/***************************************************************************** * dcc project Universal Decompilation Module * This is supposedly a machine independant and language independant module * that just plays with abstract cfg's and intervals and such like. * (C) Cristina Cifuentes ****************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include "dcc.h" static void displayCFG(Function * pProc); static void displayDfs(BB * pBB); /**************************************************************************** * udm ****************************************************************************/ void Function::buildCFG() { if(flg & PROC_ISLIB) return; // Ignore library functions createCFG(); if (option.VeryVerbose) displayCFG(); compressCFG(); // Remove redundancies and add in-edge information if (option.asm2) disassem(2, this); // Print 2nd pass assembler listing /* Idiom analysis and propagation of long type */ lowLevelAnalysis(); /* Generate HIGH_LEVEL icodes whenever possible */ highLevelGen(); } void Function::controlFlowAnalysis() { if (flg & PROC_ISLIB) return; /* Ignore library functions */ derSeq *derivedG=0; /* Make cfg reducible and build derived sequences */ derivedG=checkReducibility(); if (option.VeryVerbose) derivedG->display(); /* Structure the graph */ structure(derivedG); /* Check for compound conditions */ compoundCond (); if (option.verbose) { printf("\nDepth first traversal - Proc %s\n", name.c_str()); m_cfg.front()->displayDfs(); } /* Free storage occupied by this procedure */ freeDerivedSeq(*derivedG); } void udm(void) { /* Build the control flow graph, find idioms, and convert low-level * icodes to high-level ones */ for (auto iter = pProcList.rbegin(); iter!=pProcList.rend(); ++iter) { iter->buildCFG(); } /* Data flow analysis - eliminate condition codes, extraneous registers * and intermediate instructions. Find expressions by forward * substitution algorithm */ std::bitset<32> live_regs; pProcList.front().dataFlow (live_regs); /* Control flow analysis - structuring algorithm */ for (auto iter = pProcList.rbegin(); iter!=pProcList.rend(); ++iter) { iter->controlFlowAnalysis(); } } /**************************************************************************** * displayCFG - Displays the Basic Block list ***************************************************************************/ void Function::displayCFG() { printf("\nBasic Block List - Proc %s", name.c_str()); for (BB *pBB : m_cfg) { pBB->display(); } }