optixx 8 лет назад
3 измененных файлов с 329 добавлено и 0 удалено
  1. 69 0
  2. 161 0
  3. 99 0

+ 69 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+Interrupt Processing Sequence
+The interrupt processing sequence is initiated as the direct result of hard-
+vare Abort, Interrupt Request, Non-Maskable Interrupt, or Reset inputs.
+The interrupt sequence can also be initiated as a result of the Break or
+Co-Processor instructions within the software. The following listings
+describe the function of each cycle in the interrupt processing sequence:
+Hardware Interrupt /ABORT, /IRQ, /NMI, /RES Inputs
+Cycle No.
+ E = 0 E = 1 Address  Data   R/W  SYNC VDA VPA  VP Description
+   1     1    PC        X     1    1    1   1   1  Internal Operation
+   2     2    PC        X     1    0    0   0   1  Internal Operation
+   3    [1]    S       PB     0    0    1   0   1  Write PB to Stack, S-1�S
+   4     3     S     PCH [2] 0[3]  0    1   0   1  Write PCH to Stack, S-1�S
+   5     4     S     PCL 12] 0[3]  0    1   0   1  Write PCL to Stack, S-1�S
+   6     5     S      P [4]  0[3]  0    1   0   1  Write P to Stack, S-1�S
+   7     6    VL      (VL)    1    0    1   0   0  Read Vector Low Byte,
+                             0->PD, 1->P1, OO->PB
+   8     7    VH      (VH)    1    0    1   0   0  Read Vector High 8yte
+Software Interrupt - BRK, COP Instructions
+Cycle No.
+ E = 0 E = 1 Address  Data   R/W  SYNC VDA VPA  VP Description
+   1     1   PC-2       X     1    1    1   1   1  Opcode
+   2     2   PC-1       X     1    0    0   1   1  Signature
+   3    111    S       PB     0    0    1   0   1  Write PB to Stack, S-1�S
+   4     3     S       PCH    0    0    1   0   1  Write PCH to Stack, S-1 - S
+   5     4     S       PCL    0    0    1   0   1  Write PCL to Stack, S-1�S
+   6     5     S        P     0    0    1   0   1  Write P to Stack, S-1�S
+   7     6    VL      (VL)    1    0    1   0   0  Read Vector Low Byte,
+                             0�Po, 1�Pl, 00�PB
+   8     7    VH      (VH)    1    0    1   0   0  Read Vector High Byte
+    [1] Delete this cycle in Emulation mode.
+    [2] Abort writes address of aborted opcode.
+    [3] R/W remains in the high state during Reset.
+    [4] In Emulation mode, bit 4 written to stack is changed to 0.
+Table 3. Vector Locations
+            Emulation   Native  Priority
+Name    Source      (E = 1)     (E = 0) Level
+ABORT   Hardware    00FFF8,9    00FFE8,9     2
+BRK Software    00FFFE,F    00FFE6,7    N/A
+COP Software    00FFF4,5    00FFE4,5    N/A
+IRQ Hardware    00FFFE,F    00FFEE,F     4
+NMI Hardware    00FFFA,B    00FFEA,B     3
+RES Hardware    00FFFC.D    00FFFC,D     1

+ 161 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+SNES Memory Mapping
+Duncanthrax of ShadowCraft
+Version: 1.0
+Date:   August 28, 1997
+This is a little document I'm throwing together as I go. It probably has a few innacuracies, but it's certainly better than nothing. 
+I became frustrated with the lack of solid knowledge and documentation regarding memory in the SNES, all the other maps 
+were very incomplete. So, since I'm building an emulator at the moment, I figured I'd write all this down for posterity.
+If you find anything in here that is wrong, or if you have an additions or questions, or suggestions... or if you want to help 
+with the emulator, mail me at:
+Or check out ShadowCraft's web page at:
+Have fun, and I hope this is helpful.
