import struct def align4(s): return s + chr(0) * (-len(s) & 3) def f16(v): return int(round(65536 * v)) class GD2: def c4(self, i): """Send a 32-bit value to the GD2.""" self.c(struct.pack("I", i)) def ac(self, s): self.c(align4(s)) # The basic graphics instructions def AlphaFunc(self, func,ref): self.c4((9 << 24) | ((func & 7) << 8) | ((ref & 255) << 0)) def Begin(self, prim): self.c4((31 << 24) | ((prim & 15) << 0)) def BitmapHandle(self, handle): self.c4((5 << 24) | ((handle & 31) << 0)) def BitmapLayout(self, format,linestride,height): self.c4((7 << 24) | ((format & 31) << 19) | ((linestride & 1023) << 9) | ((height & 511) << 0)) def BitmapSize(self, filter,wrapx,wrapy,width,height): self.c4((8 << 24) | ((filter & 1) << 20) | ((wrapx & 1) << 19) | ((wrapy & 1) << 18) | ((width & 511) << 9) | ((height & 511) << 0)) def BitmapSource(self, addr): self.c4((1 << 24) | ((addr & 1048575) << 0)) def BitmapTransformA(self, a): self.c4((21 << 24) | ((a & 131071) << 0)) def BitmapTransformB(self, b): self.c4((22 << 24) | ((b & 131071) << 0)) def BitmapTransformC(self, c): self.c4((23 << 24) | ((c & 16777215) << 0)) def BitmapTransformD(self, d): self.c4((24 << 24) | ((d & 131071) << 0)) def BitmapTransformE(self, e): self.c4((25 << 24) | ((e & 131071) << 0)) def BitmapTransformF(self, f): self.c4((26 << 24) | ((f & 16777215) << 0)) def BlendFunc(self, src,dst): self.c4((11 << 24) | ((src & 7) << 3) | ((dst & 7) << 0)) def Call(self, dest): self.c4((29 << 24) | ((dest & 65535) << 0)) def Cell(self, cell): self.c4((6 << 24) | ((cell & 127) << 0)) def ClearColorA(self, alpha): self.c4((15 << 24) | ((alpha & 255) << 0)) def ClearColorRGB(self, red,green,blue): self.c4((2 << 24) | ((red & 255) << 16) | ((green & 255) << 8) | ((blue & 255) << 0)) def Clear(self, c = 1,s = 1,t = 1): self.c4((38 << 24) | ((c & 1) << 2) | ((s & 1) << 1) | ((t & 1) << 0)) def ClearStencil(self, s): self.c4((17 << 24) | ((s & 255) << 0)) def ClearTag(self, s): self.c4((18 << 24) | ((s & 255) << 0)) def ColorA(self, alpha): self.c4((16 << 24) | ((alpha & 255) << 0)) def ColorMask(self, r,g,b,a): self.c4((32 << 24) | ((r & 1) << 3) | ((g & 1) << 2) | ((b & 1) << 1) | ((a & 1) << 0)) def ColorRGB(self, red,green,blue): self.c4((4 << 24) | ((red & 255) << 16) | ((green & 255) << 8) | ((blue & 255) << 0)) def Display(self): self.c4((0 << 24)) def End(self): self.c4((33 << 24)) def Jump(self, dest): self.c4((30 << 24) | ((dest & 65535) << 0)) def LineWidth(self, width): self.c4((14 << 24) | ((width & 4095) << 0)) def Macro(self, m): self.c4((37 << 24) | ((m & 1) << 0)) def PointSize(self, size): self.c4((13 << 24) | ((size & 8191) << 0)) def RestoreContext(self): self.c4((35 << 24)) def Return(self): self.c4((36 << 24)) def SaveContext(self): self.c4((34 << 24)) def ScissorSize(self, width,height): self.c4((28 << 24) | ((width & 1023) << 10) | ((height & 1023) << 0)) def ScissorXY(self, x,y): self.c4((27 << 24) | ((x & 511) << 9) | ((y & 511) << 0)) def StencilFunc(self, func,ref,mask): self.c4((10 << 24) | ((func & 7) << 