tags 33 KB

  1. !_TAG_FILE_FORMAT 2 /extended format; --format=1 will not append ;" to lines/
  2. !_TAG_FILE_SORTED 1 /0=unsorted, 1=sorted, 2=foldcase/
  3. !_TAG_PROGRAM_AUTHOR Darren Hiebert /dhiebert@users.sourceforge.net/
  4. !_TAG_PROGRAM_NAME Exuberant Ctags //
  5. !_TAG_PROGRAM_URL http://ctags.sourceforge.net /official site/
  7. ACB gtdev-apphdr.h /^} ACB;$/;" t typeref:struct:SACB
  8. ACB_BG gtdev-apphdr.h /^ ACB_BG =0x1000,$/;" e enum:__anon17
  9. ACB_BUILTIN gtdev-apphdr.h /^ ACB_BUILTIN =0x0001,$/;" e enum:__anon17
  10. ACB_COLLAPSE gtdev-apphdr.h /^ ACB_COLLAPSE =0x0800,$/;" e enum:__anon17
  11. ACB_COMPRESS gtdev-apphdr.h /^ ACB_COMPRESS =0x4000,$/;" e enum:__anon17
  12. ACB_DELETE gtdev-apphdr.h /^ ACB_DELETE =0x8000$/;" e enum:__anon17
  13. ACB_Flags gtdev-apphdr.h /^} ACB_Flags;$/;" t typeref:enum:__anon17
  14. ACB_INSTALLED gtdev-apphdr.h /^ ACB_INSTALLED =0x0002,$/;" e enum:__anon17
  15. ACB_JT_VERSION gtdev-apphdr.h /^ ACB_JT_VERSION=0x0010,$/;" e enum:__anon17
  16. ACB_LOCALIZER gtdev-apphdr.h /^ ACB_LOCALIZER =0x0004,$/;" e enum:__anon17
  17. ACB_LOCK gtdev-apphdr.h /^ ACB_LOCK =0x0008,$/;" e enum:__anon17
  18. ACB_SELECTED gtdev-apphdr.h /^ ACB_SELECTED =0x0020,$/;" e enum:__anon17
  19. APPHDR_FLAGS gtdev-apphdr.h /^typedef enum {APPHDR_LOCALIZER=0x0001} APPHDR_FLAGS;$/;" t typeref:enum:__anon15
  20. APPHDR_LOCALIZER gtdev-apphdr.h /^typedef enum {APPHDR_LOCALIZER=0x0001} APPHDR_FLAGS;$/;" e enum:__anon15
  21. APP_ACCESS_SYSVARS gtdev-apphdr.h /^ APP_ACCESS_SYSVARS=4,$/;" e enum:__anon18
  22. APP_BACKGROUND gtdev-apphdr.h /^ APP_BACKGROUND=8}$/;" e enum:__anon18
  23. APP_CON gtdev-apphdr.h /^ APP_CON=2,$/;" e enum:__anon18
  24. APP_EXTENSION gtdev-apphdr.h /^} APP_EXTENSION;$/;" t typeref:struct:SAppExtension
  25. APP_EXT_ENTRY gtdev-apphdr.h /^} APP_EXT_ENTRY;$/;" t typeref:struct:SAppExtEntry
  26. APP_EXT_FUNC gtdev-apphdr.h /^typedef void (* APP_EXT_FUNC)(void);$/;" t
  27. APP_EXT_FUNCTION gtdev-apphdr.h /^enum {APP_EXT_PROGRAM=0x0000, APP_EXT_FUNCTION=0x0001};$/;" e enum:__anon16
  28. APP_EXT_PROGRAM gtdev-apphdr.h /^enum {APP_EXT_PROGRAM=0x0000, APP_EXT_FUNCTION=0x0001};$/;" e enum:__anon16
  29. APP_Flags gtdev-apphdr.h /^ APP_Flags;$/;" t typeref:enum:__anon18
  30. APP_INTERACTIVE gtdev-apphdr.h /^ APP_INTERACTIVE=1,$/;" e enum:__anon18
  31. APP_NONE gtdev-apphdr.h /^typedef enum {APP_NONE=0,$/;" e enum:__anon18
  32. ASM_SECTION_FONT display.h 177;" d
  33. ATTR gtdev-apphdr.h 57;" d
  34. AppHdr gtdev-apphdr.h /^} AppHdr;$/;" t typeref:struct:SAppHdr
  35. AppID gtdev-apphdr.h /^typedef int AppID;$/;" t
  36. BATCH_COMPILE main.c 6;" d file:
  37. B_CENTER display.h 517;" d
  38. B_MOVEAROUND display.h 516;" d
  39. CALCULATOR main.c 89;" d file:
  40. CALCULATOR main.c 91;" d file:
  41. CALCULATOR main.c 94;" d file:
  42. CF_ASM edit.h /^ CF_C=0x4, CF_ASM=0x8, CF_LIBFUNCS=0x10,$/;" e enum:__anon8
  43. CF_C edit.h /^ CF_C=0x4, CF_ASM=0x8, CF_LIBFUNCS=0x10,$/;" e enum:__anon8
  44. CF_DECL edit.h /^ CF_GLOBAL=0x20, CF_DECL=0x40,$/;" e enum:__anon8
  45. CF_EXPR edit.h /^ CF_EXPR=0x80, CF_STMT=0x100,$/;" e enum:__anon8
  46. CF_GLOBAL edit.h /^ CF_GLOBAL=0x20, CF_DECL=0x40,$/;" e enum:__anon8
  47. CF_LIBFUNCS edit.h /^ CF_C=0x4, CF_ASM=0x8, CF_LIBFUNCS=0x10,$/;" e enum:__anon8
  48. CF_PREPROC edit.h /^ CF_TYPE=0x1, CF_PREPROC=0x2,$/;" e enum:__anon8
  49. CF_STMT edit.h /^ CF_EXPR=0x80, CF_STMT=0x100,$/;" e enum:__anon8
  50. CF_TYPE edit.h /^ CF_TYPE=0x1, CF_PREPROC=0x2,$/;" e enum:__anon8
  51. CHAR display.h /^typedef char CHAR[char_height];$/;" t
  52. Catalog editui.h /^char *Catalog() {$/;" f
  53. CharDlg editui.h /^char CharDlg() {$/;" f
  54. CompUnderWay edit.h /^int CompUnderWay=0;$/;" v
  55. Compile gtdev-plugins.h /^int Compile(char *in_file,int plugin) {$/;" f
  56. DChar display.h 446;" d
  57. DCharS display.h 447;" d
  58. DCharX display.h 448;" d
  59. DEFINE_XPLOOP_CB axplore.h /^DEFINE_XPLOOP_CB(onlyfiles_callback) {$/;" f
  60. DEFINE_XPLOOP_CB axplore.h /^DEFINE_XPLOOP_CB(std_callback) {$/;" f
  61. DEFINE_XPLOOP_CB axplore.h 114;" d
  62. DEFINE_XPLOOP_CB workspace.h /^DEFINE_XPLOOP_CB(callback) {$/;" f
  63. DLG_ICON editui.h /^typedef long DLG_ICON[8];$/;" t
  64. DNARR display.h 318;" d
  65. DOTS display.h 314;" d
  66. DOTS1 display.h 315;" d
  67. DOTS2 display.h 316;" d
  68. DStr display.h 449;" d
  69. DStrS display.h 450;" d
  70. DlgIcons editui.h /^DLG_ICON DlgIcons[4]={$/;" v
  71. DoSearch dialogs.h /^int DoSearch() {$/;" f
  72. DrawFrame display.h /^void DrawFrame(int x0,int y0,int x1,int y1) {$/;" f
  73. DrawMenuBar display.h /^void DrawMenuBar() {$/;" f
  74. DrawSStr axplore.h 2;" d
  75. DrawStatus edit.h /^void DrawStatus() {$/;" f
