/***************************************************************************** * dcc project scanner module * Implements a simple state driven scanner to convert 8086 machine code into * I-code * (C) Cristina Cifuentes, Jeff Ledermann ****************************************************************************/ #include "scanner.h" #include "msvc_fixes.h" #include "dcc.h" #include "project.h" #include #include #include /* Parser flags */ #define TO_REG 0x000100 /* rm is source */ #define S_EXT 0x000200 /* sign extend */ #define OP386 0x000400 /* 386 op-code */ #define NSP 0x000800 /* NOT_HLL if SP is src or dst */ // defined in Enums.h #define ICODEMASK 0xFF00FF /* Masks off parser flags */ static void rm(int i); static void modrm(int i); static void segrm(int i); static void data1(int i); static void data2(int i); static void regop(int i); static void segop(int i); static void strop(int i); static void escop(int i); static void axImp(int i); static void alImp(int i); static void axSrcIm(int i); static void memImp(int i); static void memReg0(int i); static void memOnly(int i); static void dispM(int i); static void dispS(int i); static void dispN(int i); static void dispF(int i); static void prefix(int i); static void immed(int i); static void shift(int i); static void arith(int i); static void trans(int i); static void const1(int i); static void const3(int i); static void none1(int i); static void none2(int i); static void checkInt(int i); #define iZERO (llIcode)0 // For neatness #define IC llIcode static struct { void (*state1)(int); void (*state2)(int); uint32_t flg; llIcode opcode; } stateTable[] = { { modrm, none2, B , iADD }, /* 00 */ { modrm, none2, 0 , iADD }, /* 01 */ { modrm, none2, TO_REG | B , iADD }, /* 02 */ { modrm, none2, TO_REG , iADD }, /* 03 */ { data1, axImp, B , iADD }, /* 04 */ { data2, axImp, 0 , iADD }, /* 05 */ { segop, none2, NO_SRC , iPUSH }, /* 06 */ { segop, none2, NO_SRC , iPOP }, /* 07 */ { modrm, none2, B , iOR }, /* 08 */ { modrm, none2, NSP , iOR }, /* 09 */ { modrm, none2, TO_REG | B , iOR }, /* 0A */ { modrm, none2, TO_REG | NSP , iOR }, /* 0B */ { data1, axImp, B , iOR }, /* 0C */ { data2, axImp, 0 , iOR }, /* 0D */ { segop, none2, NO_SRC , iPUSH }, /* 0E */ { none1, none2, OP386 , iZERO }, /* 0F */ { modrm, none2, B , iADC }, /* 10 */ { modrm, none2, NSP , iADC }, /* 11 */ { modrm, none2, TO_REG | B , iADC }, /* 12 */ { modrm, none2, TO_REG | NSP , iADC }, /* 13 */ { data1, axImp, B , iADC }, /* 14 */ { data2, axImp, 0 , iADC }, /* 15 */ { segop, none2, NOT_HLL | NO_SRC , iPUSH }, /* 16 */ { segop, none2, NOT_HLL | NO_SRC , iPOP }, /* 17 */ { modrm, none2, B , iSBB }, /* 18 */ { modrm, none2, NSP , iSBB }, /* 19 */ { modrm, none2, TO_REG | B , iSBB }, /* 1A */ { modrm, none2, TO_REG | NSP , iSBB }, /* 1B */ { data1, axImp, B , iSBB }, /* 1C */ { data2, axImp, 0 , iSBB }, /* 1D */ { segop, none2, NO_SRC , iPUSH }, /* 1E */ { segop, none2, NO_SRC , iPOP }, /* 1F */ { modrm, none2, B , iAND }, /* 20 */ { modrm, none2, NSP , iAND }, /* 21 */ { modrm, none2, TO_REG | B , iAND }, /* 22 */ { modrm, none2, TO_REG | NSP , iAND }, /* 23 */ { data1, axImp, B , iAND }, /* 24 */ { data2, axImp, 0 , iAND }, /* 25 */ { prefix, none2, 0 , (IC)rES}, /* 26 */ { none1, axImp, NOT_HLL | B|NO_SRC , iDAA }, /* 27 */ { modrm, none2, B , iSUB }, /* 28 */ { modrm, none2, 0 , iSUB }, /* 29 */ { modrm, none2, TO_REG | B , iSUB }, /* 2A */ { modrm, none2, TO_REG , iSUB }, /* 2B */ { data1, axImp, B , iSUB }, /* 2C */ { data2, axImp, 0 , iSUB }, /* 2D */ { prefix, none2, 0 , (IC)rCS}, /* 2E */ { none1, axImp, NOT_HLL | B|NO_SRC , iDAS }, /* 2F */ { modrm, none2, B , iXOR }, /* 30 */ { modrm, none2, NSP , iXOR }, /* 31 */ { modrm, none2, TO_REG | B , iXOR }, /* 32 */ { modrm, none2, TO_REG | NSP , iXOR }, /* 33 */ { data1, axImp, B , iXOR }, /* 34 */ { data2, axImp, 0 , iXOR }, /* 35 */ { prefix, none2, 0 , (IC)rSS}, /* 36 */ { none1, axImp, NOT_HLL | NO_SRC , iAAA }, /* 37 */ { modrm, none2, B , iCMP }, /* 38 */ { modrm, none2, NSP , iCMP }, /* 39 */ { modrm, none2, TO_REG | B , iCMP }, /* 3A */ { modrm, none2, TO_REG | NSP , iCMP }, /* 3B */ { data1, axImp, B , iCMP }, /* 3C */ { data2, axImp, 0 , iCMP }, /* 3D */ { prefix, none2, 0 , (IC)rDS}, /* 3E */ { none1, axImp, NOT_HLL | NO_SRC , iAAS }, /* 3F */ { regop, none2, 0 , iINC }, /* 40 */ { regop, none2, 0 , iINC }, /* 41 */ { regop, none2, 0 , iINC }, /* 42 */ { regop, none2, 0 , iINC }, /* 43 */ { regop, none2, NOT_HLL , iINC }, /* 44 */ { regop, none2, 0 , iINC }, /* 45 */ { regop, none2, 0 , iINC }, /* 46 */ { regop, none2, 0 , iINC }, /* 47 */ { regop, none2, 0 , iDEC }, /* 48 */ { regop, none2, 0 , iDEC }, /* 49 */ { regop, none2, 0 , iDEC }, /* 4A */ { regop, none2, 0 , iDEC }, /* 4B */ { regop, none2, NOT_HLL , iDEC }, /* 4C */ { regop, none2, 0 , iDEC }, /* 4D */ { regop, none2, 0 , iDEC }, /* 4E */ { regop, none2, 0 , iDEC }, /* 4F */ { regop, none2, NO_SRC , iPUSH }, /* 50 */ { regop, none2, NO_SRC , iPUSH }, /* 51 */ { regop, none2, NO_SRC , iPUSH }, /* 52 */ { regop, none2, NO_SRC , iPUSH }, /* 53 */ { regop, none2, NOT_HLL | NO_SRC , iPUSH }, /* 54 */ { regop, none2, NO_SRC , iPUSH }, /* 55 */ { regop, none2, NO_SRC , iPUSH }, /* 56 */ { regop, none2, NO_SRC , iPUSH }, /* 57 */ { regop, none2, NO_SRC , iPOP }, /* 58 */ { regop, none2, NO_SRC , iPOP }, /* 59 */ { regop, none2, NO_SRC , iPOP }, /* 5A */ { regop, none2, NO_SRC , iPOP }, /* 5B */ { regop, none2, NOT_HLL | NO_SRC , iPOP }, /* 5C */ { regop, none2, NO_SRC , iPOP }, /* 5D */ { regop, none2, NO_SRC , iPOP }, /* 5E */ { regop, none2, NO_SRC , iPOP }, /* 5F */ { none1, none2, NOT_HLL | NO_OPS , iPUSHA}, /* 60 */ { none1, none2, NOT_HLL | NO_OPS , iPOPA }, /* 61 */ { memOnly, modrm, TO_REG | NSP , iBOUND}, /* 62 */ { none1, none2, OP386 , iZERO }, /* 63 */ { none1, none2, OP386 , iZERO }, /* 64 */ { none1, none2, OP386 , iZERO }, /* 65 */ { none1, none2, OP386 , iZERO }, /* 66 */ { none1, none2, OP386 , iZERO }, /* 67 */ { data2, none2, NO_SRC , iPUSH }, /* 68 */ { modrm, data2, TO_REG | NSP , iIMUL }, /* 69 */ { data1, none2, S_EXT | NO_SRC , iPUSH }, /* 6A */ { modrm, data1, TO_REG | NSP | S_EXT , iIMUL }, /* 6B */ { strop, memImp, NOT_HLL | B|IM_OPS , iINS }, /* 6C */ { strop, memImp, NOT_HLL | IM_OPS , iINS }, /* 6D */ { strop, memImp, NOT_HLL | B|IM_OPS , iOUTS }, /* 6E */ { strop, memImp, NOT_HLL | IM_OPS , iOUTS }, /* 6F */ { dispS, none2, NOT_HLL , iJO }, /* 70 */ { dispS, none2, NOT_HLL , iJNO }, /* 71 */ { dispS, none2, 0 , iJB }, /* 72 */ { dispS, none2, 0 , iJAE }, /* 73 */ { dispS, none2, 0 , iJE }, /* 74 */ { dispS, none2, 0 , iJNE }, /* 75 */ { dispS, none2, 0 , iJBE }, /* 76 */ { dispS, none2, 0 , iJA }, /* 77 */ { dispS, none2, 0 , iJS }, /* 78 */ { dispS, none2, 0 , iJNS }, /* 79 */ { dispS, none2, NOT_HLL , iJP }, /* 7A */ { dispS, none2, NOT_HLL , iJNP }, /* 7B */ { dispS, none2, 0 , iJL }, /* 7C */ { dispS, none2, 0 , iJGE }, /* 7D */ { dispS, none2, 0 , iJLE }, /* 7E */ { dispS, none2, 0 , iJG }, /* 7F */ { immed, data1, B , iZERO }, /* 80 */ { immed, data2, NSP , iZERO }, /* 81 */ { immed, data1, B , iZERO }, /* 82 */ /* ?? */ { immed, data1, NSP | S_EXT , iZERO }, /* 83 */ { modrm, none2, TO_REG | B , iTEST }, /* 84 */ { modrm, none2, TO_REG | NSP , iTEST }, /* 85 */ { modrm, none2, TO_REG | B , iXCHG }, /* 86 */ { modrm, none2, TO_REG | NSP , iXCHG }, /* 87 */ { modrm, none2, B , iMOV }, /* 88 */ { modrm, none2, 0 , iMOV }, /* 89 */ { modrm, none2, TO_REG | B , iMOV }, /* 8A */ { modrm, none2, TO_REG , iMOV }, /* 8B */ { segrm, none2, NSP , iMOV }, /* 8C */ { memOnly, modrm, TO_REG | NSP , iLEA }, /* 8D */ { segrm, none2, TO_REG | NSP , iMOV }, /* 8E */ { memReg0, none2, NO_SRC , iPOP }, /* 8F */ { none1, none2, NO_OPS , iNOP }, /* 90 */ { regop, axImp, 0 , iXCHG }, /* 91 */ { regop, axImp, 0 , iXCHG }, /* 92 */ { regop, axImp, 0 , iXCHG }, /* 93 */ { regop, axImp, NOT_HLL , iXCHG }, /* 94 */ { regop, axImp, 0 , iXCHG }, /* 95 */ { regop, axImp, 0 , iXCHG }, /* 96 */ { regop, axImp, 0 , iXCHG }, /* 97 */ { alImp, axImp, SRC_B | S_EXT , iSIGNEX}, /* 98 */ {axSrcIm, axImp, IM_DST | S_EXT , iSIGNEX}, /* 99 */ { dispF, none2, TO_REG , iCALLF }, /* 9A */ // TO_REG set to use SRC when processing setAddress { none1, none2, FLOAT_OP| NO_OPS , iWAIT }, /* 9B */ { none1, none2, NOT_HLL | NO_OPS , iPUSHF}, /* 9C */ { none1, none2, NOT_HLL | NO_OPS , iPOPF }, /* 9D */ { none1, none2, NOT_HLL | NO_OPS , iSAHF }, /* 9E */ { none1, none2, NOT_HLL | NO_OPS , iLAHF }, /* 9F */ { dispM, axImp, B , iMOV }, /* A0 */ { dispM, axImp, 0 , iMOV }, /* A1 */ { dispM, axImp, TO_REG | B , iMOV }, /* A2 */ { dispM, axImp, TO_REG , iMOV }, /* A3 */ { strop, memImp, B | IM_OPS , iMOVS }, /* A4 */ { strop, memImp, IM_OPS , iMOVS }, /* A5 */ { strop, memImp, B | IM_OPS , iCMPS }, /* A6 */ { strop, memImp, IM_OPS , iCMPS }, /* A7 */ { data1, axImp, B , iTEST }, /* A8 */ { data2, axImp, 0 , iTEST }, /* A9 */ { strop, memImp, B | IM_OPS , iSTOS }, /* AA */ { strop, memImp, IM_OPS , iSTOS }, /* AB */ { strop, memImp, B | IM_OPS , iLODS }, /* AC */ { strop, memImp, IM_OPS , iLODS }, /* AD */ { strop, memImp, B | IM_OPS , iSCAS }, /* AE */ { strop, memImp, IM_OPS , iSCAS }, /* AF */ { regop, data1, B , iMOV }, /* B0 */ { regop, data1, B , iMOV }, /* B1 */ { regop, data1, B , iMOV }, /* B2 */ { regop, data1, B , iMOV }, /* B3 */ { regop, data1, B , iMOV }, /* B4 */ { regop, data1, B , iMOV }, /* B5 */ { regop, data1, B , iMOV }, /* B6 */ { regop, data1, B , iMOV }, /* B7 */ { regop, data2, 0 , iMOV }, /* B8 */ { regop, data2, 0 , iMOV }, /* B9 */ { regop, data2, 0 , iMOV }, /* BA */ { regop, data2, 0 , iMOV }, /* BB */ { regop, data2, NOT_HLL , iMOV }, /* BC */ { regop, data2, 0 , iMOV }, /* BD */ { regop, data2, 0 , iMOV }, /* BE */ { regop, data2, 0 , iMOV }, /* BF */ { shift, data1, B , iZERO }, /* C0 */ { shift, data1, NSP | SRC_B , iZERO }, /* C1 */ { data2, none2, 0 , iRET }, /* C2 */ { none1, none2, NO_OPS , iRET }, /* C3 */ { memOnly, modrm, TO_REG | NSP , iLES }, /* C4 */ { memOnly, modrm, TO_REG | NSP , iLDS }, /* C5 */ { memReg0, data1, B , iMOV }, /* C6 */ { memReg0, data2, 0 , iMOV }, /* C7 */ { data2, data1, 0 , iENTER}, /* C8 */ { none1, none2, NO_OPS , iLEAVE}, /* C9 */ { data2, none2, 0 , iRETF }, /* CA */ { none1, none2, NO_OPS , iRETF }, /* CB */ { const3, none2, NOT_HLL , iINT }, /* CC */ { data1,checkInt, NOT_HLL , iINT }, /* CD */ { none1, none2, NOT_HLL | NO_OPS , iINTO }, /* CE */ { none1, none2, NOT_HLL | NO_OPS , iIRET }, /* Cf */ { shift, const1, B , iZERO }, /* D0 */ { shift, const1, SRC_B , iZERO }, /* D1 */ { shift, none1, B , iZERO }, /* D2 */ { shift, none1, SRC_B , iZERO }, /* D3 */ { data1, axImp, NOT_HLL , iAAM }, /* D4 */ { data1, axImp, NOT_HLL , iAAD }, /* D5 */ { none1, none2, 0 , iZERO }, /* D6 */ { memImp, axImp, NOT_HLL | B| IM_OPS , iXLAT }, /* D7 */ { escop, none2, FLOAT_OP , iESC }, /* D8 */ { escop, none2, FLOAT_OP , iESC }, /* D9 */ { escop, none2, FLOAT_OP , iESC }, /* DA */ { escop, none2, FLOAT_OP , iESC }, /* DB */ { escop, none2, FLOAT_OP , iESC }, /* DC */ { escop, none2, FLOAT_OP , iESC }, /* DD */ { escop, none2, FLOAT_OP , iESC }, /* DE */ { escop, none2, FLOAT_OP , iESC }, /* Df */ { dispS, none2, 0 , iLOOPNE}, /* E0 */ { dispS, none2, 0 , iLOOPE}, /* E1 */ { dispS, none2, 0 , iLOOP }, /* E2 */ { dispS, none2, 0 , iJCXZ }, /* E3 */ { data1, axImp, NOT_HLL | B|NO_SRC , iIN }, /* E4 */ { data1, axImp, NOT_HLL | NO_SRC , iIN }, /* E5 */ { data1, axImp, NOT_HLL | B|NO_SRC , iOUT }, /* E6 */ { data1, axImp, NOT_HLL | NO_SRC , iOUT }, /* E7 */ { dispN, none2, 0 , iCALL }, /* E8 */ { dispN, none2, 0 , iJMP }, /* E9 */ { dispF, none2, 0 , iJMPF }, /* EA */ { dispS, none2, 0 , iJMP }, /* EB */ { none1, axImp, NOT_HLL | B|NO_SRC , iIN }, /* EC */ { none1, axImp, NOT_HLL | NO_SRC , iIN }, /* ED */ { none1, axImp, NOT_HLL | B|NO_SRC , iOUT }, /* EE */ { none1, axImp, NOT_HLL | NO_SRC , iOUT }, /* EF */ { none1, none2, NOT_HLL | NO_OPS , iLOCK }, /* F0 */ { none1, none2, 0 , iZERO }, /* F1 */ { prefix, none2, 0 , iREPNE}, /* F2 */ { prefix, none2, 0 , iREPE }, /* F3 */ { none1, none2, NOT_HLL | NO_OPS , iHLT }, /* F4 */ { none1, none2, NO_OPS , iCMC }, /* F5 */ { arith, none1, B , iZERO }, /* F6 */ { arith, none1, NSP , iZERO }, /* F7 */ { none1, none2, NO_OPS , iCLC }, /* F8 */ { none1, none2, NO_OPS , iSTC }, /* F9 */ { none1, none2, NOT_HLL | NO_OPS , iCLI }, /* FA */ { none1, none2, NOT_HLL | NO_OPS , iSTI }, /* FB */ { none1, none2, NO_OPS , iCLD }, /* FC */ { none1, none2, NO_OPS , iSTD }, /* FD */ { trans, none1, B , iZERO }, /* FE */ { trans, none1, NSP , iZERO } /* FF */ } ; static uint16_t SegPrefix, RepPrefix; static const uint8_t *pInst; /* Ptr. to current uint8_t of instruction */ static ICODE * pIcode; /* Ptr to Icode record filled in by scan() */ static void decodeBranchTgt(x86_insn_t &insn) { x86_op_t *tgt_op = insn.x86_get_branch_target(); if(tgt_op->type==op_expression) return; // unhandled for now if(tgt_op->type==op_register) return; // unhandled for now int32_t addr = tgt_op->getAddress(); if(tgt_op->is_relative()) { addr = (uint16_t)(addr + insn.addr + insn.size); } pIcode->ll()->replaceSrc((uint32_t)addr); pIcode->ll()->setFlags(I); // PROG &prog(Project::get()->prog); // long off = (short)getWord(); /* Signed displacement */ // assert(addr==(uint32_t)(off + (unsigned)(pInst - prog.image()))); } static void convertUsedFlags(x86_insn_t &from,ICODE &to) { to.ll()->flagDU.d=0; to.ll()->flagDU.u=0; if(from.containsFlag(insn_eflag_carry,from.flags_set)) to.ll()->flagDU.d |= Cf; if(from.containsFlag(insn_eflag_sign,from.flags_set)) to.ll()->flagDU.d |= Sf; if(from.containsFlag(insn_eflag_zero,from.flags_set)) to.ll()->flagDU.d |= Zf; if(from.containsFlag(insn_eflag_direction,from.flags_set)) to.ll()->flagDU.d |= Df; if(from.containsFlag(insn_eflag_carry,from.flags_tested)) to.ll()->flagDU.u |= Cf; if(from.containsFlag(insn_eflag_sign,from.flags_tested)) to.ll()->flagDU.u |= Sf; if(from.containsFlag(insn_eflag_zero,from.flags_tested)) to.ll()->flagDU.u |= Zf; if(from.containsFlag(insn_eflag_direction,from.flags_tested)) to.ll()->flagDU.u |= Df; } static void convertPrefix(x86_insn_prefix prefix,ICODE &to) { if(prefix ==insn_no_prefix) return; // insn_lock - no need to handle RepPrefix = (uint16_t)prefix & ~insn_lock; } /**************************************************************************** Checks for int 34 to int 3B - if so, converts to ESC nn instruction ****************************************************************************/ static void fixFloatEmulation(x86_insn_t &insn) { if(insn.operand_count==0) return; if(insn.group!=x86_insn_t::insn_interrupt) return; PROG &prog(Project::get()->prog); uint16_t wOp=insn.x86_get_imm()->data.word; if ((wOp < 0x34) or (wOp > 0x3B)) return; uint8_t buf[16]; /* This is a Borland/Microsoft floating point emulation instruction. Treat as if it is an ESC opcode */ int actual_valid_bytes=std::min(16U,prog.cbImage-insn.offset); memcpy(buf,prog.image()+insn.offset,actual_valid_bytes); X86_Disasm ds(opt_16_bit); x86_insn_t patched_insn; //patch actual instruction into buffer; buf[1] = wOp-0x34+0xD8; ds.x86_disasm(buf,actual_valid_bytes,0,1,&patched_insn); patched_insn.addr = insn.addr; // actual address patched_insn.offset = insn.offset; // actual offset insn = patched_insn; insn.size += 1; // to account for emulator call INT } int disassembleOneLibDisasm(uint32_t ip,x86_insn_t &l) { PROG &prog(Project::get()->prog); X86_Disasm ds(opt_16_bit); int cnt=ds.x86_disasm(prog.image(),prog.cbImage,0,ip,&l); if(cnt and l.is_valid()) { fixFloatEmulation(l); //can change 'l' } if(l.is_valid()) return l.size; return 0; } eReg convertRegister(const x86_reg_t ®) { if( (reg_pc==reg.type) or (0==reg.id)) return rUNDEF; eReg regmap[]={ rUNDEF, rUNDEF,rUNDEF,rUNDEF,rUNDEF, //eax ecx ebx edx rSP,rUNDEF,rUNDEF,rDI, //esp ebp esi edi rAX,rCX,rDX,rBX, rSP,rBP,rSI,rDI, rAL,rCL,rDL,rBL, rAH,rCH,rDH,rBH }; std::map nameToEnum = {{"es",rES},{"ds",rDS},{"cs",rCS},{"ss",rSS}}; if(nameToEnum.find(reg.name)!