Browse Source

Implement two new switch idioms closes #14

nemerle 8 years ago
3 changed files with 2018 additions and 1837 deletions
  1. 261 258
  2. 413 413
  3. 1344 1166

+ 261 - 258

@@ -1,258 +1,261 @@
-#pragma once
-#include <llvm/ADT/ilist.h>
-//#include <llvm/ADT/ilist_node.h>
-#include <bitset>
-#include <map>
-#include "BasicBlock.h"
-#include "locident.h"
-#include "state.h"
-#include "icode.h"
-#include "StackFrame.h"
-#include "CallConvention.h"
-struct CALL_GRAPH;
-struct Expr;
-struct Disassembler;
-struct Function;
-struct CALL_GRAPH;
-struct PROG;
-struct Function;
-namespace llvm
-// Traits for intrusive list of basic blocks...
-struct ilist_traits<BB> : public ilist_default_traits<BB>
-    // createSentinel is used to get hold of the node that marks the end of the
-    // list... (same trick used here as in ilist_traits<Instruction>)
-    BB *createSentinel() const {
-        return static_cast<BB*>(&Sentinel);
-    }
-    static void destroySentinel(BB*) {}
-    BB *provideInitialHead() const { return createSentinel(); }
-    BB *ensureHead(BB*) const { return createSentinel(); }
-    static void noteHead(BB*, BB*) {}
-    //static ValueSymbolTable *getSymTab(Function *ItemParent);
-    mutable ilist_half_node<BB> Sentinel;
-/* Procedure FLAGS */
-    PROC_BADINST=0x00000100,/* Proc contains invalid or 386 instruction */
-    PROC_IJMP   =0x00000200,/* Proc incomplete due to indirect jmp	 	*/
-    PROC_ICALL  =0x00000400, /* Proc incomplete due to indirect call		*/
-    PROC_HLL    =0x00001000, /* Proc is likely to be from a HLL			*/
-//    CALL_PASCAL =0x00002000, /* Proc uses Pascal calling convention		*/
-//    CALL_C      =0x00004000, /* Proc uses C calling convention			*/
-//    CALL_UNKNOWN=0x00008000, /* Proc uses unknown calling convention		*/
-    PROC_NEAR   =0x00010000, /* Proc exits with near return				*/
-    PROC_FAR    =0x00020000, /* Proc exits with far return				*/
-    GRAPH_IRRED =0x00100000, /* Proc generates an irreducible graph		*/
-    SI_REGVAR   =0x00200000, /* SI is used as a stack variable 			*/
-    DI_REGVAR   =0x00400000, /* DI is used as a stack variable 			*/
-    PROC_IS_FUNC=0x00800000,	/* Proc is a function 						*/
-    REG_ARGS    =0x01000000, /* Proc has registers as arguments			*/
-//    PROC_VARARG =0x02000000,	/* Proc has variable arguments				*/
-    PROC_OUTPUT =0x04000000, /* C for this proc has been output 			*/
-    PROC_RUNTIME=0x08000000, /* Proc is part of the runtime support		*/
-    PROC_ISLIB  =0x10000000, /* Proc is a library function				*/
-    PROC_ASM    =0x20000000, /* Proc is an intrinsic assembler routine   */
-    PROC_IS_HLL =0x40000000 /* Proc has HLL prolog code					*/
-//#define CALL_MASK    0xFFFF9FFF /* Masks off CALL_C and CALL_PASCAL		 	*/
-struct FunctionType
-    bool m_vararg=false;
-    bool isVarArg() const {return m_vararg;}
-struct Assignment
-    Expr *lhs;
-    Expr *rhs;
-struct JumpTable
-    uint32_t start;
-    uint32_t finish;
-    bool valid() {return start<finish;}
-    size_t size() { return (finish-start)/2;}
-    size_t entrySize() { return 2;}
-    void pruneEntries(uint16_t cs);
-class FunctionCfg
-    std::list<BB*> m_listBB;      /* Ptr. to BB list/CFG                  	 */
-    typedef std::list<BB*>::iterator iterator;
-    iterator	begin() {
-        return m_listBB.begin();
-    }
-    iterator	end()	 {
-        return m_listBB.end();
-    }
-    BB * &front() { return m_listBB.front();}
-    void nodeSplitting()
-    {
-        /* Converts the irreducible graph G into an equivalent reducible one, by
-         * means of node splitting.  */
-        fprintf(stderr,"Attempt to perform node splitting: NOT IMPLEMENTED\n");
-    }
-    void push_back(BB *v) { m_listBB.push_back(v);}
-struct Function : public llvm::ilist_node<Function>
-    typedef llvm::iplist<BB> BasicBlockListType;
-    // BasicBlock iterators...
-    typedef BasicBlockListType::iterator iterator;
-    typedef BasicBlockListType::const_iterator const_iterator;
-    BasicBlockListType  BasicBlocks;        ///< The basic blocks
-    Function(FunctionType */*ty*/) : procEntry(0),depth(0),flg(0),cbParam(0),m_dfsLast(0),numBBs(0),
-        hasCase(false),liveAnal(0)
-    {
-        type = new FunctionType;
-        callingConv(CConv::UNKNOWN);
-    }
-    FunctionType *  type;
-    CConv *         m_call_conv;
-    uint32_t        procEntry; /* label number                         	 */
-    std::string  name;      /* Meaningful name for this proc     	 */
-    STATE        state;     /* Entry state                          	 */
-    int          depth;     /* Depth at which we found it - for printing */
-    uint32_t     flg;       /* Combination of Icode & Proc flags    	 */
-    int16_t      cbParam;   /* Probable no. of bytes of parameters  	 */
-    STKFRAME     args;      /* Array of arguments                   	 */
-    LOCAL_ID	 localId;   /* Local identifiers                         */
-    ID           retVal;    /* Return value - identifier    		 */
-        /* Icodes and control flow graph */
-    CIcodeRec	 Icode;     /* Object with ICODE records                 */
-    FunctionCfg     m_actual_cfg;
-    std::vector<BB*> m_dfsLast;
-    std::map<int,BB*> m_ip_to_bb;
-//                           * (reverse postorder) order            	 */
-    size_t        numBBs;    /* Number of BBs in the graph cfg       	 */
-    bool         hasCase;   /* Procedure has a case node            	 */
-    /* For interprocedural live analysis */
-    LivenessSet     liveIn;	/* Registers used before defined                 */
-    LivenessSet     liveOut;	/* Registers that may be used in successors	 */
-    bool            liveAnal;	/* Procedure has been analysed already		 */
-    virtual ~Function() {
-        delete type;
-    }
-    static Function *Create(FunctionType *ty=0,int /*Linkage*/=0,const std::string &nm="",void */*module*/=0)
-    {
-        Function *r=new Function(ty);
-        r->name = nm;
-        return r;
-    }
-    FunctionType *getFunctionType() const {
-        return type;
-    }
-    CConv *callingConv() const { return m_call_conv;}
-    void callingConv(CConv::Type v);
-//    bool anyFlagsSet(uint32_t t) { return (flg&t)!=0;}
-    bool hasRegArgs() const { return (flg & REG_ARGS)!=0;}
-    bool isLibrary() const { return (flg & PROC_ISLIB)!=0;}
-    void compoundCond();
-    void writeProcComments();
-    void lowLevelAnalysis();
-    void bindIcodeOff();
-    void dataFlow(LivenessSet &liveOut);
-    void compressCFG();
-    void highLevelGen();
-    void structure(derSeq *derivedG);
-    derSeq *checkReducibility();
-    void createCFG();
-    void markImpure();
-    void findImmedDom();
-    void FollowCtrl(CALL_GRAPH *pcallGraph, STATE *pstate);
-    void process_operands(ICODE &pIcode, STATE *pstate);
-    bool process_JMP(ICODE &pIcode, STATE *pstate, CALL_GRAPH *pcallGraph);
-    bool process_CALL(ICODE &pIcode, CALL_GRAPH *pcallGraph, STATE *pstate);
-    void freeCFG();
-    void codeGen(std::ostream &fs);
-    void mergeFallThrough(BB *pBB);
-    void structIfs();
-    void structLoops(derSeq *derivedG);
-    void buildCFG(Disassembler &ds);
-    void controlFlowAnalysis();
-    void newRegArg(iICODE picode, iICODE ticode);
-    void writeProcComments(std::ostream &ostr);
-    void displayCFG();
-    void displayStats();
-    void processHliCall(Expr *exp, iICODE picode);
-    void preprocessReturnDU(LivenessSet &_liveOut);
-    Expr * adjustActArgType(Expr *_exp, hlType forType);
-    std::string writeCall(Function *tproc, STKFRAME &args, int *numLoc);
-    void processDosInt(STATE *pstate, PROG &prog, bool done);
-    ICODE *translate_DIV(LLInst *ll, ICODE &_Icode);
-    ICODE *translate_XCHG(LLInst *ll, ICODE &_Icode);
-    void extractJumpTableRange(ICODE& pIcode, STATE *pstate, JumpTable &table);
-    bool followAllTableEntries(JumpTable &table, uint32_t cs, ICODE &pIcode, CALL_GRAPH *pcallGraph, STATE *pstate);
-    bool removeInEdge_Flag_and_ProcessLatch(BB *pbb, BB *a, BB *b);
-    bool Case_X_and_Y(BB* pbb, BB* thenBB, BB* elseBB);
-    bool Case_X_or_Y(BB* pbb, BB* thenBB, BB* elseBB);
-    bool Case_notX_or_Y(BB* pbb, BB* thenBB, BB* elseBB);
-    bool Case_notX_and_Y(BB* pbb, BB* thenBB, BB* elseBB);
-    void replaceInEdge(BB* where, BB* which, BB* with);
-    void processExpPush(int &numHlIcodes, iICODE picode);
-    // TODO: replace those with friend visitor ?
-    void propLongReg(int loc_ident_idx, const ID &pLocId);
-    void propLongStk(int i, const ID &pLocId);
-    void propLongGlb(int i, const ID &pLocId);
-    void processTargetIcode(iICODE picode, int &numHlIcodes, iICODE ticode, bool isLong);
-    int     findBackwarLongDefs(int loc_ident_idx, const ID &pLocId, iICODE iter);
-    int     findForwardLongUses(int loc_ident_idx, const ID &pLocId, iICODE beg);
-    void    structCases();
-    void    findExps();
-    void    genDU1();
-    void    elimCondCodes();
-    void    liveRegAnalysis(LivenessSet &in_liveOut);
-    void    findIdioms();
-    void    propLong();
-    void    genLiveKtes();
-    bool    findDerivedSeq(derSeq &derivedGi);
-    bool    nextOrderGraph(derSeq &derivedGi);
-namespace llvm {
-template<> struct ilist_traits<typename ::Function>
-  : public ilist_default_traits<typename ::Function> {
-  // createSentinel is used to get hold of the node that marks the end of the
-  // list... (same trick used here as in ilist_traits<Instruction>)
-  typename ::Function *createSentinel() const {
-    return static_cast<typename ::Function*>(&Sentinel);
-  }
-  static void destroySentinel(typename ::Function*) {}
-  typename ::Function *provideInitialHead() const { return createSentinel(); }
-  typename ::Function *ensureHead(::Function*) const { return createSentinel(); }
-  static void noteHead(typename ::Function*, typename ::Function*) {}
-  mutable ilist_node<typename ::Function> Sentinel;
-typedef llvm::iplist<Function> FunctionListType;
-typedef FunctionListType lFunction;
-typedef lFunction::iterator ilFunction;
+#pragma once
+#include <llvm/ADT/ilist.h>
+//#include <llvm/ADT/ilist_node.h>
+#include <bitset>
+#include <map>
+#include "BasicBlock.h"
+#include "locident.h"
+#include "state.h"
+#include "icode.h"
+#include "StackFrame.h"
+#include "CallConvention.h"
+struct CALL_GRAPH;
+struct Expr;
+struct Disassembler;
+struct Function;
+struct CALL_GRAPH;
+struct PROG;
+struct Function;
+namespace llvm
+// Traits for intrusive list of basic blocks...
+struct ilist_traits<BB> : public ilist_default_traits<BB>
+    // createSentinel is used to get hold of the node that marks the end of the
+    // list... (same trick used here as in ilist_traits<Instruction>)
+    BB *createSentinel() const {
+        return static_cast<BB*>(&Sentinel);
+    }
+    static void destroySentinel(BB*) {}
+    BB *provideInitialHead() const { return createSentinel(); }
+    BB *ensureHead(BB*) const { return createSentinel(); }
+    static void noteHead(BB*, BB*) {}
+    //static ValueSymbolTable *getSymTab(Function *ItemParent);
+    mutable ilist_half_node<BB> Sentinel;
+/* Procedure FLAGS */
+    PROC_BADINST=0x00000100,/* Proc contains invalid or 386 instruction */
+    PROC_IJMP   =0x00000200,/* Proc incomplete due to indirect jmp	 	*/
+    PROC_ICALL  =0x00000400, /* Proc incomplete due to indirect call		*/
+    PROC_HLL    =0x00001000, /* Proc is likely to be from a HLL			*/
+//    CALL_PASCAL =0x00002000, /* Proc uses Pascal calling convention		*/
+//    CALL_C      =0x00004000, /* Proc uses C calling convention			*/
+//    CALL_UNKNOWN=0x00008000, /* Proc uses unknown calling convention		*/
+    PROC_NEAR   =0x00010000, /* Proc exits with near return				*/
+    PROC_FAR    =0x00020000, /* Proc exits with far return				*/
+    GRAPH_IRRED =0x00100000, /* Proc generates an irreducible graph		*/
+    SI_REGVAR   =0x00200000, /* SI is used as a stack variable 			*/
+    DI_REGVAR   =0x00400000, /* DI is used as a stack variable 			*/
+    PROC_IS_FUNC=0x00800000,	/* Proc is a function 						*/
+    REG_ARGS    =0x01000000, /* Proc has registers as arguments			*/
+//    PROC_VARARG =0x02000000,	/* Proc has variable arguments				*/
+    PROC_OUTPUT =0x04000000, /* C for this proc has been output 			*/
+    PROC_RUNTIME=0x08000000, /* Proc is part of the runtime support		*/
+    PROC_ISLIB  =0x10000000, /* Proc is a library function				*/
+    PROC_ASM    =0x20000000, /* Proc is an intrinsic assembler routine   */
+    PROC_IS_HLL =0x40000000 /* Proc has HLL prolog code					*/
+//#define CALL_MASK    0xFFFF9FFF /* Masks off CALL_C and CALL_PASCAL		 	*/
+struct FunctionType
+    bool m_vararg=false;
+    bool isVarArg() const {return m_vararg;}
+struct Assignment
+    Expr *lhs;
+    Expr *rhs;
+struct JumpTable
+    uint32_t start;
+    uint32_t finish;
+    bool valid() {return start<finish;}
+    size_t size() { return (finish-start)/2;}
+    size_t entrySize() { return 2;}
+    void pruneEntries(uint16_t cs);
+class FunctionCfg
+    std::list<BB*> m_listBB;      /* Ptr. to BB list/CFG                  	 */
+    typedef std::list<BB*>::iterator iterator;
+    iterator	begin() {
+        return m_listBB.begin();
+    }
+    iterator	end()	 {
+        return m_listBB.end();
+    }
+    BB * &front() { return m_listBB.front();}
+    void nodeSplitting()
+    {
+        /* Converts the irreducible graph G into an equivalent reducible one, by
+         * means of node splitting.  */
+        fprintf(stderr,"Attempt to perform node splitting: NOT IMPLEMENTED\n");
+    }
+    void push_back(BB *v) { m_listBB.push_back(v);}
+struct Function : public llvm::ilist_node<Function>
+    typedef llvm::iplist<BB> BasicBlockListType;
+    // BasicBlock iterators...
+    typedef BasicBlockListType::iterator iterator;
+    typedef BasicBlockListType::const_iterator const_iterator;
+    BasicBlockListType  BasicBlocks;        ///< The basic blocks
+    Function(FunctionType */*ty*/) : procEntry(0),depth(0),flg(0),cbParam(0),m_dfsLast(0),numBBs(0),
+        hasCase(false),liveAnal(0)
+    {
+        type = new FunctionType;
+        callingConv(CConv::UNKNOWN);
+    }
+    FunctionType *  type;
+    CConv *         m_call_conv;
+    uint32_t        procEntry; /* label number                         	 */
+    std::string  name;      /* Meaningful name for this proc     	 */
+    STATE        state;     /* Entry state                          	 */
+    int          depth;     /* Depth at which we found it - for printing */
+    uint32_t     flg;       /* Combination of Icode & Proc flags    	 */
+    int16_t      cbParam;   /* Probable no. of bytes of parameters  	 */
+    STKFRAME     args;      /* Array of arguments                   	 */
+    LOCAL_ID	 localId;   /* Local identifiers                         */
+    ID           retVal;    /* Return value - identifier    		 */
+        /* Icodes and control flow graph */
+    CIcodeRec	 Icode;     /* Object with ICODE records                 */
+    FunctionCfg     m_actual_cfg;
+    std::vector<BB*> m_dfsLast;
+    std::map<int,BB*> m_ip_to_bb;
+//                           * (reverse postorder) order            	 */
+    size_t        numBBs;    /* Number of BBs in the graph cfg       	 */
+    bool         hasCase;   /* Procedure has a case node            	 */
+    /* For interprocedural live analysis */
+    LivenessSet     liveIn;	/* Registers used before defined                 */
+    LivenessSet     liveOut;	/* Registers that may be used in successors	 */
+    bool            liveAnal;	/* Procedure has been analysed already		 */
+    virtual ~Function() {
+        delete type;
+    }
+    static Function *Create(FunctionType *ty=0,int /*Linkage*/=0,const std::string &nm="",void */*module*/=0)
+    {
+        Function *r=new Function(ty);
+        r->name = nm;
+        return r;
+    }
+    FunctionType *getFunctionType() const {
+        return type;
+    }
+    CConv *callingConv() const { return m_call_conv;}
+    void callingConv(CConv::Type v);
+//    bool anyFlagsSet(uint32_t t) { return (flg&t)!=0;}
+    bool hasRegArgs() const { return (flg & REG_ARGS)!=0;}
+    bool isLibrary() const { return (flg & PROC_ISLIB)!=0;}
+    void compoundCond();
+    void writeProcComments();
+    void lowLevelAnalysis();
+    void bindIcodeOff();
+    void dataFlow(LivenessSet &liveOut);
+    void compressCFG();
+    void highLevelGen();
+    void structure(derSeq *derivedG);
+    derSeq *checkReducibility();
+    void createCFG();
+    void markImpure();
+    void findImmedDom();
+    void FollowCtrl(CALL_GRAPH *pcallGraph, STATE *pstate);
+    void process_operands(ICODE &pIcode, STATE *pstate);
+    bool process_JMP(ICODE &pIcode, STATE *pstate, CALL_GRAPH *pcallGraph);
+    bool process_CALL(ICODE &pIcode, CALL_GRAPH *pcallGraph, STATE *pstate);
+    void freeCFG();
+    void codeGen(std::ostream &fs);
+    void mergeFallThrough(BB *pBB);
+    void structIfs();
+    void structLoops(derSeq *derivedG);
+    void buildCFG(Disassembler &ds);
+    void controlFlowAnalysis();
+    void newRegArg(iICODE picode, iICODE ticode);
+    void writeProcComments(std::ostream &ostr);
+    void displayCFG();
+    void displayStats();
+    void processHliCall(Expr *exp, iICODE picode);
+    void preprocessReturnDU(LivenessSet &_liveOut);
+    Expr * adjustActArgType(Expr *_exp, hlType forType);
+    std::string writeCall(Function *tproc, STKFRAME &args, int *numLoc);
+    void processDosInt(STATE *pstate, PROG &prog, bool done);
+    ICODE *translate_DIV(LLInst *ll, ICODE &_Icode);
+    ICODE *translate_XCHG(LLInst *ll, ICODE &_Icode);
+    void extractJumpTableRange(ICODE& pIcode, STATE *pstate, JumpTable &table);
+    bool followAllTableEntries(JumpTable &table, uint32_t cs, ICODE &pIcode, CALL_GRAPH *pcallGraph, STATE *pstate);
+    bool removeInEdge_Flag_and_ProcessLatch(BB *pbb, BB *a, BB *b);
+    bool Case_X_and_Y(BB* pbb, BB* thenBB, BB* elseBB);
+    bool Case_X_or_Y(BB* pbb, BB* thenBB, BB* elseBB);
+    bool Case_notX_or_Y(BB* pbb, BB* thenBB, BB* elseBB);
+    bool Case_notX_and_Y(BB* pbb, BB* thenBB, BB* elseBB);
+    void replaceInEdge(BB* where, BB* which, BB* with);
+    void processExpPush(int &numHlIcodes, iICODE picode);
+    // TODO: replace those with friend visitor ?
