Browse Source

New installation mechanism

ceriel 33 years ago

+ 0 - 3

@@ -1,5 +1,2 @@

+ 0 - 6

@@ -18,10 +18,6 @@ mli4.s
@@ -52,7 +48,6 @@ testFFh.s
@@ -76,7 +71,6 @@ lxa1.s

+ 3 - 7

@@ -130,10 +130,6 @@ Mtrap:
 	ldx #[EBADGTO].l
 	jsr Mprint
-	ldx STACK
-	dex
-	dex
-	txs
-	rts
+	jsr Push
+	jsr __exit

+ 3 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@

+ 7 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@

+ 233 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
+.define WRCH, RDCH, Earray, Erange, Eset
+.define Eiovfl, Eidivz, Eiund, Econv
+.define Estack, Eheap, Eillins, Eoddz
+.define Ecase , Ebadmon, OSBYTE, MON
+.define Ebadlin, Ebadgto, BASE, NBYTES
+.define hol0, IGNMASK, ADDR, PROGNAME
+.define Ytmp, EXG, ARTH, RETURN, SIGN
+.define start, Push, Pop, STACKTh, STACKTl
+.define F_DUM
+.sect .zero
+.sect .text
+.sect .rom
+.sect .data
+.sect .bss
+.sect .text
+	! The next three definitions are special for the
+	! BBC microcomputer
+WRCH	= 0x0FFEE	! This subroutine writes the character in
+			! register A to the screen
+RDCH	= 0x0FFE0	! This subroutine returns a character in
+			! register A from the current input stream
+OSBYTE	= 0x0FFF4	! This subroutine performs miscelaneous
+			! operating system calls
+F_DUM	= 0		! Dummy floating point constant
+	! Here are the error numbers
+Earray	= 0
+Erange	= 1
+Eset	= 2
+Eiovfl	= 3
+Eidivz	= 6
+Eiund	= 8
+Econv	= 10
+Estack	= 16
+Eheap	= 17
+Eillins = 18
+Eoddz	= 19
+Ecase	= 20
+Ebadmon = 25
+Ebadlin = 26
+Ebadgto = 27
+MON = 0x78D0
+BASE	= 240		! This is the offset from the localbase
+			! for the second localbase
+STACKTh = 0x78		! This is the top of the stack
+STACKTl = 0x0D0
+	! Some zeropage declarations
+.sect .zero
+RES: .space 76		! special for the operating system
+hol0:	.space 16	! the hol0 block
+IGNMASK: .space 2	! can hold the ingnore mask
+ADDR: .space 4		! used for indirect addressing
+LB: .space 2		! the localbase
+LBl: .space 2		! the second localbase (localbase-BASE)
+SP: .space 3		! the stackpointer (real_stack)
+HP: .space 2		! the heap pointer
+BRANCH: .space 2	! used for branch instructions
+ERRPROC: .space 2	! can hold the address of the error handler
+Ytmp: .space 1		! used for intermediate storage in Y
+EXG: .space 2		! used by the exchange subroutine Exg
+ARTH: .space 16		! used for arithmetic
+NBYTES: .space 2	! containes the number of bytes for a block move
+RETURN: .space 4	! the return area
+RETSIZE: .space 1	! the size of the object returned
+SIGN: .space 1		! the sign of the calculation
+UNSIGN : .space 1	! is it signed or unsigned arithmetic
+TRAPVAL: .space 1	! intermediate storage of the error number
+STACK: .space 1		! contains the hardware stackpointer on
+			! entering _m_a_i_n for a neat return
+RESERVED: .space 112    ! used by the operating system
