DRAM.vhd 18 KB

  1. --+-----------------------------------+-------------------------------------+--
  2. --| ___ ___ | (c) 2013-2014 William R Sowerbutts |--
  3. --| ___ ___ ___ ___( _ ) / _ \ | will@sowerbutts.com |--
  4. --| / __|/ _ \ / __|_ / _ \| | | | | |--
  5. --| \__ \ (_) | (__ / / (_) | |_| | | A Z80 FPGA computer, just for fun |--
  6. --| |___/\___/ \___/___\___/ \___/ | |--
  7. --| | http://sowerbutts.com/ |--
  8. --+-----------------------------------+-------------------------------------+--
  9. --| DRAM interface: Connect the CPU to the SDRAM on the Papilio Pro board. |--
  10. --| The SDRAM takes about 10 cycles to respond with data after making a |--
  11. --| request, so this module includes a direct-mapped cache to store |--
  12. --| recently read or written data in order to hide this latency. |--
  13. --+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+--
  14. --
  15. -- The Papilio Pro board has an 8MB SDRAM chip on the board. The socz80 MMU
  16. -- provides a 64MB (26-bit) phyiscal address space. The low 32MB of address space
  17. -- is allocated to the DRAM (the top 32MB being used for other memory devices).
  18. --
  19. -- The low 32MB is divided into two 16MB blocks. Accesses to the first block
  20. -- (starting at 0MB) go through the cache, while accesses to the second
  21. -- block (starting at 16MB) bypass the cache. There is only 8MB SDRAM on the
  22. -- Papilio Pro so it is aliased twice in each block, ie it appears at 0MB,
  23. -- 8MB, 16MB and 24MB.
  24. --
  25. -- The cache is direct mapped, ie the low bits of the address dictate which cache
  26. -- line to use and which byte within that line. When a cache line is written to
  27. -- the top bits of the address are stored in "cache tag" memory. When a cache line
  28. -- is read the top bits of the address are compared to the stored tag to determine
  29. -- if the cached data relates to the same address.
  30. --
  31. -- Each cache line consists of a 45 bits:
  32. -- 32 bits of cached data
  33. -- 4 validity bits to indicate if the cached data is valid or not
  34. -- 9 bits of address tag to indicate the top address bits of the
  35. --
  36. -- bit number (read these two 22222211111111110000000000
  37. -- lines top to bottom) 54321098765432109876543210
  38. --
  39. -- CPU address is 16 bits wide: PPPPOOOOOOOOOOOO (4 bit page, 12 bit offset)
  40. -- physical address is 26 bits wide: FFFFFFFFFFFFFFOOOOOOOOOOOO (14 bit frame, 12 bit offset)
  41. -- DRAM address is 25 bits wide: CIFFFFFFFFFFFOOOOOOOOOOOO (1 bit cache flag, 1 bit ignored, 11 bit frame, 12 bit offset)
  42. -- cached address is 23 bits wide: TTTTTTTTTLLLLLLLLLLLLBB (9 bit cache line tag, 12 bit cache line, 2 bit byte offset)
  43. --
  44. -- cache lines use 4096 x 36 bit BRAM
  45. -- cache tags use 4096 x 9 bit BRAM
  46. library IEEE;
  47. use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
  48. use IEEE.numeric_std.all;
  49. entity DRAM is
  50. generic(
  51. sdram_address_width : natural;
  52. sdram_column_bits : natural;
  53. sdram_startup_cycles: natural;
  54. cycles_per_refresh : natural
  55. );
  56. port(
  57. -- interface to the system
  58. clk : in std_logic;
  59. reset : in std_logic;
  60. cs : in std_logic;
  61. req_read : in std_logic;
  62. req_write : in std_logic;
  63. mem_address : in std_logic_vector(24 downto 0);
  64. data_in : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
  65. data_out : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := (others => '0');
  66. mem_wait : out std_logic;
  67. coldboot : out std_logic; -- this signals 1 until the SDRAM has been initialised
  68. -- interface to hardware SDRAM chip
  69. SDRAM_CLK : out std_logic;
  70. SDRAM_CKE : out std_logic;
  71. SDRAM_CS : out std_logic;
  72. SDRAM_nRAS : out std_logic;
  73. SDRAM_nCAS : out std_logic;
  74. SDRAM_nWE : out std_logic;
  75. SDRAM_DQM : out std_logic_vector( 1 downto 0);
  76. SDRAM_ADDR : out std_logic_vector (12 downto 0);
  77. SDRAM_BA : out std_logic_vector( 1 downto 0);
  78. SDRAM_DQ : inout std_logic_vector (15 downto 0)
  79. );
  80. end DRAM;
  81. architecture behaviour of DRAM is
  82. -- sdram controller interface
  83. signal cmd_address : std_logic_vector(sdram_address_width-2 downto 0) := (others => '0');
  84. signal cmd_wr : std_logic := '1';
  85. signal cmd_enable : std_logic;
  86. signal cmd_byte_enable : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
  87. signal cmd_data_in : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
  88. signal cmd_ready : std_logic;
  89. signal sdram_data_out : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
  90. signal sdram_data_out_ready : std_logic;
  91. signal seen_ready : std_logic := '0';
  92. signal last_address_word : std_logic_vector(20 downto 0);
  93. -- internal signals
  94. signal current_word : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); -- value of current cache line
  95. signal current_byte_valid : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); -- validity bits for current cache line
  96. signal word_changed : std_logic; -- did the address bus value change?
