-- httpserver-request -- Part of nodemcu-httpserver, parses incoming client requests. -- Author: Marcos Kirsch local function validateMethod(method) local httpMethods = {GET=true, HEAD=true, POST=true, PUT=true, DELETE=true, TRACE=true, OPTIONS=true, CONNECT=true, PATCH=true} -- default for non-existent attributes returns nil, which evaluates to false return httpMethods[method] end local function uriToFilename(uri) return "http/" .. string.sub(uri, 2, -1) end local function parseArgs(args) local r = {}; i=1 if args == nil or args == "" then return r end for arg in string.gmatch(args, "([^&]+)") do local name, value = string.match(arg, "(.*)=(.*)") if name ~= nil then r[name] = value end i = i + 1 end return r end local function parseUri(uri) local r = {} local filename local ext local fullExt = {} if uri == nil then return r end if uri == "/" then uri = "/index.html" end questionMarkPos, b, c, d, e, f = uri:find("?") if questionMarkPos == nil then r.file = uri:sub(1, questionMarkPos) r.args = {} else r.file = uri:sub(1, questionMarkPos - 1) r.args = parseArgs(uri:sub(questionMarkPos+1, #uri)) end filename = r.file while filename:match("%.") do filename,ext = filename:match("(.+)%.(.+)") table.insert(fullExt,1,ext) end r.ext = table.concat(fullExt,".") r.isScript = r.ext == "lua" or r.ext == "lc" r.file = uriToFilename(r.file) return r end -- Parses the client's request. Returns a dictionary containing pretty much everything -- the server needs to know about the uri. return function (request) --print("Request: \n", request) local e = request:find("\r\n", 1, true) if not e then return nil end local line = request:sub(1, e - 1) local r = {} _, i, r.method, r.request = line:find("^([A-Z]+) (.-) HTTP/[1-9]+.[0-9]+$") r.methodIsValid = validateMethod(r.method) r.uri = parseUri(r.request) return r end