/* * File: ast.c * Purpose: Support module for abstract syntax trees. * Date: September 1993 * (C) Cristina Cifuentes */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "types.h" #include "dcc.h" #include "machine_x86.h" #include "project.h" extern Project g_proj; using namespace std; // Conditional operator symbols in C. Index by condOp enumeration type static const char * const condOpSym[] = { " <= ", " < ", " == ", " != ", " > ", " >= ", " & ", " | ", " ^ ", " ~ ", " + ", " - ", " * ", " / ", " >> ", " << ", " % ", " && ", " || " }; /* Local expression stack */ //typedef struct _EXP_STK { // COND_EXPR *exp; // struct _EXP_STK *next; //} EXP_STK; - for local expression stack /* Returns the integer i in C hexadecimal format */ static const char *hexStr (uint16_t i) { static char buf[10]; sprintf (buf, "%s%x", (i > 9) ? "0x" : "", i); return (buf); } /* Sets the du record for registers according to the du flag */ void ICODE::setRegDU (eReg regi, operDu du_in) { // printf("%s %d %x\n",__FUNCTION__,regi,int(du_in)); switch (du_in) { case eDEF: du.def |= duReg[regi]; du1.numRegsDef++; break; case eUSE: du.use |= duReg[regi]; break; case USE_DEF: du.def |= duReg[regi]; du.use |= duReg[regi]; du1.numRegsDef++; break; case NONE: /* do nothing */ break; } } /* Copies the def, use, or def and use fields of duIcode into pIcode */ void ICODE::copyDU(const ICODE &duIcode, operDu _du, operDu duDu) { switch (_du) { case eDEF: if (duDu == eDEF) du.def=duIcode.du.def; else du.def=duIcode.du.use; break; case eUSE: if (duDu == eDEF) du.use=duIcode.du.def; else du.use =duIcode.du.use; break; case USE_DEF: du = duIcode.du; break; case NONE: assert(false); break; } } /* Creates a conditional boolean expression and returns it */ COND_EXPR *COND_EXPR::boolOp(COND_EXPR *_lhs, COND_EXPR *_rhs, condOp _op) { COND_EXPR *newExp; newExp = new COND_EXPR(BOOLEAN_OP); newExp->boolExpr.op = _op; newExp->boolExpr.lhs = _lhs; newExp->boolExpr.rhs = _rhs; return (newExp); } /* Returns a unary conditional expression node. This procedure should * only be used with the following conditional node types: NEGATION, * ADDRESSOF, DEREFERENCE, POST_INC, POST_DEC, PRE_INC, PRE_DEC */ COND_EXPR *COND_EXPR::unary(condNodeType t, COND_EXPR *sub_expr) { COND_EXPR *newExp; newExp = new COND_EXPR(t); newExp->expr.unaryExp = sub_expr; return (newExp); } /* Returns an identifier conditional expression node of type GLOB_VAR */ COND_EXPR *GlobalVariable::Create(int16_t segValue, int16_t off) { COND_EXPR *newExp; uint32_t adr; newExp = new COND_EXPR(IDENTIFIER); newExp->expr.ident.idType = GLOB_VAR; adr = opAdr(segValue, off); auto i=g_proj.getSymIdxByAdd(adr); if ( not g_proj.validSymIdx(i) ) { printf ("Error, glob var not found in symtab\n"); delete newExp; return 0; } newExp->expr.ident.idNode.globIdx = i; return (newExp); } /* Returns an identifier conditional expression node of type REGISTER */ COND_EXPR *COND_EXPR::idReg(eReg regi, uint32_t icodeFlg, LOCAL_ID *locsym) { COND_EXPR *newExp; newExp = new COND_EXPR(IDENTIFIER); newExp->expr.ident.idType = REGISTER; if ((icodeFlg & B) || (icodeFlg & SRC_B)) { newExp->expr.ident.idNode.regiIdx = locsym->newByteWordReg(TYPE_BYTE_SIGN, regi); newExp->expr.ident.regiType = BYTE_REG; } else /* uint16_t */ { newExp->expr.ident.idNode.regiIdx = locsym->newByteWordReg( TYPE_WORD_SIGN, regi); newExp->expr.ident.regiType = WORD_REG; } return (newExp); } /* Returns an identifier conditional expression node of type REGISTER */ COND_EXPR *COND_EXPR::idRegIdx(int idx, regType reg_type) { COND_EXPR *newExp; newExp = new COND_EXPR(IDENTIFIER); newExp->expr.ident.idType = REGISTER; newExp->expr.ident.regiType = reg_type; newExp->expr.ident.idNode.regiIdx = idx; return (newExp); } /* Returns an identifier conditional expression node of type LOCAL_VAR */ COND_EXPR *COND_EXPR::idLoc(int off, LOCAL_ID *localId) { COND_EXPR *newExp; size_t i; newExp = new COND_EXPR(IDENTIFIER); newExp->expr.ident.idType = LOCAL_VAR; for (i = 0; i < localId->csym(); i++) if ((localId->id_arr[i].id.bwId.off == off) && (localId->id_arr[i].id.bwId.regOff == 0)) break; if (i == localId->csym()) printf ("Error, cannot find local var\n"); newExp->expr.ident.idNode.localIdx = i; localId->id_arr[i].setLocalName(i); return (newExp); } /* Returns an identifier conditional expression node of type PARAM */ COND_EXPR *COND_EXPR::idParam(int off, const STKFRAME * argSymtab) { COND_EXPR *newExp; newExp = new COND_EXPR(IDENTIFIER); newExp->expr.ident.idType = PARAM; auto iter=argSymtab->findByLabel(off); if (iter == argSymtab->end()) printf ("Error, cannot find argument var\n"); newExp->expr.ident.idNode.localIdx = distance(argSymtab->begin(),iter); return (newExp); } /* Returns an identifier conditional expression node of type GLOB_VAR_IDX. * This global variable is indexed by regi. */ COND_EXPR *idCondExpIdxGlob (int16_t segValue, int16_t off, uint8_t regi, const LOCAL_ID *locSym) { COND_EXPR *newExp; size_t i; newExp = new COND_EXPR(IDENTIFIER); newExp->expr.ident.idType = GLOB_VAR_IDX; for (i = 0; i < locSym->csym(); i++) if ((locSym->id_arr[i].id.bwGlb.seg == segValue) && (locSym->id_arr[i].id.bwGlb.off == off) && (locSym->id_arr[i].id.bwGlb.regi == regi)) break; if (i == locSym->csym()) printf ("Error, indexed-glob var not found in local id table\n"); newExp->expr.ident.idNode.idxGlbIdx = i; return (newExp); } /* Returns an identifier conditional expression node of type CONSTANT */ COND_EXPR *COND_EXPR::idKte(uint32_t kte, uint8_t size) { COND_EXPR *newExp = new COND_EXPR(IDENTIFIER); newExp->expr.ident.idType = CONSTANT; newExp->expr.ident.idNode.kte.kte = kte; newExp->expr.ident.idNode.kte.size = size; return (newExp); } /* Returns an identifier conditional expression node of type LONG_VAR, * that points to the given index idx. */ COND_EXPR *COND_EXPR::idLongIdx (int idx) { COND_EXPR *newExp = new COND_EXPR(IDENTIFIER); newExp->expr.ident.idType = LONG_VAR; newExp->expr.ident.idNode.longIdx = idx; return (newExp); } /* Returns an identifier conditional expression node of type LONG_VAR */ COND_EXPR *COND_EXPR::idLong(LOCAL_ID *localId, opLoc sd, iICODE pIcode, hlFirst f, iICODE ix, operDu du, LLInst &atOffset) { int idx; COND_EXPR *newExp = new COND_EXPR(IDENTIFIER); /* Check for long constant and save it as a constant expression */ if ((sd == SRC) && pIcode->ll()->testFlags(I)) /* constant */ { newExp->expr.ident.idType = CONSTANT; if (f == HIGH_FIRST) newExp->expr.ident.idNode.kte.kte = (pIcode->ll()->src().getImm2() << 16) + atOffset.src().getImm2(); else /* LOW_FIRST */ newExp->expr.ident.idNode.kte.kte = (atOffset.src().getImm2() << 16)+ pIcode->ll()->src().getImm2(); newExp->expr.ident.idNode.kte.size = 4; } /* Save it as a long expression (reg, stack or glob) */ else { idx = localId->newLong(sd, pIcode, f, ix, du, atOffset); newExp->expr.ident.idType = LONG_VAR; newExp->expr.ident.idNode.longIdx = idx; } return (newExp); } /* Returns an identifier conditional expression node of type FUNCTION */ COND_EXPR *COND_EXPR::idFunc(Function * pproc, STKFRAME * args) { COND_EXPR *newExp; newExp = new COND_EXPR(IDENTIFIER); newExp->expr.ident.idType = FUNCTION; newExp->expr.ident.idNode.call.proc = pproc; newExp->expr.ident.idNode.call.args = args; return (newExp); } /* Returns an identifier conditional expression node of type OTHER. * Temporary solution, should really be encoded as an indexed type (eg. * arrays). */ COND_EXPR *COND_EXPR::idOther(eReg seg, eReg regi, int16_t off) { COND_EXPR *newExp; newExp = new COND_EXPR(IDENTIFIER); newExp->expr.ident.idType = OTHER; newExp->expr.ident.idNode.other.seg = seg; newExp->expr.ident.idNode.other.regi = regi; newExp->expr.ident.idNode.other.off = off; return (newExp); } /* Returns an identifier conditional expression node of type TYPE_LONG or * TYPE_WORD_SIGN */ COND_EXPR *COND_EXPR::idID (const ID *retVal, LOCAL_ID *locsym, iICODE ix_) { COND_EXPR *newExp; int idx; newExp = new COND_EXPR(IDENTIFIER); if (retVal->type == TYPE_LONG_SIGN) { idx = locsym->newLongReg (TYPE_LONG_SIGN, retVal->id.longId.h,retVal->id.longId.l, ix_); newExp->expr.ident.idType = LONG_VAR; newExp->expr.ident.idNode.longIdx = idx; } else if (retVal->type == TYPE_WORD_SIGN) { newExp->expr.ident.idType = REGISTER; newExp->expr.ident.idNode.regiIdx = locsym->newByteWordReg(TYPE_WORD_SIGN, retVal->id.regi); newExp->expr.ident.regiType = WORD_REG; } return (newExp); } /* Returns an identifier conditional expression node, according to the given * type. * Arguments: * duIcode: icode instruction that needs the du set. * du: operand is defined or used in current instruction. */ COND_EXPR *COND_EXPR::id(const LLInst &ll_insn, opLoc sd, Function * pProc, iICODE ix_,ICODE &duIcode, operDu du) { COND_EXPR *newExp; int idx; /* idx into pIcode->localId table */ const LLOperand &pm((sd == SRC) ? ll_insn.src() : ll_insn.dst); if ( ((sd == DST) && ll_insn.testFlags(IM_DST)) or ((sd == SRC) && ll_insn.testFlags(IM_SRC)) or (sd == LHS_OP)) /* for MUL lhs */ { /* implicit dx:ax */ idx = pProc->localId.newLongReg (TYPE_LONG_SIGN, rDX, rAX, ix_); newExp = COND_EXPR::idLongIdx (idx); duIcode.setRegDU (rDX, du); duIcode.setRegDU (rAX, du); } else if ((sd == DST) && ll_insn.testFlags(IM_TMP_DST)) { /* implicit tmp */ newExp = COND_EXPR::idReg (rTMP, 0, &pProc->localId); duIcode.setRegDU(rTMP, (operDu)eUSE); } else if ((sd == SRC) && ll_insn.testFlags(I)) /* constant */ newExp = COND_EXPR::idKte (ll_insn.src().getImm2(), 2); else if (pm.regi == rUNDEF) /* global variable */ newExp = GlobalVariable::Create(pm.segValue, pm.off); else if ( pm.isReg() ) /* register */ { newExp = COND_EXPR::idReg (pm.regi, (sd == SRC) ? ll_insn.getFlag() : ll_insn.getFlag() & NO_SRC_B, &pProc->localId); duIcode.setRegDU( pm.regi, du); } else if (pm.off) /* offset */ { if ((pm.seg == rSS) && (pm.regi == INDEX_BP)) /* idx on bp */ { if (pm.off >= 0) /* argument */ newExp = COND_EXPR::idParam (pm.off, &pProc->args); else /* local variable */ newExp = COND_EXPR::idLoc (pm.off, &pProc->localId); } else if ((pm.seg == rDS) && (pm.regi == INDEX_BX)) /* bx */ { if (pm.off > 0) /* global variable */ newExp = idCondExpIdxGlob (pm.segValue, pm.off, rBX,&pProc->localId); else