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Added the 'Star Trek' example game.

dtrg 17 лет назад
3 измененных файлов с 2065 добавлено и 1 удалено
  1. 6 1
  2. 1954 0
  3. 105 0

+ 6 - 1

@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ A few notes on the examples
 This directory contains a handful of working example programs that can be
-built with the ACK. They're intended as a convention source of test code
+built with the ACK. They're intended as a convenient source of test code
 and as a starting point when writing your own programs.
 They consist of:
@@ -18,9 +18,14 @@ hilo.ocm           Occam 1 version of the Hi/Lo game
 hilo.p             Pascal version of the Hi/Lo game
 paranoia.c         An ancient public domain K&R C adventure game
+startrek.c         An even more ancient public domain ANSI C game
+startrek.doc       Manual for above (plus in current directory when running)
+(startrek.c was written by David Ahl and converted to C by Chris Nystrom. See
+http://www.cactus.org/%7Enystrom/startrek.html for more info.)
 David Given

+ 1954 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,1954 @@
+ * startrek.c
+ *
+ * Super Star Trek Classic (v1.1)
+ * Retro Star Trek Game 
+ * C Port Copyright (C) 1996  <Chris Nystrom>
+ * 
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * in any way that you wish. _Star Trek_ is a trademark of Paramount
+ * I think.
+ * 
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *
+ * This is a C port of an old BASIC program: the classic Super Star Trek
+ * game. It comes from the book _BASIC Computer Games_ edited by David Ahl
+ * of Creative Computing fame. It was published in 1978 by Workman Publishing,
+ * 1 West 39 Street, New York, New York, and the ISBN is: 0-89489-052-3.
+ * 
+ * See http://www.cactus.org/~nystrom/startrek.html for more info.
+ *
+ * Contact Author of C port at:
+ *
+ * Chris Nystrom
+ * 1013 Prairie Dove Circle
+ * Austin, Texas  78758
+ *
+ * E-Mail: cnystrom@gmail.com, nystrom@cactus.org
+ *
+ * BASIC -> Conversion Issues
+ *
+ *     - String Names changed from A$ to sA
+ *     - Arrays changed from G(8,8) to g[9][9] so indexes can
+ *       stay the same.
+ *
+ * Here is the original BASIC header:
+ *
+ *
+ ***        **** STAR TREK ****        ****
+ *** SEND TO:  R. C. LEEDOM
+ ***           BOX 746, M.S. 338
+ ***           BALTIMORE, MD  21203
+ ***
+ *
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#ifndef FALSE
+#define FALSE        0
+#ifndef TRUE
+#define TRUE         ! FALSE
+/* Standard Line Length */
+#define MAXLEN     255
+/* Standard Terminal Sizes */
+#define MAXROW      24
+#define MAXCOL      80
+/* Standard Page Size */
+#define MAXLINES    66
+/* Useful typedefs */
+typedef int bool;
+typedef char line[MAXCOL];
+typedef char string[MAXLEN];
+/* Function Declarations */
+void intro(void);
+void new_game(void);
+void initialize(void);
+void new_quadrant(void);
+void course_control(void);
+void complete_maneuver(void);
+void exceed_quadrant_limits(void);
+void maneuver_energy(void);
+void short_range_scan(void);
+void long_range_scan(void);
+void phaser_control(void);
+void photon_torpedoes(void);
+void torpedo_hit(void);
+void damage_control(void);
+void sheild_control(void);
+void library_computer(void);
+void galactic_record(void);
+void status_report(void);
+void torpedo_data(void);
+void nav_data(void);
+void dirdist_calc(void);
+void galaxy_map(void);
+void end_of_time(void);
+void resign_commision(void);
+void won_game(void);
+void end_of_game(void);
+void klingons_move(void);
+void klingons_shoot(void);
+void repair_damage(void);
+void find_empty_place(void);
+void insert_in_quadrant(void);
+void get_device_name(void);
+void string_compare(void);
+void quadrant_name(void);
+int function_d(int i);
+int function_r(void);
+void mid_str(char *a, char *b, int x, int y);
+int cint(double d);
+void compute_vector(void);
+void sub1(void);
+void sub2(void);
+void showfile(char *filename);
+int openfile(char * sFilename, char * sMode);
+void closefile(void);
+int getline(char *s);
+void randomize(void);
+int get_rand(int iSpread);
+double rnd(void);
+/* Global Variables */
+int b3;                           /* Starbases in Quadrant */
+int b4, b5;                 /* Starbase Location in sector */
+int b9;                                 /* Total Starbases */
+/* @@@ int c[2][10] = */  /* Used for location and movement */         
+int c[3][10] = /* modified to match MS BASIC array indicies */
+   {
+     { 0 },
+     { 0, 0, -1, -1, -1,  0,  1, 1, 1, 0 },
+     { 1, 1,  1,  0, -1, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1 }
+   };
+int d0;                                     /* Docked flag */
+int d1;                              /* Damage Repair Flag */
+int e;                                   /* Current Energy */
+int e0 = 3000;                          /* Starting Energy */
+int g[9][9];                                     /* Galaxy */
+int g5;                              /* Quadrant name flag */
+int k[4][4];                               /* Klingon Data */
+int k3;                            /* Klingons in Quadrant */
+int k7;                               /* Klingons at start */
+int k9;                             /* Total Klingons left */
+int n;                       /* Number of secors to travel */
+int p;                            /* Photon Torpedoes left */
+int p0 = 10;                    /* Photon Torpedo capacity */
+int q1, q2;             /* Quadrant Position of Enterprise */
+int r1, r2;              /* Temporary Location Corrdinates */
+int s;                             /* Current shield value */
+int s3;                               /* Stars in quadrant */
+int s8;                         /* Quadrant locating index */
+int s9 = 200;                             /* Klingon Power */
+int t0;                               /* Starting Stardate */
+int t9;                                     /* End of time */
