types.h 601 B

  1. /*
  2. * Base type definitions - The TI-NESulator Project
  3. * types.h - Taken from the Quick6502 project
  4. *
  5. * Created by Manoël Trapier on 18/09/06.
  6. * Copyright 2003-2007 986 Corp. All rights reserved.
  7. *
  8. * $LastChangedDate: 2007-03-28 15:50:50 +0200 (mer, 28 mar 2007) $
  9. * $Author: mtrapier $
  10. * $HeadURL: file:///media/HD6G/SVNROOT/trunk/TI-NESulator/src/types.h $
  11. * $Revision: 25 $
  12. *
  13. */
  14. #ifndef TYPES_H
  15. #define TYPES_H
  16. #ifndef BYTE_TYPE_DEFINED
  17. #define BYTE_TYPE_DEFINED
  18. typedef unsigned char byte;
  19. #endif
  20. typedef unsigned char bool;
  21. #define true (0)
  22. #define false (!true)
  23. #endif