  97. signal cache_hit : std_logic;
  98. signal address_hit : std_logic;
  99. signal byte_valid_hit : std_logic;
  100. signal write_back : std_logic;
  101. -- state machine
  102. type controller_state is ( st_idle, -- waiting for command
  103. st_read, -- cache miss: issued read command to controller, waiting for data to arrive
  104. st_read_done, -- cache hit/completed miss: data arrived from controller, waiting for CPU to de-assert
  105. st_write); -- write: issued write command, waiting for CPU to de-assert
  106. signal current_state : controller_state;
  107. signal next_state : controller_state;
  108. -- here's the cache memory signals
  109. signal cache_line_memory_write_enable : std_logic;
  110. signal cache_line_memory_data_in : std_logic_vector(35 downto 0); -- 35 downto 32: validity bits; 31 downto 0: four data bytes
  111. signal cache_line_memory_data_out : std_logic_vector(35 downto 0);
  112. signal cache_tag_memory_write_enable : std_logic;
  113. signal cache_tag_memory_data_in : std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
  114. signal cache_tag_memory_data_out : std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
  115. -- break up the incoming physical address
  116. alias address_byte : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0) is mem_address(1 downto 0);
  117. alias address_line : std_logic_vector(11 downto 0) is mem_address(13 downto 2);
  118. alias address_tag : std_logic_vector(8 downto 0) is mem_address(22 downto 14);
  119. alias address_word : std_logic_vector(20 downto 0) is mem_address(22 downto 2);
  120. -- mem_address(23) is unused in this design
  121. alias cache_inhibit : std_logic is mem_address(24);
  122. begin
  123. -- this should be based on the generic, really
  124. cmd_address <= mem_address(22 downto 2); -- address_tag & address_line
  125. cmd_data_in <= data_in & data_in & data_in & data_in; -- write the same data four times
  126. cmd_wr <= req_write;
  127. cache_tag_memory_data_in <= address_tag;
  128. coldboot <= not seen_ready;
  129. compute_next_state: process(req_read, req_write, current_state, cache_hit, cmd_ready, cs, sdram_data_out_ready, word_changed)
  130. begin
  131. cmd_enable <= '0';
  132. mem_wait <= '0';
  133. write_back <= '0';
  134. case current_state is
  135. when st_idle =>
  136. if cs = '1' and cmd_ready = '1' then
  137. if req_read = '1' then
  138. -- we can't process a read immediately if the address input just changed; delay them for one cycle.
  139. if word_changed = '1' then
  140. mem_wait <= '1';
  141. next_state <= st_idle;
  142. -- come back next cycle!
  143. else
  144. if cache_hit = '1' then
  145. mem_wait <= '0';
  146. next_state <= st_read_done;
  147. else
  148. cmd_enable <= '1';
  149. mem_wait <= '1';
  150. next_state <= st_read;
  151. end if;
  152. end if;
  153. elsif req_write = '1' then
  154. if word_changed = '1' then
  155. mem_wait <= '1';
  156. next_state <= st_idle;
  157. -- come back next cycle!
