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CIC: lock clone w/ autoresync (for byuu's dumping project)

ikari 14 years ago
2 changed files with 812 additions and 0 deletions
  1. 741 0
  2. 71 0

+ 741 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,741 @@
+    #include <>
+processor p12f629
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+;   SNES CIC clone for PIC Microcontroller (lock mode, auto key region detect,
+;   error tolerant)
+;   Copyright (C) 2010 by Maximilian Rehkopf (ikari_01) <>
+;   This software is part of the sd2snes project.
+;   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;   the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License only.
+;   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;   GNU General Public License for more details.
+;   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+;   Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+;   pin configuration: (cartridge slot pin) [original 18-pin SMD lock CIC pin]
+;                       ,---_---.
+;      +5V (27,58) [18] |1     8| GND (5,36) [9]
+;      CIC clk (56) [7] |2     7| CIC data i/o 0 (55) [1]
+;   host reset out [10] |3     6| CIC data i/o 1 (24) [2]
+; CIC lock reset in [8] |4     5| CIC slave reset out (25) [11]
+;                       `-------'
+;   pin 3 connected to PPU2 reset in
+;   pin 4 connected to reset button
+;   pin 5 connected to key CIC pin 7 (or clone CIC pin 5)
+;   pin 6 connected to key CIC pin 1 (or clone CIC pin 6)
+;   pin 7 connected to key CIC pin 2 (or clone CIC pin 7)
+;   Host reset out behaves as follows:
+;   After powerup it is held low for a couple of us to properly allow the
+;   components to power-up.
+;   It is then asserted a high level even if the CIC "auth" should fail at
+;   any point, thus enabling homebrew or other cartridges without a CIC or
+;   CIC clone to be run properly while maintaining compatibility with CIC
+;   demanding cartridges like S-DD1 or SA-1 powered ones.
+;   The type of key CIC (411/413) is detected automatically.
+;   memory usage:
+;   0x20		buffer for seed calc and transfer
+;   0x21 - 0x2f		seed area (lock seed)
+;   0x30		buffer for seed calc
+;   0x31 - 0x3f		seed area (key seed; 0x31 filled in by lock)
+;   0x40 - 0x41		buffer for seed calc
+;   0x42		input buffer
+;   0x43		variable for key detect
+;   0x4d		buffer for eeprom access
+;   0x4e		loop variable for longwait
+;   0x4f		loop variable for wait
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+; -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+; -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+; code memory
+	org	0x0000
+	nop
+	nop
+	nop
+	goto	init
+rst				; we jump here after powerup or GPIO3=1
+	org	0x0004
+	bcf	GPIO, 0		; clear stream i/o
+	bcf	GPIO, 1		; clear stream i/o
+	bcf	GPIO, 2		; disable slave reset
+	bcf	GPIO, 4		; hold the SNES in reset
+	btfsc	GPIO, 3		; stay in "reset" as long as GPIO3=1
+	goto	rst_loop
+	nop
+	nop
+	nop
+	nop
+	nop
+	goto	main
+	org 0x0010
+	banksel GPIO
+	clrf	GPIO
+	movlw	0x07	; GPIO2..0 are digital I/O (not connected to comparator)
+	movwf	CMCON
