/* * DoRayMe - a quick and dirty Raytracer * OBJ File implementation * * Created by Manoƫl Trapier * Copyright (c) 2020 986-Studio. * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define MIN_ALLOC (2) //#define DEBUG_NORMAL OBJFile::OBJFile() : Shape(Shape::OBJFILE), ignoredLines(0) { stats.addOBJFile(); this->allocatedVertexCount = MIN_ALLOC; this->vertexList = (Point **)calloc(sizeof(Point **), MIN_ALLOC); this->vertexCount = 0; this->allocatedVertexNormalCount = MIN_ALLOC; this->vertexNormalList = (Vector **)calloc(sizeof(Vector **), MIN_ALLOC); this->vertexNormalCount = 0; /* The base group */ this->baseGroup = new Group(OBJ_DEFAULT_GROUP); this->currentGroup = this->baseGroup; this->baseGroup->parent = this; }; OBJFile::~OBJFile() { int i; if (vertexCount > 0) { for(i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++) { delete this->vertexList[i]; this->vertexList[i] = nullptr; } } free(this->vertexList); this->vertexList = nullptr; if (vertexNormalCount > 0) { for(i = 0; i < vertexNormalCount; i++) { delete this->vertexNormalList[i]; this->vertexNormalList[i] = nullptr; } } free(this->vertexNormalList); this->vertexNormalList = nullptr; /* It is not our responsibility to clear the group object as this object may be destroyed before the * render is done */ } OBJFile::OBJFile(const char *filepath) : OBJFile() { FILE *fp; size_t fileSize; char *fileBuff; fp = fopen(filepath, "rt"); if (fp) { fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END); fileSize = ftell(fp); /* Add one byte to the size to make sure it is null terminated */ fileBuff = (char *)calloc(fileSize + 1, 1); fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET); fileSize = fread(fileBuff, 1, fileSize, fp); fclose(fp); this->parseOBJFile(fileBuff); free(fileBuff); } else { printf("ERROR: Can't open/find the file '%s'.\n", filepath); } } void OBJFile::addGroup(Group *group) { this->baseGroup->addObject(group); group->setParent(this); group->updateTransform(); this->bounds | group->getBounds(); this->currentGroup = group; } void OBJFile::addVertex(Point *vertex) { if ((this->vertexCount + 1) > this->allocatedVertexCount) { this->allocatedVertexCount *= 2; this->vertexList = (Point **)realloc(this->vertexList, sizeof(Point **) * this->allocatedVertexCount); } this->vertexList[this->vertexCount++] = vertex; } void OBJFile::addVertexNormal(Vector *vertexNormal) { if ((this->vertexNormalCount + 1) > this->allocatedVertexNormalCount) { this->allocatedVertexNormalCount *= 2; this->vertexNormalList = (Vector **)realloc(this->vertexNormalList, sizeof(Vector **) * this->allocatedVertexNormalCount); } this->vertexNormalList[this->vertexNormalCount++] = vertexNormal; } Group *OBJFile::groups(const char *groupName) { if (strncmp(groupName, this->baseGroup->getName(), strlen(groupName)) == 0) { return this->baseGroup; } int i; for(i = 0; i < this->baseGroup->getObjectCount(); i++) { Shape *cur = (*this->baseGroup)[i]; if (cur->getType() == Shape::GROUP) { Group *curGrp = (Group *)cur; if (strncmp(groupName, curGrp->getName(), strlen(groupName)) == 0) { return curGrp; } } } /* Not found */ return nullptr; } void OBJFile::intersect(Ray &r, Intersect &xs) { this->baseGroup->intersect(r, xs); } bool OBJFile::includes(Shape *b) { return this->baseGroup->includes(b); } void OBJFile::localIntersect(Ray r, Intersect &xs) { this->intersect(r, xs); } Tuple OBJFile::localNormalAt(Tuple point, Intersection *hit) { return Vector(0, 1, 0); } BoundingBox OBJFile::getLocalBounds() { return this->bounds; } BoundingBox OBJFile::getBounds() { if (this->bounds.isEmpty()) { this->updateBoundingBox(); } return this->bounds; } void OBJFile::updateBoundingBox() { int i; this->bounds.reset(); this->bounds | this->baseGroup->getBounds(); } void OBJFile::updateTransform() { int i; Shape::updateTransform(); this->baseGroup->updateTransform(); /* Once the full stack being notified of the changes, let's update the * bounding box */ this->updateBoundingBox(); } void OBJFile::dumpMe(FILE * fp) { int i; fprintf(fp, "\"Type\": \"OBJFile\",\n"); fprintf(fp, "\"Objects\": {\n"); this->baseGroup->dumpMe(fp); fprintf(fp, "},\n"); fprintf(fp, "\"Vertices\": {\n"); for(i = 1; i < this->vertexCount + 1; i++) { fprintf(fp, "\"v[%d]\": { \"x\": %f, \"y\": %f, \"z\": %f },\n", i, this->vertices(i).x, this->vertices(i).y, this->vertices(i).z); } fprintf(fp, "},\n"); fprintf(fp, "\"NormalVertices\": {\n"); for(i = 1; i < this->vertexNormalCount + 1; i++) { fprintf(fp, "\"vn[%d]\": { \"x\": %f, \"y\": %f, \"z\": %f },\n", i, this->verticesNormal(i).x, this->verticesNormal(i).y, this->verticesNormal(i).z); } fprintf(fp, "},\n"); Shape::dumpMe(fp); } #define MAX_LINE_LENGTH (512) /* Here start the fun! */ int OBJFile::parseOBJFile(const char *content) { /* I don't think we will handle lines of more than 512 characters... */ char lineBuff[MAX_LINE_LENGTH]; uint32_t currentLineNum = 1; uint32_t totalLength = strlen(content); /* Need to process line by line */ const char *bufferPos = content; const char *lineNewline; while(*bufferPos != '\0') { uint32_t lineLength; lineNewline = strchr(bufferPos, '\n'); if (lineNewline == nullptr) { /* We are on the last line */ lineLength = strlen(bufferPos); } else { lineLength = (lineNewline - bufferPos); } if (lineLength >= MAX_LINE_LENGTH) { printf("ERROR: Line %d is too long! (%d)\n", currentLineNum, lineLength); return -1; } memset(lineBuff, 0, MAX_LINE_LENGTH); strncpy(lineBuff, bufferPos, lineLength); this->parseLine(lineBuff, currentLineNum); bufferPos += lineLength + 1; if ((bufferPos - content) >= totalLength) { /* We are past the length of the buffer, don't need to continue */ break; } currentLineNum++; } return 0; } #define MAX_ARGS (15) /* Parse the line into a couple ofr argc/argv using space as argument separator */ void OBJFile::parseLine(char *line, uint32_t currentLine) { char *argv[MAX_ARGS]; uint32_t argc = 0; char *buffer = line; uint32_t lineLength = strlen(line); uint32_t linePos = 0; /* First argument */ argv[argc++] = line; while(linePos < lineLength) { char *next = strchr(buffer, ' '); if (next != nullptr) { *next = '\0'; linePos = next - line; buffer = next + 1; /* Skip empty strings as it mean multiple spaces */ if (strlen(buffer) > 0) { argv[argc++] = buffer; } } else { linePos = lineLength; } } if (this->execLine(argc, argv, currentLine)) { this->ignoredLines++; } } static int parseFaceVertex(char *buf, uint32_t &v, uint32_t &vt, uint32_t &vn) { uint32_t bufPos = 0; uint32_t lineLength = strlen(buf); vt = INT32_MAX; vn = INT32_MAX; int ret = 0; int token = 0; while(bufPos < lineLength) { char *next = strchr(buf, '/'); if (next != nullptr) { *next = '\0'; bufPos = next - buf; } else { bufPos = lineLength; } if (strlen(buf) > 0) { switch(token) { case 0: v = atol(buf); break; case 1: vt = atol(buf); break; case 2: vn = atol(buf); break; default: printf("ERROR: Too many entry for a face vertice!"); ret = 1; } } buf = next + 1; token++; } return ret; } #ifdef DEBUG_NORMAL Shape *makeVector(Point pos, Vector verNorm, Colour c, double scale = 1) { Group *ret = new Group("Vector"); Sphere *sp = new Sphere(); Colour c2 = c; sp->material.colour = c2; sp->material.ambient = 1; sp->material.refractiveIndex = 0; sp->material.reflective = 0; sp->material.specular = 0; sp->materialSet = true; sp->setTransform(translation(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z) * scaling(0.1, 0.1, 0.1)); ret->addObject(sp); double theta = atan2(verNorm.x, verNorm.z); double