Crunchy is capable of downloading anime episodes from the popular CrunchyRoll streaming service.

Godzil a2a543e40a 1.2.1 6 years ago
bin 3bf5fea735 Make Crunchy to properly return a return code when running fine or failing 6 years ago
extras c520401432 Windows examples, runnables, etc. 9 years ago
src 3bf5fea735 Make Crunchy to properly return a return code when running fine or failing 6 years ago
.gitignore 602f772fcf Get rid of Visual Studio project files for tsconfig 9 years ago
.npmignore 602f772fcf Get rid of Visual Studio project files for tsconfig 9 years ago
.travis.yml 621df26b58 Try to make travis happy (again) 6 years ago
LICENSE 4a9e1d0410 Update LICENSE 7 years ago
README 58e4a557e2 Update readme 7 years ago 7344ce3d61 Update 6 years ago
package-lock.json 0a80f80f91 1.2.1 6 years ago
package.json 0a80f80f91 1.2.1 6 years ago
ts.js 5fdee94b38 References for future self. 9 years ago
tsconfig.json 537639f2a8 Simplify tsconfig to no longer list .ts file, also simplify commands as typings is no longuer there 6 years ago
tslint.json bee3f33e20 Update npm packages, cleanup the code, cleanup all tslint complain 7 years ago