Artur K 12 years ago
100 changed files with 20908 additions and 0 deletions
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  58. 109 0
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+ 63 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+#CC = gcc -g -O -D__UNIX__
+cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.6)
+if(CMAKE_BUILD_TOOL MATCHES "(msdev|devenv|nmake)")
+    add_definitions(/W4)
+    SET(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -Wall --std=c++0x")
+    include/ast.h
+    include/bundle.h
+    include/dcc.h
+    include/disassem.h
+    include/dosdcc.h
+    include/error.h
+    include/graph.h
+    include/hlicode.h
+    include/icode.h
+    include/locident.h
+    include/perfhlib.h
+    include/scanner.h
+    include/state.h
+    include/symtab.h
+    include/types.h
+    include/Procedure.h
+    include/StackFrame.h
+    include/BasicBlock.h
+ADD_EXECUTABLE(dcc_original ${dcc_SOURCES} ${dcc_HEADERS})

+ 88 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <list>
+#include <vector>
+#include <string>
+#include "types.h"
+/* Basic block (BB) node definition */
+struct Function;
+class CIcodeRec;
+struct BB;
+struct interval;
+typedef union
+    dword         ip;             /* Out edge icode address       */
+    BB *          BBptr;          /* Out edge pointer to next BB  */
+    interval     *intPtr;         /* Out edge ptr to next interval*/
+struct BB
+    BB(const BB&);
+    BB() : nodeType(0),traversed(0),start(0),length(0),
+        numHlIcodes(0),flg(0),
+        numInEdges(0),inEdges(0),
+        numOutEdges(0),edges(0),beenOnH(0),inEdgeCount(0),reachingInt(0),
+        inInterval(0),correspInt(0),liveUse(0),def(0),liveIn(0),liveOut(0),
+        dfsFirstNum(0),dfsLastNum(0),immedDom(0),ifFollow(0),loopType(0),latchNode(0),
+        numBackEdges(0),loopHead(0),loopFollow(0),caseHead(0),caseTail(0),index(0)
+    {
+    }
+    byte            nodeType;       /* Type of node                 */
+    Int             traversed;      /* Boolean: traversed yet?      */
+    Int             start;          /* First instruction offset     */
+    Int             length;         /* No. of instructions this BB  */
+    Int             numHlIcodes;	/* No. of high-level icodes		*/
+    flags32         flg;			/* BB flags						*/
+    /* In edges and out edges */
+    Int             numInEdges;     /* Number of in edges           */
+    std::vector<BB *> inEdges; // does not own held pointers
+    Int             numOutEdges;    /* Number of out edges          */
+    std::vector<TYPEADR_TYPE> edges;/* Array of ptrs. to out edges  */
+    /* For interval construction */
+    Int             beenOnH;        /* #times been on header list H */
+    Int             inEdgeCount;    /* #inEdges (to find intervals) */
+    BB *            reachingInt;    /* Reaching interval header     */
+    interval       *inInterval;     /* Node's interval              */
+    /* For derived sequence construction */
+    interval       *correspInt;     /* Corresponding interval in
+                                     * derived graph Gi-1       	*/
+    /* For live register analysis
+         * LiveIn(b) = LiveUse(b) U (LiveOut(b) - Def(b))	*/
+    dword           liveUse;		/* LiveUse(b)					*/
+    dword           def;			/* Def(b)						*/
+    dword           liveIn;			/* LiveIn(b)					*/
+    dword           liveOut;		/* LiveOut(b)					*/
+    /* For structuring analysis */
+    Int             dfsFirstNum;    /* DFS #: first visit of node   */
+    Int             dfsLastNum;     /* DFS #: last visit of node    */
+    Int             immedDom;       /* Immediate dominator (dfsLast
+                                     * index)                       */
+    Int             ifFollow;       /* node that ends the if        */
+    Int             loopType;       /* Type of loop (if any)        */
+    Int             latchNode;      /* latching node of the loop    */
+    Int             numBackEdges;	/* # of back edges				*/
+    Int             loopHead;       /* most nested loop head to which
+                                     * thcis node belongs (dfsLast)  */
+    Int             loopFollow;     /* node that follows the loop   */
+    Int             caseHead;       /* most nested case to which this
+                                        node belongs (dfsLast)      */
+    Int             caseTail;       /* tail node for the case       */
+    Int             index;          /* Index, used in several ways  */
+    static BB *Create(void *ctx=0,const std::string &s="",Function *parent=0,BB *insertBefore=0);
+    static BB *Create(Int start, Int ip, byte nodeType, Int numOutEdges, Function * parent);
+    void writeCode(Int indLevel, Function *pProc, Int *numLoc, Int latchNode, Int ifFollow);
+    void mergeFallThrough(CIcodeRec &Icode);
+    void dfsNumbering(std::vector<BB *> &dfsLast, Int *first, Int *last);
+    void displayDfs();

+ 85 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+#pragma once
+/* Register types */
+enum regType
+    BYTE_REG,
+enum condId
+    GLOB_VAR,       /* global variable  */
+    REGISTER,       /* register         */
+    LOCAL_VAR,      /* negative disp    */
+    PARAM,          /* positive disp    */
+    GLOB_VAR_IDX,   /* indexed global variable *//*** should merge w/glob-var*/
+    CONSTANT,       /* constant         */
+    STRING,         /* string			*/
+    LONG_VAR,       /* long variable	*/
+    FUNCTION,       /* function			*/
+    OTHER           /* other **** tmp solution */
+enum condOp
+    /* For conditional expressions */
+    LESS_EQUAL = 0, /* <=   */
+    LESS,           /* <    */
+    EQUAL,          /* ==   */
+    NOT_EQUAL,      /* !=   */
+    GREATER,        /* >    */
+    GREATER_EQUAL,  /* >=   */
+    /* For general expressions */
+    AND,            /* &    */
+    OR,				/* |	*/
+    XOR,			/* ^	*/
+    NOT,			/* ~	*/  /* 1's complement */
+    ADD,			/* +	*/
+    SUB,			/* -	*/
+    MUL,			/* *	*/
+    DIV,			/* /	*/
+    SHR,			/* >>	*/
+    SHL,			/* <<	*/
+    MOD,			/* %	*/
+    DBL_AND,		/* &&	*/
+    DBL_OR,			/* ||	*/
+    DUMMY			/*      */
+/* LOW_LEVEL operand location: source or destination */
+enum opLoc
+    SRC,						/* Source operand 		*/
+    DST,						/* Destination operand	*/
+    LHS_OP						/* Left-hand side operand (for HIGH_LEVEL) */
+/* Conditional Expression enumeration nodes and operators               */
+enum condNodeType
+    UNKNOWN_OP=0,
+    BOOLEAN_OP,         /* condOps  			*/
+    NEGATION,           /* not (2's complement)	*/
+    ADDRESSOF,          /* addressOf (&)		*/
+    DEREFERENCE,        /* contents of (*) 		*/
+    IDENTIFIER,         /* {register | local | param | constant | global} */
+    /* The following are only available to C programs */
+    POST_INC,           /* ++ (post increment)	*/
+    POST_DEC,           /* -- (post decrement)	*/
+    PRE_INC,            /* ++ (pre increment)	*/
+    PRE_DEC             /* -- (pre decrement)	*/
+} ;
+/* Enumeration to determine whether pIcode points to the high or low part
+ * of a long number */
+enum hlFirst
+        HIGH_FIRST,			/* High value is first		*/
+        LOW_FIRST			/* Low value is first		*/
+/* Operand is defined, used or both flag */
+enum operDu
+    eDEF=0x10,			/* Operand is defined						*/
+    eUSE=0x100,			/* Operand is used							*/
+    USE_DEF,		/* Operand is used and defined				*/
+    NONE			/* No operation is required on this operand	*/

+ 31 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "ast.h"
+#include "types.h"
+    condId           idType;
+    regType          regiType;  /* for REGISTER only                */
+    union _idNode {
+        Int          regiIdx;   /* index into localId, REGISTER		*/
+        Int          globIdx;   /* index into symtab for GLOB_VAR   */
+        Int          localIdx;  /* idx into localId,  LOCAL_VAR		*/
+        Int          paramIdx;  /* idx into args symtab, PARAMS     */
+        Int			 idxGlbIdx;	/* idx into localId, GLOB_VAR_IDX   */
+        struct _kte
+        {			/* for CONSTANT only					*/
+            dword   kte;   	/*   value of the constant			*/
+            byte    size;       /*   #bytes size constant	 		*/
+        } kte;
+        dword		 strIdx;	/* idx into image, for STRING	 	*/
+        Int			 longIdx;	/* idx into LOCAL_ID table, LONG_VAR*/
+        struct _call {			/* for FUNCTION only				*/
+            Function     *proc;
+            STKFRAME *args;
+        }			 call;
+        struct {                /* for OTHER; tmp struct            */
+            byte     seg;       /*   segment                        */
+            byte     regi;      /*   index mode                     */
+            int16    off;       /*   offset                         */
+        }            other;
+    }                idNode;

+ 77 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "types.h"
+#include "ast.h"
+#include "icode.h"
+#include "locident.h"
+#include "error.h"
+#include "graph.h"
+#include "bundle.h"
+#include "StackFrame.h"
+struct CALL_GRAPH;
+struct Function
+    dword        procEntry; /* label number                         	 */
+    char         name[SYMLEN]; /* Meaningful name for this proc     	 */
+    STATE        state;     /* Entry state                          	 */
+    Int          depth;     /* Depth at which we found it - for printing */
+    flags32      flg;       /* Combination of Icode & Proc flags    	 */
+    int16        cbParam;   /* Probable no. of bytes of parameters  	 */
+    STKFRAME     args;      /* Array of arguments                   	 */
+    LOCAL_ID	 localId;   /* Local identifiers                         */
+    ID           retVal;    /* Return value - identifier    		 */
+        /* Icodes and control flow graph */
+    CIcodeRec	 Icode;     /* Object with ICODE records                 */
+    std::vector<BB*> cfg;      /* Ptr. to BB list/CFG                  	 */
+    std::vector<BB*> dfsLast;
+    std::vector<BB*> heldBBs;
+    //BB *         *dfsLast;  /* Array of pointers to BBs in dfsLast
+//                           * (reverse postorder) order            	 */
+    Int          numBBs;    /* Number of BBs in the graph cfg       	 */
+    boolT        hasCase;   /* Procedure has a case node            	 */
+    /* For interprocedural live analysis */
+    dword		 liveIn;	/* Registers used before defined                 */
+    dword		 liveOut;	/* Registers that may be used in successors	 */
+    boolT		 liveAnal;	/* Procedure has been analysed already		 */
+        /* Double-linked list */
+//    Function *next;
+//    Function *prev;
+    Function() : procEntry(0),depth(0),flg(0),cbParam(0),cfg(0),dfsLast(0),numBBs(0),
+        hasCase(false),liveIn(0),liveOut(0),liveAnal(0)//,next(0),prev(0)
+    {
+        memset(name,0,SYMLEN);
+    }
+    void compoundCond();
+    void writeProcComments();
+    void lowLevelAnalysis();
+    void bindIcodeOff();
+    void dataFlow(dword liveOut);
+    void compressCFG();
+    void highLevelGen();
+    void structure(derSeq *derivedG);
+    derSeq *checkReducibility();
+    void createCFG();
+    void markImpure();
+    void findImmedDom();
+    void FollowCtrl(CALL_GRAPH *pcallGraph, STATE *pstate);
+    void process_operands(ICODE *pIcode, STATE *pstate);
+    boolT process_JMP(ICODE *pIcode, STATE *pstate, CALL_GRAPH *pcallGraph);
+    boolT process_CALL(ICODE *pIcode, CALL_GRAPH *pcallGraph, STATE *pstate);
+    void displayCFG();
+    void freeCFG();
+    void codeGen(std::ostream &fs);
+    void displayStats();
+    void mergeFallThrough(BB *pBB);
+    void findExps();
+    void genDU1();
+    void elimCondCodes();
+    void liveRegAnalysis(dword in_liveOut);
+    void findIdioms();
+    void propLong();
+    void genLiveKtes();

+ 45 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "types.h"
+#include "ast.h"
+#include "icode.h"
+#include "locident.h"
+#include "error.h"
+#include "graph.h"
+#include "bundle.h"
+struct STKSYM
+    COND_EXPR	*actual;	/* Expression tree of actual parameter 		*/
+    COND_EXPR 	*regs;		/* For register arguments only				*/
+    int16       off;        /* Immediate off from BP (+:args, -:params) */
+    byte        regOff;     /* Offset is a register (e.g. SI, DI)       */
+    Int         size;       /* Size             						*/
+    hlType      type;       /* Probable type    						*/
+    eDuVal      duVal;      /* DEF, USE, VAL    						*/
+    boolT       hasMacro;	/* This type needs a macro					*/
+    char        macro[10];	/* Macro name								*/
+    char        name[10];   /* Name for this symbol/argument            */
+    boolT       invalid;	/* Boolean: invalid entry in formal arg list*/
+    STKSYM()
+    {
+        memset(this,0,sizeof(STKSYM));
+    }
+struct STKFRAME
+    std::vector<STKSYM> sym;
+    //STKSYM *    sym;        /* Symbols                      */
+    int16       minOff;     /* Initial offset in stack frame*/
+    int16       maxOff;     /* Maximum offset in stack frame*/
+    Int         cb;         /* Number of bytes in arguments */
+    Int         numArgs;    /* No. of arguments in the table*/
+    void adjustForArgType(Int numArg_, hlType actType_);
+    STKFRAME() : sym(0),minOff(0),maxOff(0),cb(0),numArgs(0)
+    {
+    }
+    Int getLocVar(Int off);

+ 91 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+ * File:    ast.h
+ * Purpose: definition of the abstract syntax tree ADT.
+ * Date:    September 1993
+ * (C) Cristina Cifuentes
+ */
+#pragma once
+static const int operandSize=20;
+#include <cstring>
+#include "Enums.h"
+/* The following definitions and types define the Conditional Expression
+ * attributed syntax tree, as defined by the following EBNF:
+    CondExp     ::= CondTerm AND CondTerm | CondTerm
+    CondTerm    ::= (CondFactor op CondFactor)
+    CondFactor  ::= Identifier | ! CondFactor
+    Identifier  ::= globalVar | register | localVar | parameter | constant
+    op          ::= <= | < | = | != | > | >=
+ */
+/* High-level BOOLEAN conditions for iJB..iJNS icodes */
+static const condOp condOpJCond[12] = {LESS, LESS_EQUAL, GREATER_EQUAL, GREATER,
+                                 EQUAL, NOT_EQUAL, LESS, GREATER_EQUAL,
+                                 LESS_EQUAL, GREATER, GREATER_EQUAL, LESS};
+static const condOp invCondOpJCond[12] = {GREATER_EQUAL, GREATER, LESS, LESS_EQUAL,
+                                    NOT_EQUAL, EQUAL, GREATER_EQUAL, LESS,
+                                    GREATER, LESS_EQUAL, LESS, GREATER_EQUAL};
+struct Function;
+struct STKFRAME;
+struct LOCAL_ID;
+struct ICODE;
+struct ID;
+#include "IdentType.h"
+//enum opLoc;
+//enum hlFirst;
+//enum operDu;
+/* Expression data type */
+struct COND_EXPR
+    condNodeType            type;       /* Conditional Expression Node Type */
+    union _exprNode {                   /* Different cond expr nodes        */
+        struct /* for BOOLEAN_OP					*/
+        {
+            condOp           op;
+            COND_EXPR *lhs;
+            COND_EXPR *rhs;
+        } boolExpr;
+        IDENTTYPE   ident;     /* for IDENTIFIER                   */
+    }   expr;
+    static COND_EXPR *idGlob(int16 segValue, int16 off);
+    static COND_EXPR *idRegIdx(Int idx, regType reg_type);
+    static COND_EXPR *idKte(dword kte, byte size);
+    static COND_EXPR *idLoc(Int off, LOCAL_ID *localId);
+    static COND_EXPR *idReg(byte regi, flags32 icodeFlg, LOCAL_ID *locsym);
+    static COND_EXPR *idLongIdx(Int idx);
+    static COND_EXPR *idOther(byte seg, byte regi, int16 off);
+    static COND_EXPR *idParam(Int off, const STKFRAME *argSymtab);
+    static COND_EXPR *unary(condNodeType t, COND_EXPR *sub_expr);
+    static COND_EXPR *idLong(LOCAL_ID *localId, opLoc sd, ICODE *pIcode, hlFirst f, Int ix, operDu du, Int off);
+    static COND_EXPR *idFunc(Function *pproc, STKFRAME *args);
+    static COND_EXPR *idID(const ID *retVal, LOCAL_ID *locsym, Int ix);
+    static COND_EXPR *id(ICODE *pIcode, opLoc sd, Function *pProc, Int i, ICODE *duIcode, operDu du);
+    static COND_EXPR *boolOp(COND_EXPR *lhs, COND_EXPR *rhs, condOp op);
+    COND_EXPR *clone();
+    void release();
+    void changeBoolOp(condOp newOp);
+    COND_EXPR(COND_EXPR &other)
+    {
+        type=other.type;
+        expr=other.expr;
+    }
+    COND_EXPR()
+    {
+        type=UNKNOWN_OP;
+        memset(&expr,0,sizeof(_exprNode));
+    }
+/* Sequence of conditional expression data type */
+/*** NOTE: not used at present ****/
+//struct SEQ_COND_EXPR
+//    COND_EXPR           *expr;
+//    struct _condExpSeq  *neccxt;

+ 31 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+ * Project: dcc
+ * File:    bundle.h
+ * Purpose: Module to handle the bundle type (array of pointers to strings).
+ * (C) Cristina Cifuentes
+ ****************************************************************************/
+#pragma once
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <vector>
+#include <string>
+typedef std::vector<std::string> strTable;
+struct bundle
+    void appendCode(const char *format, ...);
+    void appendDecl(const char *format, ...);
+    strTable    decl;   /* Declarations */
+    strTable    code;   /* C code       */
+#define lineSize	360		/* 3 lines in the mean time */
+void    newBundle (bundle *procCode);
+//void    appendStrTab (strTable *strTab, const char *format, ...);
+Int     nextBundleIdx (strTable *strTab);
+void	addLabelBundle (strTable &strTab, Int idx, Int label);
+void    writeBundle (std::ostream &ios, bundle procCode);
+void    freeBundle (bundle *procCode);

+ 219 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+ *          dcc project general header
+ * (C) Cristina Cifuentes, Mike van Emmerik
+ ****************************************************************************/
+#pragma once
+#include "types.h"
+#include "ast.h"
+#include "icode.h"
+#include "locident.h"
+#include "error.h"
+#include "graph.h"
+#include "bundle.h"
+#include "Procedure.h"
+#include "BasicBlock.h"
+typedef std::list<Function> lFunction;
+typedef std::list<Function>::iterator ilFunction;
+struct SYM {
+    char        name[10];   /* New name for this variable   */
+    dword       label;      /* physical address (20 bit)    */
+    Int         size;       /* maximum size                 */
+    flags32     flg;        /* SEG_IMMED, IMPURE, WORD_OFF  */
+    hlType      type;       /* probable type                */
+    eDuVal      duVal;      /* DEF, USE, VAL                */
+struct SYMTAB
+    Int         csym;       /* No. of symbols in table  */
+    Int         alloc;      /* Allocation               */
+    SYM *        sym;        /* Symbols                  */
+struct CALL_GRAPH
+        ilFunction proc;               /* Pointer to procedure in pProcList	*/
+        std::vector<CALL_GRAPH *> outEdges; /* array of out edges                   */
+        void write();
+        CALL_GRAPH() : outEdges(0)
+        {
+        }
+        void writeNodeCallGraph(Int indIdx);
+        boolT insertCallGraph(ilFunction caller, ilFunction callee);
+        boolT insertCallGraph(Function *caller, ilFunction callee);
+        void insertArc(ilFunction newProc);
+#define NUM_PROCS_DELTA		5		/* delta # procs a proc invokes		 	*/
+extern std::list<Function> pProcList;
+extern CALL_GRAPH * callGraph;	/* Pointer to the head of the call graph     */
+extern bundle cCode;			/* Output C procedure's declaration and code */
+/* Procedure FLAGS */
+    PROC_BADINST=0x000100,/* Proc contains invalid or 386 instruction */
+    PROC_IJMP   =0x000200,/* Proc incomplete due to indirect jmp	 	*/
+    PROC_ICALL  =0x000400, /* Proc incomplete due to indirect call		*/
+    PROC_HLL=0x001000, /* Proc is likely to be from a HLL			*/
+    CALL_PASCAL=0x002000, /* Proc uses Pascal calling convention		*/
+    CALL_C=0x004000, /* Proc uses C calling convention			*/
+    CALL_UNKNOWN=0x008000, /* Proc uses unknown calling convention		*/
+    PROC_NEAR=0x010000, /* Proc exits with near return				*/
+    PROC_FAR=0x020000, /* Proc exits with far return				*/
+    GRAPH_IRRED=0x100000, /* Proc generates an irreducible graph		*/
+    SI_REGVAR=0x200000, /* SI is used as a stack variable 			*/
+    DI_REGVAR=0x400000, /* DI is used as a stack variable 			*/
+    PROC_IS_FUNC=0x800000,	/* Proc is a function 						*/
+    REG_ARGS=0x1000000, /* Proc has registers as arguments			*/
+    PROC_VARARG=0x2000000,	/* Proc has variable arguments				*/
+    PROC_OUTPUT=0x4000000, /* C for this proc has been output 			*/
+    PROC_RUNTIME=0x8000000, /* Proc is part of the runtime support		*/
+    PROC_ISLIB=0x10000000, /* Proc is a library function				*/
+    PROC_ASM=0x20000000, /* Proc is an intrinsic assembler routine   */
+    PROC_IS_HLL=0x40000000 /* Proc has HLL prolog code					*/
+#define CALL_MASK    0xFFFF9FFF /* Masks off CALL_C and CALL_PASCAL		 	*/
+/**** Global variables ****/
+extern char *asm1_name, *asm2_name; /* Assembler output filenames 		*/
+typedef struct {            /* Command line option flags */
+    unsigned verbose        : 1;
+    unsigned VeryVerbose    : 1;
+    unsigned asm1           : 1;    /* Early disassembly listing */
+    unsigned asm2           : 1;    /* Disassembly listing after restruct */
+    unsigned Map            : 1;
+    unsigned Stats          : 1;
+    unsigned Interact       : 1;    /* Interactive mode */
+    unsigned Calls          : 1;    /* Follow register indirect calls */
+    char	filename[80];			/* The input filename */
+extern OPTION option;       /* Command line options             */
+extern SYMTAB symtab;       /* Global symbol table              */
+struct PROG /* Loaded program image parameters  */
+    int16       initCS;
+    int16       initIP;     /* These are initial load values    */
+    int16       initSS;     /* Probably not of great interest   */
+    int16       initSP;
+    boolT       fCOM;       /* Flag set if COM program (else EXE)*/
+    Int         cReloc;     /* No. of relocation table entries  */
+    dword      *relocTable; /* Ptr. to relocation table         */
+    byte       *map;        /* Memory bitmap ptr                */
+    Int         cProcs;     /* Number of procedures so far      */
+    Int         offMain;    /* The offset  of the main() proc   */
+    word        segMain;    /* The segment of the main() proc   */
+    boolT       bSigs;		/* True if signatures loaded		*/
+    Int         cbImage;    /* Length of image in bytes         */
+    byte       *Image;      /* Allocated by loader to hold entire
+                             * program image                    */
+extern PROG prog;   		/* Loaded program image parameters  */
+extern char condExp[200];	/* Conditional expression buffer 	*/
+extern char callBuf[100];	/* Function call buffer				*/
+extern dword duReg[30];		/* def/use bits for registers		*/
+extern dword maskDuReg[30];	/* masks off du bits for regs		*/
+/* Registers used by icode instructions */
+static const char *allRegs[21] = {"ax", "cx", "dx", "bx", "sp", "bp",
+                                    "si", "di", "es", "cs", "ss", "ds",
+                                    "al", "cl", "dl", "bl", "ah", "ch", "dh", "bh",
+                                    "tmp"};
+/* Memory map states */
+#define BM_UNKNOWN  0   /* Unscanned memory     */
+#define BM_DATA     1   /* Data                 */
+#define BM_CODE     2   /* Code                 */
+#define BM_IMPURE   3   /* Used as Data and Code*/
+/* Intermediate instructions statistics */
+struct STATS
+        Int		numBBbef;		/* number of basic blocks initially 	       */
+        Int		numBBaft;		/* number of basic blocks at the end 	       */
+        Int		nOrder;			/* n-th order								   */
+        Int		numLLIcode;		/* number of low-level Icode instructions      */
+        Int		numHLIcode; 	/* number of high-level Icode instructions     */
+        Int		totalLL;		/* total number of low-level Icode insts       */
+        Int		totalHL;		/* total number of high-level Icod insts       */
+extern STATS stats; /* Icode statistics */
+/**** Global function prototypes ****/
+void    FrontEnd(char *filename, CALL_GRAPH * *);            /* frontend.c   */
+void   *allocMem(Int cb);                                   /* frontend.c   */
+void   *reallocVar(void *p, Int newsize);                   /* frontend.c   */
+void    udm(void);                                          /* udm.c        */
+void    freeCFG(BB * cfg);                                  /* graph.c      */
+BB *    newBB(BB *, Int, Int, byte, Int, Function *);      /* graph.c      */
+void    BackEnd(char *filename, CALL_GRAPH *);              /* backend.c    */
+char   *cChar(byte c);                                      /* backend.c    */
+Int     scan(dword ip, ICODE * p);                          /* scanner.c    */
+void    parse (CALL_GRAPH * *);                             /* parser.c     */
+boolT   labelSrch(ICODE * pIc, Int n, dword tg, Int *pIdx); /* parser.c     */
+Int     strSize (byte *, char);                             /* parser.c     */
+void    disassem(Int pass, Function * pProc);              /* disassem.c   */
+void    interactDis(Function * initProc, Int initIC);      /* disassem.c   */
+boolT   JmpInst(llIcode opcode);                            /* idioms.c     */
+queue::iterator  appendQueue(queue &Q, BB *node);                  /* reducible.c  */
+void    SetupLibCheck(void);                                /* chklib.c     */
+void    CleanupLibCheck(void);                              /* chklib.c     */
+boolT   LibCheck(Function &p);                            /* chklib.c     */
+/* Exported functions from procs.c */
+boolT	insertCallGraph (CALL_GRAPH *, ilFunction, ilFunction);
+void 	newRegArg (Function *, ICODE *, ICODE *);
+boolT 	newStkArg (ICODE *, COND_EXPR *, llIcode, Function *);
+void	allocStkArgs (ICODE *, Int);
+void	placeStkArg (ICODE *, COND_EXPR *, Int);
+void	adjustActArgType (COND_EXPR *, hlType, Function *);
+/* Exported functions from ast.c */
+void	  removeRegFromLong (byte, LOCAL_ID *, COND_EXPR *);
+std::string walkCondExpr (const COND_EXPR *exp, Function * pProc, Int *);
+Int       hlTypeSize (const COND_EXPR *, Function *);
+hlType	  expType (const COND_EXPR *, Function *);
+void	  copyDU (ICODE *, const ICODE *, operDu, operDu);
+boolT	  insertSubTreeReg (COND_EXPR *, COND_EXPR **, byte, LOCAL_ID *);
+boolT	  insertSubTreeLongReg (COND_EXPR *, COND_EXPR **, Int);
+//COND_EXPR *concatExps (SEQ_COND_EXPR *, COND_EXPR *, condNodeType);
+void	  initExpStk();
+void	  pushExpStk (COND_EXPR *);
+COND_EXPR *popExpStk();
+Int       numElemExpStk();
+boolT	  emptyExpStk();
+/* Exported functions from hlicode.c */
+boolT	removeDefRegi (byte, ICODE *, Int, LOCAL_ID *);
+std::string writeCall (Function *, STKFRAME *, Function *, Int *);
+char 	*write1HlIcode (HLTYPE, Function *, Int *);
+char 	*writeJcond (HLTYPE, Function *, Int *);
+char 	*writeJcondInv (HLTYPE, Function *, Int *);
+Int     power2 (Int);
+void	inverseCondOp (COND_EXPR **);
+/* Exported funcions from locident.c */
+boolT checkLongEq (LONG_STKID_TYPE, ICODE *, Int, Int, Function *, COND_EXPR **,COND_EXPR **, Int);
+boolT checkLongRegEq (LONGID_TYPE, ICODE *, Int, Int, Function *, COND_EXPR **,COND_EXPR **, Int);
+byte otherLongRegi (byte, Int, LOCAL_ID *);
+void insertIdx (IDX_ARRAY *, Int);

+ 43 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+ *  dcc project disassembler header
+ * (C) Mike van Emmerik
+ ****************************************************************************/
+/* Definitions for extended keys (first key is zero) */
+#define EXT			0x100		/* "Extended" flag */
+#ifdef __MSDOS__
+#define KEY_DOWN	EXT+'P'
+#define KEY_LEFT	EXT+'K'
+#define KEY_UP		EXT+'H'
+#define KEY_RIGHT	EXT+'M'
+#define KEY_NPAGE	EXT+'Q'
+#define KEY_PPAGE	EXT+'I'
+#ifdef _CONSOLE
+#define KEY_DOWN	0x50		/* Same as keypad scancodes */
+#define KEY_LEFT	0x4B
+#define KEY_UP		0x48		
+#define KEY_RIGHT	0x4D	
+#define KEY_NPAGE	0x51	
+#define KEY_PPAGE	0x49	
+#ifdef __UNIX__
+#define KEY_DOWN	EXT+'B'
+#define KEY_LEFT	EXT+'D'
+#define KEY_UP		EXT+'A'
+#define KEY_RIGHT	EXT+'C'
+#define KEY_NPAGE	EXT+'J'		/* Enter correct value! */
+#define KEY_PPAGE	EXT+'K'		/* Another guess! */
+/* "Attributes" */
+#define A_NORMAL	'N'			/* For Dos/Unix */
+#define A_REVERSE	'I'
+#define A_BOLD		'B'
+#define LINES 24
+#define COLS 80

+ 77 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+ * File     : dosdcc.h
+ * Purpose  : include file for files decompiled by dcc.
+ * Copyright (c) Cristina Cifuentes - QUT - 1992
+ **************************************************************************/
+/* Type definitions for intel 80x86 architecture */
+typedef unsigned int    Word;       /* 16 bits */
+typedef unsigned char   Byte;       /* 8 bits  */
+typedef union {
+    unsigned long   dW;
+    Word            wL, wH;         /* 2 words */
+} Dword;                            /* 32 bits */
+/* Structure to access high and low bits of a Byte or Word variable */
+typedef struct {
+    /* low  byte */
+    Word    lowBitWord  : 1;
+    Word    filler1     : 6;
+    Word    highBitByte : 1;
+    /* high byte */ 
+    Word    lowBitByte  : 1;
+    Word    filler2     : 6;
+    Word    highBitWord : 1;
+} wordBits;
+/* Low and high bits of a Byte or Word variable */
+#define lowBit(a)       ((wordBits)(a).lowBitWord)
+#define highBitByte(a)  ((wordBits)(a).highBitByte)
+#define lowBitByte(a)   ((wordBits)(a).lowBitByte)
+#define highBit(a)      (sizeof(a) == sizeof(Word) ? \
+                        ((wordBits)(a).highBitWord):\
+                        ((wordBits)(a).highBitByte))
+/* Word register variables */
+#define ax
+#define bx      regs.x.bx
+#define cx
+#define dx      regs.x.dx
+#define cs      regs.x.cs
+#define es
+#define ds      regs.x.ds
+#define ss
+#define si
+#define di      regs.x.di
+#define bp      regs.x.bp
+#define sp      regs.x.sp
+/* getting rid of all flags */
+#define carry       regs.x.cflags
+#define overF       regs.x.flags    /***** check *****/
+/* Byte register variables */
+#define ah      regs.h.ah
+#define al
+#define bh
+#define bl
+#define ch
+#define cl
+#define dh      regs.h.dh
+#define dl      regs.h.dl
+/* High and low words of a Dword */
+#define highWord(w)     (*((Word*)&(w) + 1))
+#define lowWord(w)      ((Word)(w))
+#define MAXByte     0xFF
+#define MAXWord     0xFFFF
+#define MAXSignByte 0x7F
+#define MINSignByte 0x81
+#define MAXSignWord 0x7FFF
+#define MINSignWord 0x8001

+ 33 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ * Error codes
+ * (C) Cristina Cifuentes
+ ****************************************************************************/
+#pragma once
+/* These definitions refer to errorMessage in error.c */
+#define USAGE                   0
+#define INVALID_ARG             1
+#define INVALID_OPCODE          2
+#define INVALID_386OP           3
+#define FUNNY_SEGOVR            4
+#define FUNNY_REP               5
+#define CANNOT_OPEN             6
+#define CANNOT_READ             7
+#define MALLOC_FAILED           8
+#define NEWEXE_FORMAT           9
+#define NO_BB              		10
+#define INVALID_INT_BB          12
+#define IP_OUT_OF_RANGE         13
+#define DEF_NOT_FOUND           14
+#define JX_NOT_DEF				15
+#define NOT_DEF_USE				16
+#define REPEAT_FAIL				17
+#define WHILE_FAIL				18
+void fatalError(Int errId, ...);
+void reportError(Int errId, ...);

+ 99 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+ *      CFG, BB and interval related definitions
+ * (C) Cristina Cifuentes
+ ****************************************************************************/
+#pragma once
+#include <list>
+#include <vector>
+/* Types of basic block nodes */
+/* Real basic blocks: type defined according to their out-edges */
+enum eBBKind
+    ONE_BRANCH = 0,   /* unconditional branch */
+    TWO_BRANCH = 1,   /* conditional branch   */
+    MULTI_BRANCH=2,   /* case branch          */
+    FALL_NODE=3,   /* fall through         */
+    RETURN_NODE=4,   /* procedure/program return */
+    CALL_NODE=5,   /* procedure call       */
+    LOOP_NODE=6,   /* loop instruction     */
+    REP_NODE=7,   /* repeat instruction   */
+    INTERVAL_NODE=8,   /* contains interval list */
+    TERMINATE_NODE=11,   /* Exit to DOS          */
+    NOWHERE_NODE=12   /* No outedges going anywhere */
+/* Depth-first traversal constants */
+enum eDFS
+    DFS_DISP=1,   /* Display graph pass   */
+    DFS_MERGE=2,   /* Merge nodes pass     */
+    DFS_NUM=3,   /* DFS numbering pass   */
+    DFS_CASE=4,   /* Case pass            */
+    DFS_ALPHA=5,   /* Alpha code generation*/
+    DFS_JMP=9   /* rmJMP pass - must be largest flag */
+/* Control flow analysis constants */
+enum eNodeHeaderType
+    NO_TYPE=0,   /* node is not a loop header*/
+    WHILE_TYPE=1,   /* node is a while header   */
+    REPEAT_TYPE=2,   /* node is a repeat header  */
+    ENDLESS_TYPE=3   /* endless loop header      */
+/* Uninitialized values for certain fields */
+#define NO_NODE         MAX /* node has no associated node  */
+#define NO_DOM          MAX /* node has no dominator    	*/
+#define UN_INIT         MAX /* uninitialized variable   	*/
+#define THEN            0   /* then edge            */
+#define ELSE            1   /* else edge            */
+/* Basic Block (BB) flags */
+#define INVALID_BB      0x0001		/* BB is not valid any more 		 */
+#define IS_LATCH_NODE	0x0002		/* BB is the latching node of a loop */
+struct BB;
+/* Interval structure */
+typedef std::list<BB *> queue;
+struct interval
+    byte            numInt;         /* # of the interval    */
+    byte            numOutEdges;    /* Number of out edges  */
+    queue           nodes;         /* Nodes of the interval*/
+    queue::iterator currNode;      /* Current node     */
+    interval *next;          /* Next interval    */
+    BB *firstOfInt();
+    interval()
+    {
+        numInt=numOutEdges=0;
+        currNode=nodes.end();
+        next=0;
+    }
+/* Derived Sequence structure */
+struct derSeq_Entry
+    BB *                Gi;        /* Graph pointer        */
+    interval *          Ii;        /* Interval list of Gi  */
+    derSeq_Entry() : Gi(0),Ii(0)
+    {
+    }
+    ~derSeq_Entry();
+    void findIntervals();
+class derSeq : public std::list<derSeq_Entry>
+    void display();
+void    freeDerivedSeq(derSeq &derivedG);                   /* reducible.c  */

+ 36 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+ * File:    hlIcode.h
+ * Purpose: module definitions for high-level icodes
+ * Date:    September 1993
+ */
+/* High level icodes opcodes - def in file icode.h */
+/*typedef enum {
+    INC,
+    DEC,
+} hlIcode; */
+typedef struct {
+    hlIcode             opcode;     /* hlIcode opcode           */
+    union {                         /* different operands       */
+        struct {
+            COND_EXPR   *lhs;
+            COND_EXPR   *rhs;
+        }               asgn;       /* for HLI_ASSIGN hlIcode       */
+        COND_EXPR       *exp;       /* for HLI_JCOND, INC, DEC      */
+    }                   oper;       /* operand                  */
+    boolT               valid;      /* has a valid hlIcode      */
+//typedef struct {
+//    Int         numIcodes;      /* No. of hlIcode reocrds written   */
+//    Int         numAlloc;       /* No. of hlIcode records allocated */
+//    HLICODE     *hlIcode;       /* Array of high-level icodes       */

+ 362 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,362 @@
+ *          I-code related definitions
+ * (C) Cristina Cifuentes
+ ****************************************************************************/
+#pragma once
+#include <vector>
+#include "Enums.h"
+//enum condId;
+/* LOW_LEVEL icode flags */
+enum eLLFlags
+    B           =0x0000001,    /* Byte operands (value implicitly used) */
+    I           =0x0000002,    /* Immed. source */
+    NOT_HLL     =0x0000004,    /* Not HLL inst. */
+    FLOAT_OP    =0x0000008,    /* ESC or WAIT   */
+    SEG_IMMED   =0x0000010,    /* Number is relocated segment value */
+    IMPURE      =0x0000020,    /* Instruction modifies code */
+    WORD_OFF    =0x0000040,    /* Inst has word offset ie.could be address */
+    TERMINATES  =0x0000080,    /* Instruction terminates program */
+    CASE        =0x0000100,    /* Label as case part of switch */
+    SWITCH      =0x0000200,    /* Treat indirect JMP as switch stmt */
+    TARGET      =0x0000400,    /* Jump target */
+    SYNTHETIC   =0x0000800,    /* Synthetic jump instruction */
+    NO_LABEL    =0x0001000,    /* Immed. jump cannot be linked to a label */
+    NO_CODE     =0x0002000,    /* Hole in Icode array */
+    SYM_USE     =0x0004000,    /* Instruction uses a symbol */
+    SYM_DEF     =0x0008000,    /* Instruction defines a symbol */
+    NO_SRC      =0x0010000,    /* Opcode takes no source */
+    NO_OPS      =0x0020000,    /* Opcode takes no operands */
+    IM_OPS      =0x0040000,    /* Opcode takes implicit operands */
+    SRC_B       =0x0080000,    /* Source operand is byte (dest is word) */
+#define NO_SRC_B    0xF7FFFF    /* Masks off SRC_B */
+    HLL_LABEL   =0x0100000,    /* Icode has a high level language label */
+    IM_DST      =0x0200000,	/* Implicit DST for opcode (SIGNEX) */
+    IM_SRC      =0x0400000,	/* Implicit SRC for opcode (dx:ax)	*/
+    IM_TMP_DST  =0x0800000,	/* Implicit rTMP DST for opcode (DIV/IDIV) */
+    JMP_ICODE   =0x1000000,    /* Jmp dest immed.op converted to icode index */
+    JX_LOOP     =0x2000000,	/* Cond jump is part of loop conditional exp */
+    REST_STK    =0x4000000	/* Stack needs to be restored after CALL */
+/*  Parser flags  */
+#define TO_REG      0x000100    /* rm is source  */
+#define S           0x000200    /* sign extend   */
+#define OP386       0x000400    /* 386 op-code   */
+#define NSP         0x000800    /* NOT_HLL if SP is src or dst */
+#define ICODEMASK   0xFF00FF    /* Masks off parser flags */
+/* LOW_LEVEL icode, DU flag bits */
+#define Cf           1
+#define Sf           2
+#define Zf           4
+#define Df           8
+/* Machine registers */
+#define rAX          1  /* These are numbered relative to real 8086 */
+#define rCX          2
+#define rDX          3
+#define rBX          4
+#define rSP          5
+#define rBP          6
+#define rSI          7
+#define rDI          8
+#define rES          9
+#define rCS         10
+#define rSS         11
+#define rDS         12
+#define rAL         13
+#define rCL         14
+#define rDL         15
+#define rBL         16
+#define rAH         17
+#define rCH         18
+#define rDH         19
+#define rBH         20
+#define rTMP		21			/* temp register for DIV/IDIV/MOD	*/
+#define INDEXBASE   22          /* Indexed modes go from INDEXBASE to
+    * INDEXBASE+7  */
+/* Byte and Word registers */
+static const char *const byteReg[9]  = {"al", "cl", "dl", "bl",
+                                        "ah", "ch", "dh", "bh", "tmp" };
+static const char *const wordReg[21] = {"ax", "cx", "dx", "bx", "sp", "bp",
+                                        "si", "di", "es", "cs", "ss", "ds",
+                                        "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "tmp"};
+#include "state.h"			// State depends on INDEXBASE, but later need STATE
+/* Types of icodes */
+enum icodeType
+    NOT_SCANNED = 0,    /* not even scanned yet */
+    LOW_LEVEL,          /* low-level icode  */
+    HIGH_LEVEL          /* high-level icode */
+/* LOW_LEVEL icode opcodes */
+enum llIcode
+    iCBW,		/* 0 */
+    iAAA,
+    iAAD,
+    iAAM,
+    iAAS,
+    iADC,
+    iADD,
+    iAND,
+    iBOUND,
+    iCALL,
+    iCALLF,		/* 10 */
+    iCLC,
+    iCLD,
+    iCLI,
+    iCMC,
+    iCMP,
+    iCMPS,
+    iREPE_CMPS,
+    iDAA,
+    iDAS,		/* 20 */
+    iDEC,
+    iDIV,
+    iENTER,
+    iESC,
+    iHLT,
+    iIDIV,
+    iIMUL,
+    iIN,
+    iINC,
+    iINS,		/* 30 */
+    iREP_INS,
+    iINT,
+    iIRET,
+    iJB,
+    iJBE,
+    iJAE,
+    iJA,
+    iJE,
+    iJNE,
+    iJL,		/* 40 */
+    iJGE,
+    iJLE,
+    iJG,
+    iJS,
+    iJNS,
+    iJO,
+    iJNO,
+    iJP,
+    iJNP,
+    iJCXZ,		/* 50 */
+    iJMP,
+    iJMPF,
+    iLAHF,
+    iLDS,
+    iLEA,
+    iLEAVE,
+    iLES,
+    iLOCK,
+    iLODS,
+    iREP_LODS,	/* 60 */
+    iLOOP,
+    iLOOPE,
+    iLOOPNE,
+    iMOV,		/* 64 */
+    iMOVS,
+    iREP_MOVS,
+    iMUL,		/* 67 */
+    iNEG,
+    iNOT,
+    iOR,   		/* 70 */
+    iOUT,
+    iOUTS,
+    iREP_OUTS,
+    iPOP,
+    iPOPA,
+    iPOPF,
+    iPUSH,
+    iPUSHA,
+    iPUSHF,
+    iRCL,		/* 80 */
+    iRCR,
+    iROL,
+    iROR,
+    iRET,		/* 84 */
+    iRETF,
+    iSAHF,
+    iSAR,
+    iSHL,
+    iSHR,
+    iSBB,		/* 90 */
+    iSCAS,
+    iREPE_SCAS,
+    iSIGNEX,
+    iSTC,
+    iSTD,
+    iSTI,
+    iSTOS,
+    iREP_STOS,
+    iSUB,		/* 100 */
+    iTEST,
+    iWAIT,
+    iXCHG,
+    iXLAT,
+    iXOR,
+    iINTO,
+    iNOP,
+    iREPNE,
+    iREPE,
+    iMOD		/* 110 */
+struct BB;
+struct Function;
+struct STKFRAME;
+/* HIGH_LEVEL icodes opcodes */
+typedef enum {
+    HLI_ASSIGN,         /* :=               		*/
+    HLI_CALL,			/* Call procedure			*/
+    HLI_JCOND,          /* Conditional jump 		*/
+    HLI_RET,			/* Return from procedure	*/
+    /* pseudo high-level icodes */
+    HLI_POP,			/* Pop expression			*/
+    HLI_PUSH,			/* Push expression			*/
+} hlIcode;
+/* Def/use of flags - low 4 bits represent flags */
+struct DU
+    byte   d;
+    byte   u;
+/* Def/Use of registers and stack variables */
+struct DU_ICODE
+    dword	def;		/* For Registers: position in dword is reg index*/
+    dword	lastDefRegi;/* Bit set if last def of this register in BB   */
+    dword	use;		/* For Registers: position in dword is reg index*/
+/* Definition-use chain for level 1 (within a basic block) */
+#define MAX_REGS_DEF	2		/* 2 regs def'd for long-reg vars */
+#define MAX_USES		5
+struct DU1
+    Int		numRegsDef;			/* # registers defined by this inst		*/
+    byte	regi[MAX_REGS_DEF];	/* registers defined by this inst		*/
+    Int		idx[MAX_REGS_DEF][MAX_USES];	/* inst that uses this def  */
+/* LOW_LEVEL icode operand record */
+struct ICODEMEM
+    byte     seg;               /* CS, DS, ES, SS                       */
+    int16    segValue;          /* Value of segment seg during analysis */
+    byte     segOver;           /* CS, DS, ES, SS if segment override   */
+    byte     regi;              /* 0 < regs < INDEXBASE <= index modes  */
+    int16    off;               /* memory address offset                */
+} ;
+struct COND_EXPR;
+struct HLTYPE
+    hlIcode              opcode;    /* hlIcode opcode           */
+    union {                         /* different operands       */
+        struct {                    /* for HLI_ASSIGN			*/
+            COND_EXPR    *lhs;
+            COND_EXPR    *rhs;
+        }                asgn;
+        COND_EXPR        *exp;      /* for HLI_JCOND, HLI_RET, HLI_PUSH, HLI_POP*/
+        struct {					/* for HLI_CALL				*/
+            Function     *proc;
+            STKFRAME *args;	/* actual arguments			*/
+        }				 call;
+    }                    oper;      /* operand                  */
+} ;
+typedef struct
+    llIcode     opcode;         /* llIcode instruction          */
+    byte        numBytes;       /* Number of bytes this instr   */
+    flags32     flg;            /* icode flags                  */
+    dword       label;          /* offset in image (20-bit adr) */
+    ICODEMEM    dst;            /* destination operand          */
+    ICODEMEM    src;            /* source operand               */
+    union {                     /* Source operand if (flg & I)  */
+        dword   op;             /*   idx of immed src op        */
+        struct {				/* Call & # actual arg bytes	*/
+            Function *proc;   /*   ^ target proc (for CALL(F))*/
+            Int		   cb;		/*   # actual arg bytes			*/
+        }		proc;
+    }           immed;
+    DU          flagDU;         /* def/use of flags				*/
+    struct {                    /* Case table if op==JMP && !I  */
+        Int     numEntries;     /*   # entries in case table    */
+        dword  *entries;        /*   array of offsets           */
+    }           caseTbl;
+    Int         hllLabNum;      /* label # for hll codegen      */
+/* Icode definition: LOW_LEVEL and HIGH_LEVEL */
+struct ICODE
+    icodeType           type;           /* Icode type                   */
+    boolT               invalid;        /* Has no HIGH_LEVEL equivalent */
+    BB			*inBB;      	/* BB to which this icode belongs */
+    DU_ICODE		du;             /* Def/use regs/vars			*/
+    DU1			du1;        	/* du chain 1					*/
+    Int			codeIdx;    	/* Index into cCode.code		*/
+    struct IC {         /* Different types of icodes    */
+        LLTYPE ll;
+        HLTYPE hl;  	/* For HIGH_LEVEL icodes    */
+    };
+    IC ic;/* intermediate code        */
+    void writeIntComment(char *s);
+    void setRegDU(byte regi, operDu du_in);
+    void invalidate();
+    void newCallHl();
+    void writeDU(Int idx);
+    condId idType(opLoc sd);
+    // HLL setting functions
+    void setAsgn(COND_EXPR *lhs, COND_EXPR *rhs); // set this icode to be an assign
+    void setUnary(hlIcode op, COND_EXPR *exp);
+    void setJCond(COND_EXPR *cexp);
+    int loc_ip; // used by CICodeRec to number ICODEs
+// This is the icode array object.
+// The bulk of this could well be done with a class library
+class CIcodeRec : public std::vector<ICODE>
+    CIcodeRec();	// Constructor
+    ~CIcodeRec();	// Destructor
+    ICODE *	addIcode(ICODE *pIcode);
+    ICODE *	GetFirstIcode();
+    //	ICODE *	GetNextIcode(ICODE * pCurIcode);
+    boolT	IsValid(ICODE * pCurIcode);
+    int		GetNumIcodes();
+    void	SetInBB(int start, int end, BB* pnewBB);
+    void	SetImmediateOp(int ip, dword dw);
+    void	SetLlFlag(int ip, dword flag);
+    void	ClearLlFlag(int ip, dword flag);
+    dword	GetLlFlag(int ip);
+    void	SetLlInvalid(int ip, boolT fInv);
+    dword	GetLlLabel(int ip);
+    llIcode	GetLlOpcode(int ip);
+    boolT	labelSrch(dword target, Int *pIndex);
+    ICODE *	GetIcode(int ip);

+ 130 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+ * File: locIdent.h
+ * Purpose: High-level local identifier definitions
+ * Date: October 1993
+ * (C) Cristina Cifuentes
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include <vector>
+#include <algorithm>
+/* Type definition */
+struct IDX_ARRAY : public std::vector<int>
+    bool inList(int idx)
+    {
+        return std::find(begin(),end(),idx)!=end();
+    }
+/* Type definitions used in the decompiled program  */
+typedef enum {
+    TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0,   /* unknown so far      		*/
+    TYPE_BYTE_SIGN,		/* signed byte (8 bits) 	*/
+    TYPE_BYTE_UNSIGN,	/* unsigned byte 			*/
+    TYPE_WORD_SIGN,     /* signed word (16 bits) 	*/
+    TYPE_WORD_UNSIGN,	/* unsigned word (16 bits)	*/
+    TYPE_LONG_SIGN,		/* signed long (32 bits)	*/
+    TYPE_LONG_UNSIGN,	/* unsigned long (32 bits)	*/
+    TYPE_RECORD,		/* record structure			*/
+    TYPE_PTR,        	/* pointer (32 bit ptr) 	*/
+    TYPE_STR,        	/* string               	*/
+    TYPE_CONST,			/* constant (any type)		*/
+    TYPE_FLOAT,			/* floating point			*/
+    TYPE_DOUBLE		/* double precision float	*/
+} hlType;
+static const char *hlTypes[13] = {"", "char", "unsigned char", "int", "unsigned int",
+                                  "long", "unsigned long", "record", "int *", "char *",
+                                  "", "float", "double"};
+typedef enum
+    STK_FRAME,			/* For stack vars			*/
+    REG_FRAME,			/* For register variables 	*/
+    GLB_FRAME			/* For globals				*/
+} frameType;
+typedef struct
+    int16	seg;			/*   segment value							 */
+    int16	off;			/*   offset									 */
+    byte 	regi;			/*   optional indexed register				 */
+typedef struct
+{ /* For TYPE_LONG_(UN)SIGN on the stack	     */
+    Int		offH;	/*   high offset from BP					 */
+    Int		offL;	/*   low offset from BP						 */
+typedef struct
+{		/* For TYPE_LONG_(UN)SIGN registers			 */
+    byte	h;		/*   high register							 */
+    byte	l;		/*   low register							 */
+/* ID, LOCAL_ID */
+struct ID
+    hlType			type;	/* Probable type							 */
+    boolT			illegal;/* Boolean: not a valid field any more		 */
+    IDX_ARRAY		idx;	/* Index into icode array (REG_FRAME only)	 */
+    frameType		loc;	/* Frame location							 */
+    boolT			hasMacro;/* Identifier requires a macro				 */
+    char			macro[10];/* Macro for this identifier				 */
+    char			name[20];/* Identifier's name						 */
+    union {					/* Different types of identifiers 			 */
+        byte		regi;	/* For TYPE_BYTE(WORD)_(UN)SIGN registers    */
+        struct {			/* For TYPE_BYTE(WORD)_(UN)SIGN on the stack */
+            byte	regOff; /*    register offset (if any)				 */
+            Int		off;	/*    offset from BP						 */
+        }			bwId;
+        BWGLB_TYPE	bwGlb;	/* For TYPE_BYTE(WORD)_(UN)SIGN globals		 */
+        LONGID_TYPE longId; /* For TYPE_LONG_(UN)SIGN registers			 */
+        LONG_STKID_TYPE	longStkId;/* For TYPE_LONG_(UN)SIGN on the stack */
+        struct {			/* For TYPE_LONG_(UN)SIGN globals			 */
+            int16	seg;	/*   segment value							 */
+            int16	offH;	/*   offset high							 */
+            int16	offL;	/*   offset low								 */
+            byte	regi;	/*   optional indexed register				 */
+        }			longGlb;
+        struct {			/* For TYPE_LONG_(UN)SIGN constants			 */
+            dword	h;		/*	 high word								 */
+            dword 	l;		/*	 low word								 */
+        }			longKte;
+    }				id;
+    ID()
+    {
+        memset(this,0,sizeof(ID));
+    }
+    ID(hlType t, frameType f)
+    {
+        memset(this,0,sizeof(ID));
+        type=t;
+        loc=f;
+    }
+struct LOCAL_ID
+    std::vector<ID> id_arr;
+    LOCAL_ID()
+    {}
+    Int newByteWordReg(hlType t, byte regi);
+    Int newByteWordStk(hlType t, Int off, byte regOff);
+    Int newIntIdx(int16 seg, int16 off, byte regi, Int ix, hlType t);
+    Int newLongReg(hlType t, byte regH, byte regL, Int ix);
+    Int newLong(opLoc sd, ICODE *pIcode, hlFirst f, Int ix, operDu du, Int off);
+    void newIdent(hlType t, frameType f);
+    void flagByteWordId(Int off);
+    void propLongId(byte regL, byte regH, const char *name);
+    size_t csym() const {return id_arr.size();}
+    Int newLongIdx(int16 seg, int16 offH, int16 offL, byte regi, Int ix, hlType t);
+    Int newLongGlb(int16 seg, int16 offH, int16 offL, Int ix, hlType t);
+    Int newLongStk(hlType t, Int offH, Int offL);

+ 34 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+/* Perfect hashing function library. Contains functions to generate perfect
+    hashing functions
+ * (C) Mike van Emmerik
+ */
+#define TRUE 1
+#define FALSE 0
+#define bool unsigned char
+#define byte unsigned char
+#define word unsigned short
+/* Prototypes */
+void hashParams(int NumEntry, int EntryLen, int SetSize, char SetMin,
+                    int NumVert);   /* Set the parameters for the hash table */
+void hashCleanup(void);         /* Frees memory allocated by hashParams() */
+void map(void);                 /* Part 1 of creating the tables */
+void assign(void);              /* Part 2 of creating the tables */
+int  hash(byte *s);             /* Hash the string to an int 0 .. NUMENTRY-1 */
+word *readT1(void);             /* Returns a pointer to the T1 table */
+word *readT2(void);             /* Returns a pointer to the T2 table */
+word *readG(void);              /* Returns a pointer to the g  table */
+/* The application must provide these functions: */
+void getKey(int i, byte **pKeys);/* Set *keys to point to the i+1th key */
+void dispKey(int i);            /* Display the key */
+/* Macro reads a LH word from the image regardless of host convention */
+#ifndef LH
+#define LH(p)  ((int)((byte *)(p))[0] + ((int)((byte *)(p))[1] << 8))

+ 38 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+/* Scanner functions
+ * (C) Cristina Cifuentes, Jeff Ledermann
+ */
+#define LH(p)  ((int)((byte *)(p))[0] + ((int)((byte *)(p))[1] << 8))
+static void rm(Int i);
+static void modrm(Int i);
+static void segrm(Int i);
+static void data1(Int i);
+static void data2(Int i);
+static void regop(Int i);
+static void segop(Int i);
+static void strop(Int i);
+static void escop(Int i);
+static void axImp(Int i);
+static void alImp(Int i);
+static void axSrcIm(Int i);
+static void memImp(Int i);
+static void memReg0(Int i);
+static void memOnly(Int i);
+static void dispM(Int i);
+static void dispS(Int i);
+static void dispN(Int i);
+static void dispF(Int i);
+static void prefix(Int i);
+static void immed(Int i);
+static void shift(Int i);
+static void arith(Int i);
+static void trans(Int i);
+static void const1(Int i);
+static void const3(Int i);
+static void none1(Int i);
+static void none2(Int i);
+static void checkInt(Int i);
+/* Extracts reg bits from middle of mod-reg-rm byte */
+#define REG(x)  ((byte)(x & 0x38) >> 3)

+ 28 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+ *          dcc project header
+ * (C) Cristina Cifuentes, Mike van Emmerik
+ ****************************************************************************/
+struct STATE
+    dword       IP;             /* Offset into Image                    */
+    int16       r[INDEXBASE];   /* Value of segs and AX                 */
+    byte        f[INDEXBASE];   /* True if r[.] has a value             */
+    struct
+    {                           /* For case stmt indexed reg            */
+        byte    regi;           /*   Last conditional jump              */
+        int16   immed;          /*   Contents of the previous register  */
+    }           JCond;
+    void setState(word reg, int16 value);
+    void checkStartup();
+    STATE() : IP(0)
+    {
+        JCond.immed=0;
+        memset(r,0,sizeof(int16)*INDEXBASE);
+        memset(f,0,sizeof(byte)*INDEXBASE);
+    }

+ 50 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+ * Symbol table prototypes
+ * (C) Mike van Emmerik
+#pragma once
+/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
+/* Symbol table structs and protos */
+/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
+struct Function;
+struct SYMTABLE
+    std::string pSymName;              /* Ptr to symbolic name or comment */
+    dword   symOff;                 /* Symbol image offset */
+    Function *symProc;             /* Procedure pointer */
+    word    preHash;                /* Hash value before the modulo */
+    word    postHash;               /* Hash value after the modulo */
+    word    nextOvf;                /* Next entry this hash bucket, or -1 */
+    word    prevOvf;                /* Back link in Ovf chain */
+    SYMTABLE() : symOff(0),symProc(0) {}
+    SYMTABLE(dword _sym,Function *_proc) : symOff(_sym),symProc(_proc)
+    {}
+    bool operator == (const SYMTABLE &other) const
+    {
+        // does not yse pSymName, to ease finding by symOff/symProc combo
+        // in map<SYMTABLE,X>
+        return (symOff==other.symOff) && symProc==(other.symProc);
+    }
+enum tableType                     /* The table types */
+    Label=0,                        /* The label table */
+    Comment,                        /* The comment table */
+    NUM_TABLE_TYPES                 /* Number of entries: must be last */
+void    createSymTables(void);
+void    destroySymTables(void);
+void    enterSym(char *symName, dword   symOff, Function *symProc, boolT bSymToo);
+boolT   readSym (char *symName, dword *pSymOff, Function **pSymProc);
+boolT   readVal (char *symName, dword   symOff, Function *symProc);
+void    deleteSym(char *symName);
+void    deleteVal(dword symOff, Function * symProc, boolT bSymToo);
+std::string findVal(dword symOff, Function * symProc, word *pIndex);
+word    symHash(char *name, word *pre);
+word    valHash(dword off, Function * proc, word *pre);
+void    selectTable(tableType);     /* Select a particular table */
+char   *addStrTbl(char *pStr);      /* Add string to string table */

+ 80 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+ *          dcc project general header
+ * (C) Cristina Cifuentes, Mike van Emmerik
+ ****************************************************************************/
+#pragma once
+#include <stdint.h>
+/**** Common definitions and macros ****/
+#ifdef __MSDOS__            /* Intel: 16 bit integer        */
+typedef long    Int;        /* Int: 0x80000000..0x7FFFFFFF  */
+typedef unsigned long flags32;  /* 32 bits  */
+typedef unsigned long dword;    /* 32 bits  */
+#define MAX 0x7FFFFFFF
+#else                       /* Unix: 32 bit integer         */
+typedef int Int;            /* Int: 0x80000000..0x7FFFFFFF  */
+typedef unsigned int flags32;  /* 32 bits  */
+typedef unsigned int dword;    /* 32 bits  */
+#define MAX 0x7FFFFFFF
+/* Type definitions used in the program */
+typedef unsigned char byte; /* 8 bits   */
+typedef unsigned short word;/* 16 bits  */
+typedef short int16;        /* 16 bits  */
+typedef unsigned char boolT; /* 8 bits   */
+#if defined(__MSDOS__) | defined(WIN32)
+#define unlink _unlink		// Compiler is picky about non Ansi names
+#define TRUE    1
+#define FALSE   0
+#define SYNTHESIZED_MIN 0x100000    /* Synthesized labs use bits 21..32 */
+/* These are for C library signature detection */
+#define SYMLEN  16                  /* Length of proc symbols, incl null */
+#define PATLEN  23                  /* Length of proc patterns  */
+#define WILD    0xF4                /* The wild byte            */
+/****** MACROS *******/
+/* Macro reads a LH word from the image regardless of host convention */
+/* Returns a 16 bit quantity, e.g. C000 is read into an Int as C000 */
+//#define LH(p)  ((int16)((byte *)(p))[0] + ((int16)((byte *)(p))[1] << 8))
+#define LH(p)    ((word)((byte *)(p))[0]  + ((word)((byte *)(p))[1] << 8))
+/* Macro reads a LH word from the image regardless of host convention */
+/* Returns a signed quantity, e.g. C000 is read into an Int as FFFFC000 */
+#define LHS(p) (((byte *)(p))[0] + (((char *)(p))[1] << 8))
+/* Macro tests bit b for type t in */
+#define BITMAP(b, t)  ([(b) >> 2] & ((t) << (((b) & 3) << 1)))
+/* Macro to convert a segment, offset definition into a 20 bit address */
+#define opAdr(seg,off)  ((seg << 4) + off)
+/* duVal FLAGS */
+struct eDuVal
+    enum flgs
+    {
+        DEF=1,
+        USE=2,
+        VAL=4
+    };
+    int def :1; /* Variable was first defined than used          */
+    int use :1;      /* Variable was first used than defined          */
+    int val :1;      /* Variable has an initial value.  2 cases:
+                    * 1. When variable is used first (ie. global)
+                    * 2. When a value is moved into the variable
+                    *    for the first time.                        */
+    void setFlags(uint16_t x)
+    {
+        def = x&DEF;
+        use = x&USE;
+        val = x&VAL;
+    }
+    bool isUSE_VAL() {return use&&val;}            /* Use and Val                                   */

+ 31 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+require 'fileutils'
+print("Regression tester 0.0.1\n")
+def path_local(from)
+    return from #from.gsub('/','//')
+    from.gsub('/','\\\\')
+def perform_test(exepath,filepath,outname)
+	output_path=path_local(TESTS_DIR+"/outputs/"+outname)
+	exepath=path_local(exepath)
+	output_path=path_local(output_path)
+	filepath=path_local(filepath)
+	printf("calling:" + "#{exepath} -a1 -o#{output_path}.a1 #{filepath}\n")
+	result = `#{exepath} -a1 -o#{output_path}.a1 #{filepath}`
+	result = `#{exepath} -a2 -o#{output_path}.a2 #{filepath}`
+	puts result
+	p $?
+`rm -rf #{TESTS_DIR}/outputs/*.*`
+#exit(1)"/inputs").each() {|f|
+	next if f=="." or f==".."
+	perform_test(".//"+ARGV[0],TESTS_DIR+"/inputs/"+f,f)
+}"/inputs").each() {|f|
+	next if f=="." or f==".."
+"/inputs/"+f,TESTS_DIR+"/outputs/"+f) if f.end_with?(".b")
+"diff -rqbwB"

+ 38 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+#include "BasicBlock.h"
+#include "Procedure.h"
+#include "dcc.h"
+BB *BB::Create(void *ctx, const std::string &s, Function *parent, BB *insertBefore)
+    return new BB;
+BB *BB::Create(Int start, Int ip, byte nodeType, Int numOutEdges, Function *parent)
+    parent->cfg;
+    BB* pnewBB;
+    pnewBB = new BB;
+    pnewBB->nodeType = nodeType;	/* Initialise */
+    pnewBB->start = start;
+    pnewBB->length = ip - start + 1;
+    pnewBB->numOutEdges = (byte)numOutEdges;
+    pnewBB->immedDom = NO_DOM;
+    pnewBB->loopHead = pnewBB->caseHead = pnewBB->caseTail =
+            pnewBB->latchNode= pnewBB->loopFollow = NO_NODE;
+    if (numOutEdges)
+        pnewBB->edges.resize(numOutEdges);
+    /* Mark the basic block to which the icodes belong to, but only for
+         * real code basic blocks (ie. not interval bbs) */
+    if(parent)
+    {
+        if (start >= 0)
+            parent->Icode.SetInBB(start, ip, pnewBB);
+        parent->heldBBs.push_back(pnewBB);
+        parent->cfg.push_back(pnewBB);
+    }
+    if (start != -1)		/* Only for code BB's */
+        stats.numBBbef++;
+    return pnewBB;

+ 27 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+SET(SOURCES ast.cpp backend.cpp bundle.cpp chklib.cpp 
+comwrite.cpp control.cpp dataflow.cpp dcc.cpp     
+disassem.cpp error.cpp fixwild.cpp frontend.cpp
+graph.cpp  hlicode.cpp icode.cpp 
+idioms.cpp locident.cpp parser.cpp        
+perfhlib.cpp procs.cpp proplong.cpp reducible.cpp     
+scanner.cpp symtab.cpp udm.cpp)

+ 995 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,995 @@
+ * File: ast.c
+ * Purpose: Support module for abstract syntax trees.
+ * Date: September 1993
+ * (C) Cristina Cifuentes
+ */
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <malloc.h>		/* For free() */
+#include <string>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <cassert>
+#include "types.h"
+#include "dcc.h"
+using namespace std;
+/* Index registers **** temp solution */
+static const char *idxReg[8] = {"bx+si", "bx+di", "bp+si", "bp+di",
+                                "si", "di", "bp", "bx" };
+/* Conditional operator symbols in C.  Index by condOp enumeration type */
+static const char *condOpSym[] = { " <= ", " < ", " == ", " != ", " > ", " >= ",
+                                   " & ", " | ", " ^ ", " ~ ",
+                                   " + ", " - ", " * ", " / ",
+                                   " >> ", " << ", " % ", " && ", " || " };
+#define EXP_SIZE 200		/* Size of the expression buffer */
+/* Local expression stack */
+//typedef struct _EXP_STK {
+//    COND_EXPR       *exp;
+//    struct _EXP_STK *next;
+//} EXP_STK;
+typedef std::list<COND_EXPR *> EXP_STK;
+static EXP_STK expStk;      /* local expression stack */
+/* Returns the integer i in C hexadecimal format */
+static char *hexStr (uint16_t i)
+    static char buf[10];
+    //    i &= 0xFFFF;
+    sprintf (buf, "%s%x", (i > 9) ? "0x" : "", i);
+    return (buf);
+/* Sets the du record for registers according to the du flag    */
+void ICODE::setRegDU (byte regi, operDu du_in)
+    //    printf("%s %d %x\n",__FUNCTION__,regi,int(du_in));
+    switch (du_in)
+    {
+        case eDEF:
+            du.def |= duReg[regi];
+            du1.numRegsDef++;
+            printf("%s du.def |= %x\n",__FUNCTION__,duReg[regi]);
+            break;
+        case eUSE:
+            du.use |= duReg[regi];
+            printf("%s du.use |= %x\n",__FUNCTION__,duReg[regi]);
+            break;
+        case USE_DEF:
+            du.def |= duReg[regi];
+            du1.numRegsDef++;
+            printf("%s du.def |= %x\n",__FUNCTION__,duReg[regi]);
+            printf("%s du.use |= %x\n",__FUNCTION__,duReg[regi]);
+            du.use |= duReg[regi];
+            break;
+        case NONE:    /* do nothing */
+            break;
+    }
+/* Copies the def, use, or def and use fields of duIcode into pIcode */
+void copyDU (ICODE *pIcode, const ICODE *duIcode, operDu du, operDu duDu)
+    //    printf("%s %d,%d from %d to %d\n",__FUNCTION__,int(du),int(duDu),duIcode->ic.ll.opcode,pIcode->ic.ll.opcode);
+    switch (du) {
+        case eDEF:
+            if (duDu == eDEF)
+                pIcode->du.def=duIcode->du.def;
+            else
+                pIcode->du.def=duIcode->du.use;
+            break;
+        case eUSE:
+            if (duDu == eDEF)
+                pIcode->du.use=duIcode->du.def;
+            else
+                pIcode->du.use =duIcode->du.use;
+            break;
+        case USE_DEF:
+            pIcode->du = duIcode->du;
+            break;
+        case NONE:
+            assert(false);
+            break;
+    }
+    printf("%s end: %x,%x\n",__FUNCTION__,pIcode->du.def,pIcode->du.use);
+/* Creates a newExp conditional expression node of type t and returns it */
+static COND_EXPR *newCondExp (condNodeType t)
+    //printf("%s:%d\n",__FUNCTION__,int(t));
+    COND_EXPR *newExp;
+    newExp = new COND_EXPR;
+    //memset(newExp, 0, sizeof(COND_EXPR));
+    newExp->type = t;
+    return (newExp);
+/* Creates a conditional boolean expression and returns it */
+COND_EXPR *COND_EXPR::boolOp(COND_EXPR *lhs, COND_EXPR *rhs, condOp op)
+    //printf("%s:%d\n",__FUNCTION__,int(op));
+    COND_EXPR *newExp;
+    newExp = newCondExp (BOOLEAN_OP);
+    newExp->expr.boolExpr.op = op;
+    newExp->expr.boolExpr.lhs = lhs;
+    newExp->expr.boolExpr.rhs = rhs;
+    return (newExp);
+/* Returns a unary conditional expression node.  This procedure should
+ * only be used with the following conditional node types: NEGATION,
+COND_EXPR *COND_EXPR::unary(condNodeType t, COND_EXPR *sub_expr)
+    COND_EXPR *newExp;
+    newExp = newCondExp (t);
+    newExp->expr.unaryExp = sub_expr;
+    return (newExp);
+/* Returns an identifier conditional expression node of type GLOB_VAR */
+COND_EXPR *COND_EXPR::idGlob (int16 segValue, int16 off)
+    COND_EXPR *newExp;
+    dword adr;
+    Int i;
+    newExp = newCondExp (IDENTIFIER);
+    newExp->expr.ident.idType = GLOB_VAR;
+    adr = opAdr(segValue, off);
+    for (i = 0; i < symtab.csym; i++)
+        if (symtab.sym[i].label == adr)
+            break;
+    if (i == symtab.csym)
+        printf ("Error, glob var not found in symtab\n");
+    newExp->expr.ident.idNode.globIdx = i;
+    return (newExp);
+/* Returns an identifier conditional expression node of type REGISTER */
+COND_EXPR *COND_EXPR::idReg(byte regi, flags32 icodeFlg, LOCAL_ID *locsym)
+    COND_EXPR *newExp;
+    newExp = newCondExp (IDENTIFIER);
+    newExp->expr.ident.idType = REGISTER;
+    if ((icodeFlg & B) || (icodeFlg & SRC_B))
+    {
+        newExp->expr.ident.idNode.regiIdx = locsym->newByteWordReg(TYPE_BYTE_SIGN, regi);
+        newExp->expr.ident.regiType = BYTE_REG;
+    }
+    else    /* word */
+    {
+        newExp->expr.ident.idNode.regiIdx = locsym->newByteWordReg( TYPE_WORD_SIGN, regi);
+        newExp->expr.ident.regiType = WORD_REG;
+    }
+    return (newExp);
+/* Returns an identifier conditional expression node of type REGISTER */
+COND_EXPR *COND_EXPR::idRegIdx(Int idx, regType reg_type)
+    COND_EXPR *newExp;
+    newExp = newCondExp (IDENTIFIER);
+    newExp->expr.ident.idType = REGISTER;
+    newExp->expr.ident.regiType = reg_type;
+    newExp->expr.ident.idNode.regiIdx = idx;
+    return (newExp);
+/* Returns an identifier conditional expression node of type LOCAL_VAR */
+COND_EXPR *COND_EXPR::idLoc(Int off, LOCAL_ID *localId)
+    COND_EXPR *newExp;
+    size_t i;
+    newExp = newCondExp (IDENTIFIER);
+    newExp->expr.ident.idType = LOCAL_VAR;
+    for (i = 0; i < localId->csym(); i++)
+        if ((localId->id_arr[i] == off) &&
+            (localId->id_arr[i].id.bwId.regOff == 0))
+            break;
+    if (i == localId->csym())
+        printf ("Error, cannot find local var\n");
+    newExp->expr.ident.idNode.localIdx = i;
+    sprintf (localId->id_arr[i].name, "loc%ld", i);
+    return (newExp);
+/* Returns an identifier conditional expression node of type PARAM */
+COND_EXPR *COND_EXPR::idParam(Int off, const STKFRAME * argSymtab)
+    COND_EXPR *newExp;
+    size_t i;
+    newExp = newCondExp (IDENTIFIER);
+    newExp->expr.ident.idType = PARAM;
+    for (i = 0; i < argSymtab->sym.size(); i++)
+        if (argSymtab->sym[i].off == off)
+            break;
+    if (i == argSymtab->sym.size()) printf ("Error, cannot find argument var\n");
+    newExp->expr.ident.idNode.localIdx = i;
+    return (newExp);
+/* Returns an identifier conditional expression node of type GLOB_VAR_IDX.
+ * This global variable is indexed by regi.     */
+COND_EXPR *idCondExpIdxGlob (int16 segValue, int16 off, byte regi, const LOCAL_ID *locSym)
+    COND_EXPR *newExp;
+    size_t i;
+    newExp = newCondExp (IDENTIFIER);
+    newExp->expr.ident.idType = GLOB_VAR_IDX;
+    for (i = 0; i < locSym->csym(); i++)
+        if ((locSym->id_arr[i].id.bwGlb.seg == segValue) &&
+            (locSym->id_arr[i] == off) &&
+            (locSym->id_arr[i].id.bwGlb.regi == regi))
+            break;
+    if (i == locSym->csym())
+        printf ("Error, indexed-glob var not found in local id table\n");
+    newExp->expr.ident.idNode.idxGlbIdx = i;
+    return (newExp);
+/* Returns an identifier conditional expression node of type CONSTANT */
+COND_EXPR *COND_EXPR::idKte(dword kte, byte size)
+    COND_EXPR *newExp;
+    newExp = newCondExp (IDENTIFIER);
+    newExp->expr.ident.idType = CONSTANT;
+    newExp->expr.ident.idNode.kte.kte = kte;
+    newExp->expr.ident.idNode.kte.size = size;
+    return (newExp);
+/* Returns an identifier conditional expression node of type LONG_VAR,
+ * that points to the given index idx.  */
+COND_EXPR *COND_EXPR::idLongIdx (Int idx)
+    COND_EXPR *newExp;
+    newExp = newCondExp (IDENTIFIER);
+    newExp->expr.ident.idType = LONG_VAR;
+    newExp->expr.ident.idNode.longIdx = idx;
+    return (newExp);
+/* Returns an identifier conditional expression node of type LONG_VAR */
+COND_EXPR *COND_EXPR::idLong(LOCAL_ID *localId, opLoc sd, ICODE *pIcode, hlFirst f, Int ix, operDu du, Int off)
+    COND_EXPR *newExp;
+    Int idx;
+    newExp = newCondExp (IDENTIFIER);
+    /* Check for long constant and save it as a constant expression */
+    if ((sd == SRC) && ((pIcode->ic.ll.flg & I) == I))  /* constant */
+    {
+        newExp->expr.ident.idType = CONSTANT;
+        if (f == HIGH_FIRST)
+            newExp->expr.ident.idNode.kte.kte = (pIcode->ic.ll.immed.op << 16) +
+                                                (pIcode+off)->ic.ll.immed.op;
+        else        /* LOW_FIRST */
+            newExp->expr.ident.idNode.kte.kte =
+                    ((pIcode+off)->ic.ll.immed.op << 16)+ pIcode->ic.ll.immed.op;
+        newExp->expr.ident.idNode.kte.size = 4;
+    }
+    /* Save it as a long expression (reg, stack or glob) */
+    else
+    {
+        idx = localId->newLong(sd, pIcode, f, ix, du, off);
+        newExp->expr.ident.idType = LONG_VAR;
+        newExp->expr.ident.idNode.longIdx = idx;
+    }
+    return (newExp);
+/* Returns an identifier conditional expression node of type FUNCTION */
+COND_EXPR *COND_EXPR::idFunc(Function * pproc, STKFRAME * args)
+    COND_EXPR *newExp;
+    newExp = newCondExp (IDENTIFIER);
+    newExp->expr.ident.idType = FUNCTION;
+    newExp-> = pproc;
+    newExp-> = args;
+    return (newExp);
+/* Returns an identifier conditional expression node of type OTHER.
+ * Temporary solution, should really be encoded as an indexed type (eg.
+ * arrays). */
+COND_EXPR *COND_EXPR::idOther(byte seg, byte regi, int16 off)
+    COND_EXPR *newExp;
+    newExp = newCondExp (IDENTIFIER);
+    newExp->expr.ident.idType = OTHER;
+    newExp->expr.ident.idNode.other.seg = seg;
+    newExp->expr.ident.idNode.other.regi = regi;
+    newExp-> = off;
+    return (newExp);
+/* Returns an identifier conditional expression node of type TYPE_LONG or
+COND_EXPR *COND_EXPR::idID (const ID *retVal, LOCAL_ID *locsym, Int ix)
+    COND_EXPR *newExp;
+    Int idx;
+    newExp = newCondExp (IDENTIFIER);
+    if (retVal->type == TYPE_LONG_SIGN)
+    {
+        idx = locsym->newLongReg (TYPE_LONG_SIGN, retVal->id.longId.h,retVal->id.longId.l, ix);
+        newExp->expr.ident.idType = LONG_VAR;
+        newExp->expr.ident.idNode.longIdx = idx;
+    }
+    else if (retVal->type == TYPE_WORD_SIGN)
+    {
+        newExp->expr.ident.idType = REGISTER;
+        newExp->expr.ident.idNode.regiIdx = locsym->newByteWordReg(TYPE_WORD_SIGN, retVal->id.regi);
+        newExp->expr.ident.regiType = WORD_REG;
+    }
+    return (newExp);
+/* Returns an identifier conditional expression node, according to the given
+ * type.
+ * Arguments: i : index into the icode array, used for newLongRegId only.
+ *            duIcode: icode instruction that needs the du set.
+ *            du: operand is defined or used in current instruction.    */
+COND_EXPR *COND_EXPR::id(ICODE *pIcode, opLoc sd, Function * pProc, Int i,ICODE *duIcode, operDu du)
+    COND_EXPR *newExp;
+    ICODEMEM * pm;
+    Int idx;          /* idx into pIcode->localId table */
+    pm = (sd == SRC) ? &pIcode->ic.ll.src : &pIcode->ic.ll.dst;
+    if (((sd == DST) && (pIcode->ic.ll.flg & IM_DST) == IM_DST) ||
+        ((sd == SRC) && (pIcode->ic.ll.flg & IM_SRC)) ||
+        (sd == LHS_OP))             /* for MUL lhs */
+    {                                                   /* implicit dx:ax */
+        idx = pProc->localId.newLongReg (TYPE_LONG_SIGN, rDX, rAX, i);
+        newExp = COND_EXPR::idLongIdx (idx);
+        duIcode->setRegDU (rDX, du);
+        duIcode->setRegDU (rAX, du);
+    }
+    else if ((sd == DST) && (pIcode->ic.ll.flg & IM_TMP_DST) == IM_TMP_DST)
+    {                                                   /* implicit tmp */
+        newExp = COND_EXPR::idReg (rTMP, 0, &pProc->localId);
+        duIcode->setRegDU(rTMP, (operDu)eUSE);
+    }
+    else if ((sd == SRC) && ((pIcode->ic.ll.flg & I) == I)) /* constant */
+        newExp = COND_EXPR::idKte (pIcode->ic.ll.immed.op, 2);
+    else if (pm->regi == 0)                             /* global variable */
+        newExp = COND_EXPR::idGlob(pm->segValue, pm->off);
+    else if (pm->regi < INDEXBASE)                      /* register */
+    {
+        newExp = COND_EXPR::idReg (pm->regi, (sd == SRC) ? pIcode->ic.ll.flg :
+                                                           pIcode->ic.ll.flg & NO_SRC_B, &pProc->localId);
+        duIcode->setRegDU( pm->regi, du);
+    }
+    else if (pm->off)                                   /* offset */
+    {
+        if ((pm->seg == rSS) && (pm->regi == INDEXBASE + 6)) /* idx on bp */
+        {
+            if (pm->off >= 0)                           /* argument */
+                newExp = COND_EXPR::idParam (pm->off, &pProc->args);
+            else                                        /* local variable */
+                newExp = COND_EXPR::idLoc (pm->off, &pProc->localId);
+        }
+        else if ((pm->seg == rDS) && (pm->regi == INDEXBASE + 7)) /* bx */
+        {
+            if (pm->off > 0)        /* global variable */
+                newExp = idCondExpIdxGlob (pm->segValue, pm->off, rBX,&pProc->localId);
+            else
+                newExp = COND_EXPR::idOther (pm->seg, pm->regi, pm->off);
+            duIcode->setRegDU( rBX, eUSE);
+        }
+        else                                            /* idx <> bp, bx */
+            newExp = COND_EXPR::idOther (pm->seg, pm->regi, pm->off);
+        /**** check long ops, indexed global var *****/
+    }
+    else  /* (pm->regi >= INDEXBASE && pm->off = 0) => indexed && no off */
+    {
+        if ((pm->seg == rDS) && (pm->regi > INDEXBASE + 3)) /* dereference */
+        {
+            switch (pm->regi) {
+                case INDEXBASE + 4:   newExp = COND_EXPR::idReg(rSI, 0, &pProc->localId);
+                    duIcode->setRegDU( rSI, du);
+                    break;
+                case INDEXBASE + 5:   newExp = COND_EXPR::idReg(rDI, 0, &pProc->localId);
+                    duIcode->setRegDU( rDI, du);
+                    break;
+                case INDEXBASE + 6:   newExp = COND_EXPR::idReg(rBP, 0, &pProc->localId);
+                    break;
+                case INDEXBASE + 7:   newExp = COND_EXPR::idReg(rBX, 0, &pProc->localId);
+                    duIcode->setRegDU( rBX, du);
+                    break;
+                default:
+                    newExp = 0;
+                    assert(false);
+            }
+            newExp = COND_EXPR::unary (DEREFERENCE, newExp);
+        }
+        else
+            newExp = COND_EXPR::idOther (pm->seg, pm->regi, 0);
+    }
+    return (newExp);
+/* Returns the identifier type */
+condId ICODE::idType(opLoc sd)
+    ICODEMEM *pm;
+    pm = (sd == SRC) ? &ic.ll.src : &ic.ll.dst;
+    if ((sd == SRC) && ((ic.ll.flg & I) == I))
+        return (CONSTANT);
+    else if (pm->regi == 0)
+        return (GLOB_VAR);
+    else if (pm->regi < INDEXBASE)
+        return (REGISTER);
+    else if ((pm->seg == rSS) && (pm->regi == INDEXBASE))
+    {
+        if (pm->off >= 0)
+            return (PARAM);
+        else
+            return (LOCAL_VAR);
+    }
+    else
+        return (OTHER);
+/* Size of hl types */
+Int hlSize[] = {2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 4, 4, 4, 2, 2, 1, 4, 4};
+/* Returns the type of the expression */
+Int hlTypeSize (const COND_EXPR *expr, Function * pproc)
+    Int first, second;
+    if (expr == NULL)
+        return (2);		/* for TYPE_UNKNOWN */
+    switch (expr->type) {
+        case BOOLEAN_OP:
+            first = hlTypeSize (expr->expr.boolExpr.lhs, pproc);
+            second = hlTypeSize (expr->expr.boolExpr.rhs, pproc);
+            if (first > second)
+                return (first);
+            else
+                return (second);
+        case NEGATION:	case ADDRESSOF:
+        case POST_INC:	case POST_DEC:
+        case PRE_INC:		case PRE_DEC:
+        case DEREFERENCE: return (hlTypeSize (expr->expr.unaryExp, pproc));
+        case IDENTIFIER:
+            switch (expr->expr.ident.idType)
+            {
+                case GLOB_VAR:
+                    return (symtab.sym[expr->expr.ident.idNode.globIdx].size);
+                case REGISTER:
+                    if (expr->expr.ident.regiType == BYTE_REG)
+                        return (1);
+                    else
+                        return (2);
+                case LOCAL_VAR:
+                    return (hlSize[pproc->localId.id_arr[expr->expr.ident.idNode.localIdx].type]);
+                case PARAM:
+                    return (hlSize[pproc->args.sym[expr->expr.ident.idNode.paramIdx].type]);
+                case GLOB_VAR_IDX:
+                    return (hlSize[pproc->localId.id_arr[expr->expr.ident.idNode.idxGlbIdx].type]);
+                case CONSTANT:
+                    return (expr->expr.ident.idNode.kte.size);
+                case STRING:
+                    return (2);
+                case LONG_VAR:
+                    return (4);
+                case FUNCTION:
+                    return (hlSize[expr->>retVal.type]);
+                case OTHER:
+                    return (2);
+            } /* eos */
+            break;
+    }
+    return 2;			// CC: is this correct?
+/* Returns the type of the expression */
+hlType expType (const COND_EXPR *expr, Function * pproc)
+    hlType first, second;
+    if (expr == NULL)
+        return (TYPE_UNKNOWN);
+    switch (expr->type)
+    {
+        case BOOLEAN_OP:
+            first = expType (expr->expr.boolExpr.lhs, pproc);
+            second = expType (expr->expr.boolExpr.rhs, pproc);
+            if (first != second)
+            {
+                if (hlTypeSize (expr->expr.boolExpr.lhs, pproc) >
+                    hlTypeSize (expr->expr.boolExpr.rhs, pproc))
+                    return (first);
+                else
+                    return (second);
+            }
+            else
+                return (first);
+        case POST_INC: case POST_DEC:
+        case PRE_INC:  case PRE_DEC:
+        case NEGATION:	return (expType (expr->expr.unaryExp, pproc));
+        case ADDRESSOF:	return (TYPE_PTR);		/***????****/
+        case DEREFERENCE:	return (TYPE_PTR);
+        case IDENTIFIER:
+            switch (expr->expr.ident.idType)
+            {
+                case GLOB_VAR:
+                    return (symtab.sym[expr->expr.ident.idNode.globIdx].type);
+                case REGISTER:
+                    if (expr->expr.ident.regiType == BYTE_REG)
+                        return (TYPE_BYTE_SIGN);
+                    else
+                        return (TYPE_WORD_SIGN);
+                case LOCAL_VAR:
+                    return (pproc->localId.id_arr[expr->expr.ident.idNode.localIdx].type);
+                case PARAM:
+                    return (pproc->args.sym[expr->expr.ident.idNode.paramIdx].type);
+                case GLOB_VAR_IDX:
+                    return (pproc->localId.id_arr[expr->expr.ident.idNode.idxGlbIdx].type);
+                case CONSTANT:
+                    return (TYPE_CONST);
+                case STRING:
+                    return (TYPE_STR);
+                case LONG_VAR:
+                    return (pproc->localId.id_arr[expr->expr.ident.idNode.longIdx].type);
+                case FUNCTION:
+                    return (expr->>retVal.type);
+                case OTHER:
+                    return (TYPE_UNKNOWN);
+            } /* eos */
+        case UNKNOWN_OP:
+            assert(false);
+            return (TYPE_UNKNOWN);
+    }
+    return TYPE_UNKNOWN;		// CC: Correct?
+/* Removes the register from the tree.  If the register was part of a long
+ * register (eg. dx:ax), the node gets transformed into an integer register
+ * node.        */
+void removeRegFromLong (byte regi, LOCAL_ID *locId, COND_EXPR *tree)
+    IDENTTYPE* ident;     	/* ptr to an identifier */
+    byte otherRegi;         /* high or low part of long register */
+    switch (tree->type) {
+        case BOOLEAN_OP:
+            break;
+        case POST_INC: case POST_DEC:
+        case PRE_INC: case PRE_DEC:
+        case NEGATION: case ADDRESSOF:
+        case DEREFERENCE:
+            break;
+        case IDENTIFIER:
+            ident = &tree->expr.ident;
+            if (ident->idType == LONG_VAR)
+            {
+                otherRegi = otherLongRegi (regi, ident->idNode.longIdx, locId);
+                ident->idType = REGISTER;
+                ident->regiType = WORD_REG;
+                ident->idNode.regiIdx = locId->newByteWordReg(TYPE_WORD_SIGN,otherRegi);
+            }
+            break;
+    }
+/* Returns the string located in image, formatted in C format. */
+static std::string getString (Int offset)
+    ostringstream o;
+    Int strLen, i;
+    strLen = strSize (&prog.Image[offset], '\0');
+    o << '"';
+    for (i = 0; i < strLen; i++)
+        o<<cChar(prog.Image[offset+i]);
+    o << "\"\0";
+    return (o.str());
+/* Walks the conditional expression tree and returns the result on a string */
+// TODO: use string stream here
+string walkCondExpr (const COND_EXPR* expr, Function * pProc, Int* numLoc)
+    int16 off;                /* temporal - for OTHER */
+    ID* id;                   /* Pointer to local identifier table */
+    char* o;                  /* Operand string pointer */
+    boolT needBracket;        /* Determine whether parenthesis is needed */
+    BWGLB_TYPE* bwGlb;     	/* Ptr to BWGLB_TYPE (global indexed var) */
+    STKSYM * psym;				/* Pointer to argument in the stack */
+    std::ostringstream outStr;
+    if (expr == NULL)
+        return "";
+    needBracket = TRUE;
+    switch (expr->type)
+    {
+        case BOOLEAN_OP:
+            outStr << "(";
+            outStr << walkCondExpr(expr->expr.boolExpr.lhs, pProc, numLoc);
+            outStr << condOpSym[expr->expr.boolExpr.op];
+            outStr << walkCondExpr(expr->expr.boolExpr.rhs, pProc, numLoc);
+            outStr << ")";
+            break;
+        case NEGATION:
+            if (expr->expr.unaryExp->type == IDENTIFIER)
+            {
+                needBracket = FALSE;
+                outStr << "!";
+            }
+            else
+                outStr << "! (";
+            outStr << walkCondExpr (expr->expr.unaryExp, pProc, numLoc);
+            if (needBracket == TRUE)
+                outStr << ")";
+            break;
+        case ADDRESSOF:
+            if (expr->expr.unaryExp->type == IDENTIFIER)
+            {
+                needBracket = FALSE;
+                outStr << "&";
+            }
+            else
+                outStr << "&(";
+            outStr << walkCondExpr (expr->expr.unaryExp, pProc, numLoc);
+            if (needBracket == TRUE)
+                outStr << ")";
+            break;
+        case DEREFERENCE:
+            outStr << "*";
+            if (expr->expr.unaryExp->type == IDENTIFIER)
+                needBracket = FALSE;
+            else
+                outStr << "(";
+            outStr << walkCondExpr (expr->expr.unaryExp, pProc, numLoc);
+            if (needBracket == TRUE)
+                outStr << ")";
+            break;
+        case POST_INC:
+            outStr <<  walkCondExpr (expr->expr.unaryExp, pProc, numLoc) << "++";
+            break;
+        case POST_DEC:
+            outStr <<  walkCondExpr (expr->expr.unaryExp, pProc, numLoc) << "--";
+            break;
+        case PRE_INC:
+            outStr << "++"<< walkCondExpr (expr->expr.unaryExp, pProc, numLoc);
+            break;
+        case PRE_DEC:
+            outStr << "--"<< walkCondExpr (expr->expr.unaryExp, pProc, numLoc);
+            break;
+        case IDENTIFIER:
+            std::ostringstream o;
+            switch (expr->expr.ident.idType)
+            {
+                case GLOB_VAR:
+                    o << symtab.sym[expr->expr.ident.idNode.globIdx].name;
+                    break;
+                case REGISTER:
+                    id = &pProc->localId.id_arr[expr->expr.ident.idNode.regiIdx];
+                    if (id->name[0] == '\0')	/* no name */
+                    {
+                        sprintf (id->name, "loc%ld", ++(*numLoc));
+                        if (id->id.regi < rAL)
+                            cCode.appendDecl("%s %s; /* %s */\n",hlTypes[id->type], id->name,wordReg[id->id.regi - rAX]);
+                        else
+                            cCode.appendDecl("%s %s; /* %s */\n",hlTypes[id->type], id->name,byteReg[id->id.regi - rAL]);
+                    }
+                    if (id->hasMacro)
+                        o << id->macro << "("<<id->name<<")";
+                    else
+                        o << id->name;
+                    break;
+                case LOCAL_VAR:
+                    o << pProc->localId.id_arr[expr->expr.ident.idNode.localIdx].name;
+                    break;
+                case PARAM:
+                    psym = &pProc->args.sym[expr->expr.ident.idNode.paramIdx];
+                    if (psym->hasMacro)
+                        o << psym->macro<<"("<<psym->name<< ")";
+                    else
+                        o << psym->name;
+                    break;
+                case GLOB_VAR_IDX:
+                    bwGlb = &pProc->localId.id_arr[expr->expr.ident.idNode.idxGlbIdx].id.bwGlb;
+                    o << (bwGlb->seg << 4) + bwGlb->off <<  "["<<wordReg[bwGlb->regi - rAX]<<"]";
+                    break;
+                case CONSTANT:
+                    if (expr->expr.ident.idNode.kte.kte < 1000)
+                        o << expr->expr.ident.idNode.kte.kte;
+                    else
+                        o << "0x"<<std::hex << expr->expr.ident.idNode.kte.kte;
+                    break;
+                case STRING:
+                    o << getString (expr->expr.ident.idNode.strIdx);
+                    break;
+                case LONG_VAR:
+                    id = &pProc->localId.id_arr[expr->expr.ident.idNode.longIdx];
+                    if (id->name[0] != '\0') /* STK_FRAME & REG w/name*/
+                        o << id->name;
+                    else if (id->loc == REG_FRAME)
+                    {
+                        sprintf (id->name, "loc%ld", ++(*numLoc));
+                        cCode.appendDecl("%s %s; /* %s:%s */\n",hlTypes[id->type], id->name,wordReg[id->id.longId.h - rAX],wordReg[id->id.longId.l - rAX]);
+                        o << id->name;
+                        pProc->localId.propLongId (id->id.longId.l,id->id.longId.h, id->name);
+                    }
+                    else    /* GLB_FRAME */
+                    {
+                        if (id->id.longGlb.regi == 0)  /* not indexed */
+                            o << "[" << (id->id.longGlb.seg<<4) + id->id.longGlb.offH <<"]";
+                        else if (id->id.longGlb.regi == rBX)
+                            o << "[" << (id->id.longGlb.seg<<4) + id->id.longGlb.offH <<"][bx]";
+                    }
+                    break;
+                case FUNCTION:
+                    o << writeCall (expr->,expr->, pProc, numLoc);
+                    break;
+                case OTHER:
+                    off = expr->;
+                    o << wordReg[expr->expr.ident.idNode.other.seg - rAX]<< "[";
+                    o << idxReg[expr->expr.ident.idNode.other.regi - INDEXBASE];
+                    if (off < 0)
+                        o << "-"<< hexStr (-off);
+                    else if (off>0)
+                        o << "+"<< hexStr (off);
+                    o << "]";
+            } /* eos */
+            outStr << o.str();
+            break;
+    }
+    return outStr.str();
+/* Makes a copy of the given expression.  Allocates newExp storage for each
+ * node.  Returns the copy. */
+    COND_EXPR* newExp=0;        /* Expression node copy */
+    switch (type)
+    {
+        case BOOLEAN_OP:
+            newExp = new COND_EXPR(*this);
+            newExp->expr.boolExpr.lhs = expr.boolExpr.lhs->clone();
+            newExp->expr.boolExpr.rhs = expr.boolExpr.rhs->clone();
+            break;
+        case NEGATION:
+        case ADDRESSOF:
+        case DEREFERENCE:
+            newExp = new COND_EXPR(*this);
+            newExp->expr.unaryExp = expr.unaryExp->clone();
+            break;
+        case IDENTIFIER:
+            newExp = new COND_EXPR(*this);
+    }
+    return (newExp);
+/* Changes the boolean conditional operator at the root of this expression */
+void COND_EXPR::changeBoolOp (condOp newOp)
+    expr.boolExpr.op = newOp;
+/* Inserts the expression exp into the tree at the location specified by the
+ * register regi */
+boolT insertSubTreeReg (COND_EXPR *expr, COND_EXPR **tree, byte regi,LOCAL_ID *locsym)
+    byte treeReg;
+    if (*tree == NULL)
+        return FALSE;
+    switch ((*tree)->type) {
+        case IDENTIFIER:
+            if ((*tree)->expr.ident.idType == REGISTER)
+            {
+                treeReg = locsym->id_arr[(*tree)->expr.ident.idNode.regiIdx].id.regi;
+                if (treeReg == regi)                        /* word reg */
+                {
+                    *tree = expr;
+                    return TRUE;
+                }
+                else if ((regi >= rAX) && (regi <= rBX))    /* word/byte reg */
+                {
+                    if ((treeReg == (regi + rAL-1)) || (treeReg == (regi + rAH-1)))
+                    {
+                        *tree = expr;
+                        return TRUE;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            return FALSE;
+        case BOOLEAN_OP:
+            if (insertSubTreeReg (expr, &(*tree)->expr.boolExpr.lhs, regi,                                  locsym))
+                return TRUE;
+            if (insertSubTreeReg (expr, &(*tree)->expr.boolExpr.rhs, regi,                                  locsym))
+                return TRUE;
+            return FALSE;
+        case NEGATION:
+        case ADDRESSOF:
+        case DEREFERENCE:
+            if (insertSubTreeReg(expr, &(*tree)->expr.unaryExp,regi, locsym))
+                return TRUE;
+            return FALSE;
+    }
+    return FALSE;
+/* Inserts the expression exp into the tree at the location specified by the
+ * long register index longIdx*/
+boolT insertSubTreeLongReg (COND_EXPR *exp, COND_EXPR **tree, Int longIdx)
+    switch ((*tree)->type) {
+        case IDENTIFIER:  if ((*tree)->expr.ident.idNode.longIdx == longIdx)
+            {
+                *tree = exp;
+                return TRUE;
+            }
+            return FALSE;
+        case BOOLEAN_OP:	if (insertSubTreeLongReg (exp, &(*tree)->expr.boolExpr.lhs, longIdx))
+                return TRUE;
+            if (insertSubTreeLongReg (exp, &(*tree)->expr.boolExpr.rhs, longIdx))
+                return TRUE;
+            return FALSE;
+        case NEGATION:
+        case ADDRESSOF:
+        case DEREFERENCE: if (insertSubTreeLongReg (exp, &(*tree)->expr.unaryExp, longIdx))
+                return TRUE;
+            return FALSE;
+    }
+    return FALSE;
+/* Recursively deallocates the abstract syntax tree rooted at *exp */
+void COND_EXPR::release()
+    switch (type)
+    {
+        case BOOLEAN_OP:
+            expr.boolExpr.lhs->release();
+            expr.boolExpr.rhs->release();
+            break;
+        case NEGATION:
+        case ADDRESSOF:
+        case DEREFERENCE:
+            expr.unaryExp->release();
+            break;
+    }
+    delete (this);
+ * Expression stack functions
+ **************************************************************************/
+/* Reinitalizes the expression stack (expStk) to NULL, by freeing all the
+ * space allocated (if any).        */
+void initExpStk()
+    expStk.clear();
+/* Pushes the given expression onto the local stack (expStk). */
+void pushExpStk (COND_EXPR *expr)
+    expStk.push_back(expr);
+/* Returns the element on the top of the local expression stack (expStk),
+ * and deallocates the space allocated by this node.
+ * If there are no elements on the stack, returns NULL. */
+COND_EXPR *popExpStk()
+    if(expStk.empty())
+        return 0;
+    COND_EXPR *topExp = expStk.back();
+    expStk.pop_back();
+    return topExp;
+/* Returns the number of elements available in the expression stack */
+Int numElemExpStk()
+    return expStk.size();
+/* Returns whether the expression stack is empty or not */
+boolT emptyExpStk()
+    return expStk.empty();