  76. DrawText editui.h /^void DrawText(char *p,int x,int y,int w,int h0,int hM,int *wp,int *hp,int draw) {$/;" f
  77. DrawVLine editui.h /^void DrawVLine(void *p,int x,int y1,int y2,int a) {$/;" f
  78. EDEX_COMPILE edit.h /^enum { EDEX_NONE=0, EDEX_COMPILE };$/;" e enum:__anon7
  79. EDEX_NONE edit.h /^enum { EDEX_NONE=0, EDEX_COMPILE };$/;" e enum:__anon7
  80. EDH_proc textedit.h /^int EDH_proc=0;$/;" v
  81. EDIT_LINE editui.h /^} EDIT_LINE;$/;" t typeref:struct:__anon9
  82. ENDFRAME gtdev-apphdr.h 59;" d
  83. ET_ERROR gtdev-plugins.h 7;" d
  84. ET_ERROR plugins.h 9;" d
  85. ET_FATAL gtdev-plugins.h 5;" d
  86. ET_FATAL plugins.h 7;" d
  87. ET_INTERNAL_FAILURE gtdev-plugins.h 9;" d
  88. ET_INTERNAL_FAILURE plugins.h 11;" d
  89. ET_INTERNAL_WARNING gtdev-plugins.h 8;" d
  90. ET_INTERNAL_WARNING plugins.h 10;" d
  91. ET_WARNING gtdev-plugins.h 6;" d
  92. ET_WARNING plugins.h 8;" d
  93. Edit editor.h /^void Edit(char *text_path) {$/;" f
  94. FILENAME workspace.h /^typedef char FILENAME[8+1+8+1];$/;" t
  95. FONT_MEDIUM display.h /^enum { FONT_MEDIUM = 0, FONT_SMALL = 1 };$/;" e enum:__anon5
  96. FONT_SMALL display.h /^enum { FONT_MEDIUM = 0, FONT_SMALL = 1 };$/;" e enum:__anon5
  97. FRAME gtdev-apphdr.h 46;" d
  98. FindDlg display.h /^void FindDlg() {$/;" f
  99. FindFile files.h /^HANDLE FindFile(char *f) {$/;" f
  100. FixAutoint autoint_fix.h /^void FixAutoint() {$/;" f
  101. Frame gtdev-apphdr.h /^} Frame;$/;" t typeref:struct:SFrame
  102. FreeMem edit.h /^void FreeMem() {$/;" f
  103. GTC_Compile gtdev-plugins.h 14;" d
  104. GTC_IDE main.c 54;" d file:
  105. GetAppSecureTable gtdev-securecomm.h /^SecureTab *GetAppSecureTable(char *name) {$/;" f
  106. GetFTString files.h /^char *GetFTString(HANDLE h) {$/;" f
  107. GetIFT files.h /^int GetIFT(HANDLE h) {$/;" f
  108. HANDLER textedit.h /^typedef int (*HANDLER)(int);$/;" t
  109. HD2 main.c 97;" d file:
  110. ICO_ERROR editui.h /^enum { ICO_WARN=0x8, ICO_ERROR=0x9, ICO_INFO=0xA, ICO_QUEST=0xB, ICO_MASK=0xF, ICO_RMASK=0x7 };$/;" e enum:__anon10
  111. ICO_INFO editui.h /^enum { ICO_WARN=0x8, ICO_ERROR=0x9, ICO_INFO=0xA, ICO_QUEST=0xB, ICO_MASK=0xF, ICO_RMASK=0x7 };$/;" e enum:__anon10
  112. ICO_MASK editui.h /^enum { ICO_WARN=0x8, ICO_ERROR=0x9, ICO_INFO=0xA, ICO_QUEST=0xB, ICO_MASK=0xF, ICO_RMASK=0x7 };$/;" e enum:__anon10
  113. ICO_QUEST editui.h /^enum { ICO_WARN=0x8, ICO_ERROR=0x9, ICO_INFO=0xA, ICO_QUEST=0xB, ICO_MASK=0xF, ICO_RMASK=0x7 };$/;" e enum:__anon10
  114. ICO_RMASK editui.h /^enum { ICO_WARN=0x8, ICO_ERROR=0x9, ICO_INFO=0xA, ICO_QUEST=0xB, ICO_MASK=0xF, ICO_RMASK=0x7 };$/;" e enum:__anon10
  115. ICO_WARN editui.h /^enum { ICO_WARN=0x8, ICO_ERROR=0x9, ICO_INFO=0xA, ICO_QUEST=0xB, ICO_MASK=0xF, ICO_RMASK=0x7 };$/;" e enum:__anon10
  116. IFTIcons files.h /^int IFTIcons[]={$/;" v
  117. IFT_C files.h /^ IFT_OTH, IFT_TEXT, IFT_RES, IFT_C, IFT_H, IFT_PRGM, IFT_FUNC, IFT_XFUNC,$/;" e enum:__anon11
  118. IFT_EXPR files.h /^ IFT_PACK \/* (?) *\/, IFT_EXPR,$/;" e enum:__anon11
  119. IFT_FUNC files.h /^ IFT_OTH, IFT_TEXT, IFT_RES, IFT_C, IFT_H, IFT_PRGM, IFT_FUNC, IFT_XFUNC,$/;" e enum:__anon11
  120. IFT_H files.h /^ IFT_OTH, IFT_TEXT, IFT_RES, IFT_C, IFT_H, IFT_PRGM, IFT_FUNC, IFT_XFUNC,$/;" e enum:__anon11
  121. IFT_INVALID files.h /^ IFT_INVALID=0,$/;" e enum:__anon11
  122. IFT_OTH files.h /^ IFT_OTH, IFT_TEXT, IFT_RES, IFT_C, IFT_H, IFT_PRGM, IFT_FUNC, IFT_XFUNC,$/;" e enum:__anon11
  123. IFT_PACK files.h /^ IFT_PACK \/* (?) *\/, IFT_EXPR,$/;" e enum:__anon11
  124. IFT_PRGM files.h /^ IFT_OTH, IFT_TEXT, IFT_RES, IFT_C, IFT_H, IFT_PRGM, IFT_FUNC, IFT_XFUNC,$/;" e enum:__anon11
  125. IFT_RES files.h /^ IFT_OTH, IFT_TEXT, IFT_RES, IFT_C, IFT_H, IFT_PRGM, IFT_FUNC, IFT_XFUNC,$/;" e enum:__anon11
  126. IFT_TEXT files.h /^ IFT_OTH, IFT_TEXT, IFT_RES, IFT_C, IFT_H, IFT_PRGM, IFT_FUNC, IFT_XFUNC,$/;" e enum:__anon11
  127. IFT_XFUNC files.h /^ IFT_OTH, IFT_TEXT, IFT_RES, IFT_C, IFT_H, IFT_PRGM, IFT_FUNC, IFT_XFUNC,$/;" e enum:__anon11
  128. IS_OO_HANDLE gtdev-apphdr.h 6;" d
  129. InitSearch dialogs.h /^void InitSearch() {$/;" f
  130. IntVec autoint_fix.h 49;" d
  131. IntVec autoint_fix.h 91;" d
  132. KA_MOD edit.h 592;" d
  133. KA_MOD edit.h 594;" d
  134. KEY_2ND edit.h 553;" d
  135. KEY_APPS edit.h 552;" d
  136. KEY_CATALOG edit.h 551;" d
  137. KEY_DMD edit.h 554;" d
  138. KEY_DMD edit.h 587;" d
  139. KEY_DMD edit.h 589;" d
  140. KEY_DMD edit.h 626;" d
  141. KEY_DMD edit.h 628;" d
  142. KEY_F0 editui.h 157;" d
  143. KEY_HOME edit.h 550;" d
  144. KEY_SHF edit.h 555;" d
  145. KEY_SHF edit.h 588;" d
  146. KEY_SHF edit.h 590;" d
  147. KEY_SHF edit.h 627;" d
  148. KEY_SHF edit.h 629;" d
  149. KEY_STO edit.h 548;" d