+    void propLongReg(int loc_ident_idx, const ID &pLocId);
+    void propLongStk(int i, const ID &pLocId);
+    void propLongGlb(int i, const ID &pLocId);
+    void processTargetIcode(iICODE picode, int &numHlIcodes, iICODE ticode, bool isLong);
+    int     findBackwarLongDefs(int loc_ident_idx, const ID &pLocId, iICODE iter);
+    int     findForwardLongUses(int loc_ident_idx, const ID &pLocId, iICODE beg);
+    void    structCases();
+    void    findExps();
+    void    genDU1();
+    void    elimCondCodes();
+    void    liveRegAnalysis(LivenessSet &in_liveOut);
+    void    findIdioms();
+    void    propLong();
+    void    genLiveKtes();
+    bool    findDerivedSeq(derSeq &derivedGi);
+    bool    nextOrderGraph(derSeq &derivedGi);
+    bool    decodeIndirectJMP(ICODE &pIcode, STATE *pstate, CALL_GRAPH *pcallGraph);
+    bool    decodeIndirectJMP2(ICODE &pIcode, STATE *pstate, CALL_GRAPH *pcallGraph);
+namespace llvm {
+template<> struct ilist_traits<typename ::Function>
+  : public ilist_default_traits<typename ::Function> {
+  // createSentinel is used to get hold of the node that marks the end of the
+  // list... (same trick used here as in ilist_traits<Instruction>)
+  typename ::Function *createSentinel() const {
+    return static_cast<typename ::Function*>(&Sentinel);
+  }
+  static void destroySentinel(typename ::Function*) {}
+  typename ::Function *provideInitialHead() const { return createSentinel(); }
+  typename ::Function *ensureHead(::Function*) const { return createSentinel(); }
+  static void noteHead(typename ::Function*, typename ::Function*) {}
+  mutable ilist_node<typename ::Function> Sentinel;
+typedef llvm::iplist<Function> FunctionListType;
+typedef FunctionListType lFunction;
+typedef lFunction::iterator ilFunction;

+ 413 - 413

@@ -1,413 +1,413 @@
-#include "dcc.h"
-#include "DccFrontend.h"
-#include "project.h"
-#include "disassem.h"
-#include "CallGraph.h"
-#include <QtCore/QFileInfo>
-#include <QtCore/QDebug>
-#include <cstdio>
-class Loader
-    bool loadIntoProject(IProject *);
-struct PSP {			/*        PSP structure					*/
-    uint16_t int20h;			/* interrupt 20h						*/
-    uint16_t eof;				/* segment, end of allocation block		*/
-    uint8_t res1;				/* reserved                         	*/
-    uint8_t dosDisp[5];		/* far call to DOS function dispatcher	*/
-    uint8_t int22h[4];			/* vector for terminate routine			*/
-    uint8_t int23h[4];			/* vector for ctrl+break routine		*/
-    uint8_t int24h[4];			/* vector for error routine				*/
-    uint8_t res2[22];			/* reserved								*/
-    uint16_t segEnv;			/* segment address of environment block	*/
-    uint8_t res3[34];			/* reserved								*/
-    uint8_t int21h[6];			/* opcode for int21h and far return		*/
-    uint8_t res4[6];			/* reserved								*/
-    uint8_t fcb1[16];			/* default file control block 1			*/
-    uint8_t fcb2[16];      	/* default file control block 2			*/
-    uint8_t res5[4];			/* reserved								*/
-    uint8_t cmdTail[0x80];		/* command tail and disk transfer area	*/
-static struct MZHeader {				/*      EXE file header		 	 */
-    uint8_t     sigLo;			/* .EXE signature: 0x4D 0x5A	 */
-    uint8_t     sigHi;
-    uint16_t	lastPageSize;	/* Size of the last page		 */
-    uint16_t	numPages;		/* Number of pages in the file	 */
-    uint16_t	numReloc;		/* Number of relocation items	 */
-    uint16_t	numParaHeader;	/* # of paragraphs in the header */
-    uint16_t	minAlloc;		/* Minimum number of paragraphs	 */
-    uint16_t	maxAlloc;		/* Maximum number of paragraphs	 */
-    uint16_t	initSS;			/* Segment displacement of stack */
-    uint16_t	initSP;			/* Contents of SP at entry       */
-    uint16_t	checkSum;		/* Complemented checksum         */
-    uint16_t	initIP;			/* Contents of IP at entry       */
-    uint16_t	initCS;			/* Segment displacement of code  */
-    uint16_t	relocTabOffset;	/* Relocation table offset       */
-    uint16_t	overlayNum;		/* Overlay number                */
-} header;
-#define EXE_RELOCATION  0x10		/* EXE images rellocated to above PSP */
-//static void LoadImage(char *filename);
-static void displayMemMap(void);
-* displayLoadInfo - Displays low level loader type info.
-void PROG::displayLoadInfo(void)
-    int	i;
-    printf("File type is %s\n", (fCOM)?"COM":"EXE");
-    if (! fCOM) {
-        printf("Signature            = %02X%02X\n", header.sigLo, header.sigHi);
-        printf("File size %% 512     = %04X\n", LH(&header.lastPageSize));
-        printf("File size / 512      = %04X pages\n", LH(&header.numPages));
-        printf("# relocation items   = %04X\n", LH(&header.numReloc));
-        printf("Offset to load image = %04X paras\n", LH(&header.numParaHeader));
-        printf("Minimum allocation   = %04X paras\n", LH(&header.minAlloc));
-        printf("Maximum allocation   = %04X paras\n", LH(&header.maxAlloc));
-    }
-    printf("Load image size      = %04" PRIiPTR "\n", cbImage - sizeof(PSP));
-    printf("Initial SS:SP        = %04X:%04X\n", initSS, initSP);
-    printf("Initial CS:IP        = %04X:%04X\n", initCS, initIP);
-    if (option.VeryVerbose && cReloc)
-    {
-        printf("\nRelocation Table\n");
-        for (i = 0; i < cReloc; i++)
-        {
-            printf("%06X -> [%04X]\n", relocTable[i],LH(image() + relocTable[i]));
-        }
-    }
-    printf("\n");
-* fill - Fills line for displayMemMap()
-static void fill(int ip, char *bf)
-    PROG &prog(Project::get()->prog);
-    static uint8_t type[4] = {'.', 'd', 'c', 'x'};
-    uint8_t	i;
-    for (i = 0; i < 16; i++, ip++)
-    {
-        *bf++ = ' ';
-        *bf++ = (ip < prog.cbImage)? type[([ip >> 2] >> ((ip & 3) * 2)) & 3]: ' ';
-    }
-    *bf = '\0';
-* displayMemMap - Displays the memory bitmap
-static void displayMemMap(void)
-    PROG &prog(Project::get()->prog);
-    char	c, b1[33], b2[33], b3[33];
-    uint8_t i;
-    int ip = 0;
-    printf("\nMemory Map\n");
-    while (ip < prog.cbImage)
-    {
-        fill(ip, b1);
-        printf("%06X %s\n", ip, b1);
-        ip += 16;
-        for (i = 3, c = b1[1]; i < 32 && c == b1[i]; i += 2)
-            ;		/* Check if all same */
-        if (i > 32)
-        {
-            fill(ip, b2);	/* Skip until next two are not same */
-            fill(ip+16, b3);
-            if (! (strcmp(b1, b2) || strcmp(b1, b3)))
-            {
-                printf("                   :\n");
-                do
-                {
-                    ip += 16;
-                    fill(ip+16, b1);
-                } while (! strcmp(b1, b2));
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    printf("\n");
-DccFrontend::DccFrontend(QObject *parent) :
-    QObject(parent)
-* FrontEnd - invokes the loader, parser, disassembler (if asm1), icode
-* rewritter, and displays any useful information.
-bool DccFrontend::FrontEnd ()
-    /* Do depth first flow analysis building call graph and procedure list,
-     * and attaching the I-code to each procedure          */
-    parse (*Project::get());
-    if (option.asm1)
-    {
-        qWarning() << "dcc: writing assembler file "<<asm1_name<<'\n';
-    }
-    /* Search through code looking for impure references and flag them */
-    Disassembler ds(1);
-    for(Function &f : Project::get()->pProcList)
-    {
-        f.markImpure();
-        if (option.asm1)
-        {
-            ds.disassem(&f);
-        }
-    }
-    if (option.Interact)
-    {
-        interactDis(&Project::get()->pProcList.front(), 0);     /* Interactive disassembler */
-    }
-    /* Converts jump target addresses to icode offsets */
-    for(Function &f : Project::get()->pProcList)
-    {
-        f.bindIcodeOff();
-    }
-    /* Print memory bitmap */
-    if (option.Map)
-        displayMemMap();
-    return(true); // we no longer own proj !
-struct DosLoader {
-    void prepareImage(PROG &prog,size_t sz,QFile &fp) {
-        /* Allocate a block of memory for the program. */
-        prog.cbImage  = sz + sizeof(PSP);
-        prog.Imagez    = new uint8_t [prog.cbImage];
-        prog.Imagez[0] = 0xCD;		/* Fill in PSP int 20h location */
-        prog.Imagez[1] = 0x20;		/* for termination checking     */
-        /* Read in the image past where a PSP would go */
-        if (sz != *)prog.Imagez + sizeof(PSP),sz))
-            fatalError(CANNOT_READ, fp.fileName().toLocal8Bit().data());
-    }
-struct ComLoader : public DosLoader {
-    bool canLoad(QFile &fp) {
-        char sig[2];
-        if(,2)) {
-            return not (sig[0] == 0x4D && sig[1] == 0x5A);
-        }
-        return false;
-    }
-    bool load(PROG &prog,QFile &fp) {
-        /* COM file
-         * In this case the load module size is just the file length
-         */
-        auto cb = fp.size();
-        /* COM programs start off with an ORG 100H (to leave room for a PSP)
-         * This is also the implied start address so if we load the image
-         * at offset 100H addresses should all line up properly again.
-         */
-        prog.initCS = 0;
-        prog.initIP = 0x100;
-        prog.initSS = 0;
-        prog.initSP = 0xFFFE;
-        prog.cReloc = 0;
-        prepareImage(prog,cb,fp);
-        /* Set up memory map */
-        cb = (prog.cbImage + 3) / 4;
- = (uint8_t *)malloc(cb);
-        memset(, BM_UNKNOWN, (size_t)cb);
-        return true;
-    }
-struct ExeLoader : public DosLoader {
-    bool canLoad(QFile &fp) {
-        if(fp.size()<sizeof(header))
-            return false;
-        MZHeader tmp_header;
- *)&tmp_header, sizeof(header));
-        if(not (tmp_header.sigLo == 0x4D && tmp_header.sigHi == 0x5A))
-            return false;
-        /* This is a typical DOS kludge! */
-        if (LH(&header.relocTabOffset) == 0x40)
-        {
-            qDebug() << "Don't understand new EXE format";
-            return false;
-        }
-        return true;
-    }
-    bool load(PROG &prog,QFile &fp) {
-        /* Read rest of header */
-        if ( *)&header, sizeof(header)) != sizeof(header))
-            return false;
-        /* Calculate the load module size.
-        * This is the number of pages in the file
-        * less the length of the header and reloc table
-        * less the number of bytes unused on last page
-        */
-        uint32_t cb = (uint32_t)LH(&header.numPages) * 512 - (uint32_t)LH(&header.numParaHeader) * 16;
-        if (header.lastPageSize)
-        {
-            cb -= 512 - LH(&header.lastPageSize);
-        }
-        /* We quietly ignore minAlloc and maxAlloc since for our
-        * purposes it doesn't really matter where in real memory
-        * the program would end up.  EXE programs can't really rely on
-        * their load location so setting the PSP segment to 0 is fine.
-        * Certainly programs that prod around in DOS or BIOS are going
-        * to have to load DS from a constant so it'll be pretty
-        * obvious.
-        */
-        prog.initCS = (int16_t)LH(&header.initCS) + EXE_RELOCATION;
-        prog.initIP = (int16_t)LH(&header.initIP);
-        prog.initSS = (int16_t)LH(&header.initSS) + EXE_RELOCATION;
-        prog.initSP = (int16_t)LH(&header.initSP);
-        prog.cReloc = (int16_t)LH(&header.numReloc);
-        /* Allocate the relocation table */
-        if (prog.cReloc)
-        {
-            prog.relocTable.resize(prog.cReloc);
-  ;
-            /* Read in seg:offset pairs and convert to Image ptrs */
-            uint8_t	buf[4];
-            for (int i = 0; i < prog.cReloc; i++)
-            {
-       *)buf,4);
-                prog.relocTable[i] = LH(buf) + (((int)LH(buf+2) + EXE_RELOCATION)<<4);
-            }
-        }
-        /* Seek to start of image */
-        uint32_t start_of_image= LH(&header.numParaHeader) * 16;
-        /* Allocate a block of memory for the program. */
-        prepareImage(prog,cb,fp);
-        /* Set up memory map */
-        cb = (prog.cbImage + 3) / 4;
- = (uint8_t *)malloc(cb);
-        memset(, BM_UNKNOWN, (size_t)cb);
-        /* Relocate segment constants */
-        for(uint32_t v : prog.relocTable) {
-            uint8_t *p = &prog.Imagez[v];
-            uint16_t  w = (uint16_t)LH(p) + EXE_RELOCATION;
-            *p++    = (uint8_t)(w & 0x00FF);
-            *p      = (uint8_t)((w & 0xFF00) >> 8);
-        }
-        return true;
-    }
-* LoadImage
-bool Project::load()
-    // addTask(loaderSelection,PreCond(BinaryImage))
-    // addTask(applyLoader,PreCond(Loader))
-    const char *fname = binary_path().toLocal8Bit().data();
-    QFile finfo(binary_path());
-    /* Open the input file */
-    if(! {
-        fatalError(CANNOT_OPEN, fname);
-    }
-    /* Read in first 2 bytes to check EXE signature */
-    if (finfo.size()<=2)
-    {
-        fatalError(CANNOT_READ, fname);
-    }
-    ComLoader com_loader;
-    ExeLoader exe_loader;
-    if(exe_loader.canLoad(finfo)) {
-        prog.fCOM = false;
-        return exe_loader.load(prog,finfo);
-    }
-    if(com_loader.canLoad(finfo)) {
-        prog.fCOM = true;
-        return com_loader.load(prog,finfo);
-    }
-    return false;
-uint32_t SynthLab;
-/* Parses the program, builds the call graph, and returns the list of
- * procedures found     */
-void DccFrontend::parse(Project &proj)
-    PROG &prog(proj.prog);
-    STATE state;
-    /* Set initial state */
-    state.setState(rES, 0);   /* PSP segment */
-    state.setState(rDS, 0);
-    state.setState(rCS, prog.initCS);
-    state.setState(rSS, prog.initSS);
-    state.setState(rSP, prog.initSP);
-    state.IP = ((uint32_t)prog.initCS << 4) + prog.initIP;
-    SynthLab = SYNTHESIZED_MIN;
-    /* Check for special settings of initial state, based on idioms of the
-          startup code */
-    state.checkStartup();
-    Function *start_proc;
-    /* Make a struct for the initial procedure */
-    if (prog.offMain != -1)
-    {
-        start_proc = proj.createFunction(0,"main");
-        start_proc->retVal.loc = REG_FRAME;
-        start_proc->retVal.type = TYPE_WORD_SIGN;
-        start_proc-> = rAX;
-        /* We know where main() is. Start the flow of control from there */
-        start_proc->procEntry = prog.offMain;
-        /* In medium and large models, the segment of main may (will?) not be
-            the same as the initial CS segment (of the startup code) */
-        state.setState(rCS, prog.segMain);
-        state.IP = prog.offMain;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        start_proc = proj.createFunction(0,"start");
-        /* Create initial procedure at program start address */
-        start_proc->procEntry = (uint32_t)state.IP;
-    }
-    /* The state info is for the first procedure */
-    start_proc->state = state;
-    /* Set up call graph initial node */
-    proj.callGraph = new CALL_GRAPH;
-    proj.callGraph->proc = start_proc;
-    /* This proc needs to be called to set things up for LibCheck(), which
-       checks a proc to see if it is a know C (etc) library */
-    SetupLibCheck();
-    //BUG:  proj and g_proj are 'live' at this point !
