Pārlūkot izejas kodu

Added Berkeley Yacc sources

ceriel 33 gadi atpakaļ

+ 19 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@

+ 25 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+     Berkeley Yacc owes much to the unflagging efforts of Keith Bostic.
+His badgering kept me working on it long after I was ready to quit.
+     Berkeley Yacc is based on the excellent algorithm for computing LALR(1)
+lookaheads developed by Tom Pennello and Frank DeRemer.  The algorithm is
+described in their almost impenetrable article in TOPLAS 4,4.
+     Finally, much of the credit for the latest version must go to those
+who pointed out deficiencies of my earlier releases.  Among the most
+prolific contributors were
+	  Benson I. Margulies
+	  Dave Gentzel
+	  Antoine Verheijen
+	  Peter S. Housel
+	  Dale Smith
+	  Ozan Yigit
+	  John Campbell
+	  Bill Sommerfeld
+	  Paul Hilfinger
+	  Gary Bridgewater
+	  Dave Bakken
+	  Dan Lanciani
+	  Richard Sargent
+	  Parag Patel

+ 84 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+EMHOME	      = ../..
+DEST          = $(EMHOME)/bin
+MAN           = $(EMHOME)/man
+HDRS	      = defs.h
+CFLAGS	      = -O -Dvoid=int
+LDFLAGS	      =
+LIBS	      =
+LINKER	      = cc
+OBJS	      = closure.o \
+		error.o \
+		lalr.o \
+		lr0.o \
+		main.o \
+		mkpar.o \
+		output.o \
+		reader.o \
+		skeleton.o \
+		symtab.o \
+		verbose.o \
+		warshall.o
+PRINT	      = pr -f -l88
+PROGRAM	      = yacc
+SRCS	      = closure.c \
+		error.c \
+		lalr.c \
+		lr0.c \
+		main.c \
+		mkpar.c \
+		output.c \
+		reader.c \
+		skeleton.c \
+		symtab.c \
+		verbose.c \
+		warshall.c
+all:		$(PROGRAM)
+$(PROGRAM):     $(OBJS) $(LIBS)
+		@echo -n "Loading $(PROGRAM) ... "
+		@echo "done"
+clean:;		@rm -f $(OBJS)
+clobber:;	@rm -f $(OBJS) $(PROGRAM)
+index:;		@ctags -wx $(HDRS) $(SRCS)
+install:	$(PROGRAM)
+		@echo Installing $(PROGRAM) in $(DEST)
+		cp manpage $(MAN)/yacc.1
+listing:;	@$(PRINT) Makefile $(HDRS) $(SRCS) | lpr
+lint:;		@lint $(SRCS)
+program:        $(PROGRAM)
+tags:           $(HDRS) $(SRCS); @ctags $(HDRS) $(SRCS)
+closure.o: defs.h
+error.o: defs.h
+lalr.o: defs.h
+lr0.o: defs.h
+main.o: defs.h
+mkpar.o: defs.h
+output.o: defs.h
+reader.o: defs.h
+skeleton.o: defs.h
+symtab.o: defs.h
+verbose.o: defs.h
+warshall.o: defs.h

+ 46 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+     The -r option has been implemented.  The -r option tells Yacc to
+put the read-only tables in y.tab.c and the code and variables in
+y.code.c.  Keith Bostic asked for this option so that :yyfix could be
+     The -l and -t options have been implemented.  The -l option tells
+Yacc not to include #line directives in the code it produces.  The -t
+option causes debugging code to be included in the compiled parser.
+     The code for error recovery has been changed to implement the same
+algorithm as AT&T Yacc.  There will still be differences in the way
+error recovery works because AT&T Yacc uses more default reductions
+than Berkeley Yacc.
+     The environment variable TMPDIR determines the directory where
+temporary files will be created.  If TMPDIR is defined, temporary files
+will be created in the directory whose pathname is the value of TMPDIR.
+By default, temporary files are created in /tmp.
+     The keywords are now case-insensitive.  For example, %nonassoc,
+%NONASSOC, %NonAssoc, and %nOnAsSoC are all equivalent.
+     Commas and semicolons that are not part of C code are treated as
+     Line-end comments, as in BCPL, are permitted.  Line-end comments
+begin with // and end at the next end-of-line.  Line-end comments are
+permitted in C code; they are converted to C comments on output.
+     The form of y.output files has been changed to look more like
+those produced by AT&T Yacc.
+     A new kind of declaration has been added.  The form of the declaration
+	  %ident string
+where string is a sequence of characters begining with a double quote
+and ending with either a double quote or the next end-of-line, whichever
+comes first.  The declaration will cause a #ident directive to be written
+near the start of the output file.
+     If a parser has been compiled with debugging code, that code can be
+enabled by setting an environment variable.  If the environment variable
+YYDEBUG is set to 0, debugging output is suppressed.  If it is set to 1,
+debugging output is written to standard output.

+ 3 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+     Berkeley Yacc is distributed with no warranty whatever.  The author
+and any other contributors take no responsibility for the consequences of
+its use.

+ 23 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+    Berkeley Yacc is an LALR(1) parser generator.  Berkeley Yacc has been made
+as compatible as possible with AT&T Yacc.  Berkeley Yacc can accept any input
+specification that conforms to the AT&T Yacc documentation.  Specifications
+that take advantage of undocumented features of AT&T Yacc will probably be
+    Berkeley Yacc is distributed with no warranty whatever.  The code is certain
+to contain errors.  Neither the author nor any contributor takes responsibility
+for any consequences of its use.
+    Berkeley Yacc is in the public domain.  The data structures and algorithms
+used in Berkeley Yacc are all either taken from documents available to the
+general public or are inventions of the author.  Anyone may freely distribute
+source or binary forms of Berkeley Yacc whether unchanged or modified.
+Distributers may charge whatever fees they can obtain for Berkeley Yacc.
+Programs generated by Berkeley Yacc may be distributed freely.
+    Please report bugs to
+			  corbett@berkeley.edu
+Include a small example if possible.  Please include the banner string from
+skeleton.c with the bug report.  Do not expect rapid responses.

+ 265 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
+#include "defs.h"
+short *itemset;
+short *itemsetend;
+unsigned *ruleset;
+static unsigned *first_derives;
+static unsigned *EFF;
+    register unsigned *row;
+    register int symbol;
+    register short *sp;
+    register int rowsize;
+    register int i;
+    register int rule;
+    rowsize = WORDSIZE(nvars);
+    EFF = NEW2(nvars * rowsize, unsigned);
+    row = EFF;
+    for (i = start_symbol; i < nsyms; i++)
+    {
+	sp = derives[i];
+	for (rule = *sp; rule > 0; rule = *++sp)
+	{
+	    symbol = ritem[rrhs[rule]];
+	    if (ISVAR(symbol))
+	    {
+		symbol -= start_symbol;
+		SETBIT(row, symbol);
+	    }
+	}
+	row += rowsize;
+    }
+    reflexive_transitive_closure(EFF, nvars);
+#ifdef	DEBUG
+    print_EFF();
+  register unsigned *rrow;
+  register unsigned *vrow;
+  register int j;
+  register unsigned mask;
+  register unsigned cword;
+  register short *rp;
+  int rule;
+  int i;
+  int rulesetsize;
+  int varsetsize;
+  rulesetsize = WORDSIZE(nrules);
+  varsetsize = WORDSIZE(nvars);
+  first_derives = NEW2(nvars * rulesetsize, unsigned) - ntokens * rulesetsize;
+  set_EFF();
+  rrow = first_derives + ntokens * rulesetsize;
+  for (i = start_symbol; i < nsyms; i++)
+    {
+      vrow = EFF + ((i - ntokens) * varsetsize);
+      cword = *vrow++;
+      mask = 1;
+      for (j = start_symbol; j < nsyms; j++)
+	{
+	  if (cword & mask)
+	    {
+	      rp = derives[j];
+	      while ((rule = *rp++) >= 0)
+		{
+		  SETBIT(rrow, rule);
+		}
+	    }
+	  mask <<= 1;
+	  if (mask == 0)
+	    {
+	      cword = *vrow++;
+	      mask = 1;
+	    }
+	}
+      vrow += varsetsize;
+      rrow += rulesetsize;
+    }
+#ifdef	DEBUG
+  print_first_derives();
+closure(nucleus, n)
+short *nucleus;
+int n;
+    register int ruleno;
+    register unsigned word;
+    register unsigned mask;
+    register short *csp;
+    register unsigned *dsp;
+    register unsigned *rsp;
+    register int rulesetsize;
+    short *csend;
+    unsigned *rsend;
+    int symbol;
+    int itemno;
+    rulesetsize = WORDSIZE(nrules);
+    rsp = ruleset;
+    rsend = ruleset + rulesetsize;
+    for (rsp = ruleset; rsp < rsend; rsp++)
+	*rsp = 0;
+    csend = nucleus + n;
+    for (csp = nucleus; csp < csend; ++csp)
+    {
+	symbol = ritem[*csp];
+	if (ISVAR(symbol))
+	{
+	    dsp = first_derives + symbol * rulesetsize;
+	    rsp = ruleset;
+	    while (rsp < rsend)
+		*rsp++ |= *dsp++;
+	}
+    }
+    ruleno = 0;
+    itemsetend = itemset;
+    csp = nucleus;
+    for (rsp = ruleset; rsp < rsend; ++rsp)
+    {
+	word = *rsp;
+	if (word == 0)
+	    ruleno += BITS_PER_WORD;
+	else
+	{
+	    mask = 1;
+	    while (mask)
+	    {
+		if (word & mask)
+		{
+		    itemno = rrhs[ruleno];
+		    while (csp < csend && *csp < itemno)
+			*itemsetend++ = *csp++;
+		    *itemsetend++ = itemno;
+		    while (csp < csend && *csp == itemno)
+			++csp;
+		}
+		    mask <<= 1;
+		    ++ruleno;
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+    while (csp < csend)
+	*itemsetend++ = *csp++;
+#ifdef	DEBUG
+  print_closure(n);
+  FREE(itemset);
+  FREE(ruleset);
+  FREE(first_derives + ntokens * WORDSIZE(nrules));
+#ifdef	DEBUG
+int n;
+  register short *isp;
+  printf("\n\nn = %d\n\n", n);
+  for (isp = itemset; isp < itemsetend; isp++)
+    printf("   %d\n", *isp);
+    register int i, j, k;
+    register unsigned *rowp;
+    register unsigned word;
+    register unsigned mask;
+    printf("\n\nEpsilon Free Firsts\n");
+    for (i = start_symbol; i < nsyms; i++)
+    {
+	printf("\n%s", symbol_name[i]);
+	rowp = EFF + ((i - start_symbol) * WORDSIZE(nvars));
+	word = *rowp++;
+	mask = 1;
+	for (j = 0; j < nvars; j++)
+	{
+	    if (word & mask)
+		printf("  %s", symbol_name[start_symbol + j]);
+	    mask <<= 1;
+	    if (mask == 0)
+	    {
+		word = *rowp++;
+		mask = 1;
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+  register int i;
+  register int j;
+  register unsigned *rp;
+  register unsigned cword;
+  register unsigned mask;
+  printf("\n\n\nFirst Derives\n");
+  for (i = start_symbol; i < nsyms; i++)
+    {
+      printf("\n%s derives\n", symbol_name[i]);
+      rp = first_derives + i * WORDSIZE(nrules);
+      cword = *rp++;
+      mask = 1;
+      for (j = 0; j <= nrules; j++)
+        {
+	  if (cword & mask)
+	    printf("   %d\n", j);
+	  mask <<= 1;
+	  if (mask == 0)
+	    {
+	      cword = *rp++;
+	      mask = 1;
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+  fflush(stdout);

+ 286 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,286 @@
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+/*  machine dependent definitions			*/
+/*  the following definitions are for the VAX		*/
+/*  they might have to be changed for other machines	*/
+/*  MAXCHAR is the largest unsigned character value	*/
+/*  MAXSHORT is the largest value of a C short		*/
+/*  MAXTABLE is the maximum table size			*/
+/*  BITS_PER_WORD is the number of bits in a C unsigned	*/
+/*  WORDSIZE computes the number of words needed to	*/
+/*	store n bits					*/
+/*  BIT returns the value of the n-th bit starting	*/
+/*	from r (0-indexed)				*/
+/*  SETBIT sets the n-th bit starting from r		*/
+#define	MAXCHAR		255
+#define	MAXSHORT	32767
+#define MAXTABLE	32500
+#define BITS_PER_WORD	((int)sizeof(int)<<3)
+#define	WORDSIZE(n)	(((n)+(BITS_PER_WORD-1))/BITS_PER_WORD)
+#define	BIT(r, n)	((((r)[(n)/BITS_PER_WORD]) >> ((n) & (BITS_PER_WORD-1))) & 1)
+#define	SETBIT(r, n)	((r)[(n)/BITS_PER_WORD] |= (1 << ((n) & (BITS_PER_WORD-1))))
+/*  character names  */
+#define	NUL		'\0'    /*  the null character  */
+#define	NEWLINE		'\n'    /*  line feed  */
+#define	SP		' '     /*  space  */
+#define	BS		'\b'    /*  backspace  */
+#define	HT		'\t'    /*  horizontal tab  */
+#define	VT		'\013'  /*  vertical tab  */
+#define	CR		'\r'    /*  carriage return  */
+#define	FF		'\f'    /*  form feed  */
+#define	QUOTE		'\''    /*  single quote  */
+#define	DOUBLE_QUOTE	'\"'    /*  double quote  */
+#define	BACKSLASH	'\\'    /*  backslash  */
+/* defines for constructing filenames */
+#define CODE_SUFFIX	".code.c"
+#define	DEFINES_SUFFIX	".tab.h"
+#define	OUTPUT_SUFFIX	".tab.c"
+#define	VERBOSE_SUFFIX	".output"
+/* keyword codes */
+#define TOKEN 0
+#define LEFT 1
+#define RIGHT 2
+#define NONASSOC 3
+#define MARK 4
+#define TEXT 5
+#define TYPE 6
+#define START 7
+#define UNION 8
+#define IDENT 9
+/*  symbol classes  */
+#define UNKNOWN 0
+#define TERM 1
+#define NONTERM 2
+/*  the undefined value  */
+#define UNDEFINED (-1)
+/*  action codes  */
+#define SHIFT 1
+#define REDUCE 2
+#define ERROR 3
+/*  character macros  */
+#define IS_IDENT(c)	(isalnum(c) || (c) == '_' || (c) == '.' || (c) == '$')
+#define	IS_OCTAL(c)	((c) >= '0' && (c) <= '7')
+#define	NUMERIC_VALUE(c)	((c) - '0')
+/*  symbol macros  */
+#define ISTOKEN(s)	((s) < start_symbol)
+#define ISVAR(s)	((s) >= start_symbol)
+/*  storage allocation macros  */
+#define CALLOC(k,n)	(calloc((unsigned)(k),(unsigned)(n)))
+#define	FREE(x)		(free((char*)(x)))
+#define MALLOC(n)	(malloc((unsigned)(n)))
+#define	NEW(t)		((t*)allocate(sizeof(t)))
+#define	NEW2(n,t)	((t*)allocate((unsigned)((n)*sizeof(t))))
+#define REALLOC(p,n)	(realloc((char*)(p),(unsigned)(n)))
+/*  the structure of a symbol table entry  */
+typedef struct bucket bucket;
+struct bucket
+    struct bucket *link;
+    struct bucket *next;
+    char *name;
+    char *tag;
+    short value;
+    short index;
+    short prec;
+    char class;
+    char assoc;
+/*  the structure of the LR(0) state machine  */
+typedef struct core core;
+struct core
+    struct core *next;
+    struct core *link;
+    short number;
+    short accessing_symbol;
+    short nitems;
+    short items[1];
+/*  the structure used to record shifts  */
+typedef struct shifts shifts;
+struct shifts
+    struct shifts *next;
+    short number;
+    short nshifts;
+    short shift[1];
+/*  the structure used to store reductions  */
+typedef struct reductions reductions;
+struct reductions
+    struct reductions *next;
+    short number;
+    short nreds;
+    short rules[1];
+/*  the structure used to represent parser actions  */
+typedef struct action action;
+struct action
+    struct action *next;
+    short symbol;
+    short number;
+    short prec;
+    char action_code;
+    char assoc;
+    char suppressed;
+/* global variables */
+extern char dflag;
+extern char lflag;
+extern char rflag;
+extern char tflag;
+extern char vflag;
+extern char *myname;
+extern char *cptr;
+extern char *line;
+extern int lineno;
+extern int outline;
+extern char *banner[];
+extern char *tables[];
+extern char *header[];
+extern char *body[];
+extern char *trailer[];
+extern char *action_file_name;
+extern char *code_file_name;
+extern char *defines_file_name;
+extern char *input_file_name;
+extern char *output_file_name;
+extern char *text_file_name;
+extern char *union_file_name;
+extern char *verbose_file_name;
+extern FILE *action_file;
+extern FILE *code_file;
+extern FILE *defines_file;
+extern FILE *input_file;
+extern FILE *output_file;
+extern FILE *text_file;
+extern FILE *union_file;
+extern FILE *verbose_file;
+extern int nitems;
+extern int nrules;
+extern int nsyms;
+extern int ntokens;
+extern int nvars;
+extern int ntags;
+extern char unionized;
+extern char line_format[];
+extern int   start_symbol;
+extern char  **symbol_name;
+extern short *symbol_value;
+extern short *symbol_prec;
+extern char  *symbol_assoc;
+extern short *ritem;
+extern short *rlhs;
+extern short *rrhs;
+extern short *rprec;
+extern char  *rassoc;
+extern short **derives;
+extern char *nullable;
+extern bucket *first_symbol;
+extern bucket *last_symbol;
+extern int nstates;
+extern core *first_state;
+extern shifts *first_shift;
+extern reductions *first_reduction;
+extern short *accessing_symbol;
+extern core **state_table;
+extern shifts **shift_table;
+extern reductions **reduction_table;
+extern unsigned *LA;
+extern short *LAruleno;
+extern short *lookaheads;
+extern short *goto_map;
+extern short *from_state;
+extern short *to_state;
+extern action **parser;
+extern int SRtotal;
+extern int RRtotal;
+extern short *SRconflicts;
+extern short *RRconflicts;
+extern short *defred;
+extern short *rules_used;
+extern short nunused;
+extern short final_state;
+/* global functions */
+extern char *allocate();
+extern bucket *lookup();
+extern bucket *make_bucket();
+/* system variables */
+extern int errno;
+/* system functions */
+extern void free();
+extern char *calloc();
+extern char *malloc();
+extern char *realloc();
+extern char *strcpy();

