAR_NO ) {
-			lp->em_optyp = OPNO;
-			lp->em_soper = 0;
-			continue;
-		}
-		t= em_ptyp[i];
-		t= getarg(t);
-		switch(i) {
-		case PAR_L:
-			assert(t == sp_cstx);
-			if (argval >= 0)
-				argval += EM_BSIZE;
-			lp->em_optyp = OPINT;
-			lp->em_u.em_ioper = argval;
-			lp->em_soper = tostring((word) argval);
-			continue;
-		case PAR_G:
-			if (t != sp_cstx)
-				break;
-			lp->em_optyp = OPSYMBOL;
-			lp->em_soper = holstr((word) argval);
-			continue;
-		case PAR_B:
-			t = sp_ilb2;
-			break;
-		case PAR_D:
-			assert(t == sp_cstx);
-			lp->em_optyp = OPSYMBOL;
-			lp->em_soper = strarg(t);
-			lp->em_u.em_loper = argval;
-			continue;
-		}
-		lp->em_soper = strarg(t);
-		if (t==sp_cend)
-			lp->em_optyp = OPNO;
-		else if (t==sp_cstx) {
-			lp->em_optyp = OPINT;
-			lp->em_u.em_ioper = argval;
-		} else
-			lp->em_optyp = OPSYMBOL;
-	}
-dopseudo() {
-	register b,t;
-	register full n;
-	register long save;
-	word romcont[MAXROM+1];
-	int nromwords;
-	int rombit,rommask;
-	unsigned dummy,stackupto();
-	if (nextispseu==0 || nemlines>0)
-		error("No table entry for %d",emlines[0].em_instr);
-	nextispseu=0;
-	switch(savetab1) {
-	case sp_ilb1:
-	case sp_ilb2:
-		swtxt();
-		dummy = stackupto(&fakestack[stackheight-1],maxply,TRUE);
-		cleanregs();
-		strarg(savetab1);
-		newilb(argstr);
-		return;
-	case sp_dlb1:
-	case sp_dlb2:
-	case sp_dnam:
-		strarg(savetab1);
-		savelab();
-		return;
-	case sp_fpseu:
-		break;
-	case EOF:
-		swtxt();
-		popstr(0);
-		tstoutput();
-		exit(0);
-	default:
-		error("Unknown opcode %d",savetab1);
-	}
-	switch (opcode) {
-	case ps_hol:
-		sprintf(labstr,hol_fmt,++holno);
-	case ps_bss:
-		getarg(cst_ptyp);
-		n = (full) argval;
-		t = getarg(val_ptyp);
-		save = argval;
-		getarg(cst_ptyp);
-		b = (int) argval;
-		argval = save;
-		bss(n,t,b);
-		break;
-	case ps_con:
-		switchseg(SEGCON);
-		dumplab();
-		con(getarg(val_ptyp));
-		while ((t = getarg(any_ptyp)) != sp_cend)
-			con(t);
-		break;
-	case ps_rom:
-		switchseg(SEGROM);
-		xdumplab();
-		nromwords=0;
-		rommask=0;
-		rombit=1;
-		t=getarg(val_ptyp);
-		while (t!=sp_cend) {
-			if (t==sp_cstx && nromwords<MAXROM) {
-				romcont[nromwords] = (word) argval;
-				rommask |= rombit;
-			}
-			nromwords++;
-			rombit <<= 1;
-			con(t);
-			t=getarg(any_ptyp);
-		}
-		if (rommask != 0) {
-			romcont[MAXROM]=rommask;
-			enterglo(labstr,romcont);
-		}
-		labstr[0]=0;
-		break;
-	case ps_mes:
-		getarg(ptyp(sp_cst2));
-		if (argval == ms_emx) {
-			getarg(ptyp(sp_cst2));
-			if (argval != EM_WSIZE)
-				fatal("bad word size");
-			getarg(ptyp(sp_cst2));
-			if (argval != EM_PSIZE)
-				fatal("bad pointer size");
-			if ( getarg(any_ptyp)!=sp_cend )
-				fatal("too many parameters");
-#ifdef REGVARS
-		} else if (argval == ms_gto) {
-			getarg(ptyp(sp_cend));
-			if (!regallowed)
-				error("mes 3 not allowed here");
-			fixregvars(TRUE);
-			regallowed=0;
-		} else if (argval == ms_reg) {
-			long r_off;
-			int r_size,r_type,r_score;
-			struct regvar *linkreg();
-			if (!regallowed)
-				error("mes 3 not allowed here");
-			if(getarg(ptyp(sp_cst2)|ptyp(sp_cend)) == sp_cend) {
-				fixregvars(FALSE);
-				regallowed=0;
-			} else {
-				r_off = argval;
-#ifdef EM_BSIZE
-  				if (r_off >= 0)
-  					r_off += EM_BSIZE;
-				getarg(ptyp(sp_cst2));
-				r_size = argval;
-				getarg(ptyp(sp_cst2));
-				r_type = argval;
-				if (r_type<reg_any || r_type>reg_float)
-					fatal("Bad type in register message");
-				if(getarg(ptyp(sp_cst2)|ptyp(sp_cend)) == sp_cend)
-					r_score = 0;
-				else {
-					r_score = argval;
-					if ( getarg(any_ptyp)!=sp_cend )
-						fatal("too many parameters");
-				}
-				tryreg(linkreg(r_off,r_size,r_type,r_score),r_type);
-			}
-		} else
-			mes((word)argval);
-		break;
-	case ps_exa:
-		strarg(getarg(sym_ptyp));
-		ex_ap(argstr);
-		break;
-	case ps_ina:
-		strarg(getarg(sym_ptyp));
-		in_ap(argstr);
-		break;
-	case ps_exp:
-		strarg(getarg(ptyp(sp_pnam)));
-		ex_ap(argstr);
-		break;
-	case ps_inp:
-		strarg(getarg(ptyp(sp_pnam)));
-		in_ap(argstr);
-		break;
-	case ps_pro:
-		switchseg(SEGTXT);
-		procno++;
-		strarg(getarg(ptyp(sp_pnam)));
-		newilb(argstr);
-		getarg(cst_ptyp);
-		prolog((full)argval);
-#ifdef REGVARS
-		regallowed++;
-		break;
-	case ps_end:
-		getarg(cst_ptyp | ptyp(sp_cend));
-		cleanregs();
-#ifdef REGVARS
-		unlinkregs();
-		tstoutput();
-		break;
-	default:
-		error("No table entry for %d",savetab1);
-	}
-/* ----- input ----- */
-int getarg(typset) {
-	register t,argtyp;
-	argtyp = t = table2();
-	if (t == EOF)
-		fatal("unexpected EOF");
-	t -= sp_fspec;
-	t = 1 << t;
-	if ((typset & t) == 0)
-		error("bad argument type %d",argtyp);
-	return(argtyp);
-int table1() {
-	register i;
-	i = get8();
-	if (i < sp_fmnem+sp_nmnem && i >= sp_fmnem) {
-		opcode = i;
-		return(sp_fmnem);
-	}
-	if (i < sp_fpseu+sp_npseu && i >= sp_fpseu) {
-		opcode = i;
-		return(sp_fpseu);
-	}
-	if (i < sp_filb0+sp_nilb0 && i >= sp_filb0) {
-		argval = i - sp_filb0;
-		return(sp_ilb2);
-	}
-	return(table3(i));
-int table2() {
-	register i;
-	i = get8();
-	if (i < sp_fcst0+sp_ncst0 && i >= sp_fcst0) {
-		argval = i - sp_zcst0;
-		return(sp_cstx);
-	}
-	return(table3(i));
-int table3(i) {
-	word consiz;
-	switch(i) {
-	case sp_ilb1:
-		argval = get8();
-		break;
-	case sp_dlb1:
-		dlbval = get8();
-		break;
-	case sp_dlb2:
-		dlbval = get16();
-		break;
-	case sp_cst2:
-		i = sp_cstx;
-	case sp_ilb2:
-		argval = get16();
-		break;
-	case sp_cst4:
-		i = sp_cstx;
-		argval = get32();
-		break;
-	case sp_dnam:
-	case sp_pnam:
-	case sp_scon:
-		getstring();
-		break;
-	case sp_doff:
-		offtyp = getarg(sym_ptyp);
-		getarg(cst_ptyp);
-		break;
-	case sp_icon:
-	case sp_ucon:
-	case sp_fcon:
-		getarg(cst_ptyp);
-		consiz = (word) argval;
-		getstring();
-		argval = consiz;
-		break;
-	}
-	return(i);
-int get16() {
-	register int l_byte, h_byte;
-	l_byte = get8();
-	h_byte = get8();
-	if ( h_byte>=128 ) h_byte -= 256 ;
-	return l_byte | (h_byte*256) ;
-long get32() {
-	register long l;
-	register int h_byte;
-	l = get8();
-	l |= ((unsigned) get8())*256 ;
-	l |= get8()*256L*256L ;
-	h_byte = get8() ;
-	if ( h_byte>=128 ) h_byte -= 256 ;
-	return l | (h_byte*256L*256*256L) ;
-getstring() {
-	register char *p;
-	register n;
-	getarg(cst_ptyp);
-	if (argval < 0 || argval > MAXSTR-1)
-		fatal("string/identifier too long");
-	strsiz = n = (int) argval;
-	p = str;
-	while (--n >= 0)
-		*p++ = get8();
-	*p++ = '\0';
-char *strarg(t) {
-	register char *p;
-	switch (t) {
-	case sp_ilb1:
-	case sp_ilb2:
-		sprintf(argstr,ilb_fmt,procno,(int)argval);
-		break;
-	case sp_dlb1:
-	case sp_dlb2:
-		sprintf(argstr,dlb_fmt,dlbval);
-		break;
-	case sp_cstx:
-		sprintf(argstr,cst_fmt,(full)argval);
-		break;
-	case sp_dnam:
-	case sp_pnam:
-		p = argstr;
-		if (strsiz < 8 || str[0] == id_first)
-			*p++ = id_first;
-		sprintf(p,"%.*s",strsiz,str);
-		break;
-	case sp_doff:
-		strarg(offtyp);
-		for (p = argstr; *p; p++)
-			;
-		if (argval >= 0)
-			*p++ = '+';
-		sprintf(p,off_fmt,(full)argval);
-		break;
-	case sp_cend:
-		return("");
-	}
-	return(mystrcpy(argstr));
-bss(n,t,b) full n; {
-	register long s;
-	if (n % EM_WSIZE)
-		fatal("bad BSS size");
-	if (b==0
-#ifdef BSS_INIT
-	    || (t==sp_cstx && argval==BSS_INIT)
-#endif BSS_INIT
-		) {
-		switchseg(SEGBSS);
-		newlbss(labstr,n);
-		labstr[0]=0;
-		return;
-	}
-	switchseg(SEGCON);
-	dumplab();
-	while (n > 0)
-		n -= (s = con(t));
-	if (s % EM_WSIZE)
-		fatal("bad BSS initializer");
-long con(t) {
-	register i;
-	strarg(t);
-	switch (t) {
-	case sp_ilb1:
-	case sp_ilb2:
-	case sp_pnam:
-		part_flush();
-		con_ilb(argstr);
-		return((long)EM_PSIZE);
-	case sp_dlb1:
-	case sp_dlb2:
-	case sp_dnam:
-	case sp_doff:
-		part_flush();
-		con_dlb(argstr);
-		return((long)EM_PSIZE);
-	case sp_cstx:
-		con_part(EM_WSIZE,(word)argval);
-		return((long)EM_WSIZE);
-	case sp_scon:
-		for (i = 0; i < strsiz; i++)
-			con_part(1,(word) str[i]);
-		return((long)strsiz);
-	case sp_icon:
-	case sp_ucon:
-		if (argval > EM_WSIZE) {
-			part_flush();
-			con_mult((word)argval);
-		} else {
-			con_part((int)argval,(word)atol(str));
-		}
-		return(argval);
-	case sp_fcon:
-		part_flush();
-		con_float();
-		return(argval);
-	}
-	assert(FALSE);
-extern char *segname[];
-swtxt() {
-	switchseg(SEGTXT);
-switchseg(s) {
-	if (s == curseg)
-		return;
-	part_flush();
-	if ((curseg = s) >= 0)
-		fprintf(codefile,"%s\n",segname[s]);
-savelab() {
-	register char *p,*q;
-	part_flush();
-	if (labstr[0]) {
-		dlbdlb(argstr,labstr);
-		return;
-	}
-	p = argstr;
-	q = labstr;
-	while (*q++ = *p++)
-		;
-dumplab() {
-	if (labstr[0] == 0)
-		return;
-	assert(part_size == 0);
-	newdlb(labstr);
-	labstr[0] = 0;
-xdumplab() {
-	if (labstr[0] == 0)
-		return;
-	assert(part_size == 0);
-	newdlb(labstr);
-part_flush() {
-	/*
-	 * Each new data fragment and each data label starts at
-	 * a new target machine word
-	 */
-	if (part_size == 0)
-		return;
-	con_cst(part_word);
-	part_size = 0;
-	part_word = 0;
-string holstr(n) word n; {
-	sprintf(str,hol_off,n,holno);
-	return(mystrcpy(str));
-/* ----- machine dependent routines ----- */
-#include        "mach.c"

+ 0 - 194

@@ -1,194 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef NORCSID
-static char rcsid[] = "$Header$";
-#include "assert.h"
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include "param.h"
-#include "tables.h"
-#include "types.h"
-#include <cg_pattern.h>
-#include "data.h"
-#include "result.h"
-#include "extern.h"
- * (c) copyright 1983 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
- *
- *          This product is part of the Amsterdam Compiler Kit.
- *
- * Permission to use, sell, duplicate or disclose this software must be
- * obtained in writing. Requests for such permissions may be sent to
- *
- *      Dr. Andrew S. Tanenbaum
- *      Wiskundig Seminarium
- *      Vrije Universiteit
- *      Postbox 7161
- *      1007 MC Amsterdam
- *      The Netherlands
- *
- * Author: Hans van Staveren
- */
-FILE *codefile;
-out_init(filename) char *filename; {
-#ifndef NDEBUG
-	static char stderrbuff[512];
-    if (Debug) {
-	codefile = stderr;
-	if (!isatty(2))
-		setbuf(stderr,stderrbuff);
-    } else {
-	if (filename == (char *) 0)
-		codefile = stdout;
-	else
-		if ((codefile=freopen(filename,"w",stdout))==NULL)
-			error("Can't create %s",filename);
-#ifndef NDEBUG
-    }
-out_finish() {
-#ifndef NDEBUG
-	if (Debug)
-		fflush(stderr);
-	else
-		fclose(codefile);
-tstoutput() {
-	if (ferror(codefile))
-		error("Write error on output");
-gencode(code) register char *code; {
-	register c;
-	int tokno,fldno,insno,regno,subno;
-	register token_p tp;
-	swtxt();
-	while ((c= *code++)!=0) switch(c) {
-	default:
-		fputc(c,codefile);
-		break;
-	case PR_TOK:
-		tokno = *code++;
-		tp = &fakestack[stackheight-tokno];
-		if (tp->t_token==-1)
-			fprintf(codefile,"%s",codestrings[machregs[tp->t_att[0].ar].r_repr]);
-		else
-			prtoken(tp);
-		break;
-	case PR_TOKFLD:
-		tokno = *code++;
-		fldno = *code++;
-		tp = &fakestack[stackheight-tokno];
-		assert(tp->t_token != -1);
-		switch(tokens[tp->t_token].t_type[fldno-1]) {
-		default:
-			assert(FALSE);
-		case EV_INT:
-			fprintf(codefile,WRD_FMT,tp->t_att[fldno-1].aw);
-			break;
-		case EV_STR:
-			fprintf(codefile,"%s",tp->t_att[fldno-1].as);
-			break;
-		case EV_REG:
-			assert(tp->t_att[fldno-1].ar>0 && tp->t_att[fldno-1].ar<NREGS);
-			fprintf(codefile,"%s",codestrings[machregs[tp->t_att[fldno-1].ar].r_repr]);
-			break;
-		}
-		break;
-	case PR_EMINT:
-		insno = *code++;
-		fprintf(codefile,WRD_FMT,dollar[insno-1].e_v.e_con);
-		break;
-	case PR_EMSTR:
-		insno = *code++;
-		fprintf(codefile,"%s",dollar[insno-1].e_v.e_str);
-		break;
-	case PR_ALLREG:
-		regno = *code++;
-		subno = (*code++)&0377;
-		assert(regno>=1 && regno<=nallreg);
-		regno = allreg[regno-1];
-		if (subno!=255) {
-			assert(subno>=1 && subno<=MAXMEMBERS);
-			regno = machregs[regno].r_members[subno-1];
-			assert(regno!=0);
-		}
-		fprintf(codefile,"%s",codestrings[machregs[regno].r_repr]);
-		break;
-	case PR_SUBREG:
-		tokno = *code++;
-		subno = *code++;
-		tp = &fakestack[stackheight-tokno];
-		assert(tp->t_token == -1);
-		fprintf(codefile,"%s",codestrings[machregs[machregs[tp->t_att[0].ar].r_members[subno-1]].r_repr]);
-		break;
-	}
-genexpr(nodeno) {
-	result_t result;
-	result= compute(&enodes[nodeno]);
-	switch(result.e_typ) {
-	default: assert(FALSE);
-	case EV_INT:
-		fprintf(codefile,WRD_FMT,result.e_v.e_con);
-		break;
-	case EV_REG:
-		fprintf(codefile,"%s", codestrings[machregs[result.e_v.e_reg].r_repr]);
-		break;
-	case EV_STR:
-		fprintf(codefile,"%s",result.e_v.e_str);
-		break;
-	}
-gennl() {
-	fputc('\n',codefile);
-prtoken(tp) token_p tp; {
-	register c;
-	register char *code;
-	register tkdef_p tdp;
-	tdp = &tokens[tp->t_token];
-	assert(tdp->t_format != -1);
-	code = codestrings[tdp->t_format];
-	while ((c = *code++) != 0) {
-		if (c>=' ' && c<='~')
-			fputc(c,codefile);
-		else {
-			assert(c>0 && c<=TOKENSIZE);
-			switch(tdp->t_type[c-1]) {
-			default:
-				assert(FALSE);
-			case EV_INT:
-				fprintf(codefile,WRD_FMT,tp->t_att[c-1].aw);
-				break;
-			case EV_STR:
-				fprintf(codefile,"%s",tp->t_att[c-1].as);
-				break;
-			case EV_REG:
-				fprintf(codefile,"%s",codestrings[machregs[tp->t_att[c-1].ar].r_repr]);
-				break;
-			}
-		}
-	}

+ 0 - 52

@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef NORCSID
-static char rcsid[] = "$Header$";
-#include "param.h"
-#include "tables.h"
-#include "types.h"
-#include "glosym.h"
- * (c) copyright 1983 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
- *
- *          This product is part of the Amsterdam Compiler Kit.
- *
- * Permission to use, sell, duplicate or disclose this software must be
- * obtained in writing. Requests for such permissions may be sent to
- *
- *      Dr. Andrew S. Tanenbaum
- *      Wiskundig Seminarium
- *      Vrije Universiteit
- *      Postbox 7161
- *      1007 MC Amsterdam
- *      The Netherlands
- *
- * Author: Hans van Staveren
- */
-extern string myalloc();
-glosym_p glolist= (glosym_p) 0;
-enterglo(name,romp) string name; word *romp; {
-	register glosym_p gp;
-	register i;
-	gp = (glosym_p) myalloc(sizeof *gp);
-	gp->gl_next = glolist;
-	gp->gl_name = (string) myalloc(strlen(name)+1);
-	strcpy(gp->gl_name,name);
-	for (i=0;i<=MAXROM;i++)
-		gp->gl_rom[i] = romp[i];
-	glolist = gp;
-glosym_p lookglo(name) string name; {
-	register glosym_p gp;
-	for (gp=glolist;gp != (glosym_p) 0; gp=gp->gl_next)
-		if (strcmp(gp->gl_name,name)==0)
-			return(gp);
-	return((glosym_p) 0);

+ 0 - 9

@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-/* $Header$ */
-typedef struct glosym {
-	struct glosym *gl_next;
-	string	       gl_name;
-	word	       gl_rom[MAXROM+1];
-} glosym_t,*glosym_p;
-glosym_p lookglo();

+ 0 - 84

@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef NORCSID
-static char rcsid[] = "$Header$";
-#include "param.h"
- * (c) copyright 1983 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
- *
- *          This product is part of the Amsterdam Compiler Kit.
- *
- * Permission to use, sell, duplicate or disclose this software must be
- * obtained in writing. Requests for such permissions may be sent to
- *
- *      Dr. Andrew S. Tanenbaum
- *      Wiskundig Seminarium
- *      Vrije Universiteit
- *      Postbox 7161
- *      1007 MC Amsterdam
- *      The Netherlands
- *
- * Author: Hans van Staveren
- */
-char *progname;
-extern char startupcode[];
-int maxply=1;
-#ifndef NDEBUG
-int Debug=0;
-extern int endofprog;
-main(argc,argv) char **argv; {
-	register unsigned n;
-	extern unsigned cc1,cc2,cc3,cc4;
-	unsigned ggd();
-	progname = argv[0];
-	while (--argc && **++argv == '-') {
-		switch(argv[0][1]) {
-#ifndef NDEBUG
-		case 'd':
-			Debug=1; break;
-		case 'p':
-			maxply = atoi(argv[0]+2);
-			break;
-		case 'w':	/* weight percentage for size */
-			n=atoi(argv[0]+2);
-			cc1 *= n;
-			cc2 *= 50;
-			cc3 *= (100-n);
-			cc4 *= 50;
-			n=ggd(cc1,cc2);
-			cc1 /= n;
-			cc2 /= n;
-			n=ggd(cc3,cc4);
-			cc3 /= n;
-			cc4 /= n;
-			break;
-		default:
-			error("Unknown flag %c",argv[0][1]);
-		}
-	}
-	if (argc < 1 || argc > 2)
-		error("Usage: %s EMfile [ asfile ]",progname);
-	in_init(argv[0]);
-	out_init(argv[1]);
-	codegen(startupcode,maxply,TRUE,MAXINT,0);
-	in_finish();
-	if (!endofprog)
-		error("Bombed out of codegen");
-	out_finish();
-unsigned ggd(a,b) register unsigned a,b; {
-	register unsigned c;
-	do {
-		c = a%b; a=b; b=c;
-	} while (c!=0);
-	return(a);

+ 0 - 110

@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef NORCSID
-static char rcsid[] = "$Header$";
-#include "assert.h"
-#include "param.h"
-#include "tables.h"
-#include "types.h"
-#include <cg_pattern.h>
-#include "data.h"
-#include "result.h"
-#include "extern.h"
- * (c) copyright 1983 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
- *
- *          This product is part of the Amsterdam Compiler Kit.
- *
- * Permission to use, sell, duplicate or disclose this software must be
- * obtained in writing. Requests for such permissions may be sent to
- *
- *      Dr. Andrew S. Tanenbaum
- *      Wiskundig Seminarium
- *      Vrije Universiteit
- *      Postbox 7161
- *      1007 MC Amsterdam
- *      The Netherlands
- *
- * Author: Hans van Staveren
- */
-unsigned costcalc();
-move(tp1,tp2,ply,toplevel,maxcost) token_p tp1,tp2; unsigned maxcost; {
-	register move_p mp;
-	register unsigned t;
-	register struct reginfo *rp;
-	tkdef_p tdp;
-	int i;
-	unsigned codegen();
-	if (eqtoken(tp1,tp2))
-		return(0);
-	if (tp2->t_token == -1) {
-		if (tp1->t_token == -1) {
-			if (eqtoken(&machregs[tp1->t_att[0].ar].r_contents,
-				    &machregs[tp2->t_att[0].ar].r_contents) &&
-			      machregs[tp1->t_att[0].ar].r_contents.t_token!=0)
-				return(0);
-			if (tp1->t_att[0].ar!=1) { /* COCO reg; tmp kludge */
-				erasereg(tp2->t_att[0].ar);
-				machregs[tp2->t_att[0].ar].r_contents =
-				  machregs[tp1->t_att[0].ar].r_contents ;
-			} else
-				machregs[tp1->t_att[0].ar].r_contents =
-				  machregs[tp2->t_att[0].ar].r_contents ;
-		} else {
-			if (eqtoken(&machregs[tp2->t_att[0].ar].r_contents,tp1))
-				return(0);
-			machregs[tp2->t_att[0].ar].r_contents = *tp1;
-		}
-		for (rp=machregs;rp<machregs+NREGS;rp++) {
-			if (rp->r_contents.t_token == 0)
-				continue;
-			assert(rp->r_contents.t_token > 0);
-			tdp = &tokens[rp->r_contents.t_token];
-			for (i=0;i<TOKENSIZE;i++)
-				if (tdp->t_type[i] == EV_REG &&
-				    clash(rp->r_contents.t_att[i].ar,tp2->t_att[0].ar)) {
-					erasereg(rp-machregs);
-					break;
-				}
-		}
-	} else if (tp1->t_token == -1) {
-		if (eqtoken(tp2,&machregs[tp1->t_att[0].ar].r_contents))
-			return(0);
-		machregs[tp1->t_att[0].ar].r_contents = *tp2;
-	}
-	/*
-	 * If we arrive here the move must really be executed
-	 */
-	for (mp=moves;mp<moves+NMOVES;mp++) {
-		if (!match(tp1,&machsets[mp->m_set1],mp->m_expr1))
-			continue;
-		if (match(tp2,&machsets[mp->m_set2],mp->m_expr2))
-			break;
-		/*
-		 * Correct move rule is found
-		 */
-	}
-	assert(mp<moves+NMOVES);
-	/*
-	 * To get correct interpretation of things like %[1]
-	 * in move code we stack tp2 and tp1. This little trick
-	 * saves a lot of testing in other places.
-	 */
-	if (mp->m_cindex!=0) {
-		fakestack[stackheight] = *tp2;
-		fakestack[stackheight+1] = *tp1;
-		stackheight += 2;
-		t = codegen(&coderules[mp->m_cindex],ply,toplevel,maxcost,0);
-		if (t <= maxcost)
-			t += costcalc(mp->m_cost);
-		stackheight -= 2;
-	} else {
-		t = 0;
-	}
-	return(t);

+ 0 - 131

@@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef NORCSID
-static char rcsid[] = "$Header$";
-#include <em_spec.h>
-#include <em_flag.h>
-#include "assert.h"
-#include "param.h"
-#include "tables.h"
-#include "types.h"
-#include <cg_pattern.h>
-#include "data.h"
-#include "result.h"
-#include "extern.h"
- * (c) copyright 1983 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
- *
- *          This product is part of the Amsterdam Compiler Kit.
- *
- * Permission to use, sell, duplicate or disclose this software must be
- * obtained in writing. Requests for such permissions may be sent to
- *
- *      Dr. Andrew S. Tanenbaum
- *      Wiskundig Seminarium
- *      Vrije Universiteit
- *      Postbox 7161
- *      1007 MC Amsterdam
- *      The Netherlands
- *
- * Author: Hans van Staveren
- */
-#ifndef NDEBUG
-#include <stdio.h>
-extern char em_mnem[][4];
-byte *trypat(bp,len) register byte *bp; {
-	register patlen,i;
-	result_t result;
-	getint(patlen,bp);
-	if (len == 3) {
-		if (patlen < 3)
-			return(0);
-	} else {
-		if (patlen != len)
-			return(0);
-	}
-	for(i=0;i<patlen;i++)
-		if (emp[i].em_instr != (*bp++&BMASK))
-			return(0);
-	for (i=0;i<patlen;i++)
-		if (emp[i].em_optyp==OPNO)
-			dollar[i].e_typ=EV_UNDEF;
-		else if ((dollar[i].e_typ=argtyp(emp[i].em_instr))==EV_INT)
-			dollar[i].e_v.e_con=emp[i].em_u.em_ioper;
-		else
-			dollar[i].e_v.e_str=emp[i].em_soper;
-	getint(i,bp);
-	if (i!=0) {
-		result = compute(&enodes[i]);
-		if (result.e_typ != EV_INT || result.e_v.e_con == 0)
-			return(0);
-	}
-#ifndef NDEBUG
-	if (Debug) {
-		fprintf(stderr,"Matched:");
-		for (i=0;i<patlen;i++)
-			fprintf(stderr," %3.3s",em_mnem[emp[i].em_instr-sp_fmnem]);
-		fprintf(stderr,"\n");
-	}
-	saveemp = emp;
-	emp += patlen;
-	return(bp);
-extern char em_flag[];
-argtyp(mn) {
-	switch(em_flag[mn-sp_fmnem]&EM_PAR) {
-	case PAR_W:
-	case PAR_S:
-	case PAR_Z:
-	case PAR_O:
-	case PAR_N:
-	case PAR_L:
-	case PAR_F:
-	case PAR_R:
-	case PAR_C:
-		return(EV_INT);
-	default:
-		return(EV_STR);
-	}
-byte *nextem(toplevel) {
-	register i;
-	short hash[3];
-	register byte *bp;
-	byte *cp;
-	int index;
-	register struct emline *ep;
-	if (toplevel) {
-		if (nemlines && emp>emlines) {
-			nemlines -= emp-emlines;
-			for (i=0,ep=emlines;i<nemlines;i++)
-				*ep++ = *emp++;
-			emp=emlines;
-		}
-		fillemlines();
-	}
-	hash[0] = emp[0].em_instr;
-	hash[1] = (hash[0]<<4) ^ emp[1].em_instr;
-	hash[2] = (hash[1]<<4) ^ emp[2].em_instr;
-	for (i=2;i>=0;i--) {
-		index = pathash[hash[i]&BMASK];
-		while (index != 0) {
-			bp = &pattern[index];
-			if ( bp[PO_HASH] == (hash[i]>>8))
-				if ((cp=trypat(&bp[PO_MATCH],i+1)) != 0)
-					return(cp);
-			index = (bp[PO_NEXT]&BMASK) | (bp[PO_NEXT+1]<<8);
-		}
-	}
-	return(0);

+ 0 - 19

@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-/* $Header$ */
-#define BMASK 0377
-#define BSHIFT 8
-#define TRUE    1
-#define FALSE   0
-#define MAXINT 32767
-#define INFINITY (MAXINT+100)
-#define MAXROM 3
- * Tunable constants
- */
-#define MAXEMLINES 20
-#define MAXFSTACK 20

+ 0 - 175

@@ -1,175 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef NORCSID
-static char rcsid[] = "$Header$";
-#include "assert.h"
-#include "param.h"
-#include "tables.h"
-#include "types.h"
-#include <cg_pattern.h>
-#include "data.h"
-#include "result.h"
-#include "extern.h"
- * (c) copyright 1983 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
- *
- *          This product is part of the Amsterdam Compiler Kit.
- *
- * Permission to use, sell, duplicate or disclose this software must be
- * obtained in writing. Requests for such permissions may be sent to
- *
- *      Dr. Andrew S. Tanenbaum
- *      Wiskundig Seminarium
- *      Vrije Universiteit
- *      Postbox 7161
- *      1007 MC Amsterdam
- *      The Netherlands
- *
- * Author: Hans van Staveren
- */
-chrefcount(regno,amount,tflag) {
-	register struct reginfo *rp;
-	register i;
-	rp= &machregs[regno];
-	if (rp->r_members[0]==0) {
-		rp->r_refcount += amount;
-		if (tflag)
-			rp->r_tcount += amount;
-		assert(rp->r_refcount >= 0);
-	} else
-		for (i=0;i<MAXMEMBERS;i++)
-			if (rp->r_members[i]!=0)
-				chrefcount(rp->r_members[i],amount,tflag);
-getrefcount(regno) {
-	register struct reginfo *rp;
-	register i,maxcount;
-	rp= &machregs[regno];
-	if (rp->r_members[0]==0)
-		return(rp->r_refcount);
-	else {
-		maxcount=0;
-		for (i=0;i<MAXMEMBERS;i++)
-			if (rp->r_members[i]!=0)
-				maxcount=max(maxcount,getrefcount(rp->r_members[i]));
-		return(maxcount);
-	}
-erasereg(regno) {
-	register struct reginfo *rp;
-	awayreg(regno);
-	for (rp=machregs;rp<machregs+NREGS;rp++)
-		if (rp->r_clash[regno>>4]&(1<<(regno&017)))
-			awayreg(rp-machregs);
-awayreg(regno) {
-	register struct reginfo *rp;
-	register tkdef_p tdp;
-	register i;
-	rp = &machregs[regno];
-	rp->r_contents.t_token = 0;
-	for (i=0;i<TOKENSIZE;i++)
-		rp->r_contents.t_att[i].aw = 0;
-	/* Now erase recursively all registers containing
-	 * something using this one
-	 */
-	for (rp=machregs;rp<machregs+NREGS;rp++) {
-		if (rp->r_contents.t_token == -1) {
-			if (rp->r_contents.t_att[0].ar == regno)
-				erasereg(rp-machregs);
-		} else {
-			tdp= & tokens[rp->r_contents.t_token];
-			for (i=0;i<TOKENSIZE;i++)
-				if (tdp->t_type[i] == EV_REG && 
-				    rp->r_contents.t_att[i].ar == regno) {
-					erasereg(rp-machregs);
-					break;
-				}
-		}
-	}
-cleanregs() {
-	register struct reginfo *rp;
-	register i;
-	for (rp=machregs;rp<machregs+NREGS;rp++) {
-		rp->r_contents.t_token = 0;
-		for (i=0;i<TOKENSIZE;i++)
-			rp->r_contents.t_att[i].aw = 0;
-	}
-#ifndef NDEBUG
-inctcount(regno) {
-	register struct reginfo *rp;
-	register i;
-	rp = &machregs[regno];
-	if (rp->r_members[0] == 0) {
-		rp->r_tcount++;
-	} else  {
-		for (i=0;i<MAXMEMBERS;i++)
-			if (rp->r_members[i] != 0)
-				inctcount(rp->r_members[i]);
-	}
-chkregs() {
-	register struct reginfo *rp;
-	register token_p tp;
-	register tkdef_p tdp;
-	int i;
-	for (rp=machregs;rp<machregs+NREGS;rp++) {
-		assert(rp->r_tcount==0);
-	}
-	for (tp=fakestack;tp<fakestack+stackheight;tp++) {
-		if (tp->t_token == -1)
-			inctcount(tp->t_att[0].ar);
-		else {
-			tdp = &tokens[tp->t_token];
-			for (i=0;i<TOKENSIZE;i++)
-				if (tdp->t_type[i]==EV_REG)
-					inctcount(tp->t_att[i].ar);
-		}
-	}
-#ifdef REGVARS
-#include <em_reg.h>
-	for(i=reg_any;i<=reg_float;i++) {
-		int j;
-		for(j=0;j<nregvar[i];j++)
-			inctcount(rvnumbers[i][j]);
-	}
-#endif REGVARS
-	for (rp=machregs;rp<machregs+NREGS;rp++) {
-		assert(rp->r_refcount==rp->r_tcount);
-		rp->r_tcount=0;
-	}

+ 0 - 151

@@ -1,151 +0,0 @@
-#include "assert.h"
-#include "param.h"
-#include "tables.h"
-#ifdef REGVARS
-#include "types.h"
-#include <cg_pattern.h>
-#include "data.h"
-#include "regvar.h"
-#include <em_reg.h>
-#include "result.h"
-#include "extern.h"
- * (c) copyright 1983 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
- *
- *          This product is part of the Amsterdam Compiler Kit.
- *
- * Permission to use, sell, duplicate or disclose this software must be
- * obtained in writing. Requests for such permissions may be sent to
- *
- *      Dr. Andrew S. Tanenbaum
- *      Wiskundig Seminarium
- *      Vrije Universiteit
- *      Postbox 7161
- *      1007 MC Amsterdam
- *      The Netherlands
- *
- * Author: Hans van Staveren
- */
-struct regvar *rvlist;
-struct regvar *
-linkreg(of,sz,tp,sc) long of; {
-	struct regvar *rvlp;
-	rvlp= (struct regvar *) myalloc(sizeof *rvlp);
-	rvlp->rv_next = rvlist;
-	rvlist=rvlp;
-	rvlp->rv_off	= of;
-	rvlp->rv_size	= sz;
-	rvlp->rv_type	= tp;
-	rvlp->rv_score	= sc;
-	rvlp->rv_reg	= 0;	/* no register assigned yet */
-	return(rvlp);
-tryreg(rvlp,typ) struct regvar *rvlp; {
-	int score;
-	register i;
-	struct regassigned *ra;
-	struct regvar *save;
-	if (typ != reg_any && nregvar[typ]!=0) {
-		if (machregs[rvnumbers[typ][0]].r_size!=rvlp->rv_size)
-			score = -1;
-		else
-			score = regscore(rvlp->rv_off,
-					 rvlp->rv_size,
-					 rvlp->rv_type,
-					 rvlp->rv_score,
-					 typ);	/* machine dependent */
-		ra = regassigned[typ];
-		if (score>ra[nregvar[typ]-1].ra_score) {
-			save = ra[nregvar[typ]-1].ra_rv;
-			for (i=nregvar[typ]-1;i>0 && ra[i-1].ra_score<score;i--)
-				ra[i] = ra[i-1];
-			ra[i].ra_rv = rvlp;
-			ra[i].ra_score = score;
-			if((rvlp=save)==0)
-				return;
-		}
-	}
-	if (nregvar[reg_any]==0)
-		return;
-	if (machregs[rvnumbers[reg_any][0]].r_size!=rvlp->rv_size)
-		score = -1;
-	else
-		score = regscore(rvlp->rv_off,
-				 rvlp->rv_size,
-				 rvlp->rv_type,
-				 rvlp->rv_score,
-				 reg_any);	/* machine dependent */
-	ra = regassigned[reg_any];
-	if (score>ra[nregvar[reg_any]-1].ra_score) {
-		for (i=nregvar[reg_any]-1;i>0 && ra[i-1].ra_score<score;i--)
-			ra[i] = ra[i-1];
-		ra[i].ra_rv = rvlp;
-		ra[i].ra_score = score;
-	}
-fixregvars(saveall) {
-	register struct regvar *rv;
-	register rvtyp,i;
-	swtxt();
-	i_regsave();	/* machine dependent initialization */
-	for (rvtyp=reg_any;rvtyp<=reg_float;rvtyp++) {
-	    for(i=0;i<nregvar[rvtyp];i++)
-		if (saveall) {
-			struct reginfo *rp;
-			rp= &machregs[rvnumbers[rvtyp][i]];
-			regsave(codestrings[rp->r_repr],-EM_WSIZE,rp->r_size);
-		} else if(regassigned[rvtyp][i].ra_score>0) {
-			rv=regassigned[rvtyp][i].ra_rv;
-			rv->rv_reg=rvnumbers[rvtyp][i];
-			regsave(codestrings[machregs[rv->rv_reg].r_repr],
-				    rv->rv_off,rv->rv_size);
-		}
-	}
-	f_regsave();
-#ifndef EM_BSIZE
-	for(rv=rvlist;rv!=0;rv=rv->rv_next)
-		if (rv->rv_off >= 0) rv->rv_off += EM_BSIZE;
-isregvar(off) long off; {
-	register struct regvar *rvlp;
-	for(rvlp=rvlist;rvlp!=0;rvlp=rvlp->rv_next)
-		if(rvlp->rv_off == off)
-			return(rvlp->rv_reg);
-	return(-1);
-unlinkregs() {
-	register struct regvar *rvlp,*t;
-	register struct regassigned *ra;
-	int rvtyp,i;
-	for(rvlp=rvlist;rvlp!=0;rvlp=t) {
-		t=rvlp->rv_next;
-		myfree(rvlp);
-	}
-	rvlist=0;
-	for (rvtyp=reg_any;rvtyp<=reg_float;rvtyp++) {
-	    for(i=0;i<nregvar[rvtyp];i++) {
-		ra= &regassigned[rvtyp][i];
-		ra->ra_rv = 0;
-		ra->ra_score = 0;
-	    }
-	}
-#endif REGVARS
-/* nothing after this */

+ 0 - 19

@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-/* $Header$ */
-struct regvar {
-	struct regvar  *rv_next;
-	long		rv_off;
-	int		rv_size;
-	int		rv_type;
-	int		rv_score;
-	int		rv_reg;
-struct regassigned {
-	struct regvar  *ra_rv;
-	int		ra_score;
-extern struct regvar *rvlist;
-extern int nregvar[];
-extern struct regassigned *regassigned[];

+ 0 - 19

@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-/* $Header$ */
-struct result {
-	int	e_typ;		/* EV_INT,EV_REG,EV_STR */
-	union {
-		word e_con;
-		int e_reg;
-		string e_str;
-	} e_v;			/* value */
-#define EV_UNDEF 0
-#define EV_INT	1
-#define EV_REG	2
-#define EV_STR	3
-typedef struct result result_t;
-extern result_t compute();

+ 0 - 150

@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef NORCSID
-static char rcsid[] = "$Header$";
-#include "assert.h"
-#include "param.h"
-#include "tables.h"
-#include "types.h"
-#include <cg_pattern.h>
-#include "data.h"
-#include "result.h"
-#include "extern.h"
- * (c) copyright 1983 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
- *
- *          This product is part of the Amsterdam Compiler Kit.
- *
- * Permission to use, sell, duplicate or disclose this software must be
- * obtained in writing. Requests for such permissions may be sent to
- *
- *      Dr. Andrew S. Tanenbaum
- *      Wiskundig Seminarium
- *      Vrije Universiteit
- *      Postbox 7161
- *      1007 MC Amsterdam
- *      The Netherlands
- *
- * Author: Hans van Staveren
- */
- * Package for string allocation and garbage collection.
- * Call salloc(size) to get room for string.
- * Every now and then call garbage_collect() from toplevel.
- */
-#define MAXSTAB         500
-#define THRESHOLD       200
-char *stab[MAXSTAB];
-int nstab=0;
-string malloc();
-string myalloc(size) {
-	register string p;
-	p = (string) malloc(size);
-	if (p==0)
-		fatal("Out of memory");
-	return(p);
-myfree(p) string p; {
-	free(p);
-popstr(nnstab) {
-	register i;
-	for (i=nnstab;i<nstab;i++)
-		myfree(stab[i]);
-	nstab = nnstab;
-char *salloc(size) {
-	register char *p;
-	if (nstab==MAXSTAB)
-		fatal("String table overflow");
-	p = myalloc(size+1);    /* extra room for terminating zero */
-	stab[nstab++] = p;
-	return(p);
-compar(p1,p2) char **p1,**p2; {
-	assert(*p1 != *p2);
-	if (*p1 < *p2)
-		return(-1);
-	return(1);
-garbage_collect() {
-	register i;
-	struct emline *emlp;
-	token_p tp;
-	tkdef_p tdp;
-	struct reginfo *rp;
-	register char **fillp,**scanp;
-	char used[MAXSTAB];     /* could be bitarray */
-	if (nstab<THRESHOLD)
-		return;
-	qsort(stab,nstab,sizeof (char *),compar);
-	for (i=0;i<nstab;i++)
-		used[i]= FALSE;
-	for(emlp=emlines;emlp<emlines+nemlines;emlp++)
-		chkstr(emlp->em_soper,used);
-	for (tp= fakestack;tp<&fakestack[stackheight];tp++) {
-		if (tp->t_token== -1)
-			continue;
-		tdp = &tokens[tp->t_token];
-		for (i=0;i<TOKENSIZE;i++)
-			if (tdp->t_type[i] == EV_STR)
-				chkstr(tp->t_att[i].as,used);
-	}
-	for (rp= machregs; rp<machregs+NREGS; rp++) {
-		tp = &rp->r_contents;
-		assert(tp->t_token != -1);
-		tdp= &tokens[tp->t_token];
-		for (i=0;i<TOKENSIZE;i++)
-			if (tdp->t_type[i] == EV_STR)
-				chkstr(tp->t_att[i].as,used);
-	}
-	for (i=0;i<nstab;i++)
-		if (!used[i]) {
-			myfree(stab[i]);
-			stab[i]=0;
-		}
-	fillp=stab;
-	for (scanp=stab;scanp<stab+nstab;scanp++)
-		if (*scanp != 0)
-			*fillp++ = *scanp;
-	nstab = fillp-stab;
-chkstr(str,used) string str; char used[]; {
-	register low,middle,high;
-	low=0; high=nstab-1;
-	while (high>low) {
-		middle= (low+high)>>1;
-		if (str==stab[middle]) {
-			used[middle]=1;
-			return;
-		}
-		if (str<stab[middle])
-			high = middle-1;
-		else
-			low = middle+1;
-	}
-	if (low==high) {
-		if (str==stab[low]) {
-			used[low]=1;
-		}
-		return;
-	}

+ 0 - 104

@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef NORCSID
-static char rcsid[] = "$Header$";
-#include "assert.h"
-#include "param.h"
-#include "tables.h"
-#include "types.h"
-#include <cg_pattern.h>
-#include "data.h"
-#include "result.h"
-#include "state.h"
-#include "extern.h"
- * (c) copyright 1983 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
- *
- *          This product is part of the Amsterdam Compiler Kit.
- *
- * Permission to use, sell, duplicate or disclose this software must be
- * obtained in writing. Requests for such permissions may be sent to
- *
- *      Dr. Andrew S. Tanenbaum
- *      Wiskundig Seminarium
- *      Vrije Universiteit
- *      Postbox 7161
- *      1007 MC Amsterdam
- *      The Netherlands
- *
- * Author: Hans van Staveren
- */
-extern int nstab;	/* salloc.c */
-#ifndef STONSTACK
-extern string myalloc();
-state_p stlist=0;
-savestatus(sp) register state_p sp; {
-state_p savestatus() {
-	register state_p sp;
-	if ((sp=stlist)==0)
-		sp = (state_p) myalloc( sizeof( *sp ) );
-	else
-		stlist=sp->st_next;
-	sp->st_sh = stackheight;
-	bmove((short *)fakestack,(short *)sp->st_fs,stackheight*sizeof(token_t));
-	sp->st_na = nallreg;
-	bmove((short *)allreg,(short *)sp->st_ar,nallreg*sizeof(int));
-	sp->st_ct = curtoken;
-	bmove((short *)dollar,(short *)sp->st_do,LONGESTPATTERN*sizeof(result_t));
-	bmove((short *)machregs,(short *)sp->st_mr,NREGS*sizeof(struct reginfo));
-	sp->st_ne = nemlines;
-	bmove((short *)emlines,(short *)sp->st_el,nemlines*sizeof(struct emline));
-	sp->st_em = emp;
-	sp->st_se = saveemp;
-	sp->st_tl = tokpatlen;
-	sp->st_ns = nstab;
-#ifndef STONSTACK
-	return(sp);
-restorestatus(sp) register state_p sp; {
-	stackheight = sp->st_sh;
-	bmove((short *)sp->st_fs,(short *)fakestack,stackheight*sizeof(token_t));
-	nallreg = sp->st_na;
-	bmove((short *)sp->st_ar,(short *)allreg,nallreg*sizeof(int));
-	curtoken = sp->st_ct;
-	bmove((short *)sp->st_do,(short *)dollar,LONGESTPATTERN*sizeof(result_t));
-	bmove((short *)sp->st_mr,(short *)machregs,NREGS*sizeof(struct reginfo));
-	nemlines = sp->st_ne;
-	bmove((short *)sp->st_el,(short *)emlines,nemlines*sizeof(struct emline));
-	emp = sp->st_em;
-	saveemp = sp->st_se;
-	tokpatlen = sp->st_tl;
-	popstr(sp->st_ns);
-#ifndef STONSTACK
-freestatus(sp) state_p sp; {
-	sp->st_next = stlist;
-	stlist = sp;
-bmove(from,to,nbytes) register short *from,*to; register nbytes; {
-	if (nbytes<=0)
-		return;
-	assert(sizeof(short)==2 && (nbytes&1)==0);
-	nbytes>>=1;
-	do
-		*to++ = *from++;
-	while (--nbytes);

+ 0 - 24

@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-/* $Header$ */
-#define STONSTACK	/* if defined state is saved in stackframe */
-typedef struct state {
-	struct state *st_next;                  /* for linked list */
-	int st_sh;                              /* stackheight */
-	token_t st_fs[MAXFSTACK];               /* fakestack */
-	int st_na;                              /* nallreg */
-	int st_ar[MAXALLREG];                   /* allreg[] */
-	token_p st_ct;                          /* curtoken */
-	result_t st_do[LONGESTPATTERN];         /* dollar[] */
-	struct reginfo st_mr[NREGS];            /* machregs[] */
-	int st_ne;                              /* nemlines */
-	struct emline st_el[MAXEMLINES];        /* emlines[] */
-	struct emline *st_em;                   /* emp */
-	struct emline *st_se;			/* saveemp */
-	int st_tl;				/* tokpatlen */
-	int st_ns;				/* nstab */
-} state_t,*state_p;
-#ifndef STONSTACK
-state_p savestatus();