-    /* Recursively build entire procedure list */
-    start_proc->FollowCtrl(proj.callGraph, &state);
-    /* This proc needs to be called to clean things up from SetupLibCheck() */
-    CleanupLibCheck();
+#include "dcc.h"
+#include "DccFrontend.h"
+#include "project.h"
+#include "disassem.h"
+#include "CallGraph.h"
+#include <QtCore/QFileInfo>
+#include <QtCore/QDebug>
+#include <cstdio>
+class Loader
+    bool loadIntoProject(IProject *);
+struct PSP {			/*        PSP structure					*/
+    uint16_t int20h;			/* interrupt 20h						*/
+    uint16_t eof;				/* segment, end of allocation block		*/
+    uint8_t res1;				/* reserved                         	*/
+    uint8_t dosDisp[5];		/* far call to DOS function dispatcher	*/
+    uint8_t int22h[4];			/* vector for terminate routine			*/
+    uint8_t int23h[4];			/* vector for ctrl+break routine		*/
+    uint8_t int24h[4];			/* vector for error routine				*/
+    uint8_t res2[22];			/* reserved								*/
+    uint16_t segEnv;			/* segment address of environment block	*/
+    uint8_t res3[34];			/* reserved								*/
+    uint8_t int21h[6];			/* opcode for int21h and far return		*/
+    uint8_t res4[6];			/* reserved								*/
+    uint8_t fcb1[16];			/* default file control block 1			*/
+    uint8_t fcb2[16];      	/* default file control block 2			*/
+    uint8_t res5[4];			/* reserved								*/
+    uint8_t cmdTail[0x80];		/* command tail and disk transfer area	*/
+static struct MZHeader {				/*      EXE file header		 	 */
+    uint8_t     sigLo;			/* .EXE signature: 0x4D 0x5A	 */
+    uint8_t     sigHi;
+    uint16_t	lastPageSize;	/* Size of the last page		 */
+    uint16_t	numPages;		/* Number of pages in the file	 */
+    uint16_t	numReloc;		/* Number of relocation items	 */
+    uint16_t	numParaHeader;	/* # of paragraphs in the header */
+    uint16_t	minAlloc;		/* Minimum number of paragraphs	 */
+    uint16_t	maxAlloc;		/* Maximum number of paragraphs	 */
+    uint16_t	initSS;			/* Segment displacement of stack */
+    uint16_t	initSP;			/* Contents of SP at entry       */
+    uint16_t	checkSum;		/* Complemented checksum         */
+    uint16_t	initIP;			/* Contents of IP at entry       */
+    uint16_t	initCS;			/* Segment displacement of code  */
+    uint16_t	relocTabOffset;	/* Relocation table offset       */
+    uint16_t	overlayNum;		/* Overlay number                */
+} header;
+#define EXE_RELOCATION  0x10		/* EXE images rellocated to above PSP */
+//static void LoadImage(char *filename);
+static void displayMemMap(void);
+* displayLoadInfo - Displays low level loader type info.
+void PROG::displayLoadInfo(void)
+    int	i;
+    printf("File type is %s\n", (fCOM)?"COM":"EXE");
+    if (! fCOM) {
+        printf("Signature            = %02X%02X\n", header.sigLo, header.sigHi);
+        printf("File size %% 512     = %04X\n", LH(&header.lastPageSize));
+        printf("File size / 512      = %04X pages\n", LH(&header.numPages));
+        printf("# relocation items   = %04X\n", LH(&header.numReloc));
+        printf("Offset to load image = %04X paras\n", LH(&header.numParaHeader));
+        printf("Minimum allocation   = %04X paras\n", LH(&header.minAlloc));
+        printf("Maximum allocation   = %04X paras\n", LH(&header.maxAlloc));
+    }
+    printf("Load image size      = %04" PRIiPTR "\n", cbImage - sizeof(PSP));
+    printf("Initial SS:SP        = %04X:%04X\n", initSS, initSP);
+    printf("Initial CS:IP        = %04X:%04X\n", initCS, initIP);
+    if (option.VeryVerbose && cReloc)
+    {
+        printf("\nRelocation Table\n");
+        for (i = 0; i < cReloc; i++)
+        {
+            printf("%06X -> [%04X]\n", relocTable[i],LH(image() + relocTable[i]));
+        }
+    }
+    printf("\n");
+* fill - Fills line for displayMemMap()
+static void fill(int ip, char *bf)
+    PROG &prog(Project::get()->prog);
+    static uint8_t type[4] = {'.', 'd', 'c', 'x'};
+    uint8_t	i;
+    for (i = 0; i < 16; i++, ip++)
+    {
+        *bf++ = ' ';
+        *bf++ = (ip < prog.cbImage)? type[([ip >> 2] >> ((ip & 3) * 2)) & 3]: ' ';
+    }
+    *bf = '\0';
+* displayMemMap - Displays the memory bitmap
+static void displayMemMap(void)
+    PROG &prog(Project::get()->prog);
+    char	c, b1[33], b2[33], b3[33];
+    uint8_t i;
+    int ip = 0;
+    printf("\nMemory Map\n");
+    while (ip < prog.cbImage)
+    {
+        fill(ip, b1);
+        printf("%06X %s\n", ip, b1);
+        ip += 16;
+        for (i = 3, c = b1[1]; i < 32 && c == b1[i]; i += 2)
+            ;		/* Check if all same */
+        if (i > 32)
+        {
+            fill(ip, b2);	/* Skip until next two are not same */
+            fill(ip+16, b3);
+            if (! (strcmp(b1, b2) || strcmp(b1, b3)))
+            {
+                printf("                   :\n");
+                do
+                {
+                    ip += 16;
+                    fill(ip+16, b1);
+                } while (! strcmp(b1, b2));
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    printf("\n");
+DccFrontend::DccFrontend(QObject *parent) :
+    QObject(parent)
+* FrontEnd - invokes the loader, parser, disassembler (if asm1), icode
+* rewritter, and displays any useful information.
+bool DccFrontend::FrontEnd ()
+    /* Do depth first flow analysis building call graph and procedure list,
+     * and attaching the I-code to each procedure          */
+    parse (*Project::get());
+    if (option.asm1)
+    {
+        qWarning() << "dcc: writing assembler file "<<asm1_name<<'\n';
+    }
+    /* Search through code looking for impure references and flag them */
+    Disassembler ds(1);
+    for(Function &f : Project::get()->pProcList)
+    {
+        f.markImpure();
+        if (option.asm1)
+        {
+            ds.disassem(&f);
+        }
+    }
+    if (option.Interact)
+    {
+        interactDis(&Project::get()->pProcList.front(), 0);     /* Interactive disassembler */
+    }
+    /* Converts jump target addresses to icode offsets */
+    for(Function &f : Project::get()->pProcList)
+    {
+        f.bindIcodeOff();
+    }
+    /* Print memory bitmap */
+    if (option.Map)
+        displayMemMap();
+    return(true); // we no longer own proj !
+struct DosLoader {
+    void prepareImage(PROG &prog,size_t sz,QFile &fp) {
+        /* Allocate a block of memory for the program. */
+        prog.cbImage  = sz + sizeof(PSP);
+        prog.Imagez    = new uint8_t [prog.cbImage];
+        prog.Imagez[0] = 0xCD;		/* Fill in PSP int 20h location */
+        prog.Imagez[1] = 0x20;		/* for termination checking     */
+        /* Read in the image past where a PSP would go */
+        if (sz != *)prog.Imagez + sizeof(PSP),sz))
+            fatalError(CANNOT_READ, fp.fileName().toLocal8Bit().data());
+    }
+struct ComLoader : public DosLoader {
+    bool canLoad(QFile &fp) {
+        char sig[2];
+        if(,2)) {
+            return not (sig[0] == 0x4D && sig[1] == 0x5A);
+        }
+        return false;
+    }
+    bool load(PROG &prog,QFile &fp) {
+        /* COM file
+         * In this case the load module size is just the file length
+         */
+        auto cb = fp.size();
+        /* COM programs start off with an ORG 100H (to leave room for a PSP)
+         * This is also the implied start address so if we load the image
+         * at offset 100H addresses should all line up properly again.
+         */
+        prog.initCS = 0;
+        prog.initIP = 0x100;
+        prog.initSS = 0;
+        prog.initSP = 0xFFFE;
+        prog.cReloc = 0;
+        prepareImage(prog,cb,fp);
+        /* Set up memory map */
+        cb = (prog.cbImage + 3) / 4;
+ = (uint8_t *)malloc(cb);
+        memset(, BM_UNKNOWN, (size_t)cb);
+        return true;
+    }
+struct ExeLoader : public DosLoader {
+    bool canLoad(QFile &fp) {
+        if(fp.size()<sizeof(header))
+            return false;
+        MZHeader tmp_header;
+ *)&tmp_header, sizeof(header));
+        if(not (tmp_header.sigLo == 0x4D && tmp_header.sigHi == 0x5A))
+            return false;
+        /* This is a typical DOS kludge! */
+        if (LH(&header.relocTabOffset) == 0x40)
+        {
+            qDebug() << "Don't understand new EXE format";
+            return false;
+        }
+        return true;
+    }
+    bool load(PROG &prog,QFile &fp) {
+        /* Read rest of header */
+        if ( *)&header, sizeof(header)) != sizeof(header))
+            return false;
+        /* Calculate the load module size.
+        * This is the number of pages in the file
+        * less the length of the header and reloc table
+        * less the number of bytes unused on last page
+        */
+        uint32_t cb = (uint32_t)LH(&header.numPages) * 512 - (uint32_t)LH(&header.numParaHeader) * 16;
+        if (header.lastPageSize)
+        {
+            cb -= 512 - LH(&header.lastPageSize);
+        }
+        /* We quietly ignore minAlloc and maxAlloc since for our
+        * purposes it doesn't really matter where in real memory
+        * the program would end up.  EXE programs can't really rely on
+        * their load location so setting the PSP segment to 0 is fine.
+        * Certainly programs that prod around in DOS or BIOS are going
+        * to have to load DS from a constant so it'll be pretty
+        * obvious.
+        */
+        prog.initCS = (int16_t)LH(&header.initCS) + EXE_RELOCATION;
+        prog.initIP = (int16_t)LH(&header.initIP);
+        prog.initSS = (int16_t)LH(&header.initSS) + EXE_RELOCATION;
+        prog.initSP = (int16_t)LH(&header.initSP);
+        prog.cReloc = (int16_t)LH(&header.numReloc);
+        /* Allocate the relocation table */
+        if (prog.cReloc)
+        {
+            prog.relocTable.resize(prog.cReloc);
+  ;
+            /* Read in seg:offset pairs and convert to Image ptrs */
+            uint8_t	buf[4];
+            for (int i = 0; i < prog.cReloc; i++)
+            {
+       *)buf,4);
+                prog.relocTable[i] = LH(buf) + (((int)LH(buf+2) + EXE_RELOCATION)<<4);
+            }
+        }
+        /* Seek to start of image */
+        uint32_t start_of_image= LH(&header.numParaHeader) * 16;
+        /* Allocate a block of memory for the program. */
+        prepareImage(prog,cb,fp);
+        /* Set up memory map */
+        cb = (prog.cbImage + 3) / 4;
+ = (uint8_t *)malloc(cb);
+        memset(, BM_UNKNOWN, (size_t)cb);
+        /* Relocate segment constants */
+        for(uint32_t v : prog.relocTable) {
+            uint8_t *p = &prog.Imagez[v];
+            uint16_t  w = (uint16_t)LH(p) + EXE_RELOCATION;
+            *p++    = (uint8_t)(w & 0x00FF);
+            *p      = (uint8_t)((w & 0xFF00) >> 8);
+        }
+        return true;
+    }
+* LoadImage
+bool Project::load()
+    // addTask(loaderSelection,PreCond(BinaryImage))
+    // addTask(applyLoader,PreCond(Loader))
+    const char *fname = binary_path().toLocal8Bit().data();
+    QFile finfo(binary_path());
+    /* Open the input file */
+    if(! {
+        fatalError(CANNOT_OPEN, fname);
+    }
+    /* Read in first 2 bytes to check EXE signature */
+    if (finfo.size()<=2)
+    {
+        fatalError(CANNOT_READ, fname);
+    }
+    ComLoader com_loader;
+    ExeLoader exe_loader;
+    if(exe_loader.canLoad(finfo)) {
+        prog.fCOM = false;
+        return exe_loader.load(prog,finfo);
+    }
+    if(com_loader.canLoad(finfo)) {
+        prog.fCOM = true;
+        return com_loader.load(prog,finfo);
+    }
+    return false;
+uint32_t SynthLab;
+/* Parses the program, builds the call graph, and returns the list of
+ * procedures found     */
+void DccFrontend::parse(Project &proj)
+    PROG &prog(proj.prog);
+    STATE state;
+    /* Set initial state */
+    state.setState(rES, 0);   /* PSP segment */
+    state.setState(rDS, 0);
+    state.setState(rCS, prog.initCS);
+    state.setState(rSS, prog.initSS);
+    state.setState(rSP, prog.initSP);
+    state.IP = ((uint32_t)prog.initCS << 4) + prog.initIP;
+    SynthLab = SYNTHESIZED_MIN;
+    /* Check for special settings of initial state, based on idioms of the
+          startup code */
+    state.checkStartup();
+    ilFunction start_proc;
+    /* Make a struct for the initial procedure */
+    if (prog.offMain != -1)
+    {
+        start_proc = proj.createFunction(0,"main");
+        start_proc->retVal.loc = REG_FRAME;
+        start_proc->retVal.type = TYPE_WORD_SIGN;
+        start_proc-> = rAX;
+        /* We know where main() is. Start the flow of control from there */
+        start_proc->procEntry = prog.offMain;
+        /* In medium and large models, the segment of main may (will?) not be
+            the same as the initial CS segment (of the startup code) */
+        state.setState(rCS, prog.segMain);
+        state.IP = prog.offMain;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        start_proc = proj.createFunction(0,"start");
+        /* Create initial procedure at program start address */
+        start_proc->procEntry = (uint32_t)state.IP;
+    }
+    /* The state info is for the first procedure */
+    start_proc->state = state;
+    /* Set up call graph initial node */
+    proj.callGraph = new CALL_GRAPH;
+    proj.callGraph->proc = start_proc;
+    /* This proc needs to be called to set things up for LibCheck(), which
+       checks a proc to see if it is a know C (etc) library */
+    SetupLibCheck();
+    //BUG:  proj and g_proj are 'live' at this point !
+    /* Recursively build entire procedure list */
+    start_proc->FollowCtrl(proj.callGraph, &state);
+    /* This proc needs to be called to clean things up from SetupLibCheck() */
+    CleanupLibCheck();

+ 1344 - 1166

@@ -1,1166 +1,1344 @@
- *          dcc project procedure list builder
- * (C) Cristina Cifuentes, Mike van Emmerik, Jeff Ledermann
- ****************************************************************************/
-#include <inttypes.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>		/* For exit() */
-#include <sstream>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <algorithm>
-#include "dcc.h"
-#include "project.h"
-#include "CallGraph.h"
-using namespace std;
-//static void     FollowCtrl (Function * pProc, CALL_GRAPH * pcallGraph, STATE * pstate);
-static void     setBits(int16_t type, uint32_t start, uint32_t len);
-static void     process_MOV(LLInst &ll, STATE * pstate);
-static SYM *     lookupAddr (LLOperand *pm, STATE * pstate, int size, uint16_t duFlag);
-void    interactDis(Function * initProc, int ic);
-extern uint32_t    SynthLab;
-/* Returns the size of the string pointed by sym and delimited by delim.
- * Size includes delimiter.     */
-int strSize (const uint8_t *sym, char delim)
-    PROG &prog(Project::get()->prog);
-    int till_end = sym-prog.image();
-    const uint8_t *end_ptr=std::find(sym,sym+(prog.cbImage-(till_end)),delim);
-    return end_ptr-sym+1;
-ICODE * Function::translate_DIV(LLInst *ll, ICODE &_Icode)
-    /* MOV rTMP, reg */
-    ICODE eIcode = ICODE();
-    eIcode.type = LOW_LEVEL;
-    eIcode.ll()->set(iMOV,0,rTMP);
-    if (ll->testFlags(B) )
-    {
-        eIcode.ll()->setFlags( B );
-        eIcode.ll()->replaceSrc(rAX);
-    }
-    else    /* implicit dx:ax */
-    {
-        eIcode.ll()->setFlags( IM_SRC );
-        eIcode.setRegDU( rDX, eUSE);
-    }
-    eIcode.setRegDU( rAX, eUSE);
-    eIcode.setRegDU( rTMP, eDEF);
-    eIcode.ll()->setFlags( SYNTHETIC );
-    /* eIcode.ll()->label = SynthLab++; */
-    eIcode.ll()->label = _Icode.ll()->label;
-    Icode.addIcode(&eIcode);
-    /* iDIV, iIDIV */
-    Icode.addIcode(&_Icode);
-    /* iMOD */
-    eIcode = ICODE();
-    eIcode.type = LOW_LEVEL;
-    eIcode.ll()->set(iMOD,ll->getFlag() | SYNTHETIC  | IM_TMP_DST);
-    eIcode.ll()->replaceSrc(_Icode.ll()->src());
-    eIcode.du = _Icode.du;
-    eIcode.ll()->label = SynthLab++;
-    return Icode.addIcode(&eIcode);
-ICODE *Function::translate_XCHG(LLInst *ll,ICODE &_Icode)
-    /* MOV rTMP, regDst */
-    ICODE eIcode;
-    eIcode.type = LOW_LEVEL;
-    eIcode.ll()->set(iMOV,SYNTHETIC,rTMP,ll->m_dst);
-    eIcode.setRegDU( rTMP, eDEF);
-    if(eIcode.ll()->src().getReg2())
-    {
-        eReg srcreg=eIcode.ll()->src().getReg2();
-        eIcode.setRegDU( srcreg, eUSE);
-        if((srcreg>=rAL) && (srcreg<=rBH))
-            eIcode.ll()->setFlags( B );
-    }
-    eIcode.ll()->label = ll->label;
-    Icode.addIcode(&eIcode);
-    /* MOV regDst, regSrc */
-    ll->set(iMOV,SYNTHETIC|ll->getFlag());
-    Icode.addIcode(&_Icode);
-    ll->setOpcode(iXCHG); /* for next case */
-    /* MOV regSrc, rTMP */
-    eIcode = ICODE();
-    eIcode.type = LOW_LEVEL;
-    eIcode.ll()->set(iMOV,SYNTHETIC);
-    eIcode.ll()->replaceDst(ll->src());
-    if(eIcode.ll()->m_dst.regi)
-    {
-        if((eIcode.ll()->m_dst.regi>=rAL) && (eIcode.ll()->m_dst.regi<=rBH))
-            eIcode.ll()->setFlags( B );
-        eIcode.setRegDU( eIcode.ll()->m_dst.regi, eDEF);
-    }
-    eIcode.ll()->replaceSrc(rTMP);
-    eIcode.setRegDU( rTMP, eUSE);
-    eIcode.ll()->label = SynthLab++;
-    return Icode.addIcode(&eIcode);
-/** FollowCtrl - Given an initial procedure, state information and symbol table
- * builds a list of procedures reachable from the initial procedure
- * using a depth first search.     */
-void Function::FollowCtrl(CALL_GRAPH * pcallGraph, STATE *pstate)
-    PROG &prog(Project::get()->prog);
-    ICODE   _Icode, *pIcode;     /* This gets copied to pProc->Icode[] later */
-    SYM *    psym;
-    uint32_t   offset;
-    eErrorId err;
-    bool   done = false;
-    SYMTAB &global_symbol_table(Project::get()->symtab);
-    if (name.find("chkstk") != string::npos)
-    {
-        // Danger! Dcc will likely fall over in this code.
