/* * DoRayMe - a quick and dirty Raytracer * World implementation * * Created by Manoƫl Trapier * Copyright (c) 2020 986-Studio. * */ #include #include #include #define MIN_ALLOC (2) World::World() : objectCount(0), lightCount(0) { this->allocatedLightCount = MIN_ALLOC; this->lightList = (Light **)calloc(sizeof(Light *), MIN_ALLOC); this->lightCount = 0; this->allocatedObjectCount = MIN_ALLOC; this->objectList = (Shape **)calloc(sizeof(Shape *), MIN_ALLOC); this->objectCount = 0; }; World::~World() { /* We need to do some cleanup... */ } void World::addObject(Shape *s) { if ((this->objectCount + 1) > this->allocatedObjectCount) { this->allocatedObjectCount *= 2; this->objectList = (Shape **)realloc(this->objectList, sizeof(Shape **) * this->allocatedObjectCount); } this->objectList[this->objectCount++] = s; } void World::addLight(Light *l) { if ((this->lightCount + 1) > this->allocatedLightCount) { this->allocatedLightCount *= 2; this->lightList = (Light **)realloc(this->lightList, sizeof(Light **) * this->allocatedLightCount); } this->lightList[this->lightCount++] = l; } bool World::lightIsIn(Light &l) { int i; for(i = 0; i < this->lightCount; i++) { if (*this->lightList[i] == l) { return true; } } return false; } bool World::objectIsIn(Shape &s) { int i; for(i = 0; i < this->objectCount; i++) { if (*this->objectList[i] == s) { return true; } } return false; } Intersect World::intersect(Ray r) { Intersect ret; int i, j; for(i = 0; i < this->objectCount; i++) { Intersect xs = this->objectList[i]->intersect(r); for(j = 0; j < xs.count(); j++) { ret.add(xs[j]); } } return ret; } Tuple World::shadeHit(Computation comps, uint32_t depthCount) { /* TODO: Add support for more than one light */ bool isThereAnObstacle = this->isShadowed(comps.overHitPoint); Tuple surface = comps.object->material.lighting(*this->lightList[0], comps.overHitPoint, comps.eyeVector, comps.normalVector, comps.object, isThereAnObstacle); Tuple reflected = this->reflectColour(comps, depthCount); Tuple refracted = this->refractedColour(comps, depthCount); if ((comps.object->material.reflective > 0) && (comps.object->material.transparency > 0)) { double reflectance = comps.schlick(); return surface + reflected * reflectance + refracted * (1 - reflectance); } return surface + reflected + refracted; } Tuple World::colourAt(Ray r, uint32_t depthCount) { Intersect allHits = this->intersect(r); Intersection hit = allHits.hit(); if (hit.nothing()) { return Colour(0, 0, 0); } else { return this->shadeHit(hit.prepareComputation(r, &allHits), depthCount); } } bool World::isShadowed(Tuple point) { /* TODO: Add support for more than one light */ Tuple v = this->lightList[0]->position - point; double distance = v.magnitude(); Tuple direction = v.normalise(); Ray r = Ray(point, direction); Intersection h = this->intersect(r).hit(); if (!h.nothing() && (h.t < distance)) { return true; } return false; } Colour World::reflectColour(Computation comps, uint32_t depthCount) { if ((depthCount == 0) || (comps.object->material.reflective == 0)) { return Colour(0, 0, 0); } /* So it is reflective, even just a bit. Let'sr reflect the ray! */ Ray reflectedRay = Ray(comps.overHitPoint, comps.reflectVector); Tuple hitColour = this->colourAt(reflectedRay, depthCount - 1); hitColour = hitColour * comps.object->material.reflective; return Colour(hitColour.x, hitColour.y, hitColour.z); } Colour World::refractedColour(Computation comps, uint32_t depthCount) { double nRatio = comps.n1 / comps.n2; double cos_i = comps.eyeVector.dot(comps.normalVector); double sin2_t = (nRatio*nRatio) * (1 - cos_i * cos_i); if ((sin2_t > 1 ) || (depthCount == 0) || (comps.object->material.transparency == 0)) { return Colour(0, 0, 0); } double cos_t = sqrt(1.0 - sin2_t); Tuple direction = comps.normalVector * (nRatio * cos_i - cos_t) - comps.eyeVector * nRatio; Ray refractedRay = Ray(comps.underHitPoint, direction); Tuple hitColour = this->colourAt(refractedRay, depthCount - 1) * comps.object->material.transparency; return Colour(hitColour.x, hitColour.y, hitColour.z); }