/* * Code Breaker plugin - The peTI-NESulator Project * gamegenie.c: Hack your games with unlimited lives of add new powers! * * Created by Manoel Trapier. * Copyright (c) 2003-2018 986-Studio. All rights reserved. * */ #include #include #include #define __TINES_PLUGINS__ #include #undef __TINES_PLUGINS_ #include #include #if 0 /* Allegro includes */ #ifdef __APPLE__ #define USE_CONSOLE #include #else #define USE_CONSOLE #include #endif typedef enum gg_States_ { GG_S00_MAIN_STATE = 0, GG_S01_SEARCH_VALUE, GG_S02_SEARCH_BAR } gg_States; /* Actual State Machine state */ gg_States gg_state = GG_S00_MAIN_STATE; /* Own representation of memory */ byte gg_MainRAM[0x800]; byte gg_OldMainRAM[0x800]; byte gg_SRAM[0x2000]; /* Field used to now which byte are currently marked as pertinent or not */ byte gg_use_MainRAM[0x800]; byte gg_use_SRAM[0x2000]; int gg_ResultNumber; byte gg_PatchUsed[10]; byte gg_PatchedPage[10]; byte gg_PatchedAddr[10]; byte gg_PatchedValue[10]; func_rdhook gg_rdhookPtr[10]; #define GG_RDHOOKPATCH(d) \ byte gg_RdHookPatch##d(byte addr) \ { \ if (addr == gg_PatchedAddr[d]) \ { \ return gg_PatchedValue[d]; \ } \ else \ { \ if (gg_rdhookPtr[d] != NULL) \ return gg_rdhookPtr[d](addr); \ else \ return (get_page_ptr(gg_PatchedPage[d])[addr]); \ } \ } #define GG_MAX_PATCH 10 /* Defines the rdhook patches */ GG_RDHOOKPATCH(0) GG_RDHOOKPATCH(1) GG_RDHOOKPATCH(2) GG_RDHOOKPATCH(3) GG_RDHOOKPATCH(4) GG_RDHOOKPATCH(5) GG_RDHOOKPATCH(6) GG_RDHOOKPATCH(7) GG_RDHOOKPATCH(8) GG_RDHOOKPATCH(9) void gg_SetPatch(int id, byte page, byte addr, byte value) { func_rdhook fptr; if (id >= GG_MAX_PATCH) return; /* Set parameters for the patch */ if (gg_PatchUsed[id] == 0x00) { gg_rdhookPtr[id] = get_page_rdhook(page); } gg_PatchedPage[id] = page; gg_PatchedAddr[id] = addr; gg_PatchedValue[id] = value; gg_PatchUsed[id] = 0xFF; /* Set a ReadHook on the page */ switch(id) { default: case 0: fptr = gg_RdHookPatch0; break; case 1: fptr = gg_RdHookPatch1; break; case 2: fptr = gg_RdHookPatch2; break; case 3: fptr = gg_RdHookPatch3; break; case 4: fptr = gg_RdHookPatch4; break; case 5: fptr = gg_RdHookPatch5; break; case 6: fptr = gg_RdHookPatch6; break; case 7: fptr = gg_RdHookPatch7; break; case 8: fptr = gg_RdHookPatch8; break; case 9: fptr = gg_RdHookPatch9; break; } set_page_rd_hook(page, fptr); } /* Access to the bitmap Buffer */ extern BITMAP *Buffer; BITMAP *gg_Buffer; void MessageBox(char *title, char *msg) { int sc_w, sc_h; int box_h, box_t, box_l, box_w; sc_w = screen->w; sc_h = screen->h; gg_Buffer = create_bitmap(sc_w, sc_h); blit(Buffer, gg_Buffer, 0, 0, 0, 0, 512 + 256, 480); box_w = text_length(font, title) + 10; box_w = (box_w>text_length(font, msg))?box_w:text_length(font, msg); box_w += 15 * 2; /*sc_w/2;*/ box_h = 15*2 + 10; /* Set the box center */ box_t = (sc_h - box_h) / 2; box_l = (sc_w - box_w) / 2; rectfill(gg_Buffer, box_l, box_t, box_l + box_w, box_t + box_h, 60); rect(gg_Buffer, box_l + 5, box_t + 5, box_l + box_w - 5, box_t + box_h - 5, 34); /* Display the title */ textout_centre_ex(gg_Buffer, font, title, box_w / 2 + box_l, box_t + 2, 34, 60); /* Display the message */ textout_centre_ex(gg_Buffer, font, msg, box_w / 2 + box_l, 15 + box_t + 2, 34, 60); blit(gg_Buffer, screen, 0, 0, 0, 0, 512 + 256, 480); sleep(1); release_bitmap(gg_Buffer); } unsigned short SelectNumber(char *title, char *msg, byte size) { int sc_w, sc_h; int box_h, box_t, box_l, box_w; char valueText[10]; unsigned short value; byte digit = 0; sc_w = screen->w; sc_h = screen->h; gg_Buffer = create_bitmap(sc_w, sc_h); blit(Buffer, gg_Buffer, 0, 0, 0, 0, 512 + 256, 480); box_w = text_length(font, title) + 10; box_w = (box_w>text_length(font, msg))?box_w:text_length(font, msg); sprintf(valueText, "0000"); box_w = (box_w>text_length(font, valueText))?box_w:text_length(font, msg); box_w += 15 * 2; /*sc_w/2;*/ box_h = 15*2 + 30; /* Set the box center */ box_t = (sc_h - box_h) / 2; box_l = (sc_w - box_w) / 2; value = 0; while(!key[KEY_ENTER]) { rectfill(gg_Buffer, box_l, box_t, box_l + box_w, box_t + box_h, 60); rect(gg_Buffer, box_l + 5, box_t + 5, box_l + box_w - 5, box_t + box_h - 5, 34); /* Display the title */ textout_centre_ex(gg_Buffer, font, title, box_w / 2 + box_l, box_t + 2, 34, 60); /* Display the message */ textout_centre_ex(gg_Buffer, font, msg, box_w / 2 + box_l, 15 + box_t + 2, 34, 60); if (size == 2) sprintf(valueText, " %02X", value&0xFF); else sprintf(valueText, "%04X", value); textout_centre_ex(gg_Buffer, font, valueText, box_w / 2 + box_l , 15 + box_t + 2 + 10, 34, 60); switch(digit) { default: case 0: textout_centre_ex(gg_Buffer, font, " ^", box_w / 2 + box_l , 15 + box_t + 2 + 20, 34, 60); break; case 1: textout_centre_ex(gg_Buffer, font, " ^ ", box_w / 2 + box_l , 15 + box_t + 2 + 20, 34, 60); break; case 2: textout_centre_ex(gg_Buffer, font, " ^ ", box_w / 2 + box_l , 15 + box_t + 2 + 20, 34, 60); break; case 3: textout_centre_ex(gg_Buffer, font, "^ ", box_w / 2 + box_l , 15 + box_t + 2 + 20, 34, 60); break; } blit(gg_Buffer, screen, 0, 0, 0, 0, 512 + 256, 480); if (key[KEY_UP]) { usleep(100000); value += ((digit==0)?0x0001:((digit==1)?0x0010:((digit==2)?0x0100:0x1000))); value &= (size==2)?0xFF:0xFFFF; } if (key[KEY_DOWN]) { usleep(100000); value -= ((digit==0)?0x0001:((digit==1)?0x0010:((digit==2)?0x0100:0x1000))); value &= (size==2)?0xFF:0xFFFF; } if (key[KEY_RIGHT]) { usleep(100000); if (digit <= 0) digit = size-1; else digit --; } if (key[KEY_LEFT]) { usleep(100000); if (digit >= size-1) digit = 0; else digit ++; } } release_bitmap(gg_Buffer); while(key[KEY_ENTER]); return value; } int DispMenu(int itemc, char *itemv[], char *title) { //console_printf(Console_Default, "%s(%d, %p, \"%s\");\n", __func__, itemc, itemv, title); int selection = 0; int i; int sc_w, sc_h; int box_h, box_t, box_l, box_w; sc_w = screen->w; sc_h = screen->h; gg_Buffer = create_bitmap(sc_w, sc_h); blit(Buffer, gg_Buffer, 0, 0, 0, 0, 512 + 256, 480); box_w = text_length(font, title) + 10; for (i = 0; i < itemc; i ++) box_w = (box_w>text_length(font, itemv[i]))?box_w:text_length(font, itemv[i]); box_w += 15 * 2; /*sc_w/2;*/ box_h = 15*2 + itemc*10; /* Set the box center */ box_t = (sc_h - box_h) / 2; box_l = (sc_w - box_w) / 2; while(!key[KEY_ENTER]) { /* Draw the box and highlight the selected item */ rectfill(gg_Buffer, box_l, box_t, box_l + box_w, box_t + box_h, 60); rect(gg_Buffer, box_l + 5, box_t + 5, box_l + box_w - 5, box_t + box_h - 5, 34); /* Display the title */ textout_centre_ex(gg_Buffer, font, title, box_w / 2 + box_l, box_t + 2, 34, 60); /* Display the highlight item */ rectfill(gg_Buffer, box_l+15, 15 + box_t + (selection * 10) , box_l + box_w - 15, 15 + box_t + (selection * 10) + 10, 34); textout_centre_ex(gg_Buffer, font, itemv[selection], box_w / 2 + box_l, 15 + box_t + (selection * 10) + 2, 60, 34); /* Display other items */ for (i = 0; i < itemc; i ++) { if (i != selection) textout_centre_ex(gg_Buffer, font, itemv[i], box_w / 2 + box_l, 15 + box_t + (i * 10) + 2, 34, 60); } /* Blit the screen buffer */ blit(gg_Buffer, screen, 0, 0, 0, 0, 512 + 256, 480); /* Now get the keyboard state */ if (key[KEY_UP]) { usleep(100000); if (selection <= 0) selection = itemc - 1; else selection --; } if (key[KEY_DOWN]) { usleep(100000); if (selection >= (itemc - 1)) selection = 0; else selection ++; } } release_bitmap(gg_Buffer); while(key[KEY_ENTER]); return selection; } byte AskYesNo(char *title) { char *YesNo[] = { "No", "Yes" }; return DispMenu(2, YesNo, title); } byte gg_CalcChk(unsigned short addr, byte value) { int chk = 0x42; chk += (addr & 0xFF00) >> 8; chk -= (addr & 0x00FF); chk += (value & 0x00FF); return chk; } /* Code is AAAAVVCC where AAAA = address, VV = value, CC = cheksum */ unsigned long gg_MakeCode(unsigned addr, byte value) { unsigned long code = addr << 16; code |= (value << 8); code |= (gg_CalcChk(addr, value) & 0x00FF); return code ^ 0x246FF53A; } byte gg_SelectPatch() { char *Items[GG_MAX_PATCH + 1]; char *tmp; int i; byte ret; for (i = 0; i < GG_MAX_PATCH; i++) { tmp = (char*) malloc(0x100); console_printf(Console_Default, "Items[%d]: %p\n", i, tmp); if (gg_PatchUsed[i] == 0x00) sprintf(tmp, "Patch %d: Not used", i); else sprintf(tmp, "Patch %d: Put 0x%02X on address 0x%02X%02X (Code: %08lX)", i, gg_PatchedValue[i], gg_PatchedPage[i], gg_PatchedAddr[i], gg_MakeCode((gg_PatchedPage[i]<<8) | gg_PatchedAddr[i], gg_PatchedValue[i])); Items[i] = tmp; } tmp = (char*) malloc(0x100); sprintf(tmp, "Return"); Items[GG_MAX_PATCH] = tmp; ret = DispMenu(GG_MAX_PATCH + 1, Items, "Code Breaker - Select a patch"); for(i = 0; i < GG_MAX_PATCH; i++) free(Items[i]); if (ret == GG_MAX_PATCH) return 0xFF; return ret; } void gg_PatchManager() { console_printf(Console_Default, "DTC!\n"); } void gg_InitSearch() { unsigned short addr; for(addr = 0x000; addr < 0x800; addr ++) { gg_MainRAM[addr] = ReadMemory((addr&0xFF00)>>8,addr&0x00FF); gg_use_MainRAM[addr] = 0xFF; } gg_ResultNumber = 0x800; } typedef enum gg_SearchForMode_ { GG_SEARCHFOR_LOWER = 0, GG_SEARCHFOR_HIGHER, GG_SEARCHFOR_IDENTIC, GG_SEARCHFOR_DIFFERENT } gg_SearchForMode; void gg_SearchForValue(byte value) { unsigned short addr; //byte oldValue; byte currentValue; gg_ResultNumber = 0x00; for(addr = 0x000; addr < 0x800; addr ++) { if (gg_use_MainRAM[addr] == 0xFF) { /* "Backup" the old ram */ memcpy(gg_OldMainRAM, gg_MainRAM, 0x800); //oldValue = gg_MainRAM[addr]; currentValue = ReadMemory((addr&0xFF00)>>8,addr&0x00FF); if (currentValue != value) { /* This is not the good one ! */ gg_use_MainRAM[addr] = 0x00; } else { /* This can be the good one ! */ gg_ResultNumber++; gg_MainRAM[addr] = currentValue; } } } } void gg_SearchFor(gg_SearchForMode mode) { unsigned short addr; byte oldValue; byte currentValue; gg_ResultNumber = 0x00; for(addr = 0x000; addr < 0x800; addr ++) { if (gg_use_MainRAM[addr] == 0xFF) { /* "Backup" the old ram */ memcpy(gg_OldMainRAM, gg_MainRAM, 0x800); oldValue = gg_MainRAM[addr]; currentValue = ReadMemory((addr&0xFF00)>>8,addr&0x00FF); switch(mode) { case GG_SEARCHFOR_LOWER: if (currentValue >= oldValue) { /* This is not the good one ! */ gg_use_MainRAM[addr] = 0x00; } else { /* This can be the good one ! */ gg_ResultNumber++; gg_MainRAM[addr] = currentValue; } break; case GG_SEARCHFOR_HIGHER: if (currentValue <= oldValue) { /* This is not the good one ! */ gg_use_MainRAM[addr] = 0x00; } else { /* This can be the good one ! */ gg_ResultNumber++; gg_MainRAM[addr] = currentValue; } break; case GG_SEARCHFOR_IDENTIC: if (currentValue != oldValue) { /* This is not the good one ! */ gg_use_MainRAM[addr] = 0x00; } else { /* This can be the good one ! */ gg_ResultNumber++; gg_MainRAM[addr] = currentValue; } break; case GG_SEARCHFOR_DIFFERENT: if (currentValue == oldValue) { /* This is not the good one ! */ gg_use_MainRAM[addr] = 0x00; } else { /* This can be the good one ! */ gg_ResultNumber++; gg_MainRAM[addr] = currentValue; } break; } } } } byte gg_DisplayResults() { char *Items[100]; char *tmp; int i, addr = 0x0000; byte ret = 0; unsigned short AddrList[21]; if (gg_ResultNumber > 20) { MessageBox("Code Breaker", "Too many results for displaying them!"); } else { for (i = 0; i < gg_ResultNumber; i++) { while(gg_use_MainRAM[addr] != 0xFF) addr ++; console_printf(Console_Default, "0x%04X [%d]\n", addr, i); tmp = (char*) malloc(0x100); sprintf(tmp,"Patch: %08XAddress 0x%04X - Was: 0x%02X - Actual: 0x%02X", i, addr, gg_OldMainRAM[addr], gg_MainRAM[addr]); Items[i] = tmp; AddrList[i] = addr; addr++; } tmp = (char*) malloc(0x100); sprintf(tmp, "Return"); Items[i] = tmp; ret = DispMenu(gg_ResultNumber + 1, Items, "Code Breaker - Search"); if (ret < i) { if (AskYesNo("Code Breaker: Apply this patch?")) { /* Now patch it ! */ gg_SetPatch(gg_SelectPatch(), (AddrList[ret]&0xFF00)>>8, (AddrList[ret]&0x00FF), SelectNumber("Code Breaker", "Value to apply:", 2) & 0x00FF); ret = 1; } } for(i=0 ; i>8, (addr&0x00FF), value); } break; case 3: /* Patch manager */ gg_PatchManager(); break; } break; case GG_S01_SEARCH_VALUE: S01_MENU: ret = DispMenu(8, S01_MenuList, "Code Breaker - Search"); switch(ret) { case 0: gg_SearchFor(GG_SEARCHFOR_IDENTIC); //goto S02_MENU; break; case 1: value = SelectNumber("Code Breaker", "Select the value:", 2) & 0x00FF; gg_SearchForValue(value); break; case 2: gg_SearchFor(GG_SEARCHFOR_DIFFERENT); //goto S02_MENU; break; case 3: gg_SearchFor(GG_SEARCHFOR_HIGHER); //goto S02_MENU; break; case 4: gg_SearchFor(GG_SEARCHFOR_LOWER); //goto S02_MENU; break; case 5: /* Results */ if (gg_DisplayResults() == 1) gg_state = GG_S00_MAIN_STATE; else goto S01_MENU; break; case 6: if (AskYesNo("Code Breaker: Restart?")) { gg_state = GG_S00_MAIN_STATE; gg_Start(); } else goto S01_MENU; break; } sprintf(Buffer,"Results found: %d", gg_ResultNumber); MessageBox("Code Breaker", Buffer); break; case GG_S02_SEARCH_BAR: S02_MENU: ret = DispMenu(7, S02_MenuList, "Code Breaker - Search"); switch(ret) { case 0: gg_SearchFor(GG_SEARCHFOR_IDENTIC); //goto S02_MENU; break; case 1: gg_SearchFor(GG_SEARCHFOR_DIFFERENT); //goto S02_MENU; break; case 2: gg_SearchFor(GG_SEARCHFOR_HIGHER); //goto S02_MENU; break; case 3: gg_SearchFor(GG_SEARCHFOR_LOWER); //goto S02_MENU; break; case 4: /* Results */ if (gg_DisplayResults() == 1) gg_state = GG_S00_MAIN_STATE; else goto S02_MENU; break; case 5: if (AskYesNo("Code Breaker: Restart?")) { gg_state = GG_S00_MAIN_STATE; gg_Start(); } else goto S02_MENU; break; } sprintf(Buffer,"Results found: %d", gg_ResultNumber); MessageBox("Code Breaker", Buffer); break; } } int gg_Init() { int i; console_printf(Console_Default, "Initializing GG plugin...\n"); plugin_install_keypressHandler('g', gg_Start); for ( i = 0; i < GG_MAX_PATCH; i++) gg_PatchUsed[i] = 0x00; return 0; } int gg_Deinit() { return 0; } #endif