+int z[9][9];                /* Cumulative Record of Galaxy */
+int z3;                     /* string_compare return value */
+int z1, z2;                /* Temporary Sector Coordinates */
+int z4, z5;              /* Temporary quadrant coordinates */
+double a, c1;                   /* Used by Library Computer */
+double d[9];                                /* Damage Array */
+double d4;         /* Used for computing damage repair time */
+double s1, s2;     /* Current Sector Position of Enterprise */
+double t;                               /* Current Stardate */
+double w1;                                   /* Warp Factor */
+double x, y, x1, x2;            /* Navigational coordinates */
+char sA[4];                       /* An Object in a Sector */
+char sC[7];                                   /* Condition */
+char sQ[194];                /* Visual Display of Quadrant */
+string sG2;                 /* Used to pass string results */
+FILE *stream;
+bool bFlag = FALSE;         /* Prevent multiple file opens */
+/* Main Program */
+  intro();
+  new_game();
+  /* @@@ exit(0);  */ /* causes a warning in C++ */
+  return(0);
+  string sTemp;
+  printf ("\n\n");
+  printf (" *************************************\n");
+  printf (" *                                   *\n");
+  printf (" *                                   *\n");
+  printf (" *      * * Super Star Trek * *      *\n");
+  printf (" *                                   *\n");
+  printf (" *                                   *\n");
+  printf (" *************************************\n\n\n\n\n");
+  printf("\nDo you need instructions (y/n): ");
+  gets(sTemp);
+  if (sTemp[0] == 'y' || sTemp[0] == 'Y')
+    showfile("startrek.doc");
+  printf ("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n");
+  printf("                         ------*------\n");
+  printf("         -------------   `---  ------'\n");
+  printf("         `-------- --'      / /\n");
+  printf("                  \\\\-------  --\n");
+  printf("                  '-----------'\n");
+  printf("\n       The USS Enterprise --- NCC - 1701\n\n\n");
+  randomize();
+  t = (get_rand(20) + 20) * 100;
+  string sTemp;
+  initialize();
+  new_quadrant();
+  short_range_scan();
+  while(1)
+    {
+      if (s + e <= 10 && (e < 10 || d[7] < 0))
+        {
+          printf("\n** Fatal Error **   ");
+          printf("You've just stranded your ship in space.\n\n");
+          printf("You have insufficient maneuvering energy,");
+          printf(" and Shield Control is presently\n");
+          printf("incapable of cross circuiting to engine room!!\n\n");
+          end_of_time();
+        }
+      printf("Command? ");
+      gets(sTemp);
+      printf("\n");
+      if (! strncmp(sTemp, "nav", 3))
+        course_control();
+      else if (! strncmp(sTemp, "srs", 3))
+        short_range_scan();
+      else if (! strncmp(sTemp, "lrs", 3))
+        long_range_scan();
+      else if (! strncmp(sTemp, "pha", 3))
+        phaser_control();
+      else if (! strncmp(sTemp, "tor", 3))
+        photon_torpedoes();
+      else if (! strncmp(sTemp, "she", 3))
+        sheild_control();
+      else if (! strncmp(sTemp, "dam", 3))
+        damage_control();
+      else if (! strncmp(sTemp, "com", 3))
+        library_computer();
+      else if (! strncmp(sTemp, "xxx", 3))
+        resign_commision();
+      else
+    {
+          printf("Enter one of the following:\n\n");
+      printf("  nav - To Set Course\n");
+      printf("  srs - Short Range Sensors\n");
+      printf("  lrs - Long Range Sensors\n");
+      printf("  pha - Phasers\n");
+      printf("  tor - Photon Torpedoes\n");
+      printf("  she - Sheild Control\n");
+      printf("  dam - Damage Control\n");
+      printf("  com - Library Computer\n");
+      printf("  xxx - Resign Command\n");
+      printf("\n");
+    }
+    }
+  int i, j;
+  char sX[2] = "";
+  char sX0[4] = "is";
+  /* InItialize time */
+  /* @@@ t0 = t; */
+  t0 = (int)t;
+  t9 = 25 + get_rand(10);
+  /* Initialize Enterprise */
+  d0 = 0;
+  e = e0;
+  p = p0;
+  s = 0;
+  q1 = function_r();
+  q2 = function_r();
+  s1 = (double) function_r();
+  s2 = (double) function_r();
+  for (i = 1; i <= 8; i++)
+    d[i] = 0.0;
+  /* Setup What Exists in Galaxy */
+  for (i = 1; i <= 8; i++)
+    for (j = 1; j <= 8; j++)
+      {
+        k3 = 0;
+        z[i][j] = 0;
+        r1 = get_rand(100);
+        if (r1 > 98)
+          k3 = 3;
+        else if (r1 > 95)
+          k3 = 2;
+        else if (r1 > 80)
+          k3 = 1;
+        k9 = k9 + k3;
+        b3 = 0;
+        if (get_rand(100) > 96)
+          b3 = 1;
+        b9 = b9 + b3;
+        g[i][j] = k3 * 100 + b3 * 10 + function_r();
+      }
+  if (k9 > t9)
+    t9 = k9 + 1;
+  if (b9 == 0)
+    {
+      if (g[q1][q2] < 200)
+        {
+          g[q1][q2] = g[q1][q2] + 100;
+          k9++;
+        }
+      g[q1][q2] = g[q1][q2] + 10;
+      b9++;
+      q1 = function_r();
+      q2 = function_r();
+    }
+  k7 = k9;
+  if (b9 != 1)
+    {
+      strcpy(sX, "s");
+      strcpy(sX0, "are");
+    }
+  printf("Your orders are as follows:\n\n");
+  printf("   Destroy the %d Klingon warships which have invaded\n", k9);
+  printf(" the galaxy before they can attack Federation Headquarters\n");
+  printf(" on stardate %d. This gives you %d days. There %s\n",
+    t0 + t9, t9, sX0);
+  printf(" %d starbase%s in the galaxy for resupplying your ship.\n\n",
+    b9, sX);
+  printf("Hit any key to accept command. ");
+  getchar();
+  int i;
+  z4 = q1;
+  z5 = q2;
+  k3 = 0;
+  b3 = 0;
+  s3 = 0;
+  g5 = 0; 
+  d4 = (double) get_rand(100) / 100 / 50;
+  z[q1][q2] = g[q1][q2];
+  if (q1 >= 1 && q1 <= 8 && q2 >= 1 && q2 <= 8)
+    {
+      quadrant_name();
+      if (t0 != t)
+        printf("Now entering %s quadrant...\n\n", sG2);
+      else
+        {
+          printf("\nYour mission begins with your starship located\n");
