/* * DoRayMe - a quick and dirty Raytracer * Group implementation * * Created by Manoƫl Trapier * Copyright (c) 2020 986-Studio. * */ #include #include #include #include #include #define MIN_ALLOC (2) Group::Group() : Shape(SHAPE_GROUP) { stats.addGroup(); this->allocatedObjectCount = MIN_ALLOC; this->objectList = (Shape **)calloc(sizeof(Shape *), MIN_ALLOC); this->objectCount = 0; this->allocatedUnboxableObjectCount = MIN_ALLOC; this->unboxableObjectList = (Shape **)calloc(sizeof(Shape *), MIN_ALLOC); this->unboxableObjectCount = 0; } Intersect Group::intersect(Ray r) { Intersect ret; int i, j; if (this->objectCount > 0) { if (this->bounds.intesectMe(r)) { for (i = 0 ; i < this->objectCount ; i++) { Intersect xs = this->objectList[i]->intersect(r); if (xs.count() > 0) { for (j = 0 ; j < xs.count() ; j++) { ret.add(xs[j]); } } } } } /* We are force to do them all the time */ if (this->unboxableObjectCount > 0) { for(i = 0; i < this->unboxableObjectCount; i++) { Intersect xs = this->unboxableObjectList[i]->intersect(r); if (xs.count() > 0) { for(j = 0; j < xs.count(); j++) { ret.add(xs[j]); } } } } return ret; } Intersect Group::localIntersect(Ray r) { return Intersect(); } Tuple Group::localNormalAt(Tuple point) { return Vector(1, 0, 0); } /* ONLY INSERT SHAPES THAT ARE NOT GOING TO CHANGE ELSE..! */ void Group::addObject(Shape *s) { if (s->haveFiniteBounds()) { if ((this->objectCount + 1) > this->allocatedObjectCount) { this->allocatedObjectCount *= 2; this->objectList = (Shape **)realloc(this->objectList, sizeof(Shape **) * this->allocatedObjectCount); } s->parent = this; s->updateTransform(); this->objectList[this->objectCount++] = s; this->bounds | s->getBounds(); } else { if ((this->unboxableObjectCount + 1) > this->allocatedUnboxableObjectCount) { this->allocatedUnboxableObjectCount *= 2; this->unboxableObjectList = (Shape **)realloc(this->unboxableObjectList, sizeof(Shape **) * this->allocatedUnboxableObjectCount); } s->parent = this; s->updateTransform(); this->unboxableObjectList[this->unboxableObjectCount++] = s; } } bool Group::isEmpty() { return (this->objectCount == 0) && (this->unboxableObjectCount == 0); } BoundingBox Group::getLocalBounds() { return this->bounds; } BoundingBox Group::getBounds() { if (this->bounds.isEmpty()) { this->updateBoundingBox(); } return this->bounds; } void Group::updateBoundingBox() { this->bounds.reset(); if (this->objectCount > 0) { int i; for(i = 0; i < this->objectCount; i++) { if (this->objectList[i]->haveFiniteBounds()) { BoundingBox objB = this->objectList[i]->getBounds(); this->bounds | objB; } } } } void Group::updateTransform() { int i; Shape::updateTransform(); if (this->objectCount > 0) { for (i = 0 ; i < this->objectCount ; i++) { this->objectList[i]->updateTransform(); } } if (this->unboxableObjectCount > 0) { for(i = 0; i < this->unboxableObjectCount; i++) { this->unboxableObjectList[i]->updateTransform(); } } /* Once the full stack being notified of the changes, let's update the * bounding box */ this->updateBoundingBox(); } void Group::dumpMe(FILE *fp) { int i; fprintf(fp, "\"Type\": \"Group\",\n"); if (this->objectCount > 0) { fprintf(fp, "\"Objects\": {\n"); for(i = 0; i < this->objectCount; i++) { fprintf(fp, "\"%d\": {\n", i); this->objectList[i]->dumpMe(fp); fprintf(fp, "},\n"); } fprintf(fp, "},\n"); } if (this->unboxableObjectCount > 0) { fprintf(fp, "\"UnboxableObjects\": {\n"); for(i = 0; i < this->objectCount; i++) { fprintf(fp, "\"%d\": {\n", i); this->objectList[i]->dumpMe(fp); fprintf(fp, "},\n"); } fprintf(fp, "},\n"); } Shape::dumpMe(fp); }