sater 40 роки тому

+ 5 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+#define assert(x) if(!(x)) badassertion("x",__FILE__,__LINE__)
+#define assert(x)	/* nothing */

+ 666 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,666 @@
+#include "assert.h"
+#include "param.h"
+#include "tables.h"
+#include "types.h"
+#include <cg_pattern.h>
+#include "data.h"
+#include "result.h"
+#include "state.h"
+#include "equiv.h"
+#include "extern.h"
+ * (c) copyright 1983 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
+ *
+ *          This product is part of the Amsterdam Compiler Kit.
+ *
+ * Permission to use, sell, duplicate or disclose this software must be
+ * obtained in writing. Requests for such permissions may be sent to
+ *
+ *      Dr. Andrew S. Tanenbaum
+ *      Wiskundig Seminarium
+ *      Vrije Universiteit
+ *      Postbox 7161
+ *      1007 MC Amsterdam
+ *      The Netherlands
+ *
+ * Author: Hans van Staveren
+ */
+#define SHORTCUT	/* Stop searching at distance 0 */
+#define MAXPATTERN 5
+#define MAXREPLLEN 5    /* Max length of EM-replacement, should come from boot */
+byte startupcode[] = { DO_NEXTEM };
+byte *nextem();
+unsigned costcalc();
+unsigned docoerc();
+unsigned stackupto();
+string tostring();
+#ifdef NDEBUG
+#define DEBUG()
+#include <stdio.h>
+#define DEBUG(string) {if(Debug) fprintf(stderr,"%-*d%s\n",4*level,level,string);}
+#define BROKE() {assert(origcp!=startupcode);DEBUG("BROKE");goto doreturn;}
+#define CHKCOST() {if (totalcost>=costlimit) BROKE();}
+unsigned codegen(codep,ply,toplevel,costlimit,forced) byte *codep; unsigned costlimit; {
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+	byte *origcp=codep;
+	static int level=0;
+	unsigned totalcost = 0;
+	byte *bp;
+	int n;
+	unsigned mindistance,dist;
+	register i;
+	int cindex;
+	int npos,npos2,pos[MAXPOS],pos2[MAXPOS];
+	state_t state;
+#define SAVEST	savestatus(&state)
+#define RESTST	restorestatus(&state)
+#define FREEST	/* nothing */
+	state_p state;
+#define SAVEST	state=savestatus()
+#define RESTST	restorestatus(state)
+#define FREEST	freestatus(state)
+	unsigned mincost,t;
+	int texpno,nodeno;
+	token_p tp;
+	tkdef_p tdp;
+	int tinstno;
+	struct reginfo *rp,**rpp;
+	token_t token,mtoken,token2;
+	int propno;
+	int exactmatch;
+	int j;
+	int decision;
+	int stringno;
+	result_t result;
+	cost_t cost;
+	int size,lsize,repllen;
+	int tokexp[MAXPATTERN];
+	int nregneeded;
+	token_p regtp[MAXCREG];
+	c3_p regcp[MAXCREG];
+	rl_p regls[MAXCREG];
+	c3_p cp,findcoerc();
+	int sret;
+	token_t reptoken[MAXREPLLEN];
+	int emrepllen,eminstr;
+	int inscoerc=0;
+	int stackpad;
+	struct perm *tup,*ntup,*besttup,*tuples();
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+	level++;
+	DEBUG("Entering codegen");
+	for (;;) {
+	switch( (*codep++)&037 ) {
+    default:
+	assert(FALSE);
+    case DO_NEXTEM:
+	tokpatlen = 0;
+	nallreg=0;
+	if (toplevel) {
+		garbage_collect();
+		totalcost=0;
+	} else {
+		if (--ply <= 0)
+			goto doreturn;
+	}
+	if (stackheight>MAXFSTACK-7)	
+		totalcost += stackupto(&fakestack[6],ply,toplevel);
+	bp = nextem(toplevel);
+	if (bp == 0) {
+		/*
+		 * No pattern found, can be pseudo or error
+		 * in table.
+		 */
+		if (toplevel) {
+			codep--;
+			DEBUG("pseudo");
+			dopseudo();
+		} else
+			goto doreturn;
+	} else {
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+		chkregs();
+		n = *bp++;
+		assert(n>0 && n<=MAXRULE);
+		if (n>1) {
+			mindistance = MAXINT; npos=0;
+			for(i=0;i<n;i++) {
+				getint(cindex,bp);
+				dist=distance(cindex);
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+if (Debug)
+	fprintf(stderr,"distance of pos %d is %u\n",i,dist);
+				if (dist<=mindistance) {
+					if (dist<mindistance) {
+#ifdef SHORTCUT
+						if(dist==0)
+							goto gotit;
+						npos=0;
+						mindistance = dist;
+					}
+					pos[npos++] = cindex;
+				}
+			}
+			assert(mindistance<MAXINT);
+			if (npos>1) {
+				/*
+				 * More than 1 tokenpattern is a candidate.
+				 * Decision has to be made by lookahead.
+				 */
+				SAVEST;
+				mincost = costlimit-totalcost+1;
+				for(i=0;i<npos;i++) {
+					t=codegen(&coderules[pos[i]],ply,FALSE,mincost,0);
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+if (Debug)
+	fprintf(stderr,"mincost %u,cost %u,pos %d\n",mincost,t,i);
+					if (t<mincost) {
+						mincost = t;
+						cindex = pos[i];
+					}
+					RESTST;
+				}
+				FREEST;
+				if (totalcost+mincost>costlimit) {
+					totalcost += mincost;
+					BROKE();
+				}
+			} else {
+				cindex = pos[0];
+			}
+		} else {
+			getint(cindex,bp);
+		}
+	gotit:
+		/*
+		 * Now cindex contains the code-index of the best candidate
+		 * so proceed to use it.
+		 */
+		codep = &coderules[cindex];
+	}
+	break;
+    case DO_COERC:
+	tokpatlen=1;
+	inscoerc=1;
+	break;
+    case DO_XXMATCH:
+    case DO_XMATCH:
+	tokpatlen=(codep[-1]>>5)&07;
+	for (i=0;i<tokpatlen;i++)
+		getint(tokexp[i],codep);
+	tokexp[i]=0;
+	break;	/* match already checked by distance() */
+    case DO_MATCH:
+	tokpatlen=(codep[-1]>>5)&07;
+	for(i=0;i<tokpatlen;i++)
+		getint(tokexp[i],codep);
+	tokexp[i] = 0;
+	tp = &fakestack[stackheight-1];
+	i=0;
+	while (i<tokpatlen && tp>=fakestack) {
+		size=tsize(tp);
+		while (i<tokpatlen && (lsize=ssize(tokexp[i]))<=size) {
+			size -= lsize;
+			i++;
+		}
+		if (i<tokpatlen && size!=0) {
+			totalcost += stackupto(tp,ply,toplevel);
+			CHKCOST();
+			break;
+		}
+		tp--;
+	}
+	tp = &fakestack[stackheight-1];
+	i=0;
+	while (i<tokpatlen && tp >= fakestack) {
+		size = tsize(tp);
+		lsize= ssize(tokexp[i]);
+		if (size != lsize) {    /* find coercion */
+#ifdef MAXSPLIT
+			sret = split(tp,&tokexp[i],ply,toplevel);
+			if (sret==0) {
+#endif MAXSPLIT
+				totalcost += stackupto(tp,ply,toplevel);
+				CHKCOST();
+				break;
+#ifdef MAXSPLIT
+			}
+			i += sret;
+#endif MAXSPLIT
+		} else
+			i += 1;
+		tp--;
+	}
+    nextmatch:
+	tp = &fakestack[stackheight-1];
+	i=0; nregneeded = 0;
+	while (i<tokpatlen && tp>=fakestack) {
+		if (!match(tp,&machsets[tokexp[i]],0)) {
+			cp = findcoerc(tp, &machsets[tokexp[i]]);
+			if (cp==0) {
+				for (j=0;j<nregneeded;j++)
+					regtp[j] -= (tp-fakestack+1);
+				totalcost += stackupto(tp,ply,toplevel);
+				CHKCOST();
+				break;
+			} else {
+				if (cp->c3_prop==0) {
+					totalcost+=docoerc(tp,cp,ply,toplevel,0);
+					CHKCOST();
+				} else {
+					assert(nregneeded<MAXCREG);
+					regtp[nregneeded] = tp;
+					regcp[nregneeded] = cp;
+					regls[nregneeded] = curreglist;
+					nregneeded++;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		i++; tp--;
+	}
+	if (tokpatlen>stackheight) {
+		stackpad = tokpatlen-stackheight;
+		for (j=stackheight-1;j>=0;j--)
+			fakestack[j+stackpad] = fakestack[j];
+		for (j=0;j<stackpad;j++)
+			fakestack[j].t_token=0;
+		stackheight += stackpad;
+		for (j=0;j<nregneeded;j++)
+			regtp[j] += stackpad;
+		tp = &fakestack[stackpad-1];
+		while (i<tokpatlen && tp>=fakestack) {
+			cp = findcoerc((token_p) 0, &machsets[tokexp[i]]);
+			if (cp==0) {
+				assert(!toplevel);
+				for (j=0;j<nregneeded;j++)
+					myfree(regls[j]);
+				totalcost=INFINITY;
+				BROKE();
+			}
+			if (cp->c3_prop==0) {
+				totalcost+=docoerc(tp,cp,ply,toplevel,0);
+				CHKCOST();
+			} else {
+				assert(nregneeded<MAXCREG);
+				regtp[nregneeded] = tp;
+				regcp[nregneeded] = cp;
+				regls[nregneeded] = curreglist;
+				nregneeded++;
+			}
+			i++; tp--;
+		}
+	} else
+		stackpad=0;
+	assert(i==tokpatlen);
+	if (nregneeded==0)
+		break;
+	mincost=costlimit-totalcost+1;
+	tup = tuples(regls,nregneeded);
+	besttup=0;
+	for (; tup != 0; tup = ntup) {
+		ntup = tup->p_next;
+		for (i=0,t=0;i<nregneeded && t<mincost; i++)
+			t += docoerc(regtp[i],regcp[i],ply,FALSE,tup->p_rar[i]);
+		if (t<mincost)
+			t += codegen(codep,ply,FALSE,mincost-t,0);
+		if (t<mincost) {
+			mincost = t;
+			besttup = tup;
+		} else
+			myfree(tup);
+	}
+	for (i=0;i<nregneeded;i++)
+		myfree(regls[i]);
+	if (totalcost+mincost>costlimit) {
+		if (besttup)
+			myfree(besttup);
+		if (stackpad!=tokpatlen) {
+			if (stackpad) {
+				if (costlimit<MAXINT) {
+					totalcost = costlimit+1;
+					BROKE();
+				}
+				for (i=0;i<stackheight-stackpad;i++)
+					fakestack[i] = fakestack[i+stackpad];
+				stackheight -= stackpad;
+				totalcost += stackupto(&fakestack[stackheight-1],ply,toplevel);
+			} else
+				totalcost += stackupto(fakestack,ply,toplevel);
+			CHKCOST();
+			goto nextmatch;
+		}
+		totalcost += mincost;
+		BROKE();
+	}
+	for (i=0;i<nregneeded;i++)
+		totalcost += docoerc(regtp[i],regcp[i],ply,toplevel,besttup->p_rar[i]);
+	myfree(besttup);
+	break;
+    case DO_REMOVE:
+	if (codep[-1]&32) {
+		getint(texpno,codep);
+		getint(nodeno,codep);
+	} else {
+		getint(texpno,codep);
+		nodeno=0;
+	}
+	for (tp= &fakestack[stackheight-tokpatlen-1];tp>=&fakestack[0];tp--)
+		if (match(tp,&machsets[texpno],nodeno)) {
+			/* investigate possible coercion to register */
+			totalcost += stackupto(tp,ply,toplevel);
+			CHKCOST();
+			break;
+		}
+	for (rp=machregs+2;rp<machregs+NREGS;rp++)
+		if (match(&rp->r_contents,&machsets[texpno],nodeno))
+			rp->r_contents.t_token=0;
+	break;
+    case DO_RREMOVE:	/* register remove */
+	getint(nodeno,codep);
+	result=compute(&enodes[nodeno]);
+	assert(result.e_typ==EV_REG);
+	for (tp= &fakestack[stackheight-tokpatlen-1];tp>=&fakestack[0];tp--)
+		if (tp->t_token==-1) {
+			if(tp->t_att[0].ar==result.e_v.e_con)
+				goto gotone;
+		} else {
+			tdp = &tokens[tp->t_token];
+			for(i=0;i<TOKENSIZE;i++)
+				if (tdp->t_type[i]==EV_REG &&
+				    tp->t_att[i].ar==result.e_v.e_con)
+					goto gotone;
+		}
+	break;
+    gotone:
+	/* investigate possible coercion to register */
+	totalcost += stackupto(tp,ply,toplevel);
+	break;
+    case DO_DEALLOCATE:
+	getint(tinstno,codep);
+	instance(tinstno,&token);
+	if (token.t_token==-1)
+		chrefcount(token.t_att[0].ar,-1,TRUE);
+	else {
+		tdp= &tokens[token.t_token];
+		for (i=0;i<TOKENSIZE;i++)
+			if (tdp->t_type[i]==EV_REG)
+				chrefcount(token.t_att[i].ar,-1,TRUE);
+	}
+	break;
+    case DO_REALLOCATE:
+	for(rp=machregs;rp<machregs+NREGS;rp++)
+		if(rp->r_tcount) {
+			rp->r_refcount -= rp->r_tcount;
+			rp->r_tcount = 0;
+		}
+	break;
+    case DO_ALLOCATE:
+	if (codep[-1]&32) {
+		getint(propno,codep);
+		getint(tinstno,codep);
+	} else {
+		getint(propno,codep);
+		tinstno=0;
+	}
+	instance(tinstno,&token);
+	if (!forced) {
+		do {
+			npos=exactmatch=0;
+			for(rpp=reglist[propno];rp= *rpp; rpp++)
+				if (getrefcount(rp-machregs)==0) {
+					pos[npos++] = rp-machregs;
+					if (eqtoken(&rp->r_contents,&token))
+						exactmatch++;
+				}
+			/*
+			 * Now pos[] contains all free registers with desired
+			 * property. If none then some stacking has to take place.
+			 */
+			if (npos==0) {
+				if (stackheight<=tokpatlen) {
+					if (!toplevel) {
+						totalcost = INFINITY;
+						BROKE();
+					} else {
+						fatal("No regs available");
+					}
+				}
+				totalcost += stackupto( &fakestack[0],ply,toplevel);
+				CHKCOST();
+			}
+		} while (npos==0);
+		if (!exactmatch) {
+			npos2=npos;
+			for(i=0;i<npos;i++)
+				pos2[i]=pos[i];
+		} else {
+			/*
+			 * Now we are reducing the number of possible registers.
+			 * We take only one equally likely register out of every
+			 * equivalence class as given by set of properties.
+			 */
+			mtoken = token;
+			npos2=0;
+			for(i=0;i<npos;i++)
+				if (eqtoken(&machregs[pos[i]].r_contents,&mtoken)) {
+					pos2[npos2++] = pos[i];
+					for(j=0;j<npos2-1;j++)
+						if (eqregclass(pos2[j],pos[i])) {
+							npos2--;
+							break;
+						}
+				}
+		}
+		/*
+		 * Now pos2[] contains all possibilities to try, if more than
+		 * one, lookahead is necessary.
+		 */
+		token2.t_token= -1;
+		for (i=1;i<TOKENSIZE;i++)
+			token2.t_att[i].aw=0;
+		if (npos2==1)
+			decision=pos2[0];
+		else {
+			mincost=costlimit-totalcost+1;
+			for(j=0;j<npos2;j++) {
+				chrefcount(pos2[j],1,FALSE);
+				token2.t_att[0].ar=pos2[j];
+				allreg[nallreg++] = pos2[j];
+				if (token.t_token != 0)
+					t=move(&token,&token2,ply,FALSE,mincost);
+				else {
+					t = 0;
+					erasereg(pos2[j]);
+				}
+				if (t<mincost)
+					t += codegen(codep,ply,FALSE,mincost-t,0);
+				if (t<mincost) {
+					mincost=t;
+					decision=pos2[j];
+				}
+				RESTST;
+			}
+			if (totalcost+mincost>costlimit) {
+				totalcost = INFINITY;
+				BROKE();
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		decision = forced;
+		if (getrefcount(decision)!=0) {
+			totalcost = INFINITY;
+			BROKE();
+		}
+		token2.t_token = -1;
+	}
+	chrefcount(decision,1,FALSE);
+	token2.t_att[0].ar=decision;
+	if (token.t_token != 0) {
+		totalcost+=move(&token,&token2,ply,toplevel,MAXINT);
+	} else
+		erasereg(decision);
+	allreg[nallreg++]=decision;
+	break;
+    case DO_LOUTPUT:
+	getint(stringno,codep);
+	getint(nodeno,codep);
+	if (toplevel) {
+		gencode(codestrings[stringno]);
+		genexpr(nodeno);
+	}
+	break;
+    case DO_ROUTPUT:
+	i=((codep[-1]>>5)&07);
+	do {
+		getint(stringno,codep);
+		if (toplevel) {
+			gencode(codestrings[stringno]);
+			gennl();
+		}
+	} while (i--);
+	break;
+    case DO_MOVE:
+	getint(tinstno,codep);
+	instance(tinstno,&token);
+	getint(tinstno,codep);
+	instance(tinstno,&token2);
+	totalcost += move(&token,&token2,ply,toplevel,costlimit-totalcost+1);
+	break;
+    case DO_ERASE:
+	getint(nodeno,codep);
+	result=compute(&enodes[nodeno]);
+	assert(result.e_typ==EV_REG);
+	erasereg(result.e_v.e_reg);
+	break;
+    case DO_TOKREPLACE:
+	assert(stackheight>=tokpatlen);
+	repllen=(codep[-1]>>5)&07;
+	for(i=0;i<repllen;i++) {
+		getint(tinstno,codep);
+		instance(tinstno,&reptoken[i]);
+		tref(&reptoken[i],1);
+	}
+	for(i=0;i<tokpatlen;i++) {
+		if (!inscoerc)
+			tref(&fakestack[stackheight-1],-1);
+		stackheight--;
+	}
+	for (i=0;i<repllen;i++) {
+		assert(stackheight<MAXFSTACK);
+		fakestack[stackheight++] = reptoken[i];
+	}
+	for(i=0;i<nallreg;i++)
+		chrefcount(allreg[i],-1,FALSE);
+	break;
+    case DO_EMREPLACE:
+	emrepllen=(codep[-1]>>5)&07;
+	j=emp-emlines;
+	if (emrepllen>j) {
+		assert(nemlines+emrepllen-j<MAXEMLINES);
+		for (i=nemlines;i>=0;i--)
+			emlines[i+emrepllen-j] = emlines[i];
+		nemlines += emrepllen-j;
+		emp += emrepllen-j;
+	}
+	emp -= emrepllen;
+	for (i=0;i<emrepllen;i++) {
+		getint(eminstr,codep);
+		getint(nodeno,codep);
+		emp[i].em_instr = eminstr;
+		result = compute(&enodes[nodeno]);
+		switch(result.e_typ) {
+		default:
+			assert(FALSE);
+		case 0:
+			emp[i].em_optyp = OPNO;
+			emp[i].em_soper = 0;
+			break;
+		case EV_INT:
+			emp[i].em_optyp = OPINT;
+			emp[i].em_soper = tostring(result.e_v.e_con);
+			emp[i].em_u.em_ioper = result.e_v.e_con;
+			break;
+		case EV_STR:
+			emp[i].em_optyp = OPSYMBOL;
+			emp[i].em_soper = result.e_v.e_str;
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+	if (!toplevel)
+		ply += emrepllen;
+	break;
+    case DO_COST:
+	getint(cost.c_size,codep);
+	getint(cost.c_time,codep);
+	totalcost += costcalc(cost);
+	break;
+#ifdef REGVARS
+    case DO_PRETURN:
+	if (toplevel)
+		regreturn();	/* in mach.c */
+	break;
+    case DO_RETURN:
+	assert(origcp!=startupcode);
+    doreturn:
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+	level--;
+	return(totalcost);
+	}
+	}

