/*****************************************************************************/ /* ここから */ /*****************************************************************************/ #include #include "WWCharacterP.h" #include "WonX.h" #include "etc.h" /*****************************************************************************/ /* メンバ関数の定義 */ /*****************************************************************************/ /*===========================================================================*/ /* ナンバーの操作 */ /*===========================================================================*/ int WWCharacter_GetNumber(WWCharacter c) { if (c == NULL) WonX_Error("WWCharacter_GetNumber", "WWCharacter is NULL."); return (c->number); } int WWCharacter_SetNumber(WWCharacter c, int n) { if (c == NULL) WonX_Error("WWCharacter_SetNumber", "WWCharacter is NULL."); if ((n < 0) || (n > 512 - 1)) WonX_Error("WWCharacter_SetNumber", "Invalid range."); return (c->number = n); } /*===========================================================================*/ /* ビットマップの操作 */ /*===========================================================================*/ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* char 型として操作するための関数 */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ unsigned char WWCharacter_GetBitmapAsChar(WWCharacter c, int n) { if (c == NULL) WonX_Error("WWCharacter_GetBitmapAsChar", "WWCharacter is NULL."); if ((n < 0) || (n > 32 - 1)) WonX_Error("WWCharacter_GetBitmapAsChar", "Invalid range."); return (c->bitmap.bitmap_char[n]); } unsigned char WWCharacter_SetBitmapAsChar(WWCharacter c, int n, unsigned char bitmap) { if (c == NULL) WonX_Error("WWCharacter_SetBitmapAsChar", "WWCharacter is NULL."); if ((n < 0) || (n > 32 - 1)) WonX_Error("WWCharacter_SetBitmapAsChar", "Invalid range."); return (c->bitmap.bitmap_char[n] = bitmap); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* short int 型として操作するための関数 */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ unsigned short int WWCharacter_GetBitmapAsShortInt(WWCharacter c, int n) { if (c == NULL) WonX_Error("WWCharacter_GetBitmapAsShortInt", "WWCharacter is NULL."); if ((n < 0) || (n > 16 - 1)) WonX_Error("WWCharacter_GetBitmapAsShortInt", "Invalid range."); return (c->bitmap.bitmap_short_int[n]); } unsigned short int WWCharacter_SetBitmapAsShortInt(WWCharacter c, int n, unsigned short int bitmap) { if (c == NULL) WonX_Error("WWCharacter_SetBitmapAsShortInt", "WWCharacter is NULL."); if ((n < 0) || (n > 16 - 1)) WonX_Error("WWCharacter_SetBitmapAsShortInt", "Invalid range."); return (c->bitmap.bitmap_short_int[n] = bitmap); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* long int 型として操作するための関数 */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ unsigned long int WWCharacter_GetBitmapAsLongInt(WWCharacter c, int n) { if (c == NULL) WonX_Error("WWCharacter_GetBitmapAsLongInt", "WWCharacter is NULL."); if ((n < 0) || (n > 8 - 1)) WonX_Error("WWCharacter_GetBitmapAsLongInt", "Invalid range."); return (c->bitmap.bitmap_long_int[n]); } unsigned long int WWCharacter_SetBitmapAsLongInt(WWCharacter c, int n, unsigned long int bitmap) { if (c == NULL) WonX_Error("WWCharacter_SetBitmapAsLongInt", "WWCharacter is NULL."); if ((n < 0) || (n > 8 - 1)) WonX_Error("WWCharacter_SetBitmapAsLongInt", "Invalid range."); return (c->bitmap.bitmap_long_int[n] = bitmap); } /*===========================================================================*/ /* オブジェクトの生成と削除 */ /*===========================================================================*/ WWCharacter WWCharacter_Create(int number) { WWCharacter character; character = (WWCharacter)malloc(sizeof(_WWCharacter)); if (character == NULL) WonX_Error("WWCharacter_Create", "Cannot allocate memory."); WWCharacter_SetNumber(character, number); WWCharacter_ClearAllPixels(character); return (character); } WWCharacter WWCharacter_Destroy(WWCharacter character) { if (character == NULL) WonX_Error("WWCharacter_Destroy", "WWCharacter is NULL."); free(character); return (NULL); } /*===========================================================================*/ /* ピクセルの操作 */ /*===========================================================================*/ int WWCharacter_GetPixel(WWCharacter character, int x, int y, WWDisplay display) { unsigned short int pixel; unsigned short int spixel; unsigned long int lpixel; if (character == NULL) WonX_Error("WWCharacter_GetPixel", "WWCharacter is NULL."); if ((x < 0) || (x > 7)) WonX_Error("WWCharacter_GetPixel", "x is out of range."); if ((y < 0) || (y > 7)) WonX_Error("WWCharacter_GetPixel", "y is out of range."); /* パレット色を返す */ pixel = 0; switch (WWDisplay_GetColorMode(display)) { case COLOR_MODE_GRAYSCALE: case COLOR_MODE_4COLOR: spixel = (character->bitmap.bitmap_short_int[y] >> (7-x)) & 0x0101; pixel = ((spixel & 0x0001) ? 1 : 0) | ((spixel & 0x0100) ? 2 : 0); #if 0 pixel = ((character->bitmap.bitmap_char[y * 2 + 0] >> (7-x)) & 1) << 0; pixel |= ((character->bitmap.bitmap_char[y * 2 + 1] >> (7-x)) & 1) << 1; #endif break; case COLOR_MODE_16COLOR: lpixel = (character->bitmap.bitmap_long_int[y] >> (7-x)) & 0x01010101; pixel = ((lpixel & 0x00000001) ? 1 : 0) | ((lpixel & 0x00000100) ? 2 : 0) | ((lpixel & 0x00010000) ? 4 : 0) | ((lpixel & 0x01000000) ? 8 : 0); #if 0 pixel = ((character->bitmap[y * 4 + 0] >> (7-x)) & 1) << 0; pixel |= ((character->bitmap[y * 4 + 1] >> (7-x)) & 1) << 1; pixel |= ((character->bitmap[y * 4 + 2] >> (7-x)) & 1) << 2; pixel |= ((character->bitmap[y * 4 + 3] >> (7-x)) & 1) << 3; #endif break; case COLOR_MODE_16PACKED: lpixel = character->bitmap.bitmap_long_int[y]; lpixel = lpixel >> (3 - (7-x) / 2) * 8; lpixel = lpixel >> ((7-x) % 2) * 4; pixel = lpixel & 0x0f; #if 0 pixel = character->bitmap[y * 4 + 3 - (7-x) / 2] >> (((7-x) % 2) * 4); pixel &= 0x0f; #endif break; default: WonX_Error("WWCharacter_GetPixel", "Unknown color mode."); } return (pixel); } int WWCharacter_ClearAllPixels(WWCharacter character) { if (character == NULL) WonX_Error("WWCharacter_ClearAllPixels", "WWCharacter is NULL."); memset(character->bitmap.bitmap_char, 0, 32); return (0); } int WWCharacter_CopyAllPixels(WWCharacter dst, WWCharacter src) { if (dst == NULL) WonX_Error("WWCharacter_CopyAllPixel", "dst is NULL."); if (src == NULL) WonX_Error("WWCharacter_CopyAllPixel", "src is NULL."); memcpy(dst->bitmap.bitmap_char, src->bitmap.bitmap_char, 32); return (0); } /*===========================================================================*/ /* 内部データ出力 */ /*===========================================================================*/ int WWCharacter_PrintData(WWCharacter character, WWDisplay display, FILE * f) { int i, x, y, n; int pixel; if (character == NULL) WonX_Error("WWCharacter_PrintData", "WWCharacter is NULL."); n = WWCharacter_GetNumber(character); fprintf(f, "\n"); fprintf(f, "character[%03d] :\tnumber = %d\n", n, WWCharacter_GetNumber(character)); for (i = 0; i < 32; i += 8) { fprintf(f, "character[%03d] :\tbitmap[%02d] =", n, i); fprintf(f, " %02x", (int)WWCharacter_GetBitmapAsChar(character, i )); fprintf(f, " %02x", (int)WWCharacter_GetBitmapAsChar(character, i+1)); fprintf(f, " %02x", (int)WWCharacter_GetBitmapAsChar(character, i+2)); fprintf(f, " %02x", (int)WWCharacter_GetBitmapAsChar(character, i+3)); fprintf(f, " %02x", (int)WWCharacter_GetBitmapAsChar(character, i+4)); fprintf(f, " %02x", (int)WWCharacter_GetBitmapAsChar(character, i+5)); fprintf(f, " %02x", (int)WWCharacter_GetBitmapAsChar(character, i+6)); fprintf(f, " %02x", (int)WWCharacter_GetBitmapAsChar(character, i+7)); fprintf(f, "\n"); } fprintf(f, "character[%03d] :\tpixels : 01234567\n", n); for (y = 0; y < 8; y++) { fprintf(f, "character[%03d] :\tpixels : %01d ", n, y); for (x = 0; x < 8; x++) { pixel = WWCharacter_GetPixel(character, x, y, display); fprintf(f, "%c", wonx_dec_to_hex(pixel)); } fprintf(f, "\n"); } fflush(f); return (0); } /*****************************************************************************/ /* ここまで */ /*****************************************************************************/ /*****************************************************************************/ /* End of File. */ /*****************************************************************************/