upload.lua 3.0 KB

  1. return function (connection, req, args)
  2. dofile("httpserver-header.lc")(connection, 200, 'json')
  3. connection:send('{')
  4. local mbOffset = nil
  5. local mbLen = nil
  6. local mbData = nil
  7. local mbCmd = nil
  8. local mbFilename = nil
  9. local fieldsCount = 0
  10. local fileSize = 0
  11. local i = 0
  12. local binaryData = ''
  13. local currentByte = nil
  14. for name, value in pairs(args) do
  15. if (name == "offset") then
  16. mbOffset = tonumber(value, 10)
  17. fieldsCount = fieldsCount + 1
  18. end
  19. if (name == "len") then
  20. mbLen = tonumber(value, 10)
  21. fieldsCount = fieldsCount + 1
  22. end
  23. if (name == "data") then
  24. mbData = value
  25. fieldsCount = fieldsCount + 1
  26. end
  27. if (name == "filename") then
  28. mbFilename = value
  29. fieldsCount = fieldsCount + 1
  30. end
  31. if (name == "filesize") then
  32. fileSize = tonumber(value, 10)
  33. fieldsCount = fieldsCount + 1
  34. end
  35. if (name == "cmd") then
  36. mbCmd = value
  37. fieldsCount = fieldsCount + 1
  38. end
  39. end
  40. if (mbCmd == 'upload') then
  41. if (fieldsCount > 5) then
  42. if (mbFilename ~= 'upload.lua') then
  43. connection:send('"offset":"' .. mbOffset .. '",')
  44. connection:send('"len":"' .. mbLen .. '",')
  45. connection:send('"filename":"' .. mbFilename .. '"')
  46. mbFilename = 'http/' .. mbFilename
  47. for i=1,string.len(mbData),2 do
  48. currentByte = tonumber(string.sub(mbData, i, i + 1), 16)
  49. binaryData = binaryData .. string.char(currentByte)
  50. end
  51. local mbTmpFilename = string.sub(mbFilename, 0, 27) .. '.dnl'
  52. if (mbOffset > 0) then
  53. file.open(mbTmpFilename,'a+')
  54. else
  55. file.remove(mbTmpFilename)
  56. file.open(mbTmpFilename,'w+')
  57. end
  58. file.seek("set", mbOffset)
  59. file.write(binaryData)
  60. file.close()
  61. binaryData = nil
  62. if (fileSize == mbLen + mbOffset) then
  63. file.remove(mbFilename)
  64. file.rename(mbTmpFilename, mbFilename)
  65. file.remove(mbTmpFilename)
  66. if (string.sub(mbFilename, -4) == '.lua') then
  67. file.remove(string.sub(mbFilename, 0, -3) .. "lc")
  68. node.compile(mbFilename)
  69. file.remove(mbFilename)
  70. end
  71. end
  72. end
  73. end
  74. elseif (mbCmd == 'list') then
  75. local remaining, used, total=file.fsinfo()
  76. local headerExist = 0
  77. connection:send('"files":{')
  78. for name, size in pairs(file.list()) do
  79. local isHttpFile = string.match(name, "(http/)") ~= nil
  80. if isHttpFile then
  81. if (headerExist > 0) then
  82. connection:send(',')
  83. end
  84. local url = string.match(name, ".*/(.*)")
  85. connection:send('"' .. url .. '":"' .. size .. '"')
  86. headerExist = 1
  87. end
  88. end
  89. connection:send('},')
  90. connection:send('"total":"' .. total .. '",')
  91. connection:send('"used":"' .. used .. '",')
  92. connection:send('"free":"' .. remaining .. '"')
  93. elseif (mbCmd == 'remove') then
  94. if (fieldsCount > 1) then
  95. if (mbFilename ~= 'upload.lua') and (mbFilename ~= 'upload.lc') and (mbFilename ~= 'upload.html.gz') then
  96. file.remove('http/' .. mbFilename)
  97. end
  98. end
  99. end
  100. connection:send('}')
  101. collectgarbage()
  102. end