  158. else
  159. next_state <= st_write;
  160. cmd_enable <= '1';
  161. mem_wait <= '0'; -- no need to wait, the SDRAM controller will latch all the inputs
  162. write_back <= '1';
  163. end if;
  164. else
  165. next_state <= st_idle;
  166. mem_wait <= '0'; -- we know cmd_ready='1'
  167. end if;
  168. else
  169. next_state <= st_idle;
  170. mem_wait <= (not cmd_ready);
  171. end if;
  172. when st_read =>
  173. if cs = '1' and req_read = '1' then
  174. if sdram_data_out_ready = '1' then
  175. next_state <= st_read_done;
  176. else
  177. next_state <= st_read;
  178. end if;
  179. else
  180. -- this kind of implies that they gave up on us?
  181. next_state <= st_idle;
  182. end if;
  183. mem_wait <= (not sdram_data_out_ready) and (not cache_hit);
  184. when st_read_done =>
  185. if cs = '1' and req_read = '1' then
  186. next_state <= st_read_done;
  187. else
  188. next_state <= st_idle;
  189. end if;
  190. mem_wait <= (not sdram_data_out_ready) and (not cache_hit);
  191. when st_write =>
  192. if cs = '1' and req_write = '1' then
  193. next_state <= st_write;
  194. else
  195. next_state <= st_idle;
  196. end if;
  197. mem_wait <= (not cmd_ready); -- no need to wait once the write has been committed
  198. end case;
  199. end process;
  200. word_changed_check: process(last_address_word, address_word)
  201. begin
  202. if address_word = last_address_word then
  203. word_changed <= '0';
  204. else
  205. word_changed <= '1';
  206. end if;
  207. end process;
  208. cache_address_check: process(cache_tag_memory_data_out, cache_line_memory_data_out, address_tag)
  209. begin
  210. if cache_tag_memory_data_out = address_tag then
  211. address_hit <= '1';
  212. current_byte_valid <= cache_line_memory_data_out(35 downto 32);
  213. else
  214. address_hit <= '0';
  215. current_byte_valid <= "0000";
  216. end if;
  217. end process;
  218. cache_byte_valid_check: process(address_byte, current_byte_valid)
  219. begin
  220. case address_byte is
  221. when "00" => byte_valid_hit <= current_byte_valid(0);
  222. when "01" => byte_valid_hit <= current_byte_valid(1);
  223. when "10" => byte_valid_hit <= current_byte_valid(2);
  224. when "11" => byte_valid_hit <= current_byte_valid(3);
  225. when others => byte_valid_hit <= '0';
  226. end case;
  227. end process;
  228. cache_hit_check: process(byte_valid_hit, address_hit, cache_inhibit)
  229. begin
  230. if address_hit = '1' and byte_valid_hit = '1' and cache_inhibit = '0' then
  231. cache_hit <= '1';
  232. else
  233. cache_hit <= '0';
  234. end if;
  235. end process;
  236. byte_enable_decode: process(address_byte)
  237. begin
  238. case address_byte is
  239. when "00" => cmd_byte_enable <= "0001";
  240. when "01" => cmd_byte_enable <= "0010";
  241. when "10" => cmd_byte_enable <= "0100";
  242. when "11" => cmd_byte_enable <= "1000";
  243. when others => cmd_byte_enable <= "1000";
  244. end case;
  245. end process;
  246. data_out_demux: process(address_byte, sdram_data_out_ready, sdram_data_out, cache_line_memory_data_out, current_word)
  247. begin
  248. -- when the SDRAM is presenting data, feed it direct to the CPU.
  249. -- otherwise feed data from our cache memory.