+ 0 - 547

@@ -1,547 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef NORCSID
-static char rcsid[] = "$Header$";
-#include "assert.h"
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include "param.h"
-#include "tables.h"
-#include "types.h"
-#include <cg_pattern.h>
-#include "data.h"
-#include "result.h"
-#include "extern.h"
- * (c) copyright 1983 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
- *
- *          This product is part of the Amsterdam Compiler Kit.
- *
- * Permission to use, sell, duplicate or disclose this software must be
- * obtained in writing. Requests for such permissions may be sent to
- *
- *      Dr. Andrew S. Tanenbaum
- *      Wiskundig Seminarium
- *      Vrije Universiteit
- *      Postbox 7161
- *      1007 MC Amsterdam
- *      The Netherlands
- *
- * Author: Hans van Staveren
- */
-string myalloc();
-unsigned codegen();
-match(tp,tep,optexp) register token_p tp; register set_p tep; {
-	register bitno;
-	token_p ct;
-	result_t result;
-	if (tp->t_token == -1) {        /* register frame */
-		bitno = tp->t_att[0].ar+1;
-		if (tep->set_val[bitno>>4]&(1<<(bitno&017)))
-			if (tep->set_val[0]&1 || getrefcount(tp->t_att[0].ar)<=1)
-				goto oklabel;
-		return(0);
-	} else {                /* token frame */
-		bitno = tp->t_token+NREGS+1;
-		if ((tep->set_val[bitno>>4]&(1<<(bitno&017)))==0)
-			return(0);
-	}
-    oklabel:
-	if (optexp==0)
-		return(1);
-	ct=curtoken;
-	curtoken=tp;
-	result=compute(&enodes[optexp]);
-	curtoken=ct;
-	return(result.e_v.e_con);
-instance(instno,token) token_p token; {
-	inst_p inp;
-	int i;
-	token_p tp;
-	struct reginfo *rp;
-	int regno;
-	result_t result;
-	if (instno==0) {
-		token->t_token = 0;
-		for(i=0;i<TOKENSIZE;i++)
-			token->t_att[i].aw=0;
-		return;
-	}
-	inp= &tokeninstances[instno];
-	switch(inp->in_which) {
-	default:
-		assert(FALSE);
-	case IN_COPY:
-		tp= &fakestack[stackheight-inp->in_info[0]];
-		if (inp->in_info[1]==0) {
-			*token = *tp;
-		} else {
-			token->t_token= -1;
-			if (tp->t_token == -1) {
-				rp = &machregs[tp->t_att[0].ar];
-				token->t_att[0].ar=rp->r_members[inp->in_info[1]-1];
-			} else {
-				assert(tokens[tp->t_token].t_type[inp->in_info[1]-1] == EV_REG);
-				token->t_att[0].ar=tp->t_att[inp->in_info[1]-1].ar;
-			}
-		}
-		return;
-	case IN_RIDENT:
-		token->t_token= -1;
-		token->t_att[0].ar= inp->in_info[0];
-		return;
-#ifdef REGVARS
-	case IN_REGVAR:
-		result=compute(&enodes[inp->in_info[0]]);
-		i=isregvar((long)result.e_v.e_con);
-		assert(i>0);
-		token->t_token= -1;
-		token->t_att[0].ar = i;
-		return;
-	case IN_ALLOC:
-		token->t_token= -1;
-		regno=allreg[inp->in_info[0]];
-		if (inp->in_info[1])
-			regno=machregs[regno].r_members[inp->in_info[1]-1];
-		token->t_att[0].ar = regno;
-		return;
-	case IN_DESCR:
-		token->t_token=inp->in_info[0];
-		for (i=0;i<TOKENSIZE;i++)
-			if (inp->in_info[i+1]==0) {
-				assert(tokens[token->t_token].t_type[i]==0);
-				token->t_att[i].aw=0;
-			} else {
-				result=compute(&enodes[inp->in_info[i+1]]);
-				assert(tokens[token->t_token].t_type[i]==result.e_typ);
-				if (result.e_typ==EV_INT)
-					token->t_att[i].aw=result.e_v.e_con;
-				else if (result.e_typ==EV_STR)
-					token->t_att[i].as= result.e_v.e_str;
-				else
-					token->t_att[i].ar=result.e_v.e_reg;
-			}
-		return;
-	}
-cinstance(instno,token,tp,regno) token_p token,tp; {
-	inst_p inp;
-	int i;
-	struct reginfo *rp;
-	result_t result;
-	int sh; /* saved stackheight */
-	assert(instno!=0);
-	inp= &tokeninstances[instno];
-	switch(inp->in_which) {
-	default:
-		assert(FALSE);
-	case IN_COPY:
-		assert(inp->in_info[0] == 1);
-		if (inp->in_info[1]==0) {
-			*token = *tp;
-		} else {
-			token->t_token= -1;
-			if (tp->t_token == -1) {
-				rp = &machregs[tp->t_att[0].ar];
-				token->t_att[0].ar=rp->r_members[inp->in_info[1]-1];
-			} else {
-				assert(tokens[tp->t_token].t_type[inp->in_info[1]-1] == EV_REG);
-				token->t_att[0].ar=tp->t_att[inp->in_info[1]-1].ar;
-			}
-		}
-		return;
-	case IN_RIDENT:
-		token->t_token= -1;
-		token->t_att[0].ar= inp->in_info[0];
-		return;
-	case IN_ALLOC:
-		token->t_token= -1;
-		assert(inp->in_info[0]==0);
-		if (inp->in_info[1])
-			regno=machregs[regno].r_members[inp->in_info[1]-1];
-		token->t_att[0].ar = regno;
-		return;
-	case IN_DESCR:
-		sh = stackheight;
-		stackheight = tp - fakestack + 1;
-		token->t_token=inp->in_info[0];
-		for (i=0;i<TOKENSIZE;i++)
-			if (inp->in_info[i+1]==0) {
-				assert(tokens[token->t_token].t_type[i]==0);
-				token->t_att[i].aw=0;
-			} else {
-				result=compute(&enodes[inp->in_info[i+1]]);
-				assert(tokens[token->t_token].t_type[i]==result.e_typ);
-				if (result.e_typ==EV_INT)
-					token->t_att[i].aw=result.e_v.e_con;
-				else if (result.e_typ==EV_STR)
-					token->t_att[i].as= result.e_v.e_str;
-				else
-					token->t_att[i].ar=result.e_v.e_reg;
-			}
-		stackheight = sh;
-		return;
-	}
-eqtoken(tp1,tp2) token_p tp1,tp2; {
-	register i;
-	register tkdef_p tdp;
-	if (tp1->t_token!=tp2->t_token)
-		return(0);
-	if (tp1->t_token==0)
-		return(1);
-	if (tp1->t_token==-1) {
-		if (tp1->t_att[0].ar!=tp2->t_att[0].ar)
-			return(0);
-		return(1);
-	}
-	tdp = &tokens[tp1->t_token];
-	for (i=0;i<TOKENSIZE;i++)
-		switch(tdp->t_type[i]) {
-		default:
-			return(1);
-		case EV_INT:
-			if (tp1->t_att[i].aw != tp2->t_att[i].aw)
-				return(0);
-			break;
-		case EV_REG:
-			if (tp1->t_att[i].ar != tp2->t_att[i].ar)
-				return(0);
-			break;
-		case EV_STR:
-			if (strcmp(tp1->t_att[i].as, tp2->t_att[i].as))
-				return(0);
-			break;
-		}
-	return(1);
-distance(cindex) {
-	register char *bp;
-	register i;
-	register token_p tp;
-	int tokexp,tpl;
-	int expsize,toksize,exact;
-	int xsekt=0;
-	bp = &coderules[cindex];
-	switch( (*bp)&037 ) {
-	default:
-		return(stackheight==0 ? 0 : 100);
-	case DO_MATCH:
-		break;
-	case DO_XXMATCH:
-		xsekt++;
-	case DO_XMATCH:
-		xsekt++;
-		break;
-	}
-	tpl= ((*bp++)>>5)&07;
-	if (stackheight < tpl) {
-		if (xsekt)
-			return(MAXINT);
-		tpl = stackheight;
-	} else
-		if (stackheight != tpl && xsekt==2)
-			return(MAXINT);
-	exact=0;
-	tp= &fakestack[stackheight-1];
-	for (i=0;i<tpl;i++,tp--) {
-		getint(tokexp,bp);
-		if (!match(tp, &machsets[tokexp], 0)) {
-			if (xsekt)
-				return(MAXINT);
-			expsize = ssize(tokexp);
-			toksize = tsize(tp);
-			if (expsize>toksize)
-				return(100);
-			if (expsize<toksize)
-				return(99-i);
-		} else
-			exact++;
-	}
-	if (exact==tpl) {
-		if (xsekt)
-			return(0);
-		return(10-exact);
-	}
-	return(20-exact);
-unsigned costcalc(cost) cost_t cost; {
-	result_t result1,result2;
-	extern unsigned cc1,cc2,cc3,cc4;
-	result1=compute(&enodes[cost.c_size]);
-	result2=compute(&enodes[cost.c_time]);
-	assert(result1.e_typ == EV_INT && result2.e_typ == EV_INT);
-	return(result1.e_v.e_con*cc1/cc2 + result2.e_v.e_con*cc3/cc4);
-ssize(tokexpno) {
-	return(machsets[tokexpno].set_size);
-tsize(tp) register token_p tp; {
-	if (tp->t_token==-1)
-		return(machregs[tp->t_att[0].ar].r_size);
-	return(tokens[tp->t_token].t_size);
-#ifdef MAXSPLIT
-instsize(tinstno,tp) token_p tp; {
-	inst_p inp;
-	struct reginfo *rp;
-	inp = &tokeninstances[tinstno];
-	switch(inp->in_which) {
-	default:
-		assert(FALSE);
-	case IN_COPY:
-		assert(inp->in_info[0]==1);
-		if (inp->in_info[1]==0)
-			return(tsize(tp));
-		else {
-			assert(tp->t_token == -1);
-			rp = &machregs[tp->t_att[0].ar];
-			return(machregs[rp->r_members[inp->in_info[1]-1]].r_size);
-		}
-	case IN_RIDENT:
-		return(machregs[inp->in_info[0]].r_size);
-	case IN_ALLOC:
-		assert(FALSE);  /* cannot occur in splitting coercion */
-	case IN_DESCR:
-		return(tokens[inp->in_info[0]].t_size);
-	}
-#endif MAXSPLIT
-tref(tp,amount) register token_p tp; {
-	register i;
-	register tkdef_p tdp;
-	if (tp->t_token==-1)
-		chrefcount(tp->t_att[0].ar,amount,FALSE);
-	else {
-		tdp= &tokens[tp->t_token];
-		for(i=0;i<TOKENSIZE;i++)
-			if (tdp->t_type[i]==EV_REG)
-				chrefcount(tp->t_att[i].ar,amount,FALSE);
-	}
-#define MAXSAVE 10
-#ifdef MAXSPLIT
-split(tp,ip,ply,toplevel) token_p tp; int *ip; {
-	c2_p cp;
-	token_t savestack[MAXSAVE];
-	int ok;
-	register i;
-	int diff;
-	token_p stp;
-	int tpl;
-	for (cp=c2coercs;cp< &c2coercs[NC2]; cp++) {
-		if (!match(tp,&machsets[cp->c2_texpno],0))
-			continue;
-		ok=1;
-		for (i=0; ok && i<cp->c2_nsplit;i++) {
-			if (ip[i]==0)
-				goto found;
-			if (instsize(cp->c2_repl[i],tp) != ssize(ip[i]))
-				ok=0;
-		}
-		goto found;
-	}
-	return(0);
-	assert(stackheight+cp->c2_nsplit-1<MAXFSTACK);
-	stp = &fakestack[stackheight-1];
-	diff = stp - tp;
-	assert(diff<=MAXSAVE);
-	for (i=1;i<=diff;i++)
-		savestack[i-1] = tp[i];         /* save top of stack */
-	stackheight -= diff;
-	tpl = tokpatlen;
-	tokpatlen = 1;
-	codegen(&coderules[cp->c2_codep],ply,toplevel,MAXINT,0);
-	tokpatlen = tpl;
-	for (i=0;i<diff;i++)            /* restore top of stack */
-		fakestack[stackheight++] = savestack[i];
-	return(cp->c2_nsplit);
-#endif MAXSPLIT
-unsigned docoerc(tp,cp,ply,toplevel,forced) token_p tp; c3_p cp; {
-	token_t savestack[MAXSAVE];
-	token_p stp;
-	int i,diff;
-	unsigned cost;
-	int tpl;        /* saved tokpatlen */
-	stp = &fakestack[stackheight-1];
-	diff = stp -tp;
-	assert(diff<=MAXSAVE);
-	for (i=1;i<=diff;i++)
-		savestack[i-1] = tp[i];
-	stackheight -= diff;
-	tpl = tokpatlen;
-	tokpatlen = 1;
-	cost = codegen(&coderules[cp->c3_codep],ply,toplevel,MAXINT,forced);
-	tokpatlen = tpl;
-	for (i=0;i<diff;i++)
-		fakestack[stackheight++] = savestack[i];
-	nallreg = 0;
-	return(cost);
-unsigned stackupto(limit,ply,toplevel) token_p limit; {
-	token_t savestack[MAXFSTACK];
-	token_p stp;
-	int i,diff;
-	int tpl;        /* saved tokpatlen */
-	int nareg;	/* saved nareg */
-	int areg[MAXALLREG];
-	c1_p cp;
-	register token_p tp;
-	unsigned totalcost=0;
-	struct reginfo *rp,**rpp;
-	for (tp=fakestack;tp<=limit;limit--) {
-		for (cp=c1coercs;cp< &c1coercs[NC1]; cp++) {
-			if (match(tp,&machsets[cp->c1_texpno],cp->c1_expr)) {
-				if (cp->c1_prop>=0) {
-					for (rpp=reglist[cp->c1_prop];
-					       (rp = *rpp)!=0 &&
-					       getrefcount(rp-machregs)!=0;
-						  rpp++)
-						;
-					if (rp==0)
-						continue;
-						/* look for other possibility */
-				}
-				stp = &fakestack[stackheight-1];
-				diff = stp -tp;
-				assert(diff<=MAXFSTACK);
-				for (i=1;i<=diff;i++)
-					savestack[i-1] = tp[i];
-				stackheight -= diff;
-				tpl = tokpatlen;
-				tokpatlen = 1;
-				nareg = nallreg;
-				for (i=0;i<nareg;i++)
-					areg[i] = allreg[i];
-				if (cp->c1_prop>=0) {
-					nallreg=1; allreg[0] = rp-machregs;
-					chrefcount(allreg[0],1,FALSE);
-				} else 
-					nallreg=0;
-				totalcost+= codegen(&coderules[cp->c1_codep],ply,toplevel,MAXINT,0);
-				totalcost+= costcalc(cp->c1_cost);
-				tokpatlen = tpl;
-				for (i=0;i<diff;i++)
-					fakestack[stackheight++] = savestack[i];
-				nallreg=nareg;
-				for (i=0;i<nareg;i++)
-					allreg[i] = areg[i];
-				goto contin;
-			}
-		}
-		assert(FALSE);
-	contin: ;
-	}
-	return(totalcost);
-c3_p findcoerc(tp,tep) token_p tp; set_p tep; {
-	register c3_p cp;
-	token_t rtoken;
-	register i;
-	register struct reginfo **rpp;
-	for (cp=c3coercs;cp< &c3coercs[NC3]; cp++) {
-		if (tp!=(token_p) 0) {
-			if (!match(tp,&machsets[cp->c3_texpno],0))
-				continue;
-		} else {
-			if (cp->c3_texpno!=0)
-				continue;
-		}
-		if (cp->c3_prop==0) {   /* no reg needed */
-			cinstance(cp->c3_repl,&rtoken,tp,0);
-			if (match(&rtoken,tep,0))
-				return(cp);
-		} else {
-			curreglist = (rl_p) myalloc(sizeof (rl_t));
-			curreglist->rl_n = 0;
-			for (rpp=reglist[cp->c3_prop];*rpp;rpp++) {
-				i = *rpp - machregs;
-				cinstance(cp->c3_repl,&rtoken,tp,i);
-				if (match(&rtoken,tep,0))
-					curreglist->rl_list[curreglist->rl_n++] = i;
-			}
-			if (curreglist->rl_n != 0)
-				return(cp);
-			myfree(curreglist);
-		}
-	}
-	return(0);      /* nothing found */
-error(s,a1,a2,a3,a4) char *s; {
-	fatal(s,a1,a2,a3,a4);
-fatal(s,a1,a2,a3,a4) char *s; {
-	fprintf(stderr,"Error: ");
-	fprintf(stderr,s,a1,a2,a3,a4);
-	fprintf(stderr,"\n");
-	out_finish();
-	abort();
-	exit(-1);
-#ifndef NDEBUG
-badassertion(asstr,file,line) char *asstr, *file; {
-	fatal("Assertion \"%s\" failed %s(%d)",asstr,file,line);
-max(a,b) {
-	return(a>b ? a : b);

+ 0 - 33

@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-/* $Header$ */
-#ifndef EM_WSIZE
-EM_WSIZE should be defined at this point
-#ifndef EM_PSIZE
-EM_PSIZE should be defined at this point
-#if EM_WSIZE>4 || EM_PSIZE>4
-Implementation will not be correct unless a long integer
-has more then 4 bytes of precision.
-typedef char byte;
-typedef char * string;
-#if EM_WSIZE>2 || EM_PSIZE>2
-#define full            long
-#define full            int
-#if EM_WSIZE>2
-#define word long
-#ifndef WRD_FMT
-#define WRD_FMT "%D"
-#endif WRD_FMT
-#define word int
-#ifndef WRD_FMT
-#define WRD_FMT "%d"
-#endif WRD_FMT

+ 0 - 41

@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef NORCSID
-static char rcsid[] = "$Header$";
-#include "param.h"
-#include "tables.h"
-#include "types.h"
-#include <cg_pattern.h>
-#include "data.h"
-#include "result.h"
- * (c) copyright 1983 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
- *
- *          This product is part of the Amsterdam Compiler Kit.
- *
- * Permission to use, sell, duplicate or disclose this software must be
- * obtained in writing. Requests for such permissions may be sent to
- *
- *      Dr. Andrew S. Tanenbaum
- *      Wiskundig Seminarium
- *      Vrije Universiteit
- *      Postbox 7161
- *      1007 MC Amsterdam
- *      The Netherlands
- *
- * Author: Hans van Staveren
- */
-int stackheight = 0;
-token_t fakestack[MAXFSTACK];
-int nallreg = 0;
-int allreg[MAXALLREG];
-token_p curtoken = (token_p) 0;
-result_t dollar[LONGESTPATTERN];
-int nemlines =0;
-struct emline emlines[MAXEMLINES];
-struct emline *emp=emlines;
-struct emline *saveemp;
-int tokpatlen;
-rl_p curreglist;

+ 0 - 178

@@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
-# $Header$
-PREFLAGS=-I../../../h -I. -DNDEBUG
-CFILES=$(CDIR)/codegen.c $(CDIR)/compute.c $(CDIR)/equiv.c $(CDIR)/fillem.c \
-       $(CDIR)/gencode.c $(CDIR)/glosym.c $(CDIR)/main.c $(CDIR)/move.c \
-       $(CDIR)/nextem.c $(CDIR)/reg.c $(CDIR)/regvar.c $(CDIR)/salloc.c \
-       $(CDIR)/state.c $(CDIR)/subr.c $(CDIR)/var.c
-OFILES=codegen.o compute.o equiv.o fillem.o gencode.o glosym.o main.o\
-       move.o nextem.o reg.o regvar.o salloc.o state.o subr.o var.o
-	make tables.c
-	make cg
-cg: tables.o $(OFILES)
-	cc $(LDFLAGS) $(OFILES) tables.o $(LIBS) -o cg
-tables.o: tables.c
-	cc -c $(PREFLAGS) -I$(CDIR) tables.c
-codegen.o: $(CDIR)/codegen.c
-	cc -c $(CFLAGS) $(CDIR)/codegen.c
-compute.o: $(CDIR)/compute.c
-	cc -c $(CFLAGS) $(CDIR)/compute.c
-equiv.o: $(CDIR)/equiv.c
-	cc -c $(CFLAGS) $(CDIR)/equiv.c
-fillem.o: $(CDIR)/fillem.c
-	cc -c $(CFLAGS) $(CDIR)/fillem.c
-gencode.o: $(CDIR)/gencode.c
-	cc -c $(CFLAGS) $(CDIR)/gencode.c
-glosym.o: $(CDIR)/glosym.c
-	cc -c $(CFLAGS) $(CDIR)/glosym.c
-main.o: $(CDIR)/main.c
-	cc -c $(CFLAGS) $(CDIR)/main.c
-move.o: $(CDIR)/move.c
-	cc -c $(CFLAGS) $(CDIR)/move.c
-nextem.o: $(CDIR)/nextem.c
-	cc -c $(CFLAGS) $(CDIR)/nextem.c
-reg.o: $(CDIR)/reg.c
-	cc -c $(CFLAGS) $(CDIR)/reg.c
-regvar.o: $(CDIR)/regvar.c
-	cc -c $(CFLAGS) $(CDIR)/regvar.c
-salloc.o: $(CDIR)/salloc.c
-	cc -c $(CFLAGS) $(CDIR)/salloc.c
-state.o: $(CDIR)/state.c
-	cc -c $(CFLAGS) $(CDIR)/state.c
-subr.o: $(CDIR)/subr.c
-	cc -c $(CFLAGS) $(CDIR)/subr.c
-var.o: $(CDIR)/var.c
-	cc -c $(CFLAGS) $(CDIR)/var.c
-install: all
-	../install cg
-cmp:	 all
-	-../compare cg
-tables.c: table
-	-mv tables.h
-	../../../lib/cpp -P table | ../../../lib/cgg > debug.out
-	-if cmp -s tables.h; then mv tables.h; else exit 0; fi
-	-if cmp -s /dev/null tables.h; then mv tables.h; else exit 0; fi
-lint: $(CFILES)
-	rm -f *.o tables.c tables.h debug.out cg
-codegen.o:	$(CDIR)/assert.h
-codegen.o:	$(CDIR)/data.h
-codegen.o:	$(CDIR)/equiv.h
-codegen.o:	$(CDIR)/extern.h
-codegen.o:	$(CDIR)/param.h
-codegen.o:	$(CDIR)/result.h
-codegen.o:	$(CDIR)/state.h
-codegen.o:	tables.h
-codegen.o:	$(CDIR)/types.h
-compute.o:	$(CDIR)/assert.h
-compute.o:	$(CDIR)/data.h
-compute.o:	$(CDIR)/extern.h
-compute.o:	$(CDIR)/glosym.h
-compute.o:	$(CDIR)/param.h
-compute.o:	$(CDIR)/result.h
-compute.o:	tables.h
-compute.o:	$(CDIR)/types.h
-equiv.o:	$(CDIR)/assert.h
-equiv.o:	$(CDIR)/data.h
-equiv.o:	$(CDIR)/equiv.h
-equiv.o:	$(CDIR)/extern.h
-equiv.o:	$(CDIR)/param.h
-equiv.o:	$(CDIR)/result.h
-equiv.o:	tables.h
-equiv.o:	$(CDIR)/types.h
-fillem.o:	$(CDIR)/assert.h
-fillem.o:	$(CDIR)/data.h
-fillem.o:	$(CDIR)/extern.h
-fillem.o:	mach.c
-fillem.o:	mach.h
-fillem.o:	$(CDIR)/param.h
-fillem.o:	$(CDIR)/regvar.h
-fillem.o:	$(CDIR)/result.h
-fillem.o:	tables.h
-fillem.o:	$(CDIR)/types.h
-gencode.o:	$(CDIR)/assert.h
-gencode.o:	$(CDIR)/data.h
-gencode.o:	$(CDIR)/extern.h
-gencode.o:	$(CDIR)/param.h
-gencode.o:	$(CDIR)/result.h
-gencode.o:	tables.h
-gencode.o:	$(CDIR)/types.h
-glosym.o:	$(CDIR)/glosym.h
-glosym.o:	$(CDIR)/param.h
-glosym.o:	tables.h
-glosym.o:	$(CDIR)/types.h
-main.o:		$(CDIR)/param.h
-move.o:		$(CDIR)/assert.h
-move.o:		$(CDIR)/data.h
-move.o:		$(CDIR)/extern.h
-move.o:		$(CDIR)/param.h
-move.o:		$(CDIR)/result.h
-move.o:		tables.h
-move.o:		$(CDIR)/types.h
-nextem.o:	$(CDIR)/assert.h
-nextem.o:	$(CDIR)/data.h
-nextem.o:	$(CDIR)/extern.h
-nextem.o:	$(CDIR)/param.h
-nextem.o:	$(CDIR)/result.h
-nextem.o:	tables.h
-nextem.o:	$(CDIR)/types.h
-reg.o:		$(CDIR)/assert.h
-reg.o:		$(CDIR)/data.h
-reg.o:		$(CDIR)/extern.h
-reg.o:		$(CDIR)/param.h
-reg.o:		$(CDIR)/result.h
-reg.o:		tables.h
-reg.o:		$(CDIR)/types.h
-regvar.o:	$(CDIR)/assert.h
-regvar.o:	$(CDIR)/data.h
-regvar.o:	$(CDIR)/extern.h
-regvar.o:	$(CDIR)/param.h
-regvar.o:	$(CDIR)/regvar.h
-regvar.o:	$(CDIR)/result.h
-regvar.o:	tables.h
-regvar.o:	$(CDIR)/types.h
-salloc.o:	$(CDIR)/assert.h
-salloc.o:	$(CDIR)/data.h
-salloc.o:	$(CDIR)/extern.h
-salloc.o:	$(CDIR)/param.h
-salloc.o:	$(CDIR)/result.h
-salloc.o:	tables.h
-salloc.o:	$(CDIR)/types.h
-state.o:	$(CDIR)/assert.h
-state.o:	$(CDIR)/data.h
-state.o:	$(CDIR)/extern.h
-state.o:	$(CDIR)/param.h
-state.o:	$(CDIR)/result.h
-state.o:	$(CDIR)/state.h
-state.o:	tables.h
-state.o:	$(CDIR)/types.h
-subr.o:		$(CDIR)/assert.h
-subr.o:		$(CDIR)/data.h
-subr.o:		$(CDIR)/extern.h
-subr.o:		$(CDIR)/param.h
-subr.o:		$(CDIR)/result.h
-subr.o:		tables.h
-subr.o:		$(CDIR)/types.h
-var.o:		$(CDIR)/data.h
-var.o:		$(CDIR)/param.h
-var.o:		$(CDIR)/result.h
-var.o:		tables.h
-var.o:		$(CDIR)/types.h

+ 0 - 178

@@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
-# $Header$
-PREFLAGS=-I../../../h -I. -DNDEBUG
-CFILES=$(CDIR)/codegen.c $(CDIR)/compute.c $(CDIR)/equiv.c $(CDIR)/fillem.c \
-       $(CDIR)/gencode.c $(CDIR)/glosym.c $(CDIR)/main.c $(CDIR)/move.c \
-       $(CDIR)/nextem.c $(CDIR)/reg.c $(CDIR)/regvar.c $(CDIR)/salloc.c \
-       $(CDIR)/state.c $(CDIR)/subr.c $(CDIR)/var.c
-OFILES=codegen.o compute.o equiv.o fillem.o gencode.o glosym.o main.o\
-       move.o nextem.o reg.o regvar.o salloc.o state.o subr.o var.o
-	make tables.c
-	make cg
-cg: tables.o $(OFILES)
-	cc $(LDFLAGS) $(OFILES) tables.o $(LIBS) -o cg
-tables.o: tables.c
-	cc -c $(PREFLAGS) -I$(CDIR) tables.c
-codegen.o: $(CDIR)/codegen.c
-	cc -c $(CFLAGS) $(CDIR)/codegen.c
-compute.o: $(CDIR)/compute.c
-	cc -c $(CFLAGS) $(CDIR)/compute.c
-equiv.o: $(CDIR)/equiv.c
-	cc -c $(CFLAGS) $(CDIR)/equiv.c
-fillem.o: $(CDIR)/fillem.c
-	cc -c $(CFLAGS) $(CDIR)/fillem.c
-gencode.o: $(CDIR)/gencode.c
-	cc -c $(CFLAGS) $(CDIR)/gencode.c
-glosym.o: $(CDIR)/glosym.c
-	cc -c $(CFLAGS) $(CDIR)/glosym.c
-main.o: $(CDIR)/main.c
-	cc -c $(CFLAGS) $(CDIR)/main.c
-move.o: $(CDIR)/move.c
-	cc -c $(CFLAGS) $(CDIR)/move.c
-nextem.o: $(CDIR)/nextem.c
-	cc -c $(CFLAGS) $(CDIR)/nextem.c
-reg.o: $(CDIR)/reg.c
-	cc -c $(CFLAGS) $(CDIR)/reg.c
-regvar.o: $(CDIR)/regvar.c
-	cc -c $(CFLAGS) $(CDIR)/regvar.c
-salloc.o: $(CDIR)/salloc.c
-	cc -c $(CFLAGS) $(CDIR)/salloc.c
-state.o: $(CDIR)/state.c
-	cc -c $(CFLAGS) $(CDIR)/state.c
-subr.o: $(CDIR)/subr.c
-	cc -c $(CFLAGS) $(CDIR)/subr.c
-var.o: $(CDIR)/var.c
-	cc -c $(CFLAGS) $(CDIR)/var.c
-install: all
-	../install cg
-cmp:	 all
-	-../compare cg
-tables.c: table
-	-mv tables.h
-	../../../lib/cpp -P table | ../../../lib/cgg > debug.out
-	-if cmp -s tables.h; then mv tables.h; else exit 0; fi
-	-if cmp -s /dev/null tables.h; then mv tables.h; else exit 0; fi
-lint: $(CFILES)
-	rm -f *.o tables.c tables.h debug.out cg
-codegen.o:	$(CDIR)/assert.h
-codegen.o:	$(CDIR)/data.h
-codegen.o:	$(CDIR)/equiv.h
-codegen.o:	$(CDIR)/extern.h
-codegen.o:	$(CDIR)/param.h
-codegen.o:	$(CDIR)/result.h
-codegen.o:	$(CDIR)/state.h
-codegen.o:	tables.h
-codegen.o:	$(CDIR)/types.h
-compute.o:	$(CDIR)/assert.h
-compute.o:	$(CDIR)/data.h
-compute.o:	$(CDIR)/extern.h
-compute.o:	$(CDIR)/glosym.h
-compute.o:	$(CDIR)/param.h
-compute.o:	$(CDIR)/result.h
-compute.o:	tables.h
-compute.o:	$(CDIR)/types.h
-equiv.o:	$(CDIR)/assert.h
-equiv.o:	$(CDIR)/data.h
-equiv.o:	$(CDIR)/equiv.h
-equiv.o:	$(CDIR)/extern.h
-equiv.o:	$(CDIR)/param.h
-equiv.o:	$(CDIR)/result.h
-equiv.o:	tables.h
-equiv.o:	$(CDIR)/types.h
-fillem.o:	$(CDIR)/assert.h
-fillem.o:	$(CDIR)/data.h
-fillem.o:	$(CDIR)/extern.h
-fillem.o:	mach.c
-fillem.o:	mach.h
-fillem.o:	$(CDIR)/param.h
-fillem.o:	$(CDIR)/regvar.h
-fillem.o:	$(CDIR)/result.h
-fillem.o:	tables.h
-fillem.o:	$(CDIR)/types.h
-gencode.o:	$(CDIR)/assert.h
-gencode.o:	$(CDIR)/data.h
-gencode.o:	$(CDIR)/extern.h
-gencode.o:	$(CDIR)/param.h
-gencode.o:	$(CDIR)/result.h
-gencode.o:	tables.h
-gencode.o:	$(CDIR)/types.h
-glosym.o:	$(CDIR)/glosym.h
-glosym.o:	$(CDIR)/param.h
-glosym.o:	tables.h
-glosym.o:	$(CDIR)/types.h
-main.o:		$(CDIR)/param.h
-move.o:		$(CDIR)/assert.h
-move.o:		$(CDIR)/data.h
-move.o:		$(CDIR)/extern.h
-move.o:		$(CDIR)/param.h
-move.o:		$(CDIR)/result.h
-move.o:		tables.h
-move.o:		$(CDIR)/types.h
-nextem.o:	$(CDIR)/assert.h
-nextem.o:	$(CDIR)/data.h
-nextem.o:	$(CDIR)/extern.h
-nextem.o:	$(CDIR)/param.h
-nextem.o:	$(CDIR)/result.h
-nextem.o:	tables.h
-nextem.o:	$(CDIR)/types.h
-reg.o:		$(CDIR)/assert.h
-reg.o:		$(CDIR)/data.h
-reg.o:		$(CDIR)/extern.h
-reg.o:		$(CDIR)/param.h
-reg.o:		$(CDIR)/result.h
-reg.o:		tables.h
-reg.o:		$(CDIR)/types.h
-regvar.o:	$(CDIR)/assert.h
-regvar.o:	$(CDIR)/data.h
-regvar.o:	$(CDIR)/extern.h
-regvar.o:	$(CDIR)/param.h
-regvar.o:	$(CDIR)/regvar.h
-regvar.o:	$(CDIR)/result.h
-regvar.o:	tables.h
-regvar.o:	$(CDIR)/types.h
-salloc.o:	$(CDIR)/assert.h
-salloc.o:	$(CDIR)/data.h
-salloc.o:	$(CDIR)/extern.h
-salloc.o:	$(CDIR)/param.h
-salloc.o:	$(CDIR)/result.h
-salloc.o:	tables.h
-salloc.o:	$(CDIR)/types.h
-state.o:	$(CDIR)/assert.h
-state.o:	$(CDIR)/data.h
-state.o:	$(CDIR)/extern.h
-state.o:	$(CDIR)/param.h
-state.o:	$(CDIR)/result.h
-state.o:	$(CDIR)/state.h
-state.o:	tables.h
-state.o:	$(CDIR)/types.h
-subr.o:		$(CDIR)/assert.h
-subr.o:		$(CDIR)/data.h
-subr.o:		$(CDIR)/extern.h
-subr.o:		$(CDIR)/param.h
-subr.o:		$(CDIR)/result.h
-subr.o:		tables.h
-subr.o:		$(CDIR)/types.h
-var.o:		$(CDIR)/data.h
-var.o:		$(CDIR)/param.h
-var.o:		$(CDIR)/result.h
-var.o:		tables.h
-var.o:		$(CDIR)/types.h

+ 0 - 178

@@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
-# $Header$
-PREFLAGS=-I../../../h -I. -DNDEBUG
-CFILES=$(CDIR)/codegen.c $(CDIR)/compute.c $(CDIR)/equiv.c $(CDIR)/fillem.c \
-       $(CDIR)/gencode.c $(CDIR)/glosym.c $(CDIR)/main.c $(CDIR)/move.c \
-       $(CDIR)/nextem.c $(CDIR)/reg.c $(CDIR)/regvar.c $(CDIR)/salloc.c \
-       $(CDIR)/state.c $(CDIR)/subr.c $(CDIR)/var.c
-OFILES=codegen.o compute.o equiv.o fillem.o gencode.o glosym.o main.o\
-       move.o nextem.o reg.o regvar.o salloc.o state.o subr.o var.o
-	make tables.c
-	make cg
-cg: tables.o $(OFILES)
-	cc $(LDFLAGS) $(OFILES) tables.o $(LIBS) -o cg
-tables.o: tables.c
-	cc -c $(PREFLAGS) -I$(CDIR) tables.c
-codegen.o: $(CDIR)/codegen.c
-	cc -c $(CFLAGS) $(CDIR)/codegen.c
-compute.o: $(CDIR)/compute.c
-	cc -c $(CFLAGS) $(CDIR)/compute.c
-equiv.o: $(CDIR)/equiv.c
-	cc -c $(CFLAGS) $(CDIR)/equiv.c
-fillem.o: $(CDIR)/fillem.c
-	cc -c $(CFLAGS) $(CDIR)/fillem.c
-gencode.o: $(CDIR)/gencode.c
-	cc -c $(CFLAGS) $(CDIR)/gencode.c
-glosym.o: $(CDIR)/glosym.c
-	cc -c $(CFLAGS) $(CDIR)/glosym.c
-main.o: $(CDIR)/main.c
-	cc -c $(CFLAGS) $(CDIR)/main.c
-move.o: $(CDIR)/move.c
-	cc -c $(CFLAGS) $(CDIR)/move.c
-nextem.o: $(CDIR)/nextem.c
-	cc -c $(CFLAGS) $(CDIR)/nextem.c
-reg.o: $(CDIR)/reg.c
-	cc -c $(CFLAGS) $(CDIR)/reg.c
-regvar.o: $(CDIR)/regvar.c
-	cc -c $(CFLAGS) $(CDIR)/regvar.c
-salloc.o: $(CDIR)/salloc.c
-	cc -c $(CFLAGS) $(CDIR)/salloc.c
-state.o: $(CDIR)/state.c
-	cc -c $(CFLAGS) $(CDIR)/state.c
-subr.o: $(CDIR)/subr.c
-	cc -c $(CFLAGS) $(CDIR)/subr.c
-var.o: $(CDIR)/var.c
-	cc -c $(CFLAGS) $(CDIR)/var.c
-install: all
-	../install cg
-cmp:	 all
-	-../compare cg
-tables.c: table
-	-mv tables.h
-	../../../lib/cpp -P table | ../../../lib/cgg > debug.out
-	-if cmp -s tables.h; then mv tables.h; else exit 0; fi
-	-if cmp -s /dev/null tables.h; then mv tables.h; else exit 0; fi
-lint: $(CFILES)
-	rm -f *.o tables.c tables.h debug.out cg
-codegen.o:	$(CDIR)/assert.h
-codegen.o:	$(CDIR)/data.h
-codegen.o:	$(CDIR)/equiv.h
-codegen.o:	$(CDIR)/extern.h
-codegen.o:	$(CDIR)/param.h
-codegen.o:	$(CDIR)/result.h
-codegen.o:	$(CDIR)/state.h
-codegen.o:	tables.h
-codegen.o:	$(CDIR)/types.h
-compute.o:	$(CDIR)/assert.h
-compute.o:	$(CDIR)/data.h
-compute.o:	$(CDIR)/extern.h
-compute.o:	$(CDIR)/glosym.h
-compute.o:	$(CDIR)/param.h
-compute.o:	$(CDIR)/result.h
-compute.o:	tables.h
-compute.o:	$(CDIR)/types.h
-equiv.o:	$(CDIR)/assert.h
-equiv.o:	$(CDIR)/data.h
-equiv.o:	$(CDIR)/equiv.h
-equiv.o:	$(CDIR)/extern.h
-equiv.o:	$(CDIR)/param.h
-equiv.o:	$(CDIR)/result.h
-equiv.o:	tables.h
-equiv.o:	$(CDIR)/types.h
-fillem.o:	$(CDIR)/assert.h
-fillem.o:	$(CDIR)/data.h
-fillem.o:	$(CDIR)/extern.h
-fillem.o:	mach.c
-fillem.o:	mach.h
-fillem.o:	$(CDIR)/param.h
-fillem.o:	$(CDIR)/regvar.h
-fillem.o:	$(CDIR)/result.h
-fillem.o:	tables.h
-fillem.o:	$(CDIR)/types.h
-gencode.o:	$(CDIR)/assert.h
-gencode.o:	$(CDIR)/data.h
-gencode.o:	$(CDIR)/extern.h
-gencode.o:	$(CDIR)/param.h
-gencode.o:	$(CDIR)/result.h
-gencode.o:	tables.h
-gencode.o:	$(CDIR)/types.h
-glosym.o:	$(CDIR)/glosym.h
-glosym.o:	$(CDIR)/param.h
-glosym.o:	tables.h
-glosym.o:	$(CDIR)/types.h
-main.o:		$(CDIR)/param.h
-move.o:		$(CDIR)/assert.h
-move.o:		$(CDIR)/data.h
-move.o:		$(CDIR)/extern.h
-move.o:		$(CDIR)/param.h
-move.o:		$(CDIR)/result.h
-move.o:		tables.h
-move.o:		$(CDIR)/types.h
-nextem.o:	$(CDIR)/assert.h
-nextem.o:	$(CDIR)/data.h
-nextem.o:	$(CDIR)/extern.h
-nextem.o:	$(CDIR)/param.h
-nextem.o:	$(CDIR)/result.h
-nextem.o:	tables.h
-nextem.o:	$(CDIR)/types.h
-reg.o:		$(CDIR)/assert.h
-reg.o:		$(CDIR)/data.h
-reg.o:		$(CDIR)/extern.h
-reg.o:		$(CDIR)/param.h
-reg.o:		$(CDIR)/result.h
-reg.o:		tables.h
-reg.o:		$(CDIR)/types.h
-regvar.o:	$(CDIR)/assert.h
-regvar.o:	$(CDIR)/data.h
-regvar.o:	$(CDIR)/extern.h
-regvar.o:	$(CDIR)/param.h
-regvar.o:	$(CDIR)/regvar.h
-regvar.o:	$(CDIR)/result.h
-regvar.o:	tables.h
-regvar.o:	$(CDIR)/types.h
-salloc.o:	$(CDIR)/assert.h
-salloc.o:	$(CDIR)/data.h
-salloc.o:	$(CDIR)/extern.h
-salloc.o:	$(CDIR)/param.h
-salloc.o:	$(CDIR)/result.h
-salloc.o:	tables.h
-salloc.o:	$(CDIR)/types.h
-state.o:	$(CDIR)/assert.h
-state.o:	$(CDIR)/data.h
-state.o:	$(CDIR)/extern.h
-state.o:	$(CDIR)/param.h
-state.o:	$(CDIR)/result.h
-state.o:	$(CDIR)/state.h
-state.o:	tables.h
-state.o:	$(CDIR)/types.h
-subr.o:		$(CDIR)/assert.h
-subr.o:		$(CDIR)/data.h
-subr.o:		$(CDIR)/extern.h
-subr.o:		$(CDIR)/param.h
-subr.o:		$(CDIR)/result.h
-subr.o:		tables.h
-subr.o:		$(CDIR)/types.h
-var.o:		$(CDIR)/data.h
-var.o:		$(CDIR)/param.h
-var.o:		$(CDIR)/result.h
-var.o:		tables.h
-var.o:		$(CDIR)/types.h

+ 0 - 23

@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@

+ 0 - 63

@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-HFILES=ack.h list.h trans.h data.h dmach.h grows.h
-DSRC=list.c data.c main.c scan.c svars.c trans.c util.c rmach.c run.c grows.c\
-     files.c
-ISRC=dmach.c intable.c
-OBJ=list.o data.o main.o scan.o svars.o trans.o util.o rmach.o run.o \
-    dmach.o intable.o grows.o files.o
-INTABLES=pdp int
-LNTABLES=6500 m68k2 m68k4 6809 8080 acc apc nascom vax2 vax4 z80 i86
-head:   ack
-install:	ack
-		cp ack $(BINDIR)/ack
-		-cd $(BINDIR) ; \
-		for i in $(INTABLES) $(LNTABLES) ; do ln ack $$i ; done
-		(cd pc ; make install )
-cmp:		ack
-		cmp ack $(BINDIR)/ack
-		(cd pc ; make cmp )
-		-rm -f *.old *.o ack
-		(cd pc ; make clean )
-ack:    $(OBJ)
-	$(CC) -o ack $(CFLAGS) $(OBJ)
-grows.o files.o list.o run.o \
-data.o main.o scan.o trans.o rmach.o util.o : ack.h list.h
-files.o data.o main.o scan.o run.o trans.o rmach.o: trans.h data.h
-files.o rmach.o trans.o grows.c : grows.h
-rmach.c: dmach.h
-files.o main.o rmach.o : ../../h/em_path.h
-main.o : ../../h/local.h
-malloc.o svars.o:	ack.h
-dmach.c intable.c: mktables dmach.h
-	: mktables $(ACKDIR) # $(FE) $(INTABLES)
-	mktables $(ACKDIR)
-mktables:       mktables.c
-	cc -o mktables mktables.c
-	@pr Makefile $(HFILES) $(DSRC) $(ACKDIR)/*
-	@(cd pc ; make pr)
-	make pr | opr
-lint:   $(ISRC)
-	lint -hbx $(DSRC) $(ISRC)

+ 0 - 88

@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-/*                      User settable options                               */
-#define FRONTENDS       "fe"    /* The front-end definitions */
-#define ACKNAME         "AckXXXXXX"     /* Handed to mktemp for temp. files */
-/*         Internal mnemonics, should not be tinkered with                  */
-/* The names of some string variables */
-#define HOME    "EM"
-#define RTS     "RTS"
-#define NEEDS   "NEEDS"
-#define HEAD    "HEAD"
-#define TAIL    "TAIL"
-#define SRC     "SOURCE"
-#define LIBVAR	"LNAME"
-/* Intended for flags, possibly in bit fields */
-#define YES     1
-#define NO      0
-#define MAYBE   2
-#define EXTERN  extern
-#define SUFCHAR '.'             /* Start of SUFFIX in file name */
-#define SPACE   ' '
-#define TAB     '\t'
-#define EQUAL   '='
-#define S_VAR   '{'             /* Start of variable */
-#define C_VAR   '}'             /* End of variable */
-#define A_VAR   '?'             /* Variable alternative */
-#define BSLASH  '\\'            /* Backslash */
-#define STAR    '*'             /* STAR */
-#define C_IN    '<'             /* Token specifying input */
-#define C_OUT   '>'             /* Token specifying output */
-#define S_EXPR  '('             /* Start of expression */
-#define C_EXPR  ')'             /* End of expression */
-#define M_EXPR  ':'             /* Middle of two suffix lists */
-#define T_EXPR  '='             /* Start of tail */
-#define NO_SCAN 0200            /* Bit set in character to defeat recogn. */
-typedef struct {
-	char    *p_path;        /* points to the full pathname */
-	int     p_keeps:1;      /* The string should be thrown when unused */
-	int     p_keep:1;       /* The file should be thrown away after use */
-} path ;
-/* Return values of setpath() */
-enum f_path { F_OK, F_NOMATCH, F_NOPATH } ;
-/* Library routines */
-extern char *index();
-extern char *rindex();
-extern char *strcpy();
-extern char *strcat();
-extern char *mktemp();
-extern int  unlink();
-extern int  close();
-extern int  open();
-extern int  creat();
-/* Own routines */
-enum f_path setpath();
-enum f_path scan_end();
-extern int  noodstop();
-extern char *getvar();
-extern char *keeps();
-extern char *basename();
-extern char *skipblank();
-extern char *firstblank();
-extern char *getcore();
-extern char *changecore();
-#define freecore(area)  free(area)
-/* #define DEBUG	1	/* Allow debugging of Ack */
-#ifndef DEBUG
-#  define debug 0       /* To surprise all these 'if ( debug ) 's */
-extern  int debug ;

+ 0 - 9

@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-#include "ack.h"
-#include "list.h"
-#include "trans.h"
-#undef EXTERN
-#define EXTERN
-#include "data.h"

+ 0 - 43

@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-EXTERN  char            *stopsuffix;    /* Suffix to stop at */
-EXTERN  char            *machine;       /* The machine id */
-EXTERN  char            *rts;           /* The runtime-system id */
-EXTERN  list_head       arguments;      /* List of arguments */
-EXTERN  list_head       flags;          /* List of flags */
-EXTERN  list_head       c_arguments;    /* List of linker arguments */
-EXTERN  list_head       tr_list;        /* List of transformations */
-EXTERN  list_head       R_list;         /* List of -R flags */
-EXTERN  list_head       head_list;      /* List of suffices for headers */
-EXTERN  list_head       tail_list;      /* List of suffices for tails */
-EXTERN  int             k_flag;         /* Like -k of lint */
-EXTERN  int             g_flag;         /* do_run() */
-EXTERN  int             t_flag;         /* Preserve intermediate files */
-EXTERN  int             v_flag;         /* Verbose */
-EXTERN  int             w_flag;         /* Don't print warnings */
-EXTERN  int             nill_flag;      /* Don't file names */
-EXTERN  int             Optflag;        /* Optimizing */
-#ifdef DEBUG
-EXTERN  int             debug;          /* Debugging control */
-EXTERN  int             n_error;        /* Number of errors encountered */
-EXTERN  char            *progname;      /* The program call name */
-EXTERN  char            *outfile;       /* The result file e.g. a.out */
-EXTERN  char            *template;      /* The template for temporary file
-						names */
-EXTERN  trf             *combiner;      /* Pointer to the Loader/Linker */
-EXTERN  trf             *cpp_trafo;     /* Pointer to C-preprocessor */
-EXTERN  path            in;             /* The current input pathname */
-EXTERN  path            out;            /* The current output pathname */
-EXTERN  path            orig;           /* The original input path */
-EXTERN  char            *p_basename;    /* The current basename */
-EXTERN  char            *p_suffix;      /* The current input suffix */

+ 0 - 15

@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-/*                                                             */
-/*   Definition for table that maps a name on an intable index */
-/*                                                             */
-typedef struct {
-	char *ma_name ;         /* The name of the machine */
-	int   ma_index ;
-} dmach ;
-extern dmach massoc[] ;
-extern char  intable[] ;

+ 0 - 94

@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
- * (c) copyright 1983 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
- *
- *          This product is part of the Amsterdam Compiler Kit.
- *
- * Permission to use, sell, duplicate or disclose this software must be
- * obtained in writing. Requests for such permissions may be sent to
- *
- *      Dr. Andrew S. Tanenbaum
- *      Wiskundig Seminarium
- *      Vrije Universiteit
- *      Postbox 7161
- *      1007 MC Amsterdam
- *      The Netherlands
- *
- */
-#include "ack.h"
-#include "list.h"
-#include "trans.h"
-#include "grows.h"
-#include "data.h"
-#include "../../h/em_path.h"
-setfiles(phase) register trf *phase ; {
-	/* Set the out structure according to the in structure,
-	   the transformation and some global data */
-	growstring pathname ;
-	register list_elem *elem ;
-	if ( phase->t_combine ) {
-		out.p_keep=YES ;
-		out.p_path=outfile ;
-		out.p_keeps=NO ;
-		in.p_path= (char *)0 ;
-		in.p_keep=YES ;
-		in.p_keeps=NO ;
-	} else {
-		gr_init(&pathname) ;
-		if ( !phase->t_keep && !t_flag ) {
-			gr_cat(&pathname,TMP_DIR) ;
-			gr_cat(&pathname,"/") ;
-			gr_cat(&pathname,template) ;
-			out.p_keep=NO ;
-		} else {
-			gr_cat(&pathname,p_basename) ;
-			out.p_keep=YES ;
-		}
-		gr_cat(&pathname,phase->t_out) ;
-		out.p_path= gr_final(&pathname) ;
-		out.p_keeps= YES ;
-	}
-	scanlist( l_first(arguments), elem) {
-		if ( strcmp(l_content(*elem),out.p_path)==0 ) {
-			error("attempt to overwrite argument file") ;
-			return 0 ;
-		}
-	}
-	return 1 ;
-disc_files() {
-	if ( in.p_path ) {
-		if ( !in.p_keep ) {
-			if ( unlink(in.p_path)!=0 ) {
-				werror("couldn't unlink %s",in.p_path);
-			}
-		}
-		if ( in.p_keeps ) throws(in.p_path) ;
-	}
-	in=out ;
-	out.p_path= (char *)0 ;
-	out.p_keeps=NO ;
-	out.p_keep=NO ;
-rmtemps() {
-	/* Called in case of disaster, always remove the current output file!
-	*/
-	if ( out.p_path ) {
-		unlink(out.p_path) ;
-		if ( out.p_keeps ) throws(out.p_path) ;
-		out.p_path= (char *)0 ;
-		out.p_keeps=NO ;
-		out.p_keep=NO ;
-	}
-	if ( !in.p_keep && in.p_path ) {
-		unlink(in.p_path) ;
-		if ( in.p_keeps ) throws(in.p_path) ;
-		in.p_path= (char *)0 ;
-		out.p_keeps= NO ;
-		out.p_keep=NO ;
-	}