+ 360 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,360 @@
+#include "assert.h"
+#include "param.h"
+#include "tables.h"
+#include "types.h"
+#include <cg_pattern.h>
+#include "data.h"
+#include "result.h"
+#include "glosym.h"
+#include "extern.h"
+ * (c) copyright 1983 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
+ *
+ *          This product is part of the Amsterdam Compiler Kit.
+ *
+ * Permission to use, sell, duplicate or disclose this software must be
+ * obtained in writing. Requests for such permissions may be sent to
+ *
+ *      Dr. Andrew S. Tanenbaum
+ *      Wiskundig Seminarium
+ *      Vrije Universiteit
+ *      Postbox 7161
+ *      1007 MC Amsterdam
+ *      The Netherlands
+ *
+ * Author: Hans van Staveren
+ */
+#define LLEAF 01
+#define LDEF  02
+#define RLEAF 04
+#define RDEF  010
+char opdesc[] = {
+	0,                      /* EX_TOKFIELD */
+	0,                      /* EX_ARG */
+	0,                      /* EX_CON */
+	0,                      /* EX_ALLREG */
+	LLDEF|RLDEF,            /* EX_SAMESIGN */
+	LLDEF|RLDEF,            /* EX_SFIT */
+	LLDEF|RLDEF,            /* EX_UFIT */
+	0,                      /* EX_ROM */
+	LLDEF|RLDEF,            /* EX_NCPEQ */
+	LLDEF|RLDEF,            /* EX_SCPEQ */
+	LLDEF|RLDEF,            /* EX_RCPEQ */
+	LLDEF|RLDEF,            /* EX_NCPNE */
+	LLDEF|RLDEF,            /* EX_SCPNE */
+	LLDEF|RLDEF,            /* EX_RCPNE */
+	LLDEF|RLDEF,            /* EX_NCPGT */
+	LLDEF|RLDEF,            /* EX_NCPGE */
+	LLDEF|RLDEF,            /* EX_NCPLT */
+	LLDEF|RLDEF,            /* EX_NCPLE */
+	LLDEF,                  /* EX_OR2 */
+	LLDEF,                  /* EX_AND2 */
+	LLDEF|RLDEF,            /* EX_PLUS */
+	LLDEF|RLDEF,            /* EX_CAT */
+	LLDEF|RLDEF,            /* EX_MINUS */
+	LLDEF|RLDEF,            /* EX_TIMES */
+	LLDEF|RLDEF,            /* EX_DIVIDE */
+	LLDEF|RLDEF,            /* EX_MOD */
+	LLDEF|RLDEF,            /* EX_LSHIFT */
+	LLDEF|RLDEF,            /* EX_RSHIFT */
+	LLDEF,                  /* EX_NOT */
+	LLDEF,                  /* EX_COMP */
+	0,                      /* EX_COST */
+	0,                      /* EX_STRING */
+	LLEAF,                  /* EX_DEFINED */
+	0,                      /* EX_SUBREG */
+	LLDEF,                  /* EX_TOSTRING */
+	LLDEF,                  /* EX_UMINUS */
+	0,                      /* EX_REG */
+	0,			/* EX_LOWW */
+	0,			/* EX_HIGHW */
+	LLDEF,			/* EX_INREG */
+	LLDEF,			/* EX_REGVAR */
+string salloc(),strcpy(),strcat();
+string mycat(s1,s2) string s1,s2; {
+	register string s;
+	s=salloc(strlen(s1)+strlen(s2));
+	strcpy(s,s1);
+	strcat(s,s2);
+	return(s);
+string mystrcpy(s) string s; {
+	register string r;
+	r=salloc(strlen(s));
+	strcpy(r,s);
+	return(r);
+char digstr[21][15];
+string tostring(n) word n; {
+	char buf[25];
+	if (n>=-20 && n<=20 && (n&1)==0) {
+		if (digstr[(n>>1)+10][0]==0)
+			sprintf(digstr[(n>>1)+10],WRD_FMT,n);
+		return(digstr[(n>>1)+10]);
+	}
+	sprintf(buf,WRD_FMT,n);
+	return(mystrcpy(buf));
+result_t undefres= {EV_UNDEF};
+result_t compute(node) node_p node; {
+	result_t leaf1,leaf2,result;
+	token_p tp;
+	int desc;
+	long mask,tmp;
+	int i,tmpreg;
+	glosym_p gp;
+	desc=opdesc[node->ex_operator];
+	if (desc&LLEAF) {
+		leaf1 = compute(&enodes[node->ex_lnode]);
+		if (desc&LDEF && leaf1.e_typ==EV_UNDEF)
+			return(undefres);
+	}
+	if (desc&RLEAF) {
+		leaf2 = compute(&enodes[node->ex_rnode]);
+		if (desc&RDEF && leaf2.e_typ==EV_UNDEF)
+			return(undefres);
+	}
+	result.e_typ=EV_INT;
+	switch(node->ex_operator) {
+	default:        assert(FALSE);
+		if (node->ex_lnode!=0)
+			tp = &fakestack[stackheight-node->ex_lnode];
+		else
+			tp = curtoken;
+		switch(result.e_typ = tokens[tp->t_token].t_type[node->ex_rnode-1]) {
+		default:
+			assert(FALSE);
+		case EV_INT:
+			result.e_v.e_con = tp->t_att[node->ex_rnode-1].aw;
+			break;
+		case EV_STR:
+			result.e_v.e_str = tp->t_att[node->ex_rnode-1].as;
+			break;
+		case EV_REG:
+			result.e_v.e_reg = tp->t_att[node->ex_rnode-1].ar;
+			break;
+		}
+		return(result);
+	case EX_ARG:
+		return(dollar[node->ex_lnode-1]);
+	case EX_CON:
+		result.e_typ = EV_INT;
+		result.e_v.e_con = ((long) node->ex_rnode << 16) | node->ex_lnode;
+		return(result);
+	case EX_REG:
+		result.e_typ = EV_REG;
+		result.e_v.e_reg = node->ex_lnode;
+		return(result);
+	case EX_ALLREG:
+		result.e_typ = EV_REG;
+		result.e_v.e_reg = allreg[node->ex_lnode-1];
+		if (node->ex_rnode!=0)
+			result.e_v.e_reg = machregs[result.e_v.e_reg].
+				r_members[node->ex_rnode-1];
+		return(result);
+	assert(leaf1.e_typ == EV_INT && leaf2.e_typ == EV_INT);
+		result.e_typ = EV_INT;
+		if (leaf1.e_v.e_con>=0)
+			result.e_v.e_con= leaf2.e_v.e_con>=0;
+		else
+			result.e_v.e_con= leaf2.e_v.e_con<0;
+		return(result);
+	case EX_SFIT:
+	assert(leaf1.e_typ == EV_INT && leaf2.e_typ == EV_INT);
+		mask = 0xFFFFFFFFL;
+		for (i=0;i<leaf2.e_v.e_con-1;i++)
+			mask &= ~(1<<i);
+		tmp = leaf1.e_v.e_con&mask;
+		result.e_v.e_con = tmp==0||tmp==mask;
+		return(result);
+	case EX_UFIT:
+	assert(leaf1.e_typ == EV_INT && leaf2.e_typ == EV_INT);
+		mask = 0xFFFFFFFFL;
+		for (i=0;i<leaf2.e_v.e_con;i++)
+			mask &= ~(1<<i);
+		result.e_v.e_con = (leaf1.e_v.e_con&mask)==0;
+		return(result);
+	case EX_ROM:
+		assert(node->ex_rnode>=0 &&node->ex_rnode<MAXROM);
+		leaf2=dollar[node->ex_lnode];
+		if (leaf2.e_typ != EV_STR)
+			return(undefres);
+		gp = lookglo(leaf2.e_v.e_str);
+		if (gp == (glosym_p) 0)
+			return(undefres);
+		if ((gp->gl_rom[MAXROM]&(1<<node->ex_rnode))==0)
+			return(undefres);
+		result.e_v.e_con = gp->gl_rom[node->ex_rnode];
+		return(result);
+	case EX_LOWW:
+		result.e_v.e_con = saveemp[node->ex_lnode].em_u.em_loper&0xFFFF;
+		return(result);
+	case EX_HIGHW:
+		result.e_v.e_con = saveemp[node->ex_lnode].em_u.em_loper>>16;
+		return(result);
+	case EX_NCPEQ:
+	assert(leaf1.e_typ == EV_INT && leaf2.e_typ == EV_INT);
+		result.e_v.e_con = leaf1.e_v.e_con==leaf2.e_v.e_con;
+		return(result);
+	case EX_SCPEQ:
+	assert(leaf1.e_typ == EV_STR && leaf2.e_typ == EV_STR);
+		result.e_v.e_con = !strcmp(leaf1.e_v.e_str,leaf2.e_v.e_str);
+		return(result);
+	case EX_RCPEQ:
+	assert(leaf1.e_typ == EV_REG && leaf2.e_typ == EV_REG);
+		result.e_v.e_con = leaf1.e_v.e_reg==leaf2.e_v.e_reg;
+		return(result);
+	case EX_NCPNE:
+	assert(leaf1.e_typ == EV_INT && leaf2.e_typ == EV_INT);
+		result.e_v.e_con = leaf1.e_v.e_con!=leaf2.e_v.e_con;
+		return(result);
+	case EX_SCPNE:
+	assert(leaf1.e_typ == EV_STR && leaf2.e_typ == EV_STR);
+		result.e_v.e_con = strcmp(leaf1.e_v.e_str,leaf2.e_v.e_str);
+		return(result);
+	case EX_RCPNE:
+	assert(leaf1.e_typ == EV_REG && leaf2.e_typ == EV_REG);
+		result.e_v.e_con = leaf1.e_v.e_reg!=leaf2.e_v.e_reg;
+		return(result);
+	case EX_NCPGT:
+	assert(leaf1.e_typ == EV_INT && leaf2.e_typ == EV_INT);
+		result.e_v.e_con = leaf1.e_v.e_con>leaf2.e_v.e_con;
+		return(result);
+	case EX_NCPGE:
+	assert(leaf1.e_typ == EV_INT && leaf2.e_typ == EV_INT);
+		result.e_v.e_con = leaf1.e_v.e_con>=leaf2.e_v.e_con;
+		return(result);
+	case EX_NCPLT:
+	assert(leaf1.e_typ == EV_INT && leaf2.e_typ == EV_INT);
+		result.e_v.e_con = leaf1.e_v.e_con<leaf2.e_v.e_con;
+		return(result);
+	case EX_NCPLE:
+	assert(leaf1.e_typ == EV_INT && leaf2.e_typ == EV_INT);
+		result.e_v.e_con = leaf1.e_v.e_con<=leaf2.e_v.e_con;
+		return(result);
+	case EX_OR2:
+	assert(leaf1.e_typ == EV_INT);
+		if (leaf1.e_v.e_con==0)
+			return(compute(&enodes[node->ex_rnode]));
+		return(leaf1);
+	case EX_AND2:
+	assert(leaf1.e_typ == EV_INT);
+		if (leaf1.e_v.e_con!=0)
+			return(compute(&enodes[node->ex_rnode]));
+		return(leaf1);
+	case EX_PLUS:
+	assert(leaf1.e_typ == EV_INT && leaf2.e_typ == EV_INT);
+		result.e_v.e_con=leaf1.e_v.e_con+leaf2.e_v.e_con;
+		return(result);
+	case EX_CAT:
+	assert(leaf1.e_typ == EV_STR && leaf2.e_typ == EV_STR);
+		result.e_typ = EV_STR;
+		result.e_v.e_str = mycat(leaf1.e_v.e_str,leaf2.e_v.e_str);
+		return(result);
+	case EX_MINUS:
+	assert(leaf1.e_typ == EV_INT && leaf2.e_typ == EV_INT);
+		result.e_v.e_con = leaf1.e_v.e_con - leaf2.e_v.e_con;
+		return(result);
+	case EX_TIMES:
+	assert(leaf1.e_typ == EV_INT && leaf2.e_typ == EV_INT);
+		result.e_v.e_con = leaf1.e_v.e_con * leaf2.e_v.e_con;
+		return(result);
+	case EX_DIVIDE:
+	assert(leaf1.e_typ == EV_INT && leaf2.e_typ == EV_INT);
+		result.e_v.e_con = leaf1.e_v.e_con / leaf2.e_v.e_con;
+		return(result);
+	case EX_MOD:
+	assert(leaf1.e_typ == EV_INT && leaf2.e_typ == EV_INT);
+		result.e_v.e_con = leaf1.e_v.e_con % leaf2.e_v.e_con;
+		return(result);
+	case EX_LSHIFT:
+	assert(leaf1.e_typ == EV_INT && leaf2.e_typ == EV_INT);
+		result.e_v.e_con = leaf1.e_v.e_con << leaf2.e_v.e_con;
+		return(result);
+	case EX_RSHIFT:
+	assert(leaf1.e_typ == EV_INT && leaf2.e_typ == EV_INT);
+		result.e_v.e_con = leaf1.e_v.e_con >> leaf2.e_v.e_con;
+		return(result);
+	case EX_NOT:
+	assert(leaf1.e_typ == EV_INT);
+		result.e_v.e_con = !leaf1.e_v.e_con;
+		return(result);
+	case EX_COMP:
+	assert(leaf1.e_typ == EV_INT);
+		result.e_v.e_con = ~leaf1.e_v.e_con;
+		return(result);
+	case EX_COST:
+		if (node->ex_rnode==0)
+			return(compute(&enodes[tokens[node->ex_lnode].t_cost.c_size]));
+		else
+			return(compute(&enodes[tokens[node->ex_lnode].t_cost.c_time]));
+	case EX_STRING:
+		result.e_typ = EV_STR;
+		result.e_v.e_str = codestrings[node->ex_lnode];
+		return(result);
+	case EX_DEFINED:
+		result.e_v.e_con=leaf1.e_typ!=EV_UNDEF;
+		return(result);
+	case EX_SUBREG:
+		result.e_typ = EV_REG;
+		tp= &fakestack[stackheight-node->ex_lnode];
+		assert(tp->t_token == -1);
+		tmpreg= tp->t_att[0].ar;
+		if (node->ex_rnode)
+			tmpreg=machregs[tmpreg].r_members[node->ex_rnode-1];
+		result.e_v.e_reg=tmpreg;
+		return(result);
+	assert(leaf1.e_typ == EV_INT);
+		result.e_typ = EV_STR;
+		result.e_v.e_str = tostring(leaf1.e_v.e_con);
+		return(result);
+#ifdef REGVARS
+	case EX_INREG:
+	assert(leaf1.e_typ == EV_INT);
+		i = isregvar((long) leaf1.e_v.e_con);
+		if (i<0)
+			result.e_v.e_con = 0;
+		else if (i==0)
+			result.e_v.e_con = 1;
+		else
+			result.e_v.e_con = 2;
+		return(result);
+	case EX_REGVAR:
+	assert(leaf1.e_typ == EV_INT);
+		i = isregvar((long) leaf1.e_v.e_con);
+		if (i<=0) 
+			return(undefres);
+		result.e_typ = EV_REG;
+		result.e_v.e_reg=i;
+		return(result);
+	case EX_UMINUS:
+	assert(leaf1.e_typ == EV_INT);
+		result.e_v.e_con = -leaf1.e_v.e_con;
+		return(result);
+	}

