Pārlūkot izejas kodu

Remove old backup of PPU code.

Godzil 6 gadi atpakaļ
5 mainītis faili ar 0 papildinājumiem un 6240 dzēšanām
  1. 0 1061
  2. 0 1312
  3. 0 1258
  4. 0 1329
  5. 0 1280

+ 0 - 1061

@@ -1,1061 +0,0 @@
- *  PPU emulation - The peTI-NESulator Project
- *  oldppu.c
- *
- *  Old code for the PPU, still here for unknown purposes
- *  
- *  Define and emulate the PPU (Picture Processing Unit) of the real NES
- * 
- *  Created by Manoel TRAPIER.
- *  Copyright (c) 2003-2008 986Corp. All rights reserved.
- *
- *  $LastChangedDate$
- *  $Author$
- *  $HeadURL$
- *  $Revision$
- *
- */
-#include <allegro.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include "ppu.h"
-#include "M6502.h"
-#define GetTileColor(tile,x1,y1)    ( ( ppu.Memory[tile+y1] & (1<<(7-x1)) ) == 0 ? 0 : 1 ) | \
-                                    ( ( ppu.Memory[tile+y1+8] & (1<<(7-x1)) ) == 0 ? 0 : 1<<1 )
-extern PPU ppu;
-extern BITMAP *Buffer;
-extern unsigned short ScanLine;
-unsigned char BgColor;
-volatile extern unsigned long IPS, FPS;
-int InitPPU(PPU * ppu)
-    if ((ppu->Memory = (unsigned char *) malloc(0x4000)) == NULL)
-        return -1;
-    /* Initializing register.. */
-    ppu->In_VBlank = 0;
-    ppu->BaseOneScreen = 0x2000;
-    ppu->ControlRegister1.b = 0;
-    ppu->ControlRegister2.b = 0;
-    ppu->StatusRegister.b = 0;
-    ppu->SPR_RAMAddr = 0;
-    ppu->VRAMAddrReg1.W = 0;
-    ppu->VRAMAddrReg2.W = 0;
-    ppu->VRAMAddrMode = 0;
-    ppu->Bg_Pattern_Table = 0x0000;
-    ppu->Name_Table_Addresse = 0x2000;
-    ppu->Sprt_Pattern_Table = 0x0000;
-    ppu->PPU_Inc = 1;
-    ppu->MirrorDir = 0;
-    ppu->ScreenType = 1;
-    ppu->DisplayNameTables = ~0;
-    ppu->DisplayAttributeTable = ~0;
-    ppu->DisplayPalette = ~0;
-    ppu->DisplayVRAM = ~0;
-    return 0;
-PPUSprite PPUGetSprite(unsigned short i)
-PPUSprite ret;
-    ret.y = ppu.SPRRAM[i * 4];
-    ret.tileid = ppu.SPRRAM[i * 4 + 1];
-    ret.flags.BgPrio = (ppu.SPRRAM[i * 4 + 2] & (1 << 5)) == 0 ? 0 : 1;
-    ret.flags.HFlip = (ppu.SPRRAM[i * 4 + 2] & (1 << 6)) == 0 ? 0 : 1;
-    ret.flags.UpperColor = ppu.SPRRAM[i * 4 + 2] & 0x03;
-    ret.flags.VFlip = (ppu.SPRRAM[i * 4 + 2] & (1 << 7)) == 0 ? 0 : 1;
-    ret.x = ppu.SPRRAM[i * 4 + 3];
-    return ret;
-//(Addr & 0x1FF)    /* Addr In NT */
-// (Addr & 0xC00) >> 2        /* NT number */
-#define GetNT(a)    ( (a&0xC00) >> 10 )
-#define RelAddr(a)    (a & 0x3FF)
-#define PalAddr(a) (a & 0x1F)
-unsigned char PPU_Rd(unsigned short Addr)
-    if (Addr > (unsigned short) 0x3FFF)
-    {
-        Addr &= 0x3FFF;
-    }
-    if ((Addr < 0x3F00) && (Addr >= 0x2000))
-    {
-        if (Addr > 0x3000)
-        {
-            Addr -= 0x1000;
-        }
-        if (ppu.ScreenType == 0)
-        {        /* 1 Screen Mode */
-            return ppu.Memory[RelAddr(Addr) + ppu.BaseOneScreen];
-        }
-        else
-            if (ppu.ScreenType)
-            {    /* Miroring mode */
-                if (ppu.MirrorDir)
-                {    /* Horizontal */
-                    if (GetNT(Addr) & 0x2)
-                    {    /* NT2-3 */
-                        return ppu.Memory[0x2000 + RelAddr(Addr)];
-                    }
-                    else
-                    {
-                        return ppu.Memory[0x2400 + RelAddr(Addr)];
-                    }
-                }
-                else
-                {    /* Vertical */
-                    if (GetNT(Addr) & 0x1)
-                    {    /* NT0-2 */
-                        return ppu.Memory[0x2400 + RelAddr(Addr)];
-                    }
-                    else
-                    {
-                        return ppu.Memory[0x2000 + RelAddr(Addr)];
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            else
-            {    /* Four Screen mode */
-            }
-    }
-    else
-        if (Addr >= 0x3F00)
-        {
-            return ppu.Memory[0x3F00 | PalAddr(Addr)];
-        }
-    return ppu.Memory[Addr];
-void PPU_Wr(unsigned short Addr, unsigned char Value)
-    if (Addr > (unsigned short) 0x3FFF)
-    {
-        Addr &= 0x3FFF;
-    }
-    if ((Addr < 0x3F00) && (Addr >= 0x2000))
-    {
-        if (Addr > 0x3000)
-        {
-            Addr -= 0x1000;
-        }
-        if (ppu.ScreenType == 0)
-        {        /* 1 Screen Mode */
-            ppu.Memory[RelAddr(Addr) + 0x2000] = Value;
-        }
-        else
-            if (ppu.ScreenType == 1)
-            {    /* Miroring mode */
-                if (ppu.MirrorDir == 0)
-                {    /* Vertical */
-                    if (GetNT(Addr) & 0x1)
-                    {    /* NT0-2 */
-                        ppu.Memory[0x2400 + RelAddr(Addr)] = Value;
-                    }
-                    else
-                    {
-                        ppu.Memory[0x2000 + RelAddr(Addr)] = Value;
-                    }
-                }
-                else
-                {    /* Horizontal */
-                    if (GetNT(Addr) & 0x2)
-                    {    /* NT2-3 */
-                        ppu.Memory[0x2000 + RelAddr(Addr)] = Value;
-                    }
-                    else
-                    {
-                        ppu.Memory[0x2400 + RelAddr(Addr)] = Value;
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            else
-            {    /* Four Screen mode */
-            }
-    }
-    else
-        if (Addr >= 0x3F00)
-        {
-            //console_printf(Console_Default, "%s palette: color %x new value : %d (0x%x)\n", (PalAddr(Addr) < 0x10) ? "Bgnd" : "Sprt", PalAddr(Addr), Value & 0x3F, Addr);
-            ppu.Memory[ /* 0x3F00 | PalAddr(Addr) */ Addr] = Value & 0x3F;
-            if (PalAddr(Addr) == 0x10)
-                ppu.Memory[0x3F00] = Value & 0x3F;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            ppu.Memory[Addr] = Value;
-        }
-unsigned short NbOfSprite[249];
- PPUDispSprite(unsigned char bg)
-int x, y, x1, y1, px, py, i;
-char Color;
-PPUSprite sprite;
-short SprtAddr;
-//int VFlag, HFlag;
-    for (i = 63; i >= 0; i--)
-    {
-        sprite = PPUGetSprite(i);
-        if ((sprite.flags.BgPrio == bg))
-        {        /* On doit afficher ce sprite */
-            y = sprite.y;
-            if (y < 248)
-            {
-                SprtAddr = ((sprite.tileid) << 4) + ppu.Sprt_Pattern_Table;
-                x = sprite.x;
-                for (y1 = 0; y1 < 8; y1++)
-                {
-                    py = y + (sprite.flags.VFlip == 0 ? y1 : (7 - y1));
-                    if ((py > 0) && (py < 249) && ((++NbOfSprite[py]) > 7))
-                    {
-                        ppu.StatusRegister.s.SprtCount = 1;
-                    }
-                    for (x1 = 0; x1 < 8; x1++)
-                    {
-                        Color = GetTileColor(SprtAddr, x1, y1);
-                        if (Color)
-                        {
-                            Color = (Color) | (sprite.flags.UpperColor << 2);
-                            Color = ppu.Memory[0x3F10 + Color];
-                            px = x + (sprite.flags.HFlip == 1 ? (7 - x1) : x1);
-                            if ((i == 0) && (Buffer->line[py][px] != BgColor) && (ppu.HitSpriteAt == 255))
-                            {
-                                //Ligne utilis � pour le d � buguage
-                                   // line(Buffer, 0, py, 256, py, 10);
-                                ppu.HitSpriteAt = py + 1;
-                            }
-                            putpixel(Buffer, px, py, Color);
-                            //Buffer->line[py][px] = Color;
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-void NewPPUDispSprite()
-int x, y, x1, y1, px, py, i;
-char Color;
-PPUSprite sprite;
-unsigned short bg;
-short SprtAddr;
-    for (i = 63; i >= 0; i--)
-    {
-        sprite = PPUGetSprite(i);
-        bg = sprite.flags.BgPrio;
-        y = sprite.y;
-        if (y < 248)
-        {
-            SprtAddr = ((sprite.tileid) << 4) + ppu.Sprt_Pattern_Table;
-            x = sprite.x;
-            for (y1 = 0; y1 < 8; y1++)
-            {
-                py = y + (sprite.flags.VFlip == 0 ? y1 : ((8 - 1) - y1));
-                if ((py > 0) && (py < 249) && ((++NbOfSprite[py]) > 7))
-                {
-                    ppu.StatusRegister.s.SprtCount = 1;
-                }
-                for (x1 = 0; x1 < 8; x1++)
-                {
-                    px = x + (sprite.flags.HFlip == 1 ? (7 - x1) : x1);
-                    Color = GetTileColor(SprtAddr, x1, y1);
-                    if (Color)
-                    {
-                        Color = (Color) | (sprite.flags.UpperColor << 2);
-                        Color = ppu.Memory[0x3F10 + Color];
-                        if ((i == 0) && (Buffer->line[py][px] != BgColor) && (ppu.HitSpriteAt == 255))
-                        {
-                            //Ligne utilis� pour le d�buguage
-                            //line(Buffer, 0, py+1, 256, py+1, 10);
-                            ppu.HitSpriteAt = py+1;
-                        }
-                        if ((bg == 0) || ((bg == 1) && (Buffer->line[py][px] == BgColor)))
-                            putpixel(Buffer, px, py, Color);
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-void NewPPUDispSprite_8x16()
-int x, y, x1, y1, px, py, i, loop, tile;
-char Color;
-PPUSprite sprite;
-unsigned short bg;
-short SprtAddr;
-unsigned short SprtTable;
-    for (i = 63; i >= 0; i--)
-    {
-        sprite = PPUGetSprite(i);
-        bg = sprite.flags.BgPrio;
-        tile = sprite.tileid;
-        y = sprite.y + 1;
-        if (y < 248)
-        {
-            if ( (SprtTable = (tile & 0x1) * 0x1000) == 0x1000)
-                tile -=1;
-            if (sprite.flags.VFlip == 1)
-             {
-                y +=8;
-             }
-            for (loop = 0; loop < 2; loop++)
-            {
-                SprtAddr = ((tile) << 4) + SprtTable;
-                x = sprite.x;
-                for (y1 = 0; y1 < 8; y1++)
-                {
-                    py = y + (sprite.flags.VFlip == 0 ? y1 : ((8 - 1) - y1));
-                    if ((py > 0) && (py < 249) && ((++NbOfSprite[py]) > 7))
-                    {
-                        ppu.StatusRegister.s.SprtCount = 1;
-                    }
-                    for (x1 = 0; x1 < 8; x1++)
-                    {
-                        px = x + (sprite.flags.HFlip == 1 ? (7 - x1) : x1);
-                        Color = GetTileColor(SprtAddr, x1, y1);
-                        if (Color)
-                        {
-                            Color = (Color) | (sprite.flags.UpperColor << 2);
-                            Color = ppu.Memory[0x3F10 + Color];
-                            if ((i == 0) && (Buffer->line[py][px] != BgColor) && (ppu.HitSpriteAt == 255))
-                            {
-                                //Ligne utilis � pour le d�buguage
-                                //line(Buffer, 0, py, 256, py, 10);
-                                ppu.HitSpriteAt = py+1;
-                            }
-                            if ((bg == 0) || ((bg == 1) && (Buffer->line[py][px] == BgColor)))
-                                putpixel(Buffer, px, py, Color);
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-                tile += 1;
-                if ( sprite.flags.VFlip == 1)
-                    y -= 8;
-                else
-                    y += 8;
-            }
-        }
-    }
- PPUVBlank()
-int x, y, x1, y1, i;
-unsigned long Reg2;
-unsigned short ab_x, ab_y;
-unsigned short Color;
-unsigned short AttrByte;
-unsigned short TileID;
-unsigned char XScroll, YScroll;
-        ppu.StatusRegister.s.VBlankOccur = 1;
-        BgColor = ppu.Memory[0x3F00];//0xC0;
-    clear_to_color(Buffer, BgColor);
-/*    if (ppu.ControlRegister2.s.Colour != 0)
-        console_printf(Console_Default, "ppu.ColorEmphasis : %d", ppu.ControlRegister2.s.Colour);*/
-    for (i = 0; i < 249; i++)
-        NbOfSprite[i] = 0;
-    ppu.StatusRegister.s.SprtCount = 0;
-    ppu.HitSpriteAt = 255;
-* A faires les choses qui faut faire durant un lanc� de vblank,
-* comme dessiner par ex..
-#define GetTilePos(addr,x,y) (addr+x+(y*32))
-    if (ppu.DisplayAttributeTable)
-    {
-/* NT 2000 */
-        for (x = 0; x < 0x40; x++)
-        {
-            AttrByte = /*ppu.Memory[0x23C0 + x];*/PPU_Rd(0x23C0 + x);
-            x1 = x % 8;
-            y1 = x / 8;
-            Color = AttrByte & 0x3; // Pattern 1;
-            if (ppu.DisplayNameTables == 0)
-                Color = ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + (Color * 4) + 1];
-            rectfill(Buffer,256+(x1*32),240+(y1*32),256+15+(x1*32),240+15+(y1*32),Color);
-            Color = (AttrByte>>2) & 0x3; // Pattern 2;
-            if (ppu.DisplayNameTables == 0)
-                Color = ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + (Color * 4) + 1];
-            rectfill(Buffer,16+256+(x1*32),240+(y1*32),16+256+15+(x1*32),240+15+(y1*32),Color);
-            Color = (AttrByte>>4) & 0x3; // Pattern 3;
-            if (ppu.DisplayNameTables == 0)
-                Color = ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + (Color * 4) + 1];
-            rectfill(Buffer,256+(x1*32),16+240+(y1*32),256+15+(x1*32),16+240+15+(y1*32),Color);
-            Color = (AttrByte>>6) & 0x3; // Pattern 4;
-            if (ppu.DisplayNameTables == 0)
-                Color = ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + (Color * 4) + 1];
-            rectfill(Buffer,16+256+(x1*32),16+240+(y1*32),16+256+15+(x1*32),16+240+15+(y1*32),Color);
-        }
-/* NT 2800 */
-        for (x = 0; x < 0x40; x++)
-         {
-            AttrByte = PPU_Rd(0x2BC0 + x);
-            x1 = x % 8;
-            y1 = x / 8;
-            Color = AttrByte & 0x3; // Pattern 1;
-            if (ppu.DisplayNameTables == 0)
-                Color = ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + (Color * 4) + 1];
-            rectfill(Buffer,256+(x1*32),(y1*32),256+15+(x1*32),15+(y1*32),Color);
-            Color = (AttrByte>>2) & 0x3; // Pattern 2;
-            if (ppu.DisplayNameTables == 0)
-                Color = ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + (Color * 4) + 1];
-            rectfill(Buffer,16+256+(x1*32),(y1*32),16+256+15+(x1*32),15+(y1*32),Color);
-            Color = (AttrByte>>4) & 0x3; // Pattern 3;
-            if (ppu.DisplayNameTables == 0)
-                Color = ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + (Color * 4) + 1];
-            rectfill(Buffer,256+(x1*32),16+(y1*32),256+15+(x1*32),16+15+(y1*32),Color);
-            Color = (AttrByte>>6) & 0x3; // Pattern 4;
-            if (ppu.DisplayNameTables == 0)
-                Color = ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + (Color * 4) + 1];
-            rectfill(Buffer,16+256+(x1*32),16+(y1*32),16+256+15+(x1*32),16+15+(y1*32),Color);
-         }
-/* NT 2400 */
-        for (x = 0; x < 0x40; x++)
-         {
-            AttrByte = PPU_Rd(0x27C0 + x);
-            x1 = x % 8;
-            y1 = x / 8;
-            Color = AttrByte & 0x3; // Pattern 1;
-            if (ppu.DisplayNameTables == 0)
-                Color = ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + (Color * 4) + 1];
-            rectfill(Buffer,256+256+(x1*32),240+(y1*32),256+256+15+(x1*32),240+15+(y1*32),Color);
-            Color = (AttrByte>>2) & 0x3; // Pattern 2;
-            if (ppu.DisplayNameTables == 0)
-                Color = ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + (Color * 4) + 1];
-            rectfill(Buffer,16+256+256+(x1*32),240+(y1*32),16+256+256+15+(x1*32),240+15+(y1*32),Color);
-            Color = (AttrByte>>4) & 0x3; // Pattern 3;
-            if (ppu.DisplayNameTables == 0)
-                Color = ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + (Color * 4) + 1];
-            rectfill(Buffer,256+256+(x1*32),240+16+(y1*32),256+256+15+(x1*32),240+16+15+(y1*32),Color);
-            Color = (AttrByte>>6) & 0x3; // Pattern 4;
-            if (ppu.DisplayNameTables == 0)
-                Color = ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + (Color * 4) + 1];
-            rectfill(Buffer,16+256+256+(x1*32),240+16+(y1*32),16+256+256+15+(x1*32),240+16+15+(y1*32),Color);
-         }
-/* NT 2C00 */
-        for (x = 0; x < 0x40; x++)
-        {
-            AttrByte = PPU_Rd(0x2FC0 + x);//PPU_Rd(0x27C0 + x);
-            x1 = x % 8;
-            y1 = x / 8;
-            Color = AttrByte & 0x3; // Pattern 1;
-            if (ppu.DisplayNameTables == 0)
-                Color = ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + (Color * 4) + 1];
-            rectfill(Buffer,256+256+(x1*32),(y1*32),256+256+15+(x1*32),15+(y1*32),Color);
-            Color = (AttrByte>>2) & 0x3; // Pattern 2;
-            if (ppu.DisplayNameTables == 0)
-                Color = ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + (Color * 4) + 1];
-            rectfill(Buffer,16+256+256+(x1*32),(y1*32),16+256+256+15+(x1*32),15+(y1*32),Color);
-            Color = (AttrByte>>4) & 0x3; // Pattern 3;
-            if (ppu.DisplayNameTables == 0)
-                Color = ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + (Color * 4) + 1];
-            rectfill(Buffer,256+256+(x1*32),16+(y1*32),256+256+15+(x1*32),16+15+(y1*32),Color);
-            Color = (AttrByte>>6) & 0x3; // Pattern 4;
-            if (ppu.DisplayNameTables == 0)
-                Color = ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + (Color * 4) + 1];
-            rectfill(Buffer,16+256+256+(x1*32),16+(y1*32),16+256+256+15+(x1*32),16+15+(y1*32),Color);
-            }
-        if (ppu.DisplayNameTables == 0)
-        {
-            for (x = 0; x < 33; x++)
-            {
-                line(Buffer, 256 + x * 16, 0, 256 + x * 16, 240 + 240, 8);
-                line(Buffer, 256, 0 + x * 16, 256 + 256 + 256, 0 + x * 16, 8);
-            }
-            for (x = 0; x < 17; x++)
-            {
-                line(Buffer, 256 + x * 32, 0, 256 + x * 32, 240 + 240, 6);
-                line(Buffer, 256, 0 + x * 32, 256 + 256 + 256, 0 + x * 32, 6);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    if (ppu.DisplayNameTables)
-    {
-/* NT 2000 */
-        for (x = 0; x < 32; x++)
-            for (y = 0; y < 30; y++)
-            {
-                TileID = (PPU_Rd/*ppu.Memory[*/(0x2000 + x + (y * 32))/*]*/ << 4) + ppu.Bg_Pattern_Table;
-                for (x1 = 0; x1 < 8; x1++)
-                    for (y1 = 0; y1 < 8; y1++)
-                    {
-                        Color = GetTileColor(TileID, x1, y1);
-                        if (ppu.DisplayAttributeTable != 0)
-                            Color |= (Buffer->line[(8 * y) + 240 + y1][(8 * x) + 256 + x1] & 0x3) << 2;
-                        if ((Color != 0) || (ppu.DisplayAttributeTable != 0))
-                        {
-                            Color = ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + Color];
-                            Buffer->line[(8 * y) + 240 + y1][(8 * x) + 256 + x1] = Color;
-                        }
-                    }
-            }
-/* NT 2800 */
-        for (x = 0; x < 32; x++)
-            for (y = 0; y < 30; y++)
-            {
-                TileID = (PPU_Rd(0x2800 + x + (y * 32)) << 4) + ppu.Bg_Pattern_Table;
-                for (x1 = 0; x1 < 8; x1++)
-                    for (y1 = 0; y1 < 8; y1++)
-                    {
-                        Color = GetTileColor(TileID, x1, y1);
-                        if (Color != 0)
-                        {
-                            Color = ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + Color + 4];
-                            Buffer->line[(8 * y) + y1][(8 * x) + 256 + x1] = Color;
-                        }
-                    }
-            }
-/* NT 2400 */
-            for (x = 0; x < 32; x++)
-                for (y = 0; y < 30; y++)
-                    {
-                    TileID = (/*PPU_Rd*/ppu.Memory[(0x2400 + x + (y * 32))] << 4) + ppu.Bg_Pattern_Table;
-                    for (x1 = 0; x1 < 8; x1++)
-                        for (y1 = 0; y1 < 8; y1++)
-                            {
-                            Color = GetTileColor(TileID, x1, y1);
-                            if (ppu.DisplayAttributeTable != 0)
-                                Color |= (Buffer->line[(8 * y) + 240 + y1][(8 * x) + 256 + x1] & 0x3) << 2;
-                            if ((Color != 0) || (ppu.DisplayAttributeTable != 0))
-                                {
-                                Color = ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + Color];
-                                Buffer->line[(8 * y) + 240+ y1][(8 * x) + 256 + 256 + x1] = Color;
-                                }
-                            }
-                    }
-/* NT 2C00 */
-        for (x = 0; x < 32; x++)
-            for (y = 0; y < 30; y++)
-            {
-                TileID = (PPU_Rd(0x2C00 + x + (y * 32)) << 4) + ppu.Bg_Pattern_Table;
-                for (x1 = 0; x1 < 8; x1++)
-                    for (y1 = 0; y1 < 8; y1++)
-                    {
-                        Color = GetTileColor(TileID, x1, y1);
-                        if (Color != 0)
-                        {
-                            Color = ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + Color + 12];
-                            Buffer->line[(8 * y) + y1][(8 * x) + 256 + 256 + x1] = Color;
-                        }
-                    }
-            }
-    }
-    if (ppu.ControlRegister2.s.BgVisibility == 1)
-    {
-/* Display BG with scrolling informations */
-/* J'ai la solution :D */
-frame start (line 0) (if background or sprites are enabled):
-        ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W = ppu.TimedTmpPtr[0] | 0x2000;
-        //console_printf(Console_Default, "Starting addresses : 0x%X\n",ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W);
-        XScroll = ppu.TimedHScroll[0];
-        YScroll = ppu.TmpVScroll;
-        for (y = 0; y < 240; y++)
-        {
-scanline start (if background and sprites are enabled):
-  8421 8421 8421 8421   8421 8421 8421 8421
-v:0000 0100 0001 1111=t:0000 0100 0001 1111
-  1111 1198 7654 3210         
-  5432 10
-            ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W = (ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W & 0xFBE0)
-               | ((ppu.TimedTmpPtr[y]) & 0x041F)
-               | 0x2000;
-            TileID = (PPU_Rd(ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W) << 4)
-               | ppu.Bg_Pattern_Table;
-            XScroll = ppu.TimedHScroll[y];
-            //YScroll = ppu.TimedVScroll[y];
-            for (x = 0; x < 256; x++)
-            {
-/* Calculer la couleur du point */
-/* Bits 1 et 0 */
-                Color = GetTileColor(TileID, XScroll, YScroll);
-/* Bits 3 et 2 */
-XScroll : 0,1,2,3,4
-X = (ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W & 0x1F)
-Y : 5,6,7,8,9
-Y = (ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W & 0x3E0) >> 5
-/*ab_y = ((ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W & 0x3E0) >> 5);
-                ab_x = (ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W & 0x1F);
-                AttrByte = (((ab_y) >> 2) << 3) +
-                   ((ab_x) >> 2);
-                AttrByte = (PPU_Rd((ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W & 0x2C00) + 0x3C0 + AttrByte) >>
-                        ((((ab_y & 2) * 2) + (((ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W & 0x2C00)) & 2)))) & 0x03;*/
-                /*
-                 00DC BA98 7654 3210
-                 0000 BA54 3c-2 10b-
-                 0000 0000 0001 1100  : 0x001C >> 2 
-                 0000 0011 1000 0000  : 0x0380 >> 4
-                   10 --11 11-- ----
-                 0xC000
-                 & 0x0C3F | 0x23C0
-                                b                  
-                 val >> ( (Reg2 & 0x2) | ( (Reg2 & 0x0x40)>>4)
-                 */
-                Reg2 = ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W;
-                AttrByte = ((Reg2 & 0x0380) >> 4) | ((Reg2 & 0x001C) >> 2) | (Reg2 & 0x0C00);
-                AttrByte &= 0x0C3F;
-                AttrByte |= 0x23C0;
-                AttrByte = PPU_Rd(AttrByte);
-                AttrByte = AttrByte >> ( 0x0 | (Reg2 & 0x02) | ( (Reg2 & 0x40) >> 4) );
-                AttrByte &= 0x3;
-                if (Color)
-                {
-                    Color |= (AttrByte << 2);
-                    Color = ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + Color];
-                    Buffer->line[y][x] = Color + 0xC0;
-                }
-                XScroll++;
-                XScroll &= 7;
-                if (XScroll == 0)
-                {    /* On incr�mente le compteur de tile */
-                    if ((ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W & 0x1F) == 0x1F)
-                    {    /* On met a 0 et change
-                         * l'etat du bit 10 */
-                        ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W &= ~0x1F;
-/* A voir si ya pas bcp mieux */
-                        if ((ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W & 0x400))
-                            ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W &= ~0x400;
-                        else
-                            ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W |= 0x400;
-                    }
-                    else
-                    {    /* on incremente juste */
-                        ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W = (ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W & ~0x1F) | ((ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W + 1) & 0x1F);
-                    }
-                    TileID = (PPU_Rd(ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W) << 4)
-                       | ppu.Bg_Pattern_Table;
-                }
-            }
-you can think of bits 5,6,7,8,9 as the "y scroll"(*8).  this functions
-slightly different from the X.  it wraps to 0 and bit 11 is switched when
-it's incremented from _29_ instead of 31.  there are some odd side effects
-from this.. if you manually set the value above 29 (from either 2005 or
-2006), the wrapping from 29 obviously won't happen, and attrib data will be
-used as name table data.  the "y scroll" still wraps to 0 from 31, but
-without switching bit 11.  this explains why writing 240+ to 'Y' in 2005
-appeared as a negative scroll value.