+SNES Memory Map in LoROM Mode (Mode 0x20):
+Bank:   Address:    Purpose:
+-----   --------    --------
+00-3F   0000-1FFF   Shadow RAM
+    2000-5FFF   Hardware Registers
+    6000-7FFF   Expansion RAM
+    8000-FFFF   32k ROM Chunk
+40-7C   0000-7FFF   32k ROM Chunk
+    8000-FFFF   32k ROM Chunk
+7D  0000-FFFF   SRAM
+7E  0000-1FFF   Shadow RAM
+    2000-FFFF   System RAM
+7F  0000-FFFF   System RAM
+80-BF   0000-1FFF   Shadow RAM
+    2000-5FFF   Hardware Registers
+    6000-7FFF   Expansion RAM
+    8000-FFFF   32k ROM Chunk
+C0-FC   0000-7FFF   32k ROM Chunk
+    8000-FFFF   32k ROM Chunk
+FD  0000-FFFF   SRAM
+FE  0000-1FFF   Shadow RAM
+    2000-FFFF   System RAM
+FF  0000-FFxx   System RAM
+    FFxx-FFFF   Reset and NMI Vectors
+SNES Memory Map in HiROM Mode (Mode 0x21):
+Bank:   Address:    Purpose:
+-----   --------    --------
+00-3F   0000-1FFF   Shadow RAM
+    2000-5FFF   Hardware Registers
+    6000-7FFF   SRAM
+    8000-FFFF   32k ROM Chunk
+40-7D   0000-FFFF   64k ROM Chunk
+7E  0000-1FFF   Shadow RAM
+    2000-FFFF   System RAM
+7F  0000-FFFF   System RAM
+80-BF   0000-1FFF   Shadow RAM
+    2000-5FFF   Hardware Registers
+    6000-7FFF   SRAM
+    8000-FFFF   32k ROM Chunk
+C0-FE   0000-FFFF   64k ROM Chunk
+FF  0000-FFxx   64k ROM Chunk
+    FFxx-FFFF   Reset and NMI Vectors
+Now that I've given you the overview of the memory layout, perhaps a little explanation would be in order. 
+We'll start at 00.0000 and work our way up... in LoROM first, then HiROM - to avoid confusion.
+00-3F   0000-1FFF   Shadow RAM
+What's going on here? Well, this is RAM that is the same in every bank up to and including 7E. It's the first
+8k of System RAM. So, if you write 0x42 to 00.1001, you'll read a 0x42 from 7E.1001. Simple, huh?
+00-3F   2000-5FFF   Hardware Registers
+This is where you do graphics hardware calls, BIOS calls, DMA calls, and all that stuff. There are lots and 
+lots of documents on this, all of them confusing. I may write one later on that clarifies a bunch of stuff, but 
+for now I won't go into greater detail, as this is pretty straightforward... read and write values that interact 
+with hardware.
+00-3F   6000-7FFF   Expansion RAM
+This is one of those areas in which I draw a blank. I'm not certain where this RAM is supposed to map, 
+whether it is part of system RAM or what. Anybody who wants to clarify the purpose of this area of RAM 
+can feel free. I've seen at least two cartridges that access this area...
+00-3F   8000-FFFF   32k ROM Chunk
+40-7C   0000-7FFF   32k ROM Chunk
+    8000-FFFF   32k ROM Chunk
+This bears a little explanation. When the LoROM is loaded into memory, this is where it is mapped 
+(in a real SNES it isn't "loaded" at all - just mapped). The first 64 32k chunks are loaded into the upper half 
+of banks 00-3F. Then, you continue at 40, mapping two (2!) 32k chunks in each bank from 40-7C. This 
+should take care of an entire LoROM. I know that theoretically a LoROM could be slightly bigger than this, 
+but I've never seen one that is...
+7D  0000-FFFF   SRAM
+OK, this is pretty obvious. This is where the battery-backed SRAM on cartridges is mapped. Very simple. 
+Most have 64kb. DOOM, I've heard, has 256kb. Copiers have 256kb. Simple.
+7E  0000-1FFF   Shadow RAM
+    2000-FFFF   System RAM
+7F  0000-FFFF   System RAM
+Also very simple. This is the SNES's 128k of RAM. There, that was easy, right?
+80-FF   0000-FFFF   MIRROR!
+The upper area of the SNES's addressing space is for "Fast ROM". Games will use this area instead of 
+the lower area (they're mapped exactly the same) when they want to run faster. The SNES gains 1Mhz 
+of speed this way.
+The only thing that is different about the upper area is that the vectors for reset and NMI get stored in 
+the FF.FFxx last 32 bytes...
+LoROM vs. HiROM!
+OK, this is the most interesting part of SNES mapping, and also the part where I'm most likely to get 
+something wrong. As always, if this is incorrect or confusing, let me know!
+00-3F   0000-5FFF   Same as LoROM
+00-3F   6000-7FFF   8k SRAM Chunk
+00-3F   8000-FFFF   32k ROM Chunk
+40-7D   0000-FFFF   64k ROM Chunk
+Ok, this is not too hard, with one caveat... the first 64 32k chunks of the HiROM cartridge get loaded 
+into 00-3F, and then it REPEATS FROM THE BEGINNING starting at 40.0000, this time going in 64k 
+chunks until the end of the file. Now, people are about to start yelling about how this doesn't leave 
+room for the last 2 64k chunks of a 32mb ROM. Yes, I know... keep reading.