+          printf("in the galactic quadrant %s.\n\n", sG2);
+        }
+    }
+  /* @@@ k3 = g[q1][q2] * .01; */
+  k3 = (int)(g[q1][q2] * .01);
+  /* @@@ b3 = g[q1][q2] * .1 - 10 * k3; */
+  b3 = (int)(g[q1][q2] * .1 - 10 * k3);
+  s3 = g[q1][q2] - 100 * k3 - 10 * b3;
+  if (k3 > 0)
+    {
+      printf("Combat Area  Condition Red\n");
+      if (s < 200)
+        printf("Shields Dangerously Low\n");
+    }
+  for (i = 1; i <= 3; i++)
+    {
+      k[i][1] = 0;
+      k[i][2] = 0;
+      k[i][3] = 0;
+    }
+  for (i = 0; i <= 192; i++)
+    sQ[i] = ' ';
+  sQ[193] = '\0';
+  /* Position Enterprise, then Klingons, Starbases, and stars */
+  strcpy(sA, "<*>");
+  /* @@@ z1 = cint(s1); */
+  z1 = (int)s1;
+  /* @@@ z2 = cint(s2); */
+  z2 = (int)s2;
+  insert_in_quadrant();
+  if (k3 > 0)
+    {
+      for (i = 1; i <= k3; i++)
+        {
+          find_empty_place();
+          strcpy(sA, "+K+");
+          z1 = r1;
+          z2 = r2;
+          insert_in_quadrant();
+          k[i][1] = r1;
+          k[i][2] = r2;
+          k[i][3] = 100 + get_rand(200);
+        }
+    }
+  if (b3 > 0)
+    {
+      find_empty_place();
+      strcpy(sA, ">!<");
+      z1 = r1;
+      z2 = r2;
+      insert_in_quadrant();
+      b4 = r1;
+      b5 = r2;
+    }
+  for (i = 1; i <= s3; i++)
+    {
+      find_empty_place();
+      strcpy(sA, " * ");
+      z1 = r1;
+      z2 = r2;
+      insert_in_quadrant();
+    }
+  register i;
+  /* @@@ int c2, c3, q4, q5; */
+  int q4, q5;
+  string sTemp;
+  double c1;
+  char sX[4] = "8";
+  printf("Course (0-9): ");
+  gets(sTemp);
+  printf("\n");
+  c1 = atof(sTemp);
+  if (c1 == 9.0)
+    c1 = 1.0;
+  if (c1 < 0 || c1 > 9.0)
+    {
+      printf("Lt. Sulu roports:\n");
+      printf("  Incorrect course data, sir!\n\n");
+      return;
+    }
+  if (d[1] < 0.0)
+    strcpy(sX, "0.2");
+  printf("Warp Factor (0-%s): ", sX);
+  gets(sTemp);
+  printf("\n");
+  w1 = atof(sTemp);
+  if (d[1] < 0.0 && w1 > 0.21)
+    {
+      printf("Warp Engines are damaged. ");
+      printf("Maximum speed = Warp 0.2.\n\n");
+      return;
+    }
+  if (w1 <= 0.0)
+    return;
+  if (w1 > 8.1)
+    {
+      printf("Chief Engineer Scott reports:\n");
+      printf("  The engines won't take warp %4.1f!\n\n", w1);
+      return;
+    }
+  n = cint(w1 * 8.0); /* @@@ note: this is a real round in the original basic */
+  if (e - n < 0)
+    {
+      printf("Engineering reports:\n");
+      printf("  Insufficient energy available for maneuvering");
+      printf(" at warp %4.1f!\n\n", w1);
+      if (s >= n && d[7] >= 0.0)
+        {
+          printf("Deflector Control Room acknowledges:\n");
+          printf("  %d units of energy presently deployed to shields.\n", s);
+        }
+      return;
+    }
+  klingons_move();
+  repair_damage();
+  strcpy(sA, "   ");
+  /* @@@ z1 = cint(s1); */
+  z1 = (int)s1;
+  /* @@@ z2 = cint(s2); */
+  z2 = (int)s2;
+  insert_in_quadrant();
+  /* @@@ c2 = cint(c1); */
+  /* @@@ c3 = c2 + 1; */
+  /* @@@ x1 = c[0][c2] + (c[0][c3] - c[0][c2]) * (c1 - c2); */
+  /* @@@ x2 = c[1][c2] + (c[1][c3] - c[1][c2]) * (c1 - c2); */
+  x1 = c[1][(int)c1] + (c[1][(int)c1 + 1] - c[1][(int)c1]) * (c1 - (int)c1);
+  x2 = c[2][(int)c1] + (c[2][(int)c1 + 1] - c[2][(int)c1]) * (c1 - (int)c1);
+  x = s1;
+  y = s2;
+  q4 = q1;
+  q5 = q2;
+  for (i = 1; i <= n; i++)
+    {
+      s1 = s1 + x1;
+      s2 = s2 + x2;
+      /* @@@ z1 = cint(s1); */
+      z1 = (int)s1;
+      /* @@@ z2 = cint(s2); */
+      z2 = (int)s2;
+      if (z1 < 1 || z1 >= 9 || z2 < 1 || z2 >= 9)
+        {
+          exceed_quadrant_limits();
+          complete_maneuver();
+          return;
+        }
+      string_compare();
+      if (z3 != 1) /* Sector not empty */
+        {
+          s1 = s1 - x1;
+          s2 = s2 - x2;
+          printf("Warp Engines shut down at sector ");
+          printf("%d, %d due to bad navigation.\n\n", z1, z2);
+          i = n + 1;
+        }
+    }
+  complete_maneuver();
+  double t8;
+  strcpy(sA, "<*>");
+  /* @@@ z1 = cint(s1); */
+  z1 = (int)s1;
+  /* @@@ z2 = cint(s2); */
+  z2 = (int)s2;
+  insert_in_quadrant();
+  maneuver_energy();
+  t8 = 1.0;
+  if (w1 < 1.0)
+    t8 = w1;
+  t = t + t8;
+  if (t > t0 + t9)
+    end_of_time();
+  short_range_scan();
+  int x5 = 0;   /* Outside galaxy flag */
+  /* @@@ x = (8 * (q1 - 1)) + x + (n * x1); */
+  x = (8 * q1) + x + (n * x1);
+  /* @@@ y = (8 * (q2 - 1)) + y + (n * x2); */
+  y = (8 * q2) + y + (n * x2);
+  /* @@@ q1 = cint(x / 8.0); */
+  q1 = (int)(x / 8.0);
+  /* @@@ q2 = cint(y / 8.0); */
+  q2 = (int)(y / 8.0);
+  /* @@@ s1 = x - ((q1 - 1) * 8); */
+  s1 = x - (q1 * 8);
+  /* @@@ s2 = y - ((q2 - 1) * 8); */
+  s2 = y - (q2 * 8);
+  /* @@@ if (cint(s1) == 0) */
+  if ((int)s1 == 0)
+    {
+      q1 = q1 - 1;
+      s1 = s1 + 8.0;
+    }
+  /* @@@ if (cint(s2) == 0) */
+  if ((int)s2 == 0)
+    {
+      q2 = q2 - 1;
+      s2 = s2 + 8.0;
+    }
+  /* check if outside galaxy */
+  if (q1 < 1)
+    {
+      x5 = 1;
+      q1 = 1;
+      s1 = 1.0;
+    }
+  if (q1 > 8)
+    {
+      x5 = 1;
+      q1 = 8;
+      s1 = 8.0;
+    }
+  if (q2 < 1)
+    {
+      x5 = 1;
+      q2 = 1;
+      s2 = 1.0;
+    }
+  if (q2 > 8)
+    {
+      x5 = 1;
+      q2 = 8;
+      s2 = 8.0;
+    }
+  if (x5 == 1)
+    {
+      printf("LT. Uhura reports:\n");
+      printf("  Message from Starfleet Command:\n\n");
+      printf("  Permission to attempt crossing of galactic perimeter\n");
+      printf("  is hereby *denied*. Shut down your engines.\n\n");
+      printf("Chief Engineer Scott reports:\n");
+      /* @@@ printf("  Warp Engines shut down at sector %d, ", cint(s1)); */
+      printf("  Warp Engines shut down at sector %d, ", (int)s1);
+      /* @@@ printf("%d of quadrant %d, %d.\n\n", cint(s2), q1, q2); */
+      printf("%d of quadrant %d, %d.\n\n", (int)s2, q1, q2);
+    }
+  /* else 
+     new_quadrant(); @@@ this causes bugs when bouncing off galaxy walls.
