/**************************************************************************** * dcc project disassembler * (C) Cristina Cifuentes, Mike van Emmerik, Jeff Ledermann ****************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* For free() */ #include "dcc.h" #include "symtab.h" #include "disassem.h" // Note: for the time being, there is no interactive disassembler // for unix #ifndef __UNIX__ #include // getch() etc #endif using namespace std; #define POS_LAB 15 /* Position of label */ #define POS_OPC 20 /* Position of opcode */ #define POS_OPR 25 /* Position of operand */ #define WID_PTR 10 /* Width of the "xword ptr" lingo */ #define POS_OPR2 POS_OPR+WID_PTR /* Position of operand after "xword ptr" */ #define POS_CMT 54 /* Position of comment */ #define DELTA_ICODE 16 /* Number of icodes to realloc by each time */ static const char *szOps[] = { "CBW", "AAA", "AAD", "AAM", "AAS", "ADC", "ADD", "AND", "BOUND","CALL", "CALL", "CLC", "CLD", "CLI", "CMC", "CMP", "CMPS", "REPNE CMPS","REPE CMPS","DAA", "DAS", "DEC", "DIV", "ENTER", "ESC", "HLT", "IDIV", "IMUL", "IN", "INC", "INS", "REP INS", "INT", "IRET", "JB", "JBE", "JAE", "JA", "JE", "JNE", "JL", "JGE", "JLE", "JG", "JS", "JNS", "JO", "JNO", "JP", "JNP", "JCXZ", "JMP", "JMP", "LAHF", "LDS", "LEA", "LEAVE","LES", "LOCK", "LODS", "REP LODS", "LOOP", "LOOPE","LOOPNE", "MOV", "MOVS", "REP MOVS", "MUL", "NEG", "NOT", "OR", "OUT", "OUTS", "REP OUTS", "POP", "POPA", "POPF", "PUSH", "PUSHA","PUSHF", "RCL", "RCR", "ROL", "ROR", "RET", "RETF", "SAHF", "SAR", "SHL", "SHR", "SBB", "SCAS", "REPNE SCAS","REPE SCAS", "CWD", "STC", "STD", "STI", "STOS", "REP STOS", "SUB", "TEST", "WAIT", "XCHG", "XLAT", "XOR", "INTO", "NOP", "REPNE", "REPE", "MOD" }; /* The following opcodes are for mod != 3 */ static const char *szFlops1[] = { /* 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 */ "FADD", "FMUL", "FCOM", "FCOMP", "FSUB", "FSUBR", "FDIV", "FDIVR", /* 00 */ "FLD", "???", "FST", "???", "FLDENV","FLDCW", "FSTENV","FSTSW", /* 08 */ "FIADD", "FIMUL", "FICOM","FICOMP","FISUB", "FISUBR","FIDIV", "FIDIVR", /* 10 */ "FILD", "???", "FIST", "FISTP", "???", "???", "???", "FSTP", /* 18 */ "FADD", "FMUL", "FCOM", "FCOMP", "FSUB", "FSUBR", "FDIV", "FDIVR", /* 20 */ "FLD", "FLD", "FST", "FSTP", "FRESTOR","???", "FSAVE", "FSTSW", /* 28 */ "FIADD", "FIMUL", "FICOM","FICOMP","FISUB", "FISUBR","FIDIV", "FIDIVR", /* 30 */ "FILD", "???", "FIST", "FISTP", "FBLD", "???", "FBSTP", "FISTP" /* 38 */ }; /* The following opcodes are for mod == 3 */ static const char *szFlops2[] = { /* 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 */ "FADD", "FMUL", "FCOM", "FCOMP", "FSUB", "FSUBR", "FDIV", "FDIVR", /* 00 */ "FLD", "FXCH", "FNOP", "???", "", "", "", "", /* 08 */ "FIADD", "FIMUL", "FICOM","FICOMP","FISUB", "", "FIDIV", "FIDIVR", /* 10 */ "FILD", "???", "FIST", "FISTP", "???", "???", "???", "FSTP", /* 18 */ "FADD", "FMUL", "FCOM", "FCOMP", "FSUB", "FSUBR", "FDIV", "FDIVR", /* 20 */ "FFREE", "FSTP", "FST", "???", "FUCOM", "FUCOMP","???", "???", /* 28 */ "FADDP", "FMULP", "FICOM","", "FSUBRP","FISUBR","FDIVRP","FDIVP", /* 30 */ "FILD", "???", "FIST", "FISTP", "", "???", "FBSTP", "FISTP" /* 38 */ }; static const char *szFlops0C[] = { "FCHS", "FABS", "???", "???", "FTST", "FXAM", "???", "???" }; static const char *szFlops0D[] = { "FLD1", "FLDL2T","FLDL2E","FLDP1", "FLDLG2","FLDLN2","FLDZ", "???" }; static const char *szFlops0E[] = { "F2XM1", "FYL2X", "FPTAN", "FPATAN","FXTRACT","FPREM1","FDECSTP","FINCSTP" }; static const char *szFlops0F[] = { "FPREM", "FYLXP1","FSQRT", "FSINCOS","FRNDINT","FSCALE","FSIN","FCOS" }; static const char *szFlops15[] = { "???", "FUCOMPP", "???", "???", "???", "???", "???", "???" }; static const char *szFlops1C[] = { "???", "???", "FCLEX", "FINIT", "FTST", "FXAM", "???", "???" }; static const char *szFlops33[] = { "???", "FCOMPP", "???", "???", "???", "???", "???", "???" }; static const char *szFlops3C[] = { "FSTSWAX","???", "???", "???", "???", "???", "???", "???" }; static const char *szIndex[8] = {"bx+si", "bx+di", "bp+si", "bp+di", "si", "di","bp","bx" }; static