+7E-7F   0000-FFFF   Same as LoROM
+Note 7D is no longer the SRAM, which is now in the expansion ram area.
+80-FD   0000-FFFF   Same as LoROM
+FE-FF   0000-FFFF   64k ROM Chunk
+Aha! Here it is... the last two chunks of a 32mb ROM (i.e. Chrono Trigger, etc.) get loaded here. 
+Remember as always that the last 16 bytes are for vectors, and you're all set!
+Ok kiddies! That was a quick tour through the SNES memory map. Tune in next time for 
+"Dr. Duncanthrax teaches CPU!" - same Bat Time, same Bat Channel!

+ 99 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+                      +=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=+
+                      | SNES Memory Mapping |
+                      |    By: ]SiMKiN[     |
+                      |         v1.0        |
+                      +=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=+
+� LoROM: Mode 20
+� HiROM: Mode 21
+� FastROM's can execute at 3.58Mhz
+� SlowROM's can only execute 2.68Mhz
+  � The SNES lets you access ROM through bank $00 onwards and bank
+    $80 onwards such that locations $00:8000 and $80:8000 are congruent,
+    (they access the same locations.)
+  � When accessing bank $00 onwards the 65816 runs at 2.68Mhz. However,
+    when accessing bank $80 onwards the 65816 can run at 2.68Mhz or
+    3.58Mhz depending on how you set bit 0 of $420D.
+| Bank    | Offset      | Definition                         | Shadow  |
+| $00-$2f | $0000-$1fff | LowRAM, each bank is shadowed      | $00-$3f |
+|         |             | From bank $7e                      |   $7e   |
+|         | $2000-$2fff | PPU1, APU                          | $00-$3f |
+|         | $3000-$3fff | SFX, DSP, etc.                     | $00-$3f |
+|         | $4000-$41ff | Controller                         | $00-$3f |
+|         | $4200-$5fff | PPU2, DMA, etc.                    | $00-$3f |
+|         | $6000-$7fff | Reserved?                          | $00-$3f |
+|         | $8000-$ffff | (Mode 20, 21 - ROM)                | ------- |
+| $30-$3f | $0000-$1fff | LowRAM, each bank is shadowed      | $00-$3f |
+|         |             | From bank $7e                      |   $7e   |
+|         | $2000-$2fff | PPU1, APU                          | $00-$3f |
+|         | $3000-$3fff | SFX, DSP, etc.                     | $00-$3f |
+|         | $4000-$41ff | Controller                         | $00-$3f |
+|         | $4200-$5fff | PPU2, DMA, etc.                    | $00-$3f |
+|         | $6000-$7fff | (Mode 21 - SRAM) 256KBytes         | ------- |
+|         | $8000-$ffff | (Mode 20, 21 - ROM)                | ------- |
+| $40-$6f | $0000-$7fff | (Mode 21 - ROM)                    | ------- |
+|         | $8000-$ffff | (Mode 20, 21 - ROM)                | ------- |
+| $70-$77 | $0000-$ffff | (Mode 20, 21 - SRAM) 256KBytes     | ------- |
+| $78-$7d | $0000-$ffff | Never Used                         | ------- |
+|   $7e   | $0000-$1fff | LowRAM                             | $00-$3f |
+|         |             | Shadowed to banks $00-$3f          | ------- |
+|         | $2000-$7fff | HighRAM                            | ------- |
+|         | $8000-$ffff | Expanded Ram                       | ------- |
+|   $7f   | $0000-$ffff | More Expanded RAM                  | ------- |
+| $80-$ef | $0000-$ffff | Mirror of $00-$6f                  | $00-$6f |
+| $f0-$ff | $0000-$ffff | (Mode 21 - ROM)                    | ------- |
+� ROM: The SNES ROM Image
+� RAM: The SNES Work Memory (WRAM)
+       LowRAM, HighRAM, & Expanded RAM
+       All together = 128 Kilo-Bytes
+� SRAM: Save RAM (Extra RAM added by Cart)
+        The SNES only utilizes 256 Kilo-bits
+        However 256 Kilo-Bytes are provided.
+� APU: Audio Processing Unit
+       SPC700, Inside which has a DSP 
+� PPU: Picture Processing Unit
+       PPU1: 5c77-01
+       PPU2: 5c78-03
+� SFX: Super FX Cart Chip, by Nintendo
+� DSP: Digital Signal Processing Cart Chip
+       a.k.a. 'NEC mUPD77C25'
+� Shadow: "Congruent Bank". Same meaning as Mirror.
+      _________________________________________________
+   .o(_Thanx to: Y0SHi, zsKnight, MrGrim, and MintaBoo_)o.