-        // So we act as though we have done with this proc
-        //		pProc->flg &= ~TERMINATES;			// Not sure about this
-        done = true;
-        // And mark it as a library function, so structure() won't choke on it
-        flg |= PROC_ISLIB;
-        return;
-    }
-    if (option.VeryVerbose)
-    {
-        printf("Parsing proc %s at %X\n", name.c_str(), pstate->IP);
-    }
-    while (! done )
-    {
-        err = scan(pstate->IP, _Icode);
-        if(err)
-            break;
-        LLInst *ll = _Icode.ll();
-        pstate->IP += (uint32_t)ll->numBytes;
-        setBits(BM_CODE, ll->label, (uint32_t)ll->numBytes);
-        process_operands(_Icode,pstate);
-        /* Keep track of interesting instruction flags in procedure */
-        flg |= (ll->getFlag() & (NOT_HLL | FLOAT_OP));
-        /* Check if this instruction has already been parsed */
-        iICODE labLoc = Icode.labelSrch(ll->label);
-        if (Icode.end()!=labLoc)
-        {   /* Synthetic jump */
-            _Icode.type = LOW_LEVEL;
-            ll->set(iJMP,I | SYNTHETIC | NO_OPS);
-            ll->replaceSrc(LLOperand::CreateImm2(labLoc->ll()->GetLlLabel()));
-            ll->label = SynthLab++;
-        }
-        /* Copy Icode to Proc */
-        if ((ll->getOpcode() == iDIV) || (ll->getOpcode() == iIDIV))
-            pIcode = translate_DIV(ll, _Icode);
-        else if (_Icode.ll()->getOpcode() == iXCHG)
-            pIcode = translate_XCHG(ll, _Icode);
-        else
-            pIcode = Icode.addIcode(&_Icode);
-        switch (ll->getOpcode()) {
-            /*** Conditional jumps ***/
-            case iLOOP: case iLOOPE:    case iLOOPNE:
-            case iJB:   case iJBE:      case iJAE:  case iJA:
-            case iJL:   case iJLE:      case iJGE:  case iJG:
-            case iJE:   case iJNE:      case iJS:   case iJNS:
-            case iJO:   case iJNO:      case iJP:   case iJNP:
-            case iJCXZ:
-            {
-                STATE   StCopy;
-                int     ip      = Icode.size()-1;	/* Index of this jump */
-                ICODE  &prev(*(++Icode.rbegin())); /* Previous icode */
-                bool   fBranch = false;
-                pstate->JCond.regi = 0;
-                /* This sets up range check for indexed JMPs hopefully
-             * Handles JA/JAE for fall through and JB/JBE on branch
-            */
-                if (ip > 0 && prev.ll()->getOpcode() == iCMP && (prev.ll()->testFlags(I)))
-                {
-                    pstate->JCond.immed = (int16_t)prev.ll()->src().getImm2();
-                    if (ll->match(iJA) || ll->match(iJBE) )
-                        pstate->JCond.immed++;
-                    if (ll->getOpcode() == iJAE || ll->getOpcode() == iJA)
-                        pstate->JCond.regi = prev.ll()->m_dst.regi;
-                    fBranch = (bool)
-                              (ll->getOpcode() == iJB || ll->getOpcode() == iJBE);
-                }
-                StCopy = *pstate;
-                //memcpy(&StCopy, pstate, sizeof(STATE));
-                /* Straight line code */
-                this->FollowCtrl (pcallGraph, &StCopy); // recurrent ?
-                if (fBranch)                /* Do branching code */
-                {
-                    pstate->JCond.regi = prev.ll()->m_dst.regi;
-                }
-                /* Next icode. Note: not the same as GetLastIcode() because of the call
-                                to FollowCtrl() */
-                pIcode = Icode.GetIcode(ip);
-            }		/* Fall through to do the jump path */
-                /*** Jumps ***/
-            case iJMP:
-            case iJMPF: /* Returns true if we've run into a loop */
-                done = process_JMP (*pIcode, pstate, pcallGraph);
-                break;
-                /*** Calls ***/
-            case iCALL:
-            case iCALLF:
-                done = process_CALL (*pIcode, pcallGraph, pstate);
-                pstate->kill(rBX);
-                pstate->kill(rCX);
-                break;
-                /*** Returns ***/
-            case iRET:
-            case iRETF:
-                this->flg |= (ll->getOpcode() == iRET)? PROC_NEAR:PROC_FAR;
-                /* Fall through */
-            case iIRET:
-                this->flg &= ~TERMINATES;
-                done = true;
-                break;
-            case iINT:
-                if (ll->src().getImm2() == 0x21 && pstate->f[rAH])
-                {
-                    int funcNum = pstate->r[rAH];
-                    int operand;
-                    int size;
-                    /* Save function number */
-                    Icode.back().ll()-> = (int16_t)funcNum;
-                    //Icode.GetIcode(Icode.GetNumIcodes() - 1)->
-                    /* Program termination: int21h, fn 00h, 31h, 4Ch */
-                    done  = (bool)(funcNum == 0x00 || funcNum == 0x31 ||
-                                    funcNum == 0x4C);
-                    /* String functions: int21h, fn 09h */
-                    if (pstate->f[rDX])      /* offset goes into DX */
-                        if (funcNum == 0x09)
-                        {
-                            operand = ((uint32_t)(uint16_t)pstate->r[rDS]<<4) +
-                                      (uint32_t)(uint16_t)pstate->r[rDX];
-                            size = prog.fCOM ?
-                                       strSize (&prog.image()[operand], '$') :
-                                       strSize (&prog.image()[operand], '$'); // + 0x100
-                            global_symbol_table.updateSymType (operand, TypeContainer(TYPE_STR, size));
-                        }
-                }
-                else if ((ll->src().getImm2() == 0x2F) && (pstate->f[rAH]))
-                {
-                    Icode.back().ll()-> = pstate->r[rAH];
-                }
-                else    /* Program termination: int20h, int27h */
-                    done = (ll->src().getImm2() == 0x20 || ll->src().getImm2() == 0x27);
-                if (done)
-                    pIcode->ll()->setFlags(TERMINATES);
-                break;
-            case iMOV:
-                process_MOV(*pIcode->ll(), pstate);
-                break;
-                /* case iXCHG:
-            process_MOV (pIcode, pstate);
-            break; **** HERE ***/
-            case iSHL:
-                if (pstate->JCond.regi == ll->m_dst.regi)
-                {
-                    if ((ll->testFlags(I)) && ll->src().getImm2() == 1)
-                        pstate->JCond.immed *= 2;
-                    else
-                        pstate->JCond.regi = 0;
-                }
-                break;
-            case iLEA:
-                if (ll->src().getReg2()== rUNDEF)      /* direct mem offset */
-                    pstate->setState( ll->m_dst.getReg2(), ll->src().off);
-                break;
-            case iLDS: case iLES:
-                if ((psym = lookupAddr(&ll->src(), pstate, 4, eDuVal::USE))
-                        /* && (Icode.ll()->flg & SEG_IMMED) */ )
-                {
-                    offset = LH(&prog.image()[psym->label]);
-                    pstate->setState( (ll->getOpcode() == iLDS)? rDS: rES,
-                                      LH(&prog.image()[psym->label + 2]));
-                    pstate->setState( ll->m_dst.regi, (int16_t)offset);
-                    psym->type = TYPE_PTR;
-                }
-                break;
-        }
-    }
-    if (err) {
-        this->flg &= ~TERMINATES;
-        if (err == INVALID_386OP || err == INVALID_OPCODE)
-        {
-            fatalError(err, prog.image()[_Icode.ll()->label], _Icode.ll()->label);
-            this->flg |= PROC_BADINST;
-        }
-        else if (err == IP_OUT_OF_RANGE)
-            fatalError (err, _Icode.ll()->label);
-        else
-            reportError(err, _Icode.ll()->label);
-    }
-/* Firstly look for a leading range check of the form:-
- *      CMP {BX | SI | DI}, immed
- *      JA | JAE | JB | JBE
- * This is stored in the current state as if we had just
- * followed a JBE branch (i.e. [reg] lies between 0 - immed).
-void Function::extractJumpTableRange(ICODE& pIcode, STATE *pstate, JumpTable &table)
-    static uint8_t i2r[4] = {rSI, rDI, rBP, rBX};
-    if (pstate->JCond.regi == i2r[pIcode.ll()->src().getReg2()-INDEX_SI])
-        table.finish = table.start + pstate->JCond.immed;
-    else
-        table.finish = table.start + 2;
-/* process_JMP - Handles JMPs, returns true if we should end recursion  */
-bool Function::followAllTableEntries(JumpTable &table, uint32_t cs, ICODE& pIcode, CALL_GRAPH* pcallGraph, STATE *pstate)
-    PROG &prog(Project::get()->prog);
-    STATE   StCopy;
-    setBits(BM_DATA, table.start, table.size()*table.entrySize());
-    pIcode.ll()->setFlags(SWITCH);
-    pIcode.ll()->caseTbl2.resize( table.size() );
-    assert(pIcode.ll()->caseTbl2.size()<512);
-    uint32_t k=0;
-    for (size_t i = table.start; i < table.finish; i += 2)
-    {
-        StCopy = *pstate;
-        StCopy.IP = cs + LH(&prog.image()[i]);
-        iICODE last_current_insn = (++Icode.rbegin()).base();
-        FollowCtrl (pcallGraph, &StCopy);
-        ++last_current_insn; // incremented here because FollowCtrl might have adde more instructions after the Jmp
-        last_current_insn->ll()->caseEntry = k++;
-        last_current_insn->ll()->setFlags(CASE);
-        pIcode.ll()->caseTbl2.push_back( last_current_insn->ll()->GetLlLabel() );
-    }
-    return true;
-bool Function::process_JMP (ICODE & pIcode, STATE *pstate, CALL_GRAPH * pcallGraph)
-    PROG &prog(Project::get()->prog);
-    static uint8_t i2r[4] = {rSI, rDI, rBP, rBX};
-    ICODE       _Icode;
-    uint32_t       cs, offTable, endTable;
-    uint32_t       i, k, seg, target;
-    if (pIcode.ll()->testFlags(I))
-    {
-        if (pIcode.ll()->getOpcode() == iJMPF)
-            pstate->setState( rCS, LH(prog.image() + pIcode.ll()->label + 3));
-        pstate->IP = pIcode.ll()->src().getImm2();
-        int64_t i = pIcode.ll()->src().getImm2();
-        if (i < 0)
-        {
-            exit(1);
-        }
-        /* Return true if jump target is already parsed */
-        return Icode.alreadyDecoded(i);
-    }
-    /* We've got an indirect JMP - look for switch() stmt. idiom of the form
-     *   JMP  uint16_t ptr  word_offset[rBX | rSI | rDI]        */
-    seg = (pIcode.ll()->src().seg)? pIcode.ll()->src().seg: rDS;
-    /* Ensure we have a uint16_t offset & valid seg */
-    if (pIcode.ll()->match(iJMP) and (pIcode.ll()->testFlags(WORD_OFF)) &&
-            pstate->f[seg] &&
-            (pIcode.ll()->src().regi == INDEX_SI ||
-             pIcode.ll()->src().regi == INDEX_DI || /* Idx reg. BX, SI, DI */
-             pIcode.ll()->src().regi == INDEX_BX))
-    {
-        offTable = ((uint32_t)(uint16_t)pstate->r[seg] << 4) + pIcode.ll()->src().off;
-        /* Firstly look for a leading range check of the form:-
-         *      CMP {BX | SI | DI}, immed
-         *      JA | JAE | JB | JBE
-         * This is stored in the current state as if we had just
-         * followed a JBE branch (i.e. [reg] lies between 0 - immed).
-        */
-        if (pstate->JCond.regi == i2r[pIcode.ll()->src().regi-(INDEX_BX_SI+4)])
-            endTable = offTable + pstate->JCond.immed;
-        else
-            endTable = (uint32_t)prog.cbImage;
-        /* Search for first uint8_t flagged after start of table */
-        for (i = offTable; i <= endTable; i++)
-            if (BITMAP(i, BM_CODE | BM_DATA))
-                break;
-        endTable = i & ~1;      /* Max. possible table size */
-        /* Now do some heuristic pruning.  Look for ptrs. into the table
-         * and for addresses that don't appear to point to valid code.
-        */
-        cs = (uint32_t)(uint16_t)pstate->r[rCS] << 4;
-        for (i = offTable; i < endTable; i += 2)
-        {
-            target = cs + LH(&prog.image()[i]);
-            if (target < endTable && target >= offTable)
-                endTable = target;
-            else if (target >= (uint32_t)prog.cbImage)
-                endTable = i;
-        }
-        for (i = offTable; i < endTable; i += 2)
-        {
-            target = cs + LH(&prog.image()[i]);
-            /* Be wary of 00 00 as code - it's probably data */
-            if (! (prog.image()[target] || prog.image()[target+1]) ||
-                    scan(target, _Icode))
-                endTable = i;
-        }
-        /* Now for each entry in the table take a copy of the current
-         * state and recursively call FollowCtrl(). */
-        if (offTable < endTable)
-        {
-            assert(((endTable - offTable) / 2)<512);
-            STATE   StCopy;
-            //int     ip;
-            //uint32_t  *psw;
-            setBits(BM_DATA, offTable, endTable - offTable);
-            pIcode.ll()->setFlags(SWITCH);
-            //pIcode.ll()->caseTbl2.numEntries = (endTable - offTable) / 2;
-            for (i = offTable, k = 0; i < endTable; i += 2)
-            {
-                StCopy = *pstate;
-                StCopy.IP = cs + LH(&prog.image()[i]);
-                iICODE last_current_insn = (++Icode.rbegin()).base();
-                //ip = Icode.size();
-                FollowCtrl (pcallGraph, &StCopy);
-                ++last_current_insn;
-                last_current_insn->ll()->caseEntry = k++;
-                last_current_insn->ll()->setFlags(CASE);
-                pIcode.ll()->caseTbl2.push_back( last_current_insn->ll()->GetLlLabel() );
-            }
-            return true;
-        }
-    }
-    /* Can't do anything with this jump */
-    flg |= PROC_IJMP;
-    flg &= ~TERMINATES;
-    interactDis(this, this->Icode.size()-1);
-    return true;
-/* Process procedure call.
- * Note: We assume that CALL's will return unless there is good evidence to
- *       the contrary - thus we return false unless all paths in the called
- *       procedure end in DOS exits.  This is reasonable since C procedures
- *       will always include the epilogue after the call anyway and it's to
- *       be assumed that if an assembler program contains a CALL that the
- *       programmer expected it to come back - otherwise surely a JMP would
- *       have been used.  */
-bool Function::process_CALL(ICODE & pIcode, CALL_GRAPH * pcallGraph, STATE *pstate)
-    PROG &prog(Project::get()->prog);
-    ICODE &last_insn(Icode.back());
-    STATE localState;     /* Local copy of the machine state */
-    uint32_t off;
-    /* For Indirect Calls, find the function address */
-    bool indirect = false;
-    //pIcode.ll()->immed.proc.proc=fakeproc;
-    if ( not pIcode.ll()->testFlags(I) )
-    {
-        /* Not immediate, i.e. indirect call */
-        if (pIcode.ll()->m_dst.regi && (!option.Calls))
-        {
-            /* We have not set the brave option to attempt to follow
-                the execution path through register indirect calls.
-                So we just exit this function, and ignore the call.
-                We probably should not have parsed this deep, anyway.
-                        */
-            return false;
-        }
-        /* Offset into program image is seg:off of read input */
-        /* Note: this assumes that the pointer itself is at
-                        es:0 where es:0 is the start of the image. This is
-                        usually wrong! Consider also CALL [BP+0E] in which the
-                        segment for the pointer is in SS! - Mike */
-        if(pIcode.ll()->m_dst.isReg())
-        {
-            if( not  pstate->isKnown(pIcode.ll()->m_dst.regi)
-                    or
-                    not  pstate->isKnown(pIcode.ll()->m_dst.seg)
-                    )
-            {
-                fprintf(stderr,"Indirect call with unknown register values\n");
-                return false;
-            }
-            off = pstate->r[pIcode.ll()->m_dst.seg];
-            off <<=4;
-            off += pstate->r[pIcode.ll()->m_dst.regi];
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            off = (uint32_t)(uint16_t)pIcode.ll()-> +
-                  ((uint32_t)(uint16_t)pIcode.ll()->m_dst.segValue << 4);
-        }
-        /* Address of function is given by 4 (CALLF) or 2 (CALL) bytes at
-         * previous offset into the program image */
-        uint32_t tgtAddr=0;
-        if (pIcode.ll()->getOpcode() == iCALLF)
-            tgtAddr= LH(&prog.image()[off]) + ((uint32_t)(LH(&prog.image()[off+2])) << 4);
-        else
-            tgtAddr= LH(&prog.image()[off]) + ((uint32_t)(uint16_t)state.r[rCS] << 4);
-        pIcode.ll()->replaceSrc(LLOperand::CreateImm2( tgtAddr ) );
-        pIcode.ll()->setFlags(I);
-        indirect = true;
-    }
-    /* Process CALL.  Function address is located in pIcode.ll()->immed.op */
-    if (pIcode.ll()->testFlags(I))
-    {
-        /* Search procedure list for one with appropriate entry point */
-        ilFunction iter = Project::get()->findByEntry(pIcode.ll()->src().getImm2());
-        /* Create a new procedure node and save copy of the state */
-        if ( not Project::get()->valid(iter) )
-        {
-            iter = Project::get()->createFunction(0,"");
-            Function &x(*iter);
-            x.procEntry = pIcode.ll()->src().getImm2();
-            LibCheck(x);
-            if (x.flg & PROC_ISLIB)
-            {
-                /* A library function. No need to do any more to it */
-                pcallGraph->insertCallGraph (this, iter);
-                //iter = (++pProcList.rbegin()).base();
-                last_insn.ll()->src().proc.proc = &x;
-                return false;
-            }
-            if (indirect)
-                x.flg |= PROC_ICALL;
-            if (     /* Don't overwrite existing name */
-            {
-                ostringstream os;
-                os<<"proc_"<< ++prog.cProcs;
-       = os.str();
-            }
-            x.depth = x.depth + 1;
-            x.flg |= TERMINATES;
-            /* Save machine state in localState, load up IP and CS.*/
-            localState = *pstate;
-            pstate->IP = pIcode.ll()->src().getImm2();
-            if (pIcode.ll()->getOpcode() == iCALLF)
-                pstate->setState( rCS, LH(prog.image() + pIcode.ll()->label + 3));
-            x.state = *pstate;
-            /* Insert new procedure in call graph */
-            pcallGraph->insertCallGraph (this, iter);
-            /* Process new procedure */
-            x.FollowCtrl (pcallGraph, pstate);
-            /* Restore segment registers & IP from localState */
-            pstate->IP = localState.IP;
-            pstate->setState( rCS, localState.r[rCS]);
-            pstate->setState( rDS, localState.r[rDS]);
-            pstate->setState( rES, localState.r[rES]);
-            pstate->setState( rSS, localState.r[rSS]);
-        }
-        else
-            Project::get()->callGraph->insertCallGraph (this, iter);
-        last_insn.ll()->src().proc.proc = &(*iter); // ^ target proc
-        /* return ((p->flg & TERMINATES) != 0); */
-    }
-    return false;				// Cristina, please check!!