+	movlw	0x00	; disable all interrupts
+	movwf	INTCON
+	banksel	TRISIO
+	movlw	0x29	; in out in OUT out in. slave reset is an output on lock
+	movwf	TRISIO
+	movlw	0x00	; no pullups
+	movwf	WPU
+	movlw	0x80	; global pullup disable
+	movwf	OPTION_REG
+	banksel GPIO
+	bcf 	GPIO, 4	; LED off
+	goto	rst
+	movlw	0x40	; wait a bit before initializing the slave + console
+	call	longwait
+	bsf	GPIO, 4 ; enable console
+	bsf	GPIO, 2 ; trigger the slave
+	clrf	0x44	; clear direction
+	nop
+	bcf	GPIO, 2 	
+	banksel	TRISIO
+	bcf	TRISIO, 0
+	bsf	TRISIO, 1
+	banksel	GPIO
+; --------INIT LOCK SEED (what we must send)--------
+	movlw	0xb
+	movwf	0x21
+	movlw	0x1
+	movwf	0x22
+	movlw	0x4
+	movwf	0x23
+	movlw	0xf
+	movwf	0x24
+	movlw	0x4
+	movwf 	0x25
+	movlw	0xb
+	movwf 	0x26
+	movlw	0x5
+	movwf 	0x27
+	movlw	0x7
+	movwf 	0x28
+	movlw	0xf
+	movwf 	0x29
+	movlw	0xd
+	movwf 	0x2a
+	movlw	0x6
+	movwf 	0x2b
+	movlw	0x1
+	movwf 	0x2c
+	movlw	0xe
+	movwf 	0x2d
+	movlw	0x9
+	movwf 	0x2e
+	movlw	0x8
+	movwf 	0x2f
+; --------INIT KEY SEED (what the key sends)--------
+	movlw	0xf	; we always request the same stream for simplicity
+	movwf	0x31
+	movlw	0x0	; this is filled in by key autodetect
+	movwf	0x32
+	movlw	0xa
+	movwf	0x33
+	movlw	0x1
+	movwf	0x34
+	movlw	0x8
+	movwf 	0x35
+	movlw	0x5
+	movwf 	0x36
+	movlw	0xf
+	movwf 	0x37
+	movlw	0x1
+	movwf 	0x38
+	movwf 	0x39
+	movlw	0xe
+	movwf 	0x3a
+	movlw	0x1
+	movwf 	0x3b
+	movlw	0x0
+	movwf 	0x3c
+	movlw	0xd
+	movwf 	0x3d
+	movlw	0xe
+	movwf 	0x3e
+	movlw	0xc
+	movwf 	0x3f
+; --------wait before sending stream ID--------
+	movlw	0xba
+	call	wait
+	nop
+	nop
+; --------lock sends stream ID. 15 cycles per bit--------
+;	bsf	GPIO, 0		; (debug marker)
+;	bcf	GPIO, 0		; 
+	btfsc	0x31, 3		; read stream select bit
+	bsf	GPIO, 0		; send bit
+	nop
+	nop
+	bcf	GPIO, 0
+	movlw	0x1		; wait=7
+	call	wait		; burn 10 cycles
+	nop
+	nop
+;	bsf	GPIO, 0
+;	bcf	GPIO, 0
+	btfsc	0x31, 0		; read stream select bit
+	bsf	GPIO, 0		; send bit
+	nop
+	nop
+	bcf	GPIO, 0
+	movlw	0x1		; wait=3*W+5
+	call	wait		; burn 11 cycles
+	nop
+	nop
+;	bsf	GPIO, 0
+;	bcf	GPIO, 0
+	btfsc	0x31, 1		; read stream select bit
+	bsf	GPIO, 0		; send bit
+	nop
+	nop
+	bcf	GPIO, 0
+	movlw	0x1		; wait=3*W+5
+	call	wait		; burn 11 cycles
+	nop
+	nop
+;	bsf	GPIO, 0
+;	bcf	GPIO, 0
+	btfsc	0x31, 2		; read stream select bit
+	bsf	GPIO, 0		; send bit
+	nop
+	nop
+	bcf	GPIO, 0
+	movlw	0x1		; wait=3*0+7
+	call	wait		; burn 10 cycles
+	banksel	TRISIO
+	bsf	TRISIO, 0
+	bcf	TRISIO, 1
+	banksel	GPIO
+	movlw	0x24		; "wait" 1
+	call	wait		; wait 112
+;	nop
+	movlw	0x1		; 'first time' bit
+	movwf	0x43		; for key detection
+; --------main loop--------
+	movlw	0x1
+	addlw	0x20	; lock stream
+	movwf	FSR	; store in index reg
+	movf	INDF, w ; load seed value
+	movwf	0x20
+	bcf	0x20, 1	; clear bit 1 
+	btfsc	0x20, 0 ; copy from bit 0
+	bsf	0x20, 1 ; (if set)
+	bsf	0x20, 4 ; run console
+	bcf	0x20, 2 ; run slave
+	movf	0x20, w
+	movwf	GPIO
+	movf	GPIO, w ; read input
+	movwf	0x42	; store input
+	movlw	0x10
+	movwf	GPIO	; reset GPIO
+	call	checkkey	
+	btfsc	GPIO, 3 ; poll master reset
+	goto	rst	; (to allow resetting w/o key CIC...)