+ 668 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,668 @@
+ * Project: 	dcc
+ * File:	backend.c
+ * Purpose:	Back-end module.  Generates C code for each procedure.
+ * (C) Cristina Cifuentes
+ ****************************************************************************/
+#include <cassert>
+#include <string>
+#include "dcc.h"
+#include <fstream>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+bundle cCode;			/* Procedure declaration and code */
+using namespace std;
+/* Indentation buffer */
+#define indSize	81		/* size of the indentation buffer.  Each indentation
+    * is of 4 spaces => max. 20 indentation levels */
+static char indentBuf[indSize] =
+        "                                                                                ";
+/* Indentation according to the depth of the statement */
+static char *indent (Int indLevel)
+    return (&indentBuf[indSize-(indLevel*4)-1]);
+static Int getNextLabel()
+/* Returns a unique index to the next label */
+{ static Int labelIdx = 1;	/* index of the next label		*/
+    return (labelIdx++);
+/* displays statistics on the subroutine */
+void Function::displayStats ()
+    printf("\nStatistics - Subroutine %s\n", name);
+    printf ("Number of Icode instructions:\n");
+    printf ("  Low-level : %4d\n", stats.numLLIcode);
+    if (! (flg & PROC_ASM))
+    {
+        printf ("  High-level: %4d\n", stats.numHLIcode);
+        printf ("  Percentage reduction: %2.2f%%\n", 100.0 - (stats.numHLIcode *
+                                                              100.0) / stats.numLLIcode);
+    }
+/**** this proc is not required any more?? ****/
+#if 0
+static void fixupLabels (PPROC pProc)
+/* Checks the graph (pProc->cfg) for any nodes that have labels, and gives
+ * a unique label number for it.  This label is placed in the associated
+ * icode for the node (pProc->Icode).  The procedure is done in sequential
+ * order of dsfLast numbering.	*/
+{ Int i;				/* index into the dfsLast array */
+    PBB *dfsLast;			/* pointer to the dfsLast array */
+    dfsLast = pProc->dfsLast;
+    for (i = 0; i < pProc->numBBs; i++)
+        if (dfsLast[i]->flg/* & BB_HAS_LABEL*/) {
+            pProc->Icode.icode[dfsLast[i]->start].ic.ll.flg |= HLL_LABEL;
+            pProc->Icode.icode[dfsLast[i]->start].ic.ll.hllLabNum = getNextLabel();
+        }
+/* Returns the corresponding C string for the given character c.  Character
+ * constants such as carriage return and line feed, require 2 C characters. */
+char *cChar (byte c)
+    static char res[3];
+    switch (c) {
+        case 0x8:		/* backspace */
+            sprintf (res, "\\b");
+            break;
+        case 0x9:		/* horizontal tab */
+            sprintf (res, "\\t");
+            break;
+        case 0x0A:	/* new line */
+            sprintf (res, "\\n");
+            break;
+        case 0x0C:	/* form feed */
+            sprintf (res, "\\f");
+            break;
+        case 0x0D:	/* carriage return */
+            sprintf (res, "\\r");
+            break;
+        default: 		/* any other character*/
+            sprintf (res, "%c", c);
+    }
+    return (res);
+/* Prints the variable's name and initial contents on the file.
+ * Note: to get to the value of the variable:
+ *		com file: prog.Image[operand]
+ *		exe file: prog.Image[operand+0x100] 	*/
+static void printGlobVar (SYM * psym)
+    Int j;
+    dword relocOp = prog.fCOM ? psym->label : psym->label + 0x100;
+    char *strContents;		/* initial contents of variable */
+    switch (psym->size) {
+        case 1: cCode.appendDecl( "byte\t%s = %ld;\n",
+                                  psym->name, prog.Image[relocOp]);
+            break;
+        case 2: cCode.appendDecl( "word\t%s = %ld;\n",
+                                  psym->name, LH(prog.Image+relocOp));
+            break;
+        case 4: if (psym->type == TYPE_PTR)  /* pointer */
+                cCode.appendDecl( "word\t*%s = %ld;\n",
+                                  psym->name, LH(prog.Image+relocOp));
+            else 			/* char */
+                cCode.appendDecl(
+                            "char\t%s[4] = \"%c%c%c%c\";\n",
+                            psym->name, prog.Image[relocOp],
+                            prog.Image[relocOp+1], prog.Image[relocOp+2],
+                            prog.Image[relocOp+3]);
+            break;
+        default:strContents = (char *)allocMem((psym->size*2+1) *sizeof(char));
+            strContents[0] = '\0';
+            for (j=0; j < psym->size; j++)
+                strcat (strContents, cChar(prog.Image[relocOp + j]));
+            cCode.appendDecl( "char\t*%s = \"%s\";\n",
+                              psym->name, strContents);
+    }
+// Note: Not called at present.
+/* Writes the contents of the symbol table, along with any variable
+ * initialization. */
+static void writeGlobSymTable()
+    Int idx;
+    char type[10];
+    SYM * pSym;
+    if (symtab.csym)
+    {
+        cCode.appendDecl( "/* Global variables */\n");
+        for (idx = 0; idx < symtab.csym; idx++)
+        {
+            pSym = &symtab.sym[idx];
+            if (symtab.sym[idx].duVal.isUSE_VAL())	/* first used */
+                printGlobVar (&(symtab.sym[idx]));
+            else {					/* first defined */
+                switch (pSym->size) {
+                    case 1:  strcpy (type, "byte\t"); break;
+                    case 2:  strcpy (type, "int\t"); break;
+                    case 4:  if (pSym->type == TYPE_PTR)
+                            strcpy (type, "int\t*");
+                        else
+                            strcpy (type, "char\t*");
+                        break;
+                    default: strcpy (type, "char\t*");
+                }
+                cCode.appendDecl( "%s%s;\t/* size = %ld */\n",
+                                  type, pSym->name, pSym->size);
+            }
+        }
+        cCode.appendDecl( "\n");
+    }
+/* Writes the header information and global variables to the output C file
+ * fp. */
+static void writeHeader (std::ostream &ios, char *fileName)
+    /* Write header information */
+    newBundle (&cCode);
+    cCode.appendDecl( "/*\n");
+    cCode.appendDecl( " * Input file\t: %s\n", fileName);
+    cCode.appendDecl( " * File type\t: %s\n", (prog.fCOM)?"COM":"EXE");
+    cCode.appendDecl( " */\n\n#include \"dcc.h\"\n\n");
+    /* Write global symbol table */
+    /** writeGlobSymTable(); *** need to change them into locident fmt ***/
+    writeBundle (ios, cCode);
+    freeBundle (&cCode);
+/* Writes the registers that are set in the bitvector */
+static void writeBitVector (dword regi)
+{ Int j;
+    for (j = 0; j < INDEXBASE; j++)
+    {
+        if ((regi & power2(j)) != 0)
+            printf ("%s ", allRegs[j]);
+    }
+/* Checks the given icode to determine whether it has a label associated
+ * to it.  If so, a goto is emitted to this label; otherwise, a new label
+ * is created and a goto is also emitted.
+ * Note: this procedure is to be used when the label is to be backpatched
+ *       onto code in cCode.code */
+static void emitGotoLabel (ICODE * pt, Int indLevel)
+    if (! (pt->ic.ll.flg & HLL_LABEL)) /* node hasn't got a lab */
+    {
+        /* Generate new label */
+        pt->ic.ll.hllLabNum = getNextLabel();
+        pt->ic.ll.flg |= HLL_LABEL;
+        /* Node has been traversed already, so backpatch this label into
+                 * the code */
+        addLabelBundle (cCode.code, pt->codeIdx, pt->ic.ll.hllLabNum);
+    }
+    cCode.appendCode( "%sgoto L%ld;\n", indent(indLevel),
+                      pt->ic.ll.hllLabNum);
+    stats.numHLIcode++;
+// Note: Not currently called!
+static void emitFwdGotoLabel (ICODE * pt, Int indLevel)
+/* Checks the given icode to determine whether it has a label associated
+ * to it.  If so, a goto is emitted to this label; otherwise, a new label
+ * is created and a goto is also emitted.
+ * Note: this procedure is to be used when the label is to be forward on
+ *		 the code; that is, the target code has not been traversed yet. */
+    if (! (pt->ic.ll.flg & HLL_LABEL)) /* node hasn't got a lab */
+    {
+        /* Generate new label */
+        pt->ic.ll.hllLabNum = getNextLabel();
+        pt->ic.ll.flg |= HLL_LABEL;
+    }
+    cCode.appendCode( "%sgoto l%ld;\n", indent(indLevel),
+                      pt->ic.ll.hllLabNum);
+/* Writes the code for the current basic block.
+ * Args: pBB: pointer to the current basic block.
+ *		 Icode: pointer to the array of icodes for current procedure.
+ *		 lev: indentation level - used for formatting.	*/
+static void writeBB (const BB * const pBB, ICODE * hli, Int lev, Function * pProc, Int *numLoc)
+{ Int	i, last;
+    char *line;           /* Pointer to the HIGH-LEVEL line   */
+    /* Save the index into the code table in case there is a later goto
+  * into this instruction (first instruction of the BB) */
+    hli[pBB->start].codeIdx = nextBundleIdx (&cCode.code);
+    /* Generate code for each hlicode that is not a HLI_JCOND */
+    for (i = pBB->start, last = i + pBB->length; i < last; i++)
+        if ((hli[i].type == HIGH_LEVEL) && (hli[i].invalid == FALSE))
+        {
+            line = write1HlIcode (hli[i].ic.hl, pProc, numLoc);
+            if (line[0] != '\0')
+            {
+                cCode.appendCode( "%s%s", indent(lev), line);
+                stats.numHLIcode++;
+            }
+            if (option.verbose)
+                hli[i].writeDU(i);
+        }
+    //if (hli[i].invalid)
+    //printf("Invalid icode: %d!\n", hli[i].invalid);
+/* Recursive procedure that writes the code for the given procedure, pointed
+ * to by pBB.
+ * Parameters:	pBB:	pointer to the cfg.
+ *				Icode:	pointer to the Icode array for the cfg graph of the
+ *						current procedure.
+ *				indLevel: indentation level - used for formatting.
+ *				numLoc: last # assigned to local variables 				*/
+void BB::writeCode (Int indLevel, Function * pProc , Int *numLoc,Int latchNode, Int _ifFollow)
+    Int follow,						/* ifFollow						*/
+            _loopType, 					/* Type of loop, if any 		*/
+            _nodeType;						/* Type of node 				*/
+    BB * succ, *latch;					/* Successor and latching node 	*/
+    ICODE * picode;					/* Pointer to HLI_JCOND instruction	*/
+    char *l;							/* Pointer to HLI_JCOND expression	*/
+    boolT emptyThen,					/* THEN clause is empty			*/
+            repCond;					/* Repeat condition for while() */
+    /* Check if this basic block should be analysed */
+    if ((_ifFollow != UN_INIT) && (this == pProc->dfsLast[_ifFollow]))
+        return;
+    if (traversed == DFS_ALPHA)
+        return;
+    traversed = DFS_ALPHA;
+    /* Check for start of loop */
+    repCond = FALSE;
+    latch = NULL;
+    _loopType = loopType;
+    if (_loopType)
+    {
+        latch = pProc->dfsLast[this->latchNode];
+        switch (_loopType)
+        {
+            case WHILE_TYPE:
+                picode = pProc->Icode.GetIcode(start + length - 1);
+                /* Check for error in while condition */
+                if (picode->ic.hl.opcode != HLI_JCOND)
+                    reportError (WHILE_FAIL);
+                /* Check if condition is more than 1 HL instruction */
+                if (numHlIcodes > 1)
+                {
+                    /* Write the code for this basic block */
+                    writeBB(this, pProc->Icode.GetFirstIcode(), indLevel, pProc, numLoc);
+                    repCond = TRUE;
+                }
+                /* Condition needs to be inverted if the loop body is along
+                 * the THEN path of the header node */
+                if (edges[ELSE].BBptr->dfsLastNum == loopFollow)
+                    inverseCondOp (&picode->ic.hl.oper.exp);
+                {
+                    std::string e=walkCondExpr (picode->ic.hl.oper.exp, pProc, numLoc);
+                    cCode.appendCode( "\n%swhile (%s) {\n", indent(indLevel),e.c_str());
+                }
+                picode->invalidate();
+                break;
+            case REPEAT_TYPE:
+                cCode.appendCode( "\n%sdo {\n", indent(indLevel));
+                picode = pProc->Icode.GetIcode(latch->start+latch->length-1);
+                picode->invalidate();
+                break;
+            case ENDLESS_TYPE:
+                cCode.appendCode( "\n%sfor (;;) {\n", indent(indLevel));
+        }
+        stats.numHLIcode += 1;
+        indLevel++;
+    }
+    /* Write the code for this basic block */
+    if (repCond == FALSE)
+        writeBB (this, pProc->Icode.GetFirstIcode(), indLevel, pProc, numLoc);
+    /* Check for end of path */
+    _nodeType = nodeType;
+    if (_nodeType == RETURN_NODE || _nodeType == TERMINATE_NODE ||
+        _nodeType == NOWHERE_NODE || (dfsLastNum == latchNode))
+        return;
+    /* Check type of loop/node and process code */
+    if (_loopType)	/* there is a loop */
+    {
+        assert(latch);
+        if (this != latch)		/* loop is over several bbs */
+        {
+            if (_loopType == WHILE_TYPE)
+            {
+                succ = edges[THEN].BBptr;
+                if (succ->dfsLastNum == loopFollow)
+                    succ = edges[ELSE].BBptr;
+            }
+            else
+                succ = edges[0].BBptr;
+            if (succ->traversed != DFS_ALPHA)
+                succ->writeCode (indLevel, pProc, numLoc, latch->dfsLastNum,_ifFollow);
+            else	/* has been traversed so we need a goto */
+                emitGotoLabel (pProc->Icode.GetIcode(succ->start), indLevel);
+        }
+        /* Loop epilogue: generate the loop trailer */
+        indLevel--;
+        if (_loopType == WHILE_TYPE)
+        {
+            /* Check if there is need to repeat other statements involved
+                         * in while condition, then, emit the loop trailer */
+            if (repCond)
+                writeBB (this, pProc->Icode.GetFirstIcode(), indLevel+1, pProc, numLoc);
+            cCode.appendCode( "%s}	/* end of while */\n",indent(indLevel));
+        }
+        else if (_loopType == ENDLESS_TYPE)
+            cCode.appendCode( "%s}	/* end of loop */\n",indent(indLevel));
+        else if (_loopType == REPEAT_TYPE)
+        {
+            if (picode->ic.hl.opcode != HLI_JCOND)
+                reportError (REPEAT_FAIL);
+            {
+                string e=walkCondExpr (picode->ic.hl.oper.exp, pProc, numLoc);
+                cCode.appendCode( "%s} while (%s);\n", indent(indLevel),e.c_str());
+            }
+        }
+        /* Recurse on the loop follow */
+        if (loopFollow != MAX)
+        {
+            succ = pProc->dfsLast[loopFollow];
+            if (succ->traversed != DFS_ALPHA)
+                succ->writeCode (indLevel, pProc, numLoc, latchNode, _ifFollow);
+            else		/* has been traversed so we need a goto */
+                emitGotoLabel (pProc->Icode.GetIcode(succ->start), indLevel);
+        }
+    }
+    else		/* no loop, process nodeType of the graph */
+    {
+        if (_nodeType == TWO_BRANCH)		/* if-then[-else] */
+        {
+            stats.numHLIcode++;
+            indLevel++;
+            emptyThen = FALSE;
+            if (ifFollow != MAX)		/* there is a follow */
+            {
+                /* process the THEN part */
+                follow = ifFollow;
+                succ = edges[THEN].BBptr;
+                if (succ->traversed != DFS_ALPHA)	/* not visited */
+                {
+                    if (succ->dfsLastNum != follow)	/* THEN part */
+                    {
+                        l = writeJcond ( pProc->Icode.GetIcode(start + length -1)->ic.hl,
+                                pProc, numLoc);
+                        cCode.appendCode( "\n%s%s", indent(indLevel-1), l);
+                        succ->writeCode (indLevel, pProc, numLoc, latchNode,follow);
+                    }
+                    else		/* empty THEN part => negate ELSE part */
+                    {
+                        l = writeJcondInv ( pProc->Icode.GetIcode(start + length -1)->ic.hl,
+                                pProc, numLoc);
+                        cCode.appendCode( "\n%s%s", indent(indLevel-1), l);
+                        edges[ELSE].BBptr->writeCode (indLevel, pProc, numLoc, latchNode, follow);
+                        emptyThen = TRUE;
+                    }
+                }
+                else	/* already visited => emit label */
+                    emitGotoLabel (pProc->Icode.GetIcode(succ->start), indLevel);
+                /* process the ELSE part */
+                succ = edges[ELSE].BBptr;
+                if (succ->traversed != DFS_ALPHA)		/* not visited */
+                {
+                    if (succ->dfsLastNum != follow)		/* ELSE part */
+                    {
+                        cCode.appendCode( "%s}\n%selse {\n",
+                                          indent(indLevel-1), indent(indLevel - 1));
+                        succ->writeCode (indLevel, pProc, numLoc, latchNode, follow);
+                    }
+                    /* else (empty ELSE part) */
+                }
+                else if (! emptyThen) 	/* already visited => emit label */
+                {
+                    cCode.appendCode( "%s}\n%selse {\n",
+                                      indent(indLevel-1), indent(indLevel - 1));
+                    emitGotoLabel (pProc->Icode.GetIcode(succ->start), indLevel);
+                }
+                cCode.appendCode( "%s}\n", indent(--indLevel));
+                /* Continue with the follow */
+                succ = pProc->dfsLast[follow];
+                if (succ->traversed != DFS_ALPHA)
+                    succ->writeCode (indLevel, pProc, numLoc, latchNode,_ifFollow);
+            }
+            else		/* no follow => if..then..else */
+            {
+                l = writeJcond (
+                        pProc->Icode.GetIcode(start + length -1)->ic.hl, pProc, numLoc);
+                cCode.appendCode( "%s%s", indent(indLevel-1), l);
+                edges[THEN].BBptr->writeCode (indLevel, pProc, numLoc, latchNode, _ifFollow);
+                cCode.appendCode( "%s}\n%selse {\n", indent(indLevel-1), indent(indLevel - 1));
+                edges[ELSE].BBptr->writeCode (indLevel, pProc, numLoc, latchNode, _ifFollow);
+                cCode.appendCode( "%s}\n", indent(--indLevel));
+            }
+        }
+        else 	/* fall, call, 1w */
+        {
+            succ = edges[0].BBptr;		/* fall-through edge */
+            if (succ->traversed != DFS_ALPHA)
+                succ->writeCode (indLevel, pProc,numLoc, latchNode,_ifFollow);
+        }
+    }
+/* Writes the procedure's declaration (including arguments), local variables,
+ * and invokes the procedure that writes the code of the given record *hli */
+void Function::codeGen (std::ostream &fs)
+    Int i, numLoc;
+    //STKFRAME * args;       /* Procedure arguments              */
+    char buf[200],        /* Procedure's definition           */
+            arg[30];         /* One argument                     */
+    ID *locid;            /* Pointer to one local identifier  */
+    BB *pBB;              /* Pointer to basic block           */
+    /* Write procedure/function header */
+    newBundle (&cCode);
+    if (flg & PROC_IS_FUNC)      /* Function */
+        cCode.appendDecl( "\n%s %s (", hlTypes[retVal.type],name);
+    else                                /* Procedure */
+        cCode.appendDecl( "\nvoid %s (", name);
+    /* Write arguments */
+    memset (buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
+    for (i = 0; i < args.sym.size(); i++)
+    {
+        if (args.sym[i].invalid == FALSE)
+        {
+            sprintf (arg,"%s %s",hlTypes[args.sym[i].type], args.sym[i].name);
+            strcat (buf, arg);
+            if (i < (args.numArgs - 1))
+                strcat (buf, ", ");
+        }
+    }
+    strcat (buf, ")\n");
+    cCode.appendDecl( "%s", buf);
+    /* Write comments */
+    writeProcComments();
+    /* Write local variables */
+    if (! (flg & PROC_ASM))
+    {
+        numLoc = 0;
+        for (i = 0; i < localId.csym(); i++)
+        {
+            locid = &localId.id_arr[i];
+            /* Output only non-invalidated entries */
+            if (locid->illegal == FALSE)
+            {
+                if (locid->loc == REG_FRAME)
+                {
+                    /* Register variables are assigned to a local variable */
+                    if (((flg & SI_REGVAR) && (locid->id.regi == rSI)) ||
+                        ((flg & DI_REGVAR) && (locid->id.regi == rDI)))
+                    {
+                        sprintf (locid->name, "loc%ld", ++numLoc);
+                        cCode.appendDecl( "int %s;\n", locid->name);
+                    }
+                    /* Other registers are named when they are first used in
+                     * the output C code, and appended to the proc decl. */
+                }
+                else if (locid->loc == STK_FRAME)
+                {
+                    /* Name local variables and output appropriate type */
+                    sprintf (locid->name, "loc%ld", ++numLoc);
+                    cCode.appendDecl( "%s %s;\n",hlTypes[locid->type], locid->name);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /* Write procedure's code */
+    if (flg & PROC_ASM)		/* generate assembler */
+        disassem (3, this);
+    else							/* generate C */
+        cfg.front()->writeCode (1, this, &numLoc, MAX, UN_INIT);
+    cCode.appendCode( "}\n\n");
+    writeBundle (fs, cCode);
+    freeBundle (&cCode);
+    /* Write Live register analysis information */
+    if (option.verbose)
+        for (i = 0; i < numBBs; i++)
+        {
+            pBB = dfsLast[i];
+            if (pBB->flg & INVALID_BB)	continue;	/* skip invalid BBs */
+            printf ("BB %d\n", i);
+            printf ("  Start = %d, end = %d\n", pBB->start, pBB->start +
+                    pBB->length - 1);
+            printf ("  LiveUse = ");
+            writeBitVector (pBB->liveUse);
+            printf ("\n  Def = ");
+            writeBitVector (pBB->def);
+            printf ("\n  LiveOut = ");
+            writeBitVector (pBB->liveOut);
+            printf ("\n  LiveIn = ");
+            writeBitVector (pBB->liveIn);
+            printf ("\n\n");
+        }
+/* Recursive procedure. Displays the procedure's code in depth-first order
+ * of the call graph.	*/
+static void backBackEnd (char *filename, CALL_GRAPH * pcallGraph, std::ostream &ios)
+    Int i;
+    //	IFace.Yield();			/* This is a good place to yield to other apps */
+    /* Check if this procedure has been processed already */
+    if ((pcallGraph->proc->flg & PROC_OUTPUT) ||
+        (pcallGraph->proc->flg & PROC_ISLIB))
+        return;
+    pcallGraph->proc->flg |= PROC_OUTPUT;
+    /* Dfs if this procedure has any successors */
+    for (i = 0; i < pcallGraph->outEdges.size(); i++)
+    {
+        backBackEnd (filename, pcallGraph->outEdges[i], ios);
+    }
+    /* Generate code for this procedure */
+    stats.numLLIcode = pcallGraph->proc->Icode.GetNumIcodes();
+    stats.numHLIcode = 0;
+    pcallGraph->proc->codeGen (ios);
+    /* Generate statistics */
+    if (option.Stats)
+        pcallGraph->proc->displayStats ();
+    if (! (pcallGraph->proc->flg & PROC_ASM))
+    {
+        stats.totalLL += stats.numLLIcode;
+        stats.totalHL += stats.numHLIcode;
+    }
+/* Invokes the necessary routines to produce code one procedure at a time. */
+void BackEnd (char *fileName, CALL_GRAPH * pcallGraph)
+    char*	outName, *ext;
+    std::ofstream fs; /* Output C file 	*/
+    /* Get output file name */
+    outName = strcpy ((char*)allocMem(strlen(fileName)+1), fileName);
+    if ((ext = strrchr (outName, '.')) != NULL)
+        *ext = '\0';
+    strcat (outName, ".b");		/* b for beta */
+    /* Open output file */
+    if(!fs.is_open())
+        fatalError (CANNOT_OPEN, outName);
+    printf ("dcc: Writing C beta file %s\n", outName);
+    /* Header information */
+    writeHeader (fs, fileName);
+    /* Initialize total Icode instructions statistics */
+    stats.totalLL = 0;
+    stats.totalHL = 0;
+    /* Process each procedure at a time */
+    backBackEnd (fileName, pcallGraph, fs);
+    /* Close output file */
+    fs.close();
+    printf ("dcc: Finished writing C beta file\n");

+ 115 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+ * File: bundle.c
+ * Module that handles the bundle type (array of pointers to strings).
+ * (C) Cristina Cifuentes
+ ****************************************************************************/
+#include "dcc.h"
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <memory.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#define deltaProcLines  20
+/* Allocates memory for a new bundle and initializes it to zero.    */
+void newBundle (bundle *)
+/* Increments the size of the table strTab by deltaProcLines and copies all
+ * the strings to the new table.        */
+static void incTableSize (strTable *strTab)
+    strTab->resize(strTab->size()+deltaProcLines);
+/* Appends the new line (in printf style) to the string table strTab.   */
+void appendStrTab (strTable *strTab, const char *format, ...)
+    va_list args;
+    char buf[lineSize];
+    va_start (args, format);
+    vsprintf (buf, format, args);
+    strTab->push_back(buf);
+    va_end (args);
+/* Returns the next available index into the table */
+Int nextBundleIdx (strTable *strTab)
+    return (strTab->size());
+/* Adds the given label to the start of the line strTab[idx].  The first
+ * tab is removed and replaced by this label */
+void addLabelBundle (strTable &strTab, Int idx, Int label)
+    char s[lineSize];
+    sprintf (s, "l%ld: %s", label, strTab[idx].c_str()+4);
+    strTab[idx] = s;
+/* Writes the contents of the string table on the file fp.  */
+static void writeStrTab (std::ostream &ios, strTable &strTab)
+    Int i;
+    for (i = 0; i < strTab.size(); i++)
+        ios << strTab[i];
+/* Writes the contents of the bundle (procedure code and declaration) to
+ * a file.          */
+void writeBundle (std::ostream &ios, bundle procCode)
+    writeStrTab (ios, procCode.decl);
+    if (procCode.decl[procCode.decl.size() - 1][0] != ' ')
+       ios << "\n";
+    writeStrTab (ios, procCode.code);
+/* Frees the storage allocated by the string table. */
+static void freeStrTab (strTable &strTab)
+    strTab.clear();
+void freeBundle (bundle *procCode)
+/* Deallocates the space taken by the bundle procCode */
+    freeStrTab (procCode->decl);
+    freeStrTab (procCode->code);
+void bundle::appendCode(const char *format,...)
+    va_list args;
+    char buf[lineSize]={0};
+    va_start (args, format);
+    vsprintf (buf, format, args);
+    code.push_back(buf);
+    va_end (args);
+void bundle::appendDecl(const char *format,...)
+    va_list args;
+    char buf[lineSize]={0};
+    va_start (args, format);
+    vsprintf (buf, format, args);
+    decl.push_back(buf);
+    va_end (args);

+ 1018 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,1018 @@
+ * Code to check for library functions. If found, replaces procNNNN with the
+ * library function name. Also checks startup code for correct DS, and the
+ * address of main()
+ * (C) Mike van Emmerik
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#ifdef __BORLAND__
+#include <mem.h>
+#include <memory.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "dcc.h"
+#include "perfhlib.h"
+#define  NIL   -1                   /* Used like NULL, but 0 is valid */
+/* Hash table structure */
+typedef struct HT_tag
+    char    htSym[SYMLEN];
+    byte    htPat[PATLEN];
+} HT;
+/* Structure of the prototypes table. Same as the struct in parsehdr.h,
+    except here we don't need the "next" index (the elements are already
+    sorted by function name) */
+struct ph_func_tag
+    char    name[SYMLEN];               /* Name of function or arg */
+    hlType  typ;                        /* Return type */
+    int     numArg;                     /* Number of args */
+    int     firstArg;                   /* Index of first arg in chain */
+    //  int     next;                       /* Index of next function in chain */
+    bool    bVararg;                    /* True if variable arguements */
+#define NUM_PLIST   64              	/* Number of entries to increase allocation by */
+/* statics */
+char buf[100];          				/* A general purpose buffer */
+int numKeys;            				/* Number of hash table entries (keys) */
+int numVert;            				/* Number of vertices in the graph (also size of g[]) */
+unsigned PatLen;        				/* Size of the keys (pattern length) */
+unsigned SymLen;        				/* Max size of the symbols, including null */
+FILE *f;                				/* File being read */
+static  char sSigName[100]; 			/* Full path name of .sig file */
+static  word    *T1base, *T2base;       /* Pointers to start of T1, T2 */
+static  word    *g;                     /* g[] */
+static  HT      *ht;                    /* The hash table */
+static  PH_FUNC_STRUCT *pFunc;          /* Points to the array of func names */
+static  hlType  *pArg;                  /* Points to the array of param types */
+static  int     numFunc;                /* Number of func names actually stored */
+static  int     numArg;                 /* Number of param names actually stored */
+#define DCCLIBS "dcclibs.dat"           /* Name of the prototypes data file */
+/* prototypes */
+void grab(int n, FILE *f);
+word readFileShort(FILE *f);
+void readFileSection(word* p, int len, FILE *f);
+void cleanup(void);
+void checkStartup(STATE *state);
+void readProtoFile(void);
+void fixNewline(char *s);
+int  searchPList(char *name);
+void checkHeap(char *msg);              /* For debugging */
+void fixWildCards(byte pat[]);			/* In fixwild.c */
+static boolT locatePattern(byte *source, Int iMin, Int iMax, byte *pattern,
+                           Int iPatLen, Int *index);
+/*  *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *\
+*                                                            *
+*   S t a r t   P a t t e r n s   ( V e n d o r    i d )     *
+*                                                            *
+\*  *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   */
+static byte pattMsC5Start[] =
+    0xB4, 0x30,         /* Mov ah, 30 */
+    0xCD, 0x21,         /* int 21 (dos version number) */
+    0x3C, 0x02,         /* cmp al, 2 */
+    0x73, 0x02,         /* jnb $+4 */
+    0xCD, 0x20,         /* int 20 (exit) */
+    0xBF                /* Mov di, DSEG */
+static byte pattMsC8Start[] =
+    0xB4, 0x30,         /* Mov ah, 30 */
+    0xCD, 0x21,         /* int 21 */
+    0x3C, 0x02,         /* cmp al,2 */
+    0x73, 0x05,         /* jnb $+7 */
+    0x33, 0xC0,         /* xor ax, ax */
+    0x06, 0x50,         /* push es:ax */
+    0xCB,               /* retf */
+    0xBF                /* mov di, DSEG */
+static byte pattMsC8ComStart[] =
+    0xB4, 0x30,         /* Mov ah, 30 */
+    0xCD, 0x21,         /* int 21 (dos version number) */
+    0x3C, 0x02,         /* cmp al, 2 */
+    0x73, 0x01,         /* jnb $+3 */
+    0xC3,               /* ret */
+    0x8C, 0xDF          /* Mov di, ds */
+static byte pattBorl2Start[] =
+    0xBA, WILD, WILD,       /* Mov dx, dseg */
+    0x2E, 0x89, 0x16,       /* mov cs:[], dx */
+    WILD, WILD,
+    0xB4, 0x30,             /* mov ah, 30 */
+    0xCD, 0x21,             /* int 21 (dos version number) */
+    0x8B, 0x2E, 0x02, 0,    /* mov bp, [2] */
+    0x8B, 0x1E, 0x2C, 0,    /* mov bx, [2C] */
+    0x8E, 0xDA,             /* mov ds, dx */
+    0xA3, WILD, WILD,       /* mov [xx], ax */
+    0x8C, 0x06, WILD, WILD, /* mov [xx], es */
+    0x89, 0x1E, WILD, WILD, /* mov [xx], bx */
+    0x89, 0x2E, WILD, WILD, /* mov [xx], bp */
+    0xC7                    /* mov [xx], -1 */
+static byte pattBorl3Start[] =
+    0xBA, WILD, WILD,   	/* Mov dx, dseg */
+    0x2E, 0x89, 0x16,   	/* mov cs:[], dx */
+    WILD, WILD,
+    0xB4, 0x30,         	/* mov ah, 30 */
+    0xCD, 0x21,         	/* int 21 (dos version number) */
+    0x8B, 0x2E, 0x02, 0,	/* mov bp, [2] */
+    0x8B, 0x1E, 0x2C, 0,	/* mov bx, [2C] */
+    0x8E, 0xDA,         	/* mov ds, dx */
+    0xA3, WILD, WILD,       /* mov [xx], ax */
+    0x8C, 0x06, WILD, WILD, /* mov [xx], es */
+    0x89, 0x1E, WILD, WILD, /* mov [xx], bx */
+    0x89, 0x2E, WILD, WILD, /* mov [xx], bp */
+    0xE8                    /* call ... */
+static byte pattBorl4on[] =
+    0x9A, 0, 0, WILD, WILD	/* Call init (offset always 0) */
+static byte pattBorl4Init[] =
+    0xBA, WILD, WILD,		/* Mov dx, dseg */
+    0x8E, 0xDA,         	/* mov ds, dx */
+    0x8C, 0x06, WILD, WILD, /* mov [xx], es */
+    0x8B, 0xC4,				/* mov ax, sp */
+    0x05, 0x13, 0,			/* add ax, 13h */
+    0xB1, 0x04,				/* mov cl, 4 */
+    0xD3, 0xE8,				/* shr ax, cl */
+    0x8C, 0xD2				/* mov dx, ss */
+static byte pattBorl5Init[] =
+    0xBA, WILD, WILD,		/* Mov dx, dseg */
+    0x8E, 0xDA,         	/* mov ds, dx */
+    0x8C, 0x06, 0x30, 0,	/* mov [0030], es */
+    0x33, 0xED,				/* xor bp, bp <----- */
+    0x8B, 0xC4,				/* mov ax, sp */
+    0x05, 0x13, 0,			/* add ax, 13h */
+    0xB1, 0x04,				/* mov cl, 4 */
+    0xD3, 0xE8,				/* shr ax, cl */
+    0x8C, 0xD2				/* mov dx, ss */
+static byte pattBorl7Init[] =
+    0xBA, WILD, WILD,		/* Mov dx, dseg */
+    0x8E, 0xDA,         	/* mov ds, dx */
+    0x8C, 0x06, 0x30, 0,	/* mov [0030], es */
+    0xE8, WILD, WILD,		/* call xxxx */
+    0xE8, WILD, WILD,		/* call xxxx... offset always 00A0? */
+    0x8B, 0xC4,				/* mov ax, sp */
+    0x05, 0x13, 0,			/* add ax, 13h */
+    0xB1, 0x04,				/* mov cl, 4 */
+    0xD3, 0xE8,				/* shr ax, cl */
+    0x8C, 0xD2				/* mov dx, ss */
+static byte pattLogiStart[] =
+    0xEB, 0x04,         /* jmp short $+6 */
+    WILD, WILD,         /* Don't know what this is */
+    WILD, WILD,         /* Don't know what this is */
+    0xB8, WILD, WILD,   /* mov ax, dseg */
+    0x8E, 0xD8          /* mov ds, ax */
+static byte pattTPasStart[] =
+    0xE9, 0x79, 0x2C    /* Jmp 2D7C - Turbo pascal 3.0 */
+/*  *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *\
+*                                                            *
+*       M a i n   P a t t e r n s   ( M o d e l    i d )     *
+*                                                            *
+\*  *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   */
+/* This pattern works for MS and Borland, small and tiny model */
+static byte pattMainSmall[] =
+    0xFF, 0x36, WILD, WILD,                 /* Push environment pointer */
+    0xFF, 0x36, WILD, WILD,                 /* Push argv */
+    0xFF, 0x36, WILD, WILD,                 /* Push argc */
+    0xE8, WILD, WILD						/* call _main */
+    /*  0x50,                                   /* push ax... not in Borland V3 */
+    /*  0xE8                                    /* call _exit */
+/* Num bytes from start pattern to the relative offset of main() */
+#define OFFMAINSMALL 13
+/* This pattern works for MS and Borland, medium model */
+static byte pattMainMedium[] =
+    0xFF, 0x36, WILD, WILD,                 /* Push environment pointer */
+    0xFF, 0x36, WILD, WILD,                 /* Push argv */
+    0xFF, 0x36, WILD, WILD,                 /* Push argc */
+    0x9A, WILD, WILD, WILD, WILD            /* call far _main */
+    /*  0x50                                    /* push ax */
+    /*  0x0E,                                   /* push cs NB not tested Borland */
+    /*  0xE8                                    /* call _exit */
+/* Num bytes from start pattern to the relative offset of main() */
+/* This pattern works for MS and Borland, compact model */
+static byte pattMainCompact[] =
+    0xFF, 0x36, WILD, WILD,                 /* Push environment pointer lo */
+    0xFF, 0x36, WILD, WILD,                 /* Push environment pointer hi */
+    0xFF, 0x36, WILD, WILD,                 /* Push argv lo */
+    0xFF, 0x36, WILD, WILD,                 /* Push argv hi */
+    0xFF, 0x36, WILD, WILD,                 /* Push argc */
+    0xE8, WILD, WILD,                       /* call _main */
+    /*  0x50,                                   /* push ax */
+    /*  0xE8                                    /* call _exit */
+/* Num bytes from start pattern to the relative offset of main() */
+/* This pattern works for MS and Borland, large model */
+static byte pattMainLarge[] =
+    0xFF, 0x36, WILD, WILD,                 /* Push environment pointer lo */
+    0xFF, 0x36, WILD, WILD,                 /* Push environment pointer hi */
+    0xFF, 0x36, WILD, WILD,                 /* Push argv lo */
+    0xFF, 0x36, WILD, WILD,                 /* Push argv hi */
+    0xFF, 0x36, WILD, WILD,                 /* Push argc */
+    0x9A, WILD, WILD, WILD, WILD            /* call far _main */
+    /*  0x50                                    /* push ax */
+    /*  0x0E,                                   /* push cs */
+    /*  0xE8                                    /* call _exit */
+/* Num bytes from start pattern to the relative offset of main() */
+#define OFFMAINLARGE 21
+/*  *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *\
+*                                                            *
+*       	M i s c e l l a n e o u s    P a t t e r n s	 *
+*                                                            *
+\*  *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   */
+/* This pattern is for the stack check code in Microsoft compilers */
+static byte pattMsChkstk[] =
+    0x59,					/* pop cx		*/
+    0x8B, 0xDC,          	/* mov bx, sp	*/
+    0x2B, 0xD8,				/* sub bx, ax	*/
+    0x72, 0x0A,				/* jb bad		*/
+    0x3B, 0x1E, WILD, WILD,	/* cmp bx, XXXX */
+    0x72, 0x04,				/* jb bad		*/
+    0x8B, 0xE3,				/* mov sp, bx	*/
+    0xFF, 0xE1,				/* jmp [cx]		*/
+    0x33, 0xC0,				/* xor ax, ax	*/
+    0xE9					/* jmp XXXX		*/
+/* This procedure is called to initialise the library check code */
+void SetupLibCheck(void)
+    word w, len;
+    int i;
+    if ((f = fopen(sSigName, "rb")) == NULL)
+    {
+        printf("Warning: cannot open signature file %s\n", sSigName);
+        return;
+    }
+    readProtoFile();
+    prog.bSigs = FALSE;			/* False unless everything goes right */
+    /* Read the parameters */
+    grab(4, f);
+    if (memcmp("dccs", buf, 4) != 0)
+    {
+        printf("Not a dcc signature file!\n");
+        exit(3);
+    }
+    numKeys = readFileShort(f);
+    numVert = readFileShort(f);
+    PatLen = readFileShort(f);
+    SymLen = readFileShort(f);
+    if ((PatLen != PATLEN) || (SymLen != SYMLEN))
+    {
+        printf("Sorry! Compiled for sym and pattern lengths of %d and %d\n",
+               SYMLEN, PATLEN);
+        exit(1);
+    }
+    /* Initialise the perfhlib stuff. Also allocates T1, T2, g, etc */
+    hashParams(     /* Set the parameters for the hash table */
+                    numKeys,                /* The number of symbols */
+                    PatLen,                 /* The length of the pattern to be hashed */
+                    256,                    /* The character set of the pattern (0-FF) */
+                    0,                      /* Minimum pattern character value */
+                    numVert);               /* Specifies c, the sparseness of the graph.
+                                    See Czech, Havas and Majewski for details */
+    T1base  = readT1();
+    T2base  = readT2();
+    g       = readG();
+    /* Read T1 and T2 tables */
+    grab(2, f);
+    if (memcmp("T1", buf, 2) != 0)
+    {
+        printf("Expected 'T1'\n");
+        exit(3);
+    }
+    len = (word) (PatLen * 256 * sizeof(word));
+    w = readFileShort(f);
+    if (w != len)
+    {
+        printf("Problem with size of T1: file %d, calc %d\n", w, len);
+        exit(4);
+    }
+    readFileSection(T1base, len, f);
+    grab(2, f);
+    if (memcmp("T2", buf, 2) != 0)
+    {
+        printf("Expected 'T2'\n");
+        exit(3);
+    }
+    w = readFileShort(f);
+    if (w != len)
+    {
+        printf("Problem with size of T2: file %d, calc %d\n", w, len);
+        exit(4);
+    }
+    readFileSection(T2base, len, f);
+    /* Now read the function g[] */
+    grab(2, f);
+    if (memcmp("gg", buf, 2) != 0)
+    {
+        printf("Expected 'gg'\n");
+        exit(3);
+    }
+    len = (word)(numVert * sizeof(word));
+    w = readFileShort(f);
+    if (w != len)
+    {
+        printf("Problem with size of g[]: file %d, calc %d\n", w, len);
+        exit(4);
+    }
+    readFileSection(g, len, f);
+    /* This is now the hash table */
+    /* First allocate space for the table */
+    if ((ht = (HT *)allocMem(numKeys * sizeof(HT))) == 0)
+    {
+        printf("Could not allocate hash table\n");
+        exit(1);
+    }
+    grab(2, f);
+    if (memcmp("ht", buf, 2) != 0)
+    {
+        printf("Expected 'ht'\n");
+        exit(3);
+    }
+    w = readFileShort(f);
+    if (w != numKeys * (SymLen + PatLen + sizeof(word)))
+    {
+        printf("Problem with size of hash table: file %d, calc %d\n", w, len);
+        exit(6);
+    }
+    for (i=0; i < numKeys; i++)
+    {
+        if (fread(&ht[i], 1, SymLen + PatLen, f) != SymLen + PatLen)
+        {
+            printf("Could not read signature\n");
+            exit(11);
+        }
+    }
+    fclose(f);
+    prog.bSigs = TRUE;
+    /* Deallocate all the stuff allocated in SetupLibCheck() */
+    if (T1base) free(T1base);
+    if (T1base) free(T2base);
+    if (g)      free(g);
+    if (ht)     free(ht);
+    if (pFunc)free(pFunc);
+/* Check this function to see if it is a library function. Return TRUE if
+    it is, and copy its name to pProc->name
+boolT LibCheck(Function & pProc)
+    long fileOffset;
+    int h, i, j, arg;
+    Int Idx;
+    byte pat[PATLEN];
+    if (prog.bSigs == FALSE)
+    {
+        /* No signatures... can't rely on hash parameters to be initialised
+                        so always return false */
+        return FALSE;
+    }
+    fileOffset = pProc.procEntry;              /* Offset into the image */
+    if (fileOffset == prog.offMain)
+    {
+        /* Easy - this function is called main! */
+        strcpy(, "main");
+        return FALSE;
+    }
+    memmove(pat, &prog.Image[fileOffset], PATLEN);
+    fixWildCards(pat);                  /* Fix wild cards in the copy */
+    h = hash(pat);                      /* Hash the found proc */
+    /* We always have to compare keys, because the hash function will
+        always return a valid index */
+    if (memcmp(ht[h].htPat, pat, PATLEN) == 0)
+    {
+        /* We have a match. Save the name, if not already set */
+        if ([0] == '\0')     /* Don't overwrite existing name */
+        {
+            /* Give proc the new name */
+            strcpy(, ht[h].htSym);
+        }
+        /* But is it a real library function? */
+        i = NIL;
+        if ((numFunc == 0) || (i=searchPList(ht[h].htSym)) != NIL)
+        {
+            pProc.flg |= PROC_ISLIB; 		/* It's a lib function */
+            if (i != NIL)
+            {
+                /* Allocate space for the arg struct, and copy the hlType to
+                    the appropriate field */
+                arg = pFunc[i].firstArg;
+                pProc.args.numArgs = pFunc[i].numArg;
+                pProc.args.sym.resize(pFunc[i].numArg);
+                for (j=0; j < pFunc[i].numArg; j++)
+                {
+                    pProc.args.sym[j].type = pArg[arg++];
+                }
+                if (pFunc[i].typ != TYPE_UNKNOWN)
+                {
+                    pProc.retVal.type = pFunc[i].typ;
+                    pProc.flg |= PROC_IS_FUNC;
+                    switch (pProc.retVal.type) {
+                        case TYPE_LONG_SIGN: case TYPE_LONG_UNSIGN:
+                            pProc.liveOut = duReg[rDX] | duReg[rAX];
+                            break;
+                        case TYPE_WORD_SIGN: case TYPE_WORD_UNSIGN:
+                            pProc.liveOut = duReg[rAX];
+                            break;
+                        case TYPE_BYTE_SIGN: case TYPE_BYTE_UNSIGN:
+                            pProc.liveOut = duReg[rAL];
+                            break;
+                            /*** other types are not considered yet ***/
+                    }
+                }
+                if (pFunc[i].bVararg) pProc.flg |= PROC_VARARG;
+            }
+        }
+        else if (i == NIL)
+        {
+            /* Have a symbol for it, but does not appear in a header file.
+                Treat it as if it is not a library function */
+            pProc.flg |= PROC_RUNTIME;		/* => is a runtime routine */
+        }
+    }
+    if (locatePattern(prog.Image, pProc.procEntry,
+                      pProc.procEntry+sizeof(pattMsChkstk),
+                      pattMsChkstk, sizeof(pattMsChkstk), &Idx))
+    {
+        /* Found _chkstk */
+        strcpy(, "chkstk");
+        pProc.flg |= PROC_ISLIB; 		/* We'll say its a lib function */
+        pProc.args.numArgs = 0;		/* With no args */
+    }
+    return (boolT)((pProc.flg & PROC_ISLIB) != 0);
+void grab(int n, FILE *f)
+    if (fread(buf, 1, n, f) != (unsigned)n)
+    {
+        printf("Could not grab\n");
+        exit(11);
+    }
+readFileShort(FILE *f)
+    byte b1, b2;
+    if (fread(&b1, 1, 1, f) != 1)
+    {
+        printf("Could not read short\n");
+        exit(11);
+    }
+    if (fread(&b2, 1, 1, f) != 1)
+    {
+        printf("Could not read short\n");
+        exit(11);
+    }
+    return (word)(b2 << 8) + (word)b1;
+// Read a section of the file, considering endian issues
+readFileSection(word* p, int len, FILE* f)
+    for (int i=0; i < len; i += 2)
+    {
+        *p++ = readFileShort(f);
+    }
+/* The following two functions are dummies, since we don't call map() */
+void getKey(int i, byte **keys)
+void dispKey(int i)
+/* Search the source array between limits iMin and iMax for the pattern (length
+    iPatLen). The pattern can contain wild bytes; if you really want to match
+    for the pattern that is used up by the WILD byte, tough - it will match with
+    everything else as well. */
+static boolT locatePattern(byte *source, Int iMin, Int iMax, byte *pattern, Int iPatLen,
+                           Int *index)
+    Int i, j;
+    byte *pSrc;                             /* Pointer to start of considered source */
+    Int iLast;
+    iLast = iMax - iPatLen;                 /* Last source byte to consider */
+    for (i=iMin; i <= iLast; i++)
+    {
+        pSrc = &source[i];                  /* Start of current part of source */
+        /* i is the index of the start of the moving pattern */
+        for (j=0; j < iPatLen; j++)
+        {
+            /* j is the index of the byte being considered in the pattern. */
+            if ((*pSrc++ != pattern[j]) && (pattern[j] != WILD))
+            {
+                /* A definite mismatch */
+                break;                      /* Break to outer loop */
+            }
+        }
+        if (j >= iPatLen)
+        {
+            /* Pattern has been found */
+            *index = i;                     /* Pass start of pattern */
+            return 1;                       /* Indicate success */
+        }
+        /* Else just try next value of i */
+    }
+    /* Pattern was not found */
+    *index = -1;                            /* Invalidate index */
+    return 0;                               /* Indicate failure */
+void STATE::checkStartup()
+    /* This function checks the startup code for various compilers' way of
+    loading DS. If found, it sets DS. This may not be needed in the future if
+    pushing and popping of registers is implemented.
+    Also sets prog.offMain and prog.segMain if possible */
+    Int startOff;       /* Offset into the Image of the initial CS:IP */
+    Int i, rel, para, init;
+    char chModel = 'x';
+    char chVendor = 'x';
+    char chVersion = 'x';
+    char *pPath;
+    char temp[4];
+    startOff = ((dword)prog.initCS << 4) + prog.initIP;
+    /* Check the Turbo Pascal signatures first, since they involve only the
+                first 3 bytes, and false positives may be founf with the others later */
+    if (locatePattern(prog.Image, startOff, startOff+5, pattBorl4on,sizeof(pattBorl4on), &i))
+    {
+        /* The first 5 bytes are a far call. Follow that call and
+                        determine the version from that */
+        rel = LH(&prog.Image[startOff+1]);  	 /* This is abs off of init */
+        para= LH(&prog.Image[startOff+3]);/* This is abs seg of init */
+        init = ((dword)para << 4) + rel;
+        if (locatePattern(prog.Image, init, init+26, pattBorl4Init,
+                          sizeof(pattBorl4Init), &i))
+        {
+            setState(rDS, LH(&prog.Image[i+1]));
+            printf("Borland Pascal v4 detected\n");
+            chVendor = 't';                     /* Trubo */
+            chModel  = 'p';						/* Pascal */
+            chVersion = '4';                    /* Version 4 */
+            prog.offMain = startOff;            /* Code starts immediately */
+            prog.segMain = prog.initCS;			/* At the 5 byte jump */
+            goto gotVendor;                     /* Already have vendor */
+        }
+        else if (locatePattern(prog.Image, init, init+26, pattBorl5Init,
+                               sizeof(pattBorl5Init), &i))
+        {
+            setState( rDS, LH(&prog.Image[i+1]));
+            printf("Borland Pascal v5.0 detected\n");
+            chVendor = 't';                     /* Trubo */
+            chModel  = 'p';						/* Pascal */
+            chVersion = '5';                    /* Version 5 */
+            prog.offMain = startOff;            /* Code starts immediately */
+            prog.segMain = prog.initCS;
+            goto gotVendor;                     /* Already have vendor */
+        }
+        else if (locatePattern(prog.Image, init, init+26, pattBorl7Init,
+                               sizeof(pattBorl7Init), &i))
+        {
+            setState( rDS, LH(&prog.Image[i+1]));
+            printf("Borland Pascal v7 detected\n");
+            chVendor = 't';                     /* Trubo */
+            chModel  = 'p';						/* Pascal */
+            chVersion = '7';                    /* Version 7 */
+            prog.offMain = startOff;            /* Code starts immediately */
+            prog.segMain = prog.initCS;
+            goto gotVendor;                     /* Already have vendor */
+        }
+    }
+    /* Search for the call to main pattern. This is compiler independant,
+        but decides the model required. Note: must do the far data models
+        (large and compact) before the others, since they are the same pattern
+        as near data, just more pushes at the start. */
+    if(prog.cbImage>0x180)
+    {
+        if (locatePattern(prog.Image, startOff, startOff+0x180, pattMainLarge,sizeof(pattMainLarge), &i))
+        {
+            rel = LH(&prog.Image[i+OFFMAINLARGE]);  /* This is abs off of main */
+            para= LH(&prog.Image[i+OFFMAINLARGE+2]);/* This is abs seg of main */
+            /* Save absolute image offset */
+            prog.offMain = ((dword)para << 4) + rel;
+            prog.segMain = (word)para;
+            chModel = 'l';                          /* Large model */
+        }
+        else if (locatePattern(prog.Image, startOff, startOff+0x180, pattMainCompact,
+                               sizeof(pattMainCompact), &i))
+        {
+            rel = LHS(&prog.Image[i+OFFMAINCOMPACT]);/* This is the rel addr of main */
+            prog.offMain = i+OFFMAINCOMPACT+2+rel;  /* Save absolute image offset */
+            prog.segMain = prog.initCS;
+            chModel = 'c';                          /* Compact model */
+        }
+        else if (locatePattern(prog.Image, startOff, startOff+0x180, pattMainMedium,
+                               sizeof(pattMainMedium), &i))
+        {
+            rel = LH(&prog.Image[i+OFFMAINMEDIUM]);  /* This is abs off of main */
+            para= LH(&prog.Image[i+OFFMAINMEDIUM+2]);/* This is abs seg of main */
+            prog.offMain = ((dword)para << 4) + rel;
+            prog.segMain = (word)para;
+            chModel = 'm';                          /* Medium model */
+        }
+        else if (locatePattern(prog.Image, startOff, startOff+0x180, pattMainSmall,
+                               sizeof(pattMainSmall), &i))
+        {
+            rel = LHS(&prog.Image[i+OFFMAINSMALL]); /* This is rel addr of main */
+            prog.offMain = i+OFFMAINSMALL+2+rel;    /* Save absolute image offset */
+            prog.segMain = prog.initCS;
+            chModel = 's';                          /* Small model */
+        }
+        else if (memcmp(&prog.Image[startOff], pattTPasStart, sizeof(pattTPasStart)) == 0)
+        {
+            rel = LHS(&prog.Image[startOff+1]);     /* Get the jump offset */
+            prog.offMain = rel+startOff+3;          /* Save absolute image offset */
+            prog.offMain += 0x20;                   /* These first 32 bytes are setting up */
+            prog.segMain = prog.initCS;
+            chVendor = 't';                         /* Turbo.. */
+            chModel = 'p';                          /* ...Pascal... (only 1 model) */
+            chVersion = '3';                        /* 3.0 */
+            printf("Turbo Pascal 3.0 detected\n");
+            printf("Main at %04X\n", prog.offMain);
+            goto gotVendor;                         /* Already have vendor */
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            printf("Main could not be located!\n");
+            prog.offMain = -1;
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        printf("Main could not be located!\n");
+        prog.offMain = -1;
+    }
+    printf("Model: %c\n", chModel);
+    /* Now decide the compiler vendor and version number */
+    if (memcmp(&prog.Image[startOff], pattMsC5Start, sizeof(pattMsC5Start)) == 0)
+    {
+        /* Yes, this is Microsoft startup code. The DS is sitting right here
+            in the next 2 bytes */
+        setState( rDS, LH(&prog.Image[startOff+sizeof(pattMsC5Start)]));
+        chVendor = 'm';                     /* Microsoft compiler */
+        chVersion = '5';                    /* Version 5 */
+        printf("MSC 5 detected\n");
+    }
+    /* The C8 startup pattern is different from C5's */
+    else if (memcmp(&prog.Image[startOff], pattMsC8Start, sizeof(pattMsC8Start)) == 0)
+    {
+        setState( rDS, LH(&prog.Image[startOff+sizeof(pattMsC8Start)]));
+        printf("MSC 8 detected\n");
+        chVendor = 'm';                     /* Microsoft compiler */
+        chVersion = '8';                    /* Version 8 */
+    }
+    /* The C8 .com startup pattern is different again! */
+    else if (memcmp(&prog.Image[startOff], pattMsC8ComStart,
+                    sizeof(pattMsC8ComStart)) == 0)
+    {
+        printf("MSC 8 .com detected\n");
+        chVendor = 'm';                     /* Microsoft compiler */
+        chVersion = '8';                    /* Version 8 */
+    }
+    else if (locatePattern(prog.Image, startOff, startOff+0x30, pattBorl2Start,
+                           sizeof(pattBorl2Start), &i))
+    {
+        /* Borland startup. DS is at the second byte (offset 1) */
+        setState( rDS, LH(&prog.Image[i+1]));
+        printf("Borland v2 detected\n");
+        chVendor = 'b';                     /* Borland compiler */
+        chVersion = '2';                    /* Version 2 */
+    }
+    else if (locatePattern(prog.Image, startOff, startOff+0x30, pattBorl3Start,
+                           sizeof(pattBorl3Start), &i))
+    {
+        /* Borland startup. DS is at the second byte (offset 1) */
+        setState( rDS, LH(&prog.Image[i+1]));
+        printf("Borland v3 detected\n");
+        chVendor = 'b';                     /* Borland compiler */
+        chVersion = '3';                    /* Version 3 */
+    }
+    else if (locatePattern(prog.Image, startOff, startOff+0x30, pattLogiStart,
+                           sizeof(pattLogiStart), &i))
+    {
+        /* Logitech modula startup. DS is 0, despite appearances */
+        printf("Logitech modula detected\n");
+        chVendor = 'l';                     /* Logitech compiler */
+        chVersion = '1';                    /* Version 1 */
+    }
+    /* Other startup idioms would go here */
+    else
+    {
+        printf("Warning - compiler not recognised\n");
+    }
+    /* Use the DCC environment variable to set where the .sig files will
+        be found. Otherwise, assume current directory */
+    pPath = getenv("DCC");
+    if (pPath)
+    {
+        strcpy(sSigName, pPath);            /* Use path given */
+        if (sSigName[strlen(sSigName)-1] != '/')
+        {
+            strcat(sSigName, "/");          /* Append a slash if necessary */
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        strcpy(sSigName, "./");             /* Current directory */
+    }
+    strcat(sSigName, "dcc");
+    temp[1] = '\0';
+    temp[0] = chVendor;
+    strcat(sSigName, temp);                 /* Add vendor */
+    temp[0] = chVersion;
+    strcat(sSigName, temp);                 /* Add version */
+    temp[0] = chModel;
+    strcat(sSigName, temp);                 /* Add model */
+    strcat(sSigName, ".sig");               /* Add extension */
+    printf("Signature file: %s\n", sSigName);
+/* DCCLIBS.DAT is a data file sorted on function name containing names and
+    return types of functions found in include files, and the names and types
+    of arguements. Only functions in this list will be considered library
+    functions; others (like LXMUL@) are helper files, and need to be analysed
+    by dcc, rather than considered as known functions. When a prototype is
+    found (in searchPList()), the parameter info is written to the proc struct.
+    FILE *fProto;
+    char *pPath;                /* Point to the environment string */
+    char szProFName[81];        /* Full name of dclibs.lst */
+    int  i;
+    /* Use the DCC environment variable to set where the dcclibs.lst file will
+        be found. Otherwise, assume current directory */
+    pPath = getenv("DCC");
+    if (pPath)
+    {
+        strcpy(szProFName, pPath);           /* Use path given */
+        if (szProFName[strlen(szProFName)-1] != '/')
+        {
+            strcat(szProFName, "/");         /* Append a slash if necessary */
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        strcpy(szProFName, "./");            /* Current directory */
+    }
+    strcat(szProFName, DCCLIBS);
+    if ((fProto = fopen(szProFName, "rb")) == NULL)
+    {
+        printf("Warning: cannot open library prototype data file %s\n", szProFName);
+        return;
+    }
+    grab(4, fProto);
+    if (strncmp(buf, "dccp", 4) != 0)
+    {
+        printf("%s is not a dcc prototype file\n", szProFName);
+        exit(1);
+    }
+    grab(2, fProto);
+    if (strncmp(buf, "FN", 2) != 0)
+    {
+        printf("FN (Function Name) subsection expected in %s\n", szProFName);
+        exit(2);
+    }
+    numFunc = readFileShort(fProto);     /* Num of entries to allocate */
+    /* Allocate exactly correct # entries */
+    pFunc = (PH_FUNC_STRUCT*) allocMem(numFunc * sizeof(PH_FUNC_STRUCT));
+    for (i=0; i < numFunc; i++)
+    {
+        fread(&pFunc[i], 1, SYMLEN, fProto);
+        pFunc[i].typ      = (hlType)readFileShort(fProto);
+        pFunc[i].numArg   = readFileShort(fProto);
+        pFunc[i].firstArg = readFileShort(fProto);
+        fread(&pFunc[i].bVararg, 1, 1, fProto);
+    }
+    grab(2, fProto);
+    if (strncmp(buf, "PM", 2) != 0)
+    {
+        printf("PM (Parameter) subsection expected in %s\n", szProFName);
+        exit(2);
+    }
+    numArg = readFileShort(fProto);     /* Num of entries to allocate */
+    /* Allocate exactly correct # entries */
+    pArg = (hlType*) allocMem(numArg * sizeof(hlType));
+    for (i=0; i < numArg; i++)
+    {
+        //      fread(&pArg[i], 1, SYMLEN, fProto);     /* No names to read as yet */
+        pArg[i] = (hlType) readFileShort(fProto);
+    }
+    fclose(fProto);
+searchPList(char *name)
+    /* Search through the symbol names for the name */
+    /* Use binary search */
+    int mx, mn, i, res;
+    mx = numFunc;
+    mn = 0;
+    while (mn < mx)
+    {
+        i = (mn + mx) /2;
+        res = strcmp(pFunc[i].name, name);
+        if (res == 0)
+        {
+            return i;            /* Found! */
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            if (res < 0)
+            {
+                mn = i+1;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                mx = i-1;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /* Still could be the case that mn == mx == required record */
+    res = strcmp(pFunc[mn].name, name);
+    if (res == 0)
+    {
+        return mn;            /* Found! */
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        return NIL;
+    }
+checkHeap(char *msg)
+/* HEAPCHK.C: This program checks the heap for
+ * consistency and prints an appropriate message.
+ */
+    int  heapstatus;
+    printf("%s\n", msg);
+    /* Check heap status */
+    heapstatus = _heapchk();
+    switch( heapstatus )
+    {
+        case _HEAPOK:
+            printf(" OK - heap is fine\n" );
+            break;
+        case _HEAPEMPTY:
+            printf(" OK - heap is empty\n" );
+            break;
+        case _HEAPBADBEGIN:
+            printf( "ERROR - bad start of heap\n" );
+            break;
+        case _HEAPBADNODE:
+            printf( "ERROR - bad node in heap\n" );
+            break;
+    }

+ 265 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
+ * File: comwrite.c
+ * Purpose: writes comments about C programs and descriptions about dos
+ *	    interrupts in the string line given.
+ * Project: dcc
+ * (C) Cristina Cifuentes
+ ****************************************************************************/
+#include "dcc.h"
+#include <string.h>
+#define intSize		40
+static const char *int21h[] =
+{"Terminate process",
+ "Character input with echo",
+ "Character output",
+ "Auxiliary input",
+ "Auxiliary output",
+ "Printer output",
+ "Direct console i/o",
+ "Unfiltered char i w/o echo",
+ "Character input without echo",
+ "Display string",
+ "Buffered keyboard input",
+ "Check input status",
+ "Flush input buffer and then input",
+ "Disk reset",
+ "Select disk",
+ "Open file",
+ "Close file",
+ "Find first file",
+ "Find next file",
+ "Delete file",
+ "Sequential read",
+ "Sequential write",
+ "Create file",
+ "Rename file",
+ "Reserved",
+ "Get current disk",
+ "Set DTA address",
+ "Get default drive data",
+ "Get drive data",
+ "Reserved",
+ "Reserved",
+ "Reserved",
+ "Reserved",
+ "Random read",
+ "Random write",
+ "Get file size",
+ "Set relative record number",
+ "Set interrupt vector",
+ "Create new PSP",
+ "Random block read",
+ "Random block write",
+ "Parse filename",
+ "Get date",
+ "Set date",
+ "Get time",
+ "Set time",
+ "Set verify flag",
+ "Get DTA address",
+ "Get MSDOS version number",
+ "Terminate and stay resident",
+ "Reserved",
+ "Get or set break flag",
+ "Reserved",
+ "Get interrupt vector",
+ "Get drive allocation info",
+ "Reserved",
+ "Get or set country info",
+ "Create directory",
+ "Delete directory",
+ "Set current directory",
+ "Create file",
+ "Open file",
+ "Close file",
+ "Read file or device",
+ "Write file or device",
+ "Delete file",
+ "Set file pointer",
+ "Get or set file attributes",
+ "IOCTL (i/o control)",
+ "Duplicate handle",
+ "Redirect handle",
+ "Get current directory",
+ "Alloate memory block",
+ "Release memory block",
+ "Resize memory block",
+ "Execute program (exec)",
+ "Terminate process with return code",
+ "Get return code",
+ "Find first file",
+ "Find next file",
+ "Reserved",
+ "Reserved",
+ "Reserved",
+ "Reserved",
+ "Get verify flag",
+ "Reserved",
+ "Rename file",
+ "Get or set file date & time",
+ "Get or set allocation strategy",
+ "Get extended error information",
+ "Create temporary file",
+ "Create new file",
+ "Lock or unlock file region",
+ "Reserved",
+ "Get machine name",
+ "Device redirection",
+ "Reserved",
+ "Reserved",
+ "Get PSP address",
+ "Get DBCS lead byte table",
+ "Reserved",
+ "Get extended country information",
+ "Get or set code page",
+ "Set handle count",
+ "Commit file",
+ "Reserved",
+ "Reserved",
+ "Reserved",
+ "Extended open file"
+static const char *intOthers[] = {
+    "Exit",					/* 0x20 */
+    "",					/* other table */
+    "Terminate handler address",		/* 0x22 */
+    "Ctrl-C handler address",		/* 0x23 */
+    "Critical-error handler address",	/* 0x24 */
+    "Absolute disk read",			/* 0x25 */
+    "Absolute disk write",			/* 0x26 */
+    "Terminate and stay resident",		/* 0x27 */
+    "Reserved",				/* 0x28 */
+    "Reserved",				/* 0x29 */
+    "Reserved",				/* 0x2A */
+    "Reserved",				/* 0x2B */
+    "Reserved",				/* 0x2C */
+    "Reserved",				/* 0x2D */
+    "Reserved"				/* 0x2E */
+/* Writes the description of the current interrupt. Appends it to the
+ * string s.	*/
+void ICODE::writeIntComment (char *s)
+    char *t;
+    t = (char *)allocMem(intSize * sizeof(char));
+    if (ic.ll.immed.op == 0x21)
+    {  sprintf (t, "\t/* %s */\n", int21h[]);
+        strcat (s, t);
+    }
+    else if (ic.ll.immed.op > 0x1F && ic.ll.immed.op < 0x2F)
+    {
+        sprintf (t, "\t/* %s */\n", intOthers[ic.ll.immed.op - 0x20]);
+        strcat (s, t);
+    }
+    else if (ic.ll.immed.op == 0x2F)
+        switch (
+        {
+            case 0x01 : strcat (s, "\t/* Print spooler */\n");
+                break;
+            case 0x02:  strcat (s, "\t/* Assign */\n");
+                break;
+            case 0x10:  strcat (s, "\t/* Share */\n");
+                break;
+            case 0xB7:  strcat (s, "\t/* Append */\n");
+        }
+    else
+        strcat (s, "\n");
+//, &cCode.decl
+void Function::writeProcComments()
+    int i;
+    ID *id;			/* Pointer to register argument identifier */
+    STKSYM * psym;		/* Pointer to register argument symbol */
+    /* About the parameters */
+    if (this->cbParam)
+        cCode.appendDecl("/* Takes %d bytes of parameters.\n",this->cbParam);
+    else if (this->flg & REG_ARGS)
+    {
+        cCode.appendDecl("/* Uses register arguments:\n");
+        for (i = 0; i < this->args.numArgs; i++)
+        {
+            psym = &this->args.sym[i];
+            if (psym->regs->expr.ident.idType == REGISTER)
+            {
+                id = &this->localId.id_arr[psym->regs->expr.ident.idNode.regiIdx];
+                if (psym->regs->expr.ident.regiType == WORD_REG)
+                    cCode.appendDecl(" *     %s = %s.\n", psym->name,
+                                     wordReg[id->id.regi - rAX]);
+                else		/* BYTE_REG */
+                    cCode.appendDecl(" *     %s = %s.\n", psym->name,
+                                     byteReg[id->id.regi - rAL]);
+            }
+            else		/* long register */
+            {
+                id = &this->localId.id_arr[psym->regs->expr.ident.idNode.longIdx];
+                cCode.appendDecl(" *     %s = %s:%s.\n", psym->name,
+                                 wordReg[id->id.longId.h - rAX],
+                                 wordReg[id->id.longId.l - rAX]);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    else
+        cCode.appendDecl("/* Takes no parameters.\n");
+    /* Type of procedure */
+    if (this->flg & PROC_RUNTIME)
+        cCode.appendDecl(" * Runtime support routine of the compiler.\n");
+    if (this->flg & PROC_IS_HLL)
+        cCode.appendDecl(" * High-level language prologue code.\n");
+    if (this->flg & PROC_ASM)
+    {
+        cCode.appendDecl(" * Untranslatable routine.  Assembler provided.\n");
+        if (this->flg & PROC_IS_FUNC)
+            switch (this->retVal.type) {
+                case TYPE_BYTE_SIGN: case TYPE_BYTE_UNSIGN:
+                    cCode.appendDecl(" * Return value in register al.\n");
+                    break;
+                case TYPE_WORD_SIGN: case TYPE_WORD_UNSIGN:
+                    cCode.appendDecl(" * Return value in register ax.\n");
+                    break;
+                case TYPE_LONG_SIGN: case TYPE_LONG_UNSIGN:
+                    cCode.appendDecl(" * Return value in registers dx:ax.\n");
+                    break;
+            } /* eos */
+    }
+    /* Calling convention */
+    if (this->flg & CALL_PASCAL)
+        cCode.appendDecl(" * Pascal calling convention.\n");
+    else if (this->flg & CALL_C)
+        cCode.appendDecl(" * C calling convention.\n");
+    else if (this->flg & CALL_UNKNOWN)
+        cCode.appendDecl(" * Unknown calling convention.\n");
+    /* Other flags */
+    if (this->flg & (PROC_BADINST | PROC_IJMP))
+        cCode.appendDecl(" * Incomplete due to an %s.\n",
+                         (this->flg & PROC_BADINST)? "untranslated opcode":
+                                                  "indirect JMP");
+    if (this->flg & PROC_ICALL)
+        cCode.appendDecl(" * Indirect call procedure.\n");
+    if (this->flg & IMPURE)
+        cCode.appendDecl(" * Contains impure code.\n");
+    if (this->flg & NOT_HLL)
+        cCode.appendDecl(" * Contains instructions not normally used by compilers.\n");
+    if (this->flg & FLOAT_OP)
+        cCode.appendDecl(" * Contains coprocessor instructions.\n");
+    /* Graph reducibility */
+    if (this->flg & GRAPH_IRRED)
+        cCode.appendDecl(" * Irreducible control flow graph.\n");
+    cCode.appendDecl(" */\n{\n");

+ 692 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,692 @@
+ * Description   : Performs control flow analysis on the CFG
+ * (C) Cristina Cifuentes
+ ********************************************************************/
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <list>
+#include <cassert>
+#include "dcc.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#if __BORLAND__
+#include <alloc.h>
+#include <malloc.h>
+//typedef struct list {
+//    Int         nodeIdx;
+//    struct list *next;
+//} nodeList;
+typedef std::list<Int> nodeList; /* dfsLast index to the node */
+#define ancestor(a,b)	((a->dfsLastNum < b->dfsLastNum) && (a->dfsFirstNum < b->dfsFirstNum))
+/* there is a path on the DFST from a to b if the a was first visited in a
+ * dfs, and a was later visited than b when doing the last visit of each
+ * node. */
+/* Checks if the edge (p,s) is a back edge.  If node s was visited first
+ * during the dfs traversal (ie. s has a smaller dfsFirst number) or s == p,
+ * then it is a backedge.
+ * Also incrementes the number of backedges entries to the header node. */
+static boolT isBackEdge (BB * p,BB * s)
+    if (p->dfsFirstNum >= s->dfsFirstNum)
+    {
+        s->numBackEdges++;
+        return (TRUE);
+    }
+    return (FALSE);
+static Int commonDom (Int currImmDom, Int predImmDom, Function * pProc)
+/* Finds the common dominator of the current immediate dominator
+ * currImmDom and its predecessor's immediate dominator predImmDom  */
+    if (currImmDom == NO_DOM)
+        return (predImmDom);
+    if (predImmDom == NO_DOM)   /* predecessor is the root */
+        return (currImmDom);
+    while ((currImmDom != NO_DOM) && (predImmDom != NO_DOM) &&
+           (currImmDom != predImmDom))
+    {
+        if (currImmDom < predImmDom)
+            predImmDom = pProc->dfsLast[predImmDom]->immedDom;
+        else
+            currImmDom = pProc->dfsLast[currImmDom]->immedDom;
+    }
+    return (currImmDom);
+/* Finds the immediate dominator of each node in the graph pProc->cfg.
+ * Adapted version of the dominators algorithm by Hecht and Ullman; finds
+ * immediate dominators only.
+ * Note: graph should be reducible */
+void Function::findImmedDom ()
+    BB * currNode;
+    Int currIdx, j, predIdx;
+    for (currIdx = 0; currIdx < numBBs; currIdx++)
+    {
+        currNode = dfsLast[currIdx];
+        if (currNode->flg & INVALID_BB)		/* Do not process invalid BBs */
+            continue;
+        for (j = 0; j < currNode->inEdges.size(); j++)
+        {
+            BB* inedge=currNode->inEdges[j];
+            predIdx = inedge->dfsLastNum;
+            if (predIdx < currIdx)
+                currNode->immedDom = commonDom (currNode->immedDom,
+                                                predIdx, this);
+        }
+    }
+/* Inserts the node n to the list l. */
+static void insertList (nodeList &l, Int n)
+    l.push_back(n);
+/* Returns whether or not the node n (dfsLast numbering of a basic block)
+ * is on the list l. */
+static boolT inList (nodeList &l, Int n)
+    return std::find(l.begin(),l.end(),n)!=l.end();
+/* Frees space allocated by the list l.  */
+static void freeList (nodeList &l)
+    l.clear();
+/* Returns whether the node n belongs to the queue list q. */
+static boolT inInt(BB * n, queue &q)
+    return std::find(q.begin(),q.end(),n)!=q.end();
+/* Finds the follow of the endless loop headed at node head (if any).
+ * The follow node is the closest node to the loop. */
+static void findEndlessFollow (Function * pProc, nodeList &loopNodes, BB * head)
+    Int j, succ;
+    head->loopFollow = MAX;
+    nodeList::iterator p = loopNodes.begin();
+    for( ;p != loopNodes.end();++p)
+    {
+        for (j = 0; j < pProc->dfsLast[*p]->numOutEdges; j++)
+        {
+            succ = pProc->dfsLast[*p]->edges[j].BBptr->dfsLastNum;
+            if ((! inList(loopNodes, succ)) && (succ < head->loopFollow))
+                head->loopFollow = succ;
+        }
+    }
+//static void findNodesInLoop(BB * latchNode,BB * head,PPROC pProc,queue *intNodes) 
+/* Flags nodes that belong to the loop determined by (latchNode, head) and
+ * determines the type of loop.                     */
+static void findNodesInLoop(BB * latchNode,BB * head,Function * pProc,queue &intNodes)
+    Int i, headDfsNum, intNodeType;
+    nodeList loopNodes;
+    Int immedDom,     		/* dfsLast index to immediate dominator */
+        thenDfs, elseDfs;       /* dsfLast index for THEN and ELSE nodes */
+    BB * pbb;
+    /* Flag nodes in loop headed by head (except header node) */
+    headDfsNum = head->dfsLastNum;
+    head->loopHead = headDfsNum;
+    insertList (loopNodes, headDfsNum);
+    for (i = headDfsNum + 1; i < latchNode->dfsLastNum; i++)
+    {
+        if (pProc->dfsLast[i]->flg & INVALID_BB)	/* skip invalid BBs */
+            continue;
+        immedDom = pProc->dfsLast[i]->immedDom;
+        if (inList (loopNodes, immedDom) && inInt(pProc->dfsLast[i], intNodes))
+        {
+            insertList (loopNodes, i);
+            if (pProc->dfsLast[i]->loopHead == NO_NODE)/*not in other loop*/
+                pProc->dfsLast[i]->loopHead = headDfsNum;
+        }
+    }
+    latchNode->loopHead = headDfsNum;
+    if (latchNode != head)
+        insertList (loopNodes, latchNode->dfsLastNum);
+    /* Determine type of loop and follow node */
+    intNodeType = head->nodeType;
+    if (latchNode->nodeType == TWO_BRANCH)
+        if ((intNodeType == TWO_BRANCH) || (latchNode == head))
+            if ((latchNode == head) ||
+                (inList (loopNodes, head->edges[THEN].BBptr->dfsLastNum) &&
+                 inList (loopNodes, head->edges[ELSE].BBptr->dfsLastNum)))
+            {
+                head->loopType = REPEAT_TYPE;
+                if (latchNode->edges[0].BBptr == head)
+                    head->loopFollow = latchNode->edges[ELSE].BBptr->dfsLastNum;
+                else
+                    head->loopFollow = latchNode->edges[THEN].BBptr->dfsLastNum;
+                pProc->Icode.SetLlFlag(latchNode->start + latchNode->length - 1,JX_LOOP);
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                head->loopType = WHILE_TYPE;
+                if (inList (loopNodes, head->edges[THEN].BBptr->dfsLastNum))
+                    head->loopFollow = head->edges[ELSE].BBptr->dfsLastNum;
+                else
+                    head->loopFollow = head->edges[THEN].BBptr->dfsLastNum;
+                pProc->Icode.SetLlFlag(head->start + head->length - 1, JX_LOOP);
+            }
+        else /* head = anything besides 2-way, latch = 2-way */
+        {
+            head->loopType = REPEAT_TYPE;
+            if (latchNode->edges[THEN].BBptr == head)
+                head->loopFollow = latchNode->edges[ELSE].BBptr->dfsLastNum;
+            else
+                head->loopFollow = latchNode->edges[THEN].BBptr->dfsLastNum;
+            pProc->Icode.SetLlFlag(latchNode->start + latchNode->length - 1,
+                                   JX_LOOP);
+        }
+    else	/* latch = 1-way */
+        if (latchNode->nodeType == LOOP_NODE)
+        {
+            head->loopType = REPEAT_TYPE;
+            head->loopFollow = latchNode->edges[0].BBptr->dfsLastNum;
+        }
+        else if (intNodeType == TWO_BRANCH)
+        {
+            head->loopType = WHILE_TYPE;
+            pbb = latchNode;
+            thenDfs = head->edges[THEN].BBptr->dfsLastNum;
+            elseDfs = head->edges[ELSE].BBptr->dfsLastNum;
+            while (1)
+            {
+                if (pbb->dfsLastNum == thenDfs)
+                {
+                    head->loopFollow = elseDfs;
+                    break;
+                }
+                else if (pbb->dfsLastNum == elseDfs)
+                {
+                    head->loopFollow = thenDfs;
+                    break;
+                }
+                /* Check if couldn't find it, then it is a strangely formed
+                                 * loop, so it is safer to consider it an endless loop */
+                if (pbb->dfsLastNum <= head->dfsLastNum)
+                {
+                    head->loopType = ENDLESS_TYPE;
+                    findEndlessFollow (pProc, loopNodes, head);
+                    break;
+                }
+                pbb = pProc->dfsLast[pbb->immedDom];
+            }
+            if (pbb->dfsLastNum > head->dfsLastNum)
+                pProc->dfsLast[head->loopFollow]->loopHead = NO_NODE;	/*****/
+            pProc->Icode.SetLlFlag(head->start + head->length - 1, JX_LOOP);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            head->loopType = ENDLESS_TYPE;
+            findEndlessFollow (pProc, loopNodes, head);
+        }
+    freeList(loopNodes);
+//static void findNodesInInt (queue **intNodes, Int level, interval *Ii)
+/* Recursive procedure to find nodes that belong to the interval (ie. nodes
+ * from G1).                                */
+static void findNodesInInt (queue &intNodes, Int level, interval *Ii)
+    if (level == 1)
+    {
+        std::for_each(Ii->nodes.begin(),Ii->nodes.end(),[&intNodes](BB *en)->void {
+                      appendQueue(intNodes,en);
+        });
+    }
+    else
+        std::for_each(Ii->nodes.begin(),Ii->nodes.end(),[&intNodes,level](BB *en)->void {
+                      findNodesInInt(intNodes,level-1,en->correspInt);
+        });
+/* Algorithm for structuring loops */
+static void structLoops(Function * pProc, derSeq *derivedG)
+    interval *Ii;
+    BB * intHead,      	/* interval header node         	*/
+            * pred,     /* predecessor node         		*/
+            * latchNode;/* latching node (in case of loops) */
+    Int i,              /* counter              			*/
+            level = 0;  /* derived sequence level       	*/
+    interval *initInt;  /* initial interval         		*/
+    queue intNodes;  	/* list of interval nodes       	*/
+    /* Structure loops */
+    /* for all derived sequences Gi */
+    for(derSeq::iterator iter=derivedG->begin(); iter!=derivedG->end(); ++iter)
+    {
+        level++;
+        Ii = iter->Ii;
+        while (Ii)       /* for all intervals Ii of Gi */
+        {
+            latchNode = NULL;
+          intNodes.clear();
+            /* Find interval head (original BB node in G1) and create
+           * list of nodes of interval Ii.              */
+            initInt = Ii;
+            for (i = 1; i < level; i++)
+                initInt = (*initInt->nodes.begin())->correspInt;
+            intHead = *initInt->nodes.begin();
+            /* Find nodes that belong to the interval (nodes from G1) */
+            findNodesInInt (intNodes, level, Ii);
+            /* Find greatest enclosing back edge (if any) */
+            assert(intHead->numInEdges==intHead->inEdges.size());
+            for (i = 0; i < intHead->inEdges.size(); i++)
+            {
+                pred = intHead->inEdges[i];
+                if (inInt(pred, intNodes) && isBackEdge(pred, intHead))
+                    if (! latchNode)
+                        latchNode = pred;
+                    else
+                    {
+                        if (pred->dfsLastNum > latchNode->dfsLastNum)
+                            latchNode = pred;
+                    }
+            }
+            /* Find nodes in the loop and the type of loop */
+            if (latchNode)
+            {
+                /* Check latching node is at the same nesting level of case
+                 * statements (if any) and that the node doesn't belong to
+                 * another loop.                   */
+                if ((latchNode->caseHead == intHead->caseHead) &&
+                    (latchNode->loopHead == NO_NODE))
+                {
+                    intHead->latchNode = latchNode->dfsLastNum;
+                    findNodesInLoop(latchNode, intHead, pProc, intNodes);
+                    latchNode->flg |= IS_LATCH_NODE;
+                }
+            }
+            /* Next interval */
+            Ii = Ii->next;
+        }
+        /* Next derived sequence */
+    }
+static boolT successor (Int s, Int h, Function * pProc)
+/* Returns whether the BB indexed by s is a successor of the BB indexed by
+ * h.  Note that h is a case node.                  */
+{ Int i;
+    BB * header;
+    header = pProc->dfsLast[h];
+    for (i = 0; i < header->numOutEdges; i++)
+        if (header->edges[i].BBptr->dfsLastNum == s)
+            return (TRUE);
+    return (FALSE);
+static void tagNodesInCase (BB * pBB, nodeList &l, Int head, Int tail)
+/* Recursive procedure to tag nodes that belong to the case described by
+ * the list l, head and tail (dfsLast index to first and exit node of the
+ * case).                               */
+{ Int current,      /* index to current node */
+            i;
+    pBB->traversed = DFS_CASE;
+    current = pBB->dfsLastNum;
+    if ((current != tail) && (pBB->nodeType != MULTI_BRANCH) && (inList (l, pBB->immedDom)))
+    {
+        insertList (l, current);
+        pBB->caseHead = head;
+        for (i = 0; i < pBB->numOutEdges; i++)
+            if (pBB->edges[i].BBptr->traversed != DFS_CASE)
+                tagNodesInCase (pBB->edges[i].BBptr, l, head, tail);
+    }
+static void structCases(Function * pProc)
+/* Structures case statements.  This procedure is invoked only when pProc
+ * has a case node.                         */
+{ Int i, j;
+    BB * caseHeader;       		/* case header node         */
+    Int exitNode = NO_NODE;   	/* case exit node           */
+    nodeList caseNodes;   /* temporary: list of nodes in case */
+    /* Linear scan of the nodes in reverse dfsLast order, searching for
+     * case nodes                           */
+    for (i = pProc->numBBs - 1; i >= 0; i--)
+        if (pProc->dfsLast[i]->nodeType == MULTI_BRANCH)
+        {
+            caseHeader = pProc->dfsLast[i];
+            /* Find descendant node which has as immediate predecessor
+                         * the current header node, and is not a successor.    */
+            for (j = i + 2; j < pProc->numBBs; j++)
+            {
+                if ((!successor(j, i, pProc)) &&
+                    (pProc->dfsLast[j]->immedDom == i))
+                    if (exitNode == NO_NODE)
+                        exitNode = j;
+                    else if (pProc->dfsLast[exitNode]->numInEdges <
+                             pProc->dfsLast[j]->numInEdges)
+                        exitNode = j;
+            }
+            pProc->dfsLast[i]->caseTail = exitNode;
+            /* Tag nodes that belong to the case by recording the
+                         * header field with caseHeader.           */
+            insertList (caseNodes, i);
+            pProc->dfsLast[i]->caseHead = i;
+            for (j = 0; j < caseHeader->numOutEdges; j++)
+                tagNodesInCase (caseHeader->edges[j].BBptr, caseNodes, i,
+                                exitNode);
+            if (exitNode != NO_NODE)
+                pProc->dfsLast[exitNode]->caseHead = i;
+        }
+/* Flags all nodes in the list l as having follow node f, and deletes all
+ * nodes from the list.                         */
+static void flagNodes (nodeList &l, Int f, Function * pProc)
+    nodeList::iterator p;
+    p = l.begin();
+    while (p!=l.end())
+    {
+        pProc->dfsLast[*p]->ifFollow = f;
+        p = l.erase(p);
+    }
+static void structIfs (Function * pProc)
+/* Structures if statements */
+{  Int curr,    				/* Index for linear scan of nodes   	*/
+            desc,    				/* Index for descendant         		*/
+            followInEdges,			/* Largest # in-edges so far 			*/
+            follow;  				/* Possible follow node 				*/
+    nodeList domDesc,    /* List of nodes dominated by curr  	*/
+            unresolved, 	/* List of unresolved if nodes  		*/
+            *l;         			/* Temporary list       				*/
+    BB * currNode,    			/* Pointer to current node  			*/
+            * pbb;
+    /* Linear scan of nodes in reverse dfsLast order */
+    for (curr = pProc->numBBs - 1; curr >= 0; curr--)
+    {
+        currNode = pProc->dfsLast[curr];
+        if (currNode->flg & INVALID_BB)		/* Do not process invalid BBs */
+            continue;
+        if ((currNode->nodeType == TWO_BRANCH) &&
+            (! (pProc->Icode.GetLlFlag(currNode->start + currNode->length - 1)
+                & JX_LOOP)))
+        {
+            followInEdges = 0;
+            follow = 0;
+            /* Find all nodes that have this node as immediate dominator */
+            for (desc = curr+1; desc < pProc->numBBs; desc++)
+            {
+                if (pProc->dfsLast[desc]->immedDom == curr)  {
+                    insertList (domDesc, desc);
+                    pbb = pProc->dfsLast[desc];
+                    if ((pbb->numInEdges - pbb->numBackEdges) >= followInEdges)
+                    {
+                        follow = desc;
+                        followInEdges = pbb->numInEdges - pbb->numBackEdges;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            /* Determine follow according to number of descendants
+                         * immediately dominated by this node  */
+            if ((follow != 0) && (followInEdges > 1))
+            {
+                currNode->ifFollow = follow;
+                if (!unresolved.empty())
+                    flagNodes (unresolved, follow, pProc);
+            }
+            else
+                insertList (unresolved, curr);
+        }
+        freeList (domDesc);
+    }
+/* Checks for compound conditions of basic blocks that have only 1 high
+ * level instruction.  Whenever these blocks are found, they are merged
+ * into one block with the appropriate condition */
+void Function::compoundCond()
+    Int i, j, k, numOutEdges;
+    BB * pbb, * t, * e, * obb,* pred;
+    ICODE * picode, * ticode;
+    COND_EXPR *exp;
+    TYPEADR_TYPE *edges;
+    boolT change;
+    change = TRUE;
+    while (change)
+    {
+        change = FALSE;
+        /* Traverse nodes in postorder, this way, the header node of a
+         * compound condition is analysed first */
+        for (i = 0; i < this->numBBs; i++)
+        {
+            pbb = this->dfsLast[i];
+            if (pbb->flg & INVALID_BB)
+                continue;
+            if (pbb->nodeType == TWO_BRANCH)
+            {
+                t = pbb->edges[THEN].BBptr;
+                e = pbb->edges[ELSE].BBptr;
+                /* Check (X || Y) case */
+                if ((t->nodeType == TWO_BRANCH) && (t->numHlIcodes == 1) &&
+                    (t->numInEdges == 1) && (t->edges[ELSE].BBptr == e))
+                {
+                    obb = t->edges[THEN].BBptr;
+                    /* Construct compound DBL_OR expression */
+                    picode = this->Icode.GetIcode(pbb->start + pbb->length -1);
+                    ticode = this->Icode.GetIcode(t->start + t->length -1);
+                    exp = COND_EXPR::boolOp (picode->ic.hl.oper.exp,
+                                       ticode->ic.hl.oper.exp, DBL_OR);
+                    picode->ic.hl.oper.exp = exp;
+                    /* Replace in-edge to obb from t to pbb */
+                    for (j = 0; j < obb->numInEdges; j++)
+                        if (obb->inEdges[j] == t)
+                        {
+                            obb->inEdges[j] = pbb;
+                            break;
+                        }
+                    /* New THEN out-edge of pbb */
+                    pbb->edges[THEN].BBptr = obb;
+                    /* Remove in-edge t to e */
+                    auto iter=std::find(e->inEdges.begin(),e->inEdges.end(),t);
+                    assert(iter!=e->inEdges.end());
+                    e->inEdges.erase(iter);
+                    e->numInEdges--;	/* looses 1 arc */
+					assert(e->numInEdges==e->inEdges.size());
+                    t->flg |= INVALID_BB;
+                    if (pbb->flg & IS_LATCH_NODE)
+                        this->dfsLast[t->dfsLastNum] = pbb;
+                    else
+                        i--;		/* to repeat this analysis */
+                    change = TRUE;
+                }
+                /* Check (!X && Y) case */
+                else if ((t->nodeType == TWO_BRANCH) && (t->numHlIcodes == 1) &&
+                         (t->numInEdges == 1) && (t->edges[THEN].BBptr == e))
+                {
+                    obb = t->edges[ELSE].BBptr;
+                    /* Construct compound DBL_AND expression */
+                    picode = this->Icode.GetIcode(pbb->start + pbb->length -1);
+                    ticode = this->Icode.GetIcode(t->start + t->length -1);
+                    inverseCondOp (&picode->ic.hl.oper.exp);
+                    exp = COND_EXPR::boolOp (picode->ic.hl.oper.exp,
+                                       ticode->ic.hl.oper.exp, DBL_AND);
+                    picode->ic.hl.oper.exp = exp;
+                    /* Replace in-edge to obb from t to pbb */
+                    auto iter=std::find(obb->inEdges.begin(),obb->inEdges.end(),t);
+                    assert(iter!=obb->inEdges.end());
+                    *iter=pbb;
+                    /* New THEN and ELSE out-edges of pbb */
+                    pbb->edges[THEN].BBptr = e;
+                    pbb->edges[ELSE].BBptr = obb;
+                    /* Remove in-edge t to e */
+                    iter=std::find(e->inEdges.begin(),e->inEdges.end(),t);
+                    assert(iter!=e->inEdges.end());
+                    e->inEdges.erase(iter); /* looses 1 arc */
+                    e->numInEdges--;	/* looses 1 arc */
+                    assert(t->inEdges.size()==t->numInEdges);
+                    t->flg |= INVALID_BB;
+                    if (pbb->flg & IS_LATCH_NODE)
+                        this->dfsLast[t->dfsLastNum] = pbb;
+                    else
+                        i--;		/* to repeat this analysis */
+                    change = TRUE;
+                }
+                /* Check (X && Y) case */
+                else if ((e->nodeType == TWO_BRANCH) && (e->numHlIcodes == 1) &&
+                         (e->numInEdges == 1) && (e->edges[THEN].BBptr == t))
+                {
+                    obb = e->edges[ELSE].BBptr;
+                    /* Construct compound DBL_AND expression */
+                    picode = this->Icode.GetIcode(pbb->start + pbb->length -1);
+                    ticode = this->Icode.GetIcode(t->start + t->length -1);
+                    exp = COND_EXPR::boolOp (picode->ic.hl.oper.exp,
+                                       ticode->ic.hl.oper.exp, DBL_AND);
+                    picode->ic.hl.oper.exp = exp;
+                    /* Replace in-edge to obb from e to pbb */
+                    auto iter = std::find(obb->inEdges.begin(),obb->inEdges.end(),e);
+                    assert(iter!=obb->inEdges.end());
+                    *iter=pbb;
+                    /* New ELSE out-edge of pbb */
+                    pbb->edges[ELSE].BBptr = obb;
+                    /* Remove in-edge e to t */
+                    iter = std::find(t->inEdges.begin(),t->inEdges.end(),e);
+                    assert(iter!=t->inEdges.end());
+                    t->inEdges.erase(iter);
+                    t->numInEdges--;	/* looses 1 arc */
+                    assert(t->inEdges.size()==t->numInEdges);
+                    e->flg |= INVALID_BB;
+                    if (pbb->flg & IS_LATCH_NODE)
+                        this->dfsLast[e->dfsLastNum] = pbb;
+                    else
+                        i--;		/* to repeat this analysis */
+                    change = TRUE;
+                }
+                /* Check (!X || Y) case */
+                else if ((e->nodeType == TWO_BRANCH) && (e->numHlIcodes == 1) &&
+                         (e->numInEdges == 1) && (e->edges[ELSE].BBptr == t))
+                {
+                    obb = e->edges[THEN].BBptr;
+                    /* Construct compound DBL_OR expression */
+                    picode = this->Icode.GetIcode(pbb->start + pbb->length -1);
+                    ticode = this->Icode.GetIcode(t->start + t->length -1);
+                    inverseCondOp (&picode->ic.hl.oper.exp);
+                    exp = COND_EXPR::boolOp (picode->ic.hl.oper.exp,
+                                       ticode->ic.hl.oper.exp, DBL_OR);
+                    picode->ic.hl.oper.exp = exp;
+                    /* Replace in-edge to obb from e to pbb */
+                    assert(obb->numInEdges==obb->inEdges.size());
+                    auto iter = std::find(obb->inEdges.begin(),obb->inEdges.end(),e);
+                    assert(iter!=obb->inEdges.end());
+                    *iter=pbb;
+                    /* New THEN and ELSE out-edges of pbb */
+                    pbb->edges[THEN].BBptr = obb;
+                    pbb->edges[ELSE].BBptr = t;
+                    /* Remove in-edge e to t */
+					iter = std::find(t->inEdges.begin(),t->inEdges.end(),e);
+                    assert(iter!=t->inEdges.end());
+                    t->inEdges.erase(iter);
+                    t->numInEdges--;	/* looses 1 arc */
+					assert(t->numInEdges=t->inEdges.size());
+                    e->flg |= INVALID_BB;
+                    if (pbb->flg & IS_LATCH_NODE)
+                        this->dfsLast[e->dfsLastNum] = pbb;
+                    else
+                        i--;		/* to repeat this analysis */
+                    change = TRUE;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+void Function::structure(derSeq *derivedG)
+/* Structuring algorithm to find the structures of the graph pProc->cfg */
+    /* Find immediate dominators of the graph */
+    findImmedDom();
+    if (hasCase)
+        structCases(this);
+    structLoops(this, derivedG);
+    structIfs(this);

