/* * 3D Engine * display.c: * Based on pikuma.com 3D software renderer in C * Copyright (c) 2021 986-Studio. All rights reserved. * * Created by Manoƫl Trapier on 01/03/2021. */ #include #include #include #include #include /*********************************************************************************************************************** * Global variables **********************************************************************************************************************/ SDL_Window *window = NULL; SDL_Renderer *renderer = NULL; uint32_t *frameBuffer = NULL; SDL_Texture *frameBufferTexture = NULL; int32_t windowWidth = 800; int32_t windowHeight = 600; /*********************************************************************************************************************** * Functions **********************************************************************************************************************/ #define MAX(_a, _b) ((_a) < (_b)) ? (_b) : (_a) #define MIN(_a, _b) ((_a) > (_b)) ? (_b) : (_a) bool initialiseWindow(bool fullScreen) { bool ret = false; int windowFlags = 0; if (SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_EVERYTHING)) { log(TLOG_PANIC, NULL, "SDL Initialisation error!! error: %s", SDL_GetError()); goto exit; } log(TLOG_DEBUG, NULL, "SDL properly initialised!"); if (fullScreen) { log(TLOG_DEBUG, NULL, "Will go fullscreen! Fasten your seatbelts!"); SDL_DisplayMode displayMode; SDL_GetCurrentDisplayMode(0, &displayMode); windowWidth = displayMode.w; windowHeight = displayMode.h; windowFlags = SDL_WINDOW_BORDERLESS; } window = SDL_CreateWindow(NULL, SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, windowWidth, windowHeight, windowFlags); if (window == NULL) { log(TLOG_PANIC, NULL, "SDL Window creation error: %s", SDL_GetError()); goto exit; } log(TLOG_DEBUG, NULL, "SDL Window created!"); renderer = SDL_CreateRenderer(window, -1, 0); if (renderer == NULL) { log(TLOG_PANIC, NULL, "SDL Renderer creation error: %s", SDL_GetError()); goto exit; } log(TLOG_DEBUG, NULL, "SDL Renderer created!"); if (fullScreen) { SDL_SetWindowFullscreen(window, SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN); } ret = true; exit: return ret; } void destroyWindow() { if (frameBuffer != NULL) { free(frameBuffer); } SDL_DestroyRenderer(renderer); SDL_DestroyWindow(window); SDL_Quit(); } void renderFrameBuffer() { SDL_UpdateTexture(frameBufferTexture, NULL, frameBuffer, (uint32_t)(windowWidth * sizeof(uint32_t))); SDL_RenderCopy(renderer, frameBufferTexture, NULL, NULL); } void drawPixel(uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t colour) { if ((x >= 0) && (x < windowWidth) && (y >= 0) && (y < windowHeight)) { frameBuffer[x + (y * windowWidth)] = colour; } } void drawVLine(int32_t x, int32_t y0, int32_t y1, uint32_t colour) { uint32_t i; if (y0 > y1) { i = y1; y1 = y0; y0 = i; } if ( ((x < 0) || (x > windowWidth)) || ((y0 < 0) && (y1 < 0)) || ((y0 > windowHeight) && (y1 > windowHeight)) ) { return; } y0 = MAX(0, y0); y1 = MIN(y1, (windowHeight - 1)); uint32_t *currentPos = &frameBuffer[x + (y0 * windowWidth)]; for(i = y0; i < y1; i++, currentPos+=windowWidth) { *currentPos = colour; } } void drawHLine(int32_t x0, int32_t y, int32_t x1, uint32_t colour) { uint32_t i; if (x0 > x1) { i = x1; x1 = x0; x0 = i; } if ( ((y < 0) || (y > windowHeight)) || ((x0 < 0) && (x1 < 0)) || ((x0 > windowWidth) && (x1 > windowWidth)) ) { return; } x0 = MAX(0, x0); x1 = MIN(x1, (windowWidth - 1)); uint32_t *currentPos = &frameBuffer[x0 + (y * windowWidth)]; for(i = x0; i < x1; i++, currentPos++) { *currentPos = colour; } } void clearFrameBuffer(int32_t colour) { uint32_t x, y; for (y = 0 ; y < windowHeight ; y++) { for (x = 0 ; x < windowWidth ; x++) { frameBuffer[x + (y * windowWidth)] = colour; } } } void drawGrid(int spacing, uint32_t colour) { int32_t x, y; for (y = 0 ; y < windowHeight ; y++) { for (x = 0 ; x < windowWidth ; x++) { if (((x % spacing) == 0) || ((y % spacing) == 0)) { frameBuffer[x + (y * windowWidth)] = colour; } } } } void drawRectangle(int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t w, uint32_t h, uint32_t colour) { uint32_t j; for (j = 0 ; j < h ; j++) { drawHLine(x, y + j, x + w, colour); } } /* FIXME: Some out of screen line may render weirdly. Will fix that later */ void drawLine(int32_t x0, int32_t y0, int32_t x1, int32_t y1, uint32_t colour) { int i; int32_t deltaX = x1 - x0; int32_t deltaY = y1 - y0; int32_t sideLength = ( abs(deltaX) >= abs(deltaY) ) ? abs(deltaX) : abs(deltaY); double incrementX = deltaX / (double)sideLength; double incrementY = deltaY / (double)sideLength; if (deltaX == 0) { drawVLine(x0, y0, y1, colour); } else if (deltaY == 0) { drawHLine(x0, y0, x1, colour); } else { double currentX = x0; double currentY = y0; for (i = 0 ; i < sideLength ; i++) { drawPixel(round(currentX), round(currentY), colour); currentX += incrementX; currentY += incrementY; } } } void drawTriangle(int32_t x0, int32_t y0, int32_t x1, int32_t y1, int32_t x2, int32_t y2, uint32_t colour) { drawLine(x0, y0, x1, y1, colour); drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, colour); drawLine(x2, y2, x0, y0, colour); }