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Added example programs.

dtrg 17 years ago
8 changed files with 1595 additions and 0 deletions
  1. 7 0
  2. 26 0
  3. 39 0
  4. 83 0
  5. 95 0
  6. 131 0
  7. 167 0
  8. 1047 0

+ 7 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@

+ 26 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+# $Source$
+# $State$
+# $Revision$
+A few notes on the examples
+This directory contains a handful of working example programs that can be
+built with the ACK. They're intended as a convention source of test code
+and as a starting point when writing your own programs.
+They consist of:
+hilo.c             ANSI C version of the Hi/Lo game
+hilo.b             Basic version of the Hi/Lo game
+hilo.mod           Modula-2 version of the Hi/Lo game
+hilo.ocm           Occam 1 version of the Hi/Lo game
+hilo.p             Pascal version of the Hi/Lo game
+paranoia.c         An ancient public domain K&R C adventure game
+David Given

+ 39 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+1 ' $Source$
+2 ' $State$
+3 ' $Revision$
+10 print "Hi there! Before we start, what is your name?"
+20 input "> ", PlayerName$
+30 print
+40 print "Hello, "; PlayerName$; "!"
+100 gosub 1000
+110 print
+120 print "Would you like another go?"
+130 input "> ", s$
+140 s$ = left$(s$, 1)
+150 if s$ = "n" or s$ = "N" then goto 200
+160 print
+170 print "Excellent! ";
+180 goto 100
+200 print
+210 print "Thanks for playing --- goodbye!"
+220 end
+1000 print "See if you can guess my number."
+1010 Number% = rnd(1) mod 100
+1020 Attempts% = 1
+1030 print
+1040 input "> ", guess%
+1050 if guess% < Number% then print: print "Try a bit higher."
+1060 if guess% > Number% then print: print "Try a bit lower."
+1070 if guess% = Number% then goto 1100
+1080 Attempts% = Attempts% + 1
+1090 goto 1030
+1100 print
+1110 print "You got it right in only"; Attempts%;
+1120 if Attempts% = 1 then print "go"; else print "goes";
+1130 print "!"
+1140 return

+ 83 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+/* $Source$
+ * $State$
+ * $Revision$
+ */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+char buffer[32];
+char PlayerName[32];
+int Number;
+int Attempts;
+void reads(void)
+	char* p;
+	printf("> ");
+	fflush(stdout);
+	fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), stdin);
+	p = strchr(buffer, '\n');
+	if (p != NULL)
+		*p = '\0';
+void game(void)
+	printf("See if you can guess my number.\n");
+	Number = rand() % 100;
+	Attempts = 1;
+	for (;;)
+	{
+		int guess;
+		printf("\n");
+		reads();
+		guess = atoi(buffer);
+		if (guess == Number)
+		{
+			printf("\nYou got it right in only %d %s!\n", Attempts,
+				(Attempts == 1) ? "go" : "goes");
+			return;
+		}
+		if (guess < Number)
+			printf("\nTry a bit higher.\n");
+		if (guess > Number)
+			printf("\nTry a bit lower.\n");
+		Attempts++;
+	}
+int main(int argc, char* argv[])
+	printf("\nHi there! Before we start, what is your name?\n");
+	reads();
+	strcpy(PlayerName, buffer);
+	printf("\nHello, %s! ", PlayerName);
+	for (;;)
+	{
+		game();
+		printf("\nWould you like another go?\n");
+		reads();
+		if ((buffer[0] == 'n') || (buffer[0] == 'N'))
+		{
+			printf("\nThanks for playing --- goodbye!\n");
+			exit(0);
+		}
+		printf("\nExcellent! ");
+	}
+	return 0;

+ 95 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+(* $Source$
+ * $State$
+ * $Revision$
+ *)
+FROM InOut IMPORT WriteInt, WriteLn, WriteString, ReadString, ReadInt;
+FROM random IMPORT Uniform;
+	buffer : ARRAY [0..32] OF CHAR;
+	WriteString("> ");
+	ReadString(buffer);
+END reads;
+	Number : INTEGER;
+	Attempts : INTEGER;
+	guess : INTEGER;
+	finished : BOOLEAN;
+	WriteString("See if you can guess my number.");
+	WriteLn;
+	Number := Uniform(0, 99);
+	Attempts := 1;
+	finished := FALSE;
+	WHILE NOT finished DO
+		WriteLn;
+		WriteString("> ");
+		ReadInt(guess);
+		IF guess = Number THEN
+			WriteLn;
+			WriteString("You got it right in only ");
+			WriteInt(Attempts, 0);
+			WriteString(" ");
+			IF Attempts = 1 THEN
+				WriteString("go");
+			ELSE
+				WriteString("goes");
+			END;
+			WriteString("!");
+			WriteLn;
+			finished := TRUE;
+		ELSIF guess < Number THEN
+			WriteLn;
+			WriteString("Try a bit higher.");
+			WriteLn;
+		ELSIF guess > Number THEN
+			WriteLn;
+			WriteString("Try a bit lower.");
+			WriteLn;
+		END;
+		Attempts := Attempts + 1;
+	END;
+END game;
+	finished : BOOLEAN;
+	WriteLn;
+	WriteString("Hi there! Before we start, what is your name?");
+	WriteLn;
+	reads;
+	WriteLn;
+	WriteString("Hello, ");
+	WriteString(buffer);
+	WriteString("! ");
+	finished := FALSE;
+	WHILE NOT finished DO
+		game;
+		WriteLn;
+		WriteString("Would you like another go?");
+		WriteLn;
+		reads;
+		IF (buffer[0] = 'n') OR (buffer[0] = 'N') THEN
+			finished := TRUE;
+			WriteLn;
+			WriteString("Thanks for playing --- goodbye!");
+			WriteLn;
+			WriteLn;
+			WriteString("Excellent! ");
+		END;
+	END;
+END HiLo.

+ 131 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+-- $Source$
+-- $State$
+-- $Revision$
+#include "dec.ocm"
+-- General utilities: read and write strings.
+proc puts(value s[]) =
+  seq i = [1 for s[byte 0]]
+    output ! s[byte i]
+proc gets(var s[]) =
+  var length, finished, c:
+  seq
+    finished := false
+    length := 0
+    while not finished
+      seq
+        input ? c
+        if
+          c = 10
+            finished := true
+          true
+            seq
+              length := length + 1
+              s[byte length] := c
+    s[byte 0] := length
+-- Our random number generator.
+var seed:
+proc randomise(value s) =
+  seq
+    seed := s
+proc random(value range, var result) =
+  seq
+    seed := (20077 * seed) + 12345
+    if 
+      seed < 0
+        seed := -seed
+      true
+        skip
+    result := seed \ range
+-- Does the reading-in-the-name thing.
+proc getname =
+  var seed, buffer[128]:
+  seq
+    puts("*nHi there! Before we start, what is your name?*n")
+    puts("> ")
+    gets(buffer)
+    seed := 0
+    seq i = [1 for buffer[byte 0]]
+      seed := seed + buffer[byte i]
+    randomise(seed)
+    puts("*nHello, ")
+    puts(buffer)
+    puts("! ")
+-- Plays a single game.