+ 1099 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,1099 @@
+ * Project: dcc
+ * File:    dataflow.c
+ * Purpose: Data flow analysis module.
+ * (C) Cristina Cifuentes
+ ****************************************************************************/
+#include "dcc.h"
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+/* Returns the index of the local variable or parameter at offset off, if it
+ * is in the stack frame provided.  */
+Int STKFRAME::getLocVar(Int off)
+{   Int     i;
+    for (i = 0; i < sym.size(); i++)
+        if (sym[i].off == off)
+            break;
+    return (i);
+/* Returns a string with the source operand of Icode */
+static COND_EXPR *srcIdent (ICODE * Icode, Function * pProc, Int i, ICODE * duIcode, operDu du)
+{    COND_EXPR *n;
+     if (Icode->ic.ll.flg & I)   /* immediate operand */
+     {
+         if (Icode->ic.ll.flg & B)
+             n = COND_EXPR::idKte (Icode->ic.ll.immed.op, 1);
+         else
+             n = COND_EXPR::idKte (Icode->ic.ll.immed.op, 2);
+     }
+     else
+         n = COND_EXPR::id (Icode, SRC, pProc, i, duIcode, du);
+      return (n);
+/* Returns the destination operand */
+static COND_EXPR *dstIdent (ICODE * pIcode, Function * pProc, Int i, ICODE * duIcode,
+                            operDu du)
+{ COND_EXPR *n;
+    n = COND_EXPR::id (pIcode, DST, pProc, i, duIcode, du);
+    /** Is it needed? (pIcode->ic.ll.flg) & NO_SRC_B **/
+    return (n);
+/* Eliminates all condition codes and generates new hlIcode instructions */
+void Function::elimCondCodes ()
+    Int i,
+            useAt,            /* Index to instruction that used flag    */
+            defAt;            /* Index to instruction that defined flag */
+    byte use;             /* Used flags bit vector                  */
+    byte def;             /* Defined flags bit vector               */
+    boolT notSup;         /* Use/def combination not supported      */
+    COND_EXPR *rhs;       /* Source operand                         */
+    COND_EXPR *lhs;       /* Destination operand                    */
+    COND_EXPR *exp;       /* Boolean expression                     */
+    BB * pBB;              /* Pointer to BBs in dfs last ordering    */
+    ICODE *prev;          /* For extended basic blocks - previous icode inst */
+    for (i = 0; i < numBBs; i++)
+    {
+        pBB = dfsLast[i];
+        if (pBB->flg & INVALID_BB)	continue; /* Do not process invalid BBs */
+        for (useAt = pBB->start + pBB->length; useAt != pBB->start; useAt--)
+            if ((Icode.GetIcode(useAt-1)->type == LOW_LEVEL) &&
+                (Icode.GetIcode(useAt-1)->invalid == FALSE) &&
+                (use = Icode.GetIcode(useAt-1)->ic.ll.flagDU.u))
+            {
+                /* Find definition within the same basic block */
+                for (defAt = useAt-1; defAt != pBB->start; defAt--)
+                {
+                    def = Icode.GetIcode(defAt-1)->ic.ll.flagDU.d;
+                    if ((use & def) == use)
+                    {
+                        notSup = FALSE;
+                        if ((Icode.GetLlOpcode(useAt-1) >= iJB) &&
+                            (Icode.GetLlOpcode(useAt-1) <= iJNS))
+                        {
+                            switch (Icode.GetLlOpcode(defAt-1))
+                            {
+                                case iCMP:
+                                    rhs = srcIdent (Icode.GetIcode(defAt-1),
+                                                    this, defAt-1,
+                                                    Icode.GetIcode(useAt-1), eUSE);
+                                    lhs = dstIdent (Icode.GetIcode(defAt-1),
+                                                    this, defAt-1,
+                                                    Icode.GetIcode(useAt-1), eUSE);
+                                    break;
+                                case iOR:
+                                    lhs = Icode.GetIcode(defAt-1)->ic.hl.oper.asgn.lhs->clone();
+                                    copyDU (Icode.GetIcode(useAt-1),Icode.GetIcode(defAt-1), eUSE, eDEF);
+                                    if (Icode.GetLlFlag(defAt-1) & B)
+                                        rhs = COND_EXPR::idKte (0, 1);
+                                    else
+                                        rhs = COND_EXPR::idKte (0, 2);
+                                    break;
+                                case iTEST:
+                                    rhs = srcIdent (Icode.GetIcode(defAt-1),
+                                                    this, defAt-1,
+                                                    Icode.GetIcode(useAt-1), eUSE);
+                                    lhs = dstIdent (Icode.GetIcode(defAt-1),
+                                                    this, defAt-1,
+                                                    Icode.GetIcode(useAt-1), eUSE);
+                                    lhs = COND_EXPR::boolOp (lhs, rhs, AND);
+                                    if (Icode.GetLlFlag(defAt-1) & B)
+                                        rhs = COND_EXPR::idKte (0, 1);
+                                    else
+                                        rhs = COND_EXPR::idKte (0, 2);
+                                    break;
+                                default:
+                                    notSup = TRUE;
+                                    reportError (JX_NOT_DEF, Icode.GetLlOpcode(defAt-1));
+                                    flg |= PROC_ASM;		/* generate asm */
+                            }
+                            if (! notSup)
+                            {
+                                exp = COND_EXPR::boolOp (lhs, rhs,
+                                                   condOpJCond[Icode.GetLlOpcode(useAt-1)-iJB]);
+                                Icode.GetIcode(useAt-1)->setJCond(exp);
+                            }
+                        }
+                        else if (Icode.GetLlOpcode(useAt-1) == iJCXZ)
+                        {
+                            lhs = COND_EXPR::idReg (rCX, 0, &localId);
+                            Icode.GetIcode(useAt-1)->setRegDU (rCX, eUSE);
+                            rhs = COND_EXPR::idKte (0, 2);
+                            exp = COND_EXPR::boolOp (lhs, rhs, EQUAL);
+                            Icode.GetIcode(useAt-1)->setJCond(exp);
+                        }
+                        else
+                        {
+                            reportError (NOT_DEF_USE,
+                                         Icode.GetLlOpcode(defAt-1),
+                                         Icode.GetLlOpcode(useAt-1));
+                            flg |= PROC_ASM;		/* generate asm */
+                        }
+                        break;
+                    }
+                }
+                /* Check for extended basic block */
+                if ((pBB->length == 1) &&
+                    (Icode.GetLlOpcode(useAt-1) >= iJB) &&
+                    (Icode.GetLlOpcode(useAt-1) <= iJNS))
+                {
+                    prev = Icode.GetIcode(pBB->inEdges[0]->start +
+                                                 pBB->inEdges[0]->length - 1);
+                    if (prev->ic.hl.opcode == HLI_JCOND)
+                    {
+                        exp = prev->ic.hl.oper.exp->clone();
+                        exp->changeBoolOp (condOpJCond[Icode.GetLlOpcode(useAt-1)-iJB]);
+                        copyDU (Icode.GetIcode(useAt-1), prev, eUSE, eUSE);
+                        Icode.GetIcode(useAt-1)->setJCond(exp);
+                    }
+                }
+                /* Error - definition not found for use of a cond code */
+                else if (defAt == pBB->start)
+                    fatalError (DEF_NOT_FOUND,
+                                Icode.GetLlOpcode(useAt-1));
+            }
+    }
+/* Generates the LiveUse() and Def() sets for each basic block in the graph.
+ * Note: these sets are constant and could have been constructed during
+ *       the construction of the graph, but since the code hasn't been
+ *       analyzed yet for idioms, the procedure preamble misleads the
+ *       analysis (eg: push si, would include si in LiveUse; although it
+ *       is not really meant to be a register that is used before defined). */
+void Function::genLiveKtes ()
+{ Int i, j;
+    BB * pbb;
+    ICODE * picode;
+    dword liveUse, def;
+    for (i = 0; i < numBBs; i++)
+    {
+        liveUse = def = 0;
+        pbb = dfsLast[i];
+        if (pbb->flg & INVALID_BB)
+            continue;	/* skip invalid BBs */
+        for (j = pbb->start; j < (pbb->start + pbb->length); j++)
+        {
+            picode = Icode.GetIcode(j);
+            if ((picode->type == HIGH_LEVEL) && (picode->invalid == FALSE))
+            {
+                liveUse |= (picode->du.use & ~def);
+                def |= picode->du.def;
+            }
+        }
+        pbb->liveUse = liveUse;
+        pbb->def = def;
+    }
+/* Generates the liveIn() and liveOut() sets for each basic block via an
+ * iterative approach.
+ * Propagates register usage information to the procedure call. */
+void Function::liveRegAnalysis (dword in_liveOut)
+    Int i, j;
+    BB * pbb=0;              /* pointer to current basic block   */
+    Function * pcallee;        /* invoked subroutine               */
+    ICODE  *ticode,        /* icode that invokes a subroutine  */
+            *picode;		/* icode of function return			*/
+    dword prevLiveOut,	/* previous live out 				*/
+            prevLiveIn;		/* previous live in					*/
+    boolT change;			/* is there change in the live sets?*/
+    /* liveOut for this procedure */
+    liveOut = in_liveOut;
+    change = TRUE;
+    while (change)
+    {
+        /* Process nodes in reverse postorder order */
+        change = FALSE;
+        for (i = numBBs; i > 0; i--)
+        {
+            pbb = dfsLast[i-1];
+            if (pbb->flg & INVALID_BB)		/* Do not process invalid BBs */
+                continue;
+            /* Get current liveIn() and liveOut() sets */
+            prevLiveIn = pbb->liveIn;
+            prevLiveOut = pbb->liveOut;
+            /* liveOut(b) = U LiveIn(s); where s is successor(b)
+         * liveOut(b) = {liveOut}; when b is a HLI_RET node     */
+            if (pbb->numOutEdges == 0)      /* HLI_RET node         */
+            {
+                pbb->liveOut = in_liveOut;
+                /* Get return expression of function */
+                if (flg & PROC_IS_FUNC)
+                {
+                    picode = Icode.GetIcode(pbb->start + pbb->length - 1);
+                    if (picode->ic.hl.opcode == HLI_RET)
+                    {
+                        picode->ic.hl.oper.exp = COND_EXPR::idID (&retVal,
+                                                              &localId, pbb->start + pbb->length - 1);
+                        picode->du.use = in_liveOut;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            else                            /* Check successors */
+            {
+                for (j = 0; j < pbb->numOutEdges; j++)
+                    pbb->liveOut |= pbb->edges[j].BBptr->liveIn;
+                /* propagate to invoked procedure */
+                if (pbb->nodeType == CALL_NODE)
+                {
+                    ticode = Icode.GetIcode(pbb->start + pbb->length - 1);
+                    pcallee = ticode->;
+                    /* user/runtime routine */
+                    if (! (pcallee->flg & PROC_ISLIB))
+                    {
+                        if (pcallee->liveAnal == FALSE) /* hasn't been processed */
+                            pcallee->dataFlow (pbb->liveOut);
+                        pbb->liveOut = pcallee->liveIn;
+                    }
+                    else    /* library routine */
+                    {
+                        if ((pcallee->flg & PROC_IS_FUNC) && /* returns a value */
+                            (pcallee->liveOut & pbb->edges[0].BBptr->liveIn))
+                            pbb->liveOut = pcallee->liveOut;
+                        else
+                            pbb->liveOut = 0;
+                    }
+                    if ((! (pcallee->flg & PROC_ISLIB)) || (pbb->liveOut != 0))
+                    {
+                        switch (pcallee->retVal.type) {
+                            case TYPE_LONG_SIGN: case TYPE_LONG_UNSIGN:
+                                ticode->du1.numRegsDef = 2;
+                                break;
+                            case TYPE_WORD_SIGN: case TYPE_WORD_UNSIGN:
+                            case TYPE_BYTE_SIGN: case TYPE_BYTE_UNSIGN:
+                                ticode->du1.numRegsDef = 1;
+                                break;
+                        } /*eos*/
+                        /* Propagate def/use results to calling icode */
+                        ticode->du.use = pcallee->liveIn;
+                        ticode->du.def = pcallee->liveOut;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            /* liveIn(b) = liveUse(b) U (liveOut(b) - def(b) */
+            pbb->liveIn = pbb->liveUse | (pbb->liveOut & ~pbb->def);
+            /* Check if live sets have been modified */
+            if ((prevLiveIn != pbb->liveIn) || (prevLiveOut != pbb->liveOut))
+                change = TRUE;
+        }
+    }
+    /* Propagate liveIn(b) to procedure header */
+    if (pbb->liveIn != 0)   /* uses registers */
+        liveIn = pbb->liveIn;
+    /* Remove any references to register variables */
+    if (flg & SI_REGVAR)
+    {
+        liveIn &= maskDuReg[rSI];
+        pbb->liveIn &= maskDuReg[rSI];
+    }
+    if (flg & DI_REGVAR)
+    {
+        liveIn &= maskDuReg[rDI];
+        pbb->liveIn &= maskDuReg[rDI];
+    }
+/* Generates the du chain of each instruction in a basic block */
+void Function::genDU1 ()
+    byte regi;            /* Register that was defined */
+    Int i, j, k, p, n, lastInst, defRegIdx, useIdx;
+    ICODE * picode, *ticode;/* Current and target bb    */
+    BB * pbb, *tbb;         /* Current and target basic block */
+    boolT res;
+    COND_EXPR *exp, *lhs;
+    /* Traverse tree in dfsLast order */
+    for (i = 0; i < numBBs; i++)
+    {
+        pbb = dfsLast[i];
+        if (pbb->flg & INVALID_BB)	continue;
+        /* Process each register definition of a HIGH_LEVEL icode instruction.
+         * Note that register variables should not be considered registers.
+         */
+        lastInst = pbb->start + pbb->length;
+        for (j = pbb->start; j < lastInst; j++)
+        {
+            picode = Icode.GetIcode(j);
+            if (picode->type == HIGH_LEVEL)
+            {
+                regi = 0;
+                defRegIdx = 0;
+                for (k = 0; k < INDEXBASE; k++)
+                {
+                    if ((picode->du.def & power2(k)) != 0)
+                    {
+                        regi = (byte)(k + 1);       /* defined register */
+                        picode->du1.regi[defRegIdx] = regi;
+                        /* Check remaining instructions of the BB for all uses
+                     * of register regi, before any definitions of the
+                     * register */
+                        if ((regi == rDI) && (flg & DI_REGVAR))
+                            continue;
+                        if ((regi == rSI) && (flg & SI_REGVAR))
+                            continue;
+                        if ((j + 1) < lastInst)		/* several instructions */
+                        {
+                            useIdx = 0;
+                            for (n = j+1; n < lastInst; n++)
+                            {
+                                /* Only check uses of HIGH_LEVEL icodes */
+                                ticode = Icode.GetIcode(n);
+                                if (ticode->type == HIGH_LEVEL)
+                                {
+                                    /* if used, get icode index */
+                                    if (ticode->du.use & duReg[regi])
+                                        picode->du1.idx[defRegIdx][useIdx++] = n;
+                                    /* if defined, stop finding uses for this reg */
+                                    if (ticode->du.def & duReg[regi])
+                                        break;
+                                }
+                            }
+                            /* Check if last definition of this register */
+                            if ((! (ticode->du.def & duReg[regi])) &&
+                                (pbb->liveOut & duReg[regi]))
+                                picode->du.lastDefRegi |= duReg[regi];
+                        }
+                        else		/* only 1 instruction in this basic block */
+                        {
+                            /* Check if last definition of this register */
+                            if (pbb->liveOut & duReg[regi])
+                                picode->du.lastDefRegi |= duReg[regi];
+                        }
+                        /* Find target icode for HLI_CALL icodes to procedures
+                                         * that are functions.  The target icode is in the
+                                         * next basic block (unoptimized code) or somewhere else
+                                         * on optimized code. */
+                        if ((picode->ic.hl.opcode == HLI_CALL) &&
+                            (picode->>flg & PROC_IS_FUNC))
+                        {
+                            tbb = pbb->edges[0].BBptr;
+                            useIdx = 0;
+                            for (n = tbb->start; n < tbb->start + tbb->length; n++)
+                            {
+                                ticode = Icode.GetIcode(n);
+                                if (ticode->type == HIGH_LEVEL)
+                                {
+                                    /* if used, get icode index */
+                                    if (ticode->du.use & duReg[regi])
+                                        picode->du1.idx[defRegIdx][useIdx++] = n;
+                                    /* if defined, stop finding uses for this reg */
+                                    if (ticode->du.def & duReg[regi])
+                                        break;
+                                }
+                            }
+                            /* if not used in this basic block, check if the
+                                                 * register is live out, if so, make it the last
+                                                 * definition of this register */
+                            if ((picode->du1.idx[defRegIdx][useIdx] == 0) &&
+                                (tbb->liveOut & duReg[regi]))
+                                picode->du.lastDefRegi |= duReg[regi];
+                        }
+                        /* If not used within this bb or in successors of this
+                     * bb (ie. not in liveOut), then register is useless,
+                     * thus remove it.  Also check that this is not a return
+                     * from a library function (routines such as printf
+                     * return an integer, which is normally not taken into
+                     * account by the programmer). 	*/
+                        if ((picode->invalid == FALSE) &&
+                            (picode->du1.idx[defRegIdx][0] == 0) &&
+                            (! (picode->du.lastDefRegi & duReg[regi])) &&
+                            //						(! ((picode->ic.hl.opcode != HLI_CALL) &&
+                            (! ((picode->ic.hl.opcode == HLI_CALL) &&
+                                (picode->>flg & PROC_ISLIB))))
+                        {
+                            if (! (pbb->liveOut & duReg[regi]))	/* not liveOut */
+                            {
+                                res = removeDefRegi (regi, picode, defRegIdx+1,
+                                                     &localId);
+                                /* Backpatch any uses of this instruction, within
+                                 * the same BB, if the instruction was invalidated */
+                                if (res == TRUE)
+                                    for (p = j; p > pbb->start; p--)
+                                    {
+                                        ticode = Icode.GetIcode(p-1);
+                                        for (n = 0; n < MAX_USES; n++)
+                                        {
+                                            if (ticode->du1.idx[0][n] == j)
+                                            {
+                                                if (n < MAX_USES - 1)
+                                                {
+                                                    memmove (&ticode->du1.idx[0][n],
+                                                             &ticode->du1.idx[0][n+1],
+                                                             (size_t)((MAX_USES - n - 1) * sizeof(Int)));
+                                                    n--;
+                                                }
+                                                ticode->du1.idx[0][MAX_USES - 1] = 0;
+                                            }
+                                        }
+                                    }
+                            }
+                            else		/* liveOut */
+                                picode->du.lastDefRegi |= duReg[regi];
+                        }
+                        defRegIdx++;
+                        /* Check if all defined registers have been processed */
+                        if ((defRegIdx >= picode->du1.numRegsDef) ||
+                            (defRegIdx == MAX_REGS_DEF))
+                            break;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+/* Substitutes the rhs (or lhs if rhs not possible) of ticode for the rhs
+ * of picode. */
+static void forwardSubs (COND_EXPR *lhs, COND_EXPR *rhs, ICODE * picode,
+                         ICODE * ticode, LOCAL_ID *locsym, Int *numHlIcodes)
+    boolT res;
+    if (rhs == NULL)        /* In case expression popped is NULL */
+        return;
+    /* Insert on rhs of ticode, if possible */
+    res = insertSubTreeReg (rhs, &ticode->ic.hl.oper.asgn.rhs,
+                            locsym->id_arr[lhs->expr.ident.idNode.regiIdx].id.regi,
+                            locsym);
+    if (res)
+    {
+        picode->invalidate();
+        (*numHlIcodes)--;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        /* Try to insert it on lhs of ticode*/
+        res = insertSubTreeReg (rhs, &ticode->ic.hl.oper.asgn.lhs,
+                                locsym->id_arr[lhs->expr.ident.idNode.regiIdx].id.regi,
+                                locsym);
+        if (res)
+        {
+            picode->invalidate();
+            (*numHlIcodes)--;
+        }
+    }
+/* Substitutes the rhs (or lhs if rhs not possible) of ticode for the
+ * expression exp given */
+static void forwardSubsLong (Int longIdx, COND_EXPR *exp, ICODE * picode,
+                             ICODE * ticode, Int *numHlIcodes)
+{ boolT res;
+    if (exp == NULL)        /* In case expression popped is NULL */
+        return;
+    /* Insert on rhs of ticode, if possible */
+    res = insertSubTreeLongReg (exp, &ticode->ic.hl.oper.asgn.rhs, longIdx);
+    if (res)
+    {
+        picode->invalidate();
+        (*numHlIcodes)--;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        /* Try to insert it on lhs of ticode*/
+        res = insertSubTreeLongReg (exp, &ticode->ic.hl.oper.asgn.lhs, longIdx);
+        if (res)
+        {
+            picode->invalidate();
+            (*numHlIcodes)--;
+        }
+    }
+/* Returns whether the elements of the expression rhs are all x-clear from
+ * instruction f up to instruction t.	*/
+static boolT xClear (COND_EXPR *rhs, Int f, Int t, Int lastBBinst, Function * pproc)
+{ Int i;
+    boolT res;
+    byte regi;
+    ICODE * picode;
+    if (rhs == NULL)
+        return (FALSE);
+    switch (rhs->type) {
+        case IDENTIFIER:
+            if (rhs->expr.ident.idType == REGISTER)
+            {
+                picode = pproc->Icode.GetFirstIcode();
+                regi= pproc->localId.id_arr[rhs->expr.ident.idNode.regiIdx].id.regi;
+                for (i = (f + 1); (i < lastBBinst) && (i < t); i++)
+                    if ((picode[i].type == HIGH_LEVEL) &&
+                        (picode[i].invalid == FALSE))
+                    {
+                        if (picode[i].du.def & duReg[regi])
+                            return (FALSE);
+                    }
+                if (i < lastBBinst)
+                    return (TRUE);
+                else
+                    return (FALSE);
+            }
+            else
+                return (TRUE);
+            /* else if (rhs->expr.ident.idType == LONG_VAR)
+                        {
+missing all other identifiers ****
+                        } */
+        case BOOLEAN_OP:
+            res = xClear (rhs->expr.boolExpr.rhs, f, t, lastBBinst, pproc);
+            if (res == FALSE)
+                return (FALSE);
+            return (xClear (rhs->expr.boolExpr.lhs, f, t, lastBBinst, pproc));
+        case NEGATION:
+        case ADDRESSOF:
+        case DEREFERENCE:
+            return (xClear (rhs->expr.unaryExp, f, t, lastBBinst, pproc));
+    } /* eos */
+    return FALSE;
+/* Checks the type of the formal argument as against to the actual argument,
+ * whenever possible, and then places the actual argument on the procedure's
+ * argument list.	*/
+static void processCArg (Function * pp, Function * pProc, ICODE * picode, Int numArgs, Int *k)
+    COND_EXPR *exp;
+    boolT res;
+    /* if (numArgs == 0)
+                return; */
+    exp = popExpStk();
+    if (pp->flg & PROC_ISLIB) /* library function */
+    {
+        if (pp->args.numArgs > 0)
+            if (pp->flg & PROC_VARARG)
+            {
+                if (numArgs < pp->args.sym.size())
+                    adjustActArgType (exp, pp->args.sym[numArgs].type, pProc);
+            }
+            else
+                adjustActArgType (exp, pp->args.sym[numArgs].type, pProc);
+        res = newStkArg (picode, exp, picode->ic.ll.opcode, pProc);
+    }
+    else			/* user function */
+    {
+        if (pp->args.numArgs > 0)
+            pp->args.adjustForArgType (numArgs, expType (exp, pProc));
+        res = newStkArg (picode, exp, picode->ic.ll.opcode, pProc);
+    }
+    /* Do not update the size of k if the expression was a segment register
+         * in a near call */
+    if (res == FALSE)
+        *k += hlTypeSize (exp, pProc);
+/* Eliminates extraneous intermediate icode instructions when finding
+ * expressions.  Generates new hlIcodes in the form of expression trees.
+ * For HLI_CALL hlIcodes, places the arguments in the argument list.    */
+void Function::findExps()
+    Int i, j, k, lastInst, lastInstN, numHlIcodes;
+    ICODE * picode,        /* Current icode                            */
+            * ticode;        /* Target icode                             */
+    BB * pbb;         /* Current and next basic block             */
+    boolT res;
+    COND_EXPR *exp,       /* expression pointer - for HLI_POP and HLI_CALL    */
+            *lhs;		/* exp ptr for return value of a HLI_CALL		*/
+    STKFRAME * args;       /* pointer to arguments - for HLI_CALL          */
+    byte regi, regi2;		/* register(s) to be forward substituted	*/
+    ID *retVal;			/* function return value 					*/
+    /* Initialize expression stack */
+    initExpStk();
+    /* Traverse tree in dfsLast order */
+    for (i = 0; i < numBBs; i++)
+    {
+        /* Process one BB */
+        pbb = dfsLast[i];
+        if (pbb->flg & INVALID_BB) 	continue;
+        lastInst = pbb->start + pbb->length;
+        numHlIcodes = 0;
+        for (j = pbb->start; j < lastInst; j++)
+        {
+            picode = Icode.GetIcode(j);
+            if ((picode->type == HIGH_LEVEL) && (picode->invalid == FALSE))
+            {
+                numHlIcodes++;
+                if (picode->du1.numRegsDef == 1)    /* byte/word regs */
+                {
+                    /* Check for only one use of this register.  If this is
+                     * the last definition of the register in this BB, check
+                     * that it is not liveOut from this basic block */
+                    if ((picode->du1.idx[0][0] != 0) &&
+                        (picode->du1.idx[0][1] == 0))
+                    {
+                        /* Check that this register is not liveOut, if it
+                         * is the last definition of the register */
+                        regi = picode->du1.regi[0];
+                        /* Check if we can forward substitute this register */
+                        switch (picode->ic.hl.opcode) {
+                            case HLI_ASSIGN:
+                                /* Replace rhs of current icode into target
+                             * icode expression */
+                                ticode = Icode.GetIcode(picode->du1.idx[0][0]);
+                                if ((picode->du.lastDefRegi & duReg[regi]) &&
+                                    ((ticode->ic.hl.opcode != HLI_CALL) &&
+                                     (ticode->ic.hl.opcode != HLI_RET)))
+                                    continue;
+                                if (xClear (picode->ic.hl.oper.asgn.rhs, j,
+                                            picode->du1.idx[0][0],  lastInst, this))
+                                {
+                                    switch (ticode->ic.hl.opcode) {
+                                        case HLI_ASSIGN:
+                                            forwardSubs (picode->ic.hl.oper.asgn.lhs,
+                                                         picode->ic.hl.oper.asgn.rhs,
+                                                         picode, ticode, &localId,
+                                                         &numHlIcodes);
+                                            break;
+                                        case HLI_JCOND: case HLI_PUSH: case HLI_RET:
+                                            res = insertSubTreeReg (
+                                                      picode->ic.hl.oper.asgn.rhs,
+                                                      &ticode->ic.hl.oper.exp,
+                                                      localId.id_arr[picode->ic.hl.oper.asgn.lhs->expr.ident.idNode.regiIdx].id.regi,
+                                                      &localId);
+                                            if (res)
+                                            {
+                                                picode->invalidate();
+                                                numHlIcodes--;
+                                            }
+                                            break;
+                                        case HLI_CALL:    /* register arguments */
+                                            newRegArg (this, picode, ticode);
+                                            picode->invalidate();
+                                            numHlIcodes--;
+                                            break;
+                                    } /* eos */
+                                }
+                                break;
+                            case HLI_POP:
+                                ticode = Icode.GetIcode(picode->du1.idx[0][0]);
+                                if ((picode->du.lastDefRegi & duReg[regi]) &&
+                                    ((ticode->ic.hl.opcode != HLI_CALL) &&
+                                     (ticode->ic.hl.opcode != HLI_RET)))
+                                    continue;
+                                exp = popExpStk();  /* pop last exp pushed */
+                                switch (ticode->ic.hl.opcode) {
+                                    case HLI_ASSIGN:
+                                        forwardSubs (picode->ic.hl.oper.exp, exp,
+                                                     picode, ticode, &localId,
+                                                     &numHlIcodes);
+                                        break;
+                                    case HLI_JCOND: case HLI_PUSH: case HLI_RET:
+                                        res = insertSubTreeReg (exp,
+                                                                &ticode->ic.hl.oper.exp,
+                                                                localId.id_arr[picode->ic.hl.oper.exp->expr.ident.idNode.regiIdx].id.regi,
+                                                                &localId);
+                                        if (res)
+                                        {
+                                            picode->invalidate();
+                                            numHlIcodes--;
+                                        }
+                                        break;
+                                        /****case HLI_CALL:    /* register arguments
+                                newRegArg (pProc, picode, ticode);
+                                picode->invalidate();
+                                numHlIcodes--;
+                                break;	*/
+                                } /* eos */
+                                break;
+                            case HLI_CALL:
+                                ticode = Icode.GetIcode(picode->du1.idx[0][0]);
+                                switch (ticode->ic.hl.opcode) {
+                                    case HLI_ASSIGN:
+                                        exp = COND_EXPR::idFunc (
+                                                  picode->,
+                                                  picode->;
+                                        res = insertSubTreeReg (exp,
+                                                                &ticode->ic.hl.oper.asgn.rhs,
+                                                                picode->>,
+                                                                &localId);
+                                        if (! res)
+                                            insertSubTreeReg (exp,
+                                                              &ticode->ic.hl.oper.asgn.lhs,
+                                                              picode->>,
+                                                              &localId);
+                                        /***  HERE missing: 2 regs ****/
+                                        picode->invalidate();
+                                        numHlIcodes--;
+                                        break;
+                                    case HLI_PUSH: case HLI_RET:
+                                        exp = COND_EXPR::idFunc (
+                                                  picode->,
+                                                  picode->;
+                                        ticode->ic.hl.oper.exp = exp;
+                                        picode->invalidate();
+                                        numHlIcodes--;
+                                        break;
+                                    case HLI_JCOND:
+                                        exp = COND_EXPR::idFunc (
+                                                  picode->,
+                                                  picode->;
+                                        retVal = &picode->>retVal,
+                                                res = insertSubTreeReg (exp,
+                                                                        &ticode->ic.hl.oper.exp,
+                                                                        retVal->id.regi, &localId);
+                                        if (res)	/* was substituted */
+                                        {
+                                            picode->invalidate();
+                                            numHlIcodes--;
+                                        }
+                                        else	/* cannot substitute function */
+                                        {
+                                            lhs = COND_EXPR::idID(retVal,&localId,j);
+                                            picode->setAsgn(lhs, exp);
+                                        }
+                                        break;
+                                } /* eos */
+                                break;
+                        } /* eos */
+                    }
+                }
+                else if (picode->du1.numRegsDef == 2)   /* long regs */
+                {
+                    /* Check for only one use of these registers */
+                    if ((picode->du1.idx[0][0] != 0) &&
+                        (picode->du1.idx[0][1] == 0) &&
+                        (picode->du1.idx[1][0] != 0) &&
+                        (picode->du1.idx[1][1] == 0))
+                    {
+                        switch (picode->ic.hl.opcode) {
+                            case HLI_ASSIGN:
+                                /* Replace rhs of current icode into target
+                             * icode expression */
+                                if (picode->du1.idx[0][0] == picode->du1.idx[1][0])
+                                {
+                                    ticode = Icode.GetIcode(picode->du1.idx[0][0]);
+                                    if ((picode->du.lastDefRegi & duReg[regi]) &&
+                                        ((ticode->ic.hl.opcode != HLI_CALL) &&
+                                         (ticode->ic.hl.opcode != HLI_RET)))
+                                        continue;
+                                    switch (ticode->ic.hl.opcode) {
+                                        case HLI_ASSIGN:
+                                            forwardSubsLong (picode->ic.hl.oper.asgn.lhs->expr.ident.idNode.longIdx,
+                                                             picode->ic.hl.oper.asgn.rhs, picode,
+                                                             ticode, &numHlIcodes);
+                                            break;
+                                        case HLI_JCOND:  case HLI_PUSH:  case HLI_RET:
+                                            res = insertSubTreeLongReg (
+                                                      picode->ic.hl.oper.asgn.rhs,
+                                                      &ticode->ic.hl.oper.exp,
+                                                      picode->ic.hl.oper.asgn.lhs->expr.ident.idNode.longIdx);
+                                            if (res)
+                                            {
+                                                picode->invalidate();
+                                                numHlIcodes--;
+                                            }
+                                            break;
+                                        case HLI_CALL:    /* register arguments */
+                                            newRegArg (this, picode, ticode);
+                                            picode->invalidate();
+                                            numHlIcodes--;
+                                            break;
+                                    } /* eos */
+                                }
+                                break;
+                            case HLI_POP:
+                                if (picode->du1.idx[0][0] == picode->du1.idx[1][0])
+                                {
+                                    ticode = Icode.GetIcode(picode->du1.idx[0][0]);
+                                    if ((picode->du.lastDefRegi & duReg[regi]) &&
+                                        ((ticode->ic.hl.opcode != HLI_CALL) &&
+                                         (ticode->ic.hl.opcode != HLI_RET)))
+                                        continue;
+                                    exp = popExpStk(); /* pop last exp pushed */
+                                    switch (ticode->ic.hl.opcode) {
+                                        case HLI_ASSIGN:
+                                            forwardSubsLong (picode->ic.hl.oper.exp->expr.ident.idNode.longIdx,
+                                                             exp, picode, ticode, &numHlIcodes);
+                                            break;
+                                        case HLI_JCOND: case HLI_PUSH:
+                                            res = insertSubTreeLongReg (exp,
+                                                                        &ticode->ic.hl.oper.exp,
+                                                                        picode->ic.hl.oper.asgn.lhs->expr.ident.idNode.longIdx);
+                                            if (res)
+                                            {
+                                                picode->invalidate();
+                                                numHlIcodes--;
+                                            }
+                                            break;
+                                        case HLI_CALL:	/*** missing ***/
+                                            break;
+                                    } /* eos */
+                                }
+                                break;
+                            case HLI_CALL:    /* check for function return */
+                                ticode = Icode.GetIcode(picode->du1.idx[0][0]);
+                                switch (ticode->ic.hl.opcode)
+                                {
+                                    case HLI_ASSIGN:
+                                        exp = COND_EXPR::idFunc (
+                                                  picode->,
+                                                  picode->;
+                                        ticode->ic.hl.oper.asgn.lhs =
+                                                COND_EXPR::idLong(&localId, DST, ticode,
+                                                              HIGH_FIRST, j, eDEF, 1);
+                                        ticode->ic.hl.oper.asgn.rhs = exp;
+                                        picode->invalidate();
+                                        numHlIcodes--;
+                                        break;
+                                    case HLI_PUSH:  case HLI_RET:
+                                        exp = COND_EXPR::idFunc (
+                                                  picode->,
+                                                  picode->;
+                                        ticode->ic.hl.oper.exp = exp;
+                                        picode->invalidate();
+                                        numHlIcodes--;
+                                        break;
+                                    case HLI_JCOND:
+                                        exp = COND_EXPR::idFunc (
+                                                  picode->,
+                                                  picode->;
+                                        retVal = &picode->>retVal;
+                                        res = insertSubTreeLongReg (exp,
+                                                                    &ticode->ic.hl.oper.exp,
+                                                                    localId.newLongReg
+                                                                    (
+                                                                        retVal->type, retVal->id.longId.h,
+                                                                        retVal->id.longId.l, j));
+                                        if (res)	/* was substituted */
+                                        {
+                                            picode->invalidate();
+                                            numHlIcodes--;
+                                        }
+                                        else	/* cannot substitute function */
+                                        {
+                                            lhs = COND_EXPR::idID(retVal,&localId,j);
+                                            picode->setAsgn(lhs, exp);
+                                        }
+                                        break;
+                                } /* eos */
+                        } /* eos */
+                    }
+                }
+                /* HLI_PUSH doesn't define any registers, only uses registers.
+                 * Push the associated expression to the register on the local
+                 * expression stack */
+                else if (picode->ic.hl.opcode == HLI_PUSH)
+                {
+                    pushExpStk (picode->ic.hl.oper.exp);
+                    picode->invalidate();
+                    numHlIcodes--;
+                }
+                /* For HLI_CALL instructions that use arguments from the stack,
+                                 * pop them from the expression stack and place them on the
+                                 * procedure's argument list */
+                if ((picode->ic.hl.opcode == HLI_CALL) &&
+                    ! (picode->>flg & REG_ARGS))
+                { Function * pp;
+                    Int cb, numArgs;
+                    boolT res;
+                    pp = picode->;
+                    if (pp->flg & CALL_PASCAL)
+                    {
+                        cb = pp->cbParam;	/* fixed # arguments */
+                        for (k = 0, numArgs = 0; k < cb; numArgs++)
+                        {
+                            exp = popExpStk();
+                            if (pp->flg & PROC_ISLIB)	/* library function */
+                            {
+                                if (pp->args.numArgs > 0)
+                                    adjustActArgType(exp, pp->args.sym[numArgs].type, this);
+                                res = newStkArg (picode, exp, picode->ic.ll.opcode, this);
+                            }
+                            else			/* user function */
+                            {
+                                if (pp->args.numArgs >0)
+                                    pp->args.adjustForArgType (numArgs,expType (exp, this));
+                                res = newStkArg (picode, exp,picode->ic.ll.opcode, this);
+                            }
+                            if (res == FALSE)
+                                k += hlTypeSize (exp, this);
+                        }
+                    }
+                    else		/* CALL_C */
+                    {
+                        cb = picode->>cb;
+                        numArgs = 0;
+                        if (cb)
+                            for (k = 0; k < cb; numArgs++)
+                                processCArg (pp, this, picode, numArgs, &k);
+                        else if ((cb == 0) && (picode->ic.ll.flg & REST_STK))
+                            while (! emptyExpStk())
+                            {
+                                processCArg (pp, this, picode, numArgs, &k);
+                                numArgs++;
+                            }
+                    }
+                }
+                /* If we could not substitute the result of a function,
+                                 * assign it to the corresponding registers */
+                if ((picode->ic.hl.opcode == HLI_CALL) &&
+                    ((picode->>flg & PROC_ISLIB) !=
+                     PROC_ISLIB) && (picode->du1.idx[0][0] == 0) &&
+                    (picode->du1.numRegsDef > 0))
+                {
+                    exp = COND_EXPR::idFunc (picode->,
+                                         picode->;
+                    lhs = COND_EXPR::idID (&picode->>retVal,
+                                       &localId, j);
+                    picode->setAsgn(lhs, exp);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        /* Store number of high-level icodes in current basic block */
+        pbb->numHlIcodes = numHlIcodes;
+    }
+/* Invokes procedures related with data flow analysis.  Works on a procedure
+ * at a time basis.
+ * Note: indirect recursion in liveRegAnalysis is possible. */
+void Function::dataFlow(dword liveOut)
+    boolT isAx, isBx, isCx, isDx;
+    Int idx;
+    /* Remove references to register variables */
+    if (flg & SI_REGVAR)
+        liveOut &= maskDuReg[rSI];
+    if (flg & DI_REGVAR)
+        liveOut &= maskDuReg[rDI];
+    /* Function - return value register(s) */
+    if (liveOut != 0)
+    {
+        flg |= PROC_IS_FUNC;
+        isAx = (boolT)(liveOut & power2(rAX - rAX));
+        isBx = (boolT)(liveOut & power2(rBX - rAX));
+        isCx = (boolT)(liveOut & power2(rCX - rAX));
+        isDx = (boolT)(liveOut & power2(rDX - rAX));
+        if (isAx && isDx)       /* long or pointer */
+        {
+            retVal.type = TYPE_LONG_SIGN;
+            retVal.loc = REG_FRAME;
+   = rDX;
+   = rAX;
+            idx = localId.newLongReg(TYPE_LONG_SIGN, rDX, rAX, 0);
+            localId.propLongId (rAX, rDX, "\0");
+        }
+        else if (isAx || isBx || isCx || isDx)	/* word */
+        {
+            retVal.type = TYPE_WORD_SIGN;
+            retVal.loc = REG_FRAME;
+            if (isAx)
+       = rAX;
+            else if (isBx)
+       = rBX;
+            else if (isCx)
+       = rCX;
+            else
+       = rDX;
+            idx = localId.newByteWordReg(TYPE_WORD_SIGN,;
+        }
+    }
+    /* Data flow analysis */
+    liveAnal = TRUE;
+    elimCondCodes();
+    genLiveKtes();
+    liveRegAnalysis (liveOut);   /* calls dataFlow() recursively */
+    if (! (flg & PROC_ASM))		/* can generate C for pProc		*/
+    {
+        genDU1 ();			/* generate def/use level 1 chain */
+        findExps (); 		/* forward substitution algorithm */
+    }

+ 163 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+ *              dcc decompiler
+ * Reads the command line switches and then executes each major section in turn
+ * (C) Cristina Cifuentes
+ ****************************************************************************/
+#include "dcc.h"
+#include <string.h>
+#ifdef __UNIX__
+//#include <unistd.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <io.h>				/* For unlink() */
+/* Global variables - extern to other modules */
+char    *progname;          /* argv[0] - for error msgs 			  */
+char    *asm1_name, *asm2_name;     /* Assembler output filenames     */
+SYMTAB  symtab;             /* Global symbol table      			  */
+STATS   stats;              /* cfg statistics       				  */
+PROG    prog;               /* programs fields      				  */
+OPTION  option;             /* Command line options     			  */
+//Function *   pProcList;			/* List of procedures, topologically sort */
+//Function *	pLastProc;			/* Pointer to last node in procedure list */
+std::list<Function> pProcList;
+CALL_GRAPH	*callGraph;		/* Call graph of the program			  */
+static char *initargs(int argc, char *argv[]);
+static void displayTotalStats();
+ * main
+ ***************************************************************************/
+int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+    /* Extract switches and filename */
+    strcpy(option.filename, initargs(argc, argv));
+    /* Front end reads in EXE or COM file, parses it into I-code while
+     * building the call graph and attaching appropriate bits of code for
+     * each procedure.
+    */
+    FrontEnd (option.filename, &callGraph);
+    /* In the middle is a so called Universal Decompiling Machine.
+     * It processes the procedure list and I-code and attaches where it can
+     * to each procedure an optimised cfg and ud lists
+    */
+    udm();
+    /* Back end converts each procedure into C using I-code, interval
+     * analysis, data flow etc. and outputs it to output file ready for
+     * re-compilation.
+    */
+        BackEnd(option.filename, callGraph);
+        callGraph->write();
+        if (option.Stats)
+                displayTotalStats();
+    freeDataStructures(pProcList);
+    return 0;
+ * initargs - Extract command line arguments
+ ***************************************************************************/
+static char *initargs(int argc, char *argv[])
+    char *pc;
+    progname = *argv;   /* Save invocation name for error messages */
+    while (--argc > 0 && (*++argv)[0] == '-') {
+        for (pc = argv[0]+1; *pc; pc++)
+            switch (*pc) {
+            case 'a':       /* Print assembler listing */
+                if (*(pc+1) == '2')
+                    option.asm2 = TRUE;
+                else
+                    option.asm1 = TRUE;
+                if (*(pc+1) == '1' || *(pc+1) == '2')
+                    pc++;
+                break;
+                        case 'c':
+                                option.Calls = TRUE;
+                                break;
+            case 'i':
+                option.Interact = TRUE;
+                break;
+            case 'm':       /* Print memory map */
+                option.Map = TRUE;
+                break;
+            case 's':       /* Print Stats */
+                option.Stats = TRUE;
+                break;
+            case 'V':       /* Very verbose => verbose */
+                option.VeryVerbose = TRUE;
+            case 'v':       /* Make everything verbose */
+                option.verbose = TRUE;
+                break;
+            case 'o':       /* assembler output file */
+                if (*(pc+1)) {
+                    asm1_name = asm2_name = pc+1;
+                    goto NextArg;
+                }
+                else if (--argc > 0) {
+                    asm1_name = asm2_name = *++argv;
+                    goto NextArg;
+                }
+            default:
+                fatalError(INVALID_ARG, *pc);
+                return *argv;
+            }
+    NextArg:;
+    }
+    if (argc == 1)
+        {
+        if (option.asm1 || option.asm2)
+                {
+            if (! asm1_name)
+                        {
+                asm1_name = strcpy((char*)allocMem(strlen(*argv)+4), *argv);
+                pc = strrchr(asm1_name, '.');
+                if (pc > strrchr(asm1_name, '/'))
+                                {
+                    *pc = '\0';
+                                }
+                asm2_name = (char*)allocMem(strlen(asm1_name)+4) ;
+                strcat(strcpy(asm2_name, asm1_name), ".a2");
+                unlink(asm2_name);
+                strcat(asm1_name, ".a1");
+            }
+            unlink(asm1_name);  /* Remove asm output files */
+        }
+        return *argv;       /* filename of the program to decompile */
+   }
+    fatalError(USAGE);
+    return *argv;
+static void
+displayTotalStats ()
+/* Displays final statistics for the complete program */
+        printf ("\nFinal Program Statistics\n");
+        printf ("  Total number of low-level Icodes : %ld\n", stats.totalLL);
+        printf ("  Total number of high-level Icodes: %ld\n", stats.totalHL);
+        printf ("  Total reduction of instructions  : %2.2f%%\n", 100.0 -
+                        (stats.totalHL * 100.0) / stats.totalLL);

+ 1613 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,1613 @@
+ *          dcc project disassembler
+ * (C) Cristina Cifuentes, Mike van Emmerik, Jeff Ledermann
+ ****************************************************************************/
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include "dcc.h"
+#include "symtab.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <malloc.h>		/* For free() */
+#include <vector>
+#ifdef _CONSOLE
+#include <windows.h>	/* For console mode routines */
+#include "disassem.h"
+// Note: for the time being, there is no interactive disassembler
+// for unix
+#ifndef __UNIX__
+#include <conio.h>	// getch() etc
+using namespace std;
+#define POS_LAB     15              /* Position of label */
+#define POS_OPC     20              /* Position of opcode */
+#define POS_OPR     25              /* Position of operand */
+#define	WID_PTR		10				/* Width of the "xword ptr" lingo */
+#define POS_OPR2    POS_OPR+WID_PTR /* Position of operand after "xword ptr" */
+#define POS_CMT     54              /* Position of comment */
+#define DELTA_ICODE 16              /* Number of icodes to realloc by each time */
+static const char *szOps[] =
+    "CBW",  "AAA",      "AAD",      "AAM",      "AAS",      "ADC",  "ADD",  "AND",
+    "BOUND","CALL",     "CALL",     "CLC",      "CLD",      "CLI",  "CMC",  "CMP",
+    "CMPS", "REPNE CMPS","REPE CMPS","DAA",     "DAS",      "DEC",  "DIV",  "ENTER",
+    "ESC",  "HLT",      "IDIV",     "IMUL",     "IN",       "INC",  "INS",  "REP INS",
+    "INT",  "IRET",     "JB",       "JBE",      "JAE",      "JA",   "JE",   "JNE",
+    "JL",   "JGE",      "JLE",      "JG",       "JS",       "JNS",  "JO",   "JNO",
+    "JP",   "JNP",      "JCXZ",     "JMP",      "JMP",      "LAHF", "LDS",  "LEA",
+    "LEAVE","LES",      "LOCK",     "LODS",     "REP LODS", "LOOP", "LOOPE","LOOPNE",
+    "MOV",  "MOVS",     "REP MOVS", "MUL",      "NEG",      "NOT",  "OR",   "OUT",
+    "OUTS", "REP OUTS", "POP",      "POPA",     "POPF",     "PUSH", "PUSHA","PUSHF",
+    "RCL",  "RCR",      "ROL",      "ROR",      "RET",      "RETF", "SAHF", "SAR",
+    "SHL",  "SHR",      "SBB",      "SCAS",     "REPNE SCAS","REPE SCAS",   "CWD",  "STC",
+    "STD",  "STI",      "STOS",     "REP STOS", "SUB",      "TEST", "WAIT", "XCHG",
+    "XLAT", "XOR",      "INTO",     "NOP",		"REPNE",	"REPE",	"MOD"
+/* The following opcodes are for mod != 3 */
+static const char *szFlops1[] =
+    /* 0        1        2       3        4        5        6        7  */
+    "FADD",  "FMUL",  "FCOM", "FCOMP", "FSUB",  "FSUBR", "FDIV",  "FDIVR",  /* 00 */
+    "FLD",   "???",   "FST",  "???",   "FLDENV","FLDCW", "FSTENV","FSTSW",  /* 08 */
+    "FILD",  "???",   "FIST", "FISTP", "???",   "???",   "???",   "FSTP",   /* 18 */
+    "FADD",  "FMUL",  "FCOM", "FCOMP", "FSUB",  "FSUBR", "FDIV",  "FDIVR",  /* 20 */
+    "FLD",   "FLD",   "FST",  "FSTP",  "FRESTOR","???",  "FSAVE", "FSTSW",  /* 28 */
+    "FILD",  "???",   "FIST", "FISTP", "FBLD",  "???",   "FBSTP", "FISTP"   /* 38 */
+/* The following opcodes are for mod == 3 */
+static const char *szFlops2[] =
+    /* 0        1        2       3        4        5        6        7  */
+    "FADD",  "FMUL",  "FCOM", "FCOMP", "FSUB",  "FSUBR", "FDIV",  "FDIVR",  /* 00 */
+    "FLD",   "FXCH",  "FNOP", "???",   "",      "",      "",      "",       /* 08 */
+    "FIADD", "FIMUL", "FICOM","FICOMP","FISUB", "",      "FIDIV", "FIDIVR", /* 10 */
+    "FILD",  "???",   "FIST", "FISTP", "???",   "???",   "???",   "FSTP",   /* 18 */
+    "FADD",  "FMUL",  "FCOM", "FCOMP", "FSUB",  "FSUBR", "FDIV",  "FDIVR",  /* 20 */
+    "FFREE", "FSTP",  "FST",  "???",   "FUCOM", "FUCOMP","???",   "???",    /* 28 */
+    "FADDP", "FMULP", "FICOM","",      "FSUBRP","FISUBR","FDIVRP","FDIVP",  /* 30 */
+    "FILD",  "???",   "FIST", "FISTP", "",      "???",   "FBSTP", "FISTP"   /* 38 */
+static const char *szFlops0C[] =
+    "FCHS",  "FABS",  "???",   "???",   "FTST", "FXAM",  "???",   "???"
+static const char *szFlops0D[] =
+    "FLD1",  "FLDL2T","FLDL2E","FLDP1", "FLDLG2","FLDLN2","FLDZ", "???"
+static const char *szFlops0E[] =
+static const char *szFlops0F[] =
+static const char *szFlops15[] =
+    "???",  "FUCOMPP",  "???", "???", "???", "???",  "???",   "???"
+static const char *szFlops1C[] =
+    "???",  "???",  "FCLEX", "FINIT", "FTST", "FXAM",  "???",   "???"
+static const char *szFlops33[] =
+    "???",  "FCOMPP",  "???", "???", "???", "???",  "???",   "???"
+static const char *szFlops3C[] =
+    "FSTSWAX","???",  "???", "???", "???", "???",  "???",   "???"
+static const char *szIndex[8] = {"bx+si", "bx+di", "bp+si", "bp+di", "si", "di","bp","bx" };
+static const char *szBreg[8]  = { "al", "cl", "dl", "bl", "ah", "ch", "dh", "bh" };
+static const char *szWreg[12] = { "ax", "cx", "dx", "bx", "sp", "bp", "si", "di",
+                                  "es", "cs", "ss", "ds" };
+static const char *szPtr[2]   = { " word ptr ", " byte ptr " };
+static void  dis1Line  (Int i, boolT fWin, char attr, Int pass);
+void  dis1LineOp(Int i, boolT fWin, char attr, word *len, Function * pProc);
+static void  formatRM(char *p, flags32 flg, ICODEMEM* pm);
+static char *strDst(flags32 flg, ICODEMEM *pm);
+static char *strSrc(ICODE * pc);
+static char *strHex(dword d);
+static Int   checkScanned(dword pcCur);
+static void  setProc(Function * proc);
+static void  dispData(word dataSeg);
+static void  flops(ICODE * pi);
+boolT callArg(word off, char *temp);  /* Check for procedure name */
+static  FILE   *fp;
+static  ICODE * pc;
+static  char    buf[200], *p;
+static  Int     cb, j, numIcode, allocIcode, eop;
+static  vector<int> pl;
+static  dword   nextInst;
+static  boolT    fImpure;
+static  Int     lab, prevPass;
+static  Function *   pProc;          /* Points to current proc struct */
+    Int     ic;                 /* An icode offset */
+    Function *   pProc;              /* A pointer to a PROCEDURE structure */
+} ;
+vector<POSSTACK_ENTRY> posStack; /* position stack */
+byte              iPS;          /* Index into the stack */
+static  char    cbuf[256];      /* Has to be 256 for wgetstr() to work */
+// These are "curses equivalent" functions. (Used to use curses for all this,
+// but it was too much of a distribution hassle
+HANDLE	hConsole;		/* All 32 bit console style routines need this handle */
+void attrSet(char attrib)
+#ifdef _CONSOLE
+    switch (attrib)
+    {
+        case A_NORMAL:
+            SetConsoleTextAttribute(hConsole,FOREGROUND_BLUE | FOREGROUND_GREEN | FOREGROUND_RED);
+            break;
+        case A_REVERSE:
+            SetConsoleTextAttribute(hConsole,BACKGROUND_BLUE | BACKGROUND_GREEN | BACKGROUND_RED);
+            break;
+        case A_BOLD:
+            break;
+    }
+    /* Set the attribute, using VT100 codes */
+    switch (attrib)
+    {
+        case A_NORMAL:
+            printf("\033[0m");
+            break;
+        case A_REVERSE:
+            printf("\033[7m");
+            break;
+        case A_BOLD:
+            printf("\033[1m");
+            break;
+    }
+#ifdef _CONSOLE
+void initConsole()
+    hConsole = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
+void erase(void)
+#ifdef _CONSOLE
+    COORD coordScreen = { 0, 0 };    /* here's where we'll home the
+                                       cursor */
+    DWORD cCharsWritten;
+    CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO csbi; /* to get buffer info */
+    DWORD dwConSize;                 /* number of character cells in
+                                       the current buffer */
+    /* get the number of character cells in the current buffer */
+    GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo( hConsole, &csbi );
+    dwConSize = csbi.dwSize.X * csbi.dwSize.Y;
+    /* fill the entire screen with blanks */
+    FillConsoleOutputCharacter( hConsole, (TCHAR) ' ',dwConSize, coordScreen, &cCharsWritten );
+    /* get the current text attribute */
+    //   GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo( hConsole, &csbi );
+    /* now set the buffer's attributes accordingly */
+    FillConsoleOutputAttribute( hConsole, csbi.wAttributes,dwConSize, coordScreen, &cCharsWritten );
+    /* put the cursor at (0, 0) */
+    SetConsoleCursorPosition( hConsole, coordScreen );
+    // Assume that ANSI is supported
+    printf("\033[2J");
+void move(int r, int c)
+#ifdef _CONSOLE
+    COORD pos;
+    pos.X = c;
+    pos.Y = r;
+    SetConsoleCursorPosition( hConsole, pos );
+    printf("\033[%d;%dH", r+1, c+1);
+#define printfd(x) printf(x)
+#define dis_newline() printf("\n")
+#define dis_show()					// Nothing to do unless using Curses
+ * disassem - Prints a disassembled listing of a procedure.
+ *			  pass == 1 generates output on file .a1
+ *			  pass == 2 generates output on file .a2
+ *			  pass == 3 generates output on file .b
+ ****************************************************************************/
+void disassem(Int pass, Function * ppProc)
+    Int         i;
+    pProc = ppProc;             /* Save the passes pProc */
+    if (pass != prevPass)
+    {
+        prevPass = pass;
+        lab = 0; 	/* Restart label numbers */
+    }
+    createSymTables();
+    allocIcode = numIcode = pProc->Icode.GetNumIcodes();
+    if ((cb = allocIcode * sizeof(ICODE)) == 0)
+    {
+        return;  /* No Icode */
+    }
+    /* Open the output file (.a1 or .a2 only) */
+    if (pass != 3)
+    {
+        p = (pass == 1)? asm1_name: asm2_name;
+        fp = fopen(p, "a+");
+        if (!fp)
+        {
+            fatalError(CANNOT_OPEN, p);
+        }
+    }
+    /* Create temporary code array */
+    // Mike: needs objectising!
+    pc = (ICODE *)memcpy(allocMem(cb), pProc->Icode.GetFirstIcode(), (size_t)cb);
+    if (pass == 1)
+    {
+        /* Bind jump offsets to labels */
+        for (i = 0; i < numIcode; i++)
+        {
+            if ((pc[i].ic.ll.flg & I) && !(pc[i].ic.ll.flg & JMP_ICODE) &&
+                    JmpInst(pc[i].ic.ll.opcode))
+            {
+                /* Replace the immediate operand with an icode index */
+                if (labelSrch(pc,numIcode, pc[i].ic.ll.immed.op,(Int *)&pc[i].ic.ll.immed.op))
+                {
+                    /* This icode is the target of a jump */
+                    pc[pc[i].ic.ll.immed.op].ic.ll.flg |= TARGET;
+                    pc[i].ic.ll.flg |= JMP_ICODE;   /* So its not done twice */
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    /* This jump cannot be linked to a label */
+                    pc[i].ic.ll.flg |= NO_LABEL;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /* Create label array to keep track of location => label name */
+    pl.clear();
+    pl.resize(numIcode,0);
+    /* Write procedure header */
+    if (pass != 3)
+        fprintf(fp, "\t\t%s  PROC  %s\n", pProc->name, (pProc->flg & PROC_FAR)? "FAR": "NEAR");
+    /* Loop over array printing each record */
+    for (i = nextInst = 0; i < numIcode; i++)
+    {
+        dis1Line(i, FALSE, 0, pass);
+    }
+    /* Write procedure epilogue */
+    if (pass != 3)
+    {
+        fprintf(fp, "\n\t\t%s  ENDP\n\n", pProc->name);
+        fclose(fp);
+    }
+    free(pc);
+    destroySymTables();
+ * dis1Line() - disassemble one line to stream fp                           *                                   *
+ * i is index into Icode for this proc                                      *
+ * It is assumed that icode i is already scanned                            *
+ ****************************************************************************/
+static void
+dis1Line(Int i, boolT fWindow, char attr, Int pass)
+    ICODE * pIcode = &pc[i];
+    /* Disassembly stage 1 --
+         * Do not try to display NO_CODE entries or synthetic instructions,
+         * other than JMPs, that have been introduced for def/use analysis. */
+    if ((option.asm1) &&
+            ((pIcode->ic.ll.flg & NO_CODE) ||
+             ((pIcode->ic.ll.flg & SYNTHETIC) && (pIcode->ic.ll.opcode != iJMP))))
+    {
+        return;
+    }
+    else if (pIcode->ic.ll.flg & NO_CODE)
+    {
+        return;
+    }
+    /* p points to the current position in buf[] */
+    p = (char*)memset(buf, ' ', sizeof(buf));
+    if (pIcode->ic.ll.flg & (TARGET | CASE))
+    {
+        if (fWindow)                        /* Printing to disassem window? */
+            dis_newline();					/* Yes */
+        else if (pass == 3)
+            cCode.appendCode("\n"); /* No, print to c code buffer */
+        else
+            fprintf(fp, "\n");              /* No, print to the stream */
+    }
+    /* Find next instruction label and print hex bytes */
+    if (pIcode->ic.ll.flg & SYNTHETIC)
+        nextInst = pIcode->ic.ll.label;
+    else
+    {
+        cb = (dword) pIcode->ic.ll.numBytes;
+        nextInst = pIcode->ic.ll.label + cb;
+        /* Output hexa code in program image */
+        if (pass != 3)
+        {
+            for (j = 0; j < cb; j++, p += 2)
+                sprintf(p, "%02X", prog.Image[pIcode->ic.ll.label + j]);
+            *p = ' ';
+        }
+    }
+    /* Check if there is a symbol here */
+    selectTable(Label);
+    if (readVal(&buf[POS_LAB], pIcode->ic.ll.label, 0))
+    {
+        buf[strlen(buf)] = ':';             /* Also removes the null */
+    }
+    else if (pIcode->ic.ll.flg & TARGET)    /* Symbols override Lnn labels */
+    {   /* Print label */
+        if (! pl[i])
+        {
+            pl[i] = ++lab;
+        }
+        if (pass == 3)
+            sprintf(buf, "L%ld", pl[i]);
+        else
+            sprintf(&buf[15], "L%ld", pl[i]);
+        buf[strlen(buf)] = ':';             /* Also removes the null */
+    }
+    if (pIcode->ic.ll.opcode == iSIGNEX && (pIcode->ic.ll.flg & B))
+    {
+        pIcode->ic.ll.opcode = iCBW;
+    }
+    if (pass == 3)
+    {
+        strcpy (&buf[8], szOps[pIcode->ic.ll.opcode]);
+        buf[eop = strlen(buf)] = ' ';
+        p = buf + 8 + (POS_OPR - POS_OPC);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        strcpy(&buf[POS_OPC], szOps[pIcode->ic.ll.opcode]);
+        buf[eop = strlen(buf)] = ' ';
+        p = buf + POS_OPR;
+    }
+    switch (pIcode->ic.ll.opcode)
+    {
+        case iADD:  case iADC:  case iSUB:  case iSBB:  case iAND:  case iOR:
+        case iXOR:  case iTEST: case iCMP:  case iMOV:  case iLEA:  case iXCHG:
+            strcpy(p, strDst(pIcode->ic.ll.flg, &pIcode->ic.ll.dst));
+            strcat(p, strSrc(pIcode));
+            break;
+        case iESC:
+            flops(pIcode);
+            break;
+        case iSAR:  case iSHL:  case iSHR:  case iRCL:  case iRCR:  case iROL:
+        case iROR:
+            strcpy(p, strDst(pIcode->ic.ll.flg | I, &pIcode->ic.ll.dst));
+            strcat(p, (pIcode->ic.ll.flg & I)? strSrc(pIcode): ", cl");
+            break;
+        case iINC:  case iDEC:  case iNEG:  case iNOT:  case iPOP:
+            strcpy(p, strDst(pIcode->ic.ll.flg | I, &pIcode->ic.ll.dst));
+            break;
+        case iPUSH:
+            if (pIcode->ic.ll.flg & I)
+            {
+                strcpy(p + WID_PTR, strHex(pIcode->ic.ll.immed.op));
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                strcpy(p, strDst(pIcode->ic.ll.flg | I, &pIcode->ic.ll.dst));
+            }
+            break;
+        case iDIV:  case iIDIV:  case iMUL: case iIMUL: case iMOD:
+            if (pIcode->ic.ll.flg & I)
+            {
+                strcat(strcpy(p, strDst(pIcode->ic.ll.flg, &pIcode->ic.ll.dst)),", ");
+                formatRM(p + strlen(p), pIcode->ic.ll.flg, &pIcode->ic.ll.src);
+                strcat(p, strSrc(pIcode));
+            }
+            else
+                strcpy(p, strDst(pIcode->ic.ll.flg | I, &pIcode->ic.ll.src));
+            break;
+        case iLDS:  case iLES:  case iBOUND:
+            strcpy(p, strDst(pIcode->ic.ll.flg, &pIcode->ic.ll.dst));
+            strcat(strcat(p, ", dword ptr"), strSrc(pIcode)+1);
+            break;
+        case iJB:  case iJBE:  case iJAE:  case iJA:
+        case iJL:  case iJLE:  case iJGE:  case iJG:
+        case iJE:  case iJNE:  case iJS:   case iJNS:
+        case iJO:  case iJNO:  case iJP:   case iJNP:
+        case iJCXZ:case iLOOP: case iLOOPE:case iLOOPNE:
+        case iJMP: case iJMPF:
+            /* Check if there is a symbol here */
+            selectTable(Label);
+            if ((pIcode->ic.ll.immed.op < (dword)numIcode) &&  /* Ensure in range */
+                    readVal(p+WID_PTR, pc[pIcode->ic.ll.immed.op].ic.ll.label, 0))
+            {
+                break;                          /* Symbolic label. Done */
+            }
+            if (pIcode->ic.ll.flg & NO_LABEL)
+            {
+                strcpy(p + WID_PTR, strHex(pIcode->ic.ll.immed.op));
+            }
+            else if (pIcode->ic.ll.flg & I)
+            {
+                j = pIcode->ic.ll.immed.op;
+                if (! pl[j])       /* Forward jump */
+                {
+                    pl[j] = ++lab;
+                }
+                if (pIcode->ic.ll.opcode == iJMPF)
+                {
+                    sprintf(p, " far ptr L%ld", pl[j]);
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    sprintf(p + WID_PTR, "L%ld", pl[j]);
+                }
+            }
+            else if (pIcode->ic.ll.opcode == iJMPF)
+            {
+                strcat(strcpy(p-1, "dword ptr"), strSrc(pIcode)+1);
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                strcpy(p, strDst(I, &pIcode->ic.ll.src));
+            }
+            break;
+        case iCALL: case iCALLF:
+            if (pIcode->ic.ll.flg & I)
+            {
+                sprintf(p, "%s ptr %s",(pIcode->ic.ll.opcode == iCALL) ?" near":"  far",(pIcode->ic.ll.immed.proc.proc)->name);
+            }
+            else if (pIcode->ic.ll.opcode == iCALLF)
+            {
+                strcat(strcpy(p, "dword ptr"),strSrc(pIcode)+1);
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                strcpy(p, strDst(I, &pIcode->ic.ll.src));
+            }
+            break;
+        case iENTER:
+            strcat(strcpy(p + WID_PTR, strHex(pIcode->, ", ");
+            strcat(p, strHex(pIcode->ic.ll.immed.op));
+            break;
+        case iRET:  case iRETF:  case iINT:
+            if (pIcode->ic.ll.flg & I)
+            {
+                strcpy(p + WID_PTR, strHex(pIcode->ic.ll.immed.op));
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                buf[eop] = '\0';
+            }
+            break;
+        case iCMPS:  case iREPNE_CMPS:  case iREPE_CMPS:
+        case iSCAS:  case iREPNE_SCAS:  case iREPE_SCAS:
+        case iSTOS:  case iREP_STOS:
+        case iLODS:  case iREP_LODS:
+        case iMOVS:  case iREP_MOVS:
+        case iINS:   case iREP_INS:
+        case iOUTS:  case iREP_OUTS:
+            if (pIcode->ic.ll.src.segOver)
+            {
+                (pIcode->ic.ll.opcode == iOUTS || pIcode->ic.ll.opcode == iREP_OUTS)
+                        ? strcat(strcpy(p+WID_PTR,"dx, "), szPtr[pIcode->ic.ll.flg & B])
+                        : strcpy(&buf[eop+1], szPtr[pIcode->ic.ll.flg & B]);
+                if (pIcode->ic.ll.opcode == iLODS ||
+                        pIcode->ic.ll.opcode == iREP_LODS ||
+                        pIcode->ic.ll.opcode == iOUTS ||
+                        pIcode->ic.ll.opcode == iREP_OUTS)
+                {
+                    strcat(p, szWreg[pIcode->ic.ll.src.segOver-rAX]);
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    strcat(strcat(p, "es:[di], "),szWreg[pIcode->ic.ll.src.segOver - rAX]);
+                }
+                strcat(p, ":[si]");
+            }
+            else    strcpy(&buf[eop], (pIcode->ic.ll.flg & B)? "B": "W");
+            break;
+        case iXLAT:
+            if (pIcode->ic.ll.src.segOver)
+            {
+                strcpy(&buf[eop+1], szPtr[1]);
+                strcat(strcat(p, szWreg[pIcode->ic.ll.src.segOver-rAX]), ":[bx]");
+            }
+            else    buf[eop] = '\0';
+            break;
+        case iIN:
+            strcpy(p+WID_PTR, (pIcode->ic.ll.flg & B)?"al, ": "ax, ");
+            strcat(p+WID_PTR, (pIcode->ic.ll.flg & I)? strHex(pIcode->ic.ll.immed.op): "dx");
+            break;
+        case iOUT:
+            strcpy(p+WID_PTR, (pIcode->ic.ll.flg & I)? strHex(pIcode->ic.ll.immed.op): "dx");
+            strcat(p+WID_PTR, (pIcode->ic.ll.flg & B)?", al": ", ax");
+            break;
+        default:
+            buf[eop] = '\0';
+            break;
+    }
+    /* Comments */
+    if (pIcode->ic.ll.flg & SYNTHETIC)
+    {
+        fImpure = FALSE;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        for (j = pIcode->ic.ll.label, fImpure = 0; j > 0 && j < (Int)nextInst;
+             j++)
+        {
+            fImpure |= BITMAP(j, BM_DATA);
+        }
+    }
+    /* Check for user supplied comment */
+    selectTable(Comment);
+    if (readVal(cbuf, pIcode->ic.ll.label, 0))
+    {
+        buf[strlen(buf)] = ' ';             /* Removes the null */
+        buf[POS_CMT] = ';';
+        strcpy(buf+POS_CMT+1, cbuf);
+    }
+    else if (fImpure || (pIcode->ic.ll.flg & (SWITCH | CASE | SEG_IMMED |
+                                              IMPURE | SYNTHETIC | TERMINATES)))
+    {
+        buf[strlen(buf)] = ' ';
+        buf[POS_CMT] = '\0';
+        if (pIcode->ic.ll.flg & CASE)
+        {
+            sprintf(buf+POS_CMT, ";Case l%ld", pIcode->ic.ll.caseTbl.numEntries);
+        }
+        if (pIcode->ic.ll.flg & SWITCH)
+        {
+            strcat(buf, ";Switch ");
+        }
+        if (fImpure)
+        {
+            strcat(buf, ";Accessed as data ");
+        }
+        if (pIcode->ic.ll.flg & IMPURE)
+        {
+            strcat(buf, ";Impure operand ");
+        }
+        if (pIcode->ic.ll.flg & SEG_IMMED)
+        {
+            strcat(buf, ";Segment constant");
+        }
+        if (pIcode->ic.ll.flg & TERMINATES)
+        {
+            strcat(buf, ";Exit to DOS");
+        }
+    }
+    /* Comment on iINT icodes */
+    if (pIcode->ic.ll.opcode == iINT)
+        pIcode->writeIntComment (buf);
+    /* Display output line */
+    if (! (pIcode->ic.ll.flg & SYNTHETIC))
+    {
+        if (fWindow)
+        {
+            word off;
+            char szOffset[6];
+            off = (word)(pIcode->ic.ll.label - ((dword)pProc->state.r[rCS] << 4));
+            attrSet(attr);
+            sprintf(szOffset, "%04X ", off);
+            printfd(szOffset);
+            printfd(buf);
+            dis_newline();
+            attrSet(A_NORMAL);
+        }
+        else if (pass == 3)		/* output to .b code buffer */
+            cCode.appendCode("%s\n", buf);
+        else					/* output to .a1 or .a2 file */
+            fprintf (fp, "%03ld %06lX %s\n", i, pIcode->ic.ll.label, buf);
+    }
+    else		/* SYNTHETIC instruction */
+    {
+        strcat (buf, ";Synthetic inst");
+        if (fWindow)
+        {
+            printfd("     ");
+            printfd(buf);
+            dis_newline();
+        }
+        else if (pass == 3)		/* output to .b code buffer */
+        {
+            cCode.appendCode("%s\n", buf);
+        }
+        else					/* output to .a1 or .a2 file */
+        {
+            fprintf (fp, "%03ld        %s\n", i, buf);
+        }
+    }
+ * formatRM
+ ***************************************************************************/
+static void formatRM(char *p, flags32 flg, ICODEMEM *pm)
+    char    seg[4];
+    if (pm->segOver)
+    {
+        strcat(strcpy(seg, szWreg[pm->segOver - rAX]), ":");
+    }
+    else    *seg = '\0';
+    if (pm->regi == 0)
+    {
+        sprintf(p,"%s[%s]", seg, strHex((dword)pm->off));
+    }
+    else if (pm->regi == (INDEXBASE - 1))
+    {
+        strcpy (p, "tmp");
+    }
+    else if (pm->regi < INDEXBASE)
+    {
+        strcpy(p, (flg & B)? szBreg[pm->regi - rAL]: szWreg[pm->regi - rAX]);
+    }
+    else if (pm->off)
+    {
+        if (pm->off < 0)
+        {
+            sprintf(p,"%s[%s-%s]", seg, szIndex[pm->regi - INDEXBASE],strHex((dword)(- pm->off)));
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            sprintf(p,"%s[%s+%s]", seg, szIndex[pm->regi - INDEXBASE],strHex((dword)pm->off));
+        }
+    }
+    else    sprintf(p,"%s[%s]", seg, szIndex[pm->regi - INDEXBASE]);
+ * strDst
+ ****************************************************************************/
+static char *strDst(flags32 flg, ICODEMEM *pm)
+    static char buf[30];
+    /* Immediates to memory require size descriptor */
+    if ((flg & I) && (pm->regi == 0 || pm->regi >= INDEXBASE))
+    {
+        memcpy(buf, szPtr[flg & B], WID_PTR);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        memset(buf, ' ', WID_PTR);
+    }
+    formatRM(buf + WID_PTR, flg, pm);
+    return buf;
+ * strSrc                                                                   *
+ ****************************************************************************/
+static char *strSrc(ICODE *pc)
+    static char buf[30] = {", "};
+    if (pc->ic.ll.flg & I)
+        strcpy(buf + 2, strHex(pc->ic.ll.immed.op));
+    else if (pc->ic.ll.flg & IM_SRC)		/* level 2 */
+        strcpy (buf + 2, "dx:ax");
+    else
+        formatRM(buf + 2, pc->ic.ll.flg, &pc->ic.ll.src);
+    return buf;
+ * strHex                                                                   *
+ ****************************************************************************/
+static char *strHex(dword d)
+    static char buf[10];
+    d &= 0xFFFF;
+    sprintf(buf, "0%lX%s", d, (d > 9)? "h": "");
+    return (buf + (buf[1] <= '9'));
+/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *\
+|           Interactive Disassembler and Associated Routines              |
+\* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
+dword   pcTop;                  /* Image offset of top line */
+Int     icTop;                  /* Icode index  of top line */
+dword   pcCur;                  /* Image offset of cursor */
+static dword	oldPcCur;       /* As above, before latest command */
+Int     icCur;                  /* Icode index  of cursor */
+dword   pcBot;                  /* Image offset of bottom line */
+Int     icBot;                  /* Icode index  of bottom line */
+dword   pcLast;                 /* Image offset of last instr in proc */
+int     NSCROLL;                /* Number of limes to scroll. Pseudo constant */
+/* Paint the title line */
+void dispTitle(void)
+    char buf[80];
+    move(0, 0);					/* Must move before setting attributes */
+    attrSet(A_BOLD);
+    sprintf(buf, "Proc %s at %06lX (%04X:%04X): %d bytes of parameters ",pProc->name, pProc->Icode.GetFirstIcode()->ic.ll.label,
+            pProc->state.r[rCS],(word)(pProc->Icode.GetFirstIcode()->ic.ll.label - ((dword)(pProc->state.r[rCS]) << 4)),
+            pProc->cbParam);
+    printfd(buf);
+    if (pProc->flg & PROC_ISLIB) printfd(" LIBRARY");
+    attrSet(A_NORMAL);
+*           updateScr - update the screen                                    *
+ ****************************************************************************/
+/* bNew is true if must recalculate the top line */
+void updateScr(boolT bNew)
+    int y, x;
+    Int i, ic;
+    bNew |= (pcCur > pcBot) || (pcCur < pcTop);
+    if (bNew)
+    {
+        /* We need to redo the screen completely */
+        erase();
+        dispTitle();
+        icTop = icCur;
+        for (x=0; x < NSCROLL; x++)
+        {
+            if (icTop && pc[icTop-1].ic.ll.label +
+                    (dword)pc[icTop-1].ic.ll.numBytes == pc[icTop].ic.ll.label)
+            {
+                /* Then this instruction is contiguous with the current */
+                icTop--;
+            }
+            else break;
+        }
+        pcTop = pc[icTop].ic.ll.label;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        dispTitle();
+    }
+    move(1, 0);
+    nextInst = pcTop;
+    for (y=1, ic=icTop; y < LINES-1; ic++, y++)
+    {
+        if ((ic >= numIcode) || (nextInst != pc[ic].ic.ll.label))
+        {
+            if (labelSrch(pc,numIcode, nextInst, &i))
+            {
+                ic = i;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                pcLast = pc[ic-1].ic.ll.label;    /* Remember end of proc */
+                break;                      /* Must be past last */
+            }
+        }
+        /* Save pc of current line. Last assignment will be pc of bott line */
+        pcBot = nextInst;
+        icBot = ic;
+        // Only have to repaint if screen is new, or repainting formerly highlighted
+        // line, or newly highlighted line
+        if (bNew || (pcCur == nextInst) || (oldPcCur == nextInst))
+            dis1Line(ic, TRUE, (char)((pcCur == nextInst) ? A_REVERSE : A_NORMAL), 0);
+        if (ic == numIcode-1)
+        {
+            switch (pc[ic].ic.ll.opcode)
+            {
+                case iJMP:  case iJMPF:
+                case iRET:  case iRETF:
+                case iIRET:
+                    break;
+                default:
+                    /* We have other than a break of control flow instruction
+                    at the end of the proc. Parse more instructions to
+                    complete the basic block
+                */
+                    if ((ic = checkScanned(nextInst)) == -1)
+                    {
+                        /* Some error. */
+                        pcLast = pcCur;    /* Remember end of proc */
+                        break;             /* Must be past last */
+                    }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    dis_show();			/* Make it happen */
+#if 0
+/* An opcode based version of updateScr() */
+*           updateScrOp - update the screen                                  *
+ ****************************************************************************/
+/* bNew is true if must recalculate the top line */
+updateScrOp(boolT bNew)
+    int y, x;
+    dword pc;
+    word len;
+    dispTitle();
+    if (bNew || (pcCur > pcBot) || (pcCur < pcTop))
+    {
+        /* We need to redo the screen completely */
+        pcTop = pcCur;
+    }
+    move(1, 0);
+    for (y=1, pc = pcTop; y < LINES-1;)
+    {
+        /* Save pc of current line. Last assignment will be pc of bott line */
+        pcBot = pc;
+        dis1LineOp(pc, TRUE, (pcCur == pc) ? A_REVERSE : A_NORMAL, &len,pProc);
+        pc += len;
+        getyx(stdscr, y, x);
+    }
+    refresh();
+void pushPosStack(void)
+    /* Push the current position on the position stack */
+    posStack[iPS].ic = icCur;
+    posStack[iPS++].pProc = pProc;
+static void popPosStack(void)
+    /* Push the current position on the position stack */
+    /* Note: relies on the byte wraparound. Beware! */
+    //    if ((Int)(posStack[--iPS].pProc) != -1)
+    if ((intptr_t)(posStack[--iPS].pProc) != intptr_t(-1))
+    {
+        if (posStack[iPS].pProc != pProc)
+        {
+            setProc(posStack[iPS].pProc);
+        }
+        icCur = posStack[iPS].ic;
+        pcCur = pc[icCur].ic.ll.label;
+    }
+    else iPS++;                             /* Stack empty.. don't pop */
+/* Check to see if there is an icode for given image offset.
+    Scan it if necessary, adjusting the allocation of pc[] and pl[]
+    if necessary. Returns -1 if an error, otherwise the icode offset
+static Int checkScanned(dword pcCur)
+    Int i;
+    /* First we check if the current icode is in range */
+    /* A sanity check first */
+    if (pcCur >= (dword)prog.cbImage)
+    {
+        /* Couldn't be! */
+        return -1;
+    }
+    if (!labelSrch(pc,numIcode, pcCur, &i))
+    {
+        /* This icode does not exist yet. Tack it on the end of the existing */
+        if (numIcode >= allocIcode)
+        {
+            allocIcode = numIcode + DELTA_ICODE;      /* Make space for this one, and a few more */
+            pc = (ICODE *)reallocVar(pc, allocIcode * sizeof(ICODE));
+            /* It is important to clear the new icodes, to ensure that the type
+                is set to NOT_SCANNED */
+            memset(&pc[numIcode], 0, (size_t)(allocIcode-numIcode)*sizeof(ICODE));
+            pl.resize(allocIcode);
+            memset(&pl[numIcode], 0, (size_t)(allocIcode-numIcode)*sizeof(Int));
+        }
+        i = numIcode++;
+    }
+    if (pc[i].type == NOT_SCANNED)
+    {
+        /* This is a new icode not even scanned yet. Scan it now */
+        /* Ignore most errors... at this stage */
+        if (scan(pcCur, &pc[i]) == IP_OUT_OF_RANGE)
+        {
+            /* Something went wrong... just forget it */
+            return -1;
+        }
+    }
+    return i;
+/* Set up to use the procedure proc */
+/* This includes some important initialisations, allocations, etc that are
+    normally done in disassem() */
+static void setProc(Function * proc)
+    Int i;
+    pProc = proc;                           /* Keep in a static */
+    /* Free old arrays, if any */
+    if (pc) free(pc);
+    pl.clear();
+    /* Create temporary code array */
+    numIcode = pProc->Icode.GetNumIcodes();
+    cb = numIcode * sizeof(ICODE);
+    // Mike: needs objectising
+    pc = (ICODE *)memcpy(allocMem(cb), pProc->Icode.GetFirstIcode(), (size_t)cb);
+    /* Create label array to keep track of location => label name */
+    pl.clear();
+    pl.resize(numIcode,0);
+    /* Bind jump offsets to labels */
+    for (i = 0; i < numIcode; i++)
+    {
+        if ((pc[i].ic.ll.flg & I) && !(pc[i].ic.ll.flg & JMP_ICODE) &&
+                JmpInst(pc[i].ic.ll.opcode))
+        {
+            /* Immediate jump instructions. Make dest an icode index */
+            if (labelSrch(pc,numIcode, pc[i].ic.ll.immed.op, (Int *)&pc[i].ic.ll.immed.op))
+            {
+                /* This icode is the target of a jump */
+                pc[pc[i].ic.ll.immed.op].ic.ll.flg |= TARGET;
+                pc[i].ic.ll.flg |= JMP_ICODE;   /* So its not done twice */
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                /* This jump cannot be linked to a label */
+                pc[i].ic.ll.flg |= NO_LABEL;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /* Window initially scrolled with entry point on top */
+    pcCur = pcTop = pProc->procEntry;
+    labelSrch(pc,numIcode, pcCur, &icCur);
+    /* pcLast is set properly in updateScr(), at least for now */
+    pcLast = (dword)-1;
+ *          interactDis - interactive disassembler                          *
+ ****************************************************************************/
+void interactDis(Function * initProc, Int initIC)
+#ifdef __UNIX__
+    printf("Sorry - interactive disasassembler option not available for Unix\n");
+    return;
+    boolT   fInteract;
+    int		nEsc = 0;		/* This cycles 0 1 2 for Esc [ X under Unix */
+    /* and 0 1 for NULL X under Dos */
+    int     ch;
+    Int     i;
+    pProc = initProc;                       /* Keep copy of init proc */
+    NSCROLL = max(3, LINES >> 3);           /* Number of lines to scroll */
+    /* Allocate the position stack */
+    posStack = (POSSTACK_ENTRY*)allocMem(256 * sizeof(POSSTACK_ENTRY));
+    iPS = 0;
+    memset(posStack, -1, 256 * sizeof(POSSTACK_ENTRY));
+    /* Initialise the console interface, if required */
+    initConsole();
+    /* Initially, work on the given proc */
+    setProc(initProc);
+    if (initIC)
+    {
+        icCur = initIC;
+        pcCur = pc[icCur].ic.ll.label;
+    }
+    /* Initialise the symbol table */
+    createSymTables();
+    strcpy(cbuf, "label");                  /* Provide a default label string */
+    updateScr(TRUE);
+    fInteract = TRUE;
+    while (fInteract)
+    {
+        ch = ::_getch();			// Mike: need a Unix equivalent of getch()!
+#ifdef __MSDOS__
+        if (nEsc)
+        {
+            ch += EXT;		/* Got the NULL before, so this is extended */
+            nEsc = 0;
+        }
+        else if (ch == 0)
+        {
+            nEsc = 1;		/* Got one escape (actually, NULL) char */
+            break;
+        }
+#ifdef __UNIX__
+        switch (nEsc)
+        {
+            case 1:			/* Already got one escape */
+                if (ch == '[')
+                {
+                    nEsc++;		/* Got 2 chars in the escape sequence */
+                    break;
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    /* Escape something else. Ignore */
+                    nEsc = 0;
+                }
+                break;
+            case 2:
+                /* Already got Esc [ ... */
+                ch += EXT;		/* Make it an extended key */
+                nEsc = 0;		/* Reset the escape state */
+                break;
+            case 0:
+                /* No escapes... yet */
+                if (ch == 0x1B)
+                {
+                    nEsc++;		/* That's one escape... */
+                    break;
+                }
+        }
+        // For consoles, we get a 0xE0 then KEY_DOWN for the normal down arrow character.
+        // We simply ignore the 0xE0; this has the effect that the numeric keypad keys
+        // work as well (regardless of numlock state).
+        oldPcCur = pcCur;
+        switch (ch)
+        {
+            case KEY_DOWN:
+                if (pcCur >= pcLast) continue;  /* Ignore it */
+                pcCur += pc[icCur].ic.ll.numBytes;
+                labelSrch(pc,numIcode, pcCur, &icCur);
+                if (pcCur >= pcBot)
+                {
+                    int j;
+                    /* We have gone past the bottom line. Scroll a few lines */
+                    for (j=0; j < NSCROLL; j++)
+                    {
+                        if (pcTop >= pcLast)
+                        {
+                            break;
+                        }
+                        pcTop += pc[icTop].ic.ll.numBytes;
+                        if (labelSrch(pc,numIcode, pcTop, &i))
+                            icTop = i;
+                        else break;         /* Some problem... no more scroll */
+                    }
+                }
+                updateScr(FALSE);
+                break;
+            case KEY_UP:
+                /* First simply try the prev icode */
+                if ((icCur == 0) ||
+                        pc[--icCur].ic.ll.label + (dword)pc[icCur].ic.ll.numBytes != pcCur)
+                {
+                    for (i = 0; i < numIcode; i++)
+                    {
+                        if (pc[i].ic.ll.label + (dword)pc[i].ic.ll.numBytes == pcCur)
+                        {
+                            break;          /* This is the one! */
+                        }
+                    }
+                    if (pc[i].ic.ll.label + pc[i].ic.ll.numBytes != pcCur)
+                        break;              /* Not found. Sorry! */
+                    icCur = i;
+                }
+                pcCur = pc[icCur].ic.ll.label;
+                updateScr(FALSE);
+                break;
+            case '2':		/* Think up a better key... */
+                /* As for right arrow, but considers source operand first */
+                if  (pc[icCur] != 0)
+                {
+                    pushPosStack();
+                    pcCur = pc[icCur];
+                    if (!labelSrch(pc,numIcode, pcCur, &icCur))
+                        break;
+                    updateScr(FALSE);
+                }
+                /* Fall through to KEY_RIGHT processing */
+            case KEY_RIGHT:
+                if (pc[icCur].ic.ll.flg & I)
+                {
+                    if ((pc[icCur].ic.ll.opcode >= iJB) &&
+                            (pc[icCur].ic.ll.opcode <= iJMPF))
+                    {
+                        /* An immediate jump op. Jump to it */
+                        pushPosStack();
+                        if (pc[icCur].ic.ll.flg & JMP_ICODE)
+                        {
+                            /* immed.op is an icode offset */
+                            icCur = pc[icCur].ic.ll.immed.op;
+                            pcCur = pc[icCur].ic.ll.label;
+                        }
+                        else
+                        {
+                            /* immed.op is still an image offset.
+                                Quite likely we need to scan */
+                            pcCur = pc[icCur].ic.ll.immed.op;
+                            if ((icCur = checkScanned(pcCur)) == -1)
+                                break;
+                        }
+                    }
+                    else if ((pc[icCur].ic.ll.opcode == iCALL) ||
+                             (pc[icCur].ic.ll.opcode == iCALLF))
+                    {
+                        /* The dest is a pointer to a proc struct */
+                        // First check that the procedure has icodes (e.g. may be
+                        // a library function, or just not disassembled yet)
+                        Function * pp = (Function *)pc[icCur].ic.ll.immed.op;
+                        if (pp->Icode.GetFirstIcode() != NULL)
+                        {
+                            pushPosStack();
+                            setProc(pp);
+                        }
+                    }
+                    else
+                    {
+                        /* Other immediate */
+                        pushPosStack();
+                        pcCur = pc[icCur].ic.ll.immed.op;
+                        dispData(pProc->state.r[rDS]);
+                        break;
+                    }
+                }
+                else if (pc[icCur] != 0)
+                {
+                    pushPosStack();
+                    pcCur = pc[icCur];
+                    if (!labelSrch(pc,numIcode, pcCur, &icCur))
+                    {
+                        dispData(pProc->state.r[rDS]);
+                        break;
+                    }
+                }
+                else if (pc[icCur] != 0)
+                {
+                    pushPosStack();
+                    pcCur = pc[icCur];
+                    if (!labelSrch(pc,numIcode, pcCur, &icCur))
+                    {
+                        dispData(pProc->state.r[rDS]);
+                        break;
+                    }
+                }
+                updateScr(TRUE);
+                break;
+            case KEY_LEFT:
+                popPosStack();
+                pcCur = pc[icCur].ic.ll.label;
+                updateScr(TRUE);
+                break;
+            case KEY_NPAGE:
+                pcCur = pcTop = pcBot;      /* Put bottom line at top now */
+                icCur = icTop = icBot;
+                updateScr(FALSE);
+                break;
+            case KEY_PPAGE:
+                pcTop -= (LINES-2) * 2; /* Average of 2 bytes per inst */
+                for (i = 0; i < numIcode; i++)
+                {
+                    if  ((pc[i].ic.ll.label <= pcTop) &&
+                         (pc[i].ic.ll.label + (dword)pc[i].ic.ll.numBytes >= pcTop))
+                    {
+                        break;          /* This is the spot! */
+                    }
+                }
+                if (i >= numIcode)
+                {
+                    /* Something went wrong. Goto to first icode */
+                    i = 0;
+                }
+                icCur = icTop = i;
+                pcCur = pcTop = pc[i].ic.ll.label;
+                updateScr(FALSE);
+                break;
+            case 'l':                       /* Add a symbolic label here */
+            {
+                char    *pStr;
+                move(LINES, 0);
+                printf("Enter symbol: ");
+                gets(cbuf);         /* Get a string to buf */
+                move (LINES, 0);
+                printf("%50c", ' ');
+                if (strlen(cbuf) >= SYMLEN)
+                {
+                    /* Name too ling. Truncate */
+                    cbuf[SYMLEN-1] = '\0';
+                }
+                pStr = addStrTbl(cbuf);     /* Add to the string table */
+                selectTable(Label);         /* Select the label table */
+                /* Add the symbol to both value- and symbol- hashed tables */
+                enterSym(pStr, pcCur, pProc, TRUE);
+                if (icCur == 0)
+                {
+                    /* We are at the first icode of a function.
+                        Assume it is the entry point, and rename the function */
+                    strcpy(pProc->name, cbuf);
+                }
+                updateScr(FALSE);
+                break;
+            }
+            case ';':
+            {
+                char    *pStr;
+                word w;
+                if (findVal(pcCur, 0, &w))
+                {
+                    readVal(cbuf, pcCur, 0);/* Make it the default string */
+                    deleteVal(pcCur, 0, FALSE);
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    cbuf[0] = '\0';             /* Remove prev string */
+                }
+                /* Enter a comment here, from a window */
+                move(LINES, 0);
+                printf("Enter comment: ");
+                gets(cbuf);			        /* Get a string to buf */
+                move(LINES, 0);
+                printf("%50c", ' ');
+                pStr = addStrTbl(cbuf);     /* Add to the string table */
+                selectTable(Comment);
+                enterSym(pStr, pcCur, pProc, FALSE);/* Add the symbol */
+                updateScr(FALSE);
+                break;
+            }
+            case 'X' & 0x1F:                /* Control X; can't use Alt with Unix */
+                fInteract = FALSE;          /* Exit interactive mode */
+                attrSet(A_NORMAL);			/* Normal attributes */
+                break;
+        }
+    }
+    free(posStack);
+    destroySymTables();
+#endif			// #ifdef unix
+ *          Display the current image position as data                      *
+ ****************************************************************************/
+static void
+dispData(word dataSeg)
+    int y, c, i;
+    Int pc, pcStart;
+    Int off = (Int)dataSeg << 4;
+    char szOffset[6], szByte[4];
+    if (pcCur >= (dword)prog.cbImage)
+    {
+        /* We're at an invalid address. Use 0x100 instead */
+        pcCur = 0;
+    }
+    erase();
+    dispTitle();
+    pcStart = pc = pcCur;           /* pc at start of line */
+    for (y=1; y < LINES-1; y++)
+    {
+        move (y, 1);
+        sprintf(szOffset, "%04lX ", pc);
+        printfd(szOffset);
+        for (i=0; i < 16; i++)
+        {
+            sprintf(szByte, "%02X ", prog.Image[pc++ + off]);
+            printfd(szByte);
+            if ((pc + off) > prog.cbImage) break;
+        }
+        pc = pcStart;
+        for (i=0; i < 16; i++)
+        {
+            c = prog.Image[pc++ + off];
+            if ((c < 0x20) || (c > 0x7E))
+            {
+                c = '.';
+            }
+            szByte[0] = (char)c;
+            szByte[1] = '\0';
+            printfd(szByte);
+            if ((pc + off) > prog.cbImage) break;
+        }
+        dis_newline();
+        pcStart = pc;
+        if ((pc + off) > prog.cbImage) break;
+        /*       getyx(stdscr, y, x);	*/
+    }
+boolT callArg(word off, char *sym)
+    dword   imageOff;
+    imageOff = off + ((dword)pProc->state.r[rCS] << 4);
+    /* Search procedure list for one with appropriate entry point */
+    std::list<Function>::iterator iter= std::find_if(pProcList.begin(),pProcList.end(),
+        [imageOff](const Function &f) -> bool { return f.procEntry==imageOff; });
+    if(iter==pProcList.end())
+    {
+        /* No existing proc entry */
+    //ERROR: dereferencing NULL !?!
+        //LibCheck(*iter);
+        Function x;
+        x.procEntry=imageOff;
+        LibCheck(x);
+        if (x.flg & PROC_ISLIB)
+        {
+            /* No entry for this proc, but it is a library function.
+                Create an entry for it */
+            pProcList.push_back(x);
+            iter = (++pProcList.rbegin()).base();
+        }
+    }
+    if(iter==pProcList.end())
+        return false;
+    /* We have a proc entry for this procedure. Copy the name */
+    strcpy(sym, iter->name);
+    return true;
+/* Handle the floating point opcodes (icode iESC) */
+static void flops(ICODE *pIcode)
+    char bf[30];
+    byte op = (byte)pIcode->ic.ll.immed.op;
+    /* Note that op is set to the escape number, e.g.
+        esc 0x38 is FILD */
+    if ((pIcode->ic.ll.dst.regi == 0) || (pIcode->ic.ll.dst.regi >= INDEXBASE))
+    {
+        /* The mod/rm mod bits are not set to 11 (i.e. register).
+           This is the normal floating point opcode */
+        strcpy(&buf[POS_OPC], szFlops1[op]);
+        buf[strlen(buf)] = ' ';
+        if ((op == 0x29) || (op == 0x1F))
+        {
+            strcpy(bf, "tbyte ptr ");
+        }
+        else switch (op & 0x30)
+        {
+            case 0x00:
+            case 0x10:
+                strcpy(bf, "dword ptr ");
+                break;
+            case 0x20:
+                strcpy(bf, "qword ptr ");
+                break;
+            case 0x30:
+                switch (op)
+                {
+                    case 0x3C:       /* FBLD */
+                    case 0x3E:       /* FBSTP */
+                        strcpy(bf, "tbyte ptr ");
+                        break;
+                    case 0x3D:       /* FILD 64 bit */
+                    case 0x3F:       /* FISTP 64 bit */
+                        strcpy(bf, "qword ptr ");
+                        break;
+                    default:
+                        strcpy(bf, "word  ptr ");
+                        break;
+                }
+        }
+        formatRM(bf + 10, pIcode->ic.ll.flg, &pIcode->ic.ll.dst);
+        strcpy(p, bf);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        /* The mod/rm mod bits are set to 11 (i.e. register).
+           Could be specials (0x0C-0x0F, etc), or the st(i) versions of
+                   normal opcodes. Because the opcodes are slightly different for
+                   this case (e.g. op=04 means FSUB if reg != 3, but FSUBR for
+                   reg == 3), a separate table is used (szFlops2). */
+        switch (op)
+        {
+            case 0x0C:
+                strcpy(&buf[POS_OPC], szFlops0C[pIcode->ic.ll.dst.regi - rAX]);
+                break;
+            case 0x0D:
+                strcpy(&buf[POS_OPC], szFlops0D[pIcode->ic.ll.dst.regi - rAX]);
+                break;
+            case 0x0E:
+                strcpy(&buf[POS_OPC], szFlops0E[pIcode->ic.ll.dst.regi - rAX]);
+                break;
+            case 0x0F:
+                strcpy(&buf[POS_OPC], szFlops0F[pIcode->ic.ll.dst.regi - rAX]);
+                break;
+            case 0x15:
+                strcpy(&buf[POS_OPC], szFlops15[pIcode->ic.ll.dst.regi - rAX]);
+                break;
+            case 0x1C:
+                strcpy(&buf[POS_OPC], szFlops1C[pIcode->ic.ll.dst.regi - rAX]);
+                break;
+            case 0x33:
+                strcpy(&buf[POS_OPC], szFlops33[pIcode->ic.ll.dst.regi - rAX]);
+                break;
+            case 0x3C:
+                strcpy(&buf[POS_OPC], szFlops3C[pIcode->ic.ll.dst.regi - rAX]);
+                break;
+            default:
+                strcpy(&buf[POS_OPC], szFlops2[op]);
+                buf[strlen(buf)] = ' ';
+                if ((op >= 0x20) && (op <= 0x27))
+                {
+                    /* This is the ST(i), ST form. */
+                    sprintf(&buf[POS_OPR2], "ST(%d),ST", pIcode->ic.ll.dst.regi - rAX);
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    /* ST, ST(i) */
+                    sprintf(&buf[POS_OPR2], "ST,ST(%d)", pIcode->ic.ll.dst.regi - rAX);
+                }
+                break;
+        }
+    }