-/* process_MOV - Handles state changes due to simple assignments    */
-static void process_MOV(LLInst & ll, STATE * pstate)
-    PROG &prog(Project::get()->prog);
-    SYM *  psym, *psym2;        /* Pointer to symbol in global symbol table */
-    uint8_t  dstReg = ll.m_dst.regi;
-    uint8_t  srcReg = ll.src().regi;
-    if (dstReg > 0 && dstReg < INDEX_BX_SI)
-    {
-        if (ll.testFlags(I))
-            pstate->setState( dstReg, (int16_t)ll.src().getImm2());
-        else if (srcReg == 0)   /* direct memory offset */
-        {
-            psym = lookupAddr(&ll.src(), pstate, 2, eDuVal::USE);
-            if (psym && ((psym->flg & SEG_IMMED) || psym->duVal.val))
-                pstate->setState( dstReg, LH(&prog.image()[psym->label]));
-        }
-        else if (srcReg < INDEX_BX_SI && pstate->f[srcReg])  /* reg */
-        {
-            pstate->setState( dstReg, pstate->r[srcReg]);
-            /* Follow moves of the possible index register */
-            if (pstate->JCond.regi == srcReg)
-                pstate->JCond.regi = dstReg;
-        }
-    }
-    else if (dstReg == 0) {     /* direct memory offset */
-        int size=2;
-        if((ll.src().regi>=rAL)&&(ll.src().regi<=rBH))
-            size=1;
-        psym = lookupAddr (&ll.m_dst, pstate, size, eDEF);
-        if (psym && ! (psym->duVal.val))      /* no initial value yet */
-        {
-            if (ll.testFlags(I))   /* immediate */
-            {
-                //prog.image()[psym->label] = (uint8_t)ll.src().getImm2();
-                pstate->setMemoryByte(psym->label,(uint8_t)ll.src().getImm2());
-                if(psym->size>1)
-                {
-                    pstate->setMemoryByte(psym->label+1,uint8_t(ll.src().getImm2()>>8));
-                    //prog.image()[psym->label+1] = (uint8_t)(ll.src().getImm2()>>8);
-                }
-                psym->duVal.val = 1;
-            }
-            else if (srcReg == 0) /* direct mem offset */
-            {
-                psym2 = lookupAddr (&ll.src(), pstate, 2, eDuVal::USE);
-                if (psym2 && ((psym->flg & SEG_IMMED) || (psym->duVal.val)))
-                {
-                    //prog.image()[psym->label] = (uint8_t)prog.image()[psym2->label];
-                    pstate->setMemoryByte(psym->label,(uint8_t)prog.image()[psym2->label]);
-                    if(psym->size>1)
-                    {
-                        pstate->setMemoryByte(psym->label+1,(uint8_t)prog.image()[psym2->label+1]);
-                        //prog.image()[psym->label+1] = prog.image()[psym2->label+1];//(uint8_t)(prog.image()[psym2->label+1] >> 8);
-                    }
-                    psym->duVal.setFlags(eDuVal::DEF);
-                    psym2->duVal.setFlags(eDuVal::USE);
-                }
-            }
-            else if (srcReg < INDEX_BX_SI && pstate->f[srcReg])  /* reg */
-            {
-                //prog.image()[psym->label] = (uint8_t)pstate->r[srcReg];
-                pstate->setMemoryByte(psym->label,(uint8_t)pstate->r[srcReg]);
-                if(psym->size>1)
-                {
-                    pstate->setMemoryByte(psym->label,(uint8_t)pstate->r[srcReg]>>8);
-                    //prog.image()[psym->label+1] = (uint8_t)(pstate->r[srcReg] >> 8);
-                }
-                psym->duVal.setFlags(eDuVal::DEF);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-/* Updates the offset entry to the stack frame table (arguments),
- * and returns a pointer to such entry. */
-void STKFRAME::updateFrameOff ( int16_t off, int _size, uint16_t duFlag)
-    /* Check for symbol in stack frame table */
-    auto iter=findByLabel(off);
-    if(iter!=end())
-    {
-        if (iter->size < _size)
-        {
-            iter->size = _size;
-        }
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        char nm[16];
-        STKSYM new_sym;
-        sprintf (nm, "arg%" PRIu64, uint64_t(size()));
- = nm;
-        new_sym.label= off;
-        new_sym.size = _size;
-        new_sym.type = TypeContainer::defaultTypeForSize(_size);
-        if (duFlag == eDuVal::USE)  /* must already have init value */
-        {
-            new_sym.duVal.use=1;
-            //new_sym.duVal.val=1;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            new_sym.duVal.setFlags(duFlag);
-        }
-        push_back(new_sym);
-        this->numArgs++;
-    }
-    /* Save maximum argument offset */
-    if ((uint32_t)this->maxOff < (off + (uint32_t)_size))
-        this->maxOff = off + (int16_t)_size;
-/* lookupAddr - Looks up a data reference in the symbol table and stores it
- *      if necessary.
- *      Returns a pointer to the symbol in the
- *      symbol table, or Null if it's not a direct memory offset.  */
-static SYM * lookupAddr (LLOperand *pm, STATE *pstate, int size, uint16_t duFlag)
-    PROG &prog(Project::get()->prog);
-    int     i;
-    SYM *    psym=nullptr;
-    uint32_t   operand;
-    bool created_new=false;
-    if (pm->regi != rUNDEF)
-        return nullptr; // register or indexed
-    /* Global var */
-    if (pm->segValue)  /* there is a value in the seg field */
-    {
-        operand = opAdr (pm->segValue, pm->off);
-        psym = Project::get()->symtab.updateGlobSym (operand, size, duFlag,created_new);
-    }
-    else if (pstate->f[pm->seg]) /* new value */
-    {
-        pm->segValue = pstate->r[pm->seg];
-        operand = opAdr(pm->segValue, pm->off);
-        psym = Project::get()->symtab.updateGlobSym (operand, size, duFlag,created_new);
-        /* Flag new memory locations that are segment values */
-        if (created_new)
-        {
-            if (size == 4)
-                operand += 2;   /* High uint16_t */
-            for (i = 0; i < prog.cReloc; i++)
-                if (prog.relocTable[i] == operand) {
-                    psym->flg = SEG_IMMED;
-                    break;
-                }
-        }
-    }
-    /* Check for out of bounds */
-    if (psym and (psym->label < (uint32_t)prog.cbImage))
-        return psym;
-    return nullptr;
-/* setState - Assigns a value to a reg.     */
-void STATE::setState(uint16_t reg, int16_t value)
-    value &= 0xFFFF;
-    r[reg] = value;
-    f[reg] = true;
-    switch (reg) {
-        case rAX: case rCX: case rDX: case rBX:
-            r[reg + rAL - rAX] = value & 0xFF;
-            f[reg + rAL - rAX] = true;
-            r[reg + rAH - rAX] = (value >> 8) & 0xFF;
-            f[reg + rAH - rAX] = true;
-            break;
-        case rAL: case rCL: case rDL: case rBL:
-            if (f[reg - rAL + rAH]) {
-                r[reg - rAL + rAX] =(r[reg - rAL + rAH] << 8) + (value & 0xFF);
-                f[reg - rAL + rAX] = true;
-            }
-            break;
-        case rAH: case rCH: case rDH: case rBH:
-            if (f[reg - rAH + rAL])
-            {
-                r[reg - rAH + rAX] = r[reg - rAH + rAL] + ((value & 0xFF) << 8);
-                f[reg - rAH + rAX] = true;
-            }
-            break;
-    }
-/* labelSrchRepl - Searches Icode for instruction with label = target, and
-    replaces *pIndex with an icode index */
-/* setBits - Sets memory bitmap bits for BM_CODE or BM_DATA (additively) */
-static void setBits(int16_t type, uint32_t start, uint32_t len)
-    PROG &prog(Project::get()->prog);
-    uint32_t   i;
-    if (start < (uint32_t)prog.cbImage)
-    {
-        if (start + len > (uint32_t)prog.cbImage)
-            len = (uint32_t)(prog.cbImage - start);
-        for (i = start + len - 1; i >= start; i--)
-        {
-  [i >> 2] |= type << ((i & 3) << 1);
-            if (i == 0) break;		// Fixes inf loop!
-        }
-    }
-/* Checks which registers were used and updates the du.u flag.
- * Places local variables on the local symbol table.
- * Arguments: d     : SRC or DST icode operand
- *            pIcode: ptr to icode instruction
- *            pProc : ptr to current procedure structure
- *            pstate: ptr to current procedure state
- *            size  : size of the operand
- *            ix    : current index into icode array    */
-static void use (opLoc d, ICODE & pIcode, Function * pProc, STATE * pstate, int size)
-    const LLOperand * pm = pIcode.ll()->get(d) ;
-    SYM *  psym;
-    if ( Machine_X86::isMemOff(pm->regi) )
-    {
-        if (pm->regi == INDEX_BP)      /* indexed on bp */
-        {
-            if (pm->off >= 2)
-                pProc->args.updateFrameOff ( pm->off, size, eDuVal::USE);
-            else if (pm->off < 0)
-                pProc->localId.newByteWordStk (TYPE_WORD_SIGN, pm->off, 0);
-        }
-        else if (pm->regi == INDEX_BP_SI || pm->regi == INDEX_BP_DI)
-            pProc->localId.newByteWordStk (TYPE_WORD_SIGN, pm->off,
-                                           (uint8_t)((pm->regi == INDEX_BP_SI) ? rSI : rDI));
-        else if ((pm->regi >= INDEX_SI) && (pm->regi <= INDEX_BX))
-        {
-            if ((pm->seg == rDS) && (pm->regi == INDEX_BX))    /* bx */
-            {
-                if (pm->off > 0)    /* global indexed variable */
-                    pProc->localId.newIntIdx(pm->segValue, pm->off, rBX,TYPE_WORD_SIGN);
-            }
-            pIcode.du.use.addReg(pm->regi);
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            psym = lookupAddr(const_cast<LLOperand *>(pm), pstate, size, eDuVal::USE);
-            if( nullptr != psym )
-            {
-                setBits (BM_DATA, psym->label, (uint32_t)size);
-                pIcode.ll()->setFlags(SYM_USE);
-                pIcode.ll()->caseEntry = distance(&Project::get()->symtab[0],psym); //WARNING: was setting case count
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    /* Use of register */
-    else if ((d == DST) || ((d == SRC) && (not pIcode.ll()->testFlags(I))))
-        pIcode.du.use.addReg(pm->regi);
-/* Checks which registers were defined (ie. got a new value) and updates the
- * du.d flag.
- * Places local variables in the local symbol table.    */
-static void def (opLoc d, ICODE & pIcode, Function * pProc, STATE * pstate, int size)
-    LLOperand *pm   = pIcode.ll()->get(d);
-    if (pm->regi==0)
-    {
-        SYM *  psym;
-        psym = lookupAddr(pm, pstate, size, eDEF);
-        if (nullptr!=psym)
-        {
-            setBits(BM_DATA, psym->label, (uint32_t)size);
-            pIcode.ll()->setFlags(SYM_DEF);
-            pIcode.ll()->caseEntry = distance(&Project::get()->symtab[0],psym); // WARNING: was setting Case count
-        }
-    }
-    else if (pm->regi >= INDEX_BX_SI)
-    {
-        if (pm->regi == INDEX_BP)      /* indexed on bp */
-        {
-            if (pm->off >= 2)
-                pProc->args.updateFrameOff ( pm->off, size, eDEF);
-            else if (pm->off < 0)
-                pProc->localId.newByteWordStk (TYPE_WORD_SIGN, pm->off, 0);
-        }
-        else if (pm->regi == INDEX_BP_SI || pm->regi == INDEX_BP_DI)
-        {
-            pProc->localId.newByteWordStk(TYPE_WORD_SIGN, pm->off,
-                                          (uint8_t)((pm->regi == INDEX_BP_SI) ? rSI : rDI));
-        }
-        else if ((pm->regi >= INDEX_SI) && (pm->regi <= INDEX_BX))
-        {
-            if ((pm->seg == rDS) && (pm->regi == INDEX_BX))    /* bx */
-            {
-                if (pm->off > 0)        /* global var */
-                    pProc->localId.newIntIdx(pm->segValue, pm->off, rBX,TYPE_WORD_SIGN);
-            }
-            pIcode.du.use.addReg(pm->regi);
-        }
-    }
-    /* Definition of register */
-    else if ((d == DST) || ((d == SRC) && (not pIcode.ll()->testFlags(I))))
-    {
-        assert(not pIcode.ll()->match(iPUSH));
-        pIcode.du1.addDef(pm->regi);
-        pIcode.du.def.addReg(pm->regi);
-    }
-/* use_def - operand is both use and def'd.
- * Note: the destination will always be a register, stack variable, or global
- *       variable.      */
-static void use_def(opLoc d, ICODE & pIcode, Function * pProc, STATE * pstate, int cb)
-    const LLOperand *  pm = pIcode.ll()->get(d);
-    use (d, pIcode, pProc, pstate, cb);
-    if (pm->regi < INDEX_BX_SI)                   /* register */
-    {
-        assert(not pIcode.ll()->match(iPUSH));
-        pIcode.du1.addDef(pm->regi);
-        pIcode.du.def.addReg(pm->regi);
-    }
-/* Set DU vector, local variables and arguments, and DATA bits in the
- * bitmap       */
-extern LLOperand convertOperand(const x86_op_t &from);
-void Function::process_operands(ICODE & pIcode,  STATE * pstate)
-    LLInst &ll_ins(*pIcode.ll());
-    int   sseg = (ll_ins.src().seg)? ll_ins.src().seg: rDS;
-    int   cb   = pIcode.ll()->testFlags(B) ? 1: 2;
-    //x86_op_t *im= pIcode.insn.x86_get_imm();
-    bool Imm  = (pIcode.ll()->testFlags(I));
-    switch (pIcode.ll()->getOpcode()) {
-        case iAND:  case iOR:   case iXOR:
-        case iSAR:  case iSHL:  case iSHR:
-        case iRCL:  case iRCR:  case iROL:  case iROR:
-        case iADD:  case iADC:  case iSUB:  case iSBB:
-            if (! Imm) {
-                use(SRC, pIcode, this, pstate, cb);
-            }
-        case iINC:  case iDEC:  case iNEG:  case iNOT:
-        case iAAA:  case iAAD:  case iAAM:  case iAAS:
-        case iDAA:  case iDAS:
-            use_def(DST, pIcode, this, pstate, cb);
-            break;
-        case iXCHG:
-            /* This instruction is replaced by 3 instructions, only need
-                         * to define the src operand and use the destination operand
-                         * in the mean time.	*/
-            use(SRC, pIcode, this, pstate, cb);
-            def(DST, pIcode, this, pstate, cb);
-            break;
-        case iTEST: case iCMP:
-            if (! Imm)
-                use(SRC, pIcode, this, pstate, cb);
-            use(DST, pIcode, this, pstate, cb);
-            break;
-        case iDIV:  case iIDIV:
-            use(SRC, pIcode, this, pstate, cb);
-            if (cb == 1)
-                pIcode.du.use.addReg(rTMP);
-            break;
-        case iMUL:  case iIMUL:
-            use(SRC, pIcode, this, pstate, cb);
-            if (! Imm)
-            {
-                use (DST, pIcode, this, pstate, cb);
-                if (cb == 1)
-                {
-                    pIcode.du.def.addReg(rAX);
-                    pIcode.du1.addDef(rAX);
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    pIcode.du.def.addReg(rAX).addReg(rDX);
-                    pIcode.du1.addDef(rAX).addDef(rDX);
-                }
-            }
-            else
-                def (DST, pIcode, this, pstate, cb);
-            break;
-        case iSIGNEX:
-            cb = pIcode.ll()->testFlags(SRC_B) ? 1 : 2;
-            if (cb == 1)                    /* uint8_t */
-            {
-                pIcode.du.def.addReg(rAX);
-                pIcode.du1.addDef(rAX);
-                pIcode.du.use.addReg(rAL);
-            }
-            else                            /* uint16_t */
-            {
-                pIcode.du.def.addReg(rDX).addReg(rAX);
-                pIcode.du1.addDef(rAX).addDef(rDX);
-                pIcode.du.use.addReg(rAX);
-            }
-            break;
-        case iCALLF:            /* Ignore def's on CS for now */
-            cb = 4;
-        case iCALL:  case iPUSH:  case iPOP:
-            if (! Imm) {
-                if (pIcode.ll()->getOpcode() == iPOP)
-                    def(DST, pIcode, this, pstate, cb);
-                else
-                    use(DST, pIcode, this, pstate, cb);
-            }
-            break;
-        case iESC:  /* operands may be larger */
-            use(DST, pIcode, this, pstate, cb);
-            break;
-        case iLDS:  case iLES:
-        {
-            eReg r=((pIcode.ll()->getOpcode() == iLDS) ? rDS : rES);
-            pIcode.du.def.addReg(r);
-            pIcode.du1.addDef(r);
-            cb = 4;
-            // fallthrough
-        }
-        case iMOV:
-            use(SRC, pIcode, this, pstate, cb);
-            def(DST, pIcode, this, pstate, cb);
-            break;
-        case iLEA:
-            use(SRC, pIcode, this, pstate, 2);
-            def(DST, pIcode, this, pstate, 2);
-            break;
-        case iBOUND:
-            use(SRC, pIcode, this, pstate, 4);
-            use(DST, pIcode, this, pstate, cb);
-            break;
-        case iJMPF:
-            cb = 4;
-        case iJMP:
-            if (! Imm)
-                use(SRC, pIcode, this, pstate, cb);
-            break;
-        case iLOOP:  case iLOOPE:  case iLOOPNE:
-            pIcode.du.def.addReg(rCX);
-            pIcode.du1.addDef(rCX);
-        case iJCXZ:
-            pIcode.du.use.addReg(rCX);
-            break;
-        case iREPNE_CMPS: case iREPE_CMPS:  case iREP_MOVS:
-            pIcode.du.addDefinedAndUsed(rCX);
-            pIcode.du1.addDef(rCX);
-        case iCMPS:  case iMOVS:
-            pIcode.du.addDefinedAndUsed(rSI);
-            pIcode.du.addDefinedAndUsed(rDI);
-            pIcode.du1.addDef(rSI).addDef(rDI);
-            pIcode.du.use.addReg(rES).addReg(sseg);
-            break;
-        case iREPNE_SCAS: case iREPE_SCAS:  case iREP_STOS:  case iREP_INS:
-            pIcode.du.addDefinedAndUsed(rCX);
-            pIcode.du1.addDef(rCX);
-        case iSCAS:  case iSTOS:  case iINS:
-            pIcode.du.def.addReg(rDI);
-            pIcode.du1.addDef(rDI);
-            if (pIcode.ll()->getOpcode() == iREP_INS || pIcode.ll()->getOpcode()== iINS)
-            {
-                pIcode.du.use.addReg(rDI).addReg(rES).addReg(rDX);
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                pIcode.du.use.addReg(rDI).addReg(rES).addReg((cb == 2)? rAX: rAL);
-            }
-            break;
-        case iREP_LODS:
-            pIcode.du.addDefinedAndUsed(rCX);
-            pIcode.du1.addDef(rCX);
-        case iLODS:
-        {
-            eReg r = (cb==2)? rAX: rAL;
-            pIcode.du.addDefinedAndUsed(rSI);
-            pIcode.du1.addDef(rSI);
-            pIcode.du.def.addReg(r);
-            pIcode.du1.addDef(r);
-            pIcode.du.use.addReg(sseg);
-        }
-            break;
-        case iREP_OUTS:
-            pIcode.du.addDefinedAndUsed(rCX);
-            pIcode.du1.addDef(rCX);
-        case iOUTS:
-            pIcode.du.addDefinedAndUsed(rSI);
-            pIcode.du1.addDef(rSI);
-            pIcode.du.use.addReg(rDX).addReg(sseg);
-            break;
-        case iIN:  case iOUT:
-            def(DST, pIcode, this, pstate, cb);
-            if (! Imm)
-            {
-                pIcode.du.use.addReg(rDX);
-            }
-            break;
-    }
-    for (int i = rSP; i <= rBH; i++)        /* Kill all defined registers */
-        if (pIcode.ll()->flagDU.d & (1 << i))
-            pstate->f[i] = false;
+ *          dcc project procedure list builder
+ * (C) Cristina Cifuentes, Mike van Emmerik, Jeff Ledermann
+ ****************************************************************************/
+#include <inttypes.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>		/* For exit() */
+#include <sstream>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <deque>
+#include <QMap>
+#include <QtCore/QDebug>
+#include "dcc.h"
+#include "project.h"
+#include "CallGraph.h"
+using namespace std;
+//static void     FollowCtrl (Function * pProc, CALL_GRAPH * pcallGraph, STATE * pstate);
+static void     setBits(int16_t type, uint32_t start, uint32_t len);
+static void     process_MOV(LLInst &ll, STATE * pstate);
+static SYM *     lookupAddr (LLOperand *pm, STATE * pstate, int size, uint16_t duFlag);
+void    interactDis(Function * initProc, int ic);
+extern uint32_t    SynthLab;
+/* Returns the size of the string pointed by sym and delimited by delim.