+proc game =
+  var Number, Attempts, finished, guess:
+  seq
+    puts("See if you can guess my number.*n")
+    random(100, Number)
+    Attempts := 1
+    finished := false
+    while not finished
+      seq
+        puts("*n> ")
+        var c:
+          seq
+            c := '*s'
+            decin(input, guess, c)
+        if
+          guess = Number
+            seq
+              puts("*nYou got it right in only ")
+              decout(output, Attempts, 0)
+              puts(" ")
+              if
+                Attempts = 1
+                  puts("go")
+                true
+                  puts("goes")
+              puts("!*n")
+              finished := true
+          guess < Number
+            puts("*nTry a bit higher.*n")
+          guess > Number
+            puts("*nTry a bit lower.*n")
+        Attempts := Attempts + 1
+var finished, buffer[128]:
+  output ! TEXT
+  getname
+  finished := false
+  while not finished
+    seq
+      game
+      puts("*nWould you like another go?*n")
+      puts("> ")
+      gets(buffer)
+      if
+        (buffer[byte 1] = 'n') or (buffer[byte 1] = 'N')
+          seq
+            finished := true
+            puts("*nThanks for playing --- goodbye!*n")
+        true
+          puts("*nExcellent! ")

+ 167 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+(* $Source$
+ * $State$
+ * $Revision$
+ *)
+(*$U+ --- enables underscores in identifiers *)
+program hilo(input, output);
+	string = array [0..255] of char;
+	playing : Boolean;
+	seed : integer;
+{ This version of Pascal seems to have no random number generator I can find,
+  so we have to implement our own here. This is a hacked up and probably
+  broken version of the C library generator. }
+procedure randomise(s : integer);
+	begin
+		seed := s;
+	end;
+function random(range : integer) : integer;
+	begin
+		seed := (20077 * seed + 12345);
+		random := seed mod range;
+	end;
+{ Pascal doesn't provide string input, so we interface to the _read() syscall
+  and do it manually. }
+function _read(fd : integer; var buffer : char; count : integer) : integer;
+	extern;
+function readchar : char;
+	var
+		c : char;
+		dummy : integer;
+	begin
+		c := chr(0);
+		dummy := _read(0, c, 1);
+		readchar := c;
+	end;
+procedure readstring(var buffer : string; var length : integer);
+	var
+		finished : Boolean;
+		c : char;
+	begin
+		write('> ');
+		length := 0;
+		finished := FALSE;
+		seed := 0;
+		while not finished do
+			begin
+				c := readchar;
+				if (ord(c) = 10) then
+					finished := true
+				else
+					begin
+						buffer[length] := c;
+						length := length + 1;
+					end
+			end;
+	end;
+procedure getname;
+	var
+		name : string;
+		namelen : integer;
+		i : integer;
+		seed : integer;
+	begin
+		writeln;
+		writeln('Hi there! Before we start, what is your name?');
+		writeln;
+		readstring(name, namelen);
+		writeln;
+		write('Hello, ');
+		seed := 0;
+		for i := 0 to (namelen-1) do
+			begin
+				write(name[i]);
+				seed := seed + ord(name[i]);
+			end;
+		randomise(seed);
+		write('! ');
+	end;
+procedure game;
+	var
+		Number : integer;
+		Attempts : integer;
+		guess : integer;
+	begin
+		writeln('See if you can guess my number.');
+		Number := random(100);
+		Attempts := 0;
+		guess := -1;
+		while guess <> Number do
+			begin
+				Attempts := Attempts + 1;
+				write('> ');
+				readln(guess);
+				if guess < Number then
+					begin
+						writeln;
+						writeln('Try a bit higher.');
+					end;
+				if guess > Number then
+					begin
+						writeln;
+						writeln('Try a bit lower.');
+					end;
+			end;
+		writeln;
+		write('You got it right in only ', Attempts:0, ' ');
+		if Attempts = 1 then
+			write('go')
+		else
+			write('goes');
+		writeln('!');
+	end;
+function question: Boolean;
+	var
+		response: char;
+	begin
+		write('> ');
+		readln(response);
+		question := not ((response = 'n') or (response = 'N')); 
+	end;
+	getname;
+	playing := TRUE;
+	while playing do
+		begin
+			game;
+			writeln;
+			writeln('Would you like another go?');
+			playing := question;
+			writeln;
+			if playing then
+				write('Excellent! ')
+			else
+				writeln('Thanks for playing --- goodbye!');
+		end;

+ 1047 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,1047 @@
+/* $Source$
+ * $State$
+ * $Revision$
+ */
+/* This is a solo paranoia game taken from the Jan/Feb issue (No 77) of
+   "SpaceGamer/FantasyGamer" magazine.
+   Article by Sam Shirley.
+   Implemented in C on Vax 11/780 under UNIX by Tim Lister
+   Very slightly modernised to run on 2007-era (!) compilers by
+   David Given.
+   This is a public domain adventure and may not be sold for profit */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#define MOXIE	13
+#define AGILITY	15
+#define MAXKILL  7	/* The maximum number of UV's you can kill */
+int clone=1;
+int page=1;
+int computer_request=0;
+int ultra_violet=0;
+int action_doll=0;
+int hit_points=10;
+int read_letter=0;
+int plato_clone=3;
+int blast_door=0;
+int killer_count=0;
+char get_char()
+	char c;
+	fflush(stdout);
+	c=getchar();
+	if (c!='\n')	while(getchar()!='\n');
+	return c;
+	printf("---------- More ----------");
+#ifdef DEBUG
+	printf("(page %d)",page);
+	if (get_char()=='p')
+	{
+		character();
+		printf("---------- More ----------");
+		(void)get_char();
+	};
+int resume;
+	printf("\nClone %d just died.\n",clone);
+	if (++clone>6)
+	{
+		printf("\n*** You Lose ***\n\nAll your clones are dead.  Your name has been stricken from the records.\n\n			THE END\n");
+		return 0;
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		printf("Clone %d now activated.\n",clone);
+		ultra_violet=0;
+		action_doll=0;
+		hit_points=10;
+		killer_count=0;
+		return resume;
+	}
+int number, faces;
+	int i,total=0;
+	for(i=number;i>0;i--)	total+= rand()%faces+1;
+	return total;
+	printf("\n\n\n\nWelcome to Paranoia!\n\n");
+	printf("HOW TO PLAY:\n\n");
+	printf("  Just press <RETURN> until you are asked to make a choice.\n");
+	printf("  Select 'a' or 'b' or whatever for your choice, then press <RETURN>.\n");
+	printf("  You may select 'p' at any time to get a display of your statistics.\n");
+	printf("  Always choose the least dangerous option.  Continue doing this until you win.\n");
+	printf("  At times you will use a skill or engage in combat and and will be informed of\n");
+	printf("  the outcome.  These sections will be self explanatory.\n\n");
+	printf("HOW TO DIE:\n\n");
+	printf("  As Philo-R-DMD you will die at times during the adventure.\n");
+	printf("  When this happens you will be given an new clone at a particular location.\n");
+	printf("  The new Philo-R will usually have to retrace some of the old Philo-R\'s path;\n");
+	printf("  hopefully he won\'t make the same mistake as his predecessor.\n\n");
+	printf("HOW TO WIN:\n\n");
+	printf("  Simply complete the mission before you expend all six clones.\n");