newExp = COND_EXPR::idOther (pm.seg, pm.regi, pm.off); duIcode.setRegDU( rBX, eUSE); } else /* idx <> bp, bx */ newExp = COND_EXPR::idOther (pm.seg, pm.regi, pm.off); /**** check long ops, indexed global var *****/ } else /* (pm->regi >= INDEXBASE && pm->off = 0) => indexed && no off */ { if ((pm.seg == rDS) && (pm.regi > INDEX_BP_DI)) /* dereference */ { switch (pm.regi) { case INDEX_SI: newExp = COND_EXPR::idReg(rSI, 0, &pProc->localId); duIcode.setRegDU( rSI, du); break; case INDEX_DI: newExp = COND_EXPR::idReg(rDI, 0, &pProc->localId); duIcode.setRegDU( rDI, du); break; case INDEX_BP: newExp = COND_EXPR::idReg(rBP, 0, &pProc->localId); break; case INDEX_BX: newExp = COND_EXPR::idReg(rBX, 0, &pProc->localId); duIcode.setRegDU( rBX, du); break; default: newExp = 0; assert(false); } newExp = COND_EXPR::unary (DEREFERENCE, newExp); } else newExp = COND_EXPR::idOther (pm.seg, pm.regi, 0); } return (newExp); } /* Returns the identifier type */ condId ICODE::idType(opLoc sd) { LLOperand &pm(*ll()->get(sd)); if ((sd == SRC) && ll()->testFlags(I)) return (CONSTANT); else if (pm.regi == 0) return (GLOB_VAR); else if ( pm.isReg() ) return (REGISTER); else if ((pm.seg == rSS) && (pm.regi == INDEX_BP)) { //TODO: which pm.seg/pm.regi pairs should produce PARAM/LOCAL_VAR ? if (pm.off >= 0) return (PARAM); else return (LOCAL_VAR); } else return (OTHER); } /* Size of hl types */ int hlSize[] = {2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 4, 4, 4, 2, 2, 1, 4, 4}; /* Returns the type of the expression */ int hlTypeSize (const COND_EXPR *expr, Function * pproc) { int first, second; if (expr == NULL) return (2); /* for TYPE_UNKNOWN */ switch (expr->m_type) { case BOOLEAN_OP: first = hlTypeSize (expr->lhs(), pproc); second = hlTypeSize (expr->rhs(), pproc); if (first > second) return (first); else return (second); case NEGATION: case ADDRESSOF: case POST_INC: case POST_DEC: case PRE_INC: case PRE_DEC: case DEREFERENCE: return (hlTypeSize (expr->expr.unaryExp, pproc)); case IDENTIFIER: switch (expr->expr.ident.idType) { case GLOB_VAR: return (g_proj.symbolSize(expr->expr.ident.idNode.globIdx)); case REGISTER: if (expr->expr.ident.regiType == BYTE_REG) return (1); else return (2); case LOCAL_VAR: return (hlSize[pproc->localId.id_arr[expr->expr.ident.idNode.localIdx].type]); case PARAM: return (hlSize[pproc->args[expr->expr.ident.idNode.paramIdx].type]); case GLOB_VAR_IDX: return (hlSize[pproc->localId.id_arr[expr->expr.ident.idNode.idxGlbIdx].type]); case CONSTANT: return (expr->expr.ident.idNode.kte.size); case STRING: return (2); case LONG_VAR: return (4); case FUNCTION: return (hlSize[expr->expr.ident.idNode.call.proc->retVal.type]); case OTHER: return (2); } /* eos */ break; } return 2; // CC: is this correct? } /* Returns the type of the expression */ hlType COND_EXPR::expType(Function * pproc) const { hlType first, second; if (this == nullptr) return (TYPE_UNKNOWN); switch (m_type) { case BOOLEAN_OP: first = lhs()->expType ( pproc ); second = rhs()->expType ( pproc ); if (first != second) { if (hlTypeSize (lhs(), pproc) > hlTypeSize (rhs(), pproc)) return (first); else return (second); } else return (first); case POST_INC: case POST_DEC: case PRE_INC: case PRE_DEC: case NEGATION: return (expr.unaryExp->expType (pproc)); case ADDRESSOF: return (TYPE_PTR); /***????