-            YScroll++;
-            YScroll &= 7;
-            if (YScroll == 0)
-            {    /* On incr�mente le compteur de tile :| */
-                if ((ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W & 0x3E0) == 0x3A0)
-                {    /* On met a 0 et change l'etat du bit
-                     * 10 */
-                    ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W &= ~0x3F0;
-/* A voir si ya pas bcp mieux */
-                    if ((ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W & 0x800))
-                        ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W &= ~0x800;
-                    else
-                        ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W |= 0x800;
-                }
-                else
-                {    /* on incremente juste */
-                    ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W = (ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W & ~0x3F0) | ((((ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W & 0x3F0) >> 5) + 1) << 5);
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        //while (!key[KEY_ENTER]);
-    }
-* if (ppu.ControlRegister2.s.SpriteVisibility == 1)
-* PPUDispSprite(0);
-    if (ppu.ControlRegister2.s.SpriteVisibility == 1)
-    {
-        if (ppu.ControlRegister1.s.SpriteSize)
-        {
-            NewPPUDispSprite_8x16();
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            NewPPUDispSprite();
-        }
-    }
-/*    for(x=0;x<256;x++)
-        for(y=0;y<240;y++)
-        {
-            if ((i = getpixel(Buffer,x,y)) >= 0xC0)
-                putpixel(Buffer,x,y,ppu.Memory[0x3F00+i-0xC0]);
-        }*/
-    textprintf(Buffer, font, 5, 340, 4, "FPS : %d   IPS : %d", FPS, IPS);
-    //textprintf(Buffer, font, 5, 3, 4, "FPS : %d (CPU@~%2.2fMhz : %d%%)", FPS, (float) (((float) IPS) / 1000000.0), (int) ((((float) IPS) / 1770000.0) * 100.0));
-    if (ppu.DisplayPalette)
-    {
-        textout(Buffer, font, "Bg Palette", 0, 247, 5);
-        textout(Buffer, font, "Sprt Palette", 90, 247, 5);
-        rect(Buffer, 0, 255, 4 * 20 + 2, 255 + 4 * 20 + 2, 0);
-        rect(Buffer, 90, 255, 90 + 4 * 20 + 2, 255 + 4 * 20 + 2, 0);
-        for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
-        {
-            rectfill(Buffer, 1 + (i % 4) * 20, 256 + (i / 4) * 20, 1 + (i % 4) * 20 + 20, 256 + (i / 4) * 20 + 20, ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + i]);
-            rectfill(Buffer, 91 + (i % 4) * 20, 256 + (i / 4) * 20, 91 + (i % 4) * 20 + 20, 256 + (i / 4) * 20 + 20, ppu.Memory[0x3F10 + i]);
-        }
-    }
-    if (ppu.DisplayVRAM)
-    {
-/* y:346 */
-        x1 = 0;
-        y1 = 0;
-        for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
-        {
-            TileID = 0x0000 + (i << 4);
-            for (x = 0; x < 8; x++)
-                for (y = 0; y < 8; y++)
-                {
-                    Color = GetTileColor(TileID, x, y);
-                    putpixel(Buffer, 10 + x1 + x, 347 + y1 + y, /*ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + */Color/*]*/);
-                }
-            x1 += 8;
-            if (x1 >= 128)
-            {
-                x1 = 0;
-                y1 += 8;
-            }
-        }
-        x1 = 0;
-        y1 = 0;
-        for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
-        {
-            TileID = 0x1000 + (i << 4);
-            for (x = 0; x < 8; x++)
-                for (y = 0; y < 8; y++)
-                {
-                    Color = GetTileColor(TileID, x, y);
-                    putpixel(Buffer, 10 + 128 + x1 + x, 347 + y1 + y, /*ppu.Memory[*/0x3F10 + Color/*]*/);
-                }
-            x1 += 8;
-            if (x1 >= 128)
-            {
-                x1 = 0;
-                y1 += 8;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    blit(Buffer, screen, 0, 0, 0, 0, 512 + 256, 480);
-    //stretch_blit(Buffer, screen, 0, 0, 256, 240, 0, 0, 512, 480);
-    if (ppu.ControlRegister1.s.VBlank_NMI == 1)
-        return 1;
-    return 0;
- ReadPPUReg(char RegID)
-/* RegID is the nb of the reg 0-7 */
-unsigned char ret;
-    switch (RegID)
-    {
-    default:
-        ret = (unsigned char) 0x00;    /* Can return every thing you
-                         * want here :D */
-        break;
-    case 1:        /* Control Register 2 */
-        ret = ppu.ControlRegister2.b;
-        break;
-    case 2:
-        ret = ppu.StatusRegister.b;
-        ppu.StatusRegister.s.VBlankOccur = 0;
-        //ppu.StatusRegister.s.Sprite0Occur = 0;
-        ppu.VRAMAddrMode = 0;
-        break;
-    case 5:
-        ret = ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.B.l;
-        break;
-    case 6:
-        ret = ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.B.h;
-        break;
-    case 7:        /* PPU in NES is really strange.. Bufferised
-                 * send is nerd.. */
-        if (ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W < 0x3EFF)
-        {
-            ret = ppu.VRAMBuffer;
-            ppu.VRAMBuffer = PPU_Rd(ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W);
-            ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W += ppu.PPU_Inc;
-            ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W &= 0x3FFF;
-        }
-        else
-         {
-            ret = PPU_Rd(ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W);
-            //ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W += ppu.PPU_Inc;
-         }
-        break;
-    }
-    return ret;
- WritePPUReg(char RegID, unsigned char val)
-/* RegID is the nb of the reg 0-7 */
-    switch (RegID)
-    {
-        default:/* For not writeable reg */
-        break;
-    case 0:        /* Control Register 1 */
-        ppu.ControlRegister1.b = val;
-        ppu.Bg_Pattern_Table = (ppu.ControlRegister1.s.BgPattern == 1) ? 0x1000 : 0x0000;
-        ppu.Sprt_Pattern_Table = (ppu.ControlRegister1.s.SptPattern == 1) ? 0x1000 : 0x0000;
-        ppu.PPU_Inc = (ppu.ControlRegister1.s.AddrIncrmt == 1) ? 32 : 1;
-        ppu.Name_Table_Addresse = 0x2000;
-        switch (ppu.ControlRegister1.s.NameTblAddr)
-        {
-        case 3:
-            ppu.Name_Table_Addresse += 0x400;
-        case 2:
-            ppu.Name_Table_Addresse += 0x400;
-        case 1:
-            ppu.Name_Table_Addresse += 0x400;
-        case 0:
-            break;
-        }
-            ppu.TimedNT[ScanLine] = ppu.ControlRegister1.s.NameTblAddr;
-2000 write:
-  1111 0011 1111 1111 ( F3FF )
-t:0000 1100 0000 0000 = d:0000 0011
-        ppu.TmpVRamPtr = ( (ppu.TmpVRamPtr & 0xF3FF)
-                       | ( ((ppu.ControlRegister1.s.NameTblAddr) & 0x03) << 10 )
-                         );
-        break;
-    case 1:        /* Control Register 2 */
-        //console_printf(Console_Default, "PPU: new CR2 ; 0x%x\n", val);
-        ppu.ControlRegister2.b = val;
-        break;
-    case 3:        /* SPR-RAM Addresse Register */
-        ppu.SPR_RAMAddr = val;
-        break;
-    case 4:        /* SPR-RAM Input Register */
-        ppu.SPRRAM[ppu.SPR_RAMAddr] = val;
-        break;
-    case 5:        /* VRAM Address register 1 */
-        if (ppu.VRAMAddrMode == 0)
-        {
-2005 first write:
-t:0000 0000 0001 1111=d:1111 1000
-            ppu.VRAMAddrMode = 1;
-            ppu.TmpVRamPtr = ((ppu.TmpVRamPtr & 0xFFE0) | ((val & 0xF8) >> 3));
-            ppu.HScroll = val & 0x7;
-            //console_printf(Console_Default, "%d -> 2005 w1: 0x%04X (val: 0x%02X)\n", ScanLine, ppu.TmpVRamPtr, val);
-        }
-        else
-        {
-2005 second write:
-t:0000 0011 1110 0000=d:1111 1000
-t:0111 0000 0000 0000=d:0000 0111
-            ppu.VRAMAddrMode = 0;
-            ppu.TmpVRamPtr = ((ppu.TmpVRamPtr & 0xFC1F) | ((val & 0xF8) << 2));
-            ppu.TmpVRamPtr = ((ppu.TmpVRamPtr & 0x8FFF) | ((val & 0x07) << 12));
-            ppu.TmpVScroll = ((ppu.TmpVRamPtr & 0x700) >> 12) & 0x7;
-            if (ppu.TmpVScroll != 0)
-                console_printf(Console_Default, "2002: TmpVScroll == %d \n", ppu.TmpVScroll);
-            //console_printf(Console_Default, "%d -> 2005 w2: 0x%04X (val: 0x%02X)\n", ScanLine, ppu.TmpVRamPtr, val);
-        }
-        break;
-    case 6:        /* VRAM Address register 2 */
-        if (ppu.VRAMAddrMode == 0)
-        {
-            ppu.VRAMAddrMode = 1;
-2006 first write:
-t:0011 1111 0000 0000 = d:0011 1111
-t:1100 0000 0000 0000=0
-            ppu.TmpVRamPtr = ((ppu.TmpVRamPtr & 0xC0FF) | ((val&0x3F) << 8)) & 0x3FFF;
-            //console_printf(Console_Default, "%d -> 2006 w1: 0x%04X (val: 0x%02X)\n", ScanLine, ppu.TmpVRamPtr, val);
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            ppu.VRAMAddrMode = 0;
-2006 second write:
-            ppu.TmpVRamPtr = ((ppu.TmpVRamPtr & 0xFF00) | (val & 0x00FF));
-            ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W = ppu.TmpVRamPtr;
-            //console_printf(Console_Default, "%d -> 2006 w2: 0x%04X (val: 0x%02X)\n", ScanLine, ppu.TmpVRamPtr, val);
-        }
-        break;
-    case 7:        /* VRAM I/O */
-        PPU_Wr(ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W, val);
-        ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W += ppu.PPU_Inc;
-        break;
-    }

+ 0 - 1312

@@ -1,1312 +0,0 @@
- *  PPU emulation - The peTI-NESulator Project
- *  ppu.c
- *  
- *  Define and emulate the PPU (Picture Processing Unit) of the real NES
- * 
- *  Created by Manoel TRAPIER.
- *  Copyright (c) 2003-2008 986Corp. All rights reserved.
- *
- *  $LastChangedDate$
- *  $Author$
- *  $HeadURL$
- *  $Revision$
- *
- */
-#include <allegro.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include "ppu.h"
-#include "memory.h"
-#include "M6502.h"
-#define __TINES_PLUGINS__
-#include "plugins.h"
-#define GetTileColor(tile,x1,y1)    ( ( ppu.Memory[tile+y1] & (1<<(7-x1)) ) == 0 ? 0 : 1 ) | \
-                                    ( ( ppu.Memory[tile+y1+8] & (1<<(7-x1)) ) == 0 ? 0 : 1<<1 )
-#define GetColor(col) (col)
-extern PPU ppu;
-extern BITMAP *Buffer;
-extern unsigned short ScanLine;
-unsigned long BgColor;
-volatile extern int frame;
-volatile extern unsigned long IPS, FPS;
-extern unsigned long ColorPalette[ 8 * 63 ];
-extern short IRQScanHit;
-byte NOBLIT = 0;
-int InitPPU(PPU * ppu)
-    int i;
-    if ((ppu->Memory = (unsigned char *) malloc(0x4000)) == NULL)
-        return -1;
-    NOBLIT = 0;
-    /* Initializing register.. */
-    ppu->In_VBlank = 0;
-    ppu->BaseOneScreen = 0x2000;
-    ppu->ControlRegister1.b = 0;
-    ppu->ControlRegister2.b = 0;
-    ppu->StatusRegister.b = 0;
-    ppu->SPR_RAMAddr = 0;
-    ppu->VRAMAddrReg1.W = 0;
-    ppu->VRAMAddrReg2.W = 0;
-    ppu->VRAMAddrMode = 0;
-    ppu->Bg_Pattern_Table = 0x0000;
-    ppu->Name_Table_Addresse = 0x2000;
-    ppu->Sprt_Pattern_Table = 0x0000;
-    ppu->PPU_Inc = 1;
-    ppu->MirrorDir = 0;
-    ppu->ScreenType = 1;
-    ppu->ForceBgVisibility = 0;
-    ppu->ForceSpriteVisibility = 0;
-    ppu->DisplayNameTables = ~0;
-    ppu->DisplayAttributeTable = ~0;
-    ppu->DisplayPalette = ~0;
-    ppu->DisplayVRAM = ~0;
-    /* Set PPU registers */
-    set_page_rd_hook(0x20, ReadPPUReg);    
-    set_page_wr_hook(0x20, WritePPUReg);
-    set_page_readable(0x20, true);
-    set_page_writeable(0x20, true);
-    /* Set PPU Ghost Registers */
-    for(i = 0x21; i < 0x40; i++)
-        set_page_ghost(i, true, 0x20);
-    plugin_install_keypressHandler('i', DebugSprites);
-    plugin_install_keypressHandler('I', DebugSprites);
-    plugin_install_keypressHandler('u', DebugColor);
-    plugin_install_keypressHandler('U', DebugColor);
-    return 0;
-PPUSprite PPUGetSprite(unsigned short i)
-PPUSprite ret;
-    ret.y = ppu.SPRRAM[i * 4];
-    ret.tileid = ppu.SPRRAM[i * 4 + 1];
-    /*ret.flags.s.BgPrio = (ppu.SPRRAM[i * 4 + 2] & (1 << 5)) == 0 ? 0 : 1;
-    ret.flags.s.HFlip = (ppu.SPRRAM[i * 4 + 2] & (1 << 6)) == 0 ? 0 : 1;
-    ret.flags.s.UpperColor = ppu.SPRRAM[i * 4 + 2] & 0x03;
-    ret.flags.s.VFlip = (ppu.SPRRAM[i * 4 + 2] & (1 << 7)) == 0 ? 0 : 1;*/
-    ret.flags.b = ppu.SPRRAM[i * 4 + 2];
-    ret.x = ppu.SPRRAM[i * 4 + 3];
-    return ret;
-void PPUSetSprite(unsigned short i, PPUSprite *sprt)
-    ppu.SPRRAM[i * 4] = sprt->y;
-    ppu.SPRRAM[i * 4 + 1] = sprt->tileid;
-    /*ret.flags.s.BgPrio = (ppu.SPRRAM[i * 4 + 2] & (1 << 5)) == 0 ? 0 : 1;
-    ret.flags.s.HFlip = (ppu.SPRRAM[i * 4 + 2] & (1 << 6)) == 0 ? 0 : 1;
-    ret.flags.s.UpperColor = ppu.SPRRAM[i * 4 + 2] & 0x03;
-    ret.flags.s.VFlip = (ppu.SPRRAM[i * 4 + 2] & (1 << 7)) == 0 ? 0 : 1;*/
-    ppu.SPRRAM[i * 4 + 2] = sprt->flags.b;
-    ppu.SPRRAM[i * 4 + 3] = sprt->x;
-//(Addr & 0x1FF)    /* Addr In NT */
-// (Addr & 0xC00) >> 2        /* NT number */
-#define GetNT(a)    ( (a&0xC00) >> 10 )
-#define RelAddr(a)    (a & 0x3FF)
-#define PalAddr(a) (a & 0x1F)
-unsigned char PPU_Rd(unsigned short Addr)
-    if (Addr > (unsigned short) 0x3FFF)
-    {
-        Addr &= 0x3FFF;
-    }
-    if ((Addr < 0x3F00) && (Addr >= 0x2000))
-    {
-        if (Addr > 0x3000)
-        {
-            Addr -= 0x1000;
-        }
-        if (ppu.ScreenType == 0)
-        {        /* 1 Screen Mode */
-            return ppu.Memory[RelAddr(Addr) + ppu.BaseOneScreen];
-        }
-        else
-            if (ppu.ScreenType)
-            {    /* Miroring mode */
-                if (ppu.MirrorDir)
-                {    /* Horizontal */
-                    if (GetNT(Addr) & 0x2)
-                    {    /* NT2-3 */
-                        return ppu.Memory[0x2000 + RelAddr(Addr)];
-                    }
-                    else
-                    {
-                        return ppu.Memory[0x2400 + RelAddr(Addr)];
-                    }
-                }
-                else
-                {    /* Vertical */
-                    if (GetNT(Addr) & 0x1)
-                    {    /* NT0-2 */
-                        return ppu.Memory[0x2400 + RelAddr(Addr)];
-                    }
-                    else
-                    {
-                        return ppu.Memory[0x2000 + RelAddr(Addr)];
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            else
-            {    /* Four Screen mode */
-            }
-    }
-    else
-        if (Addr >= 0x3F00)
-        {
-            return ppu.Memory[0x3F00 | PalAddr(Addr)];
-        }
-    return ppu.Memory[Addr];
-void PPU_Wr(unsigned short Addr, unsigned char Value)
-    if (Addr > (unsigned short) 0x3FFF)
-    {
-        Addr &= 0x3FFF;
-    }
-    if ((Addr < 0x3F00) && (Addr >= 0x2000))
-    {
-        if (Addr > 0x3000)
-        {
-            Addr -= 0x1000;
-        }
-        if (ppu.ScreenType == 0)
-        {        /* 1 Screen Mode */
-            ppu.Memory[RelAddr(Addr) + 0x2000] = Value;
-        }
-        else
-            if (ppu.ScreenType == 1)
-            {    /* Miroring mode */
-                if (ppu.MirrorDir == 0)
-                {    /* Vertical */
-                    if (GetNT(Addr) & 0x1)
-                    {    /* NT0-2 */
-                        ppu.Memory[0x2400 + RelAddr(Addr)] = Value;
-                    }
-                    else
-                    {
-                        ppu.Memory[0x2000 + RelAddr(Addr)] = Value;
-                    }
-                }
-                else
-                {    /* Horizontal */
-                    if (GetNT(Addr) & 0x2)
-                    {    /* NT2-3 */
-                        ppu.Memory[0x2000 + RelAddr(Addr)] = Value;
-                    }
-                    else
-                    {
-                        ppu.Memory[0x2400 + RelAddr(Addr)] = Value;
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            else
-            {    /* Four Screen mode */
-            }
-    }
-    else
-        if (Addr >= 0x3F00)
-        {
-            //console_printf(Console_Default, "%s palette: color %x new value : %d (0x%x)\n", (PalAddr(Addr) < 0x10) ? "Bgnd" : "Sprt", PalAddr(Addr), Value & 0x3F, Addr);
-            ppu.Memory[ /* 0x3F00 | PalAddr(Addr) */ Addr] = Value & 0x3F;
-            if (PalAddr(Addr) == 0x10)
-                ppu.Memory[0x3F00] = Value & 0x3F;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            ppu.Memory[Addr] = Value;
-        }
-unsigned short NbOfSprite[255];
-void NewPPUDispSprite()
-  int x, y, x1, y1, px, py, i;
-  unsigned long Color;
-  PPUSprite sprite;
-  unsigned short bg;
-  short SprtAddr;
-  for (i = 63; i >= 0; i--)
-  {
-    sprite = PPUGetSprite(i);
-    bg = sprite.flags.b & PPUSPRITE_FLAGS_BGPRIO;
-    y = sprite.y;
-    if (y < 248)
-    {
-      SprtAddr = ((sprite.tileid) << 4) + ppu.Sprt_Pattern_Table;
-      x = sprite.x;
-      for (y1 = 0; y1 < 8; y1++)
-      {
-    py = y + ((sprite.flags.b & PPUSPRITE_FLAGS_VFLIP) == 0 ? y1 : ((8 - 1) - y1));
-    if ((py > 0) && (py < 249) && ((++NbOfSprite[py]) > 7))
-    {
-      ppu.StatusRegister.b |= PPU_FLAG_SR_8SPRT ;
-      //console_printf(Console_Default, "%d Hohoho!\n", py);
-      //          line(Buffer, 0, py+1, 256, py+1, 10);
-      //continue; // Do not display more than 8 sprites on this line :p
-    }
-    for (x1 = 0; x1 < 8; x1++)
-    {
-      px = x + ((sprite.flags.b & PPUSPRITE_FLAGS_HFLIP) != 0 ? (7 - x1) : x1);
-      Color = GetTileColor(SprtAddr, x1, y1);
-      if (Color)
-      {
-        Color = (Color) | ((sprite.flags.b & PPUSPRITE_FLAGS_UPPERCOLOR) << 2);
-        Color = ppu.Memory[0x3F10 + Color];
-        if ((i == 0) && (_getpixel8(Buffer,px,py) != BgColor) && (ppu.HitSpriteAt == 255))
-        {
-          //Ligne utilis� pour le d�buguage
-          //line(Buffer, 0, py+1, 256, py+1, GetColor(10));
-          ppu.HitSpriteAt = py+1;
-        }
-        if ((bg == 0) || ((bg != 0) && (_getpixel8(Buffer,px,py) == BgColor)))
-          _putpixel8(Buffer, px, py, GetColor(Color));
-      }
-    }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-void NewPPUDispSprite_8x16()
-  int x, y, x1, y1, px, py, i, loop, tile;
-  unsigned long Color;
-  PPUSprite sprite;
-  unsigned short bg;
-  short SprtAddr;
-  unsigned short SprtTable;
-  for (i = 63; i >= 0; i--)
-  {
-    sprite = PPUGetSprite(i);
-    bg = sprite.flags.b & PPUSPRITE_FLAGS_BGPRIO;
-    tile = sprite.tileid;
-    y = sprite.y + 1;
-    if (y < 248)
-    {
-      if ( (SprtTable = (tile & 0x1) * 0x1000) == 0x1000)
-    tile -=1;
-      if ((sprite.flags.b & PPUSPRITE_FLAGS_VFLIP) != 0)
-      {
-    y +=8;
-      }
-      for (loop = 0; loop < 2; loop++)
-      {
-    SprtAddr = ((tile) << 4) + SprtTable;
-    x = sprite.x;
-    for (y1 = 0; y1 < 8; y1++)
-    {
-      py = y + ((sprite.flags.b & PPUSPRITE_FLAGS_VFLIP) == 0 ? y1 : ((8 - 1) - y1));
-      if ((py > 0) && (py < 249) && ((++NbOfSprite[py]) > 7))
-      {
-        ppu.StatusRegister.b |= PPU_FLAG_SR_8SPRT ;
-        //        puts("Ho!");
-        //continue; // No more sprites on this line :p
-      }
-      for (x1 = 0; x1 < 8; x1++)
-      {
-        px = x + (((sprite.flags.b & PPUSPRITE_FLAGS_HFLIP) != 0) ? (7 - x1) : x1);
-        Color = GetTileColor(SprtAddr, x1, y1);
-        if (Color)
-        {
-          Color = (Color) | ((sprite.flags.b & PPUSPRITE_FLAGS_UPPERCOLOR) << 2);
-          Color = ppu.Memory[0x3F10 + Color];
-          if ((i == 0) && (_getpixel8(Buffer, px, py) != BgColor) && (ppu.HitSpriteAt == 255))
-          {
-            //Ligne utilise pour le debuguage
-            //line(Buffer, 0, py, 256, py, 10);
-            ppu.HitSpriteAt = py+1;
-          }
-          if ((bg == 0) || ((bg != 0) && (_getpixel8(Buffer, px, py) == BgColor)))
-            _putpixel8(Buffer, px, py, GetColor(Color));
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    tile += 1;
-    if ( (sprite.flags.b & PPUSPRITE_FLAGS_VFLIP) != 0)
-      y -= 8;
-    else
-      y += 8;
-      }    
-    }
-  }
-void DebugColor()
-  static unsigned short x = 128;
-  static unsigned short y = 128;
-  unsigned char OldDisplayPalette = ppu.DisplayPalette;
-  byte keyb;
-  unsigned int i;
-  unsigned long Color;
-  NOBLIT = 1;
-  ppu.DisplayPalette = ~0;
-  while(!key[KEY_ESC])
-  {
-    frame++;
-    PPUVBlank();
-    Color = /*Buffer->line[y][x]*/ _getpixel8(Buffer, x, y);
-    textprintf(Buffer, font, 5, 340, GetColor(3), "Pos [%d:%d] Color: %d Bg: %d", x, y, Color, BgColor);
-    line(Buffer, x-10, y, x+10, y, GetColor(1));
-    line(Buffer, x, y-10, x, y+10, GetColor(1));
-    /*
-    rect(Buffer, 0, 255, 4 * 20 + 2, 255 + 4 * 20 + 2, 0);
-    rect(Buffer, 90, 255, 90 + 4 * 20 + 2, 255 + 4 * 20 + 2, 0);
-    for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
-    {
-      rectfill(Buffer, 1 + (i % 4) * 20, 256 + (i / 4) * 20, 1 + (i % 4) * 20 + 20, 256 + (i / 4) * 20 + 20, ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + i]);
-      rectfill(Buffer, 91 + (i % 4) * 20, 256 + (i / 4) * 20, 91 + (i % 4) * 20 + 20, 256 + (i / 4) * 20 + 20, ppu.Memory[0x3F10 + i]);
-    }*/
-    for( i = 0; i < 16; i++)
-    {
-      if (GetColor(ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + i]) == Color)
-      {
-    line(Buffer, 1+(i%4)*20, 256 + (i / 4) * 20, 1 + (i % 4) * 20 + 20, 256 + (i / 4) * 20 + 20, 0xFFFFFFFF); 
-    line(Buffer, 1+(i%4)*20, 256 + (i / 4) * 20 + 20, 1 + (i % 4) * 20 + 20, 256 + (i / 4) * 20, 0xFFFFFFFF); 
-      }
-      if (GetColor(ppu.Memory[0x3F10 + i]) == Color)
-      {
-    line(Buffer, 91+(i%4)*20, 256 + (i / 4) * 20, 91 + (i % 4) * 20 + 20, 256 + (i / 4) * 20 + 20, 0xFFFFFFFF); 
-    line(Buffer, 91+(i%4)*20, 256 + (i / 4) * 20 + 20, 91 + (i % 4) * 20 + 20, 256 + (i / 4) * 20, 0xFFFFFFFF); 
-      }
-    }
-    blit(Buffer, screen, 0, 0, 0, 0, 512 + 256, 480);    
-    if (keypressed())
-    {
-      keyb = (readkey() & 0xFF);
-      if (keyb == '4')
-      {
-    x--;
-      }
-      if (keyb == '8')
-      {
-    y--;
-      }
-      if (keyb == '6')
-      {
-    x++;
-      }
-      if (keyb == '2')
-      {
-    y++;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  ppu.DisplayPalette = OldDisplayPalette;
-  NOBLIT = 0;
-void DebugSprites()
-  byte keyb;
-  static int SelSprite = 0;
-  PPUSprite sprite;
-  NOBLIT = 1;
-  ppu.ControlRegister2.b |= PPU_CR2_SPRTVISIBILITY;
-  while(!key[KEY_ESC])
-  {
-    frame++;
-    PPUVBlank();
-    sprite = PPUGetSprite(SelSprite);
-    if (ppu.ControlRegister1.b & PPU_CR1_SPRTSIZE)
-    {
-      rect(Buffer, sprite.x-1, sprite.y-1, sprite.x+9, sprite.y+17, 1);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      rect(Buffer, sprite.x-1, sprite.y-1, sprite.x+9, sprite.y+9, 1);
-    }
-    textprintf(Buffer, font, 5, 340, GetColor(3), "Sprite %d [%d:%d]", SelSprite, sprite.x, sprite.y);
-    textprintf(Buffer, font, 5, 349, GetColor(3), "B0: 0x%X  B1: 0x%X  B2: 0x%X  B3: 0x%X",sprite.y,sprite.tileid,sprite.flags.b,sprite.x);
-    textprintf(Buffer, font, 5, 358, GetColor(3), "Tile Index: %d", sprite.tileid);
-    textprintf(Buffer, font, 5, 367, GetColor(3), "Vertical Flip: %d", sprite.flags.s.VFlip);
-    textprintf(Buffer, font, 5, 376, GetColor(3), "Horizontal Flip: %d", sprite.flags.s.HFlip);
-    textprintf(Buffer, font, 5, 385, GetColor(3), "Background Priority: %d", sprite.flags.s.BgPrio);
-    textprintf(Buffer, font, 5, 394, GetColor(3), "Upper Color: %d", sprite.flags.s.UpperColor);
-    blit(Buffer, screen, 0, 0, 0, 0, 512 + 256, 480);    
-    if (keypressed())
-    {
-      keyb = (readkey() & 0xFF);
-      if (keyb == '+')
-    SelSprite = (SelSprite<63)?SelSprite+1:0;
-      if (keyb == '-')
-    SelSprite = (SelSprite>0)?SelSprite-1:63;
-      if (keyb == 'h')
-      {
-    sprite.flags.s.HFlip = ~sprite.flags.s.HFlip;
-    PPUSetSprite(SelSprite, &sprite);
-      }
-      if (keyb == 'b')
-      {
-    sprite.flags.s.BgPrio = ~sprite.flags.s.BgPrio;
-    PPUSetSprite(SelSprite, &sprite);
-      }
-      if (keyb == 'v')
-      {
-    sprite.flags.s.VFlip = ~sprite.flags.s.VFlip;
-    PPUSetSprite(SelSprite, &sprite);
-      }
-      if (keyb == '4')
-      {
-    sprite.x--;
-    PPUSetSprite(SelSprite, &sprite);
-      }
-      if (keyb == '8')
-      {
-    sprite.y--;
-    PPUSetSprite(SelSprite, &sprite);
-      }
-      if (keyb == '6')
-      {
-    sprite.x++;
-    PPUSetSprite(SelSprite, &sprite);
-      }
-      if (keyb == '2')
-      {
-    sprite.y++;
-    PPUSetSprite(SelSprite, &sprite);
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  NOBLIT = 0;
-#define GetTilePos(addr,x,y) (addr+x+(y*32))
-void ppu_displayNameTables()
-int x, y, x1, y1, i;
-unsigned long Reg2;
-unsigned short ab_x, ab_y;
-unsigned short Color;
-unsigned short AttrByte;
-unsigned short TileID;  
-    if (ppu.DisplayAttributeTable)
-    {
-/* NT 2000 */
-        for (x = 0; x < 0x40; x++)
-        {
-            AttrByte = /*ppu.Memory[0x23C0 + x];*/PPU_Rd(0x23C0 + x);
-            x1 = x % 8;
-            y1 = x / 8;
-            Color = AttrByte & 0x3; // Pattern 1;
-            if (ppu.DisplayNameTables == 0)
-                Color = ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + (Color * 4) + 1];
-            rectfill(Buffer,256+(x1*32),240+(y1*32),256+15+(x1*32),240+15+(y1*32),Color);
-            Color = (AttrByte>>2) & 0x3; // Pattern 2;
-            if (ppu.DisplayNameTables == 0)
-                Color = ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + (Color * 4) + 1];
-            rectfill(Buffer,16+256+(x1*32),240+(y1*32),16+256+15+(x1*32),240+15+(y1*32),Color);
-            Color = (AttrByte>>4) & 0x3; // Pattern 3;
-            if (ppu.DisplayNameTables == 0)
-                Color = ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + (Color * 4) + 1];
-            rectfill(Buffer,256+(x1*32),16+240+(y1*32),256+15+(x1*32),16+240+15+(y1*32),Color);
-            Color = (AttrByte>>6) & 0x3; // Pattern 4;
-            if (ppu.DisplayNameTables == 0)
-                Color = ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + (Color * 4) + 1];
-            rectfill(Buffer,16+256+(x1*32),16+240+(y1*32),16+256+15+(x1*32),16+240+15+(y1*32),Color);