+ 52 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+typedef struct {
+	int     t_token;        /* kind of token, -1 for register */
+	union {
+		word aw;	/* integer type */
+		string as;	/* string type */
+		int ar;		/* register type */
+	} t_att[TOKENSIZE];
+} token_t,*token_p;
+struct reginfo {
+	int     r_repr;                 /* index in string table */
+	int     r_size;                 /* size in bytes */
+	int     r_members[MAXMEMBERS];  /* register contained within this reg */
+	short	r_clash[REGSETSIZE];	/* set of clashing registers */
+	int     r_refcount;             /* Times in use */
+	token_t r_contents;             /* Current contents */
+	int     r_tcount;               /* Temporary count difference */
+#define clash(a,b) ((machregs[a].r_clash[(b)>>4]&(1<<((b)&017)))!=0)
+#define clash(a,b) ((a)==(b))
+typedef struct {
+	int     t_size;                 /* size in bytes */
+	cost_t  t_cost;                 /* cost in bytes and time */ 
+	byte    t_type[TOKENSIZE];      /* types of attributes, TT_??? */
+	int     t_format;               /* index of formatstring */
+} tkdef_t,*tkdef_p;
+struct emline {
+	int     em_instr;
+	int     em_optyp;
+	string  em_soper;
+	union {
+		word    em_ioper;
+		long	em_loper;
+	} em_u;
+#define OPNO 0
+#define OPINT 1
+#define OPSYMBOL 2
+typedef struct {
+	int rl_n;       /* number in list */
+	int rl_list[NREGS];
+} rl_t,*rl_p;

+ 101 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+#include "assert.h"
+#include "equiv.h"
+#include "param.h"
+#include "tables.h"
+#include "types.h"
+#include <cg_pattern.h>
+#include "data.h"
+#include "result.h"
+#include "extern.h"
+ * (c) copyright 1983 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
+ *
+ *          This product is part of the Amsterdam Compiler Kit.
+ *
+ * Permission to use, sell, duplicate or disclose this software must be
+ * obtained in writing. Requests for such permissions may be sent to
+ *
+ *      Dr. Andrew S. Tanenbaum
+ *      Wiskundig Seminarium
+ *      Vrije Universiteit
+ *      Postbox 7161
+ *      1007 MC Amsterdam
+ *      The Netherlands
+ *
+ * Author: Hans van Staveren
+ */
+extern string myalloc();
+int rar[MAXCREG];
+rl_p *lar;
+int maxindex;
+int regclass[NREGS];
+struct perm *perms;
+struct perm *
+tuples(regls,nregneeded) rl_p *regls; {
+	int class=0;
+	register i,j;
+	/*
+	 * First compute equivalence classes of registers.
+	 */
+	for (i=0;i<NREGS;i++) {
+		regclass[i] = class++;
+		if (getrefcount(i) == 0) {
+			for (j=0;j<i;j++) {
+				if (eqregclass(i,j) &&
+				    eqtoken(&machregs[i].r_contents,
+					    &machregs[j].r_contents)) {
+					regclass[i] = regclass[j];
+					break;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	/*
+	 * Now create tuples through a recursive function
+	 */
+	maxindex = nregneeded;
+	lar = regls;
+	perms = 0;
+	permute(0);
+	return(perms);
+permute(index) {
+	register struct perm *pp;
+	register rl_p rlp;
+	register i,j;
+	if (index == maxindex) {
+		for (pp=perms; pp != 0; pp=pp->p_next) {
+			for (i=0; i<maxindex; i++)
+				if (regclass[rar[i]] != regclass[pp->p_rar[i]])
+					goto diff;
+			for (i=0; i<maxindex; i++)
+				for (j=0; j<i; j++)
+					if (clash(rar[i],rar[j]) !=
+					    clash(pp->p_rar[i],pp->p_rar[j]))
+						goto diff;
+			return;
+		    diff: ;
+		}
+		pp = (struct perm *) myalloc(sizeof ( *pp ));
+		pp->p_next = perms;
+		for (i=0; i<maxindex; i++)
+			pp->p_rar[i] = rar[i];
+		perms = pp;
+	} else {
+		rlp=lar[index];
+		for (i=rlp->rl_n-1; i>=0; i--) {
+			rar[index] = rlp->rl_list[i];
+			permute(index+1);
+		}
+	}

+ 6 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+#define MAXCREG 4
+struct perm {
+	struct perm *p_next;
+	int p_rar[MAXCREG];

+ 47 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+extern int maxply;                      /* amount of lookahead allowed */
+extern int stackheight;                 /* # of tokens on fakestack */
+extern token_t fakestack[];             /* fakestack itself */
+extern int nallreg;                     /* number of allocated registers */
+extern int allreg[];                    /* array of allocated registers */
+extern token_p curtoken;                /* pointer to current token */
+extern result_t dollar[];               /* Values of $1,$2 etc.. */
+extern int nemlines;                    /* # of EM instructions in core */
+extern struct emline emlines[];         /* EM instructions itself */
+extern struct emline *emp;              /* pointer to current instr */
+extern struct emline *saveemp;		/* pointer to start of pattern */
+extern int tokpatlen;                   /* length of current stackpattern */
+extern rl_p curreglist;                 /* side effect of findcoerc() */
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+extern int Debug;                       /* on/off debug printout */
+ * Next descriptions are external declarations for tables created
+ * by bootgram.
+ * All definitions are to be found in tables.c (Not for humans)
+ */
+extern byte coderules[];                /* pseudo code for cg itself */
+extern char stregclass[];               /* static register class */
+extern struct reginfo machregs[];       /* register info */
+extern tkdef_t tokens[];                /* token info */
+extern node_t enodes[];                 /* expression nodes */
+extern string codestrings[];            /* table of strings */
+extern set_t machsets[];                /* token expression table */
+extern inst_t tokeninstances[];         /* token instance description table */
+extern move_t moves[];                  /* move descriptors */
+extern byte pattern[];                  /* EM patterns */
+extern int pathash[256];                /* Indices into previous */
+extern c1_t c1coercs[];                 /* coercions type 1 */
+#ifdef MAXSPLIT
+extern c2_t c2coercs[];                 /* coercions type 2 */
+#endif MAXSPLIT
+extern c3_t c3coercs[];                 /* coercions type 3 */
+extern struct reginfo **reglist[];	/* lists of registers per property */
+#define eqregclass(r1,r2) (stregclass[r1]==stregclass[r2])
+#ifdef REGVARS
+extern int nregvar[];			/* # of register variables per type */
+extern int *rvnumbers[];		/* lists of numbers */

