/* * (c) copyright 1987 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. * See the copyright notice in the ACK home directory, in the file "Copyright". */ /* ar - archiver Author: Michiel Huisjes */ /* Made into arch/aal by Ceriel Jacobs */ static char RcsId[] = "$Id$"; /* * Usage: [arch|aal] [qdprtx][vlcu] archive [file] ... * v: verbose * x: extract * q: append * r: replace (append when not in archive) * d: delete * t: print contents of archive * p: print named files * l: temporaries in current directory instead of /tmp * c: don't give "create" message * u: replace only if dated later than member in archive #ifdef DISTRIBUTION * D: make distribution: use distr_time, uid=2, gid=2, mode=0644 #endif */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef AAL #include #define MAGIC_NUMBER AALMAG long offset; struct ranlib *tab; unsigned int tnum = 0; char *tstrtab; unsigned int tssiz = 0; unsigned int tabsz, strtabsz; #else #define MAGIC_NUMBER ARMAG #endif #define odd(nr) (nr & 01) #define even(nr) (odd(nr) ? nr + 1 : nr) typedef char BOOL; #define FALSE 0 #define TRUE 1 #define READ 0 #define APPEND 2 #define CREATE 1 #define MEMBER struct ar_hdr #define NIL_PTR ((char *) 0) #define NIL_MEM ((MEMBER *) 0) #define NIL_LONG ((long *) 0) #define IO_SIZE (10 * 1024) #define equal(str1, str2) (!strncmp((str1), (str2), 14)) #ifndef S_ISDIR #define S_ISDIR(m) (m & S_IFDIR) /* is a directory */ #endif /* Use Posix names if old-fashioned names are not defined. */ #ifndef S_IREAD #define S_IREAD S_IRUSR #endif #ifndef S_IWRITE #define S_IWRITE S_IWUSR #endif #ifndef S_IEXEC #define S_IEXEC S_IXUSR #endif BOOL verbose; BOOL app_fl; BOOL ex_fl; BOOL show_fl; BOOL pr_fl; BOOL u_fl; BOOL rep_fl; BOOL del_fl; BOOL nocr_fl; BOOL local_fl; #ifdef DISTRIBUTION BOOL distr_fl; long distr_time; #endif int ar_fd; char io_buffer[IO_SIZE]; char *progname; char temp_buf[32]; char *temp_arch = &temp_buf[0]; /* Prototypings...*/ void error(BOOL quit, char *str1, char *str2, char *str3, char *str4); void usage(void); char *basename(char *path); int open_archive(char *name, int mode); int main(int argc, char *argv[]); struct ar_hdr *get_member(void); void get(int argc, char *argv[]); void add(char *name, int fd, char *mess); void extract(struct ar_hdr *member); void copy_member(MEMBER *member, int from, int to, int extracting); char *get_mode(int mode); void wr_fatal(void); void rd_fatal(void); void mwrite(int fd, char *address, int bytes); void show(char *s, char *name); void write_symdef(); void do_names(struct outhead *headp); void enter_name(struct outname *namep); void do_object(int f, long size); /*VARARGS2*/ void error(BOOL quit, char *str1, char *str2, char *str3, char *str4) { char errbuf[256]; sprint(errbuf, str1, str2, str3, str4); write(2, errbuf, strlen(errbuf)); if (quit) { unlink(temp_arch); _exit(1); } } void usage() { error(TRUE, "usage: %s [qdprtxl][vlc] archive [file] ...\n", progname, NULL, NULL); } char *basename(char *path) { register char *ptr = path; register char *last = NIL_PTR; while (*ptr != '\0') { if (*ptr == '/') last = ptr; ptr++; } if (last == NIL_PTR) return path; if (*(last + 1) == '\0') { *last = '\0'; return basename(path); } return last + 1; } int open_archive(char *name, int mode) { unsigned short magic = 0; int fd; if (mode == CREATE) { if ((fd = creat(name, 0666)) < 0) error(TRUE, "cannot creat %s\n", name, NULL, NULL); magic = MAGIC_NUMBER; wr_int2(fd, magic); return fd; } if ((fd = open(name, mode)) < 0) { if (mode == APPEND) { close(open_archive(name, CREATE)); if (!nocr_fl) error(FALSE, "%s: creating %s\n", progname, name, NULL); return open_archive(name, APPEND); } error(TRUE, "cannot open %s\n", name, NULL, NULL); } lseek(fd, 0L, 0); magic = rd_unsigned2(fd); if (magic != AALMAG && magic != ARMAG) error(TRUE, "%s is not in ar format\n", name, NULL, NULL); return fd; } void catch(int sig) { unlink(temp_arch); _exit (2); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { register char *ptr; int needs_arg = 0; progname = argv[0]; if (argc < 3) usage(); for (ptr = argv[1]; *ptr; ptr++) { switch (*ptr) { case 't' : show_fl = TRUE; break; case 'v' : verbose = TRUE; break; case 'x' : ex_fl = TRUE; break; case 'q' : needs_arg = 1; app_fl = TRUE; break; case 'c' : nocr_fl = TRUE; break; case 'u': u_fl = TRUE; break; case 'p' : needs_arg = 1; pr_fl = TRUE; break; case 'd' : needs_arg = 1; del_fl = TRUE; break; case 'r' : needs_arg = 1; rep_fl = TRUE; break; case 'l' : local_fl = TRUE; break; #ifdef DISTRIBUTION case 'D' : distr_fl = TRUE; break; #endif default : usage(); } } if (needs_arg && argc <= 3) usage(); #ifdef DISTRIBUTION if (distr_fl) { static struct stat statbuf; stat(progname, &statbuf); distr_time = statbuf.st_mtime; } #endif if (local_fl) strcpy(temp_arch, "ar.XXXXXX"); else strcpy(temp_arch, "/tmp/ar.XXXXXX"); if (app_fl + ex_fl + del_fl + rep_fl + show_fl + pr_fl != 1) usage(); if (u_fl && ! rep_fl) usage(); if (rep_fl || del_fl #ifdef AAL || app_fl #endif ) { mktemp(temp_arch); } #ifdef AAL tab = (struct ranlib *) malloc(512 * sizeof(struct ranlib)); tstrtab = malloc(4096); if (!tab || !tstrtab) error(TRUE,"Out of core\n", NULL, NULL, NULL); tabsz = 512; strtabsz = 4096; #endif signal(SIGINT, catch); get(argc, argv); return 0; } MEMBER *get_member() { static MEMBER member; again: if (rd_arhdr(ar_fd, &member) == 0) return NIL_MEM; if (member.ar_size < 0) { error(TRUE, "archive has member with negative size\n", NULL, NULL, NULL); } if (equal(SYMDEF, member.ar_name)) { lseek(ar_fd, member.ar_size, 1); goto again; } return &member; } void get(int argc, char *argv[]) { register MEMBER *member; int i = 0; int temp_fd, read_chars; ar_fd = open_archive(argv[2], (show_fl || pr_fl || ex_fl) ? READ : APPEND); if (rep_fl || del_fl #ifdef AAL || app_fl #endif ) temp_fd = open_archive(temp_arch, CREATE); while ((member = get_member()) != NIL_MEM) { if (argc > 3) { for (i = 3; i < argc; i++) { if (equal(basename(argv[i]), member->ar_name)) break; } if (i == argc || app_fl) { if (rep_fl || del_fl #ifdef AAL || app_fl #endif ) { #ifdef AAL if (i != argc) { print("%s: already in archive\n", argv[i]); argv[i] = ""; } #endif wr_arhdr(temp_fd, member); copy_member(member, ar_fd, temp_fd, 0); } else { #ifndef AAL if (app_fl && i != argc) { print("%s: already in archive\n", argv[i]); argv[i] = ""; } #endif lseek(ar_fd, even(member->ar_size),1); } continue; } } if (ex_fl || pr_fl) extract(member); else { if (rep_fl) add(argv[i], temp_fd, "r - %s\n"); else if (show_fl) { char buf[sizeof(member->ar_name) + 2]; register char *p = buf, *q = member->ar_name; while (q <= &member->ar_name[sizeof(member->ar_name)-1] && *q) { *p++ = *q++; } *p++ = '\n'; *p = '\0'; if (verbose) { char *mode = get_mode(member->ar_mode); char *date = ctime(&(member->ar_date)); *(date + 16) = '\0'; *(date + 24) = '\0'; print("%s%3u/%u%7ld %s %s %s", mode, (unsigned) (member->ar_uid & 0377), (unsigned) (member->ar_gid & 0377), member->ar_size, date+4, date+20, buf); } else print(buf); } else if (del_fl) show("d - %s\n", member->ar_name); lseek(ar_fd, even(member->ar_size), 1); } argv[i] = ""; } if (argc > 3) { for (i = 3; i < argc; i++) if (argv[i][0] != '\0') { #ifndef AAL if (app_fl) add(argv[i], ar_fd, "a - %s\n"); else #endif if (rep_fl #ifdef AAL || app_fl #endif ) add(argv[i], temp_fd, "a - %s\n"); else { print("%s: not found\n", argv[i]); } } } if (rep_fl || del_fl #ifdef AAL || app_fl #endif ) { signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN); close(ar_fd); close(temp_fd); ar_fd = open_archive(argv[2], CREATE); temp_fd = open_archive(temp_arch, APPEND); #ifdef AAL write_symdef(); #endif while ((read_chars = read(temp_fd, io_buffer, IO_SIZE)) > 0) mwrite(ar_fd, io_buffer, read_chars); close(temp_fd); unlink(temp_arch); } close(ar_fd); } void add(char *name, int fd, char *mess) { static MEMBER member; register int read_chars; struct stat status; int src_fd; if (stat(name, &status) < 0) { error(FALSE, "cannot find %s\n", name, NULL, NULL); return; } else if (S_ISDIR(status.st_mode)) { error(FALSE, "%s is a directory (ignored)\n", name, NULL, NULL); return; } else if (u_fl && status.st_mtime <= member.ar_date) { wr_arhdr(fd, member); copy_member(&member, ar_fd, fd, 0); return; } else if ((src_fd = open(name, 0)) < 0) { error(FALSE, "cannot open %s\n", name, NULL, NULL); return; } strncpy (member.ar_name, basename (name), sizeof(member.ar_name)); member.ar_uid = status.st_uid; member.ar_gid = status.st_gid; member.ar_mode = status.st_mode; member.ar_date = status.st_mtime; member.ar_size = status.st_size; #ifdef DISTRIBUTION if (distr_fl) { member.ar_uid = 2; member.ar_gid = 2; member.ar_mode = 0644; member.ar_date = distr_time; } #endif wr_arhdr(fd, &member); #ifdef AAL do_object(src_fd, member.ar_size); lseek(src_fd, 0L, 0); offset += AR_TOTAL + even(member.ar_size); #endif while (status.st_size > 0) { int x = IO_SIZE; read_chars = x; if (status.st_size < x) { x = status.st_size; read_chars = x; status.st_size = 0; x = even(x); } else status.st_size -= x; if (read(src_fd, io_buffer, read_chars) != read_chars) { error(FALSE,"%s seems to shrink\n", name, NULL, NULL); break; } mwrite(fd, io_buffer, x); } if (verbose) show(mess, member.ar_name); close(src_fd); } void extract(MEMBER *member) { int fd = 1; char buf[sizeof(member->ar_name) + 1]; strncpy(buf, member->ar_name, sizeof(member->ar_name)); buf[sizeof(member->ar_name)] = 0; if (pr_fl == FALSE && (fd = creat(buf, 0666)) < 0) { error(FALSE, "cannot create %s\n", buf, NULL, NULL); fd = -1; } if (verbose) { if (pr_fl == FALSE) show("x - %s\n", buf); else show("\n<%s>\n\n", buf); } copy_member(member, ar_fd, fd, 1); if (fd >= 0 && fd != 1) close(fd); if (pr_fl == FALSE) chmod(buf, member->ar_mode); } void copy_member(MEMBER *member, int from, int to, int extracting) { register int rest; long mem_size = member->ar_size; BOOL is_odd = odd(mem_size) ? TRUE : FALSE; #ifdef AAL if (! extracting) { long pos = lseek(from, 0L, 1); do_object(from, mem_size); offset += AR_TOTAL + even(mem_size); lseek(from, pos, 0); } #endif do { rest = mem_size > (long) IO_SIZE ? IO_SIZE : (int) mem_size; if (read(from, io_buffer, rest) != rest) { char buf[sizeof(member->ar_name) + 1]; strncpy(buf, member->ar_name, sizeof(member->ar_name)); buf[sizeof(member->ar_name)] = 0; error(TRUE, "read error on %s\n", buf, NULL, NULL); } if (to >= 0) mwrite(to, io_buffer, rest); mem_size -= (long) rest; } while (mem_size > 0L); if (is_odd) { lseek(from, 1L, 1); if (to >= 0 && ! extracting) lseek(to, 1L, 1); } } char *get_mode(int mode) { static char mode_buf[11]; register int tmp = mode; int i; mode_buf[9] = ' '; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { mode_buf[i * 3] = (tmp & S_IREAD) ? 'r' : '-'; mode_buf[i * 3 + 1] = (tmp & S_IWRITE) ? 'w' : '-'; mode_buf[i * 3 + 2] = (tmp & S_IEXEC) ? 