+ 0 - 79

@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
- * (c) copyright 1983 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
- *
- *          This product is part of the Amsterdam Compiler Kit.
- *
- * Permission to use, sell, duplicate or disclose this software must be
- * obtained in writing. Requests for such permissions may be sent to
- *
- *      Dr. Andrew S. Tanenbaum
- *      Wiskundig Seminarium
- *      Vrije Universiteit
- *      Postbox 7161
- *      1007 MC Amsterdam
- *      The Netherlands
- *
- */
-/*                                                                        */
-/*                 Bookkeeping for growing strings                        */
-/*                                                                        */
-#include "ack.h"
-#include "grows.h"
-gr_add(id,c) register growstring *id ; char c ; {
-	if ( id->gr_size==id->gr_max) {
-		if ( id->gr_size==0 ) { /* The first time */
-			id->gr_max= 2*GR_MORE ;
-			id->gr_string= getcore(id->gr_max) ;
-		} else {
-			id->gr_max += GR_MORE ;
-			id->gr_string= changecore(id->gr_string,id->gr_max ) ;
-		}
-	}
-	*(id->gr_string+id->gr_size++)= c ;
-gr_cat(id,string) growstring *id ; char *string ; {
-	register char *ptr ;
-#ifdef DEBUG
-	if ( id->gr_size && *(id->gr_string+id->gr_size-1) ) {
-		vprint("Non-zero terminated %*s\n",
-			id->gr_size, id->gr_string ) ;
-	}
-	if ( id->gr_size ) id->gr_size-- ;
-	ptr=string ;
-	for (;;) {
-		gr_add(id,*ptr) ;
-		if ( *ptr++ ) continue ;
-		break ;
-	}
-gr_throw(id) register growstring *id ; {
-	/* Throw the string away */
-	if ( id->gr_max==0 ) return ;
-	freecore(id->gr_string) ;
-	id->gr_max=0 ;
-	id->gr_size=0 ;
-gr_init(id) growstring *id ; {
-	id->gr_size=0 ; id->gr_max=0 ;
-char *gr_final(id) growstring *id ; {
-	/* Throw away the bookkeeping, adjust the string to its final
-	   length and return a pointer to a string to be get rid of with
-	   throws
-	*/
-	register char *retval ;
-	retval= keeps(gr_start(*id)) ;
-	gr_throw(id) ;
-	return retval ;

+ 0 - 19

@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-/* struct used to identify and do bookkeeping for growing strings */
-typedef struct {
-	char            *gr_string ;    /* Points to start of string */
-	unsigned        gr_size ;       /* Current string size */
-	unsigned        gr_max ;        /* Maximum string size */
-} growstring ;
-#define GR_MORE         50      /* Steps to grow */
-#define gr_start(id)    (id).gr_string  /* The start of the string */
-/* Routines used */
-extern  int     gr_throw() ;    /* To free the core */
-extern  int     gr_add() ;      /* To add one character */
-extern  int     gr_cat() ;      /* concatenate the contents and the string */
-extern  int     gr_init() ;     /* Initialize the bookkeeping */
-extern  char    *gr_final() ;   /* Transform to a stable storage string */

+ 0 - 73

@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
- * (c) copyright 1983 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
- *
- *          This product is part of the Amsterdam Compiler Kit.
- *
- * Permission to use, sell, duplicate or disclose this software must be
- * obtained in writing. Requests for such permissions may be sent to
- *
- *      Dr. Andrew S. Tanenbaum
- *      Wiskundig Seminarium
- *      Vrije Universiteit
- *      Postbox 7161
- *      1007 MC Amsterdam
- *      The Netherlands
- *
- */
-#include "ack.h"
-#include "list.h"
-/* List handling, operations allowed:
-	adding strings to the list,
-	throwing away whole lists,
-	linearize a list.
-	l_add(header,string) Add an element to a list.
-		header          List header, list_head *
-		string          String pointer, char *
-					the string is NOT copied
-	l_clear(header)      Delete an whole list.
-		header          List header, list_head *
-l_add(header,string) list_head *header ; char *string ; {
-	register list_elem *new;
-	/* NOSTRICT */
-	new= (list_elem *)getcore(sizeof *new);
-	l_content(*new)= string ;
-	/* NOSTRICT */
-	l_next(*new)= (list_elem *)0 ;
-	if ( !header->ca_first ) {
-		header->ca_first= new ;
-	} else {
-		header->ca_last->ca_next= new ;
-	}
-	header->ca_last= new ;
-l_clear(header) list_head *header ; {
-	register list_elem *old, *next;
-	for ( old=header->ca_first ; old ; old= next ) {
-		next= old->ca_next ;
-		freecore((char *)old) ;
-	}
-	header->ca_first= (list_elem *) 0 ;
-	header->ca_last = (list_elem *) 0 ;
-l_throw(header) list_head *header ; {
-	register list_elem *old, *next;
-	for ( old=header->ca_first ; old ; old= next ) {
-		throws(l_content(*old)) ;
-		next= old->ca_next ;
-		freecore((char *)old) ;
-	}
-	header->ca_first= (list_elem *) 0 ;
-	header->ca_last = (list_elem *) 0 ;

+ 0 - 23

@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-struct ca_elem {
-	struct ca_elem          *ca_next; /* The link */
-	char                    *ca_cont; /* The contents */
-} ;
-struct ca_list {
-	struct ca_elem          *ca_first; /* The head */
-	struct ca_elem          *ca_last;  /* The tail */
-} ;
-typedef struct ca_list list_head ;         /* The decl. for headers */
-typedef struct ca_elem list_elem ;         /* The decl. for elements */
-/* Some operations */
-/* Access */
-#define l_first(header)         (header).ca_first
-#define l_next(elem)            (elem).ca_next
-#define l_content(elem)         (elem).ca_cont
-/* To be used for scanning lists, ptr is the running variable */
-#define scanlist(elem,ptr) \
-	for ( ptr= elem ; ptr; ptr= l_next(*ptr) )

+ 0 - 340

@@ -1,340 +0,0 @@
- * (c) copyright 1983 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
- *
- *          This product is part of the Amsterdam Compiler Kit.
- *
- * Permission to use, sell, duplicate or disclose this software must be
- * obtained in writing. Requests for such permissions may be sent to
- *
- *      Dr. Andrew S. Tanenbaum
- *      Wiskundig Seminarium
- *      Vrije Universiteit
- *      Postbox 7161
- *      1007 MC Amsterdam
- *      The Netherlands
- *
- */
-#include "ack.h"
-#include "list.h"
-#include "trans.h"
-#include "../../h/em_path.h"
-#include "../../h/local.h"
-#include "data.h"
-#include <signal.h>
-static int sigs[] = { SIGINT, SIGHUP, SIGTERM, 0 } ;
-extern  char    *getenv();
-main(argc,argv) char **argv ; {
-	register list_elem *elem ;
-	register char *frontend ;
-	register int *n_sig ;
-	progname=argv[0];
-	varinit();
-	vieuwargs(argc,argv);
-	if ( (frontend=getenv("ACKFE")) ) {
-		setlist(frontend) ;
-	} else {
-		setlist(FRONTENDS);
-	}
-	setlist(machine);
-	transini();
-	scanneeds();
-	template= mktemp(ACKNAME) ;
-	if ( n_error && !k_flag ) return n_error ;
-	for ( n_sig=sigs ; *n_sig ; n_sig++ ) {
-		if ( signal(*n_sig,noodstop)==SIG_IGN ) {
-			signal(*n_sig,SIG_IGN) ;
-		}
-	}
-	scanlist ( l_first(arguments), elem ) {
-		if ( !process(l_content(*elem)) && !k_flag ) return 1 ;
-	}
-	orig.p_path= (char *)0 ;
-	if ( !combiner && !stopsuffix ) {
-		/* Call combiner directly without any transformation */
-		scanlist(l_first(tr_list),elem) {
-			if ( t_cont(*elem)->t_combine ) {
-				combiner= t_cont(*elem) ;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	if ( !combiner || n_error ) return n_error ;
-	if ( !do_combine() ) return 1 ;
-	if ( g_flag ) {
-		return do_run();
-	}
-	return 0 ;
-char *srcvar() {
-	return orig.p_path ;
-varinit() {
-	/* initialize the string variables */
-	setsvar(keeps(HOME),keeps(EM_DIR)) ;
-	setpvar(keeps(SRC),srcvar)  ;
-/************************* flag processing ***********************/
-vieuwargs(argc,argv) char **argv ; {
-	register char *argp;
-	register int nextarg ;
-	register int eaten ;
-	firstarg(argv[0]) ;
-	nextarg= 1 ;
-	while ( nextarg<argc ) {
-		argp= argv[nextarg] ;
-		nextarg++ ;
-		if ( argp[0]!='-' || argp[1]=='l' ) {
-			/* Not a flag, or a library */
-			l_add(&arguments,argp) ;
-			continue ;
-		}
-		/* Flags */
-		eaten=0 ; /* Did not 'eat' tail of flag yet */
-		switch ( argp[1] ) {
-	   case 'm':    if ( machine ) fuerror("Two machines?") ;
-			machine= &argp[2];
-			eaten=1 ;
-			break ;
-	   case 'o':    if ( nextarg>=argc ) {
-				fuerror("-o can't be the last flag") ;
-			}
-			if ( outfile ) fuerror("Two results?") ;
-			outfile= argv[nextarg++] ;
-			break ;
-	   case 'O':    Optflag++ ;
-			break ;
-	   case 'v':    v_flag++ ;
-			break ;
-	   case 'g':    g_flag++ ;
-			break ;
-	   case 'c':    if ( stopsuffix ) fuerror("Two -c flags") ;
-			stopsuffix= &argp[2]; eaten=1;
-			if ( *stopsuffix && *stopsuffix!=SUFCHAR ) {
-				fuerror("-c flag has invalid tail") ;
-			}
-			break ;
-	   case 'k':    k_flag++ ;
-			break ;
-	   case 't':    t_flag++ ;
-			break ;
-	   case 'R':    do_Rflag(argp); eaten=1;
-			break ;
-	   case 'r':    if ( argp[2]!=SUFCHAR ) {
-				error("-r must be followed by %c",SUFCHAR) ;
-			}
-			keeptail(&argp[2]); eaten=1 ;
-			break ;
-	   case '.':    if ( rts ) fuerror("Two run-time systems?") ;
-			rts= &argp[1] ; eaten=1;
-			keephead(rts) ; keeptail(rts) ;
-			break ;
-#ifdef DEBUG
-	   case 'd':    debug++ ;
-			break ;
-	   case  0 :    nill_flag++ ; eaten++ ;
-			break;
-	   case 'w':    { register char *tokeep ;
-			  w_flag++;
-			  tokeep=keeps(argp) ;
-			  *tokeep |= NO_SCAN ;
-			  l_add(&flags,tokeep) ;
-			}
-			break ;
-	   default:     /* The flag is not recognized,
-			   put it on the list for the sub-processes
-			*/
-#ifdef DEBUG
-			if ( debug ) {
-				vprint("Flag %s: phase dependent\n",argp) ;
-			}
-			l_add(&flags,keeps(argp)) ;
-			eaten=1 ;
-		}
-		if ( argp[2] && !eaten ) {
-			werror("Unexpected characters at end of %s",argp) ;
-		}
-	}
-	if ( !machine && ! (machine=getenv("ACKM")) ) {
-#ifdef ACKM
-		machine= ACKM;          /* The default machine */
-		fuerror("No machine specified") ;
-	}
-	return ;
-firstarg(argp) register char *argp ; {
-	register char *name ;
-	name=rindex(argp,'/') ;
-	if ( name && *(name+1) ) {
-		name++ ;
-	} else {
-		name= argp ;
-	}
-	if ( strcmp(name,"ack")==0 ) return ;
-	if ( strcmp(name,"acc")==0 || strcmp(name,"cc")==0 ) {
-		rts= ".c" ; keephead(rts) ; keeptail(rts) ;
-		return ;
-	}
-	if ( strcmp(name,"apc")==0 || strcmp(name,"pc")==0 ) {
-		rts= ".p" ; keephead(rts) ; keeptail(rts) ;
-		return ;
-	}
-	machine= name;
-/************************* argument processing ***********************/
-process(arg) char *arg ; {
-	/* Process files & library arguments */
-	register list_elem *elem ;
-	register trf *phase ;
-	int first=YES ;
-#ifdef DEBUG
-	if ( debug ) vprint("Processing %s\n",arg) ;
-	if ( arg[0]=='-' ) { l_add(&c_arguments,keeps(arg)) ; return 1 ; }
-	p_suffix= rindex(arg,SUFCHAR) ;
-	if ( p_basename ) throws(p_basename) ;
-	orig.p_keep= YES ;      /* Don't throw away the original ! */
-	orig.p_path= arg ;
-	p_basename= keeps(basename(arg)) ;
-	if ( !p_suffix ) { l_add(&c_arguments,keeps(arg)) ; return 1 ; }
-	/* Try to find a path through the transformations */
-	switch( setpath() ) {
-	case F_NOPATH :
-		error("Incomplete internal specification for %s",arg) ;
-		l_add(&c_arguments,keeps(arg)) ;
-		return 1 ;
-	case F_NOMATCH :
-		if ( stopsuffix ) werror("Unknown suffix in %s",arg) ;
-		l_add(&c_arguments,keeps(arg)) ;
-		return 1 ;
-	case F_OK :
-		break ;
-	}
-	orig.p_keeps= NO;
-	in= orig ;
-	scanlist(l_first(tr_list), elem) {
-		phase= t_cont(*elem) ;
-		if ( phase->t_do ) { /* perform this transformation */
-			if ( first ) {
-			   if ( !nill_flag ) {
-				printf("%s\n",arg) ;
-			   }
-			   switch ( phase->t_prep ) {
-			default : if ( !mayprep() ) break ;
-			case YES: if ( !transform(cpp_trafo) ) {
-					n_error++ ;
-#ifdef DEBUG
-					vprint("Pre-processor failed\n") ;
-					return 0 ;
-				   }
-			case NO :
-				  break ;
-			   }
-			}
-			if ( cpp_trafo && stopsuffix &&
-			     strcmp(cpp_trafo->t_out,stopsuffix)==0 ) {
-				break ;
-			}
-			if ( !transform(phase) ) {
-				n_error++ ;
-#ifdef DEBUG
-				if ( debug ) {
-					vprint("phase %s for %s failed\n",
-					       phase->t_name,orig.p_path) ;
-				}
-				return 0 ;
-			}
-			first=NO ;
-		}
-	}
-#ifdef DEBUG
-	if ( debug ) vprint("Transformation complete for %s\n",orig.p_path) ;
-	if ( !in.p_keep ) fatal("attempt to discard the result file") ;
-	l_add(&c_arguments,keeps(in.p_path));
-	disc_files() ;
-	return 1 ;
-mayprep() {
-	int file ;
-	char fc ;
-	file=open(in.p_path,0);
-	if ( file<0 ) return 0 ;
-	if ( read(file,&fc,1)!=1 ) fc=0 ;
-	close(file) ;
-	return fc=='#' ;
-keephead(suffix) char *suffix ; {
-	l_add(&head_list, suffix) ;
-keeptail(suffix) char *suffix ; {
-	l_add(&tail_list, suffix) ;
-scanneeds() {
-	register list_elem *elem ;
-	scanlist(l_first(head_list), elem) { setneeds(l_content(*elem),0) ; }
-	l_clear(&head_list) ;
-	scanlist(l_first(tail_list), elem) { setneeds(l_content(*elem),1) ; }
-	l_clear(&tail_list) ;
-setneeds(suffix,tail) char *suffix ; {
-	register list_elem *elem ;
-	register trf *phase ;
-	p_suffix= suffix ;
-	switch ( setpath() ) {
-	case F_OK :
-		scanlist( l_first(tr_list), elem ) {
-			phase = t_cont(*elem) ;
-			if ( phase->t_do ) {
-				if ( phase->t_needed ) {
-					if ( tail )
-						add_tail(phase->t_needed) ;
-					else
-						add_head(phase->t_needed) ;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		break ;
-	case F_NOMATCH :
-		werror("\"%s\": unrecognized suffix",suffix) ;
-		break ;
-	case F_NOPATH :
-		werror("incomplete internal specification for %s files",
-			suffix) ;
-		break ;
-	}

+ 0 - 208

@@ -1,208 +0,0 @@
- * (c) copyright 1983 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
- *
- *          This product is part of the Amsterdam Compiler Kit.
- *
- * Permission to use, sell, duplicate or disclose this software must be
- * obtained in writing. Requests for such permissions may be sent to
- *
- *      Dr. Andrew S. Tanenbaum
- *      Wiskundig Seminarium
- *      Vrije Universiteit
- *      Postbox 7161
- *      1007 MC Amsterdam
- *      The Netherlands
- *
- */
-#include "ack.h"
-#ifdef DEBUG
-#define ASSERT(p) if(!(p))botch("p");else
-char *s;
-	printf("malloc/free botched: %s\n",s);
-	abort();
-#define ASSERT(p)
-/*      avoid break bug */
-#ifdef pdp11
-#define GRANULE 64
-#define GRANULE 0
-/*      C storage allocator
- *      circular first-fit strategy
- *      works with noncontiguous, but monotonically linked, arena
- *      each block is preceded by a ptr to the (pointer of)
- *      the next following block
- *      blocks are exact number of words long
- *      aligned to the data type requirements of ALIGN
- *      pointers to blocks must have BUSY bit 0
- *      bit in ptr is 1 for busy, 0 for idle
- *      gaps in arena are merely noted as busy blocks
- *      last block of arena (pointed to by alloct) is empty and
- *      has a pointer to first
- *      idle blocks are coalesced during space search
- *
- *      a different implementation may need to redefine
- *      where INT is integer type to which a pointer can be cast
-#define INT int
-#define ALIGN int
-#define NALIGN 1
-#define WORD sizeof(union store)
-#define BLOCK 1024      /* a multiple of WORD*/
-#define BUSY 1
-#define NULL 0
-#define testbusy(p) ((INT)(p)&BUSY)
-#define setbusy(p) (union store *)((INT)(p)|BUSY)
-#define clearbusy(p) (union store *)((INT)(p)&~BUSY)
-union store { union store *ptr;
-	      ALIGN dummy[NALIGN];
-	      int calloc;       /*calloc clears an array of integers*/
-static  union store allocs[2];  /*initial arena*/
-static  union store *allocp;    /*search ptr*/
-static  union store *alloct;    /*arena top*/
-static  union store *allocx;    /*for benefit of realloc*/
-char    *sbrk();
-char *
-unsigned nbytes;
-	register union store *p, *q;
-	register nw;
-	static temp;    /*coroutines assume no auto*/
-	if(allocs[0].ptr==0) {  /*first time*/
-		allocs[0].ptr = setbusy(&allocs[1]);
-		allocs[1].ptr = setbusy(&allocs[0]);
-		alloct = &allocs[1];
-		allocp = &allocs[0];
-	}
-	nw = (nbytes+WORD+WORD-1)/WORD;
-	ASSERT(allocp>=allocs && allocp<=alloct);
-	ASSERT(allock());
-	for(p=allocp; ; ) {
-		for(temp=0; ; ) {
-			if(!testbusy(p->ptr)) {
-				while(!testbusy((q=p->ptr)->ptr)) {
-					ASSERT(q>p&&q<alloct);
-					p->ptr = q->ptr;
-				}
-				if(q>=p+nw && p+nw>=p)
-					goto found;
-			}
-			q = p;
-			p = clearbusy(p->ptr);
-			if(p>q)
-				ASSERT(p<=alloct);
-			else if(q!=alloct || p!=allocs) {
-				ASSERT(q==alloct&&p==allocs);
-				return(NULL);
-			} else if(++temp>1)
-				break;
-		}
-		temp = ((nw+BLOCK/WORD)/(BLOCK/WORD))*(BLOCK/WORD);
-		q = (union store *)sbrk(0);
-		if(q+temp+GRANULE < q) {
-			return(NULL);
-		}
-		q = (union store *)sbrk(temp*WORD);
-		if((INT)q == -1) {
-			return(NULL);
-		}
-		ASSERT(q>alloct);
-		alloct->ptr = q;
-		if(q!=alloct+1)
-			alloct->ptr = setbusy(alloct->ptr);
-		alloct = q->ptr = q+temp-1;
-		alloct->ptr = setbusy(allocs);
-	}
-	allocp = p + nw;
-	ASSERT(allocp<=alloct);
-	if(q>allocp) {
-		allocx = allocp->ptr;
-		allocp->ptr = p->ptr;
-	}
-	p->ptr = setbusy(allocp);
-	return((char *)(p+1));
-/*      freeing strategy tuned for LIFO allocation
-register char *ap;
-	register union store *p = (union store *)ap;
-	ASSERT(p>clearbusy(allocs[1].ptr)&&p<=alloct);
-	ASSERT(allock());
-	allocp = --p;
-	ASSERT(testbusy(p->ptr));
-	p->ptr = clearbusy(p->ptr);
-	ASSERT(p->ptr > allocp && p->ptr <= alloct);
-/*      realloc(p, nbytes) reallocates a block obtained from malloc()
- *      and freed since last call of malloc()
- *      to have new size nbytes, and old content
- *      returns new location, or 0 on failure
-char *
-realloc(p, nbytes)
-register union store *p;
-unsigned nbytes;
-	register union store *q;
-	union store *s, *t;
-	register unsigned nw;
-	unsigned onw;
-	if(testbusy(p[-1].ptr))
-		free((char *)p);
-	onw = p[-1].ptr - p;
-	q = (union store *)malloc(nbytes);
-	if(q==NULL || q==p)
-		return((char *)q);
-	s = p;
-	t = q;
-	nw = (nbytes+WORD-1)/WORD;
-	if(nw<onw)
-		onw = nw;
-	while(onw--!=0)
-		*t++ = *s++;
-	if(q<p && q+nw>=p)
-		(q+(q+nw-p))->ptr = allocx;
-	return((char *)q);
-#ifdef DEBUG
-#ifdef DEBUG
-	register union store *p;
-	int x;
-	x = 0;
-	for(p= &allocs[0]; clearbusy(p->ptr) > p; p=clearbusy(p->ptr)) {
-		if(p==allocp)
-			x++;
-	}
-	ASSERT(p==alloct);
-	return(x==1|p==allocp);
-	return(1);

+ 0 - 121

@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
- * (c) copyright 1983 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
- *
- *          This product is part of the Amsterdam Compiler Kit.
- *
- * Permission to use, sell, duplicate or disclose this software must be
- * obtained in writing. Requests for such permissions may be sent to
- *
- *      Dr. Andrew S. Tanenbaum
- *      Wiskundig Seminarium
- *      Vrije Universiteit
- *      Postbox 7161
- *      1007 MC Amsterdam
- *      The Netherlands
- *
- */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
-char *fname = 0 ;
-char dname[200] ;
-char *tail ;
-FILE *intab ;
-FILE *dmach ;
-int index ;
-main(argc,argv) char **argv ; {
-	register i ;
-	start(argv[1]) ;
-	for ( i=2 ; i<argc ; i++ ) {
-		fname= argv[i] ;
-		readm() ;
-	}
-	stop(argc>2) ;
-	return 0 ;
-start(dir) char *dir ; {
-	tail= dname ;
-	while ( *dir ) {
-		*tail++ = *dir ++ ;
-	}
-	if ( tail!=dname ) *tail++= '/' ;
-	index=0 ;
-	intab= fopen("intable.c","w");
-	dmach= fopen("dmach.c","w");
-	if ( intab==NULL || dmach==NULL ) {
-		fprintf(stderr,"Couln't create output file(s)\n");
-		exit ( 1) ;
-	}
-	fprintf(dmach,"#include \"dmach.h\"\n\ndmach\tmassoc[] = {\n") ;
-	fprintf(intab,"char intable[] = {\n") ;
-stop(filled) {
-	fprintf(dmach,"\t{\"\",\t-1\t}\n} ;\n") ;
-	if ( !filled ) fprintf(intab,"\t0\n") ;
-	fprintf(intab,"\n} ;\n") ;
-	fclose(dmach); fclose(intab) ;
-FILE *do_open(file) char *file ; {
-	strcpy(tail,file) ;
-	return fopen(dname,"r") ;
-readm() {
-	register int i ;
-	register int token ;
-	register FILE *in ;
-	in=do_open(fname) ;
-	if ( in==NULL ) {
-		fprintf(stderr,"Cannot open %s\n",fname) ;
-		return ;
-	}
-	i=0 ;
-	fprintf(dmach,"\t{\"%s\",\t%d\t},\n",fname,index) ;
-	fprintf(intab,"\n/* %s */\n\t",fname) ;
-	for (;;) {
-		token=getc(in) ;
-		index++ ;
-		if ( ++i == 10 ) {
-			fprintf(intab,"\n\t") ;
-			i=0 ;
-		} else {
-			fprintf(intab," ") ;
-		}
-		if ( !isascii(token) || !(isprint(token) || isspace(token)) ){
-			if ( token!=EOF ) {
-			  fprintf(stderr,"warning: non-ascii in %s\n",fname) ;
-			  fprintf(intab,"%4d,",token) ;
-			} else {
-			  fprintf(intab,"  0,",token) ;
-			  break ;
-			}
-		} else if ( isprint(token) ) {
-			switch ( token ) {
-			case '\'': fprintf(intab,"'\\''") ; break ;
-			case '\\': fprintf(intab,"'\\\\'") ; break ;
-			default:   fprintf(intab," '%c'",token) ; break ;
-			}
-		} else switch ( token ) {
-		case '\n' : fprintf(intab,"'\\n'") ; break ;
-		case '\t' : fprintf(intab,"'\\t'") ; break ;
-		case '\r' : fprintf(intab,"'\\r'") ; break ;
-		case '\f' : fprintf(intab,"'\\f'") ; break ;
-		case ' '  : fprintf(intab," ' '")  ; break ;
-		default :   fprintf(stderr,"warning: unrec. %d\n",
-				token) ;
-			    fprintf(intab,"%4d",token) ;
-			    break ;
-		}
-		fprintf(intab,",") ;
-	}
-	fclose(in) ;

+ 0 - 2

@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@

+ 0 - 25

@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-em_pc:          em_pc.c $h/local.h $h/em_path.h
-		cc -n -o em_pc -O -I$h em_pc.c
-cmp:            em_pc
-		cmp em_pc $(PC_PATH)
-install:        em_pc
-		cp em_pc $(PC_PATH)
-		lint -hpxc -I$h em_pc.c
-		rm -f *.o *.old em_pc
-		make pr ^ opr
-		pr -n em_pc.c

+ 0 - 288

@@ -1,288 +0,0 @@
- * (c) copyright 1983 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
- *
- *          This product is part of the Amsterdam Compiler Kit.
- *
- * Permission to use, sell, duplicate or disclose this software must be
- * obtained in writing. Requests for such permissions may be sent to
- *
- *      Dr. Andrew S. Tanenbaum
- *      Wiskundig Seminarium
- *      Vrije Universiteit
- *      Postbox 7161
- *      1007 MC Amsterdam
- *      The Netherlands
- *
- */
-#include "ack.h"
-#include "../../h/em_path.h"
-#include "list.h"
-#include "trans.h"
-#include "grows.h"
-#include "dmach.h"
-#include "data.h"
-#include <stdio.h>
-/*                                                                      */
-/*           Read machine definitions and transformations               */
-/*                                                                      */
-#define COMMENT '#'
-#define VAR     "var"
-#define PASS    "name"
-#define IN      "from"
-#define OUT     "to"
-#define PROG    "program"
-#define MAPF    "mapflag"
-#define ARGS    "args"
-#define PROP    "prop"
-#define RUNT    "rts"
-#define NEEDT	"need"
-#define END     "end"
-extern growstring scanb();
-extern growstring scanvars();
-int getline() ;
-int getinchar() ;
-static char *ty_name ;
-static char *bol ;
-static char *inname ;
-setlist(name) char *name ; {
-	/* Name is sought in the internal tables,
-	   if not present, the a file of that name is sought
-	   in first the current and then the EM Lib directory
-	*/
-	inname=name ;
-	open_in(name) ;
-	while ( getline() ) {
-		if ( strcmp(VAR,ty_name)==0 ) {
-			doassign(bol,(char *)0,0) ;
-		} else
-		if ( strcmp(PASS,ty_name)==0 ) {
-			intrf() ;
-		} else
-			error("unknown keyword %s",ty_name) ;
-	}
-	close_in();
-#ifdef DEBUG
-	if ( debug>=3 ) vprint("End %s\n",name) ;
-intrf() {
-	register trf *new ;
-	register char *ptr ;
-	growstring bline, vline ;
-	int twice ;
-	new= (trf *)getcore(sizeof *new) ;
-	new->t_name= keeps(bol) ;
-	for (;;) {
-		if ( !getline() ) {
-			fuerror("unexpected EOF on %s",inname) ;
-		}
-		twice= NO ;
-		if ( strcmp(ty_name,IN)==0 ) {
-			if ( new->t_in ) twice=YES ;
-			new->t_in= keeps(bol);
-		} else
-		if ( strcmp(ty_name,OUT)==0 ) {
-			if ( new->t_out ) twice=YES ;
-			new->t_out= keeps(bol);
-		} else
-		if ( strcmp(ty_name,PROG)==0 ) {
-			if ( new->t_prog ) twice=YES ;
-			bline= scanb(bol);                /* Scan for \ */
-			vline= scanvars(gr_start(bline)); /* Scan for {} */
-			gr_throw(&bline);
-			new->t_prog= gr_final(&vline);
-			clr_noscan(new->t_prog);
-		} else
-		if ( strcmp(ty_name,MAPF)==0 ) {
-			/* First read the mapflags line
-				and scan for backslashes */
-			bline= scanb(bol) ;
-			l_add(&new->t_mapf,gr_final(&bline)) ;
-		} else
-		if ( strcmp(ty_name,ARGS)==0 ) {
-			if ( new->t_argd ) twice=YES ;
-			bline= scanb(bol) ;
-			new->t_argd= keeps(gr_start(bline)) ;
-			gr_throw(&bline) ;
-		} else
-		if ( strcmp(ty_name,PROP)==0 ) {
-			for ( ptr=bol ; *ptr ; ptr++ ) {
-				switch( *ptr ) {
-				case C_IN: new->t_stdin= YES ; break ;
-				case C_OUT: new->t_stdout= YES ; break ;
-				case 'P': new->t_isprep= YES ; break ;
-				case 'p': new->t_prep= YES ; break ;
-				case 'm': new->t_prep= MAYBE ; break ;
-				case 'O': new->t_optim= YES ; break ;
-				case 'C': new->t_combine= YES ; break ;
-				default :
-				  error("Unkown option %c in %s for %s",
-					*ptr,new->t_name,inname) ;
-				  break ;
-				}
-			}
-		} else
-		if ( strcmp(ty_name,RUNT)==0 ) {
-			if ( new->t_rts ) twice=YES ;
-			new->t_rts= keeps(bol) ;
-		} else
-		if ( strcmp(ty_name,NEEDT)==0 ) {
-			if ( new->t_needed ) twice=YES ;
-			new->t_needed= keeps(bol) ;
-		} else
-		if ( strcmp(ty_name,END)==0 ) {
-			break ;
-		} else {
-			fuerror("illegal keyword %s %s",ty_name,bol);
-		}
-		if ( twice ) {
-			werror("%s: specified twice for %s",
-				ty_name, new->t_name) ;
-		}
-	}
-	if ( ! ( new->t_name && new->t_out && new->t_prog ) ) {
-		fuerror("insufficient specification for %s in %s",
-			new->t_name,inname) ;
-	}
-	if ( ! new->t_argd ) new->t_argd="" ;
-#ifdef DEBUG
-	if ( debug>=3 ) {
-		register list_elem *elem ;
-		vprint("%s: from %s to %s '%s'\n",
-			new->t_name,new->t_in,new->t_out,new->t_prog) ;
-		vprint("\targs: ") ; prns(new->t_argd) ;
-		scanlist( l_first(new->t_mapf), elem ) {
-			vprint("\t%s\n",l_content(*elem)) ;
-		}
-		if ( new->t_rts ) vprint("\trts: %s\n",new->t_rts) ;
-		if ( new->t_needed ) vprint("\tneeded: %s\n",new->t_needed) ;
-	}
-	l_add(&tr_list,(char *)new) ;
-/************************** IO from core or file *******************/
-static  int             incore ;
-static  growstring      rline ;
-static  FILE            *infile ;
-static  char            *inptr ;
-open_in(name) register char *name ; {
-	register dmach *cmac ;
-	gr_init(&rline) ;
-	for ( cmac= massoc ; cmac->ma_index!= -1 ; cmac++ ) {
-		if ( strcmp(name,cmac->ma_name)==0 ) {
-			incore=YES ;
-			inptr= &intable[cmac->ma_index] ;
-			return ;
-		}
-	}
-	/* Not in core */
-	incore= NO ;
-	gr_cat(&rline,ACK_DIR); gr_cat(&rline,"/") ;
-	gr_cat(&rline,name) ;
-	infile= fopen(gr_start(rline),"r") ;
-	if ( !infile ) {
-		infile= fopen(name,"r") ;
-	}
-	if ( infile==NULL ) {
-		fuerror("Cannot find description for %s",name) ;
-	}
-close_in() {
-	if ( !incore ) fclose(infile) ;
-	gr_throw(&rline) ;
-char *readline() {
-	/* Get a line from the input,
-	   return 0 if at end,
-	   The line is stored in a volatile buffer,
-	   a pointer to the line is returned.
-	*/
-	register int nchar ;
-	enum { BOL, ESCAPE, SKIPPING, MOL } state = BOL ;
-	gr_throw(&rline) ;
-	for (;;) {
-		nchar= getinchar() ;
-		if ( nchar==EOF ) {
-			if ( state!=BOL ) {
-				werror("incomplete line in %s", inname) ;
-			}
-			return 0 ;
-		}
-		if ( state==SKIPPING ) {
-			if ( nchar=='\n' ) {
-				state= MOL ;
-			} else {
-				continue ;
-			}
-		}
-		if ( state==ESCAPE ) {
-			switch( nchar ) {
-			case '\n' :
-				break ;
-			default :
-				gr_add(&rline,BSLASH) ;
-			case COMMENT :
-			case BSLASH :
-				gr_add(&rline,nchar) ;
-				break ;
-			}
-			state= MOL ;
-			continue ;
-		}
-		switch ( nchar ) {
-		case '\n' :     gr_add(&rline,0) ;
-				return gr_start(rline) ;
-		case COMMENT :  state= SKIPPING ;
-				break ;
-		case BSLASH :   state= ESCAPE ;
-				break ;
-		default :       gr_add(&rline,nchar) ;
-				state= MOL ;
-		}
-	}
-int getinchar() {
-	if ( incore ) {
-		if ( *inptr==0 ) return EOF ;
-		return *inptr++ ;
-	}
-	return getc(infile) ;
-int getline() {
-	register char *c_ptr ;
-	do {
-		if ( (c_ptr=readline())==(char *)0 ) return 0 ;
-		ty_name= skipblank(c_ptr) ;
-	} while ( *ty_name==0 ) ;
-	c_ptr= firstblank(ty_name) ;
-	if ( *c_ptr ) {
-		*c_ptr++ =0 ;
-		c_ptr= skipblank(c_ptr) ;
-	}
-	bol= c_ptr ;
-	return 1 ;

+ 0 - 154

@@ -1,154 +0,0 @@
- * (c) copyright 1983 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
- *
- *          This product is part of the Amsterdam Compiler Kit.
- *
- * Permission to use, sell, duplicate or disclose this software must be
- * obtained in writing. Requests for such permissions may be sent to
- *
- *      Dr. Andrew S. Tanenbaum
- *      Wiskundig Seminarium
- *      Vrije Universiteit
- *      Postbox 7161
- *      1007 MC Amsterdam
- *      The Netherlands
- *
- */
-#include "ack.h"
-#include "list.h"
-#include "trans.h"
-#include "data.h"
-#include <signal.h>
-#define ARG_MORE  40            /* The size of args chunks to allocate */
-static char      **arglist ;    /* The first argument */
-static unsigned  argcount ;     /* The current number of arguments */
-static unsigned  argmax;        /* The maximum number of arguments so far */
-int do_run() {
-	fatal("-g flag not implemeted") ;
-	return 0 ;
-int runphase(phase) register trf *phase ; {
-	register list_elem *elem ;
-	if ( v_flag || debug ) {
-		if ( v_flag==1 && !debug ) {
-			vprint("%s",phase->t_name) ;
-			if ( !phase->t_combine ) {
-				vprint(" %s%s\n",p_basename,
-					rindex(in.p_path,SUFCHAR) ) ;
-			} else {
-				scanlist(l_first(c_arguments), elem) {
-					vprint(" %s",l_content(*elem)) ;
-				}
-				vprint("\n") ;
-			}
-		} else {
-			/* list all args */
-			vprint("%s",phase->t_prog) ;
-			scanlist(l_first(phase->t_flags), elem) {
-				vprint(" %s",l_content(*elem)) ;
-			}
-			scanlist(l_first(phase->t_args), elem) {
-				vprint(" %s",l_content(*elem)) ;
-			}
-			vprint("\n") ;
-		}
-	}
-	argcount=0 ;
-	x_arg(phase->t_name) ;
-	scanlist(l_first(phase->t_flags), elem) {
-		x_arg(l_content(*elem)) ;
-	}
-	scanlist(l_first(phase->t_args), elem) {
-		x_arg(l_content(*elem)) ;
-	}
-	x_arg( (char *)0 ) ;
-	return run_exec(phase) ;
-int run_exec(phase) trf *phase ; {
-	int status, child, waitchild ;
-	do_flush();
-	while ( (child=fork())== -1 ) ;
-	if ( child ) {
-		/* The parent */
-		do {
-			waitchild= wait(&status) ;
-			if ( waitchild== -1 ) {
-				fatal("missing child") ;
-			}
-		} while ( waitchild!=child) ;
-		if ( status ) {
-			if ( status&0200 && (status&0177)!=SIGQUIT &&
-				!t_flag ) unlink("core") ;
-			switch ( status&0177 ) {
-			case 0 :
-				break ;
-			case SIGHUP:
-			case SIGINT:
-			case SIGQUIT:
-			case SIGTERM:
-				quit(-5) ;
-			default:
-				error("%s died with signal %d",
-					phase->t_prog,status&0177) ;
-			}
-			/* The assumption is that processes voluntarely
-			   dying with a non-zero status already produced
-			   some sort of error message to the outside world.
-			*/
-			n_error++ ;
-			return 0 ;
-		}
-		return 1 ; /* From the parent */
-	}
-	/* The child */
-	if ( phase->t_stdin ) {
-		if ( !in.p_path ) {
-			fatal("no input file for %s",phase->t_name) ;
-		}
-		close(0) ;
-		if ( open(in.p_path,0)!=0 ) {
-			error("cannot open %s",in.p_path) ;
-			exit(1) ;
-		}
-	}
-	if ( phase->t_stdout ) {
-		if ( !out.p_path ) {
-			fatal("no output file for %s",phase->t_name) ;
-		}
-		close(1) ;
-		if ( creat(out.p_path,0666)!=1 ) {
-			close(1); dup(2);
-			error("cannot open %s",out.p_path) ;
-			exit(1) ;
-		}
-	}
-	execv(phase->t_prog,arglist) ;
-	if ( phase->t_stdout ) { close(1) ; dup(2) ; }
-	error("Cannot execute %s",phase->t_prog) ;
-	exit(1) ;
-x_arg(string) char *string ; {
-	/* Add one execute argument to the argument vector */
-	if ( argcount==argmax ) {
-		if ( argmax==0 ) {
-			argmax= 2*ARG_MORE ;
-			arglist= (char **)getcore(argmax*sizeof (char *)) ;
-		} else {
-			argmax += ARG_MORE ;
-			arglist= (char **)changecore((char *)arglist,
-					argmax*sizeof (char *)) ;
-		}
-	}
-	*(arglist+argcount++) = string ;

+ 0 - 244

@@ -1,244 +0,0 @@
- * (c) copyright 1983 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
- *
- *          This product is part of the Amsterdam Compiler Kit.
- *
- * Permission to use, sell, duplicate or disclose this software must be
- * obtained in writing. Requests for such permissions may be sent to
- *
- *      Dr. Andrew S. Tanenbaum
- *      Wiskundig Seminarium
- *      Vrije Universiteit
- *      Postbox 7161
- *      1007 MC Amsterdam
- *      The Netherlands
- *
- */
-#include "ack.h"
-#include "list.h"
-#include "trans.h"
-#include "data.h"
-enum f_path setpath() { /* Try to find a transformation path */
-	start_scan();
-	/*
-		The end result is the setting of the t_do flags
-		in the transformation list.
-		The list is scanned for possible transformations
-		stopping at stopsuffix or a combine transformation.
-		The scan flags are set by this process.
-		When a transformation is found, it is compared with
-		the last transformation found, if better (or the first)
-		the scan bits are copied to the t_do bits, except for
-		the combiner which is remembered in a global pointer.
-		At the end of all transformations for all files, the combiner
-		is called, unless errors occurred.
-	*/
-	try(l_first(tr_list),p_suffix);
-	return scan_end();
-/******************** data used only while scanning *******************/
-static  int     last_ncount;    /* The # of non-optimizing transformations
-				   in the best path sofar */
-static  int     last_ocount;    /* The # of optimizing transformations in the
-				   best path sofar */
-static  int     com_err;        /* Complain only once about multiple linkers*/
-static  trf     *final;         /* The last non-combining transformation */
-static  int     suf_found;      /* Was the suffix at least recognized ? */
-/********************       The hard work          ********************/
-start_scan() {
-	register list_elem *scan ;
-	scanlist(l_first(tr_list),scan) {
-		t_cont(*scan)->t_do=NO ; t_cont(*scan)->t_scan=NO ;
-		t_cont(*scan)->t_keep=NO ;
-	}
-	final= (trf *)0 ;
-	suf_found= 0 ;
-#ifdef DEBUG
-	if ( debug>=3 ) vprint("Scan_start\n");
-	last_ncount= -1 ;
-	last_ocount= 0 ;
-try(f_scan,suffix) list_elem *f_scan; char *suffix; {
-	register list_elem *scan ;
-	register trf  *trafo ;
-	/* Try to find a transformation path starting at f_scan for a
-	   file with the indicated suffix.
-	   If the suffix is already reached or the combiner is found
-	   call scan_found() to OK the scan.
-	   If a transformation is found it calls itself recursively
-	   with as starting point the next transformation in the list.
-	*/
-	if ( stopsuffix && *stopsuffix && strcmp(stopsuffix,suffix)==0 ) {
-		scan_found();
-		return ;
-	}
-	scanlist(f_scan, scan) {
-		trafo= t_cont(*scan) ;
-		if ( satisfy(trafo,suffix) ) {
-			/* Found a transformation */
-			suf_found= 1;
-#ifdef DEBUG
-			if ( debug>=4 ) {
-				vprint("Found %s for %s: result %s\n",
-				       trafo->t_name,suffix,trafo->t_out);
-			}
-			trafo->t_scan=YES ;
-			if ( trafo->t_prep ) {
-				if ( !cpp_trafo ) {
-					find_cpp() ;
-				}
-				if ( stopsuffix &&
-				     strcmp(stopsuffix,
-					cpp_trafo->t_out)==0 )
-				{
-					scan_found() ;
-					return ;
-				}
-			}
-			if ( trafo->t_combine ) {
-				if ( stopsuffix ) {
-					trafo->t_scan=NO;
-					if ( *stopsuffix ) return ;
-				} else {
-					if( combiner &&
-					    combiner!=trafo && !com_err ){
-					       com_err++ ;
-werror("Multiple linkers present %s and %s",
-	trafo->t_name,combiner->t_name) ;
-					} else {
-						combiner=trafo;
-					}
-				}
-				scan_found() ;
-			} else {
-				try(l_next(*scan),trafo->t_out);
-			}
-			trafo->t_scan= NO ;
-		}
-	}
-scan_found() {
-	register list_elem *scan;
-	int ncount, ocount ;
-	register trf *keepit ;
-	keepit= (trf *)0 ;
-	suf_found= 1;
-#ifdef DEBUG
-	if ( debug>=3 ) vprint("Scan found\n") ;
-	/* Gather data used in comparison */
-	ncount=0; ocount=0;
-	scanlist(l_first(tr_list),scan) {
-		if (t_cont(*scan)->t_scan) {
-#ifdef DEBUG
-			if ( debug>=4 ) vprint("%s-",t_cont(*scan)->t_name) ;
-			if( t_cont(*scan)->t_optim ) ocount++ ;else ncount++ ;
-			if ( !(t_cont(*scan)->t_combine) ) {
-				keepit= t_cont(*scan) ;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-#ifdef DEBUG
-	if ( debug>=4 ) vprint("\n");
-	/* Is this transformation better then any found yet ? */
-#ifdef DEBUG
-	if ( debug>=3 ) {
-		vprint("old n:%d, o:%d - new n:%d, o:%d\n",
-			last_ncount,last_ocount,ncount,ocount) ;
-	}
-	if ( last_ncount== -1 ||                /* None found yet */
-	     last_ncount>ncount ||              /* Shorter nec. path */
-	     (last_ncount==ncount &&            /* Same nec. path, optimize?*/
-		(Optflag? last_ocount<ocount : last_ocount>ocount ) ) ) {
-		/* Yes it is */
-#ifdef DEBUG
-		if ( debug>=3 ) vprint("Better\n");
-		scanlist(l_first(tr_list),scan) {
-			t_cont(*scan)->t_do=t_cont(*scan)->t_scan;
-		}
-		last_ncount=ncount; last_ocount=ocount;
-		if ( keepit ) final=keepit ;
-	}
-int satisfy(trafo,suffix) register trf *trafo; char *suffix ; {
-	register char *f_char, *l_char ;
-	/* Check whether this transformation is present for
-	   the current machine and the parameter suffix is among
-	   the input suffices. If so, return 1. 0 otherwise
-	*/
-	if ( trafo->t_isprep ) return 0 ;
-	l_char=trafo->t_in ;
-	while ( l_char ) {
-		f_char= l_char ;
-		if ( *f_char!=SUFCHAR || ! *(f_char+1) ) {
-			fuerror("Illegal input suffix entry for %s",
-				trafo->t_name) ;
-		}
-		l_char=index(f_char+1,SUFCHAR);
-		if ( l_char ? strncmp(f_char,suffix,l_char-f_char)==0 :
-			      strcmp(f_char,suffix)==0 ) {
-			return 1 ;
-		}
-	}
-	return 0 ;
-enum f_path scan_end() {    /* Finalization */
-	/* Return value indicating whether a transformation was found */
-	/* Set the flags for the transformation up to, but not including,
-	   the combiner
-	*/
-#ifdef DEBUG
-	if ( debug>=3 ) vprint("End_scan\n");
-	if ( last_ncount== -1 ) return suf_found ? F_NOPATH : F_NOMATCH ;
-#ifdef DEBUG
-	if ( debug>=2 ) vprint("Transformation found\n");
-	if ( cpp_trafo && stopsuffix &&
-	     strcmp(stopsuffix,cpp_trafo->t_out)==0 ) {
-		final= cpp_trafo ;
-	}
-	/* There might not be a final when the file can be eaten
-	   by the combiner
-	*/
-	if ( final ) final->t_keep=YES ;
-	if ( combiner ) {
-		if ( !combiner->t_do ) error("Combiner YES/NO");
-		combiner->t_do=NO ;
-	}
-	return F_OK ;
-find_cpp() {
-	register list_elem *elem ;
-	scanlist( l_first(tr_list), elem ) {
-		if ( t_cont(*elem)->t_isprep ) {
-			if ( cpp_trafo ) fuerror("Multiple cpp's present") ;
-			cpp_trafo= t_cont(*elem) ;
-		}
-	}
-	if ( !cpp_trafo ) fuerror("No cpp present") ;