+ 317 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,317 @@
+/* routines for printing error messages  */
+#include "defs.h"
+char *msg;
+    fprintf(stderr, "%s: f - %s\n", myname, msg);
+    done(2);
+    fprintf(stderr, "%s: f - out of space\n", myname);
+    done(2);
+char *filename;
+    fprintf(stderr, "%s: f - cannot open \"%s\"\n", myname, filename);
+    done(2);
+    fprintf(stderr, "%s: e - line %d of \"%s\", unexpected end-of-file\n",
+	    myname, lineno, input_file_name);
+    done(1);
+print_pos(st_line, st_cptr)
+char *st_line;
+char *st_cptr;
+    register char *s;
+    if (st_line == 0) return;
+    for (s = st_line; *s != '\n'; ++s)
+    {
+	if (isprint(*s) || *s == '\t')
+	    putc(*s, stderr);
+	else
+	    putc('?', stderr);
+    }
+    putc('\n', stderr);
+    for (s = st_line; s < st_cptr; ++s)
+    {
+	if (*s == '\t')
+	    putc('\t', stderr);
+	else
+	    putc(' ', stderr);
+    }
+    putc('^', stderr);
+    putc('\n', stderr);
+syntax_error(st_lineno, st_line, st_cptr)
+int st_lineno;
+char *st_line;
+char *st_cptr;
+    fprintf(stderr, "%s: e - line %d of \"%s\", syntax error\n",
+	    myname, st_lineno, input_file_name);
+    print_pos(st_line, st_cptr);
+    done(1);
+unterminated_comment(c_lineno, c_line, c_cptr)
+int c_lineno;
+char *c_line;
+char *c_cptr;
+    fprintf(stderr, "%s: e - line %d of \"%s\", unmatched /*\n",
+	    myname, c_lineno, input_file_name);
+    print_pos(c_line, c_cptr);
+    done(1);
+unterminated_string(s_lineno, s_line, s_cptr)
+int s_lineno;
+char *s_line;
+char *s_cptr;
+    fprintf(stderr, "%s: e - line %d of \"%s\", unterminated string\n",
+	    myname, s_lineno, input_file_name);
+    print_pos(s_line, s_cptr);
+    done(1);
+unterminated_text(t_lineno, t_line, t_cptr)
+int t_lineno;
+char *t_line;
+char *t_cptr;
+    fprintf(stderr, "%s: e - line %d of \"%s\", unmatched %%{\n",
+	    myname, t_lineno, input_file_name);
+    print_pos(t_line, t_cptr);
+    done(1);
+unterminated_union(u_lineno, u_line, u_cptr)
+int u_lineno;
+char *u_line;
+char *u_cptr;
+    fprintf(stderr, "%s: e - line %d of \"%s\", unterminated %%union \
+declaration\n", myname, u_lineno, input_file_name);
+    print_pos(u_line, u_cptr);
+    done(1);
+char *u_cptr;
+    fprintf(stderr, "%s: e - line %d of \"%s\", too many %%union \
+declarations\n", myname, lineno, input_file_name);
+    print_pos(line, u_cptr);
+    done(1);
+illegal_tag(t_lineno, t_line, t_cptr)
+int t_lineno;
+char *t_line;
+char *t_cptr;
+    fprintf(stderr, "%s: e - line %d of \"%s\", illegal tag\n",
+	    myname, t_lineno, input_file_name);
+    print_pos(t_line, t_cptr);
+    done(1);
+char *c_cptr;
+    fprintf(stderr, "%s: e - line %d of \"%s\", illegal character\n",
+	    myname, lineno, input_file_name);
+    print_pos(line, c_cptr);
+    done(1);
+char *s;
+    fprintf(stderr, "%s: e - line %d of \"%s\", illegal use of reserved symbol \
+%s\n", myname, lineno, input_file_name, s);
+    done(1);
+char *s;
+     fprintf(stderr, "%s: e - line %d of \"%s\", the start symbol %s cannot be \
+declared to be a token\n", myname, lineno, input_file_name, s);
+     done(1);
+char *s;
+    fprintf(stderr, "%s: w - line %d of \"%s\", the type of %s has been \
+redeclared\n", myname, lineno, input_file_name, s);
+char *s;
+    fprintf(stderr, "%s: w - line %d of \"%s\", the precedence of %s has been \
+redeclared\n", myname, lineno, input_file_name, s);
+char *s;
+    fprintf(stderr, "%s: w - line %d of \"%s\", the value of %s has been \
+redeclared\n", myname, lineno, input_file_name, s);
+char *s;
+    fprintf(stderr, "%s: e - line %d of \"%s\", the start symbol %s is a \
+token\n", myname, lineno, input_file_name, s);
+    done(1);
+    fprintf(stderr, "%s: w - line %d of \"%s\", the start symbol has been \
+redeclared\n", myname, lineno, input_file_name);
+    fprintf(stderr, "%s: e - line %d of \"%s\", no grammar has been \
+specified\n", myname, lineno, input_file_name);
+    done(1);
+int s_lineno;
+    fprintf(stderr, "%s: e - line %d of \"%s\", a token appears on the lhs \
+of a production\n", myname, s_lineno, input_file_name);
+    done(1);
+    fprintf(stderr, "%s: w - line %d of  \"%s\", conflicting %%prec \
+specifiers\n", myname, lineno, input_file_name);
+unterminated_action(a_lineno, a_line, a_cptr)
+int a_lineno;
+char *a_line;
+char *a_cptr;
+    fprintf(stderr, "%s: e - line %d of \"%s\", unterminated action\n",
+	    myname, a_lineno, input_file_name);
+    print_pos(a_line, a_cptr);
+    done(1);
+dollar_warning(a_lineno, i)
+int a_lineno;
+int i;
+    fprintf(stderr, "%s: w - line %d of \"%s\", $%d references beyond the \
+end of the current rule\n", myname, a_lineno, input_file_name, i);
+dollar_error(a_lineno, a_line, a_cptr)
+int a_lineno;
+char *a_line;
+char *a_cptr;
+    fprintf(stderr, "%s: e - line %d of \"%s\", illegal $-name\n",
+	    myname, a_lineno, input_file_name);
+    print_pos(a_line, a_cptr);
+    done(1);
+    fprintf(stderr, "%s: e - line %d of \"%s\", $$ is untyped\n",
+	    myname, lineno, input_file_name);
+    done(1);
+untyped_rhs(i, s)
+int i;
+char *s;
+    fprintf(stderr, "%s: e - line %d of \"%s\", $%d (%s) is untyped\n",
+	    myname, lineno, input_file_name, i, s);
+    done(1);
+int i;
+    fprintf(stderr, "%s: e - line %d of \"%s\", $%d is untyped\n",
+	    myname, lineno, input_file_name, i);
+    done(1);
+    fprintf(stderr, "%s: w - line %d of \"%s\", the default action assigns an \
+undefined value to $$\n", myname, lineno, input_file_name);
+char *s;
+    fprintf(stderr, "%s: e - the start symbol %s is undefined\n", myname, s);
+    done(1);
+char *s;
+    fprintf(stderr, "%s: w - the symbol %s is undefined\n", myname, s);

+ 638 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,638 @@
+#include "defs.h"
+  struct shorts
+    {
+      struct shorts *next;
+      short value;
+    }
+  shorts;
+int tokensetsize;
+short *lookaheads;
+short *LAruleno;
+unsigned *LA;
+short *accessing_symbol;
+core **state_table;
+shifts **shift_table;
+reductions **reduction_table;
+short *goto_map;
+short *from_state;
+short *to_state;
+short **transpose();
+static int infinity;
+static int maxrhs;
+static int ngotos;
+static unsigned *F;
+static short **includes;
+static shorts **lookback;
+static short **R;
+static short *INDEX;
+static short *VERTICES;
+static int top;
+    tokensetsize = WORDSIZE(ntokens);
+    set_state_table();
+    set_accessing_symbol();
+    set_shift_table();
+    set_reduction_table();
+    set_maxrhs();
+    initialize_LA();
+    set_goto_map();
+    initialize_F();
+    build_relations();
+    compute_FOLLOWS();
+    compute_lookaheads();
+    register core *sp;
+    state_table = NEW2(nstates, core *);
+    for (sp = first_state; sp; sp = sp->next)
+	state_table[sp->number] = sp;
+    register core *sp;
+    accessing_symbol = NEW2(nstates, short);
+    for (sp = first_state; sp; sp = sp->next)
+	accessing_symbol[sp->number] = sp->accessing_symbol;
+    register shifts *sp;
+    shift_table = NEW2(nstates, shifts *);
+    for (sp = first_shift; sp; sp = sp->next)
+	shift_table[sp->number] = sp;
+    register reductions *rp;
+    reduction_table = NEW2(nstates, reductions *);
+    for (rp = first_reduction; rp; rp = rp->next)
+	reduction_table[rp->number] = rp;
+  register short *itemp;
+  register short *item_end;
+  register int length;
+  register int max;
+  length = 0;
+  max = 0;
+  item_end = ritem + nitems;
+  for (itemp = ritem; itemp < item_end; itemp++)
+    {
+      if (*itemp >= 0)
+	{
+	  length++;
+	}
+      else
+	{
+	  if (length > max) max = length;
+	  length = 0;
+	}
+    }
+  maxrhs = max;
+  register int i, j, k;
+  register reductions *rp;
+  lookaheads = NEW2(nstates + 1, short);
+  k = 0;
+  for (i = 0; i < nstates; i++)
+    {
+      lookaheads[i] = k;
+      rp = reduction_table[i];
+      if (rp)
+	k += rp->nreds;
+    }
+  lookaheads[nstates] = k;
+  LA = NEW2(k * tokensetsize, unsigned);
+  LAruleno = NEW2(k, short);
+  lookback = NEW2(k, shorts *);
+  k = 0;
+  for (i = 0; i < nstates; i++)
+    {
+      rp = reduction_table[i];
+      if (rp)
+	{
+	  for (j = 0; j < rp->nreds; j++)
+	    {
+	      LAruleno[k] = rp->rules[j];
+	      k++;
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+  register shifts *sp;
+  register int i;
+  register int symbol;
+  register int k;
+  register short *temp_map;
+  register int state2;
+  register int state1;
+  goto_map = NEW2(nvars + 1, short) - ntokens;
+  temp_map = NEW2(nvars + 1, short) - ntokens;
+  ngotos = 0;
+  for (sp = first_shift; sp; sp = sp->next)
+    {
+      for (i = sp->nshifts - 1; i >= 0; i--)
+	{
+	  symbol = accessing_symbol[sp->shift[i]];
+	  if (ISTOKEN(symbol)) break;
+	  if (ngotos == MAXSHORT)
+	    fatal("too many gotos");
+	  ngotos++;
+	  goto_map[symbol]++;
+        }
+    }
+  k = 0;
+  for (i = ntokens; i < nsyms; i++)
+    {
+      temp_map[i] = k;
+      k += goto_map[i];
+    }
+  for (i = ntokens; i < nsyms; i++)
+    goto_map[i] = temp_map[i];
+  goto_map[nsyms] = ngotos;
+  temp_map[nsyms] = ngotos;
+  from_state = NEW2(ngotos, short);
+  to_state = NEW2(ngotos, short);
+  for (sp = first_shift; sp; sp = sp->next)
+    {
+      state1 = sp->number;
+      for (i = sp->nshifts - 1; i >= 0; i--)
+	{
+	  state2 = sp->shift[i];
+	  symbol = accessing_symbol[state2];
+	  if (ISTOKEN(symbol)) break;
+	  k = temp_map[symbol]++;
+	  from_state[k] = state1;
+	  to_state[k] = state2;
+	}
+    }
+  FREE(temp_map + ntokens);
+/*  Map_goto maps a state/symbol pair into its numeric representation.	*/
+map_goto(state, symbol)
+int state;
+int symbol;
+    register int high;
+    register int low;
+    register int middle;
+    register int s;
+    low = goto_map[symbol];
+    high = goto_map[symbol + 1];
+    for (;;)
+    {
+	assert(low <= high);
+	middle = (low + high) >> 1;
+	s = from_state[middle];
+	if (s == state)
+	    return (middle);
+	else if (s < state)
+	    low = middle + 1;
+	else
+	    high = middle - 1;
+    }
+  register int i;
+  register int j;
+  register int k;
+  register shifts *sp;
+  register short *edge;
+  register unsigned *rowp;
+  register short *rp;
+  register short **reads;
+  register int nedges;
+  register int stateno;
+  register int symbol;
+  register int nwords;
+  nwords = ngotos * tokensetsize;
+  F = NEW2(nwords, unsigned);
+  reads = NEW2(ngotos, short *);
+  edge = NEW2(ngotos + 1, short);
+  nedges = 0;
+  rowp = F;
+  for (i = 0; i < ngotos; i++)
+    {
+      stateno = to_state[i];
+      sp = shift_table[stateno];
+      if (sp)
+	{
+	  k = sp->nshifts;
+	  for (j = 0; j < k; j++)
+	    {
+	      symbol = accessing_symbol[sp->shift[j]];
+	      if (ISVAR(symbol))
+		break;
+	      SETBIT(rowp, symbol);
+	    }
+	  for (; j < k; j++)
+	    {
+	      symbol = accessing_symbol[sp->shift[j]];
+	      if (nullable[symbol])
+		edge[nedges++] = map_goto(stateno, symbol);
+	    }
+	  if (nedges)
+	    {
+	      reads[i] = rp = NEW2(nedges + 1, short);
+	      for (j = 0; j < nedges; j++)
+		rp[j] = edge[j];
+	      rp[nedges] = -1;
+	      nedges = 0;
+	    }
+	}
+      rowp += tokensetsize;
+    }
+  SETBIT(F, 0);
+  digraph(reads);
+  for (i = 0; i < ngotos; i++)
+    {
+      if (reads[i])
+	FREE(reads[i]);
+    }
+  FREE(reads);
+  FREE(edge);
+  register int i;
+  register int j;
+  register int k;
+  register short *rulep;
+  register short *rp;
+  register shifts *sp;
+  register int length;
+  register int nedges;
+  register int done;
+  register int state1;
+  register int stateno;
+  register int symbol1;
+  register int symbol2;
+  register short *shortp;
+  register short *edge;
+  register short *states;
+  register short **new_includes;
+  includes = NEW2(ngotos, short *);
+  edge = NEW2(ngotos + 1, short);
+  states = NEW2(maxrhs + 1, short);
+  for (i = 0; i < ngotos; i++)
+    {
+      nedges = 0;
+      state1 = from_state[i];
+      symbol1 = accessing_symbol[to_state[i]];
+      for (rulep = derives[symbol1]; *rulep >= 0; rulep++)
+	{
+	  length = 1;
+	  states[0] = state1;
+	  stateno = state1;
+	  for (rp = ritem + rrhs[*rulep]; *rp >= 0; rp++)
+	    {
+	      symbol2 = *rp;
+	      sp = shift_table[stateno];
+	      k = sp->nshifts;
+	      for (j = 0; j < k; j++)
+		{
+		  stateno = sp->shift[j];
+		  if (accessing_symbol[stateno] == symbol2) break;
+		}
+	      states[length++] = stateno;
+	    }
+	  add_lookback_edge(stateno, *rulep, i);
+	  length--;
+	  done = 0;
+	  while (!done)
+	    {
+	      done = 1;
+	      rp--;
+	      if (ISVAR(*rp))
+		{
+		  stateno = states[--length];
+		  edge[nedges++] = map_goto(stateno, *rp);
+		  if (nullable[*rp] && length > 0) done = 0;
+		}
+	    }
+	}
+      if (nedges)
+	{
+	  includes[i] = shortp = NEW2(nedges + 1, short);
+	  for (j = 0; j < nedges; j++)
+	    shortp[j] = edge[j];
+	  shortp[nedges] = -1;
+	}
+    }
+  new_includes = transpose(includes, ngotos);
+  for (i = 0; i < ngotos; i++)
+    if (includes[i])
+      FREE(includes[i]);
+  FREE(includes);
+  includes = new_includes;
+  FREE(edge);
+  FREE(states);
+add_lookback_edge(stateno, ruleno, gotono)
+int stateno, ruleno, gotono;
+    register int i, k;
+    register int found;
+    register shorts *sp;
+    i = lookaheads[stateno];
+    k = lookaheads[stateno + 1];
+    found = 0;
+    while (!found && i < k)
+    {
+	if (LAruleno[i] == ruleno)
+	    found = 1;
+	else
+	    ++i;
+    }
+    assert(found);
+    sp = NEW(shorts);
+    sp->next = lookback[i];
+    sp->value = gotono;
+    lookback[i] = sp;
+short **
+transpose(R, n)
+short **R;
+int n;
+  register short **new_R;
+  register short **temp_R;
+  register short *nedges;
+  register short *sp;
+  register int i;
+  register int k;
+  nedges = NEW2(n, short);
+  for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
+    {
+      sp = R[i];
+      if (sp)
+	{
+	  while (*sp >= 0)
+	    nedges[*sp++]++;
+	}
+    }
+  new_R = NEW2(n, short *);
+  temp_R = NEW2(n, short *);
+  for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
+    {
+      k = nedges[i];
+      if (k > 0)
+	{
+	  sp = NEW2(k + 1, short);
+	  new_R[i] = sp;
+	  temp_R[i] = sp;
+	  sp[k] = -1;
+	}
+    }
+  FREE(nedges);
+  for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
+    {
+      sp = R[i];
+      if (sp)
+	{
+	  while (*sp >= 0)
+	    *temp_R[*sp++]++ = i;
+	}
+    }
+  FREE(temp_R);
+  return (new_R);
+  digraph(includes);
+  register int i, n;
+  register unsigned *fp1, *fp2, *fp3;
+  register shorts *sp, *next;
+  register unsigned *rowp;
+  rowp = LA;
+  n = lookaheads[nstates];
+  for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
+    {
+      fp3 = rowp + tokensetsize;
+      for (sp = lookback[i]; sp; sp = sp->next)
+	{
+	  fp1 = rowp;
+	  fp2 = F + tokensetsize * sp->value;
+	  while (fp1 < fp3)
+	    *fp1++ |= *fp2++;
+	}
+      rowp = fp3;
+    }
+  for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
+    for (sp = lookback[i]; sp; sp = next)
+      {
+        next = sp->next;
+        FREE(sp);
+      }
+  FREE(lookback);
+  FREE(F);
+short **relation;
+  register int i;
+  infinity = ngotos + 2;
+  INDEX = NEW2(ngotos + 1, short);
+  VERTICES = NEW2(ngotos + 1, short);
+  top = 0;
+  R = relation;
+  for (i = 0; i < ngotos; i++)
+    INDEX[i] = 0;
+  for (i = 0; i < ngotos; i++)
+    {
+      if (INDEX[i] == 0 && R[i])
+	traverse(i);
+    }
+register int i;
+  register unsigned *fp1;
+  register unsigned *fp2;
+  register unsigned *fp3;
+  register int j;
+  register short *rp;
+  int height;
+  unsigned *base;
+  VERTICES[++top] = i;
+  INDEX[i] = height = top;
+  base = F + i * tokensetsize;
+  fp3 = base + tokensetsize;
+  rp = R[i];
+  if (rp)
+    {
+      while ((j = *rp++) >= 0)
+	{
+	  if (INDEX[j] == 0)
+	    traverse(j);
+	  if (INDEX[i] > INDEX[j])
+	    INDEX[i] = INDEX[j];
+	  fp1 = base;
+	  fp2 = F + j * tokensetsize;
+	  while (fp1 < fp3)
+	    *fp1++ |= *fp2++;
+	}
+    }
+  if (INDEX[i] == height)
+    {
+      for (;;)
+	{
+	  j = VERTICES[top--];
+	  INDEX[j] = infinity;
+	  if (i == j)
+	    break;
+	  fp1 = base;
+	  fp2 = F + j * tokensetsize;
+	  while (fp1 < fp3)
+	    *fp2++ = *fp1++;
+	}
+    }