const char *szBreg[8] = { "al", "cl", "dl", "bl", "ah", "ch", "dh", "bh" }; static const char *szWreg[12] = { "ax", "cx", "dx", "bx", "sp", "bp", "si", "di", "es", "cs", "ss", "ds" }; static const char *szPtr[2] = { "word ptr ", "byte ptr " }; static void dis1Line (ICODE &icode, int pass); void dis1LineOp(int i, boolT fWin, char attr, uint16_t *len, Function * pProc); static void formatRM(ostringstream &p, uint32_t flg, const LLOperand &pm); static ostringstream &strDst(ostringstream &os, uint32_t flg, LLOperand &pm); static ostringstream &strSrc(ostringstream &os,const LLInst &pc,bool skip_comma=false); static char *strHex(uint32_t d); static int checkScanned(uint32_t pcCur); static void setProc(Function * proc); static void dispData(uint16_t dataSeg); void flops(LLInst &pIcode, std::ostringstream &out); boolT callArg(uint16_t off, char *temp); /* Check for procedure name */ static FILE *fp; static CIcodeRec pc; static std::ostringstream buf; static int cb, j, numIcode, allocIcode, eop; static map pl; static uint32_t nextInst; static boolT fImpure; static int lab, prevPass; static Function * pProc; /* Points to current proc struct */ struct POSSTACK_ENTRY { int ic; /* An icode offset */ Function * pProc; /* A pointer to a PROCEDURE structure */ } ; vector posStack; /* position stack */ uint8_t iPS; /* Index into the stack */ //static char cbuf[256]; /* Has to be 256 for wgetstr() to work */ // These are "curses equivalent" functions. (Used to use curses for all this, // but it was too much of a distribution hassle #define printfd(x) printf(x) #define dis_newline() printf("\n") #define dis_show() // Nothing to do unless using Curses /***************************************************************************** * disassem - Prints a disassembled listing of a procedure. * pass == 1 generates output on file .a1 * pass == 2 generates output on file .a2 * pass == 3 generates output on file .b ****************************************************************************/ void disassem(int pass, Function * ppProc) { int i; pProc = ppProc; /* Save the passes pProc */ if (pass != prevPass) { prevPass = pass; lab = 0; /* Restart label numbers */ } createSymTables(); allocIcode = numIcode = pProc->Icode.size(); cb = allocIcode * sizeof(ICODE); if (numIcode == 0) { return; /* No Icode */ } /* Open the output file (.a1 or .a2 only) */ if (pass != 3) { auto p = (pass == 1)? asm1_name: asm2_name; fp = fopen(p, "a+"); if (!fp) { fatalError(CANNOT_OPEN, p); } } pc=pProc->Icode; /* Create temporary code array */ // Mike: needs objectising! //pc = (ICODE *)memcpy(allocMem(cb), pProc->Icode.GetFirstIcode(), (size_t)cb); if (pass == 1) { /* Bind jump offsets to labels */ //for (i = 0; i < numIcode; i++) for( ICODE &icode : pc) { LLInst *ll=icode.ll(); if (ll->testFlags(I) && ! ll->testFlags(JMP_ICODE) && JmpInst(ll->opcode)) { /* Replace the immediate operand with an icode index */ iICODE labTgt=pc.labelSrch(ll->src.op()); if (labTgt!=pc.end()) { ll->src.SetImmediateOp(labTgt->loc_ip); /* This icode is the target of a jump */ labTgt->ll()->setFlags(TARGET); ll->setFlags(JMP_ICODE); /* So its not done twice */ } else { /* This jump cannot be linked to a label */ ll->setFlags(NO_LABEL); } } } } /* Create label array to keep track of location => label name */ pl.clear(); /* Write procedure header */ if (pass != 3) fprintf(fp, "\t\t%s PROC %s\n", pProc->name.c_str(), (pProc->flg & PROC_FAR)? "FAR": "NEAR"); /* Loop over array printing each record */ nextInst = 0; std::for_each(pc.begin(), pc.end(), [pass](ICODE &iter)->void {dis1Line(iter, pass);}); /* Write procedure epilogue */ if (pass != 3) { fprintf(fp, "\n\t\t%s ENDP\n\n", pProc->name.c_str()); fclose(fp); } pc.clear(); destroySymTables(); } /**************************************************************************** * dis1Line() - disassemble one line to stream fp * * * i is index into Icode for this proc * * It is assumed that icode i is already scanned * ****************************************************************************/ static void dis1Line(ICODE &icode_iter, int pass) { ostringstream oper_stream; ostringstream hex_bytes; ostringstream result_stream; oper_stream << uppercase; hex_bytes << uppercase; LLInst &_IcLL(*icode_iter.ll()); /* Disassembly stage 1 -- * Do not try to display NO_CODE entries or synthetic instructions, * other than JMPs, that have been introduced for def/use analysis. */ if ((option.asm1) && ( _IcLL.testFlags(NO_CODE) || (_IcLL.testFlags(SYNTHETIC) && (_IcLL.opcode != iJMP)))) { return; } else if (_IcLL.testFlags(NO_CODE)) { return; } if (_IcLL.testFlags(TARGET | CASE)) { if (pass == 3) cCode.appendCode("\n"); /* Print to c code buffer */ else fprintf(fp, "\n"); /* No, print to the stream */ } /* Find next instruction label and print hex bytes */ if (_IcLL.testFlags(SYNTHETIC)) nextInst = _IcLL.label; else { cb = (uint32_t) _IcLL.numBytes; nextInst = _IcLL.label + cb; /* Output hexa code in program image */ if (pass != 3) { for (j = 0; j < cb; j++) { hex_bytes << hex << setw(2) << setfill('0') << uint16_t(prog.Image[_IcLL.label + j]); } hex_bytes << ' '; } } oper_stream << setw(POS_LAB) << left<< hex_bytes.str(); /* Check if there is a symbol here */ selectTable(Label); oper_stream << setw(5)<ll()->immed.op)); } else { strDst(oper_stream,_IcLL.getFlag() | I, _IcLL.dst); } break; case iDIV: case iIDIV: case iMUL: case iIMUL: case iMOD: if (_IcLL.testFlags(I)) { strDst(oper_stream,_IcLL.getFlag(), _IcLL.dst) <<", "; formatRM(oper_stream, _IcLL.getFlag(), _IcLL.src); strSrc(oper_stream,_IcLL); } else strDst(oper_stream,_IcLL.getFlag() | I, _IcLL.src); break; case iLDS: case iLES: case iBOUND: strDst(oper_stream,_IcLL.getFlag(), _IcLL.dst)<<", dword ptr"; strSrc(oper_stream,_IcLL,true); break; case iJB: case iJBE: case iJAE: case iJA: case iJL: case iJLE: case iJGE: case iJG: case iJE: case iJNE: case iJS: case iJNS: case iJO: case iJNO: case iJP: case iJNP: case iJCXZ:case iLOOP: case iLOOPE:case iLOOPNE: case iJMP: case iJMPF: /* Check if there is a symbol here */ { ICODE *lab=pc.GetIcode(_IcLL.src.op()); selectTable(Label); if ((_IcLL.src.op() < (uint32_t)numIcode) && /* Ensure in range */ readVal(oper_stream, lab->ll()->label, 0)) { break; /* Symbolic label. Done */ } } if (_IcLL.testFlags(NO_LABEL)) { //strcpy(p + WID_PTR, strHex(pIcode->ll()->immed.op)); oper_stream<name; } else if (_IcLL.opcode == iCALLF) { oper_stream<<"dword ptr "; strSrc(oper_stream,_IcLL,true); } else strDst(oper_stream,I, _IcLL.src); break; case iENTER: oper_stream< 0 && j < (int)nextInst; j++) { fImpure |= BITMAP(j, BM_DATA); } } result_stream << setw(54) << left << oper_stream.str(); /* Check for user supplied comment */ selectTable(Comment); ostringstream cbuf; if (readVal(cbuf, _IcLL.label, 0)) { result_stream <<"; "<= INDEXBASE)) os << szPtr[flg & B]; formatRM(os, flg, pm); return os; } /**************************************************************************** * strSrc * ****************************************************************************/ static ostringstream &strSrc(ostringstream &os,const LLInst &l_ins,bool skip_comma) { static char buf[30] = {", "}; if(false==skip_comma) os<<", "; if (l_ins.testFlags(I)) os< 9)? "h": ""); return (buf + (buf[1] <= '9')); } /**************************************************************************** * interactDis - interactive disassembler * ****************************************************************************/ void interactDis(Function * initProc, int initIC) { printf("Sorry - interactive disasassembler option not available for Unix\n"); return; } /* Handle the floating point opcodes (icode iESC) */ void flops(LLInst &pIcode,std::ostringstream &out) { char bf[30]; uint8_t op = (uint8_t)pIcode.src.op(); /* Note that op is set to the escape number, e.g. esc 0x38 is FILD */ if ((pIcode.dst.regi == 0) || (pIcode.dst.regi >= INDEXBASE)) { /* The mod/rm mod bits are not set to 11 (i.e. register). This is the normal floating point opcode */ out<= 0x20) && (op <= 0x27)) { /* This is the ST(i), ST form. */ out << "ST("<