+ 0 - 125

@@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
- * (c) copyright 1983 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
- *
- *          This product is part of the Amsterdam Compiler Kit.
- *
- * Permission to use, sell, duplicate or disclose this software must be
- * obtained in writing. Requests for such permissions may be sent to
- *
- *      Dr. Andrew S. Tanenbaum
- *      Wiskundig Seminarium
- *      Vrije Universiteit
- *      Postbox 7161
- *      1007 MC Amsterdam
- *      The Netherlands
- *
- */
-#include "ack.h"
-/*      The processing of string valued variables,
-	this is an almost self contained module.
-	Five externally visible routines:
-	setsvar(name,result)
-		Associate the name with the result.
-		name    a string pointer
-		result  a string pointer
-	setpvar(name,routine)
-		Associate the name with the routine.
-		name    a string pointer
-		routine a routine id
-	   The parameters name and result are supposed to be pointing to
-	   non-volatile string storage used only for this call.
-	char *getvar(name)
-		returns the pointer to a string associated with name,
-		the pointer is produced by returning result or the
-		value returned by calling the routine.
-		name    a string pointer
-	Other routines called
-	fatal(args*)    When something goes wrong
-	getcore(size)   Core allocation
-extern  char    *getcore();
-extern          fatal();
-struct vars {
-	char                            *v_name;
-	enum { routine, string }        v_type;
-	union {
-		char    *v_string;
-		char    *(*v_routine)();
-	}                               v_value ;
-	struct vars                     *v_next ;
-static struct vars *v_first ;
-static struct vars *newvar(name) char *name; {
-	register struct vars *new ;
-	for ( new=v_first ; new ; new= new->v_next ) {
-		if ( strcmp(name,new->v_name)==0 ) {
-			throws(name) ;
-			if ( new->v_type== string ) {
-				throws(new->v_value.v_string) ;
-			}
-			return new ;
-		}
-	}
-	new= (struct vars *)getcore( (unsigned)sizeof (struct vars));
-	new->v_name= name ;
-	new->v_next= v_first ;
-	v_first= new ;
-	return new ;
-setsvar(name,str) char *name, *str ; {
-	register struct vars *new ;
-	new= newvar(name);
-#ifdef DEBUG
-	if ( debug>=2 ) vprint("%s=%s\n", name, str) ;
-	new->v_type= string;
-	new->v_value.v_string= str;
-setpvar(name,rout) char *name, *(*rout)() ; {
-	register struct vars *new ;
-	new= newvar(name);
-#ifdef DEBUG
-	if ( debug>=2 ) vprint("%s= (*%o)()\n",name,rout) ;
-	new->v_type= routine;
-	new->v_value.v_routine= rout;
-char *getvar(name) char *name ; {
-	register struct vars *scan ;
-	for ( scan=v_first ; scan ; scan= scan->v_next ) {
-		if ( strcmp(name,scan->v_name)==0 ) {
-			switch ( scan->v_type ) {
-			case string:
-				return scan->v_value.v_string ;
-			case routine:
-				return (*scan->v_value.v_routine)() ;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	return (char *)0 ;

+ 0 - 672

@@ -1,672 +0,0 @@
- * (c) copyright 1983 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
- *
- *          This product is part of the Amsterdam Compiler Kit.
- *
- * Permission to use, sell, duplicate or disclose this software must be
- * obtained in writing. Requests for such permissions may be sent to
- *
- *      Dr. Andrew S. Tanenbaum
- *      Wiskundig Seminarium
- *      Vrije Universiteit
- *      Postbox 7161
- *      1007 MC Amsterdam
- *      The Netherlands
- *
- */
-#include "ack.h"
-#include "list.h"
-#include "trans.h"
-#include "grows.h"
-#include "data.h"
-/*      Routines for transforming from one file type to another             */
-static growstring head ;
-static int        touch_head= NO ;
-static growstring tail ;
-static int        touch_tail= NO ;
-char *headvar(),*tailvar() ;
-int transform(phase) register trf *phase ; {
-	int ok ;
-	if ( !setfiles(phase) ) return 0 ;
-	if ( !phase->t_visited ) {
-		/* The flags are set up once.
-		   At the first time the phase is used.
-		   The program name and flags may already be touched
-		   by vieuwargs.
-		*/
-		phase->t_visited=YES ;
-		if ( !rts && phase->t_rts ) rts= phase->t_rts ;
-		if ( phase->t_needed ) {
-			add_head(phase->t_needed) ;
-			add_tail(phase->t_needed) ;
-		}
-	}
-	getcallargs(phase) ;
-	ok= runphase(phase) ;
-	if ( !ok ) rmtemps() ;
-	/* Free the space occupied by the arguments,
-	   except for the combiner, since we are bound to exit soon
-	   and do not foresee further need of memory space */
-	if ( !phase->t_combine ) discardargs(phase) ;
-	disc_files() ;
-	return ok ;
-int do_combine() {
-	setsvar(keeps(RTS), keeps(rts? rts : "") ) ;
-	if ( !outfile ) outfile= combiner->t_out ;
-	getmapflags(combiner);
-	return transform(combiner) ;
-getmapflags(phase) register trf *phase ; {
-	register list_elem *elem ;
-	int scanned ;
-	register char *ptr ;
-	scanlist(l_first(flags),elem) {
-		scanned= *(l_content(*elem))&NO_SCAN ;
-		*(l_content(*elem)) &= ~NO_SCAN ;
-		if ( mapflag(&(phase->t_mapf),l_content(*elem)) ) {
-			scanned=NO_SCAN ;
-#ifdef DEBUG
-			if ( debug >=4 ) {
-				vprint("phase %s, added mapflag for %s\n",
-					phase->t_name,
-					l_content(*elem) ) ;
-			}
-		}
-		*(l_content(*elem)) |= scanned ;
-	}
-	if ( phase->t_combine ) {
-		scanlist(l_first(c_arguments),elem) {
-			if ( mapflag(&(phase->t_mapf),l_content(*elem)) ) {
-				throws(l_content(*elem)) ;
-				ptr= keeps(getvar(LIBVAR)) ;
-				clr_noscan(ptr) ;
-				l_content(*elem)= ptr ;
-			}
-		}
-		scanlist(l_first(flags),elem) {
-			/* Get the flags remaining for the loader,
-			   That is: all the flags neither eaten by ack nor
-			   one of the subprograms called so-far.
-			   The last fact is indicated by the NO_SCAN bit
-			   in the first character of the flag.
-			*/
-			if ( !( *(l_content(*elem))&NO_SCAN ) ) {
-				l_add(&(phase->t_flags),l_content(*elem)) ;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-do_Rflag(argp) char *argp ; {
-	l_add(&R_list,argp) ;
-char *needvar() {
-	static growstring needed ;
-	static int been_here = NO ;
-	if ( !been_here ) {
-		gr_init(&needed) ;
-		been_here=YES ;
-		gr_cat(&needed,headvar()) ;
-		gr_cat(&needed,tailvar()) ;
-	}
-	return gr_start(needed) ;
-char *headvar() {
-	if ( !touch_head) return "" ;
-	return gr_start(head) ;
-add_head(str) char *str; {
-	if ( !touch_head) {
-		gr_init(&head) ;
-		touch_head=YES ;
-	}
-	gr_cat(&head,str) ;
-char *tailvar() {
-	if ( !touch_tail ) return "" ;
-	return gr_start(tail) ;
-add_tail(str) char *str ; {
-	if ( !touch_tail ) {
-		gr_init(&tail) ;
-		touch_tail=YES ;
-	}
-	gr_cat(&tail,str) ;
-transini() {
-	register list_elem *elem ;
-	register trf *phase ;
-	scanlist(l_first(R_list), elem) {
-		set_Rflag(l_content(*elem)) ;
-	}
-	l_clear(&R_list) ;
-	scanlist(l_first(tr_list), elem) {
-		phase = t_cont(*elem) ;
-		if ( !phase->t_combine ) getmapflags(phase);
-	}
-	setpvar(keeps(NEEDS),needvar) ;
-	setpvar(keeps(HEAD),headvar) ;
-	setpvar(keeps(TAIL),tailvar) ;
-set_Rflag(argp) register char *argp ; {
-	int     seen ;
-	register char *eos ;
-	register list_elem *prog ;
-	register int length ;
-	char *eq ;
-	eos= index(&argp[2],'-');
-	eq= index(&argp[2],EQUAL) ;
-	if ( !eos ) {
-		eos= eq ;
-	} else {
-		if ( eq && eq<eos ) eos= eq ;
-	}
-	if ( !eos ) fuerror("Incorrect use of -R flag") ;
-	length= eos - &argp[2] ;
-	seen=NO ;
-	scanlist(l_first(tr_list), prog) {
-		if ( strncmp(t_cont(*prog)->t_name, &argp[2], length )==0 ) {
-			if ( *eos=='-' ) {
-				l_add(&(t_cont(*prog)->t_flags),eos) ;
-			} else {
-				t_cont(*prog)->t_prog= eos+1 ;
-			}
-			seen=YES ;
-		}
-	}
-	if ( !seen ) error("Cannot find program for %s",argp) ;
-	return ;
-/*                                                                        */
-/*           The creation of arguments for exec for a transformation      */
-/*                                                                        */
-growstring scanb(line) char *line ; {
-	/* Scan a line for backslashes, setting the NO_SCAN bit in characters
-	   preceded by a backslash.
-	*/
-	register char *in_c ;
-	register int  token ;
-	growstring result ;
-	enum { TEXT, ESCAPED } state = TEXT ;
-	gr_init(&result) ;
-	for ( in_c= line ; *in_c ; in_c++ ) {
-		token= *in_c&0377 ;
-		switch( state ) {
-		case TEXT :
-			if ( token==BSLASH ) {
-				state= ESCAPED ;
-			} else {
-				gr_add(&result,token) ;
-			}
-			break ;
-		case ESCAPED :
-			gr_add(&result,token|NO_SCAN) ;
-			state=TEXT ;
-			break ;
-		}
-	}
-	gr_add(&result,0) ;
-	if ( state!=TEXT ) werror("flag line ends with %c",BSLASH) ;
-	return result ;
-growstring scanvars(line) char *line ; {
-	/* Scan a line variable replacements started by S_VAR.
-	   Two sequences exist: S_VAR name E_VAR, S_VAR name A_VAR text E_VAR.
-	   neither name nor text may contain further replacements.
-	   In the first form an error message is issued if the name is not
-	   present in the variables, the second form produces text
-	   in that case.
-	   The sequence S_VAR S_VAR is transformed into S_VAR.
-	   This to allow later recognition in mapflags, where B_SLASH
-	   would be preventing any recognition.
-	*/
-	register char *in_c ;
-	register int  token ;
-	growstring result ;
-	growstring name ;
-	register char *tr ;
-	enum { TEXT, FIRST, NAME, SKIP, COPY } state = TEXT ;
-	gr_init(&result) ; gr_init(&name) ;
-	for ( in_c= line ; *in_c ; in_c++ ) {
-		token= *in_c&0377 ;
-		switch( state ) {
-		case TEXT :
-			if ( token==S_VAR ) {
-				state= FIRST ;
-			} else {
-				gr_add(&result,token) ;
-			}
-			break ;
-		case FIRST :
-			switch ( token ) {
-			case S_VAR :
-				state= TEXT ;
-				gr_add(&result,token) ;
-				break ;
-			case A_VAR :
-			case C_VAR :
-				fatal("empty string variable name") ;
-			default :
-				state=NAME ;
-				gr_add(&name,token) ;
-				break ;
-			}
-			break ;
-		case NAME:
-			switch ( token ) {
-			case A_VAR :
-				gr_add(&name,0) ;
-				if ( tr=getvar(gr_start(name)) ) {
-					while ( *tr ) {
-						gr_add(&result,*tr++) ;
-					}
-					state=SKIP ;
-				} else {
-					state=COPY ;
-				}
-				gr_throw(&name) ;
-				break ;
-			case C_VAR :
-				gr_add(&name,0) ;
-				if ( tr=getvar(gr_start(name)) ) {
-					while ( *tr ) {
-					   gr_add(&result,*tr++);
-					}
-				} else {
-					werror("No definition for %s",
-						gr_start(name)) ;
-				}
-				state=TEXT ;
-				gr_throw(&name) ;
-				break ;
-			default:
-				gr_add(&name,token) ;
-				break ;
-			}
-			break ;
-		case SKIP :
-			if ( token==C_VAR ) state= TEXT ;
-			break ;
-		case COPY :
-			if ( token==C_VAR ) state= TEXT ; else {
-				gr_add(&result,token) ;
-			}
-			break ;
-		}
-	}
-	gr_add(&result,0) ;
-	if ( state!=TEXT ) {
-		werror("flag line misses %c",C_VAR) ;
-		gr_throw(&name) ;
-	}
-	return result ;
-growstring scanexpr(line) char *line ; {
-	/* Scan a line for conditional or flag expressions,
-	   dependent on the type. The format is
-	   S_EXPR suflist M_EXPR suflist T_EXPR tail C_EXPR
-	   the head and tail are passed to treat, together with the
-	   growstring for futher treatment.
-	   Nesting is not allowed.
-	*/
-	register char *in_c ;
-	char *heads ;
-	register int  token ;
-	growstring sufs, tailval ;
-	growstring result ;
-	static list_head fsuff, lsuff ;
-	enum { TEXT, FDOT, FSUF, LDOT, LSUF, FTAIL } state = TEXT ;
-	gr_init(&result) ; gr_init(&sufs) ; gr_init(&tailval) ;
-	for ( in_c= line ; *in_c ; in_c++ ) {
-		token= *in_c&0377 ;
-		switch( state ) {
-		case TEXT :
-			if ( token==S_EXPR ) {
-				state= FDOT ;
-				heads=in_c ;
-			} else gr_add(&result,token) ;
-			break ;
-		case FDOT :
-			if ( token==M_EXPR ) {
-				state=LDOT ;
-				break ;
-			}
-			token &= ~NO_SCAN ;
-			if ( token!=SUFCHAR ) {
-				error("Missing %c in expression",SUFCHAR) ;
-			}
-			gr_add(&sufs,token) ; state=FSUF ;
-			break ;
-		case FSUF :
-			if ( token==M_EXPR || (token&~NO_SCAN)==SUFCHAR) {
-				gr_add(&sufs,0) ;
-				l_add(&fsuff,gr_final(&sufs)) ;
-			}
-			if ( token==M_EXPR ) {
-				state=LDOT ;
-			} else gr_add(&sufs,token&~NO_SCAN) ;
-			break ;
-		case LDOT :
-			if ( token==T_EXPR ) {
-				state=FTAIL ;
-				break ;
-			}
-			token &= ~NO_SCAN ;
-			if ( token!=SUFCHAR ) {
-				error("Missing %c in expression",SUFCHAR) ;
-			}
-			gr_add(&sufs,token) ; state=LSUF ;
-			break ;
-		case LSUF :
-			if ( token==T_EXPR || (token&~NO_SCAN)==SUFCHAR) {
-				gr_add(&sufs,0) ;
-				l_add(&lsuff,gr_final(&sufs)) ;
-			}
-			if ( token==T_EXPR ) {
-				state=FTAIL ;
-			} else gr_add(&sufs,token&~NO_SCAN) ;
-			break ;
-		case FTAIL :
-			if ( token==C_EXPR ) {
-				/* Found one !! */
-				gr_add(&tailval,0) ;
-				condit(&result,&fsuff,&lsuff,gr_start(tailval)) ;
-				l_throw(&fsuff) ; l_throw(&lsuff) ;
-				gr_throw(&tailval) ;
-				state=TEXT ;
-			} else gr_add(&tailval,token) ;
-			break ;
-		}
-	}
-	gr_add(&result,0) ;
-	if ( state!=TEXT ) {
-		l_throw(&fsuff) ; l_throw(&lsuff) ; gr_throw(&tailval) ;
-		werror("flag line has unclosed expression starting with %6s",
-			heads) ;
-	}
-	return result ;
-condit(line,fsuff,lsuff,tailval) growstring *line ;
-	list_head *fsuff, *lsuff;
-	char *tailval ;
-	register list_elem *first ;
-	register list_elem *last ;
-#ifdef DEBUG
-	if ( debug>=4 ) vprint("Conditional for %s, ",tailval) ;
-	scanlist( l_first(*fsuff), first ) {
-		scanlist( l_first(*lsuff), last ) {
-			if ( strcmp(l_content(*first),l_content(*last))==0 ) {
-				/* Found */
-#ifdef DEBUG
-				if ( debug>=4 ) vprint(" matched\n") ;
-				while ( *tailval) gr_add(line,*tailval++ ) ;
-				return ;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-#ifdef DEBUG
-	if ( debug>=4) vprint(" non-matched\n") ;
-int mapflag(maplist,cflag) list_head *maplist ; char *cflag ; {
-	/* Expand a flag expression */
-	/* The flag "cflag" is checked for each of the mapflags.
-	   A mapflag entry has the form
-		-text NAME=replacement or -text*text NAME=replacement
-	   The star matches anything as in the shell.
-	   If the entry matches the assignment will take place
-	   This replacement is subjected to argument matching only.
-	   When a match took place the replacement is returned
-	   when not, (char *)0.
-	   The replacement sits in stable storage.
-	*/
-	register list_elem *elem ;
-	scanlist(l_first(*maplist),elem) {
-		if ( mapexpand(l_content(*elem),cflag) ) {
-			return 1 ;
-		}
-	}
-	return 0 ;
-int mapexpand(mapentry,cflag)
-	char *mapentry, *cflag ;
-	register char *star ;
-	register char *ptr ;
-	register char *space ;
-	int length ;
-	star=index(mapentry,STAR) ;
-	space=firstblank(mapentry) ;
-	if ( star >space ) star= (char *)0 ;
-	if ( star ) {
-		length= space-star-1 ;
-		if ( strncmp(mapentry,cflag,star-mapentry) ||
-		     strncmp(star+1,cflag+strlen(cflag)-length,length) ) {
-			return 0 ;
-		}
-		/* Match */
-		/* Now set star to the first char of the star
-		   replacement and length to its length
-		*/
-		length=strlen(cflag)-(star-mapentry)-length ;
-		if ( length<0 ) return 0 ;
-		star=cflag+(star-mapentry) ;
-#ifdef DEBUG
-		if ( debug>=6 ) {
-			vprint("Starmatch (%s,%s) %.*s\n",
-				mapentry,cflag,length,star) ;
-		}
-	} else {
-		if ( strncmp(mapentry,cflag,space-mapentry)!=0 ||
-		     cflag[space-mapentry] ) {
-			return 0 ;
-		}
-	}
-	ptr= skipblank(space) ;
-	if ( *ptr==0 ) return 1 ;
-	doassign(ptr,star,length) ;
-	return 1 ;
-doassign(line,star,length) char *line, *star ; {
-	growstring varval, name, temp ;
-	register char *ptr ;
-	gr_init(&varval) ;
-	gr_init(&name) ;
-	ptr= line ;
-	for ( ; *ptr && *ptr!=SPACE && *ptr!=TAB && *ptr!=EQUAL ; ptr++ ) {
-		gr_add(&name,*ptr) ;
-	}
-	ptr= index(ptr,EQUAL) ;
-	if ( !ptr ) {
-		error("Missing %c in assignment %s",EQUAL,line);
-		return ;
-	}
-	temp= scanvars(ptr+1) ;
-	for ( ptr=gr_start(temp); *ptr; ptr++ ) switch ( *ptr ) {
-	case STAR :
-		if ( star ) {
-			while ( length-- ) gr_add(&varval,*star++|NO_SCAN) ;
-			break ;
-		}
-	default :
-		gr_add(&varval,*ptr) ;
-		break ;
-	}
-	gr_throw(&temp) ;
-	setsvar(gr_final(&name),gr_final(&varval)) ;
-#define ISBLANK(c) ( (c)==SPACE || (c)==TAB )
-unravel(line,action) char *line ; int (*action)() ; {
-	/* Unravel the line, get arguments a la shell */
-	/* each argument is handled to action */
-	/* The input string is left intact */
-	register char *in_c ;
-	register int  token ;
-	enum { BLANK, ARG } state = BLANK ;
-	growstring argum ;
-	in_c=line ;
-	for (;;) {
-		token= *in_c&0377 ;
-		switch ( state ) {
-		case BLANK :
-			if ( token==0 ) break ;
-			if ( !ISBLANK(token) ) {
-				state= ARG ;
-				gr_init(&argum) ;
-				gr_add(&argum,token&~NO_SCAN) ;
-			}
-			break ;
-		case ARG :
-			if ( ISBLANK(token) || token==0 ) {
-				gr_add(&argum,0) ;
-				(*action)(gr_start(argum)) ;
-				gr_throw(&argum) ;
-				state=BLANK ;
-			} else {
-				gr_add(&argum,token&~NO_SCAN) ;
-			}
-			break ;
-		}
-		if ( token == 0 ) break ;
-		in_c++ ;
-	}
-char *c_rep(string,place,rep) char *string, *place, *rep ; {
-	/* Produce a string in stable storage produced from 'string'
-	   with the character at place replaced by rep
-	*/
-	growstring name ;
-	register char *nc ;
-	register char *xc ;
-	gr_init(&name) ;
-	for ( nc=string ; *nc && nc<place ; nc++ ) {
-		gr_add(&name,*nc) ;
-	}
-#ifdef DEBUG
-	if ( *nc==0 ) fatal("Place is not in string") ;
-	for ( xc=rep ; *xc ; xc++ ) gr_add(&name,*xc|NO_SCAN) ;
-	gr_add(&name,0) ;
-	gr_cat(&name,nc+1) ;
-	return gr_final(&name) ;
-static list_head *curargs ;
-addargs(string) char *string ; {
-	register char *temp, *repc ;
-	register list_elem *elem ;
-	repc=index(string,C_IN) ;
-	if ( repc ) {
-		/* INPUT FILE TOKEN seen, replace it and scan further */
-		if ( repc==string && string[1]==0 ) {
-			if ( in.p_path ) { /* All but combiner */
-				l_add(curargs,keeps(in.p_path)) ;
-			} else {
-				scanlist( l_first(c_arguments), elem ) {
-					l_add(curargs,l_content(*elem)) ;
-				}
-			}
-			return ;
-		}
-		if ( in.p_path ) { /* Not for the combiner */
-			temp=c_rep(string,repc,in.p_path) ;
-			addargs(temp) ;
-			throws(temp) ;
-		} else {           /* For the combiner */
-			scanlist( l_first(c_arguments), elem ) {
-				temp=c_rep(string,repc,l_content(*elem)) ;
-				addargs(temp) ;
-				throws(temp) ;
-			}
-		}
-		return ;
-	}
-	repc=index(string,C_OUT) ;
-	if ( repc ) {
-		/* replace the outfile token as with the infile token */
-#ifdef DEBUG
-		if ( !out.p_path ) fatal("missing output filename") ;
-		temp=c_rep(string,repc,out.p_path) ;
-		addargs(temp) ;
-		throws(temp) ;
-		return ;
-	}
-	temp= keeps(string) ;
-	clr_noscan(temp) ;
-	l_add(curargs,temp) ;
-getcallargs(phase) register trf *phase ; {
-	growstring arg1, arg2 ;
-	arg1= scanvars(phase->t_argd) ;
-#ifdef DEBUG
-	if ( debug>=3 ) { vprint("\tvars: ") ; prns(gr_start(arg1)) ; }
-	arg2= scanexpr(gr_start(arg1)) ;
-#ifdef DEBUG
-	if ( debug>=3 ) { vprint("\texpr: ") ; prns(gr_start(arg2)) ; }
-	gr_throw(&arg1) ;
-	curargs= &phase->t_args ;
-	unravel( gr_start(arg2), addargs ) ;
-	gr_throw(&arg2) ;
-discardargs(phase) register trf *phase ; {
-	l_throw(&phase->t_args) ;

+ 0 - 30

@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-/* This structure is the center of all actions */
-/* It contains the description of all phases,
-   the suffices they consume and produce and various properties */
-typedef struct transform trf;
-struct transform {
-	char    *t_in ;         /* Suffices in '.o.k' */
-	char    *t_out ;        /* Result '.suffix' or 'name' */
-	char    *t_name ;       /* The name of this transformation */
-	list_head t_mapf ;      /* Mapflags argument, uses varrep */
-	char    *t_argd ;       /* Argument descriptor, uses varrep */
-	char    *t_needed ;     /* Suffix indicating the libraries needed */
-	char    *t_rts ;        /* Suffix indicating the major language used*/
-	int     t_stdin:1 ;     /* The input is taken on stdin */
-	int     t_stdout:1 ;    /* The output comes on stdout */
-	int     t_combine:1 ;   /* Transform several files to one result */
-	int     t_visited:1 ;   /* NO before setup, YES after */
-	int     t_prep:2 ;      /* Needs preprocessor YES/NO/MAYBE */
-	int     t_optim:1 ;     /* Is optimizer */
-	int     t_isprep:1 ;    /* Is preprocessor */
-	int     t_keep:1 ;      /* Keep the output file */
-	char    *t_prog ;       /* Pathname for load file */
-	list_head t_flags ;     /* List of flags */
-	list_head t_args ;      /* List of arguments */
-	int     t_scan:1 ;      /* Used while finding path's */
-	int     t_do:1 ;        /* Is in path to execute */
-} ;
-#define t_cont(elem) ((trf *)l_content(elem))

+ 0 - 190

@@ -1,190 +0,0 @@
- * (c) copyright 1983 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
- *
- *          This product is part of the Amsterdam Compiler Kit.
- *
- * Permission to use, sell, duplicate or disclose this software must be
- * obtained in writing. Requests for such permissions may be sent to
- *
- *      Dr. Andrew S. Tanenbaum
- *      Wiskundig Seminarium
- *      Vrije Universiteit
- *      Postbox 7161
- *      1007 MC Amsterdam
- *      The Netherlands
- *
- */
-/*                                                                    */
-/*               Several utility routines used throughout ack         */
-/*               error handling, string handling and such.            */
-/*                                                                    */
-#include "ack.h"
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-extern  char    *progname ;
-extern  int     w_flag ;
-extern  int     n_error;
-extern  char    *calloc();
-extern  char    *realloc();
-#ifdef DEBUG
-# define STDOUT stdout
-# define STDOUT stderr
-char *basename(string) char *string ; {
-	static char retval[20] ;
-	char *last_dot, *last_start ;
-	register char *store;
-	register char *fetch ;
-	register int ctoken ;
-	last_dot= (char *)0 ;
-	last_start= string ;
-	for ( fetch=string ; ; fetch++ ) {
-		switch ( ctoken= *fetch&0377 ) {
-		case SUFCHAR : last_dot=fetch ; break ;
-		case '/'     : last_start=fetch+1 ; break ;
-		case  0      : goto out ;
-		}
-		if ( !isascii(ctoken) || !isprint(ctoken) ) {
-			werror("non-ascii characters in argument %s",string) ;
-		}
-	}
-	if ( ! *last_start ) fuerror("empty filename \"%s\"",string) ;
-	for ( fetch= last_start, store=retval ;
-		*fetch && fetch!=last_dot && store< &retval[sizeof retval-1] ;
-		      fetch++, store++ ) {
-				*store= *fetch ;
-	}
-	*store= 0 ;
-	return retval ;
-clr_noscan(str) char *str ; {
-	register char *ptr ;
-	for ( ptr=str ; *ptr ; ptr++ ) {
-		*ptr&= ~NO_SCAN ;
-	}
-char *skipblank(str) char *str ; {
-	register char *ptr ;
-	for ( ptr=str ; *ptr==SPACE || *ptr==TAB ; ptr++ ) ;
-	return ptr ;
-char *firstblank(str) char *str ; {
-	register char *ptr ;
-	for ( ptr=str ; *ptr && *ptr!=SPACE && *ptr!=TAB ; ptr++ ) ;
-	return ptr ;
-/* VARARGS1 */
-fatal(fmt,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7) char *fmt ; {
-	/* Fatal internal error */
-	fprintf(STDOUT,"%s: fatal internal error, ",progname) ;
-	fprintf(STDOUT,fmt,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7);
-	fprintf(STDOUT,"\n") ;
-	quit(-2) ;
-/* VARARGS1 */
-vprint(fmt,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7) char *fmt ; {
-	/* Diagnostic print, no auto NL */
-	fprintf(STDOUT,fmt,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7);
-#ifdef DEBUG
-prns(s) register char *s ; {
-	for ( ; *s ; s++ ) {
-		putc((*s&0377)&~NO_SCAN,STDOUT) ;
-	}
-	putc('\n',STDOUT) ;
-/* VARARGS1 */
-fuerror(fmt,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7) char *fmt ; {
-	/* Fatal user error */
-	fprintf(STDOUT,"%s: ",progname) ;
-	fprintf(STDOUT,fmt,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7);
-	fprintf(STDOUT,"\n") ;
-	quit(-1) ;
-/* VARARGS1 */
-werror(fmt,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7) char *fmt ; {
-	/* Warning user error, w_flag */
-	if ( w_flag ) return ;
-	fprintf(STDOUT,"%s: warning, ",progname) ;
-	fprintf(STDOUT,fmt,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7);
-	fprintf(STDOUT,"\n") ;
-/* VARARGS1 */
-error(fmt,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7) char *fmt ; {
-	/* User error, it is the callers responsibility to quit */
-	fprintf(STDOUT,"%s: ",progname) ;
-	fprintf(STDOUT,fmt,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7);
-	fprintf(STDOUT,"\n") ;
-	n_error++ ;
-do_flush() {
-	fflush(stdout) ;
-	fflush(stderr) ;
-noodstop() {
-	quit(-3) ;
-quit(code) {
-	rmtemps();
-	exit(code);
-	char *keeps(string)
-		Keep the string in stable storage.
-	throws(string)
-		Remove the string stored by keep from stable storage.
-char *keeps(str) char *str ; {
-	register char *result ;
-	result= getcore( (unsigned)(strlen(str)+1) ) ;
-	if ( !result ) fatal("Out of core") ;
-	return strcpy(result,str) ;
-throws(str) char *str ; {
-	freecore(str) ;
-char *getcore(size) unsigned size ; {
-	register char *retptr ;
-	retptr= calloc(1,size) ;
-	if ( !retptr ) fatal("Out of memory") ;
-	return retptr ;
-char *changecore(ptr,size) char *ptr ; unsigned size ; {
-	register char *retptr ;
-	retptr= realloc(ptr,size) ;
-	if ( !retptr ) fatal("Out of memory") ;
-	return retptr ;

+ 0 - 25

@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-# $Header$
-# LEXLIB is system dependent, try -ll or -lln first
-cgg:	bootgram.o
-	cc $(LDFLAGS) bootgram.o $(LIBS) $(LEXLIB) -o cgg
-install:	cgg
-	cp cgg ../../lib/cgg
-cmp:		cgg
-	cmp cgg ../../lib/cgg
-lint:	bootgram.c
-	lint $(LINTOPTS) bootgram.c
-	rm -f bootgram.o bootgram.c bootlex.c cgg
-bootgram.o:	bootlex.c
-bootgram.o:	../../h/cg_pattern.h