+ 604 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,604 @@
+#include "defs.h"
+extern short *itemset;
+extern short *itemsetend;
+extern unsigned *ruleset;
+int nstates;
+core *first_state;
+shifts *first_shift;
+reductions *first_reduction;
+int get_state();
+core *new_state();
+static core **state_set;
+static core *this_state;
+static core *last_state;
+static shifts *last_shift;
+static reductions *last_reduction;
+static int nshifts;
+static short *shift_symbol;
+static short *redset;
+static short *shiftset;
+static short **kernel_base;
+static short **kernel_end;
+static short *kernel_items;
+  register short *itemp;
+  register short *item_end;
+  register int symbol;
+  register int i;
+  register int count;
+  register int max;
+  register short *symbol_count;
+  count = 0;
+  symbol_count = NEW2(nsyms, short);
+  item_end = ritem + nitems;
+  for (itemp = ritem; itemp < item_end; itemp++)
+    {
+      symbol = *itemp;
+      if (symbol >= 0)
+	{
+	  count++;
+	  symbol_count[symbol]++;
+	}
+    }
+  kernel_base = NEW2(nsyms, short *);
+  kernel_items = NEW2(count, short);
+  count = 0;
+  max = 0;
+  for (i = 0; i < nsyms; i++)
+    {
+      kernel_base[i] = kernel_items + count;
+      count += symbol_count[i];
+      if (max < symbol_count[i])
+	max = symbol_count[i];
+    }
+  shift_symbol = symbol_count;
+  kernel_end = NEW2(nsyms, short *);
+  allocate_itemsets();
+  shiftset = NEW2(nsyms, short);
+  redset = NEW2(nrules + 1, short);
+  state_set = NEW2(nitems, core *);
+  register int i;
+  register int j;
+  register int symbol;
+#ifdef	TRACE
+  fprintf(stderr, "Entering append_states\n");
+  for (i = 1; i < nshifts; i++)
+    {
+      symbol = shift_symbol[i];
+      j = i;
+      while (j > 0 && shift_symbol[j - 1] > symbol)
+	{
+	  shift_symbol[j] = shift_symbol[j - 1];
+	  j--;
+	}
+      shift_symbol[j] = symbol;
+    }
+  for (i = 0; i < nshifts; i++)
+    {
+      symbol = shift_symbol[i];
+      shiftset[i] = get_state(symbol);
+    }
+  FREE(shift_symbol);
+  FREE(redset);
+  FREE(shiftset);
+  FREE(kernel_base);
+  FREE(kernel_end);
+  FREE(kernel_items);
+  FREE(state_set);
+  allocate_storage();
+  itemset = NEW2(nitems, short);
+  ruleset = NEW2(WORDSIZE(nrules), unsigned);
+  set_first_derives();
+  initialize_states();
+  while (this_state)
+    {
+      closure(this_state->items, this_state->nitems);
+      save_reductions();
+      new_itemsets();
+      append_states();
+      if (nshifts > 0)
+        save_shifts();
+      this_state = this_state->next;
+    }
+  finalize_closure();
+  free_storage();
+int symbol;
+  register int key;
+  register short *isp1;
+  register short *isp2;
+  register short *iend;
+  register core *sp;
+  register int found;
+  int n;
+#ifdef	TRACE
+  fprintf(stderr, "Entering get_state, symbol = %d\n", symbol);
+  isp1 = kernel_base[symbol];
+  iend = kernel_end[symbol];
+  n = iend - isp1;
+  key = *isp1;
+  assert(0 <= key && key < nitems);
+  sp = state_set[key];
+  if (sp)
+    {
+      found = 0;
+      while (!found)
+	{
+	  if (sp->nitems == n)
+	    {
+	      found = 1;
+	      isp1 = kernel_base[symbol];
+	      isp2 = sp->items;
+	      while (found && isp1 < iend)
+		{
+		  if (*isp1++ != *isp2++)
+		    found = 0;
+		}
+	    }
+	  if (!found)
+	    {
+	      if (sp->link)
+		{
+		  sp = sp->link;
+		}
+	      else
+		{
+		  sp = sp->link = new_state(symbol);
+		  found = 1;
+		}
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      state_set[key] = sp = new_state(symbol);
+    }
+  return (sp->number);
+    register int i;
+    register short *start_derives;
+    register core *p;
+    start_derives = derives[start_symbol];
+    for (i = 0; start_derives[i] >= 0; ++i)
+	continue;
+    p = (core *) MALLOC(sizeof(core) + i*sizeof(short));
+    if (p == 0) no_space();
+    p->next = 0;
+    p->link = 0;
+    p->number = 0;
+    p->accessing_symbol = 0;
+    p->nitems = i;
+    for (i = 0;  start_derives[i] >= 0; ++i)
+	p->items[i] = rrhs[start_derives[i]];
+    first_state = last_state = this_state = p;
+    nstates = 1;
+  register int i;
+  register int shiftcount;
+  register short *isp;
+  register short *ksp;
+  register int symbol;
+  for (i = 0; i < nsyms; i++)
+    kernel_end[i] = 0;
+  shiftcount = 0;
+  isp = itemset;
+  while (isp < itemsetend)
+    {
+      i = *isp++;
+      symbol = ritem[i];
+      if (symbol > 0)
+	{
+          ksp = kernel_end[symbol];
+          if (!ksp)
+	    {
+	      shift_symbol[shiftcount++] = symbol;
+	      ksp = kernel_base[symbol];
+	    }
+          *ksp++ = i + 1;
+          kernel_end[symbol] = ksp;
+	}
+    }
+  nshifts = shiftcount;
+core *
+int symbol;
+  register int n;
+  register core *p;
+  register short *isp1;
+  register short *isp2;
+  register short *iend;
+#ifdef	TRACE
+  fprintf(stderr, "Entering new_state, symbol = %d\n", symbol);
+  if (nstates >= MAXSHORT)
+    fatal("too many states");
+  isp1 = kernel_base[symbol];
+  iend = kernel_end[symbol];
+  n = iend - isp1;
+  p = (core *) allocate((unsigned) (sizeof(core) + (n - 1) * sizeof(short)));
+  p->accessing_symbol = symbol;
+  p->number = nstates;
+  p->nitems = n;
+  isp2 = p->items;
+  while (isp1 < iend)
+    *isp2++ = *isp1++;
+  last_state->next = p;
+  last_state = p;
+  nstates++;
+  return (p);
+/* show_cores is used for debugging */
+    core *p;
+    int i, j, k, n;
+    int itemno;
+    k = 0;
+    for (p = first_state; p; ++k, p = p->next)
+    {
+	if (k) printf("\n");
+	printf("state %d, number = %d, accessing symbol = %s\n",
+		k, p->number, symbol_name[p->accessing_symbol]);
+	n = p->nitems;
+	for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
+	{
+	    itemno = p->items[i];
+	    printf("%4d  ", itemno);
+	    j = itemno;
+	    while (ritem[j] >= 0) ++j;
+	    printf("%s :", symbol_name[rlhs[-ritem[j]]]);
+	    j = rrhs[-ritem[j]];
+	    while (j < itemno)
+		printf(" %s", symbol_name[ritem[j++]]);
+	    printf(" .");
+	    while (ritem[j] >= 0)
+		printf(" %s", symbol_name[ritem[j++]]);
+	    printf("\n");
+	    fflush(stdout);
+	}
+    }
+/* show_ritems is used for debugging */
+    int i;
+    for (i = 0; i < nitems; ++i)
+	printf("ritem[%d] = %d\n", i, ritem[i]);
+/* show_rrhs is used for debugging */
+    int i;
+    for (i = 0; i < nrules; ++i)
+	printf("rrhs[%d] = %d\n", i, rrhs[i]);
+/* show_shifts is used for debugging */
+    shifts *p;
+    int i, j, k;
+    k = 0;
+    for (p = first_shift; p; ++k, p = p->next)
+    {
+	if (k) printf("\n");
+	printf("shift %d, number = %d, nshifts = %d\n", k, p->number,
+		p->nshifts);
+	j = p->nshifts;
+	for (i = 0; i < j; ++i)
+	    printf("\t%d\n", p->shift[i]);
+    }
+  register shifts *p;
+  register short *sp1;
+  register short *sp2;
+  register short *send;
+  p = (shifts *) allocate((unsigned) (sizeof(shifts) +
+			(nshifts - 1) * sizeof(short)));
+  p->number = this_state->number;
+  p->nshifts = nshifts;
+  sp1 = shiftset;
+  sp2 = p->shift;
+  send = shiftset + nshifts;
+  while (sp1 < send)
+    *sp2++ = *sp1++;
+  if (last_shift)
+    {
+      last_shift->next = p;
+      last_shift = p;
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      first_shift = p;
+      last_shift = p;
+    }
+  register short *isp;
+  register short *rp1;
+  register short *rp2;
+  register int item;
+  register int count;
+  register reductions *p;
+  short *rend;
+  count = 0;
+  for (isp = itemset; isp < itemsetend; isp++)
+    {
+      item = ritem[*isp];
+      if (item < 0)
+	{
+	  redset[count++] = -item;
+	}
+    }
+  if (count)
+    {
+      p = (reductions *) allocate((unsigned) (sizeof(reductions) +
+					(count - 1) * sizeof(short)));
+      p->number = this_state->number;
+      p->nreds = count;
+      rp1 = redset;
+      rp2 = p->rules;
+      rend = rp1 + count;
+      while (rp1 < rend)
+	*rp2++ = *rp1++;
+      if (last_reduction)
+	{
+	  last_reduction->next = p;
+	  last_reduction = p;
+	}
+      else
+	{
+	  first_reduction = p;
+	  last_reduction = p;
+	}
+    }
+  register int i, k;
+  register int lhs;
+  register short *rules;
+  derives = NEW2(nsyms, short *);
+  rules = NEW2(nvars + nrules, short);
+  k = 0;
+  for (lhs = start_symbol; lhs < nsyms; lhs++)
+    {
+      derives[lhs] = rules + k;
+      for (i = 0; i < nrules; i++)
+	{
+	  if (rlhs[i] == lhs)
+	    {
+	      rules[k] = i;
+	      k++;
+	    }
+	}
+      rules[k] = -1;
+      k++;
+    }
+#ifdef	DEBUG
+  print_derives();
+  FREE(derives[start_symbol]);
+  FREE(derives);
+#ifdef	DEBUG
+  register int i;
+  register short *sp;
+  printf("\nDERIVES\n\n");
+  for (i = start_symbol; i < nsyms; i++)
+    {
+      printf("%s derives ", symbol_name[i]);
+      for (sp = derives[i]; *sp >= 0; sp++)
+	{
+	  printf("  %d", *sp);
+	}
+      putchar('\n');
+    }
+  putchar('\n');
+    register int i, j;
+    register int empty;
+    int done;
+    nullable = MALLOC(nsyms);
+    if (nullable == 0) no_space();
+    for (i = 0; i < nsyms; ++i)
+	nullable[i] = 0;
+    done = 0;
+    while (!done)
+    {
+	done = 1;
+	for (i = 1; i < nitems; i++)
+	{
+	    empty = 1;
+	    while ((j = ritem[i]) >= 0)
+	    {
+		if (!nullable[j])
+		    empty = 0;
+		++i;
+	    }
+	    if (empty)
+	    {
+		j = rlhs[-j];
+		if (!nullable[j])
+		{
+		    nullable[j] = 1;
+		    done = 0;
+		}
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    for (i = 0; i < nsyms; i++)
+    {
+	if (nullable[i])
+	    printf("%s is nullable\n", symbol_name[i]);
+	else
+	    printf("%s is not nullable\n", symbol_name[i]);
+    }
+  FREE(nullable);
+    set_derives();
+    set_nullable();
+    generate_states();

+ 365 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,365 @@
+#include <signal.h>
+#include "defs.h"
+char dflag;
+char lflag;
+char rflag;
+char tflag;
+char vflag;
+char *file_prefix = "y";
+char *myname = "yacc";
+char *temp_form = "yacc.XXXXXXX";
+int lineno;
+int outline;
+char *action_file_name;
+char *code_file_name;
+char *defines_file_name;
+char *input_file_name = "";
+char *output_file_name;
+char *text_file_name;
+char *union_file_name;
+char *verbose_file_name;
+FILE *action_file;	/*  a temp file, used to save actions associated    */
+			/*  with rules until the parser is written	    */
+FILE *code_file;	/*  y.code.c (used when the -r option is specified) */
+FILE *defines_file;	/*  y.tab.h					    */
+FILE *input_file;	/*  the input file				    */
+FILE *output_file;	/*  y.tab.c					    */
+FILE *text_file;	/*  a temp file, used to save text until all	    */
+			/*  symbols have been defined			    */
+FILE *union_file;	/*  a temp file, used to save the union		    */
+			/*  definition until all symbol have been	    */
+			/*  defined					    */
+FILE *verbose_file;	/*  y.output					    */
+int nitems;
+int nrules;
+int nsyms;
+int ntokens;
+int nvars;
+int   start_symbol;
+char  **symbol_name;
+short *symbol_value;
+short *symbol_prec;
+char  *symbol_assoc;
+short *ritem;
+short *rlhs;
+short *rrhs;
+short *rprec;
+char  *rassoc;
+short **derives;
+char *nullable;
+extern char *mktemp();
+extern char *getenv();
+int k;
+    if (action_file) { fclose(action_file); unlink(action_file_name); }
+    if (text_file) { fclose(text_file); unlink(text_file_name); }
+    if (union_file) { fclose(union_file); unlink(union_file_name); }
+    exit(k);
+    done(1);
+#ifdef SIGINT
+    if (signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN) != SIG_IGN)
+	signal(SIGINT, onintr);
+#ifdef SIGTERM
+    if (signal(SIGTERM, SIG_IGN) != SIG_IGN)
+	signal(SIGTERM, onintr);
+#ifdef SIGHUP
+    if (signal(SIGHUP, SIG_IGN) != SIG_IGN)
+	signal(SIGHUP, onintr);
+    fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s [-dlrtv] [-b file_prefix] filename\n", myname);
+    exit(1);
+getargs(argc, argv)
+int argc;
+char *argv[];
+    register int i;
+    register char *s;
+    if (argc > 0) myname = argv[0];
+    for (i = 1; i < argc; ++i)
+    {
+	s = argv[i];
+	if (*s != '-') break;
+	switch (*++s)
+	{
+	case '\0':
+	    input_file = stdin;
+	    if (i + 1 < argc) usage();
+	    return;
+	case '-':
+	    ++i;
+	    goto no_more_options;
+	case 'b':
+	    if (*++s)
+		 file_prefix = s;
+	    else if (++i < argc)
+		file_prefix = argv[i];
+	    else
+		usage();
+	    continue;
+	case 'd':
+	    dflag = 1;
+	    break;
+	case 'l':
+	    lflag = 1;
+	    break;
+	case 'r':
+	    rflag = 1;
+	    break;
+	case 't':
+	    tflag = 1;
+	    break;
+	case 'v':
+	    vflag = 1;
+	    break;
+	default:
+	    usage();
+	}
+	for (;;)
+	{
+	    switch (*++s)
+	    {
+	    case '\0':
+		goto end_of_option;
+	    case 'd':
+		dflag = 1;
+		break;
+	    case 'l':
+		lflag = 1;
+		break;
+	    case 'r':
+		rflag = 1;
+		break;
+	    case 't':
+		tflag = 1;
+		break;
+	    case 'v':
+		vflag = 1;
+		break;
+	    default:
+		usage();
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+    if (i + 1 != argc) usage();
+    input_file_name = argv[i];
+char *
+unsigned n;
+    register char *p;
+    p = NULL;
+    if (n)
+    {
+	p = CALLOC(1, n);
+	if (!p) no_space();
+    }
+    return (p);
+    int i, len;
+    char *tmpdir;
+    tmpdir = getenv("TMPDIR");
+    if (tmpdir == 0) tmpdir = "/tmp";
+    len = strlen(tmpdir);
+    i = len + 13;
+    if (len && tmpdir[len-1] != '/')
+	++i;
+    action_file_name = MALLOC(i);
+    if (action_file_name == 0) no_space();
+    text_file_name = MALLOC(i);
+    if (text_file_name == 0) no_space();
+    union_file_name = MALLOC(i);
+    if (union_file_name == 0) no_space();
+    strcpy(action_file_name, tmpdir);
+    strcpy(text_file_name, tmpdir);
+    strcpy(union_file_name, tmpdir);
+    if (len && tmpdir[len - 1] != '/')
+    {
+	action_file_name[len] = '/';
+	text_file_name[len] = '/';
+	union_file_name[len] = '/';
+	++len;
+    }
+    strcpy(action_file_name + len, temp_form);
+    strcpy(text_file_name + len, temp_form);
+    strcpy(union_file_name + len, temp_form);
+    action_file_name[len + 5] = 'a';
+    text_file_name[len + 5] = 't';
+    union_file_name[len + 5] = 'u';
+    mktemp(action_file_name);
+    mktemp(text_file_name);
+    mktemp(union_file_name);
+    len = strlen(file_prefix);
+    output_file_name = MALLOC(len + 7);
+    if (output_file_name == 0)
+	no_space();
+    strcpy(output_file_name, file_prefix);
+    strcpy(output_file_name + len, OUTPUT_SUFFIX);
+    if (rflag)
+    {
+	code_file_name = MALLOC(len + 8);
+	if (code_file_name == 0)
+	    no_space();
+	strcpy(code_file_name, file_prefix);
+	strcpy(code_file_name + len, CODE_SUFFIX);
+    }
+    else
+	code_file_name = output_file_name;
+    if (dflag)
+    {
+	defines_file_name = MALLOC(len + 7);
+	if (defines_file_name == 0)
+	    no_space();
+	strcpy(defines_file_name, file_prefix);
+	strcpy(defines_file_name + len, DEFINES_SUFFIX);
+    }
+    if (vflag)
+    {
+	verbose_file_name = MALLOC(len + 8);
+	if (verbose_file_name == 0)
+	    no_space();
+	strcpy(verbose_file_name, file_prefix);
+	strcpy(verbose_file_name + len, VERBOSE_SUFFIX);
+    }
+    create_file_names();
+    if (input_file == 0)
+    {
+	input_file = fopen(input_file_name, "r");
+	if (input_file == 0)
+	    open_error(input_file_name);
+    }
+    action_file = fopen(action_file_name, "w");
+    if (action_file == 0)
+	open_error(action_file_name);
+    text_file = fopen(text_file_name, "w");
+    if (text_file == 0)
+	open_error(text_file_name);
+    if (vflag)
+    {
+	verbose_file = fopen(verbose_file_name, "w");
+	if (verbose_file == 0)
+	    open_error(verbose_file_name);
+    }
+    if (dflag)
+    {
+	defines_file = fopen(defines_file_name, "w");
+	if (defines_file == 0)
+	    open_error(defines_file_name);
+	union_file = fopen(union_file_name, "w");
+	if (union_file ==  0)
+	    open_error(union_file_name);
+    }
+    output_file = fopen(output_file_name, "w");
+    if (output_file == 0)
+	open_error(output_file_name);
+    if (rflag)
+    {
+	code_file = fopen(code_file_name, "w");
+	if (code_file == 0)
+	    open_error(code_file_name);
+    }
+    else
+	code_file = output_file;
+main(argc, argv)
+int argc;
+char *argv[];
+    set_signals();
+    getargs(argc, argv);
+    open_files();
+    reader();
+    lr0();
+    lalr();
+    make_parser();
+    verbose();
+    output();
+    done(0);

+ 100 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+.\"	%W%	%R% (Berkeley) %E%
+.TH YACC 1 "July\ 15,\ 1990"
+.UC 6
+Yacc \- an LALR(1) parser generator
+.B yacc [ -dlrtv ] [ -b
+.I prefix
+.B ]
+.I filename
+.I Yacc
+reads the grammar specification in the file
+.I filename
+and generates an LR(1) parser for it.
+The parsers consist of a set of LALR(1) parsing tables and a driver routine
+written in the C programming language.
+.I Yacc
+normally writes the parse tables and the driver routine to the file
+.IR y.tab.c.
+The following options are available:
+\fB-b \fIprefix\fR
+.B -b
+option changes the prefix prepended to the output file names to
+the string denoted by
+.IR prefix.
+The default prefix is the character
+.IR y.
+.B -d
+The \fB-d\fR option causes the header file
+.IR y.tab.h
+to be written.
+.B -l
+If the
+.B -l
+option is not specified,
+.I yacc
+will insert \#line directives in the generated code.
+The \#line directives let the C compiler relate errors in the
+generated code to the user's original code.
+If the \fB-l\fR option is specified,
+.I yacc
+will not insert the \#line directives.
+\&\#line directives specified by the user will be retained.
+.B -r
+.B -r
+option causes
+.I yacc
+to produce separate files for code and tables.  The code file
+is named
+.IR y.code.c,
+and the tables file is named
+.IR y.tab.c.
+.B -t
+.B -t
+option changes the preprocessor directives generated by
+.I yacc
+so that debugging statements will be incorporated in the compiled code.
+.B -v
+.B -v
+option causes a human-readable description of the generated parser to
+be written to the file
+.IR y.output.
+If the environment variable TMPDIR is set, the string denoted by
+TMPDIR will be used as the name of the directory where the temporary
+files are created.
+.IR y.code.c
+.IR y.tab.c
+.IR y.tab.h
+.IR y.output
+.IR /tmp/yacc.aXXXXXX
+.IR /tmp/yacc.tXXXXXX
+.IR /tmp/yacc.uXXXXXX
+If there are rules that are never reduced, the number of such rules is
+reported on standard error.
+If there are any LALR(1) conflicts, the number of conflicts is reported
+on standard error.