+ 632 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,632 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "assert.h"
+#include <em_spec.h>
+#include <em_pseu.h>
+#include <em_flag.h>
+#include <em_ptyp.h>
+#include <em_mes.h>
+#include "mach.h"
+#include "param.h"
+#include "tables.h"
+#include "types.h"
+#include <cg_pattern.h>
+#include "data.h"
+#include "result.h"
+#ifdef REGVARS
+#include "regvar.h"
+#include <em_reg.h>
+#include "extern.h"
+ * (c) copyright 1983 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
+ *
+ *          This product is part of the Amsterdam Compiler Kit.
+ *
+ * Permission to use, sell, duplicate or disclose this software must be
+ * obtained in writing. Requests for such permissions may be sent to
+ *
+ *      Dr. Andrew S. Tanenbaum
+ *      Wiskundig Seminarium
+ *      Vrije Universiteit
+ *      Postbox 7161
+ *      1007 MC Amsterdam
+ *      The Netherlands
+ *
+ * Author: Hans van Staveren
+ */
+/* segment types for switchseg() */
+#define SEGTXT          0
+#define SEGCON          1
+#define SEGROM          2
+#define SEGBSS          3
+long con();
+#define get8()  getc(emfile)
+#define MAXSTR 256
+FILE *emfile;
+extern FILE *codefile;
+int nextispseu,savetab1;
+int opcode;
+int offtyp;
+long argval;
+int dlbval;
+char str[MAXSTR],argstr[32],labstr[32];
+int strsiz;
+int holno=0;
+int procno=0;
+int curseg= -1;
+int part_size=0;
+word part_word=0;
+int endofprog=0;
+#ifdef REGVARS
+int regallowed=0;
+extern char em_flag[];
+extern short em_ptyp[];
+extern long atol();
+extern double atof();
+#define sp_cstx sp_cst2
+string tostring();
+string holstr();
+string strarg();
+string mystrcpy();
+long get32();
+in_init(filename) char *filename; {
+	if ((emfile=freopen(filename,"r",stdin))==NULL)
+		error("Can't open %s",filename);
+	if (get16()!=sp_magic)
+		error("Bad format %s",filename);
+in_finish() {
+fillemlines() {
+	int t,i;
+	register struct emline *lp;
+	while ((emlines+nemlines)-emp<MAXEMLINES-5) {
+		assert(nemlines<MAXEMLINES);
+		if (nextispseu) {
+			emlines[nemlines].em_instr=0;
+			return;
+		}
+		lp = &emlines[nemlines++];
+		switch(t=table1()) {
+		default:
+			error("unknown instruction byte");
+		case sp_ilb1:
+		case sp_ilb2:
+		case sp_fpseu:
+		case sp_dlb1:
+		case sp_dlb2:
+		case sp_dnam:
+			nextispseu=1; savetab1=t;
+			nemlines--;
+			lp->em_instr = 0;
+			return;
+		case EOF:
+			nextispseu=1; savetab1=t;
+			endofprog=1;
+			nemlines--;
+			lp->em_instr = 0;
+			return;
+		case sp_fmnem:
+			lp->em_instr = opcode;
+			break;
+		}
+		i=em_flag[lp->em_instr-sp_fmnem] & EM_PAR;
+		if ( i == PAR_NO ) {
+			lp->em_optyp = OPNO;
+			lp->em_soper = 0;
+			continue;
+		}
+		t= em_ptyp[i];
+		t= getarg(t);
+		switch(i) {
+		case PAR_L:
+			assert(t == sp_cstx);
+			if (argval >= 0)
+				argval += EM_BSIZE;
+			lp->em_optyp = OPINT;
+			lp->em_u.em_ioper = argval;
+			lp->em_soper = tostring((word) argval);
+			continue;
+		case PAR_G:
+			if (t != sp_cstx)
+				break;
+			lp->em_optyp = OPSYMBOL;
+			lp->em_soper = holstr((word) argval);
+			continue;
+		case PAR_B:
+			t = sp_ilb2;
+			break;
+		case PAR_D:
+			assert(t == sp_cstx);
+			lp->em_optyp = OPSYMBOL;
+			lp->em_soper = strarg(t);
+			lp->em_u.em_loper = argval;
+			continue;
+		}
+		lp->em_soper = strarg(t);
+		if (t==sp_cend)
+			lp->em_optyp = OPNO;
+		else if (t==sp_cstx) {
+			lp->em_optyp = OPINT;
+			lp->em_u.em_ioper = argval;
+		} else
+			lp->em_optyp = OPSYMBOL;
+	}
+dopseudo() {
+	register b,t;
+	register full n;
+	register long save;
+	word romcont[MAXROM+1];
+	int nromwords;
+	int rombit,rommask;
+	unsigned dummy,stackupto();
+	if (nextispseu==0 || nemlines>0)
+		error("No table entry for %d",emlines[0].em_instr);
+	nextispseu=0;
+	switch(savetab1) {
+	case sp_ilb1:
+	case sp_ilb2:
+		swtxt();
+		dummy = stackupto(&fakestack[stackheight-1],maxply,TRUE);
+		cleanregs();
+		strarg(savetab1);
+		newilb(argstr);
+		return;
+	case sp_dlb1:
+	case sp_dlb2:
+	case sp_dnam:
+		strarg(savetab1);
+		savelab();
+		return;
+	case sp_fpseu:
+		break;
+	case EOF:
+		swtxt();
+		popstr(0);
+		exit(0);
+	default:
+		error("Unknown opcode %d",savetab1);
+	}
+	switch (opcode) {
+	case ps_hol:
+		sprintf(labstr,hol_fmt,++holno);
+	case ps_bss:
+		getarg(cst_ptyp);
+		n = (full) argval;
+		t = getarg(val_ptyp);
+		save = argval;
+		getarg(cst_ptyp);
+		b = (int) argval;
+		argval = save;
+		bss(n,t,b);
+		break;
+	case ps_con:
+		switchseg(SEGCON);
+		dumplab();
+		con(getarg(val_ptyp));
+		while ((t = getarg(any_ptyp)) != sp_cend)
+			con(t);
+		break;
+	case ps_rom:
+		switchseg(SEGROM);
+		xdumplab();
+		nromwords=0;
+		rommask=0;
+		rombit=1;
+		t=getarg(val_ptyp);
+		while (t!=sp_cend) {
+			if (t==sp_cstx && nromwords<MAXROM) {
+				romcont[nromwords] = (word) argval;
+				rommask |= rombit;
+			}
+			nromwords++;
+			rombit <<= 1;
+			con(t);
+			t=getarg(any_ptyp);
+		}
+		if (rommask != 0) {
+			romcont[MAXROM]=rommask;
+			enterglo(labstr,romcont);
+		}
+		labstr[0]=0;
+		break;
+	case ps_mes:
+		getarg(ptyp(sp_cst2));
+		if (argval == ms_emx) {
+			getarg(ptyp(sp_cst2));
+			if (argval != EM_WSIZE)
+				fatal("bad word size");
+			getarg(ptyp(sp_cst2));
+			if (argval != EM_PSIZE)
+				fatal("bad pointer size");
+			if ( getarg(any_ptyp)!=sp_cend )
+				fatal("too many parameters");
+#ifdef REGVARS
+		} else if (argval == ms_reg) {
+			long r_off;
+			int r_size,r_type,r_score;
+			struct regvar *linkreg();
+			if (!regallowed)
+				error("mes 3 not allowed here");
+			if(getarg(ptyp(sp_cst2)|ptyp(sp_cend)) == sp_cend) {
+				fixregvars();
+				regallowed=0;
+			} else {
+				r_off = argval;
+#ifdef EM_BSIZE
+  				if (r_off >= 0)
+  					r_off += EM_BSIZE;
+				getarg(ptyp(sp_cst2));
+				r_size = argval;
+				getarg(ptyp(sp_cst2));
+				r_type = argval;
+				if (r_type<reg_any || r_type>reg_float)
+					fatal("Bad type in register message");
+				if(getarg(ptyp(sp_cst2)|ptyp(sp_cend)) == sp_cend)
+					r_score = 0;
+				else {
+					r_score = argval;
+					if ( getarg(any_ptyp)!=sp_cend )
+						fatal("too many parameters");
+				}
+				tryreg(linkreg(r_off,r_size,r_type,r_score),r_type);
+			}
+		} else
+			mes((word)argval);
+		break;
+	case ps_exa:
+		strarg(getarg(sym_ptyp));
+		ex_ap(argstr);
+		break;
+	case ps_ina:
+		strarg(getarg(sym_ptyp));
+		in_ap(argstr);
+		break;
+	case ps_exp:
+		strarg(getarg(ptyp(sp_pnam)));
+		ex_ap(argstr);
+		break;
+	case ps_inp:
+		strarg(getarg(ptyp(sp_pnam)));
+		in_ap(argstr);
+		break;
+	case ps_pro:
+		switchseg(SEGTXT);
+		procno++;
+		strarg(getarg(ptyp(sp_pnam)));
+		newilb(argstr);
+		getarg(cst_ptyp);
+		prolog((full)argval);
+#ifdef REGVARS
+		regallowed++;
+		break;
+	case ps_end:
+		getarg(cst_ptyp | ptyp(sp_cend));
+		cleanregs();
+#ifdef REGVARS
+		unlinkregs();
+		break;
+	default:
+		error("No table entry for %d",savetab1);
+	}
+/* ----- input ----- */
+int getarg(typset) {
+	register t,argtyp;
+	argtyp = t = table2();
+	if (t == EOF)
+		fatal("unexpected EOF");
+	t -= sp_fspec;
+	t = 1 << t;
+	if ((typset & t) == 0)
+		error("bad argument type %d",argtyp);
+	return(argtyp);
+int table1() {
+	register i;
+	i = get8();
+	if (i < sp_fmnem+sp_nmnem && i >= sp_fmnem) {
+		opcode = i;
+		return(sp_fmnem);
+	}
+	if (i < sp_fpseu+sp_npseu && i >= sp_fpseu) {
+		opcode = i;
+		return(sp_fpseu);
+	}
+	if (i < sp_filb0+sp_nilb0 && i >= sp_filb0) {
+		argval = i - sp_filb0;
+		return(sp_ilb2);
+	}
+	return(table3(i));
+int table2() {
+	register i;
+	i = get8();
+	if (i < sp_fcst0+sp_ncst0 && i >= sp_fcst0) {
+		argval = i - sp_zcst0;
+		return(sp_cstx);
+	}
+	return(table3(i));
+int table3(i) {
+	word consiz;
+	switch(i) {
+	case sp_ilb1:
+		argval = get8();
+		break;
+	case sp_dlb1:
+		dlbval = get8();
+		break;
+	case sp_dlb2:
+		dlbval = get16();
+		break;
+	case sp_cst2:
+		i = sp_cstx;
+	case sp_ilb2:
+		argval = get16();
+		break;
+	case sp_cst4:
+		i = sp_cstx;
+		argval = get32();
+		break;
+	case sp_dnam:
+	case sp_pnam:
+	case sp_scon:
+		getstring();
+		break;
+	case sp_doff:
+		offtyp = getarg(sym_ptyp);
+		getarg(cst_ptyp);
+		break;
+	case sp_icon:
+	case sp_ucon:
+	case sp_fcon:
+		getarg(cst_ptyp);
+		consiz = (word) argval;
+		getstring();
+		argval = consiz;
+		break;
+	}
+	return(i);
+int get16() {
+	register int l_byte, h_byte;
+	l_byte = get8();
+	h_byte = get8();
+	if ( h_byte>=128 ) h_byte -= 256 ;
+	return l_byte | (h_byte*256) ;
+long get32() {
+	register long l;
+	register int h_byte;
+	l = get8();
+	l |= ((unsigned) get8())*256 ;
+	l |= get8()*256L*256L ;
+	h_byte = get8() ;
+	if ( h_byte>=128 ) h_byte -= 256 ;
+	return l | (h_byte*256L*256*256L) ;
+getstring() {
+	register char *p;
+	register n;
+	getarg(cst_ptyp);
+	if (argval < 0 || argval > MAXSTR-1)
+		fatal("string/identifier too long");
+	strsiz = n = (int) argval;
+	p = str;
+	while (--n >= 0)
+		*p++ = get8();
+	*p++ = '\0';
+char *strarg(t) {
+	register char *p;
+	switch (t) {
+	case sp_ilb1:
+	case sp_ilb2:
+		sprintf(argstr,ilb_fmt,procno,(int)argval);
+		break;
+	case sp_dlb1:
+	case sp_dlb2:
+		sprintf(argstr,dlb_fmt,dlbval);
+		break;
+	case sp_cstx:
+		sprintf(argstr,cst_fmt,(full)argval);
+		break;
+	case sp_dnam:
+	case sp_pnam:
+		p = argstr;
+		if (strsiz < 8 || str[0] == id_first)
+			*p++ = id_first;
+		sprintf(p,"%.*s",strsiz,str);
+		break;
+	case sp_doff:
+		strarg(offtyp);
+		for (p = argstr; *p; p++)
+			;
+		if (argval >= 0)
+			*p++ = '+';
+		sprintf(p,off_fmt,(full)argval);
+		break;
+	case sp_cend:
+		return("");
+	}
+	return(mystrcpy(argstr));
+bss(n,t,b) full n; {
+	register long s;
+	if (n % EM_WSIZE)
+		fatal("bad BSS size");
+	if (b==0
+#ifdef BSS_INIT
+	    || (t==sp_cstx && argval==BSS_INIT)
+#endif BSS_INIT
+		) {
+		switchseg(SEGBSS);
+		newlbss(labstr,n);
+		labstr[0]=0;
+		return;
+	}
+	switchseg(SEGCON);
+	dumplab();
+	while (n > 0)
+		n -= (s = con(t));
+	if (s % EM_WSIZE)
+		fatal("bad BSS initializer");
+long con(t) {
+	register i;
+	strarg(t);
+	switch (t) {
+	case sp_ilb1:
+	case sp_ilb2:
+	case sp_pnam:
+		part_flush();
+		con_ilb(argstr);
+		return((long)EM_PSIZE);
+	case sp_dlb1:
+	case sp_dlb2:
+	case sp_dnam:
+	case sp_doff:
+		part_flush();
+		con_dlb(argstr);
+		return((long)EM_PSIZE);
+	case sp_cstx:
+		con_part(EM_WSIZE,(word)argval);
+		return((long)EM_WSIZE);
+	case sp_scon:
+		for (i = 0; i < strsiz; i++)
+			con_part(1,(word) str[i]);
+		return((long)strsiz);
+	case sp_icon:
+	case sp_ucon:
+		if (argval > EM_WSIZE) {
+			part_flush();
+			con_mult((word)argval);
+		} else {
+			con_part((int)argval,(word)atol(str));
+		}
+		return(argval);
+	case sp_fcon:
+		part_flush();
+		con_float();
+		return(argval);
+	}
+	assert(FALSE);
+extern char *segname[];
+swtxt() {
+	switchseg(SEGTXT);
+switchseg(s) {
+	if (s == curseg)
+		return;
+	part_flush();
+	if ((curseg = s) >= 0)
+		fprintf(codefile,"%s\n",segname[s]);
+savelab() {
+	register char *p,*q;
+	part_flush();
+	if (labstr[0]) {
+		dlbdlb(argstr,labstr);
+		return;
+	}
+	p = argstr;
+	q = labstr;
+	while (*q++ = *p++)
+		;
+dumplab() {
+	if (labstr[0] == 0)
+		return;
+	assert(part_size == 0);
+	newdlb(labstr);
+	labstr[0] = 0;
+xdumplab() {
+	if (labstr[0] == 0)
+		return;
+	assert(part_size == 0);
+	newdlb(labstr);
+part_flush() {
+	/*
+	 * Each new data fragment and each data label starts at
+	 * a new target machine word
+	 */
+	if (part_size == 0)
+		return;
+	con_cst(part_word);
+	part_size = 0;
+	part_word = 0;
+string holstr(n) word n; {
+	sprintf(str,hol_off,n,holno);
+	return(mystrcpy(str));
+/* ----- machine dependent routines ----- */
+#include        "mach.c"

