Browse Source

menu: new files

ikari 14 years ago
3 changed files with 528 additions and 0 deletions
  1. 76 0
  2. 420 0
  3. 32 0

+ 76 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+	rep #$10 : .xl
+	sep #$20 : .as
+	lda dma_mode
+	sta $4300
+	lda dma_b_reg
+	sta $4301
+	lda dma_a_bank
+	ldx dma_a_addr
+	stx $4302
+	sta $4304
+	ldx dma_len
+	stx $4305
+	lda #$01
+	sta $420b
+	rts
+	sep #$20 : .as
+	rep #$10 : .xl
+	stz $420b
+	stz $420c
+	lda #$02		;A to B; direct; 2x single reg
+	sta $4320		;we use ch. 2 for color data
+	lda #$22		;2122 = CG RAM
+	sta $4321		;dest: CG RAM
+	lda #^hdma_pal
+	ldy #!hdma_pal
+	sty $4322
+	sta $4324
+	lda #$00		;A to B; direct; 1x single reg
+	sta $4310		;ch. 1 for color address
+	lda #$21		;2121 = CG addr
+	sta $4311		;dest: CG Address
+	lda #^hdma_cg_addr
+	ldy #!hdma_cg_addr
+	sty $4312
+	sta $4314
+	lda #$00		;A to B; direct; 1x single reg
+	sta $4330		;ch. 3 for mode switch
+	lda #$05		;2105 = BG mode
+	sta $4331
+	lda #^hdma_mode
+	ldy #!hdma_mode
+	sty $4332
+	sta $4334
+	lda #$03		;A to B; direct; 2x 2x single reg
+	sta $4340		;ch. 4 for scroll
+	lda #$0d		;210d = BG1HOFS
+	sta $4341
+	lda #^hdma_scroll
+	ldy #!hdma_scroll
+	sty $4342
+	sta $4344
+	lda #$01		;A to B; direct; 1x two reg
+	sta $4350		;ch. 5 for color math
+	lda #$31		;2131 + 2132 = math, color constant
+	sta $4351
+	lda #^hdma_math
+	ldy #!hdma_math
+	sty $4352
+	sta $4354
+;	lda #$06
+;	sta $420c		;enable HDMA ch. 1+2
+	lda #$81		;VBlank NMI + Auto Joypad Read
+	sta $4200		;enable V-BLANK NMI
+	rts

