'use strict'; import childProcess = require('child_process'); import os = require('os'); import path = require('path'); import my_request = require('../my_request') import log = require('../log'); /** * Streams the video to disk. */ export default function(rtmpUrl: string, rtmpInputPath: string, swfUrl: string, filePath: string, fileExt: string, mode: string, verbose: boolean, done: (err: Error) => void) { let cp; let cmd; if (mode === 'RTMP') { cmd = command('rtmpdump') + ' ' + '-r "' + rtmpUrl + '" ' + '-y "' + rtmpInputPath + '" ' + '-W "' + swfUrl + '" ' + '-o "' + filePath + fileExt + '"'; } else if (mode === 'HLS') { cmd = command('ffmpeg') + ' ' + '-user_agent "' + my_request.getUserAgent() + '" ' + '-y -xerror -discard none ' + '-i "' + rtmpInputPath + '" ' + '-c copy -bsf:a aac_adtstoasc ' + '"' + filePath + '.mp4"'; } else { log.error('No such mode: ' + mode); } cp = childProcess.exec(cmd, { maxBuffer: Infinity, }, done); if (verbose === true) { cp.stdin.pipe(process.stdin); cp.stdout.pipe(process.stdout); cp.stderr.pipe(process.stderr); } } /** * Determines the command for the operating system. */ function command(exe: string): string { if (os.platform() !== 'win32') { return exe; } return '"' + path.join(__dirname, '../../bin/' + exe + '.exe') + '"'; }