+	printf("  If you make it, congratulations.\n");
+	printf("  If not, you can try again later.\n");
+	printf("===============================================================================\n");
+	printf("The Character : Philo-R-DMD %d\n", clone);
+	printf("Primary Attributes                      Secondary Attributes\n");
+	printf("===============================================================================\n");
+	printf("Strength ..................... 13       Carrying Capacity ................. 30\n");
+	printf("Endurance .................... 13       Damage Bonus ....................... 0\n");
+	printf("Agility ...................... 15       Macho Bonus ....................... -1\n");
+	printf("Manual Dexterity ............. 15       Melee Bonus ...................... +5%%\n");
+	printf("Moxie ........................ 13       Aimed Weapon Bonus .............. +10%%\n");
+	printf("Chutzpah ...................... 8       Comprehension Bonus .............. +4%%\n");
+	printf("Mechanical Aptitude .......... 14       Believability Bonus .............. +5%%\n");
+	printf("Power Index .................. 10       Repair Bonus ..................... +5%%\n");
+	printf("===============================================================================\n");
+	printf("Credits: 160        Secret Society: Illuminati        Secret Society Rank: 1\n");
+	printf("Service Group: Power Services               Mutant Power: Precognition\n");
+	printf("Weapon: laser pistol; to hit, 40%%; type, L; Range, 50m; Reload, 6r; Malfnt, 00\n");
+	printf("Skills: Basics 1(20%%), Aimed Weapon Combat 2(35%%), Laser 3(40%%),\n        Personal Development 1(20%%), Communications 2(29%%), Intimidation 3(34%%)\n");
+	printf("Equipment: Red Reflec Armour, Laser Pistol, Laser Barrel (red),\n");
+	printf("           Notebook & Stylus, Knife, Com Unit 1, Jump suit,\n");
+	printf("           Secret Illuminati Eye-In-The-Pyramid(tm) Decoder ring,\n");
+	printf("           Utility Belt & Pouches\n");
+	printf("===============================================================================\n");
+int a,b;
+char *aptr, *bptr;
+	printf("\nSelect \'a\' or \'b\' :\n");
+	printf(" a - %s.\n b - %s.\n", aptr, bptr);
+	if (get_char()=='a')	return a;
+	else	 		return b;
+	printf("  You wake up face down on the red and pink checked E-Z-Kleen linoleum floor.\n");
+	printf("  You recognise the pattern, it\'s the type preferred in the internal security\nbriefing cells.  When you finally look around you, you see that you are alone\n");
+	printf("in a large mission briefing room.\n");
+	return 57;
+	printf("\"Greetings,\" says the kindly Internal Security self incrimination expert who\n");
+	printf("meets you at the door, \"How are we doing today?\"  He offers you a doughnut\n");
+	printf("and coffee and asks what brings you here.  This doesn\'t seem so bad, so you\n");
+	printf("tell him that you have come to confess some possible security lapses.  He\n");
+	printf("smiles knowingly, deftly catching your coffee as you slump to the floor.\n");
+	printf("\"Nothing to be alarmed about; it\'s just the truth serum,\" he says,\n");
+	printf("dragging you back into a discussion room.\n");
+	printf("The next five hours are a dim haze, but you can recall snatches of conversation\n");
+	printf("about your secret society, your mutant power, and your somewhat paranoid\n");
+	printf("distrust of The Computer.  This should explain why you are hogtied and moving\n");
+	printf("slowly down the conveyer belt towards the meat processing unit in Food\n");
+	printf("Services.\n");
+	if (computer_request==1) return new_clone(45);
+	else 			 return new_clone(32);
+	printf("You walk to the nearest Computer terminal and request more information about\n");
+	printf("Christmas.  The Computer says, \"That is an A-1 ULTRAVIOLET ONLY IMMEDIATE\n");
+	printf("TERMINATION classified topic.  What is your clearance please, Troubleshooter?\"\n");
+	return choose(4,"You give your correct clearance",5,"You lie and claim Ultraviolet clearance");
+	printf("\"That is classified information, Troubleshooter, thank you for your inquiry.\n");
+	printf(" Please report to an Internal Security self incrimination station as soon as\n");
+	printf(" possible.\"\n");
+	return 9;
+	printf("The computer says, \"Troubleshooter, you are not wearing the correct colour\n");
+	printf("uniform.  You must put on an Ultraviolet uniform immediately.  I have seen to\n");
+	printf("your needs and ordered one already; it will be here shortly.  Please wait with\n");
+	printf("your back to the wall until it arrives.\"  In less than a minute an infrared\n");
+	printf("arrives carrying a white bundle.  He asks you to sign for it, then hands it to\n");
+	printf("you and stands back, well outside of a fragmentation grenade\'s blast radius.\n");
+	return choose(6, "You open the package and put on the uniform", 7, "You finally come to your senses and run for it");
+	printf("The uniform definitely makes you look snappy and pert.  It really looks\n");
+	printf("impressive, and even has the new lopsided lapel fashion that you admire so\n");
+	printf("much.  What\'s more, citizens of all ranks come to obsequious attention as you\n");
+	printf("walk past.  This isn\'t so bad being an Ultraviolet.  You could probably come\n");
+	printf("to like it, given time.\n");
+	printf("The beeping computer terminal interrupts your musings.\n");
+	ultra_violet=1;
+	return 8;
+	printf("The corridor lights dim and are replaced by red battle lamps as the Security\n");
+	printf("Breach alarms howl all around you.  You run headlong down the corridor and\n");
+	printf("desperately windmill around a corner, only to collide with a squad of 12 Blue\n");
+	printf("clearance Vulture squadron soldiers.  \"Stop, Slime Face,\" shouts the\n");
+	printf("commander, \"or there won\'t be enough of you left for a tissue sample.\"\n");
+	printf("\"All right, soldiers, stuff the greasy traitor into the uniform,\" he orders,\n");
+	printf("waving the business end of his blue laser scant inches from your nose.\n");
+	printf("With his other hand he shakes open a white bundle to reveal a pristine new\n");
+	printf("Ultraviolet citizen's uniform.\n");
+	printf("One of the Vulture squadron Troubleshooters grabs you by the neck in the\n");
+	printf("exotic and very painful Vulture Clamp(tm) death grip (you saw a special about\n");
+	printf("it on the Teela O\'Malley show), while the rest tear off your clothes and\n");
+	printf("force you into the Ultraviolet uniform.  The moment you are dressed they step\n");
+	printf("clear and stand at attention.\n");
+	printf("\"Thank you for your cooperation, sir,\" says the steely eyed leader of the\n");
+	printf("Vulture Squad.  \"We will be going about our business now.\"  With perfect\n");
+	printf("timing the Vultures wheel smartly and goosestep down the corridor.\n");