  250. if sdram_data_out_ready = '1' then
  251. current_word <= sdram_data_out;
  252. else
  253. current_word <= cache_line_memory_data_out(31 downto 0);
  254. end if;
  255. case address_byte is
  256. when "00" => data_out <= current_word( 7 downto 0);
  257. when "01" => data_out <= current_word(15 downto 8);
  258. when "10" => data_out <= current_word(23 downto 16);
  259. when "11" => data_out <= current_word(31 downto 24);
  260. when others => data_out <= current_word(31 downto 24);
  261. end case;
  262. end process;
  263. cache_write: process(current_state, data_in, next_state, write_back, cache_line_memory_data_out, sdram_data_out, sdram_data_out_ready, address_byte, current_byte_valid)
  264. begin
  265. if (next_state = st_read) or (write_back = '1') then
  266. cache_tag_memory_write_enable <= '1';
  267. else
  268. cache_tag_memory_write_enable <= '0';
  269. end if;
  270. cache_line_memory_write_enable <= '0';
  271. cache_line_memory_data_in <= cache_line_memory_data_out;
  272. if next_state = st_read then
  273. cache_line_memory_data_in <= (others => '0'); -- set word and all valid flags to 1
  274. cache_line_memory_write_enable <= '1';
  275. end if;
  276. -- has our read completed?
  277. if current_state = st_read then
  278. if sdram_data_out_ready = '1' then
  279. cache_line_memory_data_in <= "1111" & sdram_data_out;
  280. cache_line_memory_write_enable <= '1';
  281. end if;
  282. elsif write_back = '1' then
  283. case address_byte is
  284. when "00" =>
  285. cache_line_memory_data_in <= current_byte_valid(3 downto 1) & "1" &
  286. cache_line_memory_data_out(31 downto 8) & data_in;
  287. when "01" =>
  288. cache_line_memory_data_in <=
  289. current_byte_valid(3 downto 2) & "1" & current_byte_valid(0) &
  290. cache_line_memory_data_out(31 downto 16) & data_in & cache_line_memory_data_out(7 downto 0);
  291. when "10" =>
  292. cache_line_memory_data_in <=
  293. current_byte_valid(3) & "1" & current_byte_valid(1 downto 0) &
  294. cache_line_memory_data_out(31 downto 24) & data_in & cache_line_memory_data_out(15 downto 0);
  295. when "11" =>
  296. cache_line_memory_data_in <=
  297. "1" & current_byte_valid(2 downto 0) &
  298. data_in & cache_line_memory_data_out(23 downto 0);
  299. when others => -- shut up, compiler!
  300. end case;
  301. cache_line_memory_write_enable <= '1';
  302. end if;
  303. end process;
  304. sdram_registers: process(clk)
  305. begin
  306. if rising_edge(clk) then
  307. -- state register
  308. current_state <= next_state;
  309. -- coldboot detection
  310. seen_ready <= seen_ready or cmd_ready;
  311. -- track memory address
  312. last_address_word <= address_word;
  313. end if;
  314. end process;
  315. -- underlying SDRAM controller (thanks, Hamsterworks!)
  316. sdram_ctrl: entity work.SDRAM_Controller
  318. sdram_address_width => sdram_address_width,
  319. sdram_column_bits => sdram_column_bits,
  320. sdram_startup_cycles=> sdram_startup_cycles,
  321. cycles_per_refresh => cycles_per_refresh
  322. )
  323. PORT MAP(
  324. clk => clk,
  325. reset => reset,
  326. cmd_address => cmd_address,
  327. cmd_wr => cmd_wr,
  328. cmd_enable => cmd_enable,
  329. cmd_ready => cmd_ready,
  330. cmd_byte_enable => cmd_byte_enable,
  331. cmd_data_in => cmd_data_in,
  332. data_out => sdram_data_out,
  333. data_out_ready => sdram_data_out_ready,
  336. SDRAM_CS => SDRAM_CS,
  339. SDRAM_WE => SDRAM_nWE,
  341. SDRAM_BA => SDRAM_BA,
  344. );
  345. -- block RAM used to store cache line data and byte validity (packs nicely into 36 bits)
  346. cacheline_memory_sram: entity work.RAM4K36
  347. port map (
  348. clk => clk,
  349. reset => reset,
  350. write => cache_line_memory_write_enable,
  351. address => address_line,
  352. data_in => cache_line_memory_data_in,
  353. data_out => cache_line_memory_data_out
  354. );
  355. -- block RAM used to store cache line tag memory (packs nicely into 9 bits)
  356. cachetag_memory_sram: entity work.RAM4K9
  357. port map (
  358. clk => clk,
  359. reset => reset,
  360. write => cache_tag_memory_write_enable,
  361. address => address_line,
  362. data_in => cache_tag_memory_data_in,
  363. data_out => cache_tag_memory_data_out
  364. );
  365. end;