+	btfsc	0x44, 0	; check "direction"
+	rrf	0x42, f	; shift received bit into place
+	bsf	FSR, 4	; goto other stream
+	movf	INDF, w	; read
+	xorwf	0x42, f	; xor received + calculated
+	bcf	FSR, 4	; back to our own stream
+	btfsc	0x42, 0	; equal? then continue
+	goto 	main	; else resync key and start over
+	nop		; wait 1 cycle
+	nop		; wait 1 cycle
+	movlw	0xc	; wait 40 cycles
+	call	wait
+	btfsc	GPIO, 0 ; both pins must be low...
+	goto	die
+	btfsc	GPIO, 1 ; ...when no bit transfer takes place
+	goto	die	; if not -> lock cic error state -> die
+	incf	FSR, f	; next one
+	movlw	0xf
+	andwf	FSR, w
+	btfss	STATUS, Z	
+	goto	loop1
+	movlw	0x1	; wait 7
+	call	wait	;
+	call	mangle
+	call	mangle
+	call	mangle
+	movf	0x37, w
+	movwf	0x44
+	btfsc	0x37, 0
+	goto	swap
+	banksel	TRISIO
+	bsf	TRISIO, 0
+	bcf	TRISIO, 1
+	goto	swapskip
+	banksel	TRISIO
+	bcf	TRISIO, 0
+	bsf	TRISIO, 1
+	nop
+	banksel GPIO
+	btfsc	GPIO, 3 ; poll master reset
+	goto	rst
+	clrf	0x43	; don't check key region anymore
+	movf	0x37, w
+	andlw	0xf
+	btfss	STATUS, Z
+	goto	loop0
+	goto	loop
+; --------calculate new seeds--------
+; had to be unrolled because PIC has an inefficient way of handling
+; indirect access, no post increment, no swap, etc.
+	call	mangle_lock
+	nop
+	nop
+	movf	0x2f, w
+	movwf	0x20	
+	addlw	0x1
+	addwf	0x21, f
+	movf	0x22, w
+	movwf	0x40
+	movf	0x21, w
+	addwf	0x22, f
+	incf	0x22, f
+	comf	0x22, f
+	movf	0x23, w
+	movwf	0x41	; store 23 to 41
+	movlw	0xf
+	andwf	0x23, f
+	movf	0x40, w ; add 40(22 old)+23+#1 and skip if carry
+	andlw	0xf
+	addwf	0x23, f
+	incf	0x23, f
+	btfsc	0x23, 4
+	goto	mangle_key_withskip
+	movf	0x41, w ; restore 23
+	addwf	0x24, f ; add to 24
+	movf	0x25, w
+	movwf	0x40	; save 25 to 40
+	movf	0x24, w
+	addwf	0x25, f
+	movf	0x26, w
+	movwf	0x41	; save 26 to 41
+	movf	0x40, w ; restore 25
+	andlw	0xf	; mask nibble
+	addlw	0x8	; add #8 to HIGH nibble
+	movwf	0x40
+	btfss	0x40, 4 ; skip if carry to 5th bit
+	addwf	0x26, w
+	movwf	0x26
+	movf	0x41, w ; restore 26
+	addlw	0x1	; inc
+	addwf	0x27, f	; add to 27
+	movf	0x27, w ;
+	addlw	0x1	; inc
+	addwf	0x28, f ; add to 28
+	movf	0x28, w ;
+	addlw	0x1	; inc
+	addwf	0x29, f ; add to 29
+	movf	0x29, w ;
+	addlw	0x1	; inc
+	addwf	0x2a, f ; add to 2a
+	movf	0x2a, w ;
+	addlw	0x1	; inc
+	addwf	0x2b, f ; add to 2b
+	movf	0x2b, w ;
+	addlw	0x1	; inc
+	addwf	0x2c, f ; add to 2c
+	movf	0x2c, w ;
+	addlw	0x1	; inc
+	addwf	0x2d, f ; add to 2d
+	movf	0x2d, w ;
+	addlw	0x1	; inc
+	addwf	0x2e, f ; add to 2e
+	movf	0x2e, w ;
+	addlw	0x1	; inc
+	addwf	0x2f, f ; add to 2f
+	movf	0x20, w ; restore original 0xf
+	andlw	0xf
+	addlw	0xf
+	movwf	0x20
+	nop
+	nop
+	nop
+	nop
+	nop
+	nop
+	nop
+	nop
+	nop
+	btfss	0x20, 4 ; skip if half-byte carry