  150. KEY_UMINUS edit.h 547;" d
  151. KeyProcess handlers.h /^void KeyProcess(int key,int tmode) {$/;" f
  152. LIMITS_H_ limits.h 3;" d
  153. MAKE_OO_HANDLE gtdev-apphdr.h 4;" d
  154. MAXH editui.h 125;" d
  155. MAX_APPLET_NAME_SIZE gtdev-apphdr.h 60;" d
  156. MAX_BLOCK1 autoint_fix.h 7;" d
  157. MAX_BLOCK2 autoint_fix.h 8;" d
  158. MAX_CURWORD edit.h 13;" d
  159. MAX_MATCH edit.h 362;" d
  160. MAX_OPEN_PCH limits.h 5;" d
  161. MAX_PCHDATA_SIZE limits.h 8;" d
  162. MAX_PROGRESS gtdev-plugins.h 12;" d
  163. MAX_TEXT_LINENUM editui.h 124;" d
  164. MIN_AMS main.c 47;" d file:
  165. MIN_AMS main.c 49;" d file:
  166. MK_TAG gtdev-securecomm.h 23;" d
  167. MK_TAG2 gtdev-securecomm.h 22;" d
  168. MY_ACB gtdev-apphdr.h 111;" d
  169. MY_APP_ID gtdev-apphdr.h 112;" d
  170. MediumDStr display.h /^void xregparm(2,2,1) MediumDStr(int x,int y,char *s) {$/;" f
  171. MediumDStrC display.h /^void xregparm(3,3,1) MediumDStrC(int x,int y,char *s,int w) {$/;" f
  172. MediumDStrCS display.h /^void xregparm(3,3,1) MediumDStrCS(int x,int y,char *s,int w) {$/;" f
  173. MediumDStrS display.h /^void xregparm(3,3,1) MediumDStrS(int x,int y,char *s,int w) {$/;" f
  174. MenuBar display.h /^long MenuBar[5*8]={$/;" v
  175. MenuBar display.h /^long MenuBar[8*8]={$/;" v
  176. MenuContents display.h /^char **MenuContents=0;$/;" v
  177. Msg_Callback_t gtdev-plugins.h /^typedef void CALLBACK (*Msg_Callback_t)(char *message,int err_type,char *func,char *file,int line,int chr);$/;" t
  178. NDEBUG main.c 44;" d file:
  179. NEED_DEBUG_MSG gtdev-plugins.h 22;" d
  180. NEWLINE edit.h 8;" d
  181. NLINES edit.h /^int YMAX=0,NLINES=0;$/;" v
  182. NMENU display.h 618;" d
  183. NMENU display.h 631;" d
  184. NOT_MEMORY display.h 575;" d
  185. NUM_DEFLTTYPE workspace.h 11;" d
  186. ONE_CALC main.c 12;" d file:
  187. OO_APPSTRING gtdev-apphdr.h 115;" d
  188. OO_APP_MAGIC gtdev-apphdr.h 1;" d
  189. OO_Attr gtdev-apphdr.h /^} OO_Attr;$/;" t typeref:struct:__anon13
  190. OO_FIRST_APP_ATTR gtdev-apphdr.h 116;" d
  191. OO_FIRST_APP_STRING gtdev-apphdr.h 114;" d
  192. OO_FIRST_STRING gtdev-apphdr.h 113;" d
  193. OO_Flags gtdev-apphdr.h /^ OO_SEQ=0, OO_KEYED=2} OO_Flags;$/;" t typeref:enum:__anon12
  194. OO_GET_HANDLE gtdev-apphdr.h 5;" d
  195. OO_HANDLE gtdev-apphdr.h 2;" d
  196. OO_Hdr gtdev-apphdr.h /^} OO_Hdr;$/;" t typeref:struct:SFrameHdr
  197. OO_KEYED gtdev-apphdr.h /^ OO_SEQ=0, OO_KEYED=2} OO_Flags;$/;" e enum:__anon12
  198. OO_MethodPtr gtdev-apphdr.h /^typedef void (* const OO_MethodPtr)(void);$/;" t
  199. OO_RO gtdev-apphdr.h /^typedef enum {OO_RW=0, OO_RO=1,$/;" e enum:__anon12
  200. OO_RW gtdev-apphdr.h /^typedef enum {OO_RW=0, OO_RO=1,$/;" e enum:__anon12
  201. OO_SEQ gtdev-apphdr.h /^ OO_SEQ=0, OO_KEYED=2} OO_Flags;$/;" e enum:__anon12
  202. OO_SYSTEM_FRAME gtdev-apphdr.h 3;" d
  203. OR_VAL editui.h 267;" d
  204. OSKeyScan autoint_fix.h 2;" d
  205. Off edit.h /^void Off() {$/;" f
  206. PCHREAD_CB pchutil.h /^typedef char *(*PCHREAD_CB)(char *name,char *args,char *defn,char *proto,char *trueproto,char *param);$/;" t
  207. PEDROM main.c 23;" d file:
  208. PLUGIN_GTBASIC gtdev-plugins.h 1;" d
  209. PLUGIN_GTC gtdev-plugins.h 2;" d
  210. POP edit.h 447;" d
  211. POP editui.h 252;" d
  212. PUSH edit.h 446;" d
  213. PUSH editui.h 251;" d
  214. PU_HANDLER edit.h /^PU_HANDLER (editMsg) {$/;" f
  215. PU_HANDLER editui.h /^PU_HANDLER (catHelp) {$/;" f
  216. PU_HANDLER editui.h /^PU_HANDLER (catMsg) {$/;" f
  217. PU_HANDLER pchutil.h 3;" d
  218. PchUnpack pchutil.h 6;" d
  219. PchUnpackP pchutil.h 7;" d
  220. PluginName gtdev-plugins.h 3;" d
  221. PopScr display.h /^void PopScr() {$/;" f
  222. Port display.h /^void *Port=0;$/;" v
  223. Progr_Callback_t gtdev-plugins.h /^typedef void CALLBACK (*Progr_Callback_t)(char *func,char *file,unsigned int fprogress);$/;" t
  224. PushScr display.h /^void PushScr() {$/;" f
  225. PutLine display.h /^void PutLine(void *src,int y) {$/;" f
  226. RELEASE main.c 18;" d file:
  227. RestoreAutoint autoint_fix.h /^void RestoreAutoint() {$/;" f
  228. SACB gtdev-apphdr.h /^typedef struct SACB$/;" s
  229. SAVE_SCREEN main.c 15;" d file:
  230. SAppExtEntry gtdev-apphdr.h /^typedef struct SAppExtEntry$/;" s
  231. SAppExtension gtdev-apphdr.h /^typedef struct SAppExtension$/;" s
  232. SAppHdr gtdev-apphdr.h /^typedef struct SAppHdr$/;" s
  233. SCROLL util.h /^} SCROLL;$/;" t typeref:struct:__anon20
  234. SDLG_ALL dialogs.h /^enum { SDLG_WW=0x1, SDLG_CS=0x2, SDLG_SA=0x4, SDLG_ALL=0x40, SDLG_REPL=0x80, };$/;" e enum:__anon4
  235. SDLG_BUF_SIZE dialogs.h 39;" d
  236. SDLG_BUF_SIZE display.h 562;" d
  237. SDLG_CS dialogs.h /^enum { SDLG_WW=0x1, SDLG_CS=0x2, SDLG_SA=0x4, SDLG_ALL=0x40, SDLG_REPL=0x80, };$/;" e enum:__anon4