+	printf("Special Note: don\'t make the mistake of assuming that your skills have\n");
+	printf("improved any because of the uniform; you\'re only a Red Troubleshooter\n");
+	printf("traitorously posing as an Ultraviolet, and don\'t you forget it!\n");
+	printf("Suddenly, a computer terminal comes to life beside you.\n");
+	ultra_violet=1;
+	return 8;
+	printf("\"Now, about your question, citizen.  Christmas was an old world marketing ploy\n");
+	printf("to induce lower clearance citizens to purchase vast quantities of goods, thus\n");
+	printf("accumulation a large amount of credit under the control of a single class of\n");
+	printf("citizen known as Retailers.  The strategy used is to imply that all good\n");
+	printf("citizens give gifts during Christmas, thus if one wishes to be a valuable\n");
+	printf("member of society one must also give gifts during Christmas.  More valuable\n");
+	printf("gifts make one a more valuable member, and thus did the Retailers come to\n");
+	printf("control a disproportionate amount of the currency.  In this way Christmas\n");
+	printf("eventually caused the collapse of the old world.  Understandably, Christmas\n");
+	printf("has been declared a treasonable practice in Alpha Complex.\n");
+	printf("Thank you for your inquiry.\"\n");
+	printf("You continue on your way to GDH7-beta.\n");
+	return 10;
+	int choice;
+	printf("As you walk toward the tubecar that will take you to GDH7-beta, you pass one\n");
+	printf("of the bright blue and orange Internal Security self incrimination stations.\n");
+	printf("Inside, you can see an IS agent cheerfully greet an infrared citizen and then\n");
+	printf("lead him at gunpoint into one of the rubber lined discussion rooms.\n");
+	choice=choose(2,"You decide to stop here and chat, as ordered by The Computer",10,"You just continue blithely on past");
+	if (choice==2) computer_request = 1;
+	else	       computer_request = 0;
+	return choice;
+	int choice;
+	printf("You stroll briskly down the corridor, up a ladder, across an unrailed catwalk,\n");
+	printf("under a perilously swinging blast door in urgent need of repair, and into\n");
+	printf("tubecar grand central.  This is the bustling hub of Alpha Complex tubecar\n");
+	printf("transportation.  Before you spreads a spaghetti maze of magnalift tube tracks\n");
+	printf("and linear accelerators.  You bravely study the specially enhanced 3-D tube\n");
+	printf("route map; you wouldn\'t be the first Troubleshooter to take a fast tube ride\n");
+	printf("to nowhere.\n");
+	if (ultra_violet==0)
+	{
+		choice=choose(3,"You decide to ask The Computer about Christmas using a nearby terminal",10,"You think you have the route worked out, so you\'ll board a tube train");
+		if (choice==3) return choice;
+	};
+	printf("You nervously select a tubecar and step aboard.\n");
+	if (dice_roll(2,10)<MOXIE)
+	{
+		printf("You just caught a purple line tubecar.\n");
+		return 13;
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		printf("You just caught a brown line tubecar.\n");
+		return 48;
+	}
+	printf("The printing on the folder says \"Experimental Self Briefing.\"\n");
+	printf("You open it and begin to read the following:\n");
+	printf("Step 1: Compel the briefing subject to attend the briefing.\n");
+	printf("        Note: See Experimental Briefing Sub Form Indigo-WY-2,\n");
+	printf("        \'Experimental Self Briefing Subject Acquisition Through The Use Of\n");
+	printf("         Neurotoxin Room Foggers.\'\n");
+	printf("Step 2: Inform the briefing subject that the briefing has begun.\n");
+	printf("        ATTENTION: THE BRIEFING HAS BEGUN.\n");
+	printf("Step 3: Present the briefing material to the briefing subject.\n");
+	printf("        GREETINGS TROUBLESHOOTER.\n");
+	printf("Step 4: Sign the briefing subject\'s briefing release form to indicate that\n");
+	printf("        the briefing subject has completed the briefing.\n");
+	printf("Step 5: Terminate the briefing\n");
+	more();
+	printf("You walk to the door and hold your signed briefing release form up to the\n");
+	printf("plexiglass window.  A guard scrutinises it for a moment and then slides back\n");
+	printf("the megabolts holding the door shut.  You are now free to continue the\n");
+	printf("mission.\n");
+	return choose(3,"You wish to ask The Computer for more information about Christmas",10,"You have decided to go directly to Goods Distribution Hall 7-beta");
+	printf("You walk up to the door and push the button labelled \"push to exit.\"\n");
+	printf("Within seconds a surly looking guard shoves his face into the small plexiglass\n");
+	printf("window.  You can see his mouth forming words but you can\'t hear any of them.\n");
+	printf("You just stare at him blankly  for a few moments until he points down to a\n");
+	printf("speaker on your side of the door.  When you put your ear to it you can barely\n");
+	printf("hear him say, \"Let\'s see your briefing release form, bud.  You aren\'t\n");
+	printf("getting out of here without it.\"\n");
+	return choose(11,"You sit down at the table and read the Orange packet",57,"You stare around the room some more");
+	printf("You step into the shiny plasteel tubecar, wondering why the shape has always\n");
+	printf("reminded you of bullets.  The car shoots forward the instant your feet touch\n");
+	printf("the slippery gray floor, pinning you immobile against the back wall as the\n");
+	printf("tubecar careens toward GDH7-beta.  Your only solace is the knowledge that it\n");
+	printf("could be worse, much worse.\n");
+	printf("Before too long the car comes to a stop.  You can see signs for GDH7-beta\n");
+	printf("through the window.  With a little practice you discover that you can crawl\n");
+	printf("to the door and pull open the latch.\n");
+	return 14;
+	printf("You manage to pull yourself out of the tubecar and look around.  Before you is\n");
+	printf("one of the most confusing things you have ever seen, a hallway that is\n");
+	printf("simultaneously both red and green clearance.  If this is the result of\n");
+	printf("Christmas then it\'s easy to see the evils inherent in its practice.\n");
+	printf("You are in the heart of a large goods distribution centre.  You can see all\n");
+	printf("about you evidence of traitorous secret society Christmas celebration; rubber\n");
+	printf("faced robots whiz back and forth selling toys to holiday shoppers, simul-plast\n");
+	printf("wreaths hang from every light fixture, while ahead in the shadows is a citizen\n");
+	printf("wearing a huge red synthetic flower.\n");
+	return 22;
+	printf("You are set upon by a runty robot with a queer looking face and two pointy\n");
+	printf("rubber ears poking from beneath a tattered cap.  \"Hey mister,\" it says,\n");
+	printf("\"you done all your last minute Christmas shopping?  I got some real neat junk\n");
+	printf("here.  You don\'t wanna miss the big day tommorrow, if you know what I mean.\"\n");