+ 371 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,371 @@
+#include "defs.h"
+action **parser;
+int SRtotal;
+int RRtotal;
+short *SRconflicts;
+short *RRconflicts;
+short *defred;
+short *rules_used;
+short nunused;
+short final_state;
+static int SRcount;
+static int RRcount;
+extern action *parse_actions();
+extern action *get_shifts();
+extern action *add_reductions();
+extern action *add_reduce();
+    register int i;
+    parser = NEW2(nstates, action *);
+    for (i = 0; i < nstates; i++)
+	parser[i] = parse_actions(i);
+    find_final_state();
+    remove_conflicts();
+    unused_rules();
+    if (SRtotal + RRtotal > 0) total_conflicts();
+    defreds();
+action *
+register int stateno;
+    register action *actions;
+    actions = get_shifts(stateno);
+    actions = add_reductions(stateno, actions);
+    return (actions);
+action *
+int stateno;
+    register action *actions, *temp;
+    register shifts *sp;
+    register short *to_state;
+    register int i, k;
+    register int symbol;
+    actions = 0;
+    sp = shift_table[stateno];
+    if (sp)
+    {
+	to_state = sp->shift;
+	for (i = sp->nshifts - 1; i >= 0; i--)
+	{
+	    k = to_state[i];
+	    symbol = accessing_symbol[k];
+	    if (ISTOKEN(symbol))
+	    {
+		temp = NEW(action);
+		temp->next = actions;
+		temp->symbol = symbol;
+		temp->number = k;
+		temp->prec = symbol_prec[symbol];
+		temp->action_code = SHIFT;
+		temp->assoc = symbol_assoc[symbol];
+		actions = temp;
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+    return (actions);
+action *
+add_reductions(stateno, actions)
+int stateno;
+register action *actions;
+    register int i, j, m, n;
+    register int ruleno, tokensetsize;
+    register unsigned *rowp;
+    tokensetsize = WORDSIZE(ntokens);
+    m = lookaheads[stateno];
+    n = lookaheads[stateno + 1];
+    for (i = m; i < n; i++)
+    {
+	ruleno = LAruleno[i];
+	rowp = LA + i * tokensetsize;
+	for (j = ntokens - 1; j >= 0; j--)
+	{
+	    if (BIT(rowp, j))
+		actions = add_reduce(actions, ruleno, j);
+	}
+    }
+    return (actions);
+action *
+add_reduce(actions, ruleno, symbol)
+register action *actions;
+register int ruleno, symbol;
+    register action *temp, *prev, *next;
+    prev = 0;
+    for (next = actions; next && next->symbol < symbol; next = next->next)
+	prev = next;
+    while (next && next->symbol == symbol && next->action_code == SHIFT)
+    {
+	prev = next;
+	next = next->next;
+    }
+    while (next && next->symbol == symbol &&
+	    next->action_code == REDUCE && next->number < ruleno)
+    {
+	prev = next;
+	next = next->next;
+    }
+    temp = NEW(action);
+    temp->next = next;
+    temp->symbol = symbol;
+    temp->number = ruleno;
+    temp->prec = rprec[ruleno];
+    temp->action_code = REDUCE;
+    temp->assoc = rassoc[ruleno];
+    if (prev)
+	prev->next = temp;
+    else
+	actions = temp;
+    return (actions);
+    register int goal, i;
+    register short *to_state;
+    register shifts *p;
+    p = shift_table[0];
+    to_state = p->shift;
+    goal = ritem[1];
+    for (i = p->nshifts - 1; i >= 0; --i)
+    {
+	final_state = to_state[i];
+	if (accessing_symbol[final_state] == goal) break;
+    }
+    register int i;
+    register action *p;
+    rules_used = (short *) MALLOC(nrules*sizeof(short));
+    if (rules_used == 0) no_space();
+    for (i = 0; i < nrules; ++i)
+	rules_used[i] = 0;
+    for (i = 0; i < nstates; ++i)
+    {
+	for (p = parser[i]; p; p = p->next)
+	{
+	    if (p->action_code == REDUCE && p->suppressed == 0)
+		rules_used[p->number] = 1;
+	}
+    }
+    nunused = 0;
+    for (i = 3; i < nrules; ++i)
+	if (!rules_used[i]) ++nunused;
+    if (nunused)
+	if (nunused == 1)
+	    fprintf(stderr, "%s: 1 rule never reduced\n", myname);
+	else
+	    fprintf(stderr, "%s: %d rules never reduced\n", myname, nunused);
+    register int i;
+    register int symbol;
+    register action *p, *q;
+    SRtotal = 0;
+    RRtotal = 0;
+    SRconflicts = NEW2(nstates, short);
+    RRconflicts = NEW2(nstates, short);
+    for (i = 0; i < nstates; i++)
+    {
+	SRcount = 0;
+	RRcount = 0;
+	for (p = parser[i]; p; p = q->next)
+	{
+	    symbol = p->symbol;
+	    q = p;
+	    while (q->next && q->next->symbol == symbol)
+		q = q->next;
+	    if (i == final_state && symbol == 0)
+		end_conflicts(p, q);
+	    else if (p != q)
+		resolve_conflicts(p, q);
+	}
+	SRtotal += SRcount;
+	RRtotal += RRcount;
+	SRconflicts[i] = SRcount;
+	RRconflicts[i] = RRcount;
+    }
+end_conflicts(p, q)
+register action *p, *q;
+    for (;;)
+    {
+	SRcount++;
+	p->suppressed = 1;
+	if (p == q) break;
+	p = p->next;
+    }
+resolve_conflicts(first, last)
+register action *first, *last;
+    register action *p;
+    register int count;
+    count = 1;
+    for (p = first; p != last; p = p->next)
+ 	++count;
+    assert(count > 1);
+    if (first->action_code == SHIFT && count == 2 &&
+	    first->prec > 0 && last->prec > 0)
+    {
+	if (first->prec == last->prec)
+	{
+	    if (first->assoc == LEFT)
+		first->suppressed = 2;
+	    else if (first->assoc == RIGHT)
+		last->suppressed = 2;
+	    else
+	    {
+		first->suppressed = 2;
+		last->suppressed = 2;
+		first->action_code = ERROR;
+		last->action_code = ERROR;
+	    }
+	}
+	else if (first->prec < last->prec)
+	    first->suppressed = 2;
+	else
+	    last->suppressed = 2;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+	if (first->action_code == SHIFT)
+	    SRcount += (count - 1);
+        else
+	    RRcount += (count - 1);
+	for (p = first; p != last; p = p->next, p->suppressed = 1)
+	    continue;
+    }
+    fprintf(stderr, "%s: ", myname);
+    if (SRtotal == 1)
+	fprintf(stderr, "1 shift/reduce conflict");
+    else if (SRtotal > 1)
+	fprintf(stderr, "%d shift/reduce conflicts", SRtotal);
+    if (SRtotal && RRtotal)
+	fprintf(stderr, ", ");
+    if (RRtotal == 1)
+	fprintf(stderr, "1 reduce/reduce conflict");
+    else if (RRtotal > 1)
+	fprintf(stderr, "%d reduce/reduce conflicts", RRtotal);
+    fprintf(stderr, ".\n");
+int stateno;
+    register int count, ruleno;
+    register action *p;
+    count = 0;
+    ruleno = 0; 
+    for (p = parser[stateno]; p; p = p->next)
+    {
+	if (p->action_code == SHIFT && p->suppressed == 0)
+	    return (0);
+	else if (p->action_code == REDUCE && p->suppressed == 0)
+	{
+	    if (ruleno > 0 && p->number != ruleno)
+		return (0);
+	    if (p->symbol != 1)
+		++count;
+	    ruleno = p->number;
+	}
+    }
+    if (count == 0)
+	return (0);
+    return (ruleno);
+    register int i;
+    defred = NEW2(nstates, short);
+    for (i = 0; i < nstates; i++)
+	defred[i] = sole_reduction(i);
+register action *p;
+  register action *q;
+  while (p)
+    {
+      q = p->next;
+      FREE(p);
+      p = q;
+    }
+  register int i;
+  for (i = 0; i < nstates; i++)
+    free_action_row(parser[i]);
+  FREE(parser);