****/ case DEREFERENCE: return (TYPE_PTR); case IDENTIFIER: switch (expr.ident.idType) { case GLOB_VAR: return g_proj.symbolType(expr.ident.idNode.globIdx); case REGISTER: if (expr.ident.regiType == BYTE_REG) return (TYPE_BYTE_SIGN); else return (TYPE_WORD_SIGN); case LOCAL_VAR: return (pproc->localId.id_arr[expr.ident.idNode.localIdx].type); case PARAM: return (pproc->args[expr.ident.idNode.paramIdx].type); case GLOB_VAR_IDX: return (pproc->localId.id_arr[expr.ident.idNode.idxGlbIdx].type); case CONSTANT: return (TYPE_CONST); case STRING: return (TYPE_STR); case LONG_VAR: return (pproc->localId.id_arr[expr.ident.idNode.longIdx].type); case FUNCTION: return (expr.ident.idNode.call.proc->retVal.type); case OTHER: return (TYPE_UNKNOWN); } /* eos */ case UNKNOWN_OP: assert(false); return (TYPE_UNKNOWN); } return TYPE_UNKNOWN; // CC: Correct? } /* Removes the register from the tree. If the register was part of a long * register (eg. dx:ax), the node gets transformed into an integer register * node. */ void HlTypeSupport::performLongRemoval (eReg regi, LOCAL_ID *locId, COND_EXPR *tree) { IDENTTYPE* ident; /* ptr to an identifier */ eReg otherRegi; /* high or low part of long register */ switch (tree->m_type) { case BOOLEAN_OP: break; case POST_INC: case POST_DEC: case PRE_INC: case PRE_DEC: case NEGATION: case ADDRESSOF: case DEREFERENCE: break; case IDENTIFIER: ident = &tree->expr.ident; if (ident->idType == LONG_VAR) { otherRegi = otherLongRegi (regi, ident->idNode.longIdx, locId); ident->idType = REGISTER; ident->regiType = WORD_REG; ident->idNode.regiIdx = locId->newByteWordReg(TYPE_WORD_SIGN,otherRegi); } break; } } /* Returns the string located in image, formatted in C format. */ static std::string getString (int offset) { PROG &prog(Project::get()->prog); ostringstream o; int strLen, i; strLen = strSize (&prog.Image[offset], '\0'); o << '"'; for (i = 0; i < strLen; i++) o<m_type) { case BOOLEAN_OP: outStr << "("; outStr << walkCondExpr(expr->lhs(), pProc, numLoc); outStr << condOpSym[expr->op()]; outStr << walkCondExpr(expr->rhs(), pProc, numLoc); outStr << ")"; break; case NEGATION: if (expr->expr.unaryExp->m_type == IDENTIFIER) { needBracket = false; outStr << "!"; } else outStr << "! ("; outStr << walkCondExpr (expr->expr.unaryExp, pProc, numLoc); if (needBracket == true) outStr << ")"; break; case ADDRESSOF: if (expr->expr.unaryExp->m_type == IDENTIFIER) { needBracket = false; outStr << "&"; } else outStr << "&("; outStr << walkCondExpr (expr->expr.unaryExp, pProc, numLoc); if (needBracket == true) outStr << ")"; break; case DEREFERENCE: outStr << "*"; if (expr->expr.unaryExp->m_type == IDENTIFIER) needBracket = false; else outStr << "("; outStr << walkCondExpr (expr->expr.unaryExp, pProc, numLoc); if (needBracket == true) outStr << ")"; break; case POST_INC: outStr << walkCondExpr (expr->expr.unaryExp, pProc, numLoc) << "++"; break; case POST_DEC: outStr << walkCondExpr (expr->expr.unaryExp, pProc, numLoc) << "--"; break; case PRE_INC: outStr << "++"<< walkCondExpr (expr->expr.unaryExp, pProc, numLoc); break; case PRE_DEC: outStr << "--"<< walkCondExpr (expr->expr.unaryExp, pProc, numLoc); break; case IDENTIFIER: std::ostringstream o; switch (expr->expr.ident.idType) { case GLOB_VAR: o << g_proj.symtab[expr->expr.ident.idNode.globIdx].name; break; case REGISTER: id = &pProc->localId.id_arr[expr->expr.ident.idNode.regiIdx]; if (id->name[0] == '\0') /* no name */ { id->setLocalName(++(*numLoc)); codeOut <type)<< " "<name<<"; "; codeOut <<"/* "<id.regi)<<" */\n"; } if (id->hasMacro) o << id->macro << "("<name<<")"; else o << id->name; break; case LOCAL_VAR: o << pProc->localId.id_arr[expr->expr.ident.idNode.localIdx].name; break; case PARAM: psym = &pProc->args[expr->expr.ident.idNode.paramIdx]; if (psym->hasMacro) o << psym->macro<<"("<name<< ")"; else o << psym->name; break; case GLOB_VAR_IDX: bwGlb = &pProc->localId.id_arr[expr->expr.ident.idNode.idxGlbIdx].id.bwGlb; o << (bwGlb->seg << 4) + bwGlb->off << "["<regi)<<"]"; break; case CONSTANT: if (expr->expr.ident.idNode.kte.kte < 1000) o << expr->expr.ident.idNode.kte.kte; else o << "0x"<expr.ident.idNode.kte.kte; break; case STRING: o << getString (expr->expr.ident.idNode.strIdx); break; case LONG_VAR: id = &pProc->localId.id_arr[expr->expr.ident.idNode.longIdx]; if (id->name[0] != '\0') /* STK_FRAME & REG w/name*/ o << id->name; else if (id->loc == REG_FRAME) { id->setLocalName(++(*numLoc)); codeOut <type)<< " "<name<<"; "; codeOut <<"/* "<id.longId.h) << ":" << Machine_X86::regName(id->id.longId.l) << " */\n"; o << id->name; pProc->localId.propLongId (id->id.longId.l,id->id.longId.h, id->name.c_str()); } else /* GLB_FRAME */ { if (id->id.longGlb.regi == 0) /* not indexed */ o << "[" << (id->id.longGlb.seg<<4) + id->id.longGlb.offH <<"]"; else if (id->id.longGlb.regi == rBX) o << "[" << (id->id.longGlb.seg<<4) + id->id.longGlb.offH <<"][bx]"; } break; case FUNCTION: o << writeCall (expr->expr.ident.idNode.call.proc,*expr->expr.ident.idNode.call.args, pProc, numLoc); break; case OTHER: off = expr->expr.ident.idNode.other.off; o << Machine_X86::regName(expr->expr.ident.idNode.other.seg)<< "["; o << Machine_X86::regName(expr->expr.ident.idNode.other.regi); if (off < 0) o << "-"<< hexStr (-off); else if (off>0) o << "+"<< hexStr (off); o << "]"; } /* eos */ outStr << o.str(); break; } cCode.appendDecl(codeOut.str()); return outStr.str(); } /* Makes a copy of the given expression. Allocates newExp storage for each * node. Returns the copy. */ COND_EXPR *COND_EXPR::clone() const { COND_EXPR* newExp=0; /* Expression node copy */ switch (m_type) { case BOOLEAN_OP: newExp = new COND_EXPR(*this); newExp->boolExpr.lhs = lhs()->clone(); newExp->boolExpr.rhs = rhs()->clone(); break; case NEGATION: case ADDRESSOF: case DEREFERENCE: newExp = new COND_EXPR(*this); newExp->expr.unaryExp = expr.unaryExp->clone(); break; case IDENTIFIER: return new COND_EXPR(*this); } return (newExp); } /* Changes the boolean conditional operator at the root of this expression */ void COND_EXPR::changeBoolOp (condOp newOp) { boolExpr.op = newOp; } /* Inserts the expression exp into the tree at the location specified by the * register regi */ bool COND_EXPR::insertSubTreeReg (COND_EXPR *&tree, COND_EXPR *_expr, eReg regi,const LOCAL_ID *locsym) { if (tree == NULL) return false; COND_EXPR *temp=tree->insertSubTreeReg(_expr,regi,locsym); if(nullptr!=temp) { tree=temp; return true; } return false; } COND_EXPR *COND_EXPR::insertSubTreeReg (COND_EXPR *_expr, eReg regi,const LOCAL_ID *locsym) { eReg treeReg; COND_EXPR *temp; switch (m_type) { case IDENTIFIER: if (expr.ident.idType == REGISTER) { treeReg = locsym->id_arr[expr.ident.idNode.regiIdx].id.regi; if (treeReg == regi) /* uint16_t reg */ { return _expr; } else if(Machine_X86::isSubRegisterOf(treeReg,regi)) /* uint16_t/uint8_t reg */ { return _expr; } } return false; case BOOLEAN_OP: temp = lhs()->insertSubTreeReg( _expr, regi, locsym); if (nullptr!