  238. SDLG_LEFT_MARGIN dialogs.h 40;" d
  239. SDLG_NUM_OPTS dialogs.h 41;" d
  240. SDLG_REPL dialogs.h /^enum { SDLG_WW=0x1, SDLG_CS=0x2, SDLG_SA=0x4, SDLG_ALL=0x40, SDLG_REPL=0x80, };$/;" e enum:__anon4
  241. SDLG_SA dialogs.h /^enum { SDLG_WW=0x1, SDLG_CS=0x2, SDLG_SA=0x4, SDLG_ALL=0x40, SDLG_REPL=0x80, };$/;" e enum:__anon4
  242. SDLG_WW dialogs.h /^enum { SDLG_WW=0x1, SDLG_CS=0x2, SDLG_SA=0x4, SDLG_ALL=0x40, SDLG_REPL=0x80, };$/;" e enum:__anon4
  243. SEARCH_FUNC editui.h 349;" d
  244. SECTION_FONT display.h 178;" d
  245. SECTION_FONT display.h 47;" d
  246. SEQ edit.h 522;" d
  247. SFrame gtdev-apphdr.h /^typedef struct SFrame$/;" s
  248. SFrameHdr gtdev-apphdr.h /^typedef struct SFrameHdr$/;" s
  249. STRING_ATTR gtdev-apphdr.h 58;" d
  250. STRING_FRAME gtdev-apphdr.h 35;" d
  251. ST_flagsL main.c /^unsigned int ST_flagsL=0;$/;" v
  252. ST_flagsL main.c 77;" d file:
  253. ScrRectFill2 display.h /^void ScrRectFill2(SCR_RECT *scr,int attr) {$/;" f
  254. ScrollChg util.h 6;" d
  255. ScrollChgWrapOnlyAtEnd util.h /^void ScrollChgWrapOnlyAtEnd(SCROLL *s,int d) {$/;" f
  256. ScrollDn util.h 8;" d
  257. ScrollHasDnArrow util.h 10;" d
  258. ScrollHasUpArrow util.h 9;" d
  259. ScrollInit util.h 5;" d
  260. ScrollUp util.h 7;" d
  261. ScrollUpd util.h /^void ScrollUpd(SCROLL *s) {$/;" f
  262. ScrollUpdNoWrap util.h /^void ScrollUpdNoWrap(SCROLL *s) { \/* same as ScrollUpd, but doesn't wrap *\/$/;" f
  263. ScrollUpdNoWrapDots util.h /^void ScrollUpdNoWrapDots(SCROLL *s) { \/* same as ScrollUpdNoWrap, but leaves 1 blank on the border *\/$/;" f
  264. SearchDlg dialogs.h /^int SearchDlg(int rep) {$/;" f
  265. SimpleDlg editui.h /^int SimpleDlg(char *title,char *text,int attr,int wattr) {$/;" f
  266. SmallDStr display.h /^void xregparm(2,2,1) SmallDStr(int x,int y,char *s) {$/;" f
  267. SmallDStrC display.h /^void xregparm(3,3,1) SmallDStrC(int x,int y,char *s,int w) {$/;" f
  268. SmallDStrCS display.h /^void xregparm(3,3,1) SmallDStrCS(int x,int y,char *s,int w) {$/;" f
  269. SmallDStrS display.h /^void xregparm(3,3,1) SmallDStrS(int x,int y,char *s,int w) {$/;" f
  270. TAB edit.h 21;" d
  271. TBAR_HEIGHT edit.h 181;" d
  272. TBarDisp edit.h /^void TBarDisp() {$/;" f
  273. TITLEBAR main.c 9;" d file:
  274. TI_LONG main.c /^typedef unsigned long TI_LONG;$/;" t file:
  275. TI_SHORT main.c /^typedef unsigned short TI_SHORT;$/;" t file:
  276. TM_DIALOG handlers.h /^ TM_MULTILINE=0x1, TM_DIALOG=0x2,$/;" e enum:__anon19
  277. TM_MULTILINE handlers.h /^ TM_MULTILINE=0x1, TM_DIALOG=0x2,$/;" e enum:__anon19
  278. UPARR display.h 317;" d
  279. USE_TI89 main.c 32;" d file:
  280. USE_TI92PLUS main.c 37;" d file:
  281. USE_V200 main.c 38;" d file:
  282. VariableDChar display.h 444;" d
  283. VariableDCharS display.h 445;" d
  284. VariableDStr display.h /^void xregparm(2,2,1) VariableDStr(int x,int y,char *s) {$/;" f
  285. VariableDStr display.h 440;" d
  286. VariableDStrC display.h /^void xregparm(3,3,1) VariableDStrC(int x,int y,char *s,int w) {$/;" f
  287. VariableDStrC display.h 442;" d
  288. VariableDStrCS display.h /^void xregparm(3,3,1) VariableDStrCS(int x,int y,char *s,int w) {$/;" f
  289. VariableDStrCS display.h 443;" d
  290. VariableDStrS display.h /^void xregparm(3,3,1) VariableDStrS(int x,int y,char *s,int w) {$/;" f
  291. VariableDStrS display.h 441;" d
  292. WFILE workspace.h /^} WFILE;$/;" t typeref:struct:__anon22
  293. WFOLD workspace.h /^} WFOLD;$/;" t typeref:struct:__anon23
  294. WIDTH edit.h 4;" d
  295. WIDTH edit.h 6;" d
  296. WITEM workspace.h /^} WITEM;$/;" t typeref:union:__anon24
  297. WI_FILE workspace.h /^enum { WI_FOLD=0, WI_FILE };$/;" e enum:__anon21
  298. WI_FOLD workspace.h /^enum { WI_FOLD=0, WI_FILE };$/;" e enum:__anon21
  299. WSP workspace.h /^} WSP;$/;" t typeref:struct:__anon25
  300. WSPT_GAME workspace.h /^enum { WSPT_SIMPLE=0, WSPT_GAME=1, WSPT_UTIL=2, WSPT_OTHER=3 };$/;" e enum:__anon26
  301. WSPT_OTHER workspace.h /^enum { WSPT_SIMPLE=0, WSPT_GAME=1, WSPT_UTIL=2, WSPT_OTHER=3 };$/;" e enum:__anon26
  302. WSPT_SIMPLE workspace.h /^enum { WSPT_SIMPLE=0, WSPT_GAME=1, WSPT_UTIL=2, WSPT_OTHER=3 };$/;" e enum:__anon26
  303. WSPT_UTIL workspace.h /^enum { WSPT_SIMPLE=0, WSPT_GAME=1, WSPT_UTIL=2, WSPT_OTHER=3 };$/;" e enum:__anon26
  304. WSP_MAX_ITEMS workspace.h 40;" d
  305. W_ALLOW_F1 display.h /^ W_ALLOW_F1=0x10<<1, W_ALLOW_F2=0x10<<2, W_ALLOW_F3=0x10<<3, W_ALLOW_F4=0x10<<4, W_ALLOW_F5=0x10<<5,$/;" e enum:__anon6
  306. W_ALLOW_F2 display.h /^ W_ALLOW_F1=0x10<<1, W_ALLOW_F2=0x10<<2, W_ALLOW_F3=0x10<<3, W_ALLOW_F4=0x10<<4, W_ALLOW_F5=0x10<<5,$/;" e enum:__anon6