+ 184 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+#include "assert.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "param.h"
+#include "tables.h"
+#include "types.h"
+#include <cg_pattern.h>
+#include "data.h"
+#include "result.h"
+#include "extern.h"
+ * (c) copyright 1983 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
+ *
+ *          This product is part of the Amsterdam Compiler Kit.
+ *
+ * Permission to use, sell, duplicate or disclose this software must be
+ * obtained in writing. Requests for such permissions may be sent to
+ *
+ *      Dr. Andrew S. Tanenbaum
+ *      Wiskundig Seminarium
+ *      Vrije Universiteit
+ *      Postbox 7161
+ *      1007 MC Amsterdam
+ *      The Netherlands
+ *
+ * Author: Hans van Staveren
+ */
+FILE *codefile;
+out_init(filename) char *filename; {
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+	static char stderrbuff[512];
+    if (Debug) {
+	codefile = stderr;
+	if (!isatty(2))
+		setbuf(stderr,stderrbuff);
+    } else {
+	if (filename == (char *) 0)
+		codefile = stdout;
+	else
+		if ((codefile=freopen(filename,"w",stdout))==NULL)
+			error("Can't create %s",filename);
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+    }
+out_finish() {
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+	if (Debug)
+		fflush(stderr);
+	else
+		fclose(codefile);
+gencode(code) register char *code; {
+	register c;
+	int tokno,fldno,insno,regno,subno;
+	register token_p tp;
+	swtxt();
+	while ((c= *code++)!=0) switch(c) {
+	default:
+		fputc(c,codefile);
+		break;
+	case PR_TOK:
+		tokno = *code++;
+		tp = &fakestack[stackheight-tokno];
+		if (tp->t_token==-1)
+			fprintf(codefile,"%s",codestrings[machregs[tp->t_att[0].ar].r_repr]);
+		else
+			prtoken(tp);
+		break;
+	case PR_TOKFLD:
+		tokno = *code++;
+		fldno = *code++;
+		tp = &fakestack[stackheight-tokno];
+		assert(tp->t_token != -1);
+		switch(tokens[tp->t_token].t_type[fldno-1]) {
+		default:
+			assert(FALSE);
+		case EV_INT:
+			fprintf(codefile,WRD_FMT,tp->t_att[fldno-1].aw);
+			break;
+		case EV_STR:
+			fprintf(codefile,"%s",tp->t_att[fldno-1].as);
+			break;
+		case EV_REG:
+			assert(tp->t_att[fldno-1].ar>0 && tp->t_att[fldno-1].ar<NREGS);
+			fprintf(codefile,"%s",codestrings[machregs[tp->t_att[fldno-1].ar].r_repr]);
+			break;
+		}
+		break;
+	case PR_EMINT:
+		insno = *code++;
+		fprintf(codefile,WRD_FMT,dollar[insno-1].e_v.e_con);
+		break;
+	case PR_EMSTR:
+		insno = *code++;
+		fprintf(codefile,"%s",dollar[insno-1].e_v.e_str);
+		break;
+	case PR_ALLREG:
+		regno = *code++;
+		subno = (*code++)&0377;
+		assert(regno>=1 && regno<=nallreg);
+		regno = allreg[regno-1];
+		if (subno!=255) {
+			assert(subno>=1 && subno<=MAXMEMBERS);
+			regno = machregs[regno].r_members[subno-1];
+			assert(regno!=0);
+		}
+		fprintf(codefile,"%s",codestrings[machregs[regno].r_repr]);
+		break;
+	case PR_SUBREG:
+		tokno = *code++;
+		subno = *code++;
+		tp = &fakestack[stackheight-tokno];
+		assert(tp->t_token == -1);
+		fprintf(codefile,"%s",codestrings[machregs[machregs[tp->t_att[0].ar].r_members[subno-1]].r_repr]);
+		break;
+	}
+genexpr(nodeno) {
+	result_t result;
+	result= compute(&enodes[nodeno]);
+	switch(result.e_typ) {
+	default: assert(FALSE);
+	case EV_INT:
+		fprintf(codefile,WRD_FMT,result.e_v.e_con);
+		break;
+	case EV_REG:
+		fprintf(codefile,"%s", codestrings[machregs[result.e_v.e_reg].r_repr]);
+		break;
+	case EV_STR:
+		fprintf(codefile,"%s",result.e_v.e_str);
+		break;
+	}
+gennl() {
+	fputc('\n',codefile);
+prtoken(tp) token_p tp; {
+	register c;
+	register char *code;
+	register tkdef_p tdp;
+	tdp = &tokens[tp->t_token];
+	assert(tdp->t_format != -1);
+	code = codestrings[tdp->t_format];
+	while ((c = *code++) != 0) {
+		if (c>=' ' && c<='~')
+			fputc(c,codefile);
+		else {
+			assert(c>0 && c<=TOKENSIZE);
+			switch(tdp->t_type[c-1]) {
+			default:
+				assert(FALSE);
+			case EV_INT:
+				fprintf(codefile,WRD_FMT,tp->t_att[c-1].aw);
+				break;
+			case EV_STR:
+				fprintf(codefile,"%s",tp->t_att[c-1].as);
+				break;
+			case EV_REG:
+				fprintf(codefile,"%s",codestrings[machregs[tp->t_att[c-1].ar].r_repr]);
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+	}

+ 48 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+#include "param.h"
+#include "tables.h"
+#include "types.h"
+#include "glosym.h"
+ * (c) copyright 1983 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
+ *
+ *          This product is part of the Amsterdam Compiler Kit.
+ *
+ * Permission to use, sell, duplicate or disclose this software must be
+ * obtained in writing. Requests for such permissions may be sent to
+ *
+ *      Dr. Andrew S. Tanenbaum
+ *      Wiskundig Seminarium
+ *      Vrije Universiteit
+ *      Postbox 7161
+ *      1007 MC Amsterdam
+ *      The Netherlands
+ *
+ * Author: Hans van Staveren
+ */
+extern string myalloc();
+glosym_p glolist= (glosym_p) 0;
+enterglo(name,romp) string name; word *romp; {
+	register glosym_p gp;
+	register i;
+	gp = (glosym_p) myalloc(sizeof *gp);
+	gp->gl_next = glolist;
+	gp->gl_name = (string) myalloc(strlen(name)+1);
+	strcpy(gp->gl_name,name);
+	for (i=0;i<=MAXROM;i++)
+		gp->gl_rom[i] = romp[i];
+	glolist = gp;
+glosym_p lookglo(name) string name; {
+	register glosym_p gp;
+	for (gp=glolist;gp != (glosym_p) 0; gp=gp->gl_next)
+		if (strcmp(gp->gl_name,name)==0)
+			return(gp);
+	return((glosym_p) 0);

+ 7 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+typedef struct glosym {
+	struct glosym *gl_next;
+	string	       gl_name;
+	word	       gl_rom[MAXROM+1];
+} glosym_t,*glosym_p;
+glosym_p lookglo();

+ 80 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+#include "param.h"
+ * (c) copyright 1983 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
+ *
+ *          This product is part of the Amsterdam Compiler Kit.
+ *
+ * Permission to use, sell, duplicate or disclose this software must be
+ * obtained in writing. Requests for such permissions may be sent to
+ *
+ *      Dr. Andrew S. Tanenbaum
+ *      Wiskundig Seminarium
+ *      Vrije Universiteit
+ *      Postbox 7161
+ *      1007 MC Amsterdam
+ *      The Netherlands
+ *
+ * Author: Hans van Staveren
+ */
+char *progname;
+extern char startupcode[];
+int maxply=1;
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+int Debug=0;
+extern int endofprog;
+main(argc,argv) char **argv; {
+	register unsigned n;
+	extern unsigned cc1,cc2,cc3,cc4;
+	unsigned ggd();
+	progname = argv[0];
+	while (--argc && **++argv == '-') {
+		switch(argv[0][1]) {
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+		case 'd':
+			Debug=1; break;
+		case 'p':
+			maxply = atoi(argv[0]+2);
+			break;
+		case 'w':	/* weight percentage for size */
+			n=atoi(argv[0]+2);
+			cc1 *= n;
+			cc2 *= 50;
+			cc3 *= (100-n);
+			cc4 *= 50;
+			n=ggd(cc1,cc2);
+			cc1 /= n;
+			cc2 /= n;
+			n=ggd(cc3,cc4);
+			cc3 /= n;
+			cc4 /= n;
+			break;
+		default:
+			error("Unknown flag %c",argv[0][1]);
+		}
+	}
+	if (argc < 1 || argc > 2)
+		error("Usage: %s EMfile [ asfile ]",progname);
+	in_init(argv[0]);
+	out_init(argv[1]);
+	codegen(startupcode,maxply,TRUE,MAXINT,0);
+	in_finish();
+	if (!endofprog)
+		error("Bombed out of codegen");
+	out_finish();
+unsigned ggd(a,b) register unsigned a,b; {
+	register unsigned c;
+	do {
+		c = a%b; a=b; b=c;
+	} while (c!=0);
+	return(a);

+ 106 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+#include "assert.h"
+#include "param.h"
+#include "tables.h"
+#include "types.h"
+#include <cg_pattern.h>
+#include "data.h"
+#include "result.h"
+#include "extern.h"
+ * (c) copyright 1983 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
+ *
+ *          This product is part of the Amsterdam Compiler Kit.
+ *
+ * Permission to use, sell, duplicate or disclose this software must be
+ * obtained in writing. Requests for such permissions may be sent to
+ *
+ *      Dr. Andrew S. Tanenbaum
+ *      Wiskundig Seminarium
+ *      Vrije Universiteit
+ *      Postbox 7161
+ *      1007 MC Amsterdam
+ *      The Netherlands
+ *
+ * Author: Hans van Staveren
+ */
+unsigned costcalc();
+move(tp1,tp2,ply,toplevel,maxcost) token_p tp1,tp2; unsigned maxcost; {
+	register move_p mp;
+	register unsigned t;
+	register struct reginfo *rp;
+	tkdef_p tdp;
+	int i;
+	unsigned codegen();
+	if (eqtoken(tp1,tp2))
+		return(0);
+	if (tp2->t_token == -1) {
+		if (tp1->t_token == -1) {
+			if (eqtoken(&machregs[tp1->t_att[0].ar].r_contents,
+				    &machregs[tp2->t_att[0].ar].r_contents) &&
+			      machregs[tp1->t_att[0].ar].r_contents.t_token!=0)
+				return(0);
+			if (tp1->t_att[0].ar!=1) { /* COCO reg; tmp kludge */
+				erasereg(tp2->t_att[0].ar);
+				machregs[tp2->t_att[0].ar].r_contents =
+				  machregs[tp1->t_att[0].ar].r_contents ;
+			} else
+				machregs[tp1->t_att[0].ar].r_contents =
+				  machregs[tp2->t_att[0].ar].r_contents ;
+		} else {
+			if (eqtoken(&machregs[tp2->t_att[0].ar].r_contents,tp1))
+				return(0);
+			machregs[tp2->t_att[0].ar].r_contents = *tp1;
+		}
+		for (rp=machregs;rp<machregs+NREGS;rp++) {
+			if (rp->r_contents.t_token == 0)
+				continue;
+			assert(rp->r_contents.t_token > 0);
+			tdp = &tokens[rp->r_contents.t_token];
+			for (i=0;i<TOKENSIZE;i++)
+				if (tdp->t_type[i] == EV_REG &&
+				    clash(rp->r_contents.t_att[i].ar,tp2->t_att[0].ar)) {
+					erasereg(rp-machregs);
+					break;
+				}
+		}
+	} else if (tp1->t_token == -1) {
+		if (eqtoken(tp2,&machregs[tp1->t_att[0].ar].r_contents))
+			return(0);
+		machregs[tp1->t_att[0].ar].r_contents = *tp2;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * If we arrive here the move must really be executed
+	 */
+	for (mp=moves;mp<moves+NMOVES;mp++) {
+		if (!match(tp1,&machsets[mp->m_set1],mp->m_expr1))
+			continue;
+		if (match(tp2,&machsets[mp->m_set2],mp->m_expr2))
+			break;
+		/*
+		 * Correct move rule is found
+		 */
+	}
+	assert(mp<moves+NMOVES);
+	/*
+	 * To get correct interpretation of things like %[1]
+	 * in move code we stack tp2 and tp1. This little trick
+	 * saves a lot of testing in other places.
+	 */
+	if (mp->m_cindex!=0) {
+		fakestack[stackheight] = *tp2;
+		fakestack[stackheight+1] = *tp1;
+		stackheight += 2;
+		t = codegen(&coderules[mp->m_cindex],ply,toplevel,maxcost,0);
+		if (t <= maxcost)
+			t += costcalc(mp->m_cost);
+		stackheight -= 2;
+	} else {
+		t = 0;
+	}
+	return(t);