+ 1146 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,1146 @@
+#include "defs.h"
+static int nvectors;
+static int nentries;
+static short **froms;
+static short **tos;
+static short *tally;
+static short *width;
+static short *state_count;
+static short *order;
+static short *base;
+static short *pos;
+static int maxtable;
+static short *table;
+static short *check;
+static int lowzero;
+static int high;
+    free_itemsets();
+    free_shifts();
+    free_reductions();
+    output_stored_text();
+    output_defines();
+    output_rule_data();
+    output_yydefred();
+    output_actions();
+    free_parser();
+    output_debug();
+    output_stype();
+    if (rflag) write_section(tables);
+    write_section(header);
+    output_trailing_text();
+    write_section(body);
+    output_semantic_actions();
+    write_section(trailer);
+    register int i;
+    register int j;
+    fprintf(output_file, "short yylhs[] = {%42d,",
+	    symbol_value[start_symbol]);
+    j = 10;
+    for (i = 3; i < nrules; i++)
+    {
+	if (j >= 10)
+	{
+	    if (!rflag) ++outline;
+	    putc('\n', output_file);
+	    j = 1;
+	}
+        else
+	    ++j;
+        fprintf(output_file, "%5d,", symbol_value[rlhs[i]]);
+    }
+    if (!rflag) outline += 2;
+    fprintf(output_file, "\n};\n");
+    fprintf(output_file, "short yylen[] = {%42d,", 2);
+    j = 10;
+    for (i = 3; i < nrules; i++)
+    {
+	if (j >= 10)
+	{
+	    if (!rflag) ++outline;
+	    putc('\n', output_file);
+	    j = 1;
+	}
+	else
+	  j++;
+        fprintf(output_file, "%5d,", rrhs[i + 1] - rrhs[i] - 1);
+    }
+    if (!rflag) outline += 2;
+    fprintf(output_file, "\n};\n");
+    register int i, j;
+    fprintf(output_file, "short yydefred[] = {%39d,",
+	    (defred[0] ? defred[0] - 2 : 0));
+    j = 10;
+    for (i = 1; i < nstates; i++)
+    {
+	if (j < 10)
+	    ++j;
+	else
+	{
+	    if (!rflag) ++outline;
+	    putc('\n', output_file);
+	    j = 1;
+	}
+	fprintf(output_file, "%5d,", (defred[i] ? defred[i] - 2 : 0));
+    }
+    if (!rflag) outline += 2;
+    fprintf(output_file, "\n};\n");
+    nvectors = 2*nstates + nvars;
+    froms = NEW2(nvectors, short *);
+    tos = NEW2(nvectors, short *);
+    tally = NEW2(nvectors, short);
+    width = NEW2(nvectors, short);
+    token_actions();
+    FREE(lookaheads);
+    FREE(LA);
+    FREE(LAruleno);
+    FREE(accessing_symbol);
+    goto_actions();
+    FREE(goto_map + ntokens);
+    FREE(from_state);
+    FREE(to_state);
+    sort_actions();
+    pack_table();
+    output_base();
+    output_table();
+    output_check();
+    register int i, j;
+    register int shiftcount, reducecount;
+    register int max, min;
+    register short *actionrow, *r, *s;
+    register action *p;
+    actionrow = NEW2(2*ntokens, short);
+    for (i = 0; i < nstates; ++i)
+    {
+	if (parser[i])
+	{
+	    for (j = 0; j < 2*ntokens; ++j)
+	    actionrow[j] = 0;
+	    shiftcount = 0;
+	    reducecount = 0;
+	    for (p = parser[i]; p; p = p->next)
+	    {
+		if (p->suppressed == 0)
+		{
+		    if (p->action_code == SHIFT)
+		    {
+			++shiftcount;
+			actionrow[p->symbol] = p->number;
+		    }
+		    else if (p->action_code == REDUCE && p->number != defred[i])
+		    {
+			++reducecount;
+			actionrow[p->symbol + ntokens] = p->number;
+		    }
+		}
+	    }
+	    tally[i] = shiftcount;
+	    tally[nstates+i] = reducecount;
+	    width[i] = 0;
+	    width[nstates+i] = 0;
+	    if (shiftcount > 0)
+	    {
+		froms[i] = r = NEW2(shiftcount, short);
+		tos[i] = s = NEW2(shiftcount, short);
+		min = MAXSHORT;
+		max = 0;
+		for (j = 0; j < ntokens; ++j)
+		{
+		    if (actionrow[j])
+		    {
+			if (min > symbol_value[j])
+			    min = symbol_value[j];
+			if (max < symbol_value[j])
+			    max = symbol_value[j];
+			*r++ = symbol_value[j];
+			*s++ = actionrow[j];
+		    }
+		}
+		width[i] = max - min + 1;
+	    }
+	    if (reducecount > 0)
+	    {
+		froms[nstates+i] = r = NEW2(reducecount, short);
+		tos[nstates+i] = s = NEW2(reducecount, short);
+		min = MAXSHORT;
+		max = 0;
+		for (j = 0; j < ntokens; ++j)
+		{
+		    if (actionrow[ntokens+j])
+		    {
+			if (min > symbol_value[j])
+			    min = symbol_value[j];
+			if (max < symbol_value[j])
+			    max = symbol_value[j];
+			*r++ = symbol_value[j];
+			*s++ = actionrow[ntokens+j] - 2;
+		    }
+		}
+		width[nstates+i] = max - min + 1;
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+    FREE(actionrow);
+    register int i, j, k;
+    state_count = NEW2(nstates, short);
+    k = default_goto(start_symbol + 1);
+    fprintf(output_file, "short yydgoto[] = {%40d,", k);
+    save_column(start_symbol + 1, k);
+    j = 10;
+    for (i = start_symbol + 2; i < nsyms; i++)
+    {
+	if (j >= 10)
+	{
+	    if (!rflag) ++outline;
+	    putc('\n', output_file);
+	    j = 1;
+	}
+	else
+	    ++j;
+	k = default_goto(i);
+	fprintf(output_file, "%5d,", k);
+	save_column(i, k);
+    }
+    if (!rflag) outline += 2;
+    fprintf(output_file, "\n};\n");
+    FREE(state_count);
+int symbol;
+    register int i;
+    register int m;
+    register int n;
+    register int default_state;
+    register int max;
+    m = goto_map[symbol];
+    n = goto_map[symbol + 1];
+    if (m == n) return (0);
+    for (i = 0; i < nstates; i++)
+	state_count[i] = 0;
+    for (i = m; i < n; i++)
+	state_count[to_state[i]]++;
+    max = 0;
+    default_state = 0;
+    for (i = 0; i < nstates; i++)
+    {
+	if (state_count[i] > max)
+	{
+	    max = state_count[i];
+	    default_state = i;
+	}
+    }
+    return (default_state);
+save_column(symbol, default_state)
+int symbol;
+int default_state;
+    register int i;
+    register int m;
+    register int n;
+    register short *sp;
+    register short *sp1;
+    register short *sp2;
+    register int count;
+    register int symno;
+    m = goto_map[symbol];
+    n = goto_map[symbol + 1];
+    count = 0;
+    for (i = m; i < n; i++)
+    {
+	if (to_state[i] != default_state)
+	    ++count;
+    }
+    if (count == 0) return;
+    symno = symbol_value[symbol] + 2*nstates;
+    froms[symno] = sp1 = sp = NEW2(count, short);
+    tos[symno] = sp2 = NEW2(count, short);
+    for (i = m; i < n; i++)
+    {
+	if (to_state[i] != default_state)
+	{
+	    *sp1++ = from_state[i];
+	    *sp2++ = to_state[i];
+	}
+    }
+    tally[symno] = count;
+    width[symno] = sp1[-1] - sp[0] + 1;
+  register int i;
+  register int j;
+  register int k;
+  register int t;
+  register int w;
+  order = NEW2(nvectors, short);
+  nentries = 0;
+  for (i = 0; i < nvectors; i++)
+    {
+      if (tally[i] > 0)
+	{
+	  t = tally[i];
+	  w = width[i];
+	  j = nentries - 1;
+	  while (j >= 0 && (width[order[j]] < w))
+	    j--;
+	  while (j >= 0 && (width[order[j]] == w) && (tally[order[j]] < t))
+	    j--;
+	  for (k = nentries - 1; k > j; k--)
+	    order[k + 1] = order[k];
+	  order[j + 1] = i;
+	  nentries++;
+	}
+    }
+    register int i;
+    register int place;
+    register int state;
+    base = NEW2(nvectors, short);
+    pos = NEW2(nentries, short);
+    maxtable = 1000;
+    table = NEW2(maxtable, short);
+    check = NEW2(maxtable, short);
+    lowzero = 0;
+    high = 0;
+    for (i = 0; i < maxtable; i++)
+	check[i] = -1;
+    for (i = 0; i < nentries; i++)
+    {
+	state = matching_vector(i);
+	if (state < 0)
+	    place = pack_vector(i);
+	else
+	    place = base[state];
+	pos[i] = place;
+	base[order[i]] = place;
+    }
+    for (i = 0; i < nvectors; i++)
+    {
+	if (froms[i])
+	    FREE(froms[i]);
+	if (tos[i])
+	    FREE(tos[i]);
+    }
+    FREE(froms);
+    FREE(tos);
+    FREE(pos);
+/*  The function matching_vector determines if the vector specified by	*/
+/*  the input parameter matches a previously considered	vector.  The	*/
+/*  test at the start of the function checks if the vector represents	*/
+/*  a row of shifts over terminal symbols or a row of reductions, or a	*/
+/*  column of shifts over a nonterminal symbol.  Berkeley Yacc does not	*/
+/*  check if a column of shifts over a nonterminal symbols matches a	*/
+/*  previously considered vector.  Because of the nature of LR parsing	*/
+/*  tables, no two columns can match.  Therefore, the only possible	*/
+/*  match would be between a row and a column.  Such matches are	*/
+/*  unlikely.  Therefore, to save time, no attempt is made to see if a	*/
+/*  column matches a previously considered vector.			*/
+/*									*/
+/*  Matching_vector is poorly designed.  The test could easily be made	*/
+/*  faster.  Also, it depends on the vectors being in a specific	*/
+/*  order.								*/
+int vector;
+    register int i;
+    register int j;
+    register int k;
+    register int t;
+    register int w;
+    register int match;
+    register int prev;
+    i = order[vector];
+    if (i >= 2*nstates)
+	return (-1);
+    t = tally[i];
+    w = width[i];
+    for (prev = vector - 1; prev >= 0; prev--)
+    {
+	j = order[prev];
+	if (width[j] != w || tally[j] != t)
+	    return (-1);
+	match = 1;
+	for (k = 0; match && k < t; k++)
+	{
+	    if (tos[j][k] != tos[i][k] || froms[j][k] != froms[i][k])
+		match = 0;
+	}
+	if (match)
+	    return (j);
+    }
+    return (-1);
+int vector;
+    register int i, j, k, l;
+    register int t;
+    register int loc;
+    register int ok;
+    register short *from;
+    register short *to;
+    int newmax;
+    i = order[vector];
+    t = tally[i];
+    assert(t);
+    from = froms[i];
+    to = tos[i];
+    j = lowzero - from[0];
+    for (k = 1; k < t; ++k)
+	if (lowzero - from[k] > j)
+	    j = lowzero - from[k];
+    for (;; ++j)
+    {
+	if (j == 0)
+	    continue;
+	ok = 1;
+	for (k = 0; ok && k < t; k++)
+	{
+	    loc = j + from[k];
+	    if (loc >= maxtable)
+	    {
+		if (loc >= MAXTABLE)
+		    fatal("maximum table size exceeded");
+		newmax = maxtable;
+		do { newmax += 200; } while (newmax <= loc);
+		table = (short *) REALLOC(table, newmax*sizeof(short));
+		if (table == 0) no_space();
+		check = (short *) REALLOC(check, newmax*sizeof(short));
+		if (check == 0) no_space();
+		for (l  = maxtable; l < newmax; ++l)
+		{
+		    table[l] = 0;
+		    check[l] = -1;
+		}
+		maxtable = newmax;
+	    }
+	    if (check[loc] != -1)
+		ok = 0;
+	}
+	for (k = 0; ok && k < vector; k++)
+	{
+	    if (pos[k] == j)
+		ok = 0;
+	}
+	if (ok)
+	{
+	    for (k = 0; k < t; k++)
+	    {
+		loc = j + from[k];
+		table[loc] = to[k];
+		check[loc] = from[k];
+		if (loc > high) high = loc;
+	    }
+	    while (check[lowzero] != -1)
+		++lowzero;
+	    return (j);
+	}
+    }
+    register int i, j;
+    fprintf(output_file, "short yysindex[] = {%39d,", base[0]);
+    j = 10;
+    for (i = 1; i < nstates; i++)
+    {
+	if (j >= 10)
+	{
+	    if (!rflag) ++outline;
+	    putc('\n', output_file);
+	    j = 1;
+	}
+	else
+	    ++j;
+	fprintf(output_file, "%5d,", base[i]);
+    }
+    if (!rflag) outline += 2;
+    fprintf(output_file, "\n};\nshort yyrindex[] = {%39d,",
+	    base[nstates]);
+    j = 10;
+    for (i = nstates + 1; i < 2*nstates; i++)
+    {
+	if (j >= 10)
+	{
+	    if (!rflag) ++outline;
+	    putc('\n', output_file);
+	    j = 1;
+	}
+	else
+	    ++j;
+	fprintf(output_file, "%5d,", base[i]);
+    }
+    if (!rflag) outline += 2;
+    fprintf(output_file, "\n};\nshort yygindex[] = {%39d,",
+	    base[2*nstates]);
+    j = 10;
+    for (i = 2*nstates + 1; i < nvectors - 1; i++)
+    {
+	if (j >= 10)
+	{
+	    if (!rflag) ++outline;
+	    putc('\n', output_file);
+	    j = 1;
+	}
+	else
+	    ++j;
+	fprintf(output_file, "%5d,", base[i]);
+    }
+    if (!rflag) outline += 2;
+    fprintf(output_file, "\n};\n");
+    FREE(base);
+    register int i;
+    register int j;
+    ++outline;
+    fprintf(code_file, "#define YYTABLESIZE %d\n", high);
+    fprintf(output_file, "short yytable[] = {%40d,", table[0]);
+    j = 10;
+    for (i = 1; i <= high; i++)
+    {
+	if (j >= 10)
+	{
+	    if (!rflag) ++outline;
+	    putc('\n', output_file);
+	    j = 1;
+	}
+	else
+	    ++j;
+	fprintf(output_file, "%5d,", table[i]);
+    }
+    if (!rflag) outline += 2;
+    fprintf(output_file, "\n};\n");
+    FREE(table);
+    register int i;
+    register int j;
+    fprintf(output_file, "short yycheck[] = {%40d,", check[0]);
+    j = 10;
+    for (i = 1; i <= high; i++)
+    {
+	if (j >= 10)
+	{
+	    if (!rflag) ++outline;
+	    putc('\n', output_file);
+	    j = 1;
+	}
+	else
+	    ++j;
+	fprintf(output_file, "%5d,", check[i]);
+    }
+    if (!rflag) outline += 2;
+    fprintf(output_file, "\n};\n");
+    FREE(check);
+char *name;
+    register char *s;
+    register int c;
+    s = name;
+    c = *s;
+    if (c == '"')
+    {
+	c = *++s;
+	if (!isalpha(c) && c != '_' && c != '$')
+	    return (0);
+	while ((c = *++s) != '"')
+	{
+	    if (!isalnum(c) && c != '_' && c != '$')
+		return (0);
+	}
+	return (1);
+    }
+    if (!isalpha(c) && c != '_' && c != '$')
+	return (0);
+    while (c = *++s)
+    {
+	if (!isalnum(c) && c != '_' && c != '$')
+	    return (0);
+    }
+    return (1);
+    register int c, i;
+    register char *s;
+    for (i = 2; i < ntokens; ++i)
+    {
+	s = symbol_name[i];
+	if (is_C_identifier(s))
+	{
+	    fprintf(code_file, "#define ");
+	    if (dflag) fprintf(defines_file, "#define ");
+	    c = *s;
+	    if (c == '"')
+	    {
+		while ((c = *++s) != '"')
+		{
+		    putc(c, code_file);
+		    if (dflag) putc(c, defines_file);
+		}
+	    }
+	    else
+	    {
+		do
+		{
+		    putc(c, code_file);
+		    if (dflag) putc(c, defines_file);
+		}
+		while (c = *++s);
+	    }
+	    ++outline;
+	    fprintf(code_file, " %d\n", symbol_value[i]);
+	    if (dflag) fprintf(defines_file, " %d\n", symbol_value[i]);
+	}
+    }
+    ++outline;
+    fprintf(code_file, "#define YYERRCODE %d\n", symbol_value[1]);
+    if (dflag && unionized)
+    {
+	fclose(union_file);
+	union_file = fopen(union_file_name, "r");
+	if (union_file == NULL) open_error(union_file_name);
+	while ((c = getc(union_file)) != EOF)
+	    putc(c, defines_file);
+	fprintf(defines_file, " YYSTYPE;\nextern YYSTYPE yylval;\n");
+    }
+    register int c;
+    register FILE *in, *out;
+    fclose(text_file);
+    text_file = fopen(text_file_name, "r");
+    if (text_file == NULL)
+	open_error(text_file_name);
+    in = text_file;
+    if ((c = getc(in)) == EOF)
+	return;
+    out = code_file;
+    if (c ==  '\n')
+	++outline;
+    putc(c, out);
+    while ((c = getc(in)) != EOF)
+    {
+	if (c == '\n')
+	    ++outline;
+	putc(c, out);
+    }
+    if (!lflag)
+	fprintf(out, line_format, ++outline + 1, code_file_name);
+    register int i, j, k, max;
+    char **symnam, *s;
+    ++outline;
+    fprintf(code_file, "#define YYFINAL %d\n", final_state);
+    outline += 3;
+    fprintf(code_file, "#ifndef YYDEBUG\n#define YYDEBUG %d\n#endif\n",
+	    tflag);
+    if (rflag)
+	fprintf(output_file, "#ifndef YYDEBUG\n#define YYDEBUG %d\n#endif\n",
+		tflag);
+    max = 0;
+    for (i = 2; i < ntokens; ++i)
+	if (symbol_value[i] > max)
+	    max = symbol_value[i];
+    ++outline;
+    fprintf(code_file, "#define YYMAXTOKEN %d\n", max);
+    symnam = (char **) MALLOC((max+1)*sizeof(char *));
+    if (symnam == 0) no_space();
+    /* Note that it is  not necessary to initialize the element		*/
+    /* symnam[max].							*/
+    for (i = 0; i < max; ++i)
+	symnam[i] = 0;
+    for (i = ntokens - 1; i >= 2; --i)
+	symnam[symbol_value[i]] = symbol_name[i];
+    symnam[0] = "end-of-file";
+    if (!rflag) ++outline;
+    fprintf(output_file, "#if YYDEBUG\nchar *yyname[] = {");
+    j = 80;
+    for (i = 0; i <= max; ++i)
+    {
+	if (s = symnam[i])
+	{
+	    if (s[0] == '"')
+	    {
+		k = 7;
+		while (*++s != '"')
+		{
+		    ++k;
+		    if (*s == '\\')
+		    {
+			k += 2;
+			if (*++s == '\\')
+			    ++k;
+		    }
+		}
+		j += k;
+		if (j > 80)
+		{
+		    if (!rflag) ++outline;
+		    putc('\n', output_file);
+		    j = k;
+		}
+		fprintf(output_file, "\"\\\"");
+		s = symnam[i];
+		while (*++s != '"')
+		{
+		    if (*s == '\\')
+		    {
+			fprintf(output_file, "\\\\");
+			if (*++s == '\\')
+			    fprintf(output_file, "\\\\");
+			else
+			    putc(*s, output_file);
+		    }
+		    else
+			putc(*s, output_file);
+		}
+		fprintf(output_file, "\\\"\",");
+	    }
+	    else if (s[0] == '\'')
+	    {
+		if (s[1] == '"')
+		{
+		    j += 7;
+		    if (j > 80)
+		    {
+			if (!rflag) ++outline;
+			putc('\n', output_file);
+			j = 7;
+		    }
+		    fprintf(output_file, "\"'\\\"'\",");
+		}
+		else
+		{
+		    k = 5;
+		    while (*++s != '\'')
+		    {
+			++k;
+			if (*s == '\\')
+			{
+			    k += 2;
+			    if (*++s == '\\')
+				++k;
+			}
+		    }
+		    j += k;
+		    if (j > 80)
+		    {
+			if (!rflag) ++outline;
+			putc('\n', output_file);
+			j = k;
+		    }
+		    fprintf(output_file, "\"'");
+		    s = symnam[i];
+		    while (*++s != '\'')
+		    {
+			if (*s == '\\')
+			{
+			    fprintf(output_file, "\\\\");
+			    if (*++s == '\\')
+				fprintf(output_file, "\\\\");
+			    else
+				putc(*s, output_file);
+			}
+			else
+			    putc(*s, output_file);
+		    }
+		    fprintf(output_file, "'\",");
+		}
+	    }
+	    else
+	    {
+		k = strlen(s) + 3;
+		j += k;
+		if (j > 80)
+		{
+		    if (!rflag) ++outline;
+		    putc('\n', output_file);
+		    j = k;
+		}
+		putc('"', output_file);
+		do { putc(*s, output_file); } while (*++s);
+		fprintf(output_file, "\",");
+	    }
+	}
+	else
+	{
+	    j += 2;
+	    if (j > 80)
+	    {
+		if (!rflag) ++outline;
+		putc('\n', output_file);
+		j = 2;
+	    }
+	    fprintf(output_file, "0,");
+	}
+    }
+    if (!rflag) outline += 2;
+    fprintf(output_file, "\n};\n");
+    FREE(symnam);
+    if (!rflag) ++outline;
+    fprintf(output_file, "char *yyrule[] = {\n");
+    for (i = 2; i < nrules; ++i)
+    {
+	fprintf(output_file, "\"%s :", symbol_name[rlhs[i]]);
+	for (j = rrhs[i]; ritem[j] > 0; ++j)
+	{
+	    s = symbol_name[ritem[j]];
+	    if (s[0] == '"')
+	    {
+		fprintf(output_file, " \\\"");
+		while (*++s != '"')
+		{
+		    if (*s == '\\')
+		    {
+			if (s[1] == '\\')
+			    fprintf(output_file, "\\\\\\\\");
+			else
+			    fprintf(output_file, "\\\\%c", s[1]);
+			++s;
+		    }
+		    else
+			putc(*s, output_file);
+		}
+		fprintf(output_file, "\\\"");
+	    }
+	    else if (s[0] == '\'')
+	    {
+		if (s[1] == '"')
+		    fprintf(output_file, " '\\\"'");
+		else if (s[1] == '\\')
+		{
+		    if (s[2] == '\\')
+			fprintf(output_file, " '\\\\\\\\");
+		    else
+			fprintf(output_file, " '\\\\%c", s[2]);
+		    s += 2;
+		    while (*++s != '\'')
+			putc(*s, output_file);
+		    putc('\'', output_file);
+		}
+		else
+		    fprintf(output_file, " '%c'", s[1]);
+	    }
+	    else
+		fprintf(output_file, " %s", s);
+	}
+	if (!rflag) ++outline;
+	fprintf(output_file, "\",\n");
+    }
+    if (!rflag) outline += 2;
+    fprintf(output_file, "};\n#endif\n");
+    if (!unionized && ntags == 0)
+    {
+	outline += 3;
+	fprintf(code_file, "#ifndef YYSTYPE\ntypedef int YYSTYPE;\n#endif\n");
+    }
+    register int c, last;
+    register FILE *in, *out;
+    if (line == 0)
+	return;
+    in = input_file;
+    out = code_file;
+    c = *cptr;
+    if (c == '\n')
+    {
+	++lineno;
+	if ((c = getc(in)) == EOF)
+	    return;
+	if (!lflag)
+	{
+	    ++outline;
+	    fprintf(out, line_format, lineno, input_file_name);
+	}
+	if (c == '\n')
+	    ++outline;
+	putc(c, out);
+	last = c;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+	if (!lflag)
+	{
+	    ++outline;
+	    fprintf(out, line_format, lineno, input_file_name);
+	}
+	do { putc(c, out); } while ((c = *++cptr) != '\n');
+	++outline;
+	putc('\n', out);
+	last = '\n';
+    }
+    while ((c = getc(in)) != EOF)
+    {
+	if (c == '\n')
+	    ++outline;
+	putc(c, out);
+	last = c;
+    }
+    if (last != '\n')
+    {
+	++outline;
+	putc('\n', out);
+    }
+    if (!lflag)
+	fprintf(out, line_format, ++outline + 1, code_file_name);
+    register int c, last;
+    register FILE *out;
+    fclose(action_file);
+    action_file = fopen(action_file_name, "r");
+    if (action_file == NULL)
+	open_error(action_file_name);
+    if ((c = getc(action_file)) == EOF)
+	return;
+    out = code_file;
+    last = c;
+    if (c == '\n')
+	++outline;
+    putc(c, out);
+    while ((c = getc(action_file)) != EOF)
+    {
+	if (c == '\n')
+	    ++outline;
+	putc(c, out);
+	last = c;
+    }
+    if (last != '\n')
+    {
+	++outline;
+	putc('\n', out);
+    }
+    if (!lflag)
+	fprintf(out, line_format, ++outline + 1, code_file_name);
+    register core *cp, *next;
+    FREE(state_table);
+    for (cp = first_state; cp; cp = next)
+    {
+	next = cp->next;
+	FREE(cp);
+    }
+    register shifts *sp, *next;
+    FREE(shift_table);
+    for (sp = first_shift; sp; sp = next)
+    {
+	next = sp->next;
+	FREE(sp);
+    }
+    register reductions *rp, *next;
+    FREE(reduction_table);
+    for (rp = first_reduction; rp; rp = next)
+    {
+	next = rp->next;
+	FREE(rp);
+    }