+ 86 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+ *          dcc project error messages
+ * (C) Cristina Cifuentes
+ ***************************************************************************/
+#include "dcc.h"
+#include <stdio.h> 
+#include <stdlib.h>
+//#ifndef __UNIX__
+#if 1
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <varargs.h>
+static const char *errorMessage[] = {
+  "Invalid option -%c\n",                                   /* INVALID_ARG    */
+  "Invalid instruction %02X at location %06lX\n",           /* INVALID_OPCODE */
+  "Don't understand 80386 instruction %02X at location %06lX\n",
+															/* INVALID_386OP  */
+  "Segment override with no memory operand at location %06lX\n",
+															/* FUNNY_SEGOVR   */
+  "REP prefix without a string instruction at location %06lX\n",/* FUNNY_REP */
+  "Cannot open %s\n",                                       /* CANNOT_OPEN    */
+  "Error while reading %s\n",                               /* CANNOT_READ    */
+  "malloc of %ld bytes failed\n",                           /* MALLOC_FAILED  */
+  "Don't understand new EXE format\n",                      /* NEWEXE_FORMAT  */
+  "Failed to find a BB for jump to %ld in proc %s\n",    	/* NO_BB		  */
+  "Basic Block is a synthetic jump\n",                /* INVALID_SYNTHETIC_BB */
+  "Failed to find a BB for interval\n",                     /* INVALID_INT_BB */
+  "Instruction at location %06lX goes beyond loaded image\n",   
+															/* IP_OUT_OF_RANGE*/
+  "Definition not found for condition code usage at opcode %d\n",
+															/* DEF_NOT_FOUND */
+  "JX use, definition not supported at opcode #%d\n",		/* JX_NOT_DEF */
+  "Def - use not supported.  Def op = %d, use op = %d.\n",  /* NOT_DEF_USE */
+  "Failed to construct repeat..until() condition.\n",		/* REPEAT_FAIL */
+  "Failed to construct while() condition.\n",				/* WHILE_FAIL */
+ fatalError: displays error message and exits the program.
+ ****************************************************************************/
+void fatalError(Int errId, ...)
+{  va_list args;
+//#ifdef __UNIX__   /* ultrix */
+#if 0
+   Int errId;
+    va_start(args);
+    errId = va_arg(args, Int);
+    va_start(args, errId);
+    if (errId == USAGE)
+       fprintf(stderr,"Usage: dcc [-a1a2cmpsvVi][-o asmfile] DOS_executable\n");
+    else {
+        fprintf(stderr, "dcc: ");
+        vfprintf(stderr, errorMessage[errId - 1], args);
+    }
+    va_end(args);
+    exit((int)errId);
+ reportError: reports the warning/error and continues with the program.
+ ****************************************************************************/
+void reportError(Int errId, ...)
+{  va_list args;
+//#ifdef __UNIX__   /* ultrix */
+#if 0
+   Int errId;
+    va_start(args);
+    errId = va_arg(args, Int);
+#else           /* msdos or windows*/
+    va_start(args, errId);
+    fprintf(stderr, "dcc: ");
+    vfprintf(stderr, errorMessage[errId - 1], args);
+    va_end(args);

+ 521 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,521 @@
+ * Fix Wildcards
+ * (C) Mike van Emmerik
+ */
+/*  *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *  *\
+*                                               *
+*           Fix Wild Cards Code                 *
+*                                               *
+\*  *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *  */
+#include <memory.h>
+#ifndef PATLEN
+#define PATLEN          23
+#define WILD            0xF4
+#ifndef bool
+#define bool  unsigned char
+#define TRUE  1
+#define FALSE 0
+#define byte  unsigned char
+static int pc;                              /* Indexes into pat[] */
+/* prototypes */
+static bool ModRM(byte pat[]);              /* Handle the mod/rm byte */
+static bool TwoWild(byte pat[]);            /* Make the next 2 bytes wild */
+static bool FourWild(byte pat[]);           /* Make the next 4 bytes wild */
+       void fixWildCards(byte pat[]);       /* Main routine */
+/* Handle the mod/rm case. Returns true if pattern exhausted */
+static bool ModRM(byte pat[])
+    byte op;
+    /* A standard mod/rm byte follows opcode */
+    op = pat[pc++];                         /* The mod/rm byte */
+    if (pc >= PATLEN) return TRUE;          /* Skip Mod/RM */
+    switch (op & 0xC0)
+    {
+        case 0x00:                          /* [reg] or [nnnn] */
+            if ((op & 0xC7) == 6)
+            {
+                /* Uses [nnnn] address mode */
+                pat[pc++] = WILD;
+                if (pc >= PATLEN) return TRUE;
+                pat[pc++] = WILD;
+                if (pc >= PATLEN) return TRUE;
+            }
+            break;
+        case 0x40:                          /* [reg + nn] */
+            if ((pc+=1) >= PATLEN) return TRUE;
+            break;
+        case 0x80:                          /* [reg + nnnn] */
+            /* Possibly just a long constant offset from a register,
+                but often will be an index from a variable */
+            pat[pc++] = WILD;
+            if (pc >= PATLEN) return TRUE;
+            pat[pc++] = WILD;
+            if (pc >= PATLEN) return TRUE;
+            break;
+        case 0xC0:                          /* reg */
+            break;
+    }
+    return FALSE;
+/* Change the next two bytes to wild cards */
+static bool
+TwoWild(byte pat[])
+    pat[pc++] = WILD;
+    if (pc >= PATLEN) return TRUE;      /* Pattern exhausted */
+    pat[pc++] = WILD;
+    if (pc >= PATLEN) return TRUE;
+    return FALSE;
+/* Change the next four bytes to wild cards */
+static bool
+FourWild(byte pat[])
+            TwoWild(pat);
+    return  TwoWild(pat);
+/* Chop from the current point by wiping with zeroes. Can't rely on anything
+    after this point */
+static void
+chop(byte pat[])
+    if (pc >= PATLEN) return;               /* Could go negative otherwise */
+    memset(&pat[pc], 0, PATLEN - pc);
+static bool
+op0F(byte pat[])
+    /* The two byte opcodes */
+    byte op = pat[pc++];
+    switch (op & 0xF0)
+    {
+        case 0x00:              /* 00 - 0F */
+            if (op >= 0x06)     /* Clts, Invd, Wbinvd */
+                return FALSE;
+            else
+            {
+                /* Grp 6, Grp 7, LAR, LSL */
+                return ModRM(pat);
+            }
+        case 0x20:              /* Various funnies, all with Mod/RM */
+            return ModRM(pat);
+        case 0x80:
+            pc += 2;            /* Word displacement cond jumps */
+            return FALSE;
+        case 0x90:              /* Byte set on condition */
+            return ModRM(pat);
+        case 0xA0:
+            switch (op)
+            {
+                case 0xA0:      /* Push FS */
+                case 0xA1:      /* Pop  FS */
+                case 0xA8:      /* Push GS */
+                case 0xA9:      /* Pop  GS */
+                    return FALSE;
+                case 0xA3:      /* Bt  Ev,Gv */
+                case 0xAB:      /* Bts Ev,Gv */
+                    return ModRM(pat);
+                case 0xA4:      /* Shld EvGbIb */
+                case 0xAC:      /* Shrd EvGbIb */
+                    if (ModRM(pat)) return TRUE;
+                    pc++;       /* The #num bits to shift */
+                    return FALSE;
+                case 0xA5:      /* Shld EvGb CL */
+                case 0xAD:      /* Shrd EvGb CL */
+                    return ModRM(pat);
+                default:        /* CmpXchg, Imul */
+                    return ModRM(pat);
+            }
+        case 0xB0:
+            if (op == 0xBA)
+            {
+                /* Grp 8: bt/bts/btr/btc Ev,#nn */
+                if (ModRM(pat)) return TRUE;
+                pc++;           /* The #num bits to shift */
+                return FALSE;
+            }
+            return ModRM(pat);
+        case 0xC0:
+            if (op <= 0xC1)
+            {
+                /* Xadd */
+                return ModRM(pat);
+            }
+            /* Else BSWAP */
+            return FALSE;
+        default:
+            return FALSE;       /* Treat as double byte opcodes */
+    }
+/* Scan through the instructions in pat[], looking for opcodes that may
+    have operands that vary with different instances. For example, load and
+    store from statics, calls to other procs (even relative calls; they may
+    call procs loaded in a different order, etc).
+    Note that this procedure is architecture specific, and assumes the
+    processor is in 16 bit address mode (real mode).
+    PATLEN bytes are scanned.
+fixWildCards(byte pat[])
+    byte op, quad, intArg;
+    pc=0;
+    while (pc < PATLEN)
+    {
+        op = pat[pc++];
+        if (pc >= PATLEN) return;
+        quad = (byte) (op & 0xC0);			/* Quadrant of the opcode map */
+        if (quad == 0)
+        {
+            /* Arithmetic group 00-3F */
+            if ((op & 0xE7) == 0x26)        /* First check for the odds */
+            {
+                /* Segment prefix: treat as 1 byte opcode */
+                continue;
+            }
+            if (op == 0x0F)                 /* 386 2 byte opcodes */
+            {
+                if (op0F(pat)) return;
+                continue;
+            }
+            if (op & 0x04)
+            {
+                /* All these are constant. Work out the instr length */
+                if (op & 2)
+                {
+                    /* Push, pop, other 1 byte opcodes */
+                    continue;
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    if (op & 1)
+                    {
+                        /* Word immediate operands */
+                        pc += 2;
+                        continue;
+                    }
+                    else
+                    {
+                        /* Byte immediate operands */
+                        pc++;
+                        continue;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                /* All these have mod/rm bytes */
+                if (ModRM(pat)) return;
+                continue;
+            }
+        }
+        else if (quad == 0x40)
+        {
+            if ((op & 0x60) == 0x40)
+            {
+                /* 0x40 - 0x5F -- these are inc, dec, push, pop of general
+                    registers */
+                continue;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                /* 0x60 - 0x70 */
+                if (op & 0x10)
+                {
+                    /* 70-7F 2 byte jump opcodes */
+                    pc++;
+                    continue;
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    /* Odds and sods */
+                    switch (op)
+                    {
+                        case 0x60:  /* pusha */
+                        case 0x61:  /* popa */
+                        case 0x64:  /* overrides */
+                        case 0x65:
+                        case 0x66:
+                        case 0x67:
+                        case 0x6C:  /* insb DX */
+                        case 0x6E:  /* outsb DX */
+                            continue;
+                        case 0x62:  /* bound */
+                            pc += 4;
+                            continue;
+                        case 0x63:  /* arpl */
+                            if (TwoWild(pat)) return;
+                            continue;
+                        case 0x68:  /* Push byte */
+                        case 0x6A:  /* Push byte */
+                        case 0x6D:  /* insb port */
+                        case 0x6F:  /* outsb port */
+                            /* 2 byte instr, no wilds */
+                            pc++;
+                            continue;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        else if (quad == 0x80)
+        {
+            switch (op & 0xF0)
+            {
+                case 0x80:          /* 80 - 8F */
+                    /* All have a mod/rm byte */
+                    if (ModRM(pat)) return;
+                    /* These also have immediate values */
+                    switch (op)
+                    {
+                        case 0x80:
+                        case 0x83:
+                            /* One byte immediate */
+                            pc++;
+                            continue;
+                        case 0x81:
+                            /* Immediate 16 bit values might be constant, but
+                                also might be relocatable. Have to make them
+                                wild */
+                            if (TwoWild(pat)) return;
+                            continue;
+                    }
+                    continue;
+                case 0x90:          /* 90 - 9F */
+                    if (op == 0x9A)
+                    {
+                        /* far call */
+                        if (FourWild(pat)) return;
+                        continue;
+                    }
+                    /* All others are 1 byte opcodes */
+                    continue;
+                case 0xA0:          /* A0 - AF */
+                    if ((op & 0x0C) == 0)
+                    {
+                        /* mov al/ax to/from [nnnn] */
+                        if (TwoWild(pat)) return;
+                        continue;
+                    }
+                    else if ((op & 0xFE) == 0xA8)
+                    {
+                        /* test al,#byte or test ax,#word */
+                        if (op & 1) pc += 2;
+                        else        pc += 1;
+                        continue;
+                    }
+                case 0xB0:          /* B0 - BF */
+                {
+                    if (op & 8)
+                    {
+                        /* mov reg, #16 */
+                        /* Immediate 16 bit values might be constant, but also
+                            might be relocatable. For now, make them wild */
+                        if (TwoWild(pat)) return;
+                    }
+                    else
+                    {
+                        /* mov reg, #8 */
+                        pc++;
+                    }
+                    continue;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            /* In the last quadrant of the op code table */
+            switch (op)
+            {
+                case 0xC0:          /* 386: Rotate group 2 ModRM, byte, #byte */
+                case 0xC1:          /* 386: Rotate group 2 ModRM, word, #byte */
+                    if (ModRM(pat)) return;
+                    /* Byte immediate value follows ModRM */
+                    pc++;
+                    continue;
+                case 0xC3:          /* Return */
+                case 0xCB:          /* Return far */
+                    chop(pat);
+                    return;
+                case 0xC2:          /* Ret nnnn */
+                case 0xCA:          /* Retf nnnn */
+                    pc += 2;
+                    chop(pat);
+                    return;
+                case 0xC4:          /* les Gv, Mp */
+                case 0xC5:          /* lds Gv, Mp */
+                    if (ModRM(pat)) return;
+                    continue;
+                case 0xC6:          /* Mov ModRM, #nn */
+                    if (ModRM(pat)) return;
+                    /* Byte immediate value follows ModRM */
+                    pc++;
+                    continue;
+                case 0xC7:          /* Mov ModRM, #nnnn */
+                    if (ModRM(pat)) return;
+                    /* Word immediate value follows ModRM */
+                    /* Immediate 16 bit values might be constant, but also
+                        might be relocatable. For now, make them wild */
+                    if (TwoWild(pat)) return;
+                    continue;
+                case 0xC8:          /* Enter Iw, Ib */
+                    pc += 3;        /* Constant word, byte */
+                    continue;
+                case 0xC9:          /* Leave */
+                    continue;
+                case 0xCC:          /* Int 3 */
+                    continue;
+                case 0xCD:          /* Int nn */
+                    intArg = pat[pc++];
+                    if ((intArg >= 0x34) && (intArg <= 0x3B))
+                    {
+                        /* Borland/Microsoft FP emulations */
+                        if (ModRM(pat)) return;
+                    }
+                    continue;
+                case 0xCE:          /* Into */
+                    continue;
+                case 0xCF:          /* Iret */
+                    continue;
+                case 0xD0:          /* Group 2 rotate, byte, 1 bit */
+                case 0xD1:          /* Group 2 rotate, word, 1 bit */
+                case 0xD2:          /* Group 2 rotate, byte, CL bits */
+                case 0xD3:          /* Group 2 rotate, word, CL bits */
+                    if (ModRM(pat)) return;
+                    continue;
+                case 0xD4:          /* Aam */
+                case 0xD5:          /* Aad */
+                case 0xD7:          /* Xlat */
+                    continue;
+                case 0xD8:
+                case 0xD9:
+                case 0xDA:
+                case 0xDB:          /* Esc opcodes */
+                case 0xDC:          /* i.e. floating point */
+                case 0xDD:          /* coprocessor calls */
+                case 0xDE:
+                case 0xDF:
+                    if (ModRM(pat)) return;
+                    continue;
+                case 0xE0:          /* Loopne */
+                case 0xE1:          /* Loope */
+                case 0xE2:          /* Loop */
+                case 0xE3:          /* Jcxz */
+                    pc++;           /* Short jump offset */
+                    continue;
+                case 0xE4:          /* in  al,nn */
+                case 0xE6:          /* out nn,al */
+                    pc++;
+                    continue;
+                case 0xE5:          /* in ax,nn */
+                case 0xE7:          /* in nn,ax */
+                    pc += 2;
+                    continue;
+                case 0xE8:          /* Call rel */
+                    if (TwoWild(pat)) return;
+                    continue;
+                case 0xE9:          /* Jump rel, unconditional */
+                    if (TwoWild(pat)) return;
+                    chop(pat);
+                    return;
+                case 0xEA:          /* Jump abs */
+                    if (FourWild(pat)) return;
+                    chop(pat);
+                    return;
+                case 0xEB:          /* Jmp short unconditional */
+                    pc++;
+                    chop(pat);
+                    return;
+                case 0xEC:          /* In  al,dx */
+                case 0xED:          /* In  ax,dx */
+                case 0xEE:          /* Out dx,al */
+                case 0xEF:          /* Out dx,ax */
+                    continue;
+                case 0xF0:          /* Lock */
+                case 0xF2:          /* Repne */
+                case 0xF3:          /* Rep/repe */
+                case 0xF4:          /* Halt */
+                case 0xF5:          /* Cmc */
+                case 0xF8:          /* Clc */
+                case 0xF9:          /* Stc */
+                case 0xFA:          /* Cli */
+                case 0xFB:          /* Sti */
+                case 0xFC:          /* Cld */
+                case 0xFD:          /* Std */
+                    continue;
+                case 0xF6:          /* Group 3 byte test/not/mul/div */
+                case 0xF7:          /* Group 3 word test/not/mul/div */
+                case 0xFE:          /* Inc/Dec group 4 */
+                    if (ModRM(pat)) return;
+                    continue;
+                case 0xFF:          /* Group 5 Inc/Dec/Call/Jmp/Push */
+                    /* Most are like standard ModRM */
+                    if (ModRM(pat)) return;
+                    continue;
+                default:            /* Rest are single byte opcodes */
+                    continue;
+            }
+        }
+    }

+ 372 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,372 @@
+ *			dcc project Front End module
+ * Loads a program into simulated main memory and builds the procedure list.
+ * (C) Cristina Cifuentes
+ ****************************************************************************/
+#include "dcc.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#ifdef __BORLAND__
+#include <alloc.h>
+#include <malloc.h>			/* For malloc, free, realloc */
+typedef struct {			/*        PSP structure					*/
+    word int20h;			/* interrupt 20h						*/
+    word eof;				/* segment, end of allocation block		*/
+    byte res1;				/* reserved                         	*/
+    byte dosDisp[5];		/* far call to DOS function dispatcher	*/
+    byte int22h[4];			/* vector for terminate routine			*/
+    byte int23h[4];			/* vector for ctrl+break routine		*/
+    byte int24h[4];			/* vector for error routine				*/
+    byte res2[22];			/* reserved								*/
+    word segEnv;			/* segment address of environment block	*/
+    byte res3[34];			/* reserved								*/
+    byte int21h[6];			/* opcode for int21h and far return		*/
+    byte res4[6];			/* reserved								*/
+    byte fcb1[16];			/* default file control block 1			*/
+    byte fcb2[16];      	/* default file control block 2			*/
+    byte res5[4];			/* reserved								*/
+    byte cmdTail[0x80];		/* command tail and disk transfer area	*/
+} PSP;
+static struct {				/*      EXE file header		 	 */
+    byte	sigLo;			/* .EXE signature: 0x4D 0x5A	 */
+    byte	sigHi;
+    word	lastPageSize;	/* Size of the last page		 */
+    word	numPages;		/* Number of pages in the file	 */
+    word	numReloc;		/* Number of relocation items	 */
+    word	numParaHeader;	/* # of paragraphs in the header */
+    word	minAlloc;		/* Minimum number of paragraphs	 */
+    word	maxAlloc;		/* Maximum number of paragraphs	 */
+    word	initSS;			/* Segment displacement of stack */
+    word	initSP;			/* Contents of SP at entry       */
+    word	checkSum;		/* Complemented checksum         */
+    word	initIP;			/* Contents of IP at entry       */
+    word	initCS;			/* Segment displacement of code  */
+    word	relocTabOffset;	/* Relocation table offset       */
+    word	overlayNum;		/* Overlay number                */
+} header;
+#define EXE_RELOCATION  0x10		/* EXE images rellocated to above PSP */
+static void LoadImage(char *filename);
+static void displayLoadInfo(void);
+static void displayMemMap(void);
+ * FrontEnd - invokes the loader, parser, disassembler (if asm1), icode
+ * rewritter, and displays any useful information.
+ ****************************************************************************/
+void FrontEnd (char *filename, CALL_GRAPH * *pcallGraph)
+    /* Load program into memory */
+    LoadImage(filename);
+    if (option.verbose)
+        displayLoadInfo();
+    /* Do depth first flow analysis building call graph and procedure list,
+         * and attaching the I-code to each procedure          */
+    parse (pcallGraph);
+    if (option.asm1)
+    {
+        printf("dcc: writing assembler file %s\n", asm1_name);
+    }
+    /* Search through code looking for impure references and flag them */
+    std::for_each(pProcList.begin(),pProcList.end(),
+                  [](Function &f)->void {
+                  f.markImpure();
+            if (option.asm1)
+            disassem(1, &f); });
+if (option.Interact)
+    interactDis(&pProcList.front(), 0);			/* Interactive disassembler */
+/* Converts jump target addresses to icode offsets */
+              [](Function &f)->void { f.bindIcodeOff(); });
+/* Print memory bitmap */
+if (option.Map)
+ * displayLoadInfo - Displays low level loader type info.
+ ***************************************************************************/
+static void displayLoadInfo(void)
+    Int	i;
+    printf("File type is %s\n", (prog.fCOM)?"COM":"EXE");
+    if (! prog.fCOM) {
+        printf("Signature            = %02X%02X\n", header.sigLo, header.sigHi);
+        printf("File size %% 512      = %04X\n", LH(&header.lastPageSize));
+        printf("File size / 512      = %04X pages\n", LH(&header.numPages));
+        printf("# relocation items   = %04X\n", LH(&header.numReloc));
+        printf("Offset to load image = %04X paras\n", LH(&header.numParaHeader));
+        printf("Minimum allocation   = %04X paras\n", LH(&header.minAlloc));
+        printf("Maximum allocation   = %04X paras\n", LH(&header.maxAlloc));
+    }
+    printf("Load image size      = %04X\n", prog.cbImage - sizeof(PSP));
+    printf("Initial SS:SP        = %04X:%04X\n", prog.initSS, prog.initSP);
+    printf("Initial CS:IP        = %04X:%04X\n", prog.initCS, prog.initIP);
+    if (option.VeryVerbose && prog.cReloc)
+    {
+        printf("\nRelocation Table\n");
+        for (i = 0; i < prog.cReloc; i++)
+        {
+            printf("%06X -> [%04X]\n", prog.relocTable[i],LH(prog.Image + prog.relocTable[i]));
+        }
+    }
+    printf("\n");
+ * fill - Fills line for displayMemMap()
+ ****************************************************************************/
+static void fill(Int ip, char *bf)
+    static byte type[4] = {'.', 'd', 'c', 'x'};
+    byte	i;
+    for (i = 0; i < 16; i++, ip++)
+    {
+        *bf++ = ' ';
+        *bf++ = (ip < prog.cbImage)?
+                    type[([ip >> 2] >> ((ip & 3) * 2)) & 3]: ' ';
+    }
+    *bf = '\0';
+ * displayMemMap - Displays the memory bitmap
+ ****************************************************************************/
+static void displayMemMap(void)
+    char	c, b1[33], b2[33], b3[33];
+    byte i;
+    Int ip = 0;
+    printf("\nMemory Map\n");
+    while (ip < prog.cbImage)
+    {
+        fill(ip, b1);
+        printf("%06X %s\n", ip, b1);
+        ip += 16;
+        for (i = 3, c = b1[1]; i < 32 && c == b1[i]; i += 2)
+            ;		/* Check if all same */
+        if (i > 32)
+        {
+            fill(ip, b2);	/* Skip until next two are not same */
+            fill(ip+16, b3);
+            if (! (strcmp(b1, b2) || strcmp(b1, b3)))
+            {
+                printf("                   :\n");
+                do
+                {
+                    ip += 16;
+                    fill(ip+16, b1);
+                } while (! strcmp(b1, b2));
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    printf("\n");
+ * LoadImage
+ ****************************************************************************/
+static void LoadImage(char *filename)
+    FILE   *fp;
+    Int		i, cb;
+    byte	buf[4];
+    /* Open the input file */
+    if ((fp = fopen(filename, "rb")) == NULL)
+    {
+        fatalError(CANNOT_OPEN, filename);
+    }
+    /* Read in first 2 bytes to check EXE signature */
+    if (fread(&header, 1, 2, fp) != 2)
+    {
+        fatalError(CANNOT_READ, filename);
+    }
+    if (! (prog.fCOM = (boolT)(header.sigLo != 0x4D || header.sigHi != 0x5A))) {
+        /* Read rest of header */
+        fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET);
+        if (fread(&header, sizeof(header), 1, fp) != 1)
+        {
+            fatalError(CANNOT_READ, filename);
+        }
+        /* This is a typical DOS kludge! */
+        if (LH(&header.relocTabOffset) == 0x40)
+        {
+            fatalError(NEWEXE_FORMAT);
+        }
+        /* Calculate the load module size.
+                 * This is the number of pages in the file
+                 * less the length of the header and reloc table
+                 * less the number of bytes unused on last page
+                */
+        cb = (dword)LH(&header.numPages) * 512 - (dword)LH(&header.numParaHeader) * 16;
+        if (header.lastPageSize)
+        {
+            cb -= 512 - LH(&header.lastPageSize);
+        }
+        /* We quietly ignore minAlloc and maxAlloc since for our
+                 * purposes it doesn't really matter where in real memory
+                 * the program would end up.  EXE programs can't really rely on
+                 * their load location so setting the PSP segment to 0 is fine.
+                 * Certainly programs that prod around in DOS or BIOS are going
+                 * to have to load DS from a constant so it'll be pretty
+                 * obvious.
+                */
+        prog.initCS = (int16)LH(&header.initCS) + EXE_RELOCATION;
+        prog.initIP = (int16)LH(&header.initIP);
+        prog.initSS = (int16)LH(&header.initSS) + EXE_RELOCATION;
+        prog.initSP = (int16)LH(&header.initSP);
+        prog.cReloc = (int16)LH(&header.numReloc);
+        /* Allocate the relocation table */
+        if (prog.cReloc)
+        {
+            prog.relocTable = (dword*)allocMem(prog.cReloc * sizeof(Int));
+            fseek(fp, LH(&header.relocTabOffset), SEEK_SET);
+            /* Read in seg:offset pairs and convert to Image ptrs */
+            for (i = 0; i < prog.cReloc; i++)
+            {
+                fread(buf, 1, 4, fp);
+                prog.relocTable[i] = LH(buf) +
+                        (((Int)LH(buf+2) + EXE_RELOCATION)<<4);
+            }
+        }
+        /* Seek to start of image */
+        fseek(fp, (Int)LH(&header.numParaHeader) * 16, SEEK_SET);
+    }
+    else
+    {	/* COM file
+                 * In this case the load module size is just the file length
+                */
+        fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END);
+        cb = ftell(fp);
+        /* COM programs start off with an ORG 100H (to leave room for a PSP)
+                 * This is also the implied start address so if we load the image
+                 * at offset 100H addresses should all line up properly again.
+                */
+        prog.initCS = 0;
+        prog.initIP = 0x100;
+        prog.initSS = 0;
+        prog.initSP = 0xFFFE;
+        prog.cReloc = 0;
+        fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET);
+    }
+    /* Allocate a block of memory for the program. */
+    prog.cbImage  = cb + sizeof(PSP);
+    prog.Image    = (byte*)allocMem(prog.cbImage);
+    prog.Image[0] = 0xCD;		/* Fill in PSP Int 20h location */
+    prog.Image[1] = 0x20;		/* for termination checking     */
+    /* Read in the image past where a PSP would go */
+#ifdef __DOSWIN__
+    if (cb > 0xFFFF)
+    {
+        printf("Image size of %ld bytes too large for fread!\n", cb);
+        fatalError(CANNOT_READ, filename);
+    }
+    if (cb != (Int)fread(prog.Image + sizeof(PSP), 1, (size_t)cb, fp))
+    {
+        fatalError(CANNOT_READ, filename);
+    }
+    /* Set up memory map */
+    cb = (prog.cbImage + 3) / 4;
+ = (byte *)memset(allocMem(cb), BM_UNKNOWN, (size_t)cb);
+    /* Relocate segment constants */
+    if (prog.cReloc)
+    {
+        for (i = 0; i < prog.cReloc; i++)
+        {
+            byte *p = &prog.Image[prog.relocTable[i]];
+            word  w = (word)LH(p) + EXE_RELOCATION;
+            *p++    = (byte)(w & 0x00FF);
+            *p      = (byte)((w & 0xFF00) >> 8);
+        }
+    }
+    fclose(fp);
+ * allocMem - malloc with failure test
+ ****************************************************************************/
+void *allocMem(Int cb)
+    byte *p;
+    //printf("Attempt to allocMem %5ld bytes\n", cb);
+    if (! (p = (byte*)malloc((size_t)cb)))
+        /*	if (! (p = (byte*)calloc((size_t)cb, 1)))	*/
+    {
+        fatalError(MALLOC_FAILED, cb);
+    }
+    /*printf("allocMem: %p\n", p);/**/
+    return p;
+ * reallocVar - reallocs extra variable space
+ ****************************************************************************/
+void *reallocVar(void *p, Int newsize)
+    /*printf("Attempt to reallocVar %5d bytes\n", newsize);/**/
+    if (! (p = realloc((byte *)p, (size_t)newsize)))
+    {
+        fatalError(MALLOC_FAILED, newsize);
+    }
+    /*printf("reallocVar: %p\n", p);/**/
+    return p;
+#if 0
+void free(void *p)
+    _ffree(p);
+    switch (_heapset('Z'))
+    {
+        case _HEAPBADBEGIN: printf("f: Bad heap begin\n"); getchar(); break;
+        case _HEAPBADNODE:	printf("f: Bad heap node\n");  getchar(); break;
+        case _HEAPEMPTY:	printf("f: Heap empty\n");		getchar(); break;
+        case _HEAPOK:putchar('!');break;
+    }/**/

+ 379 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,379 @@
+ * 			dcc project CFG related functions
+ * (C) Cristina Cifuentes
+ ****************************************************************************/
+#include "dcc.h"
+#include <string.h>
+#if __BORLAND__
+#include <alloc.h>
+#include <malloc.h>		/* For free() */
+#include "graph.h"
+static BB *  rmJMP(Function * pProc, Int marker, BB * pBB);
+static void mergeFallThrough(Function * pProc, BB * pBB);
+static void dfsNumbering(BB * pBB, std::vector<BB*> &dfsLast, Int *first, Int *last);
+ * createCFG - Create the basic control flow graph
+ ****************************************************************************/
+void Function::createCFG()
+    /* Splits Icode associated with the procedure into Basic Blocks.
+         * The links between BBs represent the control flow graph of the
+         * procedure.
+         * A Basic Block is defined to end on one of the following instructions:
+         * 1) Conditional and unconditional jumps
+         * 2) CALL(F)
+         * 3) RET(F)
+         * 4) On the instruction before a join (a flagged TARGET)
+         * 5) Repeated string instructions
+         * 6) End of procedure
+        */
+    Int		i;
+    Int		ip, start;
+    BB *		psBB;
+    BB *		pBB;
+    ICODE *	pIcode = Icode.GetFirstIcode();
+    stats.numBBbef = stats.numBBaft = 0;
+    for (ip = start = 0; Icode.IsValid(pIcode); ip++, pIcode++)
+    {
+        /* Stick a NOWHERE_NODE on the end if we terminate
+                 * with anything other than a ret, jump or terminate */
+        if (ip + 1 == Icode.GetNumIcodes() &&
+                ! (pIcode->ic.ll.flg & TERMINATES) &&
+                pIcode->ic.ll.opcode != iJMP && pIcode->ic.ll.opcode != iJMPF &&
+                pIcode->ic.ll.opcode != iRET && pIcode->ic.ll.opcode != iRETF)
+            pBB=BB::Create(start, ip, NOWHERE_NODE, 0, this);
+        /* Only process icodes that have valid instructions */
+        else if ((pIcode->ic.ll.flg & NO_CODE) != NO_CODE)
+        {
+            switch (pIcode->ic.ll.opcode) {
+                case iJB:  case iJBE:  case iJAE:  case iJA:
+                case iJL:  case iJLE:  case iJGE:  case iJG:
+                case iJE:  case iJNE:  case iJS:   case iJNS:
+                case iJO:  case iJNO:  case iJP:   case iJNP:
+                case iJCXZ:
+                    pBB = BB::Create(start, ip, TWO_BRANCH, 2, this);
+                    start = ip + 1;
+                    pBB->edges[0].ip = (dword)start;
+                    /* This is for jumps off into nowhere */
+                    if (pIcode->ic.ll.flg & NO_LABEL)
+                        pBB->numOutEdges--;
+                    else
+                        pBB->edges[1].ip = pIcode->ic.ll.immed.op;
+                    break;
+                case iLOOP: case iLOOPE: case iLOOPNE:
+                    pBB = BB::Create(start, ip, LOOP_NODE, 2, this);
+                    goto CondJumps;
+                case iJMPF: case iJMP:
+                    if (pIcode->ic.ll.flg & SWITCH)
+                    {
+                        pBB = BB::Create(start, ip, MULTI_BRANCH,
+                                    pIcode->ic.ll.caseTbl.numEntries, this);
+                        for (i = 0; i < pIcode->ic.ll.caseTbl.numEntries; i++)
+                            pBB->edges[i].ip = pIcode->ic.ll.caseTbl.entries[i];
+                        hasCase = TRUE;
+                    }
+                    else if ((pIcode->ic.ll.flg & (I | NO_LABEL)) == I) {
+                        pBB = BB::Create(start, ip, ONE_BRANCH, 1, this);
+                        pBB->edges[0].ip = pIcode->ic.ll.immed.op;
+                    }
+                    else
+                        BB::Create(start, ip, NOWHERE_NODE, 0, this);
+                    start = ip + 1;
+                    break;
+                case iCALLF: case iCALL:
+                {
+                    Function * p = pIcode->ic.ll.immed.proc.proc;
+                    if (p)
+                        i = ((p->flg) & TERMINATES) ? 0 : 1;
+                    else
+                        i = 1;
+                    pBB = BB::Create(start, ip, CALL_NODE, i, this);
+                    start = ip + 1;
+                    if (i)
+                        pBB->edges[0].ip = (dword)start;
+                }
+                    break;
+                case iRET:  case iRETF:
+                    BB::Create(start, ip, RETURN_NODE, 0, this);
+                    start = ip + 1;
+                    break;
+                default:
+                    /* Check for exit to DOS */
+                    if (pIcode->ic.ll.flg & TERMINATES)
+                    {
+                        pBB = BB::Create(start, ip, TERMINATE_NODE, 0, this);
+                        start = ip + 1;
+                    }
+                    /* Check for a fall through */
+                    else if (Icode.GetFirstIcode()[ip + 1].ic.ll.flg & (TARGET | CASE))
+                    {
+                        pBB = BB::Create(start, ip, FALL_NODE, 1, this);
+                        start = ip + 1;
+                        pBB->edges[0].ip = (dword)start;
+                    }
+                    break;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    std::vector<BB *>::iterator iter=heldBBs.begin();
+    /* Convert list of BBs into a graph */
+    for (; iter!=heldBBs.end(); ++iter)
+    {
+        pBB = *iter;
+        for (i = 0; i < pBB->numOutEdges; i++)
+        {
+            ip = pBB->edges[i].ip;
+            if (ip >= SYNTHESIZED_MIN)
+                fatalError (INVALID_SYNTHETIC_BB);
+            else
+            {
+                auto iter2=std::find_if(heldBBs.begin(),heldBBs.end(),
+                             [ip](BB *psBB)->bool {return psBB->start==ip;});
+            if(iter2==heldBBs.end())
+                fatalError(NO_BB, ip, name);
+            psBB = *iter2;
+            pBB->edges[i].BBptr = psBB;
+            psBB->numInEdges++;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+void Function::markImpure()
+    SYM * psym;
+    for (int i = 0; i < Icode.GetNumIcodes(); i++)
+    {
+        if (Icode.GetLlFlag(i) & (SYM_USE | SYM_DEF))
+        {
+            psym = &symtab.sym[Icode.GetIcode(i)->ic.ll.caseTbl.numEntries];
+            for (int c = (Int)psym->label; c < (Int)psym->label+psym->size; c++)
+            {
+                if (BITMAP(c, BM_CODE))
+                {
+                    Icode.SetLlFlag(i, IMPURE);
+                    flg |= IMPURE;
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+ * newBB - Allocate new BB and link to end of list
+ *****************************************************************************/
+ * freeCFG - Deallocates a cfg
+ ****************************************************************************/
+void Function::freeCFG()
+    std::for_each(heldBBs.begin(),heldBBs.end(),[](BB *p)->void {delete p;});
+ * compressCFG - Remove redundancies and add in-edge information
+ ****************************************************************************/
+void Function::compressCFG()
+    BB * pBB, *pNxt;
+    Int	ip, first=0, last, i;
+    /* First pass over BB list removes redundant jumps of the form
+         * (Un)Conditional -> Unconditional jump  */
+    std::vector<BB*>::iterator iter=cfg.begin();
+    for (;iter!=cfg.end(); ++iter)
+    {
+        pBB = *iter;
+        pBB->inEdges.resize(pBB->numInEdges,0);
+        if (pBB->numInEdges != 0 && (pBB->nodeType == ONE_BRANCH || pBB->nodeType == TWO_BRANCH))
+            for (i = 0; i < pBB->numOutEdges; i++)
+            {
+                ip   = pBB->start + pBB->length - 1;
+                pNxt = rmJMP(this, ip, pBB->edges[i].BBptr);
+                if (pBB->numOutEdges)   /* Might have been clobbered */
+                {
+                    pBB->edges[i].BBptr = pNxt;
+                    Icode.SetImmediateOp(ip, (dword)pNxt->start);
+                }
+            }
+    }
+    /* Next is a depth-first traversal merging any FALL_NODE or
+     * ONE_BRANCH that fall through to a node with that as their only
+     * in-edge. */
+    this->cfg.front()->mergeFallThrough(Icode);
+    /* Remove redundant BBs created by the above compressions
+     * and allocate in-edge arrays as required. */
+    stats.numBBaft = stats.numBBbef;
+    for(auto iter=cfg.begin(); iter!=cfg.end(); ++iter)
+    {
+        pBB = *iter;
+        if (pBB->numInEdges == 0)
+        {
+            if (iter == cfg.begin())	/* Init it misses out on */
+                pBB->index = UN_INIT;
+            else
+            {
+                if (pBB->numOutEdges)
+                    pBB->edges.clear();
+                delete pBB;
+                stats.numBBaft--;
+            }
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            pBB->inEdgeCount = pBB->numInEdges;
+        }
+    }
+    /* Allocate storage for dfsLast[] array */
+    numBBs = stats.numBBaft;
+    dfsLast.resize(numBBs,0); // = (BB **)allocMem(numBBs * sizeof(BB *))
+    /* Now do a dfs numbering traversal and fill in the inEdges[] array */
+    last = numBBs - 1;
+    cfg.front()->dfsNumbering(dfsLast, &first, &last);
+ * rmJMP - If BB addressed is just a JMP it is replaced with its target
+ ***************************************************************************/
+static BB * rmJMP(Function * pProc, Int marker, BB * pBB)
+    marker += DFS_JMP;
+    while (pBB->nodeType == ONE_BRANCH && pBB->length == 1) {
+        if (pBB->traversed != marker) {
+            pBB->traversed = marker;
+            if (--pBB->numInEdges)
+                pBB->edges[0].BBptr->numInEdges++;
+            else
+            {
+                pProc->Icode.SetLlFlag(pBB->start, NO_CODE);
+                pProc->Icode.SetLlInvalid(pBB->start, TRUE);
+            }
+            pBB = pBB->edges[0].BBptr;
+        }
+        else {			/* We are going around in circles */
+            pBB->nodeType = NOWHERE_NODE;
+            pProc->Icode.GetIcode(pBB->start)->ic.ll.immed.op = (dword)pBB->start;
+            pProc->Icode.SetImmediateOp(pBB->start, (dword)pBB->start);
+            do {
+                pBB = pBB->edges[0].BBptr;
+                if (! --pBB->numInEdges)
+                {
+                    pProc->Icode.SetLlFlag(pBB->start, NO_CODE);
+                    pProc->Icode.SetLlInvalid(pBB->start, TRUE);
+                }
+            } while (pBB->nodeType != NOWHERE_NODE);
+            pBB->edges.clear();
+            pBB->numOutEdges = 0;
+        }
+    }
+    return pBB;
+ * mergeFallThrough
+ ****************************************************************************/
+void BB::mergeFallThrough( CIcodeRec &Icode)
+    BB *	pChild;
+    Int	i, _ip;
+    if (!this)
+    {
+        printf("mergeFallThrough on empty BB!\n");
+    }
+    while (nodeType == FALL_NODE || nodeType == ONE_BRANCH)
+    {
+        pChild = edges[0].BBptr;
+        /* Jump to next instruction can always be removed */
+        if (nodeType == ONE_BRANCH)
+        {
+            _ip = start + length;
+            for (i = _ip; i < pChild->start && (Icode.GetLlFlag(i) & NO_CODE); i++);
+                if (i != pChild->start)
+                    break;
+            Icode.SetLlFlag(_ip - 1, NO_CODE);
+            Icode.SetLlInvalid(_ip - 1, TRUE);
+            nodeType = FALL_NODE;
+            length--;
+        }
+        /* If there's no other edges into child can merge */
+        if (pChild->numInEdges != 1)
+            break;
+        nodeType = pChild->nodeType;
+        length = pChild->start + pChild->length - start;
+        Icode.ClearLlFlag(pChild->start, TARGET);
+        numOutEdges = pChild->numOutEdges;
+        edges.swap(pChild->edges);
+        pChild->numOutEdges = pChild->numInEdges = 0;
+        pChild->edges.clear();
+    }
+    traversed = DFS_MERGE;
+    /* Process all out edges recursively */
+    for (i = 0; i < numOutEdges; i++)
+        if (edges[i].BBptr->traversed != DFS_MERGE)
+            edges[i].BBptr->mergeFallThrough(Icode);
+ * dfsNumbering - Numbers nodes during first and last visits and determine
+ * in-edges
+ ****************************************************************************/
+void BB::dfsNumbering(std::vector<BB *> &dfsLast, Int *first, Int *last)
+    BB *		pChild;
+    byte	i;
+    traversed = DFS_NUM;
+    dfsFirstNum = (*first)++;
+    /* index is being used as an index to inEdges[]. */
+    for (i = 0; i < numOutEdges; i++)
+    {
+        pChild = edges[i].BBptr;
+        pChild->inEdges[pChild->index++] = this;
+        /* Is this the last visit? */
+        if (pChild->index == pChild->numInEdges)
+            pChild->index = UN_INIT;
+        if (pChild->traversed != DFS_NUM)
+            pChild->dfsNumbering(dfsLast, first, last);
+    }
+    dfsLastNum = *last;
+    dfsLast[(*last)--] = this;

+ 501 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,501 @@
+ * File:    hlIcode.c
+ * Purpose: High-level icode routines
+ * Date:    September-October 1993
+ * (C) Cristina Cifuentes
+ */
+#include <cassert>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <string>
+#include <sstream>
+#include "dcc.h"
+using namespace std;
+#define ICODE_DELTA 25
+/* Masks off bits set by duReg[] */
+dword maskDuReg[] = { 0x00,
+                      0xFEEFFE, 0xFDDFFD, 0xFBB00B, 0xF77007, /* word regs */
+                      0xFFFFEF, 0xFFFFDF, 0xFFFFBF, 0xFFFF7F,
+                      0xFFFEFF, 0xFFFDFF, 0xFFFBFF, 0xFFF7FF, /* seg regs  */
+                      0xFFEFFF, 0xFFDFFF, 0xFFBFFF, 0xFF7FFF, /* byte regs */
+                      0xFEFFFF, 0xFDFFFF, 0xFBFFFF, 0xF7FFFF,
+                      0xEFFFFF,                               /* tmp reg   */
+                      0xFFFFB7, 0xFFFF77, 0xFFFF9F, 0xFFFF5F, /* index regs */
+                      0xFFFFBF, 0xFFFF7F, 0xFFFFDF, 0xFFFFF7 };
+static char buf[lineSize];     /* Line buffer for hl icode output */
+/* Places the new HLI_ASSIGN high-level operand in the high-level icode array */
+void ICODE::setAsgn(COND_EXPR *lhs, COND_EXPR *rhs)
+    type = HIGH_LEVEL;
+    ic.hl.opcode = HLI_ASSIGN;
+    assert(ic.hl.oper.asgn.lhs==0); //prevent memory leaks
+    assert(ic.hl.oper.asgn.rhs==0); //prevent memory leaks
+    ic.hl.oper.asgn.lhs = lhs;
+    ic.hl.oper.asgn.rhs = rhs;
+/* Places the new HLI_CALL high-level operand in the high-level icode array */
+void ICODE::newCallHl()
+    type = HIGH_LEVEL;
+    ic.hl.opcode = HLI_CALL;
+ = ic.ll.immed.proc.proc;
+ = new STKFRAME;
+    if (ic.ll.immed.proc.cb != 0)
+>cb = ic.ll.immed.proc.cb;
+    else
+/* Places the new HLI_POP/HLI_PUSH/HLI_RET high-level operand in the high-level icode
+ * array */
+void ICODE::setUnary(hlIcode op, COND_EXPR *exp)
+    assert(ic.hl.oper.exp==0);
+    type = HIGH_LEVEL;
+    ic.hl.opcode = op;
+    ic.hl.oper.exp = exp;
+/* Places the new HLI_JCOND high-level operand in the high-level icode array */
+void ICODE::setJCond(COND_EXPR *cexp)
+    assert(ic.hl.oper.exp==0);
+    type = HIGH_LEVEL;
+    ic.hl.opcode = HLI_JCOND;
+    ic.hl.oper.exp = cexp;
+/* Sets the invalid field to TRUE as this low-level icode is no longer valid,
+ * it has been replaced by a high-level icode. */
+void ICODE ::invalidate()
+    invalid = TRUE;
+/* Removes the defined register regi from the lhs subtree.  If all registers
+ * of this instruction are unused, the instruction is invalidated (ie.
+ * removed) */
+boolT removeDefRegi (byte regi, ICODE *picode, Int thisDefIdx, LOCAL_ID *locId)
+{ Int numDefs;
+    numDefs = picode->du1.numRegsDef;
+    if (numDefs == thisDefIdx)
+        for ( ; numDefs > 0; numDefs--)
+        {
+            if ((picode->du1.idx[numDefs-1][0] != 0)||(picode->du.lastDefRegi))
+                break;
+        }
+    if (numDefs == 0)
+    {
+        picode->invalidate();
+        return (TRUE);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        switch (picode->ic.hl.opcode) {
+            case HLI_ASSIGN:    removeRegFromLong (regi, locId,
+                                                   picode->ic.hl.oper.asgn.lhs);
+                picode->du1.numRegsDef--;
+                picode->du.def &= maskDuReg[regi];
+                break;
+            case HLI_POP:
+            case HLI_PUSH:      removeRegFromLong (regi, locId, picode->ic.hl.oper.exp);
+                picode->du1.numRegsDef--;
+                picode->du.def &= maskDuReg[regi];
+                break;
+        }
+        return (FALSE);
+    }
+/* Translates LOW_LEVEL icodes to HIGH_LEVEL icodes - 1st stage.
+ * Note: this process should be done before data flow analysis, which
+ *       refines the HIGH_LEVEL icodes. */
+void Function::highLevelGen()
+{   Int i,                /* idx into icode array */
+            numIcode;         /* number of icode instructions */
+    ICODE * pIcode;        /* ptr to current icode node */
+    COND_EXPR *lhs, *rhs; /* left- and right-hand side of expression */
+    flags32 flg;          /* icode flags */
+    numIcode = Icode.GetNumIcodes();
+    for (i = 0; i < numIcode; i++)
+    {
+        pIcode = Icode.GetIcode(i);
+        if ((pIcode->ic.ll.flg & NOT_HLL) == NOT_HLL)
+            pIcode->invalidate();
+        if ((pIcode->type == LOW_LEVEL) && (pIcode->invalid == FALSE))
+        {
+            flg = pIcode->ic.ll.flg;
+            if ((flg & IM_OPS) != IM_OPS)   /* not processing IM_OPS yet */
+                if ((flg & NO_OPS) != NO_OPS)       /* if there are opers */
+                {
+                    if ((flg & NO_SRC) != NO_SRC)   /* if there is src op */
+                        rhs = COND_EXPR::id (pIcode, SRC, this, i, pIcode, NONE);
+                    lhs = COND_EXPR::id (pIcode, DST, this, i, pIcode, NONE);
+                }
+            switch (pIcode->ic.ll.opcode) {
+                case iADD:    rhs = COND_EXPR::boolOp (lhs, rhs, ADD);
+                    pIcode->setAsgn(lhs, rhs);
+                    break;
+                case iAND:    rhs = COND_EXPR::boolOp (lhs, rhs, AND);
+                    pIcode->setAsgn(lhs, rhs);
+                    break;
+                case iCALL:
+                case iCALLF:  pIcode->newCallHl();
+                    break;
+                case iDEC:
+                    rhs = COND_EXPR::idKte (1, 2);
+                    rhs = COND_EXPR::boolOp (lhs, rhs, SUB);
+                    pIcode->setAsgn(lhs, rhs);
+                    break;
+                case iDIV:
+                case iIDIV:/* should be signed div */
+                    rhs = COND_EXPR::boolOp (lhs, rhs, DIV);
+                    if (pIcode->ic.ll.flg & B)
+                    {
+                        lhs = COND_EXPR::idReg (rAL, 0, &localId);
+                        pIcode->setRegDU( rAL, eDEF);
+                    }
+                    else
+                    {
+                        lhs = COND_EXPR::idReg (rAX, 0, &localId);
+                        pIcode->setRegDU( rAX, eDEF);
+                    }
+                    pIcode->setAsgn(lhs, rhs);
+                    break;
+                case iIMUL:   rhs = COND_EXPR::boolOp (lhs, rhs, MUL);
+                    lhs = COND_EXPR::id (pIcode, LHS_OP, this, i, pIcode,
+                                     NONE);
+                    pIcode->setAsgn(lhs, rhs);
+                    break;
+                case iINC:	rhs = COND_EXPR::idKte (1, 2);
+                    rhs = COND_EXPR::boolOp (lhs, rhs, ADD);
+                    pIcode->setAsgn(lhs, rhs);
+                    break;
+                case iLEA:    rhs = COND_EXPR::unary (ADDRESSOF, rhs);
+                    pIcode->setAsgn(lhs, rhs);
+                    break;
+                case iMOD:    rhs = COND_EXPR::boolOp (lhs, rhs, MOD);
+                    if (pIcode->ic.ll.flg & B)
+                    {
+                        lhs = COND_EXPR::idReg (rAH, 0, &localId);
+                        pIcode->setRegDU( rAH, eDEF);
+                    }
+                    else
+                    {
+                        lhs = COND_EXPR::idReg (rDX, 0, &localId);
+                        pIcode->setRegDU( rDX, eDEF);
+                    }
+                    pIcode->setAsgn(lhs, rhs);
+                    break;
+                case iMOV:    pIcode->setAsgn(lhs, rhs);
+                    break;
+                case iMUL:    rhs = COND_EXPR::boolOp (lhs, rhs, MUL);
+                    lhs = COND_EXPR::id (pIcode, LHS_OP, this, i, pIcode,
+                                     NONE);
+                    pIcode->setAsgn(lhs, rhs);
+                    break;
+                case iNEG:    rhs = COND_EXPR::unary (NEGATION, lhs);
+                    pIcode->setAsgn(lhs, rhs);
+                    break;
+                case iNOT:	rhs = COND_EXPR::boolOp (NULL, rhs, NOT);
+                    pIcode->setAsgn(lhs, rhs);
+                    break;
+                case iOR:     rhs = COND_EXPR::boolOp (lhs, rhs, OR);
+                    pIcode->setAsgn(lhs, rhs);
+                    break;
+                case iPOP:    pIcode->setUnary(HLI_POP, lhs);
+                    break;
+                case iPUSH:   pIcode->setUnary(HLI_PUSH, lhs);
+                    break;
+                case iRET:
+                case iRETF:   pIcode->setUnary(HLI_RET, NULL);
+                    break;
+                case iSHL:    rhs = COND_EXPR::boolOp (lhs, rhs, SHL);
+                    pIcode->setAsgn(lhs, rhs);
+                    break;
+                case iSAR:    /* signed */
+                case iSHR:    rhs = COND_EXPR::boolOp (lhs, rhs, SHR); /* unsigned*/
+                    pIcode->setAsgn(lhs, rhs);
+                    break;
+                case iSIGNEX: pIcode->setAsgn(lhs, rhs);
+                    break;
+                case iSUB:    rhs = COND_EXPR::boolOp (lhs, rhs, SUB);
+                    pIcode->setAsgn(lhs, rhs);
+                    break;
+                case iXCHG:
+                    break;
+                case iXOR:    rhs = COND_EXPR::boolOp (lhs, rhs, XOR);
+                    pIcode->setAsgn(lhs, rhs);
+                    break;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+/* Modifies the given conditional operator to its inverse.  This is used
+ * in if..then[..else] statements, to reflect the condition that takes the
+ * then part. 	*/
+void inverseCondOp (COND_EXPR **exp)
+    static condOp invCondOp[] = {GREATER, GREATER_EQUAL, NOT_EQUAL, EQUAL,
+                                 LESS_EQUAL, LESS, DUMMY,DUMMY,DUMMY,DUMMY,
+                                 DUMMY, DUMMY, DUMMY, DUMMY, DUMMY, DUMMY,
+                                 DUMMY, DBL_OR, DBL_AND};
+    if (*exp == NULL)
+        return;
+    if ((*exp)->type == BOOLEAN_OP)
+    {
+        switch ((*exp)->expr.boolExpr.op)
+        {
+            case LESS_EQUAL: case LESS: case EQUAL:
+            case NOT_EQUAL: case GREATER: case GREATER_EQUAL:
+                (*exp)->expr.boolExpr.op = invCondOp[(*exp)->expr.boolExpr.op];
+                break;
+            case AND: case OR: case XOR: case NOT: case ADD:
+            case SUB: case MUL: case DIV: case SHR: case SHL: case MOD:
+                *exp = COND_EXPR::unary (NEGATION, *exp);
+                break;
+            case DBL_AND: case DBL_OR:
+                (*exp)->expr.boolExpr.op = invCondOp[(*exp)->expr.boolExpr.op];
+                inverseCondOp (&(*exp)->expr.boolExpr.lhs);
+                inverseCondOp (&(*exp)->expr.boolExpr.rhs);
+                break;
+        } /* eos */
+    }
+    else if ((*exp)->type == NEGATION) //TODO: memleak here
+        *exp = (*exp)->expr.unaryExp;
+    /* other types are left unmodified */
+/* Returns the string that represents the procedure call of tproc (ie. with
+ * actual parameters) */
+std::string writeCall (Function * tproc, STKFRAME * args, Function * pproc, Int *numLoc)
+    Int i;                        /* counter of # arguments       */
+    string condExp;
+    ostringstream s;
+    s<<tproc->name<<" (";
+    for (i = 0; i < args->sym.size(); i++)
+    {
+        s << walkCondExpr (args->sym[i].actual, pproc, numLoc);
+        if (i < (args->sym.size() - 1))
+            s << ", ";
+    }
+    s << ")";
+    return s.str();
+/* Displays the output of a HLI_JCOND icode. */
+char *writeJcond (HLTYPE h, Function * pProc, Int *numLoc)
+    memset (buf, ' ', sizeof(buf));
+    buf[0] = '\0';
+    strcat (buf, "if ");
+    inverseCondOp (&h.oper.exp);
+    std::string e = walkCondExpr (h.oper.exp, pProc, numLoc);
+    strcat (buf, e.c_str());
+    strcat (buf, " {\n");
+    return (buf);
+/* Displays the inverse output of a HLI_JCOND icode.  This is used in the case
+ * when the THEN clause of an if..then..else is empty.  The clause is
+ * negated and the ELSE clause is used instead.	*/
+char *writeJcondInv (HLTYPE h, Function * pProc, Int *numLoc)
+    memset (buf, ' ', sizeof(buf));
+    buf[0] = '\0';
+    strcat (buf, "if ");
+    std::string e = walkCondExpr (h.oper.exp, pProc, numLoc);
+    strcat (buf, e.c_str());
+    strcat (buf, " {\n");
+    return (buf);
+/* Returns a string with the contents of the current high-level icode.
+ * Note: this routine does not output the contens of HLI_JCOND icodes.  This is
+ * 		 done in a separate routine to be able to support the removal of
+ *		 empty THEN clauses on an if..then..else.	*/
+char *write1HlIcode (HLTYPE h, Function * pProc, Int *numLoc)
+    std::string e;
+    memset (buf, ' ', sizeof(buf));
+    buf[0] = '\0';
+    switch (h.opcode) {
+        case HLI_ASSIGN:
+            e = walkCondExpr (h.oper.asgn.lhs, pProc, numLoc);
+            strcat (buf, e.c_str());
+            strcat (buf, " = ");
+            e = walkCondExpr (h.oper.asgn.rhs, pProc, numLoc);
+            strcat (buf, e.c_str());
+            strcat (buf, ";\n");
+            break;
+        case HLI_CALL:
+            e = writeCall (,, pProc,
+                                         numLoc);
+            strcat (buf, e.c_str());
+            strcat (buf, ";\n");
+            break;
+        case HLI_RET:
+            e = walkCondExpr (h.oper.exp, pProc, numLoc);
+            if (! e.empty())
+            {
+                strcat (buf, "return (");
+                strcat (buf, e.c_str());
+                strcat (buf, ");\n");
+            }
+            break;
+        case HLI_POP:
+            strcat (buf, "HLI_POP ");
+            e = walkCondExpr (h.oper.exp, pProc, numLoc);
+            strcat (buf, e.c_str());
+            strcat (buf, "\n");
+            break;
+        case HLI_PUSH:    strcat (buf, "HLI_PUSH ");
+            e = walkCondExpr (h.oper.exp, pProc, numLoc);
+            strcat (buf, e.c_str());
+            strcat (buf, "\n");
+            break;
+    }
+    return (buf);
+Int power2 (Int i)
+/* Returns the value of 2 to the power of i */
+    if (i == 0)
+        return (1);
+    return (2 << (i-1));
+/* Writes the registers/stack variables that are used and defined by this
+ * instruction. */
+void ICODE::writeDU(Int idx)
+    static char buf[100];
+    Int i, j;
+    memset (buf, ' ', sizeof(buf));
+    buf[0] = '\0';
+    for (i = 0; i < (INDEXBASE-1); i++)
+    {
+        if ((du.def & power2(i)) != 0)
+        {
+            strcat (buf, allRegs[i]);
+            strcat (buf, " ");
+        }
+    }
+    if (buf[0] != '\0')
+        printf ("Def (reg) = %s\n", buf);
+    memset (buf, ' ', sizeof(buf));
+    buf[0] = '\0';
+    for (i = 0; i < INDEXBASE; i++)
+    {
+        if ((du.use & power2(i)) != 0)
+        {
+            strcat (buf, allRegs[i]);
+            strcat (buf, " ");
+        }
+    }
+    if (buf[0] != '\0')
+        printf ("Use (reg) = %s\n", buf);
+    /* Print du1 chain */
+    printf ("# regs defined = %d\n", du1.numRegsDef);
+    for (i = 0; i < MAX_REGS_DEF; i++)
+    {
+        if (du1.idx[i][0] != 0)
+        {
+            printf ("%d: du1[%d][] = ", idx, i);
+            for (j = 0; j < MAX_USES; j++)
+            {
+                if (du1.idx[i][j] == 0)
+                    break;
+                printf ("%d ", du1.idx[i][j]);
+            }
+            printf ("\n");
+        }
+    }
+    /* For HLI_CALL, print # parameter bytes */
+    if (ic.hl.opcode == HLI_CALL)
+        printf ("# param bytes = %d\n",>cb);
+    printf ("\n");
+/* Frees the storage allocated to h->hlIcode */
+void freeHlIcode (ICODE * icode, Int numIcodes)
+    Int i;
+    HLTYPE h;
+    for (i = 0; i < numIcodes; i++)
+    {
+        h = icode[i].ic.hl;
+        switch (h.opcode)
+        {
+            case HLI_ASSIGN:
+                h.oper.asgn.lhs->release();
+                h.oper.asgn.rhs->release();
+                break;
+            case HLI_POP:
+            case HLI_PUSH:
+            case HLI_JCOND:
+                h.oper.exp->release();
+                break;
+        }
+    }

+ 123 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+// Object oriented icode code for dcc
+// (C) 1997 Mike Van Emmerik
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <malloc.h>
+#include <memory.h>
+#include "types.h"		// Common types like byte, etc
+#include "ast.h"		// Some icode types depend on these
+#include "icode.h"
+#define ICODE_DELTA 25		// Amount to allocate for new chunk
+/* Copies the icode that is pointed to by pIcode to the icode array.
+ * If there is need to allocate extra memory, it is done so, and
+ * the alloc variable is adjusted.        */
+ICODE * CIcodeRec::addIcode(ICODE *pIcode)
+    push_back(*pIcode);
+    return &back();
+ICODE * CIcodeRec::GetFirstIcode()
+    return &front();
+/* Don't need this; just pIcode++ since array is guaranteed to be contiguous
+ICODE * CIcodeRec::GetNextIcode(ICODE * pCurIcode)
+        int idx = pCurIcode - icode;		// Current index
+        ASSERT(idx+1 < numIcode);
+        return &icode[idx+1];
+boolT CIcodeRec::IsValid(ICODE *pCurIcode)
+    ptrdiff_t idx = pCurIcode - &this->front();		// Current index
+    return (idx>=0) && (idx < size());
+int CIcodeRec::GetNumIcodes()
+    return size();
+void CIcodeRec::SetInBB(int start, int end, BB *pnewBB)
+    for (int i = start; i <= end; i++)
+        at(i).inBB = pnewBB;
+void CIcodeRec::SetImmediateOp(int ip, dword dw)
+    at(ip).ic.ll.immed.op = dw;
+void CIcodeRec::SetLlFlag(int ip, dword flag)
+    at(ip).ic.ll.flg |= flag;
+dword CIcodeRec::GetLlFlag(int ip)
+    return at(ip).ic.ll.flg;
+void CIcodeRec::ClearLlFlag(int ip, dword flag)
+    at(ip).ic.ll.flg &= (~flag);
+void CIcodeRec::SetLlInvalid(int ip, boolT fInv)
+    at(ip).invalid = fInv;
+dword CIcodeRec::GetLlLabel(int ip)
+    return at(ip).ic.ll.label;
+llIcode CIcodeRec::GetLlOpcode(int ip)
+    return at(ip).ic.ll.opcode;
+/* labelSrchRepl - Searches the icodes for instruction with label = target, and
+    replaces *pIndex with an icode index */
+boolT CIcodeRec::labelSrch(dword target, Int *pIndex)
+    Int  i;
+    for (i = 0; i < size(); i++)
+    {
+        if (at(i).ic.ll.label == target)
+        {
+            *pIndex = i;
+            return TRUE;
+        }
+    }
+    return FALSE;
+ICODE * CIcodeRec::GetIcode(int ip)
+    return &at(ip);

+ 1344 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,1344 @@
+ *          dcc project machine idiom recognition
+ * (C) Cristina Cifuentes
+ ****************************************************************************/
+#include "dcc.h"
+#include <string.h>
+#ifdef __DOSWIN__
+#include <stdio.h>
+ * JmpInst - Returns TRUE if opcode is a conditional or unconditional jump
+ ****************************************************************************/
+boolT JmpInst(llIcode opcode)
+    switch (opcode) {
+        case iJMP:  case iJMPF: case iJCXZ:
+        case iLOOP: case iLOOPE:case iLOOPNE:
+        case iJB:   case iJBE:  case iJAE:  case iJA:
+        case iJL:   case iJLE:  case iJGE:  case iJG:
+        case iJE:   case iJNE:  case iJS:   case iJNS:
+        case iJO:   case iJNO:  case iJP:   case iJNP:
+            return TRUE;
+    }
+    return FALSE;
+/* checkStkVars - Checks for PUSH SI
+ *                          [PUSH DI]
+ *                or         PUSH DI
+ *                          [PUSH SI]
+ * In which case, the stack variable flags are set
+ ****************************************************************************/
+static Int checkStkVars (ICODE * pIcode, ICODE * pEnd, Function * pProc)
+    /* Look for PUSH SI */
+    if ((pIcode < pEnd) && (pIcode->ic.ll.opcode == iPUSH) &&
+        (pIcode->ic.ll.dst.regi == rSI))
+    {
+        pProc->flg |= SI_REGVAR;
+        /* Look for PUSH DI */
+        if (++pIcode < pEnd && (pIcode->ic.ll.opcode == iPUSH) &&
+            (pIcode->ic.ll.dst.regi == rDI))
+        {
+            pProc->flg |= DI_REGVAR;
+            return 2;
+        }
+        else
+            return 1;
+    }
+    else if ((pIcode < pEnd) && (pIcode->ic.ll.opcode == iPUSH) &&
+             (pIcode->ic.ll.dst.regi == rDI))
+    {
+        pProc->flg |= DI_REGVAR;
+        /* Look for PUSH SI */
+        if ((++pIcode < pEnd) && (pIcode->ic.ll.opcode == iPUSH) &&
+            (pIcode->ic.ll.dst.regi == rSI))
+        {
+            pProc->flg |= SI_REGVAR;
+            return 2;
+        }
+        else
+            return 1;
+    }
+    return 0;
+ * idiom1 - HLL procedure prologue;  Returns number of instructions matched.
+ *          PUSH BP     ==> ENTER immed, 0
+ *          MOV  BP, SP     and sets PROC_HLL flag
+ *          [SUB  SP, immed]
+ *          [PUSH SI]
+ *          [PUSH DI]
+ *        - Second version: Push stack variables and then save BP
+ *          PUSH BP
+ *          PUSH SI
+ *          [PUSH DI]
+ *          MOV BP, SP
+ *        - Third version: Stack variables
+ *          [PUSH SI]
+ *          [PUSH DI]
+ ****************************************************************************/
+static Int idiom1(ICODE * pIcode, ICODE * pEnd, Function * pProc)
+{ Int n;
+    /* PUSH BP as first instruction of procedure */
+    if ( !(pIcode->ic.ll.flg & I) && pIcode->ic.ll.src.regi == rBP)
+    {
+        /* MOV BP, SP as next instruction */
+        if (++pIcode < pEnd && ! (pIcode->ic.ll.flg & (I | TARGET | CASE))
+            && pIcode->ic.ll.opcode == iMOV && pIcode->ic.ll.dst.regi == rBP
+            && pIcode->ic.ll.src.regi == rSP)
+        {
+            pProc->args.minOff = 2;
+            pProc->flg |= PROC_IS_HLL;
+            /* Look for SUB SP, immed */
+            if ((++pIcode < pEnd) &&
+                (pIcode->ic.ll.flg & (I | TARGET | CASE)) == I &&
+                pIcode->ic.ll.opcode == iSUB && pIcode->ic.ll.dst.regi == rSP)
+            {
+                return (3 + checkStkVars (++pIcode, pEnd, pProc));
+            }
+            else
+                return (2 + checkStkVars (pIcode, pEnd, pProc));
+        }
+        /* PUSH SI
+         * [PUSH DI]
+         * MOV BP, SP */
+        else
+        {
+            n = checkStkVars (pIcode, pEnd, pProc);
+            if (n > 0)
+            {
+                /* Look for MOV BP, SP */
+                pIcode += n;
+                if (pIcode < pEnd &&
+                    ! (pIcode->ic.ll.flg & (I | TARGET | CASE)) &&
+                    pIcode->ic.ll.opcode == iMOV &&
+                    pIcode->ic.ll.dst.regi == rBP &&
+                    pIcode->ic.ll.src.regi == rSP)
+                {
+                    pProc->args.minOff = 2 + (n * 2);
+                    return (2 + n);
+                }
+                else return 0;		// Cristina: check this please!
+            }
+            else return 0;		// Cristina: check this please!
+        }
+    }
+    else
+        return (checkStkVars (pIcode, pEnd, pProc));
+ * popStkVars - checks for
+ *          [POP DI]
+ *          [POP SI]
+ *      or  [POP SI]
+ *          [POP DI]
+ ****************************************************************************/
+static void popStkVars (ICODE * pIcode, ICODE * pEnd, Function * pProc)
+    /* Match [POP DI] */
+    if (pIcode->ic.ll.opcode == iPOP)
+        if ((pProc->flg & DI_REGVAR) && (pIcode->ic.ll.dst.regi == rDI))
+            pIcode->invalidate();
+        else if ((pProc->flg & SI_REGVAR) && (pIcode->ic.ll.dst.regi == rSI))
+            pIcode->invalidate();
+    /* Match [POP SI] */
+    if ((pIcode+1)->ic.ll.opcode == iPOP)
+        if ((pProc->flg & SI_REGVAR) && ((pIcode+1)->ic.ll.dst.regi == rSI))
+            (pIcode+1)->invalidate();
+        else if ((pProc->flg & DI_REGVAR) && ((pIcode+1)->ic.ll.dst.regi == rDI))
+            (pIcode+1)->invalidate();
+ * idiom2 - HLL procedure epilogue;  Returns number of instructions matched.
+ *          [POP DI]
+ *          [POP SI]
+ *          MOV  SP, BP
+ *          POP  BP
+ *          RET(F)
+ *****************************************************************************/
+static Int idiom2(ICODE * pIcode, ICODE * pEnd, Int ip, Function * pProc)
+{ ICODE * nicode;
+    /* Match MOV SP, BP */
+    if (ip != 0 && ((pIcode->ic.ll.flg & I) != I) &&
+        pIcode->ic.ll.dst.regi == rSP && pIcode->ic.ll.src.regi == rBP)
+    {
+        /* Get next icode, skip over holes in the icode array */
+        nicode = pIcode + 1;
+        while (nicode->ic.ll.flg & NO_CODE)
+            nicode++;
+        /* Match POP BP */
+        if (nicode < pEnd &&
+            ! (nicode->ic.ll.flg & (I | TARGET | CASE)) &&
+            nicode->ic.ll.opcode == iPOP &&
+            nicode->ic.ll.dst.regi == rBP)
+        {
+            nicode++;
+            /* Match RET(F) */
+            if (nicode < pEnd &&
+                ! (nicode->ic.ll.flg & (I | TARGET | CASE)) &&
+                (nicode->ic.ll.opcode == iRET ||
+                 nicode->ic.ll.opcode == iRETF))
+            {
+                popStkVars (pIcode-2, pEnd, pProc);
+                return 2;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return 0;
+ * idiom3 - C calling convention.
+ *          CALL(F)  proc_X
+ *          ADD  SP, immed
+ *      Eg: CALL proc_X
+ *          ADD  SP, 6
+ *          =>  pProc->cbParam = immed
+ *		Special case: when the call is at the end of the procedure,
+ *					  sometimes the stack gets restored by a MOV sp, bp.
+ *					  Need to flag the procedure in these cases.
+ *  Used by compilers to restore the stack when invoking a procedure using
+ *  the C calling convention.
+ ****************************************************************************/
+static Int idiom3(ICODE * pIcode, ICODE * pEnd)
+    /* Match ADD  SP, immed */
+    if ((++pIcode < pEnd) && (pIcode->ic.ll.flg & I) &&
+        (pIcode->ic.ll.opcode == iADD) && (pIcode->ic.ll.dst.regi == rSP))
+        return (pIcode->ic.ll.immed.op);
+    else if ((pIcode->ic.ll.opcode == iMOV) && (pIcode->ic.ll.dst.regi == rSP)
+             && (pIcode->ic.ll.src.regi == rBP))
+        (pIcode-1)->ic.ll.flg |= REST_STK;
+    return 0;
+ * idiom 17 - C calling convention.
+ *          CALL(F)  xxxx
+ *          POP reg
+ *          [POP reg]           reg in {AX, BX, CX, DX}
+ *      Eg: CALL proc_X
+ *          POP cx
+ *          POP cx      (4 bytes of arguments)
+ *          => pProc->cbParam = # pops * 2
+ *  Found in Turbo C when restoring the stack for a procedure that uses the
+ *  C calling convention.  Used to restore the stack of 2 or 4 bytes args.
+ ****************************************************************************/
+static Int idiom17 (ICODE * pIcode, ICODE * pEnd)
+{ Int i = 0;            /* Count on # pops */
+    byte regi;
+    /* Match POP reg */
+    if ((++pIcode < pEnd) && (pIcode->ic.ll.opcode == iPOP))
+    {
+        regi = pIcode->ic.ll.dst.regi;
+        if ((regi >= rAX) && (regi <= rBX))
+            i++;
+        while ((++pIcode)->ic.ll.opcode == iPOP)
+        {
+            if (pIcode->ic.ll.dst.regi == regi)
+                i++;
+            else
+                break;
+        }
+        return (i * 2);
+    }
+    return (0);
+ * idiom4 - Pascal calling convention.
+ *          RET(F) immed
+ *          ==> pProc->cbParam = immed
+ *              sets CALL_PASCAL flag
+ *        - Second version: check for optional pop of stack vars
+ *          [POP DI]
+ *          [POP SI]
+ *          POP BP
+ *          RET(F) [immed]
+ *		  - Third version: pop stack vars
+ *			[POP DI]
+ *			[POP SI]
+ *			RET(F) [immed]
+ ****************************************************************************/
+static void idiom4 (ICODE * pIcode, ICODE * pEnd, Function * pProc)
+    /* Check for [POP DI]
+     *           [POP SI] */
+    popStkVars (pIcode-3, pEnd, pProc);
+    /* Check for POP BP */
+    if (((pIcode-1)->ic.ll.opcode == iPOP) &&
+        (((pIcode-1)->ic.ll.flg & I) != I) &&
+        ((pIcode-1)->ic.ll.dst.regi == rBP))
+        (pIcode-1)->invalidate();
+    else
+        popStkVars (pIcode-2, pEnd, pProc);
+    /* Check for RET(F) immed */
+    if (pIcode->ic.ll.flg & I)
+    {
+        pProc->cbParam = (int16)pIcode->ic.ll.immed.op;
+        pProc->flg |= CALL_PASCAL;
+    }
+ * idiom5 - Long addition.
+ *      ADD reg/stackOff, reg/stackOff
+ *      ADC reg/stackOff, reg/stackOff
+ *      Eg:     ADD ax, [bp-4]
+ *              ADC dx, [bp-2]
+ *          =>  dx:ax = dx:ax + [bp-2]:[bp-4]
+ *      Found in Borland Turbo C code.
+ *      Commonly used idiom for long addition.
+ ****************************************************************************/
+static boolT idiom5 (ICODE * pIcode, ICODE * pEnd)
+    if (pIcode < pEnd)
+        if ((pIcode+1)->ic.ll.opcode == iADC)
+            return (TRUE);
+    return (FALSE);
+ * idiom6 - Long substraction.
+ *      SUB reg/stackOff, reg/stackOff
+ *      SBB reg/stackOff, reg/stackOff
+ *      Eg:     SUB ax, [bp-4]
+ *              SBB dx, [bp-2]
+ *          =>  dx:ax = dx:ax - [bp-2]:[bp-4]
+ *      Found in Borland Turbo C code.
+ *      Commonly used idiom for long substraction.
+ ****************************************************************************/
+static boolT idiom6 (ICODE * pIcode, ICODE * pEnd)
+    if (pIcode < pEnd)
+        if ((pIcode+1)->ic.ll.opcode == iSBB)
+            return (TRUE);
+    return (FALSE);
+ * idiom7 - Assign zero
+ *      XOR reg/stackOff, reg/stackOff
+ *      Eg:     XOR ax, ax
+ *          =>  ax = 0
+ *      Found in Borland Turbo C and Microsoft C code.
+ ****************************************************************************/
+static boolT idiom7 (ICODE * pIcode)
+    ICODEMEM *dst, *src;
+    dst = &pIcode->ic.ll.dst;
+    src = &pIcode->ic.ll.src;
+    if (dst->regi == 0)                 /* global variable */
+    {
+        if ((dst->segValue == src->segValue) && (dst->off == src->off))
+            return (TRUE);
+    }
+    else if (dst->regi < INDEXBASE)     /* register */
+    {
+        if (dst->regi == src->regi)
+            return (TRUE);
+    }
+    else if ((dst->off) && (dst->seg == rSS) && (dst->regi == INDEXBASE + 6))
+        /* offset from BP */
+    {
+        if ((dst->off == src->off) && (dst->seg == src->seg) &&
+            (dst->regi == src->regi))
+            return (TRUE);
+    }
+    return (FALSE);
+ * idiom21 - Assign long kte with high part zero
+ *		XOR regH, regH
+ *		MOV regL, kte
+ *		=> regH:regL = kte
+ *		Eg: XOR dx, dx
+ *			MOV ax, 3
+ *			=> dx:ax = 3
+ *		Note: only the following valid combinations are available:
+ *				dx:ax
+ *				cx:bx
+ *		Found in Borland Turbo C code.
+ ****************************************************************************/
+static boolT idiom21 (ICODE * picode, ICODE * pend)
+{ ICODEMEM *dst, *src;
+    dst = &picode->ic.ll.dst;
+    src = &picode->ic.ll.src;
+    if (((picode+1) < pend) && ((picode+1)->ic.ll.flg & I))
+    {
+        if ((dst->regi == src->regi) && (dst->regi > 0) &&
+            (dst->regi < INDEXBASE))
+        {
+            if ((dst->regi == rDX) && ((picode+1)->ic.ll.dst.regi == rAX))
+                return (TRUE);
+            if ((dst->regi == rCX) && ((picode+1)->ic.ll.dst.regi == rBX))
+                return (TRUE);
+        }
+    }
+    return (FALSE);
+ * idiom8 - Shift right by 1 (signed long ops)
+ *      SAR reg, 1
+ *      RCR reg, 1
+ *      Eg:     SAR dx, 1
+ *              RCR ax, 1
+ *          =>  dx:ax = dx:ax >> 1      (dx:ax are signed long)
+ *      Found in Microsoft C code for long signed variable shift right.
+ ****************************************************************************/
+static boolT idiom8 (ICODE * pIcode, ICODE * pEnd)
+    if (pIcode < pEnd)
+    {
+        if (((pIcode->ic.ll.flg & I) == I) && (pIcode->ic.ll.immed.op == 1))
+            if (((pIcode+1)->ic.ll.opcode == iRCR) &&
+                (((pIcode+1)->ic.ll.flg & I) == I) &&
+                ((pIcode+1)->ic.ll.immed.op == 1))
+                return (TRUE);
+    }
+    return (FALSE);
+ * idiom 15 - Shift left by n
+ *      SHL reg, 1
+ *      SHL reg, 1
+ *      [...]
+ *      [SHL    reg, 1]
+ *      Eg:     SHL ax, 1
+ *              SHL ax, 1
+ *          =>  ax = ax << 2
+ *      Found in Borland Turbo C code to index an array (array multiplication)
+ ****************************************************************************/
+static Int idiom15 (ICODE * picode, ICODE * pend)
+{ Int n = 1;
+    byte regi;
+    if (picode < pend)
+    {
+        /* Match SHL reg, 1 */
+        if ((picode->ic.ll.flg & I) && (picode->ic.ll.immed.op == 1))
+        {
+            regi = picode->ic.ll.dst.regi;
+            while (1)
+            {
+                if (((picode+n) < pend) &&
+                    ((picode+n)->ic.ll.opcode == iSHL) &&
+                    ((picode+n)->ic.ll.flg & I) &&
+                    ((picode+n)->ic.ll.immed.op == 1) &&
+                    ((picode+n)->ic.ll.dst.regi == regi))
+                    n++;
+                else
+                    break;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    if (n > 1)
+        return (n);
+    else
+        return (0);
+ * idiom12 - Shift left long by 1
+ *      SHL reg, 1
+ *      RCL reg, 1
+ *      Eg:     SHL ax, 1
+ *              RCL dx, 1
+ *          =>  dx:ax = dx:ax << 1
+ *      Found in Borland Turbo C code for long variable shift left.
+ ****************************************************************************/
+static boolT idiom12 (ICODE * pIcode, ICODE * pEnd)
+    if (pIcode < pEnd)
+    {
+        if (((pIcode->ic.ll.flg & I) == I) && (pIcode->ic.ll.immed.op == 1))
+            if (((pIcode+1)->ic.ll.opcode == iRCL) &&
+                (((pIcode+1)->ic.ll.flg & I) == I) &&
+                ((pIcode+1)->ic.ll.immed.op == 1))
+                return (TRUE);
+    }
+    return (FALSE);
+ * idiom9 - Shift right by 1 (unsigned long ops)
+ *      SHR reg, 1
+ *      RCR reg, 1
+ *      Eg:     SHR dx, 1
+ *              RCR ax, 1
+ *          =>  dx:ax = dx:ax >> 1   (dx:ax are unsigned long)
+ *      Found in Microsoft C code for long unsigned variable shift right.
+ ****************************************************************************/
+static boolT idiom9 (ICODE * pIcode, ICODE * pEnd)
+    if (pIcode < pEnd)
+    {
+        if (((pIcode->ic.ll.flg & I) == I) && (pIcode->ic.ll.immed.op == 1))
+            if (((pIcode+1)->ic.ll.opcode == iRCR) &&
+                (((pIcode+1)->ic.ll.flg & I) == I) &&
+                ((pIcode+1)->ic.ll.immed.op == 1))
+                return (TRUE);
+    }
+    return (FALSE);
+ * idiom10 - Jump if not equal to 0
+ *      OR  reg, reg
+ *      JNE labX
+ *      Eg:     OR  ax, ax
+ *              JNE labX
+ *      => HLI_JCOND (ax != 0) labX
+ *		Note: we also check that these instructions are not followed by
+ *			  CMP reg, kte
+ *			  JE  lab
+ *			  because this is most likely a long conditional equality test.
+ *      Found in Borland Turbo C.
+ ****************************************************************************/
+static boolT idiom10old (ICODE * pIcode, ICODE * pEnd)
+    if (pIcode < pEnd)
+    {
+        /* Check OR reg, reg */
+        if (((pIcode->ic.ll.flg & I) != I) &&
+            (pIcode->ic.ll.src. regi > 0) &&
+            (pIcode->ic.ll.src.regi < INDEXBASE) &&
+            (pIcode->ic.ll.src.regi == pIcode->ic.ll.dst.regi))
+            if ((pIcode+3) < pEnd)
+            {
+                if (((pIcode+1)->ic.ll.opcode == iJNE) &&
+                    ((pIcode+2)->ic.ll.opcode != iCMP) &&
+                    ((pIcode+3)->ic.ll.opcode != iJE))
+                    return (TRUE);
+            }
+            else	/* at the end of the procedure */
+                if (((pIcode+1) < pEnd) && ((pIcode+1)->ic.ll.opcode == iJNE))
+                    return (TRUE);
+    }
+    return (FALSE);
+ * idiom10 - Jump if not equal to 0
+ *      OR  reg, reg
+ *      JNE labX
+ *      Eg:     OR  ax, ax
+ *              JNE labX
+ *      => CMP reg 0
+ *		   JNE labX
+ *		This instruction is NOT converted into the equivalent high-level
+ *		instruction "HLI_JCOND (reg != 0) labX" because we do not know yet if
+ *		it forms part of a long register conditional test.  It is therefore
+ *		modified to simplify the analysis.
+ *      Found in Borland Turbo C.
+ ****************************************************************************/
+static void idiom10 (ICODE * pIcode, ICODE * pEnd)
+    if (pIcode < pEnd)
+    {
+        /* Check OR reg, reg */
+        if (((pIcode->ic.ll.flg & I) != I) &&
+            (pIcode->ic.ll.src. regi > 0) &&
+            (pIcode->ic.ll.src.regi < INDEXBASE) &&
+            (pIcode->ic.ll.src.regi == pIcode->ic.ll.dst.regi))
+            if (((pIcode+1) < pEnd) && ((pIcode+1)->ic.ll.opcode == iJNE))
+            {
+                pIcode->ic.ll.opcode = iCMP;
+                pIcode->ic.ll.flg |= I;
+                pIcode->ic.ll.immed.op = 0;
+                pIcode->du.def = 0;
+                pIcode->du1.numRegsDef = 0;
+            }
+    }
+ * idiom 13 - Word assign
+ *      MOV regL, mem
+ *      MOV regH, 0
+ *      Eg:     MOV al, [bp-2]
+ *              MOV ah, 0
+ *      => MOV ax, [bp-2]
+ *      Found in Borland Turbo C, used for multiplication and division of
+ *      byte operands (ie. they need to be extended to words).
+ ****************************************************************************/
+static byte idiom13 (ICODE * picode, ICODE * pend)
+{ byte regi;
+    if (picode < pend)
+    {
+        /* Check for regL */
+        regi = picode->ic.ll.dst.regi;
+        if (((picode->ic.ll.flg & I) != I) && (regi >= rAL) && (regi <= rBH))
+        {
+            /* Check for MOV regH, 0 */
+            if (((picode+1)->ic.ll.opcode == iMOV) &&
+                ((picode+1)->ic.ll.flg & I) &&
+                ((picode+1)->ic.ll.immed.op == 0))
+            {
+                if ((picode+1)->ic.ll.dst.regi == (regi + 4))
+                    return (regi - rAL + rAX);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return (0);
+ * idiom 14 - Long word assign
+ *      MOV regL, mem/reg
+ *      XOR regH, regH
+ *      Eg:     MOV ax, di
+ *              XOR dx, dx
+ *      => MOV dx:ax, di
+ *		Note: only the following combinations are allowed:
+ *				dx:ax
+ *				cx:bx
+ *		this is to remove the possibility of making errors in situations
+ *		like this:
+ *			MOV dx, offH
+ *			MOV ax, offL
+ *			XOR	cx, cx
+ *      Found in Borland Turbo C, used for division of unsigned integer
+ *      operands.
+ ****************************************************************************/
+static boolT idiom14 (ICODE * picode, ICODE * pend, byte *regL, byte *regH)
+    if (picode < pend)
+    {
+        /* Check for regL */
+        *regL = picode->ic.ll.dst.regi;
+        if (((picode->ic.ll.flg & I) != I) && ((*regL == rAX) || (*regL ==rBX)))
+        {
+            /* Check for XOR regH, regH */
+            if (((picode+1)->ic.ll.opcode == iXOR) &&
+                (((picode+1)->ic.ll.flg & I) != I))
+            {
+                *regH = (picode+1)->ic.ll.dst.regi;
+                if (*regH == (picode+1)->ic.ll.src.regi)
+                {
+                    if ((*regL == rAX) && (*regH == rDX))
+                        return (TRUE);
+                    if ((*regL == rBX) && (*regH == rCX))
+                        return (TRUE);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return (FALSE);
+ * idiom11 - Negate long integer
+ *      NEG regH
+ *      NEG regL
+ *      SBB regH, 0
+ *      Eg:     NEG dx
+ *              NEG ax
+ *              SBB dx, 0
+ *      => dx:ax = - dx:ax
+ *      Found in Borland Turbo C.
+ ****************************************************************************/
+static boolT idiom11 (ICODE * pIcode, ICODE * pEnd)
+{	condId type;          /* type of argument */
+        if ((pIcode + 2) < pEnd)
+        {
+            type = pIcode->idType(DST);
+            if ((type != CONSTANT) && (type != OTHER))
+            {
+            /* Check NEG reg/mem
+             *       SBB reg/mem, 0*/
+                if (((pIcode+1)->ic.ll.opcode == iNEG) &&
+                    ((pIcode+2)->ic.ll.opcode == iSBB))
+                    switch (type) {
+                        case GLOB_VAR:    if (((pIcode+2)->ic.ll.dst.segValue ==
+                                               pIcode->ic.ll.dst.segValue) &&
+                                              ((pIcode+2)-> ==
+                                               pIcode->
+                                return (TRUE);
+                            break;
+                        case REGISTER:    if ((pIcode+2)->ic.ll.dst.regi ==
+                                              pIcode->ic.ll.dst.regi)
+                                return (TRUE);
+                            break;
+                        case PARAM:
+                        case LOCAL_VAR:   if ((pIcode+2)-> ==
+                                              pIcode->
+                                return (TRUE);
+                            break;
+                    }
+            }
+        }
+        return (FALSE);
+ * idiom 16: Bitwise negation
+ *		NEG reg
+ *		SBB reg, reg
+ *		INC reg
+ *		=> ASGN reg, !reg
+ *		Eg:		NEG ax
+ *				SBB ax, ax
+ *				INC ax
+ *			=> ax = !ax
+ *		Found in Borland Turbo C when negating bitwise.
+ ****************************************************************************/
+static boolT idiom16 (ICODE * picode, ICODE * pend)
+{ byte regi;
+    if ((picode+2) < pend)
+    {
+        regi = picode->ic.ll.dst.regi;
+        if ((regi >= rAX) && (regi < INDEXBASE))
+        {
+            if (((picode+1)->ic.ll.opcode == iSBB) &&
+                ((picode+2)->ic.ll.opcode == iINC))
+                if (((picode+1)->ic.ll.dst.regi ==
+                     ((picode+1)->ic.ll.src.regi)) &&
+                    ((picode+1)->ic.ll.dst.regi == regi) &&
+                    ((picode+2)->ic.ll.dst.regi == regi))
+                    return (TRUE);
+        }
+    }
+    return (FALSE);
+ * idiom 18: Post-increment or post-decrement in a conditional jump
+ *		MOV  reg, var (including register variables)
+ *		INC	 var	or DEC var
+ *		CMP  var, Y
+ *		JX   label
+ *		=> HLI_JCOND (var++ X Y)
+ *		Eg:		MOV  ax, si
+ *				INC  si
+ *				CMP  ax, 8
+ *				JL   labX
+ *			=>  HLI_JCOND (si++ < 8)
+ * 		Found in Borland Turbo C.  Intrinsic to C languages.
+ ****************************************************************************/
+static boolT idiom18 (ICODE * picode, ICODE * pend, Function * pproc)
+{ boolT type = 0;	/* type of variable: 1 = reg-var, 2 = local */
+    byte regi;		/* register of the MOV */
+    /* Get variable */
+    if (picode->ic.ll.dst.regi == 0)	/* global variable */
+        /* not supported yet */ ;
+    else if (picode->ic.ll.dst.regi < INDEXBASE)	/* register */
+    {
+        if ((picode->ic.ll.dst.regi == rSI) && (pproc->flg & SI_REGVAR))
+            type = 1;
+        else if ((picode->ic.ll.dst.regi == rDI) && (pproc->flg & DI_REGVAR))
+            type = 1;
+    }
+    else if (picode->		/* local variable */
+        type = 2;
+    else		/* indexed */
+        /* not supported yet */ ;
+    /* Check previous instruction for a MOV */
+    if (type == 1)			/* register variable */
+    {
+        if (((picode-1)->ic.ll.opcode == iMOV) &&
+            ((picode-1)->ic.ll.src.regi == picode->ic.ll.dst.regi))
+        {
+            regi = (picode-1)->ic.ll.dst.regi;
+            if ((regi > 0) && (regi < INDEXBASE))
+            {
+                if ((picode < pend) && ((picode+1) < pend) &&
+                    ((picode+1)->ic.ll.opcode == iCMP) &&
+                    ((picode+1)->ic.ll.dst.regi == regi) &&
+                    (((picode+2)->ic.ll.opcode >= iJB) &&
+                     ((picode+2)->ic.ll.opcode < iJCXZ)))
+                    return (TRUE);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    else if (type == 2)		/* local */
+    {
+        if (((picode-1)->ic.ll.opcode == iMOV) &&
+            ((picode-1)-> == picode->
+        {
+            regi = (picode-1)->ic.ll.dst.regi;
+            if ((regi > 0) && (regi < INDEXBASE))
+            {
+                if ((picode < pend) && ((picode+1) < pend) &&
+                    ((picode+1)->ic.ll.opcode == iCMP) &&
+                    ((picode+1)->ic.ll.dst.regi == regi) &&
+                    (((picode+2)->ic.ll.opcode >= iJB) &&
+                     ((picode+2)->ic.ll.opcode < iJCXZ)))
+                    return (TRUE);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return (FALSE);
+ * idiom 19: pre-increment or pre-decrement in conditional jump, comparing
+ *			 against 0.
+ *		INC var			or DEC var		(including register vars)
+ *		JX	lab			   JX  lab
+ *		=>  HLI_JCOND (++var X 0) or HLI_JCOND (--var X 0)
+ *		Eg: INC [bp+4]
+ *			JG  lab2
+ *			=> HLI_JCOND (++[bp+4] > 0)
+ *		Found in Borland Turbo C.  Intrinsic to C language.
+ ****************************************************************************/
+static boolT idiom19 (ICODE * picode, ICODE * pend, Function * pproc)
+    if (picode->ic.ll.dst.regi == 0)	/* global variable */
+        /* not supported yet */ ;
+    else if (picode->ic.ll.dst.regi < INDEXBASE) /* register */
+    {
+        if (((picode->ic.ll.dst.regi == rSI) && (pproc->flg & SI_REGVAR)) ||
+            ((picode->ic.ll.dst.regi == rDI) && (pproc->flg & DI_REGVAR)))
+            if ((picode < pend) && ((picode+1)->ic.ll.opcode >= iJB) &&
+                ((picode+1)->ic.ll.opcode < iJCXZ))
+                return (TRUE);
+    }
+    else if (picode->		/* stack variable */
+    {
+        if ((picode < pend) && ((picode+1)->ic.ll.opcode >= iJB) &&
+            ((picode+1)->ic.ll.opcode < iJCXZ))
+            return (TRUE);
+    }
+    else	/* indexed */
+        /* not supported yet */ ;
+    return (FALSE);
+ * idiom20: Pre increment/decrement in conditional expression (compares
+ *			against a register, variable or constant different than 0).
+ *		INC var			or DEC var (including register vars)
+ *		MOV reg, var	   MOV reg, var
+ *		CMP reg, Y		   CMP reg, Y
+ *		JX  lab			   JX  lab
+ *		=> HLI_JCOND (++var X Y) or HLI_JCOND (--var X Y)
+ *		Eg: INC si	(si is a register variable)
+ *			MOV ax, si
+ *			CMP ax, 2
+ *			JL	lab4
+ *			=> HLI_JCOND (++si < 2)
+ *		Found in Turbo C.  Intrinsic to C language.
+ ****************************************************************************/
+static boolT idiom20 (ICODE * picode, ICODE * pend, Function * pproc)
+{ boolT type = 0;	/* type of variable: 1 = reg-var, 2 = local */
+    byte regi;		/* register of the MOV */
+    /* Get variable */
+    if (picode->ic.ll.dst.regi == 0)	/* global variable */
+        /* not supported yet */ ;
+    else if (picode->ic.ll.dst.regi < INDEXBASE)	/* register */
+    {
+        if ((picode->ic.ll.dst.regi == rSI) && (pproc->flg & SI_REGVAR))
+            type = 1;
+        else if ((picode->ic.ll.dst.regi == rDI) && (pproc->flg & DI_REGVAR))
+            type = 1;
+    }
+    else if (picode->		/* local variable */
+        type = 2;
+    else		/* indexed */
+        /* not supported yet */ ;
+    /* Check previous instruction for a MOV */
+    if (type == 1)			/* register variable */
+    {
+        if ((picode < pend) && ((picode+1)->ic.ll.opcode == iMOV) &&
+            ((picode+1)->ic.ll.src.regi == picode->ic.ll.dst.regi))
+        {
+            regi = (picode+1)->ic.ll.dst.regi;
+            if ((regi > 0) && (regi < INDEXBASE))
+            {
+                if (((picode+1) < pend) && ((picode+2) < pend) &&
+                    ((picode+2)->ic.ll.opcode == iCMP) &&
+                    ((picode+2)->ic.ll.dst.regi == regi) &&
+                    (((picode+3)->ic.ll.opcode >= iJB) &&
+                     ((picode+3)->ic.ll.opcode < iJCXZ)))
+                    return (TRUE);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    else if (type == 2)		/* local */
+    {
+        if ((picode < pend) && ((picode+1)->ic.ll.opcode == iMOV) &&
+            ((picode+1)-> == picode->
+        {
+            regi = (picode+1)->ic.ll.dst.regi;
+            if ((regi > 0) && (regi < INDEXBASE))
+            {
+                if (((picode+1) < pend) && ((picode+2) < pend) &&
+                    ((picode+2)->ic.ll.opcode == iCMP) &&
+                    ((picode+2)->ic.ll.dst.regi == regi) &&
+                    (((picode+3)->ic.ll.opcode >= iJB) &&
+                     ((picode+3)->ic.ll.opcode < iJCXZ)))
+                    return (TRUE);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return (FALSE);
+ * findIdioms  - translates LOW_LEVEL icode idioms into HIGH_LEVEL icodes.
+ ****************************************************************************/
+void Function::findIdioms()
+    Int     ip;             /* Index to current icode                   */
+    ICODE *  pEnd, * pIcode;   /* Pointers to end of BB and current icodes */
+    int16   delta;
+    COND_EXPR *rhs, *lhs;   /* Pointers to left and right hand side exps */
+    COND_EXPR *exp;         /* Pointer to temporal expression           */
+    Int     idx;            /* Index into local identifier table        */
+    byte    regH, regL;     /* High and low registers for long word reg */
+    pIcode = Icode.GetFirstIcode();
+    pEnd = pIcode + Icode.GetNumIcodes();
+    ip = 0;
+    while (pIcode < pEnd)
+    {
+        switch (pIcode->ic.ll.opcode) {
+            case iDEC: case iINC:
+                if (idiom18 (pIcode, pEnd, this))
+                {
+                    lhs = COND_EXPR::id (pIcode-1, SRC, this, ip, pIcode, eUSE);
+                    if (pIcode->ic.ll.opcode == iDEC)
+                        lhs = COND_EXPR::unary (POST_DEC, lhs);
+                    else
+                        lhs = COND_EXPR::unary (POST_INC, lhs);
+                    rhs = COND_EXPR::id (pIcode+1, SRC, this, ip, pIcode+2, eUSE);
+                    exp = COND_EXPR::boolOp (lhs, rhs,
+                                       condOpJCond[(pIcode+2)->ic.ll.opcode - iJB]);
+                    (pIcode+2)->setJCond(exp);
+                    (pIcode-1)->invalidate();
+                    pIcode->invalidate();
+                    (pIcode+1)->invalidate();
+                    pIcode += 3;
+                    ip += 2;
+                }
+                else if (idiom19 (pIcode, pEnd, this))
+                {
+                    lhs = COND_EXPR::id (pIcode, DST, this, ip, pIcode+1, eUSE);
+                    if (pIcode->ic.ll.opcode == iDEC)
+                        lhs = COND_EXPR::unary (PRE_DEC, lhs);
+                    else
+                        lhs = COND_EXPR::unary (PRE_INC, lhs);
+                    rhs = COND_EXPR::idKte (0, 2);
+                    exp = COND_EXPR::boolOp (lhs, rhs,
+                                       condOpJCond[(pIcode+1)->ic.ll.opcode - iJB]);
+                    (pIcode+1)->setJCond(exp);
+                    pIcode->invalidate();
+                    pIcode += 2;
+                    ip++;
+                }
+                else if (idiom20 (pIcode, pEnd, this))
+                {
+                    lhs = COND_EXPR::id (pIcode+1, SRC, this, ip, pIcode, eUSE);
+                    if (pIcode->ic.ll.opcode == iDEC)
+                        lhs = COND_EXPR::unary (PRE_DEC, lhs);
+                    else
+                        lhs = COND_EXPR::unary (PRE_INC, lhs);
+                    rhs = COND_EXPR::id (pIcode+2, SRC, this, ip, pIcode+3, eUSE);
+                    exp = COND_EXPR::boolOp (lhs, rhs,
+                                       condOpJCond[(pIcode+3)->ic.ll.opcode - iJB]);
+                    (pIcode+3)->setJCond(exp);
+                    pIcode->invalidate();
+                    (pIcode+1)->invalidate();
+                    (pIcode+2)->invalidate();
+                    pIcode += 3;
+                    ip += 2;
+                }
+                else
+                    pIcode++;
+                break;
+            case iPUSH:             /* Idiom 1 */
+                if ((! (flg & PROC_HLL)) && (idx = idiom1 (pIcode, pEnd, this)))
+                {
+                    flg |= PROC_HLL;
+                    for ( ; idx > 0; idx--)
+                    {
+                        (pIcode++)->invalidate();
+                        ip++;
+                    }
+                    ip--;
+                }
+                else
+                    pIcode++;
+                break;
+            case iMOV:              /* Idiom 2 */
+                if (idx = idiom2(pIcode, pEnd, ip, this))
+                {
+                    pIcode->invalidate();
+                    (pIcode+1)->invalidate();
+                    pIcode += 3;
+                    ip += 2;
+                }
+                else if (idiom14 (pIcode, pEnd, &regL, &regH))  /* Idiom 14 */
+                {
+                    idx = localId.newLongReg (TYPE_LONG_SIGN, regH, regL, ip);
+                    lhs = COND_EXPR::idLongIdx (idx);
+                    pIcode->setRegDU( regH, eDEF);
+                    rhs = COND_EXPR::id (pIcode, SRC, this, ip, pIcode, NONE);
+                    pIcode->setAsgn(lhs, rhs);
+                    (pIcode+1)->invalidate();
+                    pIcode += 2;
+                    ip++;
+                }
+                else if (idx = idiom13 (pIcode, pEnd))      /* Idiom 13 */
+                {
+                    lhs = COND_EXPR::idReg (idx, 0, &localId);
+                    pIcode->setRegDU( idx, eDEF);
+                    pIcode->du1.numRegsDef--;   	/* prev byte reg def */
+                    rhs = COND_EXPR::id (pIcode, SRC, this, ip, pIcode, NONE);
+                    pIcode->setAsgn(lhs, rhs);
+                    (pIcode+1)->invalidate();
+                    pIcode += 2;
+                    ip++;
+                }
+                else
+                    pIcode++;
+                break;
+            case iCALL:  case iCALLF:
+                /* Check for library functions that return a long register.
+                         * Propagate this result */
+                if (pIcode->ic.ll.immed.proc.proc != 0)
+                    if ((pIcode->ic.ll.immed.proc.proc->flg & PROC_ISLIB) &&
+                        (pIcode->ic.ll.immed.proc.proc->flg & PROC_IS_FUNC))
+                    {
+                        if ((pIcode->ic.ll.immed.proc.proc->retVal.type==TYPE_LONG_SIGN)
+                            || (pIcode->ic.ll.immed.proc.proc->retVal.type ==
+                                TYPE_LONG_UNSIGN))
+                            localId.newLongReg(TYPE_LONG_SIGN, rDX, rAX, ip);
+                    }
+                /* Check for idioms */
+                if (idx = idiom3(pIcode, pEnd))         /* idiom 3 */
+                {
+                    if (pIcode->ic.ll.flg & I)
+                    {
+                        (pIcode->ic.ll.immed.proc.proc)->cbParam = (int16)idx;
+                        pIcode->ic.ll.immed.proc.cb = idx;
+                        (pIcode->ic.ll.immed.proc.proc)->flg |= CALL_C;
+                        pIcode++;
+                        (pIcode++)->invalidate();
+                        ip++;
+                    }
+                }
+                else if (idx = idiom17 (pIcode, pEnd))  /* idiom 17 */
+                {
+                    if (pIcode->ic.ll.flg & I)
+                    {
+                        (pIcode->ic.ll.immed.proc.proc)->cbParam = (int16)idx;
+                        pIcode->ic.ll.immed.proc.cb = idx;
+                        (pIcode->ic.ll.immed.proc.proc)->flg |= CALL_C;
+                        ip += idx/2 - 1;
+                        pIcode++;
+                        for (idx /= 2; idx > 0; idx--)
+                            (pIcode++)->invalidate();
+                    }
+                }
+                else
+                    pIcode++;
+                break;
+            case iRET:          /* Idiom 4 */
+            case iRETF:
+                idiom4 (pIcode, pEnd, this);
+                pIcode++;
+                break;
+            case iADD:          /* Idiom 5 */
+                if (idiom5 (pIcode, pEnd))
+                {
+                    lhs = COND_EXPR::idLong (&localId, DST, pIcode, LOW_FIRST,
+                                         ip, USE_DEF, 1);
+                    rhs = COND_EXPR::idLong (&localId, SRC, pIcode, LOW_FIRST,
+                                         ip, eUSE, 1);
+                    exp = COND_EXPR::boolOp (lhs, rhs, ADD);
+                    pIcode->setAsgn(lhs, exp);
+                    (pIcode+1)->invalidate();
+                    pIcode++;
+                    ip++;
+                }
+                pIcode++;
+                break;
+            case iSAR:          /* Idiom 8 */
+                if (idiom8 (pIcode, pEnd))
+                {
+                    idx = localId.newLongReg(TYPE_LONG_SIGN,
+                                        pIcode->ic.ll.dst.regi, (pIcode+1)->ic.ll.dst.regi,ip);
+                    lhs = COND_EXPR::idLongIdx (idx);
+                    pIcode->setRegDU( (pIcode+1)->ic.ll.dst.regi, USE_DEF);
+                    rhs = COND_EXPR::idKte (1, 2);
+                    exp = COND_EXPR::boolOp (lhs, rhs, SHR);
+                    pIcode->setAsgn(lhs, exp);
+                    (pIcode+1)->invalidate();
+                    pIcode++;
+                    ip++;
+                }
+                pIcode++;
+                break;
+            case iSHL:
+                if (idx = idiom15 (pIcode, pEnd))       /* idiom 15 */
+                {
+                    lhs = COND_EXPR::idReg (pIcode->ic.ll.dst.regi,
+                                        pIcode->ic.ll.flg & NO_SRC_B,
+                                        &localId);
+                    rhs = COND_EXPR::idKte (idx, 2);
+                    exp = COND_EXPR::boolOp (lhs, rhs, SHL);
+                    pIcode->setAsgn(lhs, exp);
+                    pIcode++;
+                    for (idx-- ; idx > 0; idx--)
+                    {
+                        (pIcode++)->invalidate();
+                        ip++;
+                    }
+                }
+                else if (idiom12 (pIcode, pEnd))        /* idiom 12 */
+                {
+                    idx = localId.newLongReg (TYPE_LONG_UNSIGN,
+                                        (pIcode+1)->ic.ll.dst.regi, pIcode->ic.ll.dst.regi,ip);
+                    lhs = COND_EXPR::idLongIdx (idx);
+                    pIcode->setRegDU( (pIcode+1)->ic.ll.dst.regi, USE_DEF);
+                    rhs = COND_EXPR::idKte (1, 2);
+                    exp = COND_EXPR::boolOp (lhs, rhs, SHL);
+                    pIcode->setAsgn(lhs, exp);
+                    (pIcode+1)->invalidate();
+                    pIcode += 2;
+                    ip++;
+                }
+                else
+                    pIcode++;
+                break;
+            case iSHR:          /* Idiom 9 */
+                if (idiom9 (pIcode, pEnd))
+                {
+                    idx = localId.newLongReg (TYPE_LONG_UNSIGN,
+                                        pIcode->ic.ll.dst.regi, (pIcode+1)->ic.ll.dst.regi,ip);
+                    lhs = COND_EXPR::idLongIdx (idx);
+                    pIcode->setRegDU( (pIcode+1)->ic.ll.dst.regi, USE_DEF);
+                    rhs = COND_EXPR::idKte (1, 2);
+                    exp = COND_EXPR::boolOp (lhs, rhs, SHR);
+                    pIcode->setAsgn(lhs, exp);
+                    (pIcode+1)->invalidate();
+                    pIcode++;
+                    ip++;
+                }
+                pIcode++;
+                break;
+            case iSUB:          /* Idiom 6 */
+                if (idiom6 (pIcode, pEnd))
+                {
+                    lhs = COND_EXPR::idLong (&localId, DST, pIcode, LOW_FIRST,
+                                         ip, USE_DEF, 1);
+                    rhs = COND_EXPR::idLong (&localId, SRC, pIcode, LOW_FIRST,
+                                         ip, eUSE, 1);
+                    exp = COND_EXPR::boolOp (lhs, rhs, SUB);
+                    pIcode->setAsgn(lhs, exp);
+                    (pIcode+1)->invalidate();
+                    pIcode++;
+                    ip++;
+                }
+                pIcode++;
+                break;
+            case iOR:           /* Idiom 10 */
+                idiom10 (pIcode, pEnd);
+                pIcode++;
+                break;
+            case iNEG:          /* Idiom 11 */
+                if (idiom11 (pIcode, pEnd))
+                {
+                    lhs = COND_EXPR::idLong (&localId, DST, pIcode, HIGH_FIRST,
+                                         ip, USE_DEF, 1);
+                    rhs = COND_EXPR::unary (NEGATION, lhs);
+                    pIcode->setAsgn(lhs, rhs);
+                    (pIcode+1)->invalidate();
+                    (pIcode+2)->invalidate();
+                    pIcode += 3;
+                    ip += 2;
+                }
+                else if (idiom16 (pIcode, pEnd))
+                {
+                    lhs = COND_EXPR::idReg (pIcode->ic.ll.dst.regi, pIcode->ic.ll.flg,
+                                        &localId);
+                    rhs = lhs->clone();
+                    rhs = COND_EXPR::unary (NEGATION, lhs);
+                    pIcode->setAsgn(lhs, rhs);
+                    (pIcode+1)->invalidate();
+                    (pIcode+2)->invalidate();
+                    pIcode += 3;
+                    ip += 2;
+                }
+                else
+                    pIcode++;
+                break;
+            case iNOP:
+                (pIcode++)->invalidate();
+                break;
+            case iENTER:		/* ENTER is equivalent to init PUSH bp */
+                if (ip == 0)
+                    flg |= (PROC_HLL | PROC_IS_HLL);
+                pIcode++;
+                break;
+            case iXOR:          /* Idiom 7 */
+                if (idiom21 (pIcode, pEnd))
+                {
+                    lhs = COND_EXPR::idLong (&localId, DST, pIcode,HIGH_FIRST, ip, eDEF, 1);
+                    rhs = COND_EXPR::idKte ((pIcode+1)->ic.ll.immed.op , 4);
+                    pIcode->setAsgn(lhs, rhs);
+                    pIcode->du.use = 0;		/* clear register used in iXOR */
+                    (pIcode+1)->invalidate();
+                    pIcode++;
+                    ip++;
+                }
+                else if (idiom7 (pIcode))
+                {
+                    lhs = COND_EXPR::id (pIcode, DST, this, ip, pIcode, NONE);
+                    rhs = COND_EXPR::idKte (0, 2);
+                    pIcode->setAsgn(lhs, rhs);
+                    pIcode->du.use = 0;    /* clear register used in iXOR */
+                    pIcode->ic.ll.flg |= I;
+                }
+                pIcode++;
+                break;
+            default:
+                pIcode++;
+        }
+        ip++;
+    }
+    /* Check if number of parameter bytes match their calling convention */
+    if ((flg & PROC_HLL) && (!args.sym.empty()))
+    {
+        args.minOff += (flg & PROC_FAR ? 4 : 2);
+        delta = args.maxOff - args.minOff;
+        if (cbParam != delta)
+        {
+            cbParam = delta;
+            flg |= (CALL_MASK & CALL_UNKNOWN);
+        }
+    }
+/* Sets up the TARGET flag for jump target addresses, and
+ * binds jump target addresses to icode offsets.    */
+void Function::bindIcodeOff()
+    Int i, j;                 /* idx into icode array */
+    ICODE * pIcode;            /* ptr icode array      */
+    dword *p;                 /* for case table       */
+    if (! Icode.GetNumIcodes())        /* No Icode */
+        return;
+    pIcode = Icode.GetFirstIcode();
+    /* Flag all jump targets for BB construction and disassembly stage 2 */
+    for (i = 0; i < Icode.GetNumIcodes(); i++)
+        if ((pIcode[i].ic.ll.flg & I) && JmpInst(pIcode[i].ic.ll.opcode))
+        {
+            if (Icode.labelSrch(pIcode[i].ic.ll.immed.op, &j))
+            {
+                pIcode[j].ic.ll.flg |= TARGET;
+            }
+        }
+    /* Finally bind jump targets to Icode offsets.  Jumps for which no label
+     * is found (no code at dest. of jump) are simply left unlinked and
+     * flagged as going nowhere.  */
+    pIcode = Icode.GetFirstIcode();
+    for (i = 0; i < Icode.GetNumIcodes(); i++)
+        if (JmpInst(pIcode[i].ic.ll.opcode))
+        {
+            if (pIcode[i].ic.ll.flg & I)
+            {
+                if (! Icode.labelSrch(pIcode[i].ic.ll.immed.op,
+                                      (Int *)&pIcode[i].ic.ll.immed.op))
+                    pIcode[i].ic.ll.flg |= NO_LABEL;
+            }
+            else if (pIcode[i].ic.ll.flg & SWITCH)
+            {
+                p = pIcode[i].ic.ll.caseTbl.entries;
+                for (j = 0; j < pIcode[i].ic.ll.caseTbl.numEntries; j++, p++)
+                    Icode.labelSrch(*p, (Int *)p);
+            }
+        }
+/* Performs idioms analysis, and propagates long operands, if any */
+void Function::lowLevelAnalysis ()
+    /* Idiom analysis - sets up some flags and creates some HIGH_LEVEL icodes */
+    findIdioms();
+    /* Propagate HIGH_LEVEL idiom information for long operands */
+    propLong();