+                         basically, if you bounce very far, your quadrant contents
+                         won't match your LRS.  Cool huh? */
+  maneuver_energy();
+  /* this section has a different order in the original.
+  t = t + 1;
+  if (t > t0 + t9)
+    end_of_time();
+  */
+  if (t > t0 + t9)
+    end_of_time();
+  /* @@@ what does this do?? It's in the original.
+  if (8 * q1 + q2 = 8 * q4 + q5) 
+    { 
+      complete_maneuver();
+    }
+  */
+  t = t + 1;
+  new_quadrant();
+  e = e - n - 10;
+  if (e >= 0)
+    return;
+  printf("Shield Control supplies energy to complete maneuver.\n\n");
+  s = s + e;
+  e = 0;
+  if (s <= 0)
+    s = 0;
+  register i, j;
+  strcpy(sC, "GREEN");
+  if (e < e0 * .1)
+    strcpy(sC, "YELLOW");
+  if (k3 > 0)
+    strcpy(sC, "*RED*");
+  /* @@@ need to clear the docked flag here */
+  d0 = 0;
+  /* @@@ for (i = s1 - 1; i <= s1 + 1; i++) */
+  for (i = (int)(s1 - 1); i <= (int)(s1 + 1); i++)
+    /* @@@ for (j = s2 - 1; j <= s2 + 1; j++) */
+    for (j = (int)(s2 - 1); j <= (int)(s2 + 1); j++)
+      if (i >= 1 && i <= 8 && j >= 1 && j <= 8)
+        {
+          strcpy(sA, ">!<");
+          z1 = i;
+          z2 = j;
+          string_compare();
+          if (z3 == 1)
+            {
+              d0 = 1;
+              strcpy(sC, "DOCKED");
+              e = e0;
+              p = p0;
+              printf("Shields dropped for docking purposes.\n");
+              s = 0;
+            }
+        }
+  if (d[2] < 0.0)
+    {
+      printf("\n*** Short Range Sensors are out ***\n");
+      return;
+    }
+  printf("------------------------\n");
+  for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
+    {
+      for (j = 0; j < 24; j++)
+        putchar(sQ[i * 24 + j]); 
+      if (i == 0)
+    printf("    Stardate            %d\n", (int) t);
+      if (i == 1)
+    printf("    Condition           %s\n", sC);
+      if (i == 2)
+    printf("    Quadrant            %d, %d\n", q1, q2);
+      if (i == 3)
+    /* @@@ printf("    Sector              %d, %d\n", cint(s1), cint(s2)); */
+    printf("    Sector              %d, %d\n", (int)s1, (int)s2);
+      if (i == 4)
+    printf("    Photon Torpedoes    %d\n", p);
+      if (i == 5)
+    printf("    Total Energy        %d\n", e + s);
+      if (i == 6)
+    printf("    Shields             %d\n", s);
+      if (i == 7)
+    printf("    Klingons Remaining  %d\n", k9);
+    }
+  printf("------------------------\n\n");
+  return;
+  register i, j;
+  if (d[3] < 0.0)
+    {
+      printf("Long Range Sensors are inoperable.\n");
+      return;
+    }
+  printf("Long Range Scan for Quadrant %d, %d\n\n", q1, q2);
+  for (i = q1 - 1; i <= q1 + 1; i++)
+    {
+      printf("--------------------\n:");
+      for (j = q2 - 1; j <= q2 + 1; j++)
+        if (i > 0 && i <= 8 && j > 0 && j <= 8)
+          {
+            z[i][j] = g[i][j];
+            printf(" %3.3d :", z[i][j]);
+          }
+        else
+          printf(" *** :");
+      printf("\n");
+    }
+    printf("--------------------\n\n");
+  register i;
+  int iEnergy;
+  int h1, h;
+  string sTemp;
+  if (d[4] < 0.0)
+    {
+      printf("Phasers Inoperative\n\n");
+      return;
+    }
+  if (k3 <= 0)
+    {
+      printf("Science Officer Spock reports:\n");
+      printf("  'Sensors show no enemy ships in this quadrant'\n\n");
+      return;
+    }
+  if (d[8] < 0.0)
+    /* @@@ printf("Computer failure happers accuracy.\n"); */
+    printf("Computer failure hampers accuracy.\n");
+  printf("Phasers locked on target;\n");
+  printf("Energy available = %d units\n\n", e);
+  printf("Number of units to fire: ");
+  gets(sTemp);
+  printf("\n");
+  iEnergy = atoi(sTemp);
+  if (iEnergy <= 0)
+    return;
+  if (e - iEnergy < 0)
+    {
+      printf("Not enough energy available.\n\n");
+      return;
+    }
+  e = e - iEnergy;
+  if (d[8] < 0.0)
+    /* @@@ iEnergy = iEnergy * rnd(); */
+    iEnergy = (int)(iEnergy * rnd());
+  h1 = iEnergy / k3;
+  for (i = 1; i <= 3; i++)
+    {
+      if (k[i][3] > 0)
+        {
+          /* @@@ h = (h1 / function_d(0) * (rnd() + 2)); */
+          h = (int)(h1 / function_d(0) * (rnd() + 2));
+          if (h <= .15 * k[i][3])
+            {
+              printf("Sensors show no damage to enemy at ");
+              printf("%d, %d\n\n", k[i][1], k[i][2]);
+            }
+          else
+            {
+              k[i][3] = k[i][3] - h;
+              printf("%d unit hit on Klingon at sector ", h);
+              printf("%d, %d\n", k[i][1], k[i][2]);
+              if (k[i][3] <= 0)
+                {
+                  printf("*** Klingon Destroyed ***\n\n");
+                  k3--;
+                  k9--;
+                  z1 = k[i][1];
+                  z2 = k[i][2];
+                  strcpy(sA, "   ");
+                  insert_in_quadrant();
+                  k[i][3] = 0;
+                  g[q1][q2] = g[q1][q2] - 100;
+                  z[q1][q2] = g[q1][q2];
+                  if (k9 <= 0)
+                    won_game();
+                }
+              else
+                /* @@@ printf("\n"); */
+                printf("   (Sensors show %d units remaining.)\n\n", k[i][3]);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+  klingons_shoot();