  307. W_ALLOW_F3 display.h /^ W_ALLOW_F1=0x10<<1, W_ALLOW_F2=0x10<<2, W_ALLOW_F3=0x10<<3, W_ALLOW_F4=0x10<<4, W_ALLOW_F5=0x10<<5,$/;" e enum:__anon6
  308. W_ALLOW_F4 display.h /^ W_ALLOW_F1=0x10<<1, W_ALLOW_F2=0x10<<2, W_ALLOW_F3=0x10<<3, W_ALLOW_F4=0x10<<4, W_ALLOW_F5=0x10<<5,$/;" e enum:__anon6
  309. W_ALLOW_F5 display.h /^ W_ALLOW_F1=0x10<<1, W_ALLOW_F2=0x10<<2, W_ALLOW_F3=0x10<<3, W_ALLOW_F4=0x10<<4, W_ALLOW_F5=0x10<<5,$/;" e enum:__anon6
  310. W_NOKEY display.h /^ W_NOKEY=0x10,$/;" e enum:__anon6
  311. W_NORMAL display.h /^ W_NORMAL=0,$/;" e enum:__anon6
  312. WaitLoop editui.h /^int WaitLoop(int *blink) {$/;" f
  313. WspAddFile workspace.h /^int WspAddFile(char *file,char *dfold) {$/;" f
  314. WspAddFold workspace.h /^int WspAddFold(char *fold) {$/;" f
  315. WspAddItem workspace.h /^WITEM *WspAddItem(int i) {$/;" f
  316. WspFindItem workspace.h /^int WspFindItem(char *wi_name,int wi_type,int i) {$/;" f
  317. WspFindNearItem workspace.h /^int WspFindNearItem(char *wi_name,int wi_type,int i) {$/;" f
  318. WspNew workspace.h /^void WspNew() {$/;" f
  319. WspPromptSave workspace.h /^void WspPromptSave() {$/;" f
  320. WspSave workspace.h /^void WspSave() {$/;" f
  321. WspShowBrowser workspace.h /^void WspShowBrowser() {$/;" f
  322. X main.c 33;" d file:
  323. X main.c 39;" d file:
  324. XPLCB_BREAK axplore.h /^enum { XPLCB_CONT=0, XPLCB_QUIT=-1, XPLCB_BREAK=1, XPLCB_OPENDIR=2 };$/;" e enum:__anon3
  325. XPLCB_CONT axplore.h /^enum { XPLCB_CONT=0, XPLCB_QUIT=-1, XPLCB_BREAK=1, XPLCB_OPENDIR=2 };$/;" e enum:__anon3
  326. XPLCB_OPENDIR axplore.h /^enum { XPLCB_CONT=0, XPLCB_QUIT=-1, XPLCB_BREAK=1, XPLCB_OPENDIR=2 };$/;" e enum:__anon3
  327. XPLCB_QUIT axplore.h /^enum { XPLCB_CONT=0, XPLCB_QUIT=-1, XPLCB_BREAK=1, XPLCB_OPENDIR=2 };$/;" e enum:__anon3
  328. XP_C axplore.h /^} XP_C;$/;" t typeref:struct:__anon2
  329. XP_H axplore.h 71;" d
  330. XP_N axplore.h 70;" d
  331. XP_S axplore.h /^} XP_S;$/;" t typeref:struct:__anon1
  332. XP_X1 axplore.h 68;" d
  333. XP_X2 axplore.h 69;" d
  334. XpDisp axplore.h /^void XpDisp(XP_C *xc,int y) {$/;" f
  335. XpFatSub axplore.h /^long XpFatSub(XP_S *xs,char *acc,char *cfold) {$/;" f
  336. XpLoadFat axplore.h /^XP_C *XpLoadFat(char *cfold) {$/;" f
  337. XpLoadItems files.h /^XP_C *XpLoadItems(int filter) {$/;" f
  338. XpLoadList axplore.h /^XP_C *XpLoadList(char **list,int n) {$/;" f
  339. XpLoop axplore.h /^XP_S *XpLoop(XP_C *xc,int y,XPLOOP_CB callback,void *ctx) {$/;" f
  340. XpMove axplore.h /^int XpMove(XP_C *xc,int n) {$/;" f
  341. XpNeg axplore.h /^void XpNeg(XP_C *xc) {$/;" f
  342. XpSprite axplore.h /^char XpSprite[8*5]={$/;" v
  343. Y main.c 34;" d file:
  344. Y main.c 40;" d file:
  345. YMAX edit.h /^int YMAX=0,NLINES=0;$/;" v
  346. YesNoDlg editui.h /^int YesNoDlg(char *title,char *text) {$/;" f
  347. _89_92 main.c 92;" d file:
  348. _89_92 main.c 95;" d file:
  349. __UNAVAILABLE_CHAR__ font.h 1;" d
  350. _main main.c /^void _main(void) {$/;" f
  351. _ti89 main.c /^char _ti89[0],_ti92plus[0];$/;" v
  352. _ti92plus main.c /^char _ti89[0],_ti92plus[0];$/;" v
  353. ac_disp edit.h /^int ac_on=0,ac_disp=0;$/;" v
  354. ac_display edit.h /^void ac_display(int has_sel) {$/;" f
  355. ac_do edit.h /^void ac_do() {$/;" f
  356. ac_on edit.h /^int ac_on=0,ac_disp=0;$/;" v
  357. ac_s edit.h /^SCROLL ac_s={0,0,0,0};$/;" v
  358. add_all_pch edit.h /^void add_all_pch() {$/;" f
  359. add_pch edit.h /^int add_pch(char *name) {$/;" f
  360. appData gtdev-apphdr.h /^ pFrame appData;$/;" m struct:SACB
  361. appHeader gtdev-apphdr.h /^ AppHdr const *appHeader;$/;" m struct:SACB
  362. attr gtdev-apphdr.h /^ } attr;$/;" m struct:SFrame typeref:union:SFrame::__anon14
  363. autoint_fix autoint_fix.h /^void *autoint_fix=0,*autoint_previous=0;$/;" v
  364. autoint_fix_block autoint_fix.h /^int autoint_fix_block[(MAX_BLOCK1+MAX_BLOCK2)\/2];$/;" v
  365. autoint_previous autoint_fix.h /^void *autoint_fix=0,*autoint_previous=0;$/;" v
  366. boxDisp dialogs.h /^void boxDisp(EDIT_LINE *e,$/;" f
  367. boxProcess dialogs.h /^void boxProcess(EDIT_LINE *e,int key) {$/;" f
  368. buf editui.h /^ char *buf;$/;" m struct:__anon9
  369. cBKD edit.h /^int cKID=200,cBKD=35;$/;" v
  370. cKID edit.h /^int cKID=200,cBKD=35;$/;" v
  371. calc main.c /^int calc=0;$/;" v
  372. cat_list editui.h /^void cat_list(SCROLL *s,char **match,int x,int w,int y) {$/;" f
  373. cat_prep editui.h /^int cat_prep(int MM,char **match,char **mdata) {$/;" f
  374. cat_retbuf editui.h /^char cat_retbuf[80];$/;" v
  375. catmatch edit.h /^char **catmatch=0; int catnum=0;$/;" v
  376. catnum edit.h /^char **catmatch=0; int catnum=0;$/;" v
  377. certhdr gtdev-apphdr.h /^ BYTE const *certhdr;$/;" m struct:SACB
  378. char_height display.h /^int char_height = 0;$/;" v