=nameToEnum.end()) return nameToEnum[reg.name]; assert(reg.idprog); int op; p = ICODE(); p.type = LOW_LEVEL_ICODE; p.ll()->label = ip; /* ip is absolute offset into image*/ if (ip >= (uint32_t)prog.cbImage) { return (IP_OUT_OF_RANGE); } int cnt=disassembleOneLibDisasm(ip,p.insn); if(cnt) { convertUsedFlags(p.insn,p); convertPrefix(p.insn.prefix,p); } SegPrefix = RepPrefix = 0; pInst = prog.image() + ip; pIcode = &p; do { op = *pInst++; /* First state - trivial */ /* Convert to Icode.opcode */ p.ll()->set(stateTable[op].opcode,stateTable[op].flg & ICODEMASK); (*stateTable[op].state1)(op); /* Second state */ (*stateTable[op].state2)(op); /* Third state */ } while (stateTable[op].state1 == prefix); /* Loop if prefix */ if(p.insn.group == x86_insn_t::insn_controlflow) { if(p.insn.x86_get_branch_target()) decodeBranchTgt(p.insn); } // LLOperand conv = convertOperand(*p.insn.get_dest()); // assert(conv==p.ll()->dst); if (p.ll()->getOpcode()) { /* Save bytes of image used */ p.ll()->numBytes = (uint8_t)((pInst - prog.image()) - ip); if(p.insn.is_valid()) assert(p.ll()->numBytes == p.insn.size); p.ll()->numBytes = p.insn.size; return ((SegPrefix)? FUNNY_SEGOVR: /* Seg. Override invalid */ (RepPrefix ? FUNNY_REP: NO_ERR));/* REP prefix invalid */ } /* Else opcode error */ return ((stateTable[op].flg & OP386)? INVALID_386OP: INVALID_OPCODE); } /*************************************************************************** relocItem - returns true if uint16_t pointed at is in relocation table **************************************************************************/ static bool relocItem(const uint8_t *p) { PROG &prog(Project::get()->prog); int i; uint32_t off = p - prog.image(); for (i = 0; i < prog.cReloc; i++) if (prog.relocTable[i] == off) return true; return false; } /*************************************************************************** getWord - returns next uint16_t from image **************************************************************************/ static uint16_t getWord(void) { uint16_t w = LH(pInst); pInst += 2; return w; } /**************************************************************************** signex - returns uint8_t sign extended to int ***************************************************************************/ static int signex(uint8_t b) { long s = b; return ((b & 0x80)? (int)(0xFFFFFF00 | s): (int)s); } /**************************************************************************** * setAddress - Updates the source or destination field for the current * icode, based on fdst and the TO_REG flag. * Note: fdst == true is for the r/m part of the field (dest, unless TO_REG) * fdst == false is for reg part of the field ***************************************************************************/ static void setAddress(int i, bool fdst, uint16_t seg, int16_t reg, uint16_t off) { /* If not to register (i.e. to r/m), and talking about r/m, then this is dest */ LLOperand *pm = (! (stateTable[i].flg & TO_REG) == fdst) ? &pIcode->ll()->m_dst : &pIcode->ll()->src(); /* Set segment. A later procedure (lookupAddr in proclist.c) will * provide the value of this segment in the field segValue. */ if (seg) /* segment override */ { pm->seg = pm->segOver = (eReg)seg; } else { /* no override, check indexed register */ if ((reg >= INDEX_BX_SI) and (reg == INDEX_BP_SI or reg == INDEX_BP_DI or reg == INDEX_BP)) { pm->seg = rSS; /* indexed on bp */ } else { pm->seg = rDS; /* any other indexed reg */ } } pm->regi = (eReg)reg; pm->off = (int16_t)off; if (reg and (reg < INDEX_BX_SI) and (stateTable[i].flg & B)) { pm->regi = Machine_X86::subRegL(pm->regi); } if (seg) /* So we can catch invalid use of segment overrides */ { SegPrefix = 0; } } /**************************************************************************** rm - Decodes r/m part of modrm uint8_t for dst (unless TO_REG) part of icode ***************************************************************************/ static void rm(int i) { uint8_t mod = *pInst >> 6; uint8_t rm = *pInst++ & 7; switch (mod) { case 0: /* No