+ 1770 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,1770 @@
+#include "defs.h"
+/*  The line size must be a positive integer.  One hundred was chosen	*/
+/*  because few lines in Yacc input grammars exceed 100 characters.	*/
+/*  Note that if a line exceeds LINESIZE characters, the line buffer	*/
+/*  will be expanded to accomodate it.					*/
+#define LINESIZE 100
+char *cache;
+int cinc, cache_size;
+int ntags, tagmax;
+char **tag_table;
+char saw_eof, unionized;
+char *cptr, *line;
+int linesize;
+bucket *goal;
+int prec;
+int gensym;
+char last_was_action;
+int maxitems;
+bucket **pitem;
+int maxrules;
+bucket **plhs;
+int name_pool_size;
+char *name_pool;
+char line_format[] = "#line %d \"%s\"\n";
+int c;
+    assert(cinc >= 0);
+    if (cinc >= cache_size)
+    {
+	cache_size += 256;
+	cache = REALLOC(cache, cache_size);
+	if (cache == 0) no_space();
+    }
+    cache[cinc] = c;
+    ++cinc;
+    register FILE *f = input_file;
+    register int c;
+    register int i;
+    if (saw_eof || (c = getc(f)) == EOF)
+    {
+	if (line) { FREE(line); line = 0; }
+	cptr = 0;
+	saw_eof = 1;
+	return;
+    }
+    if (line == 0 || linesize != (LINESIZE + 1))
+    {
+	if (line) FREE(line);
+	linesize = LINESIZE + 1;
+	line = MALLOC(linesize);
+	if (line == 0) no_space();
+    }
+    i = 0;
+    ++lineno;
+    for (;;)
+    {
+	line[i]  =  c;
+	if (c == '\n') { cptr = line; return; }
+	if (++i >= linesize)
+	{
+	    linesize += LINESIZE;
+	    line = REALLOC(line, linesize);
+	    if (line ==  0) no_space();
+	}
+	c = getc(f);
+	if (c ==  EOF)
+	{
+	    line[i] = '\n';
+	    saw_eof = 1;
+	    cptr = line;
+	    return;
+	}
+    }
+char *
+    register char *p, *s, *t;
+    if (line == 0) return (0);
+    s = line;
+    while (*s != '\n') ++s;
+    p = MALLOC(s - line + 1);
+    if (p == 0) no_space();
+    s = line;
+    t = p;
+    while ((*t++ = *s++) != '\n') continue;
+    return (p);
+    register char *s;
+    int st_lineno = lineno;
+    char *st_line = dup_line();
+    char *st_cptr = st_line + (cptr - line);
+    s = cptr + 2;
+    for (;;)
+    {
+	if (*s == '*' && s[1] == '/')
+	{
+	    cptr = s + 2;
+	    FREE(st_line);
+	    return;
+	}
+	if (*s == '\n')
+	{
+	    get_line();
+	    if (line == 0)
+		unterminated_comment(st_lineno, st_line, st_cptr);
+	    s = cptr;
+	}
+	else
+	    ++s;
+    }
+    register char *s;
+    if (line == 0)
+    {
+	get_line();
+	if (line == 0)
+	    return (EOF);
+    }
+    s = cptr;
+    for (;;)
+    {
+	switch (*s)
+	{
+	case '\n':
+	    get_line();
+	    if (line == 0) return (EOF);
+	    s = cptr;
+	    break;
+	case ' ':
+	case '\t':
+	case '\f':
+	case '\r':
+	case '\v':
+	case ',':
+	case ';':
+	    ++s;
+	    break;
+	case '\\':
+	    cptr = s;
+	    return ('%');
+	case '/':
+	    if (s[1] == '*')
+	    {
+		cptr = s;
+		skip_comment();
+		s = cptr;
+		break;
+	    }
+	    else if (s[1] == '/')
+	    {
+		get_line();
+		if (line == 0) return (EOF);
+		s = cptr;
+		break;
+	    }
+	    /* fall through */
+	default:
+	    cptr = s;
+	    return (*s);
+	}
+    }
+    register int c;
+    char *t_cptr = cptr;
+    c = *++cptr;
+    if (isalpha(c))
+    {
+	cinc = 0;
+	for (;;)
+	{
+	    if (isalpha(c))
+	    {
+		if (isupper(c)) c = tolower(c);
+		cachec(c);
+	    }
+	    else if (isdigit(c) || c == '_' || c == '.' || c == '$')
+		cachec(c);
+	    else
+		break;
+	    c = *++cptr;
+	}
+	cachec(NUL);
+	if (strcmp(cache, "token") == 0 || strcmp(cache, "term") == 0)
+	    return (TOKEN);
+	if (strcmp(cache, "type") == 0)
+	    return (TYPE);
+	if (strcmp(cache, "left") == 0)
+	    return (LEFT);
+	if (strcmp(cache, "right") == 0)
+	    return (RIGHT);
+	if (strcmp(cache, "nonassoc") == 0 || strcmp(cache, "binary") == 0)
+	    return (NONASSOC);
+	if (strcmp(cache, "start") == 0)
+	    return (START);
+	if (strcmp(cache, "union") == 0)
+	    return (UNION);
+	if (strcmp(cache, "ident") == 0)
+	    return (IDENT);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+	++cptr;
+	if (c == '{')
+	    return (TEXT);
+	if (c == '%' || c == '\\')
+	    return (MARK);
+	if (c == '<')
+	    return (LEFT);
+	if (c == '>')
+	    return (RIGHT);
+	if (c == '0')
+	    return (TOKEN);
+	if (c == '2')
+	    return (NONASSOC);
+    }
+    syntax_error(lineno, line, t_cptr);
+    register int c;
+    register FILE *f = output_file;
+    c = nextc();
+    if (c == EOF) unexpected_EOF();
+    if (c != '"') syntax_error(lineno, line, cptr);
+    ++outline;
+    fprintf(f, "#ident \"");
+    for (;;)
+    {
+	c = *++cptr;
+	if (c == '\n')
+	{
+	    fprintf(f, "\"\n");
+	    return;
+	}
+	putc(c, f);
+	if (c == '"')
+	{
+	    putc('\n', f);
+	    ++cptr;
+	    return;
+	}
+    }
+    register int c;
+    int quote;
+    register FILE *f = text_file;
+    int need_newline = 0;
+    int t_lineno = lineno;
+    char *t_line = dup_line();
+    char *t_cptr = t_line + (cptr - line - 2);
+    if (*cptr == '\n')
+    {
+	get_line();
+	if (line == 0)
+	    unterminated_text(t_lineno, t_line, t_cptr);
+    }
+    if (!lflag) fprintf(f, line_format, lineno, input_file_name);
+    c = *cptr++;
+    switch (c)
+    {
+    case '\n':
+    next_line:
+	putc('\n', f);
+	need_newline = 0;
+	get_line();
+	if (line) goto loop;
+	unterminated_text(t_lineno, t_line, t_cptr);
+    case '\'':
+    case '"':
+	{
+	    int s_lineno = lineno;
+	    char *s_line = dup_line();
+	    char *s_cptr = s_line + (cptr - line - 1);
+	    quote = c;
+	    putc(c, f);
+	    for (;;)
+	    {
+		c = *cptr++;
+		putc(c, f);
+		if (c == quote)
+		{
+		    need_newline = 1;
+		    FREE(s_line);
+		    goto loop;
+		}
+		if (c == '\n')
+		    unterminated_string(s_lineno, s_line, s_cptr);
+		if (c == '\\')
+		{
+		    c = *cptr++;
+		    putc(c, f);
+		    if (c == '\n')
+		    {
+			get_line();
+			if (line == 0)
+			    unterminated_string(s_lineno, s_line, s_cptr);
+		    }
+		}
+	    }
+	}
+    case '/':
+	putc(c, f);
+	need_newline = 1;
+	c = *cptr;
+	if (c == '/')
+	{
+	    putc('*', f);
+	    while ((c = *++cptr) != '\n')
+	    {
+		if (c == '*' && cptr[1] == '/')
+		    fprintf(f, "* ");
+		else
+		    putc(c, f);
+	    }
+	    fprintf(f, "*/");
+	    goto next_line;
+	}
+	if (c == '*')
+	{
+	    int c_lineno = lineno;
+	    char *c_line = dup_line();
+	    char *c_cptr = c_line + (cptr - line - 1);
+	    putc('*', f);
+	    ++cptr;
+	    for (;;)
+	    {
+		c = *cptr++;
+		putc(c, f);
+		if (c == '*' && *cptr == '/')
+		{
+		    putc('/', f);
+		    ++cptr;
+		    FREE(c_line);
+		    goto loop;
+		}
+		if (c == '\n')
+		{
+		    get_line();
+		    if (line == 0)
+			unterminated_comment(c_lineno, c_line, c_cptr);
+		}
+	    }
+	}
+	need_newline = 1;
+	goto loop;
+    case '%':
+    case '\\':
+	if (*cptr == '}')
+	{
+	    if (need_newline) putc('\n', f);
+	    ++cptr;
+	    FREE(t_line);
+	    return;
+	}
+	/* fall through */
+    default:
+	putc(c, f);
+	need_newline = 1;
+	goto loop;
+    }
+    register int c;
+    int quote;
+    int depth;
+    int u_lineno = lineno;
+    char *u_line = dup_line();
+    char *u_cptr = u_line + (cptr - line - 6);
+    if (unionized) over_unionized(cptr - 6);
+    unionized = 1;
+    if (!lflag)
+	fprintf(text_file, line_format, lineno, input_file_name);
+    fprintf(text_file, "typedef union");
+    if (dflag) fprintf(union_file, "typedef union");
+    depth = 0;
+    c = *cptr++;
+    putc(c, text_file);
+    if (dflag) putc(c, union_file);
+    switch (c)
+    {
+    case '\n':
+    next_line:
+	get_line();
+	if (line == 0) unterminated_union(u_lineno, u_line, u_cptr);
+	goto loop;
+    case '{':
+	++depth;
+	goto loop;
+    case '}':
+	if (--depth == 0)
+	{
+	    fprintf(text_file, " YYSTYPE;\n");
+	    FREE(u_line);
+	    return;
+	}
+	goto loop;
+    case '\'':
+    case '"':
+	{
+	    int s_lineno = lineno;
+	    char *s_line = dup_line();
+	    char *s_cptr = s_line + (cptr - line - 1);
+	    quote = c;
+	    for (;;)
+	    {
+		c = *cptr++;
+		putc(c, text_file);
+		if (dflag) putc(c, union_file);
+		if (c == quote)
+		{
+		    FREE(s_line);
+		    goto loop;
+		}
+		if (c == '\n')
+		    unterminated_string(s_lineno, s_line, s_cptr);
+		if (c == '\\')
+		{
+		    c = *cptr++;
+		    putc(c, text_file);
+		    if (dflag) putc(c, union_file);
+		    if (c == '\n')
+		    {
+			get_line();
+			if (line == 0)
+			    unterminated_string(s_lineno, s_line, s_cptr);
+		    }
+		}
+	    }
+	}
+    case '/':
+	c = *cptr;
+	if (c == '/')
+	{
+	    putc('*', text_file);
+	    if (dflag) putc('*', union_file);
+	    while ((c = *++cptr) != '\n')
+	    {
+		if (c == '*' && cptr[1] == '/')
+		{
+		    fprintf(text_file, "* ");
+		    if (dflag) fprintf(union_file, "* ");
+		}
+		else
+		{
+		    putc(c, text_file);
+		    if (dflag) putc(c, union_file);
+		}
+	    }
+	    fprintf(text_file, "*/\n");
+	    if (dflag) fprintf(union_file, "*/\n");
+	    goto next_line;
+	}
+	if (c == '*')
+	{
+	    int c_lineno = lineno;
+	    char *c_line = dup_line();
+	    char *c_cptr = c_line + (cptr - line - 1);
+	    putc('*', text_file);
+	    if (dflag) putc('*', union_file);
+	    ++cptr;
+	    for (;;)
+	    {
+		c = *cptr++;
+		putc(c, text_file);
+		if (dflag) putc(c, union_file);
+		if (c == '*' && *cptr == '/')
+		{
+		    putc('/', text_file);
+		    if (dflag) putc('/', union_file);
+		    ++cptr;
+		    FREE(c_line);
+		    goto loop;
+		}
+		if (c == '\n')
+		{
+		    get_line();
+		    if (line == 0)
+			unterminated_comment(c_lineno, c_line, c_cptr);
+		}
+	    }
+	}
+	goto loop;
+    default:
+	goto loop;
+    }
+int c;
+    if (c >= '0' && c <= '9')
+	return (c - '0');
+    if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F')
+	return (c - 'A' + 10);
+    if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f')
+	return (c - 'a' + 10);
+    return (-1);
+bucket *
+    register int c, quote;
+    register int i;
+    register int n;
+    register char *s;
+    register bucket *bp;
+    int s_lineno = lineno;
+    char *s_line = dup_line();
+    char *s_cptr = s_line + (cptr - line);
+    quote = *cptr++;
+    cinc = 0;
+    for (;;)
+    {
+	c = *cptr++;
+	if (c == quote) break;
+	if (c == '\n') unterminated_string(s_lineno, s_line, s_cptr);
+	if (c == '\\')
+	{
+	    char *c_cptr = cptr - 1;
+	    c = *cptr++;
+	    switch (c)
+	    {
+	    case '\n':
+		get_line();
+		if (line == 0) unterminated_string(s_lineno, s_line, s_cptr);
+		continue;
+	    case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3':
+	    case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7':
+		n = c - '0';
+		c = *cptr;
+		if (IS_OCTAL(c))
+		{
+		    n = (n << 3) + (c - '0');
+		    c = *++cptr;
+		    if (IS_OCTAL(c))
+		    {
+			n = (n << 3) + (c - '0');
+			++cptr;
+		    }
+		}
+		if (n > MAXCHAR) illegal_character(c_cptr);
+		c = n;
+	    	break;
+	    case 'x':
+		c = *cptr++;
+		n = hexval(c);
+		if (n < 0 || n >= 16)
+		    illegal_character(c_cptr);
+		for (;;)
+		{
+		    c = *cptr;
+		    i = hexval(c);
+		    if (i < 0 || i >= 16) break;
+		    ++cptr;
+		    n = (n << 4) + i;
+		    if (n > MAXCHAR) illegal_character(c_cptr);
+		}
+		c = n;
+		break;
+	    case 'a': c = 7; break;
+	    case 'b': c = '\b'; break;
+	    case 'f': c = '\f'; break;
+	    case 'n': c = '\n'; break;
+	    case 'r': c = '\r'; break;
+	    case 't': c = '\t'; break;
+	    case 'v': c = '\v'; break;
+	    }
+	}
+	cachec(c);
+    }
+    FREE(s_line);
+    n = cinc;
+    s = MALLOC(n);
+    if (s == 0) no_space();
+    for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
+	s[i] = cache[i];
+    cinc = 0;
+    if (n == 1)
+	cachec('\'');
+    else
+	cachec('"');
+    for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
+    {
+	c = ((unsigned char *)s)[i];
+	if (c == '\\' || c == cache[0])
+	{
+	    cachec('\\');
+	    cachec(c);
+	}
+	else if (isprint(c))
+	    cachec(c);
+	else
+	{
+	    cachec('\\');
+	    switch (c)
+	    {
+	    case 7: cachec('a'); break;
+	    case '\b': cachec('b'); break;
+	    case '\f': cachec('f'); break;
+	    case '\n': cachec('n'); break;
+	    case '\r': cachec('r'); break;
+	    case '\t': cachec('t'); break;
+	    case '\v': cachec('v'); break;
+	    default:
+		cachec(((c >> 6) & 7) + '0');
+		cachec(((c >> 3) & 7) + '0');
+		cachec((c & 7) + '0');
+		break;
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+    if (n == 1)
+	cachec('\'');
+    else
+	cachec('"');
+    cachec(NUL);
+    bp = lookup(cache);
+    bp->class = TERM;
+    if (n == 1 && bp->value == UNDEFINED)
+	bp->value = *(unsigned char *)s;
+    FREE(s);
+    return (bp);
+char *name;
+    char *s;
+    if (strcmp(name, ".") == 0 ||
+	    strcmp(name, "$accept") == 0 ||
+	    strcmp(name, "$end") == 0)
+	return (1);
+    if (name[0] == '$' && name[1] == '$' && isdigit(name[2]))
+    {
+	s = name + 3;
+	while (isdigit(*s)) ++s;
+	if (*s == NUL) return (1);
+    }
+    return (0);
+bucket *
+    register int c;
+    cinc = 0;
+    for (c = *cptr; IS_IDENT(c); c = *++cptr)
+	cachec(c);
+    cachec(NUL);
+    if (is_reserved(cache)) used_reserved(cache);
+    return (lookup(cache));
+    register int c;
+    register int n;
+    n = 0;
+    for (c = *cptr; isdigit(c); c = *++cptr)
+	n = 10*n + (c - '0');
+    return (n);
+char *
+    register int c;
+    register int i;
+    register char *s;
+    int t_lineno = lineno;
+    char *t_line = dup_line();
+    char *t_cptr = t_line + (cptr - line);
+    ++cptr;
+    c = nextc();
+    if (c == EOF) unexpected_EOF();
+    if (!isalpha(c) && c != '_' && c != '$')
+	illegal_tag(t_lineno, t_line, t_cptr);
+    cinc = 0;
+    do { cachec(c); c = *++cptr; } while (IS_IDENT(c));
+    cachec(NUL);
+    c = nextc();
+    if (c == EOF) unexpected_EOF();
+    if (c != '>')
+	illegal_tag(t_lineno, t_line, t_cptr);
+    ++cptr;
+    for (i = 0; i < ntags; ++i)
+    {
+	if (strcmp(cache, tag_table[i]) == 0)
+	    return (tag_table[i]);
+    }
+    if (ntags >= tagmax)
+    {
+	tagmax += 16;
+	tag_table = (char **)
+			(tag_table ? REALLOC(tag_table, tagmax*sizeof(char *))
+				   : MALLOC(tagmax*sizeof(char *)));
+	if (tag_table == 0) no_space();
+    }
+    s = MALLOC(cinc);
+    if  (s == 0) no_space();
+    strcpy(s, cache);
+    tag_table[ntags] = s;
+    ++ntags;
+    FREE(t_line);
+    return (s);
+int assoc;
+    register int c;
+    register bucket *bp;
+    int value;
+    char *tag = 0;
+    if (assoc != TOKEN) ++prec;
+    c = nextc();
+    if (c == EOF) unexpected_EOF();
+    if (c == '<')
+    {
+	tag = get_tag();
+	c = nextc();
+	if (c == EOF) unexpected_EOF();
+    }
+    for (;;)
+    {
+	if (isalpha(c) || c == '_' || c == '.' || c == '$')
+	    bp = get_name();
+	else if (c == '\'' || c == '"')
+	    bp = get_literal();
+	else
+	    return;
+	if (bp == goal) tokenized_start(bp->name);
+	bp->class = TERM;
+	if (tag)
+	{
+	    if (bp->tag && tag != bp->tag)
+		retyped_warning(bp->name);
+	    bp->tag = tag;
+	}
+	if (assoc != TOKEN)
+	{
+	    if (bp->prec && prec != bp->prec)
+		reprec_warning(bp->name);
+	    bp->assoc = assoc;
+	    bp->prec = prec;
+	}
+	c = nextc();
+	if (c == EOF) unexpected_EOF();
+	value = UNDEFINED;
+	if (isdigit(c))
+	{
+	    value = get_number();
+	    if (bp->value != UNDEFINED && value != bp->value)
+		revalued_warning(bp->name);
+	    bp->value = value;
+	    c = nextc();
+	    if (c == EOF) unexpected_EOF();
+	}
+    }
+    register int c;
+    register bucket *bp;
+    char *tag;
+    c = nextc();
+    if (c == EOF) unexpected_EOF();
+    if (c != '<') syntax_error(lineno, line, cptr);
+    tag = get_tag();
+    for (;;)
+    {
+	c = nextc();
+	if (isalpha(c) || c == '_' || c == '.' || c == '$')
+	    bp = get_name();
+	else if (c == '\'' || c == '"')
+	    bp = get_literal();
+	else
+	    return;
+	if (bp->tag && tag != bp->tag)
+	    retyped_warning(bp->name);
+	bp->tag = tag;
+    }
+    register int c;
+    register bucket *bp;
+    c = nextc();
+    if (c == EOF) unexpected_EOF();
+    if (!isalpha(c) && c != '_' && c != '.' && c != '$')
+	syntax_error(lineno, line, cptr);
+    bp = get_name();
+    if (bp->class == TERM)
+	terminal_start(bp->name);
+    if (goal && goal != bp)
+	restarted_warning();
+    goal = bp;
+    register int c, k;
+    cache_size = 256;
+    cache = MALLOC(cache_size);
+    if (cache == 0) no_space();
+    for (;;)
+    {
+	c = nextc();
+	if (c == EOF) unexpected_EOF();
+	if (c != '%') syntax_error(lineno, line, cptr);
+	switch (k = keyword())
+	{
+	case MARK:
+	    return;
+	case IDENT:
+	    copy_ident();
+	    break;
+	case TEXT:
+	    copy_text();
+	    break;
+	case UNION:
+	    copy_union();
+	    break;
+	case TOKEN:
+	case LEFT:
+	case RIGHT:
+	case NONASSOC:
+	    declare_tokens(k);
+	    break;
+	case TYPE:
+	    declare_types();
+	    break;
+	case START:
+	    declare_start();
+	    break;
+	}
+    }
+    nitems = 4;
+    maxitems = 300;
+    pitem = (bucket **) MALLOC(maxitems*sizeof(bucket *));
+    if (pitem == 0) no_space();
+    pitem[0] = 0;
+    pitem[1] = 0;
+    pitem[2] = 0;
+    pitem[3] = 0;
+    nrules = 3;
+    maxrules = 100;
+    plhs = (bucket **) MALLOC(maxrules*sizeof(bucket *));
+    if (plhs == 0) no_space();
+    plhs[0] = 0;
+    plhs[1] = 0;
+    plhs[2] = 0;
+    rprec = (short *) MALLOC(maxrules*sizeof(short));
+    if (rprec == 0) no_space();
+    rprec[0] = 0;
+    rprec[1] = 0;
+    rprec[2] = 0;
+    rassoc = (char *) MALLOC(maxrules*sizeof(char));
+    if (rassoc == 0) no_space();
+    rassoc[0] = TOKEN;
+    rassoc[1] = TOKEN;
+    rassoc[2] = TOKEN;
+    maxitems += 300;
+    pitem = (bucket **) REALLOC(pitem, maxitems*sizeof(bucket *));
+    if (pitem == 0) no_space();
+    maxrules += 100;
+    plhs = (bucket **) REALLOC(plhs, maxrules*sizeof(bucket *));
+    if (plhs == 0) no_space();
+    rprec = (short *) REALLOC(rprec, maxrules*sizeof(short));
+    if (rprec == 0) no_space();
+    rassoc = (char *) REALLOC(rassoc, maxrules*sizeof(char));
+    if (rassoc == 0) no_space();
+    register int c;
+    register bucket *bp;
+    char *s_cptr;
+    int s_lineno;
+    for (;;)
+    {
+	c = nextc();
+	if (c != '%') break;
+	s_cptr = cptr;
+	switch (keyword())
+	{
+	case MARK:
+	    no_grammar();
+	case TEXT:
+	    copy_text();
+	    break;
+	case START:
+	    declare_start();
+	    break;
+	default:
+	    syntax_error(lineno, line, s_cptr);
+	}
+    }
+    c = nextc();
+    if (!isalpha(c) && c != '_' && c != '.' && c != '_')
+	syntax_error(lineno, line, cptr);
+    bp = get_name();
+    if (goal == 0)
+    {
+	if (bp->class == TERM)
+	    terminal_start(bp->name);
+	goal = bp;
+    }
+    s_lineno = lineno;
+    c = nextc();
+    if (c == EOF) unexpected_EOF();
+    if (c != ':') syntax_error(lineno, line, cptr);
+    start_rule(bp, s_lineno);
+    ++cptr;
+start_rule(bp, s_lineno)
+register bucket *bp;
+int s_lineno;
+    if (bp->class == TERM)
+	terminal_lhs(s_lineno);
+    bp->class = NONTERM;
+    if (nrules >= maxrules)
+	expand_rules();
+    plhs[nrules] = bp;
+    rprec[nrules] = UNDEFINED;
+    rassoc[nrules] = TOKEN;
+    register int i;
+    if (!last_was_action && plhs[nrules]->tag)
+    {
+	for (i = nitems - 1; pitem[i]; --i) continue;
+	if (pitem[i+1] == 0 || pitem[i+1]->tag != plhs[nrules]->tag)
+	    default_action_warning();
+    }
+    last_was_action = 0;
+    if (nitems >= maxitems) expand_items();
+    pitem[nitems] = 0;
+    ++nitems;
+    ++nrules;
+    register bucket *bp, **bpp;
+    assert(cache);
+    sprintf(cache, "$$%d", ++gensym);
+    bp = make_bucket(cache);
+    last_symbol->next = bp;
+    last_symbol = bp;
+    bp->tag = plhs[nrules]->tag;
+    bp->class = NONTERM;
+    if ((nitems += 2) > maxitems)
+	expand_items();
+    bpp = pitem + nitems - 1;
+    *bpp-- = bp;
+    while (bpp[0] = bpp[-1]) --bpp;
+    if (++nrules >= maxrules)
+	expand_rules();
+    plhs[nrules] = plhs[nrules-1];
+    plhs[nrules-1] = bp;
+    rprec[nrules] = rprec[nrules-1];
+    rprec[nrules-1] = 0;
+    rassoc[nrules] = rassoc[nrules-1];
+    rassoc[nrules-1] = TOKEN;
+    register int c;
+    register bucket *bp;
+    int s_lineno = lineno;
+    c = *cptr;
+    if (c == '\'' || c == '"')
+	bp = get_literal();
+    else
+	bp = get_name();
+    c = nextc();
+    if (c == ':')
+    {
+	end_rule();
+	start_rule(bp, s_lineno);
+	++cptr;
+	return;
+    }
+    if (last_was_action)
+	insert_empty_rule();
+    last_was_action = 0;
+    if (++nitems > maxitems)
+	expand_items();
+    pitem[nitems-1] = bp;
+    register int c;
+    register int i, n;
+    int depth;
+    int quote;
+    char *tag;
+    register FILE *f = action_file;
+    int a_lineno = lineno;
+    char *a_line = dup_line();
+    char *a_cptr = a_line + (cptr - line);
+    if (last_was_action)
+	insert_empty_rule();
+    last_was_action = 1;
+    fprintf(f, "case %d:\n", nrules - 2);
+    if (!lflag)
+	fprintf(f, line_format, lineno, input_file_name);
+    if (*cptr == '=') ++cptr;
+    n = 0;
+    for (i = nitems - 1; pitem[i]; --i) ++n;
+    depth = 0;
+    c = *cptr;
+    if (c == '$')
+    {
+	if (cptr[1] == '<')
+	{
+	    int d_lineno = lineno;
+	    char *d_line = dup_line();
+	    char *d_cptr = d_line + (cptr - line);
+	    ++cptr;
+	    tag = get_tag();
+	    c = *cptr;
+	    if (c == '$')
+	    {
+		fprintf(f, "yyval.%s", tag);
+		++cptr;
+		FREE(d_line);
+		goto loop;
+	    }
+	    else if (isdigit(c))
+	    {
+		i = get_number();
+		if (i > n) dollar_warning(d_lineno, i);
+		fprintf(f, "yyvsp[%d].%s", i - n, tag);
+		FREE(d_line);
+		goto loop;
+	    }
+	    else if (c == '-' && isdigit(cptr[1]))
+	    {
+		++cptr;
+		i = -get_number() - n;
+		fprintf(f, "yyvsp[%d].%s", i, tag);
+		FREE(d_line);
+		goto loop;
+	    }
+	    else
+		dollar_error(d_lineno, d_line, d_cptr);
+	}
+	else if (cptr[1] == '$')
+	{
+	    if (ntags)
+	    {
+		tag = plhs[nrules]->tag;
+		if (tag == 0) untyped_lhs();
+		fprintf(f, "yyval.%s", tag);
+	    }
+	    else
+		fprintf(f, "yyval");
+	    cptr += 2;
+	    goto loop;
+	}
+	else if (isdigit(cptr[1]))
+	{
+	    ++cptr;
+	    i = get_number();
+	    if (ntags)
+	    {
+		if (i <= 0 || i > n)
+		    unknown_rhs(i);
+		tag = pitem[nitems + i - n - 1]->tag;
+		if (tag == 0) untyped_rhs(i, pitem[nitems + i - n - 1]->name);
+		fprintf(f, "yyvsp[%d].%s", i - n, tag);
+	    }
+	    else
+	    {
+		if (i > n)
+		    dollar_warning(lineno, i);
+		fprintf(f, "yyvsp[%d]", i - n);
+	    }
+	    goto loop;
+	}
+	else if (cptr[1] == '-')
+	{
+	    cptr += 2;
+	    i = get_number();
+	    if (ntags)
+		unknown_rhs(-i);
+	    fprintf(f, "yyvsp[%d]", -i - n);
+	    goto loop;
+	}
+    }
+    if (isalpha(c) || c == '_' || c == '$')
+    {
+	do
+	{
+	    putc(c, f);
+	    c = *++cptr;
+	} while (isalnum(c) || c == '_' || c == '$');
+	goto loop;
+    }
+    putc(c, f);
+    ++cptr;
+    switch (c)
+    {
+    case '\n':
+    next_line:
+	get_line();
+	if (line) goto loop;
+	unterminated_action(a_lineno, a_line, a_cptr);
+    case ';':
+	if (depth > 0) goto loop;
+	fprintf(f, "\nbreak;\n");
+	return;
+    case '{':
+	++depth;
+	goto loop;
+    case '}':
+	if (--depth > 0) goto loop;
+	fprintf(f, "\nbreak;\n");
+	return;
+    case '\'':
+    case '"':
+	{
+	    int s_lineno = lineno;
+	    char *s_line = dup_line();
+	    char *s_cptr = s_line + (cptr - line - 1);
+	    quote = c;
+	    for (;;)
+	    {
+		c = *cptr++;
+		putc(c, f);
+		if (c == quote)
+		{
+		    FREE(s_line);
+		    goto loop;
+		}
+		if (c == '\n')
+		    unterminated_string(s_lineno, s_line, s_cptr);
+		if (c == '\\')
+		{
+		    c = *cptr++;
+		    putc(c, f);
+		    if (c == '\n')
+		    {
+			get_line();
+			if (line == 0)
+			    unterminated_string(s_lineno, s_line, s_cptr);
+		    }
+		}
+	    }
+	}
+    case '/':
+	c = *cptr;
+	if (c == '/')
+	{
+	    putc('*', f);
+	    while ((c = *++cptr) != '\n')
+	    {
+		if (c == '*' && cptr[1] == '/')
+		    fprintf(f, "* ");
+		else
+		    putc(c, f);
+	    }
+	    fprintf(f, "*/\n");
+	    goto next_line;
+	}
+	if (c == '*')
+	{
+	    int c_lineno = lineno;
+	    char *c_line = dup_line();
+	    char *c_cptr = c_line + (cptr - line - 1);
+	    putc('*', f);
+	    ++cptr;
+	    for (;;)
+	    {
+		c = *cptr++;
+		putc(c, f);
+		if (c == '*' && *cptr == '/')
+		{
+		    putc('/', f);
+		    ++cptr;
+		    FREE(c_line);
+		    goto loop;
+		}
+		if (c == '\n')
+		{
+		    get_line();
+		    if (line == 0)
+			unterminated_comment(c_lineno, c_line, c_cptr);
+		}
+	    }
+	}
+	goto loop;
+    default:
+	goto loop;
+    }
+    register int c;
+    register bucket *bp;
+    c = cptr[1];
+    if (c == '%' || c == '\\')
+    {
+	cptr += 2;
+	return (1);
+    }
+    if (c == '=')
+	cptr += 2;
+    else if ((c == 'p' || c == 'P') &&
+	     ((c = cptr[2]) == 'r' || c == 'R') &&
+	     ((c = cptr[3]) == 'e' || c == 'E') &&
+	     ((c = cptr[4]) == 'c' || c == 'C') &&
+	     ((c = cptr[5], !IS_IDENT(c))))
+	cptr += 5;
+    else
+	syntax_error(lineno, line, cptr);
+    c = nextc();
+    if (isalpha(c) || c == '_' || c == '.' || c == '$')
+	bp = get_name();
+    else if (c == '\'' || c == '"')
+	bp = get_literal();
+    else
+    {
+	syntax_error(lineno, line, cptr);
+    }
+    if (rprec[nrules] != UNDEFINED && bp->prec != rprec[nrules])
+	prec_redeclared();
+    rprec[nrules] = bp->prec;
+    rassoc[nrules] = bp->assoc;
+    return (0);
+    register int c;
+    initialize_grammar();
+    advance_to_start();
+    for (;;)
+    {
+	c = nextc();
+	if (c == EOF) break;
+	if (isalpha(c) || c == '_' || c == '.' || c == '$' || c == '\'' ||
+		c == '"')
+	    add_symbol();
+	else if (c == '{' || c == '=')
+	    copy_action();
+	else if (c == '|')
+	{
+	    end_rule();
+	    start_rule(plhs[nrules-1], 0);
+	    ++cptr;
+	}
+	else if (c == '%')
+	{
+	    if (mark_symbol()) break;
+	}
+	else
+	    syntax_error(lineno, line, cptr);
+    }
+    end_rule();
+    register int i;
+    if (tag_table == 0) return;
+    for (i = 0; i < ntags; ++i)
+    {
+	assert(tag_table[i]);
+	FREE(tag_table[i]);
+    }
+    FREE(tag_table);
+    register bucket *bp;
+    register char *p, *s, *t;
+    name_pool_size = 13;  /* 13 == sizeof("$end") + sizeof("$accept") */
+    for (bp = first_symbol; bp; bp = bp->next)
+	name_pool_size += strlen(bp->name) + 1;
+    name_pool = MALLOC(name_pool_size);
+    if (name_pool == 0) no_space();
+    strcpy(name_pool, "$accept");
+    strcpy(name_pool+8, "$end");
+    t = name_pool + 13;
+    for (bp = first_symbol; bp; bp = bp->next)
+    {
+	p = t;
+	s = bp->name;
+	while (*t++ = *s++) continue;
+	FREE(bp->name);
+	bp->name = p;
+    }
+    register bucket *bp;
+    if (goal->class == UNKNOWN)
+	undefined_goal(goal->name);
+    for (bp = first_symbol; bp; bp = bp->next)
+    {
+	if (bp->class == UNKNOWN)
+	{
+	    undefined_symbol_warning(bp->name);
+	    bp->class = TERM;
+	}
+    }
+    register bucket *bp;
+    register bucket **v;
+    register int i, j, k, n;
+    nsyms = 2;
+    ntokens = 1;
+    for (bp = first_symbol; bp; bp = bp->next)
+    {
+	++nsyms;
+	if (bp->class == TERM) ++ntokens;
+    }
+    start_symbol = ntokens;
+    nvars = nsyms - ntokens;
+    symbol_name = (char **) MALLOC(nsyms*sizeof(char *));
+    if (symbol_name == 0) no_space();
+    symbol_value = (short *) MALLOC(nsyms*sizeof(short));
+    if (symbol_value == 0) no_space();
+    symbol_prec = (short *) MALLOC(nsyms*sizeof(short));
+    if (symbol_prec == 0) no_space();
+    symbol_assoc = MALLOC(nsyms);
+    if (symbol_assoc == 0) no_space();
+    v = (bucket **) MALLOC(nsyms*sizeof(bucket *));
+    if (v == 0) no_space();
+    v[0] = 0;
+    v[start_symbol] = 0;
+    i = 1;
+    j = start_symbol + 1;
+    for (bp = first_symbol; bp; bp = bp->next)
+    {
+	if (bp->class == TERM)
+	    v[i++] = bp;
+	else
+	    v[j++] = bp;
+    }
+    assert(i == ntokens && j == nsyms);
+    for (i = 1; i < ntokens; ++i)
+	v[i]->index = i;
+    goal->index = start_symbol + 1;
+    k = start_symbol + 2;
+    while (++i < nsyms)
+	if (v[i] != goal)
+	{
+	    v[i]->index = k;
+	    ++k;
+	}
+    goal->value = 0;
+    k = 1;
+    for (i = start_symbol + 1; i < nsyms; ++i)
+    {
+	if (v[i] != goal)
+	{
+	    v[i]->value = k;
+	    ++k;
+	}
+    }
+    k = 0;
+    for (i = 1; i < ntokens; ++i)
+    {
+	n = v[i]->value;
+	if (n > 256)
+	{
+	    for (j = k++; j > 0 && symbol_value[j-1] > n; --j)
+		symbol_value[j] = symbol_value[j-1];
+	    symbol_value[j] = n;
+	}
+    }
+    if (v[1]->value == UNDEFINED)
+	v[1]->value = 256;
+    j = 0;
+    n = 257;
+    for (i = 2; i < ntokens; ++i)
+    {
+	if (v[i]->value == UNDEFINED)
+	{
+	    while (j < k && n == symbol_value[j])
+	    {
+		while (++j < k && n == symbol_value[j]) continue;
+		++n;
+	    }
+	    v[i]->value = n;
+	    ++n;
+	}
+    }
+    symbol_name[0] = name_pool + 8;
+    symbol_value[0] = 0;
+    symbol_prec[0] = 0;
+    symbol_assoc[0] = TOKEN;
+    for (i = 1; i < ntokens; ++i)
+    {
+	symbol_name[i] = v[i]->name;
+	symbol_value[i] = v[i]->value;
+	symbol_prec[i] = v[i]->prec;
+	symbol_assoc[i] = v[i]->assoc;
+    }
+    symbol_name[start_symbol] = name_pool;
+    symbol_value[start_symbol] = -1;
+    symbol_prec[start_symbol] = 0;
+    symbol_assoc[start_symbol] = TOKEN;
+    for (++i; i < nsyms; ++i)
+    {
+	k = v[i]->index;
+	symbol_name[k] = v[i]->name;
+	symbol_value[k] = v[i]->value;
+	symbol_prec[k] = v[i]->prec;
+	symbol_assoc[k] = v[i]->assoc;
+    }
+    FREE(v);
+    register int i, j;
+    int assoc, prec;
+    ritem = (short *) MALLOC(nitems*sizeof(short));
+    if (ritem == 0) no_space();
+    rlhs = (short *) MALLOC(nrules*sizeof(short));
+    if (rlhs == 0) no_space();
+    rrhs = (short *) MALLOC((nrules+1)*sizeof(short));
+    if (rrhs == 0) no_space();
+    rprec = (short *) REALLOC(rprec, nrules*sizeof(short));
+    if (rprec == 0) no_space();
+    rassoc = REALLOC(rassoc, nrules);
+    if (rassoc == 0) no_space();
+    ritem[0] = -1;
+    ritem[1] = goal->index;
+    ritem[2] = 0;
+    ritem[3] = -2;
+    rlhs[0] = 0;
+    rlhs[1] = 0;
+    rlhs[2] = start_symbol;
+    rrhs[0] = 0;
+    rrhs[1] = 0;
+    rrhs[2] = 1;
+    j = 4;
+    for (i = 3; i < nrules; ++i)
+    {
+	rlhs[i] = plhs[i]->index;
+	rrhs[i] = j;
+	assoc = TOKEN;
+	prec = 0;
+	while (pitem[j])
+	{
+	    ritem[j] = pitem[j]->index;
+	    if (pitem[j]->class == TERM)
+	    {
+		prec = pitem[j]->prec;
+		assoc = pitem[j]->assoc;
+	    }
+	    ++j;
+	}
+	ritem[j] = -i;
+	++j;
+	if (rprec[i] == UNDEFINED)
+	{
+	    rprec[i] = prec;
+	    rassoc[i] = assoc;
+	}
+    }
+    rrhs[i] = j;
+    FREE(plhs);
+    FREE(pitem);
+    register int i, j, k;
+    int spacing;
+    register FILE *f = verbose_file;
+    if (!vflag) return;
+    k = 1;
+    for (i = 2; i < nrules; ++i)
+    {
+	if (rlhs[i] != rlhs[i-1])
+	{
+	    if (i != 2) fprintf(f, "\n");
+	    fprintf(f, "%4d  %s :", i - 2, symbol_name[rlhs[i]]);
+	    spacing = strlen(symbol_name[rlhs[i]]) + 1;
+	}
+	else
+	{
+	    fprintf(f, "%4d  ", i - 2);
+	    j = spacing;
+	    while (--j >= 0) putc(' ', f);
+	    putc('|', f);
+	}
+	while (ritem[k] >= 0)
+	{
+	    fprintf(f, " %s", symbol_name[ritem[k]]);
+	    ++k;
+	}
+	++k;
+	putc('\n', f);
+    }
+    write_section(banner);
+    create_symbol_table();
+    read_declarations();
+    read_grammar();
+    free_symbol_table();
+    free_tags();
+    pack_names();
+    check_symbols();
+    pack_symbols();
+    pack_grammar();
+    free_symbols();
+    print_grammar();