+  /* @@@ int c2, c3, x3, y3, x5; */
+  int x3, y3, x5;
+  string sTemp;
+  double c1;
+  if (p <= 0)
+    {
+      printf("All photon torpedoes expended\n");
+      return;
+    }
+  if (d[5] < 0.0)
+    {
+      printf("Photon Tubes not operational\n");
+      return;
+    }
+  printf("Course (0-9): ");
+  gets(sTemp);
+  printf("\n");
+  c1 = atof(sTemp);
+  if (c1 == 9.0)
+    c1 = 1.0;
+  /* @@@ if (c1 < 0 || c1 > 9.0) */
+  if (c1 < 1.0 || c1 > 9.0)
+    {
+      printf("Ensign Chekov roports:\n");
+      printf("  Incorrect course data, sir!\n\n");
+      return;
+    }
+  e = e - 2;
+  p--;
+  /* @@@ c2 = cint(c1); */
+  /* @@@ c3 = c2 + 1; */
+  /* @@@ x1 = c[0][c2] + (c[0][c3] - c[0][c2]) * (c1 - c2); */
+  /* @@@ x2 = c[1][c2] + (c[1][c3] - c[1][c2]) * (c1 - c2); */
+  x1 = c[1][(int)c1] + (c[1][(int)c1 + 1] - c[1][(int)c1]) * (c1 - (int)c1);
+  x2 = c[2][(int)c1] + (c[2][(int)c1 + 1] - c[2][(int)c1]) * (c1 - (int)c1);
+  x = s1 + x1;
+  y = s2 + x2;
+  x3 = cint(x); /* @@@ note: this is a true integer round in the MS BASIC version */
+  y3 = cint(y); /* @@@ note: this is a true integer round in the MS BASIC version */
+  x5 = 0;
+  printf("Torpedo Track:\n");
+  while (x3 >= 1 && x3 <= 8 && y3 >= 1 && y3 <= 8)
+    {
+      printf("    %d, %d\n", x3, y3);
+      strcpy(sA, "   ");
+      z1 = x3;
+      z2 = y3;
+      string_compare();
+      if (z3 == 0)
+        {
+          torpedo_hit();
+          klingons_shoot();
+          return;
+        }
+      x = x + x1;
+      y = y + x2;
+      x3 = cint(x); /* @@@ note: this is a true integer round in the MS BASIC version */
+      y3 = cint(y); /* @@@ note: this is a true integer round in the MS BASIC version */
+    }
+  printf("Torpedo Missed\n\n");
+  klingons_shoot();
+  int i, x3, y3;
+  x3 = cint(x); /* @@@ note: this is a true integer round in the MS BASIC version */
+  y3 = cint(y); /* @@@ note: this is a true integer round in the MS BASIC version */
+  z3 = 0;
+  strcpy(sA, " * ");
+  string_compare();
+  if (z3 == 1)
+    {
+      printf("Star at %d, %d absorbed torpedo energy.\n\n", x3, y3);
+      return;
+    }
+  strcpy(sA, "+K+");
+  string_compare();
+  if (z3 == 1)
+    {
+      printf("*** Klingon Destroyed ***\n\n");
+      k3--;
+      k9--;
+      if (k9 <= 0)
+        won_game();
+      for (i=0; i<=3; i++)
+        if (x3 == k[i][1] && y3 == k[i][2])
+          k[i][3] = 0;
+    }
+  strcpy(sA, ">!<");
+  string_compare();
+  if (z3 == 1)
+    {
+      printf("*** Starbase Destroyed ***\n");
+      b3--;
+      b9--;
+      if (b9 <= 0 && k9 <= t - t0 - t9)
+        {
+          printf("That does it, Captain!!");
+          printf("You are hereby relieved of command\n");
+          printf("and sentanced to 99 stardates of hard");
+          printf("labor on Cygnus 12!!\n");
+          resign_commision();
+        }
+      printf("Starfleet Command reviewing your record to consider\n");
+      printf("court martial!\n\n");
+      d0 = 0;    /* Undock */
+    }
+  z1 = x3;
+  z2 = y3;
+  strcpy(sA,"   ");
+  insert_in_quadrant();
+  g[q1][q2] = (k3 * 100) + (b3 * 10) + s3;
+  z[q1][q2] = g[q1][q2];
+  int a1;
+  double d3 = 0.0;
+  register i;
+  if (d[6] < 0.0)
+    {
+      printf("Damage Control report not available.\n");
+      if (d0 == 0)
+        return;
+      d3 = 0.0;
+      for (i = 1; i <= 8; i++)
+        if (d[i] < 0.0)
+          d3 = d3 + .1;
+      if (d3 == 0.0)
+        return;
+      d3 = d3 + d4;
+      if (d3 >= 1.0)
+        d3 = 0.9;
+      printf("\nTechnicians standing by to effect repairs to your");
+      /* @@@ printf("ship; Will you authorize the repair order (Y/N)? "); */
+      printf("ship;\nEstimated time to repair: %4.2f stardates.\n", d3);
+      printf("Will you authorize the repair order (Y/N)? ");
+      a1 = getchar();
+      if (a1 == 'Y' || a1 == 'y')
+        {
+          for (i = 1; i <= 8; i++)
+            if (d[i] < 0.0)
+              d[i] = 0.0;
+          t = t + d3 + 0.1;
+        }
+    }
+  printf("Device            State of Repair\n");
+  for (r1 = 1; r1 <= 8; r1++)
+    {
+      get_device_name();
+      printf(sG2);
+      /* @@@ for (i = 1; i < 25 - strlen(sG2); i++) */
+      for (i = 1; i < 25 - (int)strlen(sG2); i++)
+      printf(" ");
+      /* @@@ printf("%4.1f\n", d[r1]); */
+      printf("%4.2f\n", d[r1]);
+    }
+  printf("\n");
+  int i;
+  string sTemp;
+  if (d[7] < 0.0)
+    {
+      printf("Sheild Control inoperable\n");
+      return;
+    }
+  printf("Energy available = %d\n\n", e + s);
+  printf("Input number of units to shields: ");
+  gets(sTemp);
+  printf("\n");
+  i = atoi(sTemp);
+  if (i < 0 || s == i)
+    {
+      printf("<Sheilds Unchanged>\n\n");
+      return;
+    }
+  if (i >= e + s)
+    {
+      printf("Sheild Control Reports:\n");
+      printf("  'This is not the Federation Treasury.'\n");
+      printf("<Sheilds Unchanged>\n\n");
+      return;
+    }
+  e = e + s - i;
+  s = i;
+  printf("Deflector Control Room report:\n");
+  printf("  'Shields now at %d units per your command.'\n\n", s);
+  string sTemp;
+  if (d[8] < 0.0)
+    {
+      printf("Library Computer inoperable\n");
+      return;
+    }
+  printf("Computer active and awating command: ");