+ 0 - 2317

@@ -1,2317 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef NORCSID
-static char rcsid[]="$Header$";
- * (c) copyright 1983 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
- *
- *          This product is part of the Amsterdam Compiler Kit.
- *
- * Permission to use, sell, duplicate or disclose this software must be
- * obtained in writing. Requests for such permissions may be sent to
- *
- *      Dr. Andrew S. Tanenbaum
- *      Wiskundig Seminarium
- *      Vrije Universiteit
- *      Postbox 7161
- *      1007 MC Amsterdam
- *      The Netherlands
- *
- * Author: Hans van Staveren
- */
-#ifdef vax | vax2 | vax4
-#define BIG
-#ifdef BIG
-#define BORS(x,y) x
-#define BORS(x,y) y
-/* Tunable constants */
-#define MAXALLREG 5             /* Maximum number of allocates per rule */
-#define MAXREGS BORS(36,32)     /* Total number of registers */
-#define MAXREGVARS 8		/* Maximum regvars per type */
-#define MAXPROPS 16             /* Total number of register properties */
-#define MAXTOKENS BORS(75,32)   /* Different kind of tokens */
-#define MAXSETS BORS(100,80)    /* Number of tokenexpressions definable */
-#define MAXEMPATLEN 25		/* Maximum length of EM-pattern/replacement */
-#define TOKENSIZE 5             /* Maximum number of fields in token struct */
-#define MAXINSTANCE BORS(175,120) /* Maximum number of different tokeninstances */
-#define MAXSTRINGS BORS(600,400)/* Maximum number of different codestrings */
-#define MAXPATTERN BORS(7000,6000) /* Maximum number of bytes in pattern[] */
-#define MAXNODES BORS(450,350)  /* Maximum number of expression nodes */
-#define MAXMEMBERS 2            /* Maximum number of subregisters per reg */
-#define NMOVES BORS(50,30)      /* Maximum number of move definitions */
-#define MAXC1   20              /* Maximum of coercions type 1 */
-#define MAXC2   20              /* Maximum of coercions type 2 */
-#define MAXC3   20              /* Maximum of coercions type 3 */
-#define MAXSPLIT 4              /* Maximum degree of split */
-#define MAXNSTR 40		/* Maximum consecutive strings in coderule */
-/* Derived constants */
-#define SETSIZE ((MAXREGS+1+MAXTOKENS+15)>>4)
-#define PROPSETSIZE ((MAXPROPS+15)>>4)
-#define BMASK 0377
-#define BSHIFT 8
-#define TRUE    1
-#define FALSE   0
-#define MAXPATLEN 7             /* Maximum length of tokenpatterns */
-typedef char byte;
-typedef char * string;
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <em_spec.h>
-#include <em_flag.h>
-#include <em_reg.h>
-#include <cg_pattern.h>
-typedef struct list1str {
-	struct list1str *l1next;
-	string l1name;
-} *list1;
-typedef struct list2str {
-	struct list2str *l2next;
-	list1 l2list;
-} *list2;
-typedef struct list3str {
-	struct list3str *l3next;
-	list2 l3list;
-} *list3;
-typedef struct reginfo {
-	string rname;
-	string rrepr;
-	int rsize;
-	int rmembers[MAXMEMBERS];
-	int rregvar;
-	short rprop[PROPSETSIZE];
-} *reginfo;
-typedef struct tokeninfo {
-	string t_name;
-	list2 t_struct;
-	struct {
-		int t_type;
-		string t_sname;
-	} t_fields[TOKENSIZE-1];
-	int t_size;
-	cost_t t_cost;
-	int t_format;
-} token_t,*token_p;
-typedef struct ident {
-	struct ident *i_next;
-	string i_name;
-	int i_type;
-#               define IREG 1
-#               define IPRP 2
-#               define ITOK 3
-#               define IEXP 4
-	union {
-		int i_regno;
-		int i_prpno;
-		int i_tokno;
-		int i_expno;
-	} i_i;
-} ident_t,*ident_p;
-#define ITABSIZE 32
-ident_p identtab[ITABSIZE];
-#define LOOKUP          0
-#define HALFWAY         1
-#define ENTER           2
-#define JUSTLOOKING     3
-typedef struct expr {
-	int expr_typ;
-#               define TYPINT  1
-#               define TYPREG  2
-#               define TYPSTR  3
-#               define TYPBOOL 4
-	int expr_index;
-} expr_t,*expr_p;
-unsigned cc1=1,cc2=1,cc3=1,cc4=1;
-node_t  nodes[MAXNODES];
-node_p  lastnode=nodes+1;
-string codestrings[MAXSTRINGS];
-int ncodestrings;
-int strar[MAXNSTR];
-int nstr;
-int pathash[256];
-reginfo machregs[MAXREGS];
-char stregclass[MAXREGS];
-int nmachregs=1;
-int nregclasses=1;
-int maxmembers;
-struct {
-	ident_p propname;
-	set_t	propset;
-} machprops[MAXPROPS];
-int nprops=0;
-token_t machtokens[MAXTOKENS];
-int nmachtokens=1;
-set_t machsets[MAXSETS];
-int nmachsets=0;
-int patmnem[MAXEMPATLEN];
-int empatlen;
-int maxempatlen;
-int empatexpr;
-int maxrule=1;
-int pattokexp[MAXPATLEN];
-int tokpatlen;
-int lookident=0;        /* lexical analyzer flag */
-list3 structpool=0;
-int nallreg;
-int allreg[MAXALLREG];
-int maxallreg;
-int lino=0;
-int nerrors=0;
-int curtokexp;
-expr_t arexp[TOKENSIZE];
-int narexp;
-inst_t arinstance[MAXINSTANCE];
-int narinstance=1;
-move_t machmoves[NMOVES];
-int nmoves=0;
-byte pattern[MAXPATTERN];
-int npatbytes=0;
-int prevind;
-int rulecount;                  /* Temporary index for ... construct */
-int ncoderules=0;
-int codebytes=0;
-FILE *cfile;
-FILE *hfile;
-int maxtokensize=0;
-int dealflag;
-int emrepllen;
-int replmnem[MAXEMPATLEN];
-int tokrepllen;
-int replinst[MAXPATLEN];
-int replexpr[MAXPATLEN];
-c1_t c1coercs[MAXC1];
-c2_t c2coercs[MAXC2];
-c3_t c3coercs[MAXC3];
-int nc1=0,nc2=0,nc3=0;
-int maxsplit=0;
-int wsize= -1;
-int psize= -1;
-int bsize= -1;
-char *fmt=0;
-int cchandled;
-int ccspoiled;
-int ccregexpr;
-int ccinstanceno;
-int cocopropno;
-int cocosetno;
-int allexpno;
-int rvused;	/* regvars used */
-int nregvar[4];	/* # of register variables of all kinds */
-int rvnumbers[4][MAXREGVARS];	/* The register numbers */
-#define chktabsiz(size,maxsize,which) if(size>=maxsize) tabovf(which)
-#define MUST1BEINT(e) int exp1=e.expr_index;tstint(e)
-#define MUST2BEINT(e1,e2) int exp1=e1.expr_index,exp2=e2.expr_index;tstint(e1);tstint(e2)
-#define MUST1BEBOOL(e) int exp1=e.expr_index;tstbool(e)
-#define MUST2BEBOOL(e1,e2) int exp1=e1.expr_index,exp2=e2.expr_index;tstbool(e1);tstbool(e2)
-%union {
-	int yy_int;
-	int *yy_intp;
-	string yy_string;
-	list1 yy_list1;
-	list2 yy_list2;
-	expr_t yy_expr;
-	cost_t yy_cost;
-	set_t yy_set;
-	ident_p yy_ident;
-	char yy_char;
-	inst_t yy_instance;
-%type <yy_list1> list1,structlistel
-%type <yy_list2> structlist,structdecl
-%type <yy_expr> expr optexpr
-%type <yy_cost> optcost cost optcommacost
-%type <yy_int> optboolexpr optnocoerc mnem emargno tokargno optprop
-%type <yy_int> optcommabool optstack subreg tokenexpressionno optregvar
-%type <yy_int> tokeninstanceno code stackreplacement optslashnumber
-%type <yy_set> tokenexpression
-%type <yy_instance> tokeninstance
-%type <yy_string> optformat
-%token <yy_string> IDENT TYPENAME
-%token <yy_string> LSTRING,STRING
-%token <yy_int> NUMBER
-%token <yy_intp> CIDENT
-%token <yy_char> LCASELETTER
-%start machinespec
-%left OR2
-%left AND2
-%left '+','-'
-%left '*','/','%'
-%nonassoc NOT,COMP,UMINUS
-%nonassoc '$'
-	: rcsid constants registersection tokensection
-		{ inbetween(); }
-	  expressionsection codesection movesection testsection stacksection
-	;
-	: /* empty */
-		{ strlookup($1); }
-	;
-	: /* empty */
-	| constants CIDENT '=' NUMBER
-		{ *$2 = $4; }
-	| constants SIZEFAC '=' NUMBER optslashnumber
-		{ cc1 = $4; cc2 = $5; }
-	| constants TIMEFAC '=' NUMBER optslashnumber
-		{ cc3 = $4; cc4 = $5; }
-	| constants FORMAT '=' STRING
-		{ fmt = $4; }
-	;
-	: /* empty */
-		{ $$ = 1; }
-	| '/' NUMBER
-		{ $$ = $2; }
-	;
-	: REGISTERHEAD registerdefs
-	;
-	: /* empty */
-	| registerdefs registerdef
-	;
-	: IDENT '=' '(' STRING ',' NUMBER list1 ')' optregvar list1 '.'
-		{       register ident_p ip;
-			register list1 l;
-			register reginfo r;
-			int i;
-			r=(reginfo) myalloc(sizeof(struct reginfo));
-			r->rname = $1;
-			r->rrepr = $4;
-			r->rsize = $6;
-			if($9>=0 && $7!=0)
-				yyerror("No subregisters allowed in regvar");
-			for (i=0;i<MAXMEMBERS;i++)
-				r->rmembers[i] = 0;
-			i=0;
-			for (l=$7;l!=0;l=l->l1next) {
-				ip=ilookup(l->l1name,LOOKUP);
-				if (ip->i_type != IREG)
-					yyerror("Bad member of set");
-				chktabsiz(i,MAXMEMBERS,"Member of register");
-				r->rmembers[i++] = ip->i_i.i_regno;
-			}
-			maxmembers=max(maxmembers,i);
-			r->rregvar=$9;
-			if ($9>=0) {
-				rvused=1;
-				chktabsiz(nregvar[$9],MAXREGVARS,"Regvar");
-				rvnumbers[$9][nregvar[$9]++] = nmachregs;
-			}
-			for(i=0;i<PROPSETSIZE;i++)
-				r->rprop[i] = 0;
-			ip=ilookup($1,ENTER);
-			ip->i_type=IREG;
-			ip->i_i.i_regno=nmachregs;
-			for (l = $10; l!= 0; l=l->l1next) {
-				ip = ilookup(l->l1name,HALFWAY);
-				if (ip->i_type) {
-					if (ip->i_type != IPRP)
-						yyerror("Multiple defined symbol");
-					else if(machprops[ip->i_i.i_prpno].propset.set_size != r->rsize)
-						yyerror("property has more than 1 size");
-				} else {
-					chktabsiz(nprops,MAXPROPS,"Property");
-					ip->i_type = IPRP;
-					ip->i_i.i_prpno = nprops;
-					machprops[nprops].propname = ip;
-					machprops[nprops++].propset.set_size = r->rsize;
-				}
-				r->rprop[ip->i_i.i_prpno>>4] |= (1<<(ip->i_i.i_prpno&017));
-			}
-			chktabsiz(nmachregs,MAXREGS,"Register table");
-			machregs[nmachregs++] = r;
-		}
-	| error '.'
-	;
-	: /* nothing */
-		{ $$ = -1; }
-		{ $$ = reg_any; }
-	| REGVAR '(' LOOP ')'
-		{ $$ = reg_loop; }
-	| REGVAR '(' POINTER ')'
-		{ $$ = reg_pointer; }
-	| REGVAR '(' FLOAT ')'
-		{ $$ = reg_float; }
-	;
-	: TOKENHEAD tkdefs
-	;
-	: /* empty */
-	| tkdefs tkdef
-	;
-	: IDENT '=' structdecl NUMBER optcost optformat
-		{ register token_p tp;
-		  register ident_p ip;
-		  chktabsiz(nmachtokens,MAXTOKENS,"Token table");
-		  tp = &machtokens[nmachtokens];
-		  tp->t_name = $1;
-		  tp->t_struct = $3;
-		  tp->t_size = $4;
-		  tp->t_cost = $5;
-		  ip = ilookup($1,ENTER);
-		  ip->i_type = ITOK;
-		  ip->i_i.i_tokno = nmachtokens++;
-		  maxtokensize=max(maxtokensize,structsize($3));
-		  setfields(tp,$6);
-		}
-	| error
-	;
-	: '{' structlist '}'
-		{ $$ = lookstruct($2); }
-	;
-	: /* empty */
-		{ $$=0; }
-	| structlistel structlist
-		{ $$=(list2) myalloc(sizeof(struct list2str));
-		  $$->l2next = $2;
-		  $$->l2list = $1;
-		}
-	;
-	: TYPENAME list1 ';'
-		{ $$=(list1) myalloc(sizeof(struct list1str));
-		  $$->l1next = $2;
-		  $$->l1name = $1;
-		}
-	;
-optcost : /* empty */
-		{ $$.c_size = $$.c_time = 0; }
-	| COST '=' '(' expr ',' expr ')'
-		{ MUST2BEINT($4,$6);
-		  $$.c_size = exp1;
-		  $$.c_time = exp2;
-		}
-	;
-	: /* empty */
-		{ $$ = 0; }
-	;
-	: /* empty */
-	| EXPRESSIONHEAD tokenexpressions
-	;
-	: tokenexpressionline
-	| tokenexpressionline tokenexpressions
-	;
-	: IDENT '=' tokenexpression
-		{
-		  {     register ident_p ip;
-			chktabsiz(nmachsets,MAXSETS,"Expression table");
-			machsets[nmachsets] = $3;
-			ip=ilookup($1,ENTER);
-			ip->i_type = IEXP;
-			ip->i_i.i_expno = nmachsets++;
-		  }
-		}
-	| error
-	;
-		{ $$ = machprops[$1->i_i.i_prpno].propset; }
-		{ register i;
-		  for(i=0;i<SETSIZE;i++) $$.set_val[i]=0;
-		  $$.set_val[($1->i_i.i_tokno+nmachregs+1)>>4] |=
-			01<<(($1->i_i.i_tokno+nmachregs+1)&017);
-		  $$.set_size = machtokens[$1->i_i.i_tokno].t_size;
-		}
-		{ $$=machsets[$1->i_i.i_expno]; }
-	| tokenexpression '*' tokenexpression
-		{ register i;
-		  if (($$.set_size=$1.set_size)==0)
-			$$.set_size = $3.set_size;
-		  for (i=0;i<SETSIZE;i++)
-			$$.set_val[i] = $1.set_val[i] & $3.set_val[i];
-		}
-	| tokenexpression '+' tokenexpression
-		{ register i;
-		  if ($1.set_size == -1)
-			$$.set_size = $3.set_size;
-		  else if ($3.set_size == -1)
-			$$.set_size = $1.set_size;
-		  else if ($1.set_size == $3.set_size)
-			$$.set_size = $1.set_size;
-		  else
-			$$.set_size = 0;
-		  for (i=0;i<SETSIZE;i++)
-			$$.set_val[i] = $1.set_val[i] | $3.set_val[i];
-		}
-	| tokenexpression '-' tokenexpression
-		{ register i;
-		  if ($1.set_size == -1)
-			$$.set_size = $3.set_size;
-		  else if ($3.set_size == -1)
-			$$.set_size = $1.set_size;
-		  else if ($1.set_size == $3.set_size)
-			$$.set_size = $1.set_size;
-		  else
-			$$.set_size = 0;
-		  for (i=0;i<SETSIZE;i++)
-			$$.set_val[i] = $1.set_val[i] & ~ $3.set_val[i];
-		}
-	| '(' tokenexpression ')'
-		{ $$ = $2; }
-	;
-	: CODEHEAD coderules
-	;
-	: coderule
-	| coderules coderule
-	;
-	: { nallreg=emrepllen=tokrepllen=0; }
-		empattern SEP stackpattern SEP code SEP stackreplacement SEP
-		emreplacement SEP cost
-			{ int i;
-			  if (emrepllen) {
-				outbyte(DO_EMREPLACE+(emrepllen<<5));
-				for (i=0;i<emrepllen;i++) {
-					out(replmnem[i]);
-					out(replexpr[i]);
-				}
-			  }
-			  if ($8==0) {
-				  outbyte(DO_TOKREPLACE+(tokrepllen<<5));
-				  for(i=0;i<tokrepllen;i++)
-					out(replinst[i]);
-			  } else {
-				static int warncount=0;
-				if (!warncount++)
-					fprintf(stderr,
-		"WARNING: convert to stacksection, will disappear soon");
-				outbyte(DO_TOKREPLACE);
-			  }
-			  if ($12.c_size!=0 || $12.c_time!=0) {
-				  outbyte(DO_COST);
-				  out($12.c_size);
-				  out($12.c_time);
-			  }
-			  outbyte(empatlen==0? DO_RETURN : DO_NEXTEM);
-			  fprintf(cfile,"\n");
-			  ncoderules++;
-			  maxallreg=max(maxallreg,nallreg);
-			  if (empatlen==0) { /* coercion */
-				if (tokrepllen<1 && $8==0)
-					yyerror("No replacement in coercion");
-				if (tokpatlen>1)
-					yyerror("Token pattern too long");
-				if ($8!=0) { /* stacking */
-					c1_p cp;
-					chktabsiz(nc1,MAXC1,"Coerc table 1");
-					cp = &c1coercs[nc1++];
-					cp->c1_texpno = pattokexp[1];
-					cp->c1_prop = -1;
-					cp->c1_codep = $6;
-				} else if (tokrepllen>1) { /* splitting */
-					c2_p cp;
-					chktabsiz(nc2,MAXC2,"Coerc table 2");
-					cp= &c2coercs[nc2++];
-					cp->c2_texpno = pattokexp[1];
-					cp->c2_nsplit = tokrepllen;
-					maxsplit=max(maxsplit,tokrepllen);
-					for (i=0;i<tokrepllen;i++)
-						cp->c2_repl[i] = replinst[i];
-					cp->c2_codep = $6;
-					if (nallreg>0)
-						yyerror("No allocates allowed here");
-				} else { /* one to one coercion */
-					c3_p cp;
-					chktabsiz(nc3,MAXC3,"Coerc table 3");
-					cp= &c3coercs[nc3++];
-					if (tokpatlen)
-						cp->c3_texpno = pattokexp[1];
-					else
-						cp->c3_texpno = 0;
-					if (nallreg>1)
-						yyerror("Too many allocates in coercion");
-					cp->c3_prop = nallreg==0 ? 0 : allreg[0];
-					cp->c3_repl = replinst[0];
-					cp->c3_codep = $6;
-				}
-			  }
-			}
-	| error
-	;
-	: /* empty */
-		{ empatlen=0; }
-	| mnemlist optboolexpr
-		{ register i;
-		  empatexpr = $2;
-		  patbyte(0);
-		  patshort(prevind);
-		  prevind = npatbytes - 3;
-		  maxempatlen = max(empatlen,maxempatlen);
-		  pat(empatlen);
-		  for(i=1;i<=empatlen;i++)
-			patbyte(patmnem[i]);
-		  pat(empatexpr);
-		  rulecount = npatbytes;
-		  patbyte(1);   /* number of different rules with this pattern */
-		  pat(codebytes);       /* first rule */
-		}
-		{ pattern[rulecount]++;
-		  maxrule= max(maxrule,pattern[rulecount]);
-		  pat(codebytes);
-		}
-	;
-	:       mnem
-		{ empatlen = 1; patmnem[empatlen] = $1; }
-	|       mnemlist mnem
-		{ chktabsiz(empatlen+1,MAXEMPATLEN,"EM pattern");
-		  patmnem[++empatlen] = $2;
-		}
-	;
-mnem    :       IDENT
-		{ if(strlen($1)!=3 || ($$=mlookup($1))==0)
-			yyerror("not an EM-mnemonic");
-		}
-	;
-	: optnocoerc tokenexpressionlist optstack
-		{ register i;
-		  if (tokpatlen != 0) {
-			  outbyte(($1 ? ( $3 ? DO_XXMATCH: DO_XMATCH ) : DO_MATCH)+(tokpatlen<<5));
-			  for(i=1;i<=tokpatlen;i++) {
-				out(pattokexp[i]);
-			  }
-		  }
-		  if ($3 && tokpatlen==0 && empatlen==0) {
-			  outbyte(DO_COERC);
-		  }
-		  if ($3 && !$1 && empatlen!=0) {
-			outbyte(DO_REMOVE);
-			out(allexpno);
-		  }
-		}
-	;
-	: /* empty */
-		{ $$ = 0; }
-	| NOCOERC ':'
-		{ $$ = 1; }
-	;
-	: /* empty */
-		{ tokpatlen = 0; }
-	| tokenexpressionlist tokenexpressionno
-		{ chktabsiz(tokpatlen+1,MAXPATLEN,"Token pattern");
-		  pattokexp[++tokpatlen] = $2;
-		  if (machsets[$2].set_size==0)
-			yyerror("Various sized set in tokenpattern");
-		}
-	;
-	: tokenexpression
-		{ $$ = exprlookup($1); }
-	;
-	:       /* empty */
-		{ $$ = 0; }
-	|       STACK
-		{ $$ = 1; }
-	;
-code    :
-		{ $$ = codebytes; cchandled=ccspoiled=0; }
-	  initcode restcode
-		{ if (cchandled==0 && ccspoiled!=0) {
-			outbyte(DO_ERASE);
-			out(ccregexpr);
-		  }
-		}
-	;
-	: /* empty */
-	| initcode remove
-	| initcode allocate
-	;
-	: REMOVE '(' tokenexpressionno
-		{ curtokexp = $3; }
-	  optcommabool ')'
-		{ outbyte(DO_REMOVE+ ($5!=0 ? 32 : 0));
-		  out($3);
-		  if ($5!=0) out($5);
-		}
-	| REMOVE '(' expr ')'
-		{ if ($3.expr_typ != TYPREG)
-			yyerror("Expression must be register");
-		  outbyte(DO_RREMOVE);
-		  out($3.expr_index);
-		}
-	;
-	: /* empty */
-		{ $$ = 0; }
-	| ',' expr
-		{ MUST1BEBOOL($2);
-		  $$ = exp1;
-		}
-	;
-restcode: /* empty */
-	| restcode LSTRING expr
-		{ outbyte(DO_LOUTPUT);
-		  out(stringno($2));
-		  free($2);
-		  out($3.expr_index);
-		  ccspoiled++;
-		}
-	| restcode stringlist
-		{ int i;
-		  for(i=0;nstr>0;i++,nstr--) {
-			if (i%8==0) outbyte(DO_ROUTPUT+(nstr>7 ? 7 : nstr-1)*32);
-			out(strar[i]);
-		  }
-		  ccspoiled++;
-		}
-	| restcode RETURN
-		{ outbyte(DO_PRETURN); }
-	| restcode move
-	| restcode erase
-	| restcode NOCC
-		{ outbyte(DO_ERASE);
-		  out(ccregexpr);
-		  cchandled++;
-		}
-	| restcode SAMECC
-		{ cchandled++; }
-	| restcode SETCC '(' tokeninstanceno ')'
-		{ outbyte(DO_MOVE);
-		  out(ccinstanceno);
-		  out($4);
-		  cchandled++;
-		}
-	| restcode TEST '(' tokeninstanceno ')'
-		{ outbyte(DO_MOVE);
-		  out($4);
-		  out(ccinstanceno);
-		  ccspoiled=0;
-		}
-	;
-		{ nstr=1;
-		  strar[0]=stringno($1);
-		  free($1);
-		}
-	| stringlist STRING
-		{ chktabsiz(nstr,MAXNSTR,"Consecutiv strings");
-		  strar[nstr++] = stringno($2);
-		  free($2);
-		}
-	;
-	: MOVE '(' tokeninstanceno ',' tokeninstanceno ')'
-		{ outbyte(DO_MOVE);
-		  out($3);
-		  out($5);
-		}
-	;
-	: ERASE '(' expr ')'
-		{ outbyte(DO_ERASE);
-		  out($3.expr_index);
-		  if($3.expr_typ != TYPREG)
-			yyerror("Bad argument of erase");
-		}
-	;
-	: ALLOCATE { dealflag=0; } '(' alloclist ')'
-		{ if (dealflag)
-			outbyte(DO_REALLOCATE);
-		}
-	;
-	: allocel
-	| alloclist optcomma allocel
-	;
-	: tokeninstanceno       /* deallocate */
-		{ outbyte(DO_DEALLOCATE);
-		  out($1);
-		  dealflag++;
-		}
-		{ allreg[nallreg++] = $1->i_i.i_prpno;
-		  outbyte(DO_ALLOCATE);
-		  out($1->i_i.i_prpno);
-		}
-	| PIDENT '=' tokeninstanceno
-		{ allreg[nallreg++] = $1->i_i.i_prpno;
-		  outbyte(DO_ALLOCATE+32);
-		  out($1->i_i.i_prpno);
-		  out($3);
-		}
-	;
-	: /* empty */
-		{ $$=0; }
-		{ $$=1; }
-	| '{' STACK '}'
-		{ $$=1; }
-	| stackrepllist
-		{ $$=0; }
-	;
-	: tokeninstanceno
-		{ tokrepllen=1; replinst[0] = $1; }
-	| stackrepllist tokeninstanceno
-		{ chktabsiz(tokrepllen+1,MAXPATLEN,"Stack replacement");
-		  replinst[tokrepllen++] = $2;
-		}
-	;
-	: /* empty, normal case */
-	| emrepllist
-	;
-	: mnem optexpr
-		{ emrepllen=1;
-		  replmnem[0]=$1;
-		  replexpr[0]=$2.expr_index;
-		}
-	| emrepllist mnem optexpr
-		{ chktabsiz(emrepllen+1,MAXEMPATLEN,"EM replacement");
-		  replmnem[emrepllen]=$2;
-		  replexpr[emrepllen]=$3.expr_index;
-		  emrepllen++;
-		}
-	;
-cost    : /* empty */
-		{ $$.c_size = $$.c_time = 0;
-		}
-	| '(' expr ',' expr ')'
-		{ MUST2BEINT($2,$4);
-		  $$.c_size = exp1;
-		  $$.c_time = exp2;
-		}
-	| cost '+' '%' '[' tokargno ']'
-		{ $$.c_size = lookup(1,EX_PLUS,$1.c_size,
-					lookup(0,EX_COST,$5,0));
-		  $$.c_time = lookup(1,EX_PLUS,$1.c_time,
-					lookup(0,EX_COST,$5,1));
-		}
-	;
-	: MOVEHEAD movedefs
-	;
-	: movedef
-	| movedefs movedef
-	;
-	: '(' tokenexpressionno
-		{ curtokexp = $2; }
-	  optboolexpr ',' tokenexpressionno
-		{ curtokexp = $6;
-		  pattokexp[1] = $2;
-		  pattokexp[2] = $6;
-		  tokpatlen=2;
-		}
-	  optboolexpr ',' code optcommacost ')'
-		{ register move_p mp;
-		  outbyte(DO_RETURN);
-		  fprintf(cfile,"\n");
-		  chktabsiz(nmoves,NMOVES,"Move definition table");
-		  mp = &machmoves[nmoves++];
-		  mp->m_set1 = $2;
-		  mp->m_expr1= $4;
-		  mp->m_set2 = $6;
-		  mp->m_expr2= $8;
-		  mp->m_cindex=$10;
-		  mp->m_cost = $11;
-		}
-	| error
-	;
-	: /* empty */
-	| TESTHEAD testdefs
-	;
-testdefs: testdef
-	| testdefs testdef
-	;
-testdef : '(' tokenexpressionno
-		{ curtokexp = $2;
-		  pattokexp[1] = $2;
-		  pattokexp[2] = cocosetno;
-		  tokpatlen=2;
-		}
-	  optboolexpr ',' code optcommacost ')'
-		{ register move_p mp;
-		  outbyte(DO_RETURN);
-		  fprintf(cfile,"\n");
-		  chktabsiz(nmoves,NMOVES,"Move definition table(tests)");
-		  mp = &machmoves[nmoves++];
-		  mp->m_set1 = $2;
-		  mp->m_expr1 = $4;
-		  mp->m_set2 = cocosetno;
-		  mp->m_expr2 = 0;
-		  mp->m_cindex = $6;
-		  mp->m_cost = $7;
-		}
-	;
-	: STACKHEAD stackdefs
-	| /* empty */
-	;
-	: stackdef
-	| stackdefs stackdef
-	;
-	: '(' tokenexpressionno
-		{ curtokexp = $2;
-		  pattokexp[1] = $2;
-		  tokpatlen=1;
-		}
-	  optboolexpr ',' optprop ',' code optcommacost ')'
-		{ register c1_p cp;
-		  outbyte(DO_TOKREPLACE);
-		  outbyte(DO_RETURN);
-		  fprintf(cfile,"\n");
-		  chktabsiz(nc1,MAXC1,"Stacking table");
-		  cp = &c1coercs[nc1++];
-		  cp->c1_texpno = $2;
-		  cp->c1_expr = $4;
-		  cp->c1_prop = $6;
-		  cp->c1_codep = $8;
-		  cp->c1_cost = $9;
-		}
-	;
-	: /* empty */
-		{ $$ = -1; }
-		{ $$ = $1->i_i.i_prpno; }
-	;
-	: /* empty */
-		{ $$.c_size = 0; $$.c_time = 0;}
-	| ',' cost
-		{ $$ = $2; }
-	;
-list1   : /* empty */
-		{ $$ = 0; }
-	| optcomma IDENT list1
-		{ $$=(list1) myalloc(sizeof(struct list1str));
-		  $$->l1next = $3;
-		  $$->l1name = $2;
-		}
-	;
-optcomma: /* nothing */
-	| ','
-	;
-emargno : NUMBER
-		{ if ($1<1 || $1>empatlen)
-			yyerror("Number after $ out of range");
-		  $$ = $1;
-		}
-	;
-		{ if ($1<1 || $1>tokpatlen)
-			yyerror("Number within %[] out of range");
-		  $$ = $1;
-		}
-	;
-expr    : '$' emargno
-		{ $$.expr_index = lookup(0,EX_ARG,$2,0); $$.expr_typ = argtyp(patmnem[$2]);
-		}
-		{ $$.expr_index = lookup(0,EX_CON,(int)($1&0177777),(int)($1>>16));
-		  $$.expr_typ = TYPINT;
-		}
-		{ $$.expr_index = lookup(0,EX_STRING,strlookup($1),0);
-		  $$.expr_typ = TYPSTR;
-		}
-		{ $$.expr_index = lookup(0,EX_REG,$1->i_i.i_regno,0);
-		  $$.expr_typ = TYPREG;
-		}
-	| '%' '[' tokargno '.' IDENT ']'
-		{ $$.expr_index = lookup(0,EX_TOKFIELD,$3,
-		     findstructel(pattokexp[$3],$5,&$$.expr_typ));
-		}
-	| '%' '[' tokargno subreg ']'
-		{ chkregexp(pattokexp[$3]);
-		  $$.expr_index = lookup(0,EX_SUBREG,$3,$4);
-		  $$.expr_typ = TYPREG;
-		}
-	| '%' '[' LCASELETTER subreg ']'
-		{ if ($3 >= 'a'+nallreg)
-			yyerror("Bad letter in %[x] construct");
-		  $$.expr_index = lookup(0,EX_ALLREG,$3-'a'+1,$4);
-		  $$.expr_typ = TYPREG;
-		}
-	| '%' '[' IDENT ']'
-		{ $$.expr_index = lookup(0,EX_TOKFIELD,0,
-		     findstructel(curtokexp,$3,&$$.expr_typ));
-		}
-	| TOSTRING '(' expr ')'
-		{ MUST1BEINT($3);
-		  $$.expr_index = lookup(0,EX_TOSTRING,exp1,0);
-		  $$.expr_typ = TYPSTR;
-		}
-	| DEFINED '(' expr ')'
-		{ $$.expr_index = lookup(0,EX_DEFINED,$3.expr_index,0);
-		  $$.expr_typ = TYPBOOL;
-		}
-	| SAMESIGN '(' expr ',' expr ')'
-		{ MUST2BEINT($3,$5);
-		  $$.expr_index = lookup(1,EX_SAMESIGN,exp1,exp2);
-		  $$.expr_typ = TYPBOOL;
-		}
-	| SFIT '(' expr ',' expr ')'
-		{ MUST2BEINT($3,$5);
-		  $$.expr_index = lookup(0,EX_SFIT,exp1,exp2);
-		  $$.expr_typ = TYPBOOL;
-		}
-	| UFIT '(' expr ',' expr ')'
-		{ MUST2BEINT($3,$5);
-		  $$.expr_index = lookup(0,EX_UFIT,exp1,exp2);
-		  $$.expr_typ = TYPBOOL;
-		}
-	| ROM '(' emargno ',' NUMBER ')'
-		{ if ($5<1 || $5>3)
-			yyerror("Second argument of rom must be >=1 and <=3");
-		  $$.expr_index = lookup(0,EX_ROM,$3-1,$5-1);
-		  $$.expr_typ = TYPINT;
-		}
-	| LOWW '(' emargno ')'
-		{
-		  $$.expr_index = lookup(0,EX_LOWW,$3-1,0);
-		  $$.expr_typ = TYPINT;
-		}
-	| HIGHW '(' emargno ')'
-		{
-		  $$.expr_index = lookup(0,EX_HIGHW,$3-1,0);
-		  $$.expr_typ = TYPINT;
-		}
-	| '(' expr ')'
-		{ $$ = $2; }
-	| expr CMPEQ expr
-		{ switch(commontype($1,$3)) {
-		  case TYPINT:
-			$$.expr_index = lookup(1,EX_NCPEQ,$1.expr_index,$3.expr_index);
-			break;
-		  case TYPSTR:
-			$$.expr_index = lookup(1,EX_SCPEQ,$1.expr_index,$3.expr_index);
-			break;
-		  case TYPREG:
-			$$.expr_index = lookup(1,EX_RCPEQ,$1.expr_index,$3.expr_index);
-			break;
-		  }
-		  $$.expr_typ = TYPBOOL;
-		}
-	| expr CMPNE expr
-		{ switch(commontype($1,$3)) {
-		  case TYPINT:
-			$$.expr_index = lookup(1,EX_NCPNE,$1.expr_index,$3.expr_index);
-			break;
-		  case TYPSTR:
-			$$.expr_index = lookup(1,EX_SCPNE,$1.expr_index,$3.expr_index);
-			break;
-		  case TYPREG:
-			$$.expr_index = lookup(1,EX_RCPNE,$1.expr_index,$3.expr_index);
-			break;
-		  }
-		  $$.expr_typ = TYPBOOL;
-		}
-	| expr CMPGT expr
-		{ MUST2BEINT($1,$3);
-		  $$.expr_index = lookup(0,EX_NCPGT,exp1,exp2);
-		  $$.expr_typ = TYPBOOL;
-		}
-	| expr CMPGE expr
-		{ MUST2BEINT($1,$3);
-		  $$.expr_index = lookup(0,EX_NCPGE,exp1,exp2);
-		  $$.expr_typ = TYPBOOL;
-		}
-	| expr CMPLT expr
-		{ MUST2BEINT($1,$3);
-		  $$.expr_index = lookup(0,EX_NCPLT,exp1,exp2);
-		  $$.expr_typ = TYPBOOL;
-		}
-	| expr CMPLE expr
-		{ MUST2BEINT($1,$3);
-		  $$.expr_index = lookup(0,EX_NCPLE,exp1,exp2);
-		  $$.expr_typ = TYPBOOL;
-		}
-	| expr OR2 expr
-		{ MUST2BEBOOL($1,$3);
-		  $$.expr_index = lookup(0,EX_OR2,exp1,exp2);
-		  $$.expr_typ = TYPBOOL;
-		}
-	| expr AND2 expr
-		{ MUST2BEBOOL($1,$3);
-		  $$.expr_index = lookup(0,EX_AND2,exp1,exp2);
-		  $$.expr_typ = TYPBOOL;
-		}
-	| expr '+' expr
-		{ switch(commontype($1,$3)) {
-		  case TYPINT:
-			$$.expr_index = lookup(1,EX_PLUS,$1.expr_index,$3.expr_index);
-			break;
-		  case TYPSTR:
-			$$.expr_index = lookup(0,EX_CAT,$1.expr_index,$3.expr_index);
-			break;
-		  default:
-			yyerror("Bad types");
-		  }
-		  $$.expr_typ = $1.expr_typ;
-		}
-	| expr '-' expr
-		{ MUST2BEINT($1,$3);
-		  $$.expr_index = lookup(0,EX_MINUS,exp1,exp2);
-		  $$.expr_typ = TYPINT;
-		}
-	| expr '*' expr
-		{ MUST2BEINT($1,$3);
-		  $$.expr_index = lookup(1,EX_TIMES,exp1,exp2);
-		  $$.expr_typ = TYPINT;
-		}
-	| expr '/' expr
-		{ MUST2BEINT($1,$3);
-		  $$.expr_index = lookup(0,EX_DIVIDE,exp1,exp2);
-		  $$.expr_typ = TYPINT;
-		}
-	| expr '%' expr
-		{ MUST2BEINT($1,$3);
-		  $$.expr_index = lookup(0,EX_MOD,exp1,exp2);
-		  $$.expr_typ = TYPINT;
-		}
-	| expr LSHIFT expr
-		{ MUST2BEINT($1,$3);
-		  $$.expr_index = lookup(0,EX_LSHIFT,exp1,exp2);
-		  $$.expr_typ = TYPINT;
-		}
-	| expr RSHIFT expr
-		{ MUST2BEINT($1,$3);
-		  $$.expr_index = lookup(0,EX_RSHIFT,exp1,exp2);
-		  $$.expr_typ = TYPINT;
-		}
-	| NOT expr
-		{ MUST1BEBOOL($2);
-		  $$.expr_index = lookup(0,EX_NOT,exp1,0);
-		  $$.expr_typ = TYPBOOL;
-		}
-	| COMP expr
-		{ MUST1BEINT($2);
-		  $$.expr_index = lookup(0,EX_COMP,exp1,0);
-		  $$.expr_typ = TYPINT;
-		}
-	| INREG '(' expr ')'
-		{ MUST1BEINT($3);
-		  $$.expr_index = lookup(0,EX_INREG,exp1,0);
-		  $$.expr_typ = TYPINT;
-		}
-	| REGVAR '(' expr ')'
-		{ MUST1BEINT($3);
-		  $$.expr_index = lookup(0,EX_REGVAR,exp1,0);
-		  $$.expr_typ = TYPREG;
-		}
-	| '-' expr %prec UMINUS
-		{ MUST1BEINT($2);
-		  $$.expr_index = lookup(0,EX_UMINUS,exp1,0);
-		  $$.expr_typ = TYPINT;
-		}
-	;
-subreg  : /* empty */
-		{ $$=0; }
-	| '.' NUMBER
-		{ $$=$2; }
-	;
-	: /* empty */
-		{ $$ = 0; }
-	| expr
-		{ MUST1BEBOOL($1);
-		  $$=exp1;
-		}
-	;
-	: /* empty */
-		{ $$.expr_typ=0;
-		  $$.expr_index=0;
-		}
-	| expr
-	;
-	: tokeninstance
-		{ $$ = instno($1); }
-	;
-	: '%' '[' tokargno subreg ']'
-		{ register i;
-		  if ($4!=0)
-			  chkregexp(pattokexp[$3]);
-		  $$.in_which = IN_COPY;
-		  $$.in_info[0] = $3;
-		  $$.in_info[1] = $4;
-		  for (i=2;i<TOKENSIZE;i++)
-			$$.in_info[i] = 0;
-		}
-	| '%' '[' tokargno '.' IDENT ']'
-		{ int typ;
-		  register i;
-		  $$.in_which = IN_COPY;
-		  $$.in_info[0] = $3;
-		  $$.in_info[1] = findstructel(pattokexp[$3],$5,&typ);
-		  if (typ != TYPREG)
-			yyerror("Must be register");
-		  for (i=2;i<TOKENSIZE;i++)
-			$$.in_info[i] = 0;
-		}
-		{ register i;
-		  $$.in_which = IN_RIDENT;
-		  $$.in_info[0] = $1->i_i.i_regno;
-		  for (i=1;i<TOKENSIZE;i++)
-			$$.in_info[i] = 0;
-		}
-	| REGVAR '(' expr ')'
-		{ register i;
-		  MUST1BEINT($3);
-		  $$.in_which = IN_REGVAR;
-		  $$.in_info[0] = exp1;
-		  for (i=1;i<TOKENSIZE;i++)
-			$$.in_info[i] = 0;
-		}
-	| '%' '[' LCASELETTER subreg ']'
-		{ register i;
-		  if ($3 >= 'a'+nallreg)
-			yyerror("Bad letter in %[x] construct");
-		  $$.in_which = IN_ALLOC;
-		  $$.in_info[0] = $3-'a';
-		  $$.in_info[1] = $4;
-		  for (i=2;i<TOKENSIZE;i++)
-			$$.in_info[i] = 0;
-		}
-	| '{' TIDENT attlist '}'
-		{ register i;
-		  $$.in_which = IN_DESCR;
-		  $$.in_info[0] = $2->i_i.i_tokno;
-		  for(i=0;i<narexp;i++) {
-			if (arexp[i].expr_typ !=
-			      machtokens[$2->i_i.i_tokno].t_fields[i].t_type)
-				yyerror("Attribute %d has wrong type",i+1);
-			$$.in_info[i+1] = arexp[i].expr_index;
-		  }
-		  for (i=narexp+1;i<TOKENSIZE;i++) {
-			if (machtokens[$2->i_i.i_tokno].t_fields[i-1].t_type!=0)
-				yyerror("Too few attributes");
-			$$.in_info[i] = 0;
-		  }
-		}
-	;
-	: /* empty */
-		{ narexp = 0; }
-	| attlist ',' expr
-		{ arexp[narexp++] = $3; }
-	;
-char * myalloc(n) {
-	register char *p;
-	p= (char*) malloc(n);
-	if (p==0) {
-		yyerror("Out of core");
-		exit(1);
-	}
-	return(p);
-tstint(e) expr_t e; {
-	if(e.expr_typ != TYPINT)
-		yyerror("Must be integer expression");
-tstbool(e) expr_t e; {
-	if(e.expr_typ != TYPBOOL)
-		yyerror("Must be boolean expression");
-structsize(s) register list2 s; {
-	register list1 l;
-	register sum;
-	sum = 0;
-	while ( s != 0 ) {
-		l = s->l2list->l1next;
-		while ( l != 0 ) {
-			sum++;
-			l = l->l1next;
-		}
-		s = s->l2next;
-	}
-	return(sum);
-list2 lookstruct(ll) list2 ll; {
-	list3 l3;
-	list2 l21,l22;
-	list1 l11,l12;
-	for (l3=structpool;l3 != 0;l3=l3->l3next) {
-		for (l21=l3->l3list,l22=ll;l21!=0 && l22!=0;
-		     l21=l21->l2next,l22=l22->l2next) {
-			for(l11=l21->l2list,l12=l22->l2list;
-			    l11!=0 && l12!=0 && strcmp(l11->l1name,l12->l1name)==0;
-			    l11=l11->l1next,l12=l12->l1next)
-				;
-			if (l11!=0 || l12!=0)
-				goto contin;
-		}
-		if(l21==0 && l22==0)
-			return(l3->l3list);
-		contin:;
-	}
-	l3 = (list3) myalloc(sizeof(struct list3str));
-	l3->l3next=structpool;
-	l3->l3list=ll;
-	structpool=l3;
-	return(ll);
-instno(inst) inst_t inst; {
-	register i,j;
-	for(i=1;i<narinstance;i++) {
-		if (arinstance[i].in_which != inst.in_which)
-			continue;
-		for(j=0;j<TOKENSIZE;j++)
-			if(arinstance[i].in_info[j] != inst.in_info[j])
-				goto cont;
-		return(i);
-	cont:;
-	}
-	chktabsiz(narinstance,MAXINSTANCE,"Instance table");
-	arinstance[narinstance] = inst;
-	return(narinstance++);
-string scopy(s) string s; {
-	register string t;
-	t = (char *) myalloc(strlen(s)+1);
-	strcpy(t,s);
-	return(t);
-strlookup(s) string s; {
-	register i;
-	for(i=0;i<ncodestrings;i++)
-		if(strcmp(s,codestrings[i])==0)
-			return(i);
-	chktabsiz(ncodestrings,MAXSTRINGS,"string table");
-	codestrings[ncodestrings] = scopy(s);
-	return(ncodestrings++);
-stringno(s) register string s; {
-	char buf[256];
-	register char *p=buf;
-	while(*s != 0) switch(*s) {
-	default:
-		*p++ = *s++;
-		continue;
-	case '$':
-		s++;
-		switch(*s) {
-		default:
-			yyerror("Bad character after $ in codestring");
-		case '$':
-			*p++ = *s++;
-			continue;
-		case '1':
-		case '2':
-		case '3':
-		case '4':
-		case '5':
-		case '6':
-		case '7':
-		case '8':
-		case '9':
-			*p++ = argtyp(patmnem[*s-'0']) == TYPINT ?
-			*p++ = *s++ -'0';
-			continue;
-		}
-	case '%':
-		s++;
-		if (*s != '[') {
-			if(*s == '%') {
-				*p++ = *s++;
-				continue;
-			} else
-				yyerror("Bad character following %% in codestring");
-		} else
-			s++;
-		if(isdigit(*s)) {
-			int num;
-			num = *s++ - '0';
-			if (num<1 || num>tokpatlen)
-				yyerror("Number within %[] out of range");
-			if (*s == ']') {
-				s++;
-				*p++ = PR_TOK;
-				*p++ = num;
-			} else if (*s++ != '.')
-				yyerror("Bad character following %%[digit in codestring");
-			else {
-				char field[256];
-				register char *f=field;
-				int type,offset;
-				while( *s != ']' && *s != 0)
-					*f++ = *s++;
-				*f++ = 0;
-				if (*s != ']')
-					yyerror("Unterminated %[] construction in codestring");
-				else
-					s++;
-				if (isdigit(field[0])) {
-					chkregexp(pattokexp[num]);
-					*p++ = PR_SUBREG;
-					*p++ = num;
-					*p++ = atoi(field);
-				} else {
-					offset = findstructel(pattokexp[num],field,&type);
-					*p++ = PR_TOKFLD;
-					*p++ = num;
-					*p++ = offset;
-				}
-			}
-		} else if (*s >= 'a' && *s < 'a'+nallreg) {
-			int reg,subreg;
-			reg = *s++ -'a'+1;
-			if(*s == ']')
-				subreg = 255;
-			else {
-				if (*s != '.')
-					yyerror("Bad character following %%[x in codestring");
-				s++;
-				if(!isdigit(*s))
-					yyerror("Bad character following %%[x. in codestring");
-				subreg = *s - '0';
-				s++;
-				if(*s != ']')
-					yyerror("Bad character following %%[x.y in codestring");
-			}
-			s++;
-			*p++ = PR_ALLREG;
-			*p++ = reg;
-			*p++ = subreg;
-		} else
-			yyerror("Bad character following %%[ in codestring");
-	}
-	*p++ = 0;
-	return(strlookup(buf));
-tabovf(tablename) string tablename; {
-	char buf[256];
-	sprintf(buf,"%s overflow",tablename);
-	yyerror(buf);
-	exit(-1);
-main(argc,argv) char *argv[]; {
-	if (argc!=1) {
-		fprintf(stderr,"%s is a filter, don't use arguments\n",argv[0]);
-		exit(-1);
-	}
-	inithash();
-	initio();
-	inittables();
-	yyparse();
-	if (nerrors==0) {
-		compueq();
-		hashpatterns();
-		finishio();
-		verbose();
-	}
-	debug();
-	exit(nerrors);
-lookup(comm,operator,lnode,rnode) {
-	register node_p p;
-	for (p=nodes+1;p<lastnode;p++) {
-		if (p->ex_operator != operator)
-			continue;
-		if (!(p->ex_lnode == lnode && p->ex_rnode == rnode ||
-		    comm && p->ex_lnode == rnode && p->ex_rnode == lnode))
-			continue;
-		return(p-nodes);
-	}
-	if (lastnode >= &nodes[MAXNODES])
-		yyerror("node table overflow");
-	lastnode++;
-	p->ex_operator = operator;
-	p->ex_lnode = lnode;
-	p->ex_rnode = rnode;
-	return(p-nodes);
-compueq() {
-	register i,j;
-	for (i=1;i<nmachregs;i++) {
-		for (j=1;j<i;j++)
-			if (eqregclass(i,j)) {
-				stregclass[i] = stregclass[j];
-				break;
-			}
-		if (j==i)
-			stregclass[i] = nregclasses++;
-	}
-eqregclass(r1,r2) {
-	register reginfo rp1,rp2;
-	register i;
-	short regbits[(MAXREGS+15)>>4];
-	int member;
-	rp1 = machregs[r1]; rp2 = machregs[r2];
-	for (i=0;i<((nprops+15)>>4);i++)
-		if (rp1->rprop[i] != rp2->rprop[i])
-			return(0);
-	for (i=0;i<((MAXREGS+15)>>4);i++)
-		regbits[i] = 0;
-	for (i=0;i<maxmembers;i++) {
-		if (member = rp1->rmembers[i])
-			regbits[member>>4] |= (1<<(member&017));
-	}
-	for (i=0;i<maxmembers;i++) {
-		member = rp2->rmembers[i];
-		if (regbits[member>>4]&(1<<(member&017)))
-			return(0);
-	}
-	return(1);
-unsigned hash(name) register string name; {
-	register unsigned sum;
-	register i;
-	for (sum=i=0;*name;i+=3)
-		sum ^= (*name++)<<(i&07);
-	return(sum);
-ident_p ilookup(name,enterf) string name; int enterf; {
-	register ident_p p,*pp;
-	pp = &identtab[hash(name)%ITABSIZE];
-	while (*pp != 0) {
-		if (strcmp((*pp)->i_name,name)==0)
-			if (enterf != ENTER)
-				return(*pp);
-			else
-				yyerror("Multiply defined symbol");
-		pp = &(*pp)->i_next;
-	}
-	if (enterf == LOOKUP)
-		yyerror("Undefined symbol");
-	if (enterf == JUSTLOOKING)
-		return(0);
-	p = *pp = (ident_p) myalloc(sizeof(ident_t));
-	p->i_name = name;
-	p->i_next = 0;
-	p->i_type = 0;
-	return(p);
-initio() {
-	if ((cfile=fopen("tables.c","w"))==NULL) {
-		fprintf(stderr,"Can't create tables.c\n");
-		exit(-1);
-	}
-	if ((hfile=fopen("tables.h","w"))==NULL) {
-		fprintf(stderr,"Can't create tables.h\n");
-		exit(-1);
-	}
-	fprintf(cfile,"#include \"param.h\"\n");
-	fprintf(cfile,"#include \"tables.h\"\n");
-	fprintf(cfile,"#include \"types.h\"\n");
-	fprintf(cfile,"#include <cg_pattern.h>\n");
-	fprintf(cfile,"#include \"data.h\"\n");
-	fprintf(cfile,"\nbyte coderules[] = {\n");
-	patbyte(0);
-exprlookup(sett) set_t sett; {
-	register i,j,ok;
-	for(i=0;i<nmachsets;i++) {
-		ok= (sett.set_size == machsets[i].set_size);
-		for(j=0;j<SETSIZE;j++) {
-			if (sett.set_val[j] == machsets[i].set_val[j])
-				continue;
-			ok=0;
-			break;
-		}
-		if (ok)
-			return(i);
-	}
-	chktabsiz(nmachsets,MAXSETS,"Expression table");
-	machsets[nmachsets] = sett;
-	return(nmachsets++);
-inittables() {
-	register reginfo r;
-	register i;
-	inst_t inst;
-	set_t sett;
-	nodes[0].ex_operator=EX_CON;
-	nodes[0].ex_lnode=0;
-	nodes[0].ex_rnode=0;
-	cocopropno=nprops++;
-	r=(reginfo)myalloc(sizeof(struct reginfo));
-	r->rname = "cc reg";
-	r->rrepr = "CC";
-	r->rsize = -1;
-	r->rregvar= -1;
-	for(i=0;i<MAXMEMBERS;i++)
-		r->rmembers[i] = 0;
-	for(i=0;i<PROPSETSIZE;i++)
-		r->rprop[i] = 0;
-	r->rprop[cocopropno>>4] |= (1<<(cocopropno&017));
-	chktabsiz(nmachregs,MAXREGS,"Register table");
-	machregs[nmachregs++]  = r;
-	inst.in_which = IN_RIDENT;
-	inst.in_info[0] = nmachregs-1;
-	for(i=1;i<TOKENSIZE;i++)
-		inst.in_info[i]=0;
-	ccinstanceno=instno(inst);
-	ccregexpr=lookup(0,EX_REG,nmachregs-1,0);
-	sett.set_size=0;
-	for (i=0;i<SETSIZE;i++)
-		sett.set_val[i]=0;
-	sett.set_val[nmachregs>>4] |= (01<<(nmachregs&017));
-	cocosetno=exprlookup(sett);
-outregs() {
-	register i,j,k;
-	static short rset[(MAXREGS+15)>>4];
-	int t,ready;
-	fprintf(cfile,"char stregclass[] = {\n");
-	for (i=0;i<nmachregs;i++)
-		fprintf(cfile,"\t%d,\n",stregclass[i]);
-	fprintf(cfile,"};\n\nstruct reginfo machregs[] = {\n{0},\n");
-	for (i=1;i<nmachregs;i++) {
-		fprintf(cfile,"{%d,%d",strlookup(machregs[i]->rrepr),
-			machregs[i]->rsize);
-		if (maxmembers!=0) {
-			fprintf(cfile,",{");
-			for(j=0;j<maxmembers;j++)
-				fprintf(cfile,"%d,",machregs[i]->rmembers[j]);
-			/* now compute and print set of registers
-			 * that clashes with this register.
-			 * A register clashes with al its children (and theirs)
-			 * and with all their parents.
-			 */
-			for (j=0;j<((MAXREGS+15)>>4);j++)
-				rset[j]=0;
-			rset[i>>4] |= (1<<(i&017));
-			do {
-			    ready=1;
-			    for (j=1;j<nmachregs;j++)
-				if (rset[j>>4]&(1<<(j&017)))
-				    for (k=0;k<maxmembers;k++)
-					if ((t=machregs[j]->rmembers[k])!=0) {
-					    if ((rset[t>>4]&(1<<(t&017)))==0)
-						ready=0;
-					    rset[t>>4] |= (1<<(t&017));
-					}
-			} while (!ready);
-			do {
-			    ready=1;
-			    for (j=1;j<nmachregs;j++)
-				for (k=0;k<maxmembers;k++)
-				    if ((t=machregs[j]->rmembers[k])!=0)
-					if (rset[t>>4]&(1<<(t&017))) {
-						if (rset[j>>4]&(1<<(j&017))==0)
-						    ready=0;
-						rset[j>>4] |= (1<<(j&017));
-					}
-			} while (!ready);
-			fprintf(cfile,"},{");
-			for (j=0;j<((nmachregs+15)>>4);j++)
-				fprintf(cfile,"%d,",rset[j]);
-			fprintf(cfile,"}");
-		}
-		if (machregs[i]->rregvar>=0)
-			fprintf(cfile,",1");
-		fprintf(cfile,"},\n");
-	}
-	fprintf(cfile,"};\n\n");
-finishio() {
-	register i;
-	register node_p np;
-	int j;
-	int setsize;
-	register move_p mp;
-	fprintf(cfile,"};\n\n");
-	if (wsize>0)
-		fprintf(hfile,"#define EM_WSIZE %d\n",wsize);
-	else
-		yyerror("Wordsize undefined");
-	if (psize>0)
-		fprintf(hfile,"#define EM_PSIZE %d\n",psize);
-	else
-		yyerror("Pointersize undefined");
-	if (bsize>=0)
-		fprintf(hfile,"#define EM_BSIZE %d\n",bsize);
-	else
-		fprintf(hfile,"extern int EM_BSIZE;\n");
-	if (fmt!=0)
-		fprintf(hfile,"#define WRD_FMT \"%s\"\n",fmt);
-	fprintf(hfile,"#define MAXALLREG %d\n",maxallreg);
-	setsize = (nmachregs+1 + nmachtokens + 15)>>4;
-	fprintf(hfile,"#define SETSIZE %d\n",setsize);
-	fprintf(hfile,"#define NPROPS %d\n",nprops);
-	fprintf(hfile,"#define NREGS %d\n",nmachregs);
-	fprintf(hfile,"#define REGSETSIZE %d\n",(nmachregs+15)>>4);
-	fprintf(hfile,"#define TOKENSIZE %d\n",maxtokensize);
-	fprintf(hfile,"#define MAXMEMBERS %d\n",maxmembers);
-	fprintf(hfile,"#define LONGESTPATTERN %d\n",maxempatlen);
-	fprintf(hfile,"#define MAXRULE %d\n",maxrule);
-	fprintf(hfile,"#define NMOVES %d\n",nmoves);
-	fprintf(hfile,"#define NC1 %d\n",nc1);
-	if (nc2) {
-		assert(maxsplit!=0);
-		fprintf(hfile,"#define NC2 %d\n",nc2);
-		fprintf(hfile,"#define MAXSPLIT %d\n",maxsplit);
-	}
-	fprintf(hfile,"#define NC3 %d\n",nc3);
-	outregs();
-	fprintf(cfile,"tkdef_t tokens[] = {\n");
-	for(i=0;i<nmachtokens;i++) {
-		fprintf(cfile,"{%d,{%d,%d},{",machtokens[i].t_size,
-				machtokens[i].t_cost.c_size,
-				machtokens[i].t_cost.c_time);
-		for(j=0;j<maxtokensize;j++)
-			fprintf(cfile,"%d,",machtokens[i].t_fields[j].t_type);
-		fprintf(cfile,"},%d},\n",machtokens[i].t_format);
-	}
-	fprintf(cfile,"};\n\nnode_t enodes[] = {\n");
-	for(np=nodes;np<lastnode;np++)
-		fprintf(cfile,"{%d,%d,%d},\n",np->ex_operator,np->ex_lnode,
-				np->ex_rnode);
-	fprintf(cfile,"};\n\nstring codestrings[] = {\n");
-	for(i=0;i<ncodestrings;i++) {
-		register char *p;
-		p=codestrings[i];
-		fprintf(cfile,"\t\"");
-		while (*p) {
-			fprintf(cfile, !isascii(*p) || iscntrl(*p) ? "\\%03o" : "%c", (*p)&BMASK);
-			p++;
-		}
-		fprintf(cfile,"\",\n");
-	}
-	fprintf(cfile,"};\n\nset_t machsets[] = {\n");
-	for(i=0;i<nmachsets;i++) {
-		fprintf(cfile,"{%d,{",machsets[i].set_size);
-		for(j=0;j<setsize;j++)
-			fprintf(cfile,"0%o,",machsets[i].set_val[j]);
-		fprintf(cfile,"}},\n");
-	}
-	fprintf(cfile,"};\n\ninst_t tokeninstances[] = {\n");
-	for(i=0;i<narinstance;i++) {
-		fprintf(cfile,"{ %d, {",arinstance[i].in_which);
-		for(j=0;j<=maxtokensize;j++)
-			fprintf(cfile,"%d,",arinstance[i].in_info[j]);
-		fprintf(cfile,"}},\n");
-	}
-	fprintf(cfile,"};\n\nmove_t moves[] = {\n");
-	for (i=0;i<nmoves;i++) {
-		mp = &machmoves[i];
-		fprintf(cfile,"{%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,{%d,%d}},\n",
-			mp->m_set1, mp->m_expr1,
-			mp->m_set2, mp->m_expr2,
-			mp->m_cindex,
-			mp->m_cost.c_size,mp->m_cost.c_time);
-	}
-	fprintf(cfile,"};\n\nbyte pattern[] = {\n");
-	for (i=0;i<npatbytes;i++) {
-		fprintf(cfile,"%3d,",pattern[i]&BMASK);
-		if ((i%10)==9)
-			fprintf(cfile,"\n");
-	}
-	fprintf(cfile,"\n};\n\nint pathash[256] = {\n");
-	for(i=0;i<256;i++) {
-		fprintf(cfile,"%6d,",pathash[i]);
-		if((i&07)==07)
-			fprintf(cfile,"\n");
-	}
-	fprintf(cfile,"};\n\nc1_t c1coercs[] = {\n");
-	for (i=0;i<nc1;i++)
-		fprintf(cfile,"{%d,%d,%d,%d,{%d,%d}},\n",
-			c1coercs[i].c1_texpno,
-			c1coercs[i].c1_expr,
-			c1coercs[i].c1_prop,
-			c1coercs[i].c1_codep,
-			c1coercs[i].c1_cost.c_size,
-			c1coercs[i].c1_cost.c_time);
-	if (nc2)
-		fprintf(cfile,"};\n\nc2_t c2coercs[] = {\n");
-	for (i=0;i<nc2;i++) {
-		fprintf(cfile,"{%d,%d,{",
-			c2coercs[i].c2_texpno,
-			c2coercs[i].c2_nsplit);
-		for (j=0;j<maxsplit;j++)
-			fprintf(cfile,"%d,",c2coercs[i].c2_repl[j]);
-		fprintf(cfile,"},%d},\n",c2coercs[i].c2_codep);
-	}
-	fprintf(cfile,"};\n\nc3_t c3coercs[] = {\n");
-	for (i=0;i<nc3;i++)
-		fprintf(cfile,"{%d,%d,%d,%d},\n",
-			c3coercs[i].c3_texpno,
-			c3coercs[i].c3_prop,
-			c3coercs[i].c3_repl,
-			c3coercs[i].c3_codep);
-	fprintf(cfile,"};\n\n");
-	for (i=0;i<nprops;i++) {
-		fprintf(cfile,"struct reginfo *rlist%02d[] = {\n",i);
-		for (j=2;j<=nmachregs;j++) {
-			if (machregs[j-1]->rregvar<0 && 
-			    (machprops[i].propset.set_val[j>>4]&(1<<(j&017))))
-				fprintf(cfile,"\t&machregs[%d],\n",j-1);
-		}
-		fprintf(cfile,"\t0\n};\n");
-	}
-	fprintf(cfile,"struct reginfo **reglist[] = {\n");
-	for (i=0;i<nprops;i++) {
-		fprintf(cfile,"\trlist%02d,\n",i);
-	}
-	fprintf(cfile,"};\n");
-	fprintf(cfile,"unsigned cc1 = %u;\n",cc1);
-	fprintf(cfile,"unsigned cc2 = %u;\n",cc2);
-	fprintf(cfile,"unsigned cc3 = %u;\n",cc3);
-	fprintf(cfile,"unsigned cc4 = %u;\n",cc4);
-	if (rvused)
-		outregvar();
-outregvar() {
-	register i,j;
-	fprintf(hfile,"#define REGVARS\n");
-	fprintf(cfile,"#include \"regvar.h\"\n");
-	fprintf(cfile,"int nregvar[4] = { ");
-	for (i=0;i<4;i++) fprintf(cfile,"%d, ",nregvar[i]);
-	fprintf(cfile,"};\n");
-	for (i=0;i<4;i++)
-		if (nregvar[i]>0)
-			fprintf(cfile,"struct regassigned ratar%d[%d];\n",
-					i,nregvar[i]);
-	for (i=0;i<4;i++) if (nregvar[i]>0) {
-		fprintf(cfile,"int rvtar%d[] = {",i);
-		for (j=0;j<nregvar[i];j++)
-			fprintf(cfile,"%d,",rvnumbers[i][j]);
-		fprintf(cfile,"};\n");
-	}
-	fprintf(cfile,"\nint *rvnumbers[] = {\n");
-	for (i=0;i<4;i++)
-		if (nregvar[i]>0)
-			fprintf(cfile,"\trvtar%d,\n",i);
-		else
-			fprintf(cfile,"\t0,\n");
-	fprintf(cfile,"};\n\nstruct regassigned *regassigned[] = {\n");
-	for (i=0;i<4;i++)
-		if (nregvar[i]>0)
-			fprintf(cfile,"\tratar%d,\n",i);
-		else
-			fprintf(cfile,"\t0,\n");
-	fprintf(cfile,"};\n");
-verbose() {
-	fprintf(stderr,"Codebytes %d\n",codebytes);
-	fprintf(stderr,"Registers %d(%d)\n",nmachregs,MAXREGS);
-	fprintf(stderr,"Properties %d(%d)\n",nprops,MAXPROPS);
-	fprintf(stderr,"Tokens %d(%d)\n",nmachtokens,MAXTOKENS);
-	fprintf(stderr,"Sets %d(%d)\n",nmachsets,MAXSETS);
-	fprintf(stderr,"Tokeninstances %d(%d)\n",narinstance,MAXINSTANCE);
-	fprintf(stderr,"Strings %d(%d)\n",ncodestrings,MAXSTRINGS);
-	fprintf(stderr,"Enodes %d(%d)\n",lastnode-nodes,MAXNODES);
-	fprintf(stderr,"Patbytes %d(%d)\n",npatbytes,MAXPATTERN);
-inbetween() {
-	register ident_p ip;
-	register i,j;
-	register move_p mp;
-	lookident=1;    /* for lexical analysis */
-	chktabsiz(nmachsets+1,MAXSETS,"Expressiontable");
-	for (i=0;i<SETSIZE;i++)
-		machsets[nmachsets].set_val[i] = 0xFFFF;
-	machsets[nmachsets].set_val[0] &= ~1;
-	machsets[nmachsets].set_size = 0;
-	ip=ilookup("SCRATCH",ENTER);
-	ip->i_type=IEXP;
-	ip->i_i.i_expno = nmachsets++;
-	for (i=0;i<SETSIZE;i++)
-		machsets[nmachsets].set_val[i] = 0xFFFF;
-	machsets[nmachsets].set_size = 0;
-	ip=ilookup("ALL",ENTER);
-	ip->i_type=IEXP;
-	allexpno = ip->i_i.i_expno = nmachsets++;
-	mp = &machmoves[nmoves++];
-	mp->m_set1 = cocosetno;
-	mp->m_expr1 = 0;
-	mp->m_set2 = nmachsets-1;
-	mp->m_expr2 = 0;
-	mp->m_cindex = 0;
-	mp->m_cost.c_size = 0;
-	mp->m_cost.c_time = 0;
-	/*
-	 * Create sets of registers per property
-	 */
-	for (i=0;i<nprops;i++) {
-		short *sp = machprops[i].propset.set_val;
-		sp[0] |= 1;
-		for (j=2;j<=nmachregs;j++)
-			if (machregs[j-1]->rprop[i>>4]&(1<<(i&017)))
-				sp[j>>4] |= (1<<(j&017));
-	}
-formconversion(p,tp) register char *p; register token_p tp; {
-	char buf[256];
-	register char *q=buf;
-	char field[256];
-	register char *f;
-	int i;
-	if (p==0)
-		return(0);
-	while (*p) switch(*p) {
-	default: *q++ = *p++; continue;
-	case '%':
-		p++;
-		if(*p == '%') {
-			*q++ = *p++;
-			continue;
-		}
-		if (*p == '[')
-			p++;
-		else
-			yyerror("Bad character after % in format");
-		f=field;
-		while (*p != 0 && *p != ']')
-			*f++ = *p++;
-		*f++ = 0;
-		if (*p == ']')
-			p++;
-		else
-			yyerror("Unterminated %[] construct in format");
-		for (i=0;i<TOKENSIZE-1;i++)
-			if (strcmp(field,tp->t_fields[i].t_sname)==0)
-				break;
-		if (i==TOKENSIZE-1)
-			yyerror("Unknown field in %[] construct in format");
-		*q++ = i+1;
-	}
-	*q++ = 0;
-	return(strlookup(buf));
-setfields(tp,format) register token_p tp; string format; {
-	register i;
-	list2 ll;
-	register list1 l;
-	int type;
-	for(i=0;i<TOKENSIZE-1;i++)
-		tp->t_fields[i].t_type = 0;
-	i=0;
-	for(ll=tp->t_struct;ll!=0;ll=ll->l2next) {
-		l=ll->l2list;
-		if(strcmp(l->l1name,"REGISTER")==0)
-			type = TYPREG;
-		else if (strcmp(l->l1name,"INT")==0)
-			type = TYPINT;
-		else    type = TYPSTR;
-		for(l=l->l1next;l!=0;l=l->l1next) {
-			tp->t_fields[i].t_type = type;
-			tp->t_fields[i].t_sname = l->l1name;
-			i++;
-		}
-	}
-	if (format != 0)
-		tp->t_format = formconversion(format,tp);
-	else
-		tp->t_format = -1;
-chkregexp(number) {
-	register i;
-	for(i=nmachregs+1;i<nmachregs+1+nmachtokens;i++)
-		if(machsets[number].set_val[i>>4]&(01<<(i&017)))
-			yyerror("No tokens allowed in this set");
-findstructel(number,name,t) string name; int *t; {
-	register i;
-	register token_p tp;
-	register list2 structdecl;
-	int offset;
-	for(i=1;i<=nmachregs;i++)
-		if (machsets[number].set_val[i>>4]&(01<<(i&017)))
-			yyerror("No registers allowed in this set");
-	structdecl = 0;
-	for (i=nmachregs+1;i<nmachregs+1+nmachtokens;i++) {
-		if (machsets[number].set_val[i>>4]&(01<<(i&017))) {
-			if (structdecl == 0) {
-				structdecl = machtokens[i-(nmachregs+1)].t_struct;
-				tp = &machtokens[i-(nmachregs+1)];
-			} else if(structdecl != machtokens[i-(nmachregs+1)].t_struct)
-					yyerror("Multiple structs in this set");
-		}
-	}
-	if (structdecl == 0) {
-		yyerror("No structs in this set");
-		return(0);
-	}
-	for(offset=0;offset<TOKENSIZE-1;offset++)
-		if(tp->t_fields[offset].t_type != 0 &&
-		   strcmp(tp->t_fields[offset].t_sname,name)==0) {
-			*t = tp->t_fields[offset].t_type;
-			return(offset+1);
-		}
-	yyerror("No such field in this struct");
-	return(0);
-extern char em_flag[];
-argtyp(mn) {
-	switch(em_flag[mn-sp_fmnem]&EM_PAR) {
-	case PAR_W:
-	case PAR_S:
-	case PAR_Z:
-	case PAR_O:
-	case PAR_N:
-	case PAR_L:
-	case PAR_F:
-	case PAR_R:
-	case PAR_C:
-		return(TYPINT);
-	default:
-		return(TYPSTR);
-	}
-commontype(e1,e2) expr_t e1,e2; {
-	if(e1.expr_typ != e2.expr_typ)
-		yyerror("Type incompatibility");
-	return(e1.expr_typ);
-extern char em_mnem[][4];
-#define HASHSIZE        (2*(sp_lmnem-sp_fmnem))
-struct hashmnem {
-	char h_name[3];
-	byte h_value;
-} hashmnem[HASHSIZE];
-inithash() {
-	register i;
-	for(i=0;i<=sp_lmnem-sp_fmnem;i++)
-		enter(em_mnem[i],i+sp_fmnem);
-enter(name,value) char *name; {
-	register unsigned h;
-	h=hash(name)%HASHSIZE;
-	while (hashmnem[h].h_name[0] != 0)
-		h = (h+1)%HASHSIZE;
-	strncpy(hashmnem[h].h_name,name,3);
-	hashmnem[h].h_value = value;
-int mlookup(name) char *name; {
-	register unsigned h;
-	h = hash(name)%HASHSIZE;
-	while (strncmp(hashmnem[h].h_name,name,3) != 0 &&
-	       hashmnem[h].h_name[0] != 0)
-		h = (h+1)%HASHSIZE;
-	return(hashmnem[h].h_value&BMASK);      /* 0 if not found */
-hashpatterns() {
-	short index;
-	register byte *bp,*tp;
-	register short i;
-	unsigned short hashvalue;
-	int patlen;
-	index = prevind;
-	while (index != 0) {
-		bp = &pattern[index];
-		tp = &bp[PO_MATCH];
-		i = *tp++&BMASK;
-		if (i==BMASK) {
-			i = *tp++&BMASK;
-			i |= (*tp++&BMASK)<<BSHIFT;
-		}
-		patlen = i;
-		hashvalue = 0;
-		switch(patlen) {
-		default:        /* 3 or more */
-			hashvalue = (hashvalue<<4)^(*tp++&BMASK);
-		case 2:
-			hashvalue = (hashvalue<<4)^(*tp++&BMASK);
-		case 1:
-			hashvalue = (hashvalue<<4)^(*tp++&BMASK);
-		}
-		assert(hashvalue!= ILLHASH);
-		i=index;
-		index = (bp[PO_NEXT]&BMASK)|(bp[PO_NEXT+1]<<BSHIFT);
-		bp[PO_HASH] = hashvalue>>BSHIFT;
-		hashvalue &= BMASK;
-		bp[PO_NEXT] = pathash[hashvalue]&BMASK;
-		bp[PO_NEXT+1] = pathash[hashvalue]>>BSHIFT;
-		pathash[hashvalue] = i;
-	}
-debug() {
-	register i,j;
-	for(i=0;i<ITABSIZE;i++) {
-		register ident_p ip;
-		for(ip=identtab[i];ip!=0;ip=ip->i_next)
-			printf("%-14s %1d %3d\n",ip->i_name,
-				ip->i_type,ip->i_i.i_regno);
-	}
-	for(i=2;i<nmachregs;i++) {
-		register reginfo rp;
-		rp=machregs[i];
-		printf("%s = (\"%s\", %d",rp->rname,rp->rrepr,rp->rsize);
-		for(j=0;j<MAXMEMBERS;j++)
-			if(rp->rmembers[j] != 0)
-				printf(", %s",machregs[rp->rmembers[j]]->rname);
-		printf(")");
-		for(j=0;j<nprops;j++)
-			if(rp->rprop[j>>4]&(1<<(j&017)))
-				printf(", %s",machprops[j].propname->i_name);
-		printf(".\n");
-	}
-out(n) {
-	assert(n>=0);
-	if (n<128)
-		outbyte(n);
-	else {
-		outbyte(n/256+128);
-		outbyte(n%256);
-	}
-outbyte(n) {
-	fprintf(cfile,"%d, ",n&BMASK);
-	codebytes++;
-pat(n) {
-	assert(n>=0);
-	if (n<128)
-		patbyte(n);
-	else {
-		patbyte(n/256+128);
-		patbyte(n%256);
-	}
-patshort(n) {
-	patbyte(n&BMASK);
-	patbyte(n>>BSHIFT);
-patbyte(n) {
-	chktabsiz(npatbytes,MAXPATTERN,"Pattern table");
-	pattern[npatbytes++] = n;
-max(a,b) {
-	if (a>b)
-		return(a);
-	return(b);
-#include "bootlex.c"

