NEW 598 B

  1. What's new:
  2. A lot of things have changed since that previous distribution.
  3. It is not wise to mix files created by the previous version of the Kit
  4. with files belonging to this version, although that might sometimes work.
  5. The major additions are:
  6. - Basic frontend
  7. - New codegenerator
  8. - LL(1) parser generator
  9. - Vax backend with 4-byte wordsize
  10. - Motorola 68000 backend with 4-byte wordsize
  11. - Motorola 68000 interpreter for 2- and 4-byte wordsize
  12. - Z8000 assembler and backend.
  13. - 6805 assembler
  14. - NatSem 16032 assembler
  15. - Intel 8080 backend
  16. - Zilog Z80 backend
  17. - Signetics 2650 assembler