  379. char_height display.h 7;" d
  380. char_width display.h /^int char_width = 0;$/;" v
  381. char_width display.h 5;" d
  382. charmap edit.h /^char charmap[]=$/;" v
  383. checkProcess dialogs.h /^int checkProcess(int v,int a,int key) {$/;" f
  384. chk_curword edit.h /^int chk_curword(char *curword,unsigned int pos,int store_cwpos) {$/;" f
  385. close_pch edit.h /^void close_pch(void) {$/;" f
  386. codeOffset gtdev-apphdr.h /^ ULONG codeOffset;$/;" m struct:SAppHdr
  387. count gtdev-apphdr.h /^ ULONG count;$/;" m struct:SFrameHdr
  388. cpos edit.h /^unsigned int spos=0,cpos=0,curpos=0,selpos=0,sel1=0,sel2=0,size=0,hsize=0\/*,is_nl=0*\/;$/;" v
  389. cs edit.h 369;" d
  390. cs edit.h 377;" d
  391. curFileExt edit.h /^char curFileName[8+1],curFileExt[4+1],curFileFullName[17+1];$/;" v
  392. curFileFullName edit.h /^char curFileName[8+1],curFileExt[4+1],curFileFullName[17+1];$/;" v
  393. curFileName edit.h /^char curFileName[8+1],curFileExt[4+1],curFileFullName[17+1];$/;" v
  394. curFileNum edit.h /^int numOpenFiles=0,curFileNum=0;$/;" v
  395. curpos edit.h /^unsigned int spos=0,cpos=0,curpos=0,selpos=0,sel1=0,sel2=0,size=0,hsize=0\/*,is_nl=0*\/;$/;" v
  396. curword edit.h /^char *msg=0,curword[MAX_CURWORD+1]={0},parword[MAX_CURWORD+1]={0};$/;" v
  397. cwpos edit.h /^unsigned int par1=0,par2=0,cwpos=0;$/;" v
  398. d axplore.h /^ void *d;$/;" m struct:__anon1
  399. d workspace.h /^ WFOLD d;$/;" m union:__anon24
  400. dHandle textedit.h /^int dHandle(int key) {$/;" f
  401. dataLen gtdev-apphdr.h /^ ULONG dataLen;$/;" m struct:SAppHdr
  402. debug_msg editui.h /^void debug_msg(char *s) {$/;" f
  403. deflttype workspace.h /^ int deflttype[NUM_DEFLTTYPE];$/;" m struct:__anon23
  404. delEditLine editui.h /^int delEditLine(EDIT_LINE *e,int n) {$/;" f
  405. dialog display.h /^void dialog(char *title,int width,int height,int attr,WIN_RECT *w) {$/;" f
  406. disp_box display.h /^int disp_box(int x1,int x2,int height,int attr,WIN_RECT *win) {$/;" f
  407. display edit.h /^void display(int z) {$/;" f
  408. down edit.h /^unsigned int down(unsigned int pos,int xd) {$/;" f
  409. drawCheckBox editui.h /^void drawCheckBox(char *s,int v,int f,int x,int y,int inactive) {$/;" f
  410. drawEditLine editui.h /^void drawEditLine(EDIT_LINE *e,int inactive,int blink) {$/;" f
  411. dual_memmove4_plus4 editui.h /^void __attribute__((__regparm__(3))) dual_memmove4_plus4(long *p,long *r,int n) {$/;" f
  412. editor_exit_requested edit.h /^int editor_exit_requested=0;$/;" v
  413. et_isinternal gtdev-plugins.h 10;" d
  414. even edit.h /^int even(unsigned int pos) {$/;" f
  415. expanded workspace.h /^ int expanded;$/;" m struct:__anon23
  416. extension gtdev-apphdr.h /^ APP_EXT_FUNC extension;$/;" m struct:SAppExtEntry
  417. f workspace.h /^ WFILE f;$/;" m union:__anon24
  418. first gtdev-apphdr.h /^ ULONG first;$/;" m struct:SFrameHdr
  419. flags editui.h /^int flags(char *p) {$/;" f
  420. flags gtdev-apphdr.h /^ OO_Flags flags;$/;" m struct:SFrameHdr
  421. flags gtdev-apphdr.h /^ USHORT flags;$/;" m struct:SACB
  422. flags gtdev-apphdr.h /^ USHORT flags;$/;" m struct:SAppHdr
  423. flags gtdev-apphdr.h /^ unsigned short flags;$/;" m struct:SAppExtEntry
  424. foldname workspace.h /^ char foldname[8+1];$/;" m struct:__anon25
  425. font display.h /^const unsigned short SECTION_FONT font[]={$/;" v
  426. getEditLinePos editui.h 65;" d
  427. get_keylist edit.h /^int *get_keylist() {$/;" f
  428. get_zone edit.h /^int get_zone(unsigned int pos) {$/;" f
  429. go_down edit.h /^unsigned int go_down() {$/;" f
  430. h util.h /^ int sel,scr,h,n;$/;" m struct:__anon20
  431. handler textedit.h /^HANDLER handler=0;$/;" v
  432. hd edit.h /^char *tptr=0; HANDLE hd=0;$/;" v
  433. hdx editor.h 29;" d
  434. head gtdev-apphdr.h /^ OO_Hdr head;$/;" m struct:SFrame
  435. help gtdev-apphdr.h /^ unsigned long help;$/;" m struct:SAppExtension
  436. hsize edit.h /^unsigned int spos=0,cpos=0,curpos=0,selpos=0,sel1=0,sel2=0,size=0,hsize=0\/*,is_nl=0*\/;$/;" v
  437. i axplore.h /^ int i,t;$/;" m struct:__anon1
  438. icons display.h /^char icons[]={$/;" v
  439. identity editui.h 369;" d
  440. iname workspace.h /^ char iname[8+1];$/;" m struct:__anon25
  441. index gtdev-apphdr.h /^ unsigned short index;$/;" m struct:SAppExtension
  442. initDataLen gtdev-apphdr.h /^ ULONG initDataLen;$/;" m struct:SAppHdr
  443. initDataOffset gtdev-apphdr.h /^ ULONG initDataOffset;$/;" m struct:SAppHdr
  444. init_calc main.c /^void init_calc() {$/;" f
  445. insEditLine editui.h /^int insEditLine(EDIT_LINE *e,int n) {$/;" f
  446. insert edit.h /^void insert(int n) {$/;" f
  447. is_c_idch dialogs.h 104;" d
  448. is_nl edit.h 20;" d
  449. isidch edit.h 288;" d
