SUBSYSTEMS = tools bin h pch gtc ti68k INSTALLABLE_SUBSYSTEMS = h pch gtc all: $(addprefix all-,$(SUBSYSTEMS)) @echo 1>&2 @echo 1>&2 '-- Compilation successful!' @echo 1>&2 ' You may use the calculator binaries now (e.g. for the TI-89 in ti68k/bin-89).' @echo 1>&2 ' Or if you want to go ahead and install the cross-compiler, just type "make install".' @echo 1>&2 install: $(addprefix all-,$(SUBSYSTEMS)) $(addprefix install-,$(INSTALLABLE_SUBSYSTEMS)) @echo 1>&2 @echo 1>&2 '-- Cross-compiler install successful!' @echo 1>&2 ' You should now be able to compile by typing "gtc myprogram.c".' @echo 1>&2 ' Remember that the calculator binaries are available, e.g. for the TI-89 in ti68k/bin-89.' @echo 1>&2 clean: $(addprefix clean-,$(SUBSYSTEMS)) distclean: $(addprefix distclean-,$(SUBSYSTEMS)) scratchclean: $(addprefix scratchclean-,$(SUBSYSTEMS)) distclean scratchclean: $(RM) all-bin: all-tools all-h: all-bin all-pch: all-bin all-gtc: all-bin all-ti68k: all-bin all-h all-pch $(addprefix install-,$(INSTALLABLE_SUBSYSTEMS)): $(addprefix all-,$(INSTALLABLE_SUBSYSTEMS)) all-%: $(MAKE) -C $(patsubst all-%,%,$@) all install-%: $(MAKE) -C $(patsubst install-%,%,$@) install clean-%: $(MAKE) -C $(patsubst clean-%,%,$@) clean distclean-%: $(MAKE) -C $(patsubst distclean-%,%,$@) distclean scratchclean-%: $(MAKE) -C $(patsubst scratchclean-%,%,$@) scratchclean