+	printf("The robot opens its bag to show you a pile of shoddy Troubleshooter dolls.  It\n");
+	printf("reaches in and pulls out one of them.  \"Look, these Action Troubleshooter(tm)\n");
+	printf("dolls are the neatest thing.  This one\'s got moveable arms and when you\n");
+	printf("squeeze him, his little rifle squirts realistic looking napalm.  It\'s only\n");
+	printf("50 credits.  Oh yeah, Merry Christmas.\"\n");
+	printf("\nSelect \'a\', \'b\' or \'c\' :\n");
+	printf(" a - You decide to buy the doll.\n");
+	printf(" b - You shoot the robot.\n");
+	printf(" c - You ignore the robot and keep searching the hall.\n");
+	switch(get_char())
+	{
+		case 'a' :	return 16;
+		case 'b' :	return 17;
+		case 'c' :
+		default  :	return 22;
+	}
+	printf("The doll is a good buy for fifty credits; it will make a fine Christmas present\n");
+	printf("for one of your friends.  After the sale the robot rolls away.  You can use\n");
+	printf("the doll later in combat.  It works just like a cone rifle firing napalm,\n");
+	printf("except that occasionally it will explode and blow the user to smithereens.\n");
+	printf("But don\'t let that stop you.\n");
+	action_doll=1;
+	return 22;
+	int i, robot_hp=15;
+	printf("You whip out your laser and shoot the robot, but not before it squeezes the\n");
+	printf("toy at you.  The squeeze toy has the same effect as a cone rifle firing napalm,\n");
+	printf("and the elfbot\'s armour has no effect against your laser.\n");
+	for(i=0;i<2;i++)
+	{
+		if(dice_roll(1,100)<=25)
+		{
+			printf("You have been hit!\n");
+			hit_points-= dice_roll(1,10);
+			if (hit_points<=0)	return new_clone(45);
+		}
+		else	printf("It missed you, but not by much!\n");
+		if(dice_roll(1,100)<=40)
+		{
+			printf("You zapped the little bastard!\n");
+			robot_hp-= dice_roll(2,10);
+			if (robot_hp<=0)
+			{
+				printf("You wasted it! Good shooting!\n");
+				printf("You will need more evidence, so you search GDH7-beta further\n");
+				if (hit_points<10) printf("after the GDH medbot has patched you up.\n");
+				hit_points=10;
+				return 22;
+			}
+		}
+		else	printf("Damn! You missed!\n");
+	};
+	printf("It tried to fire again, but the toy exploded and demolished it.\n");
+	printf("You will need more evidence, so you search GDH7-beta further\n");
+	if (hit_points<10) printf("after the GDH medbot has patched you up.\n");
+	hit_points=10;
+	return 22;
+	printf("You walk to the centre of the hall, ogling like an infrared fresh from the\n");
+	printf("clone vats.  Towering before you is the most unearthly thing you have ever\n");
+	printf("seen, a green multi armed mutant horror hulking 15 feet above your head.\n");
+	printf("Its skeletal body is draped with hundreds of metallic strips (probably to\n");
+	printf("negate the effects of some insidious mutant power), and the entire hideous\n");
+	printf("creature is wrapped in a thousand blinking hazard lights.  It\'s times like\n");
+	printf("this when you wish you\'d had some training for this job.  Luckily the\n");
+	printf("creature doesn\'t take notice of you but stands unmoving, as though waiting for\n");
+	printf("a summons from its dark lord, the Master Retailer.\n");
+	printf("WHAM, suddenly you are struck from behind.\n");
+	if (dice_roll(2,10)<AGILITY)	return 19;
+	else				return 20;
+	printf("Quickly you regain your balance, whirl and fire your laser into the Ultraviolet\n");
+	printf("citizen behind you.  For a moment your heart leaps to your throat, then you\n");
+	printf("realise that he is indeed dead and you will be the only one filing a report on\n");
+	printf("this incident.  Besides, he was participating in this traitorous Christmas\n");
+	printf("shopping, as is evident from the rain of shoddy toys falling all around you.\n");
+	printf("Another valorous deed done in the service of The Computer!\n");
+	if (++killer_count>(MAXKILL-clone))	return 21;
+	if (read_letter==1)	return 22;
+	return choose(34,"You search the body, keeping an eye open for Internal Security",22,"You run away like the cowardly dog you are");
+	printf("Oh no! you can\'t keep your balance.  You\'re falling, falling head first into\n");
+	printf("the Christmas beast\'s gaping maw.  It\'s a valiant struggle; you think you are\n");
+	printf("gone when its poisonous needles dig into your flesh, but with a heroic effort\n");
+	printf("you jerk a string of lights free and jam the live wires into the creature\'s\n");
+	printf("spine.  The Christmas beast topples to the ground and begins to burn, filling\n");
+	printf("the area with a thick acrid smoke.  It takes only a moment to compose yourself,\n");
+	printf("and then you are ready to continue your search for the Master Retailer.\n");
+	return 22;
+	printf("You have been wasting the leading citizens of Alpha Complex at a prodigious\n");
+	printf("rate.  This has not gone unnoticed by the Internal Security squad at GDH7-beta.\n");
+	printf("Suddenly, a net of laser beams spear out of the gloomy corners of the hall,\n");
+	printf("chopping you into teeny, weeny bite size pieces.\n");
+	return new_clone(45);
+	printf("You are searching Goods Distribution Hall 7-beta.\n");
+	switch(dice_roll(1,4))
+	{
+		case 1:	return 18;
+		case 2: return 15;
+		case 3: return 18;
+		case 4: return 29;
+	}
+	printf("You go to the nearest computer terminal and declare yourself a mutant.\n");
+	printf("\"A mutant, he\'s a mutant,\" yells a previously unnoticed infrared who had\n");
+	printf("been looking over your shoulder.  You easily gun him down, but not before a\n");
+	printf("dozen more citizens take notice and aim their weapons at you.\n");
+	return choose(28,"You tell them that it was really only a bad joke",24,"You want to fight it out, one against twelve");
+	printf("Golly, I never expected someone to pick this.  I haven\'t even designed\n");
+	printf("the 12 citizens who are going to make a sponge out of you.  Tell you what,\n");
+	printf("I\'ll give you a second chance.\n");
+	return choose(28,"You change your mind and say it was only a bad joke",25,"You REALLY want to shoot it out");
+	printf("Boy, you really can\'t take a hint!\n");
+	printf("They\'re closing in.  Their trigger fingers are twitching, they\'re about to\n");
+	printf("shoot.  This is your last chance.\n");
+	return choose(28,"You tell them it was all just a bad joke",26,"You are going to shoot");
+	printf("You can read the cold, sober hatred in their eyes (They really didn\'t think\n");
+	printf("it was funny), as they tighten the circle around you.  One of them shoves a\n");
+	printf("blaster up your nose, but that doesn\'t hurt as much as the multi-gigawatt\n");
+	printf("carbonium tipped food drill in the small of your back.\n");
+	printf("You spend the remaining micro-seconds of your life wondering what you did wrong\n");
+	return new_clone(32);
+	/* doesn't exist.  Can't happen with computer version.