+ 127 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+#include <em_spec.h>
+#include <em_flag.h>
+#include "assert.h"
+#include "param.h"
+#include "tables.h"
+#include "types.h"
+#include <cg_pattern.h>
+#include "data.h"
+#include "result.h"
+#include "extern.h"
+ * (c) copyright 1983 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
+ *
+ *          This product is part of the Amsterdam Compiler Kit.
+ *
+ * Permission to use, sell, duplicate or disclose this software must be
+ * obtained in writing. Requests for such permissions may be sent to
+ *
+ *      Dr. Andrew S. Tanenbaum
+ *      Wiskundig Seminarium
+ *      Vrije Universiteit
+ *      Postbox 7161
+ *      1007 MC Amsterdam
+ *      The Netherlands
+ *
+ * Author: Hans van Staveren
+ */
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+#include <stdio.h>
+extern char em_mnem[][4];
+byte *trypat(bp,len) register byte *bp; {
+	register patlen,i;
+	result_t result;
+	getint(patlen,bp);
+	if (len == 3) {
+		if (patlen < 3)
+			return(0);
+	} else {
+		if (patlen != len)
+			return(0);
+	}
+	for(i=0;i<patlen;i++)
+		if (emp[i].em_instr != (*bp++&BMASK))
+			return(0);
+	for (i=0;i<patlen;i++)
+		if (emp[i].em_optyp==OPNO)
+			dollar[i].e_typ=EV_UNDEF;
+		else if ((dollar[i].e_typ=argtyp(emp[i].em_instr))==EV_INT)
+			dollar[i].e_v.e_con=emp[i].em_u.em_ioper;
+		else
+			dollar[i].e_v.e_str=emp[i].em_soper;
+	getint(i,bp);
+	if (i!=0) {
+		result = compute(&enodes[i]);
+		if (result.e_typ != EV_INT || result.e_v.e_con == 0)
+			return(0);
+	}
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+	if (Debug) {
+		fprintf(stderr,"Matched:");
+		for (i=0;i<patlen;i++)
+			fprintf(stderr," %3.3s",em_mnem[emp[i].em_instr-sp_fmnem]);
+		fprintf(stderr,"\n");
+	}
+	saveemp = emp;
+	emp += patlen;
+	return(bp);
+extern char em_flag[];
+argtyp(mn) {
+	switch(em_flag[mn-sp_fmnem]&EM_PAR) {
+	case PAR_W:
+	case PAR_S:
+	case PAR_Z:
+	case PAR_O:
+	case PAR_N:
+	case PAR_L:
+	case PAR_F:
+	case PAR_R:
+	case PAR_C:
+		return(EV_INT);
+	default:
+		return(EV_STR);
+	}
+byte *nextem(toplevel) {
+	register i;
+	short hash[3];
+	register byte *bp;
+	byte *cp;
+	int index;
+	register struct emline *ep;
+	if (toplevel) {
+		if (nemlines && emp>emlines) {
+			nemlines -= emp-emlines;
+			for (i=0,ep=emlines;i<nemlines;i++)
+				*ep++ = *emp++;
+			emp=emlines;
+		}
+		fillemlines();
+	}
+	hash[0] = emp[0].em_instr;
+	hash[1] = (hash[0]<<4) ^ emp[1].em_instr;
+	hash[2] = (hash[1]<<4) ^ emp[2].em_instr;
+	for (i=2;i>=0;i--) {
+		index = pathash[hash[i]&BMASK];
+		while (index != 0) {
+			bp = &pattern[index];
+			if ( bp[PO_HASH] == (hash[i]>>8))
+				if ((cp=trypat(&bp[PO_MATCH],i+1)) != 0)
+					return(cp);
+			index = (bp[PO_NEXT]&BMASK) | (bp[PO_NEXT+1]<<8);
+		}
+	}
+	return(0);

+ 17 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+#define BMASK 0377
+#define BSHIFT 8
+#define TRUE    1
+#define FALSE   0
+#define MAXINT 32767
+#define INFINITY (MAXINT+100)
+#define MAXROM 3
+ * Tunable constants
+ */
+#define MAXEMLINES 20
+#define MAXFSTACK 20

+ 149 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+#include "assert.h"
+#include "param.h"
+#include "tables.h"
+#include "types.h"
+#include <cg_pattern.h>
+#include "data.h"
+#include "result.h"
+#include "extern.h"
+ * (c) copyright 1983 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
+ *
+ *          This product is part of the Amsterdam Compiler Kit.
+ *
+ * Permission to use, sell, duplicate or disclose this software must be
+ * obtained in writing. Requests for such permissions may be sent to
+ *
+ *      Dr. Andrew S. Tanenbaum
+ *      Wiskundig Seminarium
+ *      Vrije Universiteit
+ *      Postbox 7161
+ *      1007 MC Amsterdam
+ *      The Netherlands
+ *
+ * Author: Hans van Staveren
+ */
+chrefcount(regno,amount,tflag) {
+	register struct reginfo *rp;
+	register i;
+	rp= &machregs[regno];
+	if (rp->r_members[0]==0) {
+		rp->r_refcount += amount;
+		if (tflag)
+			rp->r_tcount += amount;
+		assert(rp->r_refcount >= 0);
+	} else
+		for (i=0;i<MAXMEMBERS;i++)
+			if (rp->r_members[i]!=0)
+				chrefcount(rp->r_members[i],amount,tflag);
+getrefcount(regno) {
+	register struct reginfo *rp;
+	register i,maxcount;
+	rp= &machregs[regno];
+	if (rp->r_members[0]==0)
+		return(rp->r_refcount);
+	else {
+		maxcount=0;
+		for (i=0;i<MAXMEMBERS;i++)
+			if (rp->r_members[i]!=0)
+				maxcount=max(maxcount,getrefcount(rp->r_members[i]));
+		return(maxcount);
+	}
+erasereg(regno) {
+	register struct reginfo *rp;
+	register i;
+	rp= &machregs[regno];
+	rp->r_contents.t_token = 0;
+	for (i=0;i<TOKENSIZE;i++)
+		rp->r_contents.t_att[i].aw=0;
+	for (rp=machregs;rp<machregs+NREGS;rp++)
+		if (rp->r_clash[regno>>4]&(1<<(regno&017))) {
+			rp->r_contents.t_token = 0;
+			for (i=0;i<TOKENSIZE;i++)
+				rp->r_contents.t_att[i].aw=0;
+		}
+cleanregs() {
+	register struct reginfo *rp;
+	register i;
+	for (rp=machregs;rp<machregs+NREGS;rp++) {
+		rp->r_contents.t_token = 0;
+		for (i=0;i<TOKENSIZE;i++)
+			rp->r_contents.t_att[i].aw = 0;
+	}
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+inctcount(regno) {
+	register struct reginfo *rp;
+	register i;
+	rp = &machregs[regno];
+	if (rp->r_members[0] == 0) {
+		rp->r_tcount++;
+	} else  {
+		for (i=0;i<MAXMEMBERS;i++)
+			if (rp->r_members[i] != 0)
+				inctcount(rp->r_members[i]);
+	}
+chkregs() {
+	register struct reginfo *rp;
+	register token_p tp;
+	register tkdef_p tdp;
+	int i;
+	for (rp=machregs;rp<machregs+NREGS;rp++) {
+		assert(rp->r_tcount==0);
+	}
+	for (tp=fakestack;tp<fakestack+stackheight;tp++) {
+		if (tp->t_token == -1)
+			inctcount(tp->t_att[0].ar);
+		else {
+			tdp = &tokens[tp->t_token];
+			for (i=0;i<TOKENSIZE;i++)
+				if (tdp->t_type[i]==EV_REG)
+					inctcount(tp->t_att[i].ar);
+		}
+	}
+#ifdef REGVARS
+#include <em_reg.h>
+	for(i=reg_any;i<=reg_float;i++) {
+		int j;
+		for(j=0;j<nregvar[i];j++)
+			inctcount(rvnumbers[i][j]);
+	}
+#endif REGVARS
+	for (rp=machregs;rp<machregs+NREGS;rp++) {
+		assert(rp->r_refcount==rp->r_tcount);
+		rp->r_tcount=0;
+	}

+ 146 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+#include "assert.h"
+#include "param.h"
+#include "tables.h"
+#include "types.h"
+#include <cg_pattern.h>
+#include "data.h"
+#include "regvar.h"
+#include <em_reg.h>
+#include "result.h"
+#include "extern.h"
+ * (c) copyright 1983 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
+ *
+ *          This product is part of the Amsterdam Compiler Kit.
+ *
+ * Permission to use, sell, duplicate or disclose this software must be
+ * obtained in writing. Requests for such permissions may be sent to
+ *
+ *      Dr. Andrew S. Tanenbaum
+ *      Wiskundig Seminarium
+ *      Vrije Universiteit
+ *      Postbox 7161
+ *      1007 MC Amsterdam
+ *      The Netherlands
+ *
+ * Author: Hans van Staveren
+ */
+#ifdef REGVARS
+struct regvar *rvlist;
+struct regvar *
+linkreg(of,sz,tp,sc) long of; {
+	struct regvar *rvlp;
+	rvlp= (struct regvar *) myalloc(sizeof *rvlp);
+	rvlp->rv_next = rvlist;
+	rvlist=rvlp;
+	rvlp->rv_off	= of;
+	rvlp->rv_size	= sz;
+	rvlp->rv_type	= tp;
+	rvlp->rv_score	= sc;
+	rvlp->rv_reg	= 0;	/* no register assigned yet */
+	return(rvlp);
+tryreg(rvlp,typ) struct regvar *rvlp; {
+	int score;
+	register i;
+	struct regassigned *ra;
+	struct regvar *save;
+	if (typ != reg_any && nregvar[typ]!=0) {
+		if (machregs[rvnumbers[typ][0]].r_size!=rvlp->rv_size)
+			score = -1;
+		else
+			score = regscore(rvlp->rv_off,
+					 rvlp->rv_size,
+					 rvlp->rv_type,
+					 rvlp->rv_score,
+					 typ);	/* machine dependent */
+		ra = regassigned[typ];
+		if (score>ra[nregvar[typ]-1].ra_score) {
+			save = ra[nregvar[typ]-1].ra_rv;
+			for (i=nregvar[typ]-1;i>0 && ra[i-1].ra_score<score;i--)
+				ra[i] = ra[i-1];
+			ra[i].ra_rv = rvlp;
+			ra[i].ra_score = score;
+			if((rvlp=save)==0)
+				return;
+		}
+	}
+	if (nregvar[reg_any]==0)
+		return;
+	if (machregs[rvnumbers[reg_any][0]].r_size!=rvlp->rv_size)
+		score = -1;
+	else
+		score = regscore(rvlp->rv_off,
+				 rvlp->rv_size,
+				 rvlp->rv_type,
+				 rvlp->rv_score,
+				 reg_any);	/* machine dependent */
+	ra = regassigned[reg_any];
+	if (score>ra[nregvar[reg_any]-1].ra_score) {
+		for (i=nregvar[reg_any]-1;i>0 && ra[i-1].ra_score<score;i--)
+			ra[i] = ra[i-1];
+		ra[i].ra_rv = rvlp;
+		ra[i].ra_score = score;
+	}
+fixregvars() {
+	register struct regvar *rv;
+	register rvtyp,i;
+	swtxt();
+	i_regsave();	/* machine dependent initialization */
+	for (rvtyp=reg_any;rvtyp<=reg_float;rvtyp++) {
+	    for(i=0;i<nregvar[rvtyp];i++)
+		if (regassigned[rvtyp][i].ra_score>0) {
+			rv=regassigned[rvtyp][i].ra_rv;
+			rv->rv_reg=rvnumbers[rvtyp][i];
+			regsave(codestrings[machregs[rv->rv_reg].r_repr],
+				    rv->rv_off,rv->rv_size);
+		}
+	}
+	f_regsave();
+#ifndef EM_BSIZE
+	for(rv=rvlist;rv!=0;rv=rv->rv_next)
+		if (rv->rv_off >= 0) rv->rv_off += EM_BSIZE;
+isregvar(off) long off; {
+	register struct regvar *rvlp;
+	for(rvlp=rvlist;rvlp!=0;rvlp=rvlp->rv_next)
+		if(rvlp->rv_off == off)
+			return(rvlp->rv_reg);
+	return(-1);
+unlinkregs() {
+	register struct regvar *rvlp,*t;
+	register struct regassigned *ra;
+	int rvtyp,i;
+	for(rvlp=rvlist;rvlp!=0;rvlp=t) {
+		t=rvlp->rv_next;
+		myfree(rvlp);
+	}
+	rvlist=0;
+	for (rvtyp=reg_any;rvtyp<=reg_float;rvtyp++) {
+	    for(i=0;i<nregvar[rvtyp];i++) {
+		ra= &regassigned[rvtyp][i];
+		ra->ra_rv = 0;
+		ra->ra_score = 0;
+	    }
+	}
+#endif REGVARS
+/* nothing after this */