+ 420 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,420 @@
+#include "memmap.i65"
+#include "dma.i65"
+	sep #$20 : .as
+	rep #$10 : .xl
+	lda #^ROOT_DIR
+	ldx #!ROOT_DIR
+	sta dirptr_bank
+	stx dirptr_addr
+	sta dirstart_bank
+	stx dirstart_addr
+	stz menu_state
+	stz dirend_onscreen
+	lda #$04
+	sta cursor_x
+	lda #$0A
+	sta cursor_y
+	ldx #$0000
+	stx dirptr_idx
+	stx menu_sel
+	lda #$01
+	sta menu_dirty
+	rts
+	sep #$20 : .as
+	rep #$10 : .xl
+	lda isr_done
+	lsr
+	bcc menuloop_s1
+	stz isr_done
+	jsr menu_cleanup	;update phase 2
+	jsr menu_updates	;update stuff, check keys etc
+	lda menu_dirty		;is there ANY reason to redraw the menu?
+	cmp #$01
+	beq menuloop_redraw 	;then do
+	bra menuloop_s1
+	stz menu_dirty
+	jsr menu_redraw
+	bra menuloop_s1
+	rts
+	sep #$20 : .as
+	rep #$10 : .xl
+	lda dirend_onscreen
+	beq menu_cleanup_out
+	lda dirend_idx
+	lsr
+	lsr
+	pha
+	cmp #17
+	beq +
+	pha
+	clc
+	adc #$0a
+	sta print_y
+	lda #^space64
+	ldx #!space64
+	sta print_bank
+	stx print_src
+	stz print_pal
+	lda #64
+	sta print_count
+	jsr hiprint
+	pla
+	inc
+	bra menu_cleanup_loop
+	pla
+	cmp menu_sel
+	beq menu_cleanup_out
+	bpl menu_cleanup_out
+	sta menu_sel
+	rts
+;update selection, scroll etc
+	lda menu_sel
+	asl
+	asl
+	sta dirptr_idx
+	lda menu_sel
+	clc
+	adc #$09
+	sta bar_yl
+;get input
+	jsr read_pad
+	lda #$04
+	and pad1trig+1
+	bne key_down
+	lda #$08
+	and pad1trig+1
+	bne key_up
+	lda #$01
+	and pad1trig+1
+	bne key_right
+	lda #$02
+	and pad1trig+1
+	bne key_left
+	lda #$80
+	and pad1trig+1
+	bne key_b
+	bra menuupd_out
+	jsr menu_key_down
+	bra menuupd_out
+	jsr menu_key_up
+	bra menuupd_out
+	jsr menu_key_right
+	bra menuupd_out
+	jsr menu_key_left
+	bra menuupd_out
+	jsr menu_key_b
+	bra menuupd_out
+	lda #$0A
+	sta cursor_y
+	rts
+	lda menu_state
+	beq redraw_filelist
+;	cmp 1
+;	beq redraw_main
+	rts
+	ldy #$0000
+	sty dirptr_idx
+	stz dirend_idx
+	stz dirend_onscreen
+	ldy dirptr_idx
+	tya
+	cmp #17*4
+	beq redraw_filelist_last
+	lda dirptr_bank
+	phb
+	pha
+	plb
+	rep #$20 : .al
+	lda (dirptr_addr), y
+	sta @dirent_addr
+	iny
+	iny
+	sep #$20 : .as
+	lda (dirptr_addr), y
+	clc
+	adc #$c0
+	sta @dirent_bank
+	cmp #$c0
+	beq redraw_filelist_dirend
+	iny
+	lda (dirptr_addr), y
+	iny
+	sta @dirent_type
+	plb
+	sty dirptr_idx
+	jsr print_direntry
+	bra redraw_filelist_loop
+	plb
+	dey
+	dey
+	dey
+	dey
+	dey
+	dey
+	sty dirend_idx
+	lda #$01
+	sta dirend_onscreen
+	bra redraw_filelist_out
+redraw_filelist_last	;check if next offscreen item is end of dir
+	lda dirptr_bank
+	phb
+	pha
+	plb
+	iny
+	iny
+	lda (dirptr_addr), y
+	beq redraw_filelist_dirend
+	plb
+	ldx #$0000
+	stx dirptr_idx
+	brl menu_redraw_out
+	lda dirent_bank
+	ldx dirent_addr
+	phb
+	pha	
+	plb	
+	lda @dirent_type
+	cmp #$80
+	rep #$20 : .al
+	bne dirent_is_file
+	lda #$04	;skip dir tgt
+	sta @fd_fnoff
+	lda #$01	;different color for dirs
+	sta @print_pal
+	bra dirent_type_cont