+	goto mangle_return ; +2 cycles in return
+	nop
+	goto mangle_key_loop
+; 69 when goto, 69 when return
+; CIC has 78 -> 9 nops
+	movf	0x41, w ; restore 23
+	addwf	0x23, f ; add to 23
+	movf	0x24, w
+	movwf	0x40	; save 24 to 40
+	movf	0x23, w
+	addwf	0x24, f
+	movf	0x25, w
+	movwf	0x41	; save 25 to 41
+	movf	0x40, w ; restore 24
+	andlw	0xf	; mask nibble
+	addlw	0x8	; add #8 to HIGH nibble
+	movwf	0x40
+	btfss	0x40, 4 ; skip if carry to 5th bit
+	addwf	0x25, w
+	movwf	0x25
+	movf	0x41, w ; restore 25
+	addlw	0x1	; inc
+	addwf	0x26, f	; add to 26
+	movf	0x26, w ;
+	addlw	0x1	; inc
+	addwf	0x27, f ; add to 27
+	movf	0x27, w ;
+	addlw	0x1	; inc
+	addwf	0x28, f ; add to 28
+	movf	0x28, w ;
+	addlw	0x1	; inc
+	addwf	0x29, f ; add to 29
+	movf	0x29, w ;
+	addlw	0x1	; inc
+	addwf	0x2a, f ; add to 2a
+	movf	0x2a, w ;
+	addlw	0x1	; inc
+	addwf	0x2b, f ; add to 2b
+	movf	0x2b, w ;
+	addlw	0x1	; inc
+	addwf	0x2c, f ; add to 2c
+	movf	0x2c, w ;
+	addlw	0x1	; inc
+	addwf	0x2d, f ; add to 2d
+	movf	0x2d, w ;
+	addlw	0x1	; inc
+	addwf	0x2e, f ; add to 2e
+	movf	0x2e, w ;
+	addlw	0x1	; inc
+	addwf	0x2f, f ; add to 2f
+	movf	0x20, w ; restore original 0xf
+	andlw	0xf
+	addlw	0xf
+	movwf	0x20
+	nop
+	nop
+	nop
+	nop
+	nop
+	nop
+	nop
+	nop
+	nop
+	nop
+	nop
+	btfss	0x20, 4 ; skip if half-byte carry
+	goto mangle_return ; +2 cycles in return
+	nop
+	goto mangle_key_loop
+	return
+; 73 when goto, 73 when return
+; CIC has 84 -> 11 nops
+	movf	0x3f, w
+	movwf	0x30	
+	addlw	0x1
+	addwf	0x31, f
+	movf	0x32, w
+	movwf	0x40
+	movf	0x31, w
+	addwf	0x32, f
+	incf	0x32, f
+	comf	0x32, f
+	movf	0x33, w
+	movwf	0x41	; store 33 to 41
+	movlw	0xf
+	andwf	0x33, f
+	movf	0x40, w ; add 40(32 old)+33+#1 and skip if carry
+	andlw	0xf
+	addwf	0x33, f
+	incf	0x33, f
+	btfsc	0x33, 4
+	goto	mangle_lock_withskip
+	movf	0x41, w ; restore 33
+	addwf	0x34, f ; add to 34
+	movf	0x35, w
+	movwf	0x40	; save 35 to 40
+	movf	0x34, w
+	addwf	0x35, f
+	movf	0x36, w
+	movwf	0x41	; save 36 to 41
+	movf	0x40, w ; restore 35
+	andlw	0xf	; mask nibble
+	addlw	0x8	; add #8 to HIGH nibble
+	movwf	0x40
+	btfss	0x40, 4 ; skip if carry to 5th bit
+	addwf	0x36, w
+	movwf	0x36
+	movf	0x41, w ; restore 36
+	addlw	0x1	; inc
+	addwf	0x37, f	; add to 37
+	movf	0x37, w ;
+	addlw	0x1	; inc
+	addwf	0x38, f ; add to 38
+	movf	0x38, w ;
+	addlw	0x1	; inc
+	addwf	0x39, f ; add to 39
+	movf	0x39, w ;
+	addlw	0x1	; inc
+	addwf	0x3a, f ; add to 3a
+	movf	0x3a, w ;
+	addlw	0x1	; inc
+	addwf	0x3b, f ; add to 3b
+	movf	0x3b, w ;
+	addlw	0x1	; inc
+	addwf	0x3c, f ; add to 3c
+	movf	0x3c, w ;
+	addlw	0x1	; inc
+	addwf	0x3d, f ; add to 3d
+	movf	0x3d, w ;
+	addlw	0x1	; inc
+	addwf	0x3e, f ; add to 3e
+	movf	0x3e, w ;
+	addlw	0x1	; inc
+	addwf	0x3f, f ; add to 3f