+ 0 - 189

@@ -1,189 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef NORCSID
-static char rcsid2[]="$Header$";
- * (c) copyright 1983 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
- *
- *          This product is part of the Amsterdam Compiler Kit.
- *
- * Permission to use, sell, duplicate or disclose this software must be
- * obtained in writing. Requests for such permissions may be sent to
- *
- *      Dr. Andrew S. Tanenbaum
- *      Wiskundig Seminarium
- *      Vrije Universiteit
- *      Postbox 7161
- *      1007 MC Amsterdam
- *      The Netherlands
- *
- * Author: Hans van Staveren
- */
-#undef input
-#undef output
-#undef unput
-#define MAXBACKUP 50
-"/*"                    { char c;
-                          c = input();
-                          do {
-                                while (c!='*')
-                                        c = input();
-                                c = input();
-                          } while (c!='/');
-                        }
-"REGISTERS:"            return(REGISTERHEAD);
-"TOKENS:"               return(TOKENHEAD);
-"CODE:"                 return(CODEHEAD);
-"MOVES:"                return(MOVEHEAD);
-"TESTS:"                return(TESTHEAD);
-"STACKS:"		return(STACKHEAD);
-"FORMAT"		return(FORMAT);
-"cost"                  return(COST);
-"remove"                return(REMOVE);
-"|"                     return(SEP);
-"samesign"              return(SAMESIGN);
-"inreg"			return(INREG);
-"sfit"                  return(SFIT);
-"ufit"                  return(UFIT);
-"defined"               return(DEFINED);
-"rom"                   return(ROM);
-"loww"			return(LOWW);
-"highw"			return(HIGHW);
-"move"                  return(MOVE);
-"erase"                 return(ERASE);
-"allocate"              return(ALLOCATE);
-"tostring"              return(TOSTRING);
-"nocc"                  return(NOCC);
-"setcc"                 return(SETCC);
-"samecc"                return(SAMECC);
-"test"                  return(TEST);
-"STACK"                 return(STACK);
-"nocoercions"		return(NOCOERC);
-"&&"                    return(AND2);
-"||"                    return(OR2);
-"=="                    return(CMPEQ);
-"!="                    return(CMPNE);
-"<="                    return(CMPLE);
-"<"                     return(CMPLT);
-">"                     return(CMPGT);
-">="                    return(CMPGE);
-">>"                    return(RSHIFT);
-"<<"                    return(LSHIFT);
-"!"                     return(NOT);
-"~"                     return(COMP);
-"..."                   return(ELLIPS);
-EM_WSIZE                { yylval.yy_intp = &wsize; return(CIDENT); }
-EM_PSIZE                { yylval.yy_intp = &psize; return(CIDENT); }
-EM_BSIZE                { yylval.yy_intp = &bsize; return(CIDENT); }
-REGISTER                { yylval.yy_string = "REGISTER"; return(TYPENAME); }
-INT                     { yylval.yy_string = "INT"; return(TYPENAME); }
-STRING                  { yylval.yy_string = "STRING"; return(TYPENAME); }
-regvar			return(REGVAR);
-loop			return(LOOP);
-pointer			return(POINTER);
-float			return(FLOAT);
-return			return(RETURN);
-[_A-Za-z][_A-Za-z0-9]+  {register ident_p ip;
-                         if(!lookident || (ip=ilookup(yytext,JUSTLOOKING))==0) {
-                           yylval.yy_string = scopy(yytext);return(IDENT);
-                         } else {
-                           yylval.yy_ident = ip;
-                           switch(ip->i_type) {
-                           default:assert(0);
-                           case IREG:return(RIDENT);
-                           case IPRP:return(PIDENT);
-                           case ITOK:return(TIDENT);
-                           case IEXP:return(EIDENT);
-                           }
-                         }
-                        }
-[a-z]                   {yylval.yy_char = yytext[0]; return(LCASELETTER);}
-[0-9]*                  {yylval.yy_int = atoi(yytext);return(NUMBER);}
-(\"|"%)")               { char *p; int c,tipe;
-                          p=yytext;
-                          for (;;) {
-                                c = input();
-                                switch(c) {
-                                default: *p++=c;break;
-                                case '\\':
-                                        *p++=c; *p++=input(); break;
-                                case '\n':
-                                        yyerror("Unterminated string");
-                                        break;
-                                case '"':
-                                        tipe=STRING; goto endstr;
-                                case '%':
-                                        c=input();
-                                        if (c == '(') {
-                                                tipe=LSTRING;goto endstr;
-                                        } else {
-                                                *p++ = '%'; unput(c); break;
-                                        }
-                                }
-                          }
-                        endstr:
-                          *p++ = 0;
-                          yylval.yy_string = scopy(yytext);
-                          return(tipe);
-                        }
-[ \t]*                  |
-\n                      ;
-.                       return(yytext[0]);
-char linebuf[256];
-char prevbuf[256];
-int linep;
-int linepos;    /* corrected for tabs */
-char charstack[MAXBACKUP];
-int nbackup=0;
-output(c) {
-        assert(0);
-input() {
-        if(nbackup)
-                return(charstack[--nbackup]);
-        if(linebuf[linep]==0) {
-                strcpy(prevbuf,linebuf);
-                if(fgets(linebuf,256,stdin)==NULL)
-                        return(0);
-                lino++;
-                linepos=linep=0;
-        }
-        if (linebuf[linep] == '\t')
-                linepos = (linepos+8) & ~07;
-        else    linepos++;
-        return(linebuf[linep++]);
-unput(c) {
-        chktabsiz(nbackup,MAXBACKUP,"Lexical backup table");
-        charstack[nbackup++] = c;
-yyerror(s,a1,a2,a3,a4) string s; {
-        fprintf(stderr,"%d\t%s%d\t%s\t%*c   ",lino-1,prevbuf,lino,linebuf,
-                linepos-1,'^');
-	fprintf(stderr,s,a1,a2,a3,a4);
-	fprintf(stderr,"\n");
-        nerrors++;

+ 0 - 202

@@ -1,202 +0,0 @@
-# $Header$
-CFILES=main.c getline.c lookup.c var.c process.c backward.c util.c\
-	alloc.c putline.c cleanup.c peephole.c flow.c reg.c
-OFILES=main.o getline.o lookup.o var.o process.o backward.o util.o\
-	alloc.o putline.o cleanup.o peephole.o flow.o reg.o
-KFILES=main.k getline.k lookup.k var.k process.k backward.k util.k\
-	alloc.k putline.k cleanup.k peephole.k flow.k reg.k
-XREF=xref -c -w80
-# LEXLIB is implementation dependent, try -ll or -lln first
-	co -q $<
-opt:    $(OFILES) pattern.o $(LIBS)
-	cc $(LDFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(OFILES) pattern.o $(LIBS) -o opt
-test:   opt testopt
-	testopt
-cmp :   opt
-	cmp opt ../../lib/em_opt
-	size opt ../../lib/em_opt
-	cp opt ../../lib/em_opt
-pattern.c:      patterns mktab
-	/lib/cpp patterns | mktab > pattern.c
-mktab:  mktab.o $(LIBS)
-	cc $(CFLAGS) mktab.o $(LIBS) $(LEXLIB) -o mktab
-depend: makedepend
-	makedepend
-lint:   $(CFILES) pattern.c
-	$(LINT) $(CFILES) pattern.c>lint 2>&1
-	-pr $(PROPTS) Makefile -n *.h `ls $(CFILES)` mktab.y scan.l patterns|$(OPR)
-	touch print
-print:  Makefile *.h $(CFILES) mktab.y scan.l patterns
-	-pr $(PROPTS) -n $? | $(OPR)
-	make pr ^ $(OPR)
-	@pr $(PROPTS) -n Makefile *.h $(CFILES) mktab.y scan.l patterns
-	$(XREF) *.h $(CFILES) | pr $(PROPTS) -h "XREF EMOPT"|$(OPR)&
-sizes:  opt
-	-nm opt | sort -n| /usr/plain/bin/map
-	rm -f *.o opt mktab mktab.c scan.c pattern.c
-kfiles: $(KFILES)
-.c.k: ; cem -c $*.c
-# the next lines are generated automatically
-alloc.o:	alloc.h
-alloc.o:	assert.h
-alloc.o:	line.h
-alloc.o:	lookup.h
-alloc.o:	param.h
-alloc.o:	proinf.h
-alloc.o:	types.h
-backward.o:	../../h/em_mnem.h
-backward.o:	../../h/em_pseu.h
-backward.o:	../../h/em_spec.h
-backward.o:	alloc.h
-backward.o:	assert.h
-backward.o:	ext.h
-backward.o:	line.h
-backward.o:	lookup.h
-backward.o:	param.h
-backward.o:	proinf.h
-backward.o:	types.h
-cleanup.o:	../../h/em_mes.h
-cleanup.o:	../../h/em_pseu.h
-cleanup.o:	../../h/em_spec.h
-cleanup.o:	assert.h
-cleanup.o:	ext.h
-cleanup.o:	lookup.h
-cleanup.o:	param.h
-cleanup.o:	types.h
-flow.o:	../../h/em_flag.h
-flow.o:	../../h/em_mnem.h
-flow.o:	../../h/em_spec.h
-flow.o:	alloc.h
-flow.o:	ext.h
-flow.o:	line.h
-flow.o:	optim.h
-flow.o:	param.h
-flow.o:	proinf.h
-flow.o:	types.h
-getline.o:	../../h/em_flag.h
-getline.o:	../../h/em_mes.h
-getline.o:	../../h/em_pseu.h
-getline.o:	../../h/em_spec.h
-getline.o:	alloc.h
-getline.o:	assert.h
-getline.o:	ext.h
-getline.o:	line.h
-getline.o:	lookup.h
-getline.o:	param.h
-getline.o:	proinf.h
-getline.o:	types.h
-lookup.o:	alloc.h
-lookup.o:	lookup.h
-lookup.o:	param.h
-lookup.o:	proinf.h
-lookup.o:	types.h
-main.o:	../../h/em_spec.h
-main.o:	alloc.h
-main.o:	ext.h
-main.o:	param.h
-main.o:	types.h
-mktab.o:	../../h/em_mnem.h
-mktab.o:	../../h/em_spec.h
-mktab.o:	optim.h
-mktab.o:	param.h
-mktab.o:	pattern.h
-mktab.o:	scan.c
-mktab.o:	types.h
-pattern.o:	param.h
-pattern.o:	pattern.h
-pattern.o:	types.h
-peephole.o:	../../h/em_mnem.h
-peephole.o:	../../h/em_spec.h
-peephole.o:	alloc.h
-peephole.o:	assert.h
-peephole.o:	ext.h
-peephole.o:	line.h
-peephole.o:	lookup.h
-peephole.o:	optim.h
-peephole.o:	param.h
-peephole.o:	pattern.h
-peephole.o:	proinf.h
-peephole.o:	types.h
-process.o:	../../h/em_pseu.h
-process.o:	../../h/em_spec.h
-process.o:	alloc.h
-process.o:	assert.h
-process.o:	ext.h
-process.o:	line.h
-process.o:	lookup.h
-process.o:	param.h
-process.o:	proinf.h
-process.o:	types.h
-putline.o:	../../h/em_flag.h
-putline.o:	../../h/em_mnem.h
-putline.o:	../../h/em_pseu.h
-putline.o:	../../h/em_spec.h
-putline.o:	alloc.h
-putline.o:	assert.h
-putline.o:	ext.h
-putline.o:	line.h
-putline.o:	lookup.h
-putline.o:	optim.h
-putline.o:	param.h
-putline.o:	proinf.h
-putline.o:	types.h
-reg.o:	../../h/em_mes.h
-reg.o:	../../h/em_pseu.h
-reg.o:	../../h/em_spec.h
-reg.o:	alloc.h
-reg.o:	assert.h
-reg.o:	ext.h
-reg.o:	line.h
-reg.o:	param.h
-reg.o:	proinf.h
-reg.o:	types.h
-scan.o:	stdio.h
-special.o:	param.h
-special.o:	types.h
-util.o:	assert.h
-util.o:	ext.h
-util.o:	lookup.h
-util.o:	optim.h
-util.o:	param.h
-util.o:	proinf.h
-util.o:	types.h
-var.o:	lookup.h
-var.o:	param.h
-var.o:	proinf.h
-var.o:	types.h

+ 0 - 448

@@ -1,448 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef NORCSID
-static char rcsid[] = "$Header$";
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include "param.h"
-#include "types.h"
-#include "assert.h"
-#include "alloc.h"
-#include "line.h"
-#include "lookup.h"
-#include "proinf.h"
- * (c) copyright 1983 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
- *
- *          This product is part of the Amsterdam Compiler Kit.
- *
- * Permission to use, sell, duplicate or disclose this software must be
- * obtained in writing. Requests for such permissions may be sent to
- *
- *      Dr. Andrew S. Tanenbaum
- *      Wiskundig Seminarium
- *      Vrije Universiteit
- *      Postbox 7161
- *      1007 MC Amsterdam
- *      The Netherlands
- *
- * Author: Hans van Staveren
- */
-short * myalloc();
-#define newcore(size) myalloc(size)
-#define oldcore(p,size) free(p)
-/* #define CORECHECK	/* if defined tests are made to insure
-			   each block occurs at most once */
-#define CCHUNK	1024	/* number of shorts asked from system */
-short *newcore(),*freshcore();
-extern char *sbrk();
-int shortsasked=0;
- * The following two sizetables contain the sizes of the various kinds
- * of line and argument structures.
- * Care has been taken to make this table implementation independent,
- * but if you think very hard you might find a compiler failing the
- * assumptions made.
- * A wasteful but safe approach is to replace every line of them by
- *  sizeof(line_t)
- * and
- *  sizeof(arg_t)
- * respectively.
- */
-#define LBASE (sizeof(line_t)-sizeof(un_l_a))
-int lsizetab[] = {
-	LBASE+sizeof(short),
-	LBASE+sizeof(offset),
-	LBASE+sizeof(num_p),
-	LBASE+sizeof(sym_p),
-	LBASE+sizeof(s_la_sval),
-	LBASE+sizeof(s_la_lval),
-	LBASE+sizeof(arg_p),
-#define ABASE (sizeof(arg_t)-sizeof(un_a_a))
-int asizetab[] = {
-	ABASE+sizeof(offset),
-	ABASE+sizeof(num_p),
-	ABASE+sizeof(sym_p),
-	ABASE+sizeof(s_a_val),
-	ABASE+sizeof(argb_t),
-	ABASE+sizeof(s_a_con),
-	ABASE+sizeof(s_a_con),
-	ABASE+sizeof(s_a_con),
- * alloc routines:
- * Two parts:
- *   1)	typed alloc and free routines
- *   2) untyped raw core allocation
- */
- * PART 1
- */
-line_p	newline(optyp) int optyp; {
-	register line_p lnp;
-	register kind=optyp;
-	if (kind>OPMINI)
-		kind = OPMINI;
-	lnp = (line_p) newcore(lsizetab[kind]);
-	lnp->l_optyp = optyp;
-	return(lnp);
-oldline(lnp) register line_p lnp; {
-	register kind=lnp->l_optyp&BMASK;
-	if (kind>OPMINI)
-		kind = OPMINI;
-	if (kind == OPLIST)
-		oldargs(lnp->l_a.la_arg);
-	oldcore((short *) lnp,lsizetab[kind]);
-arg_p newarg(kind) int kind; {
-	register arg_p ap;
-	ap = (arg_p) newcore(asizetab[kind]);
-	ap->a_typ = kind;
-	return(ap);
-oldargs(ap) register arg_p ap; {
-	register arg_p	next;
-	while (ap != (arg_p) 0) {
-		next = ap->a_next;
-		switch(ap->a_typ) {
-		case ARGSTR:
-			oldargb(ap->a_a.a_string.ab_next);
-			break;
-		case ARGICN:
-		case ARGUCN:
-		case ARGFCN:
-			oldargb(ap->a_a.a_con.ac_con.ab_next);
-			break;
-		}
-		oldcore((short *) ap,asizetab[ap->a_typ]);
-		ap = next;
-	}
-oldargb(abp) register argb_p abp; {
-	register argb_p next;
-	while (abp != (argb_p) 0) {
-		next = abp->ab_next;
-		oldcore((short *) abp,sizeof (argb_t));
-		abp = next;
-	}
-reg_p newreg() {
-	return((reg_p) newcore(sizeof(reg_t)));
-oldreg(rp) reg_p rp; {
-	oldcore((short *) rp,sizeof(reg_t));
-num_p newnum() {
-	return((num_p) newcore(sizeof(num_t)));
-oldnum(lp) num_p lp; {
-	oldcore((short *) lp,sizeof(num_t));
-offset *newrom() {
-	return((offset *) newcore(MAXROM*sizeof(offset)));
-sym_p newsym(len) int len; {
-	/*
-	 * sym_t includes a 2 character s_name at the end
-	 * extend this structure with len-2 characters
-	 */
-	return((sym_p) newcore(sizeof(sym_t) - 2 + len));
-argb_p newargb() {
-	return((argb_p) newcore(sizeof(argb_t)));
-#ifndef USEMALLOC
-/******   Start of raw core management package    *****************/
-#define MAXSHORT 30	/* Maximum number of shorts one can ask for */
-short *freelist[MAXSHORT];
-typedef struct coreblock {
-	struct coreblock *co_next;
-	short co_size;
-} core_t,*core_p;
-#define SINC	(sizeof(core_t)/sizeof(short))
-coreverbose() {
-	register size;
-	register short *p;
-	register sum;
-	sum = 0;
-	for(size=1;size<MAXSHORT;size++)
-		for (p=freelist[size];p!=0;p = *(short **) p)
-			sum += size;
-	fprintf(stderr,"Used core %u\n",(shortsasked-sum)*sizeof(short));
-#ifdef SEPID
-compactcore() {
-	register core_p corelist=0,tp,cl;
-	int size;
-	fprintf(stderr,"Almost out of core\n");
-	for(size=SINC;size<MAXSHORT;size++) {
-		while ((tp = (core_p) freelist[size]) != (core_p) 0) {
-			freelist[size] = (short *) tp->co_next;
-			tp->co_size = size;
-			if (corelist==0 || tp<corelist) {
-				tp->co_next = corelist;
-				corelist = tp;
-			} else {
-				for(cl=corelist;cl->co_next != 0 && tp>cl->co_next;
-							cl = cl->co_next)
-					;
-				tp->co_next = cl->co_next;
-				cl->co_next = tp;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	while (corelist != 0) {
-		while ((short *) corelist->co_next ==
-		    (short *) corelist + corelist->co_size) {
-			corelist->co_size += corelist->co_next->co_size;
-			corelist->co_next =  corelist->co_next->co_next;
-		}
-		assert(corelist->co_next==0 ||
-			(short *) corelist->co_next >
-			    (short *) corelist + corelist->co_size);
-		while (corelist->co_size >= MAXSHORT+SINC) {
-			oldcore((short *) corelist + corelist->co_size-(MAXSHORT-1),
-				sizeof(short)*(MAXSHORT-1));
-			corelist->co_size -= MAXSHORT;
-		}
-		if (corelist->co_size >= MAXSHORT) {
-			oldcore((short *) corelist + corelist->co_size-SINC,
-				sizeof(short)*SINC);
-			corelist->co_size -= SINC;
-		}
-		cl = corelist->co_next;
-		oldcore((short *) corelist, sizeof(short)*corelist->co_size);
-		corelist = cl;
-	}
-short *grabcore(size) int size; {
-	register short *p;
-	register trysize;
-	/*
-	 * Desperate situation, can't get more core from system.
-	 * Postpone giving up just a little bit by splitting up
-	 * larger free blocks if possible.
-	 * Algorithm is worst fit.
-	 */
-	assert(size<2*MAXSHORT);
-	for(trysize=2*MAXSHORT-2; trysize>size; trysize -= 2) {
-		p = freelist[trysize/sizeof(short)];
-		if ( p != (short *) 0) {
-			freelist[trysize/sizeof(short)] = *(short **) p;
-			oldcore(p+size/sizeof(short),trysize-size);
-			return(p);
-		}
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Can't get more core from the biggies, try to combine the
-	 * little ones. This is expensive but probably better than
-	 * giving up.
-	 */
-	compactcore();
-	if ((p=freelist[size/sizeof(short)]) != 0) {
-		freelist[size/sizeof(short)] = * (short **) p;
-		return(p);
-	}
-	for(trysize=2*MAXSHORT-2; trysize>size; trysize -= 2) {
-		p = freelist[trysize/sizeof(short)];
-		if ( p != (short *) 0) {
-			freelist[trysize/sizeof(short)] = *(short **) p;
-			oldcore(p+size/sizeof(short),trysize-size);
-			return(p);
-		}
-	}
-	/*
-	 * That's it then. Finished.
-	 */
-	return(0);
-#endif	/* SEPID */
-short *newcore(size) int size; {
-	register short *p,*q;
-	if( size < 2*MAXSHORT ) {
-		if ((p=freelist[size/sizeof(short)]) != (short *) 0)
-			freelist[size/sizeof(short)] = *(short **) p;
-		else {
-			p = freshcore(size);
-#ifdef SEPID
-			if (p == (short *) 0)
-				p = grabcore(size);
-		}
-	} else
-		p = freshcore(size);
-	if (p == 0)
-		error("out of memory");
-	for (q=p; size > 0 ; size -= sizeof(short))
-		*q++ = 0;
-	return(p);
-#ifdef NOMALLOC
- * stdio uses malloc and free.
- * you can use these as substitutes
- */
-char *malloc(size) int size; {
-	/*
-	 * malloc(III) is called by stdio,
-	 * this routine is a substitute.
-	 */
-	return( (char *) newcore(size));
-free() {
-oldcore(p,size) short *p; int size; {
-	register short *cp;
-	assert(size<2*MAXSHORT);
-	for (cp=freelist[size/sizeof(short)]; cp != (short *) 0;
-	    cp = (short *) *cp)
-		assert(cp != p);
-	*(short **) p = freelist[size/sizeof(short)];
-	freelist[size/sizeof(short)] = p;
-short *ccur,*cend;
-coreinit(p1,p2) short *p1,*p2; {
-	/*
-	 * coreinit is called with the boundaries of a piece of
-	 * memory that can be used for starters.
-	 */
-	ccur = p1;
-	cend = p2;
-short *freshcore(size) int size; {
-	register short *temp;
-	static int cchunk=CCHUNK;
-	while(&ccur[size/sizeof(short)] >= cend && cchunk>0) {
-		do {
-			temp = (short *) sbrk(cchunk*sizeof(short));
-			if (temp == (short *) -1)
-				cchunk >>= 1;
-			else if (temp != cend)
-				ccur = cend = temp;
-		} while (temp == (short *) -1 && cchunk>0);
-		cend += cchunk;
-		shortsasked += cchunk;
-	}
-	if (cchunk==0)
-		return(0);
-	temp = ccur;
-	ccur = &ccur[size/sizeof(short)];
-	return(temp);
-#else	/* USEMALLOC */
-coreinit() {
-	/*
-	 * Empty function, no initialization needed
-	 */
-short *myalloc(size) register size; {
-	register short *p,*q;
-	extern char *malloc();
-	p = (short *)malloc(size);
-	if (p == 0)
-		error("out of memory");
-	for(q=p;size>0;size -= sizeof(short))
-		*q++ = 0;
-	return(p);

+ 0 - 55

@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-/* $Header$ */
-extern line_p 	newline();
-extern offset	*newrom();
-extern sym_p	newsym();
-extern num_p	newnum();
-extern arg_p	newarg();
-extern argb_p	newargb();
-extern reg_p	newreg();
-extern		oldline();
-extern		oldloc();
-extern		oldreg();
-/* #define USEMALLOC	/* if defined malloc() and free() are used */
-/* #define COREDEBUG	/* keep records and print statistics */
- * The next define gives if defined the number of pseudo's outside
- * procedures that are collected without processing.
- * If undefined all pseudo's will be collected but that may
- * give trouble on small machines, because of lack of room.
- */
-#define PSEUBETWEEN 200 
-#ifndef USEMALLOC
- * Now the real bitsqueezing starts.
- * When running on a machine where code and data live in
- * separate address-spaces it is worth putting in some extra
- * code to save on probably less data.
- */
-#define SEPID		/* code and data in separate spaces */
- * If the stack segment and the data are separate as on a PDP11 under UNIX
- * it is worth squeezing some shorts out of the stack page.
- */
-#ifndef EM_WSIZE
- * Compiled with 'standard' C compiler
- */
-#define STACKROOM 3200	/* number of shorts space in stack */
- * Compiled with pcc, has trouble with lots of variables
- */
-#define STACKROOM 2000
-#define STACKROOM 1	/* 0 gives problems */
-#endif	/* USEMALLOC */

+ 0 - 7

@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-/* $Header$ */
-#ifndef NDEBUG
-#define assert(x) if(!(x)) badassertion(__FILE__,__LINE__)
-#define assert(x)	/* nothing */

+ 0 - 187

@@ -1,187 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef NORCSID
-static char rcsid[] = "$Header$";
-#include "param.h"
-#include "types.h"
-#include "assert.h"
-#include "line.h"
-#include "lookup.h"
-#include "alloc.h"
-#include "proinf.h"
-#include "../../h/em_spec.h"
-#include "../../h/em_pseu.h"
-#include "../../h/em_mnem.h"
-#include "ext.h"
- * (c) copyright 1983 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
- *
- *          This product is part of the Amsterdam Compiler Kit.
- *
- * Permission to use, sell, duplicate or disclose this software must be
- * obtained in writing. Requests for such permissions may be sent to
- *
- *      Dr. Andrew S. Tanenbaum
- *      Wiskundig Seminarium
- *      Vrije Universiteit
- *      Postbox 7161
- *      1007 MC Amsterdam
- *      The Netherlands
- *
- * Author: Hans van Staveren
- */
-#define local(x)	if (((x)->s_flags&SYMKNOWN) == 0)\
-				x->s_flags &= ~ SYMGLOBAL
-#define global(x)	if(((x)->s_flags&SYMKNOWN) == 0)\
-				x->s_flags |= SYMGLOBAL
-#define DTYPHOL	1
-#define DTYPBSS 2
-#define DTYPCON 3
-#define DTYPROM 4
-byte	curdtyp;
-bool	goodrom;
-short	curfrag = 3;	/* see also peephole.c */
-offset rombuf[MAXROM];
-int	rc;
-backward() {
-	register line_p lnp;
-	line_p	next;
-	register arg_p ap;
-	line_p i,p;
-	int n;
-	register sym_p sp;
-	i = p = (line_p) 0;
-	curdtyp=0;
-	for (lnp = curpro.lastline; lnp != (line_p) 0; lnp = next) {
-		next = lnp->l_next;
-		switch(lnp->l_optyp) {
-		case OPSYMBOL:
-			global(lnp->l_a.la_sp);
-			break;
-		case OPSVAL:
-			global(lnp->l_a.la_sval.lasv_sp);
-			break;
-		case OPLVAL:
-			global(lnp->l_a.la_lval.lalv_sp);
-			break;
-		case OPLIST:
-			ap = lnp->l_a.la_arg;
-			while (ap != (arg_p) 0 ) {
-				switch(ap->a_typ) {
-				case ARGSYM:
-					global(ap->a_a.a_sp);
-					break;
-				case ARGVAL:
-					global(ap->a_a.a_val.av_sp);
-				}
-				ap = ap->a_next;
-			}
-			break;
-		}
-		/*
-		 * references to symbols are processed now.
-		 * for plain instructions nothing else is needed
-		 */
-		switch(lnp->l_instr&BMASK) {
-		/*
-		 * count all local occurences for register counts;
-		 * op_lal is omitted and not by accident.
-		 */
-		case op_del:
-		case op_inl:
-		case op_ldl:
-		case op_lil:
-		case op_lol:
-		case op_sdl:
-		case op_sil:
-		case op_stl:
-		case op_zrl:
-			switch(lnp->l_optyp) {
-			case OPNO:
-			case OPNUMLAB:
-			case OPSYMBOL:
-			case OPSVAL:
-			case OPLVAL:
-			case OPLIST:
-				break;
-			case OPOFFSET:
-				incregusage(lnp->l_a.la_offset);
-				break;
-			case OPSHORT:
-				incregusage((offset)lnp->l_a.la_short);
-				break;
-			default:
-				incregusage((offset)(lnp->l_optyp&BMASK)-Z_OPMINI);
-				break;
-			}
-			/* fall through !! */
-		default:
-			assert((lnp->l_instr&BMASK)<=op_last);
-			lnp->l_next = i;
-			i = lnp;
-			continue;
-		case ps_sym:
-			sp = lnp->l_a.la_sp;
-			local(sp);
-			if (curdtyp == DTYPROM && goodrom) {
-				sp->s_rom = newrom();
-				for (n=0;n<rc;n++)
-					sp->s_rom[n] = rombuf[n];
-			}
-			sp->s_frag = curfrag;
-			break;
-		case ps_hol:
-			curdtyp = DTYPHOL;
-			curfrag++;
-			break;
-		case ps_bss:
-			curdtyp = DTYPBSS;
-			curfrag++;
-			break;
-		case ps_con:
-			if (curdtyp != DTYPCON) {
-				curdtyp = DTYPCON;
-				curfrag++;
-			}
-			break;
-		case ps_rom:
-			if (curdtyp != DTYPROM) {
-				curdtyp = DTYPROM;
-				curfrag++;
-			}
-			ap = lnp->l_a.la_arg;
-			rc = 0;
-			while (ap != (arg_p) 0 && rc < MAXROM) {
-				if (ap->a_typ == ARGOFF) {
-					rombuf[rc++] = ap->a_a.a_offset;
-					ap = ap->a_next;
-				} else
-					ap = (arg_p) 0;
-			}
-			goodrom = (rc >= 2);
-			break;
-		case ps_mes:
-			break;
-		case ps_inp:
-		case ps_ina:
-			local(lnp->l_a.la_sp);
-		case ps_exp:
-		case ps_exa:
-		case ps_exc:
-			oldline(lnp);
-			continue;
-		}
-		lnp->l_next = p;
-		p = lnp;
-	}
-	if (prodepth != 0)
-		local(curpro.symbol);
-	instrs = i; pseudos = p; curpro.lastline = (line_p) 0;

+ 0 - 65

@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef NORCSID
-static char rcsid[] = "$Header$";
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include "param.h"
-#include "types.h"
-#include "assert.h"
-#include "../../h/em_pseu.h"
-#include "../../h/em_spec.h"
-#include "../../h/em_mes.h"
-#include "lookup.h"
-#include "ext.h"
- * (c) copyright 1983 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
- *
- *          This product is part of the Amsterdam Compiler Kit.
- *
- * Permission to use, sell, duplicate or disclose this software must be
- * obtained in writing. Requests for such permissions may be sent to
- *
- *      Dr. Andrew S. Tanenbaum
- *      Wiskundig Seminarium
- *      Vrije Universiteit
- *      Postbox 7161
- *      1007 MC Amsterdam
- *      The Netherlands
- *
- * Author: Hans van Staveren
- */
-cleanup() {
-	FILE *infile;
-	register c;
-	register sym_p *spp,sp;
- 	for (spp=symhash;spp< &symhash[NSYMHASH];spp++)
- 		for (sp = *spp; sp != (sym_p) 0; sp = sp->s_next)
- 			if ((sp->s_flags & SYMOUT) == 0)
- 				outdef(sp);
-	if(!Lflag)
-		return;
-	c=fclose(outfile);
-	assert(c != EOF);
-	outfile = stdout;
-	infile = fopen(template,"r");
-	if (infile == NULL)
-		error("temp file disappeared");
-	outshort(sp_magic);
-	outinst(ps_mes);
-	outint(ms_ext);
-	for (spp=symhash;spp< &symhash[NSYMHASH];spp++)
-		for (sp = *spp; sp != (sym_p) 0; sp = sp->s_next)
-			if ((sp->s_flags&(SYMDEF|SYMGLOBAL)) == (SYMDEF|SYMGLOBAL))
-				outsym(sp);
-	putc(sp_cend,outfile);
-	while ( (c=getc(infile)) != EOF)
-		putc(c,outfile);
-	c=fclose(infile);
-	assert(c != EOF);
-	c=unlink(template);
-	assert(c == 0);

+ 0 - 16

@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-/* $Header$ */
-#ifndef FILE
-#include <stdio.h>
-extern	unsigned linecount;
-extern	int	prodepth;
-extern	bool	Lflag;
-extern	bool	nflag;
-extern	byte	em_flag[];
-extern	line_p	instrs,pseudos;
-extern	FILE	*outfile;
-extern	char	template[];
-extern	offset	wordsize;
-extern	offset	pointersize;
-extern	char	*progname;

+ 0 - 126

@@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef NORCSID
-static char rcsid[] = "$Header$";
-#include "param.h"
-#include "types.h"
-#include "../../h/em_flag.h"
-#include "../../h/em_spec.h"
-#include "../../h/em_mnem.h"
-#include "alloc.h"
-#include "line.h"
-#include "proinf.h"
-#include "optim.h"
-#include "ext.h"
- * (c) copyright 1983 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
- *
- *          This product is part of the Amsterdam Compiler Kit.
- *
- * Permission to use, sell, duplicate or disclose this software must be
- * obtained in writing. Requests for such permissions may be sent to
- *
- *      Dr. Andrew S. Tanenbaum
- *      Wiskundig Seminarium
- *      Vrije Universiteit
- *      Postbox 7161
- *      1007 MC Amsterdam
- *      The Netherlands
- *
- * Author: Hans van Staveren
- */
-flow() {
-	findreach();	/* determine reachable labels */
-	cleaninstrs();	/* throw away unreachable code */
-findreach() {
-	register num_p	*npp,np;
-	reach(instrs);
-	for(npp=curpro.numhash;npp< &curpro.numhash[NNUMHASH]; npp++)
-		for(np= *npp; np != (num_p) 0 ; np = np->n_next)
-			if (np->n_flags&NUMDATA) {
-				np->n_repl->n_flags |= NUMREACH;
-				np->n_repl->n_jumps++;
-				if (!(np->n_flags&NUMSCAN)) {
-					np->n_flags |= NUMSCAN;
-					reach(np->n_line->l_next);
-				}
-			}
-reach(lnp) register line_p lnp; {
-	register num_p np;
-	for (;lnp != (line_p) 0; lnp = lnp->l_next) {
-		if(lnp->l_optyp == OPNUMLAB) {
-			/*
-			 * Branch instruction or label
-			 */
-			np = lnp->l_a.la_np;
-			if ((lnp->l_instr&BMASK) != op_lab)
-				np = np->n_repl;
-			np->n_flags |= NUMREACH;
-			if (!(np->n_flags&NUMSCAN)) {
-				np->n_flags |= NUMSCAN;
-				reach(np->n_line->l_next);
-			}
-			if ((lnp->l_instr&BMASK) == op_lab)
-				return;
-			else
-				np->n_jumps++;
-		}
-		if ((em_flag[(lnp->l_instr&BMASK)-sp_fmnem]&EM_FLO)==FLO_T)
-			return;
-	}
-cleaninstrs() {
-	register line_p *lpp,lp,*lastbra;
-	bool reachable,superfluous;
-	int instr;
-	lpp = &instrs; lastbra = (line_p *) 0; reachable = TRUE;
-	while ((lp = *lpp) != (line_p) 0) {
-		instr = lp->l_instr&BMASK;
-		if (instr == op_lab) {
-			if ((lp->l_a.la_np->n_flags&NUMREACH) != 0) {
-				reachable = TRUE;
-				if (lastbra != (line_p *) 0
-				    && (*lastbra)->l_next == lp
-				    && (*lastbra)->l_a.la_np->n_repl==lp->l_a.la_np) {
-					oldline(*lastbra);
-					lpp = lastbra;
-					*lpp = lp;
-					lp->l_a.la_np->n_jumps--;
-				}
-			}
-			if ( lp->l_a.la_np->n_repl != lp->l_a.la_np ||
-			     ((lp->l_a.la_np->n_flags&NUMDATA)==0 &&
-			      lp->l_a.la_np->n_jumps == 0))
-				superfluous = TRUE;
-			else
-				superfluous = FALSE;
-		} else
-			superfluous = FALSE;
-		if ( (!reachable) || superfluous) {
-			lp = lp->l_next;
-			oldline(*lpp);
-			*lpp = lp;
-		} else {
-			if ( instr <= sp_lmnem &&
-			    (em_flag[instr-sp_fmnem]&EM_FLO)==FLO_T) {
-				reachable = FALSE;
-				if ((lp->l_instr&BMASK) == op_bra)
-					lastbra = lpp;
-			}
-			lpp = &lp->l_next;
-		}
-	}

+ 0 - 556

@@ -1,556 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef NORCSID
-static char rcsid[] = "$Header$";
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include "param.h"
-#include "types.h"
-#include "assert.h"
-#include "line.h"
-#include "lookup.h"
-#include "alloc.h"
-#include "proinf.h"
-#include "../../h/em_spec.h"
-#include "../../h/em_pseu.h"
-#include "../../h/em_flag.h"
-#include "../../h/em_mes.h"
-#include "ext.h"
- * (c) copyright 1983 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
- *
- *          This product is part of the Amsterdam Compiler Kit.
- *
- * Permission to use, sell, duplicate or disclose this software must be
- * obtained in writing. Requests for such permissions may be sent to
- *
- *      Dr. Andrew S. Tanenbaum
- *      Wiskundig Seminarium
- *      Vrije Universiteit
- *      Postbox 7161
- *      1007 MC Amsterdam
- *      The Netherlands
- *
- * Author: Hans van Staveren
- */
-static  short   tabval;         /* temp store for shorts */
-static  offset  tabval2;        /* temp store for offsets */
-static  char    string[IDL+1];  /* temp store for names */
- * The next constants are close to sp_cend for fast switches
- */
-#define INST    256     /* instruction:         number in tabval */
-#define PSEU    257     /* pseudo:              number in tabval */
-#define ILBX    258     /* label:               number in tabval */
-#define DLBX    259     /* symbol:              name in string[] */
-#define CSTX1   260     /* short constant:      stored in tabval */
-#define CSTX2   261     /* offset:              value in tabval2 */
-#define VALX1   262     /* symbol+short:        in string[] and tabval */
-#define VALX2   263     /* symbol+offset:       in string[] and tabval2 */
-#define ATEOF   264     /* bumped into end of file */
-#define readbyte getchar
-short readshort() {
-	register int l_byte, h_byte;
-	l_byte = readbyte();
-	h_byte = readbyte();
-	if ( h_byte>=128 ) h_byte -= 256 ;
-	return l_byte | (h_byte*256) ;
-#ifdef LONGOFF
-offset readoffset() {
-	register long l;
-	register int h_byte;
-	l = readbyte();
-	l |= ((unsigned) readbyte())*256 ;
-	l |= readbyte()*256L*256L ;
-	h_byte = readbyte() ;
-	if ( h_byte>=128 ) h_byte -= 256 ;
-	return l | (h_byte*256L*256*256L) ;
-draininput() {
-	/*
-	 * called when MES ERR is encountered.
-	 * Drain input in case it is a pipe.
-	 */
-	while (getchar() != EOF)
-		;
-short getint() {
-	switch(table2()) {
-	default: error("int expected");
-	case CSTX1:
-		return(tabval);
-	}
-sym_p getsym(status) int status; {
-	switch(table2()) {
-	default:
-		error("symbol expected");
-	case DLBX:
-		return(symlookup(string,status,0));
-	case sp_pnam:
-		return(symlookup(string,status,SYMPRO));
-	}
-offset getoff() {
-	switch (table2()) {
-	default: error("offset expected");
-	case CSTX1:
-		return((offset) tabval);
-#ifdef LONGOFF
-	case CSTX2:
-		return(tabval2);
-	}
-make_string(n) int n; {
-	register char *s;
-	extern char *sprintf();
-	s=sprintf(string,".%u",n);
-	assert(s == string);
-inident() {
-	register n;
-	register char *p = string;
-	register c;
-	n = getint();
-	while (n--) {
-		c = readbyte();
-		if (p<&string[IDL])
-			*p++ = c;
-	}
-	*p++ = 0;
-int table3(n) int n; {
-	switch (n) {
-	case sp_ilb1:   tabval = readbyte(); return(ILBX);
-	case sp_ilb2:   tabval = readshort(); return(ILBX);
-	case sp_dlb1:   make_string(readbyte()); return(DLBX);
-	case sp_dlb2:   make_string(readshort()); return(DLBX);
-	case sp_dnam:   inident(); return(DLBX);
-	case sp_pnam:   inident(); return(n);
-	case sp_cst2:   tabval = readshort(); return(CSTX1);
-#ifdef LONGOFF
-	case sp_cst4:   tabval2 = readoffset(); return(CSTX2);
-	case sp_doff:   if (table2()!=DLBX) error("symbol expected");
-			switch(table2()) {
-			default:        error("offset expected");
-			case CSTX1:             return(VALX1);
-#ifdef LONGOFF
-			case CSTX2:             return(VALX2);
-			}
-	default:        return(n);
-	}
-int table1() {
-	register n;
-	n = readbyte();
-	if (n == EOF)
-		return(ATEOF);
-	if ((n <= sp_lmnem) && (n >= sp_fmnem)) {
-		tabval = n;
-		return(INST);
-	}
-	if ((n <= sp_lpseu) && (n >= sp_fpseu)) {
-		tabval = n;
-		return(PSEU);
-	}
-	if ((n < sp_filb0 + sp_nilb0) && (n >= sp_filb0)) {
-		tabval = n - sp_filb0;
-		return(ILBX);
-	}
-	return(table3(n));
-int table2() {
-	register n;
-	n = readbyte();
-	if ((n < sp_fcst0 + sp_ncst0) && (n >= sp_fcst0)) {
-		tabval = n - sp_zcst0;
-		return(CSTX1);
-	}
-	return(table3(n));
-getlines() {
-	register line_p lnp;
-	register instr;
-    for(;;) {
-	linecount++;
-	switch(table1()) {
-	default:
-		error("unknown instruction byte");
-	case ATEOF:
-		if (prodepth!=0)
-			error("procedure unterminated at eof");
-		process();
-		return;
-	case INST:
-		tstinpro();
-		instr = tabval;
-		break;
-	case DLBX:
-		lnp = newline(OPSYMBOL);
-		lnp->l_instr = ps_sym;
-		lnp->l_a.la_sp= symlookup(string,DEFINING,0);
-		lnp->l_next = curpro.lastline;
-		curpro.lastline = lnp;
-		continue;
-	case ILBX:
-		tstinpro();
-		lnp = newline(OPNUMLAB);
-		lnp->l_instr = op_lab;
-		lnp->l_a.la_np = numlookup((unsigned) tabval);
-		if (lnp->l_a.la_np->n_line != (line_p) 0)
-			error("label %u multiple defined",(unsigned) tabval);
-		lnp->l_a.la_np->n_line = lnp;
-		lnp->l_next = curpro.lastline;
-		curpro.lastline = lnp;
-		continue;
-	case PSEU:
-		if(inpseudo(tabval))
-			return;
-		continue;
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Now we have an instruction number in instr
-	 * There might be an operand, look for it
-	 */
-	if ((em_flag[instr-sp_fmnem]&EM_PAR)==PAR_NO) {
-		lnp = newline(OPNO);
-	} else switch(table2()) {
-	default:
-		error("unknown offset byte");
-	case sp_cend:
-		lnp = newline(OPNO);
-		break;
-	case CSTX1:
-		if ((em_flag[instr-sp_fmnem]&EM_PAR)!= PAR_B) {
-			if (CANMINI(tabval))
-				lnp = newline(tabval+Z_OPMINI);
-			else {
-				lnp = newline(OPSHORT);
-				lnp->l_a.la_short = tabval;
-			}
-		} else {
-			lnp = newline(OPNUMLAB);
-			lnp->l_a.la_np = numlookup((unsigned) tabval);
-		}
-		break;
-#ifdef LONGOFF
-	case CSTX2:
-		lnp = newline(OPOFFSET);
-		lnp->l_a.la_offset = tabval2;
-		break;
-	case ILBX:
-		tstinpro();
-		lnp = newline(OPNUMLAB);
-		lnp->l_a.la_np = numlookup((unsigned) tabval);
-		break;
-	case DLBX:
-		lnp = newline(OPSYMBOL);
-		lnp->l_a.la_sp = symlookup(string,OCCURRING,0);
-		break;
-	case sp_pnam:
-		lnp = newline(OPSYMBOL);
-		lnp->l_a.la_sp = symlookup(string,OCCURRING,SYMPRO);
-		break;
-	case VALX1:
-		lnp = newline(OPSVAL);
-		lnp->l_a.la_sval.lasv_sp = symlookup(string,OCCURRING,0);
-		lnp->l_a.la_sval.lasv_short = tabval;
-		break;
-#ifdef LONGOFF
-	case VALX2:
-		lnp = newline(OPLVAL);
-		lnp->l_a.la_lval.lalv_sp = symlookup(string,OCCURRING,0);
-		lnp->l_a.la_lval.lalv_offset = tabval2;
-		break;
-	}
-	lnp->l_instr = instr;
-	lnp->l_next = curpro.lastline;
-	curpro.lastline = lnp;
-    }
-argstring(length,abp) offset length; register argb_p abp; {
-	while (length--) {
-		if (abp->ab_index == NARGBYTES)
-			abp = abp->ab_next = newargb();
-		abp->ab_contents[abp->ab_index++] = readbyte();
-	}
-line_p  arglist(n) int n; {
-	line_p  lnp;
-	register arg_p ap,*app;
-	bool moretocome;
-	offset length;
-	/*
-	 * creates an arglist with n elements
-	 * if n == 0 the arglist is variable and terminated by sp_cend
-	 */
-	lnp = newline(OPLIST);
-	app = &lnp->l_a.la_arg;
-	moretocome = TRUE;
-	do {
-		switch(table2()) {
-		default:
-			error("unknown byte in arglist");
-		case CSTX1:
-			tabval2 = (offset) tabval;
-		case CSTX2:
-			*app = ap = newarg(ARGOFF);
-			ap->a_a.a_offset = tabval2;
-			app = &ap->a_next;
-			break;
-		case ILBX:
-			tstinpro();
-			*app = ap = newarg(ARGNUM);
-			ap->a_a.a_np = numlookup((unsigned) tabval);
-			ap->a_a.a_np->n_flags |= NUMDATA;
-			app = &ap->a_next;
-			break;
-		case DLBX:
-			*app = ap = newarg(ARGSYM);
-			ap->a_a.a_sp = symlookup(string,OCCURRING,0);
-			app = &ap->a_next;
-			break;
-		case sp_pnam:
-			*app = ap = newarg(ARGSYM);
-			ap->a_a.a_sp = symlookup(string,OCCURRING,SYMPRO);
-			app = &ap->a_next;
-			break;
-		case VALX1:
-			tabval2 = (offset) tabval;
-		case VALX2:
-			*app = ap = newarg(ARGVAL);
-			ap->a_a.a_val.av_sp = symlookup(string,OCCURRING,0);
-			ap->a_a.a_val.av_offset = tabval2;
-			app = &ap->a_next;
-			break;
-		case sp_scon:
-			*app = ap = newarg(ARGSTR);
-			length = getoff();
-			argstring(length,&ap->a_a.a_string);
-			app = &ap->a_next;
-			break;
-		case sp_icon:
-			*app = ap = newarg(ARGICN);
-			goto casecon;
-		case sp_ucon:
-			*app = ap = newarg(ARGUCN);
-			goto casecon;
-		case sp_fcon:
-			*app = ap = newarg(ARGFCN);
-		casecon:
-			length = getint();
-			ap->a_a.a_con.ac_length = (short) length;
-			argstring(getoff(),&ap->a_a.a_con.ac_con);
-			app = &ap->a_next;
-			break;
-		case sp_cend:
-			moretocome = FALSE;
-		}
-		if (n && (--n) == 0)
-			moretocome = FALSE;
-	} while (moretocome);
-	return(lnp);
-offset aoff(ap,n) register arg_p ap; {
-	while (n>0) {
-		if (ap != (arg_p) 0)
-			ap = ap->a_next;
-		n--;
-	}
-	if (ap == (arg_p) 0)
-		error("too few parameters");
-	if (ap->a_typ != ARGOFF)
-		error("offset expected");
-	return(ap->a_a.a_offset);
-int inpseudo(n) short n; {
-	register line_p lnp,head,tail;
-	short           n1,n2;
-	proinf savearea;
-	static int pcount=0;
-	if (pcount++ >= PSEUBETWEEN && prodepth==0) {
-		process();
-		pcount=0;
-	}
-	switch(n) {
-	default:
-		error("unknown pseudo");
-	case ps_bss:
-	case ps_hol:
-		lnp = arglist(3);
-		break;
-	case ps_rom:
-	case ps_con:
-		lnp = arglist(0);
-		break;
-	case ps_ina:
-	case ps_inp:
-	case ps_exa:
-	case ps_exp:
-		lnp = newline(OPSYMBOL);
-		lnp->l_a.la_sp = getsym(NOTHING);
-		break;
-	case ps_exc:
-		n1 = getint(); n2 = getint();
-		if (n1 != 0 && n2 != 0) {
-			tail = curpro.lastline;
-			while (--n2) tail = tail->l_next;
-			head = tail;
-			while (n1--) head = head->l_next;
-			lnp = tail->l_next;
-			tail->l_next = head->l_next;
-			head->l_next = curpro.lastline;
-			curpro.lastline = lnp;
-		}
-		lnp = newline(OPNO);
-		break;
-	case ps_mes:
-		lnp = arglist(0);
-		switch((int) aoff(lnp->l_a.la_arg,0)) {
-		case ms_err:
-			draininput(); exit(-1);
-		case ms_opt:
-			nflag = TRUE; break;
-		case ms_emx:
-			wordsize = aoff(lnp->l_a.la_arg,1);
-			pointersize = aoff(lnp->l_a.la_arg,2);
-#ifndef LONGOFF
-			if (wordsize>2)
-				error("This optimizer cannot handle wordsize>2");
-			break;
-		case ms_gto:
-			curpro.gtoproc=1;
-			/* Treat as empty mes ms_reg */
-		case ms_reg:
-			tstinpro();
-			regvar(lnp->l_a.la_arg->a_next);
-			oldline(lnp);
-			lnp=newline(OPNO);
-			n=ps_exc;	/* kludge to force out this line */
-			break;
-		}
-		break;
-	case ps_pro:
-		if (prodepth>0)
-			savearea = curpro;
-		else
-			process();
-		curpro.symbol = getsym(DEFINING);
-		switch(table2()) {
-		case sp_cend:
-			curpro.localbytes = (offset) -1;
-			break;
-		case CSTX1:
-			tabval2 = (offset) tabval;
-		case CSTX2:
-			curpro.localbytes = tabval2;
-			break;
-		default:
-			error("bad second arg of PRO");
-		}
-		prodepth++;
-		curpro.gtoproc=0;
-		if (prodepth>1) {
-			register i;
-			curpro.lastline = (line_p) 0;
-			curpro.freg = (reg_p) 0;
-			for(i=0;i<NNUMHASH;i++)
-				curpro.numhash[i] = (num_p) 0;
-			getlines();
-			curpro = savearea;
-			prodepth--;
-		}
-		return(0);
-	case ps_end:
-		if (prodepth==0)
-			error("END misplaced");
-		switch(table2()) {
-		case sp_cend:
-			if (curpro.localbytes == (offset) -1)
-				error("bytes for locals still unknown");
-			break;
-		case CSTX1:
-			tabval2 = (offset) tabval;
-		case CSTX2:
-			if (curpro.localbytes != (offset) -1 && curpro.localbytes != tabval2)
-				error("inconsistency in number of bytes for locals");
-			curpro.localbytes = tabval2;
-			break;
-		}
-		process();
-		curpro.symbol = (sym_p) 0;
-		if (prodepth==1) {
-			prodepth=0;
-			pcount=0;
-			return(0);
-		} else
-			return(1);
-	}
-	lnp->l_instr = n;
-	lnp->l_next = curpro.lastline;
-	curpro.lastline = lnp;
-	return(0);
-tstinpro() {
-	if (prodepth==0)
-		error("This is not allowed outside a procedure");