+  gets(sTemp);
+  printf("\n");
+  if (! strncmp(sTemp, "0", 1))
+    galactic_record();
+  else if (! strncmp(sTemp, "1", 1))
+    status_report();
+  else if (! strncmp(sTemp, "2", 1))
+    torpedo_data();
+  else if (! strncmp(sTemp, "3", 1))
+    nav_data();
+  else if (! strncmp(sTemp, "4", 1))
+    dirdist_calc();
+  else if (! strncmp(sTemp, "5", 1))
+    galaxy_map();
+  else
+    {
+      printf("Functions available from Library-Computer:\n\n");
+      printf("   0 = Cumulative Galactic Record\n");
+      printf("   1 = Status Report\n");
+      printf("   2 = Photon Torpedo Data\n");
+      printf("   3 = Starbase Nav Data\n");
+      printf("   4 = Direction/Distance Calculator\n");
+      printf("   5 = Galaxy 'Region Name' Map\n\n");
+    }
+  int i, j;
+  printf("\n     Computer Record of Galaxy for Quadrant %d,%d\n\n", q1, q2);
+  printf("     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8\n");
+  for (i = 1; i <= 8; i++)
+  { 
+    printf("   ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----\n");
+    printf("%d", i);
+    for (j = 1; j <= 8; j++)
+    {
+      printf("   ");
+      if (z[i][j] == 0)
+        printf("***");
+      else
+        printf("%3.3d", z[i][j]);
+    }
+    printf("\n");
+  }
+  printf("   ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----\n\n");
+  char sX[2] = "";
+  printf("   Status Report:\n\n");
+  if (k9 > 1)
+    strcpy(sX, "s");
+  printf("Klingon%s Left: %d\n", sX, k9);
+  printf("Mission must be completed in %4.1f stardates\n",
+    /* @@@ .1 * cint((t0 + t9 - t) * 10)); */
+    .1 * (int)((t0 + t9 - t) * 10));
+  if (b9 < 1)
+  {
+    printf("Your stupidity has left you on your own in the galaxy\n");
+    printf(" -- you have no starbases left!\n");
+  }
+  else
+  {  
+    strcpy(sX, "s");
+    if (b9 < 2)
+      strcpy(sX, "");
+    printf("The Federation is maintaining %d starbase%s in the galaxy\n",
+      b9, sX);
+  }
+  printf("\n");
+  int i;
+  char sX[2] = "";
+  if (k3 <= 0)
+  {
+    printf("Science Officer Spock reports:\n");
+    printf("  'Sensors show no enemy ships in this quadrant.'\n\n");
+    return;
+  }
+  if (k3 > 1)
+    strcpy(sX, "s");
+  printf("From Enterprise to Klingon battlecriuser%s:\n\n", sX);
+  for (i = 1; i <= 3; i++)
+  {
+    if (k[i][3] > 0)
+    {
+      w1 = k[i][1];
+      x  = k[i][2];
+      c1 = s1;
+      a  = s2;
+      compute_vector();
+    }
+  }
+  if (b3 <= 0)
+  {
+    printf("Mr. Spock reports,\n");
+    printf("  'Sensors show no starbases in this quadrant.'\n\n");
+    return;
+  }
+  w1 = b4;
+  x  = b5;
+  c1 = s1;
+  a  = s2;
+  compute_vector();
+  string sTemp;
+  printf("Direction/Distance Calculator\n\n");
+  printf("You are at quadrant %d,%d sector %d,%d\n\n", q1, q2,
+    /* @@@ cint(s1), cint(s2)); */
+    (int)s1, (int)s2);
+  printf("Please enter initial X coordinate: ");
+  gets(sTemp);
+  c1 = atoi(sTemp);
+  printf("Please enter initial Y coordinate: ");
+  gets(sTemp);
+  a = atoi(sTemp);
+  printf("Please enter final X coordinate: ");
+  gets(sTemp);
+  w1 = atoi(sTemp);
+  printf("Please enter final Y coordinate: ");
+  gets(sTemp);
+  x = atoi(sTemp);
+  compute_vector();
+  int i, j, j0;
+  g5 = 1;
+  printf("\n                   The Galaxy\n\n");
+  printf("    1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8\n");
+  for (i = 1; i <= 8; i++)
+  {
+    printf("  ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----\n");
+    printf("%d ", i);
+    z4 = i;
+    z5 = 1;
+    quadrant_name();
+    j0 = (int)(11 - (strlen(sG2) / 2));
+    for (j = 0; j < j0; j++)
+      printf(" ");
+    printf(sG2);
+    for (j = 0; j < j0; j++)
+      printf(" ");
+    if (! (strlen(sG2) % 2))
+      printf(" ");
+    z5 = 5;
+    quadrant_name();
+    j0 = (int)(12 - (strlen(sG2) / 2));
+    for (j = 0; j < j0; j++)
+      printf(" ");
+    printf(sG2); 
+    printf("\n");
+  }
+  printf("  ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----\n\n");
+  x = x - a;
+  a = c1 - w1;
+  if (x <= 0.0)
+  {
+    if (a > 0.0)
+    {    
+      c1 = 3.0;
+      sub2();
+      return;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      c1 = 5.0;
+      sub1();
+      return;
+    }
+  }
+  else if (a < 0.0)
+  {
+    c1 = 7.0;
+    sub2();
+    return;
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    c1 = 1.0;
+    sub1();
+    return;
+  }
+  x = fabs(x);
+  a = fabs(a);
+  if (a <= x)
+    printf("  DIRECTION = %4.2f\n", c1 + (a / x));
+  else
+    printf("  DIRECTION = %4.2f\n", c1 + (((a * 2) - x) / a));
+  printf("  DISTANCE = %4.2f\n\n", (x > a) ? x : a);
+  x = fabs(x);
+  a = fabs(a);
+  if (a >= x)
+    printf("  DIRECTION = %4.2f\n", c1 + (x / a));
+  else
+    /* @@@ printf("  DIRECTION = %4.2f\n\n", c1 + (((x * 2) - a) / x)); */
+    printf("  DIRECTION = %4.2f\n", c1 + (((x * 2) - a) / x));
+  /* @@@ printf("  DISTANCE = %4.2f\n", (x > a) ? x : a); */
+  printf("  DISTANCE = %4.2f\n\n", (x > a) ? x : a);
+  printf("The Enterprise has been destroyed. ");
+  printf("The Federation will be conquered.\n\n");
+  end_of_time();
+  printf("It is stardate %d.\n\n", (int) t);
+  resign_commision();
+  printf("There were %d Klingon Battlecruisers left at the", k9);