+ 290 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
+#include "defs.h"
+/*  The banner used here should be replaced with an #ident directive	*/
+/*  if the target C compiler supports #ident directives.		*/
+/*									*/
+/*  If the skeleton is changed, the banner should be changed so that	*/
+/*  the altered version can easily be distinguished from the original.	*/
+char *banner[] =
+    "#ifndef lint",
+    "static char yysccsid[] = \"@(#)yaccpar	1.7 (Berkeley) 09/09/90\";",
+    "#endif",
+    "#define YYBYACC 1",
+    0
+char *tables[] =
+    "extern short yylhs[];",
+    "extern short yylen[];",
+    "extern short yydefred[];",
+    "extern short yydgoto[];",
+    "extern short yysindex[];",
+    "extern short yyrindex[];",
+    "extern short yygindex[];",
+    "extern short yytable[];",
+    "extern short yycheck[];",
+    "#if YYDEBUG",
+    "extern char *yyname[];",
+    "extern char *yyrule[];",
+    "#endif",
+    0
+char *header[] =
+    "#define yyclearin (yychar=(-1))",
+    "#define yyerrok (yyerrflag=0)",
+    "#ifdef YYSTACKSIZE",
+    "#ifndef YYMAXDEPTH",
+    "#endif",
+    "#else",
+    "#ifdef YYMAXDEPTH",
+    "#else",
+    "#define YYSTACKSIZE 600",
+    "#define YYMAXDEPTH 600",
+    "#endif",
+    "#endif",
+    "int yydebug;",
+    "int yynerrs;",
+    "int yyerrflag;",
+    "int yychar;",
+    "short *yyssp;",
+    "YYSTYPE *yyvsp;",
+    "YYSTYPE yyval;",
+    "YYSTYPE yylval;",
+    "short yyss[YYSTACKSIZE];",
+    "#define yystacksize YYSTACKSIZE",
+    0
+char *body[] =
+    "#define YYABORT goto yyabort",
+    "#define YYACCEPT goto yyaccept",
+    "#define YYERROR goto yyerrlab",
+    "int",
+    "yyparse()",
+    "{",
+    "    register int yym, yyn, yystate;",
+    "#if YYDEBUG",
+    "    register char *yys;",
+    "    extern char *getenv();",
+    "",
+    "    if (yys = getenv(\"YYDEBUG\"))",
+    "    {",
+    "        yyn = *yys;",
+    "        if (yyn >= '0' && yyn <= '9')",
+    "            yydebug = yyn - '0';",
+    "    }",
+    "#endif",
+    "",
+    "    yynerrs = 0;",
+    "    yyerrflag = 0;",
+    "    yychar = (-1);",
+    "",
+    "    yyssp = yyss;",
+    "    yyvsp = yyvs;",
+    "    *yyssp = yystate = 0;",
+    "",
+    "yyloop:",
+    "    if (yyn = yydefred[yystate]) goto yyreduce;",
+    "    if (yychar < 0)",
+    "    {",
+    "        if ((yychar = yylex()) < 0) yychar = 0;",
+    "#if YYDEBUG",
+    "        if (yydebug)",
+    "        {",
+    "            yys = 0;",
+    "            if (yychar <= YYMAXTOKEN) yys = yyname[yychar];",
+    "            if (!yys) yys = \"illegal-symbol\";",
+    "            printf(\"yydebug: state %d, reading %d (%s)\\n\", yystate,",
+    "                    yychar, yys);",
+    "        }",
+    "#endif",
+    "    }",
+    "    if ((yyn = yysindex[yystate]) && (yyn += yychar) >= 0 &&",
+    "            yyn <= YYTABLESIZE && yycheck[yyn] == yychar)",
+    "    {",
+    "#if YYDEBUG",
+    "        if (yydebug)",
+    "            printf(\"yydebug: state %d, shifting to state %d\\n\",",
+    "                    yystate, yytable[yyn]);",
+    "#endif",
+    "        if (yyssp >= yyss + yystacksize - 1)",
+    "        {",
+    "            goto yyoverflow;",
+    "        }",
+    "        *++yyssp = yystate = yytable[yyn];",
+    "        *++yyvsp = yylval;",
+    "        yychar = (-1);",
+    "        if (yyerrflag > 0)  --yyerrflag;",
+    "        goto yyloop;",
+    "    }",
+    "    if ((yyn = yyrindex[yystate]) && (yyn += yychar) >= 0 &&",
+    "            yyn <= YYTABLESIZE && yycheck[yyn] == yychar)",
+    "    {",
+    "        yyn = yytable[yyn];",
+    "        goto yyreduce;",
+    "    }",
+    "    if (yyerrflag) goto yyinrecovery;",
+    "#ifdef lint",
+    "    goto yynewerror;",
+    "#endif",
+    "yynewerror:",
+    "    yyerror(\"syntax error\");",
+    "#ifdef lint",
+    "    goto yyerrlab;",
+    "#endif",
+    "yyerrlab:",
+    "    ++yynerrs;",
+    "yyinrecovery:",
+    "    if (yyerrflag < 3)",
+    "    {",
+    "        yyerrflag = 3;",
+    "        for (;;)",
+    "        {",
+    "            if ((yyn = yysindex[*yyssp]) && (yyn += YYERRCODE) >= 0 &&",
+    "                    yyn <= YYTABLESIZE && yycheck[yyn] == YYERRCODE)",
+    "            {",
+    "#if YYDEBUG",
+    "                if (yydebug)",
+    "                    printf(\"yydebug: state %d, error recovery shifting\\",
+    " to state %d\\n\", *yyssp, yytable[yyn]);",
+    "#endif",
+    "                if (yyssp >= yyss + yystacksize - 1)",
+    "                {",
+    "                    goto yyoverflow;",
+    "                }",
+    "                *++yyssp = yystate = yytable[yyn];",
+    "                *++yyvsp = yylval;",
+    "                goto yyloop;",
+    "            }",
+    "            else",
+    "            {",
+    "#if YYDEBUG",
+    "                if (yydebug)",
+    "                    printf(\"yydebug: error recovery discarding state %d\
+    "                            *yyssp);",
+    "#endif",
+    "                if (yyssp <= yyss) goto yyabort;",
+    "                --yyssp;",
+    "                --yyvsp;",
+    "            }",
+    "        }",
+    "    }",
+    "    else",
+    "    {",
+    "        if (yychar == 0) goto yyabort;",
+    "#if YYDEBUG",
+    "        if (yydebug)",
+    "        {",
+    "            yys = 0;",
+    "            if (yychar <= YYMAXTOKEN) yys = yyname[yychar];",
+    "            if (!yys) yys = \"illegal-symbol\";",
+    "            printf(\"yydebug: state %d, error recovery discards token %d\
+ (%s)\\n\",",
+    "                    yystate, yychar, yys);",
+    "        }",
+    "#endif",
+    "        yychar = (-1);",
+    "        goto yyloop;",
+    "    }",
+    "yyreduce:",
+    "#if YYDEBUG",
+    "    if (yydebug)",
+    "        printf(\"yydebug: state %d, reducing by rule %d (%s)\\n\",",
+    "                yystate, yyn, yyrule[yyn]);",
+    "#endif",
+    "    yym = yylen[yyn];",
+    "    yyval = yyvsp[1-yym];",
+    "    switch (yyn)",
+    "    {",
+    0
+char *trailer[] =
+    "    }",
+    "    yyssp -= yym;",
+    "    yystate = *yyssp;",
+    "    yyvsp -= yym;",
+    "    yym = yylhs[yyn];",
+    "    if (yystate == 0 && yym == 0)",
+    "    {",
+    "#if YYDEBUG",
+    "        if (yydebug)",
+    "            printf(\"yydebug: after reduction, shifting from state 0 to\\",
+    " state %d\\n\", YYFINAL);",
+    "#endif",
+    "        yystate = YYFINAL;",
+    "        *++yyssp = YYFINAL;",
+    "        *++yyvsp = yyval;",
+    "        if (yychar < 0)",
+    "        {",
+    "            if ((yychar = yylex()) < 0) yychar = 0;",
+    "#if YYDEBUG",
+    "            if (yydebug)",
+    "            {",
+    "                yys = 0;",
+    "                if (yychar <= YYMAXTOKEN) yys = yyname[yychar];",
+    "                if (!yys) yys = \"illegal-symbol\";",
+    "                printf(\"yydebug: state %d, reading %d (%s)\\n\",",
+    "                        YYFINAL, yychar, yys);",
+    "            }",
+    "#endif",
+    "        }",
+    "        if (yychar == 0) goto yyaccept;",
+    "        goto yyloop;",
+    "    }",
+    "    if ((yyn = yygindex[yym]) && (yyn += yystate) >= 0 &&",
+    "            yyn <= YYTABLESIZE && yycheck[yyn] == yystate)",
+    "        yystate = yytable[yyn];",
+    "    else",
+    "        yystate = yydgoto[yym];",
+    "#if YYDEBUG",
+    "    if (yydebug)",
+    "        printf(\"yydebug: after reduction, shifting from state %d \\",
+    "to state %d\\n\", *yyssp, yystate);",
+    "#endif",
+    "    if (yyssp >= yyss + yystacksize - 1)",
+    "    {",
+    "        goto yyoverflow;",
+    "    }",
+    "    *++yyssp = yystate;",
+    "    *++yyvsp = yyval;",
+    "    goto yyloop;",
+    "yyoverflow:",
+    "    yyerror(\"yacc stack overflow\");",
+    "yyabort:",
+    "    return (1);",
+    "yyaccept:",
+    "    return (0);",
+    "}",
+    0
+char *section[];
+    register int i;
+    register FILE *fp;
+    fp = code_file;
+    for (i = 0; section[i]; ++i)
+    {
+	++outline;
+	fprintf(fp, "%s\n", section[i]);
+    }