16) | ((ref & 255) << 8) | ((mask & 255) << 0)) def StencilMask(self, mask): self.c4((19 << 24) | ((mask & 255) << 0)) def StencilOp(self, sfail,spass): self.c4((12 << 24) | ((sfail & 7) << 3) | ((spass & 7) << 0)) def TagMask(self, mask): self.c4((20 << 24) | ((mask & 1) << 0)) def Tag(self, s): self.c4((3 << 24) | ((s & 255) << 0)) def Vertex2f(self, x, y): x = int(16 * x) y = int(16 * y) self.c4((1 << 30) | ((x & 32767) << 15) | ((y & 32767) << 0)) def Vertex2ii(self, x,y,handle,cell): self.c4((2 << 30) | ((x & 511) << 21) | ((y & 511) << 12) | ((handle & 31) << 7) | ((cell & 127) << 0)) # Higher-level graphics commands def cmd_append(self, ptr, num): self.c(struct.pack("III", 0xffffff1e, ptr, num)) def cmd_bgcolor(self, c): self.c(struct.pack("II", 0xffffff09, c)) def cmd_bitmap_transform(self, x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, tx0, ty0, tx1, ty1, tx2, ty2, result): self.c(struct.pack("IiiiiiiiiiiiiH", 0xffffff21, x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, tx0, ty0, tx1, ty1, tx2, ty2, result)) def cmd_button(self, x, y, w, h, font, options, s): self.c(struct.pack("IhhhhhH", 0xffffff0d, x, y, w, h, font, options) + s + chr(0)) def cmd_calibrate(self, result): self.c(struct.pack("II", 0xffffff15, result)) def cmd_clock(self, x, y, r, options, h, m, s, ms): self.c(struct.pack("IhhhHHHHH", 0xffffff14, x, y, r, options, h, m, s, ms)) def cmd_coldstart(self): self.c(struct.pack("I", 0xffffff32)) def cmd_dial(self, x, y, r, options, val): self.c(struct.pack("IhhhHH", 0xffffff2d, x, y, r, options, val)) def cmd_dlstart(self): self.c(struct.pack("I", 0xffffff00)) def cmd_fgcolor(self, c): self.c(struct.pack("II", 0xffffff0a, c)) def cmd_gauge(self, x, y, r, options, major, minor, val, range): self.c(struct.pack("IhhhHHHHH", 0xffffff13, x, y, r, options, major, minor, val, range)) def cmd_getmatrix(self, a, b, c, d, e, f): self.c(struct.pack("Iiiiiii", 0xffffff33, a, b, c, d, e, f)) def cmd_getprops(self, ptr, w, h): self.c(struct.pack("IIII", 0xffffff25, ptr, w, h)) def cmd_getptr(self, result): self.c(struct.pack("II", 0xffffff23, result)) def cmd_gradcolor(self, c): self.c(struct.pack("II", 0xffffff34, c)) def cmd_gradient(self, x0, y0, rgb0, x1, y1, rgb1): self.c(struct.pack("IhhIhhI", 0xffffff0b, x0, y0, rgb0, x1, y1, rgb1)) def cmd_inflate(self, ptr): self.c(struct.pack("II", 0xffffff22, ptr)) def cmd_interrupt(self, ms): self.c(struct.pack("II", 0xffffff02, ms)) def cmd_keys(self, x, y, w, h, font, options, s): self.c(struct.pack("IhhhhhH", 0xffffff0e, x, y, w, h, font, options) + s + chr(0)) def cmd_loadidentity(self): self.c(struct.pack("I", 0xffffff26)) def cmd_loadimage(self, ptr, options): self.c(struct.pack("III", 0xffffff24, ptr, options)) def cmd_logo(self): self.c(struct.pack("I", 0xffffff31)) def cmd_memcpy(self, dest, src, num): self.c(struct.pack("IIII", 0xffffff1d, dest, src, num)) def cmd_memcrc(self, ptr, num, result): self.c(struct.pack("IIII", 0xffffff18, ptr, num, result)) def cmd_memset(self, ptr, value, num): self.c(struct.pack("IIII", 