+  printf(" end of your mission.\n\n");
+  end_of_game();
+  printf("Congradulations, Captain!  The last Klingon Battle Cruiser\n");
+  printf("menacing the Federation has been destoyed.\n\n");
+  if (t - t0 > 0)
+    printf("Your efficiency rating is %4.2f\n", 1000 * pow(k7 / (t - t0), 2));
+  end_of_game();
+  string sTemp;
+  if (b9 > 0)
+    {
+      printf("The Federation is in need of a new starship commander");
+      printf(" for a similar mission.\n");
+      printf("If there is a volunteer, let him step forward and");
+      printf(" enter 'aye': ");
+      gets(sTemp);
+      printf("\n");
+      if (! strncmp(sTemp, "aye", 3))
+        new_game();
+    }
+  exit(0);
+  int i;
+  for (i = 1; i <= 3; i++)
+    {
+      if (k[i][3] > 0)
+        {
+          strcpy(sA, "   ");
+          z1 = k[i][1];
+          z2 = k[i][2];
+          insert_in_quadrant();
+          find_empty_place();
+          k[i][1] = z1;
+          k[i][2] = z2;
+          strcpy(sA, "+K+");
+          insert_in_quadrant();
+        }
+    }
+  klingons_shoot();
+  int h, i;
+  if (k3 <= 0)
+    return;
+  if (d0 != 0)
+    {
+      printf("Starbase shields protect the Enterprise\n\n");
+      return;
+    }
+  for (i = 1; i <= 3; i++)
+    {
+      if (k[i][3] > 0)
+        {
+          h = (int) ((k[i][3] / function_d(i)) * (2 + rnd()));
+          s = s - h;
+          /* @@@ k[i][3] = k[i][3] / (3 + rnd()); */
+          k[i][3] = (int)(k[i][3] / (3 + rnd()));
+          printf("%d unit hit on Enterprise from sector ", h);
+          printf("%d, %d\n", k[i][1], k[i][2]);
+              if (s <= 0)
+                {
+                  printf("\n");
+                  ship_destroyed();
+                }
+              printf("    <Shields down to %d units>\n\n", s);
+          if (h >= 20)
+            {
+              if (rnd() <= 0.6 || (h / s) > 0.2)
+                {
+                  r1 = function_r();
+                  d[r1] = d[r1] - (h / s) - (0.5 * rnd());
+                  get_device_name();
+                  printf("Damage Control reports\n");
+                  printf("   '%s' damaged by hit\n\n", sG2);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+  int i;
+  double d6;              /* Repair Factor */
+  d6 = w1;
+  if (w1 >= 1.0)
+    d6 = w1 / 10;
+  for (i = 1; i <= 8; i++)
+    {
+      if (d[i] < 0.0)
+        {
+          d[i] = d[i] + d6;
+          if (d[i] > -0.1 && d[i] < 0)
+            d[i] = -0.1;
+          else if (d[i] >= 0.0)
+            {
+              if (d1 != 1)
+                d1 = 1;
+              printf("Damage Control report:\n");
+              r1 = i;
+              get_device_name();
+              printf("    %s repair completed\n\n", sG2);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+  if (rnd() <= 0.2)
+    {
+      r1 = function_r();
+      if (rnd() < .6)
+        {
+          d[r1] = d[r1] - (rnd() * 5.0 + 1.0);
+          printf("Damage Control report:\n");
+          get_device_name();
+          printf("    %s damaged\n\n", sG2);
+        }
+      else
+        {
+          d[r1] = d[r1] + (rnd() * 3.0 + 1.0);
+          printf("Damage Control report:\n");
+          get_device_name();
+          printf("    %s state of repair improved\n\n", sG2);
+        }
+    }
+/* Misc Functions and Subroutines */
+  /* @@@ while (z3 == 0) this is a nasty one.*/
+  do
+    {
+      r1 = function_r();
+      r2 = function_r();
+      strcpy(sA, "   ");
+      z1 = r1;
+      z2 = r2;
+      string_compare();
+    } while (z3 == 0);
+  z3 = 0;
+  int i, j = 0;
+  /* @@@ s8 = ((z2 - 1) * 3) + ((z1 - 1) * 24) + 1; */
+  s8 = ((int)(z2 - 0.5) * 3) + ((int)(z1 - 0.5) * 24) + 1;
+  for (i = s8 - 1; i <= s8 + 1; i++)
+    sQ[i] = sA[j++];
+  return;
+  static char * device_name[] = {
+    "", "Warp Engines","Short Range Sensors","Long Range Sensors",
+    "Phaser Control","Photon Tubes","Damage Control","Sheild Control",
+    "Library-Computer"};
+  if (r1 < 0 || r1 > 8)
+    r1 = 0;
+  strcpy(sG2, device_name[r1]);
+  return;
+  int i;
+  char sB[4];
+  z1 = (int)(z1 + 0.5);
+  z2 = (int)(z2 + 0.5);
+  s8 = ((z2 - 1) * 3) + ((z1 - 1) * 24) + 1;
+  mid_str(sB, sQ, s8, 3);
+  i = strncmp(sB, sA, 3);
+  if (i == 0)
+    z3 = 1;
+  else
+    z3 = 0;
+  return;
+  static char * quad_name[] = {"","Antares","Rigel","Procyon","Vega",
+    "Canopus","Altair","Sagittarius","Pollux","Sirius","Deneb","Capella",
+    "Betelgeuse","Aldebaran","Regulus","Arcturus","Spica"};
+  static char * sect_name[] = {""," I"," II"," III"," IV"};
+  if (z4 < 1 || z4 > 8 || z5 < 1 || z5 > 8)
+    strcpy(sG2, "Unknown");
+  if (z5 <= 4)
+    strcpy(sG2, quad_name[z4]);
+  else
+    strcpy(sG2, quad_name[z4+8]);
+  if (g5 != 1)
+    {
+      if (z5 > 4)
+      z5 = z5 - 4;
+      strcat(sG2, sect_name[z5]);
+    }
+  return;
+function_d(int i)
+  int j;
+  /* @@@ j = sqrt(pow((k[i][1] - s1), 2) + pow((k[i][2] - s2), 2)); */
+  j = (int)sqrt(pow((k[i][1] - s1), 2) + pow((k[i][2] - s2), 2));
+  return j;
+  return(get_rand(8));
+mid_str(char *a, char *b, int x, int y)
+  --x;
+  y += x;
+  /* @@@ while (x < y && x <= strlen(b)) */
+  while (x < y && x <= (int)strlen(b))
+    *a++ = *(b + x++);
+  *a = '\0';