disp unless rm == 6 */ if (rm == 6) { setAddress(i, true, SegPrefix, 0, getWord()); pIcode->ll()->setFlags(WORD_OFF); } else setAddress(i, true, SegPrefix, rm + INDEX_BX_SI, 0); break; case 1: /* 1 uint8_t disp */ setAddress(i, true, SegPrefix, rm+INDEX_BX_SI, (uint16_t)signex(*pInst++)); break; case 2: /* 2 uint8_t disp */ setAddress(i, true, SegPrefix, rm + INDEX_BX_SI, getWord()); pIcode->ll()->setFlags(WORD_OFF); break; case 3: /* reg */ setAddress(i, true, 0, rm + rAX, 0); break; } //pIcode->insn.get_dest()-> if ((stateTable[i].flg & NSP) and (pIcode->ll()->src().getReg2()==rSP or pIcode->ll()->m_dst.getReg2()==rSP)) pIcode->ll()->setFlags(NOT_HLL); } /**************************************************************************** modrm - Sets up src and dst from modrm uint8_t ***************************************************************************/ static void modrm(int i) { setAddress(i, false, 0, REG(*pInst) + rAX, 0); rm(i); } /**************************************************************************** segrm - seg encoded as reg of modrm ****************************************************************************/ static void segrm(int i) { int reg = REG(*pInst) + rES; if (reg > rDS or (reg == rCS and (stateTable[i].flg & TO_REG))) pIcode->ll()->setOpcode((llIcode)0); // setCBW because it has that index else { setAddress(i, false, 0, (int16_t)reg, 0); rm(i); } } /**************************************************************************** regop - src/dst reg encoded as low 3 bits of opcode ***************************************************************************/ static void regop(int i) { setAddress(i, false, 0, ((int16_t)i & 0x7) + rAX, 0); pIcode->ll()->replaceDst(pIcode->ll()->src()); } /***************************************************************************** segop - seg encoded in middle of opcode *****************************************************************************/ static void segop(int i) { if(i==0x1E) { // printf("es"); } setAddress(i, true, 0, (((int16_t)i & 0x18) >> 3) + rES, 0); } /**************************************************************************** axImp - Plugs an implied AX dst ***************************************************************************/ static void axImp(int i) { setAddress(i, true, 0, rAX, 0); } /* Implied AX source */ static void axSrcIm (int ) { pIcode->ll()->replaceSrc(rAX);//src.regi = rAX; } /* Implied AL source */ static void alImp (int ) { pIcode->ll()->replaceSrc(rAL);//src.regi = rAL; } /***************************************************************************** memImp - Plugs implied src memory operand with any segment override ****************************************************************************/ static void memImp(int i) { setAddress(i, false, SegPrefix, 0, 0); } /**************************************************************************** memOnly - Instruction is not valid if modrm refers to register (i.e. mod == 3) ***************************************************************************/ static void memOnly(int ) { if ((*pInst & 0xC0) == 0xC0) pIcode->ll()->setOpcode((llIcode)0); } /**************************************************************************** memReg0 - modrm for 'memOnly' and Reg field must also be 0 ****************************************************************************/ static void memReg0(int i) { if (REG(*pInst) or (*pInst & 0xC0) == 0xC0) pIcode->ll()->setOpcode((llIcode)0); else rm(i); } /*************************************************************************** immed - Sets up dst and opcode from modrm uint8_t **************************************************************************/ static void immed(int i) { static llIcode immedTable[8] = {iADD, iOR, iADC, iSBB, iAND, iSUB, iXOR, iCMP}; pIcode->ll()->setOpcode(immedTable[REG(*pInst)]) ; rm(i); if (pIcode->ll()->getOpcode() == iADD or pIcode->ll()->getOpcode() == iSUB) pIcode->ll()->clrFlags(NOT_HLL); /* Allow ADD/SUB SP, immed */ } /**************************************************************************** shift - Sets up dst and opcode from modrm uint8_t ***************************************************************************/ static void shift(int i) { static llIcode shiftTable[8] = { (llIcode)iROL, (llIcode)iROR, (llIcode)iRCL, (llIcode)iRCR, (llIcode)iSHL, (llIcode)iSHR, (llIcode)0, (llIcode)iSAR}; pIcode->ll()->setOpcode(shiftTable[REG(*pInst)]); rm(i); pIcode->ll()->replaceSrc(rCL); //src.regi = } /**************************************************************************** trans - Sets up dst and opcode from modrm uint8_t ***************************************************************************/ static void trans(int i) { static llIcode transTable[8] = { (llIcode)iINC, iDEC, (llIcode)iCALL, (llIcode)iCALLF, (llIcode)iJMP, (llIcode)iJMPF,(llIcode)iPUSH, (llIcode)0 }; LLInst *ll = pIcode->ll(); // if(transTable[REG(*pInst)]==iPUSH) { // printf("es"); // } if ((uint8_t)REG(*pInst) < 2 or not (stateTable[i].flg & B)) { /* INC & DEC */ ll->setOpcode(transTable[REG(*pInst)]); /* valid on bytes */ rm(i); ll->replaceSrc( pIcode->ll()->m_dst ); if (ll->match(iJMP) or ll->match(iCALL) or ll->match(iCALLF)) ll->setFlags(NO_OPS); else if (ll->match(iINC) or ll->match(iPUSH) or ll->match(iDEC)) ll->setFlags(NO_SRC); } } /**************************************************************************** arith - Sets up dst and opcode from modrm uint8_t ****************************************************************************/ static void arith(int i) { uint8_t opcode; static llIcode arithTable[8] = { iTEST, (llIcode)0, iNOT, iNEG, iMUL , iIMUL, iDIV, iIDIV }; opcode = arithTable[REG(*pInst)]; pIcode->ll()->setOpcode((llIcode)opcode); rm(i); if (opcode == iTEST) { if (stateTable[i].flg & B) data1(i); else data2(i); } else if (not (opcode == iNOT or opcode == iNEG)) { pIcode->ll()->replaceSrc( pIcode->ll()->m_dst ); setAddress(i, true, 0, rAX, 0); /* dst = AX */ } else if (opcode == iNEG or opcode == iNOT) pIcode->ll()->setFlags(NO_SRC); if ((opcode == iDIV) or (opcode == iIDIV)) { if ( not pIcode->ll()->testFlags(B) ) pIcode->ll()->setFlags(IM_TMP_DST); } } /***************************************************************************** data1 - Sets up immed from 1 uint8_t data *****************************************************************************/ static void data1(int i) { pIcode->ll()->replaceSrc(LLOperand::CreateImm2((stateTable[i].flg & S_EXT)? signex(*pInst++): *pInst++,1)); pIcode->ll()->setFlags(I); } /***************************************************************************** data2 - Sets up immed from 2 uint8_t data ****************************************************************************/ static void data2(int ) { if (relocItem(pInst)) pIcode->ll()->setFlags(SEG_IMMED); /* ENTER is a special case, it does not take a destination operand, * but this field is being used as the number of bytes to allocate * on the stack. The procedure level is stored in the immediate * field. There is no source operand; therefore, the flag flg is * set to NO_OPS. */ if (pIcode->ll()->getOpcode() == iENTER) { pIcode->ll()->m_dst.off = getWord(); pIcode->ll()->setFlags(NO_OPS); } else pIcode->ll()->replaceSrc(getWord()); pIcode->ll()->setFlags(I); } /**************************************************************************** dispM - 2 uint8_t offset without modrm (== mod 0, rm 6) (Note:TO_REG bits are reversed) ****************************************************************************/ static void dispM(int i) { setAddress(i, false, SegPrefix, 0, getWord()); } /**************************************************************************** dispN - 2 uint8_t disp as immed relative to ip ****************************************************************************/ static void dispN(int ) { //PROG &prog(Project::get()->prog); /*long off = (short)*/getWord(); /* Signed displacement */ /* Note: the result of the subtraction could be between 32k and 64k, and still be positive; it is an offset from