+ 424 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,424 @@
+ * File: locIdent.c
+ * Purpose: support routines for high-level local identifier definitions.
+ * Date: October 1993
+ * (C) Cristina Cifuentes
+ */
+#include "dcc.h"
+#include <string.h>
+#define LOCAL_ID_DELTA  25
+#define IDX_ARRAY_DELTA  5
+/* Creates a new identifier node of type t and returns it.
+ * Arguments: locSym : local long symbol table
+ *            t : type of LONG identifier
+ *            f : frame where this variable is located
+ *            ix : index into icode array where this var is used */
+void LOCAL_ID::newIdent(hlType t, frameType f)
+    ID newid(t,f);
+    id_arr.push_back(newid);
+/* Creates a new register identifier node of TYPE_BYTE_(UN)SIGN or
+ * TYPE_WORD_(UN)SIGN type.  Returns the index to this new entry.       */
+Int LOCAL_ID::newByteWordReg(hlType t, byte regi)
+    Int idx;
+    /* Check for entry in the table */
+    auto found=std::find_if(id_arr.begin(),id_arr.end(),[t,regi](ID &el)->bool {
+            if ((el.type == t) && ( == regi))
+                return true;
+            return false;
+        });
+    if(found!=id_arr.end())
+        return found-id_arr.begin();
+    /* Not in table, create new identifier */
+    newIdent (t, REG_FRAME);
+    idx = id_arr.size() - 1;
+    id_arr[idx].id.regi = regi;
+    return (idx);
+/* Flags the entry associated with the offset off to illegal, as this
+ * offset is part of a long stack variable.
+ * Note: it is easier enough to remove this entry by moving the rest of
+ *       the array 1 position.  The problem is that indexes into this
+ *       array have already been saved in several positions; therefore,
+ *       flagging this entry as illegal is all that can be done.    */
+void LOCAL_ID::flagByteWordId (Int off)
+    Int idx;
+    auto found=std::find_if(id_arr.begin(),id_arr.end(),[off](ID &en)->bool {
+     if (((en.type == TYPE_WORD_SIGN) || (en.type == TYPE_BYTE_SIGN)) &&
+         ( == off) && ( == 0))
+        return true;
+     return false;
+    });
+    if(found==id_arr.end())
+    {
+        printf("Entry not found in LOCAL_ID::flagByteWordId \n");
+        return;
+    }
+    found->illegal = TRUE;
+/* Creates a new stack identifier node of TYPE_BYTE_(UN)SIGN or
+ * TYPE_WORD_(UN)SIGN type.  Returns the index to this new entry.       */
+Int LOCAL_ID::newByteWordStk(hlType t, Int off, byte regOff)
+    Int idx;
+    /* Check for entry in the table */
+    auto found=std::find_if(id_arr.begin(),id_arr.end(),[off,regOff](ID &el)->bool {
+            if (( == off) && ( == regOff))
+                return true;
+            return false;
+        });
+    if(found!=id_arr.end())
+        return found-id_arr.begin(); //return Index to found element
+    /* Not in table, create new identifier */
+    newIdent (t, STK_FRAME);
+    idx = id_arr.size() - 1;
+    id_arr[idx].id.bwId.regOff = regOff;
+    id_arr[idx] = off;
+    return (idx);
+/* Checks if the entry exists in the locSym, if so, returns the idx to this
+ * entry; otherwise creates a new global identifier node of type
+ * TYPE_WORD_(UN)SIGN and returns the index to this new entry.
+ * Arguments: locSym : ptr to the local symbol table
+ *            seg: segment value for global variable
+ *            off: offset from segment
+ *            regi: indexed register into global variable
+ *            ix: index into icode array
+ *            t: HIGH_LEVEL type            */
+Int LOCAL_ID::newIntIdx(int16 seg, int16 off, byte regi,Int ix, hlType t)
+    Int idx;
+    /* Check for entry in the table */
+    for (idx = 0; idx < id_arr.size(); idx++)
+    {
+        if (/*(locSym->id[idx].type == t) &&   Not checking type */
+            (id_arr[idx].id.bwGlb.seg == seg) &&
+            (id_arr[idx] == off) &&
+            (id_arr[idx].id.bwGlb.regi == regi))
+            return (idx);
+    }
+    /* Not in the table, create new identifier */
+    newIdent (t, GLB_FRAME);
+    idx = id_arr.size() - 1;
+    id_arr[idx].id.bwGlb.seg = seg;
+    id_arr[idx] = off;
+    id_arr[idx].id.bwGlb.regi = regi;
+    return (idx);
+/* Checks if the entry exists in the locSym, if so, returns the idx to this
+ * entry; otherwise creates a new register identifier node of type
+ * TYPE_LONG_(UN)SIGN and returns the index to this new entry.  */
+Int LOCAL_ID::newLongReg(hlType t, byte regH, byte regL, Int ix)
+    Int idx;
+    /* Check for entry in the table */
+    for (idx = 0; idx < id_arr.size(); idx++)
+    {
+        if (/*(locSym->id[idx].type == t) &&   Not checking type */
+            (id_arr[idx].id.longId.h == regH) &&
+            (id_arr[idx].id.longId.l == regL))
+        {
+            /* Check for occurrence in the list */
+            if (id_arr[idx].idx.inList(ix))
+                return (idx);
+            else
+            {
+                /* Insert icode index in list */
+                id_arr[idx].idx.push_back(ix);
+                return (idx);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /* Not in the table, create new identifier */
+    newIdent (t, REG_FRAME);
+    id_arr[id_arr.size()-1].idx.push_back(ix);
+    idx = id_arr.size() - 1;
+    id_arr[idx].id.longId.h = regH;
+    id_arr[idx].id.longId.l = regL;
+    return (idx);
+/* Checks if the entry exists in the locSym, if so, returns the idx to this
+ * entry; otherwise creates a new global identifier node of type
+ * TYPE_LONG_(UN)SIGN and returns the index to this new entry.  */
+Int LOCAL_ID::newLongGlb(int16 seg, int16 offH, int16 offL,Int ix, hlType t)
+    Int idx;
+    /* Check for entry in the table */
+    for (idx = 0; idx < id_arr.size(); idx++)
+    {
+        if (/*(locSym->id[idx].type == t) &&   Not checking type */
+            (id_arr[idx].id.longGlb.seg == seg) &&
+            (id_arr[idx].id.longGlb.offH == offH) &&
+            (id_arr[idx].id.longGlb.offL == offL))
+            return (idx);
+    }
+    /* Not in the table, create new identifier */
+    newIdent (t, GLB_FRAME);
+    idx = id_arr.size() - 1;
+    id_arr[idx].id.longGlb.seg = seg;
+    id_arr[idx].id.longGlb.offH = offH;
+    id_arr[idx].id.longGlb.offL = offL;
+    return (idx);
+/* Checks if the entry exists in the locSym, if so, returns the idx to this
+ * entry; otherwise creates a new global identifier node of type
+ * TYPE_LONG_(UN)SIGN and returns the index to this new entry.  */
+Int LOCAL_ID::newLongIdx( int16 seg, int16 offH, int16 offL,byte regi, Int ix, hlType t)
+{ Int idx;
+    /* Check for entry in the table */
+    for (idx = 0; idx < id_arr.size(); idx++)
+    {
+        if (/*(locSym->id[idx].type == t) &&   Not checking type */
+            (id_arr[idx].id.longGlb.seg == seg) &&
+            (id_arr[idx].id.longGlb.offH == offH) &&
+            (id_arr[idx].id.longGlb.offL == offL) &&
+            (id_arr[idx].id.longGlb.regi == regi))
+            return (idx);
+    }
+    /* Not in the table, create new identifier */
+    newIdent (t, GLB_FRAME);
+    idx = id_arr.size() - 1;
+    id_arr[idx].id.longGlb.seg = seg;
+    id_arr[idx].id.longGlb.offH = offH;
+    id_arr[idx].id.longGlb.offL = offL;
+    id_arr[idx].id.longGlb.regi = regi;
+    return (idx);
+/* Creates a new stack identifier node of type TYPE_LONG_(UN)SIGN.
+ * Returns the index to this entry. */
+Int LOCAL_ID::newLongStk(hlType t, Int offH, Int offL)
+    Int idx;
+    /* Check for entry in the table */
+    for (idx = 0; idx < id_arr.size(); idx++)
+    {
+        if ((id_arr[idx].type == t) &&
+            (id_arr[idx].id.longStkId.offH == offH) &&
+            (id_arr[idx].id.longStkId.offL == offL))
+            return (idx);
+    }
+    /* Not in the table; flag as invalid offH and offL */
+    flagByteWordId (offH);
+    flagByteWordId (offL);
+    /* Create new identifier */
+    newIdent (t, STK_FRAME);
+    idx = id_arr.size() - 1;
+    id_arr[idx].id.longStkId.offH = offH;
+    id_arr[idx].id.longStkId.offL = offL;
+    return (idx);
+/* Returns the index to an appropriate long identifier.
+ * Note: long constants should be checked first and stored as a long integer
+ *       number in an expression record.    */
+Int LOCAL_ID::newLong(opLoc sd, ICODE *pIcode, hlFirst f, Int ix,operDu du, Int off)
+    Int idx;
+  ICODEMEM *pmH, *pmL;
+    if (f == LOW_FIRST)
+    {
+        pmL = (sd == SRC) ? &pIcode->ic.ll.src : &pIcode->ic.ll.dst;
+        pmH = (sd == SRC) ? &(pIcode+off)->ic.ll.src : &(pIcode+off)->ic.ll.dst;
+    }
+    else        /* HIGH_FIRST */
+    {
+        pmH = (sd == SRC) ? &pIcode->ic.ll.src : &pIcode->ic.ll.dst;
+        pmL = (sd == SRC) ? &(pIcode+off)->ic.ll.src : &(pIcode+off)->ic.ll.dst;
+    }
+    if (pmL->regi == 0)                                 /* global variable */
+        idx = newLongGlb(pmH->segValue, pmH->off, pmL->off, ix,TYPE_LONG_SIGN);
+    else if (pmL->regi < INDEXBASE)                     /* register */
+    {
+        idx = newLongReg(TYPE_LONG_SIGN, pmH->regi, pmL->regi, ix);
+        if (f == HIGH_FIRST)
+            pIcode->setRegDU( pmL->regi, du);   /* low part */
+        else
+            pIcode->setRegDU( pmH->regi, du);   /* high part */
+    }
+    else if (pmL->off) {                                /* offset */
+        if ((pmL->seg == rSS) && (pmL->regi == INDEXBASE + 6)) /* idx on bp */
+            idx = newLongStk(TYPE_LONG_SIGN, pmH->off, pmL->off);
+        else if ((pmL->seg == rDS) && (pmL->regi == INDEXBASE + 7))   /* bx */
+        {                                       /* glb var indexed on bx */
+            idx = newLongIdx(pmH->segValue, pmH->off, pmL->off,rBX, ix, TYPE_LONG_SIGN);
+            pIcode->setRegDU( rBX, eUSE);
+        }
+        else                                            /* idx <> bp, bx */
+            printf ("long not supported, idx <> bp\n");
+    }
+    else  /* (pm->regi >= INDEXBASE && pm->off = 0) => indexed && no off */
+        printf ("long not supported, idx && no off\n");
+    return (idx);
+boolT checkLongEq (LONG_STKID_TYPE longId, ICODE *pIcode, Int i, Int idx,
+                  Function * pProc, COND_EXPR **rhs, COND_EXPR **lhs, Int off)
+/* Checks whether the long stack identifier is equivalent to the source or
+ * destination operands of pIcode and pIcode+1 (ie. these are LOW_LEVEL
+ * icodes at present).  If so, returns the rhs and lhs of this instruction.
+ * Arguments: longId    : long stack identifier
+ *            pIcode    : ptr to first LOW_LEVEL icode instruction
+ *            i         : idx into local identifier table for longId
+ *            idx       : idx into icode array
+ *            pProc     : ptr to current procedure record
+ *            rhs, lhs  : return expressions if successful. */
+    ICODEMEM *pmHdst, *pmLdst, *pmHsrc, *pmLsrc;  /* pointers to LOW_LEVEL icodes */
+    pmHdst = &pIcode->ic.ll.dst;
+    pmLdst = &(pIcode+off)->ic.ll.dst;
+    pmHsrc = &pIcode->ic.ll.src;
+    pmLsrc = &(pIcode+off)->ic.ll.src;
+    if ((longId.offH == pmHdst->off) && (longId.offL == pmLdst->off))
+    {
+        *lhs = COND_EXPR::idLongIdx (i);
+        if ((pIcode->ic.ll.flg & NO_SRC) != NO_SRC)
+            *rhs = COND_EXPR::idLong (&pProc->localId, SRC, pIcode, HIGH_FIRST,
+                                  idx, eUSE, off);
+        return (TRUE);
+    }
+    else if ((longId.offH == pmHsrc->off) && (longId.offL == pmLsrc->off))
+    {
+        *lhs = COND_EXPR::idLong (&pProc->localId, DST, pIcode, HIGH_FIRST, idx,
+                              eDEF, off);
+        *rhs = COND_EXPR::idLongIdx (i);
+        return (TRUE);
+    }
+    return (FALSE);
+/* Checks whether the long stack identifier is equivalent to the source or
+ * destination operands of pIcode and pIcode+1 (ie. these are LOW_LEVEL
+ * icodes at present).  If so, returns the rhs and lhs of this instruction.
+ * Arguments: longId    : long stack identifier
+ *            pIcode    : ptr to first LOW_LEVEL icode instruction
+ *            i         : idx into local identifier table for longId
+ *            idx       : idx into icode array
+ *            pProc     : ptr to current procedure record
+ *            rhs, lhs  : return expressions if successful. */
+boolT checkLongRegEq (LONGID_TYPE longId, ICODE *pIcode, Int i, Int idx,
+                  Function * pProc, COND_EXPR **rhs, COND_EXPR **lhs, Int off)
+    ICODEMEM *pmHdst, *pmLdst, *pmHsrc, *pmLsrc;  /* pointers to LOW_LEVEL icodes */
+    pmHdst = &pIcode->ic.ll.dst;
+    pmLdst = &(pIcode+off)->ic.ll.dst;
+    pmHsrc = &pIcode->ic.ll.src;
+    pmLsrc = &(pIcode+off)->ic.ll.src;
+    if ((longId.h == pmHdst->regi) && (longId.l == pmLdst->regi))
+    {
+        *lhs = COND_EXPR::idLongIdx (i);
+        if ((pIcode->ic.ll.flg & NO_SRC) != NO_SRC)
+            *rhs = COND_EXPR::idLong (&pProc->localId, SRC, pIcode, HIGH_FIRST,  idx, eUSE, off);
+        return (TRUE);
+    }
+    else if ((longId.h == pmHsrc->regi) && (longId.l == pmLsrc->regi))
+    {
+        *lhs = COND_EXPR::idLong (&pProc->localId, DST, pIcode, HIGH_FIRST, idx, eDEF, off);
+        *rhs = COND_EXPR::idLongIdx (i);
+        return (TRUE);
+    }
+    return (FALSE);
+/* Given an index into the local identifier table for a long register
+ * variable, determines whether regi is the high or low part, and returns
+ * the other part   */
+byte otherLongRegi (byte regi, Int idx, LOCAL_ID *locTbl)
+    ID *id;
+    id = &locTbl->id_arr[idx];
+    if ((id->loc == REG_FRAME) && ((id->type == TYPE_LONG_SIGN) ||
+        (id->type == TYPE_LONG_UNSIGN)))
+    {
+        if (id->id.longId.h == regi)
+            return (id->id.longId.l);
+        else if (id->id.longId.l == regi)
+            return (id->id.longId.h);
+    }
+    return 0;			// Cristina: please check this!
+/* Checks if the registers regL and regH have been used independently in
+ * the local identifier table.  If so, macros for these registers are
+ * placed in the local identifier table, as these registers belong to a
+ * long register identifier.	*/
+void LOCAL_ID::propLongId (byte regL, byte regH, const char *name)
+    Int i;
+    ID *_id;
+        for (i = 0; i < id_arr.size(); i++)
+        {
+                _id = &id_arr[i];
+                if ((_id->type == TYPE_WORD_SIGN) || (_id->type == TYPE_WORD_UNSIGN))
+                {
+                        if (_id->id.regi == regL)
+                        {
+                                strcpy (_id->name, name);
+                                strcpy (_id->macro, "LO");
+                                _id->hasMacro = TRUE;
+                                _id->illegal = TRUE;
+                        }
+                        else if (_id->id.regi == regH)
+                        {
+                                strcpy (_id->name, name);
+                                strcpy (_id->macro, "HI");
+                                _id->hasMacro = TRUE;
+                                _id->illegal = TRUE;
+                        }
+                }
+        }

+ 1208 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,1208 @@
+ *          dcc project procedure list builder
+ * (C) Cristina Cifuentes, Mike van Emmerik, Jeff Ledermann
+ ****************************************************************************/
+#include "dcc.h"
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>		/* For exit() */
+#ifdef __DOSWIN__
+#include <stdio.h>
+static void     FollowCtrl (Function * pProc, CALL_GRAPH * pcallGraph, STATE * pstate);
+static boolT    process_JMP (ICODE * pIcode, STATE * pstate,
+                             CALL_GRAPH * pcallGraph);
+static boolT    process_CALL(ICODE * pIcode, CALL_GRAPH * pcallGraph,
+                             STATE * pstate);
+static void     process_operands(ICODE * pIcode, Function * pProc, STATE * pstate,
+                                 Int ix);
+static void     setBits(int16 type, dword start, dword len);
+static SYM *     updateGlobSym(dword operand, Int size, word duFlag);
+static void     process_MOV(ICODE * pIcode, STATE * pstate);
+static SYM *     lookupAddr (ICODEMEM *pm, STATE * pstate, Int size, word duFlag);
+void    interactDis(Function * initProc, Int ic);
+static dword    SynthLab;
+/* Parses the program, builds the call graph, and returns the list of
+ * procedures found     */
+void parse (CALL_GRAPH * *pcallGraph)
+    STATE state;
+    /* Set initial state */
+    memset(&state, 0, sizeof(STATE));
+    state.setState(rES, 0);   /* PSP segment */
+    state.setState(rDS, 0);
+    state.setState(rCS, prog.initCS);
+    state.setState(rSS, prog.initSS);
+    state.setState(rSP, prog.initSP);
+    state.IP = ((dword)prog.initCS << 4) + prog.initIP;
+    SynthLab = SYNTHESIZED_MIN;
+    /* Check for special settings of initial state, based on idioms of the
+          startup code */
+    state.checkStartup();
+    /* Make a struct for the initial procedure */
+    pProcList.resize(1); // default-construct a Function object !
+    if (prog.offMain != -1)
+    {
+        /* We know where main() is. Start the flow of control from there */
+        pProcList.front().procEntry = prog.offMain;
+        /* In medium and large models, the segment of main may (will?) not be
+                        the same as the initial CS segment (of the startup code) */
+        state.setState(rCS, prog.segMain);
+        strcpy(pProcList.front().name, "main");
+        state.IP = prog.offMain;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        /* Create initial procedure at program start address */
+        pProcList.front().procEntry = (dword)state.IP;
+    }
+    /* The state info is for the first procedure */
+    pProcList.front().state = state;
+    /* Set up call graph initial node */
+    *pcallGraph = new CALL_GRAPH;
+    (*pcallGraph)->proc = pProcList.begin();
+    /* This proc needs to be called to set things up for LibCheck(), which
+          checks a proc to see if it is a know C (etc) library */
+    SetupLibCheck();
+    /* Recursively build entire procedure list */
+    pProcList.front().FollowCtrl (*pcallGraph, &state);
+    /* This proc needs to be called to clean things up from SetupLibCheck() */
+    CleanupLibCheck();
+static void updateSymType (dword symbol, hlType symType, Int size)
+/* Updates the type of the symbol in the symbol table.  The size is updated
+ * if necessary (0 means no update necessary).      */
+{ Int i;
+    for (i = 0; i < symtab.csym; i++)
+        if (symtab.sym[i].label == symbol)
+        {
+            symtab.sym[i].type = symType;
+            if (size != 0)
+                symtab.sym[i].size = size;
+            break;
+        }
+/* Returns the size of the string pointed by sym and delimited by delim.
+ * Size includes delimiter.     */
+Int strSize (byte *sym, char delim)
+    Int i;
+    for (i = 0; *sym++ != delim; i++)  ;
+    return (i+1);
+/* FollowCtrl - Given an initial procedure, state information and symbol table
+ *      builds a list of procedures reachable from the initial procedure
+ *      using a depth first search.     */
+void Function::FollowCtrl(CALL_GRAPH * pcallGraph, STATE *pstate)
+    ICODE   _Icode, *pIcode;     /* This gets copied to pProc->Icode[] later */
+    ICODE   eIcode;             /* extra icodes for iDIV, iIDIV, iXCHG */
+    SYM *    psym;
+    dword   offset;
+    Int     err;
+    boolT   done = FALSE;
+    Int     lab;
+    if (strstr(name, "chkstk") != NULL)
+    {
+        // Danger! Dcc will likely fall over in this code.
+        // So we act as though we have done with this proc
+        //		pProc->flg &= ~TERMINATES;			// Not sure about this
+        done = TRUE;
+        // And mark it as a library function, so structure() won't choke on it
+        flg |= PROC_ISLIB;
+        return;
+    }
+    if (option.VeryVerbose)
+    {
+        printf("Parsing proc %s at %lX\n", name, pstate->IP);
+    }
+    while (! done && ! (err = scan(pstate->IP, &_Icode)))
+    {
+        pstate->IP += (dword)_Icode.ic.ll.numBytes;
+        setBits(BM_CODE, _Icode.ic.ll.label, (dword)_Icode.ic.ll.numBytes);
+        process_operands(&_Icode,pstate);
+        /* Keep track of interesting instruction flags in procedure */
+        flg |= (_Icode.ic.ll.flg & (NOT_HLL | FLOAT_OP));
+        /* Check if this instruction has already been parsed */
+        if (Icode.labelSrch(_Icode.ic.ll.label, &lab))
+        {   /* Synthetic jump */
+            _Icode.type = LOW_LEVEL;
+            _Icode.ic.ll.opcode = iJMP;
+            _Icode.ic.ll.flg = I | SYNTHETIC | NO_OPS;
+            _Icode.ic.ll.immed.op = Icode.GetLlLabel(lab);
+            _Icode.ic.ll.label = SynthLab++;
+        }
+        /* Copy Icode to Proc */
+        if ((_Icode.ic.ll.opcode == iDIV) || (_Icode.ic.ll.opcode == iIDIV))
+        {
+            /* MOV rTMP, reg */
+            memset (&eIcode, 0, sizeof (ICODE));
+            eIcode.type = LOW_LEVEL;
+            eIcode.ic.ll.opcode = iMOV;
+            eIcode.ic.ll.dst.regi = rTMP;
+            if (_Icode.ic.ll.flg & B)
+            {
+                eIcode.ic.ll.flg |= B;
+                eIcode.ic.ll.src.regi = rAX;
+                eIcode.setRegDU( rAX, eUSE);
+            }
+            else    /* implicit dx:ax */
+            {
+                eIcode.ic.ll.flg |= IM_SRC;
+                eIcode.setRegDU( rAX, eUSE);
+                eIcode.setRegDU( rDX, eUSE);
+            }
+            eIcode.setRegDU( rTMP, eDEF);
+            eIcode.ic.ll.flg |= SYNTHETIC;
+            /* eIcode.ic.ll.label = SynthLab++; */
+            eIcode.ic.ll.label = _Icode.ic.ll.label;
+            pIcode = Icode.addIcode(&eIcode);
+            /* iDIV, iIDIV */
+            pIcode = Icode.addIcode(&_Icode);
+            /* iMOD */
+            memset (&eIcode, 0, sizeof (ICODE));
+            eIcode.type = LOW_LEVEL;
+            eIcode.ic.ll.opcode = iMOD;
+            eIcode.ic.ll.src = _Icode.ic.ll.src;
+            eIcode.du = _Icode.du;
+            eIcode.ic.ll.flg = (_Icode.ic.ll.flg | SYNTHETIC);
+            eIcode.ic.ll.label = SynthLab++;
+            pIcode = Icode.addIcode(&eIcode);
+        }
+        else if (_Icode.ic.ll.opcode == iXCHG)
+        {
+            /* MOV rTMP, regDst */
+            memset (&eIcode, 0, sizeof (ICODE));
+            eIcode.type = LOW_LEVEL;
+            eIcode.ic.ll.opcode = iMOV;
+            eIcode.ic.ll.dst.regi = rTMP;
+            eIcode.ic.ll.src.regi = _Icode.ic.ll.dst.regi;
+            eIcode.setRegDU( rTMP, eDEF);
+            eIcode.setRegDU( eIcode.ic.ll.src.regi, eUSE);
+            eIcode.ic.ll.flg |= SYNTHETIC;
+            /* eIcode.ic.ll.label = SynthLab++; */
+            eIcode.ic.ll.label = _Icode.ic.ll.label;
+            pIcode = Icode.addIcode(&eIcode);
+            /* MOV regDst, regSrc */
+            _Icode.ic.ll.opcode = iMOV;
+            _Icode.ic.ll.flg |= SYNTHETIC;
+            /* Icode.ic.ll.label = SynthLab++; */
+            pIcode = Icode.addIcode(&_Icode);
+            _Icode.ic.ll.opcode = iXCHG; /* for next case */
+            /* MOV regSrc, rTMP */
+            memset (&eIcode, 0, sizeof (ICODE));
+            eIcode.type = LOW_LEVEL;
+            eIcode.ic.ll.opcode = iMOV;
+            eIcode.ic.ll.dst.regi = _Icode.ic.ll.src.regi;
+            eIcode.ic.ll.src.regi = rTMP;
+            eIcode.setRegDU( eIcode.ic.ll.dst.regi, eDEF);
+            eIcode.setRegDU( rTMP, eUSE);
+            eIcode.ic.ll.flg |= SYNTHETIC;
+            eIcode.ic.ll.label = SynthLab++;
+            pIcode = Icode.addIcode(&eIcode);
+        }
+        else
+            pIcode = Icode.addIcode(&_Icode);
+        switch (_Icode.ic.ll.opcode) {
+            /*** Conditional jumps ***/
+            case iLOOP: case iLOOPE:    case iLOOPNE:
+            case iJB:   case iJBE:      case iJAE:  case iJA:
+            case iJL:   case iJLE:      case iJGE:  case iJG:
+            case iJE:   case iJNE:      case iJS:   case iJNS:
+            case iJO:   case iJNO:      case iJP:   case iJNP:
+            case iJCXZ:
+            {   STATE   StCopy;
+                int     ip      = Icode.GetNumIcodes()-1;	/* Index of this jump */
+                ICODE *  prev   = Icode.GetIcode(ip-1); /* Previous icode */
+                boolT   fBranch = FALSE;
+                pstate->JCond.regi = 0;
+                /* This sets up range check for indexed JMPs hopefully
+             * Handles JA/JAE for fall through and JB/JBE on branch
+            */
+                if (ip > 0 && prev->ic.ll.opcode == iCMP && (prev->ic.ll.flg & I))
+                {
+                    pstate->JCond.immed = (int16)prev->ic.ll.immed.op;
+                    if (_Icode.ic.ll.opcode == iJA || _Icode.ic.ll.opcode == iJBE)
+                        pstate->JCond.immed++;
+                    if (_Icode.ic.ll.opcode == iJAE || _Icode.ic.ll.opcode == iJA)
+                        pstate->JCond.regi = prev->ic.ll.dst.regi;
+                    fBranch = (boolT)
+                            (_Icode.ic.ll.opcode == iJB || _Icode.ic.ll.opcode == iJBE);
+                }
+                memcpy(&StCopy, pstate, sizeof(STATE));
+                /* Straight line code */
+                this->FollowCtrl (pcallGraph, &StCopy); // recurrent ?
+                if (fBranch)                /* Do branching code */
+                {
+                    pstate->JCond.regi = prev->ic.ll.dst.regi;
+                }
+                /* Next icode. Note: not the same as GetLastIcode() because of the call
+                                to FollowCtrl() */
+                pIcode = Icode.GetIcode(ip);
+            }		/* Fall through to do the jump path */
+                /*** Jumps ***/
+            case iJMP:
+            case iJMPF: /* Returns TRUE if we've run into a loop */
+                done = process_JMP (pIcode, pstate, pcallGraph);
+                break;
+                /*** Calls ***/
+            case iCALL:
+            case iCALLF:
+                done = process_CALL (pIcode, pcallGraph, pstate);
+                break;
+                /*** Returns ***/
+            case iRET:
+            case iRETF:
+                this->flg |= (_Icode.ic.ll.opcode == iRET)? PROC_NEAR:PROC_FAR;
+                /* Fall through */
+            case iIRET:
+                this->flg &= ~TERMINATES;
+                done = TRUE;
+                break;
+            case iINT:
+                if (_Icode.ic.ll.immed.op == 0x21 && pstate->f[rAH])
+                {
+                    Int funcNum = pstate->r[rAH];
+                    Int operand;
+                    Int size;
+                    /* Save function number */
+                    Icode.back() = (int16)funcNum;
+                    //Icode.GetIcode(Icode.GetNumIcodes() - 1)->
+                    /* Program termination: int21h, fn 00h, 31h, 4Ch */
+                    done  = (boolT)(funcNum == 0x00 || funcNum == 0x31 ||
+                                    funcNum == 0x4C);
+                    /* String functions: int21h, fn 09h */
+                    if (pstate->f[rDX])      /* offset goes into DX */
+                        if (funcNum == 0x09)
+                        {
+                            operand = ((dword)(word)pstate->r[rDS]<<4) +
+                                    (dword)(word)pstate->r[rDX];
+                            size = prog.fCOM ?
+                                        strSize (&prog.Image[operand], '$') :
+                                        strSize (&prog.Image[operand + 0x100], '$');
+                            updateSymType (operand, TYPE_STR, size);
+                        }
+                }
+                else if ((_Icode.ic.ll.immed.op == 0x2F) && (pstate->f[rAH]))
+                {
+                    Icode.back() = pstate->r[rAH];
+                }
+                else    /* Program termination: int20h, int27h */
+                    done = (boolT)(_Icode.ic.ll.immed.op == 0x20 ||
+                                   _Icode.ic.ll.immed.op == 0x27);
+                if (done)
+                    pIcode->ic.ll.flg |= TERMINATES;
+                break;
+            case iMOV:
+                process_MOV(pIcode, pstate);
+                break;
+                /* case iXCHG:
+            process_MOV (pIcode, pstate);
+            break; **** HERE ***/
+            case iSHL:
+                if (pstate->JCond.regi == _Icode.ic.ll.dst.regi)
+                    if ((_Icode.ic.ll.flg & I) && _Icode.ic.ll.immed.op == 1)
+                        pstate->JCond.immed *= 2;
+                    else
+                        pstate->JCond.regi = 0;
+                break;
+            case iLEA:
+                if (_Icode.ic.ll.src.regi == 0)      /* direct mem offset */
+                    pstate->setState( _Icode.ic.ll.dst.regi,;
+                break;
+            case iLDS: case iLES:
+                if ((psym = lookupAddr(&_Icode.ic.ll.src, pstate, 4, eDuVal::USE))
+                        /* && (Icode.ic.ll.flg & SEG_IMMED) */ ) {
+                    offset = LH(&prog.Image[psym->label]);
+                    pstate->setState( (_Icode.ic.ll.opcode == iLDS)? rDS: rES,
+                                      LH(&prog.Image[psym->label + 2]));
+                    pstate->setState( _Icode.ic.ll.dst.regi, (int16)offset);
+                    psym->type = TYPE_PTR;
+                }
+                break;
+        }
+    }
+    if (err) {
+        this->flg &= ~TERMINATES;
+        if (err == INVALID_386OP || err == INVALID_OPCODE)
+        {
+            fatalError(err, prog.Image[_Icode.ic.ll.label], _Icode.ic.ll.label);
+            this->flg |= PROC_BADINST;
+        }
+        else if (err == IP_OUT_OF_RANGE)
+            fatalError (err, _Icode.ic.ll.label);
+        else
+            reportError(err, _Icode.ic.ll.label);
+    }
+/* process_JMP - Handles JMPs, returns TRUE if we should end recursion  */
+boolT Function::process_JMP (ICODE * pIcode, STATE *pstate, CALL_GRAPH * pcallGraph)
+    static byte i2r[4] = {rSI, rDI, rBP, rBX};
+    ICODE       _Icode;
+    dword       cs, offTable, endTable;
+    dword       i, k, seg, target;
+    Int         tmp;
+    if (pIcode->ic.ll.flg & I)
+    {
+        if (pIcode->ic.ll.opcode == iJMPF)
+            pstate->setState( rCS, LH(prog.Image + pIcode->ic.ll.label + 3));
+        i = pstate->IP = pIcode->ic.ll.immed.op;
+        if ((long)i < 0)
+        {
+            exit(1);
+        }
+        /* Return TRUE if jump target is already parsed */
+        return Icode.labelSrch(i, &tmp);
+    }
+    /* We've got an indirect JMP - look for switch() stmt. idiom of the form
+     *   JMP  word ptr  word_offset[rBX | rSI | rDI]        */
+    seg = (pIcode->ic.ll.src.seg)? pIcode->ic.ll.src.seg: rDS;
+    /* Ensure we have a word offset & valid seg */
+    if (pIcode->ic.ll.opcode == iJMP && (pIcode->ic.ll.flg & WORD_OFF) &&
+            pstate->f[seg] &&
+            (pIcode->ic.ll.src.regi == INDEXBASE + 4 ||
+             pIcode->ic.ll.src.regi == INDEXBASE + 5 || /* Idx reg. BX, SI, DI */
+             pIcode->ic.ll.src.regi == INDEXBASE + 7))
+    {
+        offTable = ((dword)(word)pstate->r[seg] << 4) + pIcode->;
+        /* Firstly look for a leading range check of the form:-
+         *      CMP {BX | SI | DI}, immed
+         *      JA | JAE | JB | JBE
+         * This is stored in the current state as if we had just
+         * followed a JBE branch (i.e. [reg] lies between 0 - immed).
+        */
+        if (pstate->JCond.regi == i2r[pIcode->ic.ll.src.regi-(INDEXBASE+4)])
+            endTable = offTable + pstate->JCond.immed;
+        else
+            endTable = (dword)prog.cbImage;
+        /* Search for first byte flagged after start of table */
+        for (i = offTable; i <= endTable; i++)
+            if (BITMAP(i, BM_CODE | BM_DATA))
+                break;
+        endTable = i & ~1;      /* Max. possible table size */
+        /* Now do some heuristic pruning.  Look for ptrs. into the table
+         * and for addresses that don't appear to point to valid code.
+        */
+        cs = (dword)(word)pstate->r[rCS] << 4;
+        for (i = offTable; i < endTable; i += 2)
+        {
+            target = cs + LH(&prog.Image[i]);
+            if (target < endTable && target >= offTable)
+                endTable = target;
+            else if (target >= (dword)prog.cbImage)
+                endTable = i;
+        }
+        for (i = offTable; i < endTable; i += 2)
+        {
+            target = cs + LH(&prog.Image[i]);
+            /* Be wary of 00 00 as code - it's probably data */
+            if (! (prog.Image[target] || prog.Image[target+1]) ||
+                    scan(target, &_Icode))
+                endTable = i;
+        }
+        /* Now for each entry in the table take a copy of the current
+         * state and recursively call FollowCtrl(). */
+        if (offTable < endTable)
+        {
+            STATE   StCopy;
+            Int     ip;
+            dword  *psw;
+            setBits(BM_DATA, offTable, endTable - offTable);
+            pIcode->ic.ll.flg |= SWITCH;
+            pIcode->ic.ll.caseTbl.numEntries = (endTable - offTable) / 2;
+            psw = (dword*)allocMem(pIcode->ic.ll.caseTbl.numEntries*sizeof(dword));
+            pIcode->ic.ll.caseTbl.entries = psw;
+            for (i = offTable, k = 0; i < endTable; i += 2)
+            {
+                memcpy(&StCopy, pstate, sizeof(STATE));
+                StCopy.IP = cs + LH(&prog.Image[i]);
+                ip = Icode.GetNumIcodes();
+                FollowCtrl (pcallGraph, &StCopy);
+                Icode.GetIcode(ip)->ic.ll.caseTbl.numEntries = k++;
+                Icode.GetIcode(ip)->ic.ll.flg |= CASE;
+                *psw++ = Icode.GetLlLabel(ip);
+            }
+            return TRUE;
+        }
+    }
+    /* Can't do anything with this jump */
+    flg |= PROC_IJMP;
+    flg &= ~TERMINATES;
+    interactDis(this, this->Icode.GetNumIcodes()-1);
+    return TRUE;
+/* Process procedure call.
+ * Note: We assume that CALL's will return unless there is good evidence to
+ *       the contrary - thus we return FALSE unless all paths in the called
+ *       procedure end in DOS exits.  This is reasonable since C procedures
+ *       will always include the epilogue after the call anyway and it's to
+ *       be assumed that if an assembler program contains a CALL that the
+ *       programmer expected it to come back - otherwise surely a JMP would
+ *       have been used.  */
+boolT Function::process_CALL (ICODE * pIcode, CALL_GRAPH * pcallGraph, STATE *pstate)
+    Int   ip = Icode.GetNumIcodes() - 1;
+    STATE localState;     /* Local copy of the machine state */
+    dword off;
+    boolT indirect;
+    /* For Indirect Calls, find the function address */
+    indirect = FALSE;
+    if (! (pIcode->ic.ll.flg & I))
+    {
+        /* Not immediate, i.e. indirect call */
+        if (pIcode->ic.ll.dst.regi && (!option.Calls))
+        {
+            /* We have not set the brave option to attempt to follow
+                                the execution path through register indirect calls.
+                                So we just exit this function, and ignore the call.
+                                We probably should not have parsed this deep, anyway.
+                        */
+            return FALSE;
+        }
+        /* Offset into program image is seg:off of read input */
+        /* Note: this assumes that the pointer itself is at
+                        es:0 where es:0 is the start of the image. This is
+                        usually wrong! Consider also CALL [BP+0E] in which the
+                        segment for the pointer is in SS! - Mike */
+        off = (dword)(word)pIcode-> +
+                ((dword)(word)pIcode->ic.ll.dst.segValue << 4);
+        /* Address of function is given by 4 (CALLF) or 2 (CALL) bytes at
+                 * previous offset into the program image */
+        if (pIcode->ic.ll.opcode == iCALLF)
+            pIcode->ic.ll.immed.op = LH(&prog.Image[off]) +
+                    ((dword)(LH(&prog.Image[off+2])) << 4);
+        else
+            pIcode->ic.ll.immed.op = LH(&prog.Image[off]) + ((dword)(word)state.r[rCS] << 4);
+        pIcode->ic.ll.flg |= I;
+        indirect = TRUE;
+    }
+    /* Process CALL.  Function address is located in pIcode->ic.ll.immed.op */
+    if (pIcode->ic.ll.flg & I)
+    {
+        /* Search procedure list for one with appropriate entry point */
+        std::list<Function>::iterator iter= std::find_if(pProcList.begin(),pProcList.end(),
+            [pIcode](const Function &f) ->
+            bool { return f.procEntry==pIcode->ic.ll.immed.op; });
+        /* Create a new procedure node and save copy of the state */
+        if (iter==pProcList.end())
+        {
+            pProcList.push_back(Function());
+            Function &x(pProcList.back());
+            iter = (++pProcList.rbegin()).base();
+            x.procEntry = pIcode->ic.ll.immed.op;
+            LibCheck(x);
+            if (x.flg & PROC_ISLIB)
+            {
+                /* A library function. No need to do any more to it */
+                pcallGraph->insertCallGraph (this, iter);
+                iter = (++pProcList.rbegin()).base();
+                Icode.GetIcode(ip)->ic.ll.immed.proc.proc = &x;
+                return false;
+            }
+            if (indirect)
+                x.flg |= PROC_ICALL;
+            if ([0] == '\0')     /* Don't overwrite existing name */
+            {
+                sprintf(, "proc_%ld", ++prog.cProcs);
+            }
+            x.depth = x.depth + 1;
+            x.flg |= TERMINATES;
+            /* Save machine state in localState, load up IP and CS.*/
+            localState = *pstate;
+            pstate->IP = pIcode->ic.ll.immed.op;
+            if (pIcode->ic.ll.opcode == iCALLF)
+                pstate->setState( rCS, LH(prog.Image + pIcode->ic.ll.label + 3));
+            x.state = *pstate;
+            /* Insert new procedure in call graph */
+            pcallGraph->insertCallGraph (this, iter);
+            /* Process new procedure */
+            x.FollowCtrl (pcallGraph, pstate);
+            /* Restore segment registers & IP from localState */
+            pstate->IP = localState.IP;
+            pstate->setState( rCS, localState.r[rCS]);
+            pstate->setState( rDS, localState.r[rDS]);
+            pstate->setState( rES, localState.r[rES]);
+            pstate->setState( rSS, localState.r[rSS]);
+        }
+        else
+            pcallGraph->insertCallGraph (this, iter);
+        Icode.GetIcode(ip)->ic.ll.immed.proc.proc = &(*iter); // ^ target proc
+        /* return ((p->flg & TERMINATES) != 0); */
+        return FALSE;
+    }
+    return FALSE;				// Cristina, please check!!
+/* process_MOV - Handles state changes due to simple assignments    */
+static void process_MOV(ICODE * pIcode, STATE * pstate)
+    SYM *  psym, *psym2;        /* Pointer to symbol in global symbol table */
+    byte  dstReg = pIcode->ic.ll.dst.regi;
+    byte  srcReg = pIcode->ic.ll.src.regi;
+    if (dstReg > 0 && dstReg < INDEXBASE)
+    {
+        if (pIcode->ic.ll.flg & I)
+            pstate->setState( dstReg, (int16)pIcode->ic.ll.immed.op);
+        else if (srcReg == 0)   /* direct memory offset */
+        {
+            psym = lookupAddr(&pIcode->ic.ll.src, pstate, 2, eDuVal::USE);
+            if (psym && ((psym->flg & SEG_IMMED) || psym->duVal.val))
+                pstate->setState( dstReg, LH(&prog.Image[psym->label]));
+        }
+        else if (srcReg < INDEXBASE && pstate->f[srcReg])  /* reg */
+        {
+            pstate->setState( dstReg, pstate->r[srcReg]);
+            /* Follow moves of the possible index register */
+            if (pstate->JCond.regi == srcReg)
+                pstate->JCond.regi = dstReg;
+        }
+    }
+    else if (dstReg == 0) {     /* direct memory offset */
+        psym = lookupAddr (&pIcode->ic.ll.dst, pstate, 2, eDEF);
+        if (psym && ! (psym->duVal.val))      /* no initial value yet */
+            if (pIcode->ic.ll.flg & I)   {       /* immediate */
+                prog.Image[psym->label] = (byte)pIcode->ic.ll.immed.op;
+                prog.Image[psym->label+1] = (byte)(pIcode->ic.ll.immed.op>>8);
+                psym->duVal.val = 1;
+            }
+            else if (srcReg == 0) {      /* direct mem offset */
+                psym2 = lookupAddr (&pIcode->ic.ll.src, pstate, 2, eDuVal::USE);
+                if (psym2 && ((psym->flg & SEG_IMMED) || (psym->duVal.val)))
+                {
+                    prog.Image[psym->label] = (byte)prog.Image[psym2->label];
+                    prog.Image[psym->label+1] =
+                            (byte)(prog.Image[psym2->label+1] >> 8);
+                    psym->duVal.val=1;
+                }
+            }
+            else if (srcReg < INDEXBASE && pstate->f[srcReg])  /* reg */
+            {
+                prog.Image[psym->label] = (byte)pstate->r[srcReg];
+                prog.Image[psym->label+1] = (byte)(pstate->r[srcReg] >> 8);
+                psym->duVal.val;
+            }
+    }
+/* Type of the symbol according to the number of bytes it uses */
+                          TYPE_UNKNOWN, TYPE_LONG_SIGN};
+/* Creates an entry in the global symbol table (symtab) if the variable
+ * is not there yet.  If it is part of the symtab, the size of the variable
+ * is checked and updated if the old size was less than the new size (ie.
+ * the maximum size is always saved).   */
+static SYM * updateGlobSym (dword operand, Int size, word duFlag)
+{	Int i;
+        /* Check for symbol in symbol table */
+        for (i = 0; i < symtab.csym; i++)
+            if (symtab.sym[i].label == operand) {
+                if (symtab.sym[i].size < size)
+                    symtab.sym[i].size = size;
+                break;
+            }
+        /* New symbol, not in symbol table */
+        if (i == symtab.csym) {
+            if (++symtab.csym > symtab.alloc) {
+                symtab.alloc += 5;
+                symtab.sym = (SYM *)reallocVar(symtab.sym, symtab.alloc * sizeof(SYM));
+                memset (&symtab.sym[i], 0, 5 * sizeof(SYM));
+            }
+            sprintf (symtab.sym[i].name, "var%05lX", operand);
+            symtab.sym[i].label = operand;
+            symtab.sym[i].size  = size;
+            symtab.sym[i].type = cbType[size];
+            if (duFlag == eDuVal::USE)  /* must already have init value */
+            {
+                symtab.sym[i].duVal.use =1; // USEVAL;
+                symtab.sym[i].duVal.val =1;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                symtab.sym[i].duVal.setFlags(duFlag);
+            }
+        }
+        return (&symtab.sym[i]);
+/* Updates the offset entry to the stack frame table (arguments),
+ * and returns a pointer to such entry. */
+static void updateFrameOff (STKFRAME * ps, int16 off, Int size, word duFlag)
+    Int   i;
+    /* Check for symbol in stack frame table */
+    for (i = 0; i < ps->sym.size(); i++)
+    {
+        if (ps->sym[i].off == off)
+        {
+            if (ps->sym[i].size < size)
+            {
+                ps->sym[i].size = size;
+            }
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    /* New symbol, not in table */
+    if (i == ps->sym.size())
+    {
+        STKSYM new_sym;
+        sprintf (, "arg%ld", i);
+ = off;
+        new_sym.size  = size;
+        new_sym.type = cbType[size];
+        if (duFlag == eDuVal::USE)  /* must already have init value */
+        {
+            new_sym.duVal.use=1;
+            //new_sym.duVal.val=1;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            new_sym.duVal.setFlags(duFlag);
+        }
+        ps->sym.push_back(new_sym);
+        ps->numArgs++;
+    }
+    /* Save maximum argument offset */
+    if ((dword)ps->maxOff < (off + (dword)size))
+        ps->maxOff = off + (int16)size;
+/* lookupAddr - Looks up a data reference in the symbol table and stores it
+ *      if necessary.
+ *      Returns a pointer to the symbol in the
+ *      symbol table, or Null if it's not a direct memory offset.  */
+static SYM * lookupAddr (ICODEMEM *pm, STATE *pstate, Int size, word duFlag)
+    Int     i;
+    SYM *    psym;
+    dword   operand;
+    if (pm->regi == 0)  {       /* Global var */
+        if (pm->segValue) { /* there is a value in the seg field */
+            operand = opAdr (pm->segValue, pm->off);
+            psym = updateGlobSym (operand, size, duFlag);
+            /* Check for out of bounds */
+            if (psym->label >= (dword)prog.cbImage)
+                return (NULL);
+            return (psym);
+        }
+        else if (pstate->f[pm->seg]) {      /* new value */
+            pm->segValue = pstate->r[pm->seg];
+            operand = opAdr(pm->segValue, pm->off);
+            i = symtab.csym;
+            psym = updateGlobSym (operand, size, duFlag);
+            /* Flag new memory locations that are segment values */
+            if (symtab.csym > i) {
+                if (size == 4)
+                    operand += 2;   /* High word */
+                for (i = 0; i < prog.cReloc; i++)
+                    if (prog.relocTable[i] == operand) {
+                        psym->flg = SEG_IMMED;
+                        break;
+                    }
+            }
+            /* Check for out of bounds */
+            if (psym->label >= (dword)prog.cbImage)
+                return (NULL);
+            return (psym);
+        }
+    }
+    return (NULL);
+/* setState - Assigns a value to a reg.     */
+void STATE::setState(word reg, int16 value)
+    value &= 0xFFFF;
+    r[reg] = value;
+    f[reg] = TRUE;
+    switch (reg) {
+        case rAX: case rCX: case rDX: case rBX:
+            r[reg + rAL - rAX] = value & 0xFF;
+            f[reg + rAL - rAX] = TRUE;
+            r[reg + rAH - rAX] = (value >> 8) & 0xFF;
+            f[reg + rAH - rAX] = TRUE;
+            break;
+        case rAL: case rCL: case rDL: case rBL:
+            if (f[reg - rAL + rAH]) {
+                r[reg - rAL + rAX] =(r[reg - rAL + rAH] << 8) + (value & 0xFF);
+                f[reg - rAL + rAX] = TRUE;
+            }
+            break;
+        case rAH: case rCH: case rDH: case rBH:
+            if (f[reg - rAH + rAL])
+            {
+                r[reg - rAH + rAX] = r[reg - rAH + rAL] + ((value & 0xFF) << 8);
+                f[reg - rAH + rAX] = TRUE;
+            }
+            break;
+    }
+/* labelSrchRepl - Searches Icode for instruction with label = target, and
+    replaces *pIndex with an icode index */
+boolT labelSrch(ICODE *pIcode, Int numIp, dword target, Int *pIndex)
+    Int  i;
+    for (i = 0; i < numIp; i++)
+    {
+        if (pIcode[i].ic.ll.label == target)
+        {
+            *pIndex = i;
+            return TRUE;
+        }
+    }
+    return FALSE;
+static void setBits(int16 type, dword start, dword len)
+/* setBits - Sets memory bitmap bits for BM_CODE or BM_DATA (additively) */
+    dword   i;
+    if (start < (dword)prog.cbImage)
+    {
+        if (start + len > (dword)prog.cbImage)
+            len = (dword)(prog.cbImage - start);
+        for (i = start + len - 1; i >= start; i--)
+        {
+  [i >> 2] |= type << ((i & 3) << 1);
+            if (i == 0) break;		// Fixes inf loop!
+        }
+    }
+/* DU bit definitions for each reg value - including index registers */
+dword duReg[] = { 0x00,
+                  0x11001, 0x22002, 0x44004, 0x88008, /* word regs    */
+                  0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80,
+                  0x100, 0x200, 0x400, 0x800,         /* seg regs     */
+                  0x1000, 0x2000, 0x4000, 0x8000,     /* byte regs    */
+                  0x10000, 0x20000, 0x40000, 0x80000,
+                  0x100000,                           /* tmp reg      */
+                  0x48, 0x88, 0x60, 0xA0,             /* index regs   */
+                  0x40, 0x80, 0x20, 0x08 };
+/* Checks which registers where used and updates the du.u flag.
+ * Places local variables on the local symbol table.
+ * Arguments: d     : SRC or DST icode operand
+ *            pIcode: ptr to icode instruction
+ *            pProc : ptr to current procedure structure
+ *            pstate: ptr to current procedure state
+ *            size  : size of the operand
+ *            ix    : current index into icode array    */
+static void use (opLoc d, ICODE * pIcode, Function * pProc, STATE * pstate, Int size,
+                 Int ix)
+    ICODEMEM * pm   = (d == SRC)? &pIcode->ic.ll.src: &pIcode->ic.ll.dst;
+    SYM *  psym;
+    if (pm->regi == 0 || pm->regi >= INDEXBASE)
+    {
+        if (pm->regi == INDEXBASE + 6)      /* indexed on bp */
+        {
+            if (pm->off >= 2)
+                updateFrameOff (&pProc->args, pm->off, size, eDuVal::USE);
+            else if (pm->off < 0)
+                pProc->localId.newByteWordStk (TYPE_WORD_SIGN, pm->off, 0);
+        }
+        else if (pm->regi == INDEXBASE + 2 || pm->regi == INDEXBASE + 3)
+            pProc->localId.newByteWordStk (TYPE_WORD_SIGN, pm->off,
+                                           (byte)((pm->regi == INDEXBASE + 2) ? rSI : rDI));
+        else if ((pm->regi >= INDEXBASE + 4) && (pm->regi <= INDEXBASE + 7))
+        {
+            if ((pm->seg == rDS) && (pm->regi == INDEXBASE + 7))    /* bx */
+            {
+                if (pm->off > 0)    /* global indexed variable */
+                    pProc->localId.newIntIdx(pm->segValue, pm->off, rBX,ix, TYPE_WORD_SIGN);
+            }
+            pIcode->du.use |= duReg[pm->regi];
+        }
+        else if (psym = lookupAddr(pm, pstate, size, eDuVal::USE))
+        {
+            setBits (BM_DATA, psym->label, (dword)size);
+            pIcode->ic.ll.flg |= SYM_USE;
+            pIcode->ic.ll.caseTbl.numEntries = psym - symtab.sym;
+        }
+    }
+    /* Use of register */
+    else if ((d == DST) || ((d == SRC) && (pIcode->ic.ll.flg & I) != I))
+        pIcode->du.use |= duReg[pm->regi];
+static void def (opLoc d, ICODE * pIcode, Function * pProc, STATE * pstate, Int size,
+                 Int ix)
+/* Checks which registers were defined (ie. got a new value) and updates the
+ * du.d flag.
+ * Places local variables in the local symbol table.    */
+    ICODEMEM *pm   = (d == SRC)? &pIcode->ic.ll.src: &pIcode->ic.ll.dst;
+    SYM *  psym;
+    if (pm->regi == 0 || pm->regi >= INDEXBASE)
+    {
+        if (pm->regi == INDEXBASE + 6)      /* indexed on bp */
+        {
+            if (pm->off >= 2)
+                updateFrameOff (&pProc->args, pm->off, size, eDEF);
+            else if (pm->off < 0)
+                pProc->localId.newByteWordStk (TYPE_WORD_SIGN, pm->off, 0);
+        }
+        else if (pm->regi == INDEXBASE + 2 || pm->regi == INDEXBASE + 3)
+        {
+            pProc->localId.newByteWordStk(TYPE_WORD_SIGN, pm->off,
+                                          (byte)((pm->regi == INDEXBASE + 2) ? rSI : rDI));
+        }
+        else if ((pm->regi >= INDEXBASE + 4) && (pm->regi <= INDEXBASE + 7))
+        {
+            if ((pm->seg == rDS) && (pm->regi == INDEXBASE + 7))    /* bx */
+            {
+                if (pm->off > 0)        /* global var */
+                    pProc->localId.newIntIdx(pm->segValue, pm->off, rBX,ix, TYPE_WORD_SIGN);
+            }
+            pIcode->du.use |= duReg[pm->regi];
+        }
+        else if (psym = lookupAddr(pm, pstate, size, eDEF))
+        {
+            setBits(BM_DATA, psym->label, (dword)size);
+            pIcode->ic.ll.flg |= SYM_DEF;
+            pIcode->ic.ll.caseTbl.numEntries = psym - symtab.sym;
+        }
+    }
+    /* Definition of register */
+    else if ((d == DST) || ((d == SRC) && (pIcode->ic.ll.flg & I) != I))
+    {
+        pIcode->du.def |= duReg[pm->regi];
+        pIcode->du1.numRegsDef++;
+    }
+/* use_def - operand is both use and def'd.
+ * Note: the destination will always be a register, stack variable, or global
+ *       variable.      */
+static void use_def(opLoc d, ICODE * pIcode, Function * pProc, STATE * pstate, Int cb,
+                    Int ix)
+    ICODEMEM *  pm = (d == SRC)? &pIcode->ic.ll.src: &pIcode->ic.ll.dst;
+    use (d, pIcode, pProc, pstate, cb, ix);
+    if (pm->regi < INDEXBASE)                   /* register */
+    {
+        pIcode->du.def |= duReg[pm->regi];
+        pIcode->du1.numRegsDef++;
+    }
+/* Set DU vector, local variables and arguments, and DATA bits in the
+ * bitmap       */
+void Function::process_operands(ICODE * pIcode,  STATE * pstate)
+    Int ix=Icode.GetNumIcodes();
+    Int   i;
+    Int   sseg = (pIcode->ic.ll.src.seg)? pIcode->ic.ll.src.seg: rDS;
+    Int   cb   = (pIcode->ic.ll.flg & B) ? 1: 2;
+    flags32 Imm  = (pIcode->ic.ll.flg & I);
+    switch (pIcode->ic.ll.opcode) {
+        case iAND:  case iOR:   case iXOR:
+        case iSAR:  case iSHL:  case iSHR:
+        case iRCL:  case iRCR:  case iROL:  case iROR:
+        case iADD:  case iADC:  case iSUB:  case iSBB:
+            if (! Imm) {
+                use(SRC, pIcode, this, pstate, cb, ix);
+            }
+        case iINC:  case iDEC:  case iNEG:  case iNOT:
+        case iAAA:  case iAAD:  case iAAM:  case iAAS:
+        case iDAA:  case iDAS:
+            use_def(DST, pIcode, this, pstate, cb, ix);
+            break;
+        case iXCHG:
+            /* This instruction is replaced by 3 instructions, only need
+                         * to define the src operand and use the destination operand
+                         * in the mean time.	*/
+            use(SRC, pIcode, this, pstate, cb, ix);
+            def(DST, pIcode, this, pstate, cb, ix);
+            break;
+        case iTEST: case iCMP:
+            if (! Imm)
+                use(SRC, pIcode, this, pstate, cb, ix);
+            use(DST, pIcode, this, pstate, cb, ix);
+            break;
+        case iDIV:  case iIDIV:
+            use(SRC, pIcode, this, pstate, cb, ix);
+            if (cb == 1)
+                pIcode->du.use |= duReg[rTMP];
+            break;
+        case iMUL:  case iIMUL:
+            use(SRC, pIcode, this, pstate, cb, ix);
+            if (! Imm)
+            {
+                use (DST, pIcode, this, pstate, cb, ix);
+                if (cb == 1)
+                {
+                    pIcode->du.def |= duReg[rAX];
+                    pIcode->du1.numRegsDef++;
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    pIcode->du.def |= (duReg[rAX] | duReg[rDX]);
+                    pIcode->du1.numRegsDef += 2;
+                }
+            }
+            else
+                def (DST, pIcode, this, pstate, cb, ix);
+            break;
+        case iSIGNEX:
+            cb = (pIcode->ic.ll.flg & SRC_B) ? 1 : 2;
+            if (cb == 1)                    /* byte */
+            {
+                pIcode->du.def |= duReg[rAX];
+                pIcode->du1.numRegsDef++;
+                pIcode->du.use |= duReg[rAL];
+            }
+            else                            /* word */
+            {
+                pIcode->du.def |= (duReg[rDX] | duReg[rAX]);
+                pIcode->du1.numRegsDef += 2;
+                pIcode->du.use |= duReg[rAX];
+            }
+            break;
+        case iCALLF:            /* Ignore def's on CS for now */
+            cb = 4;
+        case iCALL:  case iPUSH:  case iPOP:
+            if (! Imm) {
+                if (pIcode->ic.ll.opcode == iPOP)
+                    def(DST, pIcode, this, pstate, cb, ix);
+                else
+                    use(DST, pIcode, this, pstate, cb, ix);
+            }
+            break;
+        case iESC:  /* operands may be larger */
+            use(DST, pIcode, this, pstate, cb, ix);
+            break;
+        case iLDS:  case iLES:
+            pIcode->du.def |= duReg[(pIcode->ic.ll.opcode == iLDS) ? rDS : rES];
+            pIcode->du1.numRegsDef++;
+            cb = 4;
+        case iMOV:
+            use(SRC, pIcode, this, pstate, cb, ix);
+            def(DST, pIcode, this, pstate, cb, ix);
+            break;
+        case iLEA:
+            use(SRC, pIcode, this, pstate, 2, ix);
+            def(DST, pIcode, this, pstate, 2, ix);
+            break;
+        case iBOUND:
+            use(SRC, pIcode, this, pstate, 4, ix);
+            use(DST, pIcode, this, pstate, cb, ix);
+            break;
+        case iJMPF:
+            cb = 4;
+        case iJMP:
+            if (! Imm)
+                use(SRC, pIcode, this, pstate, cb, ix);
+            break;
+        case iLOOP:  case iLOOPE:  case iLOOPNE:
+            pIcode->du.def |= duReg[rCX];
+            pIcode->du1.numRegsDef++;
+        case iJCXZ:
+            pIcode->du.use |= duReg[rCX];
+            break;
+        case iREPNE_CMPS: case iREPE_CMPS:  case iREP_MOVS:
+            pIcode->du.def |= duReg[rCX];
+            pIcode->du1.numRegsDef++;
+            pIcode->du.use |= duReg[rCX];
+        case iCMPS:  case iMOVS:
+            pIcode->du.def |= duReg[rSI] | duReg[rDI];
+            pIcode->du1.numRegsDef += 2;
+            pIcode->du.use |= duReg[rSI] | duReg[rDI] | duReg[rES] | duReg[sseg];
+            break;
+        case iREPNE_SCAS: case iREPE_SCAS:  case iREP_STOS:  case iREP_INS:
+            pIcode->du.def |= duReg[rCX];
+            pIcode->du1.numRegsDef++;
+            pIcode->du.use |= duReg[rCX];
+        case iSCAS:  case iSTOS:  case iINS:
+            pIcode->du.def |= duReg[rDI];
+            pIcode->du1.numRegsDef++;
+            if (pIcode->ic.ll.opcode == iREP_INS || pIcode->ic.ll.opcode== iINS)
+            {
+                pIcode->du.use |= duReg[rDI] | duReg[rES] | duReg[rDX];
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                pIcode->du.use |= duReg[rDI] | duReg[rES] | duReg[(cb == 2)? rAX: rAL];
+            }
+            break;
+        case iREP_LODS:
+            pIcode->du.def |= duReg[rCX];
+            pIcode->du1.numRegsDef++;
+            pIcode->du.use |= duReg[rCX];
+        case iLODS:
+            pIcode->du.def |= duReg[rSI] | duReg[(cb==2)? rAX: rAL];
+            pIcode->du1.numRegsDef += 2;
+            pIcode->du.use |= duReg[rSI] | duReg[sseg];
+            break;
+        case iREP_OUTS:
+            pIcode->du.def |= duReg[rCX];
+            pIcode->du1.numRegsDef++;
+            pIcode->du.use |= duReg[rCX];
+        case iOUTS:
+            pIcode->du.def |= duReg[rSI];
+            pIcode->du1.numRegsDef++;
+            pIcode->du.use |= duReg[rSI] | duReg[rDX] | duReg[sseg];
+            break;
+        case iIN:  case iOUT:
+            def(DST, pIcode, this, pstate, cb, ix);
+            if (! Imm)
+            {
+                pIcode->du.use |= duReg[rDX];
+            }
+            break;
+    }
+    for (i = rSP; i <= rBH; i++)        /* Kill all defined registers */
+        if (pIcode->ic.ll.flagDU.d & (1 << i))
+            pstate->f[i] = FALSE;

+ 448 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,448 @@
+ * Perfect hashing function library. Contains functions to generate perfect
+ * hashing functions
+ * (C) Mike van Emmerik
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "perfhlib.h"
+/* Private data structures */
+static  int     NumEntry;   /* Number of entries in the hash table (# keys) */
+static  int     EntryLen;   /* Size (bytes) of each entry (size of keys) */
+static  int     SetSize;    /* Size of the char set */
+static  char    SetMin;     /* First char in the set */
+static  int     NumVert;    /* c times NumEntry */
+static  word    *T1base, *T2base;   /* Pointers to start of T1, T2 */
+static  word    *T1, *T2;   /* Pointers to T1[i], T2[i] */
+static  int     *graphNode; /* The array of edges */
+static  int     *graphNext; /* Linked list of edges */
+static  int     *graphFirst;/* First edge at a vertex */
+static  short   *g;         /* g[] */
+static  int     numEdges;   /* An edge counter */
+static  bool    *visited;   /* Array of bools: whether visited */
+/* Private prototypes */
+static void initGraph(void);
+static void addToGraph(int e, int v1, int v2);
+static bool isCycle(void);
+static void duplicateKeys(int v1, int v2);
+hashParams(int _NumEntry, int _EntryLen, int _SetSize, char _SetMin,
+                    int _NumVert)
+    /* These parameters are stored in statics so as to obviate the need for
+        passing all these (or defererencing pointers) for every call to hash()
+    */
+    NumEntry = _NumEntry;
+    EntryLen = _EntryLen;
+    SetSize  = _SetSize;
+    SetMin   = _SetMin;
+    NumVert  = _NumVert;
+    /* Allocate the variable sized tables etc */
+    if ((T1base = (word *)malloc(EntryLen * SetSize * sizeof(word))) == 0)
+    {
+        goto BadAlloc;
+    }
+    if ((T2base = (word *)malloc(EntryLen * SetSize * sizeof(word))) == 0)
+    {
+        goto BadAlloc;
+    }
+    if ((graphNode = (int *)malloc((NumEntry*2 + 1) * sizeof(int))) == 0)
+    {
+        goto BadAlloc;
+    }
+    if ((graphNext = (int *)malloc((NumEntry*2 + 1) * sizeof(int))) == 0)
+    {
+        goto BadAlloc;
+    }
+    if ((graphFirst = (int *)malloc((NumVert + 1) * sizeof(int))) == 0)
+    {
+        goto BadAlloc;
+    }
+    if ((g = (short *)malloc((NumVert+1) * sizeof(short))) == 0)
+    {
+        goto BadAlloc;
+    }
+    if ((visited = (bool *)malloc((NumVert+1) * sizeof(bool))) == 0)
+    {
+        goto BadAlloc;
+    }
+    return;
+    printf("Could not allocate memory\n");
+    hashCleanup();
+    exit(1);
+    /* Free the storage for variable sized tables etc */
+    if (T1base) free(T1base);
+    if (T2base) free(T2base);
+    if (graphNode) free(graphNode);
+    if (graphNext) free(graphNext);
+    if (graphFirst) free(graphFirst);
+    if (g) free(g);
+    int i, j, c;
+    word f1, f2;
+    bool cycle;
+    byte *keys;
+    c = 0;
+    do
+    {
+        initGraph();
+        cycle = FALSE;
+        /* Randomly generate T1 and T2 */
+        for (i=0; i < SetSize*EntryLen; i++)
+        {
+            T1base[i] = rand() % NumVert;
+            T2base[i] = rand() % NumVert;
+        }
+        for (i=0; i < NumEntry; i++)
+        {
+            f1 = 0; f2 = 0;
+            getKey(i, &keys);
+            for (j=0; j < EntryLen; j++)
+            {
+                T1 = T1base + j * SetSize;
+                T2 = T2base + j * SetSize;
+                f1 += T1[keys[j] - SetMin];
+                f2 += T2[keys[j] - SetMin];
+            }
+            f1 %= (word)NumVert;
+            f2 %= (word)NumVert;
+            if (f1 == f2)
+            {
+                /* A self loop. Reject! */
+                printf("Self loop on vertex %d!\n", f1);
+                cycle = TRUE;
+                break;
+            }
+            addToGraph(numEdges++, f1, f2);
+        }
+        if (cycle || (cycle = isCycle()))   /* OK - is there a cycle? */
+        {
+            printf("Iteration %d\n", ++c);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    while (/* there is a cycle */ 1);
+/* Initialise the graph */
+static void
+    int i;
+    for (i=1; i <= NumVert; i++)
+    {
+        graphFirst[i] = 0;
+    }
+    for (i= -NumEntry; i <= NumEntry; i++)
+    {
+        /* No need to init graphNode[] as they will all be filled by successive
+            calls to addToGraph() */
+        graphNext[NumEntry+i] = 0;
+    }
+    numEdges = 0;
+/* Add an edge e between vertices v1 and v2 */
+/* e, v1, v2 are 0 based */
+static void
+addToGraph(int e, int v1, int v2)
+    e++; v1++; v2++;                        /* So much more convenient */
+    graphNode[NumEntry+e] = v2;             /* Insert the edge information */
+    graphNode[NumEntry-e] = v1;
+    graphNext[NumEntry+e] = graphFirst[v1]; /* Insert v1 to list of alphas */
+    graphFirst[v1]= e;
+    graphNext[NumEntry-e] = graphFirst[v2]; /* Insert v2 to list of omegas */
+    graphFirst[v2]= -e;
+bool DFS(int parentE, int v)
+    int e, w;
+    /* Depth first search of the graph, starting at vertex v, looking for
+        cycles. parent and v are origin 1. Note parent is an EDGE,
+        not a vertex */
+    visited[v] = TRUE;
+    /* For each e incident with v .. */
+    for (e = graphFirst[v]; e; e = graphNext[NumEntry+e])
+    {
+        byte *key1;
+        getKey(abs(e)-1, &key1);
+        if (*(long *)key1 == 0)
+        {
+            /* A deleted key. Just ignore it */
+            continue;
+        }
+        w = graphNode[NumEntry+e];
+        if (visited[w])
+        {
+            /* Did we just come through this edge? If so, ignore it. */
+            if (abs(e) != abs(parentE))
+            {
+                /* There is a cycle in the graph. There is some subtle code here
+                    to work around the distinct possibility that there may be
+                    duplicate keys. Duplicate keys will always cause unit
+                    cycles, since f1 and f2 (used to select v and w) will be the
+                    same for both. The edges (representing an index into the
+                    array of keys) are distinct, but the key values are not.
+                    The logic is as follows: for the candidate edge e, check to
+                    see if it terminates in the parent vertex. If so, we test
+                    the keys associated with e and the parent, and if they are
+                    the same, we can safely ignore e for the purposes of cycle
+                    detection, since edge e adds nothing to the cycle. Cycles
+                    involving v, w, and e0 will still be found. The parent
+                    edge was not similarly eliminated because at the time when
+                    it was a candidate, v was not yet visited.
+                    We still have to remove the key from further consideration,
+                    since each edge is visited twice, but with a different
+                    parent edge each time.
+                */
+                /* We save some stack space by calculating the parent vertex
+                    for these relatively few cases where it is needed */
+                int parentV = graphNode[NumEntry-parentE];
+                if (w == parentV)
+                {
+                    byte *key2;
+                    getKey(abs(parentE)-1,  &key2);
+                    if (memcmp(key1, key2, EntryLen) == 0)
+                    {
+                        printf("Duplicate keys with edges %d and %d (",
+                            e, parentE);
+                        dispKey(abs(e)-1);
+                        printf(" & ");
+                        dispKey(abs(parentE)-1);
+                        printf(")\n");
+/*                      *(long *)key1 = 0;      /* Wipe the key */
+memset(key1, 0, EntryLen);
+                    }
+                    else 
+                    {
+                        /* A genuine (unit) cycle. */
+printf("There is a unit cycle involving vertex %d and edge %d\n", v, e);
+                        return TRUE;
+                    }
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    /* We have reached a previously visited vertex not the
+                        parent. Therefore, we have uncovered a genuine cycle */
+printf("There is a cycle involving vertex %d and edge %d\n", v, e);
+                    return TRUE;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        else                                /* Not yet seen. Traverse it */
+        {
+            if (DFS(e, w))
+            {
+                /* Cycle found deeper down. Exit */
+                return TRUE;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return FALSE;
+static bool
+    int v;
+    for (v=1; v <= NumVert; v++)
+    {
+        visited[v] = FALSE;
+    }
+    for (v=1; v <= NumVert; v++)
+    {
+        if (!visited[v])
+        {
+            if (DFS(-32767, v))
+            {
+                return TRUE;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return FALSE;
+traverse(int u)
+    int w, e;
+    visited[u] = TRUE;
+    /* Find w, the neighbours of u, by searching the edges e associated with u */
+    e = graphFirst[1+u];
+    while (e)
+    {
+        w = graphNode[NumEntry+e]-1;
+        if (!visited[w])
+        {
+            g[w] = (abs(e)-1 - g[u]) % NumEntry;
+            if (g[w] < 0) g[w] += NumEntry;     /* Keep these positive */
+            traverse(w);
+        }
+        e = graphNext[NumEntry+e];
+    }
+    int v;
+    for (v=0; v < NumVert; v++)
+    {
+        g[v] = 0;                           /* g is sparse; leave the gaps 0 */
+        visited[v] = FALSE;
+    }
+    for (v=0; v < NumVert; v++)
+    {
+        if (!visited[v])
+        {
+            g[v] = 0;
+            traverse(v);
+        }
+    }
+hash(byte *string)
+    word u, v;
+    int  j;
+    u = 0;
+    for (j=0; j < EntryLen; j++)
+    {
+        T1 = T1base + j * SetSize;
+        u += T1[string[j] - SetMin];
+    }
+    u %= NumVert;
+    v = 0;
+    for (j=0; j < EntryLen; j++)
+    {
+        T2 = T2base + j * SetSize;
+        v += T2[string[j] - SetMin];
+    }
+    v %= NumVert;
+    return (g[u] + g[v]) % NumEntry;
+word *
+    return T1base;
+word *
+    return T2base;
+word *
+    return (word *)g;
+#if 0
+void dispRecord(int i);
+duplicateKeys(int v1, int v2)
+    int i, j;
+    byte *keys;
+    int u, v;
+    v1--; v2--;             /* These guys are origin 1 */
+    printf("Duplicate keys:\n");
+    for (i=0; i < NumEntry; i++)
+    {
+        getKey(i, &keys);
+        u = 0;
+        for (j=0; j < EntryLen; j++)
+        {
+            T1 = T1base + j * SetSize;
+            u += T1[keys[j] - SetMin];
+        }
+        u %= NumVert;
+        if ((u != v1) && (u != v2)) continue;
+        v = 0;
+        for (j=0; j < EntryLen; j++)
+        {
+            T2 = T2base + j * SetSize;
+            v += T2[keys[j] - SetMin];
+        }
+        v %= NumVert;
+        if ((v == v2) || (v == v1))
+        {
+            printf("Entry #%d key: ", i+1);
+            for (j=0; j < EntryLen; j++) printf("%02X ", keys[j]);
+            printf("\n");
+            dispRecord(i+1);
+        }
+    }
+    exit(1);