-        }
-/* NT 2800 */
-        for (x = 0; x < 0x40; x++)
-         {
-            AttrByte = PPU_Rd(0x2BC0 + x);
-            x1 = x % 8;
-            y1 = x / 8;
-            Color = AttrByte & 0x3; // Pattern 1;
-            if (ppu.DisplayNameTables == 0)
-                Color = ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + (Color * 4) + 1];
-            rectfill(Buffer,256+(x1*32),(y1*32),256+15+(x1*32),15+(y1*32),Color);
-            Color = (AttrByte>>2) & 0x3; // Pattern 2;
-            if (ppu.DisplayNameTables == 0)
-                Color = ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + (Color * 4) + 1];
-            rectfill(Buffer,16+256+(x1*32),(y1*32),16+256+15+(x1*32),15+(y1*32),Color);
-            Color = (AttrByte>>4) & 0x3; // Pattern 3;
-            if (ppu.DisplayNameTables == 0)
-                Color = ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + (Color * 4) + 1];
-            rectfill(Buffer,256+(x1*32),16+(y1*32),256+15+(x1*32),16+15+(y1*32),Color);
-            Color = (AttrByte>>6) & 0x3; // Pattern 4;
-            if (ppu.DisplayNameTables == 0)
-                Color = ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + (Color * 4) + 1];
-            rectfill(Buffer,16+256+(x1*32),16+(y1*32),16+256+15+(x1*32),16+15+(y1*32),Color);
-         }
-/* NT 2400 */
-        for (x = 0; x < 0x40; x++)
-         {
-            AttrByte = PPU_Rd(0x27C0 + x);
-            x1 = x % 8;
-            y1 = x / 8;
-            Color = AttrByte & 0x3; // Pattern 1;
-            if (ppu.DisplayNameTables == 0)
-                Color = ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + (Color * 4) + 1];
-            rectfill(Buffer,256+256+(x1*32),240+(y1*32),256+256+15+(x1*32),240+15+(y1*32),Color);
-            Color = (AttrByte>>2) & 0x3; // Pattern 2;
-            if (ppu.DisplayNameTables == 0)
-                Color = ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + (Color * 4) + 1];
-            rectfill(Buffer,16+256+256+(x1*32),240+(y1*32),16+256+256+15+(x1*32),240+15+(y1*32),Color);
-            Color = (AttrByte>>4) & 0x3; // Pattern 3;
-            if (ppu.DisplayNameTables == 0)
-                Color = ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + (Color * 4) + 1];
-            rectfill(Buffer,256+256+(x1*32),240+16+(y1*32),256+256+15+(x1*32),240+16+15+(y1*32),Color);
-            Color = (AttrByte>>6) & 0x3; // Pattern 4;
-            if (ppu.DisplayNameTables == 0)
-                Color = ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + (Color * 4) + 1];
-            rectfill(Buffer,16+256+256+(x1*32),240+16+(y1*32),16+256+256+15+(x1*32),240+16+15+(y1*32),Color);
-         }
-/* NT 2C00 */
-        for (x = 0; x < 0x40; x++)
-        {
-            AttrByte = PPU_Rd(0x2FC0 + x);//PPU_Rd(0x27C0 + x);
-            x1 = x % 8;
-            y1 = x / 8;
-            Color = AttrByte & 0x3; // Pattern 1;
-            if (ppu.DisplayNameTables == 0)
-                Color = ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + (Color * 4) + 1];
-            rectfill(Buffer,256+256+(x1*32),(y1*32),256+256+15+(x1*32),15+(y1*32),Color);
-            Color = (AttrByte>>2) & 0x3; // Pattern 2;
-            if (ppu.DisplayNameTables == 0)
-                Color = ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + (Color * 4) + 1];
-            rectfill(Buffer,16+256+256+(x1*32),(y1*32),16+256+256+15+(x1*32),15+(y1*32),Color);
-            Color = (AttrByte>>4) & 0x3; // Pattern 3;
-            if (ppu.DisplayNameTables == 0)
-                Color = ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + (Color * 4) + 1];
-            rectfill(Buffer,256+256+(x1*32),16+(y1*32),256+256+15+(x1*32),16+15+(y1*32),Color);
-            Color = (AttrByte>>6) & 0x3; // Pattern 4;
-            if (ppu.DisplayNameTables == 0)
-                Color = ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + (Color * 4) + 1];
-            rectfill(Buffer,16+256+256+(x1*32),16+(y1*32),16+256+256+15+(x1*32),16+15+(y1*32),Color);
-            }
-        if (ppu.DisplayNameTables == 0)
-        {
-            for (x = 0; x < 33; x++)
-            {
-                line(Buffer, 256 + x * 16, 0, 256 + x * 16, 240 + 240, 8);
-                line(Buffer, 256, 0 + x * 16, 256 + 256 + 256, 0 + x * 16, 8);
-            }
-            for (x = 0; x < 17; x++)
-            {
-                line(Buffer, 256 + x * 32, 0, 256 + x * 32, 240 + 240, 6);
-                line(Buffer, 256, 0 + x * 32, 256 + 256 + 256, 0 + x * 32, 6);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    if (ppu.DisplayNameTables)
-    {
-/* NT 2000 */
-        for (x = 0; x < 32; x++)
-            for (y = 0; y < 30; y++)
-            {
-                TileID = (PPU_Rd/*ppu.Memory[*/(0x2000 + x + (y * 32))/*]*/ << 4) + ppu.Bg_Pattern_Table;
-                for (x1 = 0; x1 < 8; x1++)
-                    for (y1 = 0; y1 < 8; y1++)
-                    {
-                        Color = GetTileColor(TileID, x1, y1);
-                        if (ppu.DisplayAttributeTable != 0)
-                            Color |= (Buffer->line[(8 * y) + 240 + y1][(8 * x) + 256 + x1] & 0x3) << 2;
-                        if ((Color != 0) || (ppu.DisplayAttributeTable != 0))
-                        {
-                            Color = ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + Color];
-                            Buffer->line[(8 * y) + 240 + y1][(8 * x) + 256 + x1] = Color;
-                        }
-                    }
-            }
-/* NT 2800 */
-        for (x = 0; x < 32; x++)
-            for (y = 0; y < 30; y++)
-            {
-                TileID = (PPU_Rd(0x2800 + x + (y * 32)) << 4) + ppu.Bg_Pattern_Table;
-                for (x1 = 0; x1 < 8; x1++)
-                    for (y1 = 0; y1 < 8; y1++)
-                    {
-                        Color = GetTileColor(TileID, x1, y1);
-                        if (Color != 0)
-                        {
-                            Color = ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + Color + 4];
-                            Buffer->line[(8 * y) + y1][(8 * x) + 256 + x1] = Color;
-                        }
-                    }
-            }
-/* NT 2400 */
-            for (x = 0; x < 32; x++)
-                for (y = 0; y < 30; y++)
-                    {
-                    TileID = (PPU_Rd(0x2400 + x + (y * 32)) << 4) + ppu.Bg_Pattern_Table;
-                    for (x1 = 0; x1 < 8; x1++)
-                        for (y1 = 0; y1 < 8; y1++)
-                            {
-                            Color = GetTileColor(TileID, x1, y1);
-                            if (ppu.DisplayAttributeTable != 0)
-                                Color |= (Buffer->line[(8 * y) + 240 + y1][(8 * x) + 256 + x1] & 0x3) << 2;
-                            if ((Color != 0) || (ppu.DisplayAttributeTable != 0))
-                                {
-                                Color = ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + Color];
-                                Buffer->line[(8 * y) + 240+ y1][(8 * x) + 256 + 256 + x1] = Color;
-                                }
-                            }
-                    }
-/* NT 2C00 */
-        for (x = 0; x < 32; x++)
-            for (y = 0; y < 30; y++)
-            {
-                TileID = (PPU_Rd(0x2C00 + x + (y * 32)) << 4) + ppu.Bg_Pattern_Table;
-                for (x1 = 0; x1 < 8; x1++)
-                    for (y1 = 0; y1 < 8; y1++)
-                    {
-                        Color = GetTileColor(TileID, x1, y1);
-                        if (Color != 0)
-                        {
-                            Color = ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + Color + 12];
-                            Buffer->line[(8 * y) + y1][(8 * x) + 256 + 256 + x1] = Color;
-                        }
-                    }
-            }
-    }
- PPUVBlank()
-int x, y, x1, y1, i;
-unsigned long Reg2;
-unsigned short ab_x, ab_y;
-unsigned long Color;
-unsigned short AttrByte;
-unsigned short TileID;
-static short LAST_FPS = 0;
-unsigned char XScroll, YScroll;
-    ppu.StatusRegister.b |= PPU_FLAG_SR_VBLANK;
-    BgColor = ppu.Memory[0x3F00];//0xC0;  
-//goto NoDraw;
-    acquire_bitmap(Buffer);
-    clear_to_color(Buffer, GetColor(BgColor));
-    if (ppu.ControlRegister2.s.Colour != 0)
-        console_printf(Console_Default, "ppu.ColorEmphasis : %d\n", ppu.ControlRegister2.s.Colour);
-    for (i = 0; i < 249; i++)
-        NbOfSprite[i] = 0;
-    ppu.StatusRegister.b &= ~(PPU_FLAG_SR_8SPRT);
-    ppu.HitSpriteAt = 255;
-* A faires les choses qui faut faire durant un lanc� de vblank,
-* comme dessiner par ex..
-    if (((ppu.ControlRegister2.b & PPU_CR2_BGVISIBILITY) != 0) || ppu.ForceBgVisibility)
-    {
-/* Display BG with scrolling informations */
-/* J'ai la solution :D */
-frame start (line 0) (if background or sprites are enabled):
-        ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W = ppu.TimedTmpPtr[0] | 0x2000;
-        //console_printf(Console_Default, "Starting addresses : 0x%X\n",ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W);
-        XScroll = ppu.TimedHScroll[0];
-        YScroll = ppu.TmpVScroll;
-        for (y = 0; y < 240; y++)
-        {
-scanline start (if background and sprites are enabled):
-  8421 8421 8421 8421   8421 8421 8421 8421
-v:0000 0100 0001 1111=t:0000 0100 0001 1111
-  1111 1198 7654 3210         
-  5432 10
-            //if (y == 142)
-            //    console_printf(Console_Default, "______________142 Ptr:0x%04X ____ 0x%04X\n", ppu.TimedTmpPtr[y], ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W);
-            ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W = (ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W & 0xFBE0)
-               | ((ppu.TimedTmpPtr[y]) & 0x041F)
-               | 0x2000;
-            //if (y == 142)
-            //    console_printf(Console_Default, "______________142 Ptr:0x%04X ____ 0x%04X\n", ppu.TimedTmpPtr[y], ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W);
-            TileID = (PPU_Rd(ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W) << 4)
-               | ppu.Bg_Pattern_Table;
-            XScroll = ppu.TimedHScroll[y];
-            for (x = 0; x < 256; x++)
-            {
-/* Calculer la couleur du point */
-/* Bits 1 et 0 */
-                Color = GetTileColor(TileID, XScroll, YScroll);
-/* Bits 3 et 2 */
-XScroll : 0,1,2,3,4
-X = (ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W & 0x1F)
-Y : 5,6,7,8,9
-Y = (ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W & 0x3E0) >> 5
-/*ab_y = ((ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W & 0x3E0) >> 5);
-                ab_x = (ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W & 0x1F);
-                AttrByte = (((ab_y) >> 2) << 3) +
-                   ((ab_x) >> 2);
-                AttrByte = (PPU_Rd((ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W & 0x2C00) + 0x3C0 + AttrByte) >>
-                        ((((ab_y & 2) * 2) + (((ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W & 0x2C00)) & 2)))) & 0x03;*/
-                /*
-                 00DC BA98 7654 3210
-                 0000 BA54 3c-2 10b-
-                 0000 0000 0001 1100  : 0x001C >> 2 
-                 0000 0011 1000 0000  : 0x0380 >> 4
-                   10 --11 11-- ----
-                 0xC000
-                 & 0x0C3F | 0x23C0
-                                b                  
-                 val >> ( (Reg2 & 0x2) | ( (Reg2 & 0x0x40)>>4)
-                 */
-                Reg2 = ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W;
-                AttrByte = ((Reg2 & 0x0380) >> 4) | ((Reg2 & 0x001C) >> 2) | (Reg2 & 0x0C00);
-                AttrByte &= 0x0C3F;
-                AttrByte |= 0x23C0;
-                AttrByte = PPU_Rd(AttrByte);
-                AttrByte = AttrByte >> ( 0x0 | (Reg2 & 0x02) | ( (Reg2 & 0x40) >> 4) );
-                AttrByte &= 0x3;
-                if (Color)
-                {
-                    Color |= (AttrByte << 2);
-                    Color = ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + Color];
-                    _putpixel8(Buffer, x,y, GetColor(Color));
-                }
-                XScroll++;
-                XScroll &= 7;
-                if (XScroll == 0)
-                {    /* On incr�mente le compteur de tile */
-                    if ((ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W & 0x1F) == 0x1F)
-                    {    /* On met a 0 et change
-                         * l'etat du bit 10 */
-                        ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W &= ~0x1F;
-/* A voir si ya pas bcp mieux */
-                        if ((ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W & 0x400))
-                            ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W &= ~0x400;
-                        else
-                            ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W |= 0x400;
-                    }
-                    else
-                    {    /* on incremente juste */
-                        ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W = (ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W & ~0x1F) | ((ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W + 1) & 0x1F);
-                    }
-                    TileID = (PPU_Rd(ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W) << 4)
-                             | ppu.Bg_Pattern_Table;
-                }
-            }
-you can think of bits 5,6,7,8,9 as the "y scroll"(*8).  this functions
-slightly different from the X.  it wraps to 0 and bit 11 is switched when
-it's incremented from _29_ instead of 31.  there are some odd side effects
-from this.. if you manually set the value above 29 (from either 2005 or
-2006), the wrapping from 29 obviously won't happen, and attrib data will be
-used as name table data.  the "y scroll" still wraps to 0 from 31, but
-without switching bit 11.  this explains why writing 240+ to 'Y' in 2005
-appeared as a negative scroll value.
-            YScroll++;
-            YScroll &= 7;
-            if (YScroll == 0)
-            {    /* On incr�mente le compteur de tile */
-                if ((ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W & 0x3E0) == 0x3A0)
-                {    /* On met a 0 et change l'etat du bit
-                     * 10 */
-                    ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W &= ~0x3F0;
-/* A voir si ya pas bcp mieux */
-                    if ((ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W & 0x800))
-                        ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W &= ~0x800;
-                    else
-                        ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W |= 0x800;
-                }
-                else
-                {    /* on incremente juste */
-                    ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W = (ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W & ~0x3F0) | ((((ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W & 0x3F0) >> 5) + 1) << 5);
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        //while (!key[KEY_ENTER]);
-    }
-* if (ppu.ControlRegister2.s.SpriteVisibility == 1)
-* PPUDispSprite(0);
-    if (((ppu.ControlRegister2.b & PPU_CR2_SPRTVISIBILITY) != 0) || ppu.ForceSpriteVisibility)
-    {
-        if (ppu.ControlRegister1.b & PPU_CR1_SPRTSIZE)
-        {
-          NewPPUDispSprite_8x16();
-        }
-        else
-        {
-          NewPPUDispSprite();
-        }
-    }
-    if (ppu.DisplayPalette)
-    {
-        textout(Buffer, font, "Bg Palette", 0, 247, 5);
-        textout(Buffer, font, "Sprt Palette", 90, 247, 5);
-        rect(Buffer, 0, 255, 4 * 20 + 2, 255 + 4 * 20 + 2, GetColor(0));
-        rect(Buffer, 90, 255, 90 + 4 * 20 + 2, 255 + 4 * 20 + 2, GetColor(0));
-        for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
-        {
-            rectfill(Buffer, 1 + (i % 4) * 20, 256 + (i / 4) * 20, 1 + (i % 4) * 20 + 20, 256 + (i / 4) * 20 + 20, GetColor(ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + i]));
-            rectfill(Buffer, 91 + (i % 4) * 20, 256 + (i / 4) * 20, 91 + (i % 4) * 20 + 20, 256 + (i / 4) * 20 + 20, GetColor(ppu.Memory[0x3F10 + i]));
-        }
-    }
-    if (ppu.DisplayVRAM)
-    {
-/* y:346 */
-        x1 = 0;
-        y1 = 0;
-        for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
-        {
-            TileID = 0x0000 + (i << 4);
-            for (x = 0; x < 8; x++)
-                for (y = 0; y < 8; y++)
-                {
-                    Color = GetTileColor(TileID, x, y);
-                    _putpixel8(Buffer, 10 + x1 + x, 347 + y1 + y, GetColor(ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + Color]));
-                }
-            x1 += 8;
-            if (x1 >= 128)
-            {
-                x1 = 0;
-                y1 += 8;
-            }
-        }
-        x1 = 0;
-        y1 = 0;
-        for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
-        {
-            TileID = 0x1000 + (i << 4);
-            for (x = 0; x < 8; x++)
-                for (y = 0; y < 8; y++)
-                {
-                    Color = GetTileColor(TileID, x, y);
-                    _putpixel8(Buffer, 10 + 128 + x1 + x, 347 + y1 + y, GetColor(ppu.Memory[0x3F10 + Color]) );
-                }
-            x1 += 8;
-            if (x1 >= 128)
-            {
-                x1 = 0;
-                y1 += 8;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    for (i = 0; i < 240; i++)
-    {
-      _putpixel8(Buffer, 257 + 0, i, 0xFFFFFFFF);        
-      _putpixel8(Buffer, 257 + 1, i, ppu.TimedTmpPtr[y]*4 | 0xFF000000);
-      _putpixel8(Buffer, 257 + 2, i, ppu.TimedTmpPtr[y]*4 | 0xFF000000);
-      _putpixel8(Buffer, 257 + 3, i, ppu.TimedTmpPtr[y]*4 | 0xFF000000);
-      _putpixel8(Buffer, 257 + 4, i, ppu.TmpVScroll*4 | 0xFF000000);
-      _putpixel8(Buffer, 257 + 5, i, ppu.TmpVScroll*4 | 0xFF000000);
-      _putpixel8(Buffer, 257 + 6, i, ppu.TmpVScroll*4 | 0xFF000000);
-      _putpixel8(Buffer, 257 + 7, i, ppu.TimedHScroll[i]*4 | 0xFF000000);
-      _putpixel8(Buffer, 257 + 8, i, ppu.TimedHScroll[i]*4 | 0xFF000000);
-      _putpixel8(Buffer, 257 + 9, i, ppu.TimedHScroll[i]*4 | 0xFF000000);
-      _putpixel8(Buffer, 257 + 10, i, 0xFFFFFFFF);
-    }
-    if (IRQScanHit != -1)
-    {
-        line(Buffer, 257+12, IRQScanHit, 257+22, IRQScanHit, 0xFF00FF);
-        line(Buffer, 257+12, IRQScanHit, 257+18, IRQScanHit-3, 0xFF00FF);
-        line(Buffer, 257+12, IRQScanHit, 257+18, IRQScanHit+3, 0xFF00FF);
-    }
-    textprintf(Buffer, font, 5, 340, GetColor(4), "FPS : %d   IPS : %d", FPS, IPS);
-    textprintf(Buffer, font, 5, 3, GetColor(4), "FPS : %d (CPU@~%2.2fMhz : %d%%)", FPS, (float) (((float) IPS) / 1000000.0), (int) ((((float) IPS) / 1770000.0) * 100.0));
-    release_bitmap(Buffer);
-    if (NOBLIT == 0)
-    {
-      blit(Buffer, screen, 0, 0, 0, 0, 512 + 256, 480);
-      //stretch_blit(Buffer, screen, 0, 0, 256, 240, 0, 0, 512, 480);
-    }
-    if ((ppu.ControlRegister1.b & PPU_CR1_EXECNMI) != 0)
-        return 1;
-    return 0;
-byte ReadPPUReg(byte RegID)
-/* RegID is the nb of the reg 0-7 */
-    unsigned char ret;
-    RegID &= 0x07;
-    switch (RegID)
-    {
-    default:
-        ret = (unsigned char) 0x00;    /* Can return every thing you
-                         * want here :D */
-        break;
-    case 1:        /* Control Register 2 */
-        ret = ppu.ControlRegister2.b;
-        break;
-    case 2:
-        ret = ppu.StatusRegister.b;
-        ppu.StatusRegister.b &= ~(PPU_FLAG_SR_VBLANK);
-        ppu.StatusRegister.b &= ~(PPU_FLAG_SR_SPRT0);
-        ppu.VRAMAddrMode = 0;
-        break;
-    case 5:
-        ret = ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.B.l;
-        break;
-    case 6:
-        ret = ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.B.h;
-        break;
-    case 7:        /* PPU in NES is really strange.. Bufferised
-                 * send is weird.. */
-        if (ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W < 0x3EFF)
-        {
-            ret = ppu.VRAMBuffer;
-            ppu.VRAMBuffer = PPU_Rd(ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W);
-            ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W += ppu.PPU_Inc;
-            ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W &= 0x3FFF;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-          ret = PPU_Rd(ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W);
-          ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W += ppu.PPU_Inc;
-        }
-        break;
-    }
-    return ret;
-void WritePPUReg(byte RegID, byte val)
-/* RegID is the nb of the reg 0-7 */
-    RegID &= 0x07;
-    switch (RegID)
-    {
-        default:/* For not writeable reg */
-        console_printf(Console_Default, "WritePPU error\n");
-        break;
-    case 0:        /* Control Register 1 */
-        ppu.ControlRegister1.b = val;
-        ppu.Bg_Pattern_Table = (ppu.ControlRegister1.s.BgPattern == 1) ? 0x1000 : 0x0000;
-        ppu.Sprt_Pattern_Table = (ppu.ControlRegister1.s.SptPattern == 1) ? 0x1000 : 0x0000;
-        ppu.PPU_Inc = (ppu.ControlRegister1.s.AddrIncrmt == 1) ? 32 : 1;
-        ppu.Name_Table_Addresse = 0x2000;
-        switch (ppu.ControlRegister1.s.NameTblAddr)
-        {
-        case 3:
-            ppu.Name_Table_Addresse += 0x400;
-        case 2:
-            ppu.Name_Table_Addresse += 0x400;
-        case 1:
-            ppu.Name_Table_Addresse += 0x400;
-        case 0:
-            break;
-        }
-            ppu.TimedNT[ScanLine] = ppu.ControlRegister1.s.NameTblAddr;
-2000 write:
-  1111 0011 1111 1111 ( F3FF )
-t:0000 1100 0000 0000 = d:0000 0011
-        ppu.TmpVRamPtr = ( (ppu.TmpVRamPtr & 0xF3FF)
-                       | ( ((ppu.ControlRegister1.s.NameTblAddr) & 0x03) << 10 )
-                         );
-        break;
-    case 1:        /* Control Register 2 */
-        //console_printf(Console_Default, "PPU: new CR2 ; 0x%x\n", val);
-        ppu.ControlRegister2.b = val;
-        break;
-    case 3:        /* SPR-RAM Addresse Register */
-        ppu.SPR_RAMAddr = val;
-        break;
-    case 4:        /* SPR-RAM Input Register */
-        ppu.SPRRAM[ppu.SPR_RAMAddr] = val;
-        break;
-    case 5:        /* VRAM Address register 1 */
-        if (ppu.VRAMAddrMode == 0)
-        {
-2005 first write:
-t:0000 0000 0001 1111=d:1111 1000
-            //console_printf(Console_Default, "2005[1st][%d]: 0x%02X [0x%04X]\n", ScanLine, val, ppu.TmpVRamPtr);
-            ppu.VRAMAddrMode = 1;
-            ppu.TmpVRamPtr = ((ppu.TmpVRamPtr & 0xFFE0) | ((val & 0xF8) >> 3));
-            ppu.HScroll = val & 0x7;
-            //console_printf(Console_Default, "2005[1st][%d]: 0x%02X [0x%04X]\n", ScanLine, val, ppu.TmpVRamPtr);
-            //console_printf(Console_Default, "%d -> 2005 w1: 0x%04X (val: 0x%02X)\n", ScanLine, ppu.TmpVRamPtr, val);
-        }
-        else
-        {
-2005 second write:
-  1111 1100 0000 0000
-  5432 1098 7654 3210
-  8421 8421 8421 8421
-  -------------------
-t:0000 0011 1110 0000=d:1111 1000
-t:0111 0000 0000 0000=d:0000 0111
-            //console_printf(Console_Default, "2005[2nd][%d]: 0x%02X [0x%04X]\n", ScanLine, val, ppu.TmpVRamPtr);
-            ppu.VRAMAddrMode = 0;
-            ppu.TmpVRamPtr = ((ppu.TmpVRamPtr & 0xFC1F) | ((val & 0xF8) << 2));
-            ppu.TmpVRamPtr = ((ppu.TmpVRamPtr & 0x8FFF) | ((val & 0x07) << 12));
-            ppu.TmpVScroll = (val & 0x7);
-            //if (ppu.TmpVScroll != 0)
-                //console_printf(Console_Default, "2002: TmpVScroll == %d \n", ppu.TmpVScroll);
-            //console_printf(Console_Default, "2005[2nd][%d]: 0x%02X [0x%04X]\n", ScanLine, val, ppu.TmpVRamPtr);
-            //console_printf(Console_Default, "%d -> 2005 w2: 0x%04X (val: 0x%02X)\n", ScanLine, ppu.TmpVRamPtr, val);
-        }
-        break;
-    case 6:        /* VRAM Address register 2 */
-        if (ppu.VRAMAddrMode == 0)
-        {
-            //console_printf(Console_Default, "2006[1st][%d]: 0x%02X [0x%04X]\n", ScanLine, val, ppu.TmpVRamPtr);
-            ppu.VRAMAddrMode = 1;
-2006 first write:
-t:0011 1111 0000 0000 = d:0011 1111
-t:1100 0000 0000 0000=0
-            ppu.TmpVRamPtr = ((ppu.TmpVRamPtr & 0xC0FF) | ((val&0x3F) << 8)) & 0x3FFF;
-            //console_printf(Console_Default, "2006[1st][%d]: 0x%02X [0x%04X]\n", ScanLine, val, ppu.TmpVRamPtr);
-            //console_printf(Console_Default, "%d -> 2006 w1: 0x%04X (val: 0x%02X)\n", ScanLine, ppu.TmpVRamPtr, val);
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            //console_printf(Console_Default, "2006[2nd][%d]: 0x%02X [0x%04X]\n", ScanLine, val, ppu.TmpVRamPtr);
-            ppu.VRAMAddrMode = 0;
-2006 second write:
-            ppu.TmpVRamPtr = ((ppu.TmpVRamPtr & 0xFF00) | (val & 0x00FF));
-            ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W = ppu.TmpVRamPtr;
-            //console_printf(Console_Default, "2006[2nd][%d]: 0x%02X [0x%04X]\n", ScanLine, val, ppu.TmpVRamPtr);
-            //console_printf(Console_Default, "%d -> 2006 w2: 0x%04X (val: 0x%02X)\n", ScanLine, ppu.TmpVRamPtr, val);
-        }
-        break;
-    case 7:        /* VRAM I/O */
-        PPU_Wr(ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W, val);
-        ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W += ppu.PPU_Inc;
-        break;
-    }
-void FillSprRamDMA(byte value)
-    int i;
-    for (i = 0x00; i < 0x100; i++)
-    {
-        ppu.SPRRAM[i] = ReadMemory( value, i);
-    }

+ 0 - 1258

@@ -1,1258 +0,0 @@
- *  PPU emulation - The peTI-NESulator Project
- *  ppu.c
- *  
- *  Define and emulate the PPU (Picture Processing Unit) of the real NES
- * 
- *  Created by Manoel TRAPIER.