  450. isnum edit.h 291;" d
  451. items workspace.h /^ WITEM items[0];$/;" m struct:__anon25
  452. kbdq main.c /^void *kbdq=0;$/;" v
  453. key gtdev-apphdr.h /^ ULONG key;$/;" m struct:__anon13
  454. key89 edit.h /^int key89[]={$/;" v
  455. key92 edit.h /^int key92[]={$/;" v
  456. last_act edit.h /^int last_act=0;$/;" v
  457. letter_comp editui.h 367;" d
  458. linebegin edit.h /^unsigned int __attribute__((__regparm__(1))) linebegin(unsigned int pos) {$/;" f
  459. loaded workspace.h /^ int loaded;$/;" m struct:__anon25
  460. magic gtdev-apphdr.h /^ ULONG magic;$/;" m struct:SAppHdr
  461. match edit.h /^char *match[MAX_MATCH]={0};$/;" v
  462. memmove4_plus4 editui.h /^void __attribute__((__regparm__(2))) memmove4_plus4(long *p,int n) {$/;" f
  463. memquit main.c /^void memquit() {$/;" f
  464. message_cb plugins.h /^void CALLBACK message_cb(char *message,int err_type,char *func,char *file,int line,int chr) {$/;" f
  465. msel axplore.h /^ int sh,sel,msel;$/;" m struct:__anon2
  466. msg edit.h /^char *msg=0,curword[MAX_CURWORD+1]={0},parword[MAX_CURWORD+1]={0};$/;" v
  467. msgBuf edit.h /^char msgBuf[58+1]; \/* max string length on 92\/V200 is 240\/4-2=58 *\/$/;" v
  468. myID gtdev-apphdr.h /^ AppID myID;$/;" m struct:SACB
  469. n util.h /^ int sel,scr,h,n;$/;" m struct:__anon20
  470. name gtdev-apphdr.h /^ UCHAR name[MAX_APPLET_NAME_SIZE];$/;" m struct:SAppHdr
  471. name gtdev-apphdr.h /^ unsigned long name;$/;" m struct:SAppExtension
  472. name workspace.h /^ FILENAME name;$/;" m struct:__anon22
  473. need_go_down edit.h /^int need_go_down() {$/;" f
  474. newEditLine editui.h /^void newEditLine(EDIT_LINE *e,char *buf,int sz,int x0,int x1,int y) {$/;" f
  475. next gtdev-apphdr.h /^ AppID next;$/;" m struct:SACB
  476. nitems workspace.h /^ int nitems;$/;" m struct:__anon25
  477. nmatch edit.h /^int nmatch=0;$/;" v
  478. nonwhite edit.h /^char * __attribute__((__regparm__(1))) nonwhite(char *p) {$/;" f
  479. numOpenFiles edit.h /^int numOpenFiles=0,curFileNum=0;$/;" v
  480. onopen_gotofile editor.h /^char *onopen_gotofile=NULL;$/;" v
  481. onopen_gotoline editor.h /^int onopen_gotoline=-1;$/;" v
  482. open workspace.h /^ int open;$/;" m struct:__anon22
  483. openhd workspace.h /^ HANDLE openhd;$/;" m struct:__anon22
  484. optlen gtdev-apphdr.h /^ ULONG optlen;$/;" m struct:SAppHdr
  485. pFrame gtdev-apphdr.h /^typedef ULONG pFrame;$/;" t
  486. pFrame gtdev-apphdr.h 14;" d
  487. pad workspace.h /^ char pad[32];$/;" m union:__anon24
  488. pair edit.h 557;" d
  489. pair edit.h 559;" d
  490. pair edit.h 560;" d
  491. pair edit.h 562;" d
  492. pair edit.h 597;" d
  493. pair edit.h 599;" d
  494. pair edit.h 600;" d
  495. pair edit.h 602;" d
  496. pair gtdev-apphdr.h /^ OO_Attr pair[65000];$/;" m union:SFrame::__anon14
  497. par1 edit.h /^unsigned int par1=0,par2=0,cwpos=0;$/;" v
  498. par2 edit.h /^unsigned int par1=0,par2=0,cwpos=0;$/;" v
  499. parent gtdev-apphdr.h /^ pFrame parent;$/;" m struct:SFrameHdr
  500. parword edit.h /^char *msg=0,curword[MAX_CURWORD+1]={0},parword[MAX_CURWORD+1]={0};$/;" v
  501. pch_help edit.h /^ char *pch_help(char *p,char *p0) {$/;" f
  502. pch_read pchutil.h /^char *pch_read(char *p,char *p0,PCHREAD_CB cb,char *cbparam) {$/;" f
  503. pch_search edit.h /^char *pch_search(char *curword,int ac_test,int MM,char **match) { \/* match may be NULL if ac_test is 0 *\/$/;" f
  504. pch_unpack editui.h /^ char *pch_unpack(char *p,char *p0) {$/;" f
  505. pch_unpack2 editui.h /^ char *pch_unpack2(char *p,char *p0) {$/;" f
  506. pchdata edit.h /^char *pchdata[MAX_OPEN_PCH];$/;" v
  507. pchfile edit.h /^FILE *pchfile[MAX_OPEN_PCH];$/;" v
  508. pchhead edit.h 323;" d
  509. pchhead edit.h 324;" d
  510. pchnum edit.h /^int pchnum = 0;$/;" v
  511. physical_to_virtual display.h /^int physical_to_virtual(int px) {$/;" f
  512. physical_to_virtual display.h 8;" d
  513. prettyname workspace.h /^ char prettyname[32];$/;" m struct:__anon25
  514. prev gtdev-apphdr.h /^ AppID prev;$/;" m struct:SACB
  515. progr_cb plugins.h /^void CALLBACK progr_cb(char *func,char *file,unsigned int fprogress) {$/;" f
  516. prototype gtdev-apphdr.h /^ pFrame prototype;$/;" m struct:SFrameHdr
  517. publicstorage gtdev-apphdr.h /^ ULONG publicstorage;$/;" m struct:SACB
  518. q89 main.c 35;" d file:
  519. q89 main.c 41;" d file:
  520. repeated editui.h /^int repeated=0; \/\/ was the last key repeated?$/;" v
  521. s axplore.h /^ XP_S *s;$/;" m struct:__anon2
  522. sUnpack sunpack.c /^char *sUnpack(char *in,char *out,char *dic) {$/;" f
  523. sUnpackBuf main.c /^char sUnpackBuf[500];$/;" v
  524. scr editui.h /^ SCROLL scr;$/;" m struct:__anon9
  525. scr util.h /^ int sel,scr,h,n;$/;" m struct:__anon20