+	movf	0x30, w ; restore original 0xf
+	andlw	0xf
+	addlw	0xf
+	movwf	0x30
+	nop
+	nop
+	nop
+	nop
+	nop
+	nop
+	nop
+	nop
+	nop
+	btfss	0x30, 4 ; skip if half-byte carry
+	goto mangle_return
+	nop
+	goto mangle_lock_loop
+; 69 when goto, 69 when return
+; CIC has 78 -> 9 nops
+	movf	0x41, w ; restore 33
+	addwf	0x33, f ; add to 33
+	movf	0x34, w
+	movwf	0x40	; save 34 to 40
+	movf	0x33, w
+	addwf	0x34, f
+	movf	0x35, w
+	movwf	0x41	; save 35 to 41
+	movf	0x40, w ; restore 34
+	andlw	0xf	; mask nibble
+	addlw	0x8	; add #8 to HIGH nibble
+	movwf	0x40
+	btfss	0x40, 4 ; skip if carry to 5th bit
+	addwf	0x35, w
+	movwf	0x35
+	movf	0x41, w ; restore 35
+	addlw	0x1	; inc
+	addwf	0x36, f	; add to 36
+	movf	0x36, w ;
+	addlw	0x1	; inc
+	addwf	0x37, f ; add to 37
+	movf	0x37, w ;
+	addlw	0x1	; inc
+	addwf	0x38, f ; add to 38
+	movf	0x38, w ;
+	addlw	0x1	; inc
+	addwf	0x39, f ; add to 39
+	movf	0x39, w ;
+	addlw	0x1	; inc
+	addwf	0x3a, f ; add to 3a
+	movf	0x3a, w ;
+	addlw	0x1	; inc
+	addwf	0x3b, f ; add to 3b
+	movf	0x3b, w ;
+	addlw	0x1	; inc
+	addwf	0x3c, f ; add to 3c
+	movf	0x3c, w ;
+	addlw	0x1	; inc
+	addwf	0x3d, f ; add to 3d
+	movf	0x3d, w ;
+	addlw	0x1	; inc
+	addwf	0x3e, f ; add to 3e
+	movf	0x3e, w ;
+	addlw	0x1	; inc
+	addwf	0x3f, f ; add to 3f
+	movf	0x30, w ; restore original 0xf
+	andlw	0xf
+	addlw	0xf
+	movwf	0x30
+	nop
+	nop
+	nop
+	nop
+	nop
+	nop
+	nop
+	nop
+	nop
+	nop
+	nop
+	btfss	0x30, 4 ; skip if half-byte carry
+	goto mangle_return
+	nop
+	goto mangle_lock_loop
+; 73 when goto, 73 when return
+; CIC has 84 -> 11 nops
+; --------wait: 3*(W-1)+7 cycles (including call+return). W=0 -> 256!--------
+	movwf	0x4f
+wait0	decfsz	0x4f, f
+	goto	wait0
+	return	
+; --------wait long: 8+(3*(w-1))+(772*w). W=0 -> 256!--------
+	movwf	0x4e
+	clrw
+	call	wait
+	decfsz	0x4e, f
+	goto	longwait0
+	return
+; --------die (do nothing, wait for reset)--------
+	btfsc	GPIO, 3
+	goto	rst
+	goto	die
+; --------check the key input and change "region" when appropriate--------
+; --------requires 17 cycles (incl. call+return)
+	btfss	0x43, 0			; first time?
+	goto 	checkkey_nocheck	; if not, just burn some cycles
+	movlw	0x22			; are we at the correct stream offset?
+	xorwf	FSR, w
+	btfss	STATUS, Z		; if not equal:
+	goto	checkkey_nocheck2	; burn some cycles less.
+					; if equal do the check
+	btfss	0x42, 0			; if value from slave is set it's a 411
+	goto	check_413
+	nop				; to compensate for untaken branch
+	movlw	0x9
+	goto	check_save
+	movlw	0x6
+	goto	check_save
+	nop
+	nop
+	nop
+	nop
+	nop
+	nop
+	nop
+	nop
+	goto check_done
+	movwf	0x32
+	return
+; ------------------------------------------------------------------------

+ 71 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@