- *  Copyright (c) 2003-2008 986Corp. All rights reserved.
- *
- *  $LastChangedDate$
- *  $Author$
- *  $HeadURL$
- *  $Revision$
- *
- */
-#include <allegro.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <sys/time.h>
-#include <time.h>
-#include "ppu.h"
-#include "M6502.h"
-#define GetTileColor(tile,x1,y1)    ( ( ppu.Memory[tile+y1] & (1<<(7-x1)) ) == 0 ? 0 : 1 ) | \
-                                    ( ( ppu.Memory[tile+y1+8] & (1<<(7-x1)) ) == 0 ? 0 : 1<<1 )
-extern PPU ppu;
-extern BITMAP *Buffer;
-extern unsigned short ScanLine;
-unsigned char BgColor;
-volatile extern int frame;
-volatile extern unsigned long IPS, FPS;
-byte NOBLIT = 0;
-int InitPPU(PPU * ppu)
-    if ((ppu->Memory = (unsigned char *) malloc(0x4000)) == NULL)
-        return -1;
-    NOBLIT = 0;
-    /* Initializing register.. */
-    ppu->In_VBlank = 0;
-    ppu->BaseOneScreen = 0x2000;
-    ppu->ControlRegister1.b = 0;
-    ppu->ControlRegister2.b = 0;
-    ppu->StatusRegister.b = 0;
-    ppu->SPR_RAMAddr = 0;
-    ppu->VRAMAddrReg1.W = 0;
-    ppu->VRAMAddrReg2.W = 0;
-    ppu->VRAMAddrMode = 0;
-    ppu->Bg_Pattern_Table = 0x0000;
-    ppu->Name_Table_Addresse = 0x2000;
-    ppu->Sprt_Pattern_Table = 0x0000;
-    ppu->PPU_Inc = 1;
-    ppu->MirrorDir = 0;
-    ppu->ScreenType = 1;
-    ppu->ForceBgVisibility = 0;
-    ppu->ForceSpriteVisibility = 0;
-    ppu->DisplayNameTables = ~0;
-    ppu->DisplayAttributeTable = ~0;
-    ppu->DisplayPalette = ~0;
-    ppu->DisplayVRAM = ~0;
-    return 0;
-PPUSprite PPUGetSprite(unsigned short i)
-PPUSprite ret;
-    ret.y = ppu.SPRRAM[i * 4];
-    ret.tileid = ppu.SPRRAM[i * 4 + 1];
-    /*ret.flags.s.BgPrio = (ppu.SPRRAM[i * 4 + 2] & (1 << 5)) == 0 ? 0 : 1;
-    ret.flags.s.HFlip = (ppu.SPRRAM[i * 4 + 2] & (1 << 6)) == 0 ? 0 : 1;
-    ret.flags.s.UpperColor = ppu.SPRRAM[i * 4 + 2] & 0x03;
-    ret.flags.s.VFlip = (ppu.SPRRAM[i * 4 + 2] & (1 << 7)) == 0 ? 0 : 1;*/
-    ret.flags.b = ppu.SPRRAM[i * 4 + 2];
-    ret.x = ppu.SPRRAM[i * 4 + 3];
-    return ret;
-void PPUSetSprite(unsigned short i, PPUSprite *sprt)
-    ppu.SPRRAM[i * 4] = sprt->y;
-    ppu.SPRRAM[i * 4 + 1] = sprt->tileid;
-    /*ret.flags.s.BgPrio = (ppu.SPRRAM[i * 4 + 2] & (1 << 5)) == 0 ? 0 : 1;
-    ret.flags.s.HFlip = (ppu.SPRRAM[i * 4 + 2] & (1 << 6)) == 0 ? 0 : 1;
-    ret.flags.s.UpperColor = ppu.SPRRAM[i * 4 + 2] & 0x03;
-    ret.flags.s.VFlip = (ppu.SPRRAM[i * 4 + 2] & (1 << 7)) == 0 ? 0 : 1;*/
-    ppu.SPRRAM[i * 4 + 2] = sprt->flags.b;
-    ppu.SPRRAM[i * 4 + 3] = sprt->x;
-//(Addr & 0x1FF)    /* Addr In NT */
-// (Addr & 0xC00) >> 2        /* NT number */
-#define GetNT(a)    ( (a&0xC00) >> 10 )
-#define RelAddr(a)    (a & 0x3FF)
-#define PalAddr(a) (a & 0x1F)
-unsigned char PPU_Rd(unsigned short Addr)
-    if (Addr > (unsigned short) 0x3FFF)
-    {
-        Addr &= 0x3FFF;
-    }
-    if ((Addr < 0x3F00) && (Addr >= 0x2000))
-    {
-        if (Addr > 0x3000)
-        {
-            Addr -= 0x1000;
-        }
-        if (ppu.ScreenType == 0)
-        {        /* 1 Screen Mode */
-            return ppu.Memory[RelAddr(Addr) + ppu.BaseOneScreen];
-        }
-        else
-            if (ppu.ScreenType)
-            {    /* Miroring mode */
-                if (ppu.MirrorDir)
-                {    /* Horizontal */
-                    if (GetNT(Addr) & 0x2)
-                    {    /* NT2-3 */
-                        return ppu.Memory[0x2000 + RelAddr(Addr)];
-                    }
-                    else
-                    {
-                        return ppu.Memory[0x2400 + RelAddr(Addr)];
-                    }
-                }
-                else
-                {    /* Vertical */
-                    if (GetNT(Addr) & 0x1)
-                    {    /* NT0-2 */
-                        return ppu.Memory[0x2400 + RelAddr(Addr)];
-                    }
-                    else
-                    {
-                        return ppu.Memory[0x2000 + RelAddr(Addr)];
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            else
-            {    /* Four Screen mode */
-            }
-    }
-    else
-        if (Addr >= 0x3F00)
-        {
-            return ppu.Memory[0x3F00 | PalAddr(Addr)];
-        }
-    return ppu.Memory[Addr];
-void PPU_Wr(unsigned short Addr, unsigned char Value)
-    if (Addr > (unsigned short) 0x3FFF)
-    {
-        Addr &= 0x3FFF;
-    }
-    if ((Addr < 0x3F00) && (Addr >= 0x2000))
-    {
-        if (Addr > 0x3000)
-        {
-            Addr -= 0x1000;
-        }
-        if (ppu.ScreenType == 0)
-        {        /* 1 Screen Mode */
-            ppu.Memory[RelAddr(Addr) + 0x2000] = Value;
-        }
-        else
-            if (ppu.ScreenType == 1)
-            {    /* Miroring mode */
-                if (ppu.MirrorDir == 0)
-                {    /* Vertical */
-                    if (GetNT(Addr) & 0x1)
-                    {    /* NT0-2 */
-                        ppu.Memory[0x2400 + RelAddr(Addr)] = Value;
-                    }
-                    else
-                    {
-                        ppu.Memory[0x2000 + RelAddr(Addr)] = Value;
-                    }
-                }
-                else
-                {    /* Horizontal */
-                    if (GetNT(Addr) & 0x2)
-                    {    /* NT2-3 */
-                        ppu.Memory[0x2000 + RelAddr(Addr)] = Value;
-                    }
-                    else
-                    {
-                        ppu.Memory[0x2400 + RelAddr(Addr)] = Value;
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            else
-            {    /* Four Screen mode */
-            }
-    }
-    else
-        if (Addr >= 0x3F00)
-        {
-            //console_printf(Console_Default, "%s palette: color %x new value : %d (0x%x)\n", (PalAddr(Addr) < 0x10) ? "Bgnd" : "Sprt", PalAddr(Addr), Value & 0x3F, Addr);
-            ppu.Memory[ /* 0x3F00 | PalAddr(Addr) */ Addr] = Value & 0x3F;
-            if (PalAddr(Addr) == 0x10)
-                ppu.Memory[0x3F00] = Value & 0x3F;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            ppu.Memory[Addr] = Value;
-        }
-unsigned short NbOfSprite[255];
-void NewPPUDispSprite()
-  int x, y, x1, y1, px, py, i;
-  char Color;
-  PPUSprite sprite;
-  unsigned short bg;
-  short SprtAddr;
-  for (i = 63; i >= 0; i--)
-  {
-    sprite = PPUGetSprite(i);
-    bg = sprite.flags.b & PPUSPRITE_FLAGS_BGPRIO;
-    y = sprite.y;
-    if (y < 248)
-    {
-      SprtAddr = ((sprite.tileid) << 4) + ppu.Sprt_Pattern_Table;
-      x = sprite.x;
-      for (y1 = 0; y1 < 8; y1++)
-      {
-    py = y + ((sprite.flags.b & PPUSPRITE_FLAGS_VFLIP) == 0 ? y1 : ((8 - 1) - y1));
-    if ((py > 0) && (py < 249) && ((++NbOfSprite[py]) > 7))
-    {
-      ppu.StatusRegister.b |= PPU_FLAG_SR_8SPRT ;
-      //console_printf(Console_Default, "%d Hohoho!\n", py);
-      //          line(Buffer, 0, py+1, 256, py+1, 10);
-      //continue; // Do not display more than 8 sprites on this line :p
-    }
-    for (x1 = 0; x1 < 8; x1++)
-    {
-      px = x + ((sprite.flags.b & PPUSPRITE_FLAGS_HFLIP) != 0 ? (7 - x1) : x1);
-      Color = GetTileColor(SprtAddr, x1, y1);
-      if (Color)
-      {
-        Color = (Color) | ((sprite.flags.b & PPUSPRITE_FLAGS_UPPERCOLOR) << 2);
-        Color = ppu.Memory[0x3F10 + Color];
-        if ((i == 0) && (Buffer->line[py][px] != BgColor) && (ppu.HitSpriteAt == 255))
-        {
-          //Ligne utilis� pour le d�buguage
-          //line(Buffer, 0, py+1, 256, py+1, 10);
-          ppu.HitSpriteAt = py+1;
-        }
-        if ((bg == 0) || ((bg != 0) && (Buffer->line[py][px] == BgColor)))
-          putpixel(Buffer, px, py, Color);
-      }
-    }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-void NewPPUDispSprite_8x16()
-  int x, y, x1, y1, px, py, i, loop, tile;
-  char Color;
-  PPUSprite sprite;
-  unsigned short bg;
-  short SprtAddr;
-  unsigned short SprtTable;
-  for (i = 63; i >= 0; i--)
-  {
-    sprite = PPUGetSprite(i);
-    bg = sprite.flags.b & PPUSPRITE_FLAGS_BGPRIO;
-    tile = sprite.tileid;
-    y = sprite.y + 1;
-    if (y < 248)
-    {
-      if ( (SprtTable = (tile & 0x1) * 0x1000) == 0x1000)
-    tile -=1;
-      if ((sprite.flags.b & PPUSPRITE_FLAGS_VFLIP) != 0)
-      {
-    y +=8;
-      }
-      for (loop = 0; loop < 2; loop++)
-      {
-    SprtAddr = ((tile) << 4) + SprtTable;
-    x = sprite.x;
-    for (y1 = 0; y1 < 8; y1++)
-    {
-      py = y + ((sprite.flags.b & PPUSPRITE_FLAGS_VFLIP) == 0 ? y1 : ((8 - 1) - y1));
-      if ((py > 0) && (py < 249) && ((++NbOfSprite[py]) > 7))
-      {
-        ppu.StatusRegister.b |= PPU_FLAG_SR_8SPRT ;
-        //        puts("Ho!");
-        //continue; // No more sprites on this line :p
-      }
-      for (x1 = 0; x1 < 8; x1++)
-      {
-        px = x + (((sprite.flags.b & PPUSPRITE_FLAGS_HFLIP) != 0) ? (7 - x1) : x1);
-        Color = GetTileColor(SprtAddr, x1, y1);
-        if (Color)
-        {
-          Color = (Color) | ((sprite.flags.b & PPUSPRITE_FLAGS_UPPERCOLOR) << 2);
-          Color = ppu.Memory[0x3F10 + Color];
-          if ((i == 0) && (Buffer->line[py][px] != BgColor) && (ppu.HitSpriteAt == 255))
-          {
-        //Ligne utilise pour le debuguage
-        //line(Buffer, 0, py, 256, py, 10);
-        ppu.HitSpriteAt = py+1;
-          }
-          if ((bg == 0) || ((bg != 0) && (Buffer->line[py][px] == BgColor)))
-        putpixel(Buffer, px, py, Color);
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    tile += 1;
-    if ( (sprite.flags.b & PPUSPRITE_FLAGS_VFLIP) != 0)
-      y -= 8;
-    else
-      y += 8;
-      }    
-    }
-  }
-void DebugColor()
-  static unsigned short x = 128;
-  static unsigned short y = 128;
-  unsigned char OldDisplayPalette = ppu.DisplayPalette;
-  byte keyb;
-  unsigned int i;
-  unsigned short Color;
-  NOBLIT = 1;
-  ppu.DisplayPalette = ~0;
-  while(!key[KEY_ESC])
-  {
-    frame++;
-    PPUVBlank();
-    Color = Buffer->line[y][x];
-    textprintf(Buffer, font, 5, 340, 3, "Pos [%d:%d] Color: %d Bg: %d", x, y, Color, BgColor);
-    line(Buffer, x-10, y, x+10, y, 1);
-    line(Buffer, x, y-10, x, y+10, 1);
-    /*
-    rect(Buffer, 0, 255, 4 * 20 + 2, 255 + 4 * 20 + 2, 0);
-    rect(Buffer, 90, 255, 90 + 4 * 20 + 2, 255 + 4 * 20 + 2, 0);
-    for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
-    {
-      rectfill(Buffer, 1 + (i % 4) * 20, 256 + (i / 4) * 20, 1 + (i % 4) * 20 + 20, 256 + (i / 4) * 20 + 20, ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + i]);
-      rectfill(Buffer, 91 + (i % 4) * 20, 256 + (i / 4) * 20, 91 + (i % 4) * 20 + 20, 256 + (i / 4) * 20 + 20, ppu.Memory[0x3F10 + i]);
-    }*/
-    for( i = 0; i < 16; i++)
-    {
-      if (ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + i] == Color)
-      {
-    line(Buffer, 1+(i%4)*20, 256 + (i / 4) * 20, 1 + (i % 4) * 20 + 20, 256 + (i / 4) * 20 + 20, ~Color); 
-    line(Buffer, 1+(i%4)*20, 256 + (i / 4) * 20 + 20, 1 + (i % 4) * 20 + 20, 256 + (i / 4) * 20, ~Color); 
-      }
-      if (ppu.Memory[0x3F10 + i] == Color)
-      {
-    line(Buffer, 91+(i%4)*20, 256 + (i / 4) * 20, 91 + (i % 4) * 20 + 20, 256 + (i / 4) * 20 + 20, ~Color); 
-    line(Buffer, 91+(i%4)*20, 256 + (i / 4) * 20 + 20, 91 + (i % 4) * 20 + 20, 256 + (i / 4) * 20, ~Color); 
-      }
-    }
-    blit(Buffer, screen, 0, 0, 0, 0, 512 + 256, 480);    
-    if (keypressed())
-    {
-      keyb = (readkey() & 0xFF);
-      if (keyb == '4')
-      {
-    x--;
-      }
-      if (keyb == '8')
-      {
-    y--;
-      }
-      if (keyb == '6')
-      {
-    x++;
-      }
-      if (keyb == '2')
-      {
-    y++;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  ppu.DisplayPalette = OldDisplayPalette;
-  NOBLIT = 0;
-void DebugSprites()
-  byte keyb;
-  static int SelSprite = 0;
-  PPUSprite sprite;
-  NOBLIT = 1;
-  ppu.ControlRegister2.b |= PPU_CR2_SPRTVISIBILITY;
-  while(!key[KEY_ESC])
-  {
-    frame++;
-    PPUVBlank();
-    sprite = PPUGetSprite(SelSprite);
-    if (ppu.ControlRegister1.b & PPU_CR1_SPRTSIZE)
-    {
-      rect(Buffer, sprite.x-1, sprite.y-1, sprite.x+9, sprite.y+17, 1);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      rect(Buffer, sprite.x-1, sprite.y-1, sprite.x+9, sprite.y+9, 1);
-    }
-    textprintf(Buffer, font, 5, 340, 3, "Sprite %d [%d:%d]", SelSprite, sprite.x, sprite.y);
-    textprintf(Buffer, font, 5, 349, 3, "B0: 0x%X  B1: 0x%X  B2: 0x%X  B3: 0x%X",sprite.y,sprite.tileid,sprite.flags.b,sprite.x);
-    textprintf(Buffer, font, 5, 358, 3, "Tile Index: %d", sprite.tileid);
-    textprintf(Buffer, font, 5, 367, 3, "Vertical Flip: %d", sprite.flags.s.VFlip);
-    textprintf(Buffer, font, 5, 376, 3, "Horizontal Flip: %d", sprite.flags.s.HFlip);
-    textprintf(Buffer, font, 5, 385, 3, "Background Priority: %d", sprite.flags.s.BgPrio);
-    textprintf(Buffer, font, 5, 394, 3, "Upper Color: %d", sprite.flags.s.UpperColor);
-    blit(Buffer, screen, 0, 0, 0, 0, 512 + 256, 480);    
-    if (keypressed())
-    {
-      keyb = (readkey() & 0xFF);
-      if (keyb == '+')
-    SelSprite = (SelSprite<63)?SelSprite+1:0;
-      if (keyb == '-')
-    SelSprite = (SelSprite>0)?SelSprite-1:63;
-      if (keyb == 'h')
-      {
-    sprite.flags.s.HFlip = ~sprite.flags.s.HFlip;
-    PPUSetSprite(SelSprite, &sprite);
-      }
-      if (keyb == 'b')
-      {
-    sprite.flags.s.BgPrio = ~sprite.flags.s.BgPrio;
-    PPUSetSprite(SelSprite, &sprite);
-      }
-      if (keyb == 'v')
-      {
-    sprite.flags.s.VFlip = ~sprite.flags.s.VFlip;
-    PPUSetSprite(SelSprite, &sprite);
-      }
-      if (keyb == '4')
-      {
-    sprite.x--;
-    PPUSetSprite(SelSprite, &sprite);
-      }
-      if (keyb == '8')
-      {
-    sprite.y--;
-    PPUSetSprite(SelSprite, &sprite);
-      }
-      if (keyb == '6')
-      {
-    sprite.x++;
-    PPUSetSprite(SelSprite, &sprite);
-      }
-      if (keyb == '2')
-      {
-    sprite.y++;
-    PPUSetSprite(SelSprite, &sprite);
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  NOBLIT = 0;
- PPUVBlank()
-int x, y, x1, y1, i;
-unsigned long Reg2;
-unsigned short ab_x, ab_y;
-unsigned short Color;
-unsigned short AttrByte;
-unsigned short TileID;
-static short WaitTime = 7000;
-static short LAST_FPS = 0;
-unsigned char XScroll, YScroll;
-struct timeval timeStart, timeEnd;
-    ppu.StatusRegister.b |= PPU_FLAG_SR_VBLANK;
-    BgColor = ppu.Memory[0x3F00];//0xC0;
-    gettimeofday(&timeStart, NULL);
-//goto NoDraw;
-    acquire_bitmap(Buffer);
-    clear_to_color(Buffer, BgColor);
-/*    if (ppu.ControlRegister2.s.Colour != 0)
-        console_printf(Console_Default, "ppu.ColorEmphasis : %d", ppu.ControlRegister2.s.Colour);*/
-    for (i = 0; i < 249; i++)
-        NbOfSprite[i] = 0;
-    ppu.StatusRegister.b &= ~(PPU_FLAG_SR_8SPRT);
-    ppu.HitSpriteAt = 255;
-* A faires les choses qui faut faire durant un lanc� de vblank,
-* comme dessiner par ex..
-#define GetTilePos(addr,x,y) (addr+x+(y*32))
-    if (ppu.DisplayAttributeTable)
-    {
-/* NT 2000 */
-        for (x = 0; x < 0x40; x++)
-        {
-            AttrByte = /*ppu.Memory[0x23C0 + x];*/PPU_Rd(0x23C0 + x);
-            x1 = x % 8;
-            y1 = x / 8;
-            Color = AttrByte & 0x3; // Pattern 1;
-            if (ppu.DisplayNameTables == 0)
-                Color = ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + (Color * 4) + 1];
-            rectfill(Buffer,256+(x1*32),240+(y1*32),256+15+(x1*32),240+15+(y1*32),Color);
-            Color = (AttrByte>>2) & 0x3; // Pattern 2;
-            if (ppu.DisplayNameTables == 0)
-                Color = ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + (Color * 4) + 1];
-            rectfill(Buffer,16+256+(x1*32),240+(y1*32),16+256+15+(x1*32),240+15+(y1*32),Color);
-            Color = (AttrByte>>4) & 0x3; // Pattern 3;
-            if (ppu.DisplayNameTables == 0)
-                Color = ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + (Color * 4) + 1];
-            rectfill(Buffer,256+(x1*32),16+240+(y1*32),256+15+(x1*32),16+240+15+(y1*32),Color);
-            Color = (AttrByte>>6) & 0x3; // Pattern 4;
-            if (ppu.DisplayNameTables == 0)
-                Color = ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + (Color * 4) + 1];
-            rectfill(Buffer,16+256+(x1*32),16+240+(y1*32),16+256+15+(x1*32),16+240+15+(y1*32),Color);
-        }
-/* NT 2800 */
-        for (x = 0; x < 0x40; x++)
-         {
-            AttrByte = PPU_Rd(0x2BC0 + x);
-            x1 = x % 8;
-            y1 = x / 8;
-            Color = AttrByte & 0x3; // Pattern 1;
-            if (ppu.DisplayNameTables == 0)
-                Color = ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + (Color * 4) + 1];
-            rectfill(Buffer,256+(x1*32),(y1*32),256+15+(x1*32),15+(y1*32),Color);
-            Color = (AttrByte>>2) & 0x3; // Pattern 2;
-            if (ppu.DisplayNameTables == 0)
-                Color = ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + (Color * 4) + 1];
-            rectfill(Buffer,16+256+(x1*32),(y1*32),16+256+15+(x1*32),15+(y1*32),Color);
-            Color = (AttrByte>>4) & 0x3; // Pattern 3;
-            if (ppu.DisplayNameTables == 0)
-                Color = ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + (Color * 4) + 1];
-            rectfill(Buffer,256+(x1*32),16+(y1*32),256+15+(x1*32),16+15+(y1*32),Color);
-            Color = (AttrByte>>6) & 0x3; // Pattern 4;
-            if (ppu.DisplayNameTables == 0)
-                Color = ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + (Color * 4) + 1];
-            rectfill(Buffer,16+256+(x1*32),16+(y1*32),16+256+15+(x1*32),16+15+(y1*32),Color);
-         }
-/* NT 2400 */
-        for (x = 0; x < 0x40; x++)
-         {
-            AttrByte = PPU_Rd(0x27C0 + x);
-            x1 = x % 8;
-            y1 = x / 8;
-            Color = AttrByte & 0x3; // Pattern 1;
-            if (ppu.DisplayNameTables == 0)
-                Color = ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + (Color * 4) + 1];
-            rectfill(Buffer,256+256+(x1*32),240+(y1*32),256+256+15+(x1*32),240+15+(y1*32),Color);
-            Color = (AttrByte>>2) & 0x3; // Pattern 2;
-            if (ppu.DisplayNameTables == 0)
-                Color = ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + (Color * 4) + 1];
-            rectfill(Buffer,16+256+256+(x1*32),240+(y1*32),16+256+256+15+(x1*32),240+15+(y1*32),Color);
-            Color = (AttrByte>>4) & 0x3; // Pattern 3;
-            if (ppu.DisplayNameTables == 0)
-                Color = ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + (Color * 4) + 1];
-            rectfill(Buffer,256+256+(x1*32),240+16+(y1*32),256+256+15+(x1*32),240+16+15+(y1*32),Color);
-            Color = (AttrByte>>6) & 0x3; // Pattern 4;
-            if (ppu.DisplayNameTables == 0)
-                Color = ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + (Color * 4) + 1];
-            rectfill(Buffer,16+256+256+(x1*32),240+16+(y1*32),16+256+256+15+(x1*32),240+16+15+(y1*32),Color);
-         }
-/* NT 2C00 */
-        for (x = 0; x < 0x40; x++)
-        {
-            AttrByte = PPU_Rd(0x2FC0 + x);//PPU_Rd(0x27C0 + x);
-            x1 = x % 8;
-            y1 = x / 8;
-            Color = AttrByte & 0x3; // Pattern 1;
-            if (ppu.DisplayNameTables == 0)
-                Color = ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + (Color * 4) + 1];
-            rectfill(Buffer,256+256+(x1*32),(y1*32),256+256+15+(x1*32),15+(y1*32),Color);
-            Color = (AttrByte>>2) & 0x3; // Pattern 2;
-            if (ppu.DisplayNameTables == 0)
-                Color = ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + (Color * 4) + 1];
-            rectfill(Buffer,16+256+256+(x1*32),(y1*32),16+256+256+15+(x1*32),15+(y1*32),Color);
-            Color = (AttrByte>>4) & 0x3; // Pattern 3;
-            if (ppu.DisplayNameTables == 0)
-                Color = ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + (Color * 4) + 1];
-            rectfill(Buffer,256+256+(x1*32),16+(y1*32),256+256+15+(x1*32),16+15+(y1*32),Color);
-            Color = (AttrByte>>6) & 0x3; // Pattern 4;
-            if (ppu.DisplayNameTables == 0)
-                Color = ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + (Color * 4) + 1];
-            rectfill(Buffer,16+256+256+(x1*32),16+(y1*32),16+256+256+15+(x1*32),16+15+(y1*32),Color);
-            }
-        if (ppu.DisplayNameTables == 0)
-        {
-            for (x = 0; x < 33; x++)
-            {
-                line(Buffer, 256 + x * 16, 0, 256 + x * 16, 240 + 240, 8);
-                line(Buffer, 256, 0 + x * 16, 256 + 256 + 256, 0 + x * 16, 8);
-            }
-            for (x = 0; x < 17; x++)
-            {
-                line(Buffer, 256 + x * 32, 0, 256 + x * 32, 240 + 240, 6);
-                line(Buffer, 256, 0 + x * 32, 256 + 256 + 256, 0 + x * 32, 6);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    if (ppu.DisplayNameTables)
-    {
-/* NT 2000 */
-        for (x = 0; x < 32; x++)
-            for (y = 0; y < 30; y++)
-            {
-                TileID = (PPU_Rd/*ppu.Memory[*/(0x2000 + x + (y * 32))/*]*/ << 4) + ppu.Bg_Pattern_Table;
-                for (x1 = 0; x1 < 8; x1++)
-                    for (y1 = 0; y1 < 8; y1++)
-                    {
-                        Color = GetTileColor(TileID, x1, y1);
-                        if (ppu.DisplayAttributeTable != 0)
-                            Color |= (Buffer->line[(8 * y) + 240 + y1][(8 * x) + 256 + x1] & 0x3) << 2;
-                        if ((Color != 0) || (ppu.DisplayAttributeTable != 0))
-                        {
-                            Color = ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + Color];
-                            Buffer->line[(8 * y) + 240 + y1][(8 * x) + 256 + x1] = Color;
-                        }
-                    }
-            }
-/* NT 2800 */
-        for (x = 0; x < 32; x++)
-            for (y = 0; y < 30; y++)
-            {
-                TileID = (PPU_Rd(0x2800 + x + (y * 32)) << 4) + ppu.Bg_Pattern_Table;
-                for (x1 = 0; x1 < 8; x1++)
-                    for (y1 = 0; y1 < 8; y1++)
-                    {
-                        Color = GetTileColor(TileID, x1, y1);
-                        if (Color != 0)
-                        {
-                            Color = ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + Color + 4];
-                            Buffer->line[(8 * y) + y1][(8 * x) + 256 + x1] = Color;
-                        }
-                    }
-            }
-/* NT 2400 */
-            for (x = 0; x < 32; x++)
-                for (y = 0; y < 30; y++)
-                    {
-                    TileID = (PPU_Rd(0x2400 + x + (y * 32)) << 4) + ppu.Bg_Pattern_Table;
-                    for (x1 = 0; x1 < 8; x1++)
-                        for (y1 = 0; y1 < 8; y1++)
-                            {
-                            Color = GetTileColor(TileID, x1, y1);
-                            if (ppu.DisplayAttributeTable != 0)
-                                Color |= (Buffer->line[(8 * y) + 240 + y1][(8 * x) + 256 + x1] & 0x3) << 2;
-                            if ((Color != 0) || (ppu.DisplayAttributeTable != 0))
-                                {
-                                Color = ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + Color];
-                                Buffer->line[(8 * y) + 240+ y1][(8 * x) + 256 + 256 + x1] = Color;
-                                }
-                            }
-                    }
-/* NT 2C00 */
-        for (x = 0; x < 32; x++)
-            for (y = 0; y < 30; y++)
-            {
-                TileID = (PPU_Rd(0x2C00 + x + (y * 32)) << 4) + ppu.Bg_Pattern_Table;
-                for (x1 = 0; x1 < 8; x1++)
-                    for (y1 = 0; y1 < 8; y1++)
-                    {
-                        Color = GetTileColor(TileID, x1, y1);
-                        if (Color != 0)
-                        {
-                            Color = ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + Color + 12];
-                            Buffer->line[(8 * y) + y1][(8 * x) + 256 + 256 + x1] = Color;
-                        }
-                    }
-            }
-    }
-    if (((ppu.ControlRegister2.b & PPU_CR2_BGVISIBILITY) != 0) || ppu.ForceBgVisibility)
-    {
-/* Display BG with scrolling informations */
-/* J'ai la solution :D */
-frame start (line 0) (if background or sprites are enabled):
-        ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W = ppu.TimedTmpPtr[0] | 0x2000;
-        //console_printf(Console_Default, "Starting addresses : 0x%X\n",ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W);
-        XScroll = ppu.TimedHScroll[0];
-        YScroll = /*ppu.TimedVScroll[0]*/ ppu.TmpVScroll;
-        for (y = 0; y < 240; y++)
-        {
-scanline start (if background and sprites are enabled):
-  8421 8421 8421 8421   8421 8421 8421 8421
-v:0000 0100 0001 1111=t:0000 0100 0001 1111
-  1111 1198 7654 3210         
-  5432 10
-            ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W = (ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W & 0xFBE0)
-               | ((ppu.TimedTmpPtr[y]) & 0x041F)
-               | 0x2000;
-            TileID = (PPU_Rd(ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W) << 4)
-               | ppu.Bg_Pattern_Table;
-            XScroll = ppu.TimedHScroll[y];
-            /*YScroll += ppu.TimedVScroll[y];*/
-/*            console_printf(Console_Default, "Y:%d -_- ", YScroll);
-            if (ppu.TimedVScroll[y] != 0)
-            {
-                YScroll = ppu.TimedVScroll[y];
-                console_printf(Console_Default, "Y:%d", YScroll);                
-            }
-           console_printf(Console_Default, "\n");*/
-            for (x = 0; x < 256; x++)
-            {
-/* Calculer la couleur du point */
-/* Bits 1 et 0 */
-                Color = GetTileColor(TileID, XScroll, YScroll);
-/* Bits 3 et 2 */
-XScroll : 0,1,2,3,4
-X = (ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W & 0x1F)
-Y : 5,6,7,8,9
-Y = (ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W & 0x3E0) >> 5
-/*ab_y = ((ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W & 0x3E0) >> 5);
-                ab_x = (ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W & 0x1F);
-                AttrByte = (((ab_y) >> 2) << 3) +
-                   ((ab_x) >> 2);
-                AttrByte = (PPU_Rd((ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W & 0x2C00) + 0x3C0 + AttrByte) >>
-                        ((((ab_y & 2) * 2) + (((ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W & 0x2C00)) & 2)))) & 0x03;*/
-                /*
-                 00DC BA98 7654 3210
-                 0000 BA54 3c-2 10b-
-                 0000 0000 0001 1100  : 0x001C >> 2 
-                 0000 0011 1000 0000  : 0x0380 >> 4
-                   10 --11 11-- ----
-                 0xC000
-                 & 0x0C3F | 0x23C0
-                                b                  
-                 val >> ( (Reg2 & 0x2) | ( (Reg2 & 0x0x40)>>4)
-                 */
-                Reg2 = ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W;
-                AttrByte = ((Reg2 & 0x0380) >> 4) | ((Reg2 & 0x001C) >> 2) | (Reg2 & 0x0C00);
-                AttrByte &= 0x0C3F;
-                AttrByte |= 0x23C0;
-                AttrByte = PPU_Rd(AttrByte);
-                AttrByte = AttrByte >> ( 0x0 | (Reg2 & 0x02) | ( (Reg2 & 0x40) >> 4) );
-                AttrByte &= 0x3;
-                if (Color)
-                {
-                    Color |= (AttrByte << 2);
-                    Color = ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + Color];
-                    Buffer->line[y][x] = Color + 0xC0;
-                }
-                XScroll++;
-                XScroll &= 7;
-                if (XScroll == 0)
-                {    /* On incr�mente le compteur de tile */
-                    if ((ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W & 0x1F) == 0x1F)
-                    {    /* On met a 0 et change
-                         * l'etat du bit 10 */
-                        ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W &= ~0x1F;
-/* A voir si ya pas bcp mieux */
-                        if ((ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W & 0x400))
-                            ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W &= ~0x400;
-                        else
-                            ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W |= 0x400;
-                    }
-                    else
-                    {    /* on incremente juste */
-                        ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W = (ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W & ~0x1F) | ((ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W + 1) & 0x1F);
-                    }
-                    TileID = (PPU_Rd(ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W) << 4)
-                       | ppu.Bg_Pattern_Table;
-                }
-            }
-you can think of bits 5,6,7,8,9 as the "y scroll"(*8).  this functions
-slightly different from the X.  it wraps to 0 and bit 11 is switched when
-it's incremented from _29_ instead of 31.  there are some odd side effects
-from this.. if you manually set the value above 29 (from either 2005 or
-2006), the wrapping from 29 obviously won't happen, and attrib data will be
-used as name table data.  the "y scroll" still wraps to 0 from 31, but
-without switching bit 11.  this explains why writing 240+ to 'Y' in 2005
-appeared as a negative scroll value.
