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  10. <div class='c0'>
  11. <h1>Building GTC</h1>
  12. <p>If you use Windows or TI calculators you don't need to build GTC yourself as
  13. there are already precompiled versions available.</p>
  14. <p>If you use Unix-like operating systems (Linux, Mac OS X...) you will have to
  15. follow these instructions to build GTC yourself.</p>
  16. <div class='toc'><div class='toctop'><div class='tocbot'><div class='toc-content'>
  17. <b>Contents:</b><ul>
  18. <li><a href='#Building.the.binaries'>Building the binaries</a></li>
  19. <li><a href='#Rebuilding.a.modified.GTC'>Rebuilding a modified GTC</a></li>
  20. <li><a href='#Notes.for.developers'>Notes for developers</a></li>
  21. </ul>
  22. </div></div></div></div>
  23. <div class='c1'>
  24. <hr class='hr1' /><h1 class='heading'><a name='Building.the.binaries'></a>Building the binaries</h1><div class='c1in'><hr class='hr1in' />
  25. <p>You should need no special package apart from GNU make and a C/C++ compiler to
  26. build GTC. On Windows you will need Cygwin.</p>
  27. <p>Just type</p>
  28. <p><code>./configure &amp;&amp; make &amp;&amp; sudo make install</code></p>
  29. <p>(replace<span class='widespace'>&#32;</span><code>make</code><span class='widespace'>&#32;</span>with<span class='widespace'>&#32;</span><code>make -j</code><span class='widespace'>&#32;</span>to take advantage of multiprocessor systems).</p>
  30. <p>By default GTC will be installed in<span class='widespace'>&#32;</span><code>/usr/local</code>. If you want to install it in
  31. a different directory (for example if you don't have administrator rights), use
  32. the following command:</p>
  33. <p><code>./configure --prefix $HOME/my_directory &amp;&amp; make install</code></p>
  34. </div></div>
  35. <div class='c1'>
  36. <hr class='hr1' /><h1 class='heading'><a name='Rebuilding.a.modified.GTC'></a>Rebuilding a modified GTC</h1><div class='c1in'><hr class='hr1in' />
  37. <p>The above instructions are designed to only recompile platform-dependent files
  38. and as such have minimal dependencies.</p>
  39. <p>If you want to modify precompiled data such as the precompiled headers you will
  40. need extra packages like Perl and possibly Ruby.</p>
  41. </div></div>
  42. <div class='c1'>
  43. <hr class='hr1' /><h1 class='heading'><a name='Notes.for.developers'></a>Notes for developers</h1><div class='c1in'><hr class='hr1in' />
  44. <p>The Makefiles follow these conventions:</p>
  45. <ul><li><span class='widespace'>&#32;</span><code>make clean</code><span class='widespace'>&#32;</span>cleans up intermediary files, but not final files.
  46. </li><li><span class='widespace'>&#32;</span><code>make distclean</code><span class='widespace'>&#32;</span>cleans up intermediary files and any platform-dependent
  47. files.
  48. </li><li><span class='widespace'>&#32;</span><code>make scratchclean</code><span class='widespace'>&#32;</span>cleans up everything that can be rebuilt. Note: use
  49. with care, as if you don't have the right tools installed you are not going
  50. to be able to rebuild GTC.
  51. </li></ul>
  52. <p>All Makefiles are designed to be safely used with parallel compilation.
  53. </div></div></p></div>
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