+ 119 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+#include "defs.h"
+/* TABLE_SIZE is the number of entries in the symbol table. */
+/* TABLE_SIZE must be a power of two.			    */
+#define	TABLE_SIZE 1024
+bucket **symbol_table;
+bucket *first_symbol;
+bucket *last_symbol;
+char *name;
+    register char *s;
+    register int c, k;
+    assert(name && *name);
+    s = name;
+    k = *s;
+    while (c = *++s)
+	k = (31*k + c) & (TABLE_SIZE - 1);
+    return (k);
+bucket *
+char *name;
+    register bucket *bp;
+    assert(name);
+    bp = (bucket *) MALLOC(sizeof(bucket));
+    if (bp == 0) no_space();
+    bp->link = 0;
+    bp->next = 0;
+    bp->name = MALLOC(strlen(name) + 1);
+    if (bp->name == 0) no_space();
+    bp->tag = 0;
+    bp->value = UNDEFINED;
+    bp->index = 0;
+    bp->prec = 0;
+    bp-> class = UNKNOWN;
+    bp->assoc = TOKEN;
+    if (bp->name == 0) no_space();
+    strcpy(bp->name, name);
+    return (bp);
+bucket *
+char *name;
+    register bucket *bp, **bpp;
+    bpp = symbol_table + hash(name);
+    bp = *bpp;
+    while (bp)
+    {
+	if (strcmp(name, bp->name) == 0) return (bp);
+	bpp = &bp->link;
+	bp = *bpp;
+    }
+    *bpp = bp = make_bucket(name);
+    last_symbol->next = bp;
+    last_symbol = bp;
+    return (bp);
+    register int i;
+    register bucket *bp;
+    symbol_table = (bucket **) MALLOC(TABLE_SIZE*sizeof(bucket *));
+    if (symbol_table == 0) no_space();
+    for (i = 0; i < TABLE_SIZE; i++)
+	symbol_table[i] = 0;
+    bp = make_bucket("error");
+    bp->index = 1;
+    bp->class = TERM;
+    first_symbol = bp;
+    last_symbol = bp;
+    symbol_table[hash("error")] = bp;
+    FREE(symbol_table);
+    symbol_table = 0;
+    register bucket *p, *q;
+    for (p = first_symbol; p; p = q)
+    {
+	q = p->next;
+	FREE(p);
+    }

+ 337 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,337 @@
+#include "defs.h"
+static short *null_rules;
+    register int i;
+    if (!vflag) return;
+    null_rules = (short *) MALLOC(nrules*sizeof(short));
+    if (null_rules == 0) no_space();
+    fprintf(verbose_file, "\f\n");
+    for (i = 0; i < nstates; i++)
+	print_state(i);
+    FREE(null_rules);
+    if (nunused)
+	log_unused();
+    if (SRtotal || RRtotal)
+	log_conflicts();
+    fprintf(verbose_file, "\n\n%d terminals, %d nonterminals\n", ntokens,
+	    nvars);
+    fprintf(verbose_file, "%d grammar rules, %d states\n", nrules - 2, nstates);
+    register int i;
+    register short *p;
+    fprintf(verbose_file, "\n\nRules never reduced:\n");
+    for (i = 3; i < nrules; ++i)
+    {
+	if (!rules_used[i])
+	{
+	    fprintf(verbose_file, "\t%s :", symbol_name[rlhs[i]]);
+	    for (p = ritem + rrhs[i]; *p >= 0; ++p)
+		fprintf(verbose_file, " %s", symbol_name[*p]);
+	    fprintf(verbose_file, "  (%d)\n", i - 2);
+	}
+    }
+    register int i;
+    fprintf(verbose_file, "\n\n");
+    for (i = 0; i < nstates; i++)
+    {
+	if (SRconflicts[i] || RRconflicts[i])
+	{
+	    fprintf(verbose_file, "State %d contains ", i);
+	    if (SRconflicts[i] == 1)
+		fprintf(verbose_file, "1 shift/reduce conflict");
+	    else if (SRconflicts[i] > 1)
+		fprintf(verbose_file, "%d shift/reduce conflicts",
+			SRconflicts[i]);
+	    if (SRconflicts[i] && RRconflicts[i])
+		fprintf(verbose_file, ", ");
+	    if (RRconflicts[i] == 1)
+		fprintf(verbose_file, "1 reduce/reduce conflict");
+	    else if (RRconflicts[i] > 1)
+		fprintf(verbose_file, "%d reduce/reduce conflicts",
+			RRconflicts[i]);
+	    fprintf(verbose_file, ".\n");
+	}
+    }
+int state;
+    if (state)
+	fprintf(verbose_file, "\n\n");
+    if (SRconflicts[state] || RRconflicts[state])
+	print_conflicts(state);
+    fprintf(verbose_file, "state %d\n", state);
+    print_core(state);
+    print_nulls(state);
+    print_actions(state);
+int state;
+    register int symbol;
+    register action *p, *q, *r;
+    for (p = parser[state]; p; p = q->next)
+    {
+	q = p;
+	if (p->action_code == ERROR || p->suppressed == 2)
+	    continue;
+	symbol = p->symbol;
+	while (q->next && q->next->symbol == symbol)
+	    q = q->next;
+	if (state == final_state && symbol == 0)
+	{
+	    r = p;
+	    for (;;)
+	    {
+		fprintf(verbose_file, "%d: shift/reduce conflict \
+(accept, reduce %d) on $end\n", state, r->number - 2);
+		if (r == q) break;
+		r = r->next;
+	    }
+	}
+	else if (p != q)
+	{
+	    r = p->next;
+	    if (p->action_code == SHIFT)
+	    {
+		for (;;)
+		{
+		    if (r->action_code == REDUCE && p->suppressed != 2)
+			fprintf(verbose_file, "%d: shift/reduce conflict \
+(shift %d, reduce %d) on %s\n", state, p->number, r->number - 2,
+				symbol_name[symbol]);
+		    if (r == q) break;
+		    r = r->next;
+		}
+	    }
+	    else
+	    {
+		for (;;)
+		{
+		    if (r->action_code == REDUCE && p->suppressed != 2)
+			fprintf(verbose_file, "%d: reduce/reduce conflict \
+(reduce %d, reduce %d) on %s\n", state, p->number - 2, r->number - 2,
+				symbol_name[symbol]);
+		    if (r == q) break;
+		    r = r->next;
+		}
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+int state;
+    register int i;
+    register int k;
+    register int rule;
+    register core *statep;
+    register short *sp;
+    register short *sp1;
+    statep = state_table[state];
+    k = statep->nitems;
+    for (i = 0; i < k; i++)
+    {
+	sp1 = sp = ritem + statep->items[i];
+	while (*sp >= 0) ++sp;
+	rule = -(*sp);
+	fprintf(verbose_file, "\t%s : ", symbol_name[rlhs[rule]]);
+        for (sp = ritem + rrhs[rule]; sp < sp1; sp++)
+	    fprintf(verbose_file, "%s ", symbol_name[*sp]);
+	putc('.', verbose_file);
+	while (*sp >= 0)
+	{
+	    fprintf(verbose_file, " %s", symbol_name[*sp]);
+	    sp++;
+	}
+	fprintf(verbose_file, "  (%d)\n", -2 - *sp);
+    }
+int state;
+    register action *p;
+    register int i, j, k, nnulls;
+    nnulls = 0;
+    for (p = parser[state]; p; p = p->next)
+    {
+	if (p->action_code == REDUCE &&
+		(p->suppressed == 0 || p->suppressed == 1))
+	{
+	    i = p->number;
+	    if (rrhs[i] + 1 == rrhs[i+1])
+	    {
+		for (j = 0; j < nnulls && i > null_rules[j]; ++j)
+		    continue;
+		if (j == nnulls)
+		{
+		    ++nnulls;
+		    null_rules[j] = i;
+		}
+		else if (i != null_rules[j])
+		{
+		    ++nnulls;
+		    for (k = nnulls - 1; k > j; --k)
+			null_rules[k] = null_rules[k-1];
+		    null_rules[j] = i;
+		}
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+    for (i = 0; i < nnulls; ++i)
+    {
+	j = null_rules[i];
+	fprintf(verbose_file, "\t%s : .  (%d)\n", symbol_name[rlhs[j]],
+		j - 2);
+    }
+    fprintf(verbose_file, "\n");
+int stateno;
+    register action *p;
+    register shifts *sp;
+    register int as;
+    if (stateno == final_state)
+	fprintf(verbose_file, "\t$end  accept\n");
+    p = parser[stateno];
+    if (p)
+    {
+	print_shifts(p);
+	print_reductions(p, defred[stateno]);
+    }
+    sp = shift_table[stateno];
+    if (sp && sp->nshifts > 0)
+    {
+	as = accessing_symbol[sp->shift[sp->nshifts - 1]];
+	if (ISVAR(as))
+	    print_gotos(stateno);
+    }
+register action *p;
+    register int count;
+    register action *q;
+    count = 0;
+    for (q = p; q; q = q->next)
+    {
+	if (q->suppressed < 2 && q->action_code == SHIFT)
+	    ++count;
+    }
+    if (count > 0)
+    {
+	for (; p; p = p->next)
+	{
+	    if (p->action_code == SHIFT && p->suppressed == 0)
+		fprintf(verbose_file, "\t%s  shift %d\n",
+			    symbol_name[p->symbol], p->number);
+	}
+    }
+print_reductions(p, defred)
+register action *p;
+register int defred;
+    register int k, anyreds;
+    register action *q;
+    anyreds = 0;
+    for (q = p; q ; q = q->next)
+    {
+	if (q->action_code == REDUCE && q->suppressed < 2)
+	{
+	    anyreds = 1;
+	    break;
+	}
+    }
+    if (anyreds == 0)
+	fprintf(verbose_file, "\t.  error\n");
+    else
+    {
+	for (; p; p = p->next)
+	{
+	    if (p->action_code == REDUCE && p->number != defred)
+	    {
+		k = p->number - 2;
+		if (p->suppressed == 0)
+		    fprintf(verbose_file, "\t%s  reduce %d\n",
+			    symbol_name[p->symbol], k);
+	    }
+	}
+        if (defred > 0)
+	    fprintf(verbose_file, "\t.  reduce %d\n", defred - 2);
+    }
+int stateno;
+    register int i, k;
+    register int as;
+    register short *to_state;
+    register shifts *sp;
+    putc('\n', verbose_file);
+    sp = shift_table[stateno];
+    to_state = sp->shift;
+    for (i = 0; i < sp->nshifts; ++i)
+    {
+	k = to_state[i];
+	as = accessing_symbol[k];
+	if (ISVAR(as))
+	    fprintf(verbose_file, "\t%s  goto %d\n", symbol_name[as], k);
+    }

+ 84 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+#include "defs.h"
+transitive_closure(R, n)
+unsigned *R;
+int n;
+    register int rowsize;
+    register unsigned mask;
+    register unsigned *rowj;
+    register unsigned *rp;
+    register unsigned *rend;
+    register unsigned *ccol;
+    register unsigned *relend;
+    register unsigned *cword;
+    register unsigned *rowi;
+    rowsize = WORDSIZE(n);
+    relend = R + n*rowsize;
+    cword = R;
+    mask = 1;
+    rowi = R;
+    while (rowi < relend)
+    {
+	ccol = cword;
+	rowj = R;
+	while (rowj < relend)
+	{
+	    if (*ccol & mask)
+	    {
+		rp = rowi;
+		rend = rowj + rowsize;
+		while (rowj < rend)
+		    *rowj++ |= *rp++;
+	    }
+	    else
+	    {
+		rowj += rowsize;
+	    }
+	    ccol += rowsize;
+	}
+	mask <<= 1;
+	if (mask == 0)
+	{
+	    mask = 1;
+	    cword++;
+	}
+	rowi += rowsize;
+    }
+reflexive_transitive_closure(R, n)
+unsigned *R;
+int n;
+    register int rowsize;
+    register unsigned mask;
+    register unsigned *rp;
+    register unsigned *relend;
+    transitive_closure(R, n);
+    rowsize = WORDSIZE(n);
+    relend = R + n*rowsize;
+    mask = 1;
+    rp = R;
+    while (rp < relend)
+    {
+	*rp |= mask;
+	mask <<= 1;
+	if (mask == 0)
+	{
+	    mask = 1;
+	    rp++;
+	}
+	rp += rowsize;
+    }