/* $Id$ */ /* Symbol table data structure. Each identifier structure refers to a list of possible meanings of this identifier. Each of these meanings is represented by a "symbol" structure. */ typedef union constant { /* depends on type */ long co_ival; double co_rval; char *co_sval; char *co_setval; } t_const, *p_const; typedef struct name { long nm_value; /* address or offset */ struct scope *nm_scope; /* for names that define a scope */ } t_name, *p_name; typedef struct symbol { struct symbol *sy_next; /* link to next meaning */ struct symbol *sy_prev_sc; /* link to previous decl in scope */ struct type *sy_type; /* type of symbol */ int sy_class; #define CONST 0x0001 #define TYPE 0x0002 #define TAG 0x0004 #define MODULE 0x0008 #define PROC 0x0010 #define FUNCTION 0x0020 #define VAR 0x0040 #define REGVAR 0x0080 #define LOCVAR 0x0100 #define VARPAR 0x0200 #define FIELD 0x0400 #define FILESYM 0x0800 /* a filename */ #define FILELINK 0x1000 /* a filename without its suffix */ #define LBOUND 0x2000 /* lower bound of array descriptor */ #define UBOUND 0x4000 /* upper bound of array descriptor */ struct idf *sy_idf; /* reference back to its idf structure */ struct scope *sy_scope; /* scope in which this symbol resides */ union { t_const syv_const; /* CONST */ t_name syv_name; struct file *syv_file; /* for FILESYM */ struct symbol *syv_fllink; /* for FILELINK */ struct symbol *syv_descr; /* for LBOUND and UBOUND */ struct fields *syv_field; } sy_v; #define sy_const sy_v.syv_const #define sy_name sy_v.syv_name #define sy_file sy_v.syv_file #define sy_filelink sy_v.syv_fllink #define sy_field sy_v.syv_field #define sy_descr sy_v.syv_descr } t_symbol, *p_symbol; /* ALLOCDEF "symbol" 50 */ extern p_symbol NewSymbol(), Lookup(), Lookfromscope(), add_file(); extern p_symbol identify(); extern p_symbol currfile, listfile;