#!/usr/bin/python # # This program assembles the distribution file Gameduino2.zip # from the source .ino files, and the asset files in # converted-assets. # inventory = { '1.Basics' : "helloworld fizz blobs simon jpeg", '2.Graphics' : "logo walk tiled mono slotgag reflection", '3.Peripherals' : "sketch tilt noisy song", '4.Utilities' : "viewer radarchart selftest", '5.Demos' : "cobra jnr kenney sprites widgets", '6.Games' : "nightstrike chess frogger", '7.GD3' : "movie cube2", } import zipfile def clean(src, is_due = False): vis = 1 dst = [] for l in src: assert not chr(9) in l, "Tab found in source" if is_due and ('EEPROM' in l): continue if "//'" in l: l = l[:l.index("//'")] if vis and not "JCB" in l: dst.append(l.rstrip() + "\n") else: if "JCB{" in l: vis = 0 if "}JCB" in l: vis = 1 return "".join(dst) for (is_due, suffix) in [(False, ""), (True, "_Due")]: z = zipfile.ZipFile("Gameduino2%s.zip" % suffix, "w", zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) for f in "keywords.txt GD2.cpp GD2.h transports/wiring.h".split(): z.write(f, "Gameduino2/%s" % f) for d,projs in inventory.items(): dir = "Gameduino2" + "/" + d for p in projs.split(): pd = dir + "/" + p z.writestr("%s/%s.ino" % (pd, p), clean(open("%s.ino" % p), is_due)) for l in open("%s.ino" % p): if '#include "' in l: hdr = l[10:l.rindex('"')] z.write("converted-assets/%s" % hdr, "%s/%s" % (pd, hdr)) z.close() # print "\n".join(["./mkino %s" % s for s in " ".join(inventory.values()).split()])