The following modifications to the file-system are required when installing ACK under UniSoft Unix: 1) Create a writable directory /tmp (if not present already) mkdir /tmp chmod 777 /tmp 2) Install the file "assert.h" in /usr/include (this file is not included in the Unisoft distribution, although it is standard V7 Unix). The file can be copied from the ACK-tree: cp /usr/em/include/assert.h /usr/include The UniSoft C compiler we used contains a bug that will cause incorrect translations of the files getline.c and putline.c in the directory util/opt (which contains the EM Peephole Optimizer). To get around this bug, act as follows (after having compiled the entire kit): 1) compile the files getline.c and putline.c by hand to assembly code (cc -S getline.c putline.c) 2) edit the files getline.s and putline.s. Look for the instruction: add.l #em_flag+ .... ,a0 which appears TWICE in both files and change it into: add.l #em_flag-1,a0 3) do cc -c getline.s cc -c putline.s to create new object files getline.o and putline.o 4) throw away the file "opt" and type make