// This file was generated with the command-line: // /usr/local/bin/gd3asset -f xxx testdata/felix.png,format=L2 testdata/Hobby-of-night.ttf testdata/0.wav Aurek-Besh.ttf #define FELIX_HANDLE 0 #define FELIX_WIDTH 320 #define FELIX_HEIGHT 200 #define FELIX_CELLS 1 #define HOBBY_OF_NIGHT_HANDLE 1 #define HOBBY_OF_NIGHT_WIDTH 10 #define HOBBY_OF_NIGHT_HEIGHT 16 #define HOBBY_OF_NIGHT_CELLS 96 #define 0 23832UL #define 0_LENGTH 3272 #define 0_FREQ 8000 #define AUREK_BESH_HANDLE 2 #define AUREK_BESH_WIDTH 21 #define AUREK_BESH_HEIGHT 15 #define AUREK_BESH_CELLS 96 #define ASSETS_END 43092UL #define LOAD_ASSETS() (GD.safeload("xxx"), GD.loadptr = ASSETS_END) static const shape_t FELIX_SHAPE = {0, 320, 200, 0}; static const shape_t HOBBY_OF_NIGHT_SHAPE = {1, 10, 16, 0}; static const shape_t AUREK_BESH_SHAPE = {2, 21, 15, 0}; struct { Bitmap felix; Bitmap hobby_of_night; Bitmap aurek_besh; } bitmaps = { /* felix */ {{320, 200}, {160, 100}, 0x0UL, 17, 0}, /* hobby_of_night */ {{ 10, 16}, { 5, 8}, 0x3e80UL, 2, 1}, /* aurek_besh */ {{ 21, 15}, { 10, 7}, 0x69e0UL, 2, 2} };