+	lda #$40	;skip game header
+	sta @fd_fnoff
+	lda #$00
+	sta @print_pal	;palette 0 (white)
+	txa
+	clc
+	adc @fd_fnoff
+	tax
+	sep #$20 : .as
+	lda !0, x	;load offset of leaf (file) name
+	clc
+	adc #1
+	rep #$20 : .al
+	and #$00ff	;kill hi byte
+	sta @fd_fnoff
+	txa
+	adc @fd_fnoff
+	sta @fd_fnoff
+	plb
+	lda cursor_y
+	sta print_y
+	inc
+	sta cursor_y
+	lda cursor_x
+	sta print_x
+	sep #$20 : .as
+	ldx fd_fnoff
+	lda #58
+	sta print_count
+	stx print_src
+	lda dirent_bank
+	sta print_bank
+	jsr hiprint
+	lda cursor_x
+	clc
+	adc print_done
+	sta print_x
+	lda #58
+	sec
+	sbc print_done
+	sta print_count
+	lda #^space64
+	ldx #!space64
+	sta print_bank
+	stx print_src
+	jsr hiprint
+	rts
+	lda menu_sel
+	cmp #$10
+	bne +
+	lda #$01
+	sta menu_dirty
+	lda dirend_onscreen
+	bne down_out
+	rep #$20 : .al
+	lda dirptr_addr	
+	clc
+	adc #$04
+	sta dirptr_addr
+	sep #$20 : .as
+	rts
++	inc
+	sta menu_sel
+	rts 
+	lda menu_sel
+	bne +
+	lda #$01
+	sta menu_dirty
+	rep #$20 : .al
+	lda dirptr_addr
+	cmp dirstart_addr
+	beq up_out
+	sec
+	sbc #$04
+	sta dirptr_addr
+	bra up_out
++	dec
+	sta menu_sel
+	sep #$20 : .as
+	rts
+	lda #$01
+	sta menu_dirty
+	rep #$20 : .al
+	lda dirptr_addr
+	beq +
+	sec
+	sbc #17*4
+	cmp dirstart_addr
+	bcc +
+-	sta dirptr_addr
+	sep #$20 : .as
+	rts
++	lda dirstart_addr
+	sep #$20 : .as
+	stz menu_sel
+	rep #$20 : .al
+	bra -
+	sep #$20 : .as
+	lda dirend_onscreen
+	bne menuupd_lastcursor
+	lda #$01
+	sta menu_dirty
+	rep #$20 : .al
+	lda dirptr_addr
+	clc
+	adc #17*4
+	sta dirptr_addr
+	sep #$20 : .as
+	rts
+	lda dirend_idx
+	lsr
+	lsr
+	sta menu_sel
+	rts
+	jsr select_item
+	rts
+	rep #$20 : .al
+	lda menu_sel
+	and #$00ff
+	asl
+	asl
+	tay
+	sep #$20 : .as
+	lda dirptr_bank
+	phb
+	pha
+	plb
+	iny
+	iny
+	iny
+	lda (dirptr_addr), y
+	beq sel_is_file
+	cmp #$80
+	beq sel_is_dir
+	plb
+	rts
+	jsr select_file
+	bra select_item_cont
+	jsr select_dir
+	bra select_item_cont
+	; have avr load the rom
+	rts
+select_dir: ; y = direntry ptr
+	sta @$ffffff	;for great breakpoint
+	dey
+	lda (dirptr_addr), y
+	clc
+	adc #$c0
+	sta @dirent_bank
+	dey
+	dey
+	rep #$20 : .al
+	lda (dirptr_addr), y
+	sta @dirent_addr
+	tax
+	sep #$20 : .as
+	lda @dirent_bank
+	phb
+	pha
+	plb
+	lda !2, x ; load linked dir start bank
+	clc
+	adc #$c0
+	sta @dirptr_bank
+	sta @dirstart_bank
+	rep #$20 : .al
+	lda !0, x ; load linked dir start address
+	sta @dirptr_addr
+	sta @dirstart_addr
+	sep #$20 : .as
+	lda #$01
+	sta @menu_dirty
+	plb
+	rts

+ 32 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+	php
+	rep #$30 : .xl : .al
+	ldx pad1mem 	;byetUDLRaxlriiii
+	lda $4218
+	sta pad1mem
+	and #$0f00
+	bne read_pad1_count
+	stz pad1delay
+	txa
+	eor pad1mem
+	and pad1mem
+	sta pad1trig
+	lda #$0010
+	cmp pad1delay
+	bne read_pad1_cont2
+	stz pad1mem
+	lda #$000d
+	sta pad1delay
+;lda $4218
+;sta pad1trig
+	plp
+	rts
+	lda pad1delay
+	inc
+	sta pad1delay
+	bra read_pad1_cont1