/* * DoRayMe - a quick and dirty Raytracer * Shape unit tests * * Created by Manoƫl Trapier * Copyright (c) 2020 986-Studio. * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include TEST(ShapeTest, The_default_transformation) { TestShape s = TestShape(); ASSERT_EQ(s.transformMatrix, Matrix4().identity()); } TEST(ShapeTest, Assigning_a_transformation) { TestShape s = TestShape(); s.setTransform(translation(2, 3, 4)); ASSERT_EQ(s.transformMatrix, translation(2, 3, 4)); } TEST(ShapeTest, The_default_material) { TestShape s = TestShape(); ASSERT_EQ(s.material, Material()); } TEST(ShapeTest, Assigning_a_material) { TestShape s = TestShape(); Material m = Material(); m.ambient = 1; s.material = m; ASSERT_EQ(s.material, m); } TEST(ShapeTest, Intersecting_a_scaled_shape_with_a_ray) { Ray r = Ray(Point(0, 0, -5), Vector(0, 0, 1)); TestShape s = TestShape(); s.setTransform(scaling(2, 2, 2)); Intersect xs = s.intersect(r); ASSERT_EQ(s.localRay.origin, Point(0, 0, -2.5)); ASSERT_EQ(s.localRay.direction, Vector(0, 0, 0.5)); } TEST(ShapeTest, Intersecting_a_translated_shape_with_a_ray) { Ray r = Ray(Point(0, 0, -5), Vector(0, 0, 1)); TestShape s = TestShape(); s.setTransform(translation(5, 0, 0)); Intersect xs = s.intersect(r); ASSERT_EQ(s.localRay.origin, Point(-5, 0, -5)); ASSERT_EQ(s.localRay.direction, Vector(0, 0, 1)); } TEST(ShapeTest, Computing_the_normal_on_a_translated_shape) { TestShape s = TestShape(); s.setTransform(translation(0, 1, 0)); Tuple n = s.normalAt(Point(0, 1.70711, -0.70711)); /* Temporary lower the precision */ set_equal_precision(0.00001); ASSERT_EQ(n, Vector(0, 0.70711, -0.70711)); set_equal_precision(FLT_EPSILON); } TEST(ShapeTest, Computing_the_normal_on_a_tranformed_shape) { TestShape s = TestShape(); s.setTransform(scaling(1, 0.5, 1) * rotationZ(M_PI / 5)); Tuple n = s.normalAt(Point(0, sqrt(2)/2, -sqrt(2)/2)); /* Temporary lower the precision */ set_equal_precision(0.00001); ASSERT_EQ(n, Vector(0, 0.97014, -0.24254)); set_equal_precision(FLT_EPSILON); } TEST(ShapeTest, A_shape_has_a_parent_attribute) { TestShape s = TestShape(); ASSERT_EQ(s.parent, nullptr); } TEST(ShapeTest, Converting_a_point_from_world_to_object_space) { Group g1 = Group(); g1.setTransform(rotationY(M_PI / 2)); Group g2 = Group(); g2.setTransform(scaling(2, 2, 2)); g1.addObject(&g2); Sphere s = Sphere(); s.setTransform(translation(5, 0, 0)); g2.addObject(&s); Tuple p = s.worldToObject(Point(-2, 0, -10)); ASSERT_EQ(p, Point(0, 0, -1)); } TEST(ShapeTest, Converting_a_normal_form_object_to_world_space) { Group g1 = Group(); g1.setTransform(rotationY(M_PI / 2)); Group g2 = Group(); g2.setTransform(scaling(1, 2, 3)); g1.addObject(&g2); Sphere s = Sphere(); s.setTransform(translation(5, 0, 0)); g2.addObject(&s); Tuple p = s.normalToWorld(Vector(sqrt(3)/3, sqrt(3)/3, sqrt(3)/3)); /* Temporary lower the precision */ set_equal_precision(0.0001); ASSERT_EQ(p, Vector(0.2857, 0.4286, -0.8571)); set_equal_precision(FLT_EPSILON); } TEST(ShapeTest, Finding_the_normal_on_a_child_object) { Group g1 = Group(); g1.setTransform(rotationY(M_PI / 2)); Group g2 = Group(); g2.setTransform(scaling(1, 2, 3)); g1.addObject(&g2); Sphere s = Sphere(); s.setTransform(translation(5, 0, 0)); g2.addObject(&s); Tuple p = s.normalAt(Point(1.7321, 1.1547, -5.5774)); /* Temporary lower the precision */ set_equal_precision(0.0001); ASSERT_EQ(p, Vector(0.2857, 0.4286, -0.8571)); set_equal_precision(FLT_EPSILON); } TEST(ShapeTest, Test_the_bouding_box_of_the_test_shape) { TestShape t = TestShape(); BoundingBox b = BoundingBox(Point(-1, -1, -1), Point(1, 1, 1)); BoundingBox res = t.getBounds(); ASSERT_EQ(res.min, b.min); ASSERT_EQ(res.max, b.max); } TEST(ShapeTest, Test_the_bouding_box_of_the_scaled_shape) { TestShape t = TestShape(); t.setTransform(scaling(3, 3, 3)); BoundingBox b = BoundingBox(Point(-3, -3, -3), Point(3, 3, 3)); BoundingBox res = t.getBounds(); ASSERT_EQ(res.min, b.min); ASSERT_EQ(res.max, b.max); } TEST(ShapeTest, Test_the_bouding_box_of_the_translated_shape) { TestShape t = TestShape(); t.setTransform(translation(10, 0, 0)); BoundingBox b = BoundingBox(Point(9, -1, -1), Point(11, 1, 1)); BoundingBox res = t.getBounds(); ASSERT_EQ(res.min, b.min); ASSERT_EQ(res.max, b.max); }