httpserver-conf.lua 2.0 KB

  1. -- httpserver-conf.lua
  2. -- Part of nodemcu-httpserver, contains static configuration for httpserver.
  3. -- Edit your server's configuration below.
  4. -- Author: Sam Dieck
  5. local conf = {}
  6. -- General server configuration.
  7. conf.general = {}
  8. -- TCP port in which to listen for incoming HTTP requests.
  9. conf.general.port = 80
  10. -- WiFi configuration
  11. conf.wifi = {}
  12. -- Can be wifi.STATION, wifi.SOFTAP, or wifi.STATIONAP
  13. conf.wifi.mode = wifi.STATION
  14. -- Theses apply only when configured as Access Point (wifi.SOFTAP or wifi.STATIONAP)
  15. if (conf.wifi.mode == wifi.SOFTAP) or (conf.wifi.mode == wifi.STATIONAP) then
  16. conf.wifi.accessPoint = {}
  17. conf.wifi.accessPoint.config = {}
  18. conf.wifi.accessPoint.config.ssid = "ESP-"..node.chipid() -- Name of the WiFi network to create.
  19. conf.wifi.accessPoint.config.pwd = "ESP-"..node.chipid() -- WiFi password for joining - at least 8 characters
  20. conf.wifi.accessPoint.ip = ""
  21. -- conf.wifi.accessPoint.netmask = ""
  22. -- conf.wifi.accessPoint.gateway = ""
  23. end
  24. -- These apply only when connecting to a router as a client
  25. if (conf.wifi.mode == wifi.STATION) or (conf.wifi.mode == wifi.STATIONAP) then
  26. conf.wifi.station = {}
  27. conf.wifi.station.ssid = "Internet" -- Name of the WiFi network you want to join
  28. conf.wifi.station.pwd = "" -- Password for the WiFi network
  29. end
  30. -- mDNS, applies if you compiled the mdns module in your firmware.
  31. conf.mdns = {}
  32. conf.mdns.hostname = 'nodemcu' -- You will be able to access your server at "http://nodemcu.local."
  33. conf.mdns.location = 'Earth'
  34. conf.mdns.description = 'A tiny HTTP server'
  35. -- Basic HTTP Authentication.
  36. conf.auth = {}
  37. -- Set to true if you want to enable.
  38. conf.auth.enabled = false
  39. -- Displayed in the login dialog users see before authenticating.
  40. conf.auth.realm = "nodemcu"
  41. -- Add users and passwords to this table. Do not leave this unchanged if you enable authentication!
  42. conf.auth.users = {user1 = "password1", user2 = "password2", user3 = "password3"}
  43. return conf