'x' : '-'; tmp <<= 3; } if (mode & S_ISUID) mode_buf[2] = 's'; if (mode & S_ISGID) mode_buf[5] = 's'; return mode_buf; } void wr_fatal() { error(TRUE, "write error\n", NULL, NULL, NULL); } void rd_fatal() { error(TRUE, "read error\n", NULL, NULL, NULL); } void mwrite(int fd, char *address, int bytes) { if (write(fd, address, bytes) != bytes) error(TRUE, "write error\n", NULL, NULL, NULL); } void show(char *s, char *name) { MEMBER x; char buf[sizeof(x.ar_name)+1]; register char *p = buf, *q = name; while (q <= &name[sizeof(x.ar_name)-1] && *q) *p++ = *q++; *p++ = '\0'; print(s, buf); } #ifdef AAL /* * Write out the ranlib table: first 4 bytes telling how many ranlib structs * there are, followed by the ranlib structs, * then 4 bytes giving the size of the string table, followed by the string * table itself. */ void write_symdef() { register struct ranlib *ran; register int i; register long delta; MEMBER arbuf; if (! tnum) return; if (odd(tssiz)) tstrtab[tssiz++] = '\0'; for (i = 0; i < sizeof(arbuf.ar_name); i++) arbuf.ar_name[i] = '\0'; strcpy(arbuf.ar_name, SYMDEF); arbuf.ar_size = 4 + 2 * 4 * (long)tnum + 4 + (long)tssiz; time(&arbuf.ar_date); arbuf.ar_uid = getuid(); arbuf.ar_gid = getgid(); arbuf.ar_mode = 0444; #ifdef DISTRIBUTION if (distr_fl) { arbuf.ar_uid = 2; arbuf.ar_gid = 2; arbuf.ar_date = distr_time; } #endif wr_arhdr(ar_fd,&arbuf); wr_long(ar_fd, (long) tnum); /* * Account for the space occupied by the magic number * and the ranlib table. */ delta = 2 + AR_TOTAL + arbuf.ar_size; for (ran = tab; ran < &tab[tnum]; ran++) { ran->ran_pos += delta; } wr_ranlib(ar_fd, tab, (long) tnum); wr_long(ar_fd, (long) tssiz); wr_bytes(ar_fd, tstrtab, (long) tssiz); } /* * Return whether the bytes in `buf' form a good object header. * The header is put in `headp'. */ int is_outhead(struct outhead *headp) { return !BADMAGIC(*headp) && headp->oh_nname != 0; } void do_object(int f, long size) { struct outhead headbuf; if (size < SZ_HEAD) { /* It can't be an object file. */ return; } /* * Read a header to see if it is an object file. */ if (! rd_fdopen(f)) { rd_fatal(); } rd_ohead(&headbuf); if (!is_outhead(&headbuf)) { return; } do_names(&headbuf); } /* * First skip the names and read in the string table, then seek back to the * name table and read and write the names one by one. Update the ranlib table * accordingly. */ void do_names(struct outhead *headp) { register char *strings; register int nnames = headp->oh_nname; #define NNAMES 100 struct outname namebuf[NNAMES]; long xxx = OFF_CHAR(*headp); if ( headp->oh_nchar != (unsigned int)headp->oh_nchar || (strings = malloc((unsigned int)headp->oh_nchar)) == (char *)0 ) { error(TRUE, "string table too big\n", NULL, NULL, NULL); } rd_string(strings, headp->oh_nchar); while (nnames) { int i = nnames >= NNAMES ? NNAMES : nnames; register struct outname *p = namebuf; nnames -= i; rd_name(namebuf, i); while (i--) { long off = p->on_foff - xxx; if (p->on_foff == (long)0) { p++; continue; /* An unrecognizable name. */ } p->on_mptr = strings + off; /* * Only enter names that are exported and are really * defined. Also enter common names. Note, that * this might cause problems when the name is really * defined in a later file, with a value != 0. * However, this problem also exists on the Unix * ranlib archives. */ if ( (p->on_type & S_EXT) && (p->on_type & S_TYP) != S_UND ) enter_name(p); p++; } } free(strings); } void enter_name(struct outname *namep) { register char *cp; if (tnum >= tabsz) { tab = (struct ranlib *) realloc((char *) tab, (tabsz += 512) * sizeof(struct ranlib)); if (! tab) error(TRUE, "Out of core\n", NULL, NULL, NULL); } tab[tnum].ran_off = tssiz; tab[tnum].ran_pos = offset; for (cp = namep->on_mptr;; cp++) { if (tssiz >= strtabsz) { tstrtab = realloc(tstrtab, (strtabsz += 4096)); if (! tstrtab) error(TRUE, "string table overflow\n", NULL, NULL, NULL); } tstrtab[tssiz++] = *cp; if (!*cp) break; } tnum++; } #endif /* AAL */