0xffffff1b, ptr, value, num)) def cmd_memwrite(self, ptr, num): self.c(struct.pack("III", 0xffffff1a, ptr, num)) def cmd_regwrite(self, ptr, val): self.memwrite(ptr, 4) self.c4(val) def cmd_regwrite(self, ptr, val): self.c(struct.pack("IIII", 0xffffff1a, ptr, 4, val)) def cmd_memzero(self, ptr, num): self.c(struct.pack("III", 0xffffff1c, ptr, num)) def cmd_number(self, x, y, font, options, n): self.c(struct.pack("IhhhHi", 0xffffff2e, x, y, font, options, n)) def cmd_progress(self, x, y, w, h, options, val, range): self.c(struct.pack("IhhhhHHH", 0xffffff0f, x, y, w, h, options, val, range)) def cmd_regread(self, ptr, result): self.c(struct.pack("III", 0xffffff19, ptr, result)) def cmd_rotate(self, a): self.c(struct.pack("Ii", 0xffffff29, a)) def cmd_scale(self, sx, sy): self.c(struct.pack("Iii", 0xffffff28, f16(sx), f16(sy))) def cmd_screensaver(self): self.c(struct.pack("I", 0xffffff2f)) def cmd_scrollbar(self, x, y, w, h, options, val, size, range): self.c(struct.pack("IhhhhHHHH", 0xffffff11, x, y, w, h, options, val, size, range)) def cmd_setfont(self, font, ptr): self.c(struct.pack("III", 0xffffff2b, font, ptr)) def cmd_setmatrix(self): self.c(struct.pack("I", 0xffffff2a)) def cmd_sketch(self, x, y, w, h, ptr, format): self.c(struct.pack("IhhHHIH", 0xffffff30, x, y, w, h, ptr, format)) def cmd_slider(self, x, y, w, h, options, val, range): self.c(struct.pack("IhhhhHHH", 0xffffff10, x, y, w, h, options, val, range)) def cmd_snapshot(self, ptr): self.c(struct.pack("II", 0xffffff1f, ptr)) def cmd_spinner(self, x, y, style, scale): self.c(struct.pack("IhhHH", 0xffffff16, x, y, style, scale)) def cmd_stop(self): self.c(struct.pack("I", 0xffffff17)) def cmd_swap(self): self.c(struct.pack("I", 0xffffff01)) def cmd_text(self, x, y, font, options, s): self.c(align4(struct.pack("IhhhH", 0xffffff0c, x, y, font, options) + s + chr(0))) def cmd_toggle(self, x, y, w, font, options, state, s): self.c(struct.pack("IhhhhHH", 0xffffff12, x, y, w, font, options, state) + s + chr(0)) def cmd_touch_transform(self, x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, tx0, ty0, tx1, ty1, tx2, ty2, result): self.c(struct.pack("IiiiiiiiiiiiiH", 0xffffff20, x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, tx0, ty0, tx1, ty1, tx2, ty2, result)) def cmd_track(self, x, y, w, h, tag): self.c(struct.pack("Ihhhhh", 0xffffff2c, x, y, w, h, tag)) def cmd_translate(self, tx, ty): self.c(struct.pack("Iii", 0xffffff27, f16(tx), f16(ty))) # Converting versions, *f def cmd_translatef(self, tx, ty): self.cmd_translate(int(65536 * tx), int(65536 * ty)) def cmd_setrotate(self, o): self.c(struct.pack("II", 0xffffff36, o)) # def cmd_snapshot2(self, # def cmd_setbase(self, # def cmd_mediafifo(self, # def cmd_playvideo(self, # def cmd_setfont2(self, # def cmd_setscratch(self, # def cmd_int_ramshared(self, # def cmd_int_swloadimage(self, def cmd_romfont(self, *a): self.c(struct.pack("III", 0xffffff3f, *a)) # def cmd_videostart(self, # def cmd_videoframe(self, # def cmd_sync(self, # def cmd_setbitmap(self,