+ * Size includes delimiter.     */
+int strSize (const uint8_t *sym, char delim)
+    PROG &prog(Project::get()->prog);
+    int till_end = sym-prog.image();
+    const uint8_t *end_ptr=std::find(sym,sym+(prog.cbImage-(till_end)),delim);
+    return end_ptr-sym+1;
+ICODE * Function::translate_DIV(LLInst *ll, ICODE &_Icode)
+    /* MOV rTMP, reg */
+    ICODE eIcode = ICODE();
+    eIcode.type = LOW_LEVEL;
+    eIcode.ll()->set(iMOV,0,rTMP);
+    if (ll->testFlags(B) )
+    {
+        eIcode.ll()->setFlags( B );
+        eIcode.ll()->replaceSrc(rAX);
+    }
+    else    /* implicit dx:ax */
+    {
+        eIcode.ll()->setFlags( IM_SRC );
+        eIcode.setRegDU( rDX, eUSE);
+    }
+    eIcode.setRegDU( rAX, eUSE);
+    eIcode.setRegDU( rTMP, eDEF);
+    eIcode.ll()->setFlags( SYNTHETIC );
+    /* eIcode.ll()->label = SynthLab++; */
+    eIcode.ll()->label = _Icode.ll()->label;
+    Icode.addIcode(&eIcode);
+    /* iDIV, iIDIV */
+    Icode.addIcode(&_Icode);
+    /* iMOD */
+    eIcode = ICODE();
+    eIcode.type = LOW_LEVEL;
+    eIcode.ll()->set(iMOD,ll->getFlag() | SYNTHETIC  | IM_TMP_DST);
+    eIcode.ll()->replaceSrc(_Icode.ll()->src());
+    eIcode.du = _Icode.du;
+    eIcode.ll()->label = SynthLab++;
+    return Icode.addIcode(&eIcode);
+ICODE *Function::translate_XCHG(LLInst *ll,ICODE &_Icode)
+    /* MOV rTMP, regDst */
+    ICODE eIcode;
+    eIcode.type = LOW_LEVEL;
+    eIcode.ll()->set(iMOV,SYNTHETIC,rTMP,ll->m_dst);
+    eIcode.setRegDU( rTMP, eDEF);
+    if(eIcode.ll()->src().getReg2())
+    {
+        eReg srcreg=eIcode.ll()->src().getReg2();
+        eIcode.setRegDU( srcreg, eUSE);
+        if((srcreg>=rAL) && (srcreg<=rBH))
+            eIcode.ll()->setFlags( B );
+    }
+    eIcode.ll()->label = ll->label;
+    Icode.addIcode(&eIcode);
+    /* MOV regDst, regSrc */
+    ll->set(iMOV,SYNTHETIC|ll->getFlag());
+    Icode.addIcode(&_Icode);
+    ll->setOpcode(iXCHG); /* for next case */
+    /* MOV regSrc, rTMP */
+    eIcode = ICODE();
+    eIcode.type = LOW_LEVEL;
+    eIcode.ll()->set(iMOV,SYNTHETIC);
+    eIcode.ll()->replaceDst(ll->src());
+    if(eIcode.ll()->m_dst.regi)
+    {
+        if((eIcode.ll()->m_dst.regi>=rAL) && (eIcode.ll()->m_dst.regi<=rBH))
+            eIcode.ll()->setFlags( B );
+        eIcode.setRegDU( eIcode.ll()->m_dst.regi, eDEF);
+    }
+    eIcode.ll()->replaceSrc(rTMP);
+    eIcode.setRegDU( rTMP, eUSE);
+    eIcode.ll()->label = SynthLab++;
+    return Icode.addIcode(&eIcode);
+/** FollowCtrl - Given an initial procedure, state information and symbol table
+ * builds a list of procedures reachable from the initial procedure
+ * using a depth first search.     */
+void Function::FollowCtrl(CALL_GRAPH * pcallGraph, STATE *pstate)
+    PROG &prog(Project::get()->prog);
+    ICODE   _Icode, *pIcode;     /* This gets copied to pProc->Icode[] later */
+    SYM *    psym;
+    uint32_t   offset;
+    eErrorId err;
+    bool   done = false;
+    SYMTAB &global_symbol_table(Project::get()->symtab);
+    if (name.find("chkstk") != string::npos)
+    {
+        // Danger! Dcc will likely fall over in this code.
+        // So we act as though we have done with this proc
+        //		pProc->flg &= ~TERMINATES;			// Not sure about this
+        done = true;
+        // And mark it as a library function, so structure() won't choke on it
+        flg |= PROC_ISLIB;
+        return;
+    }
+    if (option.VeryVerbose)
+    {
+        printf("Parsing proc %s at %X\n", name.c_str(), pstate->IP);
+    }
+    while (! done )
+    {
+        err = scan(pstate->IP, _Icode);
+        if(err)
+            break;
+        LLInst *ll = _Icode.ll();
+        pstate->IP += (uint32_t)ll->numBytes;
+        setBits(BM_CODE, ll->label, (uint32_t)ll->numBytes);
+        process_operands(_Icode,pstate);
+        /* Keep track of interesting instruction flags in procedure */
+        flg |= (ll->getFlag() & (NOT_HLL | FLOAT_OP));
+        /* Check if this instruction has already been parsed */
+        iICODE labLoc = Icode.labelSrch(ll->label);
+        if (Icode.end()!=labLoc)
+        {   /* Synthetic jump */
+            _Icode.type = LOW_LEVEL;
+            ll->set(iJMP,I | SYNTHETIC | NO_OPS);
+            ll->replaceSrc(LLOperand::CreateImm2(labLoc->ll()->GetLlLabel()));
+            ll->label = SynthLab++;
+        }
+        /* Copy Icode to Proc */
+        if ((ll->getOpcode() == iDIV) || (ll->getOpcode() == iIDIV))
+            pIcode = translate_DIV(ll, _Icode);
+        else if (_Icode.ll()->getOpcode() == iXCHG)
+            pIcode = translate_XCHG(ll, _Icode);
+        else
+            pIcode = Icode.addIcode(&_Icode);
+        switch (ll->getOpcode()) {
+            /*** Conditional jumps ***/
+            case iLOOP: case iLOOPE:    case iLOOPNE:
+            case iJB:   case iJBE:      case iJAE:  case iJA:
+            case iJL:   case iJLE:      case iJGE:  case iJG:
+            case iJE:   case iJNE:      case iJS:   case iJNS:
+            case iJO:   case iJNO:      case iJP:   case iJNP:
+            case iJCXZ:
+            {
+                STATE   StCopy;
+                int     ip      = Icode.size()-1;	/* Index of this jump */
+                ICODE  &prev(*(++Icode.rbegin())); /* Previous icode */
+                bool   fBranch = false;
+                pstate->JCond.regi = 0;
+                /* This sets up range check for indexed JMPs hopefully
+             * Handles JA/JAE for fall through and JB/JBE on branch
+            */
+                if (ip > 0 && prev.ll()->getOpcode() == iCMP && (prev.ll()->testFlags(I)))
+                {
+                    pstate->JCond.immed = (int16_t)prev.ll()->src().getImm2();
+                    if (ll->match(iJA) || ll->match(iJBE) )
+                        pstate->JCond.immed++;
+                    if (ll->getOpcode() == iJAE || ll->getOpcode() == iJA)
+                        pstate->JCond.regi = prev.ll()->m_dst.regi;
+                    fBranch = (bool) (ll->getOpcode() == iJB || ll->getOpcode() == iJBE);
+                }
+                StCopy = *pstate;
+                /* Straight line code */
+                this->FollowCtrl (pcallGraph, &StCopy); // recurrent ?
+                if (fBranch)                /* Do branching code */
+                {
+                    pstate->JCond.regi = prev.ll()->m_dst.regi;
+                }
+                /* Next icode. Note: not the same as GetLastIcode() because of the call
+                                to FollowCtrl() */
+                pIcode = Icode.GetIcode(ip);
+            }		/* Fall through to do the jump path */
+                /*** Jumps ***/
+            case iJMP:
+            case iJMPF: /* Returns true if we've run into a loop */
+                done = process_JMP (*pIcode, pstate, pcallGraph);
+                break;
+                /*** Calls ***/
+            case iCALL:
+            case iCALLF:
+                done = process_CALL (*pIcode, pcallGraph, pstate);
+                pstate->kill(rBX);
+                pstate->kill(rCX);
+                break;
+                /*** Returns ***/
+            case iRET:
+            case iRETF:
+                this->flg |= (ll->getOpcode() == iRET)? PROC_NEAR:PROC_FAR;
+                /* Fall through */
+            case iIRET:
+                this->flg &= ~TERMINATES;
+                done = true;
+                break;
+            case iINT:
+                if (ll->src().getImm2() == 0x21 && pstate->f[rAH])
+                {
+                    int funcNum = pstate->r[rAH];
+                    int operand;
+                    int size;
+                    /* Save function number */
+                    Icode.back().ll()-> = (int16_t)funcNum;
+                    //Icode.GetIcode(Icode.GetNumIcodes() - 1)->
+                    /* Program termination: int21h, fn 00h, 31h, 4Ch */
+                    done  = (bool)(funcNum == 0x00 || funcNum == 0x31 ||
+                                    funcNum == 0x4C);
+                    /* String functions: int21h, fn 09h */
+                    if (pstate->f[rDX])      /* offset goes into DX */
+                        if (funcNum == 0x09)
+                        {
+                            operand = ((uint32_t)(uint16_t)pstate->r[rDS]<<4) +
+                                      (uint32_t)(uint16_t)pstate->r[rDX];
+                            size = prog.fCOM ?
+                                       strSize (&prog.image()[operand], '$') :
+                                       strSize (&prog.image()[operand], '$'); // + 0x100
+                            global_symbol_table.updateSymType (operand, TypeContainer(TYPE_STR, size));
+                        }
+                }
+                else if ((ll->src().getImm2() == 0x2F) && (pstate->f[rAH]))
+                {
+                    Icode.back().ll()-> = pstate->r[rAH];
+                }
+                else    /* Program termination: int20h, int27h */
+                    done = (ll->src().getImm2() == 0x20 || ll->src().getImm2() == 0x27);
+                if (done)
+                    pIcode->ll()->setFlags(TERMINATES);
+                break;
+            case iMOV:
+                process_MOV(*pIcode->ll(), pstate);
+                break;
+                /* case iXCHG:
+            process_MOV (pIcode, pstate);
+            break; **** HERE ***/
+            case iSHL:
+                if (pstate->JCond.regi == ll->m_dst.regi)
+                {
+                    if ((ll->testFlags(I)) && ll->src().getImm2() == 1)
+                        pstate->JCond.immed *= 2;
+                    else
+                        pstate->JCond.regi = 0;
+                }
+                break;
+            case iLEA:
+                if (ll->src().getReg2()== rUNDEF)      /* direct mem offset */
+                    pstate->setState( ll->m_dst.getReg2(), ll->src().off);
+                break;
+            case iLDS: case iLES:
+                if ((psym = lookupAddr(&ll->src(), pstate, 4, eDuVal::USE))
+                        /* && (Icode.ll()->flg & SEG_IMMED) */ )
+                {
+                    offset = LH(&prog.image()[psym->label]);
+                    pstate->setState( (ll->getOpcode() == iLDS)? rDS: rES,
+                                      LH(&prog.image()[psym->label + 2]));
+                    pstate->setState( ll->m_dst.regi, (int16_t)offset);
+                    psym->type = TYPE_PTR;
+                }
+                break;
+        }
+    }
+    if (err) {
+        this->flg &= ~TERMINATES;
+        if (err == INVALID_386OP || err == INVALID_OPCODE)
+        {
+            fatalError(err, prog.image()[_Icode.ll()->label], _Icode.ll()->label);
+            this->flg |= PROC_BADINST;
+        }
+        else if (err == IP_OUT_OF_RANGE)
+            fatalError (err, _Icode.ll()->label);
+        else
+            reportError(err, _Icode.ll()->label);
+    }
+/* Firstly look for a leading range check of the form:-
+ *      CMP {BX | SI | DI}, immed
+ *      JA | JAE | JB | JBE
+ * This is stored in the current state as if we had just
+ * followed a JBE branch (i.e. [reg] lies between 0 - immed).