+.sect .text
+.base 0x0E02		! where to start in the BBC micro
+	tsx
+	stx STACK	! save stackpointer for exit and error
+	! The following three operating system calls are only
+	! for the BBC microcomputer
+	lda #2
+	ldx #0
+	ldy #0
+	jsr OSBYTE	! return control to the keyboard
+	lda #15
+	ldx #0
+	ldy #0
+	jsr OSBYTE	! clear all internal buffers
+	lda #3
+	ldx #5
+	ldy #0
+	jsr OSBYTE	! output to screen and RS423
+	lda #STACKTl
+	sta LB		! set localbase (lowbyte)
+	sta SP+2
+	lda #0
+	sta SP		! set stackpointer (lowbyte)
+	sta ERRPROC	! set start address for error handler (lowbyte)
+	sta ERRPROC+1	! set start address for error handler (highbyte)
+	sta hol0	! set the line number (lowbyte)
+	sta hol0+1	! set the line number (highbyte)
+	lda #STACKTh
+	sta SP+1	! set the stacpointer (highbyte)
+	sta LB+1	! set the localbase (highbyte)
+	lda #[endbss].l
+	sta HP		! set the heap pointer (lowbyte)
+	lda #[endbss].h
+	sta HP+1	! set the heap pointer (highbyte)
+	lda #[PROGNAME].l
+	sta hol0+4	! set fake programname pointer (lowbyte)
+	lda #[PROGNAME].h
+	sta hol0+5	! set fake programname pointer (highbyte)
+	lda #[beginbss].l
+	sta ADDR	! start address of bss block (lowbyte)
+	lda #[beginbss].h
+	sta ADDR+1	! start address of bss block (highbyte)
+	ldy #0
+	lda #0
+    4:	ldx #[endbss].h	! clear bss block
+	cpx ADDR+1
+	bcc 1f		! end of bss block reached
+	bne 2f
+	ldx #[endbss].l
+	cpx ADDR
+	bcc 1f		! end of bss block reached
+    2:	sta (ADDR),y
+	inc ADDR
+	bne 3f
+	inc ADDR+1
+    3:	jmp 4b
+    1:	lda #0
+	tax
+	jsr Push	! push fake envelope pointer
+	lda #[PROGNAME].h
+	ldx #[PROGNAME].l
+	jsr Push	! push argv[0]
+	lda #0
+	ldx #1
+	jsr Push	! push argc 
+    	jsr __m_a_i_n	! start the real program
+	lda #0x0FF
+	jsr WRCH	! send end of program to R423
+	lda #3
+	ldx #0
+	jsr OSBYTE	! send output to screen only
+	lda #2
+	ldx #1
+	jsr OSBYTE	! input only from R423
+	rts
+! The subroutine Push pushes the registerpair AX onto the stack.
+	sty Ytmp	! save Y
+	ldy SP+2
+	bne 1f		! lowbyte of stackpointer <> 0
+	dec SP+1	! decrement highbyte of stackpointer
+    1:  dey
+	dey		! decrement lowbyte of stackpointer
+	sty SP+2	! save lowbyte of stackpointer
+	pha		! save A
+	txa
+    	sta (SP),y	! push X onto the stack
+	iny
+	pla		! get A
+	sta (SP),y	! push A onto the stack
+	ldy Ytmp	! restore Y
+	rts
+! The subroutine Pop pops the registerpair AX from the stack.
+	sty Ytmp	! save Y
+	ldy SP+2
+	lda (SP),y	! pop X from the stack
+	tax
+	iny
+	lda (SP),y	! pop A from the stack
+	iny
+	bne 1f		! lowbyte of stackpointer <> 0
+	inc SP+1	! increment highbyte of stackpointer
+    1:  sty SP+2	! store lowbyte of stackpointer
+	pha		! save A
+	pla		! get A
+	ldy Ytmp	! restore Y
+	rts
+.sect .data
+PROGNAME:		! for initialising the programname pointer
+.asciz "program"
+.sect .bss