-            YScroll++;
-            YScroll &= 7;
-            if (YScroll == 0)
-            {    /* On incr�mente le compteur de tile :| */
-                if ((ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W & 0x3E0) == 0x3A0)
-                {    /* On met a 0 et change l'etat du bit
-                     * 10 */
-                    ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W &= ~0x3F0;
-/* A voir si ya pas bcp mieux */
-                    if ((ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W & 0x800))
-                        ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W &= ~0x800;
-                    else
-                        ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W |= 0x800;
-                }
-                else
-                {    /* on incremente juste */
-                    ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W = (ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W & ~0x3F0) | ((((ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W & 0x3F0) >> 5) + 1) << 5);
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        //while (!key[KEY_ENTER]);
-    }
-* if (ppu.ControlRegister2.s.SpriteVisibility == 1)
-* PPUDispSprite(0);
-    if (((ppu.ControlRegister2.b & PPU_CR2_SPRTVISIBILITY) != 0) || ppu.ForceSpriteVisibility)
-    {
-               if (ppu.ControlRegister1.b & PPU_CR1_SPRTSIZE)
-        {
-          NewPPUDispSprite_8x16();
-        }
-        else
-        {
-          NewPPUDispSprite();
-        }
-    }
-/*    for(x=0;x<256;x++)
-        for(y=0;y<240;y++)
-        {
-            if ((i = getpixel(Buffer,x,y)) >= 0xC0)
-                putpixel(Buffer,x,y,ppu.Memory[0x3F00+i-0xC0]);
-        }*/
-    if (ppu.DisplayPalette)
-    {
-        textout(Buffer, font, "Bg Palette", 0, 247, 5);
-        textout(Buffer, font, "Sprt Palette", 90, 247, 5);
-        rect(Buffer, 0, 255, 4 * 20 + 2, 255 + 4 * 20 + 2, 0);
-        rect(Buffer, 90, 255, 90 + 4 * 20 + 2, 255 + 4 * 20 + 2, 0);
-        for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
-        {
-            rectfill(Buffer, 1 + (i % 4) * 20, 256 + (i / 4) * 20, 1 + (i % 4) * 20 + 20, 256 + (i / 4) * 20 + 20, ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + i]);
-            rectfill(Buffer, 91 + (i % 4) * 20, 256 + (i / 4) * 20, 91 + (i % 4) * 20 + 20, 256 + (i / 4) * 20 + 20, ppu.Memory[0x3F10 + i]);
-        }
-    }
-    if (ppu.DisplayVRAM)
-    {
-/* y:346 */
-        x1 = 0;
-        y1 = 0;
-        for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
-        {
-            TileID = 0x0000 + (i << 4);
-            for (x = 0; x < 8; x++)
-                for (y = 0; y < 8; y++)
-                {
-                    Color = GetTileColor(TileID, x, y);
-                    putpixel(Buffer, 10 + x1 + x, 347 + y1 + y, ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + Color]);
-                }
-            x1 += 8;
-            if (x1 >= 128)
-            {
-                x1 = 0;
-                y1 += 8;
-            }
-        }
-        x1 = 0;
-        y1 = 0;
-        for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
-        {
-            TileID = 0x1000 + (i << 4);
-            for (x = 0; x < 8; x++)
-                for (y = 0; y < 8; y++)
-                {
-                    Color = GetTileColor(TileID, x, y);
-                    putpixel(Buffer, 10 + 128 + x1 + x, 347 + y1 + y, ppu.Memory[0x3F10 + Color]);
-                }
-            x1 += 8;
-            if (x1 >= 128)
-            {
-                x1 = 0;
-                y1 += 8;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    for (i = 0; i < 240; i++)
-    {
-      putpixel(Buffer, 0, i, ppu.TimedTmpPtr[i] & 0xFF);
-      putpixel(Buffer, 1, i, ppu.TimedTmpPtr[i] & 0xFF);
-      putpixel(Buffer, 2, i, ppu.TimedTmpPtr[i] & 0xFF);
-    }
-    textprintf(Buffer, font, 5, 340, 4, "FPS : %d   IPS : %d", FPS, IPS);
-    textprintf(Buffer, font, 5, 3, 4, "FPS : %d (CPU@~%2.2fMhz : %d%%)", FPS, (float) (((float) IPS) / 1000000.0), (int) ((((float) IPS) / 1770000.0) * 100.0));
-    release_bitmap(Buffer);
-    if (NOBLIT == 0)
-    {
-      unsigned long TimeStart, TimeEnd;
-      blit(Buffer, screen, 0, 0, 0, 0, 512 + 256, 480);
-      //stretch_blit(Buffer, screen, 0, 0, 256, 240, 0, 0, 512, 480);
-      gettimeofday(&timeEnd, NULL);
-      TimeStart = 1000000 * timeStart.tv_sec + timeStart.tv_usec;
-      TimeEnd = 1000000 * timeEnd.tv_sec + timeEnd.tv_usec;
-      //console_printf(Console_Default, "Start: %d\nEnd: %d\nResult: %d\n",TimeStart, TimeEnd, 16666 - (TimeEnd - TimeStart));
-      WaitTime = 14000 - (TimeEnd - TimeStart);
-      if (!key[KEY_PGUP])
-          usleep(WaitTime<0?0:WaitTime);
-    }
-    if ((ppu.ControlRegister1.b & PPU_CR1_EXECNMI) != 0)
-        return 1;
-    return 0;
-byte ReadPPUReg(byte RegID)
-/* RegID is the nb of the reg 0-7 */
-    unsigned char ret;
-    RegID &= 0x07;
-    switch (RegID)
-    {
-    default:
-        ret = (unsigned char) 0x00;    /* Can return every thing you
-                         * want here :D */
-        break;
-    case 1:        /* Control Register 2 */
-        ret = ppu.ControlRegister2.b;
-        break;
-    case 2:
-        ret = ppu.StatusRegister.b;
-        ppu.StatusRegister.b &= ~(PPU_FLAG_SR_VBLANK);
-        ppu.StatusRegister.b &= ~(PPU_FLAG_SR_SPRT0);
-        ppu.VRAMAddrMode = 0;
-        break;
-    case 5:
-        ret = ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.B.l;
-        break;
-    case 6:
-        ret = ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.B.h;
-        break;
-    case 7:        /* PPU in NES is really strange.. Bufferised
-                 * send is weird.. */
-        if (ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W < 0x3EFF)
-        {
-            ret = ppu.VRAMBuffer;
-            ppu.VRAMBuffer = PPU_Rd(ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W);
-            ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W += ppu.PPU_Inc;
-            ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W &= 0x3FFF;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-          ret = PPU_Rd(ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W);
-          ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W += ppu.PPU_Inc;
-        }
-        break;
-    }
-    return ret;
-void WritePPUReg(byte RegID, byte val)
-/* RegID is the nb of the reg 0-7 */
-    RegID &= 0x07;
-    switch (RegID)
-    {
-        default:/* For not writeable reg */
-        console_printf(Console_Default, "WritePPU error\n");
-        break;
-    case 0:        /* Control Register 1 */
-        ppu.ControlRegister1.b = val;
-        ppu.Bg_Pattern_Table = (ppu.ControlRegister1.s.BgPattern == 1) ? 0x1000 : 0x0000;
-        ppu.Sprt_Pattern_Table = (ppu.ControlRegister1.s.SptPattern == 1) ? 0x1000 : 0x0000;
-        ppu.PPU_Inc = (ppu.ControlRegister1.s.AddrIncrmt == 1) ? 32 : 1;
-        ppu.Name_Table_Addresse = 0x2000;
-        switch (ppu.ControlRegister1.s.NameTblAddr)
-        {
-        case 3:
-            ppu.Name_Table_Addresse += 0x400;
-        case 2:
-            ppu.Name_Table_Addresse += 0x400;
-        case 1:
-            ppu.Name_Table_Addresse += 0x400;
-        case 0:
-            break;
-        }
-            ppu.TimedNT[ScanLine] = ppu.ControlRegister1.s.NameTblAddr;
-2000 write:
-  1111 0011 1111 1111 ( F3FF )
-t:0000 1100 0000 0000 = d:0000 0011
-        ppu.TmpVRamPtr = ( (ppu.TmpVRamPtr & 0xF3FF)
-                       | ( ((ppu.ControlRegister1.s.NameTblAddr) & 0x03) << 10 )
-                         );
-        break;
-    case 1:        /* Control Register 2 */
-        //console_printf(Console_Default, "PPU: new CR2 ; 0x%x\n", val);
-        ppu.ControlRegister2.b = val;
-        break;
-    case 3:        /* SPR-RAM Addresse Register */
-        ppu.SPR_RAMAddr = val;
-        break;
-    case 4:        /* SPR-RAM Input Register */
-        ppu.SPRRAM[ppu.SPR_RAMAddr] = val;
-        break;
-    case 5:        /* VRAM Address register 1 */
-        if (ppu.VRAMAddrMode == 0)
-        {
-2005 first write:
-t:0000 0000 0001 1111=d:1111 1000
-            ppu.VRAMAddrMode = 1;
-            ppu.TmpVRamPtr = ((ppu.TmpVRamPtr & 0xFFE0) | ((val & 0xF8) >> 3));
-            ppu.HScroll = val & 0x7;
-            //console_printf(Console_Default, "%d -> 2005 w1: 0x%04X (val: 0x%02X)\n", ScanLine, ppu.TmpVRamPtr, val);
-        }
-        else
-        {
-2005 second write:
-t:0000 0011 1110 0000=d:1111 1000
-t:0111 0000 0000 0000=d:0000 0111
-            ppu.VRAMAddrMode = 0;
-            ppu.TmpVRamPtr = ((ppu.TmpVRamPtr & 0xFC1F) | ((val & 0xF8) << 2));
-            ppu.TmpVRamPtr = ((ppu.TmpVRamPtr & 0x8FFF) | ((val & 0x07) << 12));
-            ppu.TmpVScroll = ((ppu.TmpVRamPtr & 0x700) >> 12) & 0x7;
-            if (ppu.TmpVScroll != 0)
-                console_printf(Console_Default, "2002: TmpVScroll == %d \n", ppu.TmpVScroll);
-            //console_printf(Console_Default, "%d -> 2005 w2: 0x%04X (val: 0x%02X)\n", ScanLine, ppu.TmpVRamPtr, val);
-        }
-        break;
-    case 6:        /* VRAM Address register 2 */
-        if (ppu.VRAMAddrMode == 0)
-        {
-            ppu.VRAMAddrMode = 1;
-2006 first write:
-t:0011 1111 0000 0000 = d:0011 1111
-t:1100 0000 0000 0000=0
-            ppu.TmpVRamPtr = ((ppu.TmpVRamPtr & 0xC0FF) | ((val&0x3F) << 8)) & 0x3FFF;
-            //console_printf(Console_Default, "%d -> 2006 w1: 0x%04X (val: 0x%02X)\n", ScanLine, ppu.TmpVRamPtr, val);
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            ppu.VRAMAddrMode = 0;
-2006 second write:
-            ppu.TmpVRamPtr = ((ppu.TmpVRamPtr & 0xFF00) | (val & 0x00FF));
-            ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W = ppu.TmpVRamPtr;
-            //console_printf(Console_Default, "%d -> 2006 w2: 0x%04X (val: 0x%02X)\n", ScanLine, ppu.TmpVRamPtr, val);
-        }
-        break;
-    case 7:        /* VRAM I/O */
-        PPU_Wr(ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W, val);
-        ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W += ppu.PPU_Inc;
-        break;
-    }
-void FillSprRamDMA(byte value)
-    int i;
-    for (i = 0x00; i < 0x100; i++)
-    {
-        ppu.SPRRAM[i] = ReadMemory( value, i);
-    }

+ 0 - 1329

@@ -1,1329 +0,0 @@
- *  PPU emulation - The peTI-NESulator Project
- *  ppu.c
- *  
- *  Define and emulate the PPU (Picture Processing Unit) of the real NES
- * 
- *  Created by Manoel TRAPIER.
- *  Copyright (c) 2003-2008 986Corp. All rights reserved.
- *
- *  $LastChangedDate$
- *  $Author$
- *  $HeadURL$
- *  $Revision$
- *
- */
-#include <allegro.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include "ppu.h"
-#include "memory.h"
-#include "M6502.h"
-#define __TINES_PLUGINS__
-#include "plugins.h"
-#define GetTileColor(tile,x1,y1)    ( ( ppu.Memory[tile+y1] & (1<<(7-x1)) ) == 0 ? 0 : 1 ) | \
-                                    ( ( ppu.Memory[tile+y1+8] & (1<<(7-x1)) ) == 0 ? 0 : 1<<1 )
-#define GetColor(col) (col&0xFF)
-extern PPU ppu;
-extern BITMAP *Buffer;
-extern unsigned short ScanLine;
-unsigned long BgColor;
-volatile extern int frame;
-volatile extern unsigned long IPS, FPS;
-extern unsigned long ColorPalette[ 8 * 63 ];
-extern short IRQScanHit;
-byte NOBLIT = 0;
-int InitPPU(PPU * ppu)
-    int i;
-    if ((ppu->Memory = (unsigned char *) malloc(0x4000)) == NULL)
-        return -1;
-    NOBLIT = 0;
-    /* Initializing register.. */
-    ppu->In_VBlank = 0;
-    ppu->BaseOneScreen = 0x2000;
-    ppu->ControlRegister1.b = 0;
-    ppu->ControlRegister2.b = 0;
-    ppu->StatusRegister.b = 0;
-    ppu->SPR_RAMAddr = 0;
-    ppu->VRAMAddrReg1.W = 0;
-    ppu->VRAMAddrReg2.W = 0;
-    ppu->VRAMAddrMode = 0;
-    ppu->Bg_Pattern_Table = 0x0000;
-    ppu->Name_Table_Addresse = 0x2000;
-    ppu->Sprt_Pattern_Table = 0x0000;
-    ppu->PPU_Inc = 1;
-    ppu->MirrorDir = 0;
-    ppu->ScreenType = 1;
-    ppu->ForceBgVisibility = 0;
-    ppu->ForceSpriteVisibility = 0;
-    ppu->DisplayNameTables = ~0;
-    ppu->DisplayAttributeTable = ~0;
-    ppu->DisplayPalette = ~0;
-    ppu->DisplayVRAM = ~0;
-    /* Set PPU registers */
-    set_page_rd_hook(0x20, ReadPPUReg);    
-    set_page_wr_hook(0x20, WritePPUReg);
-    set_page_readable(0x20, true);
-    set_page_writeable(0x20, true);
-    /* Set PPU Ghost Registers */
-    for(i = 0x21; i < 0x40; i++)
-        set_page_ghost(i, true, 0x20);
-    plugin_install_keypressHandler('i', DebugSprites);
-    plugin_install_keypressHandler('I', DebugSprites);
-    plugin_install_keypressHandler('u', DebugColor);
-    plugin_install_keypressHandler('U', DebugColor);
-    return 0;
-PPUSprite PPUGetSprite(unsigned short i)
-PPUSprite ret;
-    ret.y = ppu.SPRRAM[i * 4];
-    ret.tileid = ppu.SPRRAM[i * 4 + 1];
-    /*ret.flags.s.BgPrio = (ppu.SPRRAM[i * 4 + 2] & (1 << 5)) == 0 ? 0 : 1;
-    ret.flags.s.HFlip = (ppu.SPRRAM[i * 4 + 2] & (1 << 6)) == 0 ? 0 : 1;
-    ret.flags.s.UpperColor = ppu.SPRRAM[i * 4 + 2] & 0x03;
-    ret.flags.s.VFlip = (ppu.SPRRAM[i * 4 + 2] & (1 << 7)) == 0 ? 0 : 1;*/
-    ret.flags.b = ppu.SPRRAM[i * 4 + 2];
-    ret.x = ppu.SPRRAM[i * 4 + 3];
-    return ret;
-void PPUSetSprite(unsigned short i, PPUSprite *sprt)
-    ppu.SPRRAM[i * 4] = sprt->y;
-    ppu.SPRRAM[i * 4 + 1] = sprt->tileid;
-    /*ret.flags.s.BgPrio = (ppu.SPRRAM[i * 4 + 2] & (1 << 5)) == 0 ? 0 : 1;
-    ret.flags.s.HFlip = (ppu.SPRRAM[i * 4 + 2] & (1 << 6)) == 0 ? 0 : 1;
-    ret.flags.s.UpperColor = ppu.SPRRAM[i * 4 + 2] & 0x03;
-    ret.flags.s.VFlip = (ppu.SPRRAM[i * 4 + 2] & (1 << 7)) == 0 ? 0 : 1;*/
-    ppu.SPRRAM[i * 4 + 2] = sprt->flags.b;
-    ppu.SPRRAM[i * 4 + 3] = sprt->x;
-//(Addr & 0x1FF)    /* Addr In NT */
-// (Addr & 0xC00) >> 2        /* NT number */
-#define GetNT(a)    ( (a&0xC00) >> 10 )
-#define RelAddr(a)    (a & 0x3FF)
-#define PalAddr(a) (a & 0x1F)
-unsigned char PPU_Rd(unsigned short Addr)
-    if (Addr > (unsigned short) 0x3FFF)
-    {
-        Addr &= 0x3FFF;
-    }
-    if ((Addr < 0x3F00) && (Addr >= 0x2000))
-    {
-        if (Addr > 0x3000)
-        {
-            Addr -= 0x1000;
-        }
-        if (ppu.ScreenType == 0)
-        {        /* 1 Screen Mode */
-            return ppu.Memory[RelAddr(Addr) + ppu.BaseOneScreen];
-        }
-        else
-            if (ppu.ScreenType)
-            {    /* Miroring mode */
-                if (ppu.MirrorDir)
-                {    /* Horizontal */
-                    if (GetNT(Addr) & 0x2)
-                    {    /* NT2-3 */
-                        return ppu.Memory[0x2000 + RelAddr(Addr)];
-                    }
-                    else
-                    {
-                        return ppu.Memory[0x2400 + RelAddr(Addr)];
-                    }
-                }
-                else
-                {    /* Vertical */
-                    if (GetNT(Addr) & 0x1)
-                    {    /* NT0-2 */
-                        return ppu.Memory[0x2400 + RelAddr(Addr)];
-                    }
-                    else
-                    {
-                        return ppu.Memory[0x2000 + RelAddr(Addr)];
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            else
-            {    /* Four Screen mode */
-            }
-    }
-    else
-        if (Addr >= 0x3F00)
-        {
-            return ppu.Memory[0x3F00 | PalAddr(Addr)];
-        }
-    return ppu.Memory[Addr];
-void PPU_Wr(unsigned short Addr, unsigned char Value)
-    if (Addr > (unsigned short) 0x3FFF)
-    {
-        Addr &= 0x3FFF;
-    }
-    if ((Addr < 0x3F00) && (Addr >= 0x2000))
-    {
-        if (Addr > 0x3000)
-        {
-            Addr -= 0x1000;
-        }
-        if (ppu.ScreenType == 0)
-        {        /* 1 Screen Mode */
-            ppu.Memory[RelAddr(Addr) + 0x2000] = Value;
-        }
-        else
-            if (ppu.ScreenType == 1)
-            {    /* Miroring mode */
-                if (ppu.MirrorDir == 0)
-                {    /* Vertical */
-                    if (GetNT(Addr) & 0x1)
-                    {    /* NT0-2 */
-                        ppu.Memory[0x2400 + RelAddr(Addr)] = Value;
-                    }
-                    else
-                    {
-                        ppu.Memory[0x2000 + RelAddr(Addr)] = Value;
-                    }
-                }
-                else
-                {    /* Horizontal */
-                    if (GetNT(Addr) & 0x2)
-                    {    /* NT2-3 */
-                        ppu.Memory[0x2000 + RelAddr(Addr)] = Value;
-                    }
-                    else
-                    {
-                        ppu.Memory[0x2400 + RelAddr(Addr)] = Value;
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            else
-            {    /* Four Screen mode */
-            }
-    }
-    else
-        if (Addr >= 0x3F00)
-        {
-            //console_printf(Console_Default, "%s palette: color %x new value : %d (0x%x)\n", (PalAddr(Addr) < 0x10) ? "Bgnd" : "Sprt", PalAddr(Addr), Value & 0x3F, Addr);
-            ppu.Memory[ /* 0x3F00 | PalAddr(Addr) */ Addr] = Value & 0x3F;
-            if (PalAddr(Addr) == 0x10)
-                ppu.Memory[0x3F00] = Value & 0x3F;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            ppu.Memory[Addr] = Value;
-        }
-unsigned short NbOfSprite[255];
-void NewPPUDispSprite()
-  int x, y, x1, y1, px, py, i;
-  unsigned long Color;
-  PPUSprite sprite;
-  unsigned short bg;
-  short SprtAddr;
-  for (i = 63; i >= 0; i--)
-  {
-    sprite = PPUGetSprite(i);
-    bg = sprite.flags.b & PPUSPRITE_FLAGS_BGPRIO;
-    y = sprite.y;
-    if (y < 248)
-    {
-      SprtAddr = ((sprite.tileid) << 4) + ppu.Sprt_Pattern_Table;
-      x = sprite.x;
-      for (y1 = 0; y1 < 8; y1++)
-      {
-    py = y + ((sprite.flags.b & PPUSPRITE_FLAGS_VFLIP) == 0 ? y1 : ((8 - 1) - y1));
-    if ((py > 0) && (py < 249) && ((++NbOfSprite[py]) > 7))
-    {
-      ppu.StatusRegister.b |= PPU_FLAG_SR_8SPRT ;
-      //console_printf(Console_Default, "%d Hohoho!\n", py);
-      //          line(Buffer, 0, py+1, 256, py+1, 10);
-      //continue; // Do not display more than 8 sprites on this line :p
-    }
-    for (x1 = 0; x1 < 8; x1++)
-    {
-      px = x + ((sprite.flags.b & PPUSPRITE_FLAGS_HFLIP) != 0 ? (7 - x1) : x1);
-      Color = GetTileColor(SprtAddr, x1, y1);
-      if (Color)
-      {
-        Color = (Color) | ((sprite.flags.b & PPUSPRITE_FLAGS_UPPERCOLOR) << 2);
-        Color = ppu.Memory[0x3F10 + Color];
-        if ((i == 0) && (_getpixel(Buffer,px,py) != BgColor) && (ppu.HitSpriteAt == 255))
-        {
-          //Ligne utilis� pour le d�buguage
-          //line(Buffer, 0, py+1, 256, py+1, GetColor(10));
-          ppu.HitSpriteAt = py+1;
-        }
-        if ((bg == 0) || ((bg != 0) && (_getpixel(Buffer,px,py) == BgColor)))
-          _putpixel(Buffer, px, py, GetColor(Color));
-      }
-    }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-void NewPPUDispSprite_8x16()
-  int x, y, x1, y1, px, py, i, loop, tile;
-  unsigned long Color;
-  PPUSprite sprite;
-  unsigned short bg;
-  short SprtAddr;
-  unsigned short SprtTable;
-  for (i = 63; i >= 0; i--)
-  {
-    sprite = PPUGetSprite(i);
-    bg = sprite.flags.b & PPUSPRITE_FLAGS_BGPRIO;
-    tile = sprite.tileid;
-    y = sprite.y + 1;
-    if (y < 248)
-    {
-      if ( (SprtTable = (tile & 0x1) * 0x1000) == 0x1000)
-    tile -=1;
-      if ((sprite.flags.b & PPUSPRITE_FLAGS_VFLIP) != 0)
-      {
-    y +=8;
-      }
-      for (loop = 0; loop < 2; loop++)
-      {
-    SprtAddr = ((tile) << 4) + SprtTable;
-    x = sprite.x;
-    for (y1 = 0; y1 < 8; y1++)
-    {
-      py = y + ((sprite.flags.b & PPUSPRITE_FLAGS_VFLIP) == 0 ? y1 : ((8 - 1) - y1));
-      if ((py > 0) && (py < 249) && ((++NbOfSprite[py]) > 7))
-      {
-        ppu.StatusRegister.b |= PPU_FLAG_SR_8SPRT ;
-        //        puts("Ho!");
-        //continue; // No more sprites on this line :p
-      }
-      for (x1 = 0; x1 < 8; x1++)
-      {
-        px = x + (((sprite.flags.b & PPUSPRITE_FLAGS_HFLIP) != 0) ? (7 - x1) : x1);
-        Color = GetTileColor(SprtAddr, x1, y1);
-        if (Color)
-        {
-          Color = (Color) | ((sprite.flags.b & PPUSPRITE_FLAGS_UPPERCOLOR) << 2);
-          Color = ppu.Memory[0x3F10 + Color];
-          if ((i == 0) && (_getpixel(Buffer, px, py) != BgColor) && (ppu.HitSpriteAt == 255))
-          {
-            //Ligne utilise pour le debuguage
-            //line(Buffer, 0, py, 256, py, 10);
-            ppu.HitSpriteAt = py+1;
-          }
-          if ((bg == 0) || ((bg != 0) && (_getpixel(Buffer, px, py) == BgColor)))
-            _putpixel(Buffer, px, py, GetColor(Color));
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    tile += 1;
-    if ( (sprite.flags.b & PPUSPRITE_FLAGS_VFLIP) != 0)