+void Function::extractJumpTableRange(ICODE& pIcode, STATE *pstate, JumpTable &table)
+    static uint8_t i2r[4] = {rSI, rDI, rBP, rBX};
+    if (pstate->JCond.regi == i2r[pIcode.ll()->src().getReg2()-INDEX_SI])
+        table.finish = table.start + pstate->JCond.immed;
+    else
+        table.finish = table.start + 2;
+/* process_JMP - Handles JMPs, returns true if we should end recursion  */
+bool Function::followAllTableEntries(JumpTable &table, uint32_t cs, ICODE& pIcode, CALL_GRAPH* pcallGraph, STATE *pstate)
+    PROG &prog(Project::get()->prog);
+    STATE   StCopy;
+    setBits(BM_DATA, table.start, table.size()*table.entrySize());
+    pIcode.ll()->setFlags(SWITCH);
+    pIcode.ll()->caseTbl2.resize( table.size() );
+    assert(pIcode.ll()->caseTbl2.size()<512);
+    uint32_t k=0;
+    for (size_t i = table.start; i < table.finish; i += 2)
+    {
+        StCopy = *pstate;
+        StCopy.IP = cs + LH(&prog.image()[i]);
+        iICODE last_current_insn = (++Icode.rbegin()).base();
+        FollowCtrl (pcallGraph, &StCopy);
+        ++last_current_insn; // incremented here because FollowCtrl might have adde more instructions after the Jmp
+        last_current_insn->ll()->caseEntry = k++;
+        last_current_insn->ll()->setFlags(CASE);
+        pIcode.ll()->caseTbl2.push_back( last_current_insn->ll()->GetLlLabel() );
+    }
+    return true;
+bool Function::decodeIndirectJMP(ICODE & pIcode, STATE *pstate, CALL_GRAPH * pcallGraph)
+    PROG &prog(Project::get()->prog);
+//    mov cx,NUM_CASES
+//    mov bx,JUMP_TABLE
+//  LAB1:
+//    mov ax, [bx]
+//    cmp ax,VAL
+//    jz LAB2
+//    add bx,2
+//    loop LAB1
+//    jmp DEFAULT_CASE
+//  LAB2
+//    jmp word ptr [bx+2*NUM_CASES]
+    static const llIcode match_seq[] = {iMOV,iMOV,iMOV,iCMP,iJE,iADD,iLOOP,iJMP,iJMP};
+    if(Icode.size()<8)
+        return false;
+    if(&Icode.back()!=&pIcode) // not the last insn in the list skip it
+        return false;
+    if(pIcode.ll()->src().regi != INDEX_BX) {
+        return false;
+    }
+    // find address-wise predecessors of the icode
+    std::deque<ICODE *> matched;
+    QMap<uint32_t,ICODE *> addrmap;
+    for(ICODE & ic : Icode) {
+        addrmap[ic.ll()->GetLlLabel()] = &ic;
+    }
+    auto iter = addrmap.find(pIcode.ll()->GetLlLabel());
+    while(matched.size()<9) {
+        matched.push_front(*iter);
+        --iter;
+        if(iter==addrmap.end())
+            return false;
+    }
+    // pattern starts at the last jmp
+    ICODE *load_num_cases = matched[0];
+    ICODE *load_jump_table_addr = matched[1];
+    ICODE *read_case_entry_insn = matched[2];
+    ICODE *cmp_case_val_insn = matched[3];
+    ICODE *exit_loop_insn = matched[4];
+    ICODE *add_bx_insn = matched[5];
+    ICODE *loop_insn = matched[6];
+    ICODE *default_jmp = matched[7];
+    ICODE *last_jmp = matched[8];
+    for(int i=0; i<8; ++i) {
+        if(matched[i+1]->ll()->GetLlLabel()!=matched[i]->ll()->GetLlLabel()+matched[i]->ll()->numBytes) {
+            qDebug() << "Matching jump pattern impossible - undecoded instructions in pattern area ";
+            return false;
+        }
+    }
+    for(int i=0; i<9; ++i) {
+        if(matched[i]->ll()->getOpcode()!=match_seq[i]) {
+            return false;
+        }
+    }
+    // verify that bx+offset == 2* case count
+    uint32_t num_cases = load_num_cases->ll()->src().getImm2();
+    if(last_jmp->ll()->src().off != 2*num_cases)
+        return false;
+    const LLOperand &op = last_jmp->ll()->src();
+    if(op.regi != INDEX_BX)
+        return false;
+    if(!load_jump_table_addr->ll()->src().isImmediate())
+        return false;
+    uint32_t cs = (uint32_t)(uint16_t)pstate->r[rCS] << 4;
+    uint32_t table_addr = cs + load_jump_table_addr->ll()->src().getImm2();
+    uint32_t default_label = cs + default_jmp->ll()->src().getImm2();
+    setBits(BM_DATA, table_addr, num_cases*2 + num_cases*2); // num_cases of short values + num cases short ptrs
+    pIcode.ll()->setFlags(SWITCH);
+    for(int i=0; i<num_cases; ++i) {
+        STATE   StCopy = *pstate;
+        uint32_t jump_target_location = table_addr + num_cases*2 + i*2;
+        StCopy.IP = cs + *(uint16_t *)(prog.image()+jump_target_location);
+        iICODE last_current_insn = (++Icode.rbegin()).base();
+        FollowCtrl (pcallGraph, &StCopy);
+        ++last_current_insn;
+        last_current_insn->ll()->caseEntry = i;
+        last_current_insn->ll()->setFlags(CASE);
+        pIcode.ll()->caseTbl2.push_back( last_current_insn->ll()->GetLlLabel() );
+    }
+    return true;
+bool Function::decodeIndirectJMP2(ICODE & pIcode, STATE *pstate, CALL_GRAPH * pcallGraph)
+    PROG &prog(Project::get()->prog);
+//    mov cx,NUM_CASES
+//    mov bx,JUMP_TABLE
+//  LAB1:
+//    mov ax, [bx]
+//    cmp ax, LOW_WORD_OF_VAL
+//    jnz LAB2
+//    mov ax, [bx + 2 * NUM_CASES]
+//    cmp ax, HIGH_WORD_OF_VAL
+//    jz LAB3
+//  LAB2
+//    add bx,2
+//    loop LAB1
+//    jmp DEFAULT_CASE
+//  LAB3
+//    jmp word ptr [bx+2*NUM_CASES]
+    static const llIcode match_seq[] = {iMOV,iMOV,iMOV,iCMP,iJNE,iMOV,iCMP,iJE,iADD,iLOOP,iJMP,iJMP};
+    if(Icode.size()<12)
+        return false;
+    if(&Icode.back()!=&pIcode) // not the last insn in the list skip it
+        return false;
+    if(pIcode.ll()->src().regi != INDEX_BX) {
+        return false;
+    }
+    // find address-wise predecessors of the icode
+    std::deque<ICODE *> matched;
+    QMap<uint32_t,ICODE *> addrmap;
+    for(ICODE & ic : Icode) {
+        addrmap[ic.ll()->GetLlLabel()] = &ic;
+    }
+    auto iter = addrmap.find(pIcode.ll()->GetLlLabel());
+    while(matched.size()<12) {
+        matched.push_front(*iter);
+        --iter;
+        if(iter==addrmap.end())
+            return false;
+    }
+    // pattern starts at the last jmp
+    ICODE *load_num_cases = matched[0];
+    ICODE *load_jump_table_addr = matched[1];
+    ICODE *default_jmp = matched[10];
+    ICODE *last_jmp = matched[11];
+    for(int i=0; i<11; ++i) {
+        if(matched[i+1]->ll()->GetLlLabel()!=matched[i]->ll()->GetLlLabel()+matched[i]->ll()->numBytes) {
+            qDebug() << "Matching jump pattern impossible - undecoded instructions in pattern area ";
+            return false;
+        }
+    }
+    for(int i=0; i<12; ++i) {
+        if(matched[i]->ll()->getOpcode()!=match_seq[i]) {
+            return false;
+        }
+    }
+    // verify that bx+offset == 2* case count
+    uint32_t num_cases = load_num_cases->ll()->src().getImm2();
+    if(last_jmp->ll()->src().off != 4*num_cases)
+        return false;
+    const LLOperand &op = last_jmp->ll()->src();
+    if(op.regi != INDEX_BX)
+        return false;
+    if(!load_jump_table_addr->ll()->src().isImmediate())
+        return false;
+    uint32_t cs = (uint32_t)(uint16_t)pstate->r[rCS] << 4;
+    uint32_t table_addr = cs + load_jump_table_addr->ll()->src().getImm2();
+    int default_label = cs + default_jmp->ll()->src().getImm2();
+    setBits(BM_DATA, table_addr, num_cases*4 + num_cases*2); // num_cases of long values + num cases short ptrs
+    pIcode.ll()->setFlags(SWITCH);
+    for(int i=0; i<num_cases; ++i) {
+        STATE   StCopy = *pstate;
+        uint32_t jump_target_location = table_addr + num_cases*4 + i*2;
+        StCopy.IP = cs + *(uint16_t *)(prog.image()+jump_target_location);
+        iICODE last_current_insn = (++Icode.rbegin()).base();
+        FollowCtrl (pcallGraph, &StCopy);
+        ++last_current_insn;
+        last_current_insn->ll()->caseEntry = i;
+        last_current_insn->ll()->setFlags(CASE);
+        pIcode.ll()->caseTbl2.push_back( last_current_insn->ll()->GetLlLabel() );
+    }
+    return true;
+bool Function::process_JMP (ICODE & pIcode, STATE *pstate, CALL_GRAPH * pcallGraph)
+    PROG &prog(Project::get()->prog);
+    static uint8_t i2r[4] = {rSI, rDI, rBP, rBX};
+    ICODE       _Icode;
+    uint32_t       cs, offTable, endTable;
+    uint32_t       i, k, seg, target;
+    if (pIcode.ll()->testFlags(I))
+    {
+        if (pIcode.ll()->getOpcode() == iJMPF)
+            pstate->setState( rCS, LH(prog.image() + pIcode.ll()->label + 3));
+        pstate->IP = pIcode.ll()->src().getImm2();
+        int64_t i = pIcode.ll()->src().getImm2();
+        if (i < 0)
+        {
+            exit(1);
+        }
+        /* Return true if jump target is already parsed */
+        return Icode.alreadyDecoded(i);
+    }
+    /* We've got an indirect JMP - look for switch() stmt. idiom of the form
+     *   JMP  uint16_t ptr  word_offset[rBX | rSI | rDI]        */
+    seg = (pIcode.ll()->src().seg)? pIcode.ll()->src().seg: rDS;
+    /* Ensure we have a uint16_t offset & valid seg */
+    if (pIcode.ll()->match(iJMP) and (pIcode.ll()->testFlags(WORD_OFF)) and
+            pstate->f[seg] and
+            (pIcode.ll()->src().regi == INDEX_SI ||
+             pIcode.ll()->src().regi == INDEX_DI || /* Idx reg. BX, SI, DI */
+             pIcode.ll()->src().regi == INDEX_BX))
+    {
+        offTable = ((uint32_t)(uint16_t)pstate->r[seg] << 4) + pIcode.ll()->src().off;
+        /* Firstly look for a leading range check of the form:-
+         *      CMP {BX | SI | DI}, immed
+         *      JA | JAE | JB | JBE
+         * This is stored in the current state as if we had just
+         * followed a JBE branch (i.e. [reg] lies between 0 - immed).
+        */
+        if (pstate->JCond.regi == i2r[pIcode.ll()->src().regi-(INDEX_BX_SI+4)])
+            endTable = offTable + pstate->JCond.immed;
+        else
+            endTable = (uint32_t)prog.cbImage;
+        /* Search for first uint8_t flagged after start of table */
+        for (i = offTable; i <= endTable; i++)
+            if (BITMAP(i, BM_CODE | BM_DATA))
+                break;
+        endTable = i & ~1;      /* Max. possible table size */
+        /* Now do some heuristic pruning.  Look for ptrs. into the table
+         * and for addresses that don't appear to point to valid code.
+        */
+        cs = (uint32_t)(uint16_t)pstate->r[rCS] << 4;
+        for (i = offTable; i < endTable; i += 2)
+        {
+            target = cs + LH(&prog.image()[i]);
+            if (target < endTable && target >= offTable)
+                endTable = target;
+            else if (target >= (uint32_t)prog.cbImage)
+                endTable = i;
+        }
+        for (i = offTable; i < endTable; i += 2)
+        {
+            target = cs + LH(&prog.image()[i]);
+            /* Be wary of 00 00 as code - it's probably data */
+            if (! (prog.image()[target] || prog.image()[target+1]) ||
+                    scan(target, _Icode))
+                endTable = i;
+        }
+        /* Now for each entry in the table take a copy of the current
+         * state and recursively call FollowCtrl(). */
+        if (offTable < endTable)
+        {
+            assert(((endTable - offTable) / 2)<512);
+            STATE   StCopy;
+            //int     ip;
+            //uint32_t  *psw;
+            setBits(BM_DATA, offTable, endTable - offTable);
+            pIcode.ll()->setFlags(SWITCH);
+            //pIcode.ll()->caseTbl2.numEntries = (endTable - offTable) / 2;
+            for (i = offTable, k = 0; i < endTable; i += 2)
+            {
+                StCopy = *pstate;
+                StCopy.IP = cs + LH(&prog.image()[i]);
+                iICODE last_current_insn = (++Icode.rbegin()).base();
+                //ip = Icode.size();
+                FollowCtrl (pcallGraph, &StCopy);
+                ++last_current_insn;
+                last_current_insn->ll()->caseEntry = k++;
+                last_current_insn->ll()->setFlags(CASE);
+                pIcode.ll()->caseTbl2.push_back( last_current_insn->ll()->GetLlLabel() );
+            }
+            return true;
+        }
+    }
+    if(decodeIndirectJMP(pIcode,pstate,pcallGraph)) {
+        return true;
+    }
+    if(decodeIndirectJMP2(pIcode,pstate,pcallGraph)) {
+        return true;
+    }
+    /* Can't do anything with this jump */
+    flg |= PROC_IJMP;
+    flg &= ~TERMINATES;
+    interactDis(this, this->Icode.size()-1);
+    return true;
+/* Process procedure call.
+ * Note: We assume that CALL's will return unless there is good evidence to
+ *       the contrary - thus we return false unless all paths in the called
+ *       procedure end in DOS exits.  This is reasonable since C procedures
+ *       will always include the epilogue after the call anyway and it's to
+ *       be assumed that if an assembler program contains a CALL that the
+ *       programmer expected it to come back - otherwise surely a JMP would
+ *       have been used.  */
+bool Function::process_CALL(ICODE & pIcode, CALL_GRAPH * pcallGraph, STATE *pstate)
+    PROG &prog(Project::get()->prog);
+    ICODE &last_insn(Icode.back());
+    STATE localState;     /* Local copy of the machine state */
+    uint32_t off;
+    /* For Indirect Calls, find the function address */
+    bool indirect = false;
+    //pIcode.ll()->immed.proc.proc=fakeproc;
+    if ( not pIcode.ll()->testFlags(I) )
+    {
+        /* Not immediate, i.e. indirect call */
+        if (pIcode.ll()->m_dst.regi && (!option.Calls))
+        {
+            /* We have not set the brave option to attempt to follow
+                the execution path through register indirect calls.
+                So we just exit this function, and ignore the call.
+                We probably should not have parsed this deep, anyway.
+                        */
+            return false;
+        }
+        /* Offset into program image is seg:off of read input */
+        /* Note: this assumes that the pointer itself is at
+                        es:0 where es:0 is the start of the image. This is
+                        usually wrong! Consider also CALL [BP+0E] in which the
+                        segment for the pointer is in SS! - Mike */
+        if(pIcode.ll()->m_dst.isReg())
+        {
+            if( not  pstate->isKnown(pIcode.ll()->m_dst.regi)
+                    or
+                    not  pstate->isKnown(pIcode.ll()->m_dst.seg)
+                    )
+            {
+                fprintf(stderr,"Indirect call with unknown register values\n");
+                return false;
+            }
+            off = pstate->r[pIcode.ll()->m_dst.seg];
+            off <<=4;
+            off += pstate->r[pIcode.ll()->m_dst.regi];
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            off = (uint32_t)(uint16_t)pIcode.ll()-> +
+                  ((uint32_t)(uint16_t)pIcode.ll()->m_dst.segValue << 4);
+        }
+        /* Address of function is given by 4 (CALLF) or 2 (CALL) bytes at
+         * previous offset into the program image */
+        uint32_t tgtAddr=0;
+        if (pIcode.ll()->getOpcode() == iCALLF)
+            tgtAddr= LH(&prog.image()[off]) + ((uint32_t)(LH(&prog.image()[off+2])) << 4);
+        else
+            tgtAddr= LH(&prog.image()[off]) + ((uint32_t)(uint16_t)state.r[rCS] << 4);
+        pIcode.ll()->replaceSrc(LLOperand::CreateImm2( tgtAddr ) );
+        pIcode.ll()->setFlags(I);
+        indirect = true;
+    }
+    /* Process CALL.  Function address is located in pIcode.ll()->immed.op */
+    if (pIcode.ll()->testFlags(I))
+    {
+        /* Search procedure list for one with appropriate entry point */
+        ilFunction iter = Project::get()->findByEntry(pIcode.ll()->src().getImm2());
+        /* Create a new procedure node and save copy of the state */
+        if ( not Project::get()->valid(iter) )
+        {
+            iter = Project::get()->createFunction(0,"");
+            Function &x(*iter);
+            x.procEntry = pIcode.ll()->src().getImm2();
+            LibCheck(x);
+            if (x.flg & PROC_ISLIB)
+            {
+                /* A library function. No need to do any more to it */
+                pcallGraph->insertCallGraph (this, iter);
+                //iter = (++pProcList.rbegin()).base();
+                last_insn.ll()->src().proc.proc = &x;
+                return false;
+            }
+            if (indirect)
+                x.flg |= PROC_ICALL;
+            if (     /* Don't overwrite existing name */
+            {
+                ostringstream os;
+                os<<"proc_"<< ++prog.cProcs;
+       = os.str();
+            }
+            x.depth = x.depth + 1;
+            x.flg |= TERMINATES;
+            /* Save machine state in localState, load up IP and CS.*/
+            localState = *pstate;
+            pstate->IP = pIcode.ll()->src().getImm2();
+            if (pIcode.ll()->getOpcode() == iCALLF)
+                pstate->setState( rCS, LH(prog.image() + pIcode.ll()->label + 3));
+            x.state = *pstate;
+            /* Insert new procedure in call graph */
+            pcallGraph->insertCallGraph (this, iter);
+            /* Process new procedure */
+            x.FollowCtrl (pcallGraph, pstate);
+            /* Restore segment registers & IP from localState */
+            pstate->IP = localState.IP;
+            pstate->setState( rCS, localState.r[rCS]);
+            pstate->setState( rDS, localState.r[rDS]);
+            pstate->setState( rES, localState.r[rES]);
+            pstate->setState( rSS, localState.r[rSS]);
+        }
+        else
+            Project::get()->callGraph->insertCallGraph (this, iter);
+        last_insn.ll()->src().proc.proc = &(*iter); // ^ target proc
+        /* return ((p->flg & TERMINATES) != 0); */
+    }
+    return false;				// Cristina, please check!!