+ 40 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+.define Mon
+.sect .text
+.sect .rom
+.sect .data
+.sect .bss
+.sect .text
+! This subroutine performs some monitor calls.
+! The exit call just resets the hardware_stackpointer so
+! this routine will return to the operating system.
+! The close call just returns a zero.
+! The ioctl call just pops its arguments and returns a zero.
+! The write routine is a real one.
+	cpx #1
+	bne 1f		! exit
+	ldx STACK	! load stackpointer
+	dex
+	dex		! adjust stackpointer
+	txs		! set stackpointer
+	rts
+    1:	cpx #4
+	bne 1f
+	jmp Mwrite
+    1:	cpx #6		! facked
+	bne 1f		! close
+	lda #0
+	tax		! return zero
+	rts
+    1:	cpx #54
+	jsr Pop		! pop first argument (fildes)
+	jsr Pop		! pop second argument (request)
+	jsr Pop		! pop third argument (argp)
+	lda #0
+	tax		! return zero
+	rts

+ 27 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+.define Mprint
+.sect .text
+.sect .rom
+.sect .data
+.sect .bss
+.sect .text
+! This subroutine prints a zero terminated ascii string.
+! The registerpair AX contains the start of the string.
+! The subroutine WRCH is a special routine on the BBC microcomputer
+! which prints the character in A to the screen.
+! The subroutine WRCH is a special one provided by the BBC
+! microcomputer.
+	stx ADDR	! start address of string (lowbyte)
+	sta ADDR+1	! start address of string (highbyte)
+	ldy #0
+    1:	lda (ADDR),y	! get ascii character
+	beq 2f
+	jsr WRCH	! put it on the screen
+	iny
+	bne 1b
+    2:  rts

+ 32 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+.define Printhex
+.sect .text
+.sect .rom
+.sect .data
+.sect .bss
+.sect .text
+! This subroutine print the contents of register A to the screen
+! in hexadecimal form.
+! The subroutine WRCH is a special one provided by the BBC
+! microcomputer.
+	pha		! save A
+	lsr a
+	lsr a
+	lsr a
+	lsr a		! get four high bits
+	jsr 1f
+	pla		! restore A
+	and #0x0F	! get four low bits
+	jsr 1f
+	rts
+    1:	sed		! print in hex
+	clc
+	adc #0x90
+	adc #0x40
+	cld
+	jmp WRCH

+ 49 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+.define Printstack
+.sect .text
+.sect .rom
+.sect .data
+.sect .bss
+.sect .text
+! This a special subroutine which prints some things to the
+! monitorscreen for debugging.
+	ldy #0
+    2:	lda (hol0+4),y
+	beq 1f
+	jsr WRCH	! print filename
+	iny
+	jmp 2b
+    1:	lda #32
+	jsr WRCH	! print a space
+	lda hol0+1
+	jsr Printhex	! print line number (highbyte)
+	lda hol0
+	jsr Printhex	! print line number (lowbyte)
+	lda #32
+	jsr WRCH	! print a space
+	lda SP+1
+	jsr Printhex	! print stackpointer (highbyte)
+	lda SP+2
+	jsr Printhex	! print stackpointer (lowbyte)
+	lda #32
+	jsr WRCH	! print a space
+	lda LB+1
+	jsr Printhex	! print real localbase (highbyte)
+	lda LB
+	jsr Printhex	! print real localbase (lowbyte)
+	lda #32
+	jsr WRCH	! print a space
+	lda LBl+1
+	jsr Printhex	! print second lowerbase (highbyte)
+	lda LBl
+	jsr Printhex	! print second lowerbase (lowbyte)
+	lda #10
+	jsr WRCH	! print a newline
+	lda #13
+	jsr WRCH	! print a carriagereturn
+	rts

+ 37 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+.define Mread
+.sect .text
+.sect .rom
+.sect .data
+.sect .bss
+.sect .text
+! This subroutine reads characters from the standard input.
+! It ignores the filedes.
+! It reads atmost 255 characters. So the runtime system must
+! provide a way of dealing with this.
+! The subroutine RDCH is a special one provided by the BBC
+! microcomputer.
+	jsr Pop		! ignore filedescriptor
+	jsr Pop		! bufptr
+	stx ADDR	! address of character buffer (lowbyte)
+	sta ADDR+1	! address of character buffer (highbyte)
+	jsr Pop		! number of characters
+	ldy #0		! <= 255
+	inx
+    1:	jsr RDCH	! read a character from the current inputstream
+	bcs 8f
+	sta (ADDR),y
+	iny
+	dex
+	bne 1b
+    8:	tya
+	tax
+	lda #0
+	jsr Push	! number of characters red.
+	tax		! report a succesfull read.
+	rts

+ 39 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+.define Mwrite
+.sect .text
+.sect .rom
+.sect .data
+.sect .bss
+.sect .text
+! This subroutine performs the monitor call write.
+! Writing is always done to standardoutput.
+! A zero is returned on exit.
+! The subroutine WRCH is a special routine of the BBC
+! microcomputer.
+	jsr Pop		! get fildes
+	jsr Pop		! get address of characterbuffer
+	stx ADDR	! bufferaddress (lowbyte)
+	sta ADDR+1	! bufferaddress (highbyte)
+	jsr Pop		! number of characters to be writen.
+	ldy #0
+    1:	lda (ADDR),y
+	cmp #10
+	bne 2f
+	pha
+	lda #13
+	jsr WRCH
+	pla
+    2:	jsr WRCH
+	iny
+	dex
+	bne 1b
+	tya
+	tax
+	lda #0
+	jsr Push
+	tax
+	rts