'use strict'; import cheerio = require('cheerio'); import episode from './episode'; import fs = require('fs'); import fse = require('fs-extra'); import my_request = require('./my_request'); import path = require('path'); import url = require('url'); import log = require('./log'); const persistent = '.crpersistent'; /** * Check if a file exist.. */ function fileExist(path: string) { try { fs.statSync(path); return true; } catch (e) { return false; } } /** * Streams the series to disk. */ export default function(config: IConfig, address: string, done: (err: Error) => void) { const persistentPath = path.join(config.output || process.cwd(), persistent); /* Make a backup of the persistent file in case of */ if (fileExist(persistentPath)) { fse.copySync(persistentPath, persistentPath + '.backup'); } fs.readFile(persistentPath, 'utf8', (err: Error, contents: string) => { const cache = config.cache ? {} : JSON.parse(contents || '{}'); page(config, address, (errP, page) => { if (errP) { return done(errP); } let i = 0; (function next() { if (i >= page.episodes.length) return done(null); download(cache, config, address, page.episodes[i], (errD, ignored) => { if (errD) { return done(errD); } if ((ignored === false) || (ignored === undefined)) { const newCache = JSON.stringify(cache, null, ' '); fs.writeFile(persistentPath, newCache, (errW: Error) => { if (errW) { return done(errW); } i += 1; next(); }); } else { i += 1; next(); } }); })(); }); }); } /** * Downloads the episode. */ function download(cache: {[address: string]: number}, config: IConfig, baseAddress: string, item: ISeriesEpisode, done: (err: Error, ign: boolean) => void) { if (!filter(config, item)) { return done(null, false); } const address = url.resolve(baseAddress, item.address); if (cache[address]) { return done(null, false); } episode(config, address, (err, ignored) => { if (err) { return done(err, false); } cache[address] = Date.now(); done(null, ignored); }); } /** * Filters the item based on the configuration. */ function filter(config: IConfig, item: ISeriesEpisode) { // Filter on chapter. const episodeFilter = config.episode; // Filter on volume. const volumeFilter = config.volume; const currentEpisode = parseInt(item.episode, 10); const currentVolume = item.volume; if ( ( (episodeFilter > 0) && (currentEpisode <= episodeFilter) ) || ( (episodeFilter < 0) && (currentEpisode >= -episodeFilter) ) || ( (volumeFilter > 0) && (currentVolume <= volumeFilter ) ) || ( (volumeFilter < 0) && (currentVolume >= -volumeFilter ) ) ) { return false; } return true; } /** * Requests the page and scrapes the episodes and series. */ function page(config: IConfig, address: string, done: (err: Error, result?: ISeries) => void) { if (address[0] === '@') { log.info('Trying to fetch from ' + address.substr(1)); const episodes: ISeriesEpisode[] = []; episodes.push({ address: address.substr(1), episode: '', volume: 0, }); done(null, {episodes: episodes.reverse(), series: ''}); } else { let episodeCount = 0; my_request.get(config, address, (err, result) => { if (err) { return done(err); } const $ = cheerio.load(result); const title = $('span[itemprop=name]').text(); if (!title) { return done(new Error('Invalid page.(' + address + ')')); } log.info('Checking availability for ' + title); const episodes: ISeriesEpisode[] = []; $('.episode').each((i, el) => { if ($(el).children('img[src*=coming_soon]').length) { return; } const volume = /([0-9]+)\s*$/.exec($(el).closest('ul').prev('a').text()); const regexp = /Episode\s+((PV )?[S0-9][\-P0-9.]*[a-fA-F]?)\s*$/i; const episode = regexp.exec($(el).children('.series-title').text()); const url = $(el).attr('href'); if ((!url) || (!episode)) { return; } episodeCount += 1; episodes.push({ address: url, episode: episode[1], volume: volume ? parseInt(volume[0], 10) : 1, }); }); if (episodeCount === 0) { log.warn('No episodes found for ' + title + '. Could it be a movie?'); } done(null, {episodes: episodes.reverse(), series: title}); }); } }