-      y -= 8;
-    else
-      y += 8;
-      }    
-    }
-  }
-void DebugColor()
-  static unsigned short x = 128;
-  static unsigned short y = 128;
-  unsigned char OldDisplayPalette = ppu.DisplayPalette;
-  byte keyb;
-  unsigned int i;
-  unsigned long Color;
-  NOBLIT = 1;
-  ppu.DisplayPalette = ~0;
-  while(!key[KEY_ESC])
-  {
-    frame++;
-    PPUVBlank();
-    Color = /*Buffer->line[y][x]*/ _getpixel(Buffer, x, y);
-    textprintf(Buffer, font, 5, 340, GetColor(3), "Pos [%d:%d] Color: %d Bg: %d", x, y, Color, BgColor);
-    line(Buffer, x-10, y, x+10, y, GetColor(1));
-    line(Buffer, x, y-10, x, y+10, GetColor(1));
-    /*
-    rect(Buffer, 0, 255, 4 * 20 + 2, 255 + 4 * 20 + 2, 0);
-    rect(Buffer, 90, 255, 90 + 4 * 20 + 2, 255 + 4 * 20 + 2, 0);
-    for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
-    {
-      rectfill(Buffer, 1 + (i % 4) * 20, 256 + (i / 4) * 20, 1 + (i % 4) * 20 + 20, 256 + (i / 4) * 20 + 20, ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + i]);
-      rectfill(Buffer, 91 + (i % 4) * 20, 256 + (i / 4) * 20, 91 + (i % 4) * 20 + 20, 256 + (i / 4) * 20 + 20, ppu.Memory[0x3F10 + i]);
-    }*/
-    for( i = 0; i < 16; i++)
-    {
-      if (GetColor(ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + i]) == Color)
-      {
-    line(Buffer, 1+(i%4)*20, 256 + (i / 4) * 20, 1 + (i % 4) * 20 + 20, 256 + (i / 4) * 20 + 20, 0xFFFFFFFF); 
-    line(Buffer, 1+(i%4)*20, 256 + (i / 4) * 20 + 20, 1 + (i % 4) * 20 + 20, 256 + (i / 4) * 20, 0xFFFFFFFF); 
-      }
-      if (GetColor(ppu.Memory[0x3F10 + i]) == Color)
-      {
-    line(Buffer, 91+(i%4)*20, 256 + (i / 4) * 20, 91 + (i % 4) * 20 + 20, 256 + (i / 4) * 20 + 20, 0xFFFFFFFF); 
-    line(Buffer, 91+(i%4)*20, 256 + (i / 4) * 20 + 20, 91 + (i % 4) * 20 + 20, 256 + (i / 4) * 20, 0xFFFFFFFF); 
-      }
-    }
-    blit(Buffer, screen, 0, 0, 0, 0, 512 + 256, 480);    
-    if (keypressed())
-    {
-      keyb = (readkey() & 0xFF);
-      if (keyb == '4')
-      {
-    x--;
-      }
-      if (keyb == '8')
-      {
-    y--;
-      }
-      if (keyb == '6')
-      {
-    x++;
-      }
-      if (keyb == '2')
-      {
-    y++;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  ppu.DisplayPalette = OldDisplayPalette;
-  NOBLIT = 0;
-void DebugSprites()
-  byte keyb;
-  static int SelSprite = 0;
-  PPUSprite sprite;
-  NOBLIT = 1;
-  ppu.ControlRegister2.b |= PPU_CR2_SPRTVISIBILITY;
-  while(!key[KEY_ESC])
-  {
-    frame++;
-    PPUVBlank();
-    sprite = PPUGetSprite(SelSprite);
-    if (ppu.ControlRegister1.b & PPU_CR1_SPRTSIZE)
-    {
-      rect(Buffer, sprite.x-1, sprite.y-1, sprite.x+9, sprite.y+17, 1);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      rect(Buffer, sprite.x-1, sprite.y-1, sprite.x+9, sprite.y+9, 1);
-    }
-    textprintf(Buffer, font, 5, 340, GetColor(3), "Sprite %d [%d:%d]", SelSprite, sprite.x, sprite.y);
-    textprintf(Buffer, font, 5, 349, GetColor(3), "B0: 0x%X  B1: 0x%X  B2: 0x%X  B3: 0x%X",sprite.y,sprite.tileid,sprite.flags.b,sprite.x);
-    textprintf(Buffer, font, 5, 358, GetColor(3), "Tile Index: %d", sprite.tileid);
-    textprintf(Buffer, font, 5, 367, GetColor(3), "Vertical Flip: %d", sprite.flags.s.VFlip);
-    textprintf(Buffer, font, 5, 376, GetColor(3), "Horizontal Flip: %d", sprite.flags.s.HFlip);
-    textprintf(Buffer, font, 5, 385, GetColor(3), "Background Priority: %d", sprite.flags.s.BgPrio);
-    textprintf(Buffer, font, 5, 394, GetColor(3), "Upper Color: %d", sprite.flags.s.UpperColor);
-    blit(Buffer, screen, 0, 0, 0, 0, 512 + 256, 480);    
-    if (keypressed())
-    {
-      keyb = (readkey() & 0xFF);
-      if (keyb == '+')
-    SelSprite = (SelSprite<63)?SelSprite+1:0;
-      if (keyb == '-')
-    SelSprite = (SelSprite>0)?SelSprite-1:63;
-      if (keyb == 'h')
-      {
-    sprite.flags.s.HFlip = ~sprite.flags.s.HFlip;
-    PPUSetSprite(SelSprite, &sprite);
-      }
-      if (keyb == 'b')
-      {
-    sprite.flags.s.BgPrio = ~sprite.flags.s.BgPrio;
-    PPUSetSprite(SelSprite, &sprite);
-      }
-      if (keyb == 'v')
-      {
-    sprite.flags.s.VFlip = ~sprite.flags.s.VFlip;
-    PPUSetSprite(SelSprite, &sprite);
-      }
-      if (keyb == '4')
-      {
-    sprite.x--;
-    PPUSetSprite(SelSprite, &sprite);
-      }
-      if (keyb == '8')
-      {
-    sprite.y--;
-    PPUSetSprite(SelSprite, &sprite);
-      }
-      if (keyb == '6')
-      {
-    sprite.x++;
-    PPUSetSprite(SelSprite, &sprite);
-      }
-      if (keyb == '2')
-      {
-    sprite.y++;
-    PPUSetSprite(SelSprite, &sprite);
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  NOBLIT = 0;
-#define GetTilePos(addr,x,y) (addr+x+(y*32))
-void ppu_displayNameTables()
-int x, y, x1, y1, i;
-unsigned long Reg2;
-unsigned short ab_x, ab_y;
-unsigned short Color;
-unsigned short AttrByte;
-unsigned short TileID;  
-    if (ppu.DisplayAttributeTable)
-    {
-/* NT 2000 */
-        for (x = 0; x < 0x40; x++)
-        {
-            AttrByte = /*ppu.Memory[0x23C0 + x];*/PPU_Rd(0x23C0 + x);
-            x1 = x % 8;
-            y1 = x / 8;
-            Color = AttrByte & 0x3; // Pattern 1;
-            if (ppu.DisplayNameTables == 0)
-                Color = ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + (Color * 4) + 1];
-            rectfill(Buffer,256+(x1*32),240+(y1*32),256+15+(x1*32),240+15+(y1*32),Color);
-            Color = (AttrByte>>2) & 0x3; // Pattern 2;
-            if (ppu.DisplayNameTables == 0)
-                Color = ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + (Color * 4) + 1];
-            rectfill(Buffer,16+256+(x1*32),240+(y1*32),16+256+15+(x1*32),240+15+(y1*32),Color);
-            Color = (AttrByte>>4) & 0x3; // Pattern 3;
-            if (ppu.DisplayNameTables == 0)
-                Color = ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + (Color * 4) + 1];
-            rectfill(Buffer,256+(x1*32),16+240+(y1*32),256+15+(x1*32),16+240+15+(y1*32),Color);
-            Color = (AttrByte>>6) & 0x3; // Pattern 4;
-            if (ppu.DisplayNameTables == 0)
-                Color = ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + (Color * 4) + 1];
-            rectfill(Buffer,16+256+(x1*32),16+240+(y1*32),16+256+15+(x1*32),16+240+15+(y1*32),Color);
-        }
-/* NT 2800 */
-        for (x = 0; x < 0x40; x++)
-         {
-            AttrByte = PPU_Rd(0x2BC0 + x);
-            x1 = x % 8;
-            y1 = x / 8;
-            Color = AttrByte & 0x3; // Pattern 1;
-            if (ppu.DisplayNameTables == 0)
-                Color = ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + (Color * 4) + 1];
-            rectfill(Buffer,256+(x1*32),(y1*32),256+15+(x1*32),15+(y1*32),Color);
-            Color = (AttrByte>>2) & 0x3; // Pattern 2;
-            if (ppu.DisplayNameTables == 0)
-                Color = ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + (Color * 4) + 1];
-            rectfill(Buffer,16+256+(x1*32),(y1*32),16+256+15+(x1*32),15+(y1*32),Color);
-            Color = (AttrByte>>4) & 0x3; // Pattern 3;
-            if (ppu.DisplayNameTables == 0)
-                Color = ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + (Color * 4) + 1];
-            rectfill(Buffer,256+(x1*32),16+(y1*32),256+15+(x1*32),16+15+(y1*32),Color);
-            Color = (AttrByte>>6) & 0x3; // Pattern 4;
-            if (ppu.DisplayNameTables == 0)
-                Color = ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + (Color * 4) + 1];
-            rectfill(Buffer,16+256+(x1*32),16+(y1*32),16+256+15+(x1*32),16+15+(y1*32),Color);
-         }
-/* NT 2400 */
-        for (x = 0; x < 0x40; x++)
-         {
-            AttrByte = PPU_Rd(0x27C0 + x);
-            x1 = x % 8;
-            y1 = x / 8;
-            Color = AttrByte & 0x3; // Pattern 1;
-            if (ppu.DisplayNameTables == 0)
-                Color = ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + (Color * 4) + 1];
-            rectfill(Buffer,256+256+(x1*32),240+(y1*32),256+256+15+(x1*32),240+15+(y1*32),Color);
-            Color = (AttrByte>>2) & 0x3; // Pattern 2;
-            if (ppu.DisplayNameTables == 0)
-                Color = ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + (Color * 4) + 1];
-            rectfill(Buffer,16+256+256+(x1*32),240+(y1*32),16+256+256+15+(x1*32),240+15+(y1*32),Color);
-            Color = (AttrByte>>4) & 0x3; // Pattern 3;
-            if (ppu.DisplayNameTables == 0)
-                Color = ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + (Color * 4) + 1];
-            rectfill(Buffer,256+256+(x1*32),240+16+(y1*32),256+256+15+(x1*32),240+16+15+(y1*32),Color);
-            Color = (AttrByte>>6) & 0x3; // Pattern 4;
-            if (ppu.DisplayNameTables == 0)
-                Color = ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + (Color * 4) + 1];
-            rectfill(Buffer,16+256+256+(x1*32),240+16+(y1*32),16+256+256+15+(x1*32),240+16+15+(y1*32),Color);
-         }
-/* NT 2C00 */
-        for (x = 0; x < 0x40; x++)
-        {
-            AttrByte = PPU_Rd(0x2FC0 + x);//PPU_Rd(0x27C0 + x);
-            x1 = x % 8;
-            y1 = x / 8;
-            Color = AttrByte & 0x3; // Pattern 1;
-            if (ppu.DisplayNameTables == 0)
-                Color = ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + (Color * 4) + 1];
-            rectfill(Buffer,256+256+(x1*32),(y1*32),256+256+15+(x1*32),15+(y1*32),Color);
-            Color = (AttrByte>>2) & 0x3; // Pattern 2;
-            if (ppu.DisplayNameTables == 0)
-                Color = ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + (Color * 4) + 1];
-            rectfill(Buffer,16+256+256+(x1*32),(y1*32),16+256+256+15+(x1*32),15+(y1*32),Color);
-            Color = (AttrByte>>4) & 0x3; // Pattern 3;
-            if (ppu.DisplayNameTables == 0)
-                Color = ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + (Color * 4) + 1];
-            rectfill(Buffer,256+256+(x1*32),16+(y1*32),256+256+15+(x1*32),16+15+(y1*32),Color);
-            Color = (AttrByte>>6) & 0x3; // Pattern 4;
-            if (ppu.DisplayNameTables == 0)
-                Color = ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + (Color * 4) + 1];
-            rectfill(Buffer,16+256+256+(x1*32),16+(y1*32),16+256+256+15+(x1*32),16+15+(y1*32),Color);
-            }
-        if (ppu.DisplayNameTables == 0)
-        {
-            for (x = 0; x < 33; x++)
-            {
-                line(Buffer, 256 + x * 16, 0, 256 + x * 16, 240 + 240, 8);
-                line(Buffer, 256, 0 + x * 16, 256 + 256 + 256, 0 + x * 16, 8);
-            }
-            for (x = 0; x < 17; x++)
-            {
-                line(Buffer, 256 + x * 32, 0, 256 + x * 32, 240 + 240, 6);
-                line(Buffer, 256, 0 + x * 32, 256 + 256 + 256, 0 + x * 32, 6);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    if (ppu.DisplayNameTables)
-    {
-/* NT 2000 */
-        for (x = 0; x < 32; x++)
-            for (y = 0; y < 30; y++)
-            {
-                TileID = (PPU_Rd/*ppu.Memory[*/(0x2000 + x + (y * 32))/*]*/ << 4) + ppu.Bg_Pattern_Table;
-                for (x1 = 0; x1 < 8; x1++)
-                    for (y1 = 0; y1 < 8; y1++)
-                    {
-                        Color = GetTileColor(TileID, x1, y1);
-                        if (ppu.DisplayAttributeTable != 0)
-                            Color |= (Buffer->line[(8 * y) + 240 + y1][(8 * x) + 256 + x1] & 0x3) << 2;
-                        if ((Color != 0) || (ppu.DisplayAttributeTable != 0))
-                        {
-                            Color = ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + Color];
-                            Buffer->line[(8 * y) + 240 + y1][(8 * x) + 256 + x1] = Color;
-                        }
-                    }
-            }
-/* NT 2800 */
-        for (x = 0; x < 32; x++)
-            for (y = 0; y < 30; y++)
-            {
-                TileID = (PPU_Rd(0x2800 + x + (y * 32)) << 4) + ppu.Bg_Pattern_Table;
-                for (x1 = 0; x1 < 8; x1++)
-                    for (y1 = 0; y1 < 8; y1++)
-                    {
-                        Color = GetTileColor(TileID, x1, y1);
-                        if (Color != 0)
-                        {
-                            Color = ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + Color + 4];
-                            Buffer->line[(8 * y) + y1][(8 * x) + 256 + x1] = Color;
-                        }
-                    }
-            }
-/* NT 2400 */
-            for (x = 0; x < 32; x++)
-                for (y = 0; y < 30; y++)
-                    {
-                    TileID = (PPU_Rd(0x2400 + x + (y * 32)) << 4) + ppu.Bg_Pattern_Table;
-                    for (x1 = 0; x1 < 8; x1++)
-                        for (y1 = 0; y1 < 8; y1++)
-                            {
-                            Color = GetTileColor(TileID, x1, y1);
-                            if (ppu.DisplayAttributeTable != 0)
-                                Color |= (Buffer->line[(8 * y) + 240 + y1][(8 * x) + 256 + x1] & 0x3) << 2;
-                            if ((Color != 0) || (ppu.DisplayAttributeTable != 0))
-                                {
-                                Color = ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + Color];
-                                Buffer->line[(8 * y) + 240+ y1][(8 * x) + 256 + 256 + x1] = Color;
-                                }
-                            }
-                    }
-/* NT 2C00 */
-        for (x = 0; x < 32; x++)
-            for (y = 0; y < 30; y++)
-            {
-                TileID = (PPU_Rd(0x2C00 + x + (y * 32)) << 4) + ppu.Bg_Pattern_Table;
-                for (x1 = 0; x1 < 8; x1++)
-                    for (y1 = 0; y1 < 8; y1++)
-                    {
-                        Color = GetTileColor(TileID, x1, y1);
-                        if (Color != 0)
-                        {
-                            Color = ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + Color + 12];
-                            Buffer->line[(8 * y) + y1][(8 * x) + 256 + 256 + x1] = Color;
-                        }
-                    }
-            }
-    }
- PPUVBlank()
-int x, y, x1, y1, i;
-unsigned long Reg2;
-unsigned short ab_x, ab_y;
-unsigned long Color;
-unsigned short AttrByte;
-unsigned short TileID;
-static short LAST_FPS = 0;
-unsigned char XScroll, YScroll;
-    ppu.StatusRegister.b |= PPU_FLAG_SR_VBLANK;
-    BgColor = ppu.Memory[0x3F00];//0xC0;  
-//goto NoDraw;
-    acquire_bitmap(Buffer);
-    clear_to_color(Buffer, GetColor(BgColor));
-    ppu_displayNameTables();
-    if (ppu.ControlRegister2.s.Colour != 0)
-        console_printf(Console_Default, "ppu.ColorEmphasis : %d\n", ppu.ControlRegister2.s.Colour);
-    for (i = 0; i < 249; i++)
-        NbOfSprite[i] = 0;
-    ppu.StatusRegister.b &= ~(PPU_FLAG_SR_8SPRT);
-    ppu.HitSpriteAt = 255;
-* A faires les choses qui faut faire durant un lanc� de vblank,
-* comme dessiner par ex..
-    if (((ppu.ControlRegister2.b & PPU_CR2_BGVISIBILITY) != 0) || ppu.ForceBgVisibility)
-    {
-/* Display BG with scrolling informations */
-/* J'ai la solution :D */
-frame start (line 0) (if background or sprites are enabled):
-        ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W = ppu.TimedTmpPtr[0]|0x2000;
-        //console_printf(Console_Default, "Starting addresses : 0x%X\n",ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W);        
-        YScroll = ppu.TmpVScroll;
-        for (y = 0; y < 240; y++)
-        {
-scanline start (if background and sprites are enabled):
-  8421 8421 8421 8421   8421 8421 8421 8421
-v:0000 0100 0001 1111=t:0000 0100 0001 1111
-  1111 1198 7654 3210         
-  5432 10
-            if ((y == IRQScanHit)||(y == IRQScanHit + 1))
-                console_printf(Console_Default, "%s: IRQ Hit : bf Reg2: 0x%04X\n", __func__, ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W);
-#define PPU_SSCAN_MASK 0x041F
-            ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W = (ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W & (~PPU_SSCAN_MASK))
-                               | (ppu.TimedTmpPtr[y] &   PPU_SSCAN_MASK )
-                               | 0x2000;
-            TileID = (PPU_Rd(ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W) << 4)
-                   | ppu.Bg_Pattern_Table;
-            XScroll = ppu.TimedHScroll[y];
-            if (y == IRQScanHit)
-              console_printf(Console_Default, "%s: IRQ Hit    : Reg2: 0x%04X TmpPtr:0x%04X \n", __func__, ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W, ppu.TimedTmpPtr[y]);
-            if (y == IRQScanHit + 1)
-              console_printf(Console_Default, "%s: IRQ Hit + 1: Reg2: 0x%04X TmpPtr:0x%04X \n", __func__, ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W, ppu.TimedTmpPtr[y]);
-            for (x = 0; x < 256; x++)
-            {
-/* Calculer la couleur du point */
-/* Bits 1 et 0 */
-                Color = GetTileColor(TileID, XScroll, YScroll);
-/* Bits 3 et 2 */
-XScroll : 0,1,2,3,4
-X = (ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W & 0x1F)
-Y : 5,6,7,8,9
-Y = (ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W & 0x3E0) >> 5
-/*ab_y = ((ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W & 0x3E0) >> 5);
-                ab_x = (ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W & 0x1F);
-                AttrByte = (((ab_y) >> 2) << 3) +
-                   ((ab_x) >> 2);
-                AttrByte = (PPU_Rd((ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W & 0x2C00) + 0x3C0 + AttrByte) >>
-                        ((((ab_y & 2) * 2) + (((ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W & 0x2C00)) & 2)))) & 0x03;*/
-                /*
-                 00DC BA98 7654 3210
-                 0000 BA54 3c-2 10b-
-                 0000 0000 0001 1100  : 0x001C >> 2 
-                 0000 0011 1000 0000  : 0x0380 >> 4
-                   10 --11 11-- ----
-                 0xC000
-                 & 0x0C3F | 0x23C0
-                                b                  
-                 val >> ( (Reg2 & 0x2) | ( (Reg2 & 0x0x40)>>4)
-                 */
-                Reg2 = ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W;
-                AttrByte = ((Reg2 & 0x0380) >> 4) | ((Reg2 & 0x001C) >> 2) | (Reg2 & 0x0C00);
-                AttrByte &= 0x0C3F;
-                AttrByte |= 0x23C0;
-                AttrByte = PPU_Rd(AttrByte);
-                AttrByte = AttrByte >> ( 0x0 | (Reg2 & 0x02) | ( (Reg2 & 0x40) >> 4) );
-                AttrByte &= 0x3;
-                if (Color)
-                {
-                    Color |= (AttrByte << 2);
-                    Color = ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + Color];
-                    _putpixel(Buffer, x,y, GetColor(Color));
-                }
-                XScroll++;
-                XScroll &= 7;
-                if (XScroll == 0)
-                {    /* On incr�mente le compteur de tile */
-                    if ((ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W & 0x1F) == 0x1F)
-                    {    /* On met a 0 et change
-                         * l'etat du bit 10 */
-                        ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W &= ~0x1F;
-/* A voir si ya pas bcp mieux */
-/*                        if ((ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W & 0x400))
-                            ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W &= ~0x400;
-                        else                        
-                            ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W |= 0x400;*/
-                        ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W ^= 0x400;
-                    }
-                    else
-                    {    /* on incremente juste */
-                        ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W = (ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W & ~0x1F) | ((ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W + 1) & 0x1F);
-                    }
-                    TileID = (PPU_Rd(ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W) << 4)
-                             | ppu.Bg_Pattern_Table;
-                }
-            }
-you can think of bits 5,6,7,8,9 as the "y scroll"(*8).  this functions
-slightly different from the X.  it wraps to 0 and bit 11 is switched when
-it's incremented from _29_ instead of 31.  there are some odd side effects
-from this.. if you manually set the value above 29 (from either 2005 or
-2006), the wrapping from 29 obviously won't happen, and attrib data will be
-used as name table data.  the "y scroll" still wraps to 0 from 31, but
-without switching bit 11.  this explains why writing 240+ to 'Y' in 2005
-appeared as a negative scroll value.