+ 0 - 88

@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-/* $Header$ */
-#define NARGBYTES	14
-struct argbytes {
-	argb_p	ab_next;
-	short	ab_index;
-	char	ab_contents[NARGBYTES];
-typedef struct {
-	sym_p	av_sp;
-	offset	av_offset;
-} s_a_val;
-typedef struct {
-	short	ac_length;
-	argb_t	ac_con;
-} s_a_con;
-typedef union {
-	offset	a_offset;
-	num_p	a_np;
-	sym_p	a_sp;
-	s_a_val	a_val;
-	argb_t	a_string;
-	s_a_con	a_con;
-} un_a_a;
-struct arg {
-	arg_p	a_next;
-	short	a_typ;
-	un_a_a	a_a;
-/* possible values for .a_typ
- */
-#define ARGOFF	0
-#define ARGNUM	1
-#define ARGSYM	2
-#define ARGVAL	3
-#define ARGSTR	4
-#define ARGICN	5
-#define ARGUCN	6
-#define ARGFCN	7
-typedef struct {
-	sym_p	lasv_sp;
-	short	lasv_short;
-} s_la_sval;
-typedef struct {
-	sym_p	lalv_sp;
-	offset	lalv_offset;
-} s_la_lval;
-typedef union {
-	short	la_short;
-	offset	la_offset;
-	num_p	la_np;
-	sym_p	la_sp;
-	s_la_sval la_sval;
-	s_la_lval la_lval;
-	arg_p	la_arg;
-} un_l_a;
-struct line {
-	line_p		l_next;		/* maintains linked list */
-	byte		l_instr;	/* instruction number */
-	byte		l_optyp;	/* specifies what follows */
-	un_l_a		l_a;
-/* Possible values for .l_optyp */
-#define OPNO		0	/* no operand */
-#define OPSHORT		1	/* 16 bit number */
-#define OPOFFSET	2	/* 16 or 32 bit number */
-#define OPNUMLAB	3	/* local label for branches */
-#define OPSYMBOL	4	/* global label or procedurename */
-#define OPSVAL		5	/* symbol + 16 bit constant */
-#define OPLVAL		6	/* symbol + 16 or 32 bit constant */
-#define OPLIST		7	/* operand list for some pseudos */
-#define OPMINI		8	/* start of minis */
-#define Z_OPMINI	(OPMINI+100)	/* tunable */
-#define CANMINI(x) ((x)>=OPMINI-Z_OPMINI && (x)<256-Z_OPMINI)

+ 0 - 94

@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef NORCSID
-static char rcsid[] = "$Header$";
-#include "param.h"
-#include "types.h"
-#include "lookup.h"
-#include "alloc.h"
-#include "proinf.h"
- * (c) copyright 1983 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
- *
- *          This product is part of the Amsterdam Compiler Kit.
- *
- * Permission to use, sell, duplicate or disclose this software must be
- * obtained in writing. Requests for such permissions may be sent to
- *
- *      Dr. Andrew S. Tanenbaum
- *      Wiskundig Seminarium
- *      Vrije Universiteit
- *      Postbox 7161
- *      1007 MC Amsterdam
- *      The Netherlands
- *
- * Author: Hans van Staveren
- */
-unsigned hash(string) char *string; {
-	register char *p;
-	register unsigned i,sum;
-	for (sum=i=0,p=string;*p;i += 3)
-		sum ^= (*p++)<<(i&07);
-	return(sum);
-sym_p symlookup(name,status,flags) char *name; int status,flags; {
-	register sym_p *spp,sp;
- 	register i;
-	static short genfrag = 32767;
-	spp = &symhash[hash(name)%NSYMHASH];
-	while (*spp != (sym_p) 0)
-		if (strncmp((*spp)->s_name,name,IDL)==0) {
-			sp = *spp;
-			if ((sp->s_flags^flags)&SYMPRO)
-				error("%s is both proc and datalabel",name);
-			if (status == DEFINING) {
-				if (sp->s_flags&SYMDEF)
-					error("redefined symbol %s",name);
-				sp->s_flags |= SYMDEF;
-			}
-			return(sp);
-		} else
-			spp = &(*spp)->s_next;
-	/*
-	 * symbol not found, enter in table
-	 */
- 	i = strlen(name) + 1;
- 	if (i & 1)
- 		i++;
- 	if (i > IDL)
- 		i = IDL;
- 	*spp = sp = newsym(i);
- 	strncpy(sp->s_name,name,i);
-	sp->s_flags = flags;
-	if (status == DEFINING)
-		sp->s_flags |= SYMDEF;
-	sp->s_frag = genfrag--;
-	return(sp);
-num_p numlookup(number) unsigned number; {
-	register num_p *npp, np;
-	npp = &curpro.numhash[number%NNUMHASH];
-	while (*npp != (num_p) 0)
-		if ((*npp)->n_number == number)
-			return(*npp);
-		else
-			npp = &(*npp)->n_next;
-	/*
-	 * local label not found, enter in tabel
-	 */
-	*npp = np = newnum();
-	np->n_number = number;
-	np->n_repl = np;
-	return(np);

+ 0 - 25

@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-/* $Header$ */
-#define IDL	100
-struct sym {
-	sym_p	s_next;
-	offset	*s_rom;
-	short	s_flags;
-	short	s_frag;
-	offset	s_value;
-	char	s_name[2];	/* to be extended up to IDL */
-/* contents of .s_flags */
-#define SYMPRO		000001
-#define SYMGLOBAL	000002
-#define SYMKNOWN	000004
-#define SYMOUT		000010
-#define SYMDEF		000020
-#define NSYMHASH	127
-extern sym_p symhash[NSYMHASH],symlookup();
-#define OCCURRING	0
-#define DEFINING	1
-#define NOTHING		2

+ 0 - 77

@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef NORCSID
-static char rcsid[] = "$Header$";
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include "param.h"
-#include "types.h"
-#include "alloc.h"
-#include "../../h/em_spec.h"
-#include "ext.h"
- * (c) copyright 1983 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
- *
- *          This product is part of the Amsterdam Compiler Kit.
- *
- * Permission to use, sell, duplicate or disclose this software must be
- * obtained in writing. Requests for such permissions may be sent to
- *
- *      Dr. Andrew S. Tanenbaum
- *      Wiskundig Seminarium
- *      Vrije Universiteit
- *      Postbox 7161
- *      1007 MC Amsterdam
- *      The Netherlands
- *
- * Author: Hans van Staveren
- */
- * Main program for EM optimizer
- */
-main(argc,argv) int argc; char *argv[]; {
-	short somespace[STACKROOM];
-	progname = argv[0];
-	while (argc-->1 && **++argv == '-')
-		flags(*argv);
-	if (argc>1) {
-		fprintf(stderr,"Usage: %s [-Ln] [name]\n",progname);
-		exit(-1);
-	}
-	if (argc)
-		if (freopen(*argv,"r",stdin) == NULL)
-			error("Cannot open %s",*argv);
-	fileinit();
-	coreinit(somespace,somespace+STACKROOM);
-	getlines();
-	cleanup();
-	return(0);
-flags(s) register char *s; {
-	for (s++;*s;s++)
-		switch(*s) {
-		case 'L':	Lflag = TRUE; break;
-		case 'n':	nflag = TRUE; break;
-		}
-fileinit() {
-	char *mktemp();
-	short readshort();
-	if (readshort() != (short) sp_magic)
-		error("wrong input file");
-	if (Lflag) {
-		outfile = fopen(mktemp(template),"w");
-		if (outfile == NULL)
-			error("can't create %s",template);
-	} else {
-		outfile = stdout;
-		outshort(sp_magic);
-	}

+ 0 - 15

@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-: '$Header$'
-for extension in c y
-    for file in *.$extension
-    do ofile=`basename $file .$extension`.o
-    grep '^# *include.*"' $file|sed "s/.*\"\(.*\)\".*/$ofile:	\1/"
-    done
-done | sort -u >depend
-ed - Makefile <<'!'
-$r depend
-rm -f depend

+ 0 - 366

@@ -1,366 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef NORCSID
-static char rcsid[] = "$Header$";
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include "param.h"
-#include "types.h"
-#include "pattern.h"
-#include "../../h/em_spec.h"
-#include "../../h/em_mnem.h"
-#include "optim.h"
- * (c) copyright 1983 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
- *
- *          This product is part of the Amsterdam Compiler Kit.
- *
- * Permission to use, sell, duplicate or disclose this software must be
- * obtained in writing. Requests for such permissions may be sent to
- *
- *      Dr. Andrew S. Tanenbaum
- *      Wiskundig Seminarium
- *      Vrije Universiteit
- *      Postbox 7161
- *      1007 MC Amsterdam
- *      The Netherlands
- *
- * Author: Hans van Staveren
- */
-#define MAXNODES 1000
-expr_t	nodes[MAXNODES];
-expr_p	lastnode = nodes+1;
-int	curind,prevind;
-int	patlen,maxpatlen,rpllen;
-int	lino = 1;
-int	patno=1;
-#define MAX	100
-int patmnem[MAX],rplmnem[MAX],rplexpr[MAX];
-byte	nparam[N_EX_OPS];
-bool	nonumlab[N_EX_OPS];
-bool	onlyconst[N_EX_OPS];
-int	nerrors=0;
-%union {
-	int	y_int;
-%left OR2
-%left AND2
-%left OR1
-%left XOR1
-%left AND1
-%nonassoc NOT,COMP,UMINUS
-%nonassoc '$'
-%token <y_int> MNEM
-%token <y_int> NUMBER
-%type <y_int> expr,argno,optexpr
-%start patternlist
-	:	/* empty */
-	|	patternlist '\n'
-	|	patternlist pattern
-	;
-pattern	:
-		mnemlist optexpr ':' replacement '\n'
-			{ register i;
-			  outbyte(0); outshort(prevind); prevind=curind-3;
-			  out(patlen);
-			  for (i=0;i<patlen;i++) outbyte(patmnem[i]);
-			  out($2);
-			  out(rpllen);
-			  for (i=0;i<rpllen;i++) {
-				outbyte(rplmnem[i]);
-				out(rplexpr[i]);
-			  }
-#ifdef DIAGOPT
-			  outshort(patno);
-			  patno++;
-			  printf("\n");
-			  if (patlen>maxpatlen) maxpatlen=patlen;
-			}
-	|	error '\n'
-			{ yyerrok; }
-	;
-	:	expr	/* special optimization */
-			{
-			  rpllen=1; rplmnem[0]=0; rplexpr[0]=$1;
-			  yyerror("No specials allowed");
-			}
-	|	repllist
-	;
-repllist:	/* empty */
-			{ rpllen=0; }
-	|	repllist repl
-	;
-repl	:	MNEM	optexpr
-			{ rplmnem[rpllen] = $1; rplexpr[rpllen++] = $2; }
-	;
-mnemlist:	MNEM
-			{ patlen=0; patmnem[patlen++] = $1; }
-	|	mnemlist MNEM
-			{ patmnem[patlen++] = $2; }
-	;
-optexpr	:	/* empty */
-			{ $$ = 0; }
-	|	expr
-	;
-	:	'$' argno
-			{ $$ = lookup(0,EX_ARG,$2,0); }
-			{ $$ = lookup(0,EX_CON,(int)(short)$1,0); }
-			{ $$ = lookup(0,EX_POINTERSIZE,0,0); }
-			{ $$ = lookup(0,EX_WORDSIZE,0,0); }
-	|	DEFINED '(' expr ')'
-			{ $$ = lookup(0,EX_DEFINED,$3,0); }
-	|	SAMESIGN '(' expr ',' expr ')'
-			{ $$ = lookup(1,EX_SAMESIGN,$3,$5); }
-	|	SFIT '(' expr ',' expr ')'
-			{ $$ = lookup(0,EX_SFIT,$3,$5); }
-	|	UFIT '(' expr ',' expr ')'
-			{ $$ = lookup(0,EX_UFIT,$3,$5); }
-	|	ROTATE '(' expr ',' expr ')'
-			{ $$ = lookup(0,EX_ROTATE,$3,$5); }
-	|	NOTREG '(' expr ')'
-			{ $$ = lookup(0,EX_NOTREG,$3,0); }
-	|	ROM '(' argno ',' expr ')'
-			{ $$ = lookup(0,EX_ROM,$3,$5); }
-	|	'(' expr ')'
-			{ $$ = $2; }
-	|	expr CMPEQ expr
-			{ $$ = lookup(1,EX_CMPEQ,$1,$3); }
-	|	expr CMPNE expr
-			{ $$ = lookup(1,EX_CMPNE,$1,$3); }
-	|	expr CMPGT expr
-			{ $$ = lookup(0,EX_CMPGT,$1,$3); }
-	|	expr CMPGE expr
-			{ $$ = lookup(0,EX_CMPGE,$1,$3); }
-	|	expr CMPLT expr
-			{ $$ = lookup(0,EX_CMPLT,$1,$3); }
-	|	expr CMPLE expr
-			{ $$ = lookup(0,EX_CMPLE,$1,$3); }
-	|	expr OR2 expr
-			{ $$ = lookup(0,EX_OR2,$1,$3); }
-	|	expr AND2 expr
-			{ $$ = lookup(0,EX_AND2,$1,$3); }
-	|	expr OR1 expr
-			{ $$ = lookup(1,EX_OR1,$1,$3); }
-	|	expr XOR1 expr
-			{ $$ = lookup(1,EX_XOR1,$1,$3); }
-	|	expr AND1 expr
-			{ $$ = lookup(1,EX_AND1,$1,$3); }
-	|	expr ARPLUS expr
-			{ $$ = lookup(1,EX_PLUS,$1,$3); }
-	|	expr ARMINUS expr
-			{ $$ = lookup(0,EX_MINUS,$1,$3); }
-	|	expr ARTIMES expr
-			{ $$ = lookup(1,EX_TIMES,$1,$3); }
-	|	expr ARDIVIDE expr
-			{ $$ = lookup(0,EX_DIVIDE,$1,$3); }
-	|	expr ARMOD expr
-			{ $$ = lookup(0,EX_MOD,$1,$3); }
-	|	expr LSHIFT expr
-			{ $$ = lookup(0,EX_LSHIFT,$1,$3); }
-	|	expr RSHIFT expr
-			{ $$ = lookup(0,EX_RSHIFT,$1,$3); }
-	|	ARPLUS expr %prec UMINUS
-			{ $$ = $2; }
-	|	ARMINUS expr %prec UMINUS
-			{ $$ = lookup(0,EX_UMINUS,$2,0); }
-	|	NOT expr
-			{ $$ = lookup(0,EX_NOT,$2,0); }
-	|	COMP expr
-			{ $$ = lookup(0,EX_COMP,$2,0); }
-	;
-argno	:	NUMBER
-			{ if ($1<1 || $1>patlen) {
-			  }
-			  $$ = (int) $1;
-			}
-	;
-extern char em_mnem[][4];
-#define HASHSIZE	(2*(sp_lmnem-sp_fmnem))
-struct hashmnem {
-	char h_name[3];
-	byte h_value;
-} hashmnem[HASHSIZE];
-inithash() {
-	register i;
-	enter("lab",op_lab);
-	enter("LLP",op_LLP);
-	enter("LEP",op_LEP);
-	enter("SLP",op_SLP);
-	enter("SEP",op_SEP);
-	for(i=0;i<=sp_lmnem-sp_fmnem;i++)
-		enter(em_mnem[i],i+sp_fmnem);
-unsigned hashname(name) register char *name; {
-	register unsigned h;
-	h = (*name++)&BMASK;
-	h = (h<<4)^((*name++)&BMASK);
-	h = (h<<4)^((*name++)&BMASK);
-	return(h);
-enter(name,value) char *name; {
-	register unsigned h;
-	h=hashname(name)%HASHSIZE;
-	while (hashmnem[h].h_name[0] != 0)
-		h = (h+1)%HASHSIZE;
-	strncpy(hashmnem[h].h_name,name,3);
-	hashmnem[h].h_value = value;
-int mlookup(name) char *name; {
-	register unsigned h;
-	h = hashname(name)%HASHSIZE;
-	while (strncmp(hashmnem[h].h_name,name,3) != 0 &&
-	       hashmnem[h].h_name[0] != 0)
-		h = (h+1)%HASHSIZE;
-	return(hashmnem[h].h_value&BMASK);	/* 0 if not found */
-main() {
-	inithash();
-	initio();
-	yyparse();
-	if (nerrors==0)
-		printnodes();
-	return nerrors;
-yyerror(s) char *s; {
-	fprintf(stderr,"line %d: %s\n",lino,s);
-	nerrors++;
-lookup(comm,operator,lnode,rnode) {
-	register expr_p p;
-	for (p=nodes+1;p<lastnode;p++) {
-		if (p->ex_operator != operator)
-			continue;
-		if (!(p->ex_lnode == lnode && p->ex_rnode == rnode ||
-		    comm && p->ex_lnode == rnode && p->ex_rnode == lnode))
-			continue;
-		return(p-nodes);
-	}
-	if (lastnode >= &nodes[MAXNODES])
-		yyerror("node table overflow");
-	lastnode++;
-	p->ex_operator = operator;
-	p->ex_lnode = lnode;
-	p->ex_rnode = rnode;
-	return(p-nodes);
-printnodes() {
-	register expr_p p;
-	printf("};\n\nshort lastind = %d;\n\nexpr_t enodes[] = {\n",prevind);
-	for (p=nodes;p<lastnode;p++)
-		printf("/* %3d */\t%3d,%6u,%6u,\n",
-			p-nodes,p->ex_operator,p->ex_lnode,p->ex_rnode);
-	printf("};\n\niarg_t iargs[%d];\n",maxpatlen);
-initio() {
-	register i;
-	printf("#include \"param.h\"\n#include \"types.h\"\n");
-	printf("#include \"pattern.h\"\n\n");
-	for(i=0;i<N_EX_OPS;i++) {
-		nparam[i]=2;
-		nonumlab[i]=TRUE;
-		onlyconst[i]=TRUE;
-	}
-	nparam[EX_POINTERSIZE] = 0;
-	nparam[EX_WORDSIZE] = 0;
-	nparam[EX_CON] = 0;
-	nparam[EX_ROM] = 0;
-	nparam[EX_ARG] = 0;
-	nparam[EX_DEFINED] = 0;
-	nparam[EX_OR2] = 1;
-	nparam[EX_AND2] = 1;
-	nparam[EX_UMINUS] = 1;
-	nparam[EX_NOT] = 1;
-	nparam[EX_COMP] = 1;
-	nparam[EX_NOTREG] = 1;
-	nonumlab[EX_CMPEQ] = FALSE;
-	nonumlab[EX_CMPNE] = FALSE;
-	onlyconst[EX_CMPEQ] = FALSE;
-	onlyconst[EX_CMPNE] = FALSE;
-	onlyconst[EX_CMPLE] = FALSE;
-	onlyconst[EX_CMPLT] = FALSE;
-	onlyconst[EX_CMPGE] = FALSE;
-	onlyconst[EX_CMPGT] = FALSE;
-	onlyconst[EX_PLUS] = FALSE;
-	onlyconst[EX_MINUS] = FALSE;
-	printf("byte nparam[] = {");
-	for (i=0;i<N_EX_OPS;i++) printf("%d,",nparam[i]);
-	printf("};\nbool nonumlab[] = {");
-	for (i=0;i<N_EX_OPS;i++) printf("%d,",nonumlab[i]);
-	printf("};\nbool onlyconst[] = {");
-	for (i=0;i<N_EX_OPS;i++) printf("%d,",onlyconst[i]);
-	printf("};\n\nbyte pattern[] = { 0\n");
-	curind = 1;
-outbyte(b) {
-	printf(",%3d",b);
-	curind++;
-outshort(s) {
-	outbyte(s&0377);
-	outbyte((s>>8)&0377);
-out(w) {
-	if (w<255) {
-		outbyte(w);
-	} else {
-		outbyte(255);
-		outshort(w);
-	}
-#include "scan.c"

+ 0 - 12

@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-/* $Header$ */
-/* #define DIAGOPT /* if defined diagnostics are produced */
-#ifdef DIAGOPT
-#define OPTIM(x) optim(x)
-#define O_UNREACH 1001
-#define O_BRALAB  1002
-#define O_LINLNI  1003
-#define O_LINGONE 1004
-#define OPTIM(x)	/* NOTHING */

+ 0 - 15

@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-/* $Header$ */
-#define LONGOFF		/* if defined long offsets are used */
-#define TRUE	1
-#define FALSE	0
-#define MAXROM	3
-#define op_lab	(sp_lmnem+1)
-#define op_last	op_lab
-#define ps_sym	(sp_lpseu+1)
-#define ps_last	ps_sym
-#define BMASK	0377

+ 0 - 126

@@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
-/* $Header$ */
- * pattern contains the optimization patterns in an apparently
- * unordered fashion. All patterns follow each other unaligned.
- * Each pattern looks as follows:
- *   Byte 0:	high byte of hash value associated with this pattern.
- *   Byte 1-2:	index of next pattern with same low byte of hash value.
- *   Byte 3- :	pattern and replacement.
- *                First comes the pattern length
- *                then the pattern opcodes,
- *		  then a boolean expression,
- *		  then the one-byte replacement length
- *		  then the intermixed pattern opcodes and operands or
- *		  0 followed by the one-byte special optimization expression.
- *   If the DIAGOPT option is set, the optimization is followed
- *   by the line number in the tables.
- */
-/* #define ALLOWSPECIAL /* Special optimizations allowed */
-#define PO_HASH		0
-#define PO_NEXT		1
-#define PO_MATCH	3
-struct exprnode {
-	short ex_operator;
-	short ex_lnode;
-	short ex_rnode;
-typedef struct exprnode expr_t;
-typedef struct exprnode *expr_p;
- * contents of .ex_operator
- */
-#define EX_CON		0
-#define EX_ARG		1
-#define EX_CMPEQ	2
-#define EX_CMPNE	3
-#define EX_CMPGT	4
-#define EX_CMPGE	5
-#define EX_CMPLT	6
-#define EX_CMPLE	7
-#define EX_OR2		8
-#define EX_AND2		9
-#define EX_OR1		10
-#define EX_XOR1		11
-#define EX_AND1		12
-#define EX_PLUS		13
-#define EX_MINUS	14
-#define EX_TIMES	15
-#define EX_DIVIDE	16
-#define EX_MOD		17
-#define EX_LSHIFT	18
-#define EX_RSHIFT	19
-#define EX_UMINUS	20
-#define EX_NOT		21
-#define EX_COMP		22
-#define EX_ROM		23
-#define EX_NOTREG	24
-#define EX_POINTERSIZE	25
-#define EX_WORDSIZE	26
-#define EX_DEFINED	27
-#define EX_SAMESIGN	28
-#define EX_SFIT		29
-#define EX_UFIT		30
-#define EX_ROTATE	31
-#define N_EX_OPS	32	/* must be one higher then previous */
- * Definition of special opcodes used in patterns
- */
-#define op_pfirst op_LLP
-#define op_LLP	(op_last+1)
-#define op_LEP	(op_last+2)
-#define op_SLP	(op_last+3)
-#define op_SEP	(op_last+4)
-#define op_plast op_SEP
- * Definition of the structure in which instruction operands
- * are kept during pattern matching.
- */
-typedef struct eval eval_t;
-typedef struct eval *eval_p;
-struct eval {
-	short	e_typ;
-	union {
-		offset	e_con;
-		num_p	e_np;
-	} e_v;
- * contents of .e_typ
- */
-#define EV_UNDEF	0
-#define EV_CONST	1
-#define EV_NUMLAB	2
-#define EV_FRAG		3	/* and all higher numbers */
-typedef struct iarg iarg_t;
-typedef struct iarg *iarg_p;
-struct iarg {
-	eval_t	ia_ev;
-	sym_p	ia_sp;
- * The next extern declarations refer to data generated by mktab
- */
-extern byte pattern[];
-extern short  lastind;
-extern iarg_t iargs[];
-extern byte nparam[];
-extern bool nonumlab[];
-extern bool onlyconst[];
-extern expr_t enodes[];

+ 0 - 475

@@ -1,475 +0,0 @@
-/* $Header$ */
-loc adi loc sbi $2==w && $4==w: loc $1-$3 adi w
-ldc adi ldc sbi $2==2*w && $4==2*w:     ldc $1-$3 adi 2*w
-loc adi loc adi $2==w && $4==w: loc $1+$3 adi w
-ldc adi ldc adi $2==2*w && $4==2*w:     ldc $1+$3 adi 2*w
-adp $1==0:
-adp adp :       adp $1+$2
-adp lof :       lof $1+$2
-adp ldf :       ldf $1+$2
-adp loi $1!=0 && $2==w: lof $1
-adp loi $1!=0 && $2==2*w:       ldf $1
-adp stf :       stf $1+$2
-adp sdf :       sdf $1+$2
-adp sti $1!=0 && $2==w: stf $1
-adp sti $1!=0 && $2==2*w:       sdf $1
-asp $1==0:
-asp asp :       asp $1+$2
-blm $1==0 : asp 2*p
-cmi zeq $1==w:  beq $2
-cmi zge $1==w:  bge $2
-cmi zgt $1==w:  bgt $2
-cmi zle $1==w:  ble $2
-cmi zlt $1==w:  blt $2
-cmi zne $1==w:  bne $2
-dvi ngi $1==$2: ngi $1  dvi $1
-lae adp :       lae $1+$2
-lae blm $2==w:  loi w   ste $1
-lae blm $2==2*w:        loi 2*w sde $1
-lae ldf :       lde $1+$2
-lae lof :       loe $1+$2
-lae loi $2==w:  loe $1
-lae loi $2==2*w:        lde $1
-#ifdef INT
-lae loi loe $3==$1-w && $2%w==0:        lae $3  loi $2+w
-lae loi lde $3==$1-2*w && $2%w==0:      lae $3  loi $2+2*w
-lae loi lae loi $1==$3+$4 && $2%w==0 && $4%w==0:        lae $3  loi $2+$4
-lae sti ste $3==$1+$2:  lae $1  sti $2+w
-lae sti sde $3==$1+$2:  lae $1  sti $2+2*w
-lae sti loc ste $4==$1-w:       loc $3  lae $4  sti $2+w
-lae sti lol ste $4==$1-w:       lol $3  lae $4  sti $2+w
-lae lae blm loe ste $4==$1+$3 && $5==$2+$3:     lae $1  lae $2  blm $3+w
-lae lae blm lde sde $4==$1+$3 && $5==$2+$3:     lae $1  lae $2  blm $3+2*w
-lae lae blm lae lae blm $4==$1+$3 && $5==$2+$3: lae $1  lae $2  blm $3+$6
-lae lal blm lae lal blm $4==$1+$3 && $5==$2+$3 && samesign($2,$5):
-	lae $1  lal $2  blm $3+$6
-lal lae blm lal lae blm $4==$1+$3 && $5==$2+$3 && samesign($1,$4):
-	lal $1  lae $2  blm $3+$6
-lal lal blm lal lal blm $4==$1+$3 && $5==$2+$3 && samesign($1,$4) && samesign($2,$5):
-	lal $1  lal $2  blm $3+$6
-lal lal sbs $3==w && samesign($1,$2): loc $1-$2
-lae sdf :       sde $1+$2
-lae stf :       ste $1+$2
-lae sti $2==w:  ste $1
-lae sti $2==2*w:        sde $1
-lal adp samesign($1,$1+$2):     lal $1+$2
-lal blm $2==w:  loi w   stl $1
-lal blm $2==2*w:        loi 2*w sdl $1
-#ifdef INT
-lal sti loc stl notreg($4) && $4==$1-w && samesign($1,$4):
-	loc $3  lal $4  sti $2+w
-lal sti loe stl notreg($4) && $4==$1-w && samesign($1,$4):
-	loe $3  lal $4  sti $2+w
-lal ldf samesign($1,$1+$2):     ldl $1+$2
-lal lof samesign($1,$1+$2):     lol $1+$2
-lal loi $2==w:  lol $1
-lal loi $2==2*w:        ldl $1
-#ifdef INT
-lal loi lol notreg($3) && $3==$1-w && samesign($1,$3) && $2%w==0:
-	lal $3  loi $2+w
-lal loi ldl notreg($3) && $3==$1-2*w && samesign($1,$3) && $2%w==0:
-	lal $3  loi $2+2*w
-lal loi lal loi $1==$3+$4 && samesign($1,$3) && $2%w==0 && $4%w==0:
-	lal $3  loi $2+$4
-lal sti stl notreg($3) && $3==$1+$2 && samesign($1,$3): lal $1  sti $2+w
-lal sti sdl notreg($3) && $3==$1+$2 && samesign($1,$3): lal $1  sti $2+2*w
-lal sdf samesign($1,$1+$2):     sdl $1+$2
-lal stf samesign($1,$1+$2):     stl $1+$2
-lal sti $2==w:  stl $1
-lal sti $2==2*w:        sdl $1
-#ifdef INT
-lde lde $2==$1-2*w:     lae $2  loi 4*w
-lde loe $2==$1-w:       lae $2  loi 3*w
-lde sde $2==$1:
-lde sde lde sde $3==$1+2*w && $4==$2+2*w:       lae $1  lae $2  blm 4*w
-#ifdef INT
-ldl ldl $2==$1-2*w && notreg($1) && notreg($2) && samesign($1,$2):
-	lal $2  loi 4*w
-ldl lol $2==$1-w && notreg($1) && notreg($2) && samesign($1,$2):
-	lal $2  loi 3*w
-ldl sdl $1==$2:
-lxa loi lxa sti $3==$1 && $4==$2:
-lxa lof lxa stf $3==$1 && $4==$2:
-lxa ldf lxa sdf $3==$1 && $4==$2:
-lxa stf lxa lof $3==$1 && $4==$2:       dup w   lxa $1  stf $2
-lxa sdf lxa ldf $3==$1 && $4==$2:       dup 2*w lxa $1  sdf $2
-lxl lof lxl stf $3==$1 && $4==$2:
-lxl ldf lxl sdf $3==$1 && $4==$2:
-lxl stf lxl lof $3==$1 && $4==$2:       dup w   lxl $1  stf $2
-lxl sdf lxl ldf $3==$1 && $4==$2:       dup 2*w lxl $1  sdf $2
-lxa sti lxa loi $3==$1 && $4==$2 && $2%w==0:    dup $2  lxa $1  sti $2
-loc adi $1==-1 && $2==w:        dec
-loc dec sfit($1-1,8*w) :	loc $1-1
-loc bgt $1==-1: zge $2
-loc ble $1==-1: zlt $2
-loc dvi $1==-1 && $2==w:        ngi w
-ldc dvi $1==-1 && $2==2*w:      ngi 2*w
-loc loe adi $1==-1 && $3==w:    loe $2  dec
-loc loe mli $1==-1 && $3==w:    loe $2  ngi w
-loc lol adi $1==-1 && $3==w:    lol $2  dec
-loc mli $1==-1 && $2==w:        ngi w
-ldc mli $1==-1 && $2==2*w:      ngi 2*w
-loc sbi $1==-1 && $2==w:        inc
-loc inc sfit($1+1,8*w) :	loc $1+1
-loc adi $1==0 && $2==w:
-ldc adi $1==0 && $2==2*w:
-zer adi $1==$2:
-loc beq $1==0:  zeq $2
-loc bge $1==0:  zge $2
-loc bgt $1==0:  zgt $2
-loc ble $1==0:  zle $2
-loc blt $1==0:  zlt $2
-loc bne $1==0:  zne $2
-loc cmi teq $1==0 && $2==w:     teq
-loc cmi tge $1==0 && $2==w:     tge
-loc cmi tgt $1==0 && $2==w:     tgt
-loc cmi tle $1==0 && $2==w:     tle
-loc cmi tlt $1==0 && $2==w:     tlt
-loc cmi tne $1==0 && $2==w:     tne
-loc ior $1==0 && $2==w:
-ldc ior $1==0 && $2==2*w:
-zer ior $1==$2:
-loc ste $1==0:  zre $2
-loc stl $1==0:  zrl $2
-loc sbi $1==0 && $2==w:
-ldc sbi $1==0 && $2==2*w:
-zer sbi $1==$2:
-loc xor $1==0 && $2==w:
-ldc xor $1==0 && $2==2*w:
-zer xor $1==$2:
-loc adi $1==1 && $2==w: inc
-loc bge $1==1:  zgt $2
-loc blt $1==1:  zle $2
-loc dvi $1==1 && $2==w:
-ldc dvi $1==1 && $2==2*w:
-loc loe adi $1==1 && $3==w:     loe $2  inc
-loc loe mli $1==1 && $3==w:     loe $2
-loc lol adi $1==1 && $3==w:     lol $2  inc
-loc lol mli $1==1 && $3==w:     lol $2
-loc mli $1==1 && $2==w:
-loc sbi $1==1 && $2==w: dec
-loc loe mli $3==w:      loe $2  loc $1  mli w
-loc lol mli $3==w:      lol $2  loc $1  mli w
-ldc lde mli $3==2*w:    lde $2  ldc $1  mli 2*w
-ldc lde adi $3==2*w:    lde $2  ldc $1  adi 2*w
-ldc ldl mli $3==2*w:    ldl $2  ldc $1  mli 2*w
-ldc ldl adi $3==2*w:    ldl $2  ldc $1  adi 2*w
-loc mli $1==2 && $2==w: 	loc 1   sli w
-loc mli $1==4 && $2==w: 	loc 2   sli w
-loc mli $1==8 && $2==w: 	loc 3   sli w
-loc mli $1==16 && $2==w:        loc 4   sli w
-loc mli $1==32 && $2==w:        loc 5   sli w
-loc mli $1==64 && $2==w:        loc 6   sli w
-loc mli $1==128 && $2==w:       loc 7   sli w
-loc mli $1==256 && $2==w:       loc 8   sli w
-loc adi !defined($2):   adi $1
-loc sbi !defined($2):   sbi $1
-loc mli !defined($2):   mli $1
-loc dvi !defined($2):   dvi $1
-loc rmi !defined($2):   rmi $1
-loc ngi !defined($2):   ngi $1
-loc sli !defined($2):   sli $1
-loc sri !defined($2):   sri $1
-loc adu !defined($2):   adu $1
-loc sbu !defined($2):   sbu $1
-loc mlu !defined($2):   mlu $1
-loc dvu !defined($2):   dvu $1
-loc rmu !defined($2):   rmu $1
-loc slu !defined($2):   slu $1
-loc sru !defined($2):   sru $1
-loc adf !defined($2):   adf $1
-loc sbf !defined($2):   sbf $1
-loc mlf !defined($2):   mlf $1
-loc dvf !defined($2):   dvf $1
-loc ngf !defined($2):   ngf $1
-loc fif !defined($2):   fif $1
-loc fef !defined($2):   fef $1
-loc zer !defined($2):   zer $1
-loc zrf !defined($2):   zrf $1
-loc los $2==w:	loi $1
-loc sts $2==w:	sti $1
-loc ads $2==w:	adp $1
-loc ass $2==w:	asp $1
-loc bls $2==w:	blm $1
-loc dus $2==w:	dup $1
-loc loc cii $1==$2:
-loc loc cuu $1==$2:
-loc loc cff $1==$2:
-loc and !defined($2):   and $1
-loc ior !defined($2):   ior $1
-loc xor !defined($2):   xor $1
-loc com !defined($2):   com $1
-loc rol !defined($2):   rol $1
-loc rol $1==0:
-loc ror !defined($2):   ror $1
-loc ror $1==0:
-loc inn !defined($2):   inn $1
-loc set !defined($2):   set $1
-loc cmi !defined($2):   cmi $1
-loc cmu !defined($2):   cmu $1
-loc cmf !defined($2):   cmf $1
-loe dec ste $1==$3:     dee $1
-loe inc ste $1==$3:     ine $1
-loe loc mli $2==0 && $3==w:     loc 0
-#ifdef INT
-loe loe $2==$1-w:       lde $2
-loe loe beq $2==$1+w:   lde $1  beq $3
-loe loe bge $2==$1+w:   lde $1  ble $3
-loe loe bgt $2==$1+w:   lde $1  blt $3
-loe loe ble $2==$1+w:   lde $1  bge $3
-loe loe blt $2==$1+w:   lde $1  bgt $3
-loe loe bne $2==$1+w:   lde $1  bne $3
-loe loe cmi $2==$1+w && $3==w:  lde $1  cmi w   ngi w
-ngi teq $1==w:  teq
-ngi tge $1==w:  tle
-ngi tgt $1==w:  tlt
-ngi tle $1==w:  tge
-ngi tlt $1==w:  tgt
-ngi tne $1==w:  tne
-#ifdef INT
-loe loe mli $2==$1+w && $3==w:  lde $1  mli w
-loe loe adi $2==$1+w && $3==w:  lde $1  adi w
-loe loe $1==$2: loe $1  dup w
-loe ste $1==$2:
-LLP blm $2==w:  loi w   sil $1
-lol dec stl $1==$3:     del $1
-lol inc stl $1==$3:     inl $1
-lol loc mli $2==0 && $3==w:     loc 0
-LLP loi $2==w:  lil $1
-#ifdef INT
-lol lol $2==$1-w && notreg($1) && notreg($2) && samesign($1,$2):
-	ldl $2
-lol lol beq $2==$1+w && notreg($1) && notreg($2) && samesign($1,$2):
-	ldl $1  beq $3
-lol lol bge $2==$1+w && notreg($1) && notreg($2) && samesign($1,$2):
-	ldl $1  ble $3
-lol lol bgt $2==$1+w && notreg($1) && notreg($2) && samesign($1,$2):
-	ldl $1  blt $3
-lol lol ble $2==$1+w && notreg($1) && notreg($2) && samesign($1,$2):
-	ldl $1  bge $3
-lol lol blt $2==$1+w && notreg($1) && notreg($2) && samesign($1,$2):
-	ldl $1  bgt $3
-lol lol bne $2==$1+w && notreg($1) && notreg($2) && samesign($1,$2):
-	ldl $1  bne $3
-lol lol cmi $3==w && $2==$1+w && notreg($1) && notreg($2) && samesign($1,$2):
-	ldl $1  cmi w   ngi w
-lol lol mli $3==w && $2==$1+w && notreg($1) && notreg($2) && samesign($1,$2):
-	ldl $1  mli w
-lol lol adi $3==w && $2==$1+w && notreg($1) && notreg($2) && samesign($1,$2):
-	ldl $1  adi w
-lol lol $1==$2: lol $1  dup w
-lol stl $1==$2:
-LLP sti $2==w:  sil $1
-mli ngi $1==$2: ngi $1  mli $1
-ngi adi $1==$2: sbi $1
-ngf adf $1==$2: sbf $1
-ngi sbi $1==$2: adi $1
-ngf sbf $1==$2: adf $1
-ngi ngi $1==$2:
-ngf ngf $1==$2:
-#ifdef INT
-sde sde $2==$1+2*w:     lae $1  sti 4*w
-sde ste $2==$1+2*w:     lae $1  sti 3*w
-sde loc ste $3==$1-w:   loc $2  lae $3  sti 3*w
-sde lol ste $3==$1-w:   lol $2  lae $3  sti 3*w
-sde lde $1==$2: dup 2*w sde $1
-sdf $1==0:      sti 2*w
-#ifdef INT
-sdl sdl $2==$1+2*w && notreg($1) && notreg($2) && samesign($1,$2):
-	lal $1  sti 4*w
-sdl stl $2==$1+2*w && notreg($1) && notreg($2) && samesign($1,$2):
-	lal $1  sti 3*w
-sdl loc stl $3==$1-w && notreg($1) && notreg($3) && samesign($1,$3):
-	loc $2  lal $3  sti 3*w
-sdl loe stl $3==$1-w && notreg($1) && notreg($3) && samesign($1,$3):
-	loe $2  lal $3  sti 3*w
-sdl ldl $1==$2: dup 2*w sdl $1
-ste loe $1==$2: dup w   ste $1
-ste ste $2==$1-w:       sde $2
-ste loc ste $3==$1-w:   loc $2  sde $3
-ste lol ste $3==$1-w:   lol $2  sde $3
-stl lol $1==$2: dup w   stl $1
-stf $1==0: sti w
-sdl ldl ret $1==$2 && $3==2*w:  ret 2*w
-#ifdef INT
-stl stl $2==$1+w && notreg($1) && notreg($2) && samesign($1,$2):        sdl $1
-stl loc stl $3==$1-w && notreg($1) && notreg($3) && samesign($1,$3):
-	loc $2  sdl $3
-stl loe stl $3==$1-w && notreg($1) && notreg($3) && samesign($1,$3):
-	loe $2  sdl $3
-stl lol ret $1==$2 && $3==w:    ret w
-lal sti lal loi ret $1==$3 && $2==$4 && $2==$5:	ret $2
-loc sbi loc sbi $2==w && $4==w: loc $1+$3 sbi w
-ldc sbi ldc sbi $2==2*w && $4==2*w:     ldc $1+$3 sbi 2*w
-loc sbi loc adi $2==w && $4==w: loc $1-$3 sbi w
-ldc sbi ldc adi $2==2*w && $4==2*w:     ldc $1-$3 sbi 2*w
-teq teq :       tne
-teq tne :       teq
-teq zne :       zeq $2
-teq zeq :       zne $2
-tge teq :       tlt
-tge tne :       tge
-tge zeq :       zlt $2
-tge zne :       zge $2
-tgt teq :       tle
-tgt tne :       tgt
-tgt zeq :       zle $2
-tgt zne :       zgt $2
-tle teq :       tgt
-tle tne :       tle
-tle zeq :       zgt $2
-tle zne :       zle $2
-tlt teq :       tge
-tlt tne :       tlt
-tlt zeq :       zge $2
-tlt zne :       zlt $2
-tne teq :       teq
-tne tne :       tne
-tne zeq :       zeq $2
-tne zne :       zne $2
-#ifdef INT
-loc loc loc $1==0 && $2==0 && $3==0 :    zer 6
-zer loc defined($1) && $2==0:   zer $1+w
-loi loc and $1==1 && $3==w && ($2&255)==255:    loi 1
-loi loc loc cii $1<w && $2==w: loi $1 loc $2 loc $3 cuu
-cmp teq :       cms p   teq
-cmp tne :       cms p   tne
-cmu teq defined($1):    cms $1  teq
-cmu tne defined($1):    cms $1  tne
-cms zeq $1==w:  beq $2
-cms zne $1==w:  bne $2
-lol lae aar adp $3==w:  adp $4  lol $1  lae $2  aar w
-loe lae aar adp $3==w:  adp $4  loe $1  lae $2  aar w
-cmi zeq defined($1):    cms $1  zeq $2
-cmi zne defined($1):    cms $1  zne $2
-loe inc dup ste $1==$4 && $3==w:        ine $1  loe $1
-loe dec dup ste $1==$4 && $3==w:        dee $1  loe $1
-lol inc dup stl $1==$4 && $3==w:        inl $1  lol $1
-lol dec dup stl $1==$4 && $3==w:        del $1  lol $1
-adp dup SEP adp $1==-$4 && $2==p:       dup p   adp $1   SEP $3
-adp dup SLP adp $1==-$4 && $2==p:       dup p   adp $1   SLP $3
-inc dup ste dec $2==w:  dup w   inc     ste $3
-inc dup stl dec $2==w:  dup w   inc     stl $3
-zeq bra lab $1==$3:     zne $2  lab $1
-zge bra lab $1==$3:     zlt $2  lab $1
-zgt bra lab $1==$3:     zle $2  lab $1
-zlt bra lab $1==$3:     zge $2  lab $1
-zle bra lab $1==$3:     zgt $2  lab $1
-zne bra lab $1==$3:     zeq $2  lab $1
-beq bra lab $1==$3:     bne $2  lab $1
-bge bra lab $1==$3:     blt $2  lab $1
-bgt bra lab $1==$3:     ble $2  lab $1
-blt bra lab $1==$3:     bge $2  lab $1
-ble bra lab $1==$3:     bgt $2  lab $1
-bne bra lab $1==$3:     beq $2  lab $1
-lin lin :       lin $2
-lin lab lin :   lab $2  lin $3
-lin ret :       ret $2
-lin bra :       bra $2
-dup SLP loi $1==p && $3==w:     SLP $2  lil $2
-dup SLP sti $1==p && $3==w:     SLP $2  sil $2
-loc cms $1==0 && $2==w: tne
-zer $1==w: loc 0
-loc loc adi $3==w && sfit($1+$2,8*w) : loc $1+$2
-loc loc sbi $3==w && sfit($1-$2,8*w) : loc $1-$2
-loc loc mli $3==w && sfit($1*$2,8*w) : loc $1*$2
-loc loc dvi $3==w && $2!=0 : loc $1/$2
-loc loc and $3==w :	loc $1&$2
-loc loc ior $3==w :	loc $1|$2
-loc loc ior $1==0 && $2==0 && $3==2*w :	
-loc loc xor $3==w :	loc $1^$2
-loc loc xor $1==0 && $2==0 && $3==2*w :	
-loc loc rol $3==w :	loc rotate($1,$2)
-loc loc ror $3==w :	loc rotate($1,8*w-$2)
-loc ngi $2==w && sfit(-$1,8*w) : loc -$1
-loc com $2==w :	loc ~$1
-ldc ngi $2==2*w : ldc -$1
-loc lae aar $3==w && $1>=rom(2,0) && $1 <= rom(2,0)+rom(2,1) :
-	adp ($1-rom(2,0))*rom(2,2)
-loc lae lar $3==w && $1>=rom(2,0) && $1 <= rom(2,0)+rom(2,1) :
-	adp ($1-rom(2,0))*rom(2,2) loi rom(2,2)
-loc lae sar $3==w && $1>=rom(2,0) && $1 <= rom(2,0)+rom(2,1) :
-	adp ($1-rom(2,0))*rom(2,2) sti rom(2,2)
-loc teq : loc $1==0
-loc tne : loc $1!=0
-loc tge : loc $1>=0
-loc tle : loc $1<=0
-loc tgt : loc $1>0
-loc tlt : loc $1<0
-loc zeq $1==0 : bra $2
-loc zeq :
-loc zne $1!=0 : bra $2
-loc zne :
-loc zge $1>=0 : bra $2
-loc zge :
-loc zle $1<=0 : bra $2
-loc zle :
-loc zgt $1>0 : bra $2
-loc zgt :
-loc zlt $1<0 : bra $2
-loc zlt :
-loc loc beq $1==$2 : bra $3
-loc loc beq :
-loc loc bne $1!=$2 : bra $3
-loc loc bne :
-loc loc bge $1>=$2 : bra $3
-loc loc bge :
-loc loc ble $1<=$2 : bra $3
-loc loc ble :
-loc loc bgt $1>$2 : bra $3
-loc loc bgt :
-loc loc blt $1<$2 : bra $3
-loc loc blt :
-lae loi lal sti $2==$4 && $2>4*w : lae $1 lal $3 blm $2
-lal loi lae sti $2==$4 && $2>4*w : lal $1 lae $3 blm $2
-lal loi lal sti $2==$4 && $2>4*w && ( $3<=$1-$2 || $3>=$1+$2 ) :
-	lal $1 lal $3 blm $2
-lae loi lae sti $2==$4 && $2>4*w && ( !defined($1==$3) || $3<=$1-$2 || $3>=$1+$2 ) :
-	lae $1 lae $3 blm $2
-loc loc loc cif $1==0 && $2==w :	zrf $3
-loc loc loc ciu $1>=0 && $2==w && $3==2*w :	ldc $1
-loc loc loc cii $2==w && $3==2*w :	ldc $1
-loi loc inn $1==$3 && $2>=0 && $2<$1*8 : 
-	lof ($2/(8*w))*w loc $2&(8*w-1) inn w
-ldl loc inn $3==2*w && $2>=0 && $2<16*w : 
-	lol $1+($2/(8*w))*w loc $2&(8*w-1) inn w
-lde loc inn $3==2*w && $2>=0 && $2<16*w : 
-	loe $1+($2/(8*w))*w loc $2&(8*w-1) inn w
-ldf loc inn $3==2*w && $2>=0 && $2<16*w : 
-	lof $1+($2/(8*w))*w loc $2&(8*w-1) inn w
-loc inn $1<0 || $1>=8*$2 : asp $2 loc 0
-lol loc adi stl $3==w && $1==$4 : loc $2 lol $1 adi w stl $4
-lol loe adi stl $3==w && $1==$4 : loe $2 lol $1 adi w stl $4
-lol lol adi stl $3==w && $1==$4 && $1!=$2 : lol $2 lol $1 adi w stl $4
-loe loc adi ste $3==w && $1==$4 : loc $2 loe $1 adi w ste $4
-loe loe adi ste $3==w && $1==$4 && $1!=$2 : loe $2 loe $1 adi w ste $4
-loe lol adi ste $3==w && $1==$4 : lol $2 loe $1 adi w ste $4
-lol loc ior stl $3==w && $1==$4 : loc $2 lol $1 ior w stl $4
-lol loe ior stl $3==w && $1==$4 : loe $2 lol $1 ior w stl $4
-lol lol ior stl $3==w && $1==$4 && $1!=$2 : lol $2 lol $1 ior w stl $4
-loe loc ior ste $3==w && $1==$4 : loc $2 loe $1 ior w ste $4
-loe loe ior ste $3==w && $1==$4 && $1!=$2 : loe $2 loe $1 ior w ste $4
-loe lol ior ste $3==w && $1==$4 : lol $2 loe $1 ior w ste $4
-lol loc and stl $3==w && $1==$4 : loc $2 lol $1 and w stl $4
-lol loe and stl $3==w && $1==$4 : loe $2 lol $1 and w stl $4
-lol lol and stl $3==w && $1==$4 && $1!=$2 : lol $2 lol $1 and w stl $4
-loe loc and ste $3==w && $1==$4 : loc $2 loe $1 and w ste $4
-loe loe and ste $3==w && $1==$4 && $1!=$2 : loe $2 loe $1 and w ste $4
-loe lol and ste $3==w && $1==$4 : lol $2 loe $1 and w ste $4
-loi asp $1==$2 : asp p
-lal loi loc loc loc loc ior $2==4*w && $7==4*w && ($3==0)+($4==0)+($5==0)+($6==0)>2 :
-	lol $1+3*w loc $3 ior w lol $1+2*w loc $4 ior w lol $1+w loc $5 ior w lol $1 loc $6 ior w
-loc dup stl loc dup stl $2==2 && $5==2:
-	loc $1 stl $3 loc $4 stl $6 loc $1 loc $4