+ 394 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,394 @@
+ * File:    procs.c
+ * Purpose: Functions to support Call graphs and procedures
+ * Date:    November 1993
+ * (C) Cristina Cifuentes
+ */
+#include <cstring>
+#include <cassert>
+#include "dcc.h"
+/* Static indentation buffer */
+#define indSize     61          /* size of indentation buffer; max 20 */
+static char indentBuf[indSize] =
+        "                                                            ";
+static char *indent (Int indLevel)
+/* Indentation according to the depth of the statement */
+    return (&indentBuf[indSize-(indLevel*3)-1]);
+/* Inserts an outEdge at the current callGraph pointer if the newProc does
+ * not exist.  */
+void CALL_GRAPH::insertArc (ilFunction newProc)
+    CALL_GRAPH *pcg;
+    Int i;
+    /* Check if procedure already exists */
+    for (i = 0;  i < outEdges.size(); i++)
+        if (outEdges[i]->proc == newProc)
+            return;
+    /* Include new arc */
+    pcg = new CALL_GRAPH;
+    pcg->proc = newProc;
+    outEdges.push_back(pcg);
+/* Inserts a (caller, callee) arc in the call graph tree. */
+boolT CALL_GRAPH::insertCallGraph(ilFunction caller, ilFunction callee)
+    Int i;
+    if (proc == caller)
+    {
+        insertArc (callee);
+        return (TRUE);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        for (i = 0; i < outEdges.size(); i++)
+            if (outEdges[i]->insertCallGraph (caller, callee))
+                return true;
+        return (false);
+    }
+boolT CALL_GRAPH::insertCallGraph(Function *caller, ilFunction callee)
+    auto iter = std::find_if(pProcList.begin(),pProcList.end(),
+                             [caller](const Function &f)->bool {return caller==&f;});
+    assert(iter!=pProcList.end());
+    return insertCallGraph(iter,callee);
+/* Displays the current node of the call graph, and invokes recursively on
+ * the nodes the procedure invokes. */
+void CALL_GRAPH::writeNodeCallGraph(Int indIdx)
+    Int i;
+    printf ("%s%s\n", indent(indIdx), proc->name);
+    for (i = 0; i < outEdges.size(); i++)
+        outEdges[i]->writeNodeCallGraph (indIdx + 1);
+/* Writes the header and invokes recursive procedure */
+void CALL_GRAPH::write()
+    printf ("\nCall Graph:\n");
+    writeNodeCallGraph (0);
+ *  Routines to support arguments
+ *************************************************************************/
+/* Updates the argument table by including the register(s) (ie. lhs of
+ * picode) and the actual expression (ie. rhs of picode).
+ * Note: register(s) are only included once in the table.   */
+void newRegArg (Function * pproc, ICODE *picode, ICODE *ticode)
+    COND_EXPR *lhs;
+    STKFRAME * ps, *ts;
+    ID *id;
+    Int i, tidx;
+    boolT regExist;
+    condId type;
+    Function * tproc;
+    byte regL, regH;		/* Registers involved in arguments */
+    /* Flag ticode as having register arguments */
+    tproc = ticode->;
+    tproc->flg |= REG_ARGS;
+    /* Get registers and index into target procedure's local list */
+    ps = ticode->;
+    ts = &tproc->args;
+    lhs = picode->ic.hl.oper.asgn.lhs;
+    type = lhs->expr.ident.idType;
+    if (type == REGISTER)
+    {
+        regL = pproc->localId.id_arr[lhs->expr.ident.idNode.regiIdx].id.regi;
+        if (regL < rAL)
+            tidx = tproc->localId.newByteWordReg(TYPE_WORD_SIGN, regL);
+        else
+            tidx = tproc->localId.newByteWordReg(TYPE_BYTE_SIGN, regL);
+    }
+    else if (type == LONG_VAR)
+    {
+        regL = pproc->localId.id_arr[lhs->expr.ident.idNode.longIdx].id.longId.l;
+        regH = pproc->localId.id_arr[lhs->expr.ident.idNode.longIdx].id.longId.h;
+        tidx = tproc->localId.newLongReg(TYPE_LONG_SIGN, regH, regL, 0);
+    }
+    /* Check if register argument already on the formal argument list */
+    regExist = FALSE;
+    for (i = 0; i < ts->sym.size(); i++)
+    {
+        if (type == REGISTER)
+        {
+            if ((ts->sym[i].regs != NULL) &&
+                    (ts->sym[i].regs->expr.ident.idNode.regiIdx == tidx))
+            {
+                regExist = TRUE;
+                i = ts->sym.size();
+            }
+        }
+        else if (type == LONG_VAR)
+        {
+            if ((ts->sym[i].regs != NULL) &&
+                    (ts->sym[i].regs->expr.ident.idNode.longIdx == tidx))
+            {
+                regExist = TRUE;
+                i = ts->sym.size();
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /* Do ts (formal arguments) */
+    if (regExist == FALSE)
+    {
+        STKSYM newsym;
+        sprintf (, "arg%ld", ts->sym.size());
+        if (type == REGISTER)
+        {
+            if (regL < rAL)
+            {
+                newsym.type = TYPE_WORD_SIGN;
+                newsym.regs = COND_EXPR::idRegIdx(tidx, WORD_REG);
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                newsym.type = TYPE_BYTE_SIGN;
+                newsym.regs = COND_EXPR::idRegIdx(tidx, BYTE_REG);
+            }
+            sprintf (tproc->localId.id_arr[tidx].name, "arg%ld", ts->sym.size());
+        }
+        else if (type == LONG_VAR)
+        {
+            newsym.regs = COND_EXPR::idLongIdx (tidx);
+            newsym.type = TYPE_LONG_SIGN;
+            sprintf (tproc->localId.id_arr[tidx].name, "arg%ld", ts->sym.size());
+            tproc->localId.propLongId (regL, regH,
+                        tproc->localId.id_arr[tidx].name);
+        }
+        ts->sym.push_back(newsym);
+        ts->numArgs++;
+    }
+    /* Do ps (actual arguments) */
+    STKSYM newsym;
+    sprintf (, "arg%ld", ps->sym.size());
+    newsym.actual = picode->ic.hl.oper.asgn.rhs;
+    newsym.regs = lhs;
+    /* Mask off high and low register(s) in picode */
+    switch (type) {
+        case REGISTER:
+            id = &pproc->localId.id_arr[lhs->expr.ident.idNode.regiIdx];
+            picode->du.def &= maskDuReg[id->id.regi];
+            if (id->id.regi < rAL)
+                newsym.type = TYPE_WORD_SIGN;
+            else
+                newsym.type = TYPE_BYTE_SIGN;
+            break;
+        case LONG_VAR:
+            id = &pproc->localId.id_arr[lhs->expr.ident.idNode.longIdx];
+            picode->du.def &= maskDuReg[id->id.longId.h];
+            picode->du.def &= maskDuReg[id->id.longId.l];
+            newsym.type = TYPE_LONG_SIGN;
+            break;
+    }
+    ps->sym.push_back(newsym);
+    ps->numArgs++;
+/* Allocates num arguments in the actual argument list of the current
+ * icode picode.	*/
+/** NOTE: this function is not used ****/
+void allocStkArgs (ICODE *picode, Int num)
+    STKFRAME * ps;
+    ps = picode->;
+    ps->numArgs = num;
+    ps->sym.resize(num);
+boolT newStkArg (ICODE *picode, COND_EXPR *exp, llIcode opcode, Function * pproc)
+/* Inserts the new expression (ie. the actual parameter) on the argument
+ * list.
+ * Returns: TRUE if it was a near call that made use of a segment register.
+ *			FALSE elsewhere	*/
+{ STKFRAME * ps;
+    byte regi;
+    /* Check for far procedure call, in which case, references to segment
+         * registers are not be considered another parameter (i.e. they are
+         * long references to another segment) */
+    if (exp)
+    {
+        if ((exp->type == IDENTIFIER) && (exp->expr.ident.idType == REGISTER))
+        {
+            regi =  pproc->localId.id_arr[exp->expr.ident.idNode.regiIdx].id.regi;
+            if ((regi >= rES) && (regi <= rDS))
+                if (opcode == iCALLF)
+                    return (FALSE);
+                else
+                    return (TRUE);
+        }
+    }
+    /* Place register argument on the argument list */
+    ps = picode->;
+    STKSYM newsym;
+    newsym.actual = exp;
+    ps->sym.push_back(newsym);
+    ps->numArgs++;
+    return false;
+/* Places the actual argument exp in the position given by pos in the
+ * argument list of picode.	*/
+void placeStkArg (ICODE *picode, COND_EXPR *exp, Int pos)
+{ STKFRAME * ps;
+    ps = picode->;
+    ps->sym[pos].actual = exp;
+    sprintf (ps->sym[pos].name, "arg%ld", pos);
+/* Checks to determine whether the expression (actual argument) has the
+ * same type as the given type (from the procedure's formal list).  If not,
+ * the actual argument gets modified */
+void adjustActArgType (COND_EXPR *exp, hlType forType, Function * pproc)
+{ hlType actType;
+    Int offset, offL;
+    if (exp == NULL)
+        return;
+    actType = expType (exp, pproc);
+    if ((actType != forType) && (exp->type == IDENTIFIER))
+    {
+        switch (forType) {
+            case TYPE_UNKNOWN: case TYPE_BYTE_SIGN:
+            case TYPE_BYTE_UNSIGN: case TYPE_WORD_SIGN:
+            case TYPE_WORD_UNSIGN: case TYPE_LONG_SIGN:
+            case TYPE_LONG_UNSIGN: case TYPE_RECORD:
+                break;
+            case TYPE_PTR:
+            case TYPE_CONST:
+                break;
+            case TYPE_STR:
+                switch (actType) {
+                    case TYPE_CONST:
+                        /* It's an offset into image where a string is
+                                         * found.  Point to the string.	*/
+                        offL = exp->expr.ident.idNode.kte.kte;
+                        if (prog.fCOM)
+                            offset = (pproc->state.r[rDS]<<4) + offL + 0x100;
+                        else
+                            offset = (pproc->state.r[rDS]<<4) + offL;
+                        exp->expr.ident.idNode.strIdx = offset;
+                        exp->expr.ident.idType = STRING;
+                        break;
+                    case TYPE_PTR:
+                        /* It's a pointer to a char rather than a pointer to
+                                         * an integer */
+                        /***HERE - modify the type ****/
+                        break;
+                    case TYPE_WORD_SIGN:
+                        break;
+                } /* eos */
+                break;
+        }
+    }
+/* Determines whether the formal argument has the same type as the given
+ * type (type of the actual argument).  If not, the formal argument is
+ * changed its type */
+void STKFRAME::adjustForArgType(Int numArg_, hlType actType_)
+    hlType forType;
+    STKSYM * psym, * nsym;
+    Int off, i;
+    /* Find stack offset for this argument */
+    off = minOff;
+    for (i = 0; i < numArg_; i++)
+        off += sym[i].size;
+    /* Find formal argument */
+    if (numArg_ < sym.size())
+    {
+        psym = &sym[numArg_];
+        i = numArg_;
+        while ((i < sym.size()) && (psym->off != off))
+        {
+            psym++;
+            i++;
+        }
+        if (numArg_ == sym.size())
+            return;
+    }
+    /* If formal argument does not exist, do not create new ones, just
+         * ignore actual argument */
+    else
+        return;
+    forType = psym->type;
+    if (forType != actType_)
+    {
+        switch (actType_) {
+            case TYPE_UNKNOWN: case TYPE_BYTE_SIGN:
+            case TYPE_BYTE_UNSIGN: case TYPE_WORD_SIGN:
+            case TYPE_WORD_UNSIGN: case TYPE_RECORD:
+                break;
+            case TYPE_LONG_UNSIGN: case TYPE_LONG_SIGN:
+                if ((forType == TYPE_WORD_UNSIGN) ||
+                        (forType == TYPE_WORD_SIGN) ||
+                        (forType == TYPE_UNKNOWN))
+                {
+                    /* Merge low and high */
+                    psym->type = actType_;
+                    psym->size = 4;
+                    nsym = psym + 1;
+                    sprintf (nsym->macro, "HI");
+                    sprintf (psym->macro, "LO");
+                    nsym->hasMacro = TRUE;
+                    psym->hasMacro = TRUE;
+                    sprintf (nsym->name, "%s", psym->name);
+                    nsym->invalid = TRUE;
+                    numArgs--;
+                }
+                break;
+            case TYPE_PTR:
+            case TYPE_CONST:
+            case TYPE_STR:
+                break;
+        } /* eos */
+    }

+ 541 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,541 @@
+ * File : propLong.c
+ * Purpose: propagate the value of long variables (local variables and
+ *          registers) along the graph.  Structure the graph in this way.
+ * (C) Cristina Cifuentes
+ **************************************************************************/
+#include <string.h>
+#include <memory.h>
+#include <cassert>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include "dcc.h"
+static boolT isJCond (llIcode opcode)
+/* Returns whether the given icode opcode is within the range of valid
+ * high-level conditional jump icodes (iJB..iJG) */
+    if ((opcode >= iJB) && (opcode <= iJG))
+        return (TRUE);
+    return (FALSE);
+static boolT isLong23 (Int i, BB * pbb, ICODE * icode, Int *off, Int *arc)
+/* Returns whether the conditions for a 2-3 long variable are satisfied */
+{ BB * t, * e, * obb2;
+    if (pbb->nodeType != TWO_BRANCH)
+        return (FALSE);
+    t = pbb->edges[THEN].BBptr;
+    e = pbb->edges[ELSE].BBptr;
+    /* Check along the THEN path */
+    if ((t->length == 1) && (t->nodeType == TWO_BRANCH) && (t->numInEdges == 1))
+    {
+        obb2 = t->edges[THEN].BBptr;
+        if ((obb2->length == 2) && (obb2->nodeType == TWO_BRANCH) &&
+                (icode[obb2->start].ic.ll.opcode == iCMP))
+        {
+            *off = obb2->start - i;
+            *arc = THEN;
+            return (TRUE);
+        }
+    }
+    /* Check along the ELSE path  */
+    else if ((e->length == 1) && (e->nodeType == TWO_BRANCH) &&
+             (e->numInEdges == 1))
+    {
+        obb2 = e->edges[THEN].BBptr;
+        if ((obb2->length == 2) && (obb2->nodeType == TWO_BRANCH) &&
+                (icode[obb2->start].ic.ll.opcode == iCMP))
+        {
+            *off = obb2->start - i;
+            *arc = ELSE;
+            return (TRUE);
+        }
+    }
+    return (FALSE);
+/* Returns whether the conditions for a 2-2 long variable are satisfied */
+static boolT isLong22 (ICODE * pIcode, ICODE * pEnd, Int *off)
+    if (((pIcode+2) < pEnd) && ((pIcode+2)->ic.ll.opcode == iCMP) &&
+            (isJCond ((pIcode+1)->ic.ll.opcode)) &&
+            (isJCond ((pIcode+3)->ic.ll.opcode)))
+    {
+        *off = 2;
+        return (TRUE);
+    }
+    return (FALSE);
+/* Creates a long conditional <=, >=, <, or > at (pIcode+1).
+ * Removes excess nodes from the graph by flagging them, and updates
+ * the new edges for the remaining nodes.	*/
+static void longJCond23 (COND_EXPR *rhs, COND_EXPR *lhs, ICODE * pIcode,
+                         Int *idx, Function * pProc, Int arc, Int off)
+{ Int j;
+    BB * pbb, * obb1, * obb2, * tbb;
+    if (arc == THEN)
+    {
+        /* Find intermediate basic blocks and target block */
+        pbb = pIcode->inBB;
+        obb1 = pbb->edges[THEN].BBptr;
+        obb2 = obb1->edges[THEN].BBptr;
+        tbb = obb2->edges[THEN].BBptr;
+        /* Modify out edge of header basic block */
+        pbb->edges[THEN].BBptr = tbb;
+        /* Modify in edges of target basic block */
+        auto newlast=std::remove_if(tbb->inEdges.begin(),tbb->inEdges.end(),
+                                    [obb1,obb2](BB *b) -> bool
+                                    {
+                                        return (b==obb1) || (b==obb2);
+                                    }
+                                    );
+        tbb->inEdges.erase(newlast,tbb->inEdges.end());
+        tbb->numInEdges--;	/* looses 2 arcs, gains 1 arc */
+        tbb->inEdges.push_back(pbb);
+        assert(tbb->inEdges.size()==tbb->numInEdges);
+        /* Modify in edges of the ELSE basic block */
+        tbb = pbb->edges[ELSE].BBptr;
+        auto iter=std::find(tbb->inEdges.begin(),tbb->inEdges.end(),obb2);
+        assert(iter!=tbb->inEdges.end());
+        tbb->inEdges.erase(iter);
+        tbb->numInEdges--;	/* looses 1 arc */       
+        assert(tbb->inEdges.size()==tbb->numInEdges);
+        /* Update icode index */
+        (*idx) += 5;
+    }
+    else  /* ELSE arc */
+    {
+        /* Find intermediate basic blocks and target block */
+        pbb = pIcode->inBB;
+        obb1 = pbb->edges[ELSE].BBptr;
+        obb2 = obb1->edges[THEN].BBptr;
+        tbb = obb2->edges[THEN].BBptr;
+        /* Modify in edges of target basic block */
+        auto iter=std::find(tbb->inEdges.begin(),tbb->inEdges.end(),obb2);
+        assert(iter!=tbb->inEdges.end());
+        tbb->inEdges.erase(iter);
+        tbb->numInEdges--;	/* looses 1 arc */
+        assert(tbb->inEdges.size()==tbb->numInEdges);
+        /* Modify in edges of the ELSE basic block */
+        tbb = obb2->edges[ELSE].BBptr;
+        auto newlast=std::remove_if(tbb->inEdges.begin(),tbb->inEdges.end(),
+                                    [obb1,obb2](BB *b) -> bool
+                                    {
+                                        return (b==obb1) || (b==obb2);
+                                    }
+                                    );
+        tbb->inEdges.erase(newlast,tbb->inEdges.end());
+        tbb->numInEdges--;	/* looses 2 arcs, gains 1 arc */
+        tbb->inEdges.push_back(pbb);
+        assert(tbb->inEdges.size()==tbb->numInEdges);
+        /* Modify out edge of header basic block */
+        pbb->edges[ELSE].BBptr = tbb;
+        /* Update icode index */
+        (*idx) += 2;
+    }
+    /* Create new HLI_JCOND and condition */
+    lhs = COND_EXPR::boolOp (lhs, rhs, condOpJCond[(pIcode+off+1)->ic.ll.opcode-iJB]);
+    (pIcode+1)->setJCond(lhs);
+    copyDU (pIcode+1, pIcode, eUSE, eUSE);
+    (pIcode+1)->du.use |= (pIcode+off)->du.use;
+    /* Update statistics */
+    obb1->flg |= INVALID_BB;
+    obb2->flg |= INVALID_BB;
+    stats.numBBaft -= 2;
+    pIcode->invalidate();
+    pProc->Icode.GetIcode(obb1->start)->invalidate();
+    pProc->Icode.GetIcode(obb2->start)->invalidate();
+    pProc->Icode.GetIcode(obb2->start+1)->invalidate();
+/* Creates a long conditional equality or inequality at (pIcode+1).
+ * Removes excess nodes from the graph by flagging them, and updates
+ * the new edges for the remaining nodes.	*/
+static void longJCond22 (COND_EXPR *rhs, COND_EXPR *lhs, ICODE * pIcode,
+                         Int *idx)
+    Int j;
+    BB * pbb, * obb1, * tbb;
+    /* Form conditional expression */
+    lhs = COND_EXPR::boolOp (lhs, rhs, condOpJCond[(pIcode+3)->ic.ll.opcode - iJB]);
+    (pIcode+1)->setJCond(lhs);
+    copyDU (pIcode+1, pIcode, eUSE, eUSE);
+    (pIcode+1)->du.use |= (pIcode+2)->du.use;
+    /* Adjust outEdges[0] to the new target basic block */
+    pbb = pIcode->inBB;
+    if ((pbb->start + pbb->length - 1) == (*idx + 1))
+    {
+        /* Find intermediate and target basic blocks */
+        obb1 = pbb->edges[THEN].BBptr;
+        tbb = obb1->edges[THEN].BBptr;
+        /* Modify THEN out edge of header basic block */
+        pbb->edges[THEN].BBptr = tbb;
+        /* Modify in edges of target basic block */
+        auto iter=std::find(tbb->inEdges.begin(),tbb->inEdges.end(),obb1);
+        assert(iter!=tbb->inEdges.end());
+        tbb->inEdges.erase(iter);
+        if ((pIcode+3)->ic.ll.opcode == iJE)
+            tbb->numInEdges--;	/* looses 1 arc */
+        else					/* iJNE => replace arc */
+            tbb->inEdges.push_back(pbb);
+        assert(tbb->inEdges.size()==tbb->numInEdges);
+        /* Modify ELSE out edge of header basic block */
+        tbb = obb1->edges[ELSE].BBptr;
+        pbb->edges[ELSE].BBptr = tbb;
+        iter=std::find(tbb->inEdges.begin(),tbb->inEdges.end(),obb1);
+        assert(iter!=tbb->inEdges.end());
+        tbb->inEdges.erase(iter);
+        if ((pIcode+3)->ic.ll.opcode == iJE)	/* replace */
+            tbb->inEdges.push_back(pbb);
+        else
+            tbb->numInEdges--;		/* iJNE => looses 1 arc */
+        assert(tbb->inEdges.size()==tbb->numInEdges);
+        /* Update statistics */
+        obb1->flg |= INVALID_BB;
+        stats.numBBaft--;
+    }
+    pIcode->invalidate();
+    (pIcode+2)->invalidate();
+    (pIcode+3)->invalidate();
+    (*idx) += 4;
+/* Propagates TYPE_LONG_(UN)SIGN icode information to the current pIcode
+ * Pointer.
+ * Arguments: i     : index into the local identifier table
+ *            pLocId: ptr to the long local identifier
+ *            pProc : ptr to current procedure's record.        */
+static void propLongStk (Int i, ID *pLocId, Function * pProc)
+    Int idx, off, arc;
+    COND_EXPR *lhs, *rhs;     /* Pointers to left and right hand expression */
+    ICODE * pIcode, * pEnd;
+    /* Check all icodes for offHi:offLo */
+    pEnd = pProc->Icode.GetIcode(pProc->Icode.GetNumIcodes() -1);
+    for (idx = 0; idx < (pProc->Icode.GetNumIcodes() - 1); idx++)
+    {
+        pIcode = pProc->Icode.GetIcode(idx);
+        if ((pIcode->type == HIGH_LEVEL) || (pIcode->invalid == TRUE))
+            continue;
+        if (pIcode->ic.ll.opcode == (pIcode+1)->ic.ll.opcode)
+        {
+            switch (pIcode->ic.ll.opcode) {
+                case iMOV:
+                    if (checkLongEq (pLocId->id.longStkId, pIcode, i, idx, pProc,
+                                     &rhs, &lhs, 1) == TRUE)
+                    {
+                        pIcode->setAsgn(lhs, rhs);
+                        (pIcode+1)->invalidate();
+                        idx++;
+                    }
+                    break;
+                case iAND: case iOR: case iXOR:
+                    if (checkLongEq (pLocId->id.longStkId, pIcode, i, idx, pProc,
+                                     &rhs, &lhs, 1) == TRUE)
+                    {
+                        switch (pIcode->ic.ll.opcode) {
+                            case iAND: 	rhs = COND_EXPR::boolOp (lhs, rhs, AND);
+                                break;
+                            case iOR: 	rhs = COND_EXPR::boolOp (lhs, rhs, OR);
+                                break;
+                            case iXOR: 	rhs = COND_EXPR::boolOp (lhs, rhs, XOR);
+                                break;
+                        }
+                        pIcode->setAsgn(lhs, rhs);
+                        (pIcode+1)->invalidate();
+                        idx++;
+                    }
+                    break;
+                case iPUSH:
+                    if (checkLongEq (pLocId->id.longStkId, pIcode, i, idx, pProc,
+                                     &rhs, &lhs, 1) == TRUE)
+                    {
+                        pIcode->setUnary( HLI_PUSH, lhs);
+                        (pIcode+1)->invalidate();
+                        idx++;
+                    }
+                    break;
+            } /*eos*/
+        }
+        /* Check long conditional (i.e. 2 CMPs and 3 branches */
+        else if ((pIcode->ic.ll.opcode == iCMP) && (isLong23 (idx, pIcode->inBB, pProc->Icode.GetFirstIcode(),&off, &arc)))
+        {
+            if (checkLongEq (pLocId->id.longStkId, pIcode, i, idx, pProc, &rhs, &lhs, off) == TRUE)
+                longJCond23 (rhs, lhs, pIcode, &idx, pProc, arc, off);
+        }
+        /* Check for long conditional equality or inequality.  This requires
+                 * 2 CMPs and 2 branches */
+        else if ((pIcode->ic.ll.opcode == iCMP) &&
+                 isLong22 (pIcode, pEnd, &off))
+        {
+            if (checkLongEq (pLocId->id.longStkId, pIcode, i, idx, pProc,
+                             &rhs, &lhs, off) == TRUE)
+                longJCond22 (rhs, lhs, pIcode, &idx);
+        }
+    }
+/* Finds the definition of the long register pointed to by pLocId, and
+ * transforms that instruction into a HIGH_LEVEL icode instruction.
+ * Arguments: i     : index into the local identifier table
+ *            pLocId: ptr to the long local identifier
+ *            pProc : ptr to current procedure's record.        */
+static void propLongReg (Int i, ID *pLocId, Function * pProc)
+    COND_EXPR *lhs, *rhs;
+    Int idx, j, off, arc;
+    ICODE * pIcode, * pEnd;
+    ICODEMEM * pmH,* pmL;            /* Pointers to dst LOW_LEVEL icodes */
+    /* Process all definitions/uses of long registers at an icode position */
+    pEnd = pProc->Icode.GetIcode(pProc->Icode.GetNumIcodes() -1);
+    for (j = 0; j < pLocId->idx.size(); j++)
+    {
+        /* Check backwards for a definition of this long register */
+        for (idx = pLocId->idx[j] - 1; idx > 0 ; idx--)
+        {
+            pIcode = pProc->Icode.GetIcode(idx-1);
+            if ((pIcode->type == HIGH_LEVEL) || (pIcode->invalid == TRUE))
+                continue;
+            if (pIcode->ic.ll.opcode == (pIcode+1)->ic.ll.opcode)
+                switch (pIcode->ic.ll.opcode)
+                {
+                    case iMOV:
+                        pmH = &pIcode->ic.ll.dst;
+                        pmL = &(pIcode+1)->ic.ll.dst;
+                        if ((pLocId->id.longId.h == pmH->regi) && (pLocId->id.longId.l == pmL->regi))
+                        {
+                            lhs = COND_EXPR::idLongIdx (i);
+                            pProc->localId.id_arr[i].idx.push_back(idx-1);
+                            pIcode->setRegDU( pmL->regi, eDEF);
+                            rhs = COND_EXPR::idLong (&pProc->localId, SRC, pIcode, HIGH_FIRST, idx, eUSE, 1);
+                            pIcode->setAsgn(lhs, rhs);
+                            (pIcode+1)->invalidate();
+                            idx = 0;    /* to exit the loop */
+                        }
+                        break;
+                    case iPOP:
+                        pmH = &(pIcode+1)->ic.ll.dst;
+                        pmL = &pIcode->ic.ll.dst;
+                        if ((pLocId->id.longId.h == pmH->regi) && (pLocId->id.longId.l == pmL->regi))
+                        {
+                            lhs = COND_EXPR::idLongIdx (i);
+                            pIcode->setRegDU( pmH->regi, eDEF);
+                            pIcode->setUnary(HLI_POP, lhs);
+                            (pIcode+1)->invalidate();
+                            idx = 0;        /* to exit the loop */
+                        }
+                        break;
+                        /**** others missing ***/
+                    case iAND: case iOR: case iXOR:
+                        pmL = &pIcode->ic.ll.dst;
+                        pmH = &(pIcode+1)->ic.ll.dst;
+                        if ((pLocId->id.longId.h == pmH->regi) && (pLocId->id.longId.l == pmL->regi))
+                        {
+                            lhs = COND_EXPR::idLongIdx (i);
+                            pIcode->setRegDU( pmH->regi, USE_DEF);
+                            rhs = COND_EXPR::idLong (&pProc->localId, SRC, pIcode, LOW_FIRST, idx, eUSE, 1);
+                            switch (pIcode->ic.ll.opcode) {
+                                case iAND: rhs = COND_EXPR::boolOp (lhs, rhs, AND);
+                                    break;
+                                case iOR:
+                                           rhs = COND_EXPR::boolOp (lhs, rhs, OR);
+                                    break;
+                                case iXOR: rhs = COND_EXPR::boolOp (lhs, rhs, XOR);
+                                    break;
+                            } /* eos */
+                            pIcode->setAsgn(lhs, rhs);
+                            (pIcode+1)->invalidate();
+                            idx = 0;
+                        }
+                        break;
+                } /* eos */
+        }
+        /* If no definition backwards, check forward for a use of this long reg */
+        if (idx <= 0)
+            for (idx = pLocId->idx[j] + 1; idx < pProc->Icode.GetNumIcodes() - 1; idx++)
+            {
+                pIcode = pProc->Icode.GetIcode(idx);
+                if ((pIcode->type == HIGH_LEVEL) || (pIcode->invalid == TRUE))
+                    continue;
+                if (pIcode->ic.ll.opcode == (pIcode+1)->ic.ll.opcode)
+                    switch (pIcode->ic.ll.opcode) {
+                        case iMOV:
+                            if ((pLocId->id.longId.h == pIcode->ic.ll.src.regi) &&
+                                    (pLocId->id.longId.l == (pIcode+1)->ic.ll.src.regi))
+                            {
+                                rhs = COND_EXPR::idLongIdx (i);
+                                pIcode->setRegDU( (pIcode+1)->ic.ll.src.regi, eUSE);
+                                lhs = COND_EXPR::idLong (&pProc->localId, DST, pIcode,
+                                                     HIGH_FIRST, idx, eDEF, 1);
+                                pIcode->setAsgn(lhs, rhs);
+                                (pIcode+1)->invalidate();
+                                idx = pProc->Icode.GetNumIcodes();    /* to exit the loop */
+                            }
+                            break;
+                        case iPUSH:
+                            if ((pLocId->id.longId.h == pIcode->ic.ll.src.regi) &&
+                                    (pLocId->id.longId.l == (pIcode+1)->ic.ll.src.regi))
+                            {
+                                rhs = COND_EXPR::idLongIdx (i);
+                                pIcode->setRegDU( (pIcode+1)->ic.ll.src.regi, eUSE);
+                                pIcode->setUnary(HLI_PUSH, lhs);
+                                (pIcode+1)->invalidate();
+                            }
+                            idx = pProc->Icode.GetNumIcodes();    /* to exit the loop  */
+                            break;
+                            /*** others missing ****/
+                        case iAND: case iOR: case iXOR:
+                            pmL = &pIcode->ic.ll.dst;
+                            pmH = &(pIcode+1)->ic.ll.dst;
+                            if ((pLocId->id.longId.h == pmH->regi) &&
+                                    (pLocId->id.longId.l == pmL->regi))
+                            {
+                                lhs = COND_EXPR::idLongIdx (i);
+                                pIcode->setRegDU( pmH->regi, USE_DEF);
+                                rhs = COND_EXPR::idLong (&pProc->localId, SRC, pIcode,
+                                                     LOW_FIRST, idx, eUSE, 1);
+                                switch (pIcode->ic.ll.opcode) {
+                                    case iAND: rhs = COND_EXPR::boolOp (lhs, rhs, AND);
+                                        break;
+                                    case iOR:  rhs = COND_EXPR::boolOp (lhs, rhs, OR);
+                                        break;
+                                    case iXOR: rhs = COND_EXPR::boolOp (lhs, rhs, XOR);
+                                        break;
+                                }
+                                pIcode->setAsgn(lhs, rhs);
+                                (pIcode+1)->invalidate();
+                                idx = 0;
+                            }
+                            break;
+                    } /* eos */
+                /* Check long conditional (i.e. 2 CMPs and 3 branches */
+                else if ((pIcode->ic.ll.opcode == iCMP) &&
+                         (isLong23 (idx, pIcode->inBB, pProc->Icode.GetFirstIcode(),
+                                    &off, &arc)))
+                {
+                    if (checkLongRegEq (pLocId->id.longId, pIcode, i, idx, pProc,
+                                        &rhs, &lhs, off) == TRUE)
+                        longJCond23 (rhs, lhs, pIcode, &idx, pProc, arc, off);
+                }
+                /* Check for long conditional equality or inequality.  This requires
+                 * 2 CMPs and 2 branches */
+                else if ((pIcode->ic.ll.opcode == iCMP) &&
+                         (isLong22 (pIcode, pEnd, &off)))
+                {
+                    if (checkLongRegEq (pLocId->id.longId, pIcode, i, idx, pProc,
+                                        &rhs, &lhs, off) == TRUE)
+                        longJCond22 (rhs, lhs, pIcode, &idx);
+                }
+                /* Check for OR regH, regL
+                 *			 JX lab
+                 *		=> HLI_JCOND (regH:regL X 0) lab
+                 * This is better code than HLI_JCOND (HI(regH:regL) | LO(regH:regL)) */
+                else if ((pIcode->ic.ll.opcode == iOR) && ((pIcode+1) < pEnd) &&
+                         (isJCond ((pIcode+1)->ic.ll.opcode)))
+                {
+                    if ((pIcode->ic.ll.dst.regi == pLocId->id.longId.h) &&
+                            (pIcode->ic.ll.src.regi == pLocId->id.longId.l))
+                    {
+                        lhs = COND_EXPR::idLongIdx (i);
+                        rhs = COND_EXPR::idKte (0, 4);	/* long 0 */
+                        lhs = COND_EXPR::boolOp (lhs, rhs,
+                                           condOpJCond[(pIcode+1)->ic.ll.opcode - iJB]);
+                        (pIcode+1)->setJCond(lhs);
+                        copyDU (pIcode+1, pIcode, eUSE, eUSE);
+                        pIcode->invalidate();
+                    }
+                }
+            } /* end for */
+    } /* end for */
+/* Propagates the long global address across all LOW_LEVEL icodes.
+ * Transforms some LOW_LEVEL icodes into HIGH_LEVEL     */
+static void propLongGlb (Int i, ID *pLocId, Function * pProc)
+/* Propagated identifier information, thus converting some LOW_LEVEL icodes
+ * into HIGH_LEVEL icodes.  */
+void Function::propLong()
+    Int i;
+    ID *pLocId;           /* Pointer to current local identifier */
+    for (i = 0; i < localId.csym(); i++)
+    {
+        pLocId = &localId.id_arr[i];
+        if ((pLocId->type==TYPE_LONG_SIGN) || (pLocId->type==TYPE_LONG_UNSIGN))
+        {
+            switch (pLocId->loc)
+            {
+                case STK_FRAME:
+                    propLongStk (i, pLocId, this);
+                    break;
+                case REG_FRAME:
+                    propLongReg (i, pLocId, this);
+                    break;
+                case GLB_FRAME:
+                    propLongGlb (i, pLocId, this);
+                    break;
+            }
+        }
+    }

+ 399 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,399 @@
+ *  Checks for reducibility of a graph by intervals, and
+ *  constructs an equivalent reducible graph if one is not found.
+ * (C) Cristina Cifuentes
+ ********************************************************************/
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <cassert>
+#include "dcc.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#ifdef __BORLAND__
+#include <alloc.h>
+#include <malloc.h>		/* For free() */
+#include <string.h>
+static Int      numInt;     /* Number of intervals      */
+#define nonEmpty(q)     (q != NULL)
+/* Returns whether the queue q is empty or not */
+#define trivialGraph(G)     (G->numOutEdges == 0)
+/* Returns whether the graph is a trivial graph or not */
+/* Returns the first element in the queue Q, and removes this element
+ * from the list.  Q is not an empty queue.                 */
+static BB *firstOfQueue (queue &Q)
+    assert(!Q.empty());
+    BB *res=*Q.begin();
+    Q.pop_front();
+    return res;
+/* Appends pointer to node at the end of the queue Q if node is not present
+ * in this queue.  Returns the queue node just appended.        */
+queue::iterator appendQueue (queue &Q, BB *node)
+    auto iter=std::find(Q.begin(),Q.end(),node);
+    if(iter==Q.end())
+    {
+        Q.push_back(node);
+        iter=Q.end();
+        --iter;
+    }
+    return iter;
+/* Returns the next unprocessed node of the interval list (pointed to by
+ * pI->currNode).  Removes this element logically from the list, by updating
+ * the currNode pointer to the next unprocessed element.  */
+BB *interval::firstOfInt ()
+    auto pq = currNode;
+    if (pq == nodes.end())
+        return (NULL);
+    ++currNode;
+    return *pq;
+/* Appends node @node to the end of the interval list @pI, updates currNode
+ * if necessary, and removes the node from the header list @pqH if it is
+ * there.  The interval header information is placed in the field
+ * node->inInterval.
+ * Note: nodes are added to the interval list in interval order (which
+ * topsorts the dominance relation).                    */
+static void appendNodeInt (queue &pqH, BB *node, interval *pI)
+    queue::iterator pq;        /* Pointer to current node of the list      */
+    /* Append node if it is not already in the interval list */
+    pq = appendQueue (pI->nodes, node);
+    /* Update currNode if necessary */
+    if (pI->currNode == pI->nodes.end())
+        pI->currNode = pq;
+    /* Check header list for occurrence of node, if found, remove it
+     * and decrement number of out-edges from this interval.    */
+    if (node->beenOnH && !pqH.empty())
+    {
+        auto found_iter=std::find(pqH.begin(),pqH.end(),node);
+        if(found_iter!=pqH.end())
+        {
+            pI->numOutEdges -= (byte)(*found_iter)->numInEdges - 1;
+            pqH.erase(found_iter);
+        }
+    }
+    /* Update interval header information for this basic block */
+    node->inInterval = pI;
+/* Finds the intervals of graph derivedGi->Gi and places them in the list
+ * of intervals derivedGi->Ii.
+ * Algorithm by M.S.Hecht.                      */
+void derSeq_Entry::findIntervals ()
+    interval *pI,        /* Interval being processed         */
+            *J;         /* ^ last interval in derivedGi->Ii */
+    BB *h,           /* Node being processed         */
+            *header,          /* Current interval's header node   */
+            *succ;            /* Successor basic block        */
+    Int i;           /* Counter              */
+    queue H;            /* Queue of possible header nodes   */
+    boolT first = TRUE;       /* First pass through the loop      */
+    appendQueue (H, Gi);  /* H = {first node of G} */
+    Gi->beenOnH = TRUE;
+    Gi->reachingInt = BB::Create(); /* ^ empty BB */
+    /* Process header nodes list H */
+    while (!H.empty())
+    {
+        header = firstOfQueue (H);
+        pI = new interval;
+        pI->numInt = (byte)numInt++;
+        if (first)               /* ^ to first interval  */
+            Ii = J = pI;
+        appendNodeInt (H, header, pI);   /* pI(header) = {header} */
+        /* Process all nodes in the current interval list */
+        while ((h = pI->firstOfInt()) != NULL)
+        {
+            /* Check all immediate successors of h */
+            for (i = 0; i < h->numOutEdges; i++)
+            {
+                succ = h->edges[i].BBptr;
+                succ->inEdgeCount--;
+                if (succ->reachingInt == NULL)   /* first visit */
+                {
+                    succ->reachingInt = header;
+                    if (succ->inEdgeCount == 0)
+                        appendNodeInt (H, succ, pI);
+                    else if (! succ->beenOnH) /* out edge */
+                    {
+                        appendQueue (H, succ);
+                        succ->beenOnH = TRUE;
+                        pI->numOutEdges++;
+                    }
+                }
+                else     /* node has been visited before */
+                    if (succ->inEdgeCount == 0)
+                    {
+                        if (succ->reachingInt == header || succ->inInterval == pI) /* same interval */
+                        {
+                            if (succ != header)
+                                appendNodeInt (H, succ, pI);
+                        }
+                        else            /* out edge */
+                            pI->numOutEdges++;
+                    }
+                    else if (succ != header && succ->beenOnH)
+                        pI->numOutEdges++;
+            }
+        }
+        /* Link interval I to list of intervals */
+        if (! first)
+        {
+            J->next = pI;
+            J = pI;
+        }
+        else     /* first interval */
+            first = FALSE;
+    }
+/* Displays the intervals of the graph Gi.              */
+static void displayIntervals (interval *pI)
+    queue::iterator nodePtr;
+    while (pI)
+    {
+        nodePtr = pI->nodes.begin();
+        printf ("  Interval #: %ld\t#OutEdges: %ld\n", pI->numInt, pI->numOutEdges);
+        while (nodePtr!=pI->nodes.end())
+        {
+            if ((*nodePtr)->correspInt == NULL)    /* real BBs */
+                printf ("    Node: %ld\n", (*nodePtr)->start);
+            else              /* BBs represent intervals */
+                printf ("   Node (corresp int): %d\n",
+                        (*nodePtr)->correspInt->numInt);
+            ++nodePtr;
+        }
+        pI = pI->next;
+    }
+/* Allocates space for a new derSeq node. */
+static derSeq_Entry *newDerivedSeq()
+    return new derSeq_Entry;
+/* Frees the storage allocated for the queue q*/
+void freeQueue (queue &q)
+    q.clear();
+/* Frees the storage allocated for the interval pI */
+static void freeInterval (interval **pI)
+    interval *Iptr;
+    while (*pI)
+    {
+        (*pI)->nodes.clear();
+        Iptr = *pI;
+        *pI = (*pI)->next;
+        delete (Iptr);
+    }
+/* Frees the storage allocated by the derived sequence structure, except
+ * for the original graph cfg (derivedG->Gi).               */
+void freeDerivedSeq(derSeq &derivedG)
+    derivedG.clear();
+    freeInterval (&Ii);
+//    if(Gi && Gi->nodeType == INTERVAL_NODE)
+//        freeCFG (Gi);
+/* Finds the next order graph of derivedGi->Gi according to its intervals
+ * (derivedGi->Ii), and places it in derivedGi->next->Gi.       */
+static boolT nextOrderGraph (derSeq *derivedGi)
+    interval *Ii;     /* Interval being processed         */
+    BB *BBnode,       /* New basic block of intervals         */
+            *curr,     /* BB being checked for out edges       */
+            *succ     /* Successor node               */
+            ;
+    queue *listIi;    /* List of intervals                */
+    Int i,        /* Index to outEdges array          */
+            j;        /* Index to successors              */
+    boolT   sameGraph; /* Boolean, isomorphic graphs           */
+    /* Process Gi's intervals */
+    derSeq_Entry &prev_entry(derivedGi->back());
+    derivedGi->push_back(derSeq_Entry());
+    derSeq_Entry &new_entry(derivedGi->back());
+    Ii = prev_entry.Ii;
+    sameGraph = TRUE;
+    BBnode = 0;
+    std::vector<BB *> bbs;
+    while (Ii)
+    {
+        i = 0;
+        bbs.push_back(BB::Create(-1, -1, INTERVAL_NODE, Ii->numOutEdges, NULL));
+        BBnode = bbs.back();
+        BBnode->correspInt = Ii;
+        const queue &listIi(Ii->nodes);
+        /* Check for more than 1 interval */
+        if (sameGraph && (listIi.size()>1))
+            sameGraph = FALSE;
+        /* Find out edges */
+        if (BBnode->numOutEdges > 0)
+        {
+            for(auto iter=listIi.begin();iter!=listIi.end(); ++iter)
+            {
+                curr = *iter;
+                for (j = 0; j < curr->numOutEdges; j++)
+                {
+                    succ = curr->edges[j].BBptr;
+                    if (succ->inInterval != curr->inInterval)
+                        BBnode->edges[i++].intPtr = succ->inInterval;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        /* Next interval */
+        Ii = Ii->next;
+    }
+    /* Convert list of pointers to intervals into a real graph.
+     * Determines the number of in edges to each new BB, and places it
+     * in numInEdges and inEdgeCount for later interval processing. */
+    curr = new_entry.Gi = bbs.front();
+    for(auto curr=bbs.begin(); curr!=bbs.end(); ++curr)
+    {
+        for (i = 0; i < (*curr)->numOutEdges; i++)
+        {
+            BBnode = new_entry.Gi;    /* BB of an interval */
+            TYPEADR_TYPE &edge=(*curr)->edges[i];
+            auto iter= std::find_if(bbs.begin(),bbs.end(),
+                                    [&edge](BB *node)->bool { return edge.intPtr==node->correspInt;});
+            if(iter==bbs.end())
+                fatalError (INVALID_INT_BB);
+            edge.BBptr = *iter;
+            (*iter)->numInEdges++;
+            (*iter)->inEdgeCount++;
+        }
+    }
+    return (boolT)(! sameGraph);
+/* Finds the derived sequence of the graph derivedG->Gi (ie. cfg).
+ * Constructs the n-th order graph and places all the intermediate graphs
+ * in the derivedG list sequence.                   */
+static byte findDerivedSeq (derSeq *derivedGi)
+    BB *Gi;      /* Current derived sequence graph       */
+    derSeq::iterator iter=derivedGi->begin();
+    Gi = iter->Gi;
+    while (! trivialGraph (Gi))
+    {
+        /* Find the intervals of Gi and place them in derivedGi->Ii */
+        iter->findIntervals ();
+        /* Create Gi+1 and check if it is equivalent to Gi */
+        if (! nextOrderGraph (derivedGi))
+            break;
+        ++iter;
+        Gi = iter->Gi;
+        stats.nOrder++;
+    }
+    if (! trivialGraph (Gi))
+    {
+        ++iter;
+        derivedGi->erase(iter,derivedGi->end()); /* remove Gi+1 */
+        //        freeDerivedSeq(derivedGi->next);
+        //        derivedGi->next = NULL;
+        return FALSE;
+    }
+    derivedGi->back().findIntervals ();
+    return TRUE;
+/* Converts the irreducible graph G into an equivalent reducible one, by
+ * means of node splitting.  */
+static void nodeSplitting (std::vector<BB *> &G)
+    printf("Attempt to perform node splitting: NOT IMPLEMENTED\n");
+/* Displays the derived sequence and intervals of the graph G */
+void derSeq::display()
+    Int n = 1;      /* Derived sequence number */
+    printf ("\nDerived Sequence Intervals\n");
+    derSeq::iterator iter=this->begin();
+    while (iter!=this->end())
+    {
+        printf ("\nIntervals for G%lX\n", n++);
+        displayIntervals (iter->Ii);
+        ++iter;
+    }
+/* Checks whether the control flow graph, cfg, is reducible or not.
+ * If it is not reducible, it is converted into an equivalent reducible
+ * graph by node splitting.  The derived sequence of graphs built from cfg
+ * are returned in the pointer *derivedG.
+ */
+derSeq * Function::checkReducibility()
+    derSeq * der_seq;
+    byte    reducible;            /* Reducible graph flag     */
+    numInt = 1;         /* reinitialize no. of intervals*/
+    stats.nOrder = 1;       /* nOrder(cfg) = 1      */
+    der_seq = new derSeq;
+    der_seq->resize(1);
+    der_seq->back().Gi = cfg.front();
+    reducible = findDerivedSeq(der_seq);
+    if (! reducible)
+    {
+        flg |= GRAPH_IRRED;
+        nodeSplitting (cfg);
+    }
+    return der_seq;

+ 844 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,844 @@
+ *			dcc project scanner module
+ * Implements a simple state driven scanner to convert 8086 machine code into
+ * I-code
+ * (C) Cristina Cifuentes, Jeff Ledermann
+ ****************************************************************************/
+#include "dcc.h"
+#include "scanner.h"
+#include <string.h>
+#define iZERO (llIcode)0			// For neatness
+#define IC	  llIcode
+static struct {
+    void (*state1)(Int);
+    void (*state2)(Int);
+    flags32 flg;
+    llIcode opcode;
+    byte df;
+    byte uf;
+} stateTable[] = {
+    {  modrm,   none2, B					, iADD	, Sf | Zf | Cf,		},	/* 00 */
+    {  modrm,   none2, 0 					, iADD	, Sf | Zf | Cf,		},	/* 01 */
+    {  modrm,   none2, TO_REG | B			, iADD	, Sf | Zf | Cf,		},	/* 02 */
+    {  modrm,   none2, TO_REG 			, iADD	, Sf | Zf | Cf,		},	/* 03 */
+    {  data1,   axImp, B					, iADD	, Sf | Zf | Cf,		},	/* 04 */
+    {  data2,   axImp, 0					, iADD	, Sf | Zf | Cf,		},	/* 05 */
+    {  segop,   none2, NO_SRC				, iPUSH	, 0	,				},	/* 06 */
+    {  segop,   none2, NO_SRC 			, iPOP	, 0	,				},	/* 07 */
+    {  modrm,   none2, B					, iOR	, Sf | Zf | Cf,		},	/* 08 */
+    {  modrm,   none2, NSP				, iOR	, Sf | Zf | Cf,		},	/* 09 */
+    {  modrm,   none2, TO_REG | B			, iOR	, Sf | Zf | Cf,		},	/* 0A */
+    {  modrm,   none2, TO_REG | NSP		, iOR	, Sf | Zf | Cf,		},	/* 0B */
+    {  data1,   axImp, B					, iOR	, Sf | Zf | Cf,		},	/* 0C */
+    {  data2,   axImp, 0					, iOR	, Sf | Zf | Cf,		},	/* 0D */
+    {  segop,   none2, NO_SRC				, iPUSH	, 0			  ,		},	/* 0E */
+    {  none1,	  none2, OP386 				, iZERO , 0			  ,		},	/* 0F */
+    {  modrm,   none2, B					, iADC	, Sf | Zf | Cf, Cf 	},	/* 10 */
+    {  modrm,   none2, NSP				, iADC	, Sf | Zf | Cf, Cf 	},	/* 11 */
+    {  modrm,   none2, TO_REG | B			, iADC	, Sf | Zf | Cf, Cf	},	/* 12 */
+    {  modrm,   none2, TO_REG | NSP		, iADC	, Sf | Zf | Cf, Cf	},	/* 13 */
+    {  data1,   axImp, B					, iADC	, Sf | Zf | Cf, Cf	},	/* 14 */
+    {  data2,   axImp, 0					, iADC	, Sf | Zf | Cf, Cf	},	/* 15 */
+    {  segop,   none2, NOT_HLL | NO_SRC	, iPUSH	, 0	,				},	/* 16 */
+    {  segop,   none2, NOT_HLL | NO_SRC	, iPOP	, 0	,				},	/* 17 */
+    {  modrm,   none2, B					, iSBB	, Sf | Zf | Cf, Cf	},	/* 18 */
+    {  modrm,   none2, NSP				, iSBB	, Sf | Zf | Cf, Cf	},	/* 19 */
+    {  modrm,   none2, TO_REG | B			, iSBB	, Sf | Zf | Cf, Cf	},	/* 1A */
+    {  modrm,   none2, TO_REG | NSP		, iSBB	, Sf | Zf | Cf, Cf	},	/* 1B */
+    {  data1,   axImp, B					, iSBB	, Sf | Zf | Cf, Cf 	},	/* 1C */
+    {  data2,   axImp, 0					, iSBB	, Sf | Zf | Cf, Cf	},	/* 1D */
+    {  segop,   none2, NO_SRC				, iPUSH	, 0	,				},	/* 1E */
+    {  segop,   none2, NO_SRC				, iPOP	, 0	,				},	/* 1F */
+    {  modrm,   none2, B					, iAND	, Sf | Zf | Cf,		},	/* 20 */
+    {  modrm,   none2, NSP				, iAND	, Sf | Zf | Cf,		},	/* 21 */
+    {  modrm,   none2, TO_REG | B			, iAND	, Sf | Zf | Cf,		},	/* 22 */
+    {  modrm,   none2, TO_REG | NSP		, iAND	, Sf | Zf | Cf,		},	/* 23 */
+    {  data1,   axImp, B					, iAND	, Sf | Zf | Cf,		},	/* 24 */
+    {  data2,   axImp, 0					, iAND	, Sf | Zf | Cf,		},	/* 25 */
+    { prefix,   none2, 0					, (IC)rES,0			  ,		},	/* 26 */
+    {  none1,   axImp, NOT_HLL | B|NO_SRC	, iDAA	, Sf | Zf | Cf,		},	/* 27 */
+    {  modrm,   none2, B					, iSUB	, Sf | Zf | Cf,		},	/* 28 */
+    {  modrm,   none2, 0					, iSUB	, Sf | Zf | Cf,		},	/* 29 */
+    {  modrm,   none2, TO_REG | B			, iSUB	, Sf | Zf | Cf,		},	/* 2A */
+    {  modrm,   none2, TO_REG				, iSUB	, Sf | Zf | Cf,		},	/* 2B */
+    {  data1,   axImp, B					, iSUB	, Sf | Zf | Cf,		},	/* 2C */
+    {  data2,   axImp, 0					, iSUB	, Sf | Zf | Cf,		},	/* 2D */
+    { prefix,   none2, 0					, (IC)rCS,0			  ,		},	/* 2E */
+    {  none1,   axImp, NOT_HLL | B|NO_SRC	, iDAS	, Sf | Zf | Cf,		},	/* 2F */
+    {  modrm,   none2, B					, iXOR	, Sf | Zf | Cf,		},	/* 30 */
+    {  modrm,   none2, NSP				, iXOR	, Sf | Zf | Cf,		},	/* 31 */
+    {  modrm,   none2, TO_REG | B			, iXOR	, Sf | Zf | Cf,		},	/* 32 */
+    {  modrm,   none2, TO_REG | NSP		, iXOR	, Sf | Zf | Cf,		},	/* 33 */
+    {  data1,   axImp, B					, iXOR	, Sf | Zf | Cf,		},	/* 34 */
+    {  data2,   axImp, 0					, iXOR	, Sf | Zf | Cf,		},	/* 35 */
+    { prefix,   none2, 0					, (IC)rSS,0			  ,		},	/* 36 */
+    {  none1,   axImp, NOT_HLL | NO_SRC	, iAAA	, Sf | Zf | Cf,		},	/* 37 */
+    {  modrm,   none2, B					, iCMP	, Sf | Zf | Cf,		},	/* 38 */
+    {  modrm,   none2, NSP				, iCMP	, Sf | Zf | Cf,		},	/* 39 */
+    {  modrm,   none2, TO_REG | B			, iCMP	, Sf | Zf | Cf,		},	/* 3A */
+    {  modrm,   none2, TO_REG | NSP		, iCMP	, Sf | Zf | Cf,		},	/* 3B */
+    {  data1,   axImp, B					, iCMP	, Sf | Zf | Cf,		},	/* 3C */
+    {  data2,   axImp, 0					, iCMP	, Sf | Zf | Cf,		},	/* 3D */
+    { prefix,   none2, 0					, (IC)rDS,0			  ,		},	/* 3E */
+    {  none1,   axImp, NOT_HLL | NO_SRC	, iAAS	, Sf | Zf | Cf,		},	/* 3F */
+    {  regop,   none2, 0					, iINC	, Sf | Zf,			},	/* 40 */
+    {  regop,   none2, 0					, iINC	, Sf | Zf,			},	/* 41 */
+    {  regop,   none2, 0					, iINC	, Sf | Zf,			},	/* 42 */
+    {  regop,   none2, 0					, iINC	, Sf | Zf,			},	/* 43 */
+    {  regop,   none2, NOT_HLL			, iINC	, Sf | Zf,			},	/* 44 */
+    {  regop,   none2, 0					, iINC	, Sf | Zf,			},	/* 45 */
+    {  regop,   none2, 0					, iINC	, Sf | Zf,			},	/* 46 */
+    {  regop,   none2, 0					, iINC	, Sf | Zf,			},	/* 47 */
+    {  regop,   none2, 0					, iDEC	, Sf | Zf,			},	/* 48 */
+    {  regop,   none2, 0					, iDEC	, Sf | Zf,			},	/* 49 */
+    {  regop,   none2, 0					, iDEC	, Sf | Zf,			},	/* 4A */
+    {  regop,   none2, 0					, iDEC	, Sf | Zf,			},	/* 4B */
+    {  regop,   none2, NOT_HLL			, iDEC	, Sf | Zf,			},	/* 4C */
+    {  regop,   none2, 0					, iDEC	, Sf | Zf,			},	/* 4D */
+    {  regop,   none2, 0					, iDEC	, Sf | Zf,			},	/* 4E */
+    {  regop,   none2, 0					, iDEC	, Sf | Zf,			},	/* 4F */
+    {  regop,   none2, NO_SRC				, iPUSH	, 0	,				},	/* 50 */
+    {  regop,   none2, NO_SRC				, iPUSH	, 0	,				},	/* 51 */
+    {  regop,   none2, NO_SRC				, iPUSH	, 0	,				},	/* 52 */
+    {  regop,   none2, NO_SRC				, iPUSH	, 0	,				},	/* 53 */
+    {  regop,   none2, NOT_HLL | NO_SRC	, iPUSH	, 0	,				},	/* 54 */
+    {  regop,   none2, NO_SRC				, iPUSH	, 0	,				},	/* 55 */
+    {  regop,   none2, NO_SRC				, iPUSH	, 0	,				},	/* 56 */
+    {  regop,   none2, NO_SRC				, iPUSH	, 0	,				},	/* 57 */
+    {  regop,   none2, NO_SRC				, iPOP	, 0	,				},	/* 58 */
+    {  regop,   none2, NO_SRC				, iPOP	, 0	,				},	/* 59 */
+    {  regop,   none2, NO_SRC 			, iPOP	, 0	,				},	/* 5A */
+    {  regop,   none2, NO_SRC				, iPOP	, 0	,				},	/* 5B */
+    {  regop,   none2, NOT_HLL | NO_SRC	, iPOP	, 0	,				},	/* 5C */
+    {  regop,   none2, NO_SRC				, iPOP	, 0	,				},	/* 5D */
+    {  regop,   none2, NO_SRC				, iPOP	, 0	,				},	/* 5E */
+    {  regop,   none2, NO_SRC				, iPOP	, 0	,				},	/* 5F */
+    {  none1,   none2, NOT_HLL | NO_OPS	, iPUSHA, 0	,				},	/* 60 */
+    {  none1,   none2, NOT_HLL | NO_OPS	, iPOPA	, 0	,				},	/* 61 */
+    { memOnly,  modrm, TO_REG | NSP		, iBOUND, 0	,				},	/* 62 */
+    {  none1,   none2, OP386 				, iZERO	, 0	,				},	/* 63 */
+    {  none1,   none2, OP386 				, iZERO	, 0	,				},	/* 64 */
+    {  none1,   none2, OP386 				, iZERO	, 0	,				},	/* 65 */
+    {  none1,   none2, OP386 				, iZERO	, 0	,				},	/* 66 */
+    {  none1,   none2, OP386 				, iZERO	, 0	,				},	/* 67 */
+    {  data2,   none2, NO_SRC				, iPUSH	, 0		,			},	/* 68 */
+    {  modrm,   data2, TO_REG | NSP		, iIMUL	, Sf | Zf | Cf,		},	/* 69 */
+    {  data1,   none2, S | NO_SRC			, iPUSH	, 0	,				},	/* 6A */
+    {  modrm,   data1, TO_REG | NSP | S	, iIMUL	, Sf | Zf | Cf,		},	/* 6B */
+    {  strop,  memImp, NOT_HLL | B|IM_OPS , iINS	, 0	, Df			},	/* 6C */
+    {  strop,  memImp, NOT_HLL | IM_OPS	, iINS	, 0	, Df			},	/* 6D */
+    {  strop,  memImp, NOT_HLL | B|IM_OPS , iOUTS	, 0	, Df			},	/* 6E */
+    {  strop,  memImp, NOT_HLL | IM_OPS	, iOUTS	, 0	, Df			},	/* 6F */
+    {  dispS,   none2, NOT_HLL			, iJO	, 0	,				},	/* 70 */
+    {  dispS,   none2, NOT_HLL			, iJNO	, 0	,				},	/* 71 */
+    {  dispS,   none2, 0					, iJB	, 0	, Cf			},	/* 72 */
+    {  dispS,   none2, 0					, iJAE	, 0	, Cf			},	/* 73 */
+    {  dispS,   none2, 0					, iJE	, 0	, Zf			},	/* 74 */
+    {  dispS,   none2, 0					, iJNE	, 0	, Zf			},	/* 75 */
+    {  dispS,   none2, 0					, iJBE	, 0	, Zf | Cf 		},	/* 76 */
+    {  dispS,   none2, 0					, iJA	, 0	, Zf | Cf 		},	/* 77 */
+    {  dispS,   none2, 0					, iJS	, 0	, Sf			},	/* 78 */
+    {  dispS,   none2, 0					, iJNS	, 0	, Sf			},	/* 79 */
+    {  dispS,   none2, NOT_HLL			, iJP	, 0	,				},	/* 7A */
+    {  dispS,   none2, NOT_HLL			, iJNP	, 0	,				},	/* 7B */
+    {  dispS,   none2, 0					, iJL	, 0	, Sf			},	/* 7C */
+    {  dispS,   none2, 0					, iJGE	, 0	, Sf			},	/* 7D */
+    {  dispS,   none2, 0					, iJLE	, 0	, Sf | Zf 		},	/* 7E */
+    {  dispS,   none2, 0					, iJG	, 0	, Sf | Zf	 	},	/* 7F */
+    {  immed,   data1, B					, iZERO	, 0	,				},	/* 80 */
+    {  immed,   data2, NSP				, iZERO	, 0	,				},	/* 81 */
+    {  immed,   data1, B					, iZERO	, 0	,				},	/* 82 */ /* ?? */
+    {  immed,   data1, NSP | S			, iZERO	, 0	,				},	/* 83 */
+    {  modrm,   none2, TO_REG | B			, iTEST	, Sf | Zf | Cf, 	},	/* 84 */
+    {  modrm,   none2, TO_REG | NSP		, iTEST	, Sf | Zf | Cf, 	},	/* 85 */
+    {  modrm,   none2, TO_REG | B			, iXCHG	, 0	,				},	/* 86 */
+    {  modrm,   none2, TO_REG | NSP		, iXCHG	, 0	,				},	/* 87 */
+    {  modrm,   none2, B					, iMOV	, 0	,				},	/* 88 */
+    {  modrm,   none2, 0					, iMOV	, 0	,				},	/* 89 */
+    {  modrm,   none2, TO_REG | B			, iMOV	, 0	,				},	/* 8A */
+    {  modrm,   none2, TO_REG 			, iMOV	, 0	,				},	/* 8B */
+    {  segrm,   none2, NSP				, iMOV	, 0	,				},	/* 8C */
+    { memOnly,  modrm, TO_REG | NSP		, iLEA	, 0	,				},	/* 8D */
+    {  segrm,   none2, TO_REG | NSP		, iMOV	, 0	,				},	/* 8E */
+    { memReg0,  none2, NO_SRC				, iPOP	, 0	,				},	/* 8F */
+    {   none1,  none2, NO_OPS				, iNOP	, 0	,				},	/* 90 */
+    {  regop,   axImp, 0					, iXCHG	, 0	,				},	/* 91 */
+    {  regop,   axImp, 0					, iXCHG	, 0	,				},	/* 92 */
+    {  regop,   axImp, 0					, iXCHG	, 0	,				},	/* 93 */
+    {  regop,   axImp, NOT_HLL			, iXCHG	, 0	,				},	/* 94 */
+    {  regop,   axImp, 0					, iXCHG	, 0	,				},	/* 95 */
+    {  regop,   axImp, 0					, iXCHG	, 0	,				},	/* 96 */
+    {  regop,   axImp, 0					, iXCHG	, 0	,				},	/* 97 */
+    {  alImp,   axImp, SRC_B | S			, iSIGNEX,0	,				},	/* 98 */
+    {axSrcIm,   axImp, IM_DST | S			, iSIGNEX,0	,				},	/* 99 */
+    {  dispF,   none2, 0					, iCALLF ,0	,				},	/* 9A */
+    {  none1,   none2, FLOAT_OP| NO_OPS	, iWAIT	, 0	,				},	/* 9B */
+    {  none1,   none2, NOT_HLL | NO_OPS	, iPUSHF, 0	,				},	/* 9C */
+    {  none1,   none2, NOT_HLL | NO_OPS	, iPOPF	, Sf | Zf | Cf | Df,},	/* 9D */
+    {  none1,   none2, NOT_HLL | NO_OPS	, iSAHF	, Sf | Zf | Cf,		},	/* 9E */
+    {  none1,   none2, NOT_HLL | NO_OPS	, iLAHF	, 0 , Sf | Zf | Cf 	},	/* 9F */
+    {  dispM,   axImp, B					, iMOV	, 0	,				},	/* A0 */
+    {  dispM,   axImp, 0					, iMOV	, 0	,				},	/* A1 */
+    {  dispM,   axImp, TO_REG | B			, iMOV	, 0	,				},	/* A2 */
+    {  dispM,   axImp, TO_REG 			, iMOV	, 0	,				},	/* A3 */
+    {  strop,  memImp, B | IM_OPS			, iMOVS	, 0	, Df			},	/* A4 */
+    {  strop,  memImp, IM_OPS				, iMOVS	, 0	, Df			},	/* A5 */
+    {  strop,  memImp, B | IM_OPS			, iCMPS	, Sf | Zf | Cf, Df	},	/* A6 */
+    {  strop,  memImp, IM_OPS				, iCMPS	, Sf | Zf | Cf, Df	},	/* A7 */
+    {  data1,   axImp, B					, iTEST	, Sf | Zf | Cf,		},	/* A8 */
+    {  data2,   axImp, 0					, iTEST	, Sf | Zf | Cf,		},	/* A9 */
+    {  strop,  memImp, B | IM_OPS			, iSTOS	, 0	, Df			},	/* AA */
+    {  strop,  memImp, IM_OPS				, iSTOS	, 0	, Df			},	/* AB */
+    {  strop,  memImp, B | IM_OPS			, iLODS	, 0	, Df			},	/* AC */
+    {  strop,  memImp, IM_OPS				, iLODS	, 0	, Df			},	/* AD */
+    {  strop,  memImp, B | IM_OPS			, iSCAS	, Sf | Zf | Cf, Df  },	/* AE */
+    {  strop,  memImp, IM_OPS				, iSCAS	, Sf | Zf | Cf, Df	},	/* AF */
+    {  regop,   data1, B					, iMOV	, 0	,				},	/* B0 */
+    {  regop,   data1, B					, iMOV	, 0	,				},	/* B1 */
+    {  regop,   data1, B					, iMOV	, 0	,				},	/* B2 */
+    {  regop,   data1, B					, iMOV	, 0	,				},	/* B3 */
+    {  regop,   data1, B					, iMOV	, 0	,				},	/* B4 */
+    {  regop,   data1, B					, iMOV	, 0	,				},	/* B5 */
+    {  regop,   data1, B					, iMOV	, 0	,				},	/* B6 */
+    {  regop,   data1, B					, iMOV	, 0	,				},	/* B7 */
+    {  regop,   data2, 0					, iMOV	, 0	,				},	/* B8 */
+    {  regop,   data2, 0					, iMOV	, 0	,				},	/* B9 */
+    {  regop,   data2, 0					, iMOV	, 0	,				},	/* BA */
+    {  regop,   data2, 0					, iMOV	, 0	,				},	/* BB */
+    {  regop,   data2, NOT_HLL			, iMOV	, 0	,				},	/* BC */
+    {  regop,   data2, 0					, iMOV	, 0	,				},	/* BD */
+    {  regop,   data2, 0					, iMOV	, 0	,				},	/* BE */
+    {  regop,   data2, 0					, iMOV	, 0	,				},	/* BF */
+    {  shift,   data1, B					, iZERO	, 0	,				},	/* C0 */
+    {  shift,   data1, NSP | SRC_B		, iZERO	, 0	,				},	/* C1 */
+    {  data2,   none2, 0					, iRET	, 0	,				},	/* C2 */
+    {  none1,   none2, NO_OPS				, iRET	, 0	,				},	/* C3 */
+    { memOnly,  modrm, TO_REG | NSP		, iLES	, 0	,				},	/* C4 */
+    { memOnly,  modrm, TO_REG | NSP		, iLDS	, 0	,				},	/* C5 */
+    { memReg0,  data1, B					, iMOV	, 0	,				},	/* C6 */
+    { memReg0,  data2, 0					, iMOV	, 0	,				},	/* C7 */
+    {  data2,   data1, 0					, iENTER, 0	,				},	/* C8 */
+    {  none1,   none2, NO_OPS				, iLEAVE, 0	,				},	/* C9 */
+    {  data2,   none2, 0					, iRETF	, 0	,				},	/* CA */
+    {  none1,   none2, NO_OPS				, iRETF	, 0	,				},	/* CB */
+    { const3,   none2, NOT_HLL			, iINT	, 0	,				},	/* CC */
+    {  data1,checkInt, NOT_HLL			, iINT	, 0	,				},	/* CD */
+    {  none1,   none2, NOT_HLL | NO_OPS	, iINTO	, 0	,				},	/* CE */
+    {  none1,   none2, NOT_HLL | NO_OPS	, iIRET	, 0	,				},	/* Cf */
+    {  shift,  const1, B					, iZERO	, 0	,				},	/* D0 */
+    {  shift,  const1, SRC_B				, iZERO	, 0	,				},	/* D1 */
+    {  shift,   none1, B					, iZERO	, 0	,				},	/* D2 */
+    {  shift,   none1, SRC_B				, iZERO	, 0	,				},	/* D3 */
+    {  data1,   axImp, NOT_HLL			, iAAM	, Sf | Zf | Cf,		},	/* D4 */
+    {  data1,   axImp, NOT_HLL			, iAAD	, Sf | Zf | Cf,		},	/* D5 */
+    {  none1,   none2, 0					, iZERO	, 0	,				},	/* D6 */
+    { memImp,   axImp, NOT_HLL | B| IM_OPS, iXLAT	, 0	,				},	/* D7 */
+    {  escop,   none2, FLOAT_OP			, iESC	, 0	,				},	/* D8 */
+    {  escop,   none2, FLOAT_OP			, iESC	, 0	,				},	/* D9 */
+    {  escop,   none2, FLOAT_OP			, iESC	, 0	,				},	/* DA */
+    {  escop,   none2, FLOAT_OP			, iESC	, 0	,				},	/* DB */
+    {  escop,   none2, FLOAT_OP			, iESC	, 0	,				},	/* DC */
+    {  escop,   none2, FLOAT_OP			, iESC	, 0	,				},	/* DD */
+    {  escop,   none2, FLOAT_OP			, iESC	, 0	,				},	/* DE */
+    {  escop,   none2, FLOAT_OP			, iESC	, 0	,				},	/* Df */
+    {  dispS,   none2, 0					, iLOOPNE,0	, Zf			},	/* E0 */
+    {  dispS,   none2, 0					, iLOOPE, 0	, Zf			},	/* E1 */
+    {  dispS,   none2, 0					, iLOOP	, 0	,				},	/* E2 */
+    {  dispS,   none2, 0					, iJCXZ	, 0	,				},	/* E3 */
+    {  data1,   axImp, NOT_HLL | B|NO_SRC , iIN	, 0	,				},	/* E4 */
+    {  data1,   axImp, NOT_HLL | NO_SRC	, iIN	, 0	,				},	/* E5 */
+    {  data1,   axImp, NOT_HLL | B|NO_SRC , iOUT	, 0	,				},	/* E6 */
+    {  data1,   axImp, NOT_HLL | NO_SRC	, iOUT	, 0	,				},	/* E7 */
+    {  dispN,   none2, 0					, iCALL	, 0	,				},	/* E8 */
+    {  dispN,   none2, 0					, iJMP	, 0	,				},	/* E9 */
+    {  dispF,   none2, 0					, iJMPF	, 0	,				},	/* EA */
+    {  dispS,   none2, 0					, iJMP	, 0	,				},	/* EB */
+    {  none1,   axImp, NOT_HLL | B|NO_SRC , iIN	, 0	,				},	/* EC */
+    {  none1,   axImp, NOT_HLL | NO_SRC	, iIN	, 0	,				},	/* ED */
+    {  none1,   axImp, NOT_HLL | B|NO_SRC , iOUT	, 0	,				},	/* EE */
+    {  none1,   axImp, NOT_HLL | NO_SRC	, iOUT	, 0	,				},	/* EF */
+    {  none1,   none2, NOT_HLL | NO_OPS	, iLOCK	, 0	,				},	/* F0 */
+    {  none1,   none2, 0					, iZERO	, 0	,				},	/* F1 */
+    { prefix,   none2, 0					, iREPNE, 0	,				},	/* F2 */
+    { prefix,   none2, 0					, iREPE	, 0	,				},	/* F3 */
+    {  none1,   none2, NOT_HLL | NO_OPS	, iHLT	, 0	,				},	/* F4 */
+    {  none1,   none2, NO_OPS				, iCMC	, Cf, Cf			},	/* F5 */
+    {  arith,   none1, B					, iZERO	, 0	,				},	/* F6 */
+    {  arith,   none1, NSP				, iZERO	, 0	,				},	/* F7 */
+    {  none1,   none2, NO_OPS				, iCLC	, Cf,				},	/* F8 */
+    {  none1,   none2, NO_OPS				, iSTC	, Cf,				},	/* F9 */
+    {  none1,   none2, NOT_HLL | NO_OPS	, iCLI	, 0	,				},	/* FA */
+    {  none1,   none2, NOT_HLL | NO_OPS	, iSTI	, 0	,				},	/* FB */
+    {  none1,   none2, NO_OPS				, iCLD	, Df,				},	/* FC */
+    {  none1,   none2, NO_OPS				, iSTD	, Df,				},	/* FD */
+    {  trans,   none1, B					, iZERO	, 0	,				},	/* FE */
+    {  trans,   none1, NSP				, iZERO	, 0	,				}	/* FF */
+} ;
+static word    SegPrefix, RepPrefix;
+static byte  *pInst;		/* Ptr. to current byte of instruction */
+static ICODE * pIcode;		/* Ptr to Icode record filled in by scan() */
+ Scans one machine instruction at offset ip in prog.Image and returns error.
+ At the same time, fill in low-level icode details for the scanned inst.
+ ****************************************************************************/
+Int scan(dword ip, ICODE *p)
+    Int  op;
+    memset(p, 0, sizeof(ICODE));
+    p->type = LOW_LEVEL;
+    p->ic.ll.label = ip;			/* ip is absolute offset into image*/
+    if (ip >= (dword)prog.cbImage)
+    {
+        return (IP_OUT_OF_RANGE);
+    }
+    SegPrefix = RepPrefix = 0;
+    pInst    = prog.Image + ip;
+    pIcode   = p;
+    do
+    {
+        op = *pInst++;						/* First state - trivial   */
+        p->ic.ll.opcode = stateTable[op].opcode;  /* Convert to Icode.opcode */
+        p->ic.ll.flg    = stateTable[op].flg & ICODEMASK;
+        p->ic.ll.flagDU.d = stateTable[op].df;
+        p->ic.ll.flagDU.u = stateTable[op].uf;
+        (*stateTable[op].state1)(op);		/* Second state */
+        (*stateTable[op].state2)(op);		/* Third state  */
+    } while (stateTable[op].state1 == prefix);	/* Loop if prefix */
+    if (p->ic.ll.opcode)
+    {
+        /* Save bytes of image used */
+        p->ic.ll.numBytes = (byte)((pInst - prog.Image) - ip);
+        return ((SegPrefix)? FUNNY_SEGOVR:  /* Seg. Override invalid */
+                             (RepPrefix ? FUNNY_REP: 0));/* REP prefix invalid */
+    }
+    /* Else opcode error */
+    return ((stateTable[op].flg & OP386)? INVALID_386OP: INVALID_OPCODE);
+ relocItem - returns TRUE if word pointed at is in relocation table
+ **************************************************************************/
+static boolT relocItem(byte *p)
+    Int		i;
+    dword	off = p - prog.Image;
+    for (i = 0; i < prog.cReloc; i++)
+        if (prog.relocTable[i] == off)
+            return TRUE;
+    return FALSE;
+ getWord - returns next word from image
+ **************************************************************************/
+static word getWord(void)
+    word w = LH(pInst);
+    pInst += 2;
+    return w;
+ signex - returns byte sign extended to Int
+ ***************************************************************************/
+static Int signex(byte b)
+    long s = b;
+    return ((b & 0x80)? (Int)(0xFFFFFF00 | s): (Int)s);
+ * setAddress - Updates the source or destination field for the current
+ *	icode, based on fdst and the TO_REG flag.
+ * 	Note: fdst == TRUE is for the r/m part of the field (dest, unless TO_REG)
+ *	      fdst == FALSE is for reg part of the field
+ ***************************************************************************/
+static void setAddress(Int i, boolT fdst, word seg, int16 reg, word off)
+    ICODEMEM *pm;
+    /* If not to register (i.e. to r/m), and talking about r/m,
+                then this is dest */
+    pm = (!(stateTable[i].flg & TO_REG) == fdst) ?
+                &pIcode->ic.ll.dst : &pIcode->ic.ll.src;
+    /* Set segment.  A later procedure (lookupAddr in proclist.c) will
+         * provide the value of this segment in the field segValue.  */
+    if (seg)  		/* segment override */
+    {
+        pm->seg = pm->segOver = (byte)seg;
+    }
+    else
+    {	/* no override, check indexed register */
+        if ((reg >= INDEXBASE) && (reg == INDEXBASE + 2 ||
+                                   reg == INDEXBASE + 3 || reg == INDEXBASE + 6))
+        {
+            pm->seg = rSS;		/* indexed on bp */
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            pm->seg = rDS;		/* any other indexed reg */
+        }
+    }
+    pm->regi = (byte)reg;
+    pm->off = (int16)off;
+    if (reg && reg < INDEXBASE && (stateTable[i].flg & B))
+    {
+        pm->regi += rAL - rAX;
+    }
+    if (seg)	/* So we can catch invalid use of segment overrides */
+    {
+        SegPrefix = 0;
+    }
+ rm - Decodes r/m part of modrm byte for dst (unless TO_REG) part of icode
+ ***************************************************************************/
+static void rm(Int i)
+    byte mod = *pInst >> 6;
+    byte rm  = *pInst++ & 7;
+    switch (mod) {
+        case 0:		/* No disp unless rm == 6 */
+            if (rm == 6) {
+                setAddress(i, TRUE, SegPrefix, 0, getWord());
+                pIcode->ic.ll.flg |= WORD_OFF;
+            }
+            else	setAddress(i, TRUE, SegPrefix, rm + INDEXBASE, 0);
+            break;
+        case 1:		/* 1 byte disp */
+            setAddress(i, TRUE, SegPrefix, rm+INDEXBASE, (word)signex(*pInst++));
+            break;
+        case 2:		/* 2 byte disp */
+            setAddress(i, TRUE, SegPrefix, rm + INDEXBASE, getWord());
+            pIcode->ic.ll.flg |= WORD_OFF;
+            break;
+        case 3:		/* reg */
+            setAddress(i, TRUE, 0, rm + rAX, 0);
+            break;
+    }
+    if ((stateTable[i].flg & NSP) && (pIcode->ic.ll.src.regi==rSP ||
+                                      pIcode->ic.ll.dst.regi==rSP))
+        pIcode->ic.ll.flg |= NOT_HLL;
+ modrm - Sets up src and dst from modrm byte
+ ***************************************************************************/
+static void modrm(Int i)
+    setAddress(i, FALSE, 0, REG(*pInst) + rAX, 0);
+    rm(i);
+ segrm - seg encoded as reg of modrm
+ ****************************************************************************/
+static void segrm(Int i)
+    Int	reg = REG(*pInst) + rES;
+    if (reg > rDS || (reg == rCS && (stateTable[i].flg & TO_REG)))
+        pIcode->ic.ll.opcode = (llIcode)0;
+    else {
+        setAddress(i, FALSE, 0, (int16)reg, 0);
+        rm(i);
+    }
+ regop - src/dst reg encoded as low 3 bits of opcode
+ ***************************************************************************/
+static void regop(Int i)
+    setAddress(i, FALSE, 0, ((int16)i & 7) + rAX, 0);
+    pIcode->ic.ll.dst.regi = pIcode->ic.ll.src.regi;
+ segop - seg encoded in middle of opcode
+ *****************************************************************************/
+static void segop(Int i)
+    setAddress(i, TRUE, 0, (((int16)i & 0x18) >> 3) + rES, 0);
+ axImp - Plugs an implied AX dst
+ ***************************************************************************/
+static void axImp(Int i)
+    setAddress(i, TRUE, 0, rAX, 0);
+static void axSrcIm (Int i)
+/* Implied AX source */
+    pIcode->ic.ll.src.regi = rAX;
+static void alImp (Int i)
+/* Implied AL source */
+    pIcode->ic.ll.src.regi = rAL;
+ memImp - Plugs implied src memory operand with any segment override
+ ****************************************************************************/
+static void memImp(Int i)
+    setAddress(i, FALSE, SegPrefix, 0, 0);
+ memOnly - Instruction is not valid if modrm refers to register (i.e. mod == 3)
+ ***************************************************************************/
+static void memOnly(Int i)
+    if ((*pInst & 0xC0) == 0xC0)
+        pIcode->ic.ll.opcode = (llIcode)0;
+ memReg0 - modrm for 'memOnly' and Reg field must also be 0
+ ****************************************************************************/
+static void memReg0(Int i)
+    if (REG(*pInst) || (*pInst & 0xC0) == 0xC0)
+        pIcode->ic.ll.opcode = (llIcode)0;
+    else
+        rm(i);
+ immed - Sets up dst and opcode from modrm byte
+ **************************************************************************/
+static void immed(Int i)
+    static llIcode immedTable[8] = {iADD, iOR, iADC, iSBB, iAND, iSUB, iXOR, iCMP};
+    static byte uf[8] = { 0,  0,  Cf,  Cf,  0,   0,   0,   0  };
+    pIcode->ic.ll.opcode = immedTable[REG(*pInst)];
+    pIcode->ic.ll.flagDU.u = uf[REG(*pInst)];
+    pIcode->ic.ll.flagDU.d = (Sf | Zf | Cf);
+    rm(i);
+    if (pIcode->ic.ll.opcode == iADD || pIcode->ic.ll.opcode == iSUB)
+        pIcode->ic.ll.flg &= ~NOT_HLL;	/* Allow ADD/SUB SP, immed */
+ shift  - Sets up dst and opcode from modrm byte
+ ***************************************************************************/
+static void shift(Int i)
+    static llIcode shiftTable[8] =
+    {
+        (llIcode)iROL, (llIcode)iROR, (llIcode)iRCL, (llIcode)iRCR,
+        (llIcode)iSHL, (llIcode)iSHR, (llIcode)0,	 (llIcode)iSAR};
+    static byte uf[8]	  = {0,   0,   Cf,  Cf,  0,   0,   0, 0  };
+    static byte df[8]	  = {Cf,  Cf,  Cf,  Cf, Sf | Zf | Cf,
+                             Sf | Zf | Cf, 0, Sf | Zf | Cf};
+    pIcode->ic.ll.opcode = shiftTable[REG(*pInst)];
+    pIcode->ic.ll.flagDU.u = uf[REG(*pInst)];
+    pIcode->ic.ll.flagDU.d = df[REG(*pInst)];
+    rm(i);
+    pIcode->ic.ll.src.regi = rCL;
+ trans - Sets up dst and opcode from modrm byte
+ ***************************************************************************/
+static void trans(Int i)
+    static llIcode transTable[8] =
+    {
+        (llIcode)iINC, (llIcode)iDEC, (llIcode)iCALL, (llIcode)iCALLF,
+        (llIcode)iJMP, (llIcode)iJMPF,(llIcode)iPUSH, (llIcode)0
+    };
+    static byte df[8]	= {Sf | Zf, Sf | Zf, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
+    if ((byte)REG(*pInst) < 2 || !(stateTable[i].flg & B)) { /* INC & DEC */
+        pIcode->ic.ll.opcode = transTable[REG(*pInst)];   /* valid on bytes */
+        pIcode->ic.ll.flagDU.d = df[REG(*pInst)];
+        rm(i);
+        memcpy(&pIcode->ic.ll.src, &pIcode->ic.ll.dst, sizeof(ICODEMEM));
+        if (pIcode->ic.ll.opcode == iJMP || pIcode->ic.ll.opcode == iCALL ||
+                pIcode->ic.ll.opcode == iCALLF)
+            pIcode->ic.ll.flg |= NO_OPS;
+        else if (pIcode->ic.ll.opcode == iINC || pIcode->ic.ll.opcode == iPUSH
+                 || pIcode->ic.ll.opcode == iDEC)
+            pIcode->ic.ll.flg |= NO_SRC;
+    }
+ arith - Sets up dst and opcode from modrm byte
+ ****************************************************************************/
+static void arith(Int i)
+{ byte opcode;
+    static llIcode arithTable[8] =
+    {
+        (llIcode)iTEST, (llIcode)0,		(llIcode)iNOT, (llIcode)iNEG,
+        (llIcode)iMUL,  (llIcode)iIMUL, (llIcode)iDIV, (llIcode)iIDIV
+    };
+    static byte df[8]	  = {Sf | Zf | Cf, 0, 0, Sf | Zf | Cf,
+                             Sf | Zf | Cf, Sf | Zf | Cf, Sf | Zf | Cf,
+                             Sf | Zf | Cf};
+    opcode = pIcode->ic.ll.opcode = arithTable[REG(*pInst)];
+    pIcode->ic.ll.flagDU.d = df[REG(*pInst)];
+    rm(i);
+    if (opcode == iTEST)
+    {
+        if (stateTable[i].flg & B)
+            data1(i);
+        else
+            data2(i);
+    }
+    else if (!(opcode == iNOT || opcode == iNEG))
+    {
+        memcpy(&pIcode->ic.ll.src, &pIcode->ic.ll.dst, sizeof(ICODEMEM));
+        setAddress(i, TRUE, 0, rAX, 0);			/* dst = AX  */
+    }
+    else if (opcode == iNEG || opcode == iNOT)
+        pIcode->ic.ll.flg |= NO_SRC;
+    if ((opcode == iDIV) || (opcode == iIDIV))
+    {
+        if ((pIcode->ic.ll.flg & B) != B)
+            pIcode->ic.ll.flg |= IM_TMP_DST;
+    }
+ data1 - Sets up immed from 1 byte data
+ *****************************************************************************/
+static void data1(Int i)
+    pIcode->ic.ll.immed.op = (stateTable[i].flg & S)? signex(*pInst++):
+                                                      *pInst++;
+    pIcode->ic.ll.flg |= I;
+ data2 - Sets up immed from 2 byte data
+ ****************************************************************************/
+static void data2(Int i)
+    if (relocItem(pInst))
+        pIcode->ic.ll.flg |= SEG_IMMED;
+    /* ENTER is a special case, it does not take a destination operand,
+         * but this field is being used as the number of bytes to allocate
+         * on the stack.  The procedure level is stored in the immediate
+         * field.  There is no source operand; therefore, the flag flg is
+         * set to NO_OPS.	*/
+    if (pIcode->ic.ll.opcode == iENTER)
+    {
+        pIcode-> = getWord();
+        pIcode->ic.ll.flg |= NO_OPS;
+    }
+    else
+        pIcode->ic.ll.immed.op = getWord();
+    pIcode->ic.ll.flg |= I;
+ dispM - 2 byte offset without modrm (== mod 0, rm 6) (Note:TO_REG bits are
+         reversed)
+ ****************************************************************************/
+static void dispM(Int i)
+    setAddress(i, FALSE, SegPrefix, 0, getWord());
+ dispN - 2 byte disp as immed relative to ip
+ ****************************************************************************/
+static void dispN(Int i)
+    long off = (short)getWord();	/* Signed displacement */
+    /* Note: the result of the subtraction could be between 32k and 64k, and
+        still be positive; it is an offset from prog.Image. So this must be
+        treated as unsigned */
+    pIcode->ic.ll.immed.op = (dword)(off + (unsigned)(pInst - prog.Image));
+    pIcode->ic.ll.flg |= I;
+ dispS - 1 byte disp as immed relative to ip
+ ***************************************************************************/
+static void dispS(Int i)
+    long off = signex(*pInst++); 	/* Signed displacement */
+    pIcode->ic.ll.immed.op = (dword)(off + (unsigned)(pInst - prog.Image));
+    pIcode->ic.ll.flg |= I;
+ dispF - 4 byte disp as immed 20-bit target address
+ ***************************************************************************/
+static void dispF(Int i)
+    dword off = (unsigned)getWord();
+    dword seg = (unsigned)getWord();
+    pIcode->ic.ll.immed.op = off + ((dword)(unsigned)seg << 4);
+    pIcode->ic.ll.flg |= I;
+ prefix - picks up prefix byte for following instruction (LOCK is ignored
+          on purpose)
+ ****************************************************************************/
+static void prefix(Int i)
+    if (pIcode->ic.ll.opcode == iREPE || pIcode->ic.ll.opcode == iREPNE)
+        RepPrefix = pIcode->ic.ll.opcode;
+    else
+        SegPrefix = pIcode->ic.ll.opcode;
+inline void BumpOpcode(llIcode& ic)
+    ic = (llIcode)(((int)ic)+1);		// Bump this icode via the int type
+ strop - checks RepPrefix and converts string instructions accordingly
+ *****************************************************************************/
+static void strop(Int i)
+    if (RepPrefix)
+    {
+        //		pIcode->ic.ll.opcode += ((pIcode->ic.ll.opcode == iCMPS ||
+        //								  pIcode->ic.ll.opcode == iSCAS)
+        //								&& RepPrefix == iREPE)? 2: 1;
+        if ((pIcode->ic.ll.opcode == iCMPS || pIcode->ic.ll.opcode == iSCAS)
+                && RepPrefix == iREPE)
+            BumpOpcode(pIcode->ic.ll.opcode);	// += 2
+        BumpOpcode(pIcode->ic.ll.opcode);		// else += 1
+        if (pIcode->ic.ll.opcode == iREP_LODS)
+            pIcode->ic.ll.flg |= NOT_HLL;
+        RepPrefix = 0;
+    }
+ escop - esc operands
+ ***************************************************************************/
+static void escop(Int i)
+    pIcode->ic.ll.immed.op = REG(*pInst) + (dword)((i & 7) << 3);
+    pIcode->ic.ll.flg |= I;
+    rm(i);
+ const1
+ ****************************************************************************/
+static void const1(Int i)
+    pIcode->ic.ll.immed.op = 1;
+    pIcode->ic.ll.flg |= I;
+ const3
+ ****************************************************************************/
+static void const3(Int i)
+    pIcode->ic.ll.immed.op = 3;
+    pIcode->ic.ll.flg |= I;
+ none1
+ ****************************************************************************/
+static void none1(Int i)
+ none2 - Sets the NO_OPS flag if the operand is immediate
+ ****************************************************************************/
+static void none2(Int i)
+    if (pIcode->ic.ll.flg & I)
+        pIcode->ic.ll.flg |= NO_OPS;
+ Checks for int 34 to int 3B - if so, converts to ESC nn instruction
+ ****************************************************************************/
+static void checkInt(Int i)
+    word wOp = (word) pIcode->ic.ll.immed.op;
+    if ((wOp >= 0x34) && (wOp <= 0x3B))
+    {
+        /* This is a Borland/Microsoft floating point emulation instruction.
+            Treat as if it is an ESC opcode */
+        pIcode->ic.ll.immed.op = wOp - 0x34;
+        pIcode->ic.ll.opcode = iESC;
+        pIcode->ic.ll.flg |= FLOAT_OP;
+        escop(wOp - 0x34 + 0xD8);
+    }