=temp) { boolExpr.lhs = temp; return this; } temp = rhs()->insertSubTreeReg( _expr, regi, locsym); if (nullptr!=temp) { boolExpr.rhs = temp; return this; } return nullptr; case NEGATION: case ADDRESSOF: case DEREFERENCE: temp = expr.unaryExp->insertSubTreeReg( _expr, regi, locsym); if (nullptr!=temp) { expr.unaryExp = temp; return this; } return nullptr; } return nullptr; } COND_EXPR *BinaryOperator::insertSubTreeReg(COND_EXPR *_expr, eReg regi, LOCAL_ID *locsym) { COND_EXPR *r; r=m_lhs->insertSubTreeReg(_expr,regi,locsym); if(r) { m_lhs = r; return this; } r=m_rhs->insertSubTreeReg(_expr,regi,locsym); if(r) { m_rhs = r; return this; } return nullptr; } /* Inserts the expression exp into the tree at the location specified by the * long register index longIdx*/ bool COND_EXPR::insertSubTreeLongReg(COND_EXPR *_expr, COND_EXPR **tree, int longIdx) { if (tree == NULL) return false; COND_EXPR *temp=(*tree)->insertSubTreeLongReg(_expr,longIdx); if(nullptr!=temp) { *tree=temp; return true; } return false; } COND_EXPR *COND_EXPR::insertSubTreeLongReg(COND_EXPR *_expr, int longIdx) { COND_EXPR *temp; switch (m_type) { case IDENTIFIER: if (expr.ident.idNode.longIdx == longIdx) { return _expr; } return nullptr; case BOOLEAN_OP: temp = lhs()->insertSubTreeLongReg( _expr,longIdx); if (nullptr!=temp) { boolExpr.lhs = temp; return this; } temp = rhs()->insertSubTreeLongReg( _expr,longIdx); if (nullptr!=temp) { boolExpr.rhs = temp; return this; } return nullptr; case NEGATION: case ADDRESSOF: case DEREFERENCE: temp = expr.unaryExp->insertSubTreeLongReg(_expr,longIdx); if (nullptr!=temp) { expr.unaryExp = temp; return this; } return nullptr; } return nullptr; } COND_EXPR *BinaryOperator::insertSubTreeLongReg(COND_EXPR *_expr, int longIdx) { COND_EXPR *r; r=m_lhs->insertSubTreeLongReg(_expr,longIdx); if(r) { m_lhs = r; return this; } r=m_rhs->insertSubTreeLongReg(_expr,longIdx); if(r) { m_rhs = r; return this; } return nullptr; } /* Recursively deallocates the abstract syntax tree rooted at *exp */ void COND_EXPR::release() { switch (m_type) { case BOOLEAN_OP: lhs()->release(); rhs()->release(); break; case NEGATION: case ADDRESSOF: case DEREFERENCE: expr.unaryExp->release(); break; } delete (this); } /* Makes a copy of the given expression. Allocates newExp storage for each * node. Returns the copy. */ COND_EXPR *BinaryOperator::clone() { BinaryOperator* newExp=new BinaryOperator(m_op); /* Expression node copy */ newExp->m_lhs = m_lhs->clone(); newExp->m_rhs = m_rhs->clone(); return newExp; } COND_EXPR *BinaryOperator::inverse() { static condOp invCondOp[] = {GREATER, GREATER_EQUAL, NOT_EQUAL, EQUAL, LESS_EQUAL, LESS, DUMMY,DUMMY,DUMMY,DUMMY, DUMMY, DUMMY, DUMMY, DUMMY, DUMMY, DUMMY, DUMMY, DBL_OR, DBL_AND}; BinaryOperator *res=reinterpret_cast(this->clone()); switch (m_op) { case LESS_EQUAL: case LESS: case EQUAL: case NOT_EQUAL: case GREATER: case GREATER_EQUAL: res->m_op = invCondOp[m_op]; return res; case AND: case OR: case XOR: case NOT: case ADD: case SUB: case MUL: case DIV: case SHR: case SHL: case MOD: return COND_EXPR::unary (NEGATION, res); case DBL_AND: case DBL_OR: res->m_op = invCondOp[m_op]; res->m_lhs=m_lhs->inverse (); res->m_rhs=m_rhs->inverse (); return res; } /* eos */ assert(false); return res; }