  526. scr_sptr display.h /^LCD_BUFFER *scr_stk[8],**scr_sptr=0;$/;" v
  527. scr_stk display.h /^LCD_BUFFER *scr_stk[8],**scr_sptr=0;$/;" v
  528. search edit.h 454;" d
  529. search edit.h 494;" d
  530. search_attr dialogs.h /^int search_attr=0;$/;" v
  531. search_attr workspace.h /^ int search_attr;$/;" m struct:__anon25
  532. search_coord dialogs.h /^int search_coord=0;$/;" v
  533. sel axplore.h /^ int sh,sel,msel;$/;" m struct:__anon2
  534. sel util.h /^ int sel,scr,h,n;$/;" m struct:__anon20
  535. sel1 edit.h /^unsigned int spos=0,cpos=0,curpos=0,selpos=0,sel1=0,sel2=0,size=0,hsize=0\/*,is_nl=0*\/;$/;" v
  536. sel2 edit.h /^unsigned int spos=0,cpos=0,curpos=0,selpos=0,sel1=0,sel2=0,size=0,hsize=0\/*,is_nl=0*\/;$/;" v
  537. sel_del edit.h /^void sel_del() {$/;" f
  538. selpos edit.h /^unsigned int spos=0,cpos=0,curpos=0,selpos=0,sel1=0,sel2=0,size=0,hsize=0\/*,is_nl=0*\/;$/;" v
  539. set_font display.h /^void set_font(int font) {$/;" f
  540. sh axplore.h /^ int sh,sel,msel;$/;" m struct:__anon2
  541. size edit.h /^unsigned int spos=0,cpos=0,curpos=0,selpos=0,sel1=0,sel2=0,size=0,hsize=0\/*,is_nl=0*\/;$/;" v
  542. small_font display.h /^int small_font = -1;$/;" v
  543. spos edit.h /^unsigned int spos=0,cpos=0,curpos=0,selpos=0,sel1=0,sel2=0,size=0,hsize=0\/*,is_nl=0*\/;$/;" v
  544. ssort edit.h /^void ssort(char **match,int n) {$/;" f
  545. strcmpindiff editui.h /^int strcmpindiff(char *a,char *b) {$/;" f
  546. strtolower util.h /^void strtolower(char *s) {$/;" f
  547. sz editui.h /^ int sz;$/;" m struct:__anon9
  548. t axplore.h /^ int i,t;$/;" m struct:__anon1
  549. tHandle textedit.h /^int tHandle(int key) {$/;" f
  550. tab_chk edit.h /^int tab_chk(unsigned int pos) {$/;" f
  551. tab_chk_l edit.h 23;" d
  552. tab_chk_l edit.h 52;" d
  553. tab_chk_r edit.h 24;" d
  554. tab_chk_r edit.h 53;" d
  555. temp_wsp workspace.h /^char temp_wsp[sizeof(WSP)+WSP_MAX_ITEMS*sizeof(WITEM)];$/;" v
  556. text_enclose edit.h /^void text_enclose(char *l,char *r) {$/;" f
  557. text_find dialogs.h /^char text_find[SDLG_BUF_SIZE],text_repl[SDLG_BUF_SIZE];$/;" v
  558. text_repl dialogs.h /^char text_find[SDLG_BUF_SIZE],text_repl[SDLG_BUF_SIZE];$/;" v
  559. title workspace.h /^ char title[24];$/;" m struct:__anon23
  560. toindiff editui.h 357;" d
  561. tptr edit.h /^char *tptr=0; HANDLE hd=0;$/;" v
  562. type workspace.h /^ int type; \/\/ =WI_FILE$/;" m struct:__anon22
  563. type workspace.h /^ int type; \/\/ =WI_FOLD$/;" m struct:__anon23
  564. type workspace.h /^ int type;$/;" m struct:__anon25
  565. type workspace.h /^ int type;$/;" m union:__anon24
  566. up edit.h /^unsigned int up(unsigned int pos,int xd) {$/;" f
  567. updEditLine editui.h /^void updEditLine(EDIT_LINE *e) { \/* to be called when buffer content changes *\/$/;" f
  568. valid edit.h 160;" d
  569. value gtdev-apphdr.h /^ void *value[65000];$/;" m union:SFrame::__anon14
  570. value gtdev-apphdr.h /^ void *value;$/;" m struct:__anon13
  571. view_cursor edit.h /^void view_cursor() {$/;" f
  572. virtual_char_width display.h /^int virtual_char_width = 0;$/;" v
  573. virtual_char_width display.h 6;" d
  574. virtual_to_physical display.h /^int virtual_to_physical(int vx) {$/;" f
  575. virtual_to_physical display.h 9;" d
  576. w editui.h /^ int x0,y,w;$/;" m struct:__anon9
  577. whitespace edit.h /^int whitespace(unsigned int pos,unsigned int maxpos) {$/;" f
  578. win editui.h /^ WIN_RECT win;$/;" m struct:__anon9
  579. write_until pchutil.h /^char *write_until(char *d,char **s,char c) {$/;" f
  580. wsp workspace.h /^WSP *wsp=0;$/;" v
  581. wzChoice dialogs.h /^int wzChoice(char *prompt,char **choice,int choicen,int *dest) {$/;" f
  582. wzChoiceDeflt dialogs.h /^int wzChoiceDeflt(char *prompt,char **choice,int choicen,int *dest,int v) {$/;" f
  583. wzDone dialogs.h /^void wzDone(char *text) {$/;" f
  584. wzErr dialogs.h 233;" d
  585. wzList dialogs.h 232;" d
  586. wzStart dialogs.h /^void wzStart(char *title,char *numSteps) {$/;" f
  587. wzStep dialogs.h 154;" d
  588. wzStepPtr dialogs.h /^char *wzStepPtr=0;$/;" v
  589. wzSuccess dialogs.h /^int wzSuccess=0;$/;" v
  590. wzText dialogs.h /^int wzText(char *prompt,char *dest,int n) {$/;" f
  591. wzTextClr dialogs.h /^int wzTextClr(char *prompt,char *dest,int n) {$/;" f
  592. wzTitle dialogs.h /^char wzTitle[40];$/;" v
  593. x0 editui.h /^ int x0,y,w;$/;" m struct:__anon9
  594. xcur edit.h /^int xcur=0\/*,ycur=0*\/;$/;" v
  595. xps_sel axplore.h 137;" d
  596. xregparm display.h 39;" d
  597. xregparm display.h 44;" d
  598. y editui.h /^ int x0,y,w;$/;" m struct:__anon9
  599. ycur display.h /^int ycur=0;$/;" v
  600. zeros gtdev-apphdr.h /^ BYTE zeros[24];$/;" m struct:SAppHdr