+ 626 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,626 @@
+ * (C) Mike van Emmerik
+ * These could probably be replaced by functions from libg++
+ */
+/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *\
+*                                                       *
+*       S y m b o l   t a b l e   F u n c t i o n s     *
+*                                                       *
+\* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
+/* This file implements a symbol table with a symbolic name, a symbol value
+    (word), and a procedure number. Two tables are maintained, to be able to
+    look up by name or by value. Pointers are used for the duplicated symbolic
+    name to save space. Both tables have the same structure.
+    The hash tables automatically expand when they get 90% full; they are
+    never compressed. Expanding the tables could take some time, since about
+    half of the entries have to be moved on average.
+    Linear probing is used, due to the difficulty of implementing (e.g.)
+    quadratic probing with a variable table size.
+#include <cstdio>
+#include <cassert>
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <cstring>
+#include <unordered_map>
+#include "dcc.h"
+#include "symtab.h"
+#define TABLESIZE 16                /* Number of entries added each expansion */
+                                    /* Probably has to be a power of 2 */
+#define STRTABSIZE 256              /* Size string table is inc'd by */
+#define NIL ((word)-1)
+using namespace std;
+static  char *pStrTab;              /* Pointer to the current string table */
+static  int   strTabNext;           /* Next free index into pStrTab */
+namespace std
+struct hash<SYMTABLE> : public unary_function<const SYMTABLE &,size_t>
+    size_t operator()(const SYMTABLE & key) const
+    {
+        word h = 0;
+        h = (word)(key.symOff ^ (key.symOff >> 8));
+        return h;
+    }
+static  tableType curTableType; /* Which table is current */
+    void    deleteVal(dword symOff, Function *symProc, boolT bSymToo);
+    void    enterSym(const char *symName, dword symOff, Function *symProc, boolT bSymToo);
+    std::string findVal(dword symOff, Function *symProc, word &pIndex);
+    void create(tableType type);
+    void destroy();
+    void    deleteSym(char *symName);
+    boolT   findSym(const char *symName, word &pIndex);
+    boolT   readSym(char *symName, dword *pSymOff, Function **pSymProc);
+    void    expandSym(void);
+    word    findBlankSym(const std::string &symName);
+    word    symHash(const char *name, word *pre);
+    word    valHash(dword symOff, Function *symProc, word *pre);
+    SYMTABLE *symTab;   /* Pointer to the symbol hashed table */
+    SYMTABLE *valTab;   /* Pointer to the value  hashed table */
+    word      numEntry; /* Number of entries in this table */
+    word      tableSize;/* Size of the table (entries) */
+    unordered_map<string,SYMTABLE> z;
+    unordered_map<SYMTABLE,string> z2;
+TABLEINFO_TYPE tableInfo[NUM_TABLE_TYPES];   /* Array of info about tables */
+TABLEINFO_TYPE currentTabInfo;
+/* Create a new symbol table. Returns "handle" */
+void TABLEINFO_TYPE::create(tableType type)
+    switch(type)
+    {
+        case Comment:
+            numEntry  = 0;
+            tableSize = TABLESIZE;
+            valTab = (SYMTABLE*)allocMem(sizeof(SYMTABLE) * TABLESIZE);
+            symTab = 0;
+            memset(valTab, 0, sizeof(SYMTABLE) * TABLESIZE);
+            break;
+        case Label:
+            currentTabInfo.numEntry  = 0;
+            currentTabInfo.tableSize = TABLESIZE;
+            currentTabInfo.symTab = (SYMTABLE*)allocMem(sizeof(SYMTABLE) * TABLESIZE);
+            memset(currentTabInfo.symTab, 0, sizeof(SYMTABLE) * TABLESIZE);
+            currentTabInfo.valTab = (SYMTABLE*)allocMem(sizeof(SYMTABLE) * TABLESIZE);
+            memset(currentTabInfo.valTab, 0, sizeof(SYMTABLE) * TABLESIZE);
+            break;
+    }
+void createSymTables(void)
+    /* Initilise the comment table */
+    /* NB - there is no symbol hashed comment table */
+    currentTabInfo.create(Comment);
+    tableInfo[Comment] = currentTabInfo;
+    /* Initialise the label table */
+    currentTabInfo.create(Label);
+    tableInfo[Label] = currentTabInfo;
+    curTableType = Label;
+    /* Now the string table */
+    strTabNext = 0;
+    pStrTab = (char *)allocMem(STRTABSIZE);
+//    tableInfo[Label].symTab = currentTabInfo.symTab;
+//    tableInfo[Label].valTab = currentTabInfo.valTab;
+//    tableInfo[Label].numEntry = currentTabInfo.numEntry;
+//    tableInfo[Label].tableSize = currentTabInfo.tableSize;
+    curTableType = Label;
+void selectTable(tableType tt)
+    if (curTableType == tt)
+        return; /* Nothing to do */
+    currentTabInfo = tableInfo[tt];
+    curTableType = tt;
+void TABLEINFO_TYPE::destroy()
+    if(symTab)
+        free(symTab);  // The symbol hashed label table
+    if(valTab)
+        free(valTab);  // And the value hashed label table
+void destroySymTables(void)
+    selectTable(Label);
+    currentTabInfo.destroy();
+    selectTable(Comment);
+    currentTabInfo.destroy();
+/* Hash the symbolic name */
+word TABLEINFO_TYPE::symHash(const char *name, word *pre)
+    int i;
+    word h = 0;
+    char ch;
+    for (i=0; i < (int)strlen(name); i++)
+    {
+        ch = name[i];
+        h = (h << 2) ^ ch;
+        h += (ch >> 2) + (ch << 5);
+    }
+    *pre = h;                       /* Pre modulo hash value */
+    return h % tableSize;           /* Post modulo hash value */
+/* Hash the symOff and symProc fields */
+/* Note: for the time being, there no use is made of the symProc field */
+word TABLEINFO_TYPE::valHash(dword symOff, Function * symProc, word *pre)
+    word h = 0;
+    h = (word)(symOff ^ (symOff >> 8));
+    *pre = h;                       /* Pre modulo hash value */
+    return h % tableSize;           /* Post modulo hash value */
+void TABLEINFO_TYPE::enterSym(const char *symName, dword symOff, Function * symProc, boolT bSymToo)
+    word h, pre, j;
+    SYMTABLE entry;
+    entry.pSymName= symName;        /* Symbol name ptr */
+    entry.symOff    = symOff;       /* Offset of the symbol */
+    entry.symProc   = symProc;      /* Symbol's proc num */
+    entry.preHash = pre;            /* Pre modulo hash value */
+    entry.postHash= h;              /* Post modulo hash value */
+    entry.nextOvf = NIL;            /* No overflow */
+    entry.prevOvf = NIL;            /* No back link */
+    z[symName] = entry;
+    z2[entry] = symName;
+    if ((numEntry / 9 * 10) >= tableSize)
+    {
+        /* Table is full. Expand it */
+        expandSym();
+    }
+    /* Enter it into the value hashed table first */
+    h = valHash(symOff, symProc, &pre);     /* Ideal spot for this entry */
+    if (valTab[h].symProc == 0)             /* Collision? */
+    {
+        /* No. Just insert here */
+        valTab[h].pSymName= symName;        /* Symbol name ptr */
+        valTab[h].symOff    = symOff;       /* Offset of the symbol */
+        valTab[h].symProc   = symProc;      /* Symbol's proc num */
+        valTab[h].preHash = pre;            /* Pre modulo hash value */
+        valTab[h].postHash= h;              /* Post modulo hash value */
+        valTab[h].nextOvf = NIL;            /* No overflow */
+        valTab[h].prevOvf = NIL;            /* No back link */
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        /* Linear probing, for now */
+        j = (h+1) % tableSize;
+        while (j != h)
+        {
+            if (valTab[j].symProc == 0)
+            {
+                /* Insert here */
+                valTab[j].pSymName= symName;    /* Symbol name ptr */
+                valTab[j].symOff  = symOff;     /* Offset of the symbol */
+                valTab[j].symProc = symProc;    /* Symbol's proc num */
+                valTab[j].preHash = pre;        /* Pre modulo hash value */
+                valTab[j].postHash= h;          /* Post modulo hash value */
+                /* Insert after the primary entry in the table */
+                valTab[j].nextOvf = valTab[h].nextOvf;
+                valTab[h].nextOvf = j;
+                valTab[j].prevOvf = h;          /* The backlink */
+                break;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                /* Probe further */
+                j = (j+1) % tableSize;
+            }
+        }
+        if (j == h)
+        {
+            printf("enterSym: val table overflow!\n");
+            exit(1);
+        }
+    }
+    /* Now enter into the symbol hashed table as well, if reqd */
+    if (!bSymToo) return;
+    h = symHash(symName, &pre);  /* Ideal spot for this entry */
+    if (symTab[h].pSymName.empty())            /* Collision? */
+    {
+        /* No. Just insert here */
+        symTab[h].pSymName= symName; /* Symbol name ptr */
+        symTab[h].symOff  = symOff;  /* Offset of the symbol */
+        symTab[h].symProc = symProc; /* Symbol's proc num */
+        symTab[h].preHash = pre;     /* Pre modulo hash value */
+        symTab[h].postHash= h;       /* Post modulo hash value */
+        symTab[h].nextOvf = NIL;     /* No overflow */
+        symTab[h].prevOvf = NIL;     /* No back link */
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        /* Linear probing, for now */
+        j = (h+1) % tableSize;
+        while (j != h)
+        {
+            if (symTab[j].pSymName.empty())
+            {
+                /* Insert here */
+                symTab[j].pSymName= symName;    /* Symbol name ptr */
+                symTab[j].symOff  = symOff;     /* Offset of the symbol */
+                symTab[j].symProc = symProc;    /* Symbol's proc num */
+                symTab[j].preHash = pre;        /* Pre modulo hash value */
+                symTab[j].postHash= h;          /* Post modulo hash value */
+                /* Insert after the primary entry in the table */
+                symTab[j].nextOvf = symTab[h].nextOvf;
+                symTab[h].nextOvf = j;
+                symTab[j].prevOvf = h;          /* The backlink */
+                break;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                /* Probe further */
+                j = (j+1) % tableSize;
+            }
+        }
+        if (j == h)
+        {
+            printf("enterSym: sym table overflow!\n");
+            exit(1);
+        }
+    }
+void enterSym(char *symName, dword symOff, Function * symProc, boolT bSymToo)
+    currentTabInfo.enterSym(symName,symOff,symProc,bSymToo);
+boolT TABLEINFO_TYPE::findSym(const char *symName, word &pIndex)
+    word h, j, pre;
+    h = symHash(symName, &pre);
+    j = h;
+    bool found=false;
+    do
+    {
+        if (symTab[j].pSymName.empty())
+        {
+            return FALSE;                   /* No entry at all */
+        }
+        if (strcmp(symName, symTab[j].pSymName.c_str()) == 0)
+        {
+            pIndex = j;
+            found=true;
+            break;                    /* Symbol found */
+        }
+        j = symTab[j].nextOvf;              /* Follow the chain */
+    }
+    while (j != NIL);
+    auto iter = z.find(symName);
+    if(iter!=z.end())
+    {
+        assert(iter->second==symTab[j]);
+    }
+    return found;                           /* End of chain */
+/* Find symbol by value */
+std::string TABLEINFO_TYPE::findVal(dword symOff, Function * symProc, word &pIndex)
+    word h, j, pre;
+    std::string res="";
+    h = valHash(symOff, symProc, &pre);
+    j = h;
+    do
+    {
+        if (valTab[j].symProc == 0)
+            break;                   /* No entry at all */
+        if ((valTab[j].symOff == symOff) /*&& (valTab[j].symProc == symProc)*/)
+        {
+            pIndex = j;
+            res=valTab[j].pSymName;
+            break;                    /* Symbol found */
+        }
+        j = valTab[j].nextOvf;              /* Follow the chain */
+    }
+    while (j != NIL);
+    auto iter = z2.find(SYMTABLE(symOff,symProc));
+    if(iter!=z2.end())
+    {
+        assert(iter->second==res);
+    }
+    return res;                           /* End of chain */
+word TABLEINFO_TYPE::findBlankSym(const std::string &symName)
+    word h, j, pre;
+    h = symHash(symName.c_str(), &pre);
+    j = h;
+    do
+    {
+        if (symTab[j].pSymName.empty())
+        {
+            return j;                   /* Empty entry. Terminate probing */
+        }
+        j = (++j) % tableSize;              /* Linear probing */
+    }
+    while (j != h);
+    printf("Could not find blank entry in table! Num entries is %ld of %ld\n",
+        (long)numEntry, (long)tableSize);
+        return 0;
+/* Using the symbolic name, read the value */
+boolT TABLEINFO_TYPE::readSym(char *symName, dword *pSymOff, Function * *pSymProc)
+    word i;
+    if (!findSym(symName, i))
+    {
+        return FALSE;
+    }
+    *pSymOff = symTab[i].symOff;
+    *pSymProc= symTab[i].symProc;
+    return TRUE;
+/*  A doubly linked list of entries belonging to the same hash bucket is
+    maintained, to prevent the need for many entries to be moved when deleting
+    an entry. It is implemented with indexes, and is not an open hashing system.
+    Symbols are deleted from both hash tables.
+/* Known limitation: strings are never deleted from the string table */
+void TABLEINFO_TYPE::deleteSym(char *symName)
+    word i, j, back;
+    dword symOff;
+    Function * symProc;
+    /* Delete from symbol hashed table first */
+    if (!findSym(symName, i))
+    {
+        printf("Could not delete non existant symbol name %s\n", symName);
+        exit(1);
+    }
+    symOff = symTab[i].symOff;              /* Remember these for valTab */
+    symProc= symTab[i].symProc;
+    j = symTab[i].nextOvf;                  /* Look at next overflowed entry */
+    if (j == NIL)                           /* Any overflows? */
+    {
+        /* No, so we just wipe out this record. Must NIL the pointer of
+            the previous record, however */
+        symTab[symTab[i].prevOvf].nextOvf = NIL;
+        j = i;                              /* So we wipe out the current name */
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        /* Yes, move this entry to this vacated spot. Note that the nextOvf
+            field will still point to the next record in the overflow chain,
+            but we need to preserve the backlink for adjusting the current
+            item's backlink */
+        back = symTab[j].prevOvf;
+        symTab[i] = symTab[j];
+        symTab[i].prevOvf = back;
+    }
+    /* And now mark the vacated record as empty */
+    symTab[j].pSymName.clear();             /* Rub out the name */
+    /* Delete from value hashed table */
+    if (findVal(symOff, symProc, i).empty())
+    {
+        printf("Could not delete non existant symbol off %04X proc %d\n",symOff, symProc);
+        exit(1);
+    }
+    j = valTab[i].nextOvf;              /* Look at next overflowed entry */
+    if (j == NIL)                       /* Any overflows? */
+    {
+        /* No, so we just wipe out this record. Must NIL the pointer of
+            the previous record, however */
+        valTab[valTab[i].prevOvf].nextOvf = NIL;
+        j = i;                          /* So we wipe out the current entry */
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        /* Yes, move this entry to this vacated spot. Note that the nextOvf
+            field will still point to the next record in the overflow chain,
+            but we need to preserve the backlink for adjusting the current
+            item's backlink */
+        back = valTab[j].prevOvf;
+        valTab[i]= valTab[j];
+        valTab[i].prevOvf = back;
+    }
+    /* And now mark the vacated record as empty */
+    valTab[j].symProc = 0;          /* Rub out the entry */
+void TABLEINFO_TYPE::deleteVal(dword symOff, Function * symProc, boolT bSymToo)
+    word i, j, back;
+    std::string symName;
+    /* Delete from value hashed table */
+    if (findVal(symOff, symProc, i).empty())
+    {
+        printf("Could not delete non existant symbol off %04X proc %p\n",
+            symOff, symProc);
+        exit(1);
+    }
+    symName = symTab[i].pSymName;       /* Remember this for symTab */
+    j = valTab[i].nextOvf;              /* Look at next overflowed entry */
+    if (j == NIL)                       /* Any overflows? */
+    {
+        /* No, so we just wipe out this record. Must NIL the pointer of
+            the previous record, however */
+        valTab[valTab[i].prevOvf].nextOvf = NIL;
+        j = i;                          /* So we wipe out the current entry */
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        /* Yes, move this entry to this vacated spot. Note that the nextOvf
+            field will still point to the next record in the overflow chain,
+            but we need to preserve the backlink for adjusting the current
+            item's backlink */
+        back = valTab[j].prevOvf;
+        memcpy(&valTab[i], &valTab[j], sizeof(SYMTABLE));
+        valTab[i].prevOvf = back;
+    }
+    /* And now mark the vacated record as empty */
+    valTab[j].symProc = 0;          /* Rub out the entry */
+    /* If requested, delete from symbol hashed table now */
+    if (!bSymToo) return;
+    if (!findSym(symName.c_str(), i))
+    {
+        printf("Could not delete non existant symbol name %s\n", symName.c_str());
+        exit(1);
+    }
+    j = symTab[i].nextOvf;                  /* Look at next overflowed entry */
+    if (j == NIL)                           /* Any overflows? */
+    {
+        /* No, so we just wipe out this record. Must NIL the pointer of
+            the previous record, however */
+        symTab[symTab[i].prevOvf].nextOvf = NIL;
+        j = i;                              /* So we wipe out the current name */
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        /* Yes, move this entry to this vacated spot. Note that the nextOvf
+            field will still point to the next record in the overflow chain,
+            but we need to preserve the backlink for adjusting the current
+            item's backlink */
+        back = symTab[j].prevOvf;
+        symTab[i] = symTab[j];
+        symTab[i].prevOvf = back;
+    }
+    /* And now mark the vacated record as empty */
+    symTab[j].pSymName.clear();             /* Rub out the name */
+void TABLEINFO_TYPE::expandSym(void)
+    word i, j, n, newPost;
+    printf("\nResizing table...\r");
+    /* We double the table size each time, so on average only half of the
+        entries move to the new half. This works because we are effectively
+        shifting the "binary point" of the hash value to the left each time,
+        thereby leaving the number unchanged or adding an MSBit of 1. */
+    tableSize <<= 2;
+    symTab = (SYMTABLE*)reallocVar(symTab, tableSize * sizeof(SYMTABLE));
+    memset (&symTab[tableSize/2], 0, (tableSize/2) * sizeof(SYMTABLE));
+    /* Now we have to move some of the entries to take advantage of the extra
+        space */
+    for (i=0; i < numEntry; i++)
+    {
+        newPost = symTab[i].preHash % tableSize;
+        if (newPost != symTab[i].postHash)
+        {
+            /* This entry is now in the wrong place. Copy it to the new position,
+                then delete it. */
+            j = findBlankSym(symTab[i].pSymName);
+            memcpy(&symTab[j], &symTab[i], sizeof(SYMTABLE));
+            /* Correct the post hash value */
+            symTab[j].postHash = newPost;
+            /* Now adjust links */
+            n = symTab[j].prevOvf;
+            if (n != NIL)
+            {
+                symTab[n].nextOvf = j;
+            }
+            n = symTab[j].nextOvf;
+            if (n != NIL)
+            {
+                symTab[n].prevOvf = j;
+            }
+            /* Mark old position as deleted */
+            symTab[i].pSymName.clear();
+        }
+    }
+/* This function adds to the string table. At this stage, strings are not
+    deleted */
+char * addStrTbl(char *pStr)
+    char *p;
+    if ((strTabNext + strlen(pStr) + 1) >= STRTABSIZE)
+    {
+        /* We can't realloc the old string table pointer, since that will
+            potentially move the string table, and pointers will be invalid.
+            So we realloc this one to its present usage (hopefully it won't
+            move), and allocate a new one */
+        if (reallocVar((void *)pStrTab, strTabNext) != pStrTab)
+                {
+                        printf("Damn it! String table moved on shrinking!\n");
+                        exit(1);
+                }
+        pStrTab = (char *)allocMem(STRTABSIZE);
+        strTabNext = 0;
+    }
+    p = strcpy(&pStrTab[strTabNext], pStr);
+    strTabNext += strlen(pStr) +1;
+    return p;
+void deleteVal(dword symOff, Function * symProc, boolT bSymToo)
+    currentTabInfo.deleteVal(symOff,symProc,bSymToo);
+std::string findVal(dword symOff, Function * symProc, word *pIndex)
+    return currentTabInfo.findVal(symOff,symProc,*pIndex);
+/* Using the value, read the symbolic name */
+boolT readVal(char *symName, dword symOff, Function * symProc)
+    word i;
+    std::string r=currentTabInfo.findVal(symOff, symProc, i);
+    if (r.empty())
+    {
+        return false;
+    }
+    strcpy(symName, r.c_str());
+    return true;

+ 159 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+ *      dcc project Universal Decompilation Module
+ *   This is supposedly a machine independant and language independant module
+ *   that just plays with abstract cfg's and intervals and such like.
+ * (C) Cristina Cifuentes
+ ****************************************************************************/
+#include <list>
+#include <cassert>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "dcc.h"
+static void displayCFG(Function * pProc);
+static void displayDfs(BB * pBB);
+ * udm
+ ****************************************************************************/
+void udm(void)
+    /* Build the control flow graph, find idioms, and convert low-level
+     * icodes to high-level ones */
+    for (auto iter = pProcList.rbegin(); iter!=pProcList.rend(); ++iter)
+    {
+        if (iter->flg & PROC_ISLIB)
+            continue;         /* Ignore library functions */
+        /* Create the basic control flow graph */
+        iter->createCFG();
+        if (option.VeryVerbose)
+            iter->displayCFG();
+        /* Remove redundancies and add in-edge information */
+        iter->compressCFG();
+        /* Print 2nd pass assembler listing */
+        if (option.asm2)
+            disassem(2, &(*iter));
+        /* Idiom analysis and propagation of long type */
+        iter->lowLevelAnalysis();
+        /* Generate HIGH_LEVEL icodes whenever possible */
+        iter->highLevelGen();
+    }
+    /* Data flow analysis - eliminate condition codes, extraneous registers
+         * and intermediate instructions.  Find expressions by forward
+         * substitution algorithm */
+    pProcList.front().dataFlow (0);
+    derSeq *derivedG=0;
+    /* Control flow analysis - structuring algorithm */
+    for (auto iter = pProcList.rbegin(); iter!=pProcList.rend(); ++iter)
+    {
+        if (iter->flg & PROC_ISLIB)
+            continue;         /* Ignore library functions */
+        /* Make cfg reducible and build derived sequences */
+        derivedG=iter->checkReducibility();
+        if (option.VeryVerbose)
+            derivedG->display();
+        /* Structure the graph */
+        iter->structure(derivedG);
+        /* Check for compound conditions */
+        iter->compoundCond ();
+        if (option.verbose) {
+            printf("\nDepth first traversal - Proc %s\n", iter->name);
+            iter->cfg.front()->displayDfs();
+        }
+        /* Free storage occupied by this procedure */
+        freeDerivedSeq(*derivedG);
+    }
+static const char *const s_nodeType[] = {"branch", "if", "case", "fall", "return", "call",
+                                 "loop", "repeat", "interval", "cycleHead",
+                                 "caseHead", "terminate",
+                                 "nowhere" };
+static const char *const s_loopType[] = {"noLoop", "while", "repeat", "loop", "for"};
+ * displayCFG - Displays the Basic Block list
+ ***************************************************************************/
+void Function::displayCFG()
+    Int i;
+    BB * pBB;
+    printf("\nBasic Block List - Proc %s", name);
+    for (auto iter = cfg.begin(); iter!=cfg.end(); ++iter)
+    {
+        pBB = *iter;
+        printf("\nnode type = %s, ", s_nodeType[pBB->nodeType]);
+        printf("start = %ld, length = %ld, #out edges = %ld\n",
+               pBB->start, pBB->length, pBB->numOutEdges);
+        for (i = 0; i < pBB->numOutEdges; i++)
+            printf(" outEdge[%2d] = %ld\n",i, pBB->edges[i].BBptr->start);
+    }
+ * displayDfs - Displays the CFG using a depth first traversal
+ ****************************************************************************/
+void BB::displayDfs()
+    Int i;
+    assert(this);
+    traversed = DFS_DISP;
+    printf("node type = %s, ", s_nodeType[nodeType]);
+    printf("start = %ld, length = %ld, #in-edges = %ld, #out-edges = %ld\n",
+           start, length, inEdges.size(), numOutEdges);
+    printf("dfsFirst = %ld, dfsLast = %ld, immed dom = %ld\n",
+           dfsFirstNum, dfsLastNum,
+           immedDom == MAX ? -1 : immedDom);
+    printf("loopType = %s, loopHead = %ld, latchNode = %ld, follow = %ld\n",
+           s_loopType[loopType],
+           loopHead == MAX ? -1 : loopHead,
+           latchNode == MAX ? -1 : latchNode,
+           loopFollow == MAX ? -1 : loopFollow);
+    printf ("ifFollow = %ld, caseHead = %ld, caseTail = %ld\n",
+            ifFollow == MAX ? -1 : ifFollow,
+            caseHead == MAX ? -1 : caseHead,
+            caseTail == MAX ? -1 : caseTail);
+    if (nodeType == INTERVAL_NODE)
+        printf("corresponding interval = %ld\n", correspInt->numInt);
+    else
+        for (i = 0; i < inEdges.size(); i++)
+        printf ("  inEdge[%ld] = %ld\n", i, inEdges[i]->start);
+    /* Display out edges information */
+    for (i = 0; i < numOutEdges; i++)
+        if (nodeType == INTERVAL_NODE)
+            printf(" outEdge[%ld] = %ld\n", i,
+                   edges[i].BBptr->correspInt->numInt);
+        else
+            printf(" outEdge[%d] = %ld\n", i, edges[i].BBptr->start);
+    printf("----\n");
+    /* Recursive call on successors of current node */
+    for (i = 0; i < numOutEdges; i++)
+        if (edges[i].BBptr->traversed != DFS_DISP)
+            edges[i].BBptr->displayDfs();









+ 109 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+		main  PROC  NEAR
+000 000365 55                  PUSH           bp
+001 000366 8BEC                MOV            bp, sp
+002 000368 83EC08              SUB            sp, 8
+003 00036B B89401              MOV            ax, 194h
+004 00036E 50                  PUSH           ax
+005 00036F E8D90B              CALL  near ptr printf
+006 000372 59                  POP            cx
+007 000373 8D46FC              LEA            ax, [bp-4]
+008 000376 50                  PUSH           ax
+009 000377 B8B001              MOV            ax, 1B0h
+010 00037A 50                  PUSH           ax
+011 00037B E85614              CALL  near ptr scanf
+012 00037E 59                  POP            cx
+013 00037F 59                  POP            cx
+014 000380 FF76FE              PUSH  word ptr [bp-2]
+015 000383 FF76FC              PUSH  word ptr [bp-4]
+016 000386 B8B401              MOV            ax, 1B4h
+017 000389 50                  PUSH           ax
+018 00038A E8BE0B              CALL  near ptr printf
+019 00038D 83C406              ADD            sp, 6
+020 000390 C746FA0000          MOV   word ptr [bp-6], 0
+021 000395 C746F80100          MOV   word ptr [bp-8], 1
+022 00039A EB0B                JMP            L1
+023 0003A7 8B56FA         L1:  MOV            dx, [bp-6]
+024 0003AA 8B46F8              MOV            ax, [bp-8]
+025 0003AD 3B56FE              CMP            dx, [bp-2]
+026 0003B0 7CEA                JL             L2
+027 0003B2 7F05                JG             L3
+028 0003B4 3B46FC              CMP            ax, [bp-4]
+029 0003B7 76E3                JBE            L2
+030 0003B9 B8CE01         L3:  MOV            ax, 1CEh
+031 0003BC 50                  PUSH           ax
+032 0003BD E88B0B              CALL  near ptr printf
+033 0003C0 59                  POP            cx
+034 0003C1 8BE5                MOV            sp, bp
+035 0003C3 5D                  POP            bp
+036 0003C4 C3                  RET
+037 00039C E8A6FF         L2:  CALL  near ptr proc_1
+038 00039F 8346F801            ADD   word ptr [bp-8], 1
+039 0003A3 8356FA00            ADC   word ptr [bp-6], 0
+040                            JMP            L1                 ;Synthetic inst
+		main  ENDP
+		proc_1  PROC  NEAR
+000 000345 55                  PUSH           bp
+001 000346 8BEC                MOV            bp, sp
+002 000348 E8D7FF              CALL  near ptr proc_2
+003 00034B E8D4FF              CALL  near ptr proc_2
+004 00034E E8D1FF              CALL  near ptr proc_2
+005 000351 E8CEFF              CALL  near ptr proc_2
+006 000354 E8CBFF              CALL  near ptr proc_2
+007 000357 E8C8FF              CALL  near ptr proc_2
+008 00035A E8C5FF              CALL  near ptr proc_2
+009 00035D E8C2FF              CALL  near ptr proc_2
+010 000360 E8BFFF              CALL  near ptr proc_2
+011 000363 5D                  POP            bp
+012 000364 C3                  RET
+		proc_1  ENDP
+		proc_2  PROC  NEAR
+000 000322 55                  PUSH           bp
+001 000323 8BEC                MOV            bp, sp
+002 000325 E8D7FF              CALL  near ptr proc_3
+003 000328 E8D4FF              CALL  near ptr proc_3
+004 00032B E8D1FF              CALL  near ptr proc_3
+005 00032E E8CEFF              CALL  near ptr proc_3
+006 000331 E8CBFF              CALL  near ptr proc_3
+007 000334 E8C8FF              CALL  near ptr proc_3
+008 000337 E8C5FF              CALL  near ptr proc_3
+009 00033A E8C2FF              CALL  near ptr proc_3
+010 00033D E8BFFF              CALL  near ptr proc_3
+011 000340 E8BCFF              CALL  near ptr proc_3
+012 000343 5D                  POP            bp
+013 000344 C3                  RET
+		proc_2  ENDP
+		proc_3  PROC  NEAR
+000 0002FF 55                  PUSH           bp
+001 000300 8BEC                MOV            bp, sp
+002 000302 E8F5FF              CALL  near ptr proc_4
+003 000305 E8F2FF              CALL  near ptr proc_4
+004 000308 E8EFFF              CALL  near ptr proc_4
+005 00030B E8ECFF              CALL  near ptr proc_4
+006 00030E E8E9FF              CALL  near ptr proc_4
+007 000311 E8E6FF              CALL  near ptr proc_4
+008 000314 E8E3FF              CALL  near ptr proc_4
+009 000317 E8E0FF              CALL  near ptr proc_4
+010 00031A E8DDFF              CALL  near ptr proc_4
+011 00031D E8DAFF              CALL  near ptr proc_4
+012 000320 5D                  POP            bp
+013 000321 C3                  RET
+		proc_3  ENDP
+		proc_4  PROC  NEAR
+000 0002FA 55                  PUSH           bp
+001 0002FB 8BEC                MOV            bp, sp
+002 0002FD 5D                  POP            bp
+003 0002FE C3                  RET
+		proc_4  ENDP

+ 108 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+		proc_4  PROC  NEAR
+000 0002FA 55                  PUSH           bp
+001 0002FB 8BEC                MOV            bp, sp
+002 0002FD 5D                  POP            bp
+003 0002FE C3                  RET
+		proc_4  ENDP
+		proc_3  PROC  NEAR
+000 0002FF 55                  PUSH           bp
+001 000300 8BEC                MOV            bp, sp
+002 000302 E8F5FF              CALL  near ptr proc_4
+003 000305 E8F2FF              CALL  near ptr proc_4
+004 000308 E8EFFF              CALL  near ptr proc_4
+005 00030B E8ECFF              CALL  near ptr proc_4
+006 00030E E8E9FF              CALL  near ptr proc_4
+007 000311 E8E6FF              CALL  near ptr proc_4
+008 000314 E8E3FF              CALL  near ptr proc_4
+009 000317 E8E0FF              CALL  near ptr proc_4
+010 00031A E8DDFF              CALL  near ptr proc_4
+011 00031D E8DAFF              CALL  near ptr proc_4
+012 000320 5D                  POP            bp
+013 000321 C3                  RET
+		proc_3  ENDP
+		proc_2  PROC  NEAR
+000 000322 55                  PUSH           bp
+001 000323 8BEC                MOV            bp, sp
+002 000325 E8D7FF              CALL  near ptr proc_3
+003 000328 E8D4FF              CALL  near ptr proc_3
+004 00032B E8D1FF              CALL  near ptr proc_3
+005 00032E E8CEFF              CALL  near ptr proc_3
+006 000331 E8CBFF              CALL  near ptr proc_3
+007 000334 E8C8FF              CALL  near ptr proc_3
+008 000337 E8C5FF              CALL  near ptr proc_3
+009 00033A E8C2FF              CALL  near ptr proc_3
+010 00033D E8BFFF              CALL  near ptr proc_3
+011 000340 E8BCFF              CALL  near ptr proc_3
+012 000343 5D                  POP            bp
+013 000344 C3                  RET
+		proc_2  ENDP
+		proc_1  PROC  NEAR
+000 000345 55                  PUSH           bp
+001 000346 8BEC                MOV            bp, sp
+002 000348 E8D7FF              CALL  near ptr proc_2
+003 00034B E8D4FF              CALL  near ptr proc_2
+004 00034E E8D1FF              CALL  near ptr proc_2
+005 000351 E8CEFF              CALL  near ptr proc_2
+006 000354 E8CBFF              CALL  near ptr proc_2
+007 000357 E8C8FF              CALL  near ptr proc_2
+008 00035A E8C5FF              CALL  near ptr proc_2
+009 00035D E8C2FF              CALL  near ptr proc_2
+010 000360 E8BFFF              CALL  near ptr proc_2
+011 000363 5D                  POP            bp
+012 000364 C3                  RET
+		proc_1  ENDP
+		main  PROC  NEAR
+000 000365 55                  PUSH           bp
+001 000366 8BEC                MOV            bp, sp
+002 000368 83EC08              SUB            sp, 8
+003 00036B B89401              MOV            ax, 194h
+004 00036E 50                  PUSH           ax
+005 00036F E8D90B              CALL  near ptr printf
+006 000372 59                  POP            cx
+007 000373 8D46FC              LEA            ax, [bp-4]
+008 000376 50                  PUSH           ax
+009 000377 B8B001              MOV            ax, 1B0h
+010 00037A 50                  PUSH           ax
+011 00037B E85614              CALL  near ptr scanf
+012 00037E 59                  POP            cx
+013 00037F 59                  POP            cx
+014 000380 FF76FE              PUSH  word ptr [bp-2]
+015 000383 FF76FC              PUSH  word ptr [bp-4]
+016 000386 B8B401              MOV            ax, 1B4h
+017 000389 50                  PUSH           ax
+018 00038A E8BE0B              CALL  near ptr printf
+019 00038D 83C406              ADD            sp, 6
+020 000390 C746FA0000          MOV   word ptr [bp-6], 0
+021 000395 C746F80100          MOV   word ptr [bp-8], 1
+023 0003A7 8B56FA         L1:  MOV            dx, [bp-6]
+024 0003AA 8B46F8              MOV            ax, [bp-8]
+025 0003AD 3B56FE              CMP            dx, [bp-2]
+026 0003B0 7CEA                JL             L2
+027 0003B2 7F05                JG             L3
+028 0003B4 3B46FC              CMP            ax, [bp-4]
+029 0003B7 76E3                JBE            L2
+030 0003B9 B8CE01         L3:  MOV            ax, 1CEh
+031 0003BC 50                  PUSH           ax
+032 0003BD E88B0B              CALL  near ptr printf
+033 0003C0 59                  POP            cx
+034 0003C1 8BE5                MOV            sp, bp
+035 0003C3 5D                  POP            bp
+036 0003C4 C3                  RET
+037 00039C E8A6FF         L2:  CALL  near ptr proc_1
+038 00039F 8346F801            ADD   word ptr [bp-8], 1
+039 0003A3 8356FA00            ADC   word ptr [bp-6], 0
+040                            JMP            L1                 ;Synthetic inst
+		main  ENDP

+ 89 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+ * Input file	: ./tests/inputs/BENCHFN.EXE
+ * File type	: EXE
+ */
+#include "dcc.h"
+void proc_4 ()
+/* Takes no parameters.
+ * High-level language prologue code.
+ */
+void proc_3 ()
+/* Takes no parameters.
+ * High-level language prologue code.
+ */
+    proc_4 ();
+    proc_4 ();
+    proc_4 ();
+    proc_4 ();
+    proc_4 ();
+    proc_4 ();
+    proc_4 ();
+    proc_4 ();
+    proc_4 ();
+    proc_4 ();
+void proc_2 ()
+/* Takes no parameters.
+ * High-level language prologue code.
+ */
+    proc_3 ();
+    proc_3 ();
+    proc_3 ();
+    proc_3 ();
+    proc_3 ();
+    proc_3 ();
+    proc_3 ();
+    proc_3 ();
+    proc_3 ();
+    proc_3 ();
+void proc_1 ()
+/* Takes no parameters.
+ * High-level language prologue code.
+ */
+    proc_2 ();
+    proc_2 ();
+    proc_2 ();
+    proc_2 ();
+    proc_2 ();
+    proc_2 ();
+    proc_2 ();
+    proc_2 ();
+    proc_2 ();
+void main ()
+/* Takes no parameters.
+ * High-level language prologue code.
+ */
+long loc1;
+long loc2;
+    printf ("enter number of iterations ");
+    scanf ("%ld", &loc0);
+    printf ("executing %ld iterations\n", loc2);
+    loc1 = 1;
+    while ((loc1 <= loc2)) {
+        proc_1 ();
+        loc1 = (loc1 + 1);
+    }	/* end of while */
+    printf ("finished\n");

+ 242 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
+		main  PROC  NEAR
+000 0002FA 55                  PUSH           bp
+001 0002FB 8BEC                MOV            bp, sp
+002 0002FD 83EC14              SUB            sp, 14h
+003 000300 8D46FC              LEA            ax, [bp-4]
+004 000303 50                  PUSH           ax
+005 000304 B89401              MOV            ax, 194h
+006 000307 50                  PUSH           ax
+007 000308 E85D15              CALL  near ptr scanf
+008 00030B 59                  POP            cx
+009 00030C 59                  POP            cx
+010 00030D FF76FE              PUSH  word ptr [bp-2]
+011 000310 FF76FC              PUSH  word ptr [bp-4]
+012 000313 B89801              MOV            ax, 198h
+013 000316 50                  PUSH           ax
+014 000317 E8C50C              CALL  near ptr printf
+015 00031A 83C406              ADD            sp, 6
+016 00031D 8D46EC              LEA            ax, [bp-14h]
+017 000320 50                  PUSH           ax
+018 000321 B8B201              MOV            ax, 1B2h
+019 000324 50                  PUSH           ax
+020 000325 E84015              CALL  near ptr scanf
+021 000328 59                  POP            cx
+022 000329 59                  POP            cx
+023 00032A 8D46F0              LEA            ax, [bp-10h]
+024 00032D 50                  PUSH           ax
+025 00032E B8B601              MOV            ax, 1B6h
+026 000331 50                  PUSH           ax
+027 000332 E83315              CALL  near ptr scanf
+028 000335 59                  POP            cx
+029 000336 59                  POP            cx
+030 000337 C746FA0000          MOV   word ptr [bp-6], 0
+031 00033C C746F80100          MOV   word ptr [bp-8], 1
+032 000341 E9E900              JMP            L1
+033 00042D 8B56FA         L1:  MOV            dx, [bp-6]
+034 000430 8B46F8              MOV            ax, [bp-8]
+035 000433 3B56FE              CMP            dx, [bp-2]
+036 000436 7D03                JGE            L2
+037 000438 E909FF              JMP            L3
+038 000344 C746F60000     L3:  MOV   word ptr [bp-0Ah], 0
+039 000349 C746F40100          MOV   word ptr [bp-0Ch], 1
+040 00034E E9C000              JMP            L4
+041 000411 837EF600       L4:  CMP   word ptr [bp-0Ah], 0
+042 000415 7D03                JGE            L5
+043 000417 E937FF              JMP            L6
+044 000351 8B56EE         L6:  MOV            dx, [bp-12h]
+045 000354 8B46EC              MOV            ax, [bp-14h]
+046 000357 0346F0              ADD            ax, [bp-10h]
+047 00035A 1356F2              ADC            dx, [bp-0Eh]
+048 00035D 0346F4              ADD            ax, [bp-0Ch]
+049 000360 1356F6              ADC            dx, [bp-0Ah]
+050 000363 8956EE              MOV            [bp-12h], dx
+051 000366 8946EC              MOV            [bp-14h], ax
+052 000369 8B56EE              MOV            dx, [bp-12h]
+053 00036C 8B46EC              MOV            ax, [bp-14h]
+054 00036F D1FA                SAR            dx, 1
+055 000371 D1D8                RCR            ax, 1
+056 000373 8956F2              MOV            [bp-0Eh], dx
+057 000376 8946F0              MOV            [bp-10h], ax
+058 000379 33D2                XOR            dx, dx
+059 00037B B80A00              MOV            ax, 0Ah
+060 00037E 52                  PUSH           dx
+061 00037F 50                  PUSH           ax
+062 000380 FF76F2              PUSH  word ptr [bp-0Eh]
+063 000383 FF76F0              PUSH  word ptr [bp-10h]
+064 000386 9AEB1D1000          CALL   far ptr LMOD@
+065 00038B 8956EE              MOV            [bp-12h], dx
+066 00038E 8946EC              MOV            [bp-14h], ax
+067 000391 8B56F2              MOV            dx, [bp-0Eh]
+068 000394 8B46F0              MOV            ax, [bp-10h]
+069 000397 3B56F6              CMP            dx, [bp-0Ah]
+070 00039A 750A                JNE            L7
+071 00039C 3B46F4              CMP            ax, [bp-0Ch]
+072 00039F 7505                JNE            L7
+073 0003A1 B80100              MOV            ax, 1
+074 0003A4 EB02                JMP            L8
+075 0003A8 99             L8:  CWD
+076 0003A9 8956EE              MOV            [bp-12h], dx
+077 0003AC 8946EC              MOV            [bp-14h], ax
+078 0003AF 8B56EE              MOV            dx, [bp-12h]
+079 0003B2 8B46EC              MOV            ax, [bp-14h]
+080 0003B5 0B46F4              OR             ax, [bp-0Ch]
+081 0003B8 0B56F6              OR             dx, [bp-0Ah]
+082 0003BB 8956F2              MOV            [bp-0Eh], dx
+083 0003BE 8946F0              MOV            [bp-10h], ax
+084 0003C1 8B46F0              MOV            ax, [bp-10h]
+085 0003C4 0B46F2              OR             ax, [bp-0Eh]
+086 0003C7 7505                JNE            L9
+087 0003C9 B80100              MOV            ax, 1
+088 0003CC EB02                JMP            L10
+089 0003D0 99             L10: CWD
+090 0003D1 8956EE              MOV            [bp-12h], dx
+091 0003D4 8946EC              MOV            [bp-14h], ax
+092 0003D7 8B56EE              MOV            dx, [bp-12h]
+093 0003DA 8B46EC              MOV            ax, [bp-14h]
+094 0003DD 0346F4              ADD            ax, [bp-0Ch]
+095 0003E0 1356F6              ADC            dx, [bp-0Ah]
+096 0003E3 8956F2              MOV            [bp-0Eh], dx
+097 0003E6 8946F0              MOV            [bp-10h], ax
+098 0003E9 8B56F2              MOV            dx, [bp-0Eh]
+099 0003EC 8B46F0              MOV            ax, [bp-10h]
+100 0003EF 3B56F6              CMP            dx, [bp-0Ah]
+101 0003F2 7C0C                JL             L11
+102 0003F4 7F05                JG             L12
+103 0003F6 3B46F4              CMP            ax, [bp-0Ch]
+104 0003F9 7605                JBE            L11
+105 0003FB B80100         L12: MOV            ax, 1
+106 0003FE EB02                JMP            L13
+107 000402 99             L13: CWD
+108 000403 8956EE              MOV            [bp-12h], dx
+109 000406 8946EC              MOV            [bp-14h], ax
+110 000409 8346F401            ADD   word ptr [bp-0Ch], 1
+111 00040D 8356F600            ADC   word ptr [bp-0Ah], 0
+112                            JMP            L4                 ;Synthetic inst
+113 000400 33C0           L11: XOR            ax, ax
+114                            JMP            L13                ;Synthetic inst
+115 0003CE 33C0           L9:  XOR            ax, ax
+116                            JMP            L10                ;Synthetic inst
+117 0003A6 33C0           L7:  XOR            ax, ax
+118                            JMP            L8                 ;Synthetic inst
+119 00041A 7F09           L5:  JG             L14
+120 00041C 837EF428            CMP   word ptr [bp-0Ch], 28h
+121 000420 7703                JA             L14
+122 000422 E92CFF              JMP            L6
+123 000425 8346F801       L14: ADD   word ptr [bp-8], 1
+124 000429 8356FA00            ADC   word ptr [bp-6], 0
+125                            JMP            L1                 ;Synthetic inst
+126 00043B 7F08           L2:  JG             L15
+127 00043D 3B46FC              CMP            ax, [bp-4]
+128 000440 7703                JA             L15
+129 000442 E9FFFE              JMP            L3
+130 000445 FF76EE         L15: PUSH  word ptr [bp-12h]
+131 000448 FF76EC              PUSH  word ptr [bp-14h]
+132 00044B B8BA01              MOV            ax, 1BAh
+133 00044E 50                  PUSH           ax
+134 00044F E88D0B              CALL  near ptr printf
+135 000452 83C406              ADD            sp, 6
+136 000455 8BE5                MOV            sp, bp
+137 000457 5D                  POP            bp
+138 000458 C3                  RET
+		main  ENDP
+000 001EEB B90200              MOV            cx, 2
+001 001EEE EB03                JMP            L16
+002 001EF3 55             L16: PUSH           bp
+003 001EF4 56                  PUSH           si
+004 001EF5 57                  PUSH           di
+005 001EF6 8BEC                MOV            bp, sp
+006 001EF8 8BF9                MOV            di, cx
+007 001EFA 8B460A              MOV            ax, [bp+0Ah]
+008 001EFD 8B560C              MOV            dx, [bp+0Ch]
+009 001F00 8B5E0E              MOV            bx, [bp+0Eh]
+010 001F03 8B4E10              MOV            cx, [bp+10h]
+011 001F06 0BC9                OR             cx, cx
+012 001F08 7508                JNE            L17
+013 001F0A 0BD2                OR             dx, dx
+014 001F0C 7469                JE             L18
+015 001F0E 0BDB                OR             bx, bx
+016 001F10 7465                JE             L18
+017 001F12 F7C70100       L17: TEST           di, 1
+018 001F16 751C                JNE            L19
+019 001F18 0BD2                OR             dx, dx
+020 001F1A 790A                JNS            L20
+021 001F1C F7DA                NEG            dx
+022 001F1E F7D8                NEG            ax
+023 001F20 83DA00              SBB            dx, 0
+024 001F23 83CF0C              OR             di, 0Ch
+025 001F26 0BC9           L20: OR             cx, cx
+026 001F28 790A                JNS            L19
+027 001F2A F7D9                NEG            cx
+028 001F2C F7DB                NEG            bx
+029 001F2E 83D900              SBB            cx, 0
+030 001F31 83F704              XOR            di, 4
+031 001F34 8BE9           L19: MOV            bp, cx
+032 001F36 B92000              MOV            cx, 20h
+033 001F39 57                  PUSH           di
+034 001F3A 33FF                XOR            di, di
+035 001F3C 33F6                XOR            si, si
+036 001F3E D1E0           L21: SHL            ax, 1
+037 001F40 D1D2                RCL            dx, 1
+038 001F42 D1D6                RCL            si, 1
+039 001F44 D1D7                RCL            di, 1
+040 001F46 3BFD                CMP            di, bp
+041 001F48 720B                JB             L22
+042 001F4A 7704                JA             L23
+043 001F4C 3BF3                CMP            si, bx
+044 001F4E 7205                JB             L22
+045 001F50 2BF3           L23: SUB            si, bx
+046 001F52 1BFD                SBB            di, bp
+047 001F54 40                  INC            ax
+048 001F55 E2E7           L22: LOOP           L21
+049 001F57 5B                  POP            bx
+050 001F58 F7C30200            TEST           bx, 2
+051 001F5C 7406                JE             L24
+052 001F5E 8BC6                MOV            ax, si
+053 001F60 8BD7                MOV            dx, di
+054 001F62 D1EB                SHR            bx, 1
+055 001F64 F7C30400       L24: TEST           bx, 4
+056 001F68 7407                JE             L25
+057 001F6A F7DA                NEG            dx
+058 001F6C F7D8                NEG            ax
+059 001F6E 83DA00              SBB            dx, 0
+060 001F71 5F             L25: POP            di
+061 001F72 5E                  POP            si
+062 001F73 5D                  POP            bp
+063 001F74 CA0800              RETF           8
+065 001F77 F7F3                DIV            bx
+067 001F79 F7C70200            TEST           di, 2
+068 001F7D 7402                JE             L26
+069 001F7F 8BC2                MOV            ax, dx
+070 001F81 33D2           L26: XOR            dx, dx
+071 001F83 EBEC                JMP            L25

+ 234 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
+000 001EEB B90200              MOV            cx, 2
+002 001EF3 55                  PUSH           bp
+003 001EF4 56                  PUSH           si
+004 001EF5 57                  PUSH           di
+005 001EF6 8BEC                MOV            bp, sp
+006 001EF8 8BF9                MOV            di, cx
+007 001EFA 8B460A              MOV            ax, [bp+0Ah]
+008 001EFD 8B560C              MOV            dx, [bp+0Ch]
+009 001F00 8B5E0E              MOV            bx, [bp+0Eh]
+010 001F03 8B4E10              MOV            cx, [bp+10h]
+011 001F06 0BC9                OR             cx, cx
+012 001F08 7508                JNE            L1
+013 001F0A 0BD2                OR             dx, dx
+014 001F0C 7469                JE             L2
+015 001F0E 0BDB                OR             bx, bx
+016 001F10 7465                JE             L2
+017 001F12 F7C70100       L1:  TEST           di, 1
+018 001F16 751C                JNE            L3
+019 001F18 0BD2                OR             dx, dx
+020 001F1A 790A                JNS            L4
+021 001F1C F7DA                NEG            dx
+022 001F1E F7D8                NEG            ax
+023 001F20 83DA00              SBB            dx, 0
+024 001F23 83CF0C              OR             di, 0Ch
+025 001F26 0BC9           L4:  OR             cx, cx
+026 001F28 790A                JNS            L3
+027 001F2A F7D9                NEG            cx
+028 001F2C F7DB                NEG            bx
+029 001F2E 83D900              SBB            cx, 0
+030 001F31 83F704              XOR            di, 4
+031 001F34 8BE9           L3:  MOV            bp, cx
+032 001F36 B92000              MOV            cx, 20h
+033 001F39 57                  PUSH           di
+034 001F3A 33FF                XOR            di, di
+035 001F3C 33F6                XOR            si, si
+036 001F3E D1E0           L5:  SHL            ax, 1
+037 001F40 D1D2                RCL            dx, 1
+038 001F42 D1D6                RCL            si, 1
+039 001F44 D1D7                RCL            di, 1
+040 001F46 3BFD                CMP            di, bp
+041 001F48 720B                JB             L6
+042 001F4A 7704                JA             L7
+043 001F4C 3BF3                CMP            si, bx
+044 001F4E 7205                JB             L6
+045 001F50 2BF3           L7:  SUB            si, bx
+046 001F52 1BFD                SBB            di, bp
+047 001F54 40                  INC            ax
+048 001F55 E2E7           L6:  LOOP           L5
+049 001F57 5B                  POP            bx
+050 001F58 F7C30200            TEST           bx, 2
+051 001F5C 7406                JE             L8
+052 001F5E 8BC6                MOV            ax, si
+053 001F60 8BD7                MOV            dx, di
+054 001F62 D1EB                SHR            bx, 1
+055 001F64 F7C30400       L8:  TEST           bx, 4
+056 001F68 7407                JE             L9
+057 001F6A F7DA                NEG            dx
+058 001F6C F7D8                NEG            ax
+059 001F6E 83DA00              SBB            dx, 0
+060 001F71 5F             L9:  POP            di
+061 001F72 5E                  POP            si
+062 001F73 5D                  POP            bp
+063 001F74 CA0800              RETF           8
+064                       L2:  MOV            tmp, dx:ax         ;Synthetic inst
+065 001F77 F7F3                DIV            bx
+066                            MOD            bx                 ;Synthetic inst
+067 001F79 F7C70200            TEST           di, 2
+068 001F7D 7402                JE             L10
+069 001F7F 8BC2                MOV            ax, dx
+070 001F81 33D2           L10: XOR            dx, dx
+071 001F83 EBEC                JMP            L9
+		main  PROC  NEAR
+000 0002FA 55                  PUSH           bp
+001 0002FB 8BEC                MOV            bp, sp
+002 0002FD 83EC14              SUB            sp, 14h
+003 000300 8D46FC              LEA            ax, [bp-4]
+004 000303 50                  PUSH           ax
+005 000304 B89401              MOV            ax, 194h
+006 000307 50                  PUSH           ax
+007 000308 E85D15              CALL  near ptr scanf
+008 00030B 59                  POP            cx
+009 00030C 59                  POP            cx
+010 00030D FF76FE              PUSH  word ptr [bp-2]
+011 000310 FF76FC              PUSH  word ptr [bp-4]
+012 000313 B89801              MOV            ax, 198h
+013 000316 50                  PUSH           ax
+014 000317 E8C50C              CALL  near ptr printf
+015 00031A 83C406              ADD            sp, 6
+016 00031D 8D46EC              LEA            ax, [bp-14h]
+017 000320 50                  PUSH           ax
+018 000321 B8B201              MOV            ax, 1B2h
+019 000324 50                  PUSH           ax
+020 000325 E84015              CALL  near ptr scanf
+021 000328 59                  POP            cx
+022 000329 59                  POP            cx
+023 00032A 8D46F0              LEA            ax, [bp-10h]
+024 00032D 50                  PUSH           ax
+025 00032E B8B601              MOV            ax, 1B6h
+026 000331 50                  PUSH           ax
+027 000332 E83315              CALL  near ptr scanf
+028 000335 59                  POP            cx
+029 000336 59                  POP            cx
+030 000337 C746FA0000          MOV   word ptr [bp-6], 0
+031 00033C C746F80100          MOV   word ptr [bp-8], 1
+033 00042D 8B56FA         L11: MOV            dx, [bp-6]
+034 000430 8B46F8              MOV            ax, [bp-8]
+035 000433 3B56FE              CMP            dx, [bp-2]
+036 000436 7D03                JGE            L12
+038 000344 C746F60000     L13: MOV   word ptr [bp-0Ah], 0
+039 000349 C746F40100          MOV   word ptr [bp-0Ch], 1
+041 000411 837EF600       L14: CMP   word ptr [bp-0Ah], 0
+042 000415 7D03                JGE            L15
+044 000351 8B56EE         L16: MOV            dx, [bp-12h]
+045 000354 8B46EC              MOV            ax, [bp-14h]
+046 000357 0346F0              ADD            ax, [bp-10h]
+047 00035A 1356F2              ADC            dx, [bp-0Eh]
+048 00035D 0346F4              ADD            ax, [bp-0Ch]
+049 000360 1356F6              ADC            dx, [bp-0Ah]
+050 000363 8956EE              MOV            [bp-12h], dx
+051 000366 8946EC              MOV            [bp-14h], ax
+052 000369 8B56EE              MOV            dx, [bp-12h]
+053 00036C 8B46EC              MOV            ax, [bp-14h]
+054 00036F D1FA                SAR            dx, 1
+055 000371 D1D8                RCR            ax, 1
+056 000373 8956F2              MOV            [bp-0Eh], dx
+057 000376 8946F0              MOV            [bp-10h], ax
+058 000379 33D2                XOR            dx, dx
+059 00037B B80A00              MOV            ax, 0Ah
+060 00037E 52                  PUSH           dx
+061 00037F 50                  PUSH           ax
+062 000380 FF76F2              PUSH  word ptr [bp-0Eh]
+063 000383 FF76F0              PUSH  word ptr [bp-10h]
+064 000386 9AEB1D1000          CALL   far ptr LMOD@
+065 00038B 8956EE              MOV            [bp-12h], dx
+066 00038E 8946EC              MOV            [bp-14h], ax
+067 000391 8B56F2              MOV            dx, [bp-0Eh]
+068 000394 8B46F0              MOV            ax, [bp-10h]
+069 000397 3B56F6              CMP            dx, [bp-0Ah]
+070 00039A 750A                JNE            L17
+071 00039C 3B46F4              CMP            ax, [bp-0Ch]
+072 00039F 7505                JNE            L17
+073 0003A1 B80100              MOV            ax, 1
+075 0003A8 99             L18: CWD
+076 0003A9 8956EE              MOV            [bp-12h], dx
+077 0003AC 8946EC              MOV            [bp-14h], ax
+078 0003AF 8B56EE              MOV            dx, [bp-12h]
+079 0003B2 8B46EC              MOV            ax, [bp-14h]
+080 0003B5 0B46F4              OR             ax, [bp-0Ch]
+081 0003B8 0B56F6              OR             dx, [bp-0Ah]
+082 0003BB 8956F2              MOV            [bp-0Eh], dx
+083 0003BE 8946F0              MOV            [bp-10h], ax
+084 0003C1 8B46F0              MOV            ax, [bp-10h]
+085 0003C4 0B46F2              OR             ax, [bp-0Eh]
+086 0003C7 7505                JNE            L19
+087 0003C9 B80100              MOV            ax, 1
+089 0003D0 99             L20: CWD
+090 0003D1 8956EE              MOV            [bp-12h], dx
+091 0003D4 8946EC              MOV            [bp-14h], ax
+092 0003D7 8B56EE              MOV            dx, [bp-12h]
+093 0003DA 8B46EC              MOV            ax, [bp-14h]
+094 0003DD 0346F4              ADD            ax, [bp-0Ch]
+095 0003E0 1356F6              ADC            dx, [bp-0Ah]
+096 0003E3 8956F2              MOV            [bp-0Eh], dx
+097 0003E6 8946F0              MOV            [bp-10h], ax
+098 0003E9 8B56F2              MOV            dx, [bp-0Eh]
+099 0003EC 8B46F0              MOV            ax, [bp-10h]
+100 0003EF 3B56F6              CMP            dx, [bp-0Ah]
+101 0003F2 7C0C                JL             L21
+102 0003F4 7F05                JG             L22
+103 0003F6 3B46F4              CMP            ax, [bp-0Ch]
+104 0003F9 7605                JBE            L21
+105 0003FB B80100         L22: MOV            ax, 1
+107 000402 99             L23: CWD
+108 000403 8956EE              MOV            [bp-12h], dx
+109 000406 8946EC              MOV            [bp-14h], ax
+110 000409 8346F401            ADD   word ptr [bp-0Ch], 1
+111 00040D 8356F600            ADC   word ptr [bp-0Ah], 0
+112                            JMP            L14                ;Synthetic inst
+113 000400 33C0           L21: XOR            ax, ax
+114                            JMP            L23                ;Synthetic inst
+115 0003CE 33C0           L19: XOR            ax, ax
+116                            JMP            L20                ;Synthetic inst
+117 0003A6 33C0           L17: XOR            ax, ax
+118                            JMP            L18                ;Synthetic inst
+119 00041A 7F09           L15: JG             L24
+120 00041C 837EF428            CMP   word ptr [bp-0Ch], 28h
+121 000420 7703                JA             L24
+123 000425 8346F801       L24: ADD   word ptr [bp-8], 1
+124 000429 8356FA00            ADC   word ptr [bp-6], 0
+125                            JMP            L11                ;Synthetic inst
+126 00043B 7F08           L12: JG             L25
+127 00043D 3B46FC              CMP            ax, [bp-4]
+128 000440 7703                JA             L25
+130 000445 FF76EE         L25: PUSH  word ptr [bp-12h]
+131 000448 FF76EC              PUSH  word ptr [bp-14h]
+132 00044B B8BA01              MOV            ax, 1BAh
+133 00044E 50                  PUSH           ax
+134 00044F E88D0B              CALL  near ptr printf
+135 000452 83C406              ADD            sp, 6
+136 000455 8BE5                MOV            sp, bp
+137 000457 5D                  POP            bp
+138 000458 C3                  RET
+		main  ENDP

+ 158 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+ * Input file	: ./tests/inputs/BENCHLNG.EXE
+ * File type	: EXE
+ */
+#include "dcc.h"
+long LMOD@ (long arg0, int arg2int arg3)
+/* Takes 8 bytes of parameters.
+ * Runtime support routine of the compiler.
+ * Untranslatable routine.  Assembler provided.
+ * Return value in registers dx:ax.
+ * Pascal calling convention.
+ */
+        MOV            cx, 2
+        PUSH           bp
+        PUSH           si
+        PUSH           di
+        MOV            bp, sp
+        MOV            di, cx
+        MOV            ax, [bp+0Ah]
+        MOV            dx, [bp+0Ch]
+        MOV            bx, [bp+0Eh]
+        MOV            cx, [bp+10h]
+        CMP            cx, 0
+        JNE            L1
+        OR             dx, dx
+        JE             L2
+        OR             bx, bx
+        JE             L2
+L1:     TEST           di, 1
+        JNE            L3
+        OR             dx, dx
+        JNS            L4
+        NEG            dx
+        NEG            ax
+        SBB            dx, 0
+        OR             di, 0Ch
+L4:     OR             cx, cx
+        JNS            L3
+        NEG            cx
+        NEG            bx
+        SBB            cx, 0
+        XOR            di, 4
+L3:     MOV            bp, cx
+        MOV            cx, 20h
+        PUSH           di
+        XOR            di, 0
+        XOR            si, 0
+L5:     SHL            ax, 1
+        RCL            dx, 1
+        RCL            si, 1
+        RCL            di, 1
+        CMP            di, bp
+        JB             L6
+        JA             L7
+        CMP            si, bx
+        JB             L6
+L7:     SUB            si, bx
+        SBB            di, bp
+        INC            ax
+L6:     LOOP           L5
+        POP            bx
+        TEST           bx, 2
+        JE             L8
+        MOV            ax, si
+        MOV            dx, di
+        SHR            bx, 1
+L8:     TEST           bx, 4
+        JE             L9
+        NEG            dx
+        NEG            ax
+        SBB            dx, 0
+L9:     POP            di
+        POP            si
+        POP            bp
+        RETF           8
+L2:     MOV            tmp, dx:ax                     ;Synthetic inst
+        DIV            bx
+        MOD            bx                             ;Synthetic inst
+        TEST           di, 2
+        JE             L10
+        MOV            ax, dx
+L10:    XOR            dx, dx
+        JMP            L9
+void main ()
+/* Takes no parameters.
+ * High-level language prologue code.
+ */
+long loc1;
+long loc2;
+long loc3;
+long loc4;
+long loc5;
+int loc6; /* ax */
+    scanf ("%ld", &loc0);
+    printf ("executing %ld iterations\n", loc5);
+    scanf ("%ld", &loc2);
+    scanf ("%ld", &loc3);
+    loc3 = 1;
+    while ((loc3 <= loc5)) {
+        loc2 = 1;
+        while ((loc2 <= 40)) {
+            loc4 = ((loc4 + loc1) + loc2);
+            loc1 = (loc4 >> 1);
+            loc4 = LMOD@ (loc1, 10);
+            if (loc1 == loc2) {
+                loc6 = 1;
+            }
+            else {
+                loc6 = 0;
+            }
+            loc4 = loc6;
+            loc1 = (loc4 | loc2);
+            if ((loc3 | loc9) == 0) {
+                loc6 = 1;
+            }
+            else {
+                loc6 = 0;
+            }
+            loc4 = loc6;
+            loc1 = (loc4 + loc2);
+            if (loc1 > loc2) {
+                loc6 = 1;
+            }
+            else {
+                loc6 = 0;
+            }
+            loc4 = loc6;
+            loc2 = (loc2 + 1);
+        }	/* end of while */
+        loc3 = (loc3 + 1);
+    }	/* end of while */
+    printf ("a=%d\n", loc4);

+ 101 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+		main  PROC  NEAR
+000 0002FA 55                  PUSH           bp
+001 0002FB 8BEC                MOV            bp, sp
+002 0002FD 83EC0C              SUB            sp, 0Ch
+003 000300 56                  PUSH           si
+004 000301 B89401              MOV            ax, 194h
+005 000304 50                  PUSH           ax
+006 000305 E8530C              CALL  near ptr printf
+007 000308 59                  POP            cx
+008 000309 8D46FC              LEA            ax, [bp-4]
+009 00030C 50                  PUSH           ax
+010 00030D B8B001              MOV            ax, 1B0h
+011 000310 50                  PUSH           ax
+012 000311 E8D014              CALL  near ptr scanf
+013 000314 59                  POP            cx
+014 000315 59                  POP            cx
+015 000316 FF76FE              PUSH  word ptr [bp-2]
+016 000319 FF76FC              PUSH  word ptr [bp-4]
+017 00031C B8B401              MOV            ax, 1B4h
+018 00031F 50                  PUSH           ax
+019 000320 E8380C              CALL  near ptr printf
+020 000323 83C406              ADD            sp, 6
+021 000326 8D46F4              LEA            ax, [bp-0Ch]
+022 000329 50                  PUSH           ax
+023 00032A B8CE01              MOV            ax, 1CEh
+024 00032D 50                  PUSH           ax
+025 00032E E8B314              CALL  near ptr scanf
+026 000331 59                  POP            cx
+027 000332 59                  POP            cx
+028 000333 8D46F6              LEA            ax, [bp-0Ah]
+029 000336 50                  PUSH           ax
+030 000337 B8D101              MOV            ax, 1D1h
+031 00033A 50                  PUSH           ax
+032 00033B E8A614              CALL  near ptr scanf
+033 00033E 59                  POP            cx
+034 00033F 59                  POP            cx
+035 000340 C746FA0000          MOV   word ptr [bp-6], 0
+036 000345 C746F80100          MOV   word ptr [bp-8], 1
+037 00034A EB66                JMP            L1
+038 0003B2 8B56FA         L1:  MOV            dx, [bp-6]
+039 0003B5 8B46F8              MOV            ax, [bp-8]
+040 0003B8 3B56FE              CMP            dx, [bp-2]
+041 0003BB 7C8F                JL             L2
+042 0003BD 7F05                JG             L3
+043 0003BF 3B46FC              CMP            ax, [bp-4]
+044 0003C2 7688                JBE            L2
+045 0003C4 FF76F4         L3:  PUSH  word ptr [bp-0Ch]
+046 0003C7 B8D401              MOV            ax, 1D4h
+047 0003CA 50                  PUSH           ax
+048 0003CB E88D0B              CALL  near ptr printf
+049 0003CE 59                  POP            cx
+050 0003CF 59                  POP            cx
+051 0003D0 5E                  POP            si
+052 0003D1 8BE5                MOV            sp, bp
+053 0003D3 5D                  POP            bp
+054 0003D4 C3                  RET
+055 00034C BE0100         L2:  MOV            si, 1
+056 00034F EB54                JMP            L4
+057 0003A5 83FE28         L4:  CMP            si, 28h
+058 0003A8 7EA7                JLE            L5
+059 0003AA 8346F801            ADD   word ptr [bp-8], 1
+060 0003AE 8356FA00            ADC   word ptr [bp-6], 0
+061                            JMP            L1                 ;Synthetic inst
+062 000351 8B46F4         L5:  MOV            ax, [bp-0Ch]
+063 000354 F766F4              MUL   word ptr [bp-0Ch]
+064 000357 F766F4              MUL   word ptr [bp-0Ch]
+065 00035A F766F4              MUL   word ptr [bp-0Ch]
+066 00035D F766F4              MUL   word ptr [bp-0Ch]
+067 000360 F766F4              MUL   word ptr [bp-0Ch]
+068 000363 F766F4              MUL   word ptr [bp-0Ch]
+069 000366 F766F4              MUL   word ptr [bp-0Ch]
+070 000369 F766F4              MUL   word ptr [bp-0Ch]
+071 00036C F766F4              MUL   word ptr [bp-0Ch]
+072 00036F F766F4              MUL   word ptr [bp-0Ch]
+073 000372 F766F4              MUL   word ptr [bp-0Ch]
+074 000375 F766F4              MUL   word ptr [bp-0Ch]
+075 000378 F766F4              MUL   word ptr [bp-0Ch]
+076 00037B F766F4              MUL   word ptr [bp-0Ch]
+077 00037E F766F4              MUL   word ptr [bp-0Ch]
+078 000381 F766F4              MUL   word ptr [bp-0Ch]
+079 000384 F766F4              MUL   word ptr [bp-0Ch]
+080 000387 F766F4              MUL   word ptr [bp-0Ch]
+081 00038A F766F4              MUL   word ptr [bp-0Ch]
+082 00038D F766F4              MUL   word ptr [bp-0Ch]
+083 000390 F766F4              MUL   word ptr [bp-0Ch]
+084 000393 F766F4              MUL   word ptr [bp-0Ch]
+085 000396 F766F4              MUL   word ptr [bp-0Ch]
+086 000399 F766F4              MUL   word ptr [bp-0Ch]
+087 00039C BA0300              MOV            dx, 3
+088 00039F F7E2                MUL            dx
+089 0003A1 8946F4              MOV            [bp-0Ch], ax
+090 0003A4 46                  INC            si
+091                            JMP            L4                 ;Synthetic inst
+		main  ENDP

+ 99 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+		main  PROC  NEAR
+000 0002FA 55                  PUSH           bp
+001 0002FB 8BEC                MOV            bp, sp
+002 0002FD 83EC0C              SUB            sp, 0Ch
+003 000300 56                  PUSH           si
+004 000301 B89401              MOV            ax, 194h
+005 000304 50                  PUSH           ax
+006 000305 E8530C              CALL  near ptr printf
+007 000308 59                  POP            cx
+008 000309 8D46FC              LEA            ax, [bp-4]
+009 00030C 50                  PUSH           ax
+010 00030D B8B001              MOV            ax, 1B0h
+011 000310 50                  PUSH           ax
+012 000311 E8D014              CALL  near ptr scanf
+013 000314 59                  POP            cx
+014 000315 59                  POP            cx
+015 000316 FF76FE              PUSH  word ptr [bp-2]
+016 000319 FF76FC              PUSH  word ptr [bp-4]
+017 00031C B8B401              MOV            ax, 1B4h
+018 00031F 50                  PUSH           ax
+019 000320 E8380C              CALL  near ptr printf
+020 000323 83C406              ADD            sp, 6
+021 000326 8D46F4              LEA            ax, [bp-0Ch]
+022 000329 50                  PUSH           ax
+023 00032A B8CE01              MOV            ax, 1CEh
+024 00032D 50                  PUSH           ax
+025 00032E E8B314              CALL  near ptr scanf
+026 000331 59                  POP            cx
+027 000332 59                  POP            cx
+028 000333 8D46F6              LEA            ax, [bp-0Ah]
+029 000336 50                  PUSH           ax
+030 000337 B8D101              MOV            ax, 1D1h
+031 00033A 50                  PUSH           ax
+032 00033B E8A614              CALL  near ptr scanf
+033 00033E 59                  POP            cx
+034 00033F 59                  POP            cx
+035 000340 C746FA0000          MOV   word ptr [bp-6], 0
+036 000345 C746F80100          MOV   word ptr [bp-8], 1
+038 0003B2 8B56FA         L1:  MOV            dx, [bp-6]
+039 0003B5 8B46F8              MOV            ax, [bp-8]
+040 0003B8 3B56FE              CMP            dx, [bp-2]
+041 0003BB 7C8F                JL             L2
+042 0003BD 7F05                JG             L3
+043 0003BF 3B46FC              CMP            ax, [bp-4]
+044 0003C2 7688                JBE            L2
+045 0003C4 FF76F4         L3:  PUSH  word ptr [bp-0Ch]
+046 0003C7 B8D401              MOV            ax, 1D4h
+047 0003CA 50                  PUSH           ax
+048 0003CB E88D0B              CALL  near ptr printf
+049 0003CE 59                  POP            cx
+050 0003CF 59                  POP            cx
+051 0003D0 5E                  POP            si
+052 0003D1 8BE5                MOV            sp, bp
+053 0003D3 5D                  POP            bp
+054 0003D4 C3                  RET
+055 00034C BE0100         L2:  MOV            si, 1
+057 0003A5 83FE28         L4:  CMP            si, 28h
+058 0003A8 7EA7                JLE            L5
+059 0003AA 8346F801            ADD   word ptr [bp-8], 1
+060 0003AE 8356FA00            ADC   word ptr [bp-6], 0
+061                            JMP            L1                 ;Synthetic inst
+062 000351 8B46F4         L5:  MOV            ax, [bp-0Ch]
+063 000354 F766F4              MUL   word ptr [bp-0Ch]
+064 000357 F766F4              MUL   word ptr [bp-0Ch]
+065 00035A F766F4              MUL   word ptr [bp-0Ch]
+066 00035D F766F4              MUL   word ptr [bp-0Ch]
+067 000360 F766F4              MUL   word ptr [bp-0Ch]
+068 000363 F766F4              MUL   word ptr [bp-0Ch]
+069 000366 F766F4              MUL   word ptr [bp-0Ch]
+070 000369 F766F4              MUL   word ptr [bp-0Ch]
+071 00036C F766F4              MUL   word ptr [bp-0Ch]
+072 00036F F766F4              MUL   word ptr [bp-0Ch]
+073 000372 F766F4              MUL   word ptr [bp-0Ch]
+074 000375 F766F4              MUL   word ptr [bp-0Ch]
+075 000378 F766F4              MUL   word ptr [bp-0Ch]
+076 00037B F766F4              MUL   word ptr [bp-0Ch]
+077 00037E F766F4              MUL   word ptr [bp-0Ch]
+078 000381 F766F4              MUL   word ptr [bp-0Ch]
+079 000384 F766F4              MUL   word ptr [bp-0Ch]
+080 000387 F766F4              MUL   word ptr [bp-0Ch]
+081 00038A F766F4              MUL   word ptr [bp-0Ch]
+082 00038D F766F4              MUL   word ptr [bp-0Ch]
+083 000390 F766F4              MUL   word ptr [bp-0Ch]
+084 000393 F766F4              MUL   word ptr [bp-0Ch]
+085 000396 F766F4              MUL   word ptr [bp-0Ch]
+086 000399 F766F4              MUL   word ptr [bp-0Ch]
+087 00039C BA0300              MOV            dx, 3
+088 00039F F7E2                MUL            dx
+089 0003A1 8946F4              MOV            [bp-0Ch], ax
+090 0003A4 46                  INC            si
+091                            JMP            L4                 ;Synthetic inst
+		main  ENDP

+ 38 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+ * Input file	: ./tests/inputs/BENCHMUL.EXE
+ * File type	: EXE
+ */
+#include "dcc.h"
+void main ()
+/* Takes no parameters.
+ * High-level language prologue code.
+ */
+int loc1;
+int loc2;
+long loc3;
+long loc4;
+int loc5;
+    printf ("enter number of iterations\n");
+    scanf ("%ld", &loc0);
+    printf ("executing %ld iterations\n", loc4);
+    scanf ("%d", &loc1);
+    scanf ("%d", &loc2);
+    loc3 = 1;
+    while ((loc3 <= loc4)) {
+        loc5 = 1;
+        while ((loc5 <= 40)) {
+            loc1 = (((((((((((((((((((((((((loc1 * loc1) * loc1) * loc1) * loc1) * loc1) * loc1) * loc1) * loc1) * loc1) * loc1) * loc1) * loc1) * loc1) * loc1) * loc1) * loc1) * loc1) * loc1) * loc1) * loc1) * loc1) * loc1) * loc1) * loc1) * 3);
+            loc5 = (loc5 + 1);
+        }	/* end of while */
+        loc3 = (loc3 + 1);
+    }	/* end of while */
+    printf ("a=%d\n", loc1);

+ 91 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+		main  PROC  NEAR
+000 0002FA 55                  PUSH           bp
+001 0002FB 8BEC                MOV            bp, sp
+002 0002FD 83EC0A              SUB            sp, 0Ah
+003 000300 56                  PUSH           si
+004 000301 57                  PUSH           di
+005 000302 B8A801              MOV            ax, 1A8h
+006 000305 50                  PUSH           ax
+007 000306 E8240C              CALL  near ptr printf
+008 000309 59                  POP            cx
+009 00030A 8D46FC              LEA            ax, [bp-4]
+010 00030D 50                  PUSH           ax
+011 00030E B8C401              MOV            ax, 1C4h
+012 000311 50                  PUSH           ax
+013 000312 E8A114              CALL  near ptr scanf
+014 000315 59                  POP            cx
+015 000316 59                  POP            cx
+016 000317 FF76FE              PUSH  word ptr [bp-2]
+017 00031A FF76FC              PUSH  word ptr [bp-4]
+018 00031D B8C801              MOV            ax, 1C8h
+019 000320 50                  PUSH           ax
+020 000321 E8090C              CALL  near ptr printf
+021 000324 83C406              ADD            sp, 6
+022 000327 BE1400              MOV            si, 14h
+023 00032A 8976F6              MOV            [bp-0Ah], si
+024 00032D C746FA0000          MOV   word ptr [bp-6], 0
+025 000332 C746F80100          MOV   word ptr [bp-8], 1
+026 000337 EB4C                JMP            L1
+027 000385 8B56FA         L1:  MOV            dx, [bp-6]
+028 000388 8B46F8              MOV            ax, [bp-8]
+029 00038B 3B56FE              CMP            dx, [bp-2]
+030 00038E 7CA9                JL             L2
+031 000390 7F05                JG             L3
+032 000392 3B46FC              CMP            ax, [bp-4]
+033 000395 76A2                JBE            L2
+034 000397 56             L3:  PUSH           si
+035 000398 B8E201              MOV            ax, 1E2h
+036 00039B 50                  PUSH           ax
+037 00039C E88E0B              CALL  near ptr printf
+038 00039F 59                  POP            cx
+039 0003A0 59                  POP            cx
+040 0003A1 5F                  POP            di
+041 0003A2 5E                  POP            si
+042 0003A3 8BE5                MOV            sp, bp
+043 0003A5 5D                  POP            bp
+044 0003A6 C3                  RET
+045 000339 BF0100         L2:  MOV            di, 1
+046 00033C EB3A                JMP            L4
+047 000378 83FF28         L4:  CMP            di, 28h
+048 00037B 7EC1                JLE            L5
+049 00037D 8346F801            ADD   word ptr [bp-8], 1
+050 000381 8356FA00            ADC   word ptr [bp-6], 0
+051                            JMP            L1                 ;Synthetic inst
+052 00033E 8BC6           L5:  MOV            ax, si
+053 000340 F7E6                MUL            si
+054 000342 F7E6                MUL            si
+055 000344 F7E6                MUL            si
+056 000346 F7E6                MUL            si
+057 000348 F7E6                MUL            si
+058 00034A F7E6                MUL            si
+059 00034C F7E6                MUL            si
+060 00034E F7E6                MUL            si
+061 000350 F7E6                MUL            si
+062 000352 F7E6                MUL            si
+063 000354 F7E6                MUL            si
+064 000356 F7E6                MUL            si
+065 000358 F7E6                MUL            si
+066 00035A F7E6                MUL            si
+067 00035C F7E6                MUL            si
+068 00035E F7E6                MUL            si
+069 000360 F7E6                MUL            si
+070 000362 F7E6                MUL            si
+071 000364 F7E6                MUL            si
+072 000366 F7E6                MUL            si
+073 000368 F7E6                MUL            si
+074 00036A F7E6                MUL            si
+075 00036C F7E6                MUL            si
+076 00036E F7E6                MUL            si
+077 000370 BA0300              MOV            dx, 3
+078 000373 F7E2                MUL            dx
+079 000375 8BF0                MOV            si, ax
+080 000377 47                  INC            di
+081                            JMP            L4                 ;Synthetic inst
+		main  ENDP

+ 89 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+		main  PROC  NEAR
+000 0002FA 55                  PUSH           bp
+001 0002FB 8BEC                MOV            bp, sp
+002 0002FD 83EC0A              SUB            sp, 0Ah
+003 000300 56                  PUSH           si
+004 000301 57                  PUSH           di
+005 000302 B8A801              MOV            ax, 1A8h
+006 000305 50                  PUSH           ax
+007 000306 E8240C              CALL  near ptr printf
+008 000309 59                  POP            cx
+009 00030A 8D46FC              LEA            ax, [bp-4]
+010 00030D 50                  PUSH           ax
+011 00030E B8C401              MOV            ax, 1C4h
+012 000311 50                  PUSH           ax
+013 000312 E8A114              CALL  near ptr scanf
+014 000315 59                  POP            cx
+015 000316 59                  POP            cx
+016 000317 FF76FE              PUSH  word ptr [bp-2]
+017 00031A FF76FC              PUSH  word ptr [bp-4]
+018 00031D B8C801              MOV            ax, 1C8h
+019 000320 50                  PUSH           ax
+020 000321 E8090C              CALL  near ptr printf
+021 000324 83C406              ADD            sp, 6
+022 000327 BE1400              MOV            si, 14h
+023 00032A 8976F6              MOV            [bp-0Ah], si
+024 00032D C746FA0000          MOV   word ptr [bp-6], 0
+025 000332 C746F80100          MOV   word ptr [bp-8], 1
+027 000385 8B56FA         L1:  MOV            dx, [bp-6]
+028 000388 8B46F8              MOV            ax, [bp-8]
+029 00038B 3B56FE              CMP            dx, [bp-2]
+030 00038E 7CA9                JL             L2
+031 000390 7F05                JG             L3
+032 000392 3B46FC              CMP            ax, [bp-4]
+033 000395 76A2                JBE            L2
+034 000397 56             L3:  PUSH           si
+035 000398 B8E201              MOV            ax, 1E2h
+036 00039B 50                  PUSH           ax
+037 00039C E88E0B              CALL  near ptr printf
+038 00039F 59                  POP            cx
+039 0003A0 59                  POP            cx
+040 0003A1 5F                  POP            di
+041 0003A2 5E                  POP            si
+042 0003A3 8BE5                MOV            sp, bp
+043 0003A5 5D                  POP            bp
+044 0003A6 C3                  RET
+045 000339 BF0100         L2:  MOV            di, 1
+047 000378 83FF28         L4:  CMP            di, 28h
+048 00037B 7EC1                JLE            L5
+049 00037D 8346F801            ADD   word ptr [bp-8], 1
+050 000381 8356FA00            ADC   word ptr [bp-6], 0
+051                            JMP            L1                 ;Synthetic inst
+052 00033E 8BC6           L5:  MOV            ax, si
+053 000340 F7E6                MUL            si
+054 000342 F7E6                MUL            si
+055 000344 F7E6                MUL            si
+056 000346 F7E6                MUL            si
+057 000348 F7E6                MUL            si
+058 00034A F7E6                MUL            si
+059 00034C F7E6                MUL            si
+060 00034E F7E6                MUL            si
+061 000350 F7E6                MUL            si
+062 000352 F7E6                MUL            si
+063 000354 F7E6                MUL            si
+064 000356 F7E6                MUL            si
+065 000358 F7E6                MUL            si
+066 00035A F7E6                MUL            si
+067 00035C F7E6                MUL            si
+068 00035E F7E6                MUL            si
+069 000360 F7E6                MUL            si
+070 000362 F7E6                MUL            si
+071 000364 F7E6                MUL            si
+072 000366 F7E6                MUL            si
+073 000368 F7E6                MUL            si
+074 00036A F7E6                MUL            si
+075 00036C F7E6                MUL            si
+076 00036E F7E6                MUL            si
+077 000370 BA0300              MOV            dx, 3
+078 000373 F7E2                MUL            dx
+079 000375 8BF0                MOV            si, ax
+080 000377 47                  INC            di
+081                            JMP            L4                 ;Synthetic inst
+		main  ENDP

+ 38 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+ * Input file	: ./tests/inputs/BENCHMUS.EXE
+ * File type	: EXE
+ */
+#include "dcc.h"
+void main ()
+/* Takes no parameters.
+ * High-level language prologue code.
+ */
+int loc1;
+long loc2;
+long loc3;
+int loc4;
+int loc5;
+    printf ("enter number of iterations\n");
+    scanf ("%ld", &loc0);
+    printf ("executing %ld iterations\n", loc3);
+    loc4 = 20;
+    loc1 = loc4;
+    loc2 = 1;
+    while ((loc2 <= loc3)) {
+        loc5 = 1;
+        while ((loc5 <= 40)) {
+            loc4 = (((((((((((((((((((((((((loc4 * loc4) * loc4) * loc4) * loc4) * loc4) * loc4) * loc4) * loc4) * loc4) * loc4) * loc4) * loc4) * loc4) * loc4) * loc4) * loc4) * loc4) * loc4) * loc4) * loc4) * loc4) * loc4) * loc4) * loc4) * 3);
+            loc5 = (loc5 + 1);
+        }	/* end of while */
+        loc2 = (loc2 + 1);
+    }	/* end of while */
+    printf ("a=%d\n", loc4);

+ 113 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+		main  PROC  NEAR
+000 0002FA 55                  PUSH           bp
+001 0002FB 8BEC                MOV            bp, sp
+002 0002FD 83EC0E              SUB            sp, 0Eh
+003 000300 8D46FC              LEA            ax, [bp-4]
+004 000303 50                  PUSH           ax
+005 000304 B89401              MOV            ax, 194h
+006 000307 50                  PUSH           ax
+007 000308 E8E914              CALL  near ptr scanf
+008 00030B 59                  POP            cx
+009 00030C 59                  POP            cx
+010 00030D FF76FE              PUSH  word ptr [bp-2]
+011 000310 FF76FC              PUSH  word ptr [bp-4]
+012 000313 B89801              MOV            ax, 198h
+013 000316 50                  PUSH           ax
+014 000317 E8510C              CALL  near ptr printf
+015 00031A 83C406              ADD            sp, 6
+016 00031D 8D46F2              LEA            ax, [bp-0Eh]
+017 000320 50                  PUSH           ax
+018 000321 B8B201              MOV            ax, 1B2h
+019 000324 50                  PUSH           ax
+020 000325 E8CC14              CALL  near ptr scanf
+021 000328 59                  POP            cx
+022 000329 59                  POP            cx
+023 00032A 8D46F4              LEA            ax, [bp-0Ch]
+024 00032D 50                  PUSH           ax
+025 00032E B8B601              MOV            ax, 1B6h
+026 000331 50                  PUSH           ax
+027 000332 E8BF14              CALL  near ptr scanf
+028 000335 59                  POP            cx
+029 000336 59                  POP            cx
+030 000337 C746FA0000          MOV   word ptr [bp-6], 0
+031 00033C C746F80100          MOV   word ptr [bp-8], 1
+032 000341 E97900              JMP            L1
+033 0003BD 8B56FA         L1:  MOV            dx, [bp-6]
+034 0003C0 8B46F8              MOV            ax, [bp-8]
+035 0003C3 3B56FE              CMP            dx, [bp-2]
+036 0003C6 7D03                JGE            L2
+037 0003C8 E979FF              JMP            L3
+038 000344 C746F60100     L3:  MOV   word ptr [bp-0Ah], 1
+039 000349 EB64                JMP            L4
+040 0003AF 837EF628       L4:  CMP   word ptr [bp-0Ah], 28h
+041 0003B3 7E96                JLE            L5
+042 0003B5 8346F801            ADD   word ptr [bp-8], 1
+043 0003B9 8356FA00            ADC   word ptr [bp-6], 0
+044                            JMP            L1                 ;Synthetic inst
+045 00034B 8B46F2         L5:  MOV            ax, [bp-0Eh]
+046 00034E 0346F4              ADD            ax, [bp-0Ch]
+047 000351 0346F6              ADD            ax, [bp-0Ah]
+048 000354 8946F2              MOV            [bp-0Eh], ax
+049 000357 8B46F2              MOV            ax, [bp-0Eh]
+050 00035A D1F8                SAR            ax, 1
+051 00035C 8946F4              MOV            [bp-0Ch], ax
+052 00035F 8B46F4              MOV            ax, [bp-0Ch]
+053 000362 BB0A00              MOV            bx, 0Ah
+054 000365 99                  CWD
+056 000366 F7FB                IDIV           bx
+058 000368 8956F2              MOV            [bp-0Eh], dx
+059 00036B 8B46F4              MOV            ax, [bp-0Ch]
+060 00036E 3B46F6              CMP            ax, [bp-0Ah]
+061 000371 7505                JNE            L6
+062 000373 B80100              MOV            ax, 1
+063 000376 EB02                JMP            L7
+064 00037A 8946F2         L7:  MOV            [bp-0Eh], ax
+065 00037D 8B46F2              MOV            ax, [bp-0Eh]
+066 000380 0B46F6              OR             ax, [bp-0Ah]
+067 000383 8946F4              MOV            [bp-0Ch], ax
+068 000386 8B46F4              MOV            ax, [bp-0Ch]
+069 000389 F7D8                NEG            ax
+070 00038B 1BC0                SBB            ax, ax
+071 00038D 40                  INC            ax
+072 00038E 8946F2              MOV            [bp-0Eh], ax
+073 000391 8B46F2              MOV            ax, [bp-0Eh]
+074 000394 0346F6              ADD            ax, [bp-0Ah]
+075 000397 8946F4              MOV            [bp-0Ch], ax
+076 00039A 8B46F4              MOV            ax, [bp-0Ch]
+077 00039D 3B46F6              CMP            ax, [bp-0Ah]
+078 0003A0 7E05                JLE            L8
+079 0003A2 B80100              MOV            ax, 1
+080 0003A5 EB02                JMP            L9
+081 0003A9 8946F2         L9:  MOV            [bp-0Eh], ax
+082 0003AC FF46F6              INC   word ptr [bp-0Ah]
+083                            JMP            L4                 ;Synthetic inst
+084 0003A7 33C0           L8:  XOR            ax, ax
+085                            JMP            L9                 ;Synthetic inst
+086 000378 33C0           L6:  XOR            ax, ax
+087                            JMP            L7                 ;Synthetic inst
+088 0003CB 7F08           L2:  JG             L10
+089 0003CD 3B46FC              CMP            ax, [bp-4]
+090 0003D0 7703                JA             L10
+091 0003D2 E96FFF              JMP            L3
+092 0003D5 FF76F2         L10: PUSH  word ptr [bp-0Eh]
+093 0003D8 B8BA01              MOV            ax, 1BAh
+094 0003DB 50                  PUSH           ax
+095 0003DC E88C0B              CALL  near ptr printf
+096 0003DF 59                  POP            cx
+097 0003E0 59                  POP            cx
+098 0003E1 8BE5                MOV            sp, bp
+099 0003E3 5D                  POP            bp
+100 0003E4 C3                  RET
+		main  ENDP

+ 109 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+		main  PROC  NEAR
+000 0002FA 55                  PUSH           bp
+001 0002FB 8BEC                MOV            bp, sp
+002 0002FD 83EC0E              SUB            sp, 0Eh
+003 000300 8D46FC              LEA            ax, [bp-4]
+004 000303 50                  PUSH           ax
+005 000304 B89401              MOV            ax, 194h
+006 000307 50                  PUSH           ax
+007 000308 E8E914              CALL  near ptr scanf
+008 00030B 59                  POP            cx
+009 00030C 59                  POP            cx
+010 00030D FF76FE              PUSH  word ptr [bp-2]
+011 000310 FF76FC              PUSH  word ptr [bp-4]
+012 000313 B89801              MOV            ax, 198h
+013 000316 50                  PUSH           ax
+014 000317 E8510C              CALL  near ptr printf
+015 00031A 83C406              ADD            sp, 6
+016 00031D 8D46F2              LEA            ax, [bp-0Eh]
+017 000320 50                  PUSH           ax
+018 000321 B8B201              MOV            ax, 1B2h
+019 000324 50                  PUSH           ax
+020 000325 E8CC14              CALL  near ptr scanf
+021 000328 59                  POP            cx
+022 000329 59                  POP            cx
+023 00032A 8D46F4              LEA            ax, [bp-0Ch]
+024 00032D 50                  PUSH           ax
+025 00032E B8B601              MOV            ax, 1B6h
+026 000331 50                  PUSH           ax
+027 000332 E8BF14              CALL  near ptr scanf
+028 000335 59                  POP            cx
+029 000336 59                  POP            cx
+030 000337 C746FA0000          MOV   word ptr [bp-6], 0
+031 00033C C746F80100          MOV   word ptr [bp-8], 1
+033 0003BD 8B56FA         L1:  MOV            dx, [bp-6]
+034 0003C0 8B46F8              MOV            ax, [bp-8]
+035 0003C3 3B56FE              CMP            dx, [bp-2]
+036 0003C6 7D03                JGE            L2
+038 000344 C746F60100     L3:  MOV   word ptr [bp-0Ah], 1
+040 0003AF 837EF628       L4:  CMP   word ptr [bp-0Ah], 28h
+041 0003B3 7E96                JLE            L5
+042 0003B5 8346F801            ADD   word ptr [bp-8], 1
+043 0003B9 8356FA00            ADC   word ptr [bp-6], 0
+044                            JMP            L1                 ;Synthetic inst
+045 00034B 8B46F2         L5:  MOV            ax, [bp-0Eh]
+046 00034E 0346F4              ADD            ax, [bp-0Ch]
+047 000351 0346F6              ADD            ax, [bp-0Ah]
+048 000354 8946F2              MOV            [bp-0Eh], ax
+049 000357 8B46F2              MOV            ax, [bp-0Eh]
+050 00035A D1F8                SAR            ax, 1
+051 00035C 8946F4              MOV            [bp-0Ch], ax
+052 00035F 8B46F4              MOV            ax, [bp-0Ch]
+053 000362 BB0A00              MOV            bx, 0Ah
+054 000365 99                  CWD
+055                            MOV            tmp, dx:ax         ;Synthetic inst
+056 000366 F7FB                IDIV           bx
+057                            MOD            bx                 ;Synthetic inst
+058 000368 8956F2              MOV            [bp-0Eh], dx
+059 00036B 8B46F4              MOV            ax, [bp-0Ch]
+060 00036E 3B46F6              CMP            ax, [bp-0Ah]
+061 000371 7505                JNE            L6
+062 000373 B80100              MOV            ax, 1
+064 00037A 8946F2         L7:  MOV            [bp-0Eh], ax
+065 00037D 8B46F2              MOV            ax, [bp-0Eh]
+066 000380 0B46F6              OR             ax, [bp-0Ah]
+067 000383 8946F4              MOV            [bp-0Ch], ax
+068 000386 8B46F4              MOV            ax, [bp-0Ch]
+069 000389 F7D8                NEG            ax
+070 00038B 1BC0                SBB            ax, ax
+071 00038D 40                  INC            ax
+072 00038E 8946F2              MOV            [bp-0Eh], ax
+073 000391 8B46F2              MOV            ax, [bp-0Eh]
+074 000394 0346F6              ADD            ax, [bp-0Ah]
+075 000397 8946F4              MOV            [bp-0Ch], ax
+076 00039A 8B46F4              MOV            ax, [bp-0Ch]
+077 00039D 3B46F6              CMP            ax, [bp-0Ah]
+078 0003A0 7E05                JLE            L8
+079 0003A2 B80100              MOV            ax, 1
+081 0003A9 8946F2         L9:  MOV            [bp-0Eh], ax
+082 0003AC FF46F6              INC   word ptr [bp-0Ah]
+083                            JMP            L4                 ;Synthetic inst
+084 0003A7 33C0           L8:  XOR            ax, ax
+085                            JMP            L9                 ;Synthetic inst
+086 000378 33C0           L6:  XOR            ax, ax
+087                            JMP            L7                 ;Synthetic inst
+088 0003CB 7F08           L2:  JG             L10
+089 0003CD 3B46FC              CMP            ax, [bp-4]
+090 0003D0 7703                JA             L10
+092 0003D5 FF76F2         L10: PUSH  word ptr [bp-0Eh]
+093 0003D8 B8BA01              MOV            ax, 1BAh
+094 0003DB 50                  PUSH           ax
+095 0003DC E88C0B              CALL  near ptr printf
+096 0003DF 59                  POP            cx
+097 0003E0 59                  POP            cx
+098 0003E1 8BE5                MOV            sp, bp
+099 0003E3 5D                  POP            bp
+100 0003E4 C3                  RET
+		main  ENDP

+ 59 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+ * Input file	: ./tests/inputs/BENCHSHO.EXE
+ * File type	: EXE
+ */
+#include "dcc.h"
+void main ()
+/* Takes no parameters.
+ * High-level language prologue code.
+ */
+int loc1;
+int loc2;
+int loc3;
+long loc4;
+long loc5;
+int loc6; /* ax */
+    scanf ("%ld", &loc0);
+    printf ("executing %ld iterations\n", loc5);
+    scanf ("%ld", &loc1);
+    scanf ("%ld", &loc2);
+    loc4 = 1;
+    while ((loc4 <= loc5)) {
+        loc3 = 1;
+        while ((loc3 <= 40)) {
+            loc1 = ((loc1 + loc2) + loc3);
+            loc2 = (loc1 >> 1);
+            loc1 = (loc2 % 10);
+            if (loc2 == loc3) {
+                loc6 = 1;
+            }
+            else {
+                loc6 = 0;
+            }
+            loc1 = loc6;
+            loc2 = (loc1 | loc3);
+            loc1 = !loc2;
+            loc2 = (loc1 + loc3);
+            if (loc2 > loc3) {
+                loc6 = 1;
+            }
+            else {
+                loc6 = 0;
+            }
+            loc1 = loc6;
+            loc3 = (loc3 + 1);
+        }	/* end of while */
+        loc4 = (loc4 + 1);
+    }	/* end of while */
+    printf ("a=%d\n", loc1);

+ 58 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+		main  PROC  NEAR
+000 0002FA 55                  PUSH           bp
+001 0002FB 8BEC                MOV            bp, sp
+002 0002FD 83EC02              SUB            sp, 2
+003 000300 C646FEFF            MOV   byte ptr [bp-2], 0FFh
+004 000304 C646FF8F            MOV   byte ptr [bp-1], 8Fh
+005 000308 8A46FE              MOV            al, [bp-2]
+006 00030B 0246FF              ADD            al, [bp-1]
+007 00030E 8846FF              MOV            [bp-1], al
+008 000311 8A46FE              MOV            al, [bp-2]
+009 000314 2A46FF              SUB            al, [bp-1]
+010 000317 8846FE              MOV            [bp-2], al
+011 00031A 8A46FE              MOV            al, [bp-2]
+012 00031D B400                MOV            ah, 0
+013 00031F 8A56FF              MOV            dl, [bp-1]
+014 000322 B600                MOV            dh, 0
+015 000324 F7E2                MUL            dx
+016 000326 8846FE              MOV            [bp-2], al
+017 000329 8A46FF              MOV            al, [bp-1]
+018 00032C B400                MOV            ah, 0
+019 00032E 8A56FE              MOV            dl, [bp-2]
+020 000331 B600                MOV            dh, 0
+021 000333 8BDA                MOV            bx, dx
+022 000335 99                  CWD
+024 000336 F7FB                IDIV           bx
+026 000338 8846FF              MOV            [bp-1], al
+027 00033B 8A46FF              MOV            al, [bp-1]
+028 00033E B400                MOV            ah, 0
+029 000340 8A56FE              MOV            dl, [bp-2]
+030 000343 B600                MOV            dh, 0
+031 000345 8BDA                MOV            bx, dx
+032 000347 99                  CWD
+034 000348 F7FB                IDIV           bx
+036 00034A 8856FF              MOV            [bp-1], dl
+037 00034D 8A46FE              MOV            al, [bp-2]
+038 000350 B105                MOV            cl, 5
+039 000352 D2E0                SHL            al, cl
+040 000354 8846FE              MOV            [bp-2], al
+041 000357 8A46FF              MOV            al, [bp-1]
+042 00035A 8A4EFE              MOV            cl, [bp-2]
+043 00035D D2E8                SHR            al, cl
+044 00035F 8846FF              MOV            [bp-1], al
+045 000362 8A46FF              MOV            al, [bp-1]
+046 000365 B400                MOV            ah, 0
+047 000367 50                  PUSH           ax
+048 000368 8A46FE              MOV            al, [bp-2]
+049 00036B B400                MOV            ah, 0
+050 00036D 50                  PUSH           ax
+051 00036E B89401              MOV            ax, 194h
+052 000371 50                  PUSH           ax
+053 000372 E8AB06              CALL  near ptr printf
+054 000375 83C406              ADD            sp, 6
+055 000378 8BE5                MOV            sp, bp
+056 00037A 5D                  POP            bp
+057 00037B C3                  RET
+		main  ENDP

+ 62 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+		main  PROC  NEAR
+000 0002FA 55                  PUSH           bp
+001 0002FB 8BEC                MOV            bp, sp
+002 0002FD 83EC02              SUB            sp, 2
+003 000300 C646FEFF            MOV   byte ptr [bp-2], 0FFh
+004 000304 C646FF8F            MOV   byte ptr [bp-1], 8Fh
+005 000308 8A46FE              MOV            al, [bp-2]
+006 00030B 0246FF              ADD            al, [bp-1]
+007 00030E 8846FF              MOV            [bp-1], al
+008 000311 8A46FE              MOV            al, [bp-2]
+009 000314 2A46FF              SUB            al, [bp-1]
+010 000317 8846FE              MOV            [bp-2], al
+011 00031A 8A46FE              MOV            al, [bp-2]
+012 00031D B400                MOV            ah, 0
+013 00031F 8A56FF              MOV            dl, [bp-1]
+014 000322 B600                MOV            dh, 0
+015 000324 F7E2                MUL            dx
+016 000326 8846FE              MOV            [bp-2], al
+017 000329 8A46FF              MOV            al, [bp-1]
+018 00032C B400                MOV            ah, 0
+019 00032E 8A56FE              MOV            dl, [bp-2]
+020 000331 B600                MOV            dh, 0
+021 000333 8BDA                MOV            bx, dx
+022 000335 99                  CWD
+023                            MOV            tmp, dx:ax         ;Synthetic inst
+024 000336 F7FB                IDIV           bx
+025                            MOD            bx                 ;Synthetic inst
+026 000338 8846FF              MOV            [bp-1], al
+027 00033B 8A46FF              MOV            al, [bp-1]
+028 00033E B400                MOV            ah, 0
+029 000340 8A56FE              MOV            dl, [bp-2]
+030 000343 B600                MOV            dh, 0
+031 000345 8BDA                MOV            bx, dx
+032 000347 99                  CWD
+033                            MOV            tmp, dx:ax         ;Synthetic inst
+034 000348 F7FB                IDIV           bx
+035                            MOD            bx                 ;Synthetic inst
+036 00034A 8856FF              MOV            [bp-1], dl
+037 00034D 8A46FE              MOV            al, [bp-2]
+038 000350 B105                MOV            cl, 5
+039 000352 D2E0                SHL            al, cl
+040 000354 8846FE              MOV            [bp-2], al
+041 000357 8A46FF              MOV            al, [bp-1]
+042 00035A 8A4EFE              MOV            cl, [bp-2]
+043 00035D D2E8                SHR            al, cl
+044 00035F 8846FF              MOV            [bp-1], al
+045 000362 8A46FF              MOV            al, [bp-1]
+046 000365 B400                MOV            ah, 0
+047 000367 50                  PUSH           ax
+048 000368 8A46FE              MOV            al, [bp-2]
+049 00036B B400                MOV            ah, 0
+050 00036D 50                  PUSH           ax
+051 00036E B89401              MOV            ax, 194h
+052 000371 50                  PUSH           ax
+053 000372 E8AB06              CALL  near ptr printf
+054 000375 83C406              ADD            sp, 6
+055 000378 8BE5                MOV            sp, bp
+056 00037A 5D                  POP            bp
+057 00037B C3                  RET
+		main  ENDP

