samplepacks.asm 648 B

  1. .Section "SamplepackLUT" superfree
  2. PtPlayerSamplePackPointertable:
  3. .dw SamplePack0
  4. .db (:SamplePack0+BaseAdress>>16)
  5. .ends
  6. .Section "sample pack 0" superfree
  7. SamplePack0:
  8. .dw (SamplePack0End-SamplePack0)
  9. SamplePackStart0:
  10. .db 1 ;number of samples in this pack
  11. Sample0Header:
  12. .dw (Sample0-SamplePackStart0) ;relative pointer to sample
  13. .dw (Sample0-SamplePackStart0) ;relative loop pointer
  14. .db $7f ;volume l
  15. .db $7f ;volume r
  16. .dw $400 ;pitch
  17. .dw $0000 ;adsr
  18. .db %00011111 ;gain
  19. .db 0
  20. .db 0
  21. .db 0
  22. .db 0
  23. .db 0
  24. Sample0:
  25. .incbin "data/sounds/hit.brr"
  26. SamplePack0End:
  27. .ends