+	   designed to catch dice cheats */
+	printf("They don\'t think it\'s funny.\n");
+	return 26;
+	printf("\"Psst, hey citizen, come here.  Pssfft,\" you hear.  When you peer around\n");
+	printf("you can see someone\'s dim outline in the shadows.  \"I got some information\n");
+	printf("on the Master Retailer.  It\'ll only cost you 30 psst credits.\"\n");
+	printf("\nSelect \'a\', \'b\' or \'c\' :\n");
+	printf(" a - You pay the 30 credits for the info.\n");
+	printf(" b - You would rather threaten him for the information.\n");
+	printf(" c - You ignore him and walk away.\n");
+	switch(get_char())
+	{
+		case 'a' : return 30;
+		case 'b' : return 31;
+		case 'c' :
+		default  : return 22;
+	}
+	printf("You step into the shadows and offer the man a thirty credit bill.  \"Just drop\n");
+	printf("it on the floor,\" he says.  \"So you\'re looking for the Master Retailer, pssfft?\n");
+	printf("I\'ve seen him, he\'s a fat man in a fuzzy red and white jump suit.  They say\n");
+	printf("he\'s a high programmer with no respect for proper security.  If you want to\n");
+	printf("find him then pssfft step behind me and go through the door.\"\n");
+	printf("Behind the man is a reinforced plasteel blast door.  The centre of it has been\n");
+	printf("buckled toward you in a manner you only saw once before when you were field\n");
+	printf("testing the rocket assist plasma slingshot (you found it easily portable but\n");
+	printf("prone to misfire).  Luckily it isn\'t buckled too far for you to make out the\n");
+	printf("warning sign.  WARNING!! Don\'t open this door or the same thing will happen to\n");
+	printf("you.  Opening this door is a capital offense.  Do not do it.  Not at all. This\n");
+	printf("is not a joke.\n");
+	printf("\nSelect \'a\', \'b\' or \'c\' :\n");
+	printf(" a - You use your Precognition mutant power on opening the door.\n");
+	printf(" b - You just go through the door anyway.\n");
+	printf(" c - You decide it\'s too dangerous and walk away.\n");
+	switch(get_char())
+	{
+		case 'a' : return 56;
+		case 'b' : return 33;
+		case 'c' :
+		default  : return 22;
+	}
+	printf("Like any good troubleshooter you make the least expensive decision and threaten\n");
+	printf("him for information.  With lightning like reflexes you whip out your laser and\n");
+	printf("stick it up his nose.  \"Talk, you traitorous Christmas celebrator, or who nose\n");
+	printf("what will happen to you, yuk yuk,\" you pun menacingly, and then you notice\n");
+	printf("something is very wrong.  He doesn\'t have a nose.  As a matter of fact he\'s\n");
+	printf("made of one eighth inch cardboard and your laser is sticking through the other\n");
+	printf("side of his head.  \"Are you going to pay?\" says his mouth speaker,\n");
+	printf("\"or are you going to pssfft go away stupid?\"\n");
+	return choose(30,"You pay the 30 credits",22,"You pssfft go away stupid");
+	printf("Finally it\'s your big chance to prove that you\'re as good a troubleshooter\n");
+	printf("as your previous clone.  You walk briskly to mission briefing and pick up your\n");
+	printf("previous clone\'s personal effects and notepad.  After reviewing the notes you\n");
+	printf("know what has to be done.  You catch the purple line to Goods Distribution Hall\n");
+	printf("7-beta and begin to search for the blast door.\n");
+	return 22;
+	blast_door=1;
+	printf("You release the megabolts on the blast door, then strain against it with your\n");
+	printf("awesome strength.  Slowly the door creaks open.  You bravely leap through the\n");
+	printf("opening and smack your head into the barrel of a 300 mm \'ultra shock\' class\n");
+	printf("plasma cannon.  It\'s dark in the barrel now, but just before your head got\n");
+	printf("stuck you can remember seeing a group of technicians anxiously watch you leap\n");
+	printf("into the room.\n");
+	if (ultra_violet==1)	return 35;
+	else			return 36;
+	printf("You have found a sealed envelope on the body.  You open it and read:\n");
+	printf("\"WARNING: Ultraviolet Clearance ONLY.  DO NOT READ.\n");
+	printf("Memo from Chico-U-MRX4 to Harpo-U-MRX5.\n");
+	printf("The planned takeover of the Troubleshooter Training Course goes well, Comrade.\n");
+	printf("Once we have trained the unwitting bourgeois troubleshooters to work as\n");
+	printf("communist dupes, the overthrow of Alpha Complex will be unstoppable.  My survey\n");
+	printf("of the complex has convinced me that no one suspects a thing; soon it will be\n");
+	printf("too late for them to oppose the revolution.  The only thing that could possibly\n");
+	printf("impede the people\'s revolution would be someone alerting The Computer to our\n");
+	printf("plans (for instance, some enterprising Troubleshooter could tell The Computer\n");
+	printf("that the communists have liberated the Troubleshooter Training Course and plan\n");
+	printf("to use it as a jumping off point from which to undermine the stability of all\n");
+	printf("Alpha Complex), but as we both know, the capitalistic Troubleshooters would\n");
+	printf("never serve the interests of the proletariat above their own bourgeois desires.\n");
+	printf("P.S. I\'m doing some Christmas shopping later today.  Would you like me to pick\n");
+	printf("you up something?\"\n");
+	more();
+	printf("When you put down the memo you are overcome by that strange deja\'vu again.\n");
+	printf("You see yourself talking privately with The Computer.  You are telling it all\n");
+	printf("about the communists\' plan, and then the scene shifts and you see yourself\n");
+	printf("showered with awards for foiling the insidious communist plot to take over the\n");
+	printf("complex.\n");
+	read_letter=1;
+	return choose(46,"You rush off to the nearest computer terminal to expose the commies",22,"You wander off to look for more evidence");
+	printf("\"Oh master,\" you hear through the gun barrel, \"where have you been? It is\n");
+	printf("time for the great Christmas gifting ceremony.  You had better hurry and get\n");
+	printf("the costume on or the trainee may begin to suspect.\"  For the second time\n");
+	printf("today you are forced to wear attire not of your own choosing.  They zip the\n");
+	printf("suit to your chin just as you hear gunfire erupt behind you.\n");
+	printf("\"Oh no! Who left the door open?  The commies will get in.  Quick, fire the\n");
+	printf("laser cannon or we\'re all doomed.\"\n");
+	printf("\"Too late you capitalist swine, the people\'s revolutionary strike force claims\n");
+	printf("this cannon for the proletariat\'s valiant struggle against oppression.  Take\n");
+	printf("that, you running dog imperialist lackey.  ZAP, KAPOW\"\n");
+	printf("Just when you think that things couldn\'t get worse, \"Aha, look what we have\n");
+	printf("here, the Master Retailer himself with his head caught in his own cannon.  His\n");
+	printf("death will serve as a symbol of freedom for all Alpha Complex.\n");
+	printf("Fire the cannon.\"\n");
+	return new_clone(32);
+	printf("\"Congratulations, troubleshooter, you have successfully found the lair of the\n");
+	printf("Master Retailer and completed the Troubleshooter Training Course test mission,\"\n");
+	printf("a muffled voice tells you through the barrel.  \"Once we dislodge your head\n");
+	printf("from the barrel of the \'Ultra Shock\' plasma cannon you can begin with the\n");
+	printf("training seminars, the first of which will concern the 100%% accurate\n");
+	printf("identification and elimination of unregistered mutants.  If you have any\n");
+	printf("objections please voice them now.\"\n");
+	printf("\nSelect \'a\', \'b\' or \'c\' :\n");
+	printf(" a - You appreciate his courtesy and voice an objection.\n");
+	printf(" b - After your head is removed from the cannon, you register as a mutant.\n");
+	printf(" c - After your head is removed from the cannon, you go to the unregistered\n");
+	printf("     mutant identification and elimination seminar.\n");
+	switch(get_char())
+	{
+		case 'a' : return new_clone(32);
+		case 'b' : return 23;
+		case 'c' :