+ 28 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+ * Input file	: ./tests/inputs/BYTEOPS.EXE
+ * File type	: EXE
+ */
+#include "dcc.h"
+void main ()
+/* Takes no parameters.
+ * High-level language prologue code.
+ */
+int loc1;
+int loc2;
+    loc1 = 255;
+    loc2 = 143;
+    loc2 = (loc1 + loc2);
+    loc1 = (loc1 - loc2);
+    loc1 = (loc1 * loc2);
+    loc2 = (loc2 / loc1);
+    loc2 = (loc2 % loc1);
+    loc1 = (loc1 << 5);
+    loc2 = (loc2 >> loc1);
+    printf ("a = %d, b = %d\n", loc1, loc2);

+ 90 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+		main  PROC  NEAR
+000 0002FA 55                  PUSH           bp
+001 0002FB 8BEC                MOV            bp, sp
+002 0002FD 83EC04              SUB            sp, 4
+003 000300 56                  PUSH           si
+004 000301 57                  PUSH           di
+005 000302 B89401              MOV            ax, 194h
+006 000305 50                  PUSH           ax
+007 000306 E8080C              CALL  near ptr printf
+008 000309 59                  POP            cx
+009 00030A 8D46FC              LEA            ax, [bp-4]
+010 00030D 50                  PUSH           ax
+011 00030E B8B101              MOV            ax, 1B1h
+012 000311 50                  PUSH           ax
+013 000312 E88514              CALL  near ptr scanf
+014 000315 59                  POP            cx
+015 000316 59                  POP            cx
+016 000317 BE0100              MOV            si, 1
+017 00031A EB2D                JMP            L1
+018 000349 3B76FC         L1:  CMP            si, [bp-4]
+019 00034C 7ECE                JLE            L2
+020 00034E 33C0                XOR            ax, ax
+021 000350 50                  PUSH           ax
+022 000351 E87300              CALL  near ptr exit
+023 000354 59                  POP            cx
+024 000355 5F                  POP            di
+025 000356 5E                  POP            si
+026 000357 8BE5                MOV            sp, bp
+027 000359 5D                  POP            bp
+028 00035A C3                  RET
+029 00031C B8B401         L2:  MOV            ax, 1B4h
+030 00031F 50                  PUSH           ax
+031 000320 E8EE0B              CALL  near ptr printf
+032 000323 59                  POP            cx
+033 000324 8D46FE              LEA            ax, [bp-2]
+034 000327 50                  PUSH           ax
+035 000328 B8C301              MOV            ax, 1C3h
+036 00032B 50                  PUSH           ax
+037 00032C E86B14              CALL  near ptr scanf
+038 00032F 59                  POP            cx
+039 000330 59                  POP            cx
+040 000331 FF76FE              PUSH  word ptr [bp-2]
+041 000334 E82400              CALL  near ptr proc_1
+042 000337 59                  POP            cx
+043 000338 8BF8                MOV            di, ax
+044 00033A 57                  PUSH           di
+045 00033B FF76FE              PUSH  word ptr [bp-2]
+046 00033E B8C601              MOV            ax, 1C6h
+047 000341 50                  PUSH           ax
+048 000342 E8CC0B              CALL  near ptr printf
+049 000345 83C406              ADD            sp, 6
+050 000348 46                  INC            si
+051                            JMP            L1                 ;Synthetic inst
+		main  ENDP
+		proc_1  PROC  NEAR
+000 00035B 55                  PUSH           bp
+001 00035C 8BEC                MOV            bp, sp
+002 00035E 56                  PUSH           si
+003 00035F 8B7604              MOV            si, [bp+4]
+004 000362 83FE02              CMP            si, 2
+005 000365 7E1C                JLE            L3
+006 000367 8BC6                MOV            ax, si
+007 000369 48                  DEC            ax
+008 00036A 50                  PUSH           ax
+009 00036B E8EDFF              CALL  near ptr proc_1
+010 00036E 59                  POP            cx
+011 00036F 50                  PUSH           ax
+012 000370 8BC6                MOV            ax, si
+013 000372 05FEFF              ADD            ax, 0FFFEh
+014 000375 50                  PUSH           ax
+015 000376 E8E2FF              CALL  near ptr proc_1
+016 000379 59                  POP            cx
+017 00037A 8BD0                MOV            dx, ax
+018 00037C 58                  POP            ax
+019 00037D 03C2                ADD            ax, dx
+020 00037F EB07                JMP            L4
+021 000388 5E             L4:  POP            si
+022 000389 5D                  POP            bp
+023 00038A C3                  RET
+024 000383 B80100         L3:  MOV            ax, 1
+025 000386 EB00                JMP            L4
+		proc_1  ENDP

+ 88 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+		proc_1  PROC  NEAR
+000 00035B 55                  PUSH           bp
+001 00035C 8BEC                MOV            bp, sp
+002 00035E 56                  PUSH           si
+003 00035F 8B7604              MOV            si, [bp+4]
+004 000362 83FE02              CMP            si, 2
+005 000365 7E1C                JLE            L1
+006 000367 8BC6                MOV            ax, si
+007 000369 48                  DEC            ax
+008 00036A 50                  PUSH           ax
+009 00036B E8EDFF              CALL  near ptr proc_1
+010 00036E 59                  POP            cx
+011 00036F 50                  PUSH           ax
+012 000370 8BC6                MOV            ax, si
+013 000372 05FEFF              ADD            ax, 0FFFEh
+014 000375 50                  PUSH           ax
+015 000376 E8E2FF              CALL  near ptr proc_1
+016 000379 59                  POP            cx
+017 00037A 8BD0                MOV            dx, ax
+018 00037C 58                  POP            ax
+019 00037D 03C2                ADD            ax, dx
+021 000388 5E             L2:  POP            si
+022 000389 5D                  POP            bp
+023 00038A C3                  RET
+024 000383 B80100         L1:  MOV            ax, 1
+025 000386 EB00                JMP            L2
+		proc_1  ENDP
+		main  PROC  NEAR
+000 0002FA 55                  PUSH           bp
+001 0002FB 8BEC                MOV            bp, sp
+002 0002FD 83EC04              SUB            sp, 4
+003 000300 56                  PUSH           si
+004 000301 57                  PUSH           di
+005 000302 B89401              MOV            ax, 194h
+006 000305 50                  PUSH           ax
+007 000306 E8080C              CALL  near ptr printf
+008 000309 59                  POP            cx
+009 00030A 8D46FC              LEA            ax, [bp-4]
+010 00030D 50                  PUSH           ax
+011 00030E B8B101              MOV            ax, 1B1h
+012 000311 50                  PUSH           ax
+013 000312 E88514              CALL  near ptr scanf
+014 000315 59                  POP            cx
+015 000316 59                  POP            cx
+016 000317 BE0100              MOV            si, 1
+018 000349 3B76FC         L3:  CMP            si, [bp-4]
+019 00034C 7ECE                JLE            L4
+020 00034E 33C0                XOR            ax, ax
+021 000350 50                  PUSH           ax
+022 000351 E87300              CALL  near ptr exit
+023 000354 59                  POP            cx
+024 000355 5F                  POP            di
+025 000356 5E                  POP            si
+026 000357 8BE5                MOV            sp, bp
+027 000359 5D                  POP            bp
+028 00035A C3                  RET
+029 00031C B8B401         L4:  MOV            ax, 1B4h
+030 00031F 50                  PUSH           ax
+031 000320 E8EE0B              CALL  near ptr printf
+032 000323 59                  POP            cx
+033 000324 8D46FE              LEA            ax, [bp-2]
+034 000327 50                  PUSH           ax
+035 000328 B8C301              MOV            ax, 1C3h
+036 00032B 50                  PUSH           ax
+037 00032C E86B14              CALL  near ptr scanf
+038 00032F 59                  POP            cx
+039 000330 59                  POP            cx
+040 000331 FF76FE              PUSH  word ptr [bp-2]
+041 000334 E82400              CALL  near ptr proc_1
+042 000337 59                  POP            cx
+043 000338 8BF8                MOV            di, ax
+044 00033A 57                  PUSH           di
+045 00033B FF76FE              PUSH  word ptr [bp-2]
+046 00033E B8C601              MOV            ax, 1C6h
+047 000341 50                  PUSH           ax
+048 000342 E8CC0B              CALL  near ptr printf
+049 000345 83C406              ADD            sp, 6
+050 000348 46                  INC            si
+051                            JMP            L3                 ;Synthetic inst
+		main  ENDP

+ 53 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+ * Input file	: ./tests/inputs/FIBOS.EXE
+ * File type	: EXE
+ */
+#include "dcc.h"
+int proc_1 (int arg0)
+/* Takes 2 bytes of parameters.
+ * High-level language prologue code.
+ * C calling convention.
+ */
+int loc1;
+int loc2; /* ax */
+    loc1 = arg0;
+    if (loc1 > 2) {
+        loc2 = (proc_1 ((loc1 - 1)) + proc_1 ((loc1 + 0xfffe)));
+    }
+    else {
+        loc2 = 1;
+    }
+    return (loc2);
+void main ()
+/* Takes no parameters.
+ * High-level language prologue code.
+ */
+int loc1;
+int loc2;
+int loc3;
+int loc4;
+    printf ("Input number of iterations: ");
+    scanf ("%d", &loc1);
+    loc3 = 1;
+    while ((loc3 <= loc1)) {
+        printf ("Input number: ");
+        scanf ("%d", &loc2);
+        loc4 = proc_1 (loc2);
+        printf ("fibonacci(%d) = %u\n", loc2, loc4);
+        loc3 = (loc3 + 1);
+    }	/* end of while */
+    exit (0);

+ 39 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+000 000100 55                  PUSH           bp
+001 000101 8BEC                MOV            bp, sp
+002 000103 83EC02              SUB            sp, 2
+003 000106 C746FE0000          MOV   word ptr [bp-2], 0
+004 00010B 8B46FE              MOV            ax, [bp-2]
+005 00010E 3D0600              CMP            ax, 6
+006 000111 7735                JA             L1
+007 000113 8BD8                MOV            bx, ax
+008 000115 D1E3                SHL            bx, 1
+009 000117 2EFFA71C00          JMP   word ptr cs:[bx+1Ch]        ;Switch 
+010 00012A B80200              MOV            ax, 2              ;Case l0
+011 00012D EB1E                JMP            L2
+012 00014D 8BE5           L2:  MOV            sp, bp
+013 00014F 5D                  POP            bp
+014 000150 C3                  RET
+015 00012F B80300              MOV            ax, 3              ;Case l1
+016 000132 EB19                JMP            L2
+017 000134 B80700              MOV            ax, 7              ;Case l2
+018 000137 EB14                JMP            L2
+019 000139 B80D00              MOV            ax, 0Dh            ;Case l3
+020 00013C EB0F                JMP            L2
+021 000148 B82C00         L1:  MOV            ax, 2Ch            ;Case l4
+022 00014B EB00                JMP            L2
+023 00013E B81700              MOV            ax, 17h            ;Case l5
+024 000141 EB0A                JMP            L2
+025 000143 B80D00              MOV            ax, 0Dh            ;Case l6
+026 000146 EB05                JMP            L2
+		  ENDP

+ 38 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+000 000100 55                  PUSH           bp
+001 000101 8BEC                MOV            bp, sp
+002 000103 83EC02              SUB            sp, 2
+003 000106 C746FE0000          MOV   word ptr [bp-2], 0
+004 00010B 8B46FE              MOV            ax, [bp-2]
+005 00010E 3D0600              CMP            ax, 6
+006 000111 7735                JA             L1
+007 000113 8BD8                MOV            bx, ax
+008 000115 D1E3                SHL            bx, 1
+009 000117 2EFFA71C00          JMP   word ptr cs:[bx+1Ch]        ;Switch 
+010 00012A B80200              MOV            ax, 2              ;Case l0
+012 00014D 8BE5           L2:  MOV            sp, bp
+013 00014F 5D                  POP            bp
+014 000150 C3                  RET
+015 00012F B80300              MOV            ax, 3              ;Case l1
+016 000132 EB19                JMP            L2
+017 000134 B80700              MOV            ax, 7              ;Case l2
+018 000137 EB14                JMP            L2
+019 000139 B80D00              MOV            ax, 0Dh            ;Case l3
+020 00013C EB0F                JMP            L2
+021 000148 B82C00         L1:  MOV            ax, 2Ch            ;Case l4
+022 00014B EB00                JMP            L2
+023 00013E B81700              MOV            ax, 17h            ;Case l5
+024 000141 EB0A                JMP            L2
+025 000143 B80D00              MOV            ax, 0Dh            ;Case l6
+026 000146 EB05                JMP            L2
+		  ENDP

+ 27 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+ * Input file	: ./tests/inputs/MIN.EXE
+ * File type	: EXE
+ */
+#include "dcc.h"
+void  ()
+/* Takes no parameters.
+ * High-level language prologue code.
+ */
+int loc1;
+int loc2; /* ax */
+int loc3; /* bx */
+    loc1 = 0;
+    loc2 = loc1;
+    if (loc2 <= 6) {
+        loc3 = loc2;
+    }
+    else {
+    }

+ 109 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+		main  PROC  NEAR
+000 000365 55                  PUSH           bp
+001 000366 8BEC                MOV            bp, sp
+002 000368 83EC08              SUB            sp, 8
+003 00036B B89401              MOV            ax, 194h
+004 00036E 50                  PUSH           ax
+005 00036F E8D90B              CALL  near ptr printf
+006 000372 59                  POP            cx
+007 000373 8D46FC              LEA            ax, [bp-4]
+008 000376 50                  PUSH           ax
+009 000377 B8B001              MOV            ax, 1B0h
+010 00037A 50                  PUSH           ax
+011 00037B E85614              CALL  near ptr scanf
+012 00037E 59                  POP            cx
+013 00037F 59                  POP            cx
+014 000380 FF76FE              PUSH  word ptr [bp-2]
+015 000383 FF76FC              PUSH  word ptr [bp-4]
+016 000386 B8B401              MOV            ax, 1B4h
+017 000389 50                  PUSH           ax
+018 00038A E8BE0B              CALL  near ptr printf
+019 00038D 83C406              ADD            sp, 6
+020 000390 C746FA0000          MOV   word ptr [bp-6], 0
+021 000395 C746F80100          MOV   word ptr [bp-8], 1
+022 00039A EB0B                JMP            L1
+023 0003A7 8B56FA         L1:  MOV            dx, [bp-6]
+024 0003AA 8B46F8              MOV            ax, [bp-8]
+025 0003AD 3B56FE              CMP            dx, [bp-2]
+026 0003B0 7CEA                JL             L2
+027 0003B2 7F05                JG             L3
+028 0003B4 3B46FC              CMP            ax, [bp-4]
+029 0003B7 76E3                JBE            L2
+030 0003B9 B8CE01         L3:  MOV            ax, 1CEh
+031 0003BC 50                  PUSH           ax
+032 0003BD E88B0B              CALL  near ptr printf
+033 0003C0 59                  POP            cx
+034 0003C1 8BE5                MOV            sp, bp
+035 0003C3 5D                  POP            bp
+036 0003C4 C3                  RET
+037 00039C E8A6FF         L2:  CALL  near ptr proc_1
+038 00039F 8346F801            ADD   word ptr [bp-8], 1
+039 0003A3 8356FA00            ADC   word ptr [bp-6], 0
+040                            JMP            L1                 ;Synthetic inst
+		main  ENDP
+		proc_1  PROC  NEAR
+000 000345 55                  PUSH           bp
+001 000346 8BEC                MOV            bp, sp
+002 000348 E8D7FF              CALL  near ptr proc_2
+003 00034B E8D4FF              CALL  near ptr proc_2
+004 00034E E8D1FF              CALL  near ptr proc_2
+005 000351 E8CEFF              CALL  near ptr proc_2
+006 000354 E8CBFF              CALL  near ptr proc_2
+007 000357 E8C8FF              CALL  near ptr proc_2
+008 00035A E8C5FF              CALL  near ptr proc_2
+009 00035D E8C2FF              CALL  near ptr proc_2
+010 000360 E8BFFF              CALL  near ptr proc_2
+011 000363 5D                  POP            bp
+012 000364 C3                  RET
+		proc_1  ENDP
+		proc_2  PROC  NEAR
+000 000322 55                  PUSH           bp
+001 000323 8BEC                MOV            bp, sp
+002 000325 E8D7FF              CALL  near ptr proc_3
+003 000328 E8D4FF              CALL  near ptr proc_3
+004 00032B E8D1FF              CALL  near ptr proc_3
+005 00032E E8CEFF              CALL  near ptr proc_3
+006 000331 E8CBFF              CALL  near ptr proc_3
+007 000334 E8C8FF              CALL  near ptr proc_3
+008 000337 E8C5FF              CALL  near ptr proc_3
+009 00033A E8C2FF              CALL  near ptr proc_3
+010 00033D E8BFFF              CALL  near ptr proc_3
+011 000340 E8BCFF              CALL  near ptr proc_3
+012 000343 5D                  POP            bp
+013 000344 C3                  RET
+		proc_2  ENDP
+		proc_3  PROC  NEAR
+000 0002FF 55                  PUSH           bp
+001 000300 8BEC                MOV            bp, sp
+002 000302 E8F5FF              CALL  near ptr proc_4
+003 000305 E8F2FF              CALL  near ptr proc_4
+004 000308 E8EFFF              CALL  near ptr proc_4
+005 00030B E8ECFF              CALL  near ptr proc_4
+006 00030E E8E9FF              CALL  near ptr proc_4
+007 000311 E8E6FF              CALL  near ptr proc_4
+008 000314 E8E3FF              CALL  near ptr proc_4
+009 000317 E8E0FF              CALL  near ptr proc_4
+010 00031A E8DDFF              CALL  near ptr proc_4
+011 00031D E8DAFF              CALL  near ptr proc_4
+012 000320 5D                  POP            bp
+013 000321 C3                  RET
+		proc_3  ENDP
+		proc_4  PROC  NEAR
+000 0002FA 55                  PUSH           bp
+001 0002FB 8BEC                MOV            bp, sp
+002 0002FD 5D                  POP            bp
+003 0002FE C3                  RET
+		proc_4  ENDP

+ 108 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+		proc_4  PROC  NEAR
+000 0002FA 55                  PUSH           bp
+001 0002FB 8BEC                MOV            bp, sp
+002 0002FD 5D                  POP            bp
+003 0002FE C3                  RET
+		proc_4  ENDP
+		proc_3  PROC  NEAR
+000 0002FF 55                  PUSH           bp
+001 000300 8BEC                MOV            bp, sp
+002 000302 E8F5FF              CALL  near ptr proc_4
+003 000305 E8F2FF              CALL  near ptr proc_4
+004 000308 E8EFFF              CALL  near ptr proc_4
+005 00030B E8ECFF              CALL  near ptr proc_4
+006 00030E E8E9FF              CALL  near ptr proc_4
+007 000311 E8E6FF              CALL  near ptr proc_4
+008 000314 E8E3FF              CALL  near ptr proc_4
+009 000317 E8E0FF              CALL  near ptr proc_4
+010 00031A E8DDFF              CALL  near ptr proc_4
+011 00031D E8DAFF              CALL  near ptr proc_4
+012 000320 5D                  POP            bp
+013 000321 C3                  RET
+		proc_3  ENDP
+		proc_2  PROC  NEAR
+000 000322 55                  PUSH           bp
+001 000323 8BEC                MOV            bp, sp
+002 000325 E8D7FF              CALL  near ptr proc_3
+003 000328 E8D4FF              CALL  near ptr proc_3
+004 00032B E8D1FF              CALL  near ptr proc_3
+005 00032E E8CEFF              CALL  near ptr proc_3
+006 000331 E8CBFF              CALL  near ptr proc_3
+007 000334 E8C8FF              CALL  near ptr proc_3
+008 000337 E8C5FF              CALL  near ptr proc_3
+009 00033A E8C2FF              CALL  near ptr proc_3
+010 00033D E8BFFF              CALL  near ptr proc_3
+011 000340 E8BCFF              CALL  near ptr proc_3
+012 000343 5D                  POP            bp
+013 000344 C3                  RET
+		proc_2  ENDP
+		proc_1  PROC  NEAR
+000 000345 55                  PUSH           bp
+001 000346 8BEC                MOV            bp, sp
+002 000348 E8D7FF              CALL  near ptr proc_2
+003 00034B E8D4FF              CALL  near ptr proc_2
+004 00034E E8D1FF              CALL  near ptr proc_2
+005 000351 E8CEFF              CALL  near ptr proc_2
+006 000354 E8CBFF              CALL  near ptr proc_2
+007 000357 E8C8FF              CALL  near ptr proc_2
+008 00035A E8C5FF              CALL  near ptr proc_2
+009 00035D E8C2FF              CALL  near ptr proc_2
+010 000360 E8BFFF              CALL  near ptr proc_2
+011 000363 5D                  POP            bp
+012 000364 C3                  RET
+		proc_1  ENDP
+		main  PROC  NEAR
+000 000365 55                  PUSH           bp
+001 000366 8BEC                MOV            bp, sp
+002 000368 83EC08              SUB            sp, 8
+003 00036B B89401              MOV            ax, 194h
+004 00036E 50                  PUSH           ax
+005 00036F E8D90B              CALL  near ptr printf
+006 000372 59                  POP            cx
+007 000373 8D46FC              LEA            ax, [bp-4]
+008 000376 50                  PUSH           ax
+009 000377 B8B001              MOV            ax, 1B0h
+010 00037A 50                  PUSH           ax
+011 00037B E85614              CALL  near ptr scanf
+012 00037E 59                  POP            cx
+013 00037F 59                  POP            cx
+014 000380 FF76FE              PUSH  word ptr [bp-2]
+015 000383 FF76FC              PUSH  word ptr [bp-4]
+016 000386 B8B401              MOV            ax, 1B4h
+017 000389 50                  PUSH           ax
+018 00038A E8BE0B              CALL  near ptr printf
+019 00038D 83C406              ADD            sp, 6
+020 000390 C746FA0000          MOV   word ptr [bp-6], 0
+021 000395 C746F80100          MOV   word ptr [bp-8], 1
+023 0003A7 8B56FA         L1:  MOV            dx, [bp-6]
+024 0003AA 8B46F8              MOV            ax, [bp-8]
+025 0003AD 3B56FE              CMP            dx, [bp-2]
+026 0003B0 7CEA                JL             L2
+027 0003B2 7F05                JG             L3
+028 0003B4 3B46FC              CMP            ax, [bp-4]
+029 0003B7 76E3                JBE            L2
+030 0003B9 B8CE01         L3:  MOV            ax, 1CEh
+031 0003BC 50                  PUSH           ax
+032 0003BD E88B0B              CALL  near ptr printf
+033 0003C0 59                  POP            cx
+034 0003C1 8BE5                MOV            sp, bp
+035 0003C3 5D                  POP            bp
+036 0003C4 C3                  RET
+037 00039C E8A6FF         L2:  CALL  near ptr proc_1
+038 00039F 8346F801            ADD   word ptr [bp-8], 1
+039 0003A3 8356FA00            ADC   word ptr [bp-6], 0
+040                            JMP            L1                 ;Synthetic inst
+		main  ENDP

+ 89 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+ * Input file	: ./tests/inputs/BENCHFN.EXE
+ * File type	: EXE
+ */
+#include "dcc.h"
+void proc_4 ()
+/* Takes no parameters.
+ * High-level language prologue code.
+ */
+void proc_3 ()
+/* Takes no parameters.
+ * High-level language prologue code.
+ */
+    proc_4 ();
+    proc_4 ();
+    proc_4 ();
+    proc_4 ();
+    proc_4 ();
+    proc_4 ();
+    proc_4 ();
+    proc_4 ();
+    proc_4 ();
+    proc_4 ();
+void proc_2 ()
+/* Takes no parameters.
+ * High-level language prologue code.
+ */
+    proc_3 ();
+    proc_3 ();
+    proc_3 ();
+    proc_3 ();
+    proc_3 ();
+    proc_3 ();
+    proc_3 ();
+    proc_3 ();
+    proc_3 ();
+    proc_3 ();
+void proc_1 ()
+/* Takes no parameters.
+ * High-level language prologue code.
+ */
+    proc_2 ();
+    proc_2 ();
+    proc_2 ();
+    proc_2 ();
+    proc_2 ();
+    proc_2 ();
+    proc_2 ();
+    proc_2 ();
+    proc_2 ();
+void main ()
+/* Takes no parameters.
+ * High-level language prologue code.
+ */
+long loc1;
+long loc2;
+    printf ("enter number of iterations ");
+    scanf ("%ld", &loc0);
+    printf ("executing %ld iterations\n", loc2);
+    loc1 = 1;
+    while ((loc1 <= loc2)) {
+        proc_1 ();
+        loc1 = (loc1 + 1);
+    }	/* end of while */
+    printf ("finished\n");

+ 242 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
+		main  PROC  NEAR
+000 0002FA 55                  PUSH           bp
+001 0002FB 8BEC                MOV            bp, sp
+002 0002FD 83EC14              SUB            sp, 14h
+003 000300 8D46FC              LEA            ax, [bp-4]
+004 000303 50                  PUSH           ax
+005 000304 B89401              MOV            ax, 194h
+006 000307 50                  PUSH           ax
+007 000308 E85D15              CALL  near ptr scanf
+008 00030B 59                  POP            cx
+009 00030C 59                  POP            cx
+010 00030D FF76FE              PUSH  word ptr [bp-2]
+011 000310 FF76FC              PUSH  word ptr [bp-4]
+012 000313 B89801              MOV            ax, 198h
+013 000316 50                  PUSH           ax
+014 000317 E8C50C              CALL  near ptr printf
+015 00031A 83C406              ADD            sp, 6
+016 00031D 8D46EC              LEA            ax, [bp-14h]
+017 000320 50                  PUSH           ax
+018 000321 B8B201              MOV            ax, 1B2h
+019 000324 50                  PUSH           ax
+020 000325 E84015              CALL  near ptr scanf
+021 000328 59                  POP            cx
+022 000329 59                  POP            cx
+023 00032A 8D46F0              LEA            ax, [bp-10h]
+024 00032D 50                  PUSH           ax
+025 00032E B8B601              MOV            ax, 1B6h
+026 000331 50                  PUSH           ax
+027 000332 E83315              CALL  near ptr scanf
+028 000335 59                  POP            cx
+029 000336 59                  POP            cx
+030 000337 C746FA0000          MOV   word ptr [bp-6], 0
+031 00033C C746F80100          MOV   word ptr [bp-8], 1
+032 000341 E9E900              JMP            L1
+033 00042D 8B56FA         L1:  MOV            dx, [bp-6]
+034 000430 8B46F8              MOV            ax, [bp-8]
+035 000433 3B56FE              CMP            dx, [bp-2]
+036 000436 7D03                JGE            L2
+037 000438 E909FF              JMP            L3
+038 000344 C746F60000     L3:  MOV   word ptr [bp-0Ah], 0
+039 000349 C746F40100          MOV   word ptr [bp-0Ch], 1
+040 00034E E9C000              JMP            L4
+041 000411 837EF600       L4:  CMP   word ptr [bp-0Ah], 0
+042 000415 7D03                JGE            L5
+043 000417 E937FF              JMP            L6
+044 000351 8B56EE         L6:  MOV            dx, [bp-12h]
+045 000354 8B46EC              MOV            ax, [bp-14h]
+046 000357 0346F0              ADD            ax, [bp-10h]
+047 00035A 1356F2              ADC            dx, [bp-0Eh]
+048 00035D 0346F4              ADD            ax, [bp-0Ch]
+049 000360 1356F6              ADC            dx, [bp-0Ah]
+050 000363 8956EE              MOV            [bp-12h], dx
+051 000366 8946EC              MOV            [bp-14h], ax
+052 000369 8B56EE              MOV            dx, [bp-12h]
+053 00036C 8B46EC              MOV            ax, [bp-14h]
+054 00036F D1FA                SAR            dx, 1
+055 000371 D1D8                RCR            ax, 1
+056 000373 8956F2              MOV            [bp-0Eh], dx
+057 000376 8946F0              MOV            [bp-10h], ax
+058 000379 33D2                XOR            dx, dx
+059 00037B B80A00              MOV            ax, 0Ah
+060 00037E 52                  PUSH           dx
+061 00037F 50                  PUSH           ax
+062 000380 FF76F2              PUSH  word ptr [bp-0Eh]
+063 000383 FF76F0              PUSH  word ptr [bp-10h]
+064 000386 9AEB1D1000          CALL   far ptr LMOD@
+065 00038B 8956EE              MOV            [bp-12h], dx
+066 00038E 8946EC              MOV            [bp-14h], ax
+067 000391 8B56F2              MOV            dx, [bp-0Eh]
+068 000394 8B46F0              MOV            ax, [bp-10h]
+069 000397 3B56F6              CMP            dx, [bp-0Ah]
+070 00039A 750A                JNE            L7
+071 00039C 3B46F4              CMP            ax, [bp-0Ch]
+072 00039F 7505                JNE            L7
+073 0003A1 B80100              MOV            ax, 1
+074 0003A4 EB02                JMP            L8
+075 0003A8 99             L8:  CWD
+076 0003A9 8956EE              MOV            [bp-12h], dx
+077 0003AC 8946EC              MOV            [bp-14h], ax
+078 0003AF 8B56EE              MOV            dx, [bp-12h]
+079 0003B2 8B46EC              MOV            ax, [bp-14h]
+080 0003B5 0B46F4              OR             ax, [bp-0Ch]
+081 0003B8 0B56F6              OR             dx, [bp-0Ah]
+082 0003BB 8956F2              MOV            [bp-0Eh], dx
+083 0003BE 8946F0              MOV            [bp-10h], ax
+084 0003C1 8B46F0              MOV            ax, [bp-10h]
+085 0003C4 0B46F2              OR             ax, [bp-0Eh]
+086 0003C7 7505                JNE            L9
+087 0003C9 B80100              MOV            ax, 1
+088 0003CC EB02                JMP            L10
+089 0003D0 99             L10: CWD
+090 0003D1 8956EE              MOV            [bp-12h], dx
+091 0003D4 8946EC              MOV            [bp-14h], ax
+092 0003D7 8B56EE              MOV            dx, [bp-12h]
+093 0003DA 8B46EC              MOV            ax, [bp-14h]
+094 0003DD 0346F4              ADD            ax, [bp-0Ch]
+095 0003E0 1356F6              ADC            dx, [bp-0Ah]
+096 0003E3 8956F2              MOV            [bp-0Eh], dx
+097 0003E6 8946F0              MOV            [bp-10h], ax
+098 0003E9 8B56F2              MOV            dx, [bp-0Eh]
+099 0003EC 8B46F0              MOV            ax, [bp-10h]
+100 0003EF 3B56F6              CMP            dx, [bp-0Ah]
+101 0003F2 7C0C                JL             L11
+102 0003F4 7F05                JG             L12
+103 0003F6 3B46F4              CMP            ax, [bp-0Ch]
+104 0003F9 7605                JBE            L11
+105 0003FB B80100         L12: MOV            ax, 1
+106 0003FE EB02                JMP            L13
+107 000402 99             L13: CWD
+108 000403 8956EE              MOV            [bp-12h], dx
+109 000406 8946EC              MOV            [bp-14h], ax
+110 000409 8346F401            ADD   word ptr [bp-0Ch], 1
+111 00040D 8356F600            ADC   word ptr [bp-0Ah], 0
+112                            JMP            L4                 ;Synthetic inst
+113 000400 33C0           L11: XOR            ax, ax
+114                            JMP            L13                ;Synthetic inst
+115 0003CE 33C0           L9:  XOR            ax, ax
+116                            JMP            L10                ;Synthetic inst
+117 0003A6 33C0           L7:  XOR            ax, ax
+118                            JMP            L8                 ;Synthetic inst
+119 00041A 7F09           L5:  JG             L14
+120 00041C 837EF428            CMP   word ptr [bp-0Ch], 28h
+121 000420 7703                JA             L14
+122 000422 E92CFF              JMP            L6
+123 000425 8346F801       L14: ADD   word ptr [bp-8], 1
+124 000429 8356FA00            ADC   word ptr [bp-6], 0
+125                            JMP            L1                 ;Synthetic inst
+126 00043B 7F08           L2:  JG             L15
+127 00043D 3B46FC              CMP            ax, [bp-4]
+128 000440 7703                JA             L15
+129 000442 E9FFFE              JMP            L3
+130 000445 FF76EE         L15: PUSH  word ptr [bp-12h]
+131 000448 FF76EC              PUSH  word ptr [bp-14h]
+132 00044B B8BA01              MOV            ax, 1BAh
+133 00044E 50                  PUSH           ax
+134 00044F E88D0B              CALL  near ptr printf
+135 000452 83C406              ADD            sp, 6
+136 000455 8BE5                MOV            sp, bp
+137 000457 5D                  POP            bp
+138 000458 C3                  RET
+		main  ENDP
+000 001EEB B90200              MOV            cx, 2
+001 001EEE EB03                JMP            L16
+002 001EF3 55             L16: PUSH           bp
+003 001EF4 56                  PUSH           si
+004 001EF5 57                  PUSH           di
+005 001EF6 8BEC                MOV            bp, sp
+006 001EF8 8BF9                MOV            di, cx
+007 001EFA 8B460A              MOV            ax, [bp+0Ah]
+008 001EFD 8B560C              MOV            dx, [bp+0Ch]
+009 001F00 8B5E0E              MOV            bx, [bp+0Eh]
+010 001F03 8B4E10              MOV            cx, [bp+10h]
+011 001F06 0BC9                OR             cx, cx
+012 001F08 7508                JNE            L17
+013 001F0A 0BD2                OR             dx, dx
+014 001F0C 7469                JE             L18
+015 001F0E 0BDB                OR             bx, bx
+016 001F10 7465                JE             L18
+017 001F12 F7C70100       L17: TEST           di, 1
+018 001F16 751C                JNE            L19
+019 001F18 0BD2                OR             dx, dx
+020 001F1A 790A                JNS            L20
+021 001F1C F7DA                NEG            dx
+022 001F1E F7D8                NEG            ax
+023 001F20 83DA00              SBB            dx, 0
+024 001F23 83CF0C              OR             di, 0Ch
+025 001F26 0BC9           L20: OR             cx, cx
+026 001F28 790A                JNS            L19
+027 001F2A F7D9                NEG            cx
+028 001F2C F7DB                NEG            bx
+029 001F2E 83D900              SBB            cx, 0
+030 001F31 83F704              XOR            di, 4
+031 001F34 8BE9           L19: MOV            bp, cx
+032 001F36 B92000              MOV            cx, 20h
+033 001F39 57                  PUSH           di
+034 001F3A 33FF                XOR            di, di
+035 001F3C 33F6                XOR            si, si
+036 001F3E D1E0           L21: SHL            ax, 1
+037 001F40 D1D2                RCL            dx, 1
+038 001F42 D1D6                RCL            si, 1
+039 001F44 D1D7                RCL            di, 1
+040 001F46 3BFD                CMP            di, bp
+041 001F48 720B                JB             L22
+042 001F4A 7704                JA             L23
+043 001F4C 3BF3                CMP            si, bx
+044 001F4E 7205                JB             L22
+045 001F50 2BF3           L23: SUB            si, bx
+046 001F52 1BFD                SBB            di, bp
+047 001F54 40                  INC            ax
+048 001F55 E2E7           L22: LOOP           L21
+049 001F57 5B                  POP            bx
+050 001F58 F7C30200            TEST           bx, 2
+051 001F5C 7406                JE             L24
+052 001F5E 8BC6                MOV            ax, si
+053 001F60 8BD7                MOV            dx, di
+054 001F62 D1EB                SHR            bx, 1
+055 001F64 F7C30400       L24: TEST           bx, 4
+056 001F68 7407                JE             L25
+057 001F6A F7DA                NEG            dx
+058 001F6C F7D8                NEG            ax
+059 001F6E 83DA00              SBB            dx, 0
+060 001F71 5F             L25: POP            di
+061 001F72 5E                  POP            si
+062 001F73 5D                  POP            bp
+063 001F74 CA0800              RETF           8
+065 001F77 F7F3                DIV            bx
+067 001F79 F7C70200            TEST           di, 2
+068 001F7D 7402                JE             L26
+069 001F7F 8BC2                MOV            ax, dx
+070 001F81 33D2           L26: XOR            dx, dx
+071 001F83 EBEC                JMP            L25

+ 234 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
+000 001EEB B90200              MOV            cx, 2
+002 001EF3 55                  PUSH           bp
+003 001EF4 56                  PUSH           si
+004 001EF5 57                  PUSH           di
+005 001EF6 8BEC                MOV            bp, sp
+006 001EF8 8BF9                MOV            di, cx
+007 001EFA 8B460A              MOV            ax, [bp+0Ah]
+008 001EFD 8B560C              MOV            dx, [bp+0Ch]
+009 001F00 8B5E0E              MOV            bx, [bp+0Eh]
+010 001F03 8B4E10              MOV            cx, [bp+10h]
+011 001F06 0BC9                OR             cx, cx
+012 001F08 7508                JNE            L1
+013 001F0A 0BD2                OR             dx, dx
+014 001F0C 7469                JE             L2
+015 001F0E 0BDB                OR             bx, bx
+016 001F10 7465                JE             L2
+017 001F12 F7C70100       L1:  TEST           di, 1
+018 001F16 751C                JNE            L3
+019 001F18 0BD2                OR             dx, dx
+020 001F1A 790A                JNS            L4
+021 001F1C F7DA                NEG            dx
+022 001F1E F7D8                NEG            ax
+023 001F20 83DA00              SBB            dx, 0
+024 001F23 83CF0C              OR             di, 0Ch
+025 001F26 0BC9           L4:  OR             cx, cx
+026 001F28 790A                JNS            L3
+027 001F2A F7D9                NEG            cx
+028 001F2C F7DB                NEG            bx
+029 001F2E 83D900              SBB            cx, 0
+030 001F31 83F704              XOR            di, 4
+031 001F34 8BE9           L3:  MOV            bp, cx
+032 001F36 B92000              MOV            cx, 20h
+033 001F39 57                  PUSH           di
+034 001F3A 33FF                XOR            di, di
+035 001F3C 33F6                XOR            si, si
+036 001F3E D1E0           L5:  SHL            ax, 1
+037 001F40 D1D2                RCL            dx, 1
+038 001F42 D1D6                RCL            si, 1
+039 001F44 D1D7                RCL            di, 1
+040 001F46 3BFD                CMP            di, bp
+041 001F48 720B                JB             L6
+042 001F4A 7704                JA             L7
+043 001F4C 3BF3                CMP            si, bx
+044 001F4E 7205                JB             L6
+045 001F50 2BF3           L7:  SUB            si, bx
+046 001F52 1BFD                SBB            di, bp
+047 001F54 40                  INC            ax
+048 001F55 E2E7           L6:  LOOP           L5
+049 001F57 5B                  POP            bx
+050 001F58 F7C30200            TEST           bx, 2
+051 001F5C 7406                JE             L8
+052 001F5E 8BC6                MOV            ax, si
+053 001F60 8BD7                MOV            dx, di
+054 001F62 D1EB                SHR            bx, 1
+055 001F64 F7C30400       L8:  TEST           bx, 4
+056 001F68 7407                JE             L9
+057 001F6A F7DA                NEG            dx
+058 001F6C F7D8                NEG            ax
+059 001F6E 83DA00              SBB            dx, 0
+060 001F71 5F             L9:  POP            di
+061 001F72 5E                  POP            si
+062 001F73 5D                  POP            bp
+063 001F74 CA0800              RETF           8
+064                       L2:  MOV            tmp, dx:ax         ;Synthetic inst
+065 001F77 F7F3                DIV            bx
+066                            MOD            bx                 ;Synthetic inst
+067 001F79 F7C70200            TEST           di, 2
+068 001F7D 7402                JE             L10
+069 001F7F 8BC2                MOV            ax, dx
+070 001F81 33D2           L10: XOR            dx, dx
+071 001F83 EBEC                JMP            L9
+		main  PROC  NEAR
+000 0002FA 55                  PUSH           bp
+001 0002FB 8BEC                MOV            bp, sp
+002 0002FD 83EC14              SUB            sp, 14h
+003 000300 8D46FC              LEA            ax, [bp-4]
+004 000303 50                  PUSH           ax
+005 000304 B89401              MOV            ax, 194h
+006 000307 50                  PUSH           ax
+007 000308 E85D15              CALL  near ptr scanf
+008 00030B 59                  POP            cx
+009 00030C 59                  POP            cx
+010 00030D FF76FE              PUSH  word ptr [bp-2]
+011 000310 FF76FC              PUSH  word ptr [bp-4]
+012 000313 B89801              MOV            ax, 198h
+013 000316 50                  PUSH           ax
+014 000317 E8C50C              CALL  near ptr printf
+015 00031A 83C406              ADD            sp, 6
+016 00031D 8D46EC              LEA            ax, [bp-14h]
+017 000320 50                  PUSH           ax
+018 000321 B8B201              MOV            ax, 1B2h
+019 000324 50                  PUSH           ax
+020 000325 E84015              CALL  near ptr scanf
+021 000328 59                  POP            cx
+022 000329 59                  POP            cx
+023 00032A 8D46F0              LEA            ax, [bp-10h]
+024 00032D 50                  PUSH           ax
+025 00032E B8B601              MOV            ax, 1B6h
+026 000331 50                  PUSH           ax
+027 000332 E83315              CALL  near ptr scanf
+028 000335 59                  POP            cx
+029 000336 59                  POP            cx
+030 000337 C746FA0000          MOV   word ptr [bp-6], 0
+031 00033C C746F80100          MOV   word ptr [bp-8], 1
+033 00042D 8B56FA         L11: MOV            dx, [bp-6]
+034 000430 8B46F8              MOV            ax, [bp-8]
+035 000433 3B56FE              CMP            dx, [bp-2]
+036 000436 7D03                JGE            L12
+038 000344 C746F60000     L13: MOV   word ptr [bp-0Ah], 0
+039 000349 C746F40100          MOV   word ptr [bp-0Ch], 1
+041 000411 837EF600       L14: CMP   word ptr [bp-0Ah], 0
+042 000415 7D03                JGE            L15
+044 000351 8B56EE         L16: MOV            dx, [bp-12h]
+045 000354 8B46EC              MOV            ax, [bp-14h]
+046 000357 0346F0              ADD            ax, [bp-10h]
+047 00035A 1356F2              ADC            dx, [bp-0Eh]
+048 00035D 0346F4              ADD            ax, [bp-0Ch]
+049 000360 1356F6              ADC            dx, [bp-0Ah]
+050 000363 8956EE              MOV            [bp-12h], dx
+051 000366 8946EC              MOV            [bp-14h], ax
+052 000369 8B56EE              MOV            dx, [bp-12h]
+053 00036C 8B46EC              MOV            ax, [bp-14h]
+054 00036F D1FA                SAR            dx, 1
+055 000371 D1D8                RCR            ax, 1
+056 000373 8956F2              MOV            [bp-0Eh], dx
+057 000376 8946F0              MOV            [bp-10h], ax
+058 000379 33D2                XOR            dx, dx
+059 00037B B80A00              MOV            ax, 0Ah
+060 00037E 52                  PUSH           dx
+061 00037F 50                  PUSH           ax
+062 000380 FF76F2              PUSH  word ptr [bp-0Eh]
+063 000383 FF76F0              PUSH  word ptr [bp-10h]
+064 000386 9AEB1D1000          CALL   far ptr LMOD@
+065 00038B 8956EE              MOV            [bp-12h], dx
+066 00038E 8946EC              MOV            [bp-14h], ax
+067 000391 8B56F2              MOV            dx, [bp-0Eh]
+068 000394 8B46F0              MOV            ax, [bp-10h]
+069 000397 3B56F6              CMP            dx, [bp-0Ah]
+070 00039A 750A                JNE            L17
+071 00039C 3B46F4              CMP            ax, [bp-0Ch]
+072 00039F 7505                JNE            L17
+073 0003A1 B80100              MOV            ax, 1
+075 0003A8 99             L18: CWD
+076 0003A9 8956EE              MOV            [bp-12h], dx
+077 0003AC 8946EC              MOV            [bp-14h], ax
+078 0003AF 8B56EE              MOV            dx, [bp-12h]
+079 0003B2 8B46EC              MOV            ax, [bp-14h]
+080 0003B5 0B46F4              OR             ax, [bp-0Ch]
+081 0003B8 0B56F6              OR             dx, [bp-0Ah]
+082 0003BB 8956F2              MOV            [bp-0Eh], dx
+083 0003BE 8946F0              MOV            [bp-10h], ax
+084 0003C1 8B46F0              MOV            ax, [bp-10h]
+085 0003C4 0B46F2              OR             ax, [bp-0Eh]
+086 0003C7 7505                JNE            L19
+087 0003C9 B80100              MOV            ax, 1
+089 0003D0 99             L20: CWD
+090 0003D1 8956EE              MOV            [bp-12h], dx
+091 0003D4 8946EC              MOV            [bp-14h], ax
+092 0003D7 8B56EE              MOV            dx, [bp-12h]
+093 0003DA 8B46EC              MOV            ax, [bp-14h]
+094 0003DD 0346F4              ADD            ax, [bp-0Ch]
+095 0003E0 1356F6              ADC            dx, [bp-0Ah]
+096 0003E3 8956F2              MOV            [bp-0Eh], dx
+097 0003E6 8946F0              MOV            [bp-10h], ax
+098 0003E9 8B56F2              MOV            dx, [bp-0Eh]
+099 0003EC 8B46F0              MOV            ax, [bp-10h]
+100 0003EF 3B56F6              CMP            dx, [bp-0Ah]
+101 0003F2 7C0C                JL             L21
+102 0003F4 7F05                JG             L22
+103 0003F6 3B46F4              CMP            ax, [bp-0Ch]
+104 0003F9 7605                JBE            L21
+105 0003FB B80100         L22: MOV            ax, 1
+107 000402 99             L23: CWD
+108 000403 8956EE              MOV            [bp-12h], dx
+109 000406 8946EC              MOV            [bp-14h], ax
+110 000409 8346F401            ADD   word ptr [bp-0Ch], 1
+111 00040D 8356F600            ADC   word ptr [bp-0Ah], 0
+112                            JMP            L14                ;Synthetic inst
+113 000400 33C0           L21: XOR            ax, ax
+114                            JMP            L23                ;Synthetic inst
+115 0003CE 33C0           L19: XOR            ax, ax
+116                            JMP            L20                ;Synthetic inst
+117 0003A6 33C0           L17: XOR            ax, ax
+118                            JMP            L18                ;Synthetic inst
+119 00041A 7F09           L15: JG             L24
+120 00041C 837EF428            CMP   word ptr [bp-0Ch], 28h
+121 000420 7703                JA             L24
+123 000425 8346F801       L24: ADD   word ptr [bp-8], 1
+124 000429 8356FA00            ADC   word ptr [bp-6], 0
+125                            JMP            L11                ;Synthetic inst
+126 00043B 7F08           L12: JG             L25
+127 00043D 3B46FC              CMP            ax, [bp-4]
+128 000440 7703                JA             L25
+130 000445 FF76EE         L25: PUSH  word ptr [bp-12h]
+131 000448 FF76EC              PUSH  word ptr [bp-14h]
+132 00044B B8BA01              MOV            ax, 1BAh
+133 00044E 50                  PUSH           ax
+134 00044F E88D0B              CALL  near ptr printf
+135 000452 83C406              ADD            sp, 6
+136 000455 8BE5                MOV            sp, bp
+137 000457 5D                  POP            bp
+138 000458 C3                  RET
+		main  ENDP

+ 158 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+ * Input file	: ./tests/inputs/BENCHLNG.EXE
+ * File type	: EXE
+ */
+#include "dcc.h"
+long LMOD@ (long arg0, int arg2int arg3)
+/* Takes 8 bytes of parameters.
+ * Runtime support routine of the compiler.
+ * Untranslatable routine.  Assembler provided.
+ * Return value in registers dx:ax.
+ * Pascal calling convention.
+ */
+        MOV            cx, 2
+        PUSH           bp
+        PUSH           si
+        PUSH           di
+        MOV            bp, sp
+        MOV            di, cx
+        MOV            ax, [bp+0Ah]
+        MOV            dx, [bp+0Ch]
+        MOV            bx, [bp+0Eh]
+        MOV            cx, [bp+10h]
+        CMP            cx, 0
+        JNE            L1
+        OR             dx, dx
+        JE             L2
+        OR             bx, bx
+        JE             L2
+L1:     TEST           di, 1
+        JNE            L3
+        OR             dx, dx
+        JNS            L4
+        NEG            dx
+        NEG            ax
+        SBB            dx, 0
+        OR             di, 0Ch
+L4:     OR             cx, cx
+        JNS            L3
+        NEG            cx
+        NEG            bx
+        SBB            cx, 0
+        XOR            di, 4
+L3:     MOV            bp, cx
+        MOV            cx, 20h
+        PUSH           di
+        XOR            di, 0
+        XOR            si, 0
+L5:     SHL            ax, 1
+        RCL            dx, 1
+        RCL            si, 1
+        RCL            di, 1
+        CMP            di, bp
+        JB             L6
+        JA             L7
+        CMP            si, bx
+        JB             L6
+L7:     SUB            si, bx
+        SBB            di, bp
+        INC            ax
+L6:     LOOP           L5
+        POP            bx
+        TEST           bx, 2
+        JE             L8
+        MOV            ax, si
+        MOV            dx, di
+        SHR            bx, 1
+L8:     TEST           bx, 4
+        JE             L9
+        NEG            dx
+        NEG            ax
+        SBB            dx, 0
+L9:     POP            di
+        POP            si
+        POP            bp
+        RETF           8
+L2:     MOV            tmp, dx:ax                     ;Synthetic inst
+        DIV            bx
+        MOD            bx                             ;Synthetic inst
+        TEST           di, 2
+        JE             L10
+        MOV            ax, dx
+L10:    XOR            dx, dx
+        JMP            L9
+void main ()
+/* Takes no parameters.
+ * High-level language prologue code.
+ */
+long loc1;
+long loc2;
+long loc3;
+long loc4;
+long loc5;
+int loc6; /* ax */
+    scanf ("%ld", &loc0);
+    printf ("executing %ld iterations\n", loc5);
+    scanf ("%ld", &loc2);
+    scanf ("%ld", &loc3);
+    loc3 = 1;
+    while ((loc3 <= loc5)) {
+        loc2 = 1;
+        while ((loc2 <= 40)) {
+            loc4 = ((loc4 + loc1) + loc2);
+            loc1 = (loc4 >> 1);
+            loc4 = LMOD@ (loc1, 10);
+            if (loc1 == loc2) {
+                loc6 = 1;
+            }
+            else {
+                loc6 = 0;
+            }
+            loc4 = loc6;
+            loc1 = (loc4 | loc2);
+            if ((loc3 | loc9) == 0) {
+                loc6 = 1;
+            }
+            else {
+                loc6 = 0;
+            }
+            loc4 = loc6;
+            loc1 = (loc4 + loc2);
+            if (loc1 > loc2) {
+                loc6 = 1;
+            }
+            else {
+                loc6 = 0;
+            }
+            loc4 = loc6;
+            loc2 = (loc2 + 1);
+        }	/* end of while */
+        loc3 = (loc3 + 1);
+    }	/* end of while */
+    printf ("a=%d\n", loc4);

+ 101 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+		main  PROC  NEAR
+000 0002FA 55                  PUSH           bp
+001 0002FB 8BEC                MOV            bp, sp
+002 0002FD 83EC0C              SUB            sp, 0Ch
+003 000300 56                  PUSH           si
+004 000301 B89401              MOV            ax, 194h
+005 000304 50                  PUSH           ax
+006 000305 E8530C              CALL  near ptr printf
+007 000308 59                  POP            cx
+008 000309 8D46FC              LEA            ax, [bp-4]
+009 00030C 50                  PUSH           ax
+010 00030D B8B001              MOV            ax, 1B0h
+011 000310 50                  PUSH           ax
+012 000311 E8D014              CALL  near ptr scanf
+013 000314 59                  POP            cx
+014 000315 59                  POP            cx
+015 000316 FF76FE              PUSH  word ptr [bp-2]
+016 000319 FF76FC              PUSH  word ptr [bp-4]
+017 00031C B8B401              MOV            ax, 1B4h
+018 00031F 50                  PUSH           ax
+019 000320 E8380C              CALL  near ptr printf
+020 000323 83C406              ADD            sp, 6
+021 000326 8D46F4              LEA            ax, [bp-0Ch]
+022 000329 50                  PUSH           ax
+023 00032A B8CE01              MOV            ax, 1CEh
+024 00032D 50                  PUSH           ax
+025 00032E E8B314              CALL  near ptr scanf
+026 000331 59                  POP            cx
+027 000332 59                  POP            cx
+028 000333 8D46F6              LEA            ax, [bp-0Ah]
+029 000336 50                  PUSH           ax
+030 000337 B8D101              MOV            ax, 1D1h
+031 00033A 50                  PUSH           ax
+032 00033B E8A614              CALL  near ptr scanf
+033 00033E 59                  POP            cx
+034 00033F 59                  POP            cx
+035 000340 C746FA0000          MOV   word ptr [bp-6], 0
+036 000345 C746F80100          MOV   word ptr [bp-8], 1
+037 00034A EB66                JMP            L1
+038 0003B2 8B56FA         L1:  MOV            dx, [bp-6]
+039 0003B5 8B46F8              MOV            ax, [bp-8]
+040 0003B8 3B56FE              CMP            dx, [bp-2]
+041 0003BB 7C8F                JL             L2
+042 0003BD 7F05                JG             L3
+043 0003BF 3B46FC              CMP            ax, [bp-4]
+044 0003C2 7688                JBE            L2
+045 0003C4 FF76F4         L3:  PUSH  word ptr [bp-0Ch]
+046 0003C7 B8D401              MOV            ax, 1D4h
+047 0003CA 50                  PUSH           ax
+048 0003CB E88D0B              CALL  near ptr printf
+049 0003CE 59                  POP            cx
+050 0003CF 59                  POP            cx
+051 0003D0 5E                  POP            si
+052 0003D1 8BE5                MOV            sp, bp
+053 0003D3 5D                  POP            bp
+054 0003D4 C3                  RET
+055 00034C BE0100         L2:  MOV            si, 1
+056 00034F EB54                JMP            L4
+057 0003A5 83FE28         L4:  CMP            si, 28h
+058 0003A8 7EA7                JLE            L5
+059 0003AA 8346F801            ADD   word ptr [bp-8], 1
+060 0003AE 8356FA00            ADC   word ptr [bp-6], 0
+061                            JMP            L1                 ;Synthetic inst
+062 000351 8B46F4         L5:  MOV            ax, [bp-0Ch]
+063 000354 F766F4              MUL   word ptr [bp-0Ch]
+064 000357 F766F4              MUL   word ptr [bp-0Ch]
+065 00035A F766F4              MUL   word ptr [bp-0Ch]
+066 00035D F766F4              MUL   word ptr [bp-0Ch]
+067 000360 F766F4              MUL   word ptr [bp-0Ch]
+068 000363 F766F4              MUL   word ptr [bp-0Ch]
+069 000366 F766F4              MUL   word ptr [bp-0Ch]
+070 000369 F766F4              MUL   word ptr [bp-0Ch]
+071 00036C F766F4              MUL   word ptr [bp-0Ch]
+072 00036F F766F4              MUL   word ptr [bp-0Ch]
+073 000372 F766F4              MUL   word ptr [bp-0Ch]
+074 000375 F766F4              MUL   word ptr [bp-0Ch]
+075 000378 F766F4              MUL   word ptr [bp-0Ch]
+076 00037B F766F4              MUL   word ptr [bp-0Ch]
+077 00037E F766F4              MUL   word ptr [bp-0Ch]
+078 000381 F766F4              MUL   word ptr [bp-0Ch]
+079 000384 F766F4              MUL   word ptr [bp-0Ch]
+080 000387 F766F4              MUL   word ptr [bp-0Ch]
+081 00038A F766F4              MUL   word ptr [bp-0Ch]
+082 00038D F766F4              MUL   word ptr [bp-0Ch]
+083 000390 F766F4              MUL   word ptr [bp-0Ch]
+084 000393 F766F4              MUL   word ptr [bp-0Ch]
+085 000396 F766F4              MUL   word ptr [bp-0Ch]
+086 000399 F766F4              MUL   word ptr [bp-0Ch]
+087 00039C BA0300              MOV            dx, 3
+088 00039F F7E2                MUL            dx
+089 0003A1 8946F4              MOV            [bp-0Ch], ax
+090 0003A4 46                  INC            si
+091                            JMP            L4                 ;Synthetic inst
+		main  ENDP

+ 99 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+		main  PROC  NEAR
+000 0002FA 55                  PUSH           bp
+001 0002FB 8BEC                MOV            bp, sp
+002 0002FD 83EC0C              SUB            sp, 0Ch
+003 000300 56                  PUSH           si
+004 000301 B89401              MOV            ax, 194h
+005 000304 50                  PUSH           ax
+006 000305 E8530C              CALL  near ptr printf
+007 000308 59                  POP            cx
+008 000309 8D46FC              LEA            ax, [bp-4]
+009 00030C 50                  PUSH           ax
+010 00030D B8B001              MOV            ax, 1B0h
+011 000310 50                  PUSH           ax
+012 000311 E8D014              CALL  near ptr scanf
+013 000314 59                  POP            cx
+014 000315 59                  POP            cx
+015 000316 FF76FE              PUSH  word ptr [bp-2]
+016 000319 FF76FC              PUSH  word ptr [bp-4]
+017 00031C B8B401              MOV            ax, 1B4h
+018 00031F 50                  PUSH           ax
+019 000320 E8380C              CALL  near ptr printf
+020 000323 83C406              ADD            sp, 6
+021 000326 8D46F4              LEA            ax, [bp-0Ch]
+022 000329 50                  PUSH           ax
+023 00032A B8CE01              MOV            ax, 1CEh
+024 00032D 50                  PUSH           ax
+025 00032E E8B314              CALL  near ptr scanf
+026 000331 59                  POP            cx
+027 000332 59                  POP            cx
+028 000333 8D46F6              LEA            ax, [bp-0Ah]
+029 000336 50                  PUSH           ax
+030 000337 B8D101              MOV            ax, 1D1h
+031 00033A 50                  PUSH           ax
+032 00033B E8A614              CALL  near ptr scanf
+033 00033E 59                  POP            cx
+034 00033F 59                  POP            cx
+035 000340 C746FA0000          MOV   word ptr [bp-6], 0
+036 000345 C746F80100          MOV   word ptr [bp-8], 1
+038 0003B2 8B56FA         L1:  MOV            dx, [bp-6]
+039 0003B5 8B46F8              MOV            ax, [bp-8]
+040 0003B8 3B56FE              CMP            dx, [bp-2]
+041 0003BB 7C8F                JL             L2
+042 0003BD 7F05                JG             L3
+043 0003BF 3B46FC              CMP            ax, [bp-4]
+044 0003C2 7688                JBE            L2
+045 0003C4 FF76F4         L3:  PUSH  word ptr [bp-0Ch]
+046 0003C7 B8D401              MOV            ax, 1D4h
+047 0003CA 50                  PUSH           ax
+048 0003CB E88D0B              CALL  near ptr printf
+049 0003CE 59                  POP            cx
+050 0003CF 59                  POP            cx
+051 0003D0 5E                  POP            si
+052 0003D1 8BE5                MOV            sp, bp
+053 0003D3 5D                  POP            bp
+054 0003D4 C3                  RET
+055 00034C BE0100         L2:  MOV            si, 1
+057 0003A5 83FE28         L4:  CMP            si, 28h
+058 0003A8 7EA7                JLE            L5
+059 0003AA 8346F801            ADD   word ptr [bp-8], 1
+060 0003AE 8356FA00            ADC   word ptr [bp-6], 0
+061                            JMP            L1                 ;Synthetic inst
+062 000351 8B46F4         L5:  MOV            ax, [bp-0Ch]
+063 000354 F766F4              MUL   word ptr [bp-0Ch]
+064 000357 F766F4              MUL   word ptr [bp-0Ch]
+065 00035A F766F4              MUL   word ptr [bp-0Ch]
+066 00035D F766F4              MUL   word ptr [bp-0Ch]
+067 000360 F766F4              MUL   word ptr [bp-0Ch]
+068 000363 F766F4              MUL   word ptr [bp-0Ch]
+069 000366 F766F4              MUL   word ptr [bp-0Ch]
+070 000369 F766F4              MUL   word ptr [bp-0Ch]
+071 00036C F766F4              MUL   word ptr [bp-0Ch]
+072 00036F F766F4              MUL   word ptr [bp-0Ch]
+073 000372 F766F4              MUL   word ptr [bp-0Ch]
+074 000375 F766F4              MUL   word ptr [bp-0Ch]
+075 000378 F766F4              MUL   word ptr [bp-0Ch]
+076 00037B F766F4              MUL   word ptr [bp-0Ch]
+077 00037E F766F4              MUL   word ptr [bp-0Ch]
+078 000381 F766F4              MUL   word ptr [bp-0Ch]
+079 000384 F766F4              MUL   word ptr [bp-0Ch]
+080 000387 F766F4              MUL   word ptr [bp-0Ch]
+081 00038A F766F4              MUL   word ptr [bp-0Ch]
+082 00038D F766F4              MUL   word ptr [bp-0Ch]
+083 000390 F766F4              MUL   word ptr [bp-0Ch]
+084 000393 F766F4              MUL   word ptr [bp-0Ch]
+085 000396 F766F4              MUL   word ptr [bp-0Ch]
+086 000399 F766F4              MUL   word ptr [bp-0Ch]
+087 00039C BA0300              MOV            dx, 3
+088 00039F F7E2                MUL            dx
+089 0003A1 8946F4              MOV            [bp-0Ch], ax
+090 0003A4 46                  INC            si
+091                            JMP            L4                 ;Synthetic inst
+		main  ENDP

+ 38 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+ * Input file	: ./tests/inputs/BENCHMUL.EXE
+ * File type	: EXE
+ */
+#include "dcc.h"
+void main ()
+/* Takes no parameters.
+ * High-level language prologue code.
+ */
+int loc1;
+int loc2;
+long loc3;
+long loc4;
+int loc5;
+    printf ("enter number of iterations\n");
+    scanf ("%ld", &loc0);
+    printf ("executing %ld iterations\n", loc4);
+    scanf ("%d", &loc1);
+    scanf ("%d", &loc2);
+    loc3 = 1;
+    while ((loc3 <= loc4)) {
+        loc5 = 1;
+        while ((loc5 <= 40)) {
+            loc1 = (((((((((((((((((((((((((loc1 * loc1) * loc1) * loc1) * loc1) * loc1) * loc1) * loc1) * loc1) * loc1) * loc1) * loc1) * loc1) * loc1) * loc1) * loc1) * loc1) * loc1) * loc1) * loc1) * loc1) * loc1) * loc1) * loc1) * loc1) * 3);
+            loc5 = (loc5 + 1);
+        }	/* end of while */
+        loc3 = (loc3 + 1);
+    }	/* end of while */
+    printf ("a=%d\n", loc1);

+ 91 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+		main  PROC  NEAR
+000 0002FA 55                  PUSH           bp
+001 0002FB 8BEC                MOV            bp, sp
+002 0002FD 83EC0A              SUB            sp, 0Ah
+003 000300 56                  PUSH           si
+004 000301 57                  PUSH           di
+005 000302 B8A801              MOV            ax, 1A8h
+006 000305 50                  PUSH           ax
+007 000306 E8240C              CALL  near ptr printf
+008 000309 59                  POP            cx
+009 00030A 8D46FC              LEA            ax, [bp-4]
+010 00030D 50                  PUSH           ax
+011 00030E B8C401              MOV            ax, 1C4h
+012 000311 50                  PUSH           ax
+013 000312 E8A114              CALL  near ptr scanf
+014 000315 59                  POP            cx
+015 000316 59                  POP            cx
+016 000317 FF76FE              PUSH  word ptr [bp-2]
+017 00031A FF76FC              PUSH  word ptr [bp-4]
+018 00031D B8C801              MOV            ax, 1C8h
+019 000320 50                  PUSH           ax
+020 000321 E8090C              CALL  near ptr printf
+021 000324 83C406              ADD            sp, 6
+022 000327 BE1400              MOV            si, 14h
+023 00032A 8976F6              MOV            [bp-0Ah], si
+024 00032D C746FA0000          MOV   word ptr [bp-6], 0
+025 000332 C746F80100          MOV   word ptr [bp-8], 1
+026 000337 EB4C                JMP            L1
+027 000385 8B56FA         L1:  MOV            dx, [bp-6]
+028 000388 8B46F8              MOV            ax, [bp-8]
+029 00038B 3B56FE              CMP            dx, [bp-2]
+030 00038E 7CA9                JL             L2
+031 000390 7F05                JG             L3
+032 000392 3B46FC              CMP            ax, [bp-4]
+033 000395 76A2                JBE            L2
+034 000397 56             L3:  PUSH           si
+035 000398 B8E201              MOV            ax, 1E2h
+036 00039B 50                  PUSH           ax
+037 00039C E88E0B              CALL  near ptr printf
+038 00039F 59                  POP            cx
+039 0003A0 59                  POP            cx
+040 0003A1 5F                  POP            di
+041 0003A2 5E                  POP            si
+042 0003A3 8BE5                MOV            sp, bp
+043 0003A5 5D                  POP            bp
+044 0003A6 C3                  RET
+045 000339 BF0100         L2:  MOV            di, 1
+046 00033C EB3A                JMP            L4
+047 000378 83FF28         L4:  CMP            di, 28h
+048 00037B 7EC1                JLE            L5
+049 00037D 8346F801            ADD   word ptr [bp-8], 1
+050 000381 8356FA00            ADC   word ptr [bp-6], 0
+051                            JMP            L1                 ;Synthetic inst
+052 00033E 8BC6           L5:  MOV            ax, si
+053 000340 F7E6                MUL            si
+054 000342 F7E6                MUL            si
+055 000344 F7E6                MUL            si
+056 000346 F7E6                MUL            si
+057 000348 F7E6                MUL            si
+058 00034A F7E6                MUL            si
+059 00034C F7E6                MUL            si
+060 00034E F7E6                MUL            si
+061 000350 F7E6                MUL            si
+062 000352 F7E6                MUL            si
+063 000354 F7E6                MUL            si
+064 000356 F7E6                MUL            si
+065 000358 F7E6                MUL            si
+066 00035A F7E6                MUL            si
+067 00035C F7E6                MUL            si
+068 00035E F7E6                MUL            si
+069 000360 F7E6                MUL            si
+070 000362 F7E6                MUL            si
+071 000364 F7E6                MUL            si
+072 000366 F7E6                MUL            si
+073 000368 F7E6                MUL            si
+074 00036A F7E6                MUL            si
+075 00036C F7E6                MUL            si
+076 00036E F7E6                MUL            si
+077 000370 BA0300              MOV            dx, 3
+078 000373 F7E2                MUL            dx
+079 000375 8BF0                MOV            si, ax
+080 000377 47                  INC            di
+081                            JMP            L4                 ;Synthetic inst
+		main  ENDP

+ 89 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+		main  PROC  NEAR
+000 0002FA 55                  PUSH           bp
+001 0002FB 8BEC                MOV            bp, sp
+002 0002FD 83EC0A              SUB            sp, 0Ah
+003 000300 56                  PUSH           si
+004 000301 57                  PUSH           di
+005 000302 B8A801              MOV            ax, 1A8h
+006 000305 50                  PUSH           ax
+007 000306 E8240C              CALL  near ptr printf
+008 000309 59                  POP            cx
+009 00030A 8D46FC              LEA            ax, [bp-4]
+010 00030D 50                  PUSH           ax
+011 00030E B8C401              MOV            ax, 1C4h
+012 000311 50                  PUSH           ax
+013 000312 E8A114              CALL  near ptr scanf
+014 000315 59                  POP            cx
+015 000316 59                  POP            cx
+016 000317 FF76FE              PUSH  word ptr [bp-2]
+017 00031A FF76FC              PUSH  word ptr [bp-4]
+018 00031D B8C801              MOV            ax, 1C8h
+019 000320 50                  PUSH           ax
+020 000321 E8090C              CALL  near ptr printf
+021 000324 83C406              ADD            sp, 6
+022 000327 BE1400              MOV            si, 14h
+023 00032A 8976F6              MOV            [bp-0Ah], si
+024 00032D C746FA0000          MOV   word ptr [bp-6], 0
+025 000332 C746F80100          MOV   word ptr [bp-8], 1
+027 000385 8B56FA         L1:  MOV            dx, [bp-6]
+028 000388 8B46F8              MOV            ax, [bp-8]
+029 00038B 3B56FE              CMP            dx, [bp-2]
+030 00038E 7CA9                JL             L2
+031 000390 7F05                JG             L3
+032 000392 3B46FC              CMP            ax, [bp-4]
+033 000395 76A2                JBE            L2
+034 000397 56             L3:  PUSH           si
+035 000398 B8E201              MOV            ax, 1E2h
+036 00039B 50                  PUSH           ax
+037 00039C E88E0B              CALL  near ptr printf
+038 00039F 59                  POP            cx
+039 0003A0 59                  POP            cx
+040 0003A1 5F                  POP            di
+041 0003A2 5E                  POP            si
+042 0003A3 8BE5                MOV            sp, bp
+043 0003A5 5D                  POP            bp
+044 0003A6 C3                  RET
+045 000339 BF0100         L2:  MOV            di, 1
+047 000378 83FF28         L4:  CMP            di, 28h
+048 00037B 7EC1                JLE            L5
+049 00037D 8346F801            ADD   word ptr [bp-8], 1
+050 000381 8356FA00            ADC   word ptr [bp-6], 0
+051                            JMP            L1                 ;Synthetic inst
+052 00033E 8BC6           L5:  MOV            ax, si
+053 000340 F7E6                MUL            si
+054 000342 F7E6                MUL            si
+055 000344 F7E6                MUL            si
+056 000346 F7E6                MUL            si
+057 000348 F7E6                MUL            si
+058 00034A F7E6                MUL            si
+059 00034C F7E6                MUL            si
+060 00034E F7E6                MUL            si
+061 000350 F7E6                MUL            si
+062 000352 F7E6                MUL            si
+063 000354 F7E6                MUL            si
+064 000356 F7E6                MUL            si
+065 000358 F7E6                MUL            si
+066 00035A F7E6                MUL            si
+067 00035C F7E6                MUL            si
+068 00035E F7E6                MUL            si
+069 000360 F7E6                MUL            si
+070 000362 F7E6                MUL            si
+071 000364 F7E6                MUL            si
+072 000366 F7E6                MUL            si
+073 000368 F7E6                MUL            si
+074 00036A F7E6                MUL            si
+075 00036C F7E6                MUL            si
+076 00036E F7E6                MUL            si
+077 000370 BA0300              MOV            dx, 3
+078 000373 F7E2                MUL            dx
+079 000375 8BF0                MOV            si, ax
+080 000377 47                  INC            di
+081                            JMP            L4                 ;Synthetic inst
+		main  ENDP

+ 38 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+ * Input file	: ./tests/inputs/BENCHMUS.EXE
+ * File type	: EXE
+ */
+#include "dcc.h"
+void main ()
+/* Takes no parameters.
+ * High-level language prologue code.
+ */
+int loc1;
+long loc2;
+long loc3;
+int loc4;
+int loc5;
+    printf ("enter number of iterations\n");
+    scanf ("%ld", &loc0);
+    printf ("executing %ld iterations\n", loc3);
+    loc4 = 20;
+    loc1 = loc4;
+    loc2 = 1;
+    while ((loc2 <= loc3)) {
+        loc5 = 1;
+        while ((loc5 <= 40)) {
+            loc4 = (((((((((((((((((((((((((loc4 * loc4) * loc4) * loc4) * loc4) * loc4) * loc4) * loc4) * loc4) * loc4) * loc4) * loc4) * loc4) * loc4) * loc4) * loc4) * loc4) * loc4) * loc4) * loc4) * loc4) * loc4) * loc4) * loc4) * loc4) * 3);
+            loc5 = (loc5 + 1);
+        }	/* end of while */
+        loc2 = (loc2 + 1);
+    }	/* end of while */
+    printf ("a=%d\n", loc4);

+ 113 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+		main  PROC  NEAR
+000 0002FA 55                  PUSH           bp
+001 0002FB 8BEC                MOV            bp, sp
+002 0002FD 83EC0E              SUB            sp, 0Eh
+003 000300 8D46FC              LEA            ax, [bp-4]
+004 000303 50                  PUSH           ax
+005 000304 B89401              MOV            ax, 194h
+006 000307 50                  PUSH           ax
+007 000308 E8E914              CALL  near ptr scanf
+008 00030B 59                  POP            cx
+009 00030C 59                  POP            cx
+010 00030D FF76FE              PUSH  word ptr [bp-2]
+011 000310 FF76FC              PUSH  word ptr [bp-4]
+012 000313 B89801              MOV            ax, 198h
+013 000316 50                  PUSH           ax
+014 000317 E8510C              CALL  near ptr printf
+015 00031A 83C406              ADD            sp, 6
+016 00031D 8D46F2              LEA            ax, [bp-0Eh]
+017 000320 50                  PUSH           ax
+018 000321 B8B201              MOV            ax, 1B2h
+019 000324 50                  PUSH           ax
+020 000325 E8CC14              CALL  near ptr scanf
+021 000328 59                  POP            cx
+022 000329 59                  POP            cx
+023 00032A 8D46F4              LEA            ax, [bp-0Ch]
+024 00032D 50                  PUSH           ax
+025 00032E B8B601              MOV            ax, 1B6h
+026 000331 50                  PUSH           ax
+027 000332 E8BF14              CALL  near ptr scanf
+028 000335 59                  POP            cx
+029 000336 59                  POP            cx
+030 000337 C746FA0000          MOV   word ptr [bp-6], 0
+031 00033C C746F80100          MOV   word ptr [bp-8], 1
+032 000341 E97900              JMP            L1
+033 0003BD 8B56FA         L1:  MOV            dx, [bp-6]
+034 0003C0 8B46F8              MOV            ax, [bp-8]
+035 0003C3 3B56FE              CMP            dx, [bp-2]
+036 0003C6 7D03                JGE            L2
+037 0003C8 E979FF              JMP            L3
+038 000344 C746F60100     L3:  MOV   word ptr [bp-0Ah], 1
+039 000349 EB64                JMP            L4
+040 0003AF 837EF628       L4:  CMP   word ptr [bp-0Ah], 28h
+041 0003B3 7E96                JLE            L5
+042 0003B5 8346F801            ADD   word ptr [bp-8], 1
+043 0003B9 8356FA00            ADC   word ptr [bp-6], 0
+044                            JMP            L1                 ;Synthetic inst
+045 00034B 8B46F2         L5:  MOV            ax, [bp-0Eh]
+046 00034E 0346F4              ADD            ax, [bp-0Ch]
+047 000351 0346F6              ADD            ax, [bp-0Ah]
+048 000354 8946F2              MOV            [bp-0Eh], ax
+049 000357 8B46F2              MOV            ax, [bp-0Eh]
+050 00035A D1F8                SAR            ax, 1
+051 00035C 8946F4              MOV            [bp-0Ch], ax
+052 00035F 8B46F4              MOV            ax, [bp-0Ch]
+053 000362 BB0A00              MOV            bx, 0Ah
+054 000365 99                  CWD
+056 000366 F7FB                IDIV           bx
+058 000368 8956F2              MOV            [bp-0Eh], dx
+059 00036B 8B46F4              MOV            ax, [bp-0Ch]
+060 00036E 3B46F6              CMP            ax, [bp-0Ah]
+061 000371 7505                JNE            L6
+062 000373 B80100              MOV            ax, 1
+063 000376 EB02                JMP            L7
+064 00037A 8946F2         L7:  MOV            [bp-0Eh], ax
+065 00037D 8B46F2              MOV            ax, [bp-0Eh]
+066 000380 0B46F6              OR             ax, [bp-0Ah]
+067 000383 8946F4              MOV            [bp-0Ch], ax
+068 000386 8B46F4              MOV            ax, [bp-0Ch]
+069 000389 F7D8                NEG            ax
+070 00038B 1BC0                SBB            ax, ax
+071 00038D 40                  INC            ax
+072 00038E 8946F2              MOV            [bp-0Eh], ax
+073 000391 8B46F2              MOV            ax, [bp-0Eh]
+074 000394 0346F6              ADD            ax, [bp-0Ah]
+075 000397 8946F4              MOV            [bp-0Ch], ax
+076 00039A 8B46F4              MOV            ax, [bp-0Ch]
+077 00039D 3B46F6              CMP            ax, [bp-0Ah]
+078 0003A0 7E05                JLE            L8
+079 0003A2 B80100              MOV            ax, 1
+080 0003A5 EB02                JMP            L9
+081 0003A9 8946F2         L9:  MOV            [bp-0Eh], ax
+082 0003AC FF46F6              INC   word ptr [bp-0Ah]
+083                            JMP            L4                 ;Synthetic inst
+084 0003A7 33C0           L8:  XOR            ax, ax
+085                            JMP            L9                 ;Synthetic inst
+086 000378 33C0           L6:  XOR            ax, ax
+087                            JMP            L7                 ;Synthetic inst
+088 0003CB 7F08           L2:  JG             L10
+089 0003CD 3B46FC              CMP            ax, [bp-4]
+090 0003D0 7703                JA             L10
+091 0003D2 E96FFF              JMP            L3
+092 0003D5 FF76F2         L10: PUSH  word ptr [bp-0Eh]
+093 0003D8 B8BA01              MOV            ax, 1BAh
+094 0003DB 50                  PUSH           ax
+095 0003DC E88C0B              CALL  near ptr printf
+096 0003DF 59                  POP            cx
+097 0003E0 59                  POP            cx
+098 0003E1 8BE5                MOV            sp, bp
+099 0003E3 5D                  POP            bp
+100 0003E4 C3                  RET
+		main  ENDP

+ 109 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+		main  PROC  NEAR
+000 0002FA 55                  PUSH           bp
+001 0002FB 8BEC                MOV            bp, sp
+002 0002FD 83EC0E              SUB            sp, 0Eh
+003 000300 8D46FC              LEA            ax, [bp-4]
+004 000303 50                  PUSH           ax
+005 000304 B89401              MOV            ax, 194h
+006 000307 50                  PUSH           ax
+007 000308 E8E914              CALL  near ptr scanf
+008 00030B 59                  POP            cx
+009 00030C 59                  POP            cx
+010 00030D FF76FE              PUSH  word ptr [bp-2]
+011 000310 FF76FC              PUSH  word ptr [bp-4]
+012 000313 B89801              MOV            ax, 198h
+013 000316 50                  PUSH           ax
+014 000317 E8510C              CALL  near ptr printf
+015 00031A 83C406              ADD            sp, 6
+016 00031D 8D46F2              LEA            ax, [bp-0Eh]
+017 000320 50                  PUSH           ax
+018 000321 B8B201              MOV            ax, 1B2h
+019 000324 50                  PUSH           ax
+020 000325 E8CC14              CALL  near ptr scanf
+021 000328 59                  POP            cx
+022 000329 59                  POP            cx
+023 00032A 8D46F4              LEA            ax, [bp-0Ch]
+024 00032D 50                  PUSH           ax
+025 00032E B8B601              MOV            ax, 1B6h
+026 000331 50                  PUSH           ax
+027 000332 E8BF14              CALL  near ptr scanf
+028 000335 59                  POP            cx
+029 000336 59                  POP            cx
+030 000337 C746FA0000          MOV   word ptr [bp-6], 0
+031 00033C C746F80100          MOV   word ptr [bp-8], 1
+033 0003BD 8B56FA         L1:  MOV            dx, [bp-6]
+034 0003C0 8B46F8              MOV            ax, [bp-8]
+035 0003C3 3B56FE              CMP            dx, [bp-2]
+036 0003C6 7D03                JGE            L2
+038 000344 C746F60100     L3:  MOV   word ptr [bp-0Ah], 1
+040 0003AF 837EF628       L4:  CMP   word ptr [bp-0Ah], 28h
+041 0003B3 7E96                JLE            L5
+042 0003B5 8346F801            ADD   word ptr [bp-8], 1
+043 0003B9 8356FA00            ADC   word ptr [bp-6], 0
+044                            JMP            L1                 ;Synthetic inst
+045 00034B 8B46F2         L5:  MOV            ax, [bp-0Eh]
+046 00034E 0346F4              ADD            ax, [bp-0Ch]
+047 000351 0346F6              ADD            ax, [bp-0Ah]
+048 000354 8946F2              MOV            [bp-0Eh], ax
+049 000357 8B46F2              MOV            ax, [bp-0Eh]
+050 00035A D1F8                SAR            ax, 1
+051 00035C 8946F4              MOV            [bp-0Ch], ax
+052 00035F 8B46F4              MOV            ax, [bp-0Ch]
+053 000362 BB0A00              MOV            bx, 0Ah
+054 000365 99                  CWD
+055                            MOV            tmp, dx:ax         ;Synthetic inst
+056 000366 F7FB                IDIV           bx
+057                            MOD            bx                 ;Synthetic inst
+058 000368 8956F2              MOV            [bp-0Eh], dx
+059 00036B 8B46F4              MOV            ax, [bp-0Ch]
+060 00036E 3B46F6              CMP            ax, [bp-0Ah]
+061 000371 7505                JNE            L6
+062 000373 B80100              MOV            ax, 1
+064 00037A 8946F2         L7:  MOV            [bp-0Eh], ax
+065 00037D 8B46F2              MOV            ax, [bp-0Eh]
+066 000380 0B46F6              OR             ax, [bp-0Ah]
+067 000383 8946F4              MOV            [bp-0Ch], ax
+068 000386 8B46F4              MOV            ax, [bp-0Ch]
+069 000389 F7D8                NEG            ax
+070 00038B 1BC0                SBB            ax, ax
+071 00038D 40                  INC            ax
+072 00038E 8946F2              MOV            [bp-0Eh], ax
+073 000391 8B46F2              MOV            ax, [bp-0Eh]
+074 000394 0346F6              ADD            ax, [bp-0Ah]
+075 000397 8946F4              MOV            [bp-0Ch], ax
+076 00039A 8B46F4              MOV            ax, [bp-0Ch]
+077 00039D 3B46F6              CMP            ax, [bp-0Ah]
+078 0003A0 7E05                JLE            L8
+079 0003A2 B80100              MOV            ax, 1
+081 0003A9 8946F2         L9:  MOV            [bp-0Eh], ax
+082 0003AC FF46F6              INC   word ptr [bp-0Ah]
+083                            JMP            L4                 ;Synthetic inst
+084 0003A7 33C0           L8:  XOR            ax, ax
+085                            JMP            L9                 ;Synthetic inst
+086 000378 33C0           L6:  XOR            ax, ax
+087                            JMP            L7                 ;Synthetic inst
+088 0003CB 7F08           L2:  JG             L10
+089 0003CD 3B46FC              CMP            ax, [bp-4]
+090 0003D0 7703                JA             L10
+092 0003D5 FF76F2         L10: PUSH  word ptr [bp-0Eh]
+093 0003D8 B8BA01              MOV            ax, 1BAh
+094 0003DB 50                  PUSH           ax
+095 0003DC E88C0B              CALL  near ptr printf
+096 0003DF 59                  POP            cx
+097 0003E0 59                  POP            cx
+098 0003E1 8BE5                MOV            sp, bp
+099 0003E3 5D                  POP            bp
+100 0003E4 C3                  RET
+		main  ENDP

+ 59 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+ * Input file	: ./tests/inputs/BENCHSHO.EXE
+ * File type	: EXE
+ */
+#include "dcc.h"
+void main ()
+/* Takes no parameters.
+ * High-level language prologue code.
+ */
+int loc1;
+int loc2;
+int loc3;
+long loc4;
+long loc5;
+int loc6; /* ax */
+    scanf ("%ld", &loc0);
+    printf ("executing %ld iterations\n", loc5);
+    scanf ("%ld", &loc1);
+    scanf ("%ld", &loc2);
+    loc4 = 1;
+    while ((loc4 <= loc5)) {
+        loc3 = 1;
+        while ((loc3 <= 40)) {
+            loc1 = ((loc1 + loc2) + loc3);
+            loc2 = (loc1 >> 1);
+            loc1 = (loc2 % 10);
+            if (loc2 == loc3) {
+                loc6 = 1;
+            }
+            else {
+                loc6 = 0;
+            }
+            loc1 = loc6;
+            loc2 = (loc1 | loc3);
+            loc1 = !loc2;
+            loc2 = (loc1 + loc3);
+            if (loc2 > loc3) {
+                loc6 = 1;
+            }
+            else {
+                loc6 = 0;
+            }
+            loc1 = loc6;
+            loc3 = (loc3 + 1);
+        }	/* end of while */
+        loc4 = (loc4 + 1);
+    }	/* end of while */
+    printf ("a=%d\n", loc1);

+ 58 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+		main  PROC  NEAR
+000 0002FA 55                  PUSH           bp
+001 0002FB 8BEC                MOV            bp, sp
+002 0002FD 83EC02              SUB            sp, 2
+003 000300 C646FEFF            MOV   byte ptr [bp-2], 0FFh
+004 000304 C646FF8F            MOV   byte ptr [bp-1], 8Fh
+005 000308 8A46FE              MOV            al, [bp-2]
+006 00030B 0246FF              ADD            al, [bp-1]
+007 00030E 8846FF              MOV            [bp-1], al
+008 000311 8A46FE              MOV            al, [bp-2]
+009 000314 2A46FF              SUB            al, [bp-1]
+010 000317 8846FE              MOV            [bp-2], al
+011 00031A 8A46FE              MOV            al, [bp-2]
+012 00031D B400                MOV            ah, 0
+013 00031F 8A56FF              MOV            dl, [bp-1]
+014 000322 B600                MOV            dh, 0
+015 000324 F7E2                MUL            dx
+016 000326 8846FE              MOV            [bp-2], al
+017 000329 8A46FF              MOV            al, [bp-1]
+018 00032C B400                MOV            ah, 0
+019 00032E 8A56FE              MOV            dl, [bp-2]
+020 000331 B600                MOV            dh, 0
+021 000333 8BDA                MOV            bx, dx
+022 000335 99                  CWD
+024 000336 F7FB                IDIV           bx
+026 000338 8846FF              MOV            [bp-1], al
+027 00033B 8A46FF              MOV            al, [bp-1]
+028 00033E B400                MOV            ah, 0
+029 000340 8A56FE              MOV            dl, [bp-2]
+030 000343 B600                MOV            dh, 0
+031 000345 8BDA                MOV            bx, dx
+032 000347 99                  CWD
+034 000348 F7FB                IDIV           bx
+036 00034A 8856FF              MOV            [bp-1], dl
+037 00034D 8A46FE              MOV            al, [bp-2]
+038 000350 B105                MOV            cl, 5
+039 000352 D2E0                SHL            al, cl
+040 000354 8846FE              MOV            [bp-2], al
+041 000357 8A46FF              MOV            al, [bp-1]
+042 00035A 8A4EFE              MOV            cl, [bp-2]
+043 00035D D2E8                SHR            al, cl
+044 00035F 8846FF              MOV            [bp-1], al
+045 000362 8A46FF              MOV            al, [bp-1]
+046 000365 B400                MOV            ah, 0
+047 000367 50                  PUSH           ax
+048 000368 8A46FE              MOV            al, [bp-2]
+049 00036B B400                MOV            ah, 0
+050 00036D 50                  PUSH           ax
+051 00036E B89401              MOV            ax, 194h
+052 000371 50                  PUSH           ax
+053 000372 E8AB06              CALL  near ptr printf
+054 000375 83C406              ADD            sp, 6
+055 000378 8BE5                MOV            sp, bp
+056 00037A 5D                  POP            bp
+057 00037B C3                  RET
+		main  ENDP

+ 62 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+		main  PROC  NEAR
+000 0002FA 55                  PUSH           bp
+001 0002FB 8BEC                MOV            bp, sp
+002 0002FD 83EC02              SUB            sp, 2
+003 000300 C646FEFF            MOV   byte ptr [bp-2], 0FFh
+004 000304 C646FF8F            MOV   byte ptr [bp-1], 8Fh
+005 000308 8A46FE              MOV            al, [bp-2]
+006 00030B 0246FF              ADD            al, [bp-1]
+007 00030E 8846FF              MOV            [bp-1], al
+008 000311 8A46FE              MOV            al, [bp-2]
+009 000314 2A46FF              SUB            al, [bp-1]
+010 000317 8846FE              MOV            [bp-2], al
+011 00031A 8A46FE              MOV            al, [bp-2]
+012 00031D B400                MOV            ah, 0
+013 00031F 8A56FF              MOV            dl, [bp-1]
+014 000322 B600                MOV            dh, 0
+015 000324 F7E2                MUL            dx
+016 000326 8846FE              MOV            [bp-2], al
+017 000329 8A46FF              MOV            al, [bp-1]
+018 00032C B400                MOV            ah, 0
+019 00032E 8A56FE              MOV            dl, [bp-2]
+020 000331 B600                MOV            dh, 0
+021 000333 8BDA                MOV            bx, dx
+022 000335 99                  CWD
+023                            MOV            tmp, dx:ax         ;Synthetic inst
+024 000336 F7FB                IDIV           bx
+025                            MOD            bx                 ;Synthetic inst
+026 000338 8846FF              MOV            [bp-1], al
+027 00033B 8A46FF              MOV            al, [bp-1]
+028 00033E B400                MOV            ah, 0
+029 000340 8A56FE              MOV            dl, [bp-2]
+030 000343 B600                MOV            dh, 0
+031 000345 8BDA                MOV            bx, dx
+032 000347 99                  CWD
+033                            MOV            tmp, dx:ax         ;Synthetic inst
+034 000348 F7FB                IDIV           bx
+035                            MOD            bx                 ;Synthetic inst
+036 00034A 8856FF              MOV            [bp-1], dl
+037 00034D 8A46FE              MOV            al, [bp-2]
+038 000350 B105                MOV            cl, 5
+039 000352 D2E0                SHL            al, cl
+040 000354 8846FE              MOV            [bp-2], al
+041 000357 8A46FF              MOV            al, [bp-1]
+042 00035A 8A4EFE              MOV            cl, [bp-2]
+043 00035D D2E8                SHR            al, cl
+044 00035F 8846FF              MOV            [bp-1], al
+045 000362 8A46FF              MOV            al, [bp-1]
+046 000365 B400                MOV            ah, 0
+047 000367 50                  PUSH           ax
+048 000368 8A46FE              MOV            al, [bp-2]
+049 00036B B400                MOV            ah, 0
+050 00036D 50                  PUSH           ax
+051 00036E B89401              MOV            ax, 194h
+052 000371 50                  PUSH           ax
+053 000372 E8AB06              CALL  near ptr printf
+054 000375 83C406              ADD            sp, 6
+055 000378 8BE5                MOV            sp, bp
+056 00037A 5D                  POP            bp
+057 00037B C3                  RET
+		main  ENDP

+ 28 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+ * Input file	: ./tests/inputs/BYTEOPS.EXE
+ * File type	: EXE
+ */
+#include "dcc.h"
+void main ()
+/* Takes no parameters.
+ * High-level language prologue code.
+ */
+int loc1;
+int loc2;
+    loc1 = 255;
+    loc2 = 143;
+    loc2 = (loc1 + loc2);
+    loc1 = (loc1 - loc2);
+    loc1 = (loc1 * loc2);
+    loc2 = (loc2 / loc1);
+    loc2 = (loc2 % loc1);
+    loc1 = (loc1 << 5);
+    loc2 = (loc2 >> loc1);
+    printf ("a = %d, b = %d\n", loc1, loc2);

+ 90 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+		main  PROC  NEAR
+000 0002FA 55                  PUSH           bp
+001 0002FB 8BEC                MOV            bp, sp
+002 0002FD 83EC04              SUB            sp, 4
+003 000300 56                  PUSH           si
+004 000301 57                  PUSH           di
+005 000302 B89401              MOV            ax, 194h
+006 000305 50                  PUSH           ax
+007 000306 E8080C              CALL  near ptr printf
+008 000309 59                  POP            cx
+009 00030A 8D46FC              LEA            ax, [bp-4]
+010 00030D 50                  PUSH           ax
+011 00030E B8B101              MOV            ax, 1B1h
+012 000311 50                  PUSH           ax
+013 000312 E88514              CALL  near ptr scanf
+014 000315 59                  POP            cx
+015 000316 59                  POP            cx
+016 000317 BE0100              MOV            si, 1
+017 00031A EB2D                JMP            L1
+018 000349 3B76FC         L1:  CMP            si, [bp-4]
+019 00034C 7ECE                JLE            L2
+020 00034E 33C0                XOR            ax, ax
+021 000350 50                  PUSH           ax
+022 000351 E87300              CALL  near ptr exit
+023 000354 59                  POP            cx
+024 000355 5F                  POP            di
+025 000356 5E                  POP            si
+026 000357 8BE5                MOV            sp, bp
+027 000359 5D                  POP            bp
+028 00035A C3                  RET
+029 00031C B8B401         L2:  MOV            ax, 1B4h
+030 00031F 50                  PUSH           ax
+031 000320 E8EE0B              CALL  near ptr printf
+032 000323 59                  POP            cx
+033 000324 8D46FE              LEA            ax, [bp-2]
+034 000327 50                  PUSH           ax
+035 000328 B8C301              MOV            ax, 1C3h
+036 00032B 50                  PUSH           ax
+037 00032C E86B14              CALL  near ptr scanf
+038 00032F 59                  POP            cx
+039 000330 59                  POP            cx
+040 000331 FF76FE              PUSH  word ptr [bp-2]
+041 000334 E82400              CALL  near ptr proc_1
+042 000337 59                  POP            cx
+043 000338 8BF8                MOV            di, ax
+044 00033A 57                  PUSH           di
+045 00033B FF76FE              PUSH  word ptr [bp-2]
+046 00033E B8C601              MOV            ax, 1C6h
+047 000341 50                  PUSH           ax
+048 000342 E8CC0B              CALL  near ptr printf
+049 000345 83C406              ADD            sp, 6
+050 000348 46                  INC            si
+051                            JMP            L1                 ;Synthetic inst
+		main  ENDP
+		proc_1  PROC  NEAR
+000 00035B 55                  PUSH           bp
+001 00035C 8BEC                MOV            bp, sp
+002 00035E 56                  PUSH           si
+003 00035F 8B7604              MOV            si, [bp+4]
+004 000362 83FE02              CMP            si, 2
+005 000365 7E1C                JLE            L3
+006 000367 8BC6                MOV            ax, si
+007 000369 48                  DEC            ax
+008 00036A 50                  PUSH           ax
+009 00036B E8EDFF              CALL  near ptr proc_1
+010 00036E 59                  POP            cx
+011 00036F 50                  PUSH           ax
+012 000370 8BC6                MOV            ax, si
+013 000372 05FEFF              ADD            ax, 0FFFEh
+014 000375 50                  PUSH           ax
+015 000376 E8E2FF              CALL  near ptr proc_1
+016 000379 59                  POP            cx
+017 00037A 8BD0                MOV            dx, ax
+018 00037C 58                  POP            ax
+019 00037D 03C2                ADD            ax, dx
+020 00037F EB07                JMP            L4
+021 000388 5E             L4:  POP            si
+022 000389 5D                  POP            bp
+023 00038A C3                  RET
+024 000383 B80100         L3:  MOV            ax, 1
+025 000386 EB00                JMP            L4
+		proc_1  ENDP

Some files were not shown because too many files changed in this diff