Godzil hace 3 años
Se han modificado 1 ficheros con 63 adiciones y 8 borrados
  1. 63 8

+ 63 - 8

@@ -10,6 +10,8 @@
+#include <math.h>
 #include <SDL.h>
 #include <glm/glm.hpp>
@@ -38,20 +40,73 @@ public:
         if (ImGui::Begin("Spawn enemies"))
-            static int xPos = 0, yPos = 0;
+            /* Main properties */
+            static int enemyXPos = 0, enemyYPos = 0, enemyHealth = 100;
+            static int enemyXVelocity = 0, enemyYVelocity = 0;
+            static float enemyScale = 1, enemyRotation = 0;
+            const char* spriteList[] = { "truck-image", "tank-image" };
+            static int spriteSelection = 0;
+            /* Projectile */
+            static float projectileAngle = 0, projectileDuration = 5, projectileFrequency = 3;
+            static int projectileSpeed = 100;
+            double projectileXVelocity, projectileYVelocity;
+            if (ImGui::CollapsingHeader("Main properties"))
+            {
+                ImGui::InputInt("X position", &enemyXPos);
+                ImGui::InputInt("Y position", &enemyYPos);
+                ImGui::SliderFloat("Scale", &enemyScale, 0.5, 10);
+                ImGui::SliderAngle("Rotation", &enemyRotation, 0, 360);
+            }
+            if (ImGui::CollapsingHeader("Velocity"))
+            {
+                ImGui::InputInt("X Velocity", &enemyXVelocity);
+                ImGui::InputInt("Y Velocity", &enemyYVelocity);
+            }
-            ImGui::InputInt("Enemy X position", &xPos);
-            ImGui::InputInt("Enemy Y position", &yPos);
+            // default Health
+            ImGui::SliderInt("Starting health", &enemyHealth, 1, 100);
+            // Sprite selection
+            ImGui::Combo("combo", &spriteSelection, spriteList, IM_ARRAYSIZE(spriteList));
+            if (ImGui::CollapsingHeader("Projectile"))
+            {
+                // Angle/Speed of projectiles
+                ImGui::SliderAngle("Angle", &projectileAngle, 0, 360);
+                ImGui::InputInt("Speed", &projectileSpeed);
+                // Frequency / duration of projectives (seconds)
+                ImGui::InputFloat("Frequency (sec)", &projectileFrequency);
+                ImGui::InputFloat("Duration (sec)", &projectileDuration);
+            }
+            projectileXVelocity = cos(projectileAngle) * (double)projectileSpeed;
+            projectileYVelocity = sin(projectileAngle) * (double)projectileSpeed;
             if (ImGui::Button("Spawn"))
+                Logger::Warning("proj X Vel ==> %f", projectileXVelocity);
+                Logger::Warning("proj Y Vel ==> %f", projectileYVelocity);
                 Entity newEnemy = registry->createEntity();
-                newEnemy.addComponent<TransformComponent>(glm::vec2(xPos, yPos), glm::vec2(1, 1), 0);
-                newEnemy.addComponent<RigidBodyComponent>(glm::vec2(0, 0));
-                newEnemy.addComponent<SpriteComponent>("tank-image", 2, 32, 32);
+                newEnemy.addComponent<TransformComponent>(glm::vec2(enemyXPos, enemyYPos),
+                                                          glm::vec2(enemyScale, enemyScale),
+                                                          enemyRotation * 180 / M_PI);
+                newEnemy.addComponent<RigidBodyComponent>(glm::vec2(enemyXVelocity, enemyYVelocity));
+                newEnemy.addComponent<SpriteComponent>(spriteList[spriteSelection], 2, 32, 32);
                 newEnemy.addComponent<BoxColliderComponent>(18, 18, glm::vec2(5, 7));
-                newEnemy.addComponent<ProjectileEmitterComponent>(glm::vec2(100, 0), 3000, 5000, 10, false);
-                newEnemy.addComponent<HealthComponent>(100);
+                newEnemy.addComponent<ProjectileEmitterComponent>(glm::vec2(projectileXVelocity, projectileYVelocity),
+                                                                  projectileFrequency * 1000,
+                                                                  projectileDuration * 1000,
+                                                                  10,
+                                                                  false);
+                newEnemy.addComponent<HealthComponent>(enemyHealth);