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Delete test.lua

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Marcos 9 jaren geleden
1 gewijzigde bestanden met toevoegingen van 0 en 204 verwijderingen
  1. 0 204

+ 0 - 204

@@ -1,204 +0,0 @@
--- figuring out how to parse http header
---require "webServer"
-printTable = dofile( "TablePrinter.lua")
---require "b64"
-sep = "\r\n"
-requestForGet =
-   "GET /folder/index.html?query=5&b=6 HTTP/1.1" .. sep ..
-   "Host:" .. sep ..
-   "Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate" .. sep ..
-   "Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8" .. sep ..
-   "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_2) AppleWebKit/600.3.18 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/8.0.3 Safari/600.3.18" .. sep ..
-   "Accept-Language: en-us" .. sep ..
-   "Cache-Control: max-age=0" .. sep ..
-   "Connection: keep-alive" .. sep ..
-   ""
---parsedRequest = webServer.private.parseRequest(requestForGet)
-local function validateMethod(method)
-   -- HTTP Request Methods.
-   -- HTTP servers are required to implement at least the GET and HEAD methods
-   --
-   local httpMethods = {GET=true, HEAD=true, POST=true, PUT=true, DELETE=true, TRACE=true, OPTIONS=true, CONNECT=true, PATCH=true}
-   if httpMethods[method] then return method else return nil end
-function parseRequest(request)
-   local result = {}
-   local matchEnd = 0
-   local matchBegin = matchEnd + 1
-   matchEnd = string.find (requestForGet, " ", matchBegin)
-   result.method = string.sub(requestForGet, matchBegin, matchEnd-1)
-   matchBegin = matchEnd + 1
-   matchEnd = string.find(requestForGet, " ", matchBegin)
-   result.url = string.sub(requestForGet, matchBegin, matchEnd-1)
-   matchBegin = matchEnd + 1
-   matchEnd = string.find(requestForGet, "\r\n", matchBegin)
-   result.version = string.sub(requestForGet, matchBegin, matchEnd-1)
-   return result
-function parseRequest(request)
-   local e = request:find("\r\n", 1, true)
-   if not e then return nil end
-   local line = request:sub(1, e - 1)
-   local r = {}
-   _, i, r.method, r.url, r.x, r.y = line:find("^([A-Z]+) (.-) HTTP/[1-9]+.[1-9]+$")
-   return r
-local function parseArgs(args)
-   r = {}; i=1
-   if args == nil or args == "" then return r end
-   for arg in string.gmatch(args, "([^&]+)") do
-      local name, value = string.match(arg, "(.*)=(.*)")
-      if name ~= nil then r[name] = value end
-      i = i + 1
-   end
-   return r
-local function parseUri(uri)
-   local r = {}
-   if uri == nil then return r end
-   if uri == "/" then uri = "/index.html" end
-   questionMarkPos, b, c, d, e, f = uri:find("?")
-   if questionMarkPos == nil then
-      r.file = uri:sub(1, questionMarkPos)
-      r.args = {}
-   else
-      r.file = uri:sub(1, questionMarkPos - 1)
-      r.args = parseArgs(uri:sub(questionMarkPos+1, #uri))
-   end
-   _, r.ext = r.file:match("(.+)%.(.+)")
-   r.isScript = r.ext == "lua" or r.ext == "lc"
-   return r
---uri = "/folder/index.html?query=5&b=6"
---uri = "/folder/index.html"
---uri = "/folder/index.lua?f=2&r=2"
-uri = "/folder/index.lua?f="
-r = parseUri(uri)
-print("uri", uri)
-print("r.file", r.file)
-print("r.args", r.args)
-print("r.ext", r.ext)
-print("r.isScript", r.isScript)
-for k,v in pairs(r.args) do print("name: "..k.."    val:"..v) end
-local function parseArgs(args)
-   local r = {}
-   while args ~= nil do
-      local arg = nil
-      a, b = args:find("&")
-      if a == nil then
-         arg = args
-         args = nil
-      else
-         arg = args:sub(1, b-1)
-         args = args:sub(#arg + 2)
-      end
-      local splitArg = {}
-      splitArg.attr, splitArg.val = arg:match("(.+)=(.+)")
-      table.insert(r, splitArg)
-   end
-   return r
-r = parseArgs("arg1=44&arg2=55&arg3=66")
-name = "http/button.css"
-local isHttpFile, url = string.match(name, "(http)/(%g+)")
-print ("Moshe was here")
-print (isHttpFile, url)
-   local l = file.list()
-   for name, size in pairs(l) do
-      local isHttpFile = string.match(name, "(http)") ~= nil
-      local url = string.match(name, ".*/(.*)")
-      print("name", name)
-      print("isHttpFile", isHttpFile)
-      print("url", url)
---      if isHttpFile and url then
---         connection:send('   <li><a href="' .. url .. '">' .. url .. "</a> (" .. size .. " bytes)</li>\n")
---      end
-   end
---printTable(parsedRequest, 3)
---printTable(nodemcu-http-server, 3)
-local function validateMethod(method)
-   -- HTTP Request Methods.
-   -- HTTP servers are required to implement at least the GET and HEAD methods
-   --
-   local httpMethods = {"GET", "HEAD", "POST", "PUT", "DELETE", "TRACE", "OPTIONS", "CONNECT", "PATCH"}
-   for i=1,#httpMethods do
-      if httpMethods[i] == method then
-         return method
-      end
-   end
-   return nil
-r = parseRequest(requestForGet)
-local function uriToFilename(uri)
-   if uri == "/" then return "http/index.html" end
-   return "http/" .. string.sub(uri, 2, -1)
-a = nil
-if not a then print("hello") end