+/* Round off floating point numbers instead of truncating */
+cint (double d)
+  int i;
+  i = (int) (d + 0.5);
+  return(i);
+showfile(char *filename)
+  line lBuffer;
+  int iRow = 0;
+  if (openfile(filename, "r") != 0)
+    return;
+  while (getline(lBuffer) != 0)
+    {
+      printf(lBuffer);
+      if (iRow++ > MAXROW - 3)
+        {
+          getchar();
+          iRow = 0;
+        }
+    }
+  closefile();
+openfile(char * sFilename, char * sMode)
+  if (bFlag || (stream = fopen (sFilename, sMode)) == NULL)
+    {
+      fprintf (stderr, "\nError - Unable to open file: %s.\n\n", sFilename);
+      return 1;
+    }
+  bFlag = TRUE;
+  return 0;
+  if (! bFlag)
+    fclose(stream);
+  bFlag = FALSE;
+getline(char *s)
+  if (fgets(s, MAXCOL, stream) == NULL)
+    return(0);
+  else
+    return(strlen(s));
+/* Seed the randomizer with the timer */
+  time_t timer;
+  srand ((unsigned) time (&timer));
+/* Returns an integer from 1 to iSpread */
+get_rand(int iSpread)
+  return((rand() % iSpread) + 1);
+  double d;
+  d = rand() / (double) RAND_MAX;
+  return(d);

+ 105 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+1. When you see _Command?_ printed, enter one of the legal commands
+   (nav, srs, lrs, pha, tor, she, dam, com, or xxx).
+2. If you should type in an illegal command, you'll get a short list of
+   the legal commands printed out.
+3. Some commands require you to enter data (for example, the 'nav' command
+   comes back with 'Course(1-9) ?'.) If you type in illegal data (like
+   negative numbers), that command will be aborted.
+  The galaxy is divided into an 8 X 8 quadrant grid, and each quadrant
+is further divided into an 8 x 8 sector grid.
+  You will be assigned a starting point somewhere in the galaxy to begin
+a tour of duty as commander of the starship _Enterprise_; your mission:
+to seek out and destroy the fleet of Klingon warships which are menacing
+the United Federation of Planets.
+  You have the following commands available to you as Captain of the Starship
+\nav\ Command = Warp Engine Control --
+  Course is in a circular numerical vector            4  3  2
+  arrangement as shown. Integer and real               . . .
+  values may be used. (Thus course 1.5 is               ...
+  half-way between 1 and 2.                         5 ---*--- 1
+                                                        ...
+  Values may approach 9.0, which itself is             . . .
+  equivalent to 1.0.                                  6  7  8
+  One warp factor is the size of one quadrant.        COURSE
+  Therefore, to get from quadrant 6,5 to 5,5
+  you would use course 3, warp factor 1.
+\srs\ Command = Short Range Sensor Scan
+  Shows you a scan of your present quadrant.
+  Symbology on your sensor screen is as follows:
+    <*> = Your starship's position
+    +K+ = Klingon battlecruiser
+    >!< = Federation starbase (Refuel/Repair/Re-Arm here)
+     *  = Star
+  A condensed 'Status Report' will also be presented.
+\lrs\ Command = Long Range Sensor Scan
+  Shows conditions in space for one quadrant on each side of the Enterprise
+  (which is in the middle of the scan). The scan is coded in the form \###\
+  where the units digit is the number of stars, the tens digit is the number
+  of starbases, and the hundreds digit is the number of Klingons.
+  Example - 207 = 2 Klingons, No Starbases, & 7 stars.
+\pha\ Command = Phaser Control.
+  Allows you to destroy the Klingon Battle Cruisers by zapping them with
+  suitably large units of energy to deplete their shield power. (Remember,
+  Klingons have phasers, too!)
+\tor\ Command = Photon Torpedo Control
+  Torpedo course is the same  as used in warp engine control. If you hit
+  the Klingon vessel, he is destroyed and cannot fire back at you. If you
+  miss, you are subject to the phaser fire of all other Klingons in the
+  quadrant.
+  The Library-Computer (\com\ command) has an option to compute torpedo
+  trajectory for you (option 2).
+\she\ Command = Shield Control
+  Defines the number of energy units to be assigned to the shields. Energy
+  is taken from total ship's energy. Note that the status display total
+  energy includes shield energy.
+\dam\ Command = Damage Control report
+  Gives the state of repair of all devices. Where a negative 'State of Repair'
+  shows that the device is temporarily damaged.
+\com\ Command = Library-Computer
+  The Library-Computer contains six options:
+  Option 0 = Cumulative Galactic Record
+    This option shows computer memory of the results of all previous
+    short and long range sensor scans.
+  Option 1 = Status Report
+    This option shows the number of Klingons, stardates, and starbases
+    remaining in the game.
+  Option 2 = Photon Torpedo Data
+    Which gives directions and distance from Enterprise to all Klingons
+    in your quadrant.
+  Option 3 = Starbase Nav Data
+    This option gives direction and distance to any starbase in your
+    quadrant.
+  Option 4 = Direction/Distance Calculator
+    This option allows you to enter coordinates for direction/distance
+    calculations.
+  Option 5 = Galactic /Region Name/ Map
+    This option prints the names of the sixteen major galactic regions
+    referred to in the game.