+ 0 - 652

@@ -1,652 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef NORCSID
-static char rcsid[] = "$Header$";
-#include "param.h"
-#include "types.h"
-#include "assert.h"
-#include "line.h"
-#include "lookup.h"
-#include "proinf.h"
-#include "alloc.h"
-#include "pattern.h"
-#include "../../h/em_spec.h"
-#include "../../h/em_mnem.h"
-#include "optim.h"
-#include "ext.h"
- * (c) copyright 1983 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
- *
- *          This product is part of the Amsterdam Compiler Kit.
- *
- * Permission to use, sell, duplicate or disclose this software must be
- * obtained in writing. Requests for such permissions may be sent to
- *
- *      Dr. Andrew S. Tanenbaum
- *      Wiskundig Seminarium
- *      Vrije Universiteit
- *      Postbox 7161
- *      1007 MC Amsterdam
- *      The Netherlands
- *
- * Author: Hans van Staveren
- */
-/* #define CHK_HASH	/* print numbers patterns are hashed to */
-#ifdef CHK_HASH
-#include <stdio.h>
-#define ILLHASH 0177777
-short pathash[256];	/* table of indices into pattern[] */
-int opind = 0;		/* second index of next matrix */
-byte transl[op_plast-op_pfirst+1][3] = {
-	/* LLP */	{ op_LLP, op_lol, op_ldl },
-	/* LEP */	{ op_LEP, op_loe, op_lde },
-	/* SLP */	{ op_SLP, op_stl, op_sdl },
-	/* SEP */	{ op_SEP, op_ste, op_sde }
-opcheck(bp) register byte *bp; {
-	if (((*bp)&BMASK) >= op_pfirst)
-		*bp = transl[((*bp)&BMASK)-op_pfirst][opind];
- * The hashing method used is believed to be reasonably efficient.
- * A minor speed improvement could be obtained by keeping a boolean
- * array telling which opcode has any patterns starting with it.
- * Currently only about one third of the opcodes actually have a
- * pattern starting with it, but they are the most common ones.
- * Estimated improvement possible: about 2%
- */
-hashpatterns() {
-	short index;
-	register byte *bp,*tp;
-	register short i;
-	unsigned short hashvalue;
-	byte *save;
-	int patlen;
-	if (pointersize == wordsize)
-		opind=1;
-	else if (pointersize == 2*wordsize)
-		opind=2;
-	index = lastind;	/* set by mktab */
-	while (index != 0) {
-		bp = &pattern[index];
-		tp = &bp[PO_MATCH];
-		i = *tp++&BMASK;
-		if (i==BMASK) {
-			i = *tp++&BMASK;
-			i |= (*tp++&BMASK)<<8;
-		}
-		save = tp;
-		patlen = i;
-		while (i--)
-			opcheck(tp++);
-		if ((*tp++&BMASK)==BMASK)
-			tp += 2;
-		i = *tp++&BMASK;
-		if (i==BMASK) {
-			i = *tp++&BMASK;
-			i |= (*tp++&BMASK)<<8;
-		}
-		while (i--) {
-			opcheck(tp++);
-			if ((*tp++&BMASK)==BMASK)
-				tp += 2;
-		}
-		/*
-		 * Now the special opcodes are filled
-		 * in properly, we can hash the pattern
-		 */
-		hashvalue = 0;
-		tp = save;
-		switch(patlen) {
-		default:	/* 3 or more */
-			hashvalue = (hashvalue<<4)^(*tp++&BMASK);
-		case 2:
-			hashvalue = (hashvalue<<4)^(*tp++&BMASK);
-		case 1:
-			hashvalue = (hashvalue<<4)^(*tp++&BMASK);
-		}
-		assert(hashvalue!= ILLHASH);
-		i=index;
-		index = (bp[PO_NEXT]&BMASK)|(bp[PO_NEXT+1]<<8);
-		bp[PO_HASH] = hashvalue>>8;
-		hashvalue &= BMASK;
-		bp[PO_NEXT] = pathash[hashvalue]&BMASK;
-		bp[PO_NEXT+1] = pathash[hashvalue]>>8;
-		pathash[hashvalue] = i;
-#ifdef CHK_HASH
-		fprintf(stderr,"%d\n",hashvalue);
-	}
-peephole() {
-	static bool phashed = FALSE;
-	if (!phashed) {
-		hashpatterns();
-		phashed=TRUE;
-	}
-	optimize();
-optimize() {
-	register num_p *npp,np;
-	register instr;
-	basicblock(&instrs);
-	for (npp=curpro.numhash;npp< &curpro.numhash[NNUMHASH]; npp++)
-		for (np = *npp; np != (num_p) 0; np=np->n_next) {
-			if(np->n_line->l_next == (line_p) 0)
-				continue;
-			instr = np->n_line->l_next->l_instr&BMASK;
-			if (instr == op_lab || instr == op_bra)
-				np->n_repl = np->n_line->l_next->l_a.la_np;
-			else
-				basicblock(&np->n_line->l_next);
-		}
-offset oabs(off) offset off; {
-	return(off >= 0 ? off : -off);
-line_p repline(ev,patlen) eval_t ev; {
-	register line_p lp;
-	register iarg_p iap;
-	register sym_p sp;
-	offset diff,newdiff;
-	assert(ev.e_typ != EV_UNDEF);
-	switch(ev.e_typ) {
-	case EV_CONST:
-		if ((short) ev.e_v.e_con == ev.e_v.e_con) {
-			if (CANMINI((short) ev.e_v.e_con))
-				lp = newline((short) (ev.e_v.e_con)+Z_OPMINI);
-			else {
-				lp = newline(OPSHORT);
-				lp->l_a.la_short = (short) ev.e_v.e_con;
-			}
-		} else {
-			lp = newline(OPOFFSET);
-			lp->l_a.la_offset = ev.e_v.e_con;
-		}
-		return(lp);
-	case EV_NUMLAB:
-		lp = newline(OPNUMLAB);
-		lp->l_a.la_np = ev.e_v.e_np;
-		return(lp);
-	default:	/* fragment + offset */
-		/*
-		 * There is a slight problem here, because we have to
-		 * map fragment+offset to symbol+offset.
-		 * Fortunately the fragment we have must be the fragment
-		 * of one of the symbols in the matchpattern.
-		 * So a short search should do the job.
-		 */
-		sp = (sym_p) 0;
-		for (iap= &iargs[patlen-1]; iap >= iargs; iap--)
-			if (iap->ia_ev.e_typ == ev.e_typ) {
-				/*
-				 * Although lint complains, diff is not used
-				 * before set.
-				 *
-				 * The proof is left as an exercise to the
-				 * reader.
-				 */
-				newdiff = oabs(iap->ia_sp->s_value-ev.e_v.e_con);
-				if (sp==(sym_p) 0 || newdiff < diff) {
-					sp = iap->ia_sp;
-					diff = newdiff;
-				}
-			}
-		assert(sp != (sym_p) 0);
-		if (diff == 0) {
-			lp = newline(OPSYMBOL);
-			lp->l_a.la_sp = sp;
-		} else {
-			diff = ev.e_v.e_con - sp->s_value;
-			if ((short) diff == diff) {
-				lp = newline(OPSVAL);
-				lp->l_a.la_sval.lasv_short = (short) diff;
-				lp->l_a.la_sval.lasv_sp = sp;
-			} else {
-				lp = newline(OPLVAL);
-				lp->l_a.la_lval.lalv_offset = diff;
-				lp->l_a.la_lval.lalv_sp = sp;
-			}
-		}
-		return(lp);
-	}
-offset rotate(w,amount) offset w,amount; {
-	offset highmask,lowmask;
-#ifndef LONGOFF
-	assert(wordsize<=4);
-	highmask = (offset)(-1) << amount;
-	lowmask = ~highmask;
-	if (wordsize != 4)
-		highmask &= wordsize==2 ? 0xFFFF : 0xFF;
-	return(((w<<amount)&highmask)|((w>>(8*wordsize-amount))&lowmask));
-eval_t undefres = { EV_UNDEF };
-eval_t compute(pexp) register expr_p pexp; {
-	eval_t leaf1,leaf2,res;
-	register i;
-	register sym_p sp;
-	offset mask;
-	switch(nparam[pexp->ex_operator]) {
-	default:
-		assert(FALSE);
-	case 2:
-		leaf2 = compute(&enodes[pexp->ex_rnode]);
-		if (leaf2.e_typ == EV_UNDEF ||
-		    nonumlab[pexp->ex_operator] && leaf2.e_typ == EV_NUMLAB ||
-		    onlyconst[pexp->ex_operator] && leaf2.e_typ != EV_CONST)
-			return(undefres);
-	case 1:
-		leaf1 = compute(&enodes[pexp->ex_lnode]);
-		if (leaf1.e_typ == EV_UNDEF ||
-		    nonumlab[pexp->ex_operator] && leaf1.e_typ == EV_NUMLAB ||
-		    onlyconst[pexp->ex_operator] && leaf1.e_typ != EV_CONST)
-			return(undefres);
-	case 0:
-		break;
-	}
-	res.e_typ = EV_CONST;
-	res.e_v.e_con = 0;
-	switch(pexp->ex_operator) {
-	default:
-		assert(FALSE);
-	case EX_CON:
-		res.e_v.e_con = (offset) pexp->ex_lnode;
-		break;
-	case EX_ARG:
-		return(iargs[pexp->ex_lnode - 1].ia_ev);
-	case EX_CMPEQ:
-		if (leaf1.e_typ != leaf2.e_typ)
-			return(undefres);
-		if (leaf1.e_typ == EV_NUMLAB) {
-			if (leaf1.e_v.e_np == leaf2.e_v.e_np)
-				res.e_v.e_con = 1;
-			break;
-		}
-		if (leaf1.e_v.e_con == leaf2.e_v.e_con)
-			res.e_v.e_con = 1;
-		break;
-	case EX_CMPNE:
-		if (leaf1.e_typ != leaf2.e_typ) {
-			res.e_v.e_con = 1;
-			break;
-		}
-		if (leaf1.e_typ == EV_NUMLAB) {
-			if (leaf1.e_v.e_np != leaf2.e_v.e_np)
-				res.e_v.e_con = 1;
-			break;
-		}
-		if (leaf1.e_v.e_con != leaf2.e_v.e_con)
-			res.e_v.e_con = 1;
-		break;
-	case EX_CMPGT:
-		if (leaf1.e_typ != leaf2.e_typ)
-			return(undefres);
-		res.e_v.e_con = leaf1.e_v.e_con > leaf2.e_v.e_con;
-		break;
-	case EX_CMPGE:
-		if (leaf1.e_typ != leaf2.e_typ)
-			return(undefres);
-		res.e_v.e_con = leaf1.e_v.e_con >= leaf2.e_v.e_con;
-		break;
-	case EX_CMPLT:
-		if (leaf1.e_typ != leaf2.e_typ)
-			return(undefres);
-		res.e_v.e_con = leaf1.e_v.e_con < leaf2.e_v.e_con;
-		break;
-	case EX_CMPLE:
-		if (leaf1.e_typ != leaf2.e_typ)
-			return(undefres);
-		res.e_v.e_con = leaf1.e_v.e_con <= leaf2.e_v.e_con;
-		break;
-	case EX_OR2:
-		if (leaf1.e_v.e_con != 0)
-			return(leaf1);
-		leaf2 = compute(&enodes[pexp->ex_rnode]);
-		if (leaf2.e_typ != EV_CONST)
-			return(undefres);
-		return(leaf2);
-	case EX_AND2:
-		if (leaf1.e_v.e_con == 0)
-			return(leaf1);
-		leaf2 = compute(&enodes[pexp->ex_rnode]);
-		if (leaf2.e_typ != EV_CONST)
-			return(undefres);
-		return(leaf2);
-	case EX_OR1:
-		res.e_v.e_con = leaf1.e_v.e_con | leaf2.e_v.e_con;
-		break;
-	case EX_XOR1:
-		res.e_v.e_con = leaf1.e_v.e_con ^ leaf2.e_v.e_con;
-		break;
-	case EX_AND1:
-		res.e_v.e_con = leaf1.e_v.e_con & leaf2.e_v.e_con;
-		break;
-	case EX_TIMES:
-		res.e_v.e_con = leaf1.e_v.e_con * leaf2.e_v.e_con;
-		break;
-	case EX_DIVIDE:
-		res.e_v.e_con = leaf1.e_v.e_con / leaf2.e_v.e_con;
-		break;
-	case EX_MOD:
-		res.e_v.e_con = leaf1.e_v.e_con % leaf2.e_v.e_con;
-		break;
-	case EX_LSHIFT:
-		res.e_v.e_con = leaf1.e_v.e_con << leaf2.e_v.e_con;
-		break;
-	case EX_RSHIFT:
-		res.e_v.e_con = leaf1.e_v.e_con >> leaf2.e_v.e_con;
-		break;
-	case EX_UMINUS:
-		res.e_v.e_con = -leaf1.e_v.e_con;
-		break;
-	case EX_NOT:
-		res.e_v.e_con = !leaf1.e_v.e_con;
-		break;
-	case EX_COMP:
-		res.e_v.e_con = ~leaf1.e_v.e_con;
-		break;
-	case EX_PLUS:
-		if (leaf1.e_typ >= EV_FRAG) {
-			if (leaf2.e_typ >= EV_FRAG)
-				return(undefres);
-			res.e_typ = leaf1.e_typ;
-		} else
-			res.e_typ = leaf2.e_typ;
-		res.e_v.e_con = leaf1.e_v.e_con + leaf2.e_v.e_con;
-		break;
-	case EX_MINUS:
-		if (leaf1.e_typ >= EV_FRAG) {
-			if (leaf2.e_typ == EV_CONST)
-				res.e_typ = leaf1.e_typ;
-			else if (leaf2.e_typ != leaf1.e_typ)
-				return(undefres);
-		} else if (leaf2.e_typ >= EV_FRAG)
-			return(undefres);
-		res.e_v.e_con = leaf1.e_v.e_con - leaf2.e_v.e_con;
-		break;
-		res.e_v.e_con = pointersize;
-		break;
-		res.e_v.e_con = wordsize;
-		break;
-	case EX_NOTREG:
-		res.e_v.e_con = !inreg(leaf1.e_v.e_con);
-		break;
-	case EX_DEFINED:
-		leaf1 = compute(&enodes[pexp->ex_lnode]);
-		res.e_v.e_con = leaf1.e_typ != EV_UNDEF;
-		break;
-		res.e_v.e_con = (leaf1.e_v.e_con ^ leaf2.e_v.e_con) >= 0;
-		break;
-	case EX_ROM:
-		if ((sp = iargs[pexp->ex_lnode - 1].ia_sp) != (sym_p) 0 &&
-		    sp->s_rom != (offset *) 0) {
-			leaf2 = compute(&enodes[pexp->ex_rnode]);
-			if (leaf2.e_typ != EV_CONST ||
-			    leaf2.e_v.e_con < 0 ||
-			    leaf2.e_v.e_con >= MAXROM)
-				return(undefres);
-			res.e_v.e_con = sp->s_rom[leaf2.e_v.e_con];
-			break;
-		} else
-			return(undefres);
-	case EX_SFIT:
-		mask = 0;
-		for (i=leaf2.e_v.e_con - 1;i < 8*sizeof(offset); i++)
-			mask |= 1<<i;
-		res.e_v.e_con = (leaf1.e_v.e_con&mask) == 0 ||
-				       (leaf1.e_v.e_con&mask) == mask;
-		break;
-	case EX_UFIT:
-		mask = 0;
-		for (i=leaf2.e_v.e_con;i < 8*sizeof(offset); i++)
-			mask |= 1<<i;
-		res.e_v.e_con = (leaf1.e_v.e_con&mask) == 0;
-		break;
-	case EX_ROTATE:
-		res.e_v.e_con = rotate(leaf1.e_v.e_con,leaf2.e_v.e_con);
-		break;
-	}
-	return(res);
-extern bool special();
-bool tryrepl(lpp,bp,patlen)
-line_p *lpp;
-register byte *bp;
-int patlen;
-	int rpllen,instr,rplval;
-	register line_p lp;
-	line_p replacement,*rlpp,tp;
-	rpllen = *bp++&BMASK;
-	if (rpllen == BMASK) {
-		rpllen = *bp++&BMASK;
-		rpllen |= (*bp++&BMASK)<<8;
-	}
-	if (rpllen == 1 && *bp == 0)
-		return(special(lpp,bp+1,patlen));
-	replacement = (line_p) 0;
-	rlpp = &replacement;
-	while (rpllen--) {
-		instr = *bp++&BMASK;
-		rplval = *bp++&BMASK;
-		if (rplval == BMASK) {
-			rplval = (*bp++&BMASK);
-			rplval |= (*bp++&BMASK)<<8;
-		}
-		if (rplval)
-			lp = repline(compute(&enodes[rplval]),patlen);
-		else
-			lp = newline(OPNO);
-		/*
-		 * One replacement instruction is generated,
-		 * link in list and proceed with the next one.
-		 */
-		if (instr == op_lab)
-			lp->l_a.la_np->n_line = lp;
-		*rlpp = lp;
-		rlpp = &lp->l_next;
-		lp->l_instr = instr;
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Replace instructions matched by the created replacement
-	 */
-	OPTIM((bp[0]&BMASK)|(bp[1]&BMASK)<<8);
-	for (lp= *lpp;patlen>0;patlen--,tp=lp,lp=lp->l_next)
-		;
-	tp->l_next = (line_p) 0;
-	*rlpp = lp;
-	lp = *lpp;
-	*lpp = replacement;
-	while ( lp != (line_p) 0 ) {
-		tp = lp->l_next;
-		oldline(lp);
-		lp = tp;
-	}
-	return(TRUE);
-bool trypat(lpp,bp,len)
-line_p *lpp;
-register byte *bp;
-int len;
-	register iarg_p iap;
-	int i,patlen;
-	register line_p lp;
-	eval_t result;
-	patlen = *bp++&BMASK;
-	if (patlen == BMASK) {
-		patlen = *bp++&BMASK;
-		patlen |= (*bp++&BMASK)<<8;
-	}
-	if (len == 3) {
-		if (patlen<3)
-			return(FALSE);
-	} else {
-		if (patlen != len)
-			return(FALSE);
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Length is ok, now check opcodes
-	 */
-	for (i=0,lp= *lpp;i<patlen && lp != (line_p) 0;i++,lp=lp->l_next)
-		if (lp->l_instr != *bp++)
-			return(FALSE);
-	if (i != patlen)
-		return(FALSE);
-	/*
-	 * opcodes are also correct, now comes the hard part
-	 */
-	for(i=0,lp= *lpp,iap= iargs; i<patlen;i++,iap++,lp=lp->l_next) {
-		switch(lp->l_optyp) {
-		case OPNO:
-			iap->ia_ev.e_typ = EV_UNDEF;
-			break;
-		default:
-			iap->ia_ev.e_typ = EV_CONST;
-			iap->ia_ev.e_v.e_con = (lp->l_optyp&BMASK)-Z_OPMINI;
-			break;
-		case OPSHORT:
-			iap->ia_ev.e_typ = EV_CONST;
-			iap->ia_ev.e_v.e_con = lp->l_a.la_short;
-			break;
-#ifdef LONGOFF
-		case OPOFFSET:
-			iap->ia_ev.e_typ = EV_CONST;
-			iap->ia_ev.e_v.e_con = lp->l_a.la_offset;
-			break;
-		case OPNUMLAB:
-			iap->ia_ev.e_typ = EV_NUMLAB;
-			iap->ia_ev.e_v.e_np = lp->l_a.la_np;
-			break;
-		case OPSYMBOL:
-			iap->ia_ev.e_typ = lp->l_a.la_sp->s_frag;
-			iap->ia_sp = lp->l_a.la_sp;
-			iap->ia_ev.e_v.e_con = lp->l_a.la_sp->s_value;
-			break;
-		case OPSVAL:
-			iap->ia_ev.e_typ = lp->l_a.la_sval.lasv_sp->s_frag;
-			iap->ia_sp = lp->l_a.la_sval.lasv_sp;
-			iap->ia_ev.e_v.e_con = lp->l_a.la_sval.lasv_sp->s_value + lp->l_a.la_sval.lasv_short;
-			break;
-#ifdef LONGOFF
-		case OPLVAL:
-			iap->ia_ev.e_typ = lp->l_a.la_lval.lalv_sp->s_frag;
-			iap->ia_sp = lp->l_a.la_lval.lalv_sp;
-			iap->ia_ev.e_v.e_con = lp->l_a.la_lval.lalv_sp->s_value + lp->l_a.la_lval.lalv_offset;
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-	i = *bp++&BMASK;
-	if ( i==BMASK ) {
-		i = *bp++&BMASK;
-		i |= (*bp++&BMASK)<<8;
-	}
-	if ( i != 0) {
-		/* there is a condition */
-		result = compute(&enodes[i]);
-		if (result.e_typ != EV_CONST || result.e_v.e_con == 0)
-			return(FALSE);
-	}
-	return(tryrepl(lpp,bp,patlen));
-basicblock(alpp) line_p *alpp; {
-	register line_p *lpp,lp;
-	bool madeopt;
-	unsigned short hash[3];
-	line_p *next;
-	register byte *bp;
-	int i;
-	short index;
-	do {	/* make pass over basicblock */
-	    lpp = alpp; madeopt = FALSE;
-	    while ((*lpp) != (line_p) 0 && ((*lpp)->l_instr&BMASK) != op_lab) {
-		lp = *lpp; next = &lp->l_next;
-		hash[0] = lp->l_instr&BMASK;
-		lp=lp->l_next;
-		if (lp != (line_p) 0) {
-			hash[1] = (hash[0]<<4)^(lp->l_instr&BMASK);
-			lp=lp->l_next;
-			if (lp != (line_p) 0)
-				hash[2] = (hash[1]<<4)^(lp->l_instr&BMASK);
-			else
-				hash[2] = ILLHASH;
-		} else {
-			hash[1] = ILLHASH;
-			hash[2] = ILLHASH;
-		}
-		/*
-		 * hashvalues computed. Try for longest pattern first
-		 */
-		for (i=2;i>=0;i--) {
-		    index = pathash[hash[i]&BMASK];
-		    while (index != 0) {
-			bp = &pattern[index];
-			if((bp[PO_HASH]&BMASK) == (hash[i]>>8))
-			    if(trypat(lpp,&bp[PO_MATCH],i+1)) {
-				madeopt = TRUE;
-				next = lpp;
-				i = 0;	/* dirty way of double break */
-				break;
-			    }
-			index=(bp[PO_NEXT]&BMASK)|(bp[PO_NEXT+1]<<8);
-		    }
-		}
-		lpp = next;
-	    }
-	} while(madeopt);	/* as long as there is progress */

+ 0 - 185

@@ -1,185 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef NORCSID
-static char rcsid[] = "$Header$";
-#include "param.h"
-#include "types.h"
-#include "assert.h"
-#include "../../h/em_spec.h"
-#include "../../h/em_pseu.h"
-#include "alloc.h"
-#include "line.h"
-#include "lookup.h"
-#include "proinf.h"
-#include "ext.h"
- * (c) copyright 1983 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
- *
- *          This product is part of the Amsterdam Compiler Kit.
- *
- * Permission to use, sell, duplicate or disclose this software must be
- * obtained in writing. Requests for such permissions may be sent to
- *
- *      Dr. Andrew S. Tanenbaum
- *      Wiskundig Seminarium
- *      Vrije Universiteit
- *      Postbox 7161
- *      1007 MC Amsterdam
- *      The Netherlands
- *
- * Author: Hans van Staveren
- */
-process() {
-	if (wordsize == 0 || pointersize == 0)
-		error("No MES EMX encountered");
-	backward();			/* reverse and cleanup list */
-	symknown();			/* symbol scope is now known */
-	if (!nflag)
-		symvalue();		/* give symbols value */
-	if (prodepth != 0) {
-		if (!nflag) {
-			checklocs();	/* check definition of locals */
-			peephole();	/* local optimization */
-			relabel();	/* relabel local labels */
-			flow();		/* throw away unreachable code */
-		}
-		outpro();		/* generate PRO pseudo */
-		outregs();		/* generate MES ms_reg pseudos */
-	}
-	putlines(pseudos);		/* pseudos first */
-	if (prodepth != 0) {
-		putlines(instrs);	/* instructions next */
-		outend();		/* generate END pseudo */
-		cleanlocals();		/* forget instruction labels */
-	} else if(instrs != (line_p) 0)
-		error("instructions outside procedure");
-	coreverbose();
-relabel() {
-	register num_p *npp,np,tp;
-	register num_p repl,ttp;
-	/*
-	 * For each label find its final destination after crossjumping.
-	 * Care has to be taken to prevent a loop in the program to
-	 * cause same in the optimizer.
-	 */
-	for (npp = curpro.numhash; npp < &curpro.numhash[NNUMHASH]; npp++)
-		for (np = *npp; np != (num_p) 0; np = np->n_next) {
-			assert((np->n_line->l_instr&BMASK) == op_lab
-			    && np->n_line->l_a.la_np == np);
-			for(tp=np; (tp->n_flags&(NUMKNOWN|NUMMARK))==0;
-				   tp = tp->n_repl)
-				tp->n_flags |= NUMMARK;
-			repl = tp->n_repl;
-			for(tp=np; tp->n_flags&NUMMARK; tp = ttp) {
-				ttp = tp->n_repl;
-				tp->n_repl = repl;
-				tp->n_flags &= ~ NUMMARK;
-				tp->n_flags |=   NUMKNOWN;
-			}
-		}
-symknown() {
-	register sym_p *spp,sp;
-	for (spp = symhash; spp < &symhash[NSYMHASH]; spp++)
-		for (sp = *spp; sp != (sym_p) 0; sp = sp->s_next)
-			sp->s_flags |= SYMKNOWN;
-cleanlocals() {
-	register num_p *npp,np,tp;
-	for (npp = curpro.numhash; npp < &curpro.numhash[NNUMHASH]; npp++) {
-		np = *npp;
-		while (np != (num_p) 0) {
-			tp = np->n_next;
-			oldnum(np);
-			np = tp;
-		}
-		*npp = (num_p) 0;
-	}
-checklocs() {
-	register num_p *npp,np;
-	for (npp=curpro.numhash; npp < & curpro.numhash[NNUMHASH]; npp++)
-		for (np = *npp; np != (num_p) 0; np=np->n_next)
-			if (np->n_line == (line_p) 0)
-				error("local label %u undefined",
-					(unsigned) np->n_number);
-offset align(count,alignment) offset count,alignment; {
-	assert(alignment==1||alignment==2||alignment==4);
-	return((count+alignment-1)&~(alignment-1));
-symvalue() {
-	register line_p lp;
-	register sym_p sp;
-	register arg_p ap;
-	register argb_p abp;
-	short curfrag = 0;
-	offset count;
-	for (lp=pseudos; lp != (line_p) 0; lp = lp->l_next)
-	switch(lp->l_instr&BMASK) {
-	default:
-		assert(FALSE);
-	case ps_sym:
-		sp = lp->l_a.la_sp;
-		if (sp->s_frag != curfrag) {
-			count = 0;
-			curfrag = sp->s_frag;
-		}
-		count = align(count,wordsize);
-		sp->s_value = count;
-		break;
-	case ps_bss:
-	case ps_hol:
-		/* nothing to do, all bss pseudos are in diff frags */
-	case ps_mes:
-		break;
-	case ps_con:
-	case ps_rom:
-		for (ap=lp->l_a.la_arg; ap  != (arg_p) 0; ap = ap->a_next)
-		switch(ap->a_typ) {
-		default:
-			assert(FALSE);
-		case ARGOFF:
-			count = align(count,wordsize)+wordsize;
-			break;
-		case ARGNUM:
-		case ARGSYM:
-		case ARGVAL:
-			count = align(count,wordsize)+pointersize;
-			break;
-		case ARGICN:
-		case ARGUCN:
-		case ARGFCN:
-			if (ap->a_a.a_con.ac_length < wordsize)
-				count = align(count,(offset)ap->a_a.a_con.ac_length);
-			else
-				count = align(count,wordsize);
-			count += ap->a_a.a_con.ac_length;
-			break;
-		case ARGSTR:
-			for (abp = &ap->a_a.a_string; abp != (argb_p) 0;
-			     abp = abp->ab_next)
-				count += abp->ab_index;
-			break;
-		}
-	}

+ 0 - 36

@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-/* $Header$ */
-struct num {
-	num_p	n_next;
-	unsigned n_number;
-	unsigned n_jumps;
-	num_p	n_repl;
-	short	n_flags;
-	line_p	n_line;
-/* contents of .n_flags */
-#define NUMDATA		000001
-#define NUMREACH	000002
-#define NUMKNOWN	000004
-#define NUMMARK		000010
-#define NUMSCAN		000020
-#define NNUMHASH	37
-extern num_p	numlookup();
-struct regs {
-	reg_p	r_next;
-	offset	r_par[4];
-typedef struct proinf {
-	offset	localbytes;
-	line_p	lastline;
-	sym_p	symbol;
-	reg_p	freg;
-	bool	gtoproc;
-	num_p	numhash[NNUMHASH];
-} proinf;
-extern proinf curpro;

+ 0 - 379

@@ -1,379 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef NORCSID
-static char rcsid[] = "$Header$";
-#include "param.h"
-#include "types.h"
-#include "assert.h"
-#include "../../h/em_spec.h"
-#include "../../h/em_pseu.h"
-#include "../../h/em_mnem.h"
-#include "../../h/em_flag.h"
-#include "alloc.h"
-#include "line.h"
-#include "lookup.h"
-#include "proinf.h"
-#include "optim.h"
-#include "ext.h"
- * (c) copyright 1983 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
- *
- *          This product is part of the Amsterdam Compiler Kit.
- *
- * Permission to use, sell, duplicate or disclose this software must be
- * obtained in writing. Requests for such permissions may be sent to
- *
- *      Dr. Andrew S. Tanenbaum
- *      Wiskundig Seminarium
- *      Vrije Universiteit
- *      Postbox 7161
- *      1007 MC Amsterdam
- *      The Netherlands
- *
- * Author: Hans van Staveren
- */
-#define outbyte(b) putc(b,outfile)
-putlines(lnp) register line_p lnp; {
-	register arg_p ap;
-	line_p temp;
-	register instr;
-	short curlin= -2;
-	short thislin;
-	while ( lnp != (line_p) 0) {
-		instr = lnp->l_instr&BMASK;
-		switch(lnp->l_optyp) {
-		case OPSYMBOL:
-			if ((lnp->l_instr&BMASK) == ps_sym)
-				outdef(lnp->l_a.la_sp);
-			else
-				outocc(lnp->l_a.la_sp);
-			break;
-		case OPSVAL:
-			outocc(lnp->l_a.la_sval.lasv_sp);
-			break;
-#ifdef LONGOFF
-		case OPLVAL:
-			outocc(lnp->l_a.la_lval.lalv_sp);
-			break;
-		case OPLIST:
-			ap = lnp->l_a.la_arg;
-			while (ap != (arg_p) 0) {
-				switch(ap->a_typ) {
-				case ARGSYM:
-					outocc(ap->a_a.a_sp);
-					break;
-				case ARGVAL:
-					outocc(ap->a_a.a_val.av_sp);
-					break;
-				}
-				ap = ap->a_next;
-			}
-			break;
-		}
-		/*
-		 * global symbols now taken care of
-		 */
-		switch(instr) {
-		case ps_sym:
-			break;
-		case op_lni:
-			if (curlin != -2)
-				curlin++;
-			outinst(instr);
-			break;
-		case op_lin:
-			switch(lnp->l_optyp) {
-			case OPNO:
-			case OPOFFSET:
-			case OPNUMLAB:
-			case OPSYMBOL:
-			case OPSVAL:
-			case OPLVAL:
-			case OPLIST:
-				outinst(instr);
-				goto processoperand;
-			case OPSHORT:
-				thislin = lnp->l_a.la_short;
-				break;
-			default:
-				thislin = (lnp->l_optyp&BMASK)-Z_OPMINI;
-				break;
-			}
-			if (thislin == curlin && !nflag) {
-				temp = lnp->l_next;
-				oldline(lnp);
-				lnp = temp;
-				continue;
-			} else if (thislin == curlin+1 && !nflag) {
-				instr = op_lni;
-				outinst(instr);
-				temp = lnp->l_next;
-				oldline(lnp);
-				lnp = newline(OPNO);
-				lnp->l_next = temp;
-				lnp->l_instr = instr;
-			} else {
-				outinst(instr);
-			}
-			curlin = thislin;
-			break;
-		case op_lab:
-			curlin = -2;
-			break;
-		default:
-			outinst(instr);
-		}
-		switch(lnp->l_optyp) {
-		case OPNO:
-			if ((em_flag[instr-sp_fmnem]&EM_PAR)!=PAR_NO)
-				outbyte( (byte) sp_cend) ;
-			break;
-		default:
-			outint((lnp->l_optyp&BMASK)-Z_OPMINI);
-			break;
-		case OPSHORT:
-			outint(lnp->l_a.la_short);
-			break;
-#ifdef LONGOFF
-		case OPOFFSET:
-			outoff(lnp->l_a.la_offset);
-			break;
-		case OPNUMLAB:
-			if (instr == op_lab)
-				numlab(lnp->l_a.la_np->n_repl);
-			else if (instr < sp_fpseu) /* plain instruction */
-				outint((short) lnp->l_a.la_np->n_repl->n_number);
-			else
-				outnum(lnp->l_a.la_np->n_repl);
-			break;
-		case OPSYMBOL:
-			outsym(lnp->l_a.la_sp);
-			break;
-		case OPSVAL:
-			outbyte( (byte) sp_doff) ;
-			outsym(lnp->l_a.la_sval.lasv_sp);
-			outint(lnp->l_a.la_sval.lasv_short);
-			break;
-#ifdef LONGOFF
-		case OPLVAL:
-			outbyte( (byte) sp_doff) ;
-			outsym(lnp->l_a.la_lval.lalv_sp);
-			outoff(lnp->l_a.la_lval.lalv_offset);
-			break;
-		case OPLIST:
-			putargs(lnp->l_a.la_arg);
-			switch(instr) {
-			case ps_con:
-			case ps_rom:
-			case ps_mes:
-				outbyte( (byte) sp_cend) ;
-			}
-		}
-		/*
-		 * instruction is output now.
-		 * remove its useless body
-		 */
-		temp = lnp->l_next;
-		oldline(lnp);
-		lnp = temp;
-		if (ferror(outfile))
-			error("write error");
-	}
-putargs(ap) register arg_p ap; {
-	while (ap != (arg_p) 0) {
-		switch(ap->a_typ) {
-		default:
-			assert(FALSE);
-		case ARGOFF:
-			outoff(ap->a_a.a_offset);
-			break;
-		case ARGNUM:
-			outnum(ap->a_a.a_np->n_repl);
-			break;
-		case ARGSYM:
-			outsym(ap->a_a.a_sp);
-			break;
-		case ARGVAL:
-			outbyte( (byte) sp_doff) ;
-			outsym(ap->a_a.a_val.av_sp);
-			outoff(ap->a_a.a_val.av_offset);
-			break;
-		case ARGSTR:
-			outbyte( (byte) sp_scon) ;
-			putstr(&ap->a_a.a_string);
-			break;
-		case ARGICN:
-			outbyte( (byte) sp_icon) ;
-			goto casecon;
-		case ARGUCN:
-			outbyte( (byte) sp_ucon) ;
-			goto casecon;
-		case ARGFCN:
-			outbyte( (byte) sp_fcon) ;
-		casecon:
-			outint(ap->a_a.a_con.ac_length);
-			putstr(&ap->a_a.a_con.ac_con);
-			break;
-		}
-		ap = ap->a_next;
-	}
-putstr(abp) register argb_p abp; {
-	register argb_p tbp;
-	register length;
-	length = 0;
-	tbp = abp;
-	while (tbp!= (argb_p) 0) {
-		length += tbp->ab_index;
-		tbp = tbp->ab_next;
-	}
-	outint(length);
-	while (abp != (argb_p) 0) {
-		for (length=0;length<abp->ab_index;length++)
-			outbyte( (byte) abp->ab_contents[length] );
-		abp = abp->ab_next;
-	}
-outdef(sp) register sym_p sp; {
-	/*
-	 * The surrounding If statement is removed to be friendly
-	 * to Backend writers having to deal with assemblers
-	 * not following our conventions.
-	if ((sp->s_flags&SYMOUT)==0) {
-	 */
-		sp->s_flags |= SYMOUT;
-		if (sp->s_flags&SYMGLOBAL) {
-			outinst(sp->s_flags&SYMPRO ? ps_exp : ps_exa);
-			outsym(sp);
-		}
-	/*
-	}
-	 */
-outocc(sp) register sym_p sp; {
-	if ((sp->s_flags&SYMOUT)==0) {
-		sp->s_flags |= SYMOUT;
-		if ((sp->s_flags&SYMGLOBAL)==0) {
-			outinst(sp->s_flags&SYMPRO ? ps_inp : ps_ina);
-			outsym(sp);
-		}
-	}
-outpro() {
-	outdef(curpro.symbol);
-	outinst(ps_pro);
-	outsym(curpro.symbol);
-	outoff(curpro.localbytes);
-outend() {
-	outinst(ps_end);
-	outoff(curpro.localbytes);
-outinst(m) {
-	outbyte( (byte) m );
-outoff(off) offset off; {
-#ifdef LONGOFF
-	if ((short) off == off)
-		outint((short) off);
-#ifdef LONGOFF
-	else {
-		outbyte( (byte) sp_cst4) ;
-		outshort( (short) (off&0177777L) );
-		outshort( (short) (off>>16) );
-	}
-outint(i) short i; {
-	if (i>= -sp_zcst0 && i< sp_ncst0-sp_zcst0)
-		outbyte( (byte) (i+sp_zcst0+sp_fcst0) );
-	else {
-		outbyte( (byte) sp_cst2) ;
-		outshort(i);
-	}
-outshort(i) short i; {
-	outbyte( (byte) (i&BMASK) );
-	outbyte( (byte) (i>>8) );
-numlab(np) register num_p np; {
-	if (np->n_number < sp_nilb0)
-		outbyte( (byte) (np->n_number + sp_filb0) );
-	else
-		outnum(np);
-outnum(np) register num_p np; {
-	if(np->n_number<256) {
-		outbyte( (byte) sp_ilb1) ;
-		outbyte( (byte) (np->n_number) );
-	} else {
-		outbyte( (byte) sp_ilb2) ;
-		outshort((short) np->n_number);
-	}
-outsym(sp) register sym_p sp; {
-	register byte *p;
-	register unsigned num;
-	if (sp->s_name[0] == '.') {
-		num = atoi(&sp->s_name[1]);
-		if (num < 256) {
-			outbyte( (byte) sp_dlb1) ;
-			outbyte( (byte) (num) );
-		} else {
-			outbyte( (byte) sp_dlb2) ;
-			outshort((short) num);
-		}
-	} else {
-		p= sp->s_name;
-		while (*p && p < &sp->s_name[IDL])
-			p++;
-		num = p - sp->s_name;
-		outbyte( (byte) (sp->s_flags&SYMPRO ? sp_pnam : sp_dnam) );
-		outint((short) num);
-		p = sp->s_name;
-		while (num--)
-			outbyte( (byte) *p++ );
-	}

+ 0 - 101

@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef NORCSID
-static char rcsid[] = "$Header$";
-#include "assert.h"
-#include "param.h"
-#include "types.h"
-#include "line.h"
-#include "proinf.h"
-#include "alloc.h"
-#include "../../h/em_spec.h"
-#include "../../h/em_pseu.h"
-#include "../../h/em_mes.h"
-#include "ext.h"
- * (c) copyright 1983 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
- *
- *          This product is part of the Amsterdam Compiler Kit.
- *
- * Permission to use, sell, duplicate or disclose this software must be
- * obtained in writing. Requests for such permissions may be sent to
- *
- *      Dr. Andrew S. Tanenbaum
- *      Wiskundig Seminarium
- *      Vrije Universiteit
- *      Postbox 7161
- *      1007 MC Amsterdam
- *      The Netherlands
- *
- * Author: Hans van Staveren
- */
-regvar(ap) register arg_p ap; {
-	register reg_p rp;
-	register i;
-	rp = newreg();
-	i=0;
-	while (ap!=(arg_p)0 && ap->a_typ==ARGOFF && i<4) {
-		rp->r_par[i++]=ap->a_a.a_offset;
-		ap=ap->a_next;
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Omit incomplete messages
-	 */
-	switch(i) {
-	default:assert(FALSE);
-	case 0:
-	case 1:
-	case 2:	oldreg(rp); return;
-	case 3: rp->r_par[3]= (offset) 0; break;
-	case 4: break;
-	}
-	rp->r_next = curpro.freg;
-	curpro.freg = rp;
-inreg(off) offset off; {
-	register reg_p rp;
-	for (rp=curpro.freg; rp != (reg_p) 0; rp=rp->r_next)
-		if( rp->r_par[0] == off)
-			return(TRUE);
-	return(FALSE);
-outregs() {
-	register reg_p rp,tp;
-	register i;
-	for(rp=curpro.freg; rp != (reg_p) 0; rp = tp) {
-		tp = rp->r_next;
-		if (rp->r_par[3] != 0) {
-			outinst(ps_mes);
-			outoff((offset)ms_reg);
-			for(i=0;i<4;i++)
-				outoff(rp->r_par[i]);
-			outinst(sp_cend);
-		}
-		oldreg(rp);
-	}
-	/* List of register messages is followed by an empty ms_reg
-	 * unless an ms_gto was in this procedure, then the ms_gto
-	 * will be output. Kludgy.
-	 */
-	outinst(ps_mes);
-	outoff((offset)(curpro.gtoproc? ms_gto : ms_reg));
-	outinst(sp_cend);
-	curpro.freg = (reg_p) 0;
-incregusage(off) offset off; {
-	register reg_p rp;
-	for(rp=curpro.freg; rp != (reg_p) 0; rp=rp->r_next)
-		if (rp->r_par[0]==off) {
-			rp->r_par[3]++;
-			return;
-		}

Some files were not shown because too many files changed in this diff