+		default  : return 37;
+	}
+	printf("\"Come with me please, Troubleshooter,\" says the Green clearance technician\n");
+	printf("after he has dislodged your head from the cannon.  \"You have been participating\n");
+	printf("in the Troubleshooter Training Course since you got off the tube car in\n");
+	printf("GDH7-beta,\" he explains as he leads you down a corridor.  \"The entire\n");
+	printf("Christmas assignment was a test mission to assess your current level of\n");
+	printf("training.  You didn\'t do so well.  We\'re going to start at the beginning with\n");
+	printf("the other student.  Ah, here we are, the mutant identification and elimination\n");
+	printf("lecture.\"  He shows you into a vast lecture hall filled with empty seats.\n");
+	printf("There is only one other student here, a Troubleshooter near the front row\n");
+	printf("playing with his Action Troubleshooter(tm) figure.  \"Find a seat and I will\n");
+	printf("begin,\" says the instructor.\n");
+	return 38;
+	printf("\"I am Plato-B-PHI%d, head of mutant propaganda here at the training course.\n",plato_clone);
+	printf("If you have any questions about mutants please come to me.  Today I will be\n");
+	printf("talking about mutant detection.  Detecting mutants is very easy.  One simply\n");
+	printf("watches for certain tell tale signs, such as the green scaly skin, the third\n");
+	printf("arm growing from the forehead, or other similar disfigurements so common with\n");
+	printf("their kind.  There are, however, a few rare specimens that show no outward sign\n");
+	printf("of their treason.  This has been a significant problem, so our researchers have\n");
+	printf("been working on a solution.  I would like a volunteer to test this device,\"\n");
+	printf("he says, holding up a ray gun looking thing.  \"It is a mutant detection ray.\n");
+	printf("This little button detects for mutants, and this big button stuns them once\n");
+	printf("they are discovered.  Who would like to volunteer for a test?\"\n");
+	printf("The Troubleshooter down the front squirms deeper into his chair.\n");
+	return choose(39,"You volunteer for the test",40,"You duck behind a chair and hope the instructor doesn\'t notice you");
+	printf("You bravely volunteer to test the mutant detection gun.  You stand up and walk\n");
+	printf("down the steps to the podium, passing a very relieved Troubleshooter along the\n");
+	printf("way.  When you reach the podium Plato-B-PHI hands you the mutant detection gun\n");
+	printf("and says, \"Here, aim the gun at that Troubleshooter and push the small button.\n");
+	printf("If you see a purple light, stun him.\"  Grasping the opportunity to prove your\n");
+	printf("worth to The Computer, you fire the mutant detection ray at the Troubleshooter.\n");
+	printf("A brilliant purple nimbus instantly surrounds his body.  You slip your finger\n");
+	printf("to the large stun button and he falls writhing to the floor.\n");
+	printf("\"Good shot,\" says the instructor as you hand him the mutant detection gun,\n");
+	printf("\"I\'ll see that you get a commendation for this.  It seems you have the hang\n");
+	printf("of mutant detection and elimination.  You can go on to the secret society\n");
+	printf("infiltration class.  I\'ll see that the little mutie gets packaged for\n");
+	printf("tomorrow\'s mutant dissection class.\"\n");
+	return 41;
+	printf("You breathe a sigh of relief as Plato-B-PHI picks on the other Troubleshooter.\n");
+	printf("\"You down here in the front,\" says the instructor pointing at the other\n");
+	printf("Troubleshooter, \"you\'ll make a good volunteer.  Please step forward.\"\n");
+	printf("The Troubleshooter looks around with a \`who me?\' expression on his face, but\n");
+	printf("since he is the only one visible in the audience he figures his number is up.\n");
+	printf("He walks down to the podium clutching his Action Troubleshooter(tm) doll before\n");
+	printf("him like a weapon.  \"Here,\" says Plato-B-PHI, \"take the mutant detection ray\n");
+	printf("and point it at the audience.  If there are any mutants out there we\'ll know\n");
+	printf("soon enough.\"  Suddenly your skin prickles with static electricity as a bright\n");
+	printf("purple nimbus surrounds your body.  \"Ha Ha, got one,\" says the instructor.\n");
+	printf("\"Stun him before he gets away.\"\n");
+	more();
+	while(1)
+	{
+		if (dice_roll(1,100)<=30)
+		{
+			printf("His shot hits you.  You feel numb all over.\n");
+			return 49;
+		}
+		else	printf("His shot just missed.\n");
+		if (dice_roll(1,100)<=40)
+		{
+			printf("You just blew his head off.  His lifeless hand drops the mutant detector ray.\n");
+			return 50;
+		}
+		else	printf("You burnt a hole in the podium.  He sights the mutant detector ray on you.\n");
+	}
+	printf("You stumble down the hallway of the Troubleshooter Training Course looking for\n");
+	printf("your next class.  Up ahead you see one of the instructors waving to you.  When\n");
+	printf("you get there he shakes your hand and says, \"I am Jung-I-PSY.  Welcome to the\n");
+	printf("secret society infiltration seminar.  I hope you ...\"  You don\'t catch the\n");
+	printf("rest of his greeting because you\'re paying too much attention to his handshake;\n");
+	printf("it is the strangest thing that has ever been done to your hand, sort of how it\n");
+	printf("would feel if you put a neuro whip in a high energy palm massage unit.\n");
+	printf("It doesn\'t take you long to learn what he is up to; you feel him briefly shake\n");
+	printf("your hand with the secret Illuminati handshake.\n");
+	return choose(42,"You respond with the proper Illuminati code phrase, \"Ewige Blumenkraft\"",43,"You ignore this secret society contact");
+	printf("\"Aha, so you are a member of the elitist Illuminati secret society,\" he says\n");
+	printf("loudly, \"that is most interesting.\"  He turns to the large class already\n");
+	printf("seated in the auditorium and says, \"You see, class, by simply using the correct\n");
+	printf("hand shake you can identify the member of any secret society.  Please keep your\n");
+	printf("weapons trained on him while I call a guard.\n");
+	return choose(51,"You run for it",52,"You wait for the guard");
+	printf("You sit through a long lecture on how to recognise and infiltrate secret\n");
+	printf("societies, with an emphasis on mimicking secret handshakes.  The basic theory,\n");
+	printf("which you realise to be sound from your Iluminati training, is that with the\n");
+	printf("proper handshake you can pass unnoticed in any secret society gathering.\n");
+	printf("What\'s more, the proper handshake will open doors faster than an \'ultra shock\'\n");
+	printf("plasma cannon.  You are certain that with the information you learn here you\n");
+	printf("will easily be promoted to the next level of your Illuminati secret society.\n");
+	printf("The lecture continues for three hours, during which you have the opportunity\n");
+	printf("to practice many different handshakes.  Afterwards everyone is directed to\n");
+	printf("attend the graduation ceremony.  Before you must go you have a little time to\n");
+	printf("talk to The Computer about, you know, certain topics.\n");
+	return choose(44,"You go looking for a computer terminal",55,"You go to the graduation ceremony immediately");
+	printf("You walk down to a semi-secluded part of the training course complex and\n");
+	printf("activate a computer terminal.  \"AT YOUR SERVICE\" reads the computer screen.\n");
+	if (read_letter==0)	return choose(23,"You register yourself as a mutant",55,"You change your mind and go to the graduation ceremony");
+	printf("\nSelect \'a\', \'b\' or \'c\' :\n");
+	printf(" a - You register yourself as a mutant.\n");
+	printf(" b - You want to chat about the commies.\n");
+	printf(" c - You change your mind and go to the graduation ceremony.\n");
+	switch(get_char())
+	{
+		case 'a' : return 23;
+		case 'b' : return 46;
+		case 'c' :
+		default  : return 55;
+	}
+	printf("\"Hrank Hrank,\" snorts the alarm in your living quarters.  Something is up.\n");