+ 17 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+struct regvar {
+	struct regvar  *rv_next;
+	long		rv_off;
+	int		rv_size;
+	int		rv_type;
+	int		rv_score;
+	int		rv_reg;
+struct regassigned {
+	struct regvar  *ra_rv;
+	int		ra_score;
+extern struct regvar *rvlist;
+extern int nregvar[];
+extern struct regassigned *regassigned[];

+ 17 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+struct result {
+	int	e_typ;		/* EV_INT,EV_REG,EV_STR */
+	union {
+		word e_con;
+		int e_reg;
+		string e_str;
+	} e_v;			/* value */
+#define EV_UNDEF 0
+#define EV_INT	1
+#define EV_REG	2
+#define EV_STR	3
+typedef struct result result_t;
+extern result_t compute();

+ 146 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+#include "assert.h"
+#include "param.h"
+#include "tables.h"
+#include "types.h"
+#include <cg_pattern.h>
+#include "data.h"
+#include "result.h"
+#include "extern.h"
+ * (c) copyright 1983 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
+ *
+ *          This product is part of the Amsterdam Compiler Kit.
+ *
+ * Permission to use, sell, duplicate or disclose this software must be
+ * obtained in writing. Requests for such permissions may be sent to
+ *
+ *      Dr. Andrew S. Tanenbaum
+ *      Wiskundig Seminarium
+ *      Vrije Universiteit
+ *      Postbox 7161
+ *      1007 MC Amsterdam
+ *      The Netherlands
+ *
+ * Author: Hans van Staveren
+ */
+ * Package for string allocation and garbage collection.
+ * Call salloc(size) to get room for string.
+ * Every now and then call garbage_collect() from toplevel.
+ */
+#define MAXSTAB         500
+#define THRESHOLD       200
+char *stab[MAXSTAB];
+int nstab=0;
+string malloc();
+string myalloc(size) {
+	register string p;
+	p = (string) malloc(size);
+	if (p==0)
+		fatal("Out of memory");
+	return(p);
+myfree(p) string p; {
+	free(p);
+popstr(nnstab) {
+	register i;
+	for (i=nnstab;i<nstab;i++)
+		myfree(stab[i]);
+	nstab = nnstab;
+char *salloc(size) {
+	register char *p;
+	if (nstab==MAXSTAB)
+		fatal("String table overflow");
+	p = myalloc(size+1);    /* extra room for terminating zero */
+	stab[nstab++] = p;
+	return(p);
+compar(p1,p2) char **p1,**p2; {
+	assert(*p1 != *p2);
+	if (*p1 < *p2)
+		return(-1);
+	return(1);
+garbage_collect() {
+	register i;
+	struct emline *emlp;
+	token_p tp;
+	tkdef_p tdp;
+	struct reginfo *rp;
+	register char **fillp,**scanp;
+	char used[MAXSTAB];     /* could be bitarray */
+	if (nstab<THRESHOLD)
+		return;
+	qsort(stab,nstab,sizeof (char *),compar);
+	for (i=0;i<nstab;i++)
+		used[i]= FALSE;
+	for(emlp=emlines;emlp<emlines+nemlines;emlp++)
+		chkstr(emlp->em_soper,used);
+	for (tp= fakestack;tp<&fakestack[stackheight];tp++) {
+		if (tp->t_token== -1)
+			continue;
+		tdp = &tokens[tp->t_token];
+		for (i=0;i<TOKENSIZE;i++)
+			if (tdp->t_type[i] == EV_STR)
+				chkstr(tp->t_att[i].as,used);
+	}
+	for (rp= machregs; rp<machregs+NREGS; rp++) {
+		tp = &rp->r_contents;
+		assert(tp->t_token != -1);
+		tdp= &tokens[tp->t_token];
+		for (i=0;i<TOKENSIZE;i++)
+			if (tdp->t_type[i] == EV_STR)
+				chkstr(tp->t_att[i].as,used);
+	}
+	for (i=0;i<nstab;i++)
+		if (!used[i]) {
+			myfree(stab[i]);
+			stab[i]=0;
+		}
+	fillp=stab;
+	for (scanp=stab;scanp<stab+nstab;scanp++)
+		if (*scanp != 0)
+			*fillp++ = *scanp;
+	nstab = fillp-stab;
+chkstr(str,used) string str; char used[]; {
+	register low,middle,high;
+	low=0; high=nstab-1;
+	while (high>low) {
+		middle= (low+high)>>1;
+		if (str==stab[middle]) {
+			used[middle]=1;
+			return;
+		}
+		if (str<stab[middle])
+			high = middle-1;
+		else
+			low = middle+1;
+	}
+	if (low==high) {
+		if (str==stab[low]) {
+			used[low]=1;
+		}
+		return;
+	}

+ 100 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+#include "assert.h"
+#include "param.h"
+#include "tables.h"
+#include "types.h"
+#include <cg_pattern.h>
+#include "data.h"
+#include "result.h"
+#include "state.h"
+#include "extern.h"
+ * (c) copyright 1983 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
+ *
+ *          This product is part of the Amsterdam Compiler Kit.
+ *
+ * Permission to use, sell, duplicate or disclose this software must be
+ * obtained in writing. Requests for such permissions may be sent to
+ *
+ *      Dr. Andrew S. Tanenbaum
+ *      Wiskundig Seminarium
+ *      Vrije Universiteit
+ *      Postbox 7161
+ *      1007 MC Amsterdam
+ *      The Netherlands
+ *
+ * Author: Hans van Staveren
+ */
+extern int nstab;	/* salloc.c */
+#ifndef STONSTACK
+extern string myalloc();
+state_p stlist=0;
+savestatus(sp) register state_p sp; {
+state_p savestatus() {
+	register state_p sp;
+	if ((sp=stlist)==0)
+		sp = (state_p) myalloc( sizeof( *sp ) );
+	else
+		stlist=sp->st_next;
+	sp->st_sh = stackheight;
+	bmove((short *)fakestack,(short *)sp->st_fs,stackheight*sizeof(token_t));
+	sp->st_na = nallreg;
+	bmove((short *)allreg,(short *)sp->st_ar,nallreg*sizeof(int));
+	sp->st_ct = curtoken;
+	bmove((short *)dollar,(short *)sp->st_do,LONGESTPATTERN*sizeof(result_t));
+	bmove((short *)machregs,(short *)sp->st_mr,NREGS*sizeof(struct reginfo));
+	sp->st_ne = nemlines;
+	bmove((short *)emlines,(short *)sp->st_el,nemlines*sizeof(struct emline));
+	sp->st_em = emp;
+	sp->st_se = saveemp;
+	sp->st_tl = tokpatlen;
+	sp->st_ns = nstab;
+#ifndef STONSTACK
+	return(sp);
+restorestatus(sp) register state_p sp; {
+	stackheight = sp->st_sh;
+	bmove((short *)sp->st_fs,(short *)fakestack,stackheight*sizeof(token_t));
+	nallreg = sp->st_na;
+	bmove((short *)sp->st_ar,(short *)allreg,nallreg*sizeof(int));
+	curtoken = sp->st_ct;
+	bmove((short *)sp->st_do,(short *)dollar,LONGESTPATTERN*sizeof(result_t));
+	bmove((short *)sp->st_mr,(short *)machregs,NREGS*sizeof(struct reginfo));
+	nemlines = sp->st_ne;
+	bmove((short *)sp->st_el,(short *)emlines,nemlines*sizeof(struct emline));
+	emp = sp->st_em;
+	saveemp = sp->st_se;
+	tokpatlen = sp->st_tl;
+	popstr(sp->st_ns);
+#ifndef STONSTACK
+freestatus(sp) state_p sp; {
+	sp->st_next = stlist;
+	stlist = sp;
+bmove(from,to,nbytes) register short *from,*to; register nbytes; {
+	if (nbytes<=0)
+		return;
+	assert(sizeof(short)==2 && (nbytes&1)==0);
+	nbytes>>=1;
+	do
+		*to++ = *from++;
+	while (--nbytes);

+ 22 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+#define STONSTACK	/* if defined state is saved in stackframe */
+typedef struct state {
+	struct state *st_next;                  /* for linked list */
+	int st_sh;                              /* stackheight */
+	token_t st_fs[MAXFSTACK];               /* fakestack */
+	int st_na;                              /* nallreg */
+	int st_ar[MAXALLREG];                   /* allreg[] */
+	token_p st_ct;                          /* curtoken */
+	result_t st_do[LONGESTPATTERN];         /* dollar[] */
+	struct reginfo st_mr[NREGS];            /* machregs[] */
+	int st_ne;                              /* nemlines */
+	struct emline st_el[MAXEMLINES];        /* emlines[] */
+	struct emline *st_em;                   /* emp */
+	struct emline *st_se;			/* saveemp */
+	int st_tl;				/* tokpatlen */
+	int st_ns;				/* nstab */
+} state_t,*state_p;
+#ifndef STONSTACK
+state_p savestatus();