-  8421 8421 8421 8421
-v:0000 0011 1110 0000
-  1111 1198 7654 3210         
-  5432 10
-            YScroll++;
-            YScroll &= 7;
-            if (YScroll == 0)
-            {    /* On incr�mente le compteur de tile */
-                if ((ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W & 0x3E0) == (29<<5))
-                {    /* On met a 0 et change l'etat du bit 11 */
-                    ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W &= ~0x3E0;
-/* A voir si ya pas bcp mieux */
-/*                    if ((ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W & 0x800))
-                        ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W &= ~0x800;
-                    else                    
-                        ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W |= 0x800;*/
-                    ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W ^= 0x800;
-                }
-                else
-                {    /* on incremente juste */
-                    ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W = (ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W & (~0x3F0)) 
-                                       | ((((ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W & 0x3F0) >> 5) + 1) << 5);
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        //while (!key[KEY_ENTER]);
-    }
-* if (ppu.ControlRegister2.s.SpriteVisibility == 1)
-* PPUDispSprite(0);
-    if (((ppu.ControlRegister2.b & PPU_CR2_SPRTVISIBILITY) != 0) || ppu.ForceSpriteVisibility)
-    {
-        if (ppu.ControlRegister1.b & PPU_CR1_SPRTSIZE)
-        {
-          NewPPUDispSprite_8x16();
-        }
-        else
-        {
-          NewPPUDispSprite();
-        }
-    }
-    if (ppu.DisplayPalette)
-    {
-        textout(Buffer, font, "Bg Palette", 0, 247, 5);
-        textout(Buffer, font, "Sprt Palette", 90, 247, 5);
-        rect(Buffer, 0, 255, 4 * 20 + 2, 255 + 4 * 20 + 2, GetColor(0));
-        rect(Buffer, 90, 255, 90 + 4 * 20 + 2, 255 + 4 * 20 + 2, GetColor(0));
-        for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
-        {
-            rectfill(Buffer, 1 + (i % 4) * 20, 256 + (i / 4) * 20, 1 + (i % 4) * 20 + 20, 256 + (i / 4) * 20 + 20, GetColor(ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + i]));
-            rectfill(Buffer, 91 + (i % 4) * 20, 256 + (i / 4) * 20, 91 + (i % 4) * 20 + 20, 256 + (i / 4) * 20 + 20, GetColor(ppu.Memory[0x3F10 + i]));
-        }
-    }
-    if (ppu.DisplayVRAM)
-    {
-/* y:346 */
-        x1 = 0;
-        y1 = 0;
-        for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
-        {
-            TileID = 0x0000 + (i << 4);
-            for (x = 0; x < 8; x++)
-                for (y = 0; y < 8; y++)
-                {
-                    Color = GetTileColor(TileID, x, y);
-                    _putpixel(Buffer, 10 + x1 + x, 347 + y1 + y, GetColor(ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + Color]));
-                }
-            x1 += 8;
-            if (x1 >= 128)
-            {
-                x1 = 0;
-                y1 += 8;
-            }
-        }
-        x1 = 0;
-        y1 = 0;
-        for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
-        {
-            TileID = 0x1000 + (i << 4);
-            for (x = 0; x < 8; x++)
-                for (y = 0; y < 8; y++)
-                {
-                    Color = GetTileColor(TileID, x, y);
-                    _putpixel(Buffer, 10 + 128 + x1 + x, 347 + y1 + y, GetColor(ppu.Memory[0x3F10 + Color]) );
-                }
-            x1 += 8;
-            if (x1 >= 128)
-            {
-                x1 = 0;
-                y1 += 8;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    for (i = 0; i < 240; i++)
-    {
-      _putpixel(Buffer, 257 + 0, i, 48);        
-      _putpixel(Buffer, 257 + 1, i, ((ppu.TimedTmpPtr[y]*4))&0xFF);
-      _putpixel(Buffer, 257 + 2, i, ((ppu.TimedTmpPtr[y]*4)>>8)&0xFF);
-      _putpixel(Buffer, 257 + 3, i, ((ppu.TimedTmpPtr[y]*4)>>16)&0xFF);      
-      _putpixel(Buffer, 257 + 4, i, ((ppu.TmpVScroll*4))&0xFF);
-      _putpixel(Buffer, 257 + 5, i, ((ppu.TmpVScroll*4)>>8)&0xFF);
-      _putpixel(Buffer, 257 + 6, i, ((ppu.TmpVScroll*4)>>16)&0xFF);
-      _putpixel(Buffer, 257 + 7, i, ((ppu.TimedHScroll[i]*4)) & 0xFF);
-      _putpixel(Buffer, 257 + 8, i, ((ppu.TimedHScroll[i]*4)>>8) & 0xFF);
-      _putpixel(Buffer, 257 + 9, i, ((ppu.TimedHScroll[i]*4)>>16)& 0xFF);
-      _putpixel(Buffer, 257 + 10, i, 48);
-    }
-    if (IRQScanHit != -1)
-    {
-        line(Buffer, 257+12, IRQScanHit, 257+22, IRQScanHit, 10);
-        line(Buffer, 257+12, IRQScanHit, 257+18, IRQScanHit-3, 10);
-        line(Buffer, 257+12, IRQScanHit, 257+18, IRQScanHit+3, 10);
-    }
-    textprintf(Buffer, font, 5, 340, GetColor(4), "FPS : %d   IPS : %d", FPS, IPS);
-    textprintf(Buffer, font, 5, 3, GetColor(4), "FPS : %d (CPU@~%2.2fMhz : %d%%)", FPS, (float) (((float) IPS) / 1000000.0), (int) ((((float) IPS) / 1770000.0) * 100.0));
-    release_bitmap(Buffer);
-    if (NOBLIT == 0)
-    {
-      blit(Buffer, screen, 0, 0, 0, 0, 512 + 256, 480);
-      //stretch_blit(Buffer, screen, 0, 0, 256, 240, 0, 0, 512, 480);
-    }
-    if ((ppu.ControlRegister1.b & PPU_CR1_EXECNMI) != 0)
-        return 1;
-    return 0;
-byte ReadPPUReg(byte RegID)
-/* RegID is the nb of the reg 0-7 */
-    unsigned char ret;
-    RegID &= 0x07;
-    switch (RegID)
-    {
-    default:
-        ret = (unsigned char) 0x00;    /* Can return every thing you
-                         * want here :D */
-        break;
-    case 1:        /* Control Register 2 */
-        ret = ppu.ControlRegister2.b;
-        break;
-    case 2:
-        ret = ppu.StatusRegister.b;
-        ppu.StatusRegister.b &= ~(PPU_FLAG_SR_VBLANK);
-        ppu.StatusRegister.b &= ~(PPU_FLAG_SR_SPRT0);
-        ppu.VRAMAddrMode = 0;
-        break;
-    case 5:
-        ret = ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.B.l;
-        break;
-    case 6:
-        ret = ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.B.h;
-        break;
-    case 7:        /* PPU in NES is really strange.. Bufferised
-                 * send is weird.. */
-        if (ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W < 0x3EFF)
-        {
-            ret = ppu.VRAMBuffer;
-            ppu.VRAMBuffer = PPU_Rd(ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W);
-            ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W += ppu.PPU_Inc;
-            ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W &= 0x3FFF;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-          ret = PPU_Rd(ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W);
-          ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W += ppu.PPU_Inc;
-        }
-        break;
-    }
-    return ret;
-void WritePPUReg(byte RegID, byte val)
-/* RegID is the nb of the reg 0-7 */
-    RegID &= 0x07;
-    switch (RegID)
-    {
-        default:/* For not writeable reg */
-        console_printf(Console_Default, "WritePPU error\n");
-        break;
-    case 0:        /* Control Register 1 */
-        ppu.ControlRegister1.b = val;
-        ppu.Bg_Pattern_Table = (ppu.ControlRegister1.s.BgPattern == 1) ? 0x1000 : 0x0000;
-        ppu.Sprt_Pattern_Table = (ppu.ControlRegister1.s.SptPattern == 1) ? 0x1000 : 0x0000;
-        ppu.PPU_Inc = (ppu.ControlRegister1.s.AddrIncrmt == 1) ? 32 : 1;
-        ppu.Name_Table_Addresse = 0x2000;
-        switch (ppu.ControlRegister1.s.NameTblAddr)
-        {
-        case 3:
-            ppu.Name_Table_Addresse += 0x400;
-        case 2:
-            ppu.Name_Table_Addresse += 0x400;
-        case 1:
-            ppu.Name_Table_Addresse += 0x400;
-        case 0:
-            break;
-        }
-        ppu.TimedNT[ScanLine] = ppu.ControlRegister1.s.NameTblAddr;
-2000 write:
-  1111 0011 1111 1111 ( F3FF )
-t:0000 1100 0000 0000 = d:0000 0011
-        ppu.TmpVRamPtr = ( (ppu.TmpVRamPtr & 0xF3FF)
-                       | ( (ppu.ControlRegister1.s.NameTblAddr & 0x03) << 10 )
-                         );              
-        break;
-    case 1:        /* Control Register 2 */
-        //console_printf(Console_Default, "PPU: new CR2 ; 0x%x\n", val);
-        ppu.ControlRegister2.b = val;
-        break;
-    case 3:        /* SPR-RAM Addresse Register */
-        ppu.SPR_RAMAddr = val;
-        break;
-    case 4:        /* SPR-RAM Input Register */
-        ppu.SPRRAM[ppu.SPR_RAMAddr] = val;
-        break;
-    case 5:        /* VRAM Address register 1 */
-        if (ppu.VRAMAddrMode == 0)
-        {
-2005 first write:
-t:0000 0000 0001 1111=d:1111 1000
-            //console_printf(Console_Default, "2005[1st][%d]: 0x%02X [0x%04X]\n", ScanLine, val, ppu.TmpVRamPtr);
-            ppu.VRAMAddrMode = 1;
-            ppu.TmpVRamPtr = ((ppu.TmpVRamPtr & 0xFFE0) | ((val & 0xF8) >> 3));
-            ppu.HScroll = val & 0x7;
-            //console_printf(Console_Default, "2005[1st][%d]: 0x%02X [0x%04X]\n", ScanLine, val, ppu.TmpVRamPtr);
-            //console_printf(Console_Default, "%d -> 2005 w1: 0x%04X (val: 0x%02X)\n", ScanLine, ppu.TmpVRamPtr, val);
-        }
-        else
-        {
-2005 second write:
-  1111 1100 0000 0000
-  5432 1098 7654 3210
-  8421 8421 8421 8421
-  -------------------
-t:0000 0011 1110 0000=d:1111 1000
-t:0111 0000 0000 0000=d:0000 0111
-            //console_printf(Console_Default, "2005[2nd][%d]: 0x%02X [0x%04X]\n", ScanLine, val, ppu.TmpVRamPtr);
-            ppu.VRAMAddrMode = 0;
-            ppu.TmpVRamPtr = ((ppu.TmpVRamPtr & ~(0x03E0)) | ((val & 0xF8) << 2));
-            ppu.TmpVRamPtr = ((ppu.TmpVRamPtr &   0x8FFF ) | ((val & 0x07) << 12));
-            ppu.TmpVScroll = (val & 0x7);
-            //if (ppu.TmpVScroll != 0)
-                //console_printf(Console_Default, "2002: TmpVScroll == %d \n", ppu.TmpVScroll);
-            //console_printf(Console_Default, "2005[2nd][%d]: 0x%02X [0x%04X]\n", ScanLine, val, ppu.TmpVRamPtr);
-            //console_printf(Console_Default, "%d -> 2005 w2: 0x%04X (val: 0x%02X)\n", ScanLine, ppu.TmpVRamPtr, val);
-        }
-        break;
-    case 6:        /* VRAM Address register 2 */
-        if (ppu.VRAMAddrMode == 0)
-        {
-            //console_printf(Console_Default, "2006[1st][%d]: 0x%02X [0x%04X]\n", ScanLine, val, ppu.TmpVRamPtr);
-            ppu.VRAMAddrMode = 1;
-2006 first write:
-t:0011 1111 0000 0000 = d:0011 1111
-t:1100 0000 0000 0000=0
-            ppu.TmpVRamPtr = ((ppu.TmpVRamPtr & 0x00FF) | ((val&0x3F) << 8));
-            //console_printf(Console_Default, "2006[1st][%d]: 0x%02X [0x%04X]\n", ScanLine, val, ppu.TmpVRamPtr);
-            //console_printf(Console_Default, "%d -> 2006 w1: 0x%04X (val: 0x%02X)\n", ScanLine, ppu.TmpVRamPtr, val);
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            //console_printf(Console_Default, "2006[2nd][%d]: 0x%02X [0x%04X]\n", ScanLine, val, ppu.TmpVRamPtr);
-            ppu.VRAMAddrMode = 0;
-2006 second write:
-            ppu.TmpVRamPtr = ((ppu.TmpVRamPtr & 0xFF00) | (val & 0x00FF));
-            ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W = ppu.TmpVRamPtr;
-            //console_printf(Console_Default, "2006[2nd][%d]: 0x%02X [0x%04X]\n", ScanLine, val, ppu.TmpVRamPtr);
-            //console_printf(Console_Default, "%d -> 2006 w2: 0x%04X (val: 0x%02X)\n", ScanLine, ppu.TmpVRamPtr, val);
-        }
-        break;
-    case 7:        /* VRAM I/O */
-        PPU_Wr(ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W, val);
-        ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W += ppu.PPU_Inc;
-        break;
-    }
-void FillSprRamDMA(byte value)
-    int i;
-    for (i = 0x00; i < 0x100; i++)
-    {
-        ppu.SPRRAM[i] = ReadMemory( value, i);
-    }

+ 0 - 1280

@@ -1,1280 +0,0 @@
- *  PPU emulation - The peTI-NESulator Project
- *  ppu.c
- *  
- *  Define and emulate the PPU (Picture Processing Unit) of the real NES
- * 
- *  Created by Manoel TRAPIER.
- *  Copyright (c) 2003-2008 986Corp. All rights reserved.
- *
- *  $LastChangedDate$
- *  $Author$
- *  $HeadURL$
- *  $Revision$
- *
- */
-#include <allegro.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include "ppu.h"
-#include "memory.h"
-#include "M6502.h"
-#define GetTileColor(tile,x1,y1)    ( ( ppu.Memory[tile+y1] & (1<<(7-x1)) ) == 0 ? 0 : 1 ) | \
-                                    ( ( ppu.Memory[tile+y1+8] & (1<<(7-x1)) ) == 0 ? 0 : 1<<1 )
-extern PPU ppu;
-extern BITMAP *Buffer;
-extern unsigned short ScanLine;
-unsigned char BgColor;
-volatile extern int frame;
-volatile extern unsigned long IPS, FPS;
-byte NOBLIT = 0;
-int InitPPU(PPU * ppu)
-    int i;
-    if ((ppu->Memory = (unsigned char *) malloc(0x4000)) == NULL)
-        return -1;
-    NOBLIT = 0;
-    /* Initializing register.. */
-    ppu->In_VBlank = 0;
-    ppu->BaseOneScreen = 0x2000;
-    ppu->ControlRegister1.b = 0;
-    ppu->ControlRegister2.b = 0;
-    ppu->StatusRegister.b = 0;
-    ppu->SPR_RAMAddr = 0;
-    ppu->VRAMAddrReg1.W = 0;
-    ppu->VRAMAddrReg2.W = 0;
-    ppu->VRAMAddrMode = 0;
-    ppu->Bg_Pattern_Table = 0x0000;
-    ppu->Name_Table_Addresse = 0x2000;
-    ppu->Sprt_Pattern_Table = 0x0000;
-    ppu->PPU_Inc = 1;
-    ppu->MirrorDir = 0;
-    ppu->ScreenType = 1;
-    ppu->ForceBgVisibility = 0;
-    ppu->ForceSpriteVisibility = 0;
-    ppu->DisplayNameTables = ~0;
-    ppu->DisplayAttributeTable = ~0;
-    ppu->DisplayPalette = ~0;
-    ppu->DisplayVRAM = ~0;
-    /* Set PPU registers */
-    set_page_rd_hook(0x20, ReadPPUReg);    
-    set_page_wr_hook(0x20, WritePPUReg);
-    set_page_readable(0x20, true);
-    set_page_writeable(0x20, true);
-    /* Set PPU Ghost Registers */
-    for(i = 0x21; i < 0x40; i++)
-        set_page_ghost(i, true, 0x20);
-    return 0;
-PPUSprite PPUGetSprite(unsigned short i)
-PPUSprite ret;
-    ret.y = ppu.SPRRAM[i * 4];
-    ret.tileid = ppu.SPRRAM[i * 4 + 1];
-    /*ret.flags.s.BgPrio = (ppu.SPRRAM[i * 4 + 2] & (1 << 5)) == 0 ? 0 : 1;
-    ret.flags.s.HFlip = (ppu.SPRRAM[i * 4 + 2] & (1 << 6)) == 0 ? 0 : 1;
-    ret.flags.s.UpperColor = ppu.SPRRAM[i * 4 + 2] & 0x03;
-    ret.flags.s.VFlip = (ppu.SPRRAM[i * 4 + 2] & (1 << 7)) == 0 ? 0 : 1;*/
-    ret.flags.b = ppu.SPRRAM[i * 4 + 2];
-    ret.x = ppu.SPRRAM[i * 4 + 3];
-    return ret;
-void PPUSetSprite(unsigned short i, PPUSprite *sprt)
-    ppu.SPRRAM[i * 4] = sprt->y;
-    ppu.SPRRAM[i * 4 + 1] = sprt->tileid;
-    /*ret.flags.s.BgPrio = (ppu.SPRRAM[i * 4 + 2] & (1 << 5)) == 0 ? 0 : 1;
-    ret.flags.s.HFlip = (ppu.SPRRAM[i * 4 + 2] & (1 << 6)) == 0 ? 0 : 1;
-    ret.flags.s.UpperColor = ppu.SPRRAM[i * 4 + 2] & 0x03;
-    ret.flags.s.VFlip = (ppu.SPRRAM[i * 4 + 2] & (1 << 7)) == 0 ? 0 : 1;*/
-    ppu.SPRRAM[i * 4 + 2] = sprt->flags.b;
-    ppu.SPRRAM[i * 4 + 3] = sprt->x;
-//(Addr & 0x1FF)    /* Addr In NT */
-// (Addr & 0xC00) >> 2        /* NT number */
-#define GetNT(a)    ( (a&0xC00) >> 10 )
-#define RelAddr(a)    (a & 0x3FF)
-#define PalAddr(a) (a & 0x1F)
-unsigned char PPU_Rd(unsigned short Addr)
-    if (Addr > (unsigned short) 0x3FFF)
-    {
-        Addr &= 0x3FFF;
-    }
-    if ((Addr < 0x3F00) && (Addr >= 0x2000))
-    {
-        if (Addr > 0x3000)
-        {
-            Addr -= 0x1000;
-        }
-        if (ppu.ScreenType == 0)
-        {        /* 1 Screen Mode */
-            return ppu.Memory[RelAddr(Addr) + ppu.BaseOneScreen];
-        }
-        else
-            if (ppu.ScreenType)
-            {    /* Miroring mode */
-                if (ppu.MirrorDir)
-                {    /* Horizontal */
-                    if (GetNT(Addr) & 0x2)
-                    {    /* NT2-3 */
-                        return ppu.Memory[0x2000 + RelAddr(Addr)];
-                    }
-                    else
-                    {
-                        return ppu.Memory[0x2400 + RelAddr(Addr)];
-                    }
-                }
-                else
-                {    /* Vertical */
-                    if (GetNT(Addr) & 0x1)
-                    {    /* NT0-2 */
-                        return ppu.Memory[0x2400 + RelAddr(Addr)];
-                    }
-                    else
-                    {
-                        return ppu.Memory[0x2000 + RelAddr(Addr)];
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            else
-            {    /* Four Screen mode */
-            }
-    }
-    else
-        if (Addr >= 0x3F00)
-        {
-            return ppu.Memory[0x3F00 | PalAddr(Addr)];
-        }
-    return ppu.Memory[Addr];
-void PPU_Wr(unsigned short Addr, unsigned char Value)
-    if (Addr > (unsigned short) 0x3FFF)
-    {
-        Addr &= 0x3FFF;
-    }
-    if ((Addr < 0x3F00) && (Addr >= 0x2000))
-    {
-        if (Addr > 0x3000)
-        {
-            Addr -= 0x1000;
-        }
-        if (ppu.ScreenType == 0)
-        {        /* 1 Screen Mode */
-            ppu.Memory[RelAddr(Addr) + 0x2000] = Value;
-        }
-        else
-            if (ppu.ScreenType == 1)
-            {    /* Miroring mode */
-                if (ppu.MirrorDir == 0)
-                {    /* Vertical */
-                    if (GetNT(Addr) & 0x1)
-                    {    /* NT0-2 */
-                        ppu.Memory[0x2400 + RelAddr(Addr)] = Value;
-                    }
-                    else
-                    {
-                        ppu.Memory[0x2000 + RelAddr(Addr)] = Value;
-                    }
-                }
-                else
-                {    /* Horizontal */
-                    if (GetNT(Addr) & 0x2)
-                    {    /* NT2-3 */
-                        ppu.Memory[0x2000 + RelAddr(Addr)] = Value;
-                    }
-                    else
-                    {
-                        ppu.Memory[0x2400 + RelAddr(Addr)] = Value;
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            else
-            {    /* Four Screen mode */
-            }
-    }
-    else
-        if (Addr >= 0x3F00)
-        {
-            //console_printf(Console_Default, "%s palette: color %x new value : %d (0x%x)\n", (PalAddr(Addr) < 0x10) ? "Bgnd" : "Sprt", PalAddr(Addr), Value & 0x3F, Addr);
-            ppu.Memory[ /* 0x3F00 | PalAddr(Addr) */ Addr] = Value & 0x3F;
-            if (PalAddr(Addr) == 0x10)
-                ppu.Memory[0x3F00] = Value & 0x3F;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            ppu.Memory[Addr] = Value;
-        }
-unsigned short NbOfSprite[255];
-void NewPPUDispSprite()
-  int x, y, x1, y1, px, py, i;
-  char Color;
-  PPUSprite sprite;
-  unsigned short bg;
-  short SprtAddr;
-  for (i = 63; i >= 0; i--)
-  {
-    sprite = PPUGetSprite(i);
-    bg = sprite.flags.b & PPUSPRITE_FLAGS_BGPRIO;
-    y = sprite.y;
-    if (y < 248)
-    {
-      SprtAddr = ((sprite.tileid) << 4) + ppu.Sprt_Pattern_Table;
-      x = sprite.x;
-      for (y1 = 0; y1 < 8; y1++)
-      {
-    py = y + ((sprite.flags.b & PPUSPRITE_FLAGS_VFLIP) == 0 ? y1 : ((8 - 1) - y1));
-    if ((py > 0) && (py < 249) && ((++NbOfSprite[py]) > 7))
-    {
-      ppu.StatusRegister.b |= PPU_FLAG_SR_8SPRT ;
-      //console_printf(Console_Default, "%d Hohoho!\n", py);
-      //          line(Buffer, 0, py+1, 256, py+1, 10);
-      //continue; // Do not display more than 8 sprites on this line :p
-    }
-    for (x1 = 0; x1 < 8; x1++)
-    {
-      px = x + ((sprite.flags.b & PPUSPRITE_FLAGS_HFLIP) != 0 ? (7 - x1) : x1);
-      Color = GetTileColor(SprtAddr, x1, y1);
-      if (Color)
-      {
-        Color = (Color) | ((sprite.flags.b & PPUSPRITE_FLAGS_UPPERCOLOR) << 2);
-        Color = ppu.Memory[0x3F10 + Color];
-        if ((i == 0) && (Buffer->line[py][px] != BgColor) && (ppu.HitSpriteAt == 255))
-        {
-          //Ligne utilis� pour le d�buguage
-          line(Buffer, 0, py+1, 256, py+1, 10);
-          ppu.HitSpriteAt = py+1;
-        }
-        if ((bg == 0) || ((bg != 0) && (Buffer->line[py][px] == BgColor)))
-          putpixel(Buffer, px, py, Color);
-      }
-    }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-void NewPPUDispSprite_8x16()
-  int x, y, x1, y1, px, py, i, loop, tile;
-  char Color;
-  PPUSprite sprite;
-  unsigned short bg;
-  short SprtAddr;
-  unsigned short SprtTable;
-  for (i = 63; i >= 0; i--)
-  {
-    sprite = PPUGetSprite(i);
-    bg = sprite.flags.b & PPUSPRITE_FLAGS_BGPRIO;
-    tile = sprite.tileid;
-    y = sprite.y + 1;
-    if (y < 248)
-    {
-      if ( (SprtTable = (tile & 0x1) * 0x1000) == 0x1000)
-    tile -=1;
-      if ((sprite.flags.b & PPUSPRITE_FLAGS_VFLIP) != 0)
-      {
-    y +=8;
-      }
-      for (loop = 0; loop < 2; loop++)
-      {
-    SprtAddr = ((tile) << 4) + SprtTable;
-    x = sprite.x;
-    for (y1 = 0; y1 < 8; y1++)
-    {
-      py = y + ((sprite.flags.b & PPUSPRITE_FLAGS_VFLIP) == 0 ? y1 : ((8 - 1) - y1));
-      if ((py > 0) && (py < 249) && ((++NbOfSprite[py]) > 7))
-      {
-        ppu.StatusRegister.b |= PPU_FLAG_SR_8SPRT ;
-        //        puts("Ho!");
-        //continue; // No more sprites on this line :p
-      }
-      for (x1 = 0; x1 < 8; x1++)
-      {
-        px = x + (((sprite.flags.b & PPUSPRITE_FLAGS_HFLIP) != 0) ? (7 - x1) : x1);
-        Color = GetTileColor(SprtAddr, x1, y1);
-        if (Color)
-        {
-          Color = (Color) | ((sprite.flags.b & PPUSPRITE_FLAGS_UPPERCOLOR) << 2);
-          Color = ppu.Memory[0x3F10 + Color];
-          if ((i == 0) && (Buffer->line[py][px] != BgColor) && (ppu.HitSpriteAt == 255))
-          {
-        //Ligne utilise pour le debuguage
-        line(Buffer, 0, py, 256, py, 10);
-        ppu.HitSpriteAt = py+1;
-          }
-          if ((bg == 0) || ((bg != 0) && (Buffer->line[py][px] == BgColor)))
-        putpixel(Buffer, px, py, Color);
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    tile += 1;
-    if ( (sprite.flags.b & PPUSPRITE_FLAGS_VFLIP) != 0)
-      y -= 8;
-    else
-      y += 8;
-      }    
-    }
-  }
-void DebugColor()
-  static unsigned short x = 128;
-  static unsigned short y = 128;
-  unsigned char OldDisplayPalette = ppu.DisplayPalette;
-  byte keyb;
-  unsigned int i;
-  unsigned short Color;
-  NOBLIT = 1;
-  ppu.DisplayPalette = ~0;
-  while(!key[KEY_ESC])
-  {
-    frame++;
-    PPUVBlank();
-    Color = Buffer->line[y][x];
-    textprintf(Buffer, font, 5, 340, 3, "Pos [%d:%d] Color: %d Bg: %d", x, y, Color, BgColor);
-    line(Buffer, x-10, y, x+10, y, 1);
-    line(Buffer, x, y-10, x, y+10, 1);
-    /*
-    rect(Buffer, 0, 255, 4 * 20 + 2, 255 + 4 * 20 + 2, 0);
-    rect(Buffer, 90, 255, 90 + 4 * 20 + 2, 255 + 4 * 20 + 2, 0);
-    for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
-    {
-      rectfill(Buffer, 1 + (i % 4) * 20, 256 + (i / 4) * 20, 1 + (i % 4) * 20 + 20, 256 + (i / 4) * 20 + 20, ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + i]);
-      rectfill(Buffer, 91 + (i % 4) * 20, 256 + (i / 4) * 20, 91 + (i % 4) * 20 + 20, 256 + (i / 4) * 20 + 20, ppu.Memory[0x3F10 + i]);
-    }*/
-    for( i = 0; i < 16; i++)
-    {
-      if (ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + i] == Color)
-      {
-    line(Buffer, 1+(i%4)*20, 256 + (i / 4) * 20, 1 + (i % 4) * 20 + 20, 256 + (i / 4) * 20 + 20, ~Color); 
-    line(Buffer, 1+(i%4)*20, 256 + (i / 4) * 20 + 20, 1 + (i % 4) * 20 + 20, 256 + (i / 4) * 20, ~Color); 
-      }
-      if (ppu.Memory[0x3F10 + i] == Color)
-      {
-    line(Buffer, 91+(i%4)*20, 256 + (i / 4) * 20, 91 + (i % 4) * 20 + 20, 256 + (i / 4) * 20 + 20, ~Color); 
-    line(Buffer, 91+(i%4)*20, 256 + (i / 4) * 20 + 20, 91 + (i % 4) * 20 + 20, 256 + (i / 4) * 20, ~Color); 
-      }
-    }
-    blit(Buffer, screen, 0, 0, 0, 0, 512 + 256, 480);    
-    if (keypressed())
-    {
-      keyb = (readkey() & 0xFF);
-      if (keyb == '4')
-      {
-    x--;
-      }
-      if (keyb == '8')
-      {
-    y--;
-      }
-      if (keyb == '6')
-      {
-    x++;
-      }
-      if (keyb == '2')
-      {
-    y++;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  ppu.DisplayPalette = OldDisplayPalette;
-  NOBLIT = 0;
-void DebugSprites()
-  byte keyb;
-  static int SelSprite = 0;
-  PPUSprite sprite;
-  NOBLIT = 1;
-  ppu.ControlRegister2.b |= PPU_CR2_SPRTVISIBILITY;
-  while(!key[KEY_ESC])
-  {
-    frame++;
-    PPUVBlank();
-    sprite = PPUGetSprite(SelSprite);
-    if (ppu.ControlRegister1.b & PPU_CR1_SPRTSIZE)
-    {
-      rect(Buffer, sprite.x-1, sprite.y-1, sprite.x+9, sprite.y+17, 1);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      rect(Buffer, sprite.x-1, sprite.y-1, sprite.x+9, sprite.y+9, 1);
-    }
-    textprintf(Buffer, font, 5, 340, 3, "Sprite %d [%d:%d]", SelSprite, sprite.x, sprite.y);
-    textprintf(Buffer, font, 5, 349, 3, "B0: 0x%X  B1: 0x%X  B2: 0x%X  B3: 0x%X",sprite.y,sprite.tileid,sprite.flags.b,sprite.x);
-    textprintf(Buffer, font, 5, 358, 3, "Tile Index: %d", sprite.tileid);
-    textprintf(Buffer, font, 5, 367, 3, "Vertical Flip: %d", sprite.flags.s.VFlip);
-    textprintf(Buffer, font, 5, 376, 3, "Horizontal Flip: %d", sprite.flags.s.HFlip);
-    textprintf(Buffer, font, 5, 385, 3, "Background Priority: %d", sprite.flags.s.BgPrio);
-    textprintf(Buffer, font, 5, 394, 3, "Upper Color: %d", sprite.flags.s.UpperColor);
-    blit(Buffer, screen, 0, 0, 0, 0, 512 + 256, 480);    
-    if (keypressed())
-    {
-      keyb = (readkey() & 0xFF);
-      if (keyb == '+')
-    SelSprite = (SelSprite<63)?SelSprite+1:0;
-      if (keyb == '-')
-    SelSprite = (SelSprite>0)?SelSprite-1:63;
-      if (keyb == 'h')
-      {
-    sprite.flags.s.HFlip = ~sprite.flags.s.HFlip;
-    PPUSetSprite(SelSprite, &sprite);
-      }
-      if (keyb == 'b')
-      {
-    sprite.flags.s.BgPrio = ~sprite.flags.s.BgPrio;
-    PPUSetSprite(SelSprite, &sprite);
-      }
-      if (keyb == 'v')
-      {
-    sprite.flags.s.VFlip = ~sprite.flags.s.VFlip;
-    PPUSetSprite(SelSprite, &sprite);
-      }
-      if (keyb == '4')
-      {
-    sprite.x--;
-    PPUSetSprite(SelSprite, &sprite);
-      }
-      if (keyb == '8')
-      {
-    sprite.y--;
-    PPUSetSprite(SelSprite, &sprite);
-      }
-      if (keyb == '6')
-      {
-    sprite.x++;
-    PPUSetSprite(SelSprite, &sprite);
-      }
-      if (keyb == '2')
-      {
-    sprite.y++;
-    PPUSetSprite(SelSprite, &sprite);
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  NOBLIT = 0;
-#define GetTilePos(addr,x,y) (addr+x+(y*32))
-void ppu_displayNameTables()
-int x, y, x1, y1, i;
-unsigned long Reg2;
-unsigned short ab_x, ab_y;
-unsigned short Color;