+	printf("You look at the monitor above the bathroom mirror and see the message you have\n");
+	printf("been waiting for all these years.  \"ATTENTION TROUBLESHOOTER, YOU ARE BEING\n");
+	printf("THANK YOU. THE COMPUTER IS YOUR FRIEND.\"  When you arrive at mission\n");
+	printf("assignment room A17-gamma/LB22 you are given your previous clone\'s\n");
+	printf("remaining possessions and notebook.  You puzzle through your predecessor\'s\n");
+	printf("cryptic notes, managing to decipher enough to lead you to the tube station and\n");
+	printf("the tube car to GDH7-beta.\n");
+	return 10;
+	printf("\"Why do you ask about the communists, Troubleshooter?  It is not in the\n");
+	printf("interest of your continued survival to be asking about such topics,\" says\n");
+	printf("The Computer.\n");
+	return choose(53,"You insist on talking about the communists",54,"You change the subject");
+	printf("The Computer orders the entire Vulture squadron to terminate the Troubleshooter\n");
+	printf("Training Course.  Unfortunately you too are terminated for possessing\n");
+	printf("classified information.\n\n");
+	printf("Don\'t act so innocent, we both know that you are an Illuminatus which is in\n");
+	printf("itself an act of treason.\n\n");
+	printf("Don\'t look to me for sympathy.\n\n");
+	printf("			THE END\n");
+	return 0;
+	printf("The tubecar shoots forward as you enter, slamming you back into a pile of\n");
+	printf("garbage.  The front end rotates upward and you, the garbage and the garbage\n");
+	printf("disposal car shoot straight up out of Alpha Complex.  One of the last things\n");
+	printf("you see is a small blue sphere slowly dwindling behind you.  After you fail to\n");
+	printf("report in, you will be assumed dead.\n");
+	return new_clone(45);
+	printf("The instructor drags your inert body into a specimen detainment cage.\n");
+	printf("\"He\'ll make a good subject for tomorrow\'s mutant dissection class,\" you hear.\n");
+	return new_clone(32);
+	printf("You put down the other Troubleshooter, and then wisely decide to drill a few\n");
+	printf("holes in the instructor as well; the only good witness is a dead witness.\n");
+	printf("You continue with the training course.\n");
+	plato_clone++;
+	return 41;
+	printf("You run for it, but you don\'t run far.  Three hundred strange and exotic\n");
+	printf("weapons turn you into a freeze dried cloud of soot.\n");
+	return new_clone(32);
+	printf("You wisely wait until the instructor returns with a Blue Internal Security\n");
+	printf("guard.  The guard leads you to an Internal Security self incrimination station.\n");
+	return 2;
+	printf("You tell The Computer about:\n");
+	return choose(47,"The commies who have infiltrated the Troubleshooter Training Course\n     and the impending People\'s Revolution",54,"Something less dangerous");
+	printf("\"Do not try to change the subject, Troubleshooter,\" says The Computer.\n");
+	printf("\"It is a serious crime to ask about the communists.  You will be terminated\n");
+	printf("immediately.  Thank you for your inquiry.  The Computer is your friend.\"\n");
+	printf("Steel bars drop to your left and right, trapping you here in the hallway.\n");
+	printf("A spotlight beams from the computer console to brilliantly iiluminate you while\n");
+	printf("the speaker above your head rapidly repeats \"Traitor, Traitor, Traitor.\"\n");
+	printf("It doesn\'t take long for a few guards to notice your predicament and come to\n");
+	printf("finish you off.\n");
+	if (blast_door==0) return new_clone(45);
+	else		   return new_clone(32);
+	printf("You and 300 other excited graduates are marched  from the lecture hall and into\n");
+	printf("a large auditorium for the graduation exercise.  The auditorium is\n");
+	printf("extravagantly decorated in the colours of the graduating class.  Great red and\n");
+	printf("green plasti-paper ribbons drape from the walls, while a huge sign reading\n");
+	printf("\"Congratulations class of GDH7-beta-203.44/A\" hangs from the raised stage down\n");
+	printf("front.  Once everyone finds a seat the ceremony begins.  Jung-I-PSY is the\n");
+	printf("first to speak, \"Congratulations students, you have successfully survived the\n");
+	printf("Troubleshooter Training Course.  It always brings me great pride to address\n");
+	printf("the graduating class, for I know, as I am sure you do too, that you are now\n");
+	printf("qualified for the most perilous missions The Computer may select for you.  The\n");
+	printf("thanks is not owed to us of the teaching staff, but to all of you, who have\n");
+	printf("persevered and graduated.  Good luck and die trying.\"  Then the instructor\n");
+	printf("begins reading the names of the students who one by one walk to the front of\n");
+	printf("the auditorium and receive their diplomas.  Soon it is your turn,\n");
+	printf("\"Philo-R-DMD, graduating a master of mutant identification and secret society\n");
+	printf("infiltration.\"  You walk up and receive your diploma from Plato-B-PHI%d, then\n",plato_clone);
+	printf("return to your seat.  There is another speech after the diplomas are handed\n");
+	printf("out, but it is cut short by by rapid fire laser bursts from the high spirited\n");
+	printf("graduating class.  You are free to return to your barracks to wait, trained\n");
+	printf("and fully qualified, for your next mission.  You also get that cherished\n");
+	printf("promotion from the Illuminati secret society.  In a week you receive a\n");
+	printf("detailed Training Course bill totalling 1,523 credits.\n");
+	printf("			THE END\n");
+	return 0;
+	printf("That familiar strange feeling of deja\'vu envelops you again.  It is hard to\n");
+	printf("say, but whatever is on the other side of the door does not seem to be intended\n");
+	printf("for you.\n");
+	return choose(33,"You open the door and step through",22,"You go looking for more information");
+	printf("In the centre of the room is a table and a single chair.  There is an Orange\n");
+	printf("folder on the table top, but you can\'t make out the lettering on it.\n");
+	return choose(11,"You sit down and read the folder",12,"You leave the room");
+int this_page;
+	printf("\n");
+	switch (this_page)
+	{
+	case  0 : return 0;
+	case  1 : return page1();
+	case  2 : return page2();
+	case  3 : return page3();
+	case  4 : return page4();
+	case  5 : return page5();
+	case  6 : return page6();
+	case  7 : return page7();
+	case  8 : return page8();
+	case  9 : return page9();
+	case 10 : return page10();
+	case 11 : return page11();
+	case 12 : return page12();
+	case 13 : return page13();
+	case 14 : return page14();
+	case 15 : return page15();
+	case 16 : return page16();
+	case 17 : return page17();
+	case 18 : return page18();
+	case 19 : return page19();
+	case 20 : return page20();
+	case 21 : return page21();
+	case 22 : return page22();
+	case 23 : return page23();
+	case 24 : return page24();
+	case 25 : return page25();
+	case 26 : return page26();
+	case 27 : return page27();
+	case 28 : return page28();
+	case 29 : return page29();
+	case 30 : return page30();
+	case 31 : return page31();
+	case 32 : return page32();
+	case 33 : return page33();
+	case 34 : return page34();
+	case 35 : return page35();
+	case 36 : return page36();
+	case 37 : return page37();
+	case 38 : return page38();
+	case 39 : return page39();
+	case 40 : return page40();
+	case 41 : return page41();
+	case 42 : return page42();
+	case 43 : return page43();
+	case 44 : return page44();
+	case 45 : return page45();
+	case 46 : return page46();
+	case 47 : return page47();
+	case 48 : return page48();
+	case 49 : return page49();
+	case 50 : return page50();
+	case 51 : return page51();
+	case 52 : return page52();
+	case 53 : return page53();
+	case 54 : return page54();
+	case 55 : return page55();
+	case 56 : return page56();
+	case 57 : return page57();
+	default : break;
+	}
+	/* srand(time(0)); */
+	instructions();	more();
+	character();	more();
+	while((page=next_page(page))!=0)	more();