radius = verNorm.magnitude(); double phi = acos(verNorm.y / radius); sp = new Sphere(); c2 = c; c2.x /=3; c2.y /=3; c2.y /=3; sp->material.colour = c2; sp->material.ambient = 1; sp->material.refractiveIndex = 0; sp->material.transparency = 0; sp->material.specular = 0; sp->materialSet = true; sp->setTransform(translation(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z) * translation(verNorm.x, verNorm.y, verNorm.z) * scaling(0.1, 0.1, 0.1)); ret->addObject(sp); c2 = c; c2.x /=2; c2.y /=3; c2.y /=2; Cone *cn = new Cone(); cn->minCap = 0; cn->maxCap = 1; cn->material.colour = c2; cn->material.ambient = 1; cn->material.refractiveIndex = 0; cn->material.reflective = 0; cn->material.specular = 0; cn->materialSet = true; cn->setTransform(translation(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z) * rotationY(theta) * rotationX(phi) * scaling(0.1, radius, 0.1)); ret->addObject(cn); return ret; } #endif /* Actually execute the line */ int OBJFile::execLine(int argc, char *argv[], uint32_t currentLine) { int ret = 1; if (strncmp(argv[0], "v", 2) == 0) { /* Vertice entry */ if (argc != 4) { printf("ERROR: Malformed file at line %d: Vertices expect 3 parameters!\n", currentLine); } else { this->addVertex(new Point(atof(argv[1]), atof(argv[2]), atof(argv[3]))); ret = 0; } } else if (strncmp(argv[0], "vn", 3) == 0) { /* Vertice Normal entry */ if (argc != 4) { printf("ERROR: Malformed file at line %d: Vertices normal expect 3 parameters!\n", currentLine); } else { this->addVertexNormal(new Vector(atof(argv[1]), atof(argv[2]), atof(argv[3]))); ret = 0; } } else if (strncmp(argv[0], "f", 2) == 0) { /* Faces entry */ int i; uint32_t v[MAX_ARGS], vt[MAX_ARGS], vn[MAX_ARGS]; for(i = 1; i < argc; i++) { parseFaceVertex(argv[i], v[i], vt[i], vn[i]); } if (argc == 4) { Shape *t; if (vn[1] == INT32_MAX) { t = new Triangle(this->vertices(v[1]), this->vertices(v[2]), this->vertices(v[3])); } else { #ifdef DEBUG_NORMAL this->currentGroup->addObject(makeVector(this->vertices(v[1]), this->verticesNormal(vn[1]), Colour(1, 0, 1))); this->currentGroup->addObject(makeVector(this->vertices(v[2]), this->verticesNormal(vn[2]), Colour(0.5, 0, 0.5))); this->currentGroup->addObject(makeVector(this->vertices(v[3]), this->verticesNormal(vn[3]), Colour(0.5, 0, 1))); #endif t = new SmoothTriangle(this->vertices(v[1]), this->vertices(v[2]), this->vertices(v[3]), this->verticesNormal(vn[1]), this->verticesNormal(vn[2]), this->verticesNormal(vn[3])); } /* Set the object id to the OBJ one */ t->setObjectId(this->getObjectId()); this->currentGroup->addObject(t); ret = 0; } else if (argc > 4) { #ifdef DEBUG_NORMAL if (vn[1] != INT32_MAX) { for(i = 2; i < (argc); i++) { this->currentGroup->addObject(makeVector(this->vertices(v[i]), this->verticesNormal(vn[i]), Colour(1, 1, 0))); } this->currentGroup->addObject(makeVector(this->vertices(v[1]), this->verticesNormal(vn[1]), Colour(0, 1, 0))); } #endif for(i = 2; i < (argc - 1); i++) { Shape *t; if (vn[1] == INT32_MAX) { t = new Triangle(this->vertices(v[1]), this->vertices(v[i]), this->vertices(v[i + 1])); } else { t = new SmoothTriangle(this->vertices(v[1]), this->vertices(v[i]), this->vertices(v[i + 1]), this->verticesNormal(vn[1]), this->verticesNormal(vn[i]), this->verticesNormal(vn[i + 1])); } t->setObjectId(this->getObjectId()); this->currentGroup->addObject(t); } ret = 0; } else { printf("ERROR: Malformed file at line %d: Too few/many parameters!\n", currentLine); } } else if (strncmp(argv[0], "g", 2) == 0) { if (argc == 2) { this->addGroup(new Group(argv[1])); } else { printf("ERROR: Malformed file at line %d: Too few/many parameters!\n", currentLine); } } return ret; } void OBJFile::lock() { Shape::lock(); this->baseGroup->lock(); }