+/* process_MOV - Handles state changes due to simple assignments    */
+static void process_MOV(LLInst & ll, STATE * pstate)
+    PROG &prog(Project::get()->prog);
+    SYM *  psym, *psym2;        /* Pointer to symbol in global symbol table */
+    uint8_t  dstReg = ll.m_dst.regi;
+    uint8_t  srcReg = ll.src().regi;
+    if (dstReg > 0 && dstReg < INDEX_BX_SI)
+    {
+        if (ll.testFlags(I))
+            pstate->setState( dstReg, (int16_t)ll.src().getImm2());
+        else if (srcReg == 0)   /* direct memory offset */
+        {
+            psym = lookupAddr(&ll.src(), pstate, 2, eDuVal::USE);
+            if (psym && ((psym->flg & SEG_IMMED) || psym->duVal.val))
+                pstate->setState( dstReg, LH(&prog.image()[psym->label]));
+        }
+        else if (srcReg < INDEX_BX_SI && pstate->f[srcReg])  /* reg */
+        {
+            pstate->setState( dstReg, pstate->r[srcReg]);
+            /* Follow moves of the possible index register */
+            if (pstate->JCond.regi == srcReg)
+                pstate->JCond.regi = dstReg;
+        }
+    }
+    else if (dstReg == 0) {     /* direct memory offset */
+        int size=2;
+        if((ll.src().regi>=rAL)&&(ll.src().regi<=rBH))
+            size=1;
+        psym = lookupAddr (&ll.m_dst, pstate, size, eDEF);
+        if (psym && ! (psym->duVal.val))      /* no initial value yet */
+        {
+            if (ll.testFlags(I))   /* immediate */
+            {
+                //prog.image()[psym->label] = (uint8_t)ll.src().getImm2();
+                pstate->setMemoryByte(psym->label,(uint8_t)ll.src().getImm2());
+                if(psym->size>1)
+                {
+                    pstate->setMemoryByte(psym->label+1,uint8_t(ll.src().getImm2()>>8));
+                    //prog.image()[psym->label+1] = (uint8_t)(ll.src().getImm2()>>8);
+                }
+                psym->duVal.val = 1;
+            }
+            else if (srcReg == 0) /* direct mem offset */
+            {
+                psym2 = lookupAddr (&ll.src(), pstate, 2, eDuVal::USE);
+                if (psym2 && ((psym->flg & SEG_IMMED) || (psym->duVal.val)))
+                {
+                    //prog.image()[psym->label] = (uint8_t)prog.image()[psym2->label];
+                    pstate->setMemoryByte(psym->label,(uint8_t)prog.image()[psym2->label]);
+                    if(psym->size>1)
+                    {
+                        pstate->setMemoryByte(psym->label+1,(uint8_t)prog.image()[psym2->label+1]);
+                        //prog.image()[psym->label+1] = prog.image()[psym2->label+1];//(uint8_t)(prog.image()[psym2->label+1] >> 8);
+                    }
+                    psym->duVal.setFlags(eDuVal::DEF);
+                    psym2->duVal.setFlags(eDuVal::USE);
+                }
+            }
+            else if (srcReg < INDEX_BX_SI && pstate->f[srcReg])  /* reg */
+            {
+                //prog.image()[psym->label] = (uint8_t)pstate->r[srcReg];
+                pstate->setMemoryByte(psym->label,(uint8_t)pstate->r[srcReg]);
+                if(psym->size>1)
+                {
+                    pstate->setMemoryByte(psym->label,(uint8_t)pstate->r[srcReg]>>8);
+                    //prog.image()[psym->label+1] = (uint8_t)(pstate->r[srcReg] >> 8);
+                }
+                psym->duVal.setFlags(eDuVal::DEF);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+/* Updates the offset entry to the stack frame table (arguments),
+ * and returns a pointer to such entry. */
+void STKFRAME::updateFrameOff ( int16_t off, int _size, uint16_t duFlag)
+    /* Check for symbol in stack frame table */
+    auto iter=findByLabel(off);
+    if(iter!=end())
+    {
+        if (iter->size < _size)
+        {
+            iter->size = _size;
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        char nm[16];
+        STKSYM new_sym;
+        sprintf (nm, "arg%" PRIu64, uint64_t(size()));
+ = nm;
+        new_sym.label= off;
+        new_sym.size = _size;
+        new_sym.type = TypeContainer::defaultTypeForSize(_size);
+        if (duFlag == eDuVal::USE)  /* must already have init value */
+        {
+            new_sym.duVal.use=1;
+            //new_sym.duVal.val=1;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            new_sym.duVal.setFlags(duFlag);
+        }
+        push_back(new_sym);
+        this->numArgs++;
+    }
+    /* Save maximum argument offset */
+    if ((uint32_t)this->maxOff < (off + (uint32_t)_size))
+        this->maxOff = off + (int16_t)_size;
+/* lookupAddr - Looks up a data reference in the symbol table and stores it
+ *      if necessary.
+ *      Returns a pointer to the symbol in the
+ *      symbol table, or Null if it's not a direct memory offset.  */
+static SYM * lookupAddr (LLOperand *pm, STATE *pstate, int size, uint16_t duFlag)
+    PROG &prog(Project::get()->prog);
+    int     i;
+    SYM *    psym=nullptr;
+    uint32_t   operand;
+    bool created_new=false;
+    if (pm->regi != rUNDEF)
+        return nullptr; // register or indexed
+    /* Global var */
+    if (pm->segValue)  /* there is a value in the seg field */
+    {
+        operand = opAdr (pm->segValue, pm->off);
+        psym = Project::get()->symtab.updateGlobSym (operand, size, duFlag,created_new);
+    }
+    else if (pstate->f[pm->seg]) /* new value */
+    {
+        pm->segValue = pstate->r[pm->seg];
+        operand = opAdr(pm->segValue, pm->off);
+        psym = Project::get()->symtab.updateGlobSym (operand, size, duFlag,created_new);
+        /* Flag new memory locations that are segment values */
+        if (created_new)
+        {
+            if (size == 4)
+                operand += 2;   /* High uint16_t */
+            for (i = 0; i < prog.cReloc; i++)
+                if (prog.relocTable[i] == operand) {
+                    psym->flg = SEG_IMMED;
+                    break;
+                }
+        }
+    }
+    /* Check for out of bounds */
+    if (psym and (psym->label < (uint32_t)prog.cbImage))
+        return psym;
+    return nullptr;
+/* setState - Assigns a value to a reg.     */
+void STATE::setState(uint16_t reg, int16_t value)
+    value &= 0xFFFF;
+    r[reg] = value;
+    f[reg] = true;
+    switch (reg) {
+        case rAX: case rCX: case rDX: case rBX:
+            r[reg + rAL - rAX] = value & 0xFF;
+            f[reg + rAL - rAX] = true;
+            r[reg + rAH - rAX] = (value >> 8) & 0xFF;
+            f[reg + rAH - rAX] = true;
+            break;
+        case rAL: case rCL: case rDL: case rBL:
+            if (f[reg - rAL + rAH]) {
+                r[reg - rAL + rAX] =(r[reg - rAL + rAH] << 8) + (value & 0xFF);
+                f[reg - rAL + rAX] = true;
+            }
+            break;
+        case rAH: case rCH: case rDH: case rBH:
+            if (f[reg - rAH + rAL])
+            {
+                r[reg - rAH + rAX] = r[reg - rAH + rAL] + ((value & 0xFF) << 8);
+                f[reg - rAH + rAX] = true;
+            }
+            break;
+    }
+/* labelSrchRepl - Searches Icode for instruction with label = target, and
+    replaces *pIndex with an icode index */
+/* setBits - Sets memory bitmap bits for BM_CODE or BM_DATA (additively) */
+static void setBits(int16_t type, uint32_t start, uint32_t len)
+    PROG &prog(Project::get()->prog);
+    uint32_t   i;
+    if (start < (uint32_t)prog.cbImage)
+    {
+        if (start + len > (uint32_t)prog.cbImage)
+            len = (uint32_t)(prog.cbImage - start);
+        for (i = start + len - 1; i >= start; i--)
+        {
+  [i >> 2] |= type << ((i & 3) << 1);
+            if (i == 0) break;		// Fixes inf loop!
+        }
+    }
+/* Checks which registers were used and updates the du.u flag.
+ * Places local variables on the local symbol table.
+ * Arguments: d     : SRC or DST icode operand
+ *            pIcode: ptr to icode instruction
+ *            pProc : ptr to current procedure structure
+ *            pstate: ptr to current procedure state
+ *            size  : size of the operand
+ *            ix    : current index into icode array    */
+static void use (opLoc d, ICODE & pIcode, Function * pProc, STATE * pstate, int size)
+    const LLOperand * pm = pIcode.ll()->get(d) ;
+    SYM *  psym;
+    if ( Machine_X86::isMemOff(pm->regi) )
+    {
+        if (pm->regi == INDEX_BP)      /* indexed on bp */
+        {
+            if (pm->off >= 2)
+                pProc->args.updateFrameOff ( pm->off, size, eDuVal::USE);
+            else if (pm->off < 0)
+                pProc->localId.newByteWordStk (TYPE_WORD_SIGN, pm->off, 0);
+        }
+        else if (pm->regi == INDEX_BP_SI || pm->regi == INDEX_BP_DI)
+            pProc->localId.newByteWordStk (TYPE_WORD_SIGN, pm->off,
+                                           (uint8_t)((pm->regi == INDEX_BP_SI) ? rSI : rDI));
+        else if ((pm->regi >= INDEX_SI) && (pm->regi <= INDEX_BX))
+        {
+            if ((pm->seg == rDS) && (pm->regi == INDEX_BX))    /* bx */
+            {
+                if (pm->off > 0)    /* global indexed variable */
+                    pProc->localId.newIntIdx(pm->segValue, pm->off, rBX,TYPE_WORD_SIGN);
+            }
+            pIcode.du.use.addReg(pm->regi);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            psym = lookupAddr(const_cast<LLOperand *>(pm), pstate, size, eDuVal::USE);
+            if( nullptr != psym )
+            {
+                setBits (BM_DATA, psym->label, (uint32_t)size);
+                pIcode.ll()->setFlags(SYM_USE);
+                pIcode.ll()->caseEntry = distance(&Project::get()->symtab[0],psym); //WARNING: was setting case count
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /* Use of register */
+    else if ((d == DST) || ((d == SRC) && (not pIcode.ll()->testFlags(I))))
+        pIcode.du.use.addReg(pm->regi);
+/* Checks which registers were defined (ie. got a new value) and updates the
+ * du.d flag.
+ * Places local variables in the local symbol table.    */
+static void def (opLoc d, ICODE & pIcode, Function * pProc, STATE * pstate, int size)
+    LLOperand *pm   = pIcode.ll()->get(d);
+    if (pm->regi==0)
+    {
+        SYM *  psym;
+        psym = lookupAddr(pm, pstate, size, eDEF);
+        if (nullptr!=psym)
+        {
+            setBits(BM_DATA, psym->label, (uint32_t)size);
+            pIcode.ll()->setFlags(SYM_DEF);
+            pIcode.ll()->caseEntry = distance(&Project::get()->symtab[0],psym); // WARNING: was setting Case count
+        }
+    }
+    else if (pm->regi >= INDEX_BX_SI)
+    {
+        if (pm->regi == INDEX_BP)      /* indexed on bp */
+        {
+            if (pm->off >= 2)
+                pProc->args.updateFrameOff ( pm->off, size, eDEF);
+            else if (pm->off < 0)
+                pProc->localId.newByteWordStk (TYPE_WORD_SIGN, pm->off, 0);
+        }
+        else if (pm->regi == INDEX_BP_SI || pm->regi == INDEX_BP_DI)
+        {
+            pProc->localId.newByteWordStk(TYPE_WORD_SIGN, pm->off,
+                                          (uint8_t)((pm->regi == INDEX_BP_SI) ? rSI : rDI));
+        }
+        else if ((pm->regi >= INDEX_SI) && (pm->regi <= INDEX_BX))
+        {
+            if ((pm->seg == rDS) && (pm->regi == INDEX_BX))    /* bx */
+            {
+                if (pm->off > 0)        /* global var */
+                    pProc->localId.newIntIdx(pm->segValue, pm->off, rBX,TYPE_WORD_SIGN);
+            }
+            pIcode.du.use.addReg(pm->regi);
+        }
+    }
+    /* Definition of register */
+    else if ((d == DST) || ((d == SRC) && (not pIcode.ll()->testFlags(I))))
+    {
+        assert(not pIcode.ll()->match(iPUSH));
+        pIcode.du1.addDef(pm->regi);
+        pIcode.du.def.addReg(pm->regi);
+    }
+/* use_def - operand is both use and def'd.
+ * Note: the destination will always be a register, stack variable, or global
+ *       variable.      */
+static void use_def(opLoc d, ICODE & pIcode, Function * pProc, STATE * pstate, int cb)
+    const LLOperand *  pm = pIcode.ll()->get(d);
+    use (d, pIcode, pProc, pstate, cb);
+    if (pm->regi < INDEX_BX_SI)                   /* register */
+    {
+        assert(not pIcode.ll()->match(iPUSH));
+        pIcode.du1.addDef(pm->regi);
+        pIcode.du.def.addReg(pm->regi);
+    }
+/* Set DU vector, local variables and arguments, and DATA bits in the
+ * bitmap       */
+extern LLOperand convertOperand(const x86_op_t &from);
+void Function::process_operands(ICODE & pIcode,  STATE * pstate)
+    LLInst &ll_ins(*pIcode.ll());
+    int   sseg = (ll_ins.src().seg)? ll_ins.src().seg: rDS;
+    int   cb   = pIcode.ll()->testFlags(B) ? 1: 2;
+    //x86_op_t *im= pIcode.insn.x86_get_imm();
+    bool Imm  = (pIcode.ll()->testFlags(I));
+    switch (pIcode.ll()->getOpcode()) {
+        case iAND:  case iOR:   case iXOR:
+        case iSAR:  case iSHL:  case iSHR:
+        case iRCL:  case iRCR:  case iROL:  case iROR:
+        case iADD:  case iADC:  case iSUB:  case iSBB:
+            if (! Imm) {
+                use(SRC, pIcode, this, pstate, cb);
+            }
+        case iINC:  case iDEC:  case iNEG:  case iNOT:
+        case iAAA:  case iAAD:  case iAAM:  case iAAS:
+        case iDAA:  case iDAS:
+            use_def(DST, pIcode, this, pstate, cb);
+            break;
+        case iXCHG:
+            /* This instruction is replaced by 3 instructions, only need
+                         * to define the src operand and use the destination operand
+                         * in the mean time.	*/
+            use(SRC, pIcode, this, pstate, cb);
+            def(DST, pIcode, this, pstate, cb);
+            break;
+        case iTEST: case iCMP:
+            if (! Imm)
+                use(SRC, pIcode, this, pstate, cb);
+            use(DST, pIcode, this, pstate, cb);
+            break;
+        case iDIV:  case iIDIV:
+            use(SRC, pIcode, this, pstate, cb);
+            if (cb == 1)
+                pIcode.du.use.addReg(rTMP);
+            break;
+        case iMUL:  case iIMUL:
+            use(SRC, pIcode, this, pstate, cb);
+            if (! Imm)
+            {
+                use (DST, pIcode, this, pstate, cb);
+                if (cb == 1)
+                {
+                    pIcode.du.def.addReg(rAX);
+                    pIcode.du1.addDef(rAX);
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    pIcode.du.def.addReg(rAX).addReg(rDX);
+                    pIcode.du1.addDef(rAX).addDef(rDX);
+                }
+            }
+            else
+                def (DST, pIcode, this, pstate, cb);
+            break;
+        case iSIGNEX:
+            cb = pIcode.ll()->testFlags(SRC_B) ? 1 : 2;
+            if (cb == 1)                    /* uint8_t */
+            {
+                pIcode.du.def.addReg(rAX);
+                pIcode.du1.addDef(rAX);
+                pIcode.du.use.addReg(rAL);
+            }
+            else                            /* uint16_t */
+            {
+                pIcode.du.def.addReg(rDX).addReg(rAX);
+                pIcode.du1.addDef(rAX).addDef(rDX);
+                pIcode.du.use.addReg(rAX);
+            }
+            break;
+        case iCALLF:            /* Ignore def's on CS for now */
+            cb = 4;
+        case iCALL:  case iPUSH:  case iPOP:
+            if (! Imm) {
+                if (pIcode.ll()->getOpcode() == iPOP)
+                    def(DST, pIcode, this, pstate, cb);
+                else
+                    use(DST, pIcode, this, pstate, cb);
+            }
+            break;
+        case iESC:  /* operands may be larger */
+            use(DST, pIcode, this, pstate, cb);
+            break;
+        case iLDS:  case iLES:
+        {
+            eReg r=((pIcode.ll()->getOpcode() == iLDS) ? rDS : rES);
+            pIcode.du.def.addReg(r);
+            pIcode.du1.addDef(r);
+            cb = 4;
+            // fallthrough
+        }
+        case iMOV:
+            use(SRC, pIcode, this, pstate, cb);
+            def(DST, pIcode, this, pstate, cb);
+            break;
+        case iLEA:
+            use(SRC, pIcode, this, pstate, 2);
+            def(DST, pIcode, this, pstate, 2);
+            break;
+        case iBOUND:
+            use(SRC, pIcode, this, pstate, 4);
+            use(DST, pIcode, this, pstate, cb);
+            break;
+        case iJMPF:
+            cb = 4;
+        case iJMP:
+            if (! Imm)
+                use(SRC, pIcode, this, pstate, cb);
+            break;
+        case iLOOP:  case iLOOPE:  case iLOOPNE:
+            pIcode.du.def.addReg(rCX);
+            pIcode.du1.addDef(rCX);
+        case iJCXZ:
+            pIcode.du.use.addReg(rCX);
+            break;
+        case iREPNE_CMPS: case iREPE_CMPS:  case iREP_MOVS:
+            pIcode.du.addDefinedAndUsed(rCX);
+            pIcode.du1.addDef(rCX);
+        case iCMPS:  case iMOVS:
+            pIcode.du.addDefinedAndUsed(rSI);
+            pIcode.du.addDefinedAndUsed(rDI);
+            pIcode.du1.addDef(rSI).addDef(rDI);
+            pIcode.du.use.addReg(rES).addReg(sseg);
+            break;
+        case iREPNE_SCAS: case iREPE_SCAS:  case iREP_STOS:  case iREP_INS:
+            pIcode.du.addDefinedAndUsed(rCX);
+            pIcode.du1.addDef(rCX);
+        case iSCAS:  case iSTOS:  case iINS:
+            pIcode.du.def.addReg(rDI);
+            pIcode.du1.addDef(rDI);
+            if (pIcode.ll()->getOpcode() == iREP_INS || pIcode.ll()->getOpcode()== iINS)
+            {
+                pIcode.du.use.addReg(rDI).addReg(rES).addReg(rDX);
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                pIcode.du.use.addReg(rDI).addReg(rES).addReg((cb == 2)? rAX: rAL);
+            }
+            break;
+        case iREP_LODS:
+            pIcode.du.addDefinedAndUsed(rCX);
+            pIcode.du1.addDef(rCX);
+        case iLODS:
+        {
+            eReg r = (cb==2)? rAX: rAL;
+            pIcode.du.addDefinedAndUsed(rSI);
+            pIcode.du1.addDef(rSI);
+            pIcode.du.def.addReg(r);
+            pIcode.du1.addDef(r);
+            pIcode.du.use.addReg(sseg);
+        }
+            break;
+        case iREP_OUTS:
+            pIcode.du.addDefinedAndUsed(rCX);
+            pIcode.du1.addDef(rCX);
+        case iOUTS:
+            pIcode.du.addDefinedAndUsed(rSI);
+            pIcode.du1.addDef(rSI);
+            pIcode.du.use.addReg(rDX).addReg(sseg);
+            break;
+        case iIN:  case iOUT:
+            def(DST, pIcode, this, pstate, cb);
+            if (! Imm)
+            {
+                pIcode.du.use.addReg(rDX);
+            }
+            break;
+    }
+    for (int i = rSP; i <= rBH; i++)        /* Kill all defined registers */
+        if (pIcode.ll()->flagDU.d & (1 << i))
+            pstate->f[i] = false;