prog.Image. So this must be treated as unsigned */ // decodeBranchTgt(); } /*************************************************************************** dispS - 1 byte disp as immed relative to ip ***************************************************************************/ static void dispS(int ) { /*long off =*/ signex(*pInst++); /* Signed displacement */ // decodeBranchTgt(); } /**************************************************************************** dispF - 4 byte disp as immed 20-bit target address ***************************************************************************/ static void dispF(int i) { uint16_t off = (unsigned)getWord(); uint16_t seg = (unsigned)getWord(); // FIXME: this is wrong since seg here is seg value, but setAddress treats it as register id setAddress(i, true, seg, 0, off); // decodeBranchTgt(); } /**************************************************************************** prefix - picks up prefix uint8_t for following instruction (LOCK is ignored on purpose) ****************************************************************************/ static void prefix(int ) { if (pIcode->ll()->getOpcode() == iREPE or pIcode->ll()->getOpcode() == iREPNE) RepPrefix = pIcode->ll()->getOpcode(); else SegPrefix = pIcode->ll()->getOpcode(); } inline void BumpOpcode(LLInst &ll) { llIcode ic((llIcode)ll.getOpcode()); ic = (llIcode)(((int)ic)+1); // Bump this icode via the int type ll.setOpcode(ic); } /***************************************************************************** strop - checks RepPrefix and converts string instructions accordingly *****************************************************************************/ static void strop(int ) { if (RepPrefix) { if ( pIcode->ll()->match(iCMPS) or pIcode->ll()->match(iSCAS) ) { if(pIcode->insn.prefix & insn_rep_zero) { BumpOpcode(*pIcode->ll()); // iCMPS -> iREPE_CMPS BumpOpcode(*pIcode->ll()); } else if(pIcode->insn.prefix & insn_rep_notzero) BumpOpcode(*pIcode->ll()); // iX -> iREPNE_X } else if(pIcode->insn.prefix & insn_rep_zero) BumpOpcode(*pIcode->ll()); // iX -> iREPE_X if (pIcode->ll()->match(iREP_LODS) ) pIcode->ll()->setFlags(NOT_HLL); RepPrefix = 0; } } /*************************************************************************** escop - esc operands ***************************************************************************/ static void escop(int i) { pIcode->ll()->replaceSrc(REG(*pInst) + (uint32_t)((i & 7) << 3)); pIcode->ll()->setFlags(I); rm(i); } /**************************************************************************** const1 ****************************************************************************/ static void const1(int ) { pIcode->ll()->replaceSrc(1); pIcode->ll()->setFlags(I); } /***************************************************************************** const3 ****************************************************************************/ static void const3(int ) { pIcode->ll()->replaceSrc(3); pIcode->ll()->setFlags(I); } /**************************************************************************** none1 ****************************************************************************/ static void none1(int ) { } /**************************************************************************** none2 - Sets the NO_OPS flag if the operand is immediate ****************************************************************************/ static void none2(int ) { if ( pIcode->ll()->testFlags(I) ) pIcode->ll()->setFlags(NO_OPS); } /**************************************************************************** Checks for int 34 to int 3B - if so, converts to ESC nn instruction ****************************************************************************/ static void checkInt(int ) { uint16_t wOp = (uint16_t) pIcode->ll()->src().getImm2(); if ((wOp >= 0x34) and (wOp <= 0x3B)) { /* This is a Borland/Microsoft floating point emulation instruction. Treat as if it is an ESC opcode */ pIcode->ll()->replaceSrc(wOp - 0x34); pIcode->ll()->set(iESC,FLOAT_OP); escop(wOp - 0x34 + 0xD8); } }