#!/usr/local/bin/lua -- Based on http://lua-users.org/wiki/BaseSixtyFour by Alex Kloss -- compatible with lua 5.1 -- http://www.it-rfc.de -- licensed under the terms of the LGPL2 b64 = {} -- bitshift functions (<<, >> equivalent) -- shift left local function lsh(value,shift) return (value*(2^shift)) % 256 end -- shift right local function rsh(value,shift) -- Lua builds with no floating point don't define math. if math then return math.floor(value/2^shift) % 256 end return (value/2^shift) % 256 end -- return single bit (for OR) local function bit(x,b) return (x % 2^b - x % 2^(b-1) > 0) end -- logic OR for number values local function lor(x,y) result = 0 for p=1,8 do result = result + (((bit(x,p) or bit(y,p)) == true) and 2^(p-1) or 0) end return result end -- Character decoding table local function toBase64Byte(char) ascii = string.byte(char, 1) if ascii >= string.byte('A', 1) and ascii <= string.byte('Z', 1) then return ascii - string.byte('A', 1) elseif ascii >= string.byte('a', 1) and ascii <= string.byte('z', 1) then return ascii - string.byte('a', 1) + 26 elseif ascii >= string.byte('0', 1) and ascii <= string.byte('9', 1) then return ascii + 4 elseif ascii == string.byte('-', 1) then return 62 elseif ascii == string.byte('_', 1) then return 63 elseif ascii == string.byte('=', 1) then return nil else return nil, "ERROR! Char is invalid for Base64 encoding: "..char end end -- function decode -- decode base64 input to string function b64.decode(data) local chars = {} local result="" for dpos=0,string.len(data)-1,4 do for char=1,4 do chars[char] = toBase64Byte((string.sub(data,(dpos+char),(dpos+char)) or "=")) end result = string.format( '%s%s%s%s', result, string.char(lor(lsh(chars[1],2), rsh(chars[2],4))), (chars[3] ~= nil) and string.char(lor(lsh(chars[2],4), rsh(chars[3],2))) or "", (chars[4] ~= nil) and string.char(lor(lsh(chars[3],6) % 192, (chars[4]))) or "" ) end return result end return b64