+ 543 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,543 @@
+#include "assert.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "param.h"
+#include "tables.h"
+#include "types.h"
+#include <cg_pattern.h>
+#include "data.h"
+#include "result.h"
+#include "extern.h"
+ * (c) copyright 1983 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
+ *
+ *          This product is part of the Amsterdam Compiler Kit.
+ *
+ * Permission to use, sell, duplicate or disclose this software must be
+ * obtained in writing. Requests for such permissions may be sent to
+ *
+ *      Dr. Andrew S. Tanenbaum
+ *      Wiskundig Seminarium
+ *      Vrije Universiteit
+ *      Postbox 7161
+ *      1007 MC Amsterdam
+ *      The Netherlands
+ *
+ * Author: Hans van Staveren
+ */
+string myalloc();
+unsigned codegen();
+match(tp,tep,optexp) register token_p tp; register set_p tep; {
+	register bitno;
+	token_p ct;
+	result_t result;
+	if (tp->t_token == -1) {        /* register frame */
+		bitno = tp->t_att[0].ar+1;
+		if (tep->set_val[bitno>>4]&(1<<(bitno&017)))
+			if (tep->set_val[0]&1 || getrefcount(tp->t_att[0].ar)<=1)
+				goto oklabel;
+		return(0);
+	} else {                /* token frame */
+		bitno = tp->t_token+NREGS+1;
+		if ((tep->set_val[bitno>>4]&(1<<(bitno&017)))==0)
+			return(0);
+	}
+    oklabel:
+	if (optexp==0)
+		return(1);
+	ct=curtoken;
+	curtoken=tp;
+	result=compute(&enodes[optexp]);
+	curtoken=ct;
+	return(result.e_v.e_con);
+instance(instno,token) token_p token; {
+	inst_p inp;
+	int i;
+	token_p tp;
+	struct reginfo *rp;
+	int regno;
+	result_t result;
+	if (instno==0) {
+		token->t_token = 0;
+		for(i=0;i<TOKENSIZE;i++)
+			token->t_att[i].aw=0;
+		return;
+	}
+	inp= &tokeninstances[instno];
+	switch(inp->in_which) {
+	default:
+		assert(FALSE);
+	case IN_COPY:
+		tp= &fakestack[stackheight-inp->in_info[0]];
+		if (inp->in_info[1]==0) {
+			*token = *tp;
+		} else {
+			token->t_token= -1;
+			if (tp->t_token == -1) {
+				rp = &machregs[tp->t_att[0].ar];
+				token->t_att[0].ar=rp->r_members[inp->in_info[1]-1];
+			} else {
+				assert(tokens[tp->t_token].t_type[inp->in_info[1]-1] == EV_REG);
+				token->t_att[0].ar=tp->t_att[inp->in_info[1]-1].ar;
+			}
+		}
+		return;
+	case IN_RIDENT:
+		token->t_token= -1;
+		token->t_att[0].ar= inp->in_info[0];
+		return;
+#ifdef REGVARS
+	case IN_REGVAR:
+		result=compute(&enodes[inp->in_info[0]]);
+		i=isregvar((long)result.e_v.e_con);
+		assert(i>0);
+		token->t_token= -1;
+		token->t_att[0].ar = i;
+		return;
+	case IN_ALLOC:
+		token->t_token= -1;
+		regno=allreg[inp->in_info[0]];
+		if (inp->in_info[1])
+			regno=machregs[regno].r_members[inp->in_info[1]-1];
+		token->t_att[0].ar = regno;
+		return;
+	case IN_DESCR:
+		token->t_token=inp->in_info[0];
+		for (i=0;i<TOKENSIZE;i++)
+			if (inp->in_info[i+1]==0) {
+				assert(tokens[token->t_token].t_type[i]==0);
+				token->t_att[i].aw=0;
+			} else {
+				result=compute(&enodes[inp->in_info[i+1]]);
+				assert(tokens[token->t_token].t_type[i]==result.e_typ);
+				if (result.e_typ==EV_INT)
+					token->t_att[i].aw=result.e_v.e_con;
+				else if (result.e_typ==EV_STR)
+					token->t_att[i].as= result.e_v.e_str;
+				else
+					token->t_att[i].ar=result.e_v.e_reg;
+			}
+		return;
+	}
+cinstance(instno,token,tp,regno) token_p token,tp; {
+	inst_p inp;
+	int i;
+	struct reginfo *rp;
+	result_t result;
+	int sh; /* saved stackheight */
+	assert(instno!=0);
+	inp= &tokeninstances[instno];
+	switch(inp->in_which) {
+	default:
+		assert(FALSE);
+	case IN_COPY:
+		assert(inp->in_info[0] == 1);
+		if (inp->in_info[1]==0) {
+			*token = *tp;
+		} else {
+			token->t_token= -1;
+			if (tp->t_token == -1) {
+				rp = &machregs[tp->t_att[0].ar];
+				token->t_att[0].ar=rp->r_members[inp->in_info[1]-1];
+			} else {
+				assert(tokens[tp->t_token].t_type[inp->in_info[1]-1] == EV_REG);
+				token->t_att[0].ar=tp->t_att[inp->in_info[1]-1].ar;
+			}
+		}
+		return;
+	case IN_RIDENT:
+		token->t_token= -1;
+		token->t_att[0].ar= inp->in_info[0];
+		return;
+	case IN_ALLOC:
+		token->t_token= -1;
+		assert(inp->in_info[0]==0);
+		if (inp->in_info[1])
+			regno=machregs[regno].r_members[inp->in_info[1]-1];
+		token->t_att[0].ar = regno;
+		return;
+	case IN_DESCR:
+		sh = stackheight;
+		stackheight = tp - fakestack + 1;
+		token->t_token=inp->in_info[0];
+		for (i=0;i<TOKENSIZE;i++)
+			if (inp->in_info[i+1]==0) {
+				assert(tokens[token->t_token].t_type[i]==0);
+				token->t_att[i].aw=0;
+			} else {
+				result=compute(&enodes[inp->in_info[i+1]]);
+				assert(tokens[token->t_token].t_type[i]==result.e_typ);
+				if (result.e_typ==EV_INT)
+					token->t_att[i].aw=result.e_v.e_con;
+				else if (result.e_typ==EV_STR)
+					token->t_att[i].as= result.e_v.e_str;
+				else
+					token->t_att[i].ar=result.e_v.e_reg;
+			}
+		stackheight = sh;
+		return;
+	}
+eqtoken(tp1,tp2) token_p tp1,tp2; {
+	register i;
+	register tkdef_p tdp;
+	if (tp1->t_token!=tp2->t_token)
+		return(0);
+	if (tp1->t_token==0)
+		return(1);
+	if (tp1->t_token==-1) {
+		if (tp1->t_att[0].ar!=tp2->t_att[0].ar)
+			return(0);
+		return(1);
+	}
+	tdp = &tokens[tp1->t_token];
+	for (i=0;i<TOKENSIZE;i++)
+		switch(tdp->t_type[i]) {
+		default:
+			return(1);
+		case EV_INT:
+			if (tp1->t_att[i].aw != tp2->t_att[i].aw)
+				return(0);
+			break;
+		case EV_REG:
+			if (tp1->t_att[i].ar != tp2->t_att[i].ar)
+				return(0);
+			break;
+		case EV_STR:
+			if (strcmp(tp1->t_att[i].as, tp2->t_att[i].as))
+				return(0);
+			break;
+		}
+	return(1);
+distance(cindex) {
+	register char *bp;
+	register i;
+	register token_p tp;
+	int tokexp,tpl;
+	int expsize,toksize,exact;
+	int xsekt=0;
+	bp = &coderules[cindex];
+	switch( (*bp)&037 ) {
+	default:
+		return(stackheight==0 ? 0 : 100);
+	case DO_MATCH:
+		break;
+	case DO_XXMATCH:
+		xsekt++;
+	case DO_XMATCH:
+		xsekt++;
+		break;
+	}
+	tpl= ((*bp++)>>5)&07;
+	if (stackheight < tpl) {
+		if (xsekt)
+			return(MAXINT);
+		tpl = stackheight;
+	} else
+		if (stackheight != tpl && xsekt==2)
+			return(MAXINT);
+	exact=0;
+	tp= &fakestack[stackheight-1];
+	for (i=0;i<tpl;i++,tp--) {
+		getint(tokexp,bp);
+		if (!match(tp, &machsets[tokexp], 0)) {
+			if (xsekt)
+				return(MAXINT);
+			expsize = ssize(tokexp);
+			toksize = tsize(tp);
+			if (expsize>toksize)
+				return(100);
+			if (expsize<toksize)
+				return(99-i);
+		} else
+			exact++;
+	}
+	if (exact==tpl) {
+		if (xsekt)
+			return(0);
+		return(10-exact);
+	}
+	return(20-exact);
+unsigned costcalc(cost) cost_t cost; {
+	result_t result1,result2;
+	extern unsigned cc1,cc2,cc3,cc4;
+	result1=compute(&enodes[cost.c_size]);
+	result2=compute(&enodes[cost.c_time]);
+	assert(result1.e_typ == EV_INT && result2.e_typ == EV_INT);
+	return(result1.e_v.e_con*cc1/cc2 + result2.e_v.e_con*cc3/cc4);
+ssize(tokexpno) {
+	return(machsets[tokexpno].set_size);
+tsize(tp) register token_p tp; {
+	if (tp->t_token==-1)
+		return(machregs[tp->t_att[0].ar].r_size);
+	return(tokens[tp->t_token].t_size);
+#ifdef MAXSPLIT
+instsize(tinstno,tp) token_p tp; {
+	inst_p inp;
+	struct reginfo *rp;
+	inp = &tokeninstances[tinstno];
+	switch(inp->in_which) {
+	default:
+		assert(FALSE);
+	case IN_COPY:
+		assert(inp->in_info[0]==1);
+		if (inp->in_info[1]==0)
+			return(tsize(tp));
+		else {
+			assert(tp->t_token == -1);
+			rp = &machregs[tp->t_att[0].ar];
+			return(machregs[rp->r_members[inp->in_info[1]-1]].r_size);
+		}
+	case IN_RIDENT:
+		return(machregs[inp->in_info[0]].r_size);
+	case IN_ALLOC:
+		assert(FALSE);  /* cannot occur in splitting coercion */
+	case IN_DESCR:
+		return(tokens[inp->in_info[0]].t_size);
+	}
+#endif MAXSPLIT
+tref(tp,amount) register token_p tp; {
+	register i;
+	register tkdef_p tdp;
+	if (tp->t_token==-1)
+		chrefcount(tp->t_att[0].ar,amount,FALSE);
+	else {
+		tdp= &tokens[tp->t_token];
+		for(i=0;i<TOKENSIZE;i++)
+			if (tdp->t_type[i]==EV_REG)
+				chrefcount(tp->t_att[i].ar,amount,FALSE);
+	}
+#define MAXSAVE 10
+#ifdef MAXSPLIT
+split(tp,ip,ply,toplevel) token_p tp; int *ip; {
+	c2_p cp;
+	token_t savestack[MAXSAVE];
+	int ok;
+	register i;
+	int diff;
+	token_p stp;
+	int tpl;
+	for (cp=c2coercs;cp< &c2coercs[NC2]; cp++) {
+		if (!match(tp,&machsets[cp->c2_texpno],0))
+			continue;
+		ok=1;
+		for (i=0; ok && i<cp->c2_nsplit;i++) {
+			if (ip[i]==0)
+				goto found;
+			if (instsize(cp->c2_repl[i],tp) != ssize(ip[i]))
+				ok=0;
+		}
+		goto found;
+	}
+	return(0);
+	assert(stackheight+cp->c2_nsplit-1<MAXFSTACK);
+	stp = &fakestack[stackheight-1];
+	diff = stp - tp;
+	assert(diff<=MAXSAVE);
+	for (i=1;i<=diff;i++)
+		savestack[i-1] = tp[i];         /* save top of stack */
+	stackheight -= diff;
+	tpl = tokpatlen;
+	tokpatlen = 1;
+	codegen(&coderules[cp->c2_codep],ply,toplevel,MAXINT,0);
+	tokpatlen = tpl;
+	for (i=0;i<diff;i++)            /* restore top of stack */
+		fakestack[stackheight++] = savestack[i];
+	return(cp->c2_nsplit);
+#endif MAXSPLIT
+unsigned docoerc(tp,cp,ply,toplevel,forced) token_p tp; c3_p cp; {
+	token_t savestack[MAXSAVE];
+	token_p stp;
+	int i,diff;
+	unsigned cost;
+	int tpl;        /* saved tokpatlen */
+	stp = &fakestack[stackheight-1];
+	diff = stp -tp;
+	assert(diff<=MAXSAVE);
+	for (i=1;i<=diff;i++)
+		savestack[i-1] = tp[i];
+	stackheight -= diff;
+	tpl = tokpatlen;
+	tokpatlen = 1;
+	cost = codegen(&coderules[cp->c3_codep],ply,toplevel,MAXINT,forced);
+	tokpatlen = tpl;
+	for (i=0;i<diff;i++)
+		fakestack[stackheight++] = savestack[i];
+	nallreg = 0;
+	return(cost);
+unsigned stackupto(limit,ply,toplevel) token_p limit; {
+	token_t savestack[MAXFSTACK];
+	token_p stp;
+	int i,diff;
+	int tpl;        /* saved tokpatlen */
+	int nareg;	/* saved nareg */
+	int areg[MAXALLREG];
+	c1_p cp;
+	register token_p tp;
+	unsigned totalcost=0;
+	struct reginfo *rp,**rpp;
+	for (tp=fakestack;tp<=limit;limit--) {
+		for (cp=c1coercs;cp< &c1coercs[NC1]; cp++) {
+			if (match(tp,&machsets[cp->c1_texpno],cp->c1_expr)) {
+				if (cp->c1_prop>=0) {
+					for (rpp=reglist[cp->c1_prop];
+					       (rp = *rpp)!=0 &&
+					       getrefcount(rp-machregs)!=0;
+						  rpp++)
+						;
+					if (rp==0)
+						continue;
+						/* look for other possibility */
+				}
+				stp = &fakestack[stackheight-1];
+				diff = stp -tp;
+				assert(diff<=MAXFSTACK);
+				for (i=1;i<=diff;i++)
+					savestack[i-1] = tp[i];
+				stackheight -= diff;
+				tpl = tokpatlen;
+				tokpatlen = 1;
+				nareg = nallreg;
+				for (i=0;i<nareg;i++)
+					areg[i] = allreg[i];
+				if (cp->c1_prop>=0) {
+					nallreg=1; allreg[0] = rp-machregs;
+					chrefcount(allreg[0],1,FALSE);
+				} else 
+					nallreg=0;
+				totalcost+= codegen(&coderules[cp->c1_codep],ply,toplevel,MAXINT,0);
+				totalcost+= costcalc(cp->c1_cost);
+				tokpatlen = tpl;
+				for (i=0;i<diff;i++)
+					fakestack[stackheight++] = savestack[i];
+				nallreg=nareg;
+				for (i=0;i<nareg;i++)
+					allreg[i] = areg[i];
+				goto contin;
+			}
+		}
+		assert(FALSE);
+	contin: ;
+	}
+	return(totalcost);
+c3_p findcoerc(tp,tep) token_p tp; set_p tep; {
+	register c3_p cp;
+	token_t rtoken;
+	register i;
+	register struct reginfo **rpp;
+	for (cp=c3coercs;cp< &c3coercs[NC3]; cp++) {
+		if (tp!=(token_p) 0) {
+			if (!match(tp,&machsets[cp->c3_texpno],0))
+				continue;
+		} else {
+			if (cp->c3_texpno!=0)
+				continue;
+		}
+		if (cp->c3_prop==0) {   /* no reg needed */
+			cinstance(cp->c3_repl,&rtoken,tp,0);
+			if (match(&rtoken,tep,0))
+				return(cp);
+		} else {
+			curreglist = (rl_p) myalloc(sizeof (rl_t));
+			curreglist->rl_n = 0;
+			for (rpp=reglist[cp->c3_prop];*rpp;rpp++) {
+				i = *rpp - machregs;
+				cinstance(cp->c3_repl,&rtoken,tp,i);
+				if (match(&rtoken,tep,0))
+					curreglist->rl_list[curreglist->rl_n++] = i;
+			}
+			if (curreglist->rl_n != 0)
+				return(cp);
+			myfree(curreglist);
+		}
+	}
+	return(0);      /* nothing found */
+error(s,a1,a2,a3,a4) char *s; {
+	fatal(s,a1,a2,a3,a4);
+fatal(s,a1,a2,a3,a4) char *s; {
+	fprintf(stderr,"Error: ");
+	fprintf(stderr,s,a1,a2,a3,a4);
+	fprintf(stderr,"\n");
+	out_finish();
+	abort();
+	exit(-1);
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+badassertion(asstr,file,line) char *asstr, *file; {
+	fatal("Assertion \"%s\" failed %s(%d)",asstr,file,line);
+max(a,b) {
+	return(a>b ? a : b);

+ 31 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+#ifndef EM_WSIZE
+EM_WSIZE should be defined at this point
+#ifndef EM_PSIZE
+EM_PSIZE should be defined at this point
+#if EM_WSIZE>4 || EM_PSIZE>4
+Implementation will not be correct unless a long integer
+has more then 4 bytes of precision.
+typedef char byte;
+typedef char * string;
+#if EM_WSIZE>2 || EM_PSIZE>2
+#define full            long
+#define full            int
+#if EM_WSIZE>2
+#define word long
+#ifndef WRD_FMT
+#define WRD_FMT "%D"
+#endif WRD_FMT
+#define word int
+#ifndef WRD_FMT
+#define WRD_FMT "%d"
+#endif WRD_FMT

+ 37 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+#include "param.h"
+#include "tables.h"
+#include "types.h"
+#include <cg_pattern.h>
+#include "data.h"
+#include "result.h"
+ * (c) copyright 1983 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
+ *
+ *          This product is part of the Amsterdam Compiler Kit.
+ *
+ * Permission to use, sell, duplicate or disclose this software must be
+ * obtained in writing. Requests for such permissions may be sent to
+ *
+ *      Dr. Andrew S. Tanenbaum
+ *      Wiskundig Seminarium
+ *      Vrije Universiteit
+ *      Postbox 7161
+ *      1007 MC Amsterdam
+ *      The Netherlands
+ *
+ * Author: Hans van Staveren
+ */
+int stackheight = 0;
+token_t fakestack[MAXFSTACK];
+int nallreg = 0;
+int allreg[MAXALLREG];
+token_p curtoken = (token_p) 0;
+result_t dollar[LONGESTPATTERN];
+int nemlines =0;
+struct emline emlines[MAXEMLINES];
+struct emline *emp=emlines;
+struct emline *saveemp;
+int tokpatlen;
+rl_p curreglist;