-unsigned short AttrByte;
-unsigned short TileID;  
-    if (ppu.DisplayAttributeTable)
-    {
-/* NT 2000 */
-        for (x = 0; x < 0x40; x++)
-        {
-            AttrByte = /*ppu.Memory[0x23C0 + x];*/PPU_Rd(0x23C0 + x);
-            x1 = x % 8;
-            y1 = x / 8;
-            Color = AttrByte & 0x3; // Pattern 1;
-            if (ppu.DisplayNameTables == 0)
-                Color = ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + (Color * 4) + 1];
-            rectfill(Buffer,256+(x1*32),240+(y1*32),256+15+(x1*32),240+15+(y1*32),Color);
-            Color = (AttrByte>>2) & 0x3; // Pattern 2;
-            if (ppu.DisplayNameTables == 0)
-                Color = ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + (Color * 4) + 1];
-            rectfill(Buffer,16+256+(x1*32),240+(y1*32),16+256+15+(x1*32),240+15+(y1*32),Color);
-            Color = (AttrByte>>4) & 0x3; // Pattern 3;
-            if (ppu.DisplayNameTables == 0)
-                Color = ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + (Color * 4) + 1];
-            rectfill(Buffer,256+(x1*32),16+240+(y1*32),256+15+(x1*32),16+240+15+(y1*32),Color);
-            Color = (AttrByte>>6) & 0x3; // Pattern 4;
-            if (ppu.DisplayNameTables == 0)
-                Color = ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + (Color * 4) + 1];
-            rectfill(Buffer,16+256+(x1*32),16+240+(y1*32),16+256+15+(x1*32),16+240+15+(y1*32),Color);
-        }
-/* NT 2800 */
-        for (x = 0; x < 0x40; x++)
-         {
-            AttrByte = PPU_Rd(0x2BC0 + x);
-            x1 = x % 8;
-            y1 = x / 8;
-            Color = AttrByte & 0x3; // Pattern 1;
-            if (ppu.DisplayNameTables == 0)
-                Color = ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + (Color * 4) + 1];
-            rectfill(Buffer,256+(x1*32),(y1*32),256+15+(x1*32),15+(y1*32),Color);
-            Color = (AttrByte>>2) & 0x3; // Pattern 2;
-            if (ppu.DisplayNameTables == 0)
-                Color = ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + (Color * 4) + 1];
-            rectfill(Buffer,16+256+(x1*32),(y1*32),16+256+15+(x1*32),15+(y1*32),Color);
-            Color = (AttrByte>>4) & 0x3; // Pattern 3;
-            if (ppu.DisplayNameTables == 0)
-                Color = ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + (Color * 4) + 1];
-            rectfill(Buffer,256+(x1*32),16+(y1*32),256+15+(x1*32),16+15+(y1*32),Color);
-            Color = (AttrByte>>6) & 0x3; // Pattern 4;
-            if (ppu.DisplayNameTables == 0)
-                Color = ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + (Color * 4) + 1];
-            rectfill(Buffer,16+256+(x1*32),16+(y1*32),16+256+15+(x1*32),16+15+(y1*32),Color);
-         }
-/* NT 2400 */
-        for (x = 0; x < 0x40; x++)
-         {
-            AttrByte = PPU_Rd(0x27C0 + x);
-            x1 = x % 8;
-            y1 = x / 8;
-            Color = AttrByte & 0x3; // Pattern 1;
-            if (ppu.DisplayNameTables == 0)
-                Color = ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + (Color * 4) + 1];
-            rectfill(Buffer,256+256+(x1*32),240+(y1*32),256+256+15+(x1*32),240+15+(y1*32),Color);
-            Color = (AttrByte>>2) & 0x3; // Pattern 2;
-            if (ppu.DisplayNameTables == 0)
-                Color = ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + (Color * 4) + 1];
-            rectfill(Buffer,16+256+256+(x1*32),240+(y1*32),16+256+256+15+(x1*32),240+15+(y1*32),Color);
-            Color = (AttrByte>>4) & 0x3; // Pattern 3;
-            if (ppu.DisplayNameTables == 0)
-                Color = ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + (Color * 4) + 1];
-            rectfill(Buffer,256+256+(x1*32),240+16+(y1*32),256+256+15+(x1*32),240+16+15+(y1*32),Color);
-            Color = (AttrByte>>6) & 0x3; // Pattern 4;
-            if (ppu.DisplayNameTables == 0)
-                Color = ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + (Color * 4) + 1];
-            rectfill(Buffer,16+256+256+(x1*32),240+16+(y1*32),16+256+256+15+(x1*32),240+16+15+(y1*32),Color);
-         }
-/* NT 2C00 */
-        for (x = 0; x < 0x40; x++)
-        {
-            AttrByte = PPU_Rd(0x2FC0 + x);//PPU_Rd(0x27C0 + x);
-            x1 = x % 8;
-            y1 = x / 8;
-            Color = AttrByte & 0x3; // Pattern 1;
-            if (ppu.DisplayNameTables == 0)
-                Color = ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + (Color * 4) + 1];
-            rectfill(Buffer,256+256+(x1*32),(y1*32),256+256+15+(x1*32),15+(y1*32),Color);
-            Color = (AttrByte>>2) & 0x3; // Pattern 2;
-            if (ppu.DisplayNameTables == 0)
-                Color = ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + (Color * 4) + 1];
-            rectfill(Buffer,16+256+256+(x1*32),(y1*32),16+256+256+15+(x1*32),15+(y1*32),Color);
-            Color = (AttrByte>>4) & 0x3; // Pattern 3;
-            if (ppu.DisplayNameTables == 0)
-                Color = ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + (Color * 4) + 1];
-            rectfill(Buffer,256+256+(x1*32),16+(y1*32),256+256+15+(x1*32),16+15+(y1*32),Color);
-            Color = (AttrByte>>6) & 0x3; // Pattern 4;
-            if (ppu.DisplayNameTables == 0)
-                Color = ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + (Color * 4) + 1];
-            rectfill(Buffer,16+256+256+(x1*32),16+(y1*32),16+256+256+15+(x1*32),16+15+(y1*32),Color);
-            }
-        if (ppu.DisplayNameTables == 0)
-        {
-            for (x = 0; x < 33; x++)
-            {
-                line(Buffer, 256 + x * 16, 0, 256 + x * 16, 240 + 240, 8);
-                line(Buffer, 256, 0 + x * 16, 256 + 256 + 256, 0 + x * 16, 8);
-            }
-            for (x = 0; x < 17; x++)
-            {
-                line(Buffer, 256 + x * 32, 0, 256 + x * 32, 240 + 240, 6);
-                line(Buffer, 256, 0 + x * 32, 256 + 256 + 256, 0 + x * 32, 6);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    if (ppu.DisplayNameTables)
-    {
-/* NT 2000 */
-        for (x = 0; x < 32; x++)
-            for (y = 0; y < 30; y++)
-            {
-                TileID = (PPU_Rd/*ppu.Memory[*/(0x2000 + x + (y * 32))/*]*/ << 4) + ppu.Bg_Pattern_Table;
-                for (x1 = 0; x1 < 8; x1++)
-                    for (y1 = 0; y1 < 8; y1++)
-                    {
-                        Color = GetTileColor(TileID, x1, y1);
-                        if (ppu.DisplayAttributeTable != 0)
-                            Color |= (Buffer->line[(8 * y) + 240 + y1][(8 * x) + 256 + x1] & 0x3) << 2;
-                        if ((Color != 0) || (ppu.DisplayAttributeTable != 0))
-                        {
-                            Color = ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + Color];
-                            Buffer->line[(8 * y) + 240 + y1][(8 * x) + 256 + x1] = Color;
-                        }
-                    }
-            }
-/* NT 2800 */
-        for (x = 0; x < 32; x++)
-            for (y = 0; y < 30; y++)
-            {
-                TileID = (PPU_Rd(0x2800 + x + (y * 32)) << 4) + ppu.Bg_Pattern_Table;
-                for (x1 = 0; x1 < 8; x1++)
-                    for (y1 = 0; y1 < 8; y1++)
-                    {
-                        Color = GetTileColor(TileID, x1, y1);
-                        if (Color != 0)
-                        {
-                            Color = ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + Color + 4];
-                            Buffer->line[(8 * y) + y1][(8 * x) + 256 + x1] = Color;
-                        }
-                    }
-            }
-/* NT 2400 */
-            for (x = 0; x < 32; x++)
-                for (y = 0; y < 30; y++)
-                    {
-                    TileID = (PPU_Rd(0x2400 + x + (y * 32)) << 4) + ppu.Bg_Pattern_Table;
-                    for (x1 = 0; x1 < 8; x1++)
-                        for (y1 = 0; y1 < 8; y1++)
-                            {
-                            Color = GetTileColor(TileID, x1, y1);
-                            if (ppu.DisplayAttributeTable != 0)
-                                Color |= (Buffer->line[(8 * y) + 240 + y1][(8 * x) + 256 + x1] & 0x3) << 2;
-                            if ((Color != 0) || (ppu.DisplayAttributeTable != 0))
-                                {
-                                Color = ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + Color];
-                                Buffer->line[(8 * y) + 240+ y1][(8 * x) + 256 + 256 + x1] = Color;
-                                }
-                            }
-                    }
-/* NT 2C00 */
-        for (x = 0; x < 32; x++)
-            for (y = 0; y < 30; y++)
-            {
-                TileID = (PPU_Rd(0x2C00 + x + (y * 32)) << 4) + ppu.Bg_Pattern_Table;
-                for (x1 = 0; x1 < 8; x1++)
-                    for (y1 = 0; y1 < 8; y1++)
-                    {
-                        Color = GetTileColor(TileID, x1, y1);
-                        if (Color != 0)
-                        {
-                            Color = ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + Color + 12];
-                            Buffer->line[(8 * y) + y1][(8 * x) + 256 + 256 + x1] = Color;
-                        }
-                    }
-            }
-    }
- PPUVBlank()
-int x, y, x1, y1, i;
-unsigned long Reg2;
-unsigned short ab_x, ab_y;
-unsigned short Color;
-unsigned short AttrByte;
-unsigned short TileID;
-static short LAST_FPS = 0;
-unsigned char XScroll, YScroll;
-    ppu.StatusRegister.b |= PPU_FLAG_SR_VBLANK;
-    BgColor = ppu.Memory[0x3F00];//0xC0;  
-//goto NoDraw;
-    acquire_bitmap(Buffer);
-    clear_to_color(Buffer, BgColor);
-/*    if (ppu.ControlRegister2.s.Colour != 0)
-        console_printf(Console_Default, "ppu.ColorEmphasis : %d", ppu.ControlRegister2.s.Colour);*/
-    for (i = 0; i < 249; i++)
-        NbOfSprite[i] = 0;
-    ppu.StatusRegister.b &= ~(PPU_FLAG_SR_8SPRT);
-    ppu.HitSpriteAt = 255;
-* A faires les choses qui faut faire durant un lanc� de vblank,
-* comme dessiner par ex..
-    if (((ppu.ControlRegister2.b & PPU_CR2_BGVISIBILITY) != 0) || ppu.ForceBgVisibility)
-    {
-/* Display BG with scrolling informations */
-/* J'ai la solution :D */
-frame start (line 0) (if background or sprites are enabled):
-        ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W = ppu.TimedTmpPtr[0] | 0x2000;
-        //console_printf(Console_Default, "Starting addresses : 0x%X\n",ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W);
-        XScroll = ppu.TimedHScroll[0];
-        YScroll = ppu.TmpVScroll;
-        for (y = 0; y < 240; y++)
-        {
-scanline start (if background and sprites are enabled):
-  8421 8421 8421 8421   8421 8421 8421 8421
-v:0000 0100 0001 1111=t:0000 0100 0001 1111
-  1111 1198 7654 3210         
-  5432 10
-            //if (y == 142)
-            //    console_printf(Console_Default, "______________142 Ptr:0x%04X ____ 0x%04X\n", ppu.TimedTmpPtr[y], ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W);
-            ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W = (ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W & 0xFBE0)
-               | ((ppu.TimedTmpPtr[y]) & 0x041F)
-               | 0x2000;
-            //if (y == 142)
-            //    console_printf(Console_Default, "______________142 Ptr:0x%04X ____ 0x%04X\n", ppu.TimedTmpPtr[y], ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W);
-            TileID = (PPU_Rd(ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W) << 4)
-               | ppu.Bg_Pattern_Table;
-            XScroll = ppu.TimedHScroll[y];
-            for (x = 0; x < 256; x++)
-            {
-/* Calculer la couleur du point */
-/* Bits 1 et 0 */
-                Color = GetTileColor(TileID, XScroll, YScroll);
-/* Bits 3 et 2 */
-XScroll : 0,1,2,3,4
-X = (ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W & 0x1F)
-Y : 5,6,7,8,9
-Y = (ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W & 0x3E0) >> 5
-/*ab_y = ((ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W & 0x3E0) >> 5);
-                ab_x = (ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W & 0x1F);
-                AttrByte = (((ab_y) >> 2) << 3) +
-                   ((ab_x) >> 2);
-                AttrByte = (PPU_Rd((ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W & 0x2C00) + 0x3C0 + AttrByte) >>
-                        ((((ab_y & 2) * 2) + (((ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W & 0x2C00)) & 2)))) & 0x03;*/
-                /*
-                 00DC BA98 7654 3210
-                 0000 BA54 3c-2 10b-
-                 0000 0000 0001 1100  : 0x001C >> 2 
-                 0000 0011 1000 0000  : 0x0380 >> 4
-                   10 --11 11-- ----
-                 0xC000
-                 & 0x0C3F | 0x23C0
-                                b                  
-                 val >> ( (Reg2 & 0x2) | ( (Reg2 & 0x0x40)>>4)
-                 */
-                Reg2 = ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W;
-                AttrByte = ((Reg2 & 0x0380) >> 4) | ((Reg2 & 0x001C) >> 2) | (Reg2 & 0x0C00);
-                AttrByte &= 0x0C3F;
-                AttrByte |= 0x23C0;
-                AttrByte = PPU_Rd(AttrByte);
-                AttrByte = AttrByte >> ( 0x0 | (Reg2 & 0x02) | ( (Reg2 & 0x40) >> 4) );
-                AttrByte &= 0x3;
-                if (Color)
-                {
-                    Color |= (AttrByte << 2);
-                    Color = ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + Color];
-                    Buffer->line[y][x] = Color + 0xC0;
-                }
-                XScroll++;
-                XScroll &= 7;
-                if (XScroll == 0)
-                {    /* On incr�mente le compteur de tile */
-                    if ((ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W & 0x1F) == 0x1F)
-                    {    /* On met a 0 et change
-                         * l'etat du bit 10 */
-                        ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W &= ~0x1F;
-/* A voir si ya pas bcp mieux */
-                        if ((ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W & 0x400))
-                            ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W &= ~0x400;
-                        else
-                            ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W |= 0x400;
-                    }
-                    else
-                    {    /* on incremente juste */
-                        ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W = (ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W & ~0x1F) | ((ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W + 1) & 0x1F);
-                    }
-                    TileID = (PPU_Rd(ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W) << 4)
-                             | ppu.Bg_Pattern_Table;
-                }
-            }
-you can think of bits 5,6,7,8,9 as the "y scroll"(*8).  this functions
-slightly different from the X.  it wraps to 0 and bit 11 is switched when
-it's incremented from _29_ instead of 31.  there are some odd side effects
-from this.. if you manually set the value above 29 (from either 2005 or
-2006), the wrapping from 29 obviously won't happen, and attrib data will be
-used as name table data.  the "y scroll" still wraps to 0 from 31, but
-without switching bit 11.  this explains why writing 240+ to 'Y' in 2005
-appeared as a negative scroll value.
-            YScroll++;
-            YScroll &= 7;
-            if (YScroll == 0)
-            {    /* On incr�mente le compteur de tile */
-                if ((ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W & 0x3E0) == 0x3A0)
-                {    /* On met a 0 et change l'etat du bit
-                     * 10 */
-                    ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W &= ~0x3F0;
-/* A voir si ya pas bcp mieux */
-                    if ((ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W & 0x800))
-                        ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W &= ~0x800;
-                    else
-                        ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W |= 0x800;
-                }
-                else
-                {    /* on incremente juste */
-                    ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W = (ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W & ~0x3F0) | ((((ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W & 0x3F0) >> 5) + 1) << 5);
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        //while (!key[KEY_ENTER]);
-    }
-* if (ppu.ControlRegister2.s.SpriteVisibility == 1)
-* PPUDispSprite(0);
-    if (((ppu.ControlRegister2.b & PPU_CR2_SPRTVISIBILITY) != 0) || ppu.ForceSpriteVisibility)
-    {
-               if (ppu.ControlRegister1.b & PPU_CR1_SPRTSIZE)
-        {
-          NewPPUDispSprite_8x16();
-        }
-        else
-        {
-          NewPPUDispSprite();
-        }
-    }
-/*    for(x=0;x<256;x++)
-        for(y=0;y<240;y++)
-        {
-            if ((i = getpixel(Buffer,x,y)) >= 0xC0)
-                putpixel(Buffer,x,y,ppu.Memory[0x3F00+i-0xC0]);
-        }*/
-    if (ppu.DisplayPalette)
-    {
-        textout(Buffer, font, "Bg Palette", 0, 247, 5);
-        textout(Buffer, font, "Sprt Palette", 90, 247, 5);
-        rect(Buffer, 0, 255, 4 * 20 + 2, 255 + 4 * 20 + 2, 0);
-        rect(Buffer, 90, 255, 90 + 4 * 20 + 2, 255 + 4 * 20 + 2, 0);
-        for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
-        {
-            rectfill(Buffer, 1 + (i % 4) * 20, 256 + (i / 4) * 20, 1 + (i % 4) * 20 + 20, 256 + (i / 4) * 20 + 20, ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + i]);
-            rectfill(Buffer, 91 + (i % 4) * 20, 256 + (i / 4) * 20, 91 + (i % 4) * 20 + 20, 256 + (i / 4) * 20 + 20, ppu.Memory[0x3F10 + i]);
-        }
-    }
-    if (ppu.DisplayVRAM)
-    {
-/* y:346 */
-        x1 = 0;
-        y1 = 0;
-        for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
-        {
-            TileID = 0x0000 + (i << 4);
-            for (x = 0; x < 8; x++)
-                for (y = 0; y < 8; y++)
-                {
-                    Color = GetTileColor(TileID, x, y);
-                    putpixel(Buffer, 10 + x1 + x, 347 + y1 + y, ppu.Memory[0x3F00 + Color]);
-                }
-            x1 += 8;
-            if (x1 >= 128)
-            {
-                x1 = 0;
-                y1 += 8;
-            }
-        }
-        x1 = 0;
-        y1 = 0;
-        for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
-        {
-            TileID = 0x1000 + (i << 4);
-            for (x = 0; x < 8; x++)
-                for (y = 0; y < 8; y++)
-                {
-                    Color = GetTileColor(TileID, x, y);
-                    putpixel(Buffer, 10 + 128 + x1 + x, 347 + y1 + y, ppu.Memory[0x3F10 + Color]);
-                }
-            x1 += 8;
-            if (x1 >= 128)
-            {
-                x1 = 0;
-                y1 += 8;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    for (i = 0; i < 240; i++)
-    {
-      putpixel(Buffer, 0, i, ppu.TimedVScroll[i] & 0xFF);
-      putpixel(Buffer, 1, i, ppu.TimedVScroll[i] & 0xFF);
-      putpixel(Buffer, 2, i, ppu.TimedVScroll[i] & 0xFF);
-    }
-    textprintf(Buffer, font, 5, 340, 4, "FPS : %d   IPS : %d", FPS, IPS);
-    textprintf(Buffer, font, 5, 3, 4, "FPS : %d (CPU@~%2.2fMhz : %d%%)", FPS, (float) (((float) IPS) / 1000000.0), (int) ((((float) IPS) / 1770000.0) * 100.0));
-    release_bitmap(Buffer);
-    if (NOBLIT == 0)
-    {
-      blit(Buffer, screen, 0, 0, 0, 0, 512 + 256, 480);
-      //stretch_blit(Buffer, screen, 0, 0, 256, 240, 0, 0, 512, 480);
-    }
-    if ((ppu.ControlRegister1.b & PPU_CR1_EXECNMI) != 0)
-        return 1;
-    return 0;
-byte ReadPPUReg(byte RegID)
-/* RegID is the nb of the reg 0-7 */
-    unsigned char ret;
-    RegID &= 0x07;
-    switch (RegID)
-    {
-    default:
-        ret = (unsigned char) 0x00;    /* Can return every thing you
-                         * want here :D */
-        break;
-    case 1:        /* Control Register 2 */
-        ret = ppu.ControlRegister2.b;
-        break;
-    case 2:
-        ret = ppu.StatusRegister.b;
-        ppu.StatusRegister.b &= ~(PPU_FLAG_SR_VBLANK);
-        ppu.StatusRegister.b &= ~(PPU_FLAG_SR_SPRT0);
-        ppu.VRAMAddrMode = 0;
-        break;
-    case 5:
-        ret = ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.B.l;
-        break;
-    case 6:
-        ret = ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.B.h;
-        break;
-    case 7:        /* PPU in NES is really strange.. Bufferised
-                 * send is weird.. */
-        if (ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W < 0x3EFF)
-        {
-            ret = ppu.VRAMBuffer;
-            ppu.VRAMBuffer = PPU_Rd(ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W);
-            ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W += ppu.PPU_Inc;
-            ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W &= 0x3FFF;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-          ret = PPU_Rd(ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W);
-          ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W += ppu.PPU_Inc;
-        }
-        break;
-    }
-    return ret;
-void WritePPUReg(byte RegID, byte val)
-/* RegID is the nb of the reg 0-7 */
-    RegID &= 0x07;
-    switch (RegID)
-    {
-        default:/* For not writeable reg */
-        console_printf(Console_Default, "WritePPU error\n");
-        break;
-    case 0:        /* Control Register 1 */
-        ppu.ControlRegister1.b = val;
-        ppu.Bg_Pattern_Table = (ppu.ControlRegister1.s.BgPattern == 1) ? 0x1000 : 0x0000;
-        ppu.Sprt_Pattern_Table = (ppu.ControlRegister1.s.SptPattern == 1) ? 0x1000 : 0x0000;
-        ppu.PPU_Inc = (ppu.ControlRegister1.s.AddrIncrmt == 1) ? 32 : 1;
-        ppu.Name_Table_Addresse = 0x2000;
-        switch (ppu.ControlRegister1.s.NameTblAddr)
-        {
-        case 3:
-            ppu.Name_Table_Addresse += 0x400;
-        case 2:
-            ppu.Name_Table_Addresse += 0x400;
-        case 1:
-            ppu.Name_Table_Addresse += 0x400;
-        case 0:
-            break;
-        }
-            ppu.TimedNT[ScanLine] = ppu.ControlRegister1.s.NameTblAddr;
-2000 write:
-  1111 0011 1111 1111 ( F3FF )
-t:0000 1100 0000 0000 = d:0000 0011
-        ppu.TmpVRamPtr = ( (ppu.TmpVRamPtr & 0xF3FF)
-                       | ( ((ppu.ControlRegister1.s.NameTblAddr) & 0x03) << 10 )
-                         );
-        break;
-    case 1:        /* Control Register 2 */
-        //console_printf(Console_Default, "PPU: new CR2 ; 0x%x\n", val);
-        ppu.ControlRegister2.b = val;
-        break;
-    case 3:        /* SPR-RAM Addresse Register */
-        ppu.SPR_RAMAddr = val;
-        break;
-    case 4:        /* SPR-RAM Input Register */
-        ppu.SPRRAM[ppu.SPR_RAMAddr] = val;
-        break;
-    case 5:        /* VRAM Address register 1 */
-        if (ppu.VRAMAddrMode == 0)
-        {
-2005 first write:
-t:0000 0000 0001 1111=d:1111 1000
-            //console_printf(Console_Default, "2005[1st][%d]: 0x%02X [0x%04X]\n", ScanLine, val, ppu.TmpVRamPtr);
-            ppu.VRAMAddrMode = 1;
-            ppu.TmpVRamPtr = ((ppu.TmpVRamPtr & 0xFFE0) | ((val & 0xF8) >> 3));
-            ppu.HScroll = val & 0x7;
-            //console_printf(Console_Default, "2005[1st][%d]: 0x%02X [0x%04X]\n", ScanLine, val, ppu.TmpVRamPtr);
-            //console_printf(Console_Default, "%d -> 2005 w1: 0x%04X (val: 0x%02X)\n", ScanLine, ppu.TmpVRamPtr, val);
-        }
-        else
-        {
-2005 second write:
-  1111 1100 0000 0000
-  5432 1098 7654 3210
-  8421 8421 8421 8421
-  -------------------
-t:0000 0011 1110 0000=d:1111 1000
-t:0111 0000 0000 0000=d:0000 0111
-            //console_printf(Console_Default, "2005[2nd][%d]: 0x%02X [0x%04X]\n", ScanLine, val, ppu.TmpVRamPtr);
-            ppu.VRAMAddrMode = 0;
-            ppu.TmpVRamPtr = ((ppu.TmpVRamPtr & 0xFC1F) | ((val & 0xF8) << 2));
-            ppu.TmpVRamPtr = ((ppu.TmpVRamPtr & 0x8FFF) | ((val & 0x07) << 12));
-            ppu.TmpVScroll = (val & 0x7);
-            //if (ppu.TmpVScroll != 0)
-                //console_printf(Console_Default, "2002: TmpVScroll == %d \n", ppu.TmpVScroll);
-            //console_printf(Console_Default, "2005[2nd][%d]: 0x%02X [0x%04X]\n", ScanLine, val, ppu.TmpVRamPtr);
-            //console_printf(Console_Default, "%d -> 2005 w2: 0x%04X (val: 0x%02X)\n", ScanLine, ppu.TmpVRamPtr, val);
-        }
-        break;
-    case 6:        /* VRAM Address register 2 */
-        if (ppu.VRAMAddrMode == 0)
-        {
-            //console_printf(Console_Default, "2006[1st][%d]: 0x%02X [0x%04X]\n", ScanLine, val, ppu.TmpVRamPtr);
-            ppu.VRAMAddrMode = 1;
-2006 first write:
-t:0011 1111 0000 0000 = d:0011 1111
-t:1100 0000 0000 0000=0
-            ppu.TmpVRamPtr = ((ppu.TmpVRamPtr & 0xC0FF) | ((val&0x3F) << 8)) & 0x3FFF;
-            //console_printf(Console_Default, "2006[1st][%d]: 0x%02X [0x%04X]\n", ScanLine, val, ppu.TmpVRamPtr);
-            //console_printf(Console_Default, "%d -> 2006 w1: 0x%04X (val: 0x%02X)\n", ScanLine, ppu.TmpVRamPtr, val);
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            //console_printf(Console_Default, "2006[2nd][%d]: 0x%02X [0x%04X]\n", ScanLine, val, ppu.TmpVRamPtr);
-            ppu.VRAMAddrMode = 0;
-2006 second write:
-            ppu.TmpVRamPtr = ((ppu.TmpVRamPtr & 0xFF00) | (val & 0x00FF));
-            ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W = ppu.TmpVRamPtr;
-            //console_printf(Console_Default, "2006[2nd][%d]: 0x%02X [0x%04X]\n", ScanLine, val, ppu.TmpVRamPtr);
-            //console_printf(Console_Default, "%d -> 2006 w2: 0x%04X (val: 0x%02X)\n", ScanLine, ppu.TmpVRamPtr, val);
-        }
-        break;
-    case 7:        /* VRAM I/O */
-        PPU_Wr(ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W, val);
-        ppu.VRAMAddrReg2.W += ppu.PPU_Inc;
-        break;
-    }
-void FillSprRamDMA(byte value)
-    int i;
-    for (i = 0x00; i < 0x100; i++)
-